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\begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} {\bf \large Fall 2013: EECE 4628, Computer and Telecommunication Networks} \\[0. 1cm] \textbf{\sc \large Syllabus} \\[0.1cm] The class meets on Tuesday from 11:45am to 1:25pm and on Thursday from 2.50pm to 4.30pm in 37 Snell Library \end{center} \noindent {\bf Instructor}: Stefano Basagni \\ %\hspace*{1cm} Stefano Basagni \\ \hspace*{1cm} Office: 312 Dana \\ \hspace*{1cm} Telephone: 617 373 3061 \\ \hspace*{1cm} E-mail: basagni@ece.neu.edu \\ \hspace*{1cm} Office hours: By appt.\ (e-mail the instructor) \\ \hspace*{1cm} Website: \href{http://www.ece.neu.edu/faculty/basagni/}{http://www .ece.neu.edu/faculty/basagni/} \smallskip\noindent {\bf Teaching Assistant}: Feng Tang. \\ \hspace*{1cm} E-mail: tang.fe@husky.neu.edu. \\ \hspace*{1cm} Office hours: Make appt.\ via e-mail. \smallskip\noindent {\bf Textbook}: \textbf{(1)} \emph{\href{http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/product/Compute r-Networking-A-TopDown-Approach-6E/9780132856201.page}{Computer Networking, A To p-Down Approach}}, sixth edition, James F.\ Kurose, Keith W.\ Ross, 2012. \textbf{(2)} Notes from the instructor. \noindent {\bf TRACE participation}: This class would not improve without the students' fe edback. Every student of this class is invited to participate to the TRACE evalu ation system, available via myneu.neu.edu by the end of the course. \noindent {\bf Course description}: The course presents an overview of modern communication networks. The concept of layered network architecture is used as a framework for understanding the princ ipal functions and services required for achieving reliable end-to-end communica tions. Topics include service interfaces and peer-to-peer protocols, a compariso n of the OSI (open system interconnection) reference model to the TCP/IP (Intern et) and IEEE LAN (local area network) architectures, network-layer and transport

-layer issues, and important emerging technologies. \noindent {\bf Topics}: Introduction to computer networks. Definitions and concepts. Organization of networks into layer s. The application layer: Principles and specific applications. The transport layer: Tasks and services. Protocols. The Internet TCP. The network layer: Forwarding and routing. The Internet IP. The link layer and LANs. The MAC sub-layer and wireless networking. Time allowing, topics concerning multimedia networking, network security and adv ances on wireless networking will be also included. \noindent {\bf Grades}: Homework: 30\%. In-class quizzes: 70\%. (There are no midterm and final exams for this class.) \noindent Grades are determined from the final total points as follows: 96-100: A; \hspace*{0.1cm} 90-95: A-; \hspace*{0.1cm} 80-89: B+; \hspace*{0.1cm} 74-79: B; \hspace*{0.1cm} 70-73: B-; \hspace*{0.1cm} 65-69: C+; \hspace*{0.1cm} 58-64: C; \hspace*{0.1cm} 50-57: C-; \hspace*{0.1cm} $<$ 50: F. \noindent {\bf Quiz dates}: Quizzes are held during the last $60$ minutes of the class. \begin{figure}[!ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|l|c|l|} \hline Quiz number & Quiz date & Quiz number & Quiz date \\ \hline \hline $1$ & Thu, Sep $26$ & $4$ & Thu, Nov $7$ \\ \hline $2$ & Thu, Oct $10$ & $5$ & Thu, Nov $21$ \\ \hline $3$ & Thu, Oct $24$ & $6$ & Tue, Dec $3$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{figure} \noindent {\bf Homework dates}: All assignments must be submitted by 11:55pm on the due d ate. \begin{figure}[!ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{|c|l|l|c|l|l|} \hline Homework number & Posted on & Due by & Homework number & Posted on & Due by \\ \hline \hline $1$ & Thu, Sep $12$ & Thu, Sep $19$ & $4$ & Thu, Oct $24$ & Thu, Oct $31$ \\

\hline $2$ & Thu, Sep $26$ & Thu, Oct $3$ & $5$ & Thu, Nov $7$ & Thu, Nov $14$ \\ \hline $3$ & Thu, Oct $10$ & Thu, Oct $17$ & $6$ & Thu, Nov $21$ & Sun, Dec $1$ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{figure} \noindent {\bf Student responsibilities}: There will not be make-up quizzes for those who do not come to class on a quiz day. % (No shows will get $0$ points.) % Homeworks are due via blackboard by the specified time and date. % Turn in what is completed by the deadline for partial credits. % No late submission will be accepted. (``No shows'' will get $0$ points.) \noindent All submissions must be your own work. Identical, or semi-identical assignments will not be accepted. Scholastic dishonesty (e.g., cheating, plagiarism, collusi on, record falsification, etc.) on homework, quizzes and other assignments will be punished according to NU policies and standards (\href{http://www.northeaster n.edu/osccr/academicintegrity/}{http://www.northeastern.edu/osccr/academicintegr ity/}). \noindent Class attendance is responsibility of each individual. If a student should elect not to attend a class, s/he is responsible for any handouts, announcements, reading material and content of missed lecture. %\noindent %\emph{\small The present syllabus is intended as an outline %of the class. The instructor reserves the right to %make changes in the syllabus and course materials from time %to time to better accommodate pedagogical requirements and %student needs. Up-to-date information can be found in the Blackboard class page .} \end{document}

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