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Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2

1: What are the most common complaints people ma e! Brainstorm in pairs/groups

/oor 0uality o! goods and ser1ice


Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials "tructural #eatures
Read these two complaint emails. What structural features do they have in common? Discuss in pairs/groups. Complaint late delivery

Level: B1 and B2

Subject: Bamboo blinds 2ear $r 3ng 4 am 5riting in connection 5ith an order 4 made !or '0 +co Bamboo blinds measuring 210 cm by 2'0 cm 5ith the re!erence number T637'8# ,hen 5e discussed deli1ery dates, you assured me that you could deli1er by 21st o! 9ebruary# :o5e1er, the blinds are no5 t5o 5ee;s o1erdue, and 4 ha1e heard nothing !rom you to con!irm a de!inite deli1ery date# 4 urgently need these blinds as 4 ha1e no5 included this "roduct on my 5ebsite and 4 am recei1ing a large number o! en0uiries about it# <our slo5ness is causing a great deal o! incon1enience# 4 5ould be grate!ul i! you could loo; into this matter and arrange !or deli1ery 5ithin the ne=t three days# 4 am a!raid that i! you are unable to deli1er 5ithin this "eriod, 4 shall be !orced to cancel my order and "urchase !rom another su""lier# <ours sincerely,
Complaint a$out poor goods and service

"u$%ect: My wedding 2ear $s $ansor 4 am 5riting regarding the catering ser1ice you "ro1ided at my 5edding on -aturday 2'th o! $arch# 4 as;ed !or 20, 3(course dishes to cater to my 1egetarian !riends# 4 ha1e only >ust learned that these 5ere not a1ailable on the day and they 5ere gi1en a lettuce and mayonnaise sand5ich instead 5hich arri1ed long a!ter the others had already !inished their !irst t5o courses# 4 ha1e been told that most chose not to eat them# 4 s"ent a good deal o! time 5ith you going through the details o! the ty"es o! gourmet dishes 4 5anted to be ser1ed and 4 "aid you a lot o! money to "ro1ide these dishes# 6ot only is this u"setting to ;no5 that my 5edding day did not go according to "lan a!ter months o! arranging im"ortant details, but 4 ha1e recei1ed no a"ology or !eedbac; !rom you about this# 4n addition, a lot o! these guests 5ere ?4/s and 1ery s"ecial !riends and most o! them had tra1elled 1ery !ar to share this day 5ith us# 4 5ould li;e you to "ro1ide me 5ith a !ull re!und !or your catering ser1ices, as it did not deli1er the standard and 0uality that 5ere "romised# 4 loo; !or5ard to your re"ly

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials
The general structure o# a #ormal complaint letter 1& "et the scene Usually a short paragraph describing what has happened before. Full details such as dates amounts invoice numbers etc. are often found here. 4 am 5riting#### ###regarding my order K<@.0 5hich arri1ed this morning# ###to dra5 attention to the negati1e attitude o! A# ###to com"lain about the 0uality o! a "roduct 4 bought !rom your 5ebsite# 4 am 5riting to ma;e a com"laint concerning B regarding B about A 4 ha1e >ust recei1ed a letter !rom you A## regarding my mortgage# The account number isAAA# A## stating that 4 must "ay 7000 ringgit to "ic; u" bo=es deli1ered to me !rom UK# Cast month 4 ordered A

Level: B1 and B2

'& Ma e the complaint !lear concise information describing the problem. "ffective complaints will be constructive and aim at improving the situation. #ccusation blame and abuse are generally not appropriate. Tone is all$important here because you need to convey negative feedbac% while trying to avoid ma%ing the reader lose face. &ome problems can be lengthy with a long se'uence of events which may re'uire a couple of paragraphs or more. (ry and ma%e them clear# (elivery mista es The items you sent 5ere not the ones that 4 ordered# Un!ortunately, you ha1e sent me the 5rong items# 4 ordered A, but you ha1e sent meA# The items 5ere %!aultyB damaged B de!ecti1e B in "oor condition*# The items you su""lied to me are %!aultyB damaged B de!ecti1e B in "oor condition*#

(amaged or de#ective goods

)ncorrect in#ormation* Misleading in#ormation There seems to be %an error in the in1oice B a misunderstanding*# There a""ears to be a mista;e in the debit amount you made to my ban; account# The ban; statement states that 4 recei1ed AAA# :o5e1er, 4 actually recei1ed AAA <ou assured us on the "hone that 5e 5ould ha1e a room 5ith a sea 1ie5D instead, you ga1e us a ground !loor room ne=t to a noisy li!t# <ou ad1ertised your "roduct as Esa!e !or toddlersF but in !act it is haGardous to all ages#

Late delivery*lost items The e0ui"ment 4 ordered has still not been deli1ered, des"ite my "hone call to you last 5ee; to say that 4 need it urgently# Un!ortunately, our bags did not arri1e on the same "lane#
3 The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

Level: B1 and B2

4 ha1e still not recei1ed the items, 5hich 5e ordered on 8 th o! Hune#

Poor +uality goods * service 4 really must com"lain about the %0uality o! the goods B standard o! ser1ice* that 5e recently recei1ed !rom you at your hotel# The %"roduct B ser1ice* 4 recei1ed 5as 5ell belo5 the standard 4 e="ected# <our sta!! 5ere 1ery unhel"!ul 5hen 4 called# 6o one too; res"onsibility to sort out the "roblem The 5hole matter 5as treated by your sta!! as i! it 5as com"letely unim"ortant#

Pu$lic nuisances 4 5ould li;e to dra5 your attention to an incident that too; "lace at %"lace* this a!ternoon# 4 5ish to com"lain about the le1el o! noise !rom the Ioc;!est music !esti1al last night# ) grou" o! teenagers 5ere shouting and yelling on the bus and intimidating !ello5 "assengers# ,& Emphasise inconvenience (his brief section stresses any inconvenience the complaining party has had to suffer. )t might also refer to costs incurred. )t could be part of the previous section or it could be a separate section. <our "oor 0uality control B ine!!iciency B slo5ness is causing me a great deal o! incon1enience# 4 am not ha""y about the incon1enience this situation is causing me# 2ue to the stress o! dealing 5ith all the "roblems created by your com"any, our holiday 5as not a holiday# 4 am sorry to ha1e to remind you that this is the third time 4 ha1e had occasion to com"lain o! such mista;es# This is ha1ingB5ill ha1e a negati1e e!!ect on our 5or;Bli!e balance

-& .e+uest action (his usually contains a concrete constructive statement of what the writer wants the reader to do. #n effective re'uest must be polite but assertive and should appeal to a sense of *ustice. 4 5ould be grate!ul i! you could loo; into this matter andA# /lease re"lace the items you deli1ered 5ith the correct ones# 4 5ould li;e you to "ro1ide us 5ith a !ull re!und# 4 trust that you 5ill arrange !or a ne5 AA# to be issued as soon as "ossible# 4 must insist %that/ you re"lace the !aulty goods#

0& Ma e your position clear (optional) )n this section you may want to mention what you will do if the re'uest isn+t granted. (he most effective strategy is to stay calm and not threaten too much especially if you don+t intend to act. Unless 4 recei1e the goods by the end o! this 5ee;, 4 5ill ha1e no choice but to cancel my order# 4! you do not re!und all o! the money 5e ha1e "aid, 5e 5ill ha1e no o"tion but to see; legal ad1ice on this matter# A#other5ise 4 5ill be !orced to ta;e the matter !urther# 4 regret that unless you canA, 4 5ill be %!orced B obliged* to A
7 The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

Level: B1 and B2

9urther delays in deli1ery %5ill B mayB might B could* result in us cancelling our order# 4 am considering closing my account 5ith you and o"ening u" a ne5 account 5ith AA###

Practice 1ctivity: Language and organisation o# complaints

a* 4 ho"e that you 5ill deal 5ith this matter "rom"tly as it is causing me considerable inconvenience
b* 4 am 5riting in222222&&& 5ith the negati1e 222222&&& o! a member o! your sta!!#

c* 4 belie1e that 4 am 222222& to an immediate 222222&&& d* 4 am 5riting to 222222 about the 22222& o! a "roduct 4 "urchased online !rom your 5ebsite# e* The e0ui"ment 4 ordered has still not been 22222 des"ite my "hone call to you last 5ee; to say that it is needed 222222&& !* 4 am 5riting to dra5 your 2222222&& to a 22222& in your customer ser1ices section# !rom a member o! your sta!!# h* )lthough you ad1ertise yoursel! as a to"(0uality brand, the "roduct 4 222222& 5as 5ell belo5 the 222222&& 4 e="ected# i* >* 4 5ould 222222&& it i! the !aulty goods could be 2222222& as soon as "ossible# 4 am 5riting to e="ress my strong 22222222& 5ith the ne5 "ro"osal by the de"artment#

g* 4 5ish to com"lain in the strongest "ossible 22222& about the 2222222&& 4 recei1ed

Write the letter of each sentence according to its function here : 1& "et the scene : $3 '& Ma e the complaint : c ,& Emphasise inconvenience : -& .e+uest action : 0& Ma ing position clear : a

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*


Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2

Practice activity: Con%unctions and discourse mar ers

$atch the beginnings 5ith the endings in the bo= there 5ere only . in the bo= There!ore, 4 am not "re"ared to "ay your in1oice# :o5e1er, there 5ere only . in the bo=# a <ou only sent . 2?2s, instead o! the @ that 4 ordered so 4 am not "re"ared to "ay !or this# the !act that 4 "aid !or @# but there 5ere only . in the bo=#

4n addition, t5o o! the co1ers 5ere damaged#

$ <ou only sent . 2?2s, des"ite

c +1en though 4 "aid !or @ 2?2s,

d 4 "aid !or @ 2?2s#


e 4 "aid !or @ 2?2s,

# 9irstly, the 0uantity o! 2?2s 5as incorrect#

g <ou ha1e still not resol1ed the "roblem 5ith the 2?2s,

h <ou ha1e still not resol1ed the "roblem 5ith the 2?2s#


Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2

Practice 1ctivity: Common grammatical errors

/roo!read the com"laint belo5# There are some common grammatical mista;es highlighted in $old& -uggest corrections !or as many errors as you can# 2ear manager 4 5ould li;e to ma;e a complain about the "oor customer ser1ice and ine!!iciency 4 was received !rom your com"any# )n $arch 30th, 4 s"o;e to one o! your sta##s in your customer ser1ice de"artment by "hone and as to end my contract 5ith $obocom 5ith my last "ayment to be made at the end o! $ay# 2 days later, 4 recei1ed a contract termination !orm to !ill out 5hich 4 "rom"tly com"leted and sent bac; to you signed 5ith the abo1e in!ormation# 3n Huly 1st, 4 chec my ban; statement and noticed that 4 am still being charged !or this mobile "hone ser1ice# 4 called again to discuss a$out the issue 5ith one o! your sta##s# )!ter wait a long time, 4 got through to a sta## who not understand my "roblem and she hung u" the "hone# 3n Huly 2nd, 4 5ent to your sho" at $ah;ota /arade 5here your sta##s told me there 5as no record in the system o! my contract cancellation 5ith you despite ) had a co"y o! the termination !orm 5ith me as "roo!# They then as;ed me to !ill in another !orm to cancel the contract at the end o! Huly to 5hich 4 re!used# The result o! your com"anyJs ine!!iciency has caused me a great deal o! inconvenient and a lot o! time has been 5asted on a "rocess that should be sim"le# 4 5ould li;e you to gi1e this matter your urgent attention as 4 am lea1ing $alaysia at the end o! Huly and do not 5ish to continue dealing 5ith the same ine##icient !rom other country# 4 5ould also li;e you to re!und me the money you ha1e charged me !or Huly since 4 am no longer using your mobile "hone ser1ice# /lease contact me as soon as "ossible so that this matter can resolve& 4 loo; !or5ard to your re"ly

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2

1ctivity: 4ocusing on tone

5ac ground Teachers recei1e an email !rom their head, Kara :ussein, in!orming them that a decision has been made by the de"artment that all teachers are re0uired to attend com"ulsory "ro!essional de1elo"ment courses e1ery 5ee;# -he has decided that 7 hours a 5ee;, t5ice a 5ee; !or the ne=t ten months a!ter classes is a reasonable amount o! time to do these courses and 5ill bene!it the institution as a 5hole# The teachers are 1ery u"set about this, and decide to 5rite to her e="laining this and re0uesting a meeting to discuss it# .esponding to .ita6s email Iead the !ollo5ing emails to Kara and decide 5hich one you thin; 5ould be best to use# Be "re"ared to su""ort your decision 5ith reasons# 1& 2ear Kara This decision is really unacce"table# :o5 are 5e su""osed to do our >obs and ta;e care o! our !amilies i! 5e ha1e to attend @ hours o! "ro!essional de1elo"ment classes "er 5ee;L 4 5ould li;e to meet to discuss this immediately# 4s no5 3KL '& 2ear $s :ussein Than; you so much !or agreeing to an @(hour course "er 5ee; !or us# 4tJs really 1ery good o! you to do this 5ith so little consultation# ,hat 5e a""reciate most, o! course, is no longer being able to do our >obs e!!ecti1ely and s"ending time 5ith our children# Could 5e "ossibly meet at your earliest con1enience !or me to than; you in "ersonL ,& Kara This is COMPLETEL7 8941).::: 4t doesnJt bene!it usMMM 4t sto"s us doing our >obs "ro"erly and s"ending time 5ith our !amily# ) meeting is urgently sought# 4 am really u"setM -& 2ear Kara 4 am concerned about the 7 hour, t5ice a 5ee; classes you ha1e agreed to and the im"act that it might ha1e on our e!!ecti1eness as teachers and our 5or;Bli!e balance# Could 4 come and see you to e="lore "ossible 5ays to see; a solution or better outcome !or usL 0& 2ear Kara 4 am shoc ed at the suggestion o! an @ hour a 5ee; com"ulsory course# )re you madLLM Could 4 come and see you to e="lain the "roblems that your lac; o! sensiti1ity to us is going to causeL
Contributed by: Glenda Thomas
The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33* @

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2

What is tone!
The tone o! your 5riting is the general mood that it creates in the mind of your

reader. Its about with how you make your reader feel about you and the organisation you represent.
Tone de"ends on: the le1el o! #ormality or in#ormality you use# the attitude you ta;e to5ards your to"ic# 4n general, you want your reader to #eel as good as possi$le about you and/or the

company you represent, no matter what the situation is. This is so you can get the result you seek but still maintain relationships and not create a negative, defensive reaction in your reader. The skill of building and maintaining good relationships in writing depends on your ability to control certain features. 8sing )ndirect * diplomatic language
:ere are some e=am"les o! ho5 you can use indirectBdi"lomatic language to minimise or a1oid ma;ing a negati1e im"act 5hen you need to communicate a negative message such as in the case o! a com"laint letter#
4t isA 1ery 4s it AL 4t 5illA ,e shouldA 4t seemsBa""ears to beA )s !ar as 4Jm a5are, it isA a bit B a little B 0uite B rather $ight it beAL 2o you thin; it might beAL 4t might beA 4t may beA# /erha"s 5e shouldA 2o you thin; 5e shouldA 4t might be a good idea toA# /erha"s 5e should thin; aboutA not 1ery ha""y not 1ery good not 1ery chea" 4Jm not sure itJs a good idea#

CetJsA# unha""y bad e="ensi1e 4tJs a bad idea#

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2

,hen communicating a negati1e message in a !ormal conte=t, im"ersonal structures and o!ten "assi1e 1oice might achie1e a better result#Coo; at this e=am"le: 1ccusing * threatening tone
)ccording to our records, you o5e us N2',''0# <ou didnJt !ill in your claim !orm "ro"erly# <ou ha1enJt done ne=t monthJs sta!! roster yet# <ou ha1e not "aid !or your "ar;ing bay number B2112#

9eutral tone
)ccording to our records, the amount o! N2',''0 is due !rom your com"any -ome in!ormation a""ears to be missing on your claim !orm# 4 canJt !ind ne=t monthJs sta!! roster# 4t a""ears that 5e ha1e not recei1ed "ayment !or your "ar;ing bay number B2112#

<ou might ha1e noticed that the re5ritten e=am"les 5ith a more a""ro"riate tone are o!ten longer# This is because more 5ords are o!ten necessary in order to not sound accusatory or threatening#

Try to make any complaint as constructive as possible. Support your complaint with any evidence you have. Avoid using an abusive, negative tone use a polite, optimistic tone. Avoid emotion and personal attacks Threaten no more than you are prepared to carry out&

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*


Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2

Practice 1ctivity: .edra#t poorly written complaints&

Coo; at the !ollo5ing sentences ta;en !rom "oorly(5ritten com"laints# Ie5rite each one in a more acce"table and less emotional tone#

a# Ouite clearly, your "ac;aging is useless# 4! youJd "ac;ed the !urniture "ro"erly, they 5ouldnJt ha1e arri1ed smashed to "ieces#


b# 4 am sic; to death o! the 5ild dogs in this neighbourhood# They bar; all night, they eat out o! the rubbish bins and 5eJ1e already had one attac;ing one o! the ;idsMM ,hen are you actually going to do something about itL

c# ,hy should 4 ha1e to "ay !or your gross ine!!iciencyL

d# <our standard o! ser1ice 5as shoc;ing# <our customer ser1ice sta!! should be shotMMMMMM

e# ,hen are you actually going to "ro1ide a bus that turns u" on timeLMM
Contributed by: Glenda Thomas
The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33* 11

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2


Construct your #ormal complaint email here using this template& Write $etween 1';-10; words 2ear PPPPPPPPPPPPP -et the scene

$a;e the com"laint

+m"hasiGe incon1enience

Ie0uest action

$a;e your "osition clear# 3"tional# 4s it needed in this caseL

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas
The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33* 12

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2

LE<EL" o# 4O.M1L)T7 in writing

4O.M1L*P.O4E"")O91L "T7LE This is the style you 5ill need to use in "art 7 o! the )"tis test# 4deas are generally "resented "olitely and care!ully %toneM*# The language is generally im"ersonal, 5ith much use o! !i=ed e="ressions and o!ten "assi1e 1erb !orms# Care!ul attention should be made to your grammar# <our sentences should be 5ritten 5ith !ull 5ords and no contractions# 9E8T.1L* )94O.M1L "T7LE )n#ormal style is closest to s"eech, so there are e1eryday 5ords, contractions and con1ersational e="ressions and some 5ords are le!t out entirely, "articularly in the case o! sms messaging# % ,)+llspea% to you later ,#re you- sure ,it was- from our website? .e/t wee% ,would be- better than this wee% etc#* and some abbre1iations may e1en be a""ro"riate %asap pls etc*# The reader may also be more tolerant o! "oor grammar in this in!ormal style# <ou ha1e to ;no5 the rules !irst in order to brea; the rules here# 9eutral is still 0uite in!ormal as it still uses e1eryday e="ressions and contractions but sentences 5ill still mostly be 5ritten using correct grammar# This style might be a""ro"riate in !re0uent email e=changes bet5een "eo"le you 5or; 5ith and in "ersonal emails de"ending on your relationshi" 5ith the reader# The style that you select 5ill de"end on: 5ho your reader is# 0a colleague? a client? te/t message reader? # manager?a friend?1 ho5 5ell you ;no5 your reader# 0a close friend? a complete stranger?1 5hy you are 5riting# 0wishing your staff a nice holiday? Writing a complaint?1

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*


Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2

!n the e"ample below, the same message is written in two contrasting styles. #an you identify them$ The 5riter has ada"ted her style according to the target reader# Who is the target reader! )denti#y speci#ic di##erences&

:& ================style 4 am a!raid 4 5ill not be able to attend the meeting on 9riday# 4 5ould be grate!ul i! you could send me a co"y o! the minutes# 4 5ill also 5rite to -abina to in!orm her that 4 5ill not be there# 3nce again, 4 a"ologiGe !or this# 4 can assure you that 4 5ill be at the ne=t meeting#

'& ================= style -orry, canJt ma;e it 9riday# cd you send me a c"y o! the minutesL ,ill also 5rite to -abina Q tell her 4 5onJt b there# -orry abt this Q "romise 4Jll b at the n=t mtng#

%.& !n your informal email in the Aptis test, do not use this e"tremely informal style seen above in number '. >ere is a very in#ormal email message "ample 1:
T;s 7 yr email o! 2' Han as;ing 7 hel" on ho5 to order online# 6eed to ;no5 yr aBc no# b7 can deal 5ith this# /ls cd u also "ro1ide details o! 5hich 1ersion o! ,indo5s ur using# 2onJt !orget our s"ecial online o!!ers are only a1ailable til 9eb ., so suggest you do this asa"#

)n your groups* pairs3 rewrite this message to the #ollowing target readers: Customer Colleague

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas
The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33* 17

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2



4ull sentences vs a$$reviated sentences

Coo; again at these e=cer"ts !rom the in!ormal email abo1e:
9eed to ;no5 yr aBc no# b7 can deal 5ith this# Aour s"ecial online o!!ers are only a1ailable til 9eb ., so suggest you do this asa"#

The same 5ord is missing directly be!ore each o! the 5ords highlighted in bold# ,hat is the missing 5ordL ,hy is it missingL $issing out 5ords is common in more in!ormal communication, both in s"ea;ing and in 5riting# This o!ten ha""ens 5hen "eo"le ;no5 each other 1ery 5ell and the situation is rela=ed and !riendly# The meaning is clear !rom the conte=t so the !ull grammatical !orm is not necessary#

:o5e1er, it6s important that you realise that you are dropping words& This is because 5hen you need to 5rite in a "ro!essional, 93I$)C style, you need to be able to use the !ull grammatical !orm# Loo at the e?amples in the $o?& Match them to the descriptions underneath#
a# %ThatJs a* good ideaM b# %2id you* get my last emailL c# %4* thin; your idea may 5or;# d# %4t* seems 3K to me# e# %4 am* loo;ing !or5ard to seeing you# !# %4Jll* s"ea; to you later# g# Hust read %the* email about %the* "ac;ing cartons# h# <our suggestion %is* good, but needs clari!ication# i# %)re you* coming 5ith us on 9ridayL ># %4* ho"e youJre 5ell# ;# %4tJs a* "ity 5e missed you yesterday# l# %4 5ould be* grate!ul i! you couldA#

(escriptions: The sub>ect ) or We can be le!t out, es"ecially 5ith mental 1erbs li;e hope thin% etc# ##### B A##

4n a 0uestion, the sub>ect you and the au=iliary 1erb %be have will etc#* A## B A## can be le!t out#

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2 A## B A## AA A## B A## A## A##

The sub>ect ) and the au=iliary 1erb can be le!t out# The sub>ect ) and a !orm o! $e can be le!t out 5hen $e is the only 1erb# The 5ords that or it can be le!t out, o!ten 5ith a !orm o! $e as 5ell# ) !orm o! $e can be le!t out on its o5n# The articles a*an or the can sometimes be le!t out#

Practice 1ctivity
.edra#t the #ollowing $rie# emails into a 4O.M1L style $y writing them out in #ull& 1t the same time3 ma e any other changes that you consider necessary&
a )""reciate your assistance in "ro1iding u"date asa"#

$ Grate!ul i! you could re"ly by end tday#

c c!m u"dated sys accdly Q amend record#T0

d "u$%ect: >otel and transportation arrangements Con!irm room reser1ed in I+6)4--)6C+ :3T+C as "er my "re1ious message# 2ri1er 5ill meet you at air"ort arri1al hall in !ront o! Burger King, 1@th B 112' hrs#


e "u$%ect: Th? #or yr msg Ie yr msg le!t on my 1oicemail R yes, am !ree 7 lunch ,eds n=t 5;# Bt5, gd ne5s abt yr "romotion# :1 2 5; no5# CU, Hin;o#


Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*


Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level: B1 and B2

#onstruct your informal email to a friend here using this template (() words)

#onstruct your formal email here. *')+*() words.

Contributed by: Glenda Thomas

The British Council, 2013 The British Council is the United Kingdom s international organisation !or cultural relations and education o""ortunities# British Council $alaysia is a branch %&&'232()* o! the British Council, registered as a charity in +ngland and ,ales %20&131* and -cotland %-C03..33*


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