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. . . Kfpom from a duai ifam mino/i*y

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ckaiitn^iny a poil-^llriillan naiion wil/i llir i/aimi of Chriil

Vol. 5 No, 5 February 1978


Notable Reversals
Where does a real movement for Christ begin? Is it at the grassroots

with ordinary people, hopefully beginning like a wild grass fire? Or is it at the top with the conversion of influential people who speak the message of Christ from respectable - though radically changed - voices? John was
the former while Paul was the latter.

It appears that the American Christian scene has had a good number of in fluential people in high places both become Christians and remain Christian.
For instance, President Carter - whether or not one agrees with his political or doctrinal stance - has surely stood up for some strongly Christian issues. And dramatic conversions have been in the news in very prominent ways. Who would have believed a born again Charles Colson or an Eldridge Cleaver with a soul full of Spirit Fire? And the most shocking to me was when I read about chief of pornographers Larry Flynt. Time magazine billed the new man as a "Hustler for the Lord." Astonishing!

Later Time (my only touch with the American press) published a cover ar
ticle on "The Evangelicals," including full colour pictures of baptisms. Whether one agrees with all the theology is not the point, at least real,

meaningful Christianity is in people's lives and the news. The British press only deals with religion when there is something scandalous, sensational, or boringly intellectual. (This is probably only slightly overstated.)
And there are almost no big name people in Britain who make radical changes in their lives and speak to the world about it. Christ just isn't a national issue here. He's a religious issue. The Church is mainly kno;-m for death and dying and very few people in the news are known Christians. Top pop singer Cliff Richard and eccentric, aging journalist Malcolm Muggeridge are welcome exceptions. But howwill a mass movement for Christ begin? Will some highly influen tial people be won for Christ here? Or will some ordinary people called by God to be his people become influential, listening to his will, following his steps, becoming a light to the nations? Not many men in the New Testament were great men either, but God takes ordinary people and does great things with them. However, a few notable re versals might give new credence to God's power in England.

Christmas Review
** Each Christmas we make

On Ground
A team of Christians went out to

a special effort to reach people in our community

with the Good News of Je

sus Christ.

Once again we

sow seeds (the Word of God) , . . Some seed fell by the wayside. Many people have listened to our message but have not applied it to

knocked on doors and hand ed out Christmas tracts.

Many people accepted them and we pray

their lives. They are hardened by their own selfishness and apathy. Some seed fell on rocky ground.
Fred, Christo and others seemed to
hear the truth and received i t with

that people will respond to the mess


** Our Sunday School children pre sented a play about a rehersal of a Christmas play showing the relevance of Jesus today. Many of their par
ents and friends were in attendance.


But after a few weeks, they

turned their attention to other

was a

They lacked roots; theirs

shallow faith.

Steve ended the program with a short


Another Christmas event was the Fourth Annual Hillfields Carol Fes

Other seeds have fallen among weeds and thorns. John believes, but goes on living among people and temptations that are choking

him (drugs, drink, etc.).

who at one time was


tival held at our local play center.

A special attraction was a Coventry

so enthusias

City professional soccer player, who

shared his faith and life with Jesus

tic that he put me to shame, has disregarded what he knows to be

truth. I can't believe that he's

Christ. It was a powerful witness, especially to the many teenagers who

were there.

** Christmas is a time of giving and receiving. Several brothers and sisters pooled their money and made up six food parcels. After a bit of decorating, these parcels were given to families and elderly mem
bers of the Church.

rocky ground, a person who will eventually die. Rather I see him in a weed patch and cling to the hope that one day he will allovr him
self to be freed of the weeds.

** Several weeks before Christmas,

everyone in our Church received a
letter with a name of a brother or

Seeds have fallen on good ground. Small plants have grown into strong fruit-bearing plants. Dave has be come a church leader and lay preach er; Steve B. is soon to be working in Zambia and helping a missionary there; Helen is studying at Lincoln Christian College in the U.S.A.;
Pete's close walk with God is evi

sister for whom we were to be pray ing - secretly. Many people gave and received encouraging notes, cards, and gifts. We revealed our hidden identities at our special
Christmas communion service.

dent to all; and others are more quiet in their expression of bearing
fruit for God.

What kind of ground are you?

member that God can soften hard


ground, break up rocks and pull out

weeds. Debbie

by two members of a summer


Meet a Sister | Lynda was first met |

team. She answered our

Q Jenny Harris was recently ^ baptized into Jesus. She didn't

fit the fairly regular pattern of witness which has usually taken
place here. We were neither her in

survey and indicated that

she was interested in know

itial contact with His saving message,

nor will we be her home church.

ing God personally.

When v/e arrived in Oct.

'76, we visited her and found that

she wanted her children to have a

and her family live over 100 miles away and are awaiting a probable move
to Montreal following her husband's job.

belief in God that would get them

through this life. She felt that

she had some relationship with God. Lyn began reading her New Testa ment and that's when things started
changing. The more she read and

Jenny is a close friend of Monica, who has recently joined our body of believers after becoming a Christian in Zambia. Jenny had been following Christ in many ways for a long time,

talked the more she began to realize

that Jesus had been with her but not in her. Here are her own words:

but, in her words, "No one would bap

tize me." During a late-hours-ofthe-morning discussion, our God work
ed through all the team and Monica

I've known my friend for a very

long time, since childhood in fact.

My Friend

to move Jenny to a place where bap tism was the exact place in which to
follow Christ.

I grew up with Him, and confided

all my secrets in Him.

He gave me

She did and met Him there.

gives Himself.


tism is a gift from God in which He

Roger CHRIST AND CHRISTMAS have so l i t

many comforts, and I gave Him very

little except an occasional 'thanks'.

I asked Him for many things and He gave them unconditionally. I shunned
Him but He loved me still.

tle in common to many that Christmas is often a painful time for me. When

Recently I opened my door to a loud, persistent knocking and found

my friend outside. I welcomed Him

for the tenth time, someone says, "Christmas is for children anyway,"
real weariness comes on me. A couple of weeks before Christ mas, we had another bookstall - this


He came.

I begged His forgive

I asked Him to

He gave it.

stay forever.

He agreed,

I love my

time on the main street in ErdingtonI

Besides selling Christian literature with a special emphasis on children's

friend, Jesus Christ. Lynda Longbottom Lyn let Jesus into her life on December 1, 1977. Penny
Bev Mullins will be in the U.S.A.

gifts, we passed out leaflets to pass ers-by. The written word is very pow
erful and people went home with tracts about God's light.

Perhaps few cared enough to ask

more, but only God knows what seeds vere planted,

for three weeks beginning 28 Jan.

She can be reached at RFD, Ingraham, IL 62434, Tel. 618-752-2460.

Personal Epistle
Dear Friends, Greetings in the New Year. One can't help reflecting on the past at this time of the year and remember ing many incidents affecting our lives Things in England can be fairly de pressing when one thinks of the po litical, economic and social problems
heard on the news. Yet i t makes me

The. Lord has offered us many chalenges for the new year and I'm look ing forward to some of them. I must admit that I ' l l have to work on my
attitude about others 1

I thank the Lord for the blessing

the teams and I have received from

more aware of a big difference in

you in many ways. The Lord is truly good and loving and personal. I thank the Lord for you all. In Him, Janet(JB)

the life of a Christian compared with others. I can have hope. I know that no matter what the future brings, I am assured of the Lord's knowledge of it and the .promises he has given. I know that Christ is coming again and that brings a real peace for today. Should I die before His return, I know where I'm going because 'the
Bible tells me sol'

The result of the recent vote

on the proposed union of the
Churches of Christ with the

United Reformed Church is that the

required 757c. majority was not reached, 587o for, 427o against. Please pray that people will listen to God NOW as satan tries to dig, divide, and


144 Gravelly Lane Birmingham B23 6LT



49 Huntington Rd. Coventry CV5 6PT


M/M C. L. Davis 1010 N. Monroe St.

Lincoln, iii. 62656




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Lincoln. III. 62656

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Ktssions services Box 177

EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND Lincoln Christian Church 204 N. McLean Street

Kempton^ IM 46049
Address Correction Requested

Lincoln. III. 62656

. . . Import from a dual team ministry cltafftnginf a poit-Cliriiiian nation wilk lite rfaimi of Ckrisl

Vol. 5

No. 6



[nfung J^eroEfS ^ Cribute

Burlng the past 4^ years, the most unsung heroes of our ministry have been Earlene and *Bus' Davis. They are the ones who are in charge of our ministry to U.S.A. people like you, our Epistle readers. As our

American Correspondents, they have gone far and beyond the call of duty with much toil, tears, sweat, sore fingers, droopy eyelids, and more.
Earlene and Bus came with the exact qualifications that we needed and quickly volunteered for the work, Earlene is an executive secretary and has access to all the needed equipment as well as her excellent skills, Bus is a mail carrier in their hometown, Lincoln, Illinois, so his know

ledge of the postal system has saved \is many heartaches as well as trips to the post office. Their personal interest is obvious. Their daughter, Debbie, is one of the Coventry team, which gives them inside information quickly and easily. And most of all, their commitment to Christ and His
Church has been essential to taking on the task as a ministry. They have worked out of love, willingly sacrificing much of their spare time, some thing not many people in our self centered age would do. Many times they have dipped into their own pockets when our ailing U.S.A. fund totalled
zero or below.

But now, it is time for them to move on to other things. Sending out 1500 copies of the Epistle each month, keeping the address labels up to date, answering letters for us, and all the miscellaneous jobs take up a lot of time. They have done it all for ministry to you and
to us for Him.

So, as Shakespeare has said, what else can we say but THANKS AND THANKS AND EVER THANKS. Or in the words of the Apostle Paul, "I thank

my God for you every time I think of you; and every time I pray for you all, I pray with joy because of the way in which you have helped me in the work of the gospel from the very first day until now." (Philippians

-are we without American Correspondents? No, the Davises wouldn't allow that. Although they had given us a year's notice of their decision

to give up the position, they kept going for six months longer to make
sure our Epistle came out.

Our new correspondents are Nancy and Tim Barber of Council Bluffs,
Iowa. We will introduce them to you properly next month.

We met SYLVIA one Tues

invited JB and Jan into

OPETE IVERS comes from astrong

Catholic background. In a search for a deeper understand ing of God's will for his life, Pete began attending our Bible

day afternoon while calling, Unlike many people, she

her home, answered the sur vey questions, and even agreed to a return visit.
That was last June. By autumn the three of them were meeting


That was two years

One way he has been

Ohas seen areal need to live out

his belief.

ago and during that time Pete

regularly to study. After several months of talking, reading, and vis iting services, Sylvia made her de cision to accept Jesus as her Savior. Sylvia's confession of faith and baptism were witnessed by broth
ers and sisters from several church

TR able to minister is by helping the local Cyrennians, who give help to alcoholics and drug

<] users.
After some study and discussion
Pete saw a need to make a fuller

es who had come together for the monthly "Teach-In" in Erdington, (Our baptistry is being remodeled.) "Life in the Spirit" was the subject of the "Teach-In" and Sylvia has plunged into all aspects of that life as she seeks ways to use her
gifts to serve in our Body. Her en

commitment personally and publically. He began to attend our morning ser vices but realized that wasn't enough. He was baptized at the Great Francis Street Church in Birmingham during
one of our "Teach-ins".
Pete feels a real burden to wit

ness where he works and at home, to his wife. We continue to pray for
our brother Pete.

thusiasm has encouraged many in our fellowship, and also affected Jim her husband. He sees the change in her life and is himself open to in vestigating Christianity. Pray for Sylvia: for her witness to Jim, for
wisdom in raising their three year-

old daughter, and for steady progress

in her new life.

In middle February, the Coventry team begins a new phase in their task of equipping the Coventry church for indigenous ministry. With this in mind, we have eagerly watched Pete

Bowen's Christian growth.

Recently we witnessed CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE vows being exchanged by two
of our members. Dave Arrowsmith

We have

prayed for God to find him a wife a

couple of years ago.

But it wasn't

seen definite gifts of spiritual leadership, preaching, and outreach emerge in him in the last few years. With the blessing of church lead ers here and the eldership of the

until he accepted his single status that God did provide a wife in Pam

Bowen's supporting church in Muskogee,

Oklahoma, Pete will join the team as a ministerial intern. He hopes to gain both practical and academic ex

Dave joyfully gives the familiar warning, "Be careful what you ask God
for." Pam has four sons so Dave has

been blessed to overflowing!


perience. Watch for news of Pete's developing ministry and pray for the Spirit's guidance.

f e(ujS at ^rljool
Last month, I was in
vited to teach a "Liberal

Coffee Cljcnins?
(Laughter) You remember what hap pened at, the last one." No one came, "Yeh, but this time we've got
three ladies who have said they

Studies" lesson at a high

school where one of our

members teaches.


would definitely come."

"That's what the others said."

wanted me to tackle the

problem of showing what evidence for

Christian belief there is.

The 17-18 year olds showed keen

interest. There were a couple of
Asian Muslim fellows who were very

"Well, we can only try. Will you be hostess? I'll help you," "Alright, but if no one comes
this time . . . "

vocal in their opposition to the possibility that God could really

come in the flesh. "How can God who

is Spirit be a man?" they expressed it. They needed to know what this strange Christian conception of the Trinity is. The only other Asian, a Sikh by religion, wanted to know
how God could sacrifice himself on
the cross.

It shakes your confidence when you make big plans and invite many and no one comes. That's how Audrey (see Oct. 77) felt. But she said, "yes" and God blessed her faithful
ness to Him. The three non-Christians came

and Lyn (see Feb. 78) asked if she

could also share in our evening.
Two of the women have children in our J.A.M. Time and after about

All of the questions were good

ones and i t seemed that the 20-25

half an hour of talking about child

students took the answers seriously. The question of openness, however, came out sharply, I openly stated, "If Christianity is not true, I'll give it all upmy faith, job, every thing." I asked a Muslin pupil if he would be willing to do the same with his religion. Without hesita tion, he answered, "No." With just three minutes of our

ren, Lyn started the ball rolling by asking if their children talked with them about what they learned in J.A.M. "Do they talk to you about

"Do they?

They never stop!" was

the answer, and so the evening con

tinued for the next hour and a half.

Solid conversation about God, His existence, creation, who Jesus is,

two hours together left, one obvious

and (the joy for Audrey), "What's it been like for you since you've
become a Christian?"

ly interested young lady asked, "You

keep ian, that gave talking about becoming a Christ what do you mean?" I wished there was more time, but quickly herand the restthe basics of
I was just

Two of the ladies are very in

terested. I will continue sharing

becoming a Christian.

with them. Pray for them and pray for more evening of opportunity for natural sharing about Jesus.

glad that I had been given the oppor

tunity to present Jesus in school.
They've invited me back.



^triSonal Cpistlt
Dear Friends, It's nice to have a small space to express something of my personal life as well as of my ministry. One of the most interesting, or maybe I should say catastropic, events for me during the last year has been my marriage to Roger. We started off with a highly un conventional wedding and the rest seems to be following in the same pattern. Having spent the first two months sleeping in a tiny, single room and living the rest of the time in the church building, we were su premely grateful finally to move in to our own house. Roger had great fun slapping up a poster wall in our kitchen, and I had great fun watch ing, and all the people who visit

have great fun trying to think of something to say about it. I have experienced such human and divine generosity in the last few monthsit really is quite difficult

to know how to say, "Thank you."


sure you know that feeling. God has given to me liberally in many areas, some of which I don't even recognize. Our marriage is one area where He has shown me something new of His nature. His essential unity is be ginning to find a small expression

in usand for me, that's excitingl



Illinois are planning to join the

Erdington team in mid-March, pro viding their support is promised. After nine months, they will move to a fresh team ministry.

144 Gravelly Lane
Birmingham B23 6LT

v f

^ 49 Huntingdon Rd.
T Coventry CV5 6PT



Gouncii Bluffs, la 51501


P.nn^ jrinflon



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Non-profit Bulk Rate


Council Bluffs, la 51501

Permit #26

EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND East Side Christian Church 1714 Madison

Council Bluffs, la 51501

ckaifenyin^ a poll'C-ltriilian nation with llir ifuimi of Cirist

Vol. 5, No, 7 April 1978


Who Needs Your Gospel ?

After our truly edifying, if brief, furlough, I am reminded again
how totally different is the Christianized culture of mid-America

from the secular-agnostic-humanistic view of life in mid-England. Our Hillfields working class society sees the church mainly as a middle class phenomenon. So we carry on to redefine 'the church' in hopes
we can make it work for these people. Only when the body of Christ is receptive to real needs of its community can it serve and witness. Only when the church can express its worship and testimony in the forms of the people, will the people ever listen to her message.

What does a working class church look like? I don't know, but I think I'm seeing it materialize before my eyes.
Also, I'm reminded that preaching the gospel is never enough. To know the plan of salvation is only the most basic, elementary

thing (Heb. 6:1-3). We must also live the good news. Here is the crucial question still: Is the quality of our lives any better than

that of the non-believers in the community around us?

If it is not,

then our gospel is only 'pie in the sky by and by.' It has not changed our living in the now and our witness power is destroyed. Can not our neighbors then honestly say, "You're no different than I, so who needs your gospel?" And the staggering incidence of Christian
divorce, disunity, and worldly values is evidence that all too often

we're not practicing what we preach. However, praise God that there are many notable exceptions where I have seen radical, biblical Christianity indeed change the quality of individual and group life 'from the roots up.' As one American friend so rightly reminded me, how can we effectively witness to groups like the Mormons about their faulty doctrines of the family when our true doctrine has not yet produced
effective, loving family units of Christians? Or as another modern

sage has put it, "We've got to out think, out love, and out live those lost in the world if our witness is to have any real impact."
I have observed some of the rich variety of Christian experience on both sides of the Atlantic. It is the same gospel in differing forms of expression. But wherever the good news of Jesus is really heard and lived out, the effect on the world must be the same as it
was when His l i f e was f i r s t lived.

Re-New Goals
A few weeks ago we took a day out to examine our ministry before the
Lord and ask Him to di

Fanatical punks have safety pins through their lips, ears, or cheeks. They, too, have their own music, 'Punk Rock', which reflects their notion that life is void of meaning.
Our task is to relate Jesus to

rect us in specific areas

of our work. As a result

these people. We must remind our selves continually that Christ loves
'Teds* and 'Punkers' with the same

we are placing greater emphasis on evangelism, particularly door-todoor calling. Also, we restated what are maybe obvious but important goals:

unconditional love He has given us.


...And Then Came Nick

Last month we reported the con versions of Pete and Sylvia. This

1) To bring the gospel of Jesus to as many as possible. 2) To lead those in Christ to maturity. 3) To bring the Coventry fellowship to
stand, in Christ,, on its own feet.

month brings good news directly re

lated to these new Christians.
Pete shared his faith with his


To train and equip those called

by God to lead in British Churches. We need constantly to set God be fore us and look to Him for ways to

'mates' at work, where this small

seed of witness began to grow in NICK LONG, a 20 year-old factory apprentice. With no Christian train ing or even exposure to the Church, Nick had never really considered belief in Christ as a personal choice. But after seeing the change in Pete, he began to ask questions
and came to see what this Christian

advance His Kingdom and bring glory

to Him.

PETE BOWEN (ministerial intern)

Lost Youth
Many people here are far from God, Young people, in particular, seem


I want to describe two groups

and their strange search for identity One group brings a revival of the 'Teddy-Boy' fad which goes back to

fellowship was all about. His questions led him to see the reason
able nature of Christian belief.
We watched him move toward faith

50's. You can identify the 'Teds' by their appearance: long drape coats, drain pipe trousers, greased back hair, and shoe-string ties.
of life and death to a

as the Spirit convicted him. A month after his friend Pete, Nick was bap
tized into Christ at our district


(The first baptism held

Rock 'N Roll music seems a matter 'Ted'.

The latest group to emerge is the

'Punk Rockers'. Their scene is to

repulse others. You can usually identify them by their appearance as well. Their hair, which is often dyed bizarre colors, sticks up.

at this Birmingham church in 5 years.) After seeing the changes in new Christian Sylvia, her husband JIM has come regularly to our meetings to see for himself. Now, he too wants the life-changing power of
Jesus. After more counselling this week, he plans to be baptized.

For Your Prayers

ROD & LESLIE are a young

LYNDA VIPOND is amazed that anyone

would care about her. Jesus' res

courting couple who have heard the Gospel for the

first time. "No one ever

urrection seems pretty remote and

she can't see the relevance.

told us before," they said. "If others heard, they'd

be interested too."

J.A.M. TIME is our Sunday children's

meeting. Pray for continued expan sion even though our little build ing is not very suited for it.
BIBLE STUDIES. We want to live what

ROGER KING was in an Investigation Group and now in a Bible Study. Af

ter the group, studying "The Messiah'

read Isaiah 53, he thought it was good. When he found out it was written at least 700 years before Jesus, his face registered shock
and amazement.

we learn in them. Pray that we will get down to real needs that God
wants to f i l l .

EDDIE now wants to study the Bible

with others. He lives with JEAN

It IV<3S Good. - I came back from my three weeks in the U. S. A. very much encouraged and refreshed. Thank you all so much for the encouragement and love.
Love, Bev

who has become quite interested in Jesus. Pray for personal acceptance of Jesus and getting their living
situation sorted out.

YOUTH GROUP is growing rapidly

from six to fifteen young teens. Praise God and pray for us.

We want to 'pinch' a few lines from Erdington to keep our promise of introducing our new American correspondents. TIM & NANCY BARBER live in Council Bluffs, Iowa with their two young men, John Paul (3) and
Michael (1). All four are learning together how to give and receive

discipline (not always sure which is which).

Tim is the minister of

East Side Christian Church in Council Bluffs, and Nancy works as a secretary for a local gas company.

In working with us, they are learning what it is to work for nothing with 100% pay increases each year. Yet their continued generos ity is seen in a recent statement about their Datsun which is a lemon, "Looking for some nice missionaries to England who could use one."
Their lives are not as boring as this introduction, which I have

proved in several never-a-dull-moment years with them at Lincoln Christian College. I introduce you to Nancy and Tim as personal friends, who are very interested in following God's way for their lives. They have a great commitment to Christ's work wherever it is.

Personal Epistle
Dear Friends,
Last month Michelle shared some of

better through sharing with his fam ily and working on the old house we
are buying.

her first year of marriage in this section. Now I'm taking us back a step and sharing my engagement peri od with you. For at the present, my personal life is wrapped up with Richard Harris as we are busy plan ning our July wedding. Richard and I met when he began to come to services, searching for
Truth. He found Jesus and became

I've discovered that being 'in love' brings many joys as well as difficulties. It's not easy for me to make the adjustments necessary in changing from a rather selfish, in dependent person to an 'equal part ner' . I'm grateful for a long en
gagement period to work on this I

I plan to continue my ministry with the team in Coventry for the

near future. Richard and I are both

open to living and serving wherever

a Christian in August 1976. Our dating relationship began in Jan uary 1977. Being convinced that God
can use us as a team, we announced our engagement in October 1977.

God leadsbe that England, America,

or elsewhere!

I'm looking forward to all that God will be teaching me as I become

a Christian wife.

Since then we have spent our spare time getting to know each other

In His love,

EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND East Side Christian Church 1714 Madison

Non-Profil Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID

Council Bluffs, la 51501

Permit #26

Council Bluffs, la 51501


144 Gravelly Lane Birmingham B23 6LT


49 Huntingdon Rd. Coventry CVS 6PT


M/M Tim Barber 605 Arnold

Council Bluffs, la 51501



reaie^ ^Jringlo

^tpoA from a Jua/ . f^rnoti Jua/ Iram minlilru
cUf, e n^in^ Vol. 5
a po

an naUofi will Ike c/aimi cj CkrU!





On Rejecting The Word

As I was relaxing before getting ready to go to a Bible Study/Invest igation group, our doorbell rangnot a rarity'. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see Ray, one of the men in the study group. He gave me his New Testament and said that Ralph (the other fellow) had decided that he didn't want to study any more. Ralph had his own beliefs and didn't really want to discuss any more. I suspected that it was really Ray who had been put off of the study of the Bible. He had read John 1 and couldn't understand who the

Word wasunderstandable! And he and his wife had thumbed through the Bible and read a few isolated passages, like Paul's advice about marriage (I Cor. 7) and his word about the obligation to work even though Christ might come any day (II Thess.3). Ralph was out of work, and Ray thought
that anyone who would say, "Whoever refuses to work is not allowed to

eat" was no Christian.

"Why should there have to be an interpreter like

It seemed more a rhetorical question
He had done

you if this is a modern Bible?"

than one for which he was willing to listen to an answer. But then again, Ralph certainly did have his own views.
terrestrial creatures.

aldt of serious (not just Von Daniken) study of astronomy and extra
He certainly believed that there were close en

counters of the third kind, and maybe even Jesus was a spaceman. For the moment at least, the Good News of Jesus was rejected for myths and vain speculationshowever serious. But my task is to tell even though their minds are dull, ears stopped up, and eyes closed.

Otherwise, they would see, hear, understand, turn to God, and He would heal (Acts 28:26-27). ROGER
* Two months overdue in England,
Curt and Lynda Nordhielm have decided

"k- During Easter the Archbishop of

Canterbury sponsored seven 15 minute

to leave for England during early May even though they do not yet have the necessary financial support promised.
They are confident that God wants

TV programs called "Simple Faith?" One flustered young lady was in line for Jesus Christ Superstar when asked,

"Who is Jesus?" she blurted out,

"Oh God'."
* Annual inflation in Britain has

them in England and are making this

move in reliance on God. We commend

this lesson in faith and ask your

prayer on their behalf.

been reduced to 9.1% during April the lowest in four years I







Potteries For Jesus

Two couples on the brink of com mitting their lives to Christ, yet they hesitate. Could they actually
live the Christian life from day to

one big family

Our normal pattern of Easter cel
ebration and witness has been to

day? Could they share their faith with family, friends, and work
mates? This was the situation a

month ago when several of our young

Christian men travelled to Burslem

have evening children's programs. This year we ventured to invite par

ents and friends to join the child ren in their morning Sunday School
classes. Between class and a spec

(an area of Stoke-on-Trent termed

"The Potteries" because of its in


Harold Merritt, a former

ial Family Communion Service, every one had opportunity to visit over

cups of tea and coffee and scones.

Two barriers were broken: 1) adults don't usually go to Sunday

School in England, and 2) children

don't often attend communion ser

Lincoln Christian College professor and minister with the church there, had invited us to come. They had been conducting a series of Investi gation Sessions with several nonChristians. Sadly feeling the ex isting congregation there could not help in this area, he asked us to
share how Christians in normal work

vices. Because of this, special care was taken to explain why we do the things we do in our services. Perhaps this can be the beginning of integrating the whole family in
the whole of Church life.

situations are helped by the Spirit

of Christ to live out His life.

A really good evening was shared

with them in one of their homes. were able to talk about We the realities

of the Christian lifehow i t is

And NowJim
Last month Steve wrote of one who

was considering baptism. This month I write that JIM BURNS, a 24 year old coal miner, is your new brother.
Jim witnessed the life of his wife,

Sylvia (see March, 1978) change when

she became filled with the love and

indeed difficult, but through the Lord we can live life that is pleas ing to Him. They were very open and honest with us and freely shared their worries and doubts, yet through it all I know that God was working. They are now more convinced that He is able to carry them through. The latest report received from them is that they are all still very
much on the brink of commitment.

Spirit of God.

Now his life is

changing too, and they are building

a Christian hometogether.

Please pray for the Merritts as they

minister in Burslem and that God

Because our baptistry is still being remodelled, we were able to

will work in a powerful way to bring

new l i f e and vision to that Church.

spread Jim's witness to the local

Baptist church. DEBBIE

And pray for our ministry of sharing.


Faith Lift
Our church has been ex

WliolsThis IMan
that even the winds and waves obey

periencing God's blessings

in many ways. As well as witnessing Christians add ed to their number by the Lord, there have been sev eral physical improvements to the building. The first was to get new chairs to replace our very old ben ches, which were hand-me-downs when the building was opened in 1930. But as a church, we were very aware of the fact that Michelle would

him?" Since January we have been teaching through Mark's gospel, an

swering this questionRoger in His
sermons and all of us in our J.A.M.

never have the opportunity to be a plump married woman. Not as long as she had to work so hard every Sunday

lessons. We have progressively un covered Jesus' identity as Teacher, Healer, Miracle-Worker, Prophet; his power over nature, Satan, and circumstances. He gives hope where there is no hope, life where there is no life, and wholeness where there is only partial health. We climaxed on Palm Sunday with an attempt to demonstrate the pro
found answer of Jesus' God/Man iden

pumping the organ (another cast-off).

A deacon noticed an electric

tity. To a packed little church (about 100 peopleperhaps the most

chapel organ for sale at an auction. After some bargaining the price was

ever there), we showed the facts of

Christ's Passion from the Triumphal Entry to the Resurrection. Our young teens gave a special interview type play based on our TV

lowered, but still it was a rather large amount for our church. We had
made some major and necessary pur
chases and our funds looked rather

"News at Ten", where witnesses of

the resurrection were questioned
about the life and death of Jesus

small. The purchase of an organ now became a matter of trusting in God

to direct us as to what we should do and a matter of faith that He would

(panic behind scenes as X frantically got one teenager out of a High

Priest's robe and into a fisherman's

provide the money. But why would God lead us to such a bargain, nothing more and nothing less than we needed,
i f He did not intend for us to have

outfit'.). We had the usual hitches. People had to sit in the aisle, so
our kids were unable to roll out the carpet for Jesus to enter onmost

The matter was put before the church. Immediately people began volunteering various financial gifts.

Someone said, "Roger preached on faith this morning, let's do it."

Before the meeting was over, the organ was paid for and later, we had money to spare,

disconcerting I Later, to witness the reality of Christ's life-changing power today, we had four British Christians (aged 23 to 70) give testimonies about who
this man was and how He related to

Our answer to all people:


A good lesson in faith. When God says, "Yes," he says it in style.


this Man was and ^

, .

the Son of God."


Personal Epistle
Dear Friends,

Give me a very good and loving God, a cup of tea in the morning, a trip home to see my sister get married, and you have a very grateful

and happy young woman27 is young isn't it??

Whether 27 is young or not, my good and loving God is continually leading me to follow Him as a child. 1 am finding that I am most happy

when He's walking right next to me, able to be talked to and listened to.
That cup of tea I mentioned? It really is a reflection of the contentment I have living in the right place at the right time with my

How good it was for me to be home.

My regrets are that I didn't

get a chance to see certain people or even phone some of my friends. Time escaped me and my good intentions fell flat. Thank you everyone for letting me share a part of your life. Oh by the way. Skip, Cathy, and Carl, the gazebo in Howarth is gone.

Remember the saga of the lost peni

Howarth is still as beautiful as ever,

Lots of Love,

EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND East Side Christian Ctiurcti

1714 Madison

Non-profit Bulk Rate


Council Bluffs, la 51501

Permit #26

Council Bluffs, la 51501


144 Gravelly Lane Birmingham B23 6LT



49 Huntingdon Rd. Coventry CV5 6PT


M/M Tim Barber 605 Arnold

Council Bluffs, la 51501



Missions services Box 177

Kempton, IN 46049

. . . l^tpoM from a Juaf team minij/ry

ckaUtn^in^ a poit-CkriiUan nation witk tke t/aims of Ckrist

Vol. 5 No. 9
June 1978

"Do not make for yourselves images of anything . . . " (Exodus
20:4). Whenever we read this verse, we tend to think of idols or things carved out of wood or stone, which people worship. There is another kind of image that often hinders true worship - the image we often make of other people. We all have an image of the people we know which we keep tucked away in our minds. Whenever someone men

tions his name, our minds compute, "John Doe; click, click, click,"
and out comes the image we have of that person which makes him John Doe to us. We all do it, even with ourselves.

The problem comes when we let that image keep John from being
the person God is making him to be or when John perceives how we see

him and thinks^ "Now I must not let them know what I*m really like
or they won't like me." So John keeps living in our image of him
rather than God's view of him.

This is very easy to do and as equally difficult to stop.

can be especially disastrous in evangelism and the nurture of a new

Christian. Often a false or incomplete image of a person keeps him

from being what God wants him to be.

include that weakness.

We keep him from being able


to admit his weaknesses, because we have an image of him which doesn't

Sometimes we view the person as not being

as strong or mature as he is, and so his growth is stunted.

question that person is struggling with is, "Will you (and God)
still like me if you really know me?"


What the Church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new or

I am not asking you just to give

ganizations or more and novel methods,

but men whom the Holy Ghost can use men of prayer, men mighty in prayer.

'help* in prayer as a sort of side line, but I am trying to roll the

main responsibility of this prayer

warfare on you.

I want you to take

The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does
not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men
men of prayer.

the BURDEN of these people upon your

I want you to wrestle

with God for them.

- J.O. Eraser, Eraser and Prayer.

- E.M. Bounds, Power Through Prayer.

Silver Jubilee

Two young Christian mothers recent

Grand Opening
Almost 150 Christians and friends from all across the Midlands shared

ly shared some encouraging thoughts

in our monthly Church paper.
SYLVIA, a Christian for just three

with us in a day of celebration,

praise and dedication on April 29th. Not only did the day denote the 25th anniversary of the Queen Street

months, has discovered something that I*m afraid takes years to sink
into some of us. She writes: "I am

Church of Christ, but it also marked the completion of our two year exten sion and remodeling project.
Every part of our building has

beginning to understand how much God will help and guide us even in the

smallest of things. . .

Recently I

was surrounded by people with ill

been expanded, modernized, and redec

oratedand almost all done through
volunteer labor. All in all the ef fort has doubled the size of our

health. Only when I held them up to the Lord did things fall into place. How much easier is my life now that I acknowledge God*s workings, and I trust that we all have enough faith to let the Lord work through us and
not try to work without IUjii."

building, providing much needed

classroom space and fellowship areas,

a new baptistry, enlarged kitchen facilities, and an office.
We were very encouraged by all our

A poem called "Be in Love with

Life" by Patience Strong prompted

Marion, a shy and quiet woman to ex

friends who shared with us through out the day. We spoke together of

press herself. The poem expresses the "feeling of oneness, of peacefulness I get when I walk along quiet country lanes, listening to the bird song, and looking at the trees. It

the lessons and blessings from the

past, what the Lord is doing with us
now, and the vision we have for the


The evening sermon reminded

makes me say, *Thank you. Lord, for the beauty of it allfor being alive
and for being able to appreciate it.*"

us that our faith walk is indeed a

mission of no return. Certainly we can testify to our own struggles of faith as we sought to fulfill the vision which God had given to us con cerning the building extension.

The project cost was around $35,000.

The Lord provided this sum through
our own members and donations from

friends in England and America.


NOTE: Since May 3, Jan and Pete have been enjoying a six week furlough in Canada and the U.S.A. They will be travelling with family in the western states, and then working for a few
weeks with the First Christian Church

in Muskogee, Oklahoma. Happy holidays J & P!

i BeingRight

I want to become a

Looking Perfect

"Michelle, I've decided


"Oh Karen. . . but why do you want to?" "Because I know I'm not complete
, . . because I want to be made com
. . because I know He can

support outside the church. She knows already some of the struggle it means at home and school, so she needs your prayers as much as ours. But as we see God totally remaking people, we have that assured hope that he is making something beauti
ful out of Karen. MICHELLE

plete. . . because I know I'm a


forgive me, . . becaiise - what if

He came tomorrow?"

No Lonely Fight
On March 16^ JEAN WHITE, a di
vorcee and unwed mother wrote; "I

Well. What can you say to that? A few weeks ago, 14 year-old
KAREN PILLSBURY made these astound

ing self-observations to me without

invitation or prompting. She has been coming to J.A.M. for about 16
months and has been steadily con

must be baptized.

I know Jesus.

He has shown Himself to me this

morning in His strength and His

real love. His trust and faith is

victed about herself by the simple

truth of the Word. One of the hard

so strong that He held me this morning and quieted my heart. I

felt His calmness like nothing I have known or felt for a long time. He is close to me, I feel his pre
sence and I can talk to Him. He

est things for her to understand is

why and how other people cannot be

lieve God. "It seems much harder

not to believe," she says.

Yet she

comes from a non-Christian family where mother tells her to keep her

is much bigger than I ever thought

Him to be."

beliefs private, father is not in terested, and one older sister in sists she will grow out of it. I have been excited again and again during my studies with her by her comprehension of Scripturenot just intellectually^ but for her own life. I listened, amazed, as she explained righteousness to her 13 year old friend, "You don't get right with God by keeping all the rules . . . but if you've got Jesus,
it's like he stands in front of you, so that when God looks at you he

On April 1, she took a step closer to baptism when she moved

out of the house she was sharing with her child's father, Eddie.

Once that step was taken, she could clearly obey God's wishes, and her heart's desire. On April 23, she
was baptized into Christ. And God is at work, putting her

family back together again; for

Eddie has officially asked her to

just sees Jesus'. And that makes you look perfect to God."
Karen has little or no Christian

marry him, and he is perhaps near to committing himself to Christ. All is not always rosey - old prob lems raise their ugly heads, but she doesn't fight alone any more.

Personal Epistle
Dear American Friends,

I never wanted to be British. Nor did I necessarily want to stay in America. I don't feel like a 'foreigner' just because I live in a different

land than the one of my birth.

(After all, I can remember you teaching

me to sing, 'This world is not my home.

the group I'm called to serve.

I'm just a-passing through.')

Nor did I choose to live in the style of the 'working-class', yet that's

Come to think of it, I didn't really choose

the other 'worlds' I've passed throughIllinois, New York, Nashville

yet each has had its claim on me.

So I ask you, where are my 'roots'?

And in your absence I imagine you to say, 'Where and how you live and what

you have don't matter because home is where the heart is.' I've learned here that my heart needs to be only with the Master and with my brothers.
And because they are everywhere, home can be anywhere. Do I miss you in America? Yes. Will I miss England?



for me here.
'at home',

I pray for you far away and wonder where we really feel


Nathan has his first tooth and is crawling into and through everything.

EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND East Side Christian Church 1714 Madison

Non-profit Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID

Council Bluffs, la 51501

Permit #26

Council Bluffs, la 51501


144 Gravelly Lane

Birmingham 823 6LT

Coventry CV5 6PT
ENGLAND M/M Tim Barber 605 Arnold

49 Huntingdon Rd.


Council Bluffs, la 51501




Penn^ WuUi Creait^ ^Jrin^to

Horizons Missions Services Assoc. Editorial Department

Box 177

Kempton, 1^


.,tU from
. . . f^tpori from a dual Uam miniilr^ ^ ^

<katltnfin^ a posl-^kriiHan nation willi ihr tfaitnt of (.Itriil

Vol. 5 No. 10 July 1978


And Then There Was Grace...

One of the exciting things God has been teaching us recently in our Erdington team, and which permeates our whole ministry experience here, is the
HOW of serving Him, HOW to walk in the Spirit. HOW to love what looks re


HOW to keep going when faced with terrible discouragement.


how, HOW? While on a three day retreat a few weeks ago, we discovered in .new

depth what God's grace is actually doing in our lives. The Lord is patiently eliminating even the possibility of 'trying' to serve Him in our own
strength, because He has faced us with problems and situations for which we have no answer. We have people whose spiritual battles have presented us with an apparent impasse. Frustrated, we look here and there; we look

everywhere for a solution.

we hunt around for one!

We demand:

"God give us an answer," and then

Finally when we have hit rock bottom and are forced to stop trying, do you know what happens? The Spirit moves tremendously beyond all we

have asked or imagined,


provides the answer in a totally unexpected

He gives us love where

He makes us go when we have no power to go.

we have no love.

is the HOW'.

And we fall on our knees with fresh wonder and thankfulness to hear the

Faithful One say: "My grace is totally, absolutely, unconditionally sufficient for you."

Healing The Whole

Any honest reading of the Scriptures will reveal the fact that God is not just interested in 'saving souls'. The abundant life that our Father wants to give every one of his children through His Son includes freedom from everything that lessens the quality of life and freedom for us to be all that God means us to be. Saving the whole man'. "I come that they

might have life more abundant."

"He who the Son has freed, is free indeed I"

The implications of this fact include the church's ministry to help all seekers to find God's best in every area of life. For a long time we have shied away from fulfilling this ministry in the areas of physical and emo tional illness. Out of a fear of failure, we have hesitated to pray for healing. Because of a lack of sensitivity to the Spirit, we don't seem to know whether or not it even might be God's will to heal, despite the prom ises in Scripture that God does make His will known to us. (John 16:13-15; I Cor. 2:10-16) (thoughts continued on pages 2 & 3) STEVE

As a growing Church we are becoming more and more aware of the power of pray Through a very timely series of er. We ask. you as broth events, the Coventry Church has moved ers and sisters to join in faith to a new understanding and us in prayer for the fol practice of Christ's ministry of lowing concerns: healing. We claim no special revela tion nor do we wish to 'specialize' * Our CHILDREN'S CAMP held August in the spectacular. All we know is 14-25. We are busy recruiting camp what God has done among us. ers and preparing materials and First, over the years we have seen staff. This is our fifth year of Mrs. Withnall find strength and con camp, and we anticipate youth fidence after 20 years of physical attending from five different and emotional handicap. Now she is Churches of Christ. able to do the shopping and house * Our NEWER CHRISTIANS, and our not- keeping, impossible a few years ago. so-new ones, who are struggling as During these long years, Mr. With they give up more of their lives to nall 's constant prayer has been for the Lord. Remember especially Jim & his wife's recovery and the church's

Healing (cont.)

Sylvia, Pete I., and Nick. * ROB & JUDY, two new faces at our
services, are deeply searching and counting the cost of discipleship. Also, FRANCIS, the mother of one of our Christian teens, has seen a change in some of her friends who
have become Christians and now is

growth. Recently, new Christian Sylvia has

open to look.

* The preparations involved in be

ginning a LADIES COFFEE MORNING, ser ving two purposes: to give women the opportunity to meet others, and to present Christ in a relaxed at mosphere,

* The FATHERS of Pam and Sylvia are

very i l l and do not know the Lord.

recovered completely after suffering for years with bleeding. Her doc tor's words, at her "examination a week after special prayer for her health, were, "l don't know what's happened. All I can say is you're healing." It was her healing that convinced her husband, Jim, of God's power. The following week he was baptized. We have now begun praying for the sick one evening each month. We have a unique sense that this is a work God has given us to do. Workmates ask our members to pray
for them and their sick friends. We

They are seeking ways of ministry. * Mr. & Mrs. Withnall, our elder and
his wife who have been faithful mem bers of the Church here from its be

have a new sense of Christ's compas

sion for all those with pain and suf fering who do not know His wholeness.
We have come to feel that even as

ginning 25 years ago, are celebrating their Ruby (40th) Wedding Anniversary, We pray for God's blessing on them as they continue their service for the Lord together.

Jesus preached the good news of the Kingdom, helped the poor and healed the sick - so, too, the proper place for a ministry of healing is within
the total ministry of the Church -

Christ's body in the world today.


The Whole (cont.)

He describes himself as

"The man all of Erdington is talking about." But he

knows well that i t is not because of what he has
done but because of what

Many were skeptical of this heal ing - including his wife and myself but no one can deny what has happen
ed. The doctor has released him

God has done.

Bill Muller (57) was an unbeliever two years ago, and you would have nev er found him talking to Christians at the door. Yet when Penny and Michelle were trying to look up a lapsed church member next door, they met Bill and his wife, Winnie. Soon a Bible study began. In their year of study, they
have looked at Mark and Acts. Bill and Winnie absorbed Biblical

and says he can go back to work. After his healing. Bill began putting Biblical truth together very quickly. He reads his Bible every day - and other Christian books.
Bill determined to follow God's will
for him and receive His salvation.

The greatest part of his baptism for

Bill was to bring his next door

neighbor back to the church.
God has done much for him will share i t with others.


truth very slowly, yet it did ring

true in some areas. They thought a-

Join Our Prayer

"Rest is not a hallowed feeling
that comes over us in the Church; it is the repose of a heart set deep

bout becoming disciples, but delayed.

For one thing. Bill had a heart condition (angina) with five heart
attacks and hadn't worked for five

in God."
the name

Henry Drunimond
'Christian' and come to our


He had unexpected black outs

There are some people who wear

services but don't seem to have that

and moved very slowly. It took him a couple of hours just to get dressed in the morning. Baptism was a phys
ical block for him.


Please pray that the follow

ing people will be compelled by the

love of God to have their hearts

Bev and Winnie persuaded Bill to go to a Christian crusade orre even

set deep in Him;

ing. After a thoroughly Christian evangelistic message, the evangelist prayed for the sick to receive Jesus' care. Bill stood with many others for
prayer. He felt a warming sensation

Irene Goode

Oliver Hodges

John & Hazel Wilson

but did not believe anything happened. The next morning he got up and was in the living room dressed by 9 a.m.
He never appeared before 11 a.m.
was f i t as a

"If any man comes to the claims of Christ wanting to know if they are true, willing to follow His teachings if they are true. He will know. But one cannot come unwilling


to accept and expect to find out." Josh McDowell, compare John 7:17
Pray that these people who are asking questions will see the truth
of Jesus:

fiddle and has been ever

since. He mows lawns, skips rope with children, and runs his wife rag ged with his new steam. God has healed his bodyI (Re cares that

Eddie Orchard

John Hurdman

Betty Stanyer

Steve Humphries

much, you knowI)

Jim & Dot Tinkler

Personal Epistle
Dear Christian Friends,

I thought I might give you some of my impressions of England. These are not my first impressions, as I have spent four summers doing intern ships within the Churches of Christ here. The last summer was 1975. In those three years a number of things have changed. The inflation that was present in the U.S. plagued England. Two years ago, it was 25%.
That has been cut to 9%. But as a result, both wages and prices rose

drastically. Three years ago, the average wage was about $80 per week. Today it is $140 with at least one industry wanting $190. However, there is one thing that has not seemed to change - the quality of church life. England has been described as a "tired country with a
tired church" and in my limited experience, that is true. That is not to say that there are not bright spots in the church life scene. For in

stance, right in the middle of London is a growing, living church.

and the church are tired.


tells me that there can be a growing, living church even if the country
My first impressions of Britain are not centered or the rise in affluency of the people here. It is erty of the British citizens. They are gasping for is often too tired to respond. Will you join me in on the inflation rate on the spiritual pov help, but the church prayer for revival.

EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND East Side Christian Church

1714 Madison

Non-profit Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID

Council Bluffs, la 51501

Permit #26

Council Bluffs, la 51501


144 Gravelly Lane Birmingham B23 6LT




49 Huntingdon Rd. Coventry CV5 6PT


M/M Tim Barber 605 Arnold

Council Bluffs, la 51501




penn^ ftkclitife Crtaie^ ^Jrtn^lon

Horizons ttLssions Services Assoc.

Editorial Department
Box 177

Kempton, IN


from a dual tram miniilr^ I

cka/fenfinf a posl-C^firislian nalion wilk llir t/aimi of (.liriil

Vol. 5 No. 11 August 1978

Starting Again
My first impressions of Britain and Erdington are hard to explain.
new to me.
new land.

had been in Britain in the suinmer of 1974, so the culture was not totally
But visiting for a summer is not like learning to live in a

I am a bit like a child in a grown up world. Things that one takes for granted, that one does without thinking, I have to learn. Being like a child, but still being an adult makes doing things even more frus
trating .

Initially I had to learn where I was in relation to everything else. I had to learn where shops and streets were, how to get there without getting lost in the process. We take language and conversation for granted. Now I have to think more about what I am saying, I have to use different words to describe things I used every day in the U.S.A. For instance, one day with some English friends, I said that I was going

to get the keys out of Curt's "dress pants."

their minds conj ured up.

Since "pants" are only

underwear and "dress" is only a garment for women, you can imagine what As I think about it, it is something like being a Christian. Jesus asks us to become like little children. The hard thing is that we come to Christ as an adult child. We want to trust the Holy Spirit to guide our lives, and teach us how to live. The problem is that we have been adults too long, so we try to do everything ourselves, and we fall
on our faces.

In our ordinary life here and in my Christian life, I have fallen on

my face and made mistakes. I must trust others to teach and guide me
live here. So also I must trust the

so that I make less mistakes as I

Holy Spirit,

He knows what is best for me.

Coventry Club "

Over thirty children from five
to thirteen years old attended our recent three-day youth club. We packed our four hours a day
with songs, lessons, crafts, spec-

fying glass with "I'vE POUND IT'."

printed on them.

tags in the shape of a spy's magniThrough this theme,

Steve taught about finding the treasure of God's Kingdom (Matt, 13:44). It was a good, interest arousing
approach; the club was a success,

ial activities, and lunch and games

in a nearby park. The children wore special name

Now comes the task of following up

on new contacts . . .


E.E.C. Day
E N 0 R

Kerens an idea that has worked in our situation that may help
in yours. We call it E.E.C. Day, The initials stand for Economic

Exchange Collection.

On this day, usually a Saturday, we urge

everyone in our Church to sort through all their possessions

looking for items which they aren't wearing or using. The assump tion is that if you're not using something, perhaps you don't need it and someone else might. So we all bring in our surplus possessions to make one big collection. Then anyone is welcome to look through and find what they can put to good use. In this way we hope to make better
use of God's resources and rid ourselves of useless possessions. It's a real freedom to know that you don't have to accumulate any more things
than what you need right now. others to meet their need, And it's freedom to be able to share with STEVE

Here & There

For nearly five years we've been

Back In The U.S.A.

Jan and I enjoyed a hectic but great time on our trip stateside
recently. The Lord blessed us in

learning about the many cultural

differences between England and the


Planning a wedding that will

being able to travel through many

states and see some of His truly in credible handiwork. The Grand Canyon made a lasting impression on us of the might and splendor of our God,
We were able to share in some

satisfy my dream (based on American

tradition) and one that will fit in

with what our English family and friends expect is an interesting challenge.
I will have a chief bridesmaid

(maid of honor in USA) and Richard will have groomsmen rather than just
a best man as is the custom here.

wonderful Christian fellowship and

were encouraged by what the Lord is

doing in many lives.

We will have special music (Ameri

can) as well as two congregational

hymns (Engliash), Another English part of the cremony is signing the

Through the whole trip we had a real sense that the Lord was leading
us and working out His will in our

official registera state req^uired document. The wedding cake, a tra ditional English fruit cake, will be served after a buffet reception in Richard's family's English garden
(weather permitting!). I'm sure this wedding will be an
interesting experience for all usto say the least I

own lives. There were many blessings and surprises, not least of which was my ordination to the ministry. This took place at the Boulevard

Christian Church just the night

before we returned.

Please pray that the Lord will continue to guide and equip us in
the work He has called us to do.


Thank you for your love shown to us. May He strengthen you for service.

The New Seekers

Ten were invited. Six came. We are in the middle of a new

investigation group where all the participants are very differ ent from one another. One young man had been in an investiga tion group before and intellectually knows that the claims of

Christ are true.

He often argues for the Christian perspective.

He said that he had been plagued He accepts a

For him, it is a matter of the will. Another member of the group, an older gentleman, came with notes

plotting his case against Christianity. with them.

by Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, so he studies those cults to argue

That has led him to a study of Christianity.
Supreme Being, but it is not the God whom we worship. Nor does he believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Please pray that he will attend the remain ing sessions with an open mind. Another participant said that he accepted evolution instead of creation, I loaned him a book on the subject. He returned the next week and said

that he was beginning to question all that he was taught in school. The rest are, I believe, honest seekers. Whether they accept or reject Christ is yet to be seen. But whatever they do, it will be after they have looked at the claims of Christ honestly. Pray that God's truth
will be made manifest to them.

will bedone

^^^eartn as it is in heaven
We are glad that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us to the Father, in terpreting our needs and desires when we cannot articulate them. But we ask that you seriously take these things yourself to the Father in prayer on our behalf as part of your ministry to us. BRIAN - husband of a Christian lady here who can accept Christianity

intellectually but whose nerve has not yet been touched by the reality
of God.

WINNIE - middle-aged lady whose husband has just become a Christian and is considering commitment to Jesus for herself. THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST IN BRITAIN - who are in the process of making

serious decisions regarding their future.


Personal Epistle
Dear Friends, It's so good to be a Christian, and alive in a country that has the freedom to worship God and to open
ious freedom that I often take for


"Don't forget about those

ly state, without fear, that I'm a

follower of Christ.

In studying the book of Acts, I'm reminded once again of the per secution among the early Christians. A few weeks ago I heard of the thir
teen missionaries who were killed in

in prison. Suffer with them as though you were there yourself. Share the sorrow of those being mis treated, for you know what they are

going through."

- Hebrews 13:3



Their faith has been a

"Such a
rifices well. After a

as I"
lesson on

witnefiS to many throughout the world.

think of the Christians in fascist and communist countries who are tor

Eight year old Vanda from Erdington seemed to learn her Sunday School
lessons from the Old Testament sac

tured and in prison and of families

which are separated.



they are following Jesus. It has made me aware of the prec

Abraham and Isaac, Vanda was seen making her own dramatic sacrifices. The objects of sacrifice - worms!'.

EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND East Side Christian Church 1714 Madison

Non-Profil Bulk Rate


Council Bluffs, la 51501

Permit #26

Council Bluffs, la 51501


144 Gravelly Lane Birmingham B23 6LT



49 Huntingdon Rd. Coventry CV5 6PT



605 Arnold

Council Bluffs, la 51501


Ed. Depatm.
Box 177




Horizons liissions Services Assoc.

Kempton, IN


. . . f^ipoM from a Juaf team miBj/ry

tlia//tnfinf a poil'^liriiUan nalion wiif, ikt Ifaimi o/ Ckrht

Vol. 5 No. 12 September 1978

A Funny Thing Happened

our faces.

On the Way to the Door

Our ministry involves much door-to-door survey work. Our survey is interested in people's beliefs and opinions. We feel that we should give the people a chance to explain how they think and feel before we have said

The survey method helps to accomplish this goal, but we also

Here are a few examples:

have a number of strange and funny answers to our questions. At times, we find that these experiences help ease the pain of doors being slammed in
*One man said that he was a practicing Roman Catholic, but he had not been to church in 18 years.

*Another, when asked who Jesus was, said, "He certainly wasn't Pontius
Pilate, was he?"

*Another strange response came from an elderly man who said, "if it
does not exist now, it never has." *Perhaps the most difficult to accept is the response that we get about

every twenty doors, "I'm sorry, I don't have any beliefs."

*Not all of the funny experiences are from the other side of the door. One caller in his early days introduced his topic this way, "You wouldn't want to take a religious survey, would you?" However, most of the responses are not funny, but sad. They are rejecting
the Christ.

Saturday Fellowship
Recently some of the ladies in the Coventry Church felt a need for more social fellowship. So various activities have been organized monthly
during the summer.

Last month we had a BAR-B-Q at the Tate's. A few games of charades had all of us laughing. This month's event took us on a bus trip to Billing Aquadrome, an amusement park for the whole family. One feature
was the Astroglide (a huge slide) . Nearly all of us had to try this and think of daring ways to get to the bottom of it all. Although these times of fellowship are social, they give us opportunity
to know each other better. We are able to share with one another on all levels. Next month we will share in an all-church weekend camp out.


Deb Weds
There is something moving and special about watching a relation ship between two people grow. Having
roomed with Debbie for four years,

Recently we received
notification of a brother

in Hungary, PASTOR JANOS BERES, who has been fined approximately $7,500

I've watched her grow close and 'fall deeply in love' with Richard. It
was a blessing to me. Another blessing was to see them

for possessing 'illegal literature',

i.e. Bibles and Christian books.

pledge their love to one another and

to God at the church building in

There is also a threat of imprison

ment. We were encouraged to write letters and pray so that the situation might be changed, particularly as Hungary is supposed to have religious
freedom unlike some of their Eastern

July. I had seen plenty of their ups and downs,,their times of smooth ing off the rough edges, the 'giving
up of self. This wedding ceremony was the culmination of that process. For all who attended, the day was very special. There were many friends and family including some who
had travelled from America.

European counterparts.

Several people

from our church responded in writing letters expressing concern for Janos and the maintaining of freedom to follow and share Christ in Hungary.

So many people, so much excitement,

'and uri'derne^h i t all "i^hat

Please join us in holding this situa

tion up to God.

better way to start a marriage than

by using your wedding as an opportun ity to express the love of God. Many

Two things forthcoming on our calendar for which we are feeling God's direction and blessing. We are soon to have a five week emphasis
on Christian STEWARDSHIP. The

people come to weddings who otherwise

would not come near a church building.

Steve was able to explain God's love

and purposes in Christian marriage as

he conducted the ceremony.

meetings will cover stewardship on all levels and we want our people to be challenged and led on in more and more Christ-like living as a result.
We also have several people inter

The reception was a time for fel lowship and chatting in the garden of Richard's parent's 18th century farm house. The day was beautiful, and it
was sad to see i t end. We waved and
tear as we cheered and shed one more

ested in looking at the claims of Christ and in September we plan to


watched Deb and Richard drive off in

pray that these people may be shown Jesus through this group and be brought to see their need to come*to
Him. Thank you for sharing in our ministry by your prayers.

their little orange, specially decor

ated Renault to their honeymoon in

Thank the Lord for this new 'team'

of Richard and Debbie Harris.

Supposing To Be
I wasn't supposed to


"Well," I wondered, "Do I crash

the party, or don't I?" Rather timidly I went over, and in a matter
of seconds I was in conversation

be there, I had no thoughts of getting involved, ant^

I'm still amazed at how

God works. This story is simple - not unique, but I

can't get over how God guides us,

almost despite ourselves.
I was supposed to be at the Kes-

with a potential university student who had serious and honest questions, I shared with him what I knew of my God and freely admitted what I did not know, maintaining that God is
able to be known. I invited him to

wick Convention, but the night be fore we were to leave, it was im pressed upon me that someone should
stay. That someone seemed to be me.

Wondering what the week held, I

stayed. On Friday evening I usually go to

our investigation group, and he has been coming ever since. He spent four hours researching the implica tions of the high priest tearing his robes. "Did it mean blasphemy?
Does that mean that Jesus' claim was

the Jesus Center to help out. tfy job at the Center that night was to welcome people. I distinctly remem ber Phil coming in,because he said
he hadn't been there before.
stairs he went.

to be God?"

He still struggles with

Jesus as God,because it would mean a big change in his life.

The wonder of i t a l l is s t i l l the

fact that I wasn't supposed to be

We ex

there that night.

I am finding it

plained how things worked, and up the

Little did we know

a great joy to listen to God letting Him order my life,


what was going on in his mind,or that within an hour I'd be in deep conver
sation with him about God.

A girl brought coffee to me with the report that there was a young guy upstairs asking some pretty tough questions. "He seems to be a

Pray In The Spirit

Many times we have people with deep needs which we are not able to share in detail. It is truly wonder ful. to have a God whose Spirit knows the hearts of all men. Therefore,
we can l i f t each other's needs to

university student," she said.

gave it little thought, finished my duty on the door and went upstairs. I sat down and surveyed the busy center. I guessed that over in the corner was the 'poor' fellow who was

Him knowing that it is enough that

our hearts ache with theirs for His

asking questions.

I thought 'poor'

because he was virtually surrounded by people talking to him. I had no intention of going over - one more
person was certainly one too many.

peace to permeate their lives. Please be in prayer for: ***Lucy and Steve Shaw ***Phil Bell (above article) ***Roger King ***Lynda Vipond

***Steve G., a 16-year-old looking

for a church and true faith. ***Each of us in the team.

Then one of the girls who was talk ing to him got up and mentioned to me that they just weren't getting

Thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.



There are quite a number of things in my



personal life that I would like to share.

I suppose the main thing is that

sometimes I wish that I had more time to do the things that I really enjoy -

like playing tennis and squash, travelling, and learning to do more things with my hands. But God is faithful to give me contentment in what I do. A lot of my spare time - at least in thought - has been in a new educational
venture. I am attempting to do research for a thesis that may eventually
The project is a very result in a Ph.D. at the University of Birmingham.

practical one for our work here - I am not interested in just getting a degree for its own sake. I am working on "Varieties of Popular Unbelief in Erdington," which I hope will give us an even more sure foundation in our evangelism.

My thinking is that we must know for sure who we are talking to so that we will reach his thinking and acting where he is. There has been very little serious work on this subject, so this pioneer venture is a bit tough. And

just when I should have had more time to work on this project, it seems that
the demands of the ministry have become stronger. But I am sure that since

God got me in this project, He will get me through it.

Love in Jesus,

I wish you God's joy and love in your own personal lives, and may the Spirit

of the Living God write a personal epistle on your heart.

EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND East Side Christian Church 1714 Madison

Non-Profit Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID

Council Bluffs, la 51501

Permit #26

Councii Bluffs, la 51501


144 Gravelly Lane Birmingham B23 6LT


49 Huntingdon Rd. Coventry CV5 6PT


M/M Tim Barber 605 Arnold

Council Bluffs, la 51501





Crtau^ ^Jrinfton

Missions Services Box 177

Kempton, IN 46049

a HI
. . . ^pqdilfKom a: c/wa/ ham miniitrf

xkaf/liiti/inf a
Vol. 5 No. 13

nation wtlh tke i/aim* of Ckriit

Octoter, 1978

t - itYiams Quoh Unquote

ms? interesting en^

WIttt does it meto tp he M0n il^' s Squad"? thdt'a I tb hel|^ pur ybung Idis^o^^

iw ma^ reaspxts.
kiit easi say.

I&rt le^t

^e first ieaai^ ^^ aM^

iheire ^re tte ^iciMti^

Spi^ sM^le^r

api^a^ing me saya, **Will yott^e ^ sl^^ if I tiBll jm ti^ jjolii for ea^ sitoer"
Ht^t^i^-^ld Mary f r^
Gc^l^ into the l^chra tent ^t

iig^^ear^oiM SMtti^

Oreatbif, Defender, 4 secphd leaaptt

;^!^ng,. iai^|^ ipn ninir

acpujoirpn ledd^^ J^sus.

^ pixr

i^^her^ iifaiite $av|br. A f inal leaspjdL pn laiPiTiii^^ Ihe

apd how to fight him led ^

ti^e her nightie ^bn her^'idfethes, "It % &bid tohight--3Mn our te^l" Jason trying tp= fs^

'^|i|dre% Pf vlAt

apn^ cpm^al; d^cr^iic^^


li]^: '%e's gpt hp|^ taily " '^e'a gpt a red clpiflfe,,:''itti#

a tellUt^e wet spbt^ 0%

hi^a^ like a vitit# ai^ ^sEleila hprj^^

hiei*' We aair aps^
when the Mda realized that when

hag^ "It 'a sweaty it

Mi it i^ightl*'

itod f inali^ IftPm p^

tested tp dp wrpn^i, ^

dpn*t aptiit^^

cri#titettire murse^ Jax^t, ^'piese

^#e ai^pne* $at^ ita a a^rit

w^pa ;we Itight with the hel^^

a^e iike seij^'^rbn^i^

fatphcis v !^e tti^


Pf the Hol^ ^irit^ i|(r*ji it


hattie: 'we

'fitfee'.heav^ iej|isp^
a^nted in sin^le.^ayi^s a^eda planted in ypy^ tP put

inbw arptmd,, the tighter

tp^ther at the it^^ftiev


^cPuih the icamp thia year 1

Ip^^ia. Ifieu^ P0 tM ph^ attended tl^e ep^ #i^evfi^ hpm^:^ it waa x>fti^ iiecesas^ to diaci^lj^ th^ ggfc thiy Ifeid ||at
pi Pur fiitl^r |Q|d ^l^e fov ua > ao mitt lreai<^

ahpwn Phce ag^^ a glis^ae


in diac^lixdstg th^ 1 #>vM weelf atill lon^Uig UMid w^i^ to aSbi^ th^ that dP^ite th^ fnrpnj^i^ th^^i^ aliM liKvit.
tum aiiy Ib^e pf
l^en tdUa.

e little tcMen^tp ^t



;ne^r atio^^


A Week is Wertk A Year

W.h en
the theme, "RelatioTOhips"
was chosen for the 11 to 16 year old camp, we could not have known how much God was in the planning and
just how much He intended to relate; to both casters and staff.

they could have a deep, safe^ loving, triMting relationship with God. As

Karen said, "It's overwhelmiTigV"

A two day class called "Develop

ing Relationships" attempted to get

There were 22 campers and 15 st^f and helpers who travelled to Wales

them to experience how others feel

in groups and how to trust both other people and Go4. Our trust walk, where one blind folded *truster' is led by a seeing leader without words, was seething
to remembctr. trust broke down for

and jammed into recently renovated* "The Mill," a vintage miller's house complete with millstones, granary,

and at le^t a hole for the wate^r wheel. Ail the large rooms were used for many pui^oses from sleeping
and eating to holding classes and Viewing drama. But with plenty of td^lling hands, the rooms could be
converted qsUite nicely. Even then, Mchelle and Rog^ slept in the hall

two pairs when the followers were led to fall into the nearliy sllream. And trust nearly broke one fepy when

the leader said, "Tak^ a step toward me." the boy stepped the ot^her way
to fall down a six foot wall. But

by the bathroom and Coventry's Nimbo

and Kashmir alep^t-in Jthe. bi;g, tr^uck

they learned their lessons!


found -that- god is alwayg triigtwn

whidh hai4^ed all of pur equipment.

The Bible lessons were the cprnerstone to building pur theme. A Bible teacher gives her susmiavy: "After an intrpductipn tp the met

Love & Rain

lUren, a 13 year old non-Qhristian, gives some of her views : "I can r^^ber the night when we were serenaded by the b@ys. When I looked out the window niglvt and saw the boys singing to m, I thought

ing and fprming pf relatipnsM|^8, vis

ing Jesus and Bis disciple& as exam

ples, we moved into specific re^latipnships. The children talked freely about their relationships with friends

about Ipve and fee^lings f^ch ypu

wpuld experience ial au<^ a icas^ when

and families . The girls were ei^hatic that they needed relationships \^th
boyfriends tp develop only from strpng friendships and were relieved tp see
that Gpd understood that.

yPu had a boyfriend ^ ^^rlfri^nd. For Instance, if you found put that
a bpy or girl liked you. What wpuld

you feel?

I would feel Ipv^d, want^

ed, and cared for.:" '*When we serenaded the boys, my

friend had some plastic bags handy,
so she had a brain waves We filled

"Th@ir grasp of relationships as a God-given prpvisipn for growth in Ipve was evidenced when they exclaimed With delight , "He's put a detep dpwn want inside us, like fpr fppd."
the climx of the week's class came

the bags with som^ cold water and

when the time came for us tp sing

our songs, we hid the watier bombs

behind our backs , then at the end

when they saw that Jesus died so that

of "Raindrops Keep Falling On

Head>" we threw the water bcmbs into the granary window where the boys
were standing and smiling. Well, you could hardly call this a case of

day evening campfire, eleven c^e

forward to be individually epunseled.
A few didn't seem to staff mem

love and friendship, could you?

was more like a battle!!I"


bers to be ready. Others tteeded to work things out with parents, etc.

MANDY (11) from Erdlngton would

not be put off. Besides the cost of

"Besides making the boys wringing wet, this year's camp was a great
e3q>erience for me, especially seeing four people getting baptized in a

discipleship, she was reminded of the very cold river water. "I don't

care," Handy replied, "I just want

to be a Christian," After SUSiP

Karen hit the priorities right on
the head. As the staff saw the move

(12) phoned her mother in Erdington,

she also wanted to become a firm follower of Jesus.

At the late aftemopn baptisms

in that cold Welsh river even the

ment of God in the young people, we talked gbout having a decision time. But we wanted to safeguard against decision that might iwt lead to
^ Younfg people and staff were talk ing about Jesus and praying all over the campsite during free time. One young girl confessed her sin to anoth er, and was afraid that no one would
love her. But she followed the ad-

teenage fellows were crying^ We sang, prayed with the four in groups, a:nd went on our way knowing that (Sod was moving among us .

And They Came Running

At evening campfire, Steve asked for those who were really serip^is about making a commitment to J^us when they returned home to step <Jut
and show that decision. No sooner

Vice that was given, and found to her joy that she was forgiven. When she
saw that the person to whom she con fessed her sin still loved her, she realized what God was like. And she went away rejoicing, ready to give her life to that forgiving God, TEtSE, f 17 year old helper from

than the words were out of his mouth, they came ruxmihg. Ten of them no hesitation, no waiting to see if their friextds were coming. NADINE, from Great Fr^cis Street Church in Birmingham^i wasi baptized in
to Jesus two weel^ later. Some are

Germany, said in a staff meeting, "If

there are any baptisms, I want to be baptized." (Her story next month)
The ball was rolling.

waiting to be bapiized^ but others

will, no doubt, follow Jesus later.
But almost all came back chahged


SUttdey Schipol, their

Michelle's sister, ABIGAIL (11)

had been talking about accepting Jesus for some time. Without knowing

together, nearly everything is taking

on new meaning.- When you consMer 2i2 camp.ers, 4 were already Christians,
3 were baptized at camp, and ten made decisions to follow up laHer^
i t was almost a whole PEOPLE

abou'ti felse, she decided to become a Ghristian, "Because I love Jesus."

During the decisions time at Thurs

Lighter Side of 6-10's

. . . but they aren*t so funny while they are happening II
We realized that while we had de

The camper soon returned again in quiring if he had finally arrived at the right tent. Upon receiving the

affirmative, he began to ask for help

again. He was told to go to bed. Our bleary-eyed faculty member waited to see who was going to attack. No one did. To this day we wonder who was attacking and where our

livered the toilets to the campsite,

we had overlooked picking up the

toilet tents'. Result: one ladies

toilet in a huge ten-man tent and

fellas in a pony shed.


Helpl They're after mel"

sleepwalker's five minute wander in the night led himi

The aforementioned camper inquired

cried one camper in the middle of the night. The shouts awakened a

wryly one afternoon, "Why don't you

take away Bible classes instead of 'tuck shop' (canteen) privileges as punishment?" JANET

faculty member, who thinking the camper to be someone else, informed

the boy he was in the wrong tent.

The boy left, and the faculty member in much thought and wakefulness came
to the conclusion that the camper

Shelved Till Next t^onth

***Annual Financial Report ***New Christian in Erdington
***Two German Christians

was not who he thought him to be. Therefore, he had been in the right

***Personal Epistle is back

EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND East Side Christian Church

1714 Madison

Non-profit Bulk Rate


Council Bluffs, la 51501

Pernnit #26

Council Bluffs, la 51501


144 Gravelly Lane Birmingham B23 6LT



I 49 Huntingdon Rd.
' Coventry CV5 6PT


M/M Tim Barber 605 Arnold

Council Bluffs, la 51501




Msslons Services Box 177

.Kemptoix, IM 46049

. . . Import from a Juaf tram miniilr^ tkaiitn^in^ a poil-Ckriitian nation wilk ike t/aimi of Chris!
Vol. 6 No. 3 November, 1978

ur Bailp preai

Once a yearand only oncewe talk to you about our money.

And then,

mainly only to report your giving to otir ministry.

about that provisionand He talks to youI

Of course, it*s not

the only time we talk about finance. Just like you, we need our daily bread to keep us going. But our policy is to talk mainly to our Father
Of course, we*re never secretive and will explain anything to anyone x^ho asks, but we don*t want to push finance on you. If you know God and we know God, He will work out both our needs as He promised. Our ministry is a testimony to that fact that for five years God has provided our finance for these team ministries. Sometimes we must pray "hard", some times we must do without something we would like, but always God has provided our needsjust like He promised. The rate of exchange has beat away at the dollar to a tune of 12.9% this yearnot as bad as in Switzerland, Japan, and Germany, but still a

12.9% drop in the pounds we receive for your dollars.

And pounds are all

we can spend here I/m afraid. There was also a 12% rise in the consumer price index in Britain versus a 6J<% rise in the U.S.A. Adding inflation and exchange rate, there is a 25% drop in our buying power between our financial report last year and this year. Most of us are on the same money as last year. But we think you*11 agree that your value for money in us is pretty reasonableeleven full time workers (two for only four months) in two team ministries for about $44,000. Our U.S.A. Team funds carry our Epistle expenses mainly, which will be much more next year with the increase in postage. Most of this money was provided by students and faculty of Lincoln Christian College plus
two faithful churches. It's nice to have our funds well in the black for

a change. Our U.K. (United Kingdom) funds allow us to do some extra projects that the churches may not be prepared to finance. But mainly we believe that the church here should pay its own way when it canon the
way to being completely indigenous.

Our figures are on the back page for you to examine,



T^E SAY blt: thanks and thanks and ever thanks for the wonderful care that

So not another word about money again until next year, but if you

keep talking to God, and we keep talking to God, our ministry together
will be provided for.


I Many months of study, thinking,
and hard choices under the Spirit's
conviction brought ROB DURBIDGE and
JUDY MILLINGTON to commit their lives

M people attending. Partic

vears ago.

Our latest group has been

going well with about seven

ularly encouraging has been the attendance of a couple of 17-year-olds who used

to the Lord. Being friends from the tax office where both are employed,
they were introduced to our fellow

to be involved in a coffee bar a few

Tlie discussions have been lively and a good opportunity to share the gosDel. This kind of group is a good
wav tOishare with manv who would not attend church services but are will

ship by our own Phil Walker, who has known Rob since school days.
Both Rob and Judy have taken their new faith very seriously. Both hav ing recently suffered broken marriages,

they realized that if they gave their

lives to the Lord, they would have to
put His will first and trust Him to

ing to discuss issues relating to faith in Christ. Please prav that the seeds sown will find good soil.

Cljanfesi (gibing
"Harvest, the season of reaping
and gathering in crops and fruits. Thanksgiving, the act of giving thanks. An acknowledgement of God's goodness and mercy."
Each year we celebrate Harvest

sort out the consequences. So before their public commitments, they sought reconciliation repeatedly with their estranged partners. Unfortunately

their partners have both responded by seeking divorce. But through it all,
Rob and Judy know that the Lord has proved faithful to meet their needs

Thanksgiving bv bringing fruit and vegetables to display in the building. Our Harvest Sunday services were fol lowed on Monday by our Harvest Supper. At this time we shared a meal together
and further shared some things we

and they have proven their serious ness to "Seek first the Kingdom." With the assurance of receiving
the forgiveness of past mistakes and

the heart-changing power of the Holy Spirit, Rob was immersed in Christ, and Judy rededicated her life. (She had been immersed several years ago
but had fallen from her commitment.)

learned and experienced during the stewardship campaign. "All gifts

come from God." JAN

Both will play a vital part in our

growing community of faith. STEVE

(goti'iS ^orb >vl (golj'sf ^orlb is a five week stewardship campaign

which we in Coventry have just completed and the Erdington Church are now following. We were challenged to "Take Care of ItIt Isn't Yours," remind ing us that the gifts of nature, our possessions, and even our bodies belong
to God. "We are Trustees."

Another phrase, "Live SimplySo Others Can Simply Live" refers to our neighbors in the Third World who have so many desperate needs. J^unday
School lessons, sermons, films, readings and statistics were all effective in informing us and indeed moving many to action. DEBBIE

Turo new Christians in Erd-

ington to report this

month and one to save for

^bout JfatE
I "God does not exist. Worship,
any type, develops out of a basic frailty in man which causes him to personify his problems and to wor

next. Philip tells his own story on the right and Michelle lets you know
about Winnie,

ship an omnipotent .God just makes

an ultimate personification of the ultimate problem." This had been my creed until about the beginning of August. It was then that by a peculiar set of circumstances that I found myself
in the Jesus Center at the insis


tJTJiE ^cnnp JQroppeb

Winnie Muller (56) has been in

Bible Study with us for over a year

now. She has seen her husband healed and has watched him make a decision

to follow Jesus and be baptized

into Him.

tence of a female acquaintance. Here I met Bev who valiantly tried

to answer my questions and bear the

But somehow she hadn't seen how

God could be a practical reality in

her everyday life. She worried about the future, about paying the bills,
about what to do in retirement.

brunt of my ignorance and bigotry.

The outcome was an invitation to

take part in an investigation group led by a deeply committed Curt. It

dealt with the life and death and
resurrection of Jesus and this

Then we talked about grace, how Jesus in fact does things for us
which we cannot do for ourselves. I

shared a little about how I experi ence God working through me on days when I am physically unwell, about how I know His strength in practical
ways, and the real excitement of

sparked off a need in me to "put these poor demented Christians straight." After running time and time again
into the immovable fact of the res

urrection of Jesus Christ and setting

knowing that it wasn't me doing it. Winnie's husband had been telling her, "The Lord will privde," but it didn't mean anything. But something 'clicked' inside Winnie, and she saw
that i t was God who had worked that

aside my own pride, ambition, and

vanity for the reality of truth, I

took the plunge (in both senses of the word) and was baptized. Many people have asked what fin
ally decided it; ultimately i t was

same day in their property tax bill. The bill was late and half what they expected; they had enough to meet it. The phrase, "The Lord will provide"
became real to her I Knowing she could trust God for

the acceptance of the fact that

Jesus had been born, lived, died,
and was raised from the dead. was the fact It that Jesus was the Word

her future, her finance, and her retirement, she willingly stepped
over the line into His way and be
came our newest s i s t e r . MICHELLE

and that He was sent by God to save mankind. In accepting this I must intellectually and emotionally either follow his teaching, let Him rule my life every second of the day or become a hypocrite. PHILIP BELL (18)

tIDfjE Jiloncp gou (gabE


September 1977 to August 1978



Janet Baines Jan & Pete Bowen Debbie (Davis) Harris (Special for car $2,000) Steve & Lee Tate

$3,573. $7,200. $4,200. $7,200,

Penny Creasey Michelle Edrington Roger Edrington Beverly Mullins

Curt & Linda Nordhielm (May to August only)

$5,200. $2,872. $6,446. $4,521.




Balance Sept. 1, 1977


Receipts Expenses

$2,183.98 $ 833.98 $1,353.26

Balance Aug. 31, 1978

Balance Sept. 1, 1977 Receipts $329.11 Expenses $349.57 Balance Aug. 31, 1978



EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND East Side Christian Church 1714 Madison

Non-profit Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID

Council Bluffs, la 51501

Permit #26

Council Bluffs, la 51501


144 Gravelly Lane Birmingham B23 6LT


Coventry CV5 6PT

I 49 Huntingdon Rd.

M/M Tim Barber


605 Arnold

Council Bluffs, la 51501


Horizons Missions Services Assoc.

Penn^ IfWukMt Crtait^ ^Jfinqlon

Research Department
Box 177

Kenqpton, IN

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tkaf/tnfin^ a poit-CkriiUan naUon wilk tkr tfaimi of Ckri)!


from a Juat ttam miniilrjf

' '

Vol. 6 No, A

December, 1978

Moving & Expand i n g


We have always felt that the work of the team here in Coventry, and indeed tKis type of team ministry generally, was to work our selves out of a job. By that I mean that the team's job to build up the particular church to a point where it can stand on its own, leaving the team to move on as the Lord leads. In trying to build up an indigenous church here in Coventry, i/e have sought God's leading as to the right tiine to move. We neither wanted to leave
too soon for the church to continue growing in the Lord nor leave after we should, using our time babying and stifling the readiness of the church to develop on its own. After over five years of team ministry, we at Coventry are now approadiing the time when we feel God is leading us to finish the team work. Tliis does not mean we are all leaving for indeed, Steve V7il] stay here as pastor and Debbie is going to continue with par ticular emphasis on youth and women. Janet, Jan, and I will be moving from Cov^.ntry so the team as such will cease to exist. Having shared with the church about future plans over a period of tine, we have recently seen new people come to Christ as well as a new awareness of responsibility among the existing members,

all pointing to confirm that this is God's timing. Wliere are Janet, Jan and I going? The Church of Christ at Hinckley, a town of about 50,000 people, has asked for the help of a team ministry. The church has been established there about fifty years but is at present in a difficult period. There are only twelve members, the majority of whom are retired or close to it. There is no leadership, neither official elders and deacons nor a strong natural type. The town itself, situated about 15 miles from Coventry, is growing, and there is certainly need in
the area for work to be done.

The three of us will be joined by Tony and Angie Calvert, who both attended Lincoln Christian College and now live in Indianapolis. We plan to begin the work in mid-January and seek your prayers that our lives and the work may be in God's hands and His Kingdom be
advanced to His honor and glory.

The Future
of a

Tale of Two Brothers

When Leon and Janice Smethurst

Mission Church
In mid-October, we shared in a very important congregational meeting. Tiie discussion was espec ially planned to help us prepare for
the move of three of the five team

became Christians two years ago, their son Carl, who was nine, wanted to be baptized as well. At that

time, we didn't think Carl was ready and asked him to study with Janet. He began weekly classes, doing all the homework she assigned. It was slow, but gradually we could see

ministers to Hinckley (see front page). Though the Bowens and Janet will be greatly missed, the Church
sees this move as a real challenge to carry on and expand the work the team is doing. Several of our newer members have brought in an enthusiasm which will help this transition.
The church also looks forward to

In these two years, Carl has grown both emotionally and spiritually.
He loves Jesus even more. Carl made

a deeper commitment to follow Jesus at the camp in Wales. After study ing with Steve for several weeks, he was baptized. Eleven is very young, but old enough to know that you want
Jesus as your Savior.

the day when it can be less dependent

upon outside support. Tlie church

will take over all financial respon sibilities for literature and sup plies which team funds have helped supply in the past. We do see, however, that because
of the transient nature of our com

Darion Smethurst (now 13) was away at boarding school when his parents accepted Jesus. "Home on vacations, he could see changes in his parents
and knew that his brothers were now

munity, our church may always be a

mission church in the sense that i t will need some kind of assistance from outside to maintain the needed level of witness and service.

attending Sunday School. He did not return to boarding school the follow ing year and of course, joined his family in church life. Like Carl, he slowly began to change and realize that he, too,
wanted Jesus as his Savior. He made his decision to follow Jesus and was

Because we feel a great opportunity to live out and proclaim the gospel in a "seedbed" like our community, the
church unanimously desires the contin

baptized with his brother Carl.


ued work of a "full-time ministry."

As there remains a shortage of equip-

Please pray for Steve and those he will be leading in a two-night

mini-school on the difficult subject of how to minister to ourselves, i.e.

piTig ministers in Britain, the church is looking to find a suitable Ameri

can family to help. When one is found, Steve and family hope to return
to the U.S.A. to continue education

God ministering through us. RICHARD AND DEBBIE (DAVIS) HARRIS

will be in the U.S. from December 24

and be nearer to grandparents.


until January 18.

"What will they think of

next? I t seems that there

Does God Starve You?

One night, another lady in the church and I called on a 34 year-

are special weeks for ev


Some people

might have reacted that way to the bookmarkers announcing Christian Book

old hairdresser, who told us she

had been a Christian for years, but never went to Interesting, we thought, she survived without any ship?

Week when they were slip

ped through their doors. We thought that an outdoor book stall would be a good way to per

eight church. how had fellow

discovered in the course of

sonally contact the people of the

area. It would also let the people

the next few weeks that Angela Smith

had been 'converted' in a church and had since attended odd crusades
but had never made a definite com

know of the variety of good Christ

ian books which are available.

There were eight of us who

met at 8 a.m. on that chilly

Saturday to set up the ta bles to display the books
outside our Church

mitment to a group of believers nor had she been baptized. She was love
starved and she was afraid.
which was one of water.


reeked of fears, not the least of

I talked to her until midnight on

building. Christian records were played and at lunchtime, a Christ ian musician sang and played. Several people from the Church helped
to s e l l books and a

ra 35

cold street corner about God meet

ing her fear with love and giving

her what she needed in all sorts of


tract rack was al

ways available for the penniless. It was a good oppor tunity to meet people and very interesting to
watch their reactions.


areas that she had never dared hope

for. Had i t not occurred to her

that she was preventing Him from working through His most natural
channel the church?


She agreed that the God she be lieved in was "great and - yes, of course. He could do great things."

Some hurried by, some stopped and looked at the books, and a few even asked to buy the
flowers used to enhance

"Well, you don't live like you ex pect Him to give you anything great!" said I, hoping I hadn't put my foot
in i t .

our display. And some of the passersby were

interested in the main

reason we were there, so we had opportunity to share what

God has done in our lives.

Apparently not. Two weeks later Angela was baptized into Jesus, her fear of water gone, her fear of re
jection lessening, and her heart

opening hungrily to all of us for the love and friendship and close sharing she has been starving for
all her life. She is finding the bread that gives life. . .

Share 'n Care (ERDINGTON)

Wednesday evening, Share 'n Care
times arose out of a common desire

to get to know God, His Word, and each other. We're quite a mixture when we're together; an 80 year old widow, young mothers, college stu dents, a teacher, a carpenter, re tired couples, a hairdresser, house
wives , and the team.

I would like to thank everyone for the generosity, prayers, concern, and friendship shown to me while I was at home in the U.S.A. My only regret was that I never had enough time to really share and talk with those of you whom I saw. I pray that next time we can all make up lost time and tell how the Lord is working in our


May God's grace be with you.


It's been great learning how the

Word of God approaches each of us differently but toward the same pur pose, that God might be glorified
and our lives benefitted.

There has been some real caring

NO EPISTLE NEXT MONTH. We publish eleven times yearly with a January break. We will join you again in February where you read us - over breakfast, in bed, even in the bath

and some real sharing of ourselves.


Especially, please take us


Pray for God*s continued guidance to

be seen as we seek to live on this

with you in your prayer room.

God richly bless your celebration of

the Incarnation of Jesus at Bethlehem.

growing edle of our life together.


We will miss you, but we know that Jesus is taking good care of you.

EPISTLE FROM ENGLAND East Side Christian Church 1714 Madison

Non-profit Bulk Rate U.S. POSTAGE PAID

Council Bluffs, la 51501

Permit #26

Council Bluffs, la 51501


144 Gravelly Lane Birmingham 823 6L.T


49 Huntingdon Rd. Coventry CV5 6PT


M/M Tim Barber 605 Arnold

Council Bluffs, la 51501








Crtait^ iCJrirtffon
Horizons Missions Services Assoc.

Research Department
Box 177

Kempton, IN


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