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Knepper 1

Amber Knepper Mr. Beers SLS 1501 28 Oct. 2013 Which can fulfil the a e !l" #uesti!n$ %harmacists !r A"ministrati&e mana ers' All thr!u h!ut a pers!n(s life the) are as*e" +hat the) +ant t! be +hen the) r!+ up. After )ears !f thin*in !&er career ch!ices, "isc!&erin interests, an" "el&in int! researchin $ the #uesti!n fl!urishes in a "ecisi!n, +hich is usuall) ma"e in c!lle e. -h!usan"s !f p!ssibilities are !n the h!ri.!n an" the best ch!ice has t! be ma"e base" !n *e) fact!rs. %harmacists an" A"ministrati&e Mana ers are b!th +ise career ch!ices base" !n /!b a&ailabilit), salar), an" benefits. -! be in +ith, %harmacists an" A"ministrati&e Mana ers b!th ha&e "ecent /!b a&ailabilit). 0n a stu") c!n"ucte" in 2010 b) the bureau !f Lab!r Statistics, stu"ies sh!+e" that %harmacists !ccupie" /ust un"er 215,000 /!bs. With a r!+in /!b mar*et an" stea") "eman" f!r the me"ical fiel", %harmacists +ill al+a)s be nee"e" an" +ante" f!r their *n!+le" e an" s*ill. On the !ther han", A"ministrati&e Mana ers !ccupie" /ust !&er 252,000 /!bs in the same stu"). A"ministrati&e Mana ers +ill als! al+a)s be in "eman" because buiseness( nee" str!n lea"ers t! ui"e an" mana e their c!mpan)s t! *eep a"minsi!ns runnin sm!!tl) an" efficentl). As sh!+n, b!th /!bs are in "eman" in the +!rl" t!"a), thus i&in them a "ecent /!b a&ailabilit) 3Occupati!nal Outl!!* 4an"b!!*5. -hese ma/!rs n!t !nl) ha&e /!b a&ailabilit), but the) als! ha&e hi h pa)in salaries. 0t is estimate" that %harmacists a&era e" ab!ut 6111,500 anuall) in 2010 3Occupati!nal Outl!!* 4an"b!!*5. A"ministrati&e Mana ers als! earnen ab!ut 611,700 anuall) in 2010 3Occupati!nal

Knepper 2

Outl!!* 4an"b!!*5. 0t is estimate" that raisin a chil" in a nuclear famil) c!sts bet+een 67,230 an" 610,300 per chil" in 2002 3Lin!5. -hese salaries are b!th m!re than sufficent in t!"a)(s ec!n!m) t! supp!rt a famil) !f f!ur. -he annual salar) !f a %harmacist an" A"ministrati&e Mana er is "efinitel) a *e) fact!r. Last but n!t least, %harmacists an" A"ministrati&e Mana ers b!th ha&e !!" benefits. Acc!r"in t! S!liant 4ealth %harmacists ha&e reat benefits inclu"in but n!t limite" t!$ t!p salar), +ee*l) pa)chec*s an" c!mprehensi&e me"ical c!&era e 3%harmac) 8!b Benefits5. iSee* states that A"ministrati&e Mana ers et benefits such as$ sic* lea&e, pai" &acati!n, an" health insurance 3A"ministrati&e Ser&ices Mana ers5. All !f these benefits are reat assets t! ha&e. -he b!!* A"ministrati&e Mana ement b) 9. 8. :erreira als! tal*s ab!ut the benefits !f this fiel" in sa)in h) ine is als! a benefit 3:erreira5. 0n the me"ical fiel" )!u can be e;p!se" t! &ari!us bateria an" &iruses, alth!u h pharmacists ha&e a relati&el) safe an" clean en&ir!nment, A"ministrati&e Mana ers +ill rarel) be in c!ntact +ith such erms unless the) are e;p!se" t! them b) a c!< +!r*er,this i&es A"ministrati&e Mana ers h) ine as a benefit in the +!r* place. 0t is clear t! see, that these careers b!th ha&e essential benefits. 0n c!nclusi!n, bein a %harmacist is b) far a supi!r career ch!ice as !pp!se" t! an A"ministrati&e Mana er. %harmacists ha&e a hi her /!b "eman" in t!"a)(s ec!n!m), earn a much hi her salar), an" e&en th!u h the) can be e;p!se" t! ha.ar"!us erms, the benefits are far better than A"ministrati&e Mana ers. -here is n! "!ubt that bein a %harmacist is a better ch!ice than bein a A"ministrati&e Mana er. =!+ +hen as*e" the a e !l" #uesti!n, %harmcist +ill be a s!il" an" "efinate ans+er.

Knepper 3

Ann!tate" Bibli! raph) :erreira, 9. 8., A. W. 9ramus, >arelle, ?r!ene+al". Administrative Management. @ape -!+n, S!utn AfricaA 8uta an" @!mpan) Lt", 2007. B!!*. -his b!!* "iscusses the "ifferent r!les an" resp!nsibilities that A"ministrati&e Mana ers face, inclu"in !!" h) ine bein a benefit. 0 +!ul" sa) that this b!!* is a !!" s!urce

+hen l!!*in f!r enerali.e" inf!rmati!n ab!ut A"ministrati&e Mana ers. B) citin this b!!*, 0 +as able t! sh!+ benefits n!t c!mm!nl) th!u ht !f ab!ut a p!tential career ch!ice !f mine. 0 +!ul" use this s!urce a ain. Lin!, Mar*. B9;pen"itures On @hil"ren B) :amilies, 2002.B Family Economics & Nutrition Review 15.2 320035A 35<22. Academic Search Complete. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. -his article "ispla)s the a&era e c!st t! raise a chil" in a nuclear famil) in 2002 base" !n research. 0 +!ul" sa) that this +as a !!" s!urce t! use, alth!u h it +as &er) "ifficult t! l!cate. 0 use" this s!urce t! pr!&e that b!th career !pti!ns c!ul" sustain a famil) !f f!ur base" !n their annual salaries. 0 +!ul" pr!babl) n!t use this s!urce a ain. Cn*n!+n auth!r.BOccupati!nal Outl!!* 4an"b!!*, A"ministrati&e Ser&ices Mana er.B 27 March 2012. Bureau o !a"or Statistics. Web. 12 Oct!ber 2013. -his +eb pa e "iscusses the annualD h!url) +a es an" the /!b a&ailabilit) !f an A"ministrati&e Mana er. 0t als! states re#uirements such inclu"in e"ucati!n. 0 thin* that this +as a &er) crucial s!urce, in that it c!ntaine" a lar e am!unt !f inf!rmati!n in an eas) t! rea" f!rmat. 0 use" this s!urce t! sh!+ the a&era e salar) !f an A"ministrati&e Mana er. 0 +!ul" use this s!urce a ain. Cn*n!+n auth!r. BOccupati!nal Outl!!* 4an"b!!*, %harmacists.B 27 March 2012. Bureau o !a"or Statistics. Web. 12 Oct!ber 2013.

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-his +eb pa e "iscusses the annualDh!url) +a es an" the /!b a&ailabilit) !f a %harmacists in 2010. -his s!urce als! states +hat s!me re#uirements are such as e"ucati!n. 0 thin* this s!urce +as crucial because it ha" a lar e am!unt !f inf!rmati!n in an eas) t! rea" f!rmat. 0 use" this s!urce t! sh!+ the annual salar) !f a %harmacist. 0 +!ul" use this s!urce a ain. Cn*n!+n auth!r. B%harmac) 8!b Benefits.B n.". Soliant #ealth. Web. 12 Oct!ber 2013. -his +eb pa e sh!+e" s!me !f the benefits !f bein a %harmacists. 0 thin* this +as an !* s!urce t! use, but it lac*e" e;planati!ns an" "etails. 0 use" this s!urce t! sh!+ benefits pr!&i"e" fr!m bein a %harmacist. 0 +!ul" n!t use this s!urce a ain. Cn*n!+n auth!r. BA"ministrati&e Ser&ices Mana ers.B n.". iSee$ Careers. Web. 12 Oct!ber 2013. -his +eb pa e "ispla)s an !&er&ie+ !f A"ministrati&e Mana ers, inclu"in benefits. -his +as an !* s!urce t! use, but it is an e&er chan in +ebsite. 0 sue" this s!urce t! sh!+ s!me !f the benefits !f bein an A"ministrati&e Mana er. 0 +!ul" n!t use this s!urce a ain.

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