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Armor and Shields

A Basic Fantasy RPG Supplement

#asi! $antasy %ebsite& basi!fantasy"org

Release 3 Copyright 2010 Jeff Johnson All Rights Reserved Distributed under the terms of the Open Game i!ense version 1"0a

'his supplement provides additional armor and shields for play under the #asi! $antasy Role()laying Game rules" not already have a !opy of the #asi! $antasy R)G rules+ please visit the ,ebsite and do,nload a !opy" *f you do

'he tables belo, provide an e-panded range of armor and shields for use in the game" Availability of these additional items is at the dis!retion of the Game .aster+ of !ourse" /nless other,ise spe!ified+ a suit of armor ta0es 10 rounds minus the !hara!ter1s De-terity bonus to put on or ta0e off" Armor is often made of differing materials+ espe!ially shields" 2ome )late Armor is made of bron3e or possibly some other alloy+ though it is most !ommonly made of steel" Differing materials and their effe!t on ,eight+ !ost and AC is beyond the s!ope of this do!ument" Game .asters are en!ouraged to ma0e these ad4ustments as they see fit ,hile adhering to the simple and basi! nature of the #asi! $antasy R)G" *t is safe to assume that Armor ,hi!h ,eighs 25 or less pounds is !onsidered 6 ight7 and armor that ,eighs 50 or more pounds is !onsidered 68eavy7" Any armor that falls ,ithin those bounds may be !onsidered 6.edium7"

Armor Descriptions
)added Armor is !reated from layers of !loth pla!ed on top of ea!h other" *t is often !eremonial+ being not mu!h use+ but does offer minimal amounts of prote!tion" 'he layers of !loth are great for ,inter months be!ause they provide solid insulation+ but often get very s,eaty and dirty unless properly laundered ,ith freBuen!y" 8ide Armor is mu!h li0e leather in its ,or0ing and prote!tion" Often hide armor !an be found in remote areas or barbari! landsC it is the most !ommon type used by or!s and many other humanoids" 'he pro!ess of !reating hide armor involves !uring the beast1s hide and se,ing it to !lothing" *t is often hot and it!hy+ but offers prote!tion similar to regular leather armor" eather Armor !onsists of pie!es of hardened and@or layered leather" 'here are a variety of methods for !reating this armor+ most of ,hi!h involve boiling+ shaping+ then stiffening the armor" 'he leather pie!es are se,n to a !loth undergarment for ma-imum fle-ibility" 2tudded eather Armor is similar to regular leather armor+ but instead of hardening the leather+ metal studs and@or small plates are riveted to it" 'he studs !oupled ,ith the leather material provide added prote!tion from atta!0s at the slight !ost of mobility" Ring .ail Armor !onsists of rings of steel dire!tly se,n to an undergarment" 'he rings themselves offer great fle-ibility and de!ent prote!tion" 'he underlying garment is usually a soft and supple leather ,hi!h !an ,ithstand mild punishment" Chain .ail Armor !onsists of rings of metal that are inter,oven+ rather than being stit!hed to a leather garment" Chain mail is ,orn over a padded undergarment Dsee )added Armor+ aboveEC if ,orn ,ithout the padded undergarment+ !hain mail armor provides an Armor Class of 1: at a ,eight of :0 pounds" Chain mail is very fle-ible and durable" *t is one of the most popular and affordable armors available to player !hara!ters" Chain mail may be made either in the form of a suit Di"e" tuni! and trousersE or in the form of a hauber0+ ,hi!h !onsists of a tuni! ,ith a s0irt or 0ilt to prote!t the legs"

Armor 'ype 9o Armor )added 8ide eather 2tudded eather Ring .ail Chain .ail 2!ale .ail 2plint .ail )late .ail $ield )late .ail $ull )late .ail Cost 0 gp 15 gp 10 gp 20 gp :0 gp 25 gp <0 gp =0 gp 100 gp :00 gp 500 gp 1500 gp %eight 0 10 :0 15 25 :0 ;0 55 ;5 50 >0 =0 AC 11 12 1: 1: 1; 1; 15 1< 1< 1> 1= 1?

2hield 'ype #u!0ler .edium 2hield 'o,er 2hield Cost %eight 5 gp 2 > gp > 15 gp 12 AC #onus .elee@.issile A1@0 A1@A1 A1@A:


2!ale .ail Armor is made of metal s!ales dire!tly ,oven to an undergarment that offers fle-ibility and moderate prote!tion" 2plint .ail Armor is a form of !hain mail ,here small strips of thi!0 metal are inter,oven amongst the rings of the mail" 'hese small embedded plates offer e-!ellent !overage and thi!0er prote!tion than regular Chain .ail at the pri!e of additional ,eight and less fle-ibility" )late .ail Armor is another !ommon form of metal armor" arge plates of hard metal are fashioned to !over the torso+ arms and legs and atta!hed at the 4oints to an underlying suit of !hain mailC a padded undergarment Dsee )added Armor+ aboveE is ,orn underneath" *f plate mail is ,orn ,ithout the undergarment+ the armor !lass provided is 15 at a ,eight of ;0 pounds" 'he individual pie!es of the plate mail have spe!ifi! names+ as follo,s& #reastplate F !overs the !hest and ba!0 of the ,earer" 'his is also sometimes !alled a !uirass" 'he breastplate is the largest part of the armor and ,eighs about 1< lbs" $aulds F ,orn belo, the breastplate to !over the ,aist and hips" 'he faulds ,eight around 10 lbs" 'assets F ,orn on the thighs" 'assets !ompromise appro-imately = lbs" of the overall ,eight of the armor" Greaves F ,orn on the shins" A pair of greaves usually ,eighs about ; lbs" )auldrons F ,orn on the shoulders" )auldrons+ on average+ ,eigh about < lbs" Gambra!es F ,orn on the forearms" Gambra!es generally ,eigh about ; lbs" Gauntlets F ,orn on the hands" Gauntlets only ,eigh around 2 lbs" $ield )late Armor !onsists of solid pie!es of plate armor+ fastened together ,ith a variety of !ompli!ated sliding parts+ hinges+ and straps" 2mall pie!es of !hain mail are used to !over hard(to(prote!t 4oints+ su!h as behind the 0nees and under the arms" $ield plate armor provides greater prote!tion than regular plate mail ,ith a relatively small in!rease in ,eight+ but must be !ustom fitted to the ,earerC this generally means that a !hara!ter pur!hasing this sort of armor must ,ait at least a full ,ee0 bet,een pla!ing the order and re!eiving the finished suit" $ield plate armor is ,orn over a padded undergarment Dsee )added Armor+ aboveE+ and if ,orn ,ithout the undergarment+ the Armor Class provided is 1> at a ,eight of <0 pounds" $ull )late Armor is generally identi!al to field plate armor+ but is of superior design and manufa!tureC only an e-pert armorer !an fashion it" 'he plates !over the ,earer more fully+ and !hain mail is generally not used at all" Also+ the plates themselves are designed to defle!t ,eapon stri0es a,ay from any other,ise(vulnerable 4oint in the armor" 'hose ,ho ,ear $ull plate suffer a (1 penalty to atta!0 rolls


due to limited mobility ,hile ,earing the armor" $ull plate !annot be put on alone and ta0es at least 1 turn to get into ,ith assistan!e"

Shield Descriptions
A bu!0ler is a small shield ,orn on the forearm to blo!0 in!oming atta!0s" *t is usually about a foot in diameter" 'he ,earer of a bu!0ler re!eives A1 to his or her Armor Class ,hen in melee !ombat+ but gains no prote!tion against missile fire" #u!0lers may be used by those ,ielding t,o ,eapons+ as des!ribed in the Combat Options supplementC if this is done+ the !hara!ter may either atta!0 ,ith the off(hand ,eapon or gain the benefit of the shield" A medium shield is usually about : feet in diameter and is often round+ though shields may !ome in a variety of shapes" A medium shield is ,orn by looping one1s arm through a strap and then grabbing a handle of some sort on the ba!0side of the shield" A medium shield ,ill give the ,earer A1 AC in both melee and missile situationsC in other ,ords+ this is the 6standard7 shield as des!ribed in the Core Rules" A to,er shield is a very large shield that is almost the height of the ,earerC su!h a shield is generally re!tangular+ but oval+ ellipti!al+ and !urved shapes are not un!ommon" #e!ause of the bul0y and !umbersome nature of su!h a large shield+ it only offers prote!tion similar to a medium shield ,hile in melee DA1E yet gives superior prote!tion against missile fire DA:E due to its si3e"

Optional R#les
Piecemail Armor
*n some instan!es+ a Game .aster may ,ish to allo, !hara!ters to pie!e together the various parts of )late Armor to !reate a !ustomi3ed appearan!e or for some other purpose" 'his is 0no,n as )ie!email Armor" $or every t,o pie!es of )late .ail Armor+ other than the breastplate+ a !hara!ter may add A1 to his AC+ up to a total bonus of A:" 'he !hara!ter !annot gain more than A: AC" 9ote& a 6pie!e7 of plate mail en!ompasses both the right and left hand side of the respe!tive part" A single vambra!e is not !onsidered a 6pie!e7 until a se!ond vambra!e a!!ompanies it" A breastplate may only be ,orn over padded armor and offers a A2 bonus to AC" $or e-ample& 'horus the d,arven fighter !urrently ,ears !hain mail" 8e finds a suit of D,arven )late .ail ,hile e-ploring an abandoned mine+ but one of the gauntlets and the breastplate is missing" 8e straps on the greaves+ tassets+ pauldrons+ vambra!es and faulds" $ive full pie!es have been strapped on+ thus raising the D,arf1s overall armor !lass to 1>" 'his also in!reases the overall ,eight of his armor by :2 lbs" to a total of >2 lbs" ,hi!h is heavier than )late due to overlapping the )late .ail pie!es ,ith the !hain mail pie!es"



Open %ame License

INTRODUCTION Armor and Shields: A Basic Fantasy Supplement (hereinafter the Supplement) is based on the System Reference Document v3.5 ("SRD") !hich is "pen #ame $ontent. %he te&t of the "pen #ame 'icense itself is not "pen #ame $ontent. (nstructions on usin) the 'icense are provided !ithin the 'icense itself. Desi)nation of "pen #ame $ontent* %he entire te&t of the Supplement (e&cept the "pen #ame 'icense as noted above) is "pen #ame $ontent released under the "pen #ame 'icense +ersion ,.-a (reproduced belo!) as described in Section ,(d) of the 'icense. .rt!or/ incorporated in this document is not "pen #ame $ontent and remains the property of the copyri)ht holder. 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Rateliff %homas Reid Hames 9yatt based on ori)inal material by 8. #ary #y)a& and Dave .rneson. 2asic 3antasy Role40layin) #ame $opyri)ht 6 7--B $hris #onnerman. .rmor and Shields* . 2asic 3antasy Supplement $opyri)ht 6 7-,- Heff Hohnson. ND OF #IC NS

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