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Safe Holiday Party Suggestions

What Every Host Should Know Dont rely on coffee to sober up your guest. Only time can make someone sober Beer and Wine are just as intoxicating as hard liquor. A ! " ounce can of beer# a fi$e%ounce glass of &ine and an ounce and half shot of liquor all contain the same amount of alcohol Dont rely on someones physical appearance to determine if he or she has had too much to drink 'ixers &ont help dilute alcohol. (arbonated mixers like club soda or tonic &ater can cause alcohol to be absorbed into a persons system more quickly.

Office Parties
Arrange for discounted or complimentary rooms &hen a party is held at a hotel so employees &ont ha$e to dri$e home. )ire a shuttle or limousine ser$ice to pro$ide transportation. *romote the designated dri$er concept in party in$itations or acti$ities Dont push drinks+ ,f you pro$ide an open bar# make sure the bartender has had ser$er training to pre$ent o$er% ser$ing your guests )old a contest for employees to create and sample non%alcoholic drink recipes

Party Planning Tips

-here is a reason its called thro&ing a party " a host has to be ready to catch some cur$e balls and juggle the unexpected. .esponsible hosts kno& that part of sho&ing guests a great time is making sure they get home safely. *lan acti$ities like party games# door pri/es etc. *lanned acti$ities engage people# make for less acti$e consumption of alcohol and ensure that your friends remember the great e$ent long after the party is o$er *ro$ide plenty of food to keep your guests from drinking on an empty stomach 0ncourage and pro$ide be$erages for the designated dri$er Be prepared by ha$ing the number of a local taxi ser$ice on hand for those &ho need a ride home. )a$e fun " but not to much fun. -o be a good host you should stay &ithin your limits in order to make sure you guests stay &ithin theirs

Drunk Driving Arrests

.ochester *olice a$erage !1 drunk dri$ing arrests per year -hese people all spent the night in jail# appeared in court to risk further jail time# substantial fines# hours of community ser$ice# license suspension and more. -he total costs of a single first time drink dri$ing offense can be in excess of 23#144. -his factors in costs such as court and attorney fees# increased insurance rates# and other costs associated &ith an arrest. 0njoy the holidays % Be 5afe % Be 5mart " Be the Designated Dri$er -he men and &omen of the .ochester *olice Department thank you. 5te$en 6. 5chettenhelm

(hief of *olice

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