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ACHIEVEMENT: Incorporate new linguistic elements by means of communicative situations to take part in different contexts in foreign language. EVIDENCE: 1. Give information about situations that have happened taking to account the object. 2. Write examples where the object is used to explain facts. 3. Recognize the use of the foreign language and applied in his/her language as well. AXES Communication Culture Connections GUIDE: 1. Passive Voice 2. When an object can be important in the English contexts? What is performing the action? 3. Write examples in real contexts Read texts. Read and listen texts and short stories Write What were destroyed? Linguistic Pragmatic Sociolinguistic RESOURCES: White board Markers Interned connection Websites Digital Board Norma Laptop Video beam Power point presentation Video camera Passive voice (review) 6 hours COMPETENCE FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS TIME

4. The teacher will explain through examples the active voice tense. The teacher will do examples taking to account the real contexts. Then, the students will write examples of the tense. Then, the teacher will explain the passive voice taking to account the previous tense worked. He/she will give some examples and

ask to students about doubt about the tense. Finally, will work with the example given by the students and then with examples which find it on the internet. http://www.really-learn-english.com/active-and-passive-voiceexamples.html 5. The conceptual scope is based on the importance of this tense en English language. It is taken some examples of real contexts in order to contextualize the general idea of the way in which this work. Then follow by examples of English language. The teacher will take some of the examples write for the students and rewrite using the new topic to learn. Explain the correct use of this tense in different situations, first of all given by the teacher and then given by the students. Students will read a tale and will identify the vocabulary which they recognize. Then the teacher will abstract some sentences which will be see the used of passive voice in order to explain the concept Then the teacher will give them some web pages in order that they will choose a tests or tale in which find the tense work it. They will write some examples and complete some ones taken from web sites. Finally the teacher will give them a test to complete it. 6. What were destroyed? The students will invent a story in groups and will be performance in class. First of all, the students write the draft of the story guide by the teacher, Then, they will write short dialogues in order to performance. Finally, they will create a stage in which can present their stories. Speaking Fill the blanks (when students read a particular context or listen) Create examples taking to account their own experiences. 7. The students will give comments about the performance did by their partners and will explain situations in which can used

the tense in order to explain a specific situations. The student will practice different uses of the tense saw, tanks a website games, listening and watching videos, regard to it. 8. Teacher will share with the students web pages in which they can practice the tense and they will bring to her/him examples of it. 9. The students will present some quizzes and worksheets done in the classroom to wrap up the knowledge. The students make a presentation about her/his practice with the tense worked. Web sites http://www.really-learn-english.com/active-and-passive-voiceexamples.html http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/passive http://www.curso-ingles.com/gramatica-inglesa/pasiva.php http://fabiteacher.blogspot.com/2009/05/passive-voice-storyof-statue-of_30.html

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