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The Up-Vedas are the texts on the auxillary themes of the Vedas. The Upveda of RigVeda, YajurVeda, SamaVeda and Atharv Veda are !onomi!s, "ilitary S!ien!e, "usi! and #an!e and "edi!al S!ein!es respe!tively. There are $ Upveda that !an %e tra!ed in some meaningful form, they are as follo&s'(. Ayurveda (Sciences relating to LIFE and MEDICINE)'- Ayurveda is related to the se!ret of life and the s!ien!e of long life. The originator of Ayurveda is supposed to %e *ord #han&antari. Apart from him, other prominent names are Aitareya, +ashyapa, ,arit, Agnivesha, and -hedamuni. At present, three important %oo.s of Ayurveda are' /hara. Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Vaag%hatta Samhita. These three %oo.s are !olle!tively !alled -rihat-trayi. 0atanjali has also authored text on Ayurveda. 1. Dhanurveda' This Upveda explains Spiritual s!ien!es li.e 0URUS,ART,A, #UT2 S, # #S, et! and also "aterial s!ien!es li.e /2V2* and "2*2TARY defense, &ar and politi!s. The Ramayana and "aha%harata a good deal of light is thro&n upon this s!ien!e and art, parti!ularly in the des!riptions of %attles. The most an!ient %oo.s of #hanurveda are not availa%le, %ut some of the .no&n %oo.s are #hanurvidhi, #rauna Vidya, +odanda "andana and #hanurveda Samhita. 3. Gandharva Veda' 4andharvaveda is the s!ien!e of musi!, derived from the Sama-Veda, and &e have already dealt &ith this su%je!t %riefly, &hile dealing &ith the Vedaanga of /hhandas. Apart from #evotional "usi! it also deals &ith some su%je!ts of Spiritual S!ien!es. 5. Shilpa Veda (Sthapatya Ved ! 2t deals &ith ar!hite!ture and various arts. A!!ording to Shu.ra-niti there are a num%er of arts %ut 65 are !onsidered to %e more prominent. $. Artha Veda' Artha-Veda is the Upaveda of the Atharva-Veda, &hi!h deals &ith so!ial, e!onomi!, and politi!al systems. 2n the early medieveal times Artha Shashtra &as also authored %y /hana.ya

Sr 7o Title ( 1 #hanur Veda Silpa 0ra.asa %y Rama!andra "ahapatra +aula -hattara.a Silparantna.osa of Sthapa.a 7iranjana "ahapatra 3 5 $ 6 T, +AUT2*2YA ART,ASASTRA /,ARA+ SA",2TA 91 V:*S) /,ARA+ SA",2TA 95 V:*S) S,US,RUT SA",2TA 91 vols)

Author #r.#evvrat A!harya #AS, RA8 7#RA 0RASA# #AS, RA8 7#RA 0RASA# R.0. +angle -rahmanand Tripathi 0.V.Sharma #r.Am%i.adutt Shastri

0u%lisher, 0la!e 4ovindram ,asanand "otilal -anarasidas "otilal -anarasidas "otilal -anarasidas 4ovindram ,asanand 4ovindram ,asanand 4ovindram

*anguage ,indi nglish nglish nglish ,indi nglish ,indi

,asanand ; < S,US,RUT SA",2TA 95 vols) +AUT2*YA ART,A S,AS,TRA +.R.Sri.anth Udaiveer Shashtri 4ovindram ,asanand 4ovindram ,asanand nglish ,indi

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