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What is the best age to marry? Give reasons and examples to support your response?

In our daily life, we get some experiences about social events and marriage is one of them .There are some factors which influence on this event and one of them is the suitable age. It is better either for men and women to choose the appropriate age to get married. Woman usually wants to marry a young and strong man; therefore a man wants to marry a young and beautiful woman. In these cases, they should be a certain period of age for both of them to have attraction to each other. It is better to know that early marriage is usually harmful to the women's health and looks.Therefor parents should forbid their children from early marriage. For example, last year our neighbor births a baby while she was 18 years old and after that she became more week. Nowadays most people want to get the highest peak at their career which is the reason for avoiding early marriage. They state that marriage may stop them both on career and education. However, it doesn't seem true because for instance my mother completed her education after marriage and now she has a job. In my idea it is better for girls to get married about 23 or 24 years old and for boys to get married around 27 or 28 years old. At these ages both are sexually strong and may enjoy marriage life. I came to the conclusion that both men and women should try to get married while they are on their youth to feel happier and enjoy more from their life. Could someone grade this essay please? (: TOEFL listening lectures: What happened at the Potsdam Conference?


I'm new here and I like it ;-)

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 Posts: 34 Location: Turkey

What is the best age to marry? Give reasons and examples to support your response? In our daily life, we get some experiences about social events and marriage is one of them .There are some factors which influence on this event and one of them is the suitable age. It is better either for men and women to choose the appropriate age to get married. Woman usually wants to marry a young and strong man; therefore a man wants to marry a young and beautiful woman. In these cases, they should be a certain period of age for both of them to have attraction to each other. It is better to know that early marriage is usually harmful to the women's health and looks.Therefor parents should forbid their children from early marriage. For example, last year our neighbor births a baby while she was 18 years old and after that she became more week. Nowadays most people want to get the highest peak at their career which is the reason for avoiding early marriage. They state that marriage may stop them both on career and education. However, it doesn't seem true because for instance my mother completed her education after marriage and now she has a job. In my idea it is better for girls to get married about 23 or 24 years old and for boys to get married around 27 or 28 years old. At these ages both are sexually strong and may enjoy marriage life. I came to the conclusion that both men and women should try to get married while they are on their youth to feel happier and enjoy more from their life. Could someone grade this essay please? (: TOEFL listening lectures: What happened at the Potsdam Conference?


I'm new here and I like it ;-)

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 Posts: 34 Location: Turkey

What is the Best Age to Marry?

Glenn T. Stanton What is the best age to get married? Both parents and young adults ask this question quite often, each wanting to make sure that new marriages are established upon the strongest foundation of life experience, maturity, as well as educational and financial security. There is not a great wealth of research on this question, but there is some good data that can be helpful to young men and women and their parents. And good scholars disagree on the topic to small degrees, but there is a general window where most agree. Two of the best sources are 1 (UT, Austin) and2 Professor Glenn in his recent published study, drawing from five different American data sets, explains, "The greatestlikelihood of being in an intact marriage of the highest quality is among those who married at age 22-25." 3 He explains that marriages formed at ages later than this fared very well in survival, but "rather poorly" in quality. However and importantly, Glenn explains that it would be "premature to conclude that the optimal time for first marriage for most persons is ages 22-25" because other critical factors impact risk of divorce and marital happiness as well. Age at marriage doesn't stand alone as a benefit or harm. The most significant additional factors are:

premarital cohabitation socio-economics having parents who are divorced educational attainment general maturity and personal commitment to the idea of marital longevity having healthy marriage attitudes and behaviors modeled by both sets of parents involvement in a healthy church/faith setting that takes marriage seriously completed meaningful premarital counseling

Given this qualification, Professor Glenn concludes his article by stating, "The findings of this study do indicate that for most persons, little or nothing in the way of marital success is likely to be gained by deliberately delaying marriage beyond the mid-twenties." 4

Paul Amato explains that marrying at a "young age is one of the best predictors of divorce." 5 Of course, we must ask what he means by "young." Amato is referring to those marrying in their teens. He explains, "Once people enter their early to mid-twenties, the risk of divorce is attenuated [reduced]. Indeed, people who postpone marriage until their thirties face a dwindling supply of potential partners a situation that may increase the likelihood of forming unions with partners who are not good marriage material. In other words, marrying "too late" may increase the risk of having a troubled relationship." 6 W. Bradford Wilcox (U of Virginia) concurs with these two findings from his own analysis of the National Survey of Family growth data, explaining, "Couples who marry in their midtwenties tend to do best, when you combine a consideration of quality and stability." 7 Wilcox adds though, "But I think couples can marry somewhat earlier than this IF they are embedded in a supportive church community that gives them direction, support and healthy role models." Dr. Mark Regnerus (UT, Austin), who wrote the popular cover story for Christianity Today (August 2009), "The Case for Early Marriage," jokingly encourages that marrying after "you're 80 is probably the best way to guarantee that you'll stay married the rest of your life!" 8 Regnerus says he would push the number a bit lower than other sociologists "to 22'ish, because the data suggests it's not a major risk of divorce over the next 10 years." However, he admits that not divorcing is not the same as having both quality and stability. And "earlier" marriage in the 22-age window increases the likelihood of couples marrying as virgins, which is an important factor in marital stability and happiness. 9 Conclusion: The 22 to 25 age-at-first-marriage range seems to be that which enhances both the quality and stability of marriage. Waiting longer than 25 years-of-age does not appear to boost either of these marital measures, nor does it doom them, but could serve to work against them for various reasons. Note: Median age of first marriage today - 26 for women and 28 for men is the highest it's ever been since the Census has collected such numbers.10

Apa Age Terbaik untuk Menikah ? Glenn T. Stanton Apa adalah usia terbaik untuk menikah ? Kedua orang tua dan dewasa muda mengajukan pertanyaan ini cukup sering , masing-masing ingin memastikan bahwa pernikahan baru dibentuk atas dasar terkuat dari pengalaman hidup , jatuh tempo , serta keamanan pendidikan dan keuangan . Tidak ada kekayaan besar penelitian tentang pertanyaan ini , tetapi ada beberapa data yang baik yang dapat membantu untuk laki-laki muda dan perempuan dan orang tua mereka . Dan ulama yang baik tidak setuju pada topik ke derajat kecil , tapi ada jendela umum di mana sebagian besar setuju . Dua sumber terbaik adalah 1 ( UT Austin ) and2 Professor Glenn dalam studi yang dipublikasikan baru-baru ini , gambar dari lima set data yang berbeda Amerika , menjelaskan , " Yang terbesar ... kemungkinan berada di sebuah pernikahan utuh dari kualitas tertinggi adalah di antara mereka yang menikah pada usia 22-25 . " 3 Dia menjelaskan bahwa pernikahan terbentuk pada usia lebih dari ini bernasib sangat baik dalam bertahan hidup, tetapi " agak buruk " dalam kualitas . Namun dan penting , Glenn menjelaskan bahwa itu akan menjadi " terlalu dini untuk menyimpulkan bahwa waktu yang optimal untuk pernikahan pertama bagi sebagian besar orang adalah usia 22-25 " karena risiko dampak faktor penting lainnya perceraian dan kebahagiaan perkawinan juga. Usia saat menikah tidak berdiri sendiri sebagai manfaat atau bahaya . Faktor tambahan yang paling signifikan adalah : kohabitasi pranikah sosio - ekonomi memiliki orang tua yang bercerai pencapaian pendidikan kematangan umum dan komitmen pribadi untuk ide perkawinan umur panjang memiliki sikap dan perilaku perkawinan yang sehat dimodelkan oleh kedua pasang orangtua keterlibatan dalam pengaturan gereja / iman yang sehat yang mengambil perkawinan serius konseling pra-nikah yang berarti selesai Mengingat kualifikasi ini , Professor Glenn menyimpulkan artikelnya dengan menyatakan , " Temuan studi ini tidak menunjukkan bahwa bagi kebanyakan orang , sedikit atau tidak ada di jalan keberhasilan perkawinan kemungkinan yang bisa diperoleh dengan sengaja menunda pernikahan di luar pertengahan dua puluhan . " 4

Paul Amato menjelaskan bahwa menikah pada " usia muda merupakan salah satu prediktor terbaik dari perceraian . " 5 Tentu saja, kita harus bertanya apa yang dimaksud dengan " muda . " Amato adalah mengacu pada mereka yang menikah di usia remaja . Dia menjelaskan , " Begitu orang masuk mereka awal hingga pertengahan dua puluhan , risiko perceraian dilemahkan [ dikurangi ] Memang , orang-orang yang menunda pernikahan sampai usia tiga puluhan menghadapi pasokan berkurang dari mitra potensial - . Situasi yang dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan membentuk serikat dengan mitra yang tidak material pernikahan yang baik . dengan kata lain , menikah " terlambat " dapat meningkatkan risiko memiliki hubungan yang bermasalah . " 6 W. Bradford Wilcox ( U of Virginia ) sepakat dengan dua temuan ini dari analisis sendiri dari Survei Nasional data pertumbuhan keluarga , menjelaskan , " Pasangan yang menikah di pertengahan dua puluhan cenderung untuk melakukan yang terbaik , ketika Anda menggabungkan pertimbangan kualitas dan stabilitas . " 7 Wilcox menambahkan meskipun, " Tapi saya pikir pasangan bisa menikah agak lebih awal dari ini JIKA mereka tertanam dalam sebuah komunitas gereja yang mendukung yang memberi mereka arah, dukungan dan model peran yang sehat . " Dr Mark Regnerus ( UT Austin ) , yang menulis cerita sampul populer untuk Christianity Today ( Agustus 2009) , " The Case for Pernikahan Dini , " bercanda mendorong bahwa menikah setelah " Anda 80 mungkin adalah cara terbaik untuk menjamin bahwa Anda akan tetap menikah sisa hidup Anda! " 8 Regnerus mengatakan ia akan mendorong jumlah sedikit lebih rendah dari sosiolog lain "untuk 22'ish , karena data menunjukkan itu bukan risiko utama perceraian selama 10 tahun ke depan . " Namun, ia mengakui bahwa tidak bercerai tidak sama dengan memiliki kualitas dan stabilitas . Dan " awal " pernikahan di jendela 22 - usia meningkatkan kemungkinan pasangan menikah sebagai perawan , yang merupakan faktor penting dalam stabilitas dan kebahagiaan perkawinan . 9 Kesimpulan: 22 hingga 25 usia -at- first- pernikahan rentang tampaknya bahwa yang meningkatkan kualitas dan stabilitas perkawinan . Menunggu lebih dari 25 tahun - dari - usia tidak muncul untuk meningkatkan salah satu dari langkah-langkah perkawinan , juga tidak azab mereka, tetapi bisa berfungsi untuk bekerja melawan mereka karena berbagai alasan . Catatan : Usia rata-rata dari pernikahan pertama hari ini - 26 untuk perempuan dan 28 untuk lakilaki - adalah yang tertinggi itu pernah sejak Sensus telah mengumpulkan numbers.10 tersebut

Toefl Essay
What is the best age to marry? Give reasons and examples to support yours response. I would like to say in context of the best age of marriage that, there should be a definite age to get married. This is because every man wants to get married with a young and beautiful woman and every woman wants to get married with a young and a strong man. As the age increase, attraction of each and every person towards others gets degraded. Hence, for a happy life it is necessary for a person either a man or a woman to get married in the write age, neither early nor late. An early marriage can be harmful for the girls health and for their feature also. Therefore, in each and every country there should be ban for an early marriage. It should be a rule that parents cannot marry their girls until a certain age. Nowadays every body wants to touch the highest peak in their career, they all are career oriented. Thats why everybody does not want to get married early. Most of the people think after marriage you cannot do any thing. But it is not true; if you are an enthusiastic person you can do each and every thing after marriage. I have seen a good example of this in my family. My mother completed her education after marriage and now she is doing a job. So marriage and career, both are different paths of life and both are important in life. In my view the write age to get marriage for a girl should be 23 or 24 and for a boy it should be 26 or 27. At this age the fertility period for a woman at the highest point and at that age a woman can adopt their partner. At that age both are sexually strong, have attraction for the other and would enjoy marriage life. At this age a woman has more chance to conceive and give birth to a healthy child, without any problem. Therefore, for a good generation it is necessary for both men and women to get marriage at the write age. If any body does not marry at the write age for some reasons than he or she should not get depressed. Thats why it is said that Man proposes God disposes. TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between a student and a university service representative

Essay toefl Apa adalah usia terbaik untuk menikah ? Beri alasan dan contoh untuk mendukung respon Anda . Saya ingin mengatakan dalam konteks usia terbaik dari pernikahan itu , harus ada usia yang pasti untuk menikah . Hal ini karena setiap orang ingin menikah dengan seorang wanita muda dan cantik dan setiap wanita ingin menikah dengan seorang pria muda dan kuat . Sebagai peningkatan usia , daya tarik masing-masing dan setiap orang terhadap orang lain akan rusak . Oleh karena itu , untuk hidup bahagia itu perlu bagi seseorang baik pria atau wanita untuk menikah di usia menulis , baik awal maupun akhir . Sebuah pernikahan dini dapat berbahaya bagi kesehatan gadis itu dan untuk fitur mereka juga . Oleh karena itu , dalam setiap negara harus ada larangan untuk pernikahan dini . Ini harus menjadi aturan bahwa orang tua tidak bisa menikah gadis mereka sampai usia tertentu . Saat ini setiap tubuh ingin menyentuh puncak tertinggi dalam karir mereka , mereka semua karir berorientasi . Itulah mengapa semua orang tidak ingin menikah dini . Sebagian besar orang berpikir setelah menikah Anda tidak dapat melakukan hal apapun. Tapi itu tidak benar , jika Anda adalah orang yang antusias Anda dapat melakukan setiap hal setelah menikah . Saya telah melihat contoh yang baik dari ini dalam keluarga saya . Ibuku menyelesaikan pendidikannya setelah menikah dan sekarang dia melakukan pekerjaan . Jadi pernikahan dan karir , keduanya jalan yang berbeda dari kehidupan dan keduanya penting dalam hidup . Dalam pandangan saya usia menulis untuk mendapatkan pernikahan untuk seorang gadis harus 23 atau 24 dan untuk anak laki-laki itu harus 26 atau 27 . Pada usia ini periode kesuburan bagi wanita pada titik tertinggi dan pada usia tersebut seorang wanita dapat mengadopsi pasangannya . Pada usia itu keduanya kuat seksual , memiliki daya tarik bagi yang lain dan akan menikmati hidup pernikahan . Pada usia ini seorang wanita memiliki lebih banyak kesempatan untuk hamil dan melahirkan anak yang sehat , tanpa masalah apapun . Oleh karena itu , untuk generasi yang baik itu perlu bagi pria dan wanita untuk mendapatkan pernikahan pada usia menulis . Jika seseorang tidak menikah pada usia menulis untuk beberapa alasan daripada dia seharusnya tidak mengalami depresi . Itulah mengapa dikatakan bahwa Man mengusulkan Allah membuang . TOEFL diskusi mendengarkan : Sebuah percakapan antara mahasiswa dan perwakilan layanan universitas

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