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INDEX Sno 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Title To return by reference Calculate absolute value Negate the value Swapping between the objects

of two classes Use of static data member Nesting of member function Demonstration of use of destructor and verifying order of destructor call Explicit call to destructor Display Value of time and set AM/PM accordingly Matrix I/O through DMA Demonstration of pointer to objects Single inheritance with public visibility Single inheritance with private visibility Multilevel inheritance Hybrid inheritance Multipath inheritance without using virtual keyword Derived class constructor initializing base class members(Multiple inheritance) Derived class constructor initializing base class members(Multilevel inheritance) Initialization of data members via options Demonstration of nested classes Overloading prefix and postfix variations of increment and decrement operators Overloading negate operator Overloading arithmetic operators Overloading + using friend function Overloading comparison operators Comparing two strings Concatenation of strings Demonstration of dynamic array of objects Demonstration of this pointer DMA of a 2d array without classes DMA of 2d array through classes Class to work on dates Overloading () and , operator Date 1-10-2013 5-10-2013 6-10-2013 13-10-2013 13-10-2013 15-10-2-13 22-10-2013 22-10-2013 22-10-2-13 23-10-2013 23-10-2013 23-10-2013 24-10-2013 25-10-2013 26-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 Signature



19 20 21

30-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

30-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 30-10-2013 1-11-2013

INDEX 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Overloading [] and -> operator Use of functions inside namespace Demonstrating data within namespace Exception handling with function call Handling divide by zero exception Exception handling with multiple throw points Re-throwing exception Restricting a function to throw only a certain value Swapping values of different data types using template function Template function to return max of the two numbers Template function that returns square of a number Template functions to input, reverse and add elements in various kinds of arrays Generic class to add two values Demonstrating I/O with files Display contents of two files Sequential input using get() and put() Use of command line arguments Writing and object to file and reading it Data conversion from basic to custom data type and vice versa Data conversion from one custom data type to another one 1-11-2013 3-11-2013 3-11-2013 3-11-2013 7-11-2013 10-11-2013 10-11-2013 10-11-2013 15-11-2013 15-11-2013 16-11-2013 18-11-2013

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

20-11-2013 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 20-11-2013 20-11-2013

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