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RFI in Huawei I&H Co., Ltd.

Associated Suppliers For supplier

Security Level: Secret

For employee For supplier

Huawei Investment & Holding Co., Ltd

RFI on Associated Suppliers

Compan name! H. .! C"#$A%& LI#I '(

Address! C)*+)& C)*++, %i Su Huyn, Lien Street, -ard )., an /in, (istrict, Ho C,i #in, City, !iet %am Contact ! "gu en #$ien C$i Lin$ #el ! 0 123 .2+4 'ost code! .05 #itle! %irector

Fa&! 0 123 .2+0 ()mail address!

Hand)in date!

67illed in 8y t,e surveyor9

Surve period! *rom +an ,st, -../ to 0ar 1,t$, -..2 %eadline *or answer!
+.)<*)+*< ) , 3

67illed 8y t,e related C': accordin; to t,e supplier

RFI in Huawei I&H Co., Ltd. Associated Suppliers For supplier

Security Level: Secret

"ur company ,ere8y declares t,at our answer on t,is Re=uest 7or In7ormation 6RFI9 is complete, accurate, and supported 8y evidences. -e are aware t,at t,e in7ormation provided 8y us will 8e veri7ied 8y Huawei>s Internal Audit?$rocurement @uali7ication #ana;ement (ept. 6$@#(9, and we are willin; to provide suc, in7ormation 7or Huawei>s re7erence durin; maAin; sourcin;? supplier mana;ement policies. 6I7 you do not a;ree wit, t,e 7oresaid words, please indicate your dissidence 8elow.9

Con7irm as a8ove stated.

6"77icial seal9

Si;ned 8y t,e arti7icial person: Si;ned 8y aut,oriBed contact: el: FaC:

(ate: (ept.: itle:

'*mail address:


+ , 3

RFI in Huawei I&H Co., Ltd. Associated Suppliers For supplier

Security Level: Secret

I. Is your company an associated supplier o7 HuaweiD 6I7 no, omit all t,e 7ollowin; =uestions in t,is document.9 &es %o II. Indicate t,e associated supplier type t,at your company 8elon;s to 6 t,an one option9. Fill in t,e applica8le ta8les in detail. A. Any current Huawei employee is an investor o7 your company. "o. ) + /. Any current Huawei employee 7ills a part*time position in your company. "o. ) + C. Any main relative o7 a current Huawei employee is an investor o7 your company. "ame Investment amount Investment proportion Investment date Related Huawei emplo ee and relations$ip 4etween t$em "ame %ept. 'osition "ame Investment amount Investment proportion Investment date 9 6you can select more

"o. ) + (.

Any main relative o7 a current Huawei employee worAs 7or your company. "o. ) + "ame %ept. 'osition Related Huawei emplo ee and relations$ip 4etween t$em


Any 7ormer employee o7 Huawei 8ecomes an investor o7 your company or worAs 7or your company a7ter ,e?s,e le7t Huawei. Investment amount %ept. ) + Investment proportion 'osition Investment date (ntr date





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RFI in Huawei I&H Co., Ltd. Associated Suppliers For supplier

Security Level: Secret

Instructions and %e*initions

I. Instructions to t$is RFI
,is RFI is used to investi;ate ,ow close Huawei employees 68ot, current and 7ormer ones9 associate wit, Huawei>s suppliers and ,ow t,is Aind o7 association will a77ect t,e esta8lis,ment o7 a lon;*term win*win relations,ip 8etween Huawei and its suppliers. Huawei will 8uild t,e related mana;ement policies 8ased on t,e in7ormation 7ed 8acA in t,is RFI. Any surveyed party or individual s,all answer t,is RFI accordin; to t,e 7acts. 8etween Huawei and t,e supplier will 8e a77ected i7 t,e supplier: Re7uses to provide t,e related in7ormationE Fails to 7inis, t,is RFI and provide t,e related evidences wit,in t,e period speci7ied 8y HuaweiE $rovides incomplete or incorrect documents, w,ic, results in unavaila8ility o7 t,e related in7ormationE or $rovides in7ormation t,at can not 8e veri7ied. ,e relations,ip

II. %e*initions
,. Huawei! It re7ers to Huawei Investment & Holdin; Co., Ltd., Huawei ec,nolo;ies Co., Ltd., and t,eir su8sidiaries. -. Associated supplier! A supplier o7 Huawei will 8e re;arded as an associated supplier in any o7 t,e 7ollowin; situations: )9 Any current Huawei employee is an investor o7 t,e supplierE +9 Any current Huawei employee 7ills a part*time position in t,e supplierE <9 Any main relative o7 a current Huawei employee is an investor o7 t,e supplierE 59 Any main relative o7 a current Huawei employee worAs 7or t,e supplierE 39 Any 7ormer employee o7 Huawei 8ecomes an investor o7 t,e supplier or worAs 7or t,e supplier a7ter ,e?s,e le7t Huawei. 1. 0ain relatives! #ain relatives include: )9 +9 <9 59 39 49 SpouseE (irect relatives, includin; parents, sons and dau;,tersE Collateral relatives, includin; 8rot,ers and sistersE Relatives in*law, includin; t,e spouse>s parents, 8rot,ers, and sistersE "t,er close relatives and 7riendsE Spouse o7 any o7 t,e 7oresaid persons.

7. Surve period! It re7ers to t,e period in w,ic, t,e association indicated in t,is survey lasts. 8. %eadline *or answer! It re7ers to t,e last day on w,ic, t,e RFI s,all 8e mailed or sent to t,e
+.)<*)+*< 5 , 3

RFI in Huawei I&H Co., Ltd. Associated Suppliers For supplier

Security Level: Secret

department t,at taAes c,ar;e o7 t,is survey.

III. Re9uirements on t$e Handed)in RFI

$rint t,is RFI and t,en answer t,e 7irst t,ree pa;es correctly and si;n on t,e RFI as re=uired. &ou can post ori;inal 7ile or send t,e scan copy wit, si;nature 8y e*mail to t,e related contact person o7 Huawei. Address 7or mail: )2t, Floor, Capital ower, All Seasons $lace, 02 -ireless Rd., $at,umwan, /an;AoA ).<<., ,ailand Addressee: #s. Liu Hon;mei 6I(: <5.)09 ()mail! l$mei:$uawei.com $ost code: ).<<. el: ..44*+435<4++ 6eCt: <5)9


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