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1) What are different types of cursors ? Explain them.

2) What is a ref cursor, and what are its advantages ? 3) Query to get 'abc' from the string '123,xyz,abc,456' 4) what will happen if the below query is run : select empno,ename,job from emp group by job; 5) Write a query to get details of employees from emp table, who joined on Wedne sday. 6) Write query to join emp and dept to get all the records from emp and dept ( i ncluding the dept that is not present in emp ). 7) Can you do validations in SQL*Loader ? what is a discard file ? 8) What is pragma autonomous transaction ? write a sample block having pragma au tonomous. 9) What is utl_file , explain how data is loaded into tables using utl_file ? 10) what are different types of exceptions in utl_file ? 11) what is a data group ? what is its purpose ? 12) What is DUAL table ? How many columns it has and what are their datatypes ? How come it returns date when sysdate is selected and returns a number when any number (ex: 1) is selected ? 13) what happens if the below block is run ? DECLARE CURSOR C IS SELECT * FROM EMP; BEGIN OPEN C; NULL; END; What happens if it is run again in the same session ? 14) whats wrong with the below code. Explain with reasons. BEGIN FOR x IN 1 .. 10000000 LOOP INSERT INTO DUMMY_TBL VALUES ('TEST'); END LOOP; COMMIT; END; 15) whats wrong with the below code. Explain with reasons. BEGIN FOR x IN 1 .. 10000000 LOOP INSERT INTO DUMMY_TBL VALUES ('TEST'); COMMIT; END LOOP;

END; 16) How to print a report in different languages ? 17) What is TCA ? 18) A function is created to insert data in a table. What happens if it is called from an SQL query ? 19) what happens if the below two blocks were run : DECLARE X NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO X FROM EMP; EXCEPTION; WHEN OTHERS THEN X = 5; WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN X = 10; WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN X = 15; END; DECLARE X NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO X FROM EMP GROUP BY EMPNO; EXCEPTION; WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN X = 5; WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN X = 15; WHEN OTHERS THEN X = 15; END; 20) What are Item atributes ? 21) Explain Internal Requisition flow ? 22) Explain PO flow. 23) What are 2-way, 3-way and 4-way matching in PO ? 24) Against what is PO matched with an Invoice ? 25) Explain any challenging work you have done. 26) What columns maps Requisition to PO ? 27) What column maps Internal Requisition and Sales Order ? 28) How will you find out if an item attribute is controlled at master level or org level 29) What is the scenario where we use FOR UPDATE clause in a cursor ? 30) Write a query to retrieve on-hand quantity of an item from a particular sub-

inventory. 31) What is pick release and how its done ? 32) What is ASN ?

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