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221A Lecture Notes

Notes on Classica Mechanics II 1 HamiltonJacobi Equations

The use of action does not stop in obtaining EulerLagrange equation in classical mechanics. Instead of using the action to vary in order to obtain the equation of motion, we can regard the action as a function of the end point by using the solution to the equation of motion. This may sound like an odd thing to do, but turns out to be another useful formulation of classical mechanics.


Free Particle in One Dimension

Think about a free particle in one dimension for the moment. The Lagrangian x 2 . For the initial position xi at time ti , and the nal position is simply L = m 2 xf at time tf , the equation of motion can be easily solved and we nd x(t) = xi + xf xi (t ti ). tf ti (1)

If you insert this solution to the action, we nd m (xf xi )2 S (xf , tf ; xi , ti ) = . 2 tf ti This expression is interesting, because it gives S xf xi =m = mv = p xf tf ti S m (xf xi )2 1 = = mv 2 = E. 2 tf 2 (tf ti ) 2 (3) (4) (2)

Here, p is the momentum and E the energy for this solution. If we had known this point before hand, we could have written the following equation (HamiltonJacobi equation), E = H (p, q ) = 1 p2 , 2m (5)

and hence

S 1 S + = 0. (6) tf 2m xf It is easy to see that the expression for the action obtained above is a solution to this equation.


HamiltonJacobi Equation

In general, we can regard the action a function of the nal position qi and time t, keeping the intial data xed. Then we can show S = pi , qi S = H. t (7)

(Here, we already see the connection between the momentum and spacederivative, and the energy and the time-derivative, hinting at what we do in quantum mechanics.) Then one can write the HamiltonJacobi equation S +H t S ,q = 0 q (8)

using the Hamiltonian H (p, q ). Here is how we see Eq. (7). First of all, when we change the end point of the motion qi (tf ) to qi (tf )+qi , the entire trajectory is changed to qi (t)+qi (t) with the boundary conditions qi (ti ) = 0, qi (tf ) = qi . Remember we evaluate the action along the trajectory that satisifes the equation of motion. The action changes by

S =
ti t+f


L L qi + q i dt qi q i d L L qi + q i dt dt q i q i

f L = qi q i ti L = (tf )qi . q i


In the second one we used the equation of motion. Therefore, we nd S = pi (tf ). qi 2 (10)

The variation with respect to tf needs to be done carefully. When we x the end point of the motion qi but change the arrival time tf to tf + t, we need to change qi (tf ) to qi (tf ) q i t so that it arrives at the same qi at time tf + t. Therefore, there are two contributions to S . One is just because of the change in the end point of the time integral L(tf )t, and the other due to the change in qi (tf ), and hence S = L(tf )t + L (tf )(q i t) = Ht. q i (11)

This proves Eq. (7). Why do we formulate the classical mechanics this way? Well, it turns out that this is probably the easiest method to solve Kepler motion (or hydrogen atom at the classical level). The point is that solving dierential equation in three-dimensional space is not easy. We of course know the answer to the Kepler problem, but if you have tried to work out the elliptic orbit yourself, you know it aint easy! The HamiltonJacobi method makes the mechanics problem mechanical. If you can completely separate variables (youll see below what I mean), the problem reduces to simple integrals. It helps a lot that there are no second-order derivatives in the equation.
Skip this if you are not familiar with general relativity. When you solve for particle trajectory in general relativity (in curved space-time), we would like the equation to be invariant under general coordinate transformations. The HamiltonJacobi equation is given by S S (12) g = m2 c2 , x x and is indeed fully invarant under general cooredinate transformations. This is another useful application of HamiltonJacobi equation.


Harmonic Oscillator

Let us apply HamiltonJacobi method to a harmonic oscillator. Of course, a harmonic oscillator can be easily solved using the conventional equation of motion, but this excercise would be useful to understand the basic method. From the Hamiltonian p2 1 H= + m 2 q 2 , (13) 2m 2 the HamiltonJacobi equation is written down as 1 S + t 2m S q

1 + m 2 q 2 = 0. 2


Because the equation does not explicit involve t, we can write (q, E ) Et S (q, t) = S to obtain 1 2m S q


1 + m 2 q 2 = E. 2


can be obtained easily from this equation S

= S

2mE m2 2 q 2 dq =

mq E mq + arcsin 2mE 2mE

mq 1 2mE

(17) can be viewed as a Legendre transform. Note that the change from S to S We will use the inverse Legendre transform to nd the time-dependence of the motion S 1 mq t= . (18) = arcsin E 2mE This is indeed what we want: q= The momentum is given by p= as required. S = q 2mE m2 2 q 2 (20) 2E sin t. m (19)


Motion in a Central Potential

When a particle is moving in a central potential V (r), a function only of the radius r, the HamiltonJacobi equation can be solved by using the spherical coordinates. The Lagrangian is m 2 L= x V (r). (21) 2 Going to the spherical coordinates, it becomes m 2 2 + r2 sin2 2 ) V (r). L = (r + r2 2 4


The canonical momenta are dened as pr = mr, p = mr2 , p = mr2 sin2 . (23)

Following the denition, we nd the Hamiltonian H= p2 p2 p2 r + 2+ + V (r). 2 2m 2mr 2mr sin2 (24)

Then the HamiltonJacobi equation is found to be 1 S + t 2m S r


1 + 2mr2

1 + 2 2mr sin2

+ V (r) = 0. (25)

It still looks complicated, but it can be drastically simplied using the socalled separation of variables. Separation of variables is done in the following simple manner: S (t, r, , ) = S1 (t) + S2 (r) + S3 () + S4 (). Then the HamiltonJacobi equation becomes 1 dS1 + dt 2m dS2 dr


1 + 2mr2

dS3 d

1 + 2 2mr sin2

dS4 d

+ V (r) = 0. (27)

Because there are no explicit t- and -dependence in the equation, we conclude dS1 /dt, dS4 /d must be constant. We set dS1 = E, dt dS4 = Lz . d (28)

They indeed have the meaning of the energy and the z -component of the orbital angular momentum, as we will see later. Then S2 (r) + S3 () = S (t, r, , ) + Et Lz , (29)

a Legendre transformation from the original action S . The HamiltonJacobi equation is now 1 2m dS2 dr

1 + 2mr2

dS3 d

+ 5

L2 z + V (r) = E. 2mr2 sin2


-dependence is only in the second and third terms in the left-hand side of the equation. Therefore, we must have the following combination constant, dS3 d

L2 z = L2 . 2 sin


Again L has the meaning of the orbital angular momentum, as can be seen as follows. S3 () is obtained by integrating dS3 = d L2 L2 z . 2 sin (32)

This equation makes it clear that L2 L2 z in order for a solution to exist. Because the change from the original action S to S2 +S3 Eq. (29) is a Legendre transform, the inverse transform can be used to determine by a derivative with respect to Lz . Note that S2 does not depend on Lz (see below, Eq. (36), and hence the only Lz dependence appears in S3 (). Therefore, = = S3 = Lz Lz 2Lz d L2
L2 z sin2

L2 sin2

L2 z d sin2 Lz cos L2 sin2 L2 z + 0 . (33)

= arctan

0 is an integration constant. This equation can be simpled to cos2 =

2 (L2 L2 z ) tan ( 0 ) . 2 2 L2 z + L tan ( 0 )


As is varied from 0 to 2 , cos changes between L2 L2 z /L. When Lz = L, the maximum possible value, cos = 0 and hence the motion is conned in the xy plane. As Lz decreases, the orbit is no longer conned in the xy plane, but still the polar angle varies uniquely as the azimuth is varied: a closed orbit. The Lz 0 limit is singular in this expression. The azimuth is then restricted to 0 , while cos can change for the entire range [1, 1]. This behavior is exactly what we expect from closed orbits with xed angular momenta. The HamiltonJacobi equation for the remaining radial piece is 1 2m dS2 dr

L2 + V (r) = E. 2mr2 6


Writing it dS2 L2 = 2mE 2mV (r) 2 , (36) dr r the problem is reduced to a matter of an integral. Therefore, Hamilton Jacobi equation reduces the problem of three-dimensional motion down to a single integral, a dramatic simplication. The time-dependence of the motion is then obtained by the inverse Legendre transformation, t= S2 = dE mdr 2mE 2mV (r)
L2 r2



Kelper Motion

Let us apply the HamiltonJacobi equation to the Kepler motion. The only dierence from the general case studied in the previous section is that we have a specic form of the potential V (r) = GM m . r (38)

Then the HamiltonJacobi equation remaining to be solved is 1 2m dS2 dr


L2 GM m = E. 2 2mr r


Solving this equation is straight-forward. Writing it dS2 = dr 2mE + 2GM m2 L2 2, r r (40)

even Mathematica can do this integral. In fact, if what we want is the orbit, the integration is even simpler. Note rst that we can always choose the z -axis such that the Kepler motion is in the x-y plane. Then sin = 1 and L = Lz . In this case, we nd by = S2 =L L dr . r 2mEr2 + 2GM m2 r L2 (41)

The integral can be evaluated to be L2 GM m2 r = arccos + 0 . r 2mEL2 + G2 M 2 m4 7 (42)

Or even better, GM m2 + G2 M 2 m4 + 2mEL2 cos( 0 ) r = L2 . (43)

Compared to the general formula for conic sections r = ed/(1 e cos ) in the polar coordinate, we nd G2 M 2 m4 + 2mEL2 e = , (44) GM m2 GM m2 d = L2 2 2 4 , (45) G M m + 2mEL2 by choosing 0 = . An ellipse (e < 1), a parabola (e = 1) and a hyperbola (e > 1), is obtained depending on E < 0 (bound state), E = 0, and E > 0.1


Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization Condition

It is interesting that this is the formalism with which Bohr and Sommerfeld came up with their quantization condition. They required that the action integral for a periodic motion must be integer multiples of h = 2h for each degree of freedom. Let us apply their condition to the motion in a central potential. First, the requirement that d(dS ()/d) = 2Lz = 2ml h means the quantization of the angular momentum Lz = ml h . The next one is S3 = L2 z d 2 sin = 2 (L Lz ). L2


Then the quantization condition requires 2 (L Lz ) = (L ml h ) = 2m for m Z, and hence L = h (m + ml ) Z. We normally write L = lh . Because of the requirement L2 L2 , we also nd l | m | . z A more complicated condition for S (r) = dr(dS/dr) for E = |E | < 0 yields 3/2 dS2 Gm M = 2n h dr = 2 L + , (47) dr 2|E |
See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ConicSection.html for an introduction to conics.

together with Lz = lh , leads to E= G2 m 3 M 2 , 2(n + l)2 h 2 (48)

nothing but the energy levels of hydrogen-like atoms (replace GM m by Ze2 ). Why does this ad-hoc condition work to yield the exact result? This remains a mystery to this date. The WKB method shows that, in the limit of large quantum numbers, the conditions are more like the action being 1 (n + 2 )h instead of nh. Of course for large n, the dierence is negligible and they are consistent. It was a pure luck that this result was exact, even though it is supposed to be good for large quantum numbers. If you apply the same requirement to the harmonic oscillator, you nd the energy levels to be nh without the zero-point energy.

Some Integrals

This appendix is just mathematical technicalities on how to do some of the integrals in this note. The integral for the harmonic oscillator is done with the standard technique, to deal with a quadratic function in a square root. = S 2mE m2 2 q 2 dq (49)

We look for the change of variable to make the terms inside the square root to become 1 sin2 = cos2 so that we can take the square root. Indeed, by dening q = sin 2mE/m , we nd 2mE 2 = S 2mE 2mE sin cos d. (50) m Taking the square root (of course, depending on the region of , the sign may be the opposite), 2mE 2E 1 + cos 2 E 1 = S 2mE cos cos d = = + sin 2 . m 2 2 (51)

The rest of the job is to rewrite in terms of q ,

mq mq = E + S arcsin 2mE 2mE

mq 1 2mE


One of the not-so-easy integrals is that for in Eq. (32). We need to compute S3 () = L2 L2 z d = sin2
2 2 L2 L 2 z L cos




First, we change the variable to x = cos , S3 () =

2 2 L2 L2 z L x

1 x2



Then, 2 2to simplify the numerator, we make another change of variable x = L Lz sin just as in the harmonic oscillator case, L S3 () = L2 L 2 z L cos2 1
L2 L2 z L2




This is now a rational function of trigonometric functions, which can always be done analytically. The standard trick is to use the variable t = tan (this works when the rational function depends only on even powers of trigonometric functions; otherwise you use t = tan(/2) instead) so that cos2 = 1 , 1 + t2 sin2 = t2 , 1 + t2 d = dt . 1 + t2 (56)

Putting them together, we nd S3 () = L 2 L2 z L

1 1+t2 2 L2 L2 z t L2 1+t2

dt L(L2 L2 z) = 1 + t2 L2 z

dt . L2 2 (1 + t2 )( L 2 + t ) z (57)

Using the partial fraction decomposition,

S3 () = L

1 1 + t2 10

L2 L2 z

1 dt. + t2


Both terms in the parentheses can be integrated with the standard formula, and we nd Lz Lz S3 () = L arctan t arctan t . (59) L L The nal job is to rewrite t in terms of the original variable . First going back to , Lz Lz arctan tan . (60) S3 () = L L L 2 2 L Lz Now we try to relate to . Because x = cos = sin , we nd L cos = Therefore, tan = We nally obtain Lz Lz cos S3 () = L arctan arctan L 2 sin2 L2 L2 sin2 L2 L z z L cos Lz cos = L arctan + Lz arctan . (63) 2 sin2 L2 L2 sin2 L2 L z z
2 You can let Mathematica check easily that the dS3 /d is indeed L2 L2 z / sin . Note, however, that the integration constant can depend on L and Lz , which can play the role of initial conditions. Also, dS3 /dL in Eq. (33) calculated by dierentiating by L rst and integrating over later, is obtained straightforwardly from the above expression, except that you need to allow the integration constant Lz 0 to S3 (). Another use of Eq. (63) is the BohrSommerfeld quantization condition. By requiring that S3 for a period of the motion is an integer multiple of h, we obtain quantization condition for L. A period is given by arctan changing from /2 to /2, and then back to /2. Therefore, S3 for a period of the motion is S3 = 2L + 2Lz . (64)

L 2 L2 z sin2 = 1 2 L

L2 sin2 L2 z L2 L2 z


L cos L2 sin2 L2 z


L cos


Therefore, L Lz must be an integer multiple of h . On the other hand, the same condition for S4 () = 2Lz requires that Lz = mh , m Z. Therefore, L itself must be an integer multiple of h , L = lh , l Z. This was the argument by Bohr and Sommerfeld why angular momentum is quantized. Finally, the integral for the Kepler motion is dr . r (65) If E < 0 for elliptic orbits, the terms in the square root can be rewritten as S2 (r) = 2mE + 2mEr2 + 2GM m2 r L2 S2 (r) = G2 M 2 m 3 GM m L2 2m|E | r 2|E | 2|E |
GM m , 2 |E | 2

2GM m2 L2 2 dr = r r

dr . r


Changing the variable to r = r S2 (r) =

G2 M 2 m3 dr L2 2m|E |r 2 m. 2|E | r + GM 2 |E |


To open the square root, the next change of variable is (2m|E |)1/2 r = Then the integral becomes S2 (r) = G2 M 2 m3 L2 2|E |
1/2 GM m 2 |E |

G2 M 2 m 3 L2 2|E |


sin .


cos2 d +
GM m 2|E | 2

L2 2m|E |


. sin


To integrate a rational function of , we use the conventional change of variable t = tan , 2 cos = 1 t2 , 1 + t2 sin = 2t , 1 + t2 d = 2dt . 1 + t2 (70)

Then the t integral can be done after a partial fraction decomposition. We nd 1/2 b cos + a sin G2 M 2 m3 a 2 a2 b 2 2 2 2 S2 (r) = L arctan 2 + cos , 2|E | b b a b2 cos 2 (71) 12

with GM m a= , 2|E | GM m b= 2|E |

L2 2m|E |



The integral for a period Eq. (47) is obtained by varying from 0 to 2 .


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