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English Assignment
Society, Culture: Does Culture Matter?
Culture is the common denominator that makes the actions of the individuals understandable to a particular group (SOCIETY)

Bala [Type the company name] 9/18/2013

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English Assignment
Society, Culture: Does Culture Matter?

Bala 9/18/2013

Society & Culture: Does Culture Matter?

YES, culture matters. In simple words society is a formal association of people with similar interests with a distinctive organizational structure. The word culture refers to attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organization includes all the knowledge and values shared by the group. Both society and culture are inseparable and influence the individuals and the whole group at large. SOCIETY Society refers to association of people with similar interests living in a particular geographic area, where all individuals perform unique roles and thus contribute towards its functioning. Society is constantly in flux and the key issues have to be addressed, outworn social norms and behaviors are renewed or remade to suit changing times. People learn about themselves and the group as a whole as time passes by identifying strengths and weaknesses of themselves and others as both the society and its people adjust to changing conditions. Society has an organizational structure based on hierarchy which assumes some form of governance. Considering the transition of modern humans from hunter-gatherer to nomadic tribes to village communities to kingdoms and finally to current modern day societies, it is generally understood that it is essential to strike a balance between total dependence and independence by arriving at a state of inter-dependence. This process took over a span of several thousand years undergoing various structural changes and adapting to change of conditions - of external and internal. The need for an organizational structuring began thousands of years ago when our ancestors formed tribal groups and communities where individuals performed certain roles for the functioning of the community i.e. Leader, Commanders, Priests, Warriors, Care Takers, Artisans, Laborers, Healers, Peasants, and Slaves etc. This hierarchical structuring with the Leader on the top above all others has not changed much over time except for the way by which one can become a leader Democracy being the latest.

In todays modern democratic world, society still faces the same set of problems which existed several thousand years ago. Conflicts, Environmental Crisis, Water, Exploitation, Power Shortage, Civil War, Disease, Pollution, Poverty, Malnutrition, Crime, World War, Covert Ops, Espionage, and Conspiracy etc. are few of a very long list of problems plaguing todays world. Though we are much technologically and scientifically advanced than our ancestors we havent succeeded in solving the problems which led to fall of many tribes, villages, communities, kingdoms, empires, and countries. The cores of the problems are the same, but recently the level and intensity of their impact are amplified several times. CULTURE Raymond Williams described 'Culture' as one of the most awkward words in the English language because of its many shades of meaning. Earlier, culture meant a state or habit of the mind, or the body of intellectual and moral activities, it means now, also, a whole new way of life. Human nature is complex made of many elements. True culture implies that these elements must be properly disciplined, so as to produce a balanced temperament, with all excesses subdued and angularities chiseled, and i.e. straightened. The man of culture, therefore, is one who makes it his chief business in life to study perfection and to make it prevail in the affairs of life. Culture is more than language, dress, and food customs; it is often unconscious and more powerful. Cultural groups may share race, ethnicity, or nationality, generation gaps, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, ability and disability, political and religious affiliation, language, and gender - to name a few. Cultural messages, simply, are what everyone in a group knows that outsiders do not know. They are a series of lenses that shape what one sees and doesn't see, how one perceives and interprets, and where boundaries are drawn. Culture can be represented in form of material and non-material culture. Material culture is a term representative of the physical creations made, used, or shared by the members of a certain society; it is the societys buffer against the environment by the transformation of raw material into useable forms through the employment of knowledge. The components of material culture are all the creations (objects) of the human kind and mind. For example clothes, idols, vehicles, machinery, gadgets etc.

Non-material culture on the other hand is the abstract or un-seen human creations by the society fashioned towards the behavioral influence of the said society. The components for the non-material culture include symbols, languages, values, and norms. The use of language, the patterns of behavior and beliefs, and values to it shape the direction of a society over time. Language in its influence on perception, values guiding what the society should be and norms forming the customs of the society. Culture is multi-layered - whats visible on the surface may mask differences below the surface. Culture is largely below the surface, influencing identities and meaning-making, or who we believe ourselves to be and what we care about -- it is not easy to access these symbolic levels since they are largely outside our awareness. Cultural influences and identities become important depending on context and is closely related to our identities (who we think we are), and the ways we make meaning (what is important to us and how) Culture is the common denominator that makes the actions of the individuals understandable to a particular group. That is, the system of shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and artifacts making up a societys way of life. In essence cultures are like underground rivers that run through our lives and relationships, giving us messages that shape our perceptions, attributions, judgments, and ideas of self and other. Two things are essential to remember about cultures: they are always changing, and they relate to the symbolic dimension of life. The symbolic dimension is the place where we are constantly making meaning and enacting our identities. Cultural messages from the groups we belong to give us information about what is meaningful or important, and who we are in the world and in relation to others -our identities. Culture is a much profaned or abused word. We are somewhat not sure as to what it actually means. We often take it to mean a superior work of intellectuality. It is regarded as a social distinction. It is thus the counterpart of 'aristocratic' distinction under democratic conditions. Culture is actually the attitude that a civilized man takes to life and expresses the same through art, music, literature and the like. It is, in the words of Mathew Arnold, acquisition of sweetness and light, a continuing process that covers both knowing and becoming. It is, in short, a refined delicacy of the mind.

CONCLUSION If culture means only the graces and ornaments that confer on individuals a kind of social distinction, its value and influence in the society would, indeed, be limited. But the modern society is tending to a gradual removal of separation between man and man, as well as between class and class i.e. the hierarchy. Therefore, culture now has come to acquire a value and significance in social life not contemplated in the past. If culture means pursuit of perfection then the more widely it is spread among the people at large, the better it would be for the society. Now the pursuit of culture depends on certain basic conditions, the foremost of which are education and leisure. Formerly these were regarded more or less privileges confined to certain privileged section from which others were excluded. If culture is a desirable condition of life, it should be available to all member of the society alike. For this purpose it is necessary, first, to create a condition in which education is made free at all stages with liberalism and tolerance towards a fellow being. Second, to ensure leisure to every individual in orders to enjoy the privileges of culture. Third, to cultivate the ability to identify and accept ones mistakes and strive towards perfection. Fourth, being considerate of others such as to understand and accommodate their wishes and desires out of mutual respect. This will be the light, to help the growth of new ideas and consider all things without prejudice. The person will, by the sweetness in him, create a genial atmosphere and thus a harmonious society.

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