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Nama Umur Supian M. Fahmi Azis Kaspul Anwar Paidin Patah Bahjahtu Saniah Mariatul Aisyah Norhayati M. Sa Adillah Jami Sugiannor Syahirin Bakri Tn. Salimi Tn Abdul Hamid Tn Jarwo Tn Mahyuni Ny Heldawati Ny Faridah Ny Muliani An Imam Hanafi

27 16 52 42 50 19 13 50 3 21 25 25 35 19 54 28 21 45 50 14

RMK 1077330 1076352 1077295 1077132 1076887 1076325 984430 942715 1075290 1075343 1074903 1074754 1074547 1072339 846420 1074098 1076490 1070775 942717 1073527s

Diagnosis Close # femur sinistra midshaft comm displaced Close # of shaft proximal phalang 1st digiti of left fo extent to phalang comm displaced, close # of lateral midle of base proximal pha Post debridement and immobilitationwith posterior slab due to open # of right tibia distal third comm displaced grade IIIA+ close# of Neglected close # of left femur medial middle third transverse displaced SCI complete lession of level 12th thoracal due to burst fracture dislocation at level 12 thoracal-1st lumbal vertebrae frankel A Neglected close # of left tibia plateau skatzker type Union fracture femur dextra Ulcus decubitus a/r sacralis Neglected dislocation of ankle joint dextra Neglected dislocation HIP sinistra + neglected # patella dextra Open # of right radius et ulna 3rd comm displaced; open # of right suprachondyler femurAV >3; open # right tibia fibula skatzner typ Post debridement + amputasi digiti 4 dan 5 pedis sinistra setinggi cuneivorm MT joint due to gangren setinggi cuneivorm digiti IV da Neglected closed fracture dislokasi ankle joint sinistra Post ORIF atas indikasi malunion fracture femur +malunion fracture tibia fibula dextra 1/3 tengah spondilisthesis L4-L5 grade 1 frangkel E post debridement + repair muscle +immobilisasi posterior slab a/i: Closed fracture of left clavicula middle third communitive displace Spondilitits TB at level of 8th-9th thoracal vertebra with neurological deficite Frangkel A Open fracture of left radius distal third oblique displaced gustillo anderson grade III with distal unar joint destruction post closed reduction and immobilization with posterior slab due to closed dislocation of right patella and knee joint rupture MCL and Post ACDF due to SCI complete lession due to unstable burst fracture at level 5th cervical vertebra, Post immobilisation with poster

Rencana ORIF elektif ORIF K- wire Artrthrodesis ankle joint sinistra, ORIF tibia dextra 2 stage: soft tissue release, ORIF Tindakan dekompresi+stabilisasi Refrakturisasi+ ORIF+ plate Remove implant Rawat luka+ ct scan Reposisi + casting Open reduction + ORIF, CT scan pelvis Lengan + kakai kanan rencana immobilisasi dgn post slab; ORIF Debridement + Ilizarof Arthrodesi angkle joint Ilizarov Dekompresi dan stabilisasi posterior ORIF CT Scan Vertebra; debridement, stabilitation + anterior stabilitation ORIF elektif Arthrodesi / repair ligament rontgen cervikal ap lat

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