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Carol Look, EFT Master www.AttractingAbundance.com Rick Wilkes, Emotional Freedom Coach www.ThrivingNow.

Copyright !!" Carol #oo$ ##C % Thriving Now ##C. All &ights &eserved. 'pecial than$s to Cathy (artuli, The )oy Connection ##C, *or her invaluable help with the transcripts and audios. Transcription service by #ucy 'pencer +through e#ance.com,.

'ee also Carol % &ic$-s other sites. www./ain&elie*0ithEFT.com www.EFT1Tal$.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

Table of Contents
2isclaimer..........................................................................................3 &ecording 45......................................................................................6 The 7asics About Clutter...................................................................6 /hysical 'pace and Clutter................................................................6 Abundance and Clutter.....................................................................8 Technological 'pace and Clutter........................................................." Emotional Clutter...........................................................................5! /hysical 7ody and Clutter................................................................5 'piritual Clutter..............................................................................59 0here 2oes Clutter Come From:......................................................53 Needing 'ome /lace *or the 'tu** to ;o.............................................58 'carcity and #ac$........................................................................... ! #ac$ o* #ove.................................................................................. &ecording 4 .................................................................................... 6 Clearing Emotions, Events, and Con*licts............................................ 6 The Feeling o* <=verwhelmed>.......................................................... 8 Tapping on the Feeling o* <=verwhelmed>.......................................... " Tapping on 2ecision1Ma$ing.............................................................99 More Tapping on <=verwhelmed>......................................................96 The Fear o* Facing Clutter................................................................9? The Fear o* Facing <@T> +0hatever @T @s,............................................9" Tapping on the Fear o* Facing <@T>....................................................3! Tapping on &e*using to Face <@T>......................................................3 Tapping on the Fear o* Facing <@T> 0hen ThereAs <Too Much>................33 Tapping on 7eing Too 7usy..............................................................3B The @tch o* 'carcity........................................................................3? Tapping on 'carcity........................................................................6! Tapping on <Not Enough>.................................................................65 &ecording 49....................................................................................63 Abandonment, Curt, and Clutter.......................................................63 Tapping on Abandonment................................................................68 Tapping on &eDection......................................................................6" Tapping on Clinging........................................................................B5 Tapping on Anger...........................................................................B8 Tapping on &ebelliousness...............................................................B" Tapping on <Accept Me the 0ay @ Am>...............................................8! Tapping on Anger...........................................................................8 Tapping on ;uilt.............................................................................83 Tapping on Family Clutter................................................................86

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

Tapping on ;uilt and Money.............................................................?! &ecording 43....................................................................................? ;uilt, 'hame, and Clutter................................................................? Tapping on 'hame in ;eneral..........................................................?3 Tapping on 'hame *rom /arents.......................................................?B Tapping on 'hame About Clutter......................................................?8 The Cabit o* Clutter........................................................................"! Tapping on a 7ad Cabit o* Cluttering................................................."9 'peci*ic Events Tied to Clutter.........................................................."3 Tapping on 'peci*ic Events 1 0hat 'omeone 2id................................."? Tapping on &ebelliousness.............................................................5!! Tapping on 'peci*ic Events 1 0hat 'omeone 'aid..............................5!5 &ecording 46..................................................................................5!6 0hat Clutters =ur (ibration:..........................................................5!6 Tapping on 0hat =thers Thin$........................................................5!8 Tapping on EFternal Approval.........................................................5!" Tapping on @ntrusive 7ehavior *rom #oved =nes................................55 Tapping on the /ast......................................................................553 Tapping on the Future +/art 5,.......................................................558 Tapping on the Future +/art ,.......................................................55? Tapping on the Cabit o* Negativity..................................................5 9 Tapping on Appreciating Goursel*....................................................5 6 &ecording 4B..................................................................................5 ? &eview o* /hysical % Emotional Clutter............................................5 ? Tapping on 7eing 7usy..................................................................595 Tapping on 0here to 'tart.............................................................593 Tapping on Emotional @nter*erence..................................................59B Tapping on 7ac$sliding..................................................................59? Tapping on 7uilding Cabits.............................................................53! Tapping on Needing More..............................................................53B

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

The information presented on these recordings is educational in nature, and is provided only as general information. Emotional Freedom Techniques, often known as EFT, is a technique referred to as a type of energy therapy. To date, EFT has yielded remarkable results for relieving emotional and physical distress. EFT appears to have promising mental, spiritual, and physical health benefits, but has yet to be fully researched by the Western academic, medical, and psychological communities. Therefore, EFT could be considered experimental, and since EFT is a relatively new healing approach, the extent of its effectiveness as well as its risks and benefits are not fully known or understood. ou agree and understand that the information contained in these recordings is only for your personal use. ou further agree and understand that if you choose to use EFT, it is possible that emotional or physical sensations, or additional unresolved memories may surface, which could be perceived as negative side effects. !reviously vivid or traumatic memories may fade, which could adversely impact your ability to provide detailed legal testimony regarding a traumatic incident. The information presented on these recordings is not intended to represent that EFT is used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. EFT is not a substitute for medical or psychological mental health treatment. "ny stories or testimonials presented on these recordings do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using EFT for any particular issue. Further, you understand that #arol $ook and %ick Wilkes do not know how you will personally respond to EFT, or whether EFT will help you with a particular issue. #arol $ook and %ick Wilkes accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on these recordings. #arol $ook and %ick Wilkes strongly advise you to seek professional advice as appropriate before implementing any protocol or opinion expressed in these recordings, including EFT, and before making any health decisions. &y continuing to listen to these recordings and using the transcripts, you knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently assume these risks, including any adverse outcome that might result from using EFT, and agree to release, indemnify, hold harmless, and defend #arol $ook and %ick Wilkes and their heirs, agents, consultants, and employees from and against any and all claims which you or your representatives may have, or any loss, damage or in'ury of any kind or nature arising out of or in connection with listening to these recordings, reading these transcripts, and using EFT. The recordings and transcripts are copyrighted and unauthori(ed reproduction of these recordings and documents is prohibited by federal law. !lease en'oy these recordings, and have fun with EFT)

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

Recording #1
The Basics About Clutter
*starts + ,-./01 Carol Look: 0elcome, everyoneH This is &ecording 45, our introduction and de*inition about the basics about clutter. 0elcome, &ic$H Rick Wilkes: Ci, CarolH Carol: 2e*inition o* clutter 1 we have lots o* people listening who have clutter in all parts o* their lives, and @ thought we would go through some descriptions and eFamples and Dust get peopleAs heads around di**erent versions o* clutter in their li*e. 'ome people are going to be listening who donAt Iuite thin$ they have much, but theyAre interested, and @ thin$ we can piIue their interest even more. Rick: A lot o* people also thin$ o* clutter as that physical stu** thatAs in your li*e and weAre going to be tal$ing here about some o* the other aspects o* clutter in your emotional space, in your body, and in other aspects in your li*e as well.

Physical Space and Clutter

*starts + ,2.//1 Carol: #etAs start with the physical space, because thatAs the obvious one that is bringing most people to the recordings and that come to us *or coaching in our practices. /hysical space clutter. letAs give some obvious eFamples. The tables with mail on it. /iles and piles o* mail that people wal$ by and it changes your energy when itAs cluttered. /iles and piles o* boo$s in the corners o* o**ices, on tables and couches 1 what else: ;ive some other eFamples that are obvious. Rick: 0ell, to me, the physical clutter 1 what de*ines it as clutter is itAs causing you some distress. GouAre loo$ing at it, and it doesnAt *eel right. @t changes the space in a way that isnAt pleasing to you. @tAs not com*ortable. Gou have Dudgments about it. Gou loo$ at it, and it doesnAt loo$ organiJed.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

0hen you want to go into the space and get something, you *eel more distressed about it than you normally would have i* you went in to *ind something in that space that might even be very *ull, but isnAt cluttered. Gou thin$ about a library. There is organiJational structure to that that allows us to go in, *ind it, ta$e it o** the shel*, bring it bac$, and you $now where itAs going to go. @n a lot o* peopleAs spaces, there is either no organiJation or the organiJation is so chaotic that it causes them to stress. @ separate that *rom someone that has a Iuote <*iling system> thatAs all their own, that doesnAt cause them distress. @ donAt necessarily thin$ that somebodyAs des$, which has a bunch o* piles on it, is necessarily cluttered i* they have a system and itAs not causing them distress, and theyAre not spending a lot o* emotional or intellectual energy worrying about it. ThatAs Dust a di**erent $ind o* space. 7ut we $now that, i* you have a space that is not energetically *eeling sa*e, com*ortable, and *lowing to you, that thatAs a problem. And also, to me, in physical space, as peopleAs lives change and as their vibration changes, a space that might have been com*ortable to you be*ore, might start *eeling cluttered or overwhelming as your vibration changes. As you start *eeling more abundant, interestingly enough, you o*ten want to simpli*y your spaces, so clutter in a physical space loo$s li$e that to me. And also big spaces where you are hoarding things, $eeping them aside *or one day 1 <maybe i* this happens, @ might need this>. The garage that you canAt get into and you donAt even $now whatAs in there because itAs holding all the stu** that you didnAt *eel emotionally *ree enough and sa*e enough to let go o*. Carol: @ thin$ <chaos> is a $ey word here, because youAre right. @ can go into your place and thin$ itAs cluttered, and you can come into mine and thin$ itAs cluttered, but i* it doesnAt create a chaotic response inside you energetically, then itAs not cluttered. @t doesnAt get to be called <cluttered>. My des$ 1 some people wouldnAt be able to *ind anything. @ $now eFactly where everything is on that des$. And thatAs really important 1 that notion o* chaos. 0hen you loo$ at your pile or your des$ or the corner or the garage, does it give you that electrical charge that doesnAt *eel good: @ was wor$ing with someone on the abundance tapes and he said, <0hen @ thin$ o* my pile o* bills and the paperwor$ on my des$ and the taFes,> he said, <KghH @ *eel terribleH> That was clutter. Rick: Ges. Carol: That was chaotic clutter to his energy. Then again, somebody else might loo$ at it and not have that reaction. @ thin$ one thing that does seem to happen is people get used to it, and they get that shudder in their body, and they ignore it. @tAs still having an energetic e**ect on them thatAs

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT negative, but they $ind o* pretend they donAt see it or they ignore it or they loo$ over it, and thatAs not good *or us energetically either.

Rick: @ do believe that peopleAs spaces o*ten are a mirror to what their inner li*e is li$e. And, i* you wal$ into a space as someone who is normally pretty balanced and com*ortable, and it *eels chaotic, discordant, chances are the owner o* that space is living in that energy all the time. There are practices li$e *eng shui and the energetic tuning o* spaces, but almost everybody can wal$ into a space and get a *eeling o*L*or me. <2oes this ma$e me *eel com*ortable, sa*e, energiJed, or relaFed:> 2i**erent spaces can have di**erent energies. Gou may want a space that has a very creative, energiJing e**ect. Gou may want a physical space that has a relaFing, nurturing, cuddle1me $ind o* *eeling to it. The clutter aspect o* it is, <Cey, thereAs something wrong with this space. @tAs not nurturing me.> ThatAs one o* the things weAre going to help people with. Another aspect to me, Carol, is the entropy rule about the universe. that in any space, it will tend toward disorder. And *or me, clutter is something that there is always going to be a gap between the per*ect organiJation o* the space and where it is in that moment. 0e want to help people *eel surprisingly com*ortable with a space that has got some wor$ to be done on it and *eel surprisingly com*ortable moving *orward and cleaning up the space, organiJing it in a very relaFed, natural pace, without having to have that pressure on ourselves to get it done <right here, right now, because itAs driving me insane>. 'ometimes we donAt have the time to do that right in that moment.

Abundance and Clutter

*starts + /,.,31 Carol: 7e*ore we tal$ about emotional, bodily, and spiritual clutter, letAs tal$ a little bit about how it inter*eres with abundance, because you and @ did a podcast on this which was very eFciting, and we both agree that i* you are cluttered and energetically *eel that energy which seems negative and o** or chaotic, that will a**ect your vibration. And we are all about changing your vibration, raising your vibration to be able to attract and $eep abundance in your li*e moving and *lowing, to be able to attract and $eep it in your li*e. And i* you wal$ into your home or your o**ice and you Dust close your eyes out o* disgust *or your own clutter, you are not in an energetic place that is abundant. 'o part o* why we decided to do this together was about abundance and what gets in our way, and clutter is one o* the main things.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT And again, weAll tal$ more about emotional, bodily, and spiritual clutter. 0eAve already tal$ed about the physical space clutter, but itAs critical to our being able to receive abundance, @ believe.

Rick: &eceiving abundance *inancially and eFperiencing it emotionally has a lot to do with the state o* being that a space evo$es within us. ThatAs what @ was tal$ing about. =ne o* the things that we are going to want you to loo$ at as a part o* this program is, *or each o* your spaces, what $ind o* state o* being does it naturally evo$e, and anything that doesnAt *it within that, i* you call it clutter, we can help you start shi*ting that space, shi*ting the energy o* that space so that it *eels more pleasing to you, that it is evo$ing that state o* being. To me, abundance is about a wide variety o* states o* being, including *eeling very com*ortable as well as *eeling energiJed, eager, and curious. As @ wal$ into my o**ice, @ *eel overwhelmed instantly. 0ell, thatAs not an emotion o* abundance, and so itAs hard *or me to tune into abundance. That means that @Am not going to be loo$ing *or opportunity 1 open to opportunity 1 as much as @Am Dust going to be trying to tread water and get it all ta$en care o* 1 getting it all ta$en care o*, trying to ma$e do with the mess. That uses a lot more energy actually than creating something new that might bring *inancial abundance in, that might open up relationships. Those types o* things actually ta$e less energy than all o* the other stu**, usually, *or a lot o* people that are struggling with clutter. Carol: &ight 1 itAs Dust li$e youAre trying to catch up by cleaning up. Catch up, catch up, and then you never sit down. Also, @ believe it can be used as a way to procrastinate. @tAs a good eFcuse. <0ell, @ canAt do that proDect yet because @ havenAt cleaned upL> Gou $now the old Do$e about being in school, when youAve got a term paper, you suddenly clean up your roomH Rick: +laughing, Carol: <0ell, you $now, @ canAt wor$ on the term paper be*ore my laundry is done and my room is cleanH> And @ thin$ it can Dust be woven into our lives in a dys*unctional way, in everything.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Technological Space and Clutter

*starts + /-.,01 Rick: 0e have to address, in terms o* physical space, also the technological spaces that we have. Carol: Than$ you. Rick: 0hen you are loo$ing at your inboF, and it gives you the same sense that it would i* each one o* those emails was printed out and strewn out all over your o**ice. @* thatAs the same $ind o* *eeling you get, then it is cluttered and having as much o* a drain on your *ocus, choices, as anything. @* your hard drives, i* your documents, and all o* those areas are causing you those same types o* distress, techniIues that we are going to be teaching you, they will also be able to help you to shi*t those areas. And again, procrastination applies there. 'ome people spend a lot o* time massaging their inboFes rather than moving *orward in the areas that are priorities that gives them that *eeling o* abundance. That is using clutter as that bloc$ to doing the other things. ThatAs why what weAre going to be doing is not Dust tal$ing about how to clean it up, but loo$ing at how do you clean it up: 0hat ways, when you get into one o* your cleanup binges, is it really serving you, or is it maybe a higher vibration way o* doing that that will be more sustainable, more pleasing to you, give you a sense o* a *oundation that can support all the other aspects o* your li*e. Carol: 0ith one clic$ o* a button, @ deleted 58,!!! emails one day. @ had to really thin$ about it. <2o @ need these: 0hatAs the point: 0hat i*L supposeL> and weAll get into that more later with the emotional pieces, but @ havenAt turned bac$, havenAt missed them *or one minute, and that was several months ago. There was an interesting eFercise *or me about that $ind o* clutter on the computer. Computers havenAt saved me anything as *ar as clutter. @ have more paperwor$ and more emails and more stu** and Dun$ than ever. That was an interesting eFercise.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Emotional Clutter
*starts + /2.041 Carol: Now, emotional clutter. some o* these are obvious, but we Dust want to tal$ about these. @t was very help*ul *or us with each other, &ic$ and @, when we were planning this, to tal$ through some o* these stages o* clutter. Now, emotional clutter. we are eFperts in helping people release some o* that, Dust in basic EFT and Dust in coaching sessions, and sometimes people come to us, and they Dust say, <@ donAt $now where to start. @Am overwhelmed.> @n helping them with EFT to maybe categoriJe, or say, <=$ay, letAs put this in this compartment>, and <0hat overwhelms you:>, <0hatAs the *amily issue:>, <0hatAs the money issue:>, <0hatAs the grandparent issue:>, < 0hatAs the boss issue:> That alone can help someone *eel less cluttered emotionally. Now, some people hold on to every *eeling. @* thatAs a good image *or you, the way you might hold on to every piece o* paper, hold on to every boo$ or every pamphlet you get *rom a wor$shop, and you have too much o* it. /eople can hold on to emotions that way, whether itAs nursing grudges, or they Dust thin$ too much about all the *eelings they have toward everybody, and theyAre not clear. And i* youAre not clear, youAre not ta$ing the neFt right step toward your own abundance 1 and that could be an abundance o* love, an abundance o* money, an abundance o* priority 1 an abundance o* anything. 'o clarity *or us is $ey in our wor$. 'o emotional clutter can come in many, many *orms. too many *eelings, too many thoughts, not being able to turn it o** at night, to turn o** your mon$ey mind. Rick: Ges. Carol: #ots o* ways to have emotional clutter. GouAre $ind o* too upset and too anFious about what other people thin$ about you 1 @ *ind that cluttering *or people. There are lots o* ways that some o* you listening sayL>0ell, my o**ice is very neat, and my home is very clean.> 7ut emotionally, thereAs <bac$ and *orth, bac$ and *orth, le*t, right, le*t, right, *orward, bac$, what i*L>, so much noise that they really canAt ta$e a step. ThatAs critical, to loo$ at the emotional clutter that we all have. Rick: Emotional clutter, to me, impacts our relationships in enormous ways. @* @ thin$ about a particular person, and @Ave held on to a lot o* di**erent negative eFperiences that we might have had 1 little ones, big ones 1 @ cannot be *ully present with that person. GouAre going to have in your heart and around you all the di**erent emotions that you are holding as you relate to that person. =ne o* the things that attracted me most to EFT was being

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


able to clear that emotional clutter so that @ could be very simple and present with the people in my li*e without having to have all o* this other noise. Emotional noise $eeps you *rom hearing what someone is really communicating to you. Emotional clutter acts as heavy weights on our heart, the senses o* big and little betrayals, the senses o* not being heard, manipulated 1 all o* those things play into the tapestry that we have around the people in our lives, *rom our bosses to our mates. That $ind o* clutter, you can *eel it. 0hen you thin$ o* people, do you have a very simple, upli*ted *eeling about them, or do you remember this, that, and the other thing that <gosh, yeah, well, that person would be per*ect i* it wasnAt *or +blan$,L> and i* you have a long list o* +blan$s,, then you have emotional clutter. The other problem with emotional clutter is that it holds people to the past that they had. @t would be li$e i* you were seeing them through negative movies that you had around them *rom a year ago, or *ive years ago, or twenty years ago, or *i*ty years ago. GouAre seeing them as that person. Each one o* us is changing moment to moment. 0ith some people thatAs very obvious, and theyAre moving up the (ibrational 'caleM with some people, less so. 7ut the emotional clutter, as you clear that, suddenly now youAre relating to the person that is, right here, right now, rather than the person that was three years ago. Carol: Now thatAs a great point and angle that you bring up. @* you and @ met each other in person, and we havenAt seen each other in a while, and we are bringing clutter to each other about each other. @ was thin$ing in terms o* Dust clutter in general in your mind emotionally. Gou also canAt be present. Rick: No. Carol: 0ell, @ may want to be present to you, and be totally clear about the two o* us in our relationship, but i* @Ave got clutter about everybody else in my li*e, in business, in a business deal, and a *uture thing @Am doing with a *amily member, @Am also not present. 'o again, bac$ to that clarity and that ability to be present and listen and pay attention. @tAs actually an interesting sign. @* someoneAs tal$ing to you and theyAre not there, where are they: Rick: +laughing, TheyAre o** in their emotional clutter. Carol: TheyAre in their emotional clutter.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

Physical Body and Clutter

*starts + /0.3,1 Carol: =$ay, how about we do the physical body and clutter: 7ecause @ thin$ this can come out in some pretty interesting ways. A basic might be *or some people, @ had a client say she *elt that way with her weight loss. There was all this eFtra stu** she was holding on to, on her body, and she was almost ready to let it go. 'he *elt li$e it might as well have been her messy o**ice. @t was an interesting image and angle *rom which to see it. That was interesting *or her, Dust saying, <@Ave cluttered up my bones and my body by covering them with all this eFtra...> Rick: @ believe that eFcess weight 1 when you really *eel li$e you have more weight than you need 1 the primitive brain has been carrying around the pantry with you. /erhaps 5!,!!! years ago when we didnAt have grocery stores, it was important *or survival, i* you were under stress a lot, to carry with you a lot o* stu**. A lot o* those things had an eFpiration date a long, long time ago, and i* we can help clear those energies and *ree them up to be reinvested in some way, in the same way that, i* you had a coin collection that was gathering dust, and you *elt li$e you wanted to go on vacation, that that would be a better eFperience, i* you sold the coin collection and too$ the money to have that eFperience, youAd be reinvesting one *orm o* energy into a di**erent *orm o* energy 1 *rom the physical coin collection to an eFperience. Clutter in the body in terms o* stored energy, in the *orm o* *at, is one way that, as you clear that out, youAre reinvesting that in other things in your li*e. movement, vitality, creativity. ThereAs also those pains and traumas that are stored in a hip, in a $nee. They can be spea$ing to us constantly. Gou and @, through our program </ain &elie* 0ith EFT>, loo$ing at these speci*ic events and where they can be stored in the body as well as the emotional things that $eep coming up, coming up, coming up. 'ometimes i* you listen to the body and ta$e inventory o* the areas that youAre paying attention to in a negative way and start addressing these speci*ic events and big and little traumas o* your li*e, it clears the clutter *rom the energy *low in your body. @tAs li$e ta$ing a cree$ and ta$ing the big roc$s and the logs and the rotted stumps out o* it. @t gets your energy moving more smoothly. )ust li$e a room has a *low o* energy, your body has an even more dynamic *low o* energy. Clearing the clutter *rom that ma$es an enormous di**erence in your eFperience o* li*e. Carol: &ight, you have more energy. @tAs li$e sleeping. @* your mind is cluttered, you wonAt sleep well. And i* you donAt sleep well, you donAt have much energy. They all come together.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Spiritual Clutter
*starts + 33.2,1 Carol: 'o how about spiritual clutter: #etAs tal$ a little bit about that and how does that show up with someone. Rick: 'piritual clutter, in the *orm o* the inner critic. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: 0hen someone has an inner critic, or a whole team o* inner critics that are yapping at you all the time, itAs hard to hear inner guidance. <@nner guide> is a so*t, still, Iuieter, less assertive energy. @t guides more gently than <inner critic>. 'o, as you address those critical, sel*1critical, sel*1hating $inds o* energies 1 as you Iuiet yoursel* 1 as you allow yoursel* to go to a state o* peace*ul simplicity and awareness, now youAve got that connection to source energy, which provides power. @t provides guidance. ThatAs what @ *ind 1 when people have a lot o* clutter around that connection, clearing that clutter so that they can power*ully and consciously and intentionally connect to source energy. +%ick takes a deep breath., <Ahh 1 now things are *lowing Iuite di**erently.> Carol: 0hen people have the <shoulds>, @ $now they have spiritual clutter. Rick: +laughing, Carol: TheyAre not connected, as you say. 0hen <Mom say this>, <2ad says this>, <the neighbor says this> and <coach says this>1 o$ay, but what does your guidance say: <@ donAt $now. @ canAt hear itH> Rick: <TheyAre Nshould1ingA all over themselves> is the way @ describe it. The <shoulds>, <have1 tos>, <@ must> 1 that shuts us o** *rom spiritual guidance, which is much more attuned to <0here am @ and where do @ want to go:> and doesnAt use <shoulds>, <musts>, and <have1tos> in order to guide us and let us go with that *low. Carol: 7e*ore we ta$e a brie* brea$, be*ore we tal$ about where it all comes *rom, letAs tal$ about the Iuestion, <Cow does it serve you:> @ thin$, *or everyone listening, that would be a valuable Iuestion. #etAs say you have physical space clutter. Cow does it serve you: @s there any upside: #etAs say you have bodily clutter, whether in the *orm o* pain or weight or arthritis

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


in your $nees. Cow does it serve you: @s there any upside to it: 2oes it help you do something or get a need met: @s there anything positive about it: 7ecause i* there is, and we Dust try to tap it away, youAll ta$e it bac$ because you need to be sa*e with it. 7eing sa*e with it is more important than letting it go. 'o @ thin$ thatAs a valuable Iuestion. Cow does it serve you to have this spiritual clutter: Rick: Gou taught me the Iuestion, <@* @ didnAt have this clutter, what would @ have to be thin$ing about: 0hat would @ have in my *ace i* @ didnAt have this:> ThatAs a very power*ul Iuestion to as$. A lot o* times, @ canAt see the upside o* $eeping the clutter, but i* @ imagine it gone, all o* a sudden now @ $now that there are things that are maybe outside o* my com*ort Jone that @ have been putting o**, @ donAt want to loo$ at, @ donAt *eel supported loo$ing at, that are unsa*e, ris$y, etc. @t may not ma$e logical sense at all. @n *act, o*ten times they donAt. Carol: 0eAll $eep as$ing that Iuestion as we go through eFercises, tal$ more about where clutter comes *rom, and do the EFT eFercises with all o* you. 0eAll continue to as$, <Cow does it serve you: @s there any way that having spiritual clutter, mind chatter, emotional clutter, physical space clutter 1 is there any way that it gives you something or gets your needs met by protecting you in any way that we could loo$ at:>, and then o* course use EFT *or the energy o* that.

here Does Clutter Come !rom"

*starts + 35./61 Carol: 'o, &ic$, where does clutter come *rom: Rick: =ne o* the places that it comes *rom is *rom our *amily history and the type o* *amily that we are. @ picture a *amily o* hunters thousands o* years ago. They probably traveled pretty light. They had to be able to pac$ up and carry with them everything that they owned. That meant a certain simplicity 1 that everything had a very strict *unction to it, and i* it wasnAt valuable, it wasnAt worth carrying. And then other groups that were geographically located could start collecting lots and lots o* things, and there were cultures where acIuisitions and wealth and Dewels and other things were the way that you established your status within the tribe. Those things have gone with us and evolved through time. 0e all $now people where what you own is the de*inition o* who you are.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Carol: Cow much stu** do you have:


Rick: @ used to have a t1shirt <Ce who dies with the most toys wins.> @ gave that away when my energy shi*ted around thatH That was one o* the things that is a drum beat that @ heard and @ listened to, and @ said, <CeyH That sounds pretty goodH @ will go that route.> 'o that was one o* the *amily history types o* things. @t also comes *rom contrast, doesnAt it, Carol: Carol: The contrast o* scarcity: Rick: @* you grew up without it, you may want a lot o* things, thin$ing that that was the answer. Carol: 7oth can happen, so you and @ tal$ about modeled habits. 'o, i* your parents modeled holding on to stu**, you can either *ollow that model because you thin$ thatAs right, or you might get repulsed by that and give everything away as a result. @* your parents *elt a scarcity issue, they held on to stu** that wasnAt valuable because they thought that would help them *eel valued. Rick: &ight. Carol: Gou $now, you can go both directions. Gou $now, my *avorite eFpression is, i* you grew up in France, you spea$ French. 0ell, i* you grow up in a household, whatever you see at home, we usually ta$e with us 1 our parentsA attitudes, their patterns, our grandparentsA attitudes about stu**. @tAs about Dewelry, boo$s, paper, clothing, carpets, art wor$, television sets 1 anything 1 chairs, dining room tables. Gou also get involved in that <well, this was my great1great1grand*atherAsL>. 0ell, itAs bro$enH <7ut this was my great1great1grandmotherAsL>. @tAs bro$enH @tAs not worth anything. And that <yes, butL> *eeling o* you canAt possibly get rid o* anything that was part o* the *amily, that comes *rom a whole emotional energy there, too. 'o, you and @ tal$ a lot about <2oes clutter come *rom a need to hold on:> Now, is that *rom your parents: @s that *rom one eFperience: Maybe there was an event in your li*e 1 and weAll use EFT with many speci*ic events 1 maybe there was an event that taught you <you gotta hold on, because i* you donAt hold on, youAll be in trouble, youAll *eel laF, youAll regret it>. Gou $now the old Do$e about, <i* you throw something out, neFt wee$ youAll need itH> Rick: That thought is in the air. 0eAve all heard it. As soon as you have that eFperience, it will rein*orce that statement, that idea, that as soon as you get rid o* it, youAll need it. @* that happens to you once, you will tend to want to move away *rom the pain o* *eeling li$e <=h, well, @ Dust gave that

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


awayL> Addressing that in the moment with EFT can be a big help, $eeping you *rom changing your behavior in a way that is not pleasing to you. @ thin$ o* children who were told to share and maybe they had candy that they wanted to $eep, or they had certain things that they wanted that were ta$en *rom them, li$e a toy that was ta$en prematurely *or some reason. <My baby blan$et was ta$en *rom me be*ore @ was ready to let it goH> Those things, we donAt $now *or sure whether it causes a desire to hold on, hold on, hold on. 7ut i* you start having memories li$e that, as you thin$ about the things that are cluttering your li*e and youAve got a resistance *rom letting go o* the thing that so clearly, logically, no1one would accuse you o* doing anything silly by getting rid o* it. @* you still have a *eeling o* holding on, guess what: There are almost certainly some events *rom your li*e that could be used e**ectively with EFT to shi*t that <@ need to hold on toL> *eeling. Carol: And maybe you heard someone tal$ about that. <=h, darn it, @ shouldnAt have gotten rid o* that.> Maybe you were eight and heard an aunt or an uncle or a parent say that. Maybe you did it yoursel*, and maybe you were ordered to clean up your room at age ten and you threw something out that you wish you hadnAt thrown out. There are so many small instances as well as enormous ones that could lead to the need to hold on. 'o weAre going to be very *leFible, go all the way to both sides o* the continuum about why emotionally we might *eel the need to hold on to material obDects, boo$s, clothing, scarvesLyou $now how many people have a boF o* eFtra mittens, right: Fi*teen eFtra pairs o* one1sided mittens, because you might need them one dayH Rick: =r how about that soc$ that doesnAt have a match: Gou $eep waiting *or it to reappear a*ter its vacation *or two years, and you still have those unmatched soc$s, rather than Dust ta$ing the whole bas$et and dumping it out and buying another set *or O5."" at the store: Those are things that give us insight into our energy. Gou donAt have to ta$e necessarily the big ones. Gou can ta$e the small ones, the silly ones, and that will give you a doorway that weAre going to show you how to use that to a**ect the rest o* your li*e, too. 'ometimes itAs the simple stu**, isnAt it, Carol: 0hen you shi*t the simple things, the bigger ones start becoming easier and easier and easier:

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


#eeding Some Place for the Stuff to $o

*starts + -3.-31 Carol: Ges, absolutely, and also this reminds me o* something else. @t also has to have someplace to go. 0hen @ *ound a *antastic second1hand shop that @ could bring bags and bags o* clothing and soc$s and boo$s 1 they ta$e everything. TheyAll ta$e an old picture *rame 1 theyAll ta$e anything. 0hen @ *ound that, that changed how @ handled clutter, believe it or not. There was a sense o* <@ donAt $now where to put it. 0ho am @ going to give it to: 0hat am @ going to do with it:> @t sounds odd, but that shi*ted something energetically. That, and my o**ice building, hal* a year ago, put in an enormous industrial shredder in our lobby o* our building by the mailboF holders. 'o, @ now *eel totally *ree. @ ta$e reams o* paper and paperwor$ and old wor$shop *lyers and things and bills and things that @ donAt need and shred it. Now, some people are thin$ing, <0hat, you didnAt $now how to throw it out:> No, @ needed a place to put it where @ *elt sa*e getting rid o* it. Rick: Ges. Carol: And having a second1hand store that is *antastic where @ can ta$e piles and piles and having a shredderLit changed the *eeling o* being able to let go. Now, @ wouldnAt have been open to that had @ not been doing all o* my energy EFT wor$ on letting go. 'o that had to come *irst, then lo and behold, @ mean @Ave been doing this ta$ing things to the second1hand store. Gou helped me with that one time *inancially when @ said, <@tAs hard to give away something that youAve spent a lot o* money on.> Gou helped me realiJe about the abundance about it, that youAre giving it to someone else. @tAs not being thrown in the garbage. @t is being given to someone else. Ta$e it to the second1hand store. ;ive the couch *or no money. ;ive it away, whatever you hold on to, whether itAs *urniture or boo$s. @Am starting to give away boo$s, and it *eels good. @t *eels really good. Rick: @ used to hold on to my boo$s. @ used to hold on to clothes. @ used to hold on to so many things, and @ thin$ youAre right on with that. 0e need to *eel good and sa*e in the recyclingPreuse process. Most o* the things that we have that we thin$ are clutter are not Dust trash. Carol: &ight. Rick: @* it was Dust trash, i* youAre holding on to dirty lollipop wrappers, then itAs a di**erent level o* intensity around needing to hold on to. Most

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


people that say they have a cluttered house, itAs not necessarily a dirty place, itAs Dust that there are things that they are not ready to move on. @ agree with you 1 in terms o* paperwor$, *or me, dumping it out in a bin that was on its way to the county dump, and @ $new somebody was not going to be able to go through it, that provided a measure o* sa*ety. 'hredding it is great because most o* the shredded materials end up being recycled and end up in toilet paper and stu** li$e that. @tAs wonder*ul. 'o, @ believe that there are ways o* allowing that energy to trans*orm and move and *low, but li$e you said, you wonAt see them. GouAll ma$e eFcuses why itAs not going to wor$ *or you. Gou wonAt even see the taF deduction that you get *rom donating clothes and boo$s and the li$e, which can be very considerable. Gou wonAt see those things i* your programming is, <@ have to hold on to this. @ need to hold on to this, or @ will *eel worse *or the not having than the having.> Carol: =ne time @ was ta$ing a whole load o* clothes to a 'alvation Army, and in it 1 the 'alvation Army was actually built li$e a store as well 1 there was some seventeen1year1old $id who *ound a blac$ suit or a tuFedo *or his prom, and he bought it *or li$e two dollars. 'ome man gave a tuFedo that probably cost hundreds o* dollars, and this seventeen1year1old $id paid three dollars *or it, and he was beamingH @ was li$e, suddenly energetically, <@ got itH @ get itH @ get itH> That sense o* <@ might need this one day> or <0hoAs going to use it:>, there are millions o* people who can use the boo$ you read and loved, who can use that sweater that, you $now what, itAs not your style any more. GouAve moved to a di**erentL Rick: Gour energy has changedH Every time someoneAs energy changes, the clothes that used to wor$ *or you are not going to wor$ *or you. And unless you bac$pedaled to Dunior high school, chances are youAre not going to be interested in wearing those clothes any more. @ had always wondered what the <nearly new> shop did with the clothes that nobody seemed to buy. They went o** to ;uatemala. Every year, some o* the local surgeons would go down and do *ree surgery down in ;uatemala, and when they did, they would ta$e shipping crates worth o* clothes and materials and other things that were appropriate *or the villagers that they would be seeing. And they were li$e 'anta Claus *or these people 1 the shirts and soc$s and things that we may not be happy with, there are people in di**erent places in terms o* *inancial abundance that can be happy with it. @* you *ind that that idea ma$es you tense and uncom*ortable, weAre delighted to have you listen, because that is the energy that, i* it shi*ts, you will *ind a lot o* things start *lowing in your li*e. And itAs o$ay to be there. 0e all pic$ these things up. 0e can pic$ them up *rom movies, *rom our *amily, *rom bosses, *riends 1 Dust the eFperience o* living can say, <@tAs better to hold on than to let go.> From a *low standpoint, thatAs not true.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Carol: @ remember *irst being in New Gor$, and living in these tiny apartments and not having enough *urniture or a little ceramic thing *or the table 1 @ mean, @ didnAt have anything. 'o @ would $ind o* collect stu** that was neither my style, my pre*erence, my taste, @ didnAt buy it. @* someone was throwing something out, @ was happy to have it. @ donAt mean grungy stu**, but you $now 1 someone would say, <@ donAt need this ashtray any more>, and itAs li$e, well, @ wasnAt smo$ing any more, but <@Ad li$e an ashtray on my tableH> Rick: +laughing, Carol: 7ecause @ had nothing. @ was living in a studio apartment. @ was luc$y to have a couple o* chairs. 'o that *eeling too$ a while to let go o*. That sense 1 we have categories 1 that needing to hold on, the insecurity, <thereAs not enough>, <even though itAs not great, grab it anyway>. <ThereAs not enough, so why donAt youL> /eople do that with overeating, too. ThereAs not enough *ood, so theyAll eat more o* something they donAt li$e because there might not be enough *ood tomorrow. 0ell, we do that with items 1 with material obDects. 0e *ear that thereAs not going to be enough *or us and we hold on. Rick: Then there is the <what i*L> game. <0hat i* @ need thisL>, what i*, what i*, what i*, what i* 1 all the negative what1i*s that you can as$ around a speci*ic thing that has you put it bac$ instead o* letting it move on. Carol: &ight. 'o, the *ear o* <we might need it one day>, <i* only @ had held on toL>, <what i*L> 1 thatAs connected to regret. 0hat weAre going to get more into the emotions, the lac$ o*, and how our emotions ma$e us hold on rather than a li*e eFperience o* <@ threw something out and @ wish @ hadnAt because @ needed it.> That <@ might need it one day> 1 @ hear that over and over and over again in this society. /eople tease about it. @tAs a clichQ. <=h, you might need that one dayH> /eople tal$ about that even when they donAt really believe it. ThatAs a very common topic. <=h, you might need that one dayH> TheyAre teasing. TheyAre tal$ing around the water cooler. <2onAt clean up your o**iceL> @ thin$ thatAs a very common topic o* conversation. Rick: @ thin$ itAs also a way o* covering *or the emotional discom*ort that people have about letting it go. @ say, <@ might need it some day>, and @ canAt argue with it. &ight: Gou might need that carburetor *rom that 5"83 Chevy (ega that you havenAt owned *or 56 years. <Gou might need it some day. @t might be worth something someday.> ThatAs the other side o* it. <@t might be worth something someday.>

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

Carol: ThatAs the abundanceL Rick: <Gep, loo$ at those 7eanie 7abies. They might be, i* theyAre in pristine conditionH> 7ut are they really something that youAre enDoying having in your space and in your li*e: Gou can always go bac$ and re1buy them, i* you want, and i* youAre in a place o* abundance, thatAs one o* the measures. i* something really isnAt li*e or death, and itAs right to let go o*, i* you canAt, then to me, thatAs a sign that youAve got an energy around it that isnAt as healthy and use*ul and resource*ul.

Scarcity and %ac&

*starts + 2/.,,1 Carol: Ges, and that itAs being used *or the wrong reasons. 'o letAs tal$ about scarcity and lac$. Rick: =$ay. Carol: @n scarcity and lac$, maybe you donAt have your physical needs met. Maybe you grew up in poverty and you really didnAt have enough clothes or enough warmth or enough shoes. ThatAs a serious, real physical lac$ and scarcity. 7ut now youAve grown up and you have a Dob, and you actually are providing *or yoursel* and you have enough. @t may not *eel plenti*ul, but you have clothes and shoes and a roo* over your head. Gou $now, itAs hard to grow out o* that, where one dayL @Ave always had clients tal$ to me about how they grew up so poor, and theyAre wealthy now, or wealthy by comparison. Rick: Ges. Carol: They have a Dob and they do have a home, and theyAre so a*raid that theyAre going to go bac$ to being poor, the way they were as a child. They canAt let go o* that. All the signs are there that theyAve changed that energy 1 they have an income and they have a salary and theyAre ta$ing care o* themselves much better than the previous generation, but that energy is in them. <Ges, but what i* @ ever go bac$ to that poverty state @ was in as a $id:> @tAs very power*ul. Rick: Gou didnAt have a pair o* shoes that *it, so now you canAt even let go o* the shoes that are so well worn out, or that you will never wear again. Gou were short o* *ood *or a while, legitimately, and it was pain*ul 1

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

traumatic, even. 'o now, your pantry has to be stoc$ed to over*lowing, and your re*rigerator has to be stoc$ed to over*lowing. Gou donAt *eel com*ortable unless it is. Those are signs o* that scarcity and lac$. @tAs not a mentality only 1 we call it a mentality 1 but itAs a *eeling in the body. @tAs a whole1body eFperience o* discom*ort when you thin$ about changing that. &ecogniJe that itAs not a behavior thatAs serving you, that may have led you to this program. Now, what weAre going to be doing is help you *eel com*ortable shi*ting that, by ac$nowledging and doing a little detective wor$ about where that lac$ o* physical needs being met early in your li*e is still being run and eFperienced now 1 and run amo$, to a certain eFtent. Carol: And by the way, i* your energy is in that lac$ because o* what you grew up with +or didnAt grow up with,, stoc$ing the re*rigerator and the pantry doesnAt scratch the itch. @* you didnAt grow up with enough shoes and soc$s and clothing or enough warmth, having *i*teen thousand sweaters doesnAt actually do the Dob, but we are under the illusion that it does. Rick: @ thin$ it does sel*1medicate, but itAs a sel*1medication that lasts *or a very short period o* time. @tAs really a case where any change in the negative direction is a trend that youAre sensitive to. 'o as long as youAre accumulating more and more and more and more, youAre com*ortable, but as soon as that trend starts changing, where you start *eeling li$e stu** is moving out rather than more and more and more stu** being accumulated 1 whoa, now weAve got the problem. ThatAs the trigger. @t doesnAt matter whether youAre starting *rom a thousand pair o* shoes or ten. @* you have an issue around needing lots o* physical things, i* the trend shi*ts the other wayLuh1oh. Gour being will start sabotaging any e**ort 1 sometimes rather dramatically sabotaging. Carol: No one ever accumulates unless they have an energetic place o* lac$ that theyAre trying to *ill. @tAs not normal to accumulate *or no reason, Dust *or security. @n other words, it comes *rom an emotion. @t comes *rom energy. GouAre not reading the boo$. Gou couldnAt possibly read the thousands o* boo$s. Gou couldnAt possibly go through all those papers. @ used to hold on to all the old wor$shop brochures that @ put out, or my !1 and 9!1page pamphlets that @ gave to people *rom 5""?, my *irst EFT wor$shops, 5""8 1 and @ got to the point where @ realiJed, <@ don7t need that one dayH @ wonAt need thatH> 7ut it was an insecurity o* <Ges, but what i* someone needs it: 0hat i* @ need to copy it: 0hat i* @ need to do anotherL> @ have so moved on *rom that time period in my li*e, and even how @ teach EFT, but @ had to really wrap my head around that, and it was wonder*ully cleansing when @ did. 0eAre o**ering people a way to clear and to cleanse, because @ must say that itAs very hard to do it by yoursel*. @* youAve had the lac$ o* *ood and the lac$ o* physical needs 1 and what about

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT lac$ o* love: #etAs tal$ about that *or a little bit. @* youAve eFperienced a lac$ o* love, what might you hold on to in your li*e:

%ac& of %o'e
*starts + 20.,,1 Rick: Anything that gives you com*ort. Anything that ma$es you *eel loved. The person that had a lac$ o* love generally, but *elt loved when ;randma brought her some chocolate chip coo$ies, will want to hoard chocolate chip coo$ies as well as other *ood and things that evo$e the same energy. @* you *elt loved and sa*e escaping into boo$s 1 and a lot o* people did as children 1 they would be able to pic$ up a boo$ and escape into it, and it would allow them to not be in their body and in their current li*e. 0ell, why in the world would you ever want to get rid o* a single boo$: 7ecause the boo$s represented not only love, but sa*ety. Those are, *or me, some o* the $ey eFamples. 0hat do you thin$ o* when you see people compensate *or lac$ o* love with clutter: Carol: 7e*ore @ say that, @ want to go bac$ to one o* your earlier points that, i* you have a beauti*ul library o* a thousand boo$s, and you wal$ in and you *eel happy there 1 not energetically disturbed or chaotic 1 then thatAs not clutter. Rick: @t isnAt. Carol: Reep your lovely, beauti*ul boo$sH GouAre not sel*1medicating 1 itAs *antasticH @ Dust want to ma$e that point again. @tAs about your reaction and your response to the stu** in your li*e. 7ut regarding love, @ have *ound people literally hold on to and get cluttered with relationships. Rick: =h. Carol: The relationships that arenAt serving them anymore, the relationships that are a drag on their energy, but they $eep up. @ thin$, <Now why is he $eeping up with that person: Gou told me two wee$s ago that they criticiJed you, and itAs no *un, and you *elt li$e you had grown past them, but you canAt let goH> 'o they have two hundred close acIuaintancesL Rick: +laughing, Lthat they all have to send Christmas cards to every year, and call at least once a monthL

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

Carol: Lwhich ma$es them *eel special. 'o i* that love issue 1 i* youAre starving, i* youAre starved *rom love and com*ort and care and a**ection *rom your *amily, you may grow up and mista$e and con*use Iuantity with Iuality. Rick: Can it also be that somebody ma$es a statement to themselves as a younger child, <@ will never do this to someone else,> that they *elt reDected and let go o*. Carol: Ges. Rick: They say, <@ will never turn away *rom anyone, even i* that person is messing up my psyche. TheyAre being mean to me, disrespect*ul, there is no emotional or even physical sa*ety. @Am not going to turn away *rom that person. @Ave got to hold on.> ThatAs a very good point about relationship clutter. @ also thin$ about groups. @ hear about people that are on so many di**erent committeesL Carol: &ight. Rick: Lthat they have all o* these di**erent areas where the ways that theyAre trying to contribute to society is so cluttered, they donAt *eel good anymore. TheyAre Dust doing too much. Again, @ thin$ it comes down to that loo$ing at <0hy is this serving you:> on some level. 0hat rule would you be brea$ing i* you let go o* this: Carol: &ight, and i* you only *eel valued because you contribute: @ believe in contribution, absolutely, and doing service, but i* you donAt *eel valued without it, then youAll be on *ourteen committees, three local societal organiJationsLand you will be stretched beyond your capacity and not be giving to yoursel* or your *amily anymore. That would de*eat the purpose. This is what you and @ always see in our coaching practices and in our wor$shops with people whoL theyAre trying to get a need met, but theyAre going about it bac$wards, the wrong way. @t doesnAt meet the need, eFcept *or very temporarily, and then they end up more hungry later. Rick: @ thin$ you Dust de*ined what clutter is. Carol: @Am so glad people are listening to this, because we $new it was complicated. Gou $now, everybody teases, <=h, yeah, @Am so cluttered. @Am a mess. =h, yes, my o**iceLmy homeL> @t is very compleF. @ wonAt say complicated 1 itAs complex, energetically. 0e believe *rom our personal and pro*essional eFperiences that you can ma$e huge progress using EFT to clear the clutter emotionally, spiritually, physically, in your body, with

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

relationships. Gou $now those people who, their last 8 girl*riends or boy*riends are still buddies: 'till pals: And @ thin$, <&eally: Gou didnAt li$e them enough to stay with themL> but they donAt want to let go o* anybody. <No, we dated 9 years agoL> 0hat are you doing: 0hatAs the point: 0hat is the point o* $eeping in touch with everyone: 0hat is that serving: 0eAre bac$ to <Cow does that serve you:> Cow is that really ta$ing care o* you: Maybe itAs ta$ing care o* you because you *eel sa*er that you havenAt lost touch with anybody because some *amily member lost touch with your parents or your grandparents, and itAs a *amily story. Again, *amily stories and *amily patterns and habits are where we learn. ThatAs our *irst language. Rick: 'o, on the other side o* clutter, thereAs sa*ety, thereAs simplicity, thereAs a <going with the *low>, and thereAs an emotional *reedom that allows you to choose the things to be in your li*e that *eel really delicious, that give you that sense o* abundance, that let you live a li*e that is thriving, enDoyable 1 that you can be eager about without dragging with you stu** that really can be le*t behind *or someone else or recycling, composting, what have you. Carol: And you can be so much more creative when youAre not cluttered. Again, cluttered on any level, li$e what youAre saying with sa*ety and simplicity on the other side. And creativity 1 there can be some real brilliance and inspiration on the other side when your energy isnAt being dampened by stu**. Rick: Than$ you, Carol. Carol: Than$ youH

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

Recording #(
Clearing Emotions) E'ents) and Conflicts
Carol: First thing, &ic$. 0e need to decide whether weAre clearing an emotion, an event, or a con*lict, because we treat those di**erently with EFT. Rick: 2o you want to give us a little bac$ground on what you mean by that, Carol: Carol: 0ith the emotion, i* someone says, <@Am so cluttered because @ *eel anFious about all the wor$ @ have to do,> thatAs in the now. &ight now, they thin$ about all the wor$ they have to do and the *eeling comes up in their body. ThatAs our target. Maybe they *eel clutter because o* an event in their li*e. Maybe something happened in their *amily, in their high school, in their college. Maybe something happened that somehow triggered this *eeling o* overwhelm and clutter. Then we go bac$ to, <@n 5"" , NFA happened, and this was the *eeling,> and we tap on that. 0e have di**erent targets. Rick: Ges. &ight. Carol: A con*lict might beLyou $now how people say, <My des$ is messy, but @ can *ind everything, so donAt touch it>: 'ome people thin$ they should be all neat and tidy and noncluttered, but they really donAt wor$ that way. @tAs o$ay to have some, and honestly, their system does wor$ *or them. 'o that would be a con*lict. 'o then weAd use <Even though @ have a con*lict about clutter, and @Am not sure @ want to clean it up>, <even though people are saying <should, should, should>> 1 so then thatAs important, too. Rick: &ight. 0hen people are doing it *or the wrong reasons, theyAre doing it because everyone else loo$s at them and Dudges themL Carol: Ges. Rick: Lversus <0hatAs right *or me:> Carol: &ight.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Rick: <0hatAs the level o* organiJation:> 1 because organiJation is a time investment. @t is. Carol: Absolutely. Rick: Things tend toward disorganiJation. The amount that you invest in the organiJation o* various areas o* your home, various areas o* your o**ice and your li*e, will depend both on your own personality and what wor$s *or the way that your brain is structuredL Carol: &ight.

Rick: Las well as some compromise with other people in your li*e. 0hatAs the balance: @* you clear the con*lict there, then youAll be able to get clarity about whatAs a GE' *or you. Carol: @ thin$ thatAs important because you and @ are really having *un doing this, and thatAs really helping me with my clutter, and really, things are changing. Cowever, no one needs to do it our way. That sense o* you saying, <the Dudgment *rom others> 1 weAre Dust o**ering stu** to help you. @* they want to shi*t the clutter and EFT energetically, weAll shi*t the reason you have eFcess clutter thatAs ma$ing you unhappy. @* your clutter is ma$ing you unhappy, thatAs a problem. @* youAre happy with your clutter, you $now what: 0or$ on something else. Rick: +laughing, Chances are youAre not listening to this anywayH Carol: +laughing, True, true, true. 'o @ thought we could start with the emotions, because they seem to be all over the place *or everyone. 0e have so many emotions that we could tap on that would clear the clutter in the mind and in the energy. 0e have all sorts o* emotions here. overwhelm, *ear, scarcity, abandonment, anger, guilt, shame. 2o you have a pre*erence on where to start: Rick: #etAs start with overwhelm.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT

The !eeling of *+'er,helmed*starts + ,3.061 Carol: =verwhelm: =$ay. Rick: Things that are inherent in clutter is that you loo$ at it and there is no organiJation to it. Gou *eel o*ten that itAs clutter because itAs too much to get your hands around 1 too much to get through. 'omething that doesnAt *eel that way, @Am not sure is even clutter. Carol: &ight. Rick: 'o thatAs why, to me, starting with overwhelm 1 the *eeling that, <Cow do @ do this:>. @ thin$ weAll go *rom that emotion to some o* the other subsidiary ones that are all around how you *eel when you connect to the reality that is your clutter. Carol: Ges, and @ thin$ whatAs hard *or people and is so challenging is i* you *eel overwhelmed by your clutter, you canAt start cleaning it. Rick: No. Carol: 'o thereAs this terrible cycle that happens, where <@Am overwhelmed by my clutterH> 0hat you need to do to get less overwhelmed is to clean the garbageH Gou canAt clean the clutter because youAre overwhelmedH 'o again, EFT would be *abulous, and @Ave certainly done it with mysel* and with others *or that overwhelming emotional *eeling. Maybe your overwhelm is actually about your li*e and emotions, so then you become cluttered because youAre not paying attention to that, and itAs not overwhelm about loo$ing at your clutter. Those are two separate trac$s also. Rick: &ight. Carol: 'hall @ lead you through one: Rick: That would be greatH Carol: All right. As all o* you $now, we start on the Rarate Chop point, and then go through the regular points, tapping. Rick: 0hatAs our subDect *or this:

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Carol: #etAs have people loo$ at their clutter and get that *eeling o* <overwhelmed>, and then weAre going to tap on that and then we might do <overwhelmed> with *eelings in their li*e 1 what *eels li$e clutter in their emotional li*e. Rick: ;ot it. Carol: TheyAre two separate ones. =$ay:

Rick: @Ave got a big pile o* stu** that @ put in a place where it has been piling up. @ added to it this morning. @ even have an empty boF sitting there, tooL Carol: +laughing, Rick: +laughing, L@Ave got all $inds o* a miF o* stu** there. Carol: @ love using props. Rick: @ can *eel it coming alreadyH Carol: ;reatH Gou and @ love using props with EFT, right: Rick: &ight. Carol: 'o the prop is in your o**ice or your home or your purse or your brie*case or whatever. #oo$ at the clutter. 0hat does it do to you physiologically: Rick: The idea here is to build some intensity. Carol: Ges. Rick: 0e have gotten used to, many times, ignoring it 1 Dust not seeing it. ThatAs to avoid the overwhelm *eeling. Carol: Ges. Rick: &ight now, weAd li$e you to loo$ at it, and i* youAre going to *eel overwhelmed, let that *eeling come up right now while we tap together. Carol: And how about measuring it on our EFT !15! intensity scale that we always useL

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Rick: ;reat. Carol: Lsee i* you get a place in your body. Rick: GesH Carol: 0here does the overwhelm show up *or you in your body: Rick: Mine is at the base o* my throat 1 upper chest, base o* my throat. @Am *eeling that as @ loo$ at these things and, really 1 KghH Carol: And mine right now is de*initely upper chest. @ hadnAt even noticed it was there until @ was as$ing the listeners to do that.


Tapping on the !eeling of *+'er,helmed*starts + ,0.031 Carol: =$ay. Karate Chop point: Even though @ *eel overwhelmed when @ loo$ at all this stu**L Land @ donAt $now what to do with it allL Land @ donAt $now how to even get started. @ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept mysel* anyway. Even though @ *eel overwhelmed by my own clutterL Land @ can *eel it in my body right nowL L@ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept all o* me anyway. Even though @Am critical o* mysel*L Lbecause o* all my clutterL L@ accept who @ amL Lno matter what. Eyebrow: @ *eel overwhelmed by my own clutter. Side of the eye: @Am overwhelmed by my own clutter. nder the eye. ThereAs too muchH nder the nose: Too much clutterH Chin: @t ma$es me *eel overwhelmed.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Collarbone: @ *eel overwhelmed by my own clutter. nder the ar!: @tAs too much, and @ *eel it in my body. Top of the head: @ Dust want to run away. Lor ignore it. Carol: Ta$e a breath.


Rick: "hhhhhh8 *deep breath1 &ight be*ore we *inished, it actually got more intense. @ could *eel it become more sharp in my upper chest. @ was doing that intentionally. @ was loo$ing at these things and really *eeling what it meant to me in terms o* overwhelm. @ could use another round. Carol: Ges. Absolutely. Round Two " #$%erwhel!ed& *starts + 6.2,1 Karate Chop: Even though @ still *eel overwhelmed by my clutterL Land @ *eel it in my bodyL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Even though @ am overwhelmed by my own clutterL Land @ am embarrassed by itL L@ accept who @ amL Lno matter what. Even though @ hate this overwhelming *eelingL Lall this clutterL Lall this clutter in my li*eL @ accept who @ am right now. Eyebrow: This remaining overwhelming *eeling. Side of the eye: @ loo$ at my clutter and @ *eel overwhelmed. nder the eye: No wonder @ canAt do anything about it. nder the nose: No wonder @ canAt do anything about it. Chin: All this clutter is overwhelming me. Collarbone: @Am overwhelmed by my own clutter. nder the ar!: @ donAt even want to loo$ at it. Top of the head: @ donAt even want to loo$ at it. Carol: @ thought weAd stop there. Rick: "hhhhhh. *deep breath1

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Carol: 0e could always do a positive round, $ind o* a clearing round, but @ thought weAd stop there and Dust chec$ in. Rick: 0hatAs interesting is that @ now am seeing individual items, and thereAs a speci*ic action associated with at least two o* the items. The boF 1 easily thrown away. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: And thereAs a spray bottle *or cleaning the screen on my computer. And @ *eel li$e, now, @ see it, and @ $now that thatAs right to Dust clean it and then put away that spray bottle. Those two things are di**erent than when @ *irst loo$ed at it. As @ now loo$ at it, @Am pic$ing out certain things that *eel li$e theyAre heavy, that thereAs an obligation involved with doing something with it. ThatAs part o* the overwhelm. Now, as @ start seeing the individual items, my overwhelm sees that there is a C2 sitting here that someone gave me. @t *eels li$e, <Aw, now @ gotta write a than$1you, and they didnAt send an email, so what am @ going to do with that:> and <2o @ really have timeL> Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: <Lto listen to this C2:> ThatAs part o* the overwhelm process to me, i* @ start loo$ing really at it. @s there something we can do *or that: Carol: 0ell, yes. =ne thing @ was going to say is that @ *orgot to as$ you your number at loo$ing at the pile, because things are di**erent. This is very important energetically *or you to be able to see things. Things are popping out at you, and thatAs what happens. @* someone is overwhelmed about a relationship, theyAre not loo$ing at the relationship either. They do some tapping, and suddenly pieces o* the relationship start to show themselves, and they understand what they can do. 'o @ *orgot to as$ you the number. @Am sorry about that. 7ut what @ can tell you about my chest 1 you $now, @ was saying that it was in my upper chest as @Am loo$ing at this particular corner 1 is that has de*initely gone down in me. Rick: Ges. Around the whole pile, itAs probably gone *rom a 8 to a . Carol: =$ay. Rick: Around one o* the speci*ic things that is sitting here in the *ront, $ind o* on the topL Carol: The C2:

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Clearing Clutter with EFT

Rick: Lthe C2, @ donAt have clarity. @t *eels li$e, <KghH 0hat do @ do with this: Gou donAt throw out a gi*tH> Gou $now: 'o those are eFamples o* now weAre at speci*ics. Carol: And decisions. 0hat $ind o* decisions should you ma$e: Rick: 2ecisions. And thatAs an aspect o* clutter. Carol: =$ay. Rick: <0hat do @ do:> @* @ could reduce the overwhelm *eeling around even one speci*ic item on there, @ sense that everything might shi*t a bit. @ *eel that when my breathing gets constricted. Carol: =$ay. Rick: @Am sharing this with everyone because this is the type o* thing that will happen. Gour body reaction may be di**erent. Carol: &ight. Rick: Gou may want to run. Carol: &ight, right. Rick: @ *eel li$e @ want to release this tension, so @Am staying very *ocused on it. Carol: And !15!, the tension *or you about this particular item is what: Rick: @t Dust *eels overwhelming at about an ?. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: @tAs not that important to meL Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: Lwhich actually ma$es it more overwhelming. @* it was really important, then it would be something that @ would *it into my day, but itAs not that important to me. Carol: Ahhh, but itAs nagging at you.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: @Am loo$ing at the last two ban$ statements that @ havenAt reconciled. @n terms o* the grand scheme o* things, @Am already $ind o* electronically up to date. 7ut they7re sitting there. Carol: &ight. Rick: And what do you do when something *eels overwhelming: @t *eels li$e $ind o* a chaotic, <Kghhhhhhhhhhh>L +laughing, Carol: And not being able to ma$e decisions about small things, because youAre overwhelmed. @ mean, we could do B audio C2 tapes on being overwhelmed period with no eFtra contentL Rick: &ight. Carol: Land it would help people because it is such a common issue. =$ay. 'o the overwhelming tension is about an ?: Rick: @n my breathing, it is. Carol: =$ay. Rick: Not in my mind. @n my mind, @Ave got pretty goodL@ could come up with something logical. 7ut in my breathing, in my body, thereAs not an alignment between the part o* me that says, <)ust *ile this on the shel* 1 no problem> versus leaving it here in my to1do, big, huge pile.

Tapping on Decision/0a&ing
*starts + /3.091 Karate Chop: Even though @ donAt $now what to doL Land thatAs tightening up my breathingL L@ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept mysel* anyway. Even though @ canAt ma$e a decision about thisL Land itAs ma$ing my breathing all tightL L@ accept who @ am no matter what. Even though @ *eel overwhelmed when @ canAt ma$e decisionsL Land @ donAt $now what to doL

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Clearing Clutter with EFT L@ accept who @ amL Lno matter what. Eyebrow: @ *eel overwhelmed again. Side of the eye: 0hat do @ do with this stu**: nder the eye: @ canAt ma$e a decision. 'ose: @ donAt $now what to doL Chin: Land my breathing is so tight. Collarbone: @ donAt $now what to do with this stu**L nder the ar!: Land itAs ma$ing me tense. Top of the head: @ donAt $now what to do with this stu**.


Rick: "hhhhhh8 +deep breath, My breathing has relaFed dramatically. ThereAs still a point in my upper chest on my right1hand side. 0e o*ten see this, where weAll relaF in one area and it might become more noticeably constricted in another place. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: 0hatAs interesting is that @ donAt *eel as overwhelmed about that. @t was a gi*t, and @Am starting to connect to the energy o* the gi*t rather than the obligationL Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: Lto do something. @ had a rule. This person sent me something. @tAs nice. @tAs actually appreciated. @ donAt $now eFactly when @All listen to it, but itAs got a good energy to it. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: @Am shi*ting. @ can *eel the shi*t around this. 0hatAs interesting, too, is that everything else doesnAt *eel heavy to me. Carol: Nice. Rick: @Am getting to that resource*ul state. There are some eFceptions @Am thin$ing o*, in terms o* overwhelming now, Iuite a bit. Carol: Nice. Rick: Than$ you.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


0ore Tapping on *+'er,helmed*starts + /0./31 Carol: 0ant to do Dust a Iuic$ remaining <overwhelmed> on the eyebrow: Eyebrow: This remaining *eeling o* overwhelmedL Side of the eye: Lthis remaining tensionL nder the eye: Lthis remaining tensionL 'ose: Lthis remaining tensionL Chin: Lthe remaining tightnessL Collarbone: @ can handle it. nder the ar!: @ can ma$e the right decisions. Top of the head: @ can ma$e the right decisionsL Land @ love being calm and peace*ul. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: @* youAre calm and peace*ul when you loo$ at your overwhelm, you can do something about it. Gou canAt when you go into a state o* shoc$. @n overwhelm, and too much noise, and too much static, you canAt do something. That puts us into paralysis o* some $ind. 0e really canAt operate under that. Rick: @tAs li$e the clutter creates a repetitive, traumatic <*reeJe> responseL Carol: Absolutely. Rick: Lwhere you loo$ at something and youAre saying, <@ donAt $now what to do,> and that overwhelm to me is @Am *roJen. Carol: Ges. Rick: @ cannot engage the higher mind in ma$ing decisionsL Carol: &ight. Rick: Labout what to do. There are really only a *ew decisions. @Am going to *ile it, @Am going to discard itL Carol: &ight.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: L@Am going to put it in a calendar *or some time in the *uture, @ may give it to somebody else. ThereAs not that many things that we can do with a particular piece o* in*ormation, or a particular item. There are not many things that you have to decide, but when youAre *roJen, @ *elt it. @ could *eel *roJen around it. &ight now, @Am not *eeling *roJen around it. ThereAs still tightness, honestly, but itAs about a . Carol: Mmm1hmm. is a very di**erent energy.

Rick: @ thin$ thatAs probably around some o* the other emotions that weAll start tapping on now. Carol: Mmm1hmm. And whatAs interesting is @Am noticing, and @ didnAt notice it be*ore, but neFt to the pile that @ use as my prop, *irst o* all itAs totally changed. +@snAt that *unny: @tAs down in my stomach, and itAs not as high at all., 7ut @Am noticing this enormous area under a hanging boo$case that @ completely cleaned up wee$s ago, and @ have not gone bac$ to it. Gou $now, whenever there is a hole or a space in my o**ice, @ put something in it. @ have not done that, and thatAs new *or meH @ clean up, and then a wee$ later, something is in the same space that @ Dust cleaned up. @ have kept this. 'o @Am now noticing a new space that is clean, noncluttered, and @Am also noticing some real progress. @Ave done a $ind o* decluttering where @Am not Dust having to put things bac$ in a di**erent place. Rick: That starts *eeling li$e appreciation. Carol: Ges. Absolutely. Rick: ThatAs *eeling li$e @Am noticing the ways that @ am on a Dourney toward a space that is more and more and more to my li$ing. @s that *eeling in the stomach overwhelm still, or is that another emotion: Carol: No. @snAt that *unny: Rick: Not really. To me, when the place in the body where it changes, usually in my eFperience the emotion has changed. Carol: @t was interesting. as you were tal$ing, my *irst thought was, <oooh, thatAs anFiety 1 @ $now that *eeling,> and then it turned out itAs not anFiety. @tAs eFcitement. Rick: A1haH

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Carol: @tAs in the same place, but @Am eFcited to get going on this and to $eep doing this because it reminds me o* another topic @ wanted to ma$e sure we tal$ about. @tAs the idea o* a deep1clean clutter versus the sur*ace. 'ome people only have sur*ace clutter, and itAs a matter o* time. They clean it up, and itAs *ine. @ have, and have had, a deep1cleaning problem. @ need to go into the drawers and get the old Dun$ out, so the right stu** goes in there that is chronologically appropriate there, but it needs to be a deep clean *or me. 0hen @ deep1clean, everything changes. For me to do sur*ace clutter 1 whatAs the point: &ight: Three days later, the mail is piled up again. 'o, @ want people to really evaluate *or themselves. <=h, am @ Dust a sur*ace clutter, and thatAs easy, or is this a really deep problem:> 7ecause i* you donAt go to the deep cleaning, your problem will not get *iFed. @tAs a little bit li$e i* you donAt go to the core issue emotionally with EFT, it will come bac$ because something will trigger it. Rick: Absolutely. Carol: This last year or two @Ave been doing deep cleaning and decluttering, and thatAs whatAs ma$ing a di**erence. The idea o* Dust ta$ing stu** o** the top shelves once a wee$ 1 thatAs not what @ need in my li*e, but other people may have that. Rick: For most people, @ thin$, itAs a combination o* things. @* you want to ma$e an energetic shi*t in your li*e 1 to *eel more abundant, *or eFample 1 those areas which youAre not *acingL For eFample, you have a *ear o* *acing that closet. Gou have a *ear o* *acing the mess in your relationship. Gou have a *ear o* *acing anything. 0e can become good at not *acing itL Carol: &ight. Rick: Lbut our subconscious is still staring it right in the *ace. Carol: EFactly. Rick: ThereAs no aspect o* our li*e that, i* weAre not *acing it, that a part o* our energy system isnAt giving it <the stare>. Carol: &ightH @ guess youAre right. Rick: 0hen we tal$ about the vibration, people learning about the #aw o* Attraction o*ten *ocus on that which is only in their conscious mind, whereas your vibration is primarily a vibration that is holistic. those things which youAre not *acing 1 which youAre not loo$ing at 1 as well as those things which are right in *ront o* your *ace.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Carol: &ight. @ call it that <pebble in the shoe>. ThereAs always Dust that one thing that bugs you. GouAre trying to ignore it or deny it, but itAs there. EFcellent. 'hall we go on to another emotion: Rick: Gou want to do the *ear o* *acing it: Carol: Ges, why donAt we Dust segue right into that.

The !ear of !acing Clutter

*starts + 3/.,51 Rick: 'o what are some o* the aspects o* that, Carol: Carol: 0ell, @ thin$ one thing that @Ave noticed that comes up *or people is, what might you uncover: The *ear is, i* you uncover clutter in your li*e, your relationship, your health, your eFercise program, the clutter in your emails, the clutter in your o**iceLwhat might you uncover underneath it: ThatAs the same *or everybody. @* you smo$e two pac$s a day, and you get rid o* that clutter, whatAs going to come up: @* your o**ice is neat and clean, what emotionally might sur*ace *or you: 'o thereAs some dread and *ear about whatAs underneath the clutter, *ear o* really *acing this issue *or you. Rick: ThereAs an emotional aspect, o* course. @* you go through, letAs say a closet that youAve been not loo$ing at, and there are +Iuote, <memories>. Gou $now them. TheyAre either pain*ul now to loo$ at 1 those items that may have come *rom a happy time which is no longer happy. @Am po$ing people a little bit here because itAs part o* understanding that this isnAt Dust an organiJational issue. @* it was Dust an organiJational issue, you could hire an organiJational eFpert to come in and help you very Iuic$ly ta$e care o* it. 7ut the *ear o* *acing it says there are things in there which, when @ loo$ at them, are going to remind me o* a time gone by, or some other emotion. ThatAs where, i* you start tapping on the *ear o* *acing it, you might get some insight about some o* those emotions. Address those with EFT, and then you wonAt have as much o* a *ear o* *acing it. ThatAs my theory. Carol: &ight. And also, clutter, when it ma$es you *eel overwhelmed or un*ocusedL@ was wor$ing with a client about whatAs the upside o* being un*ocused, and he got to it, and it was pretty upsetting. @t really helped him sabotage and helped him be ashamed o* himsel*, and all this. 'o, i* your clutter is doing something good *or you, meaning it ma$es you un*ocused

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


because youAre a*raid o* success and abundance, and as long as youAre cluttered, then you can say, <=h, @ canAt get it togetherL> 'o, whatAs underneath the clutter: That scares people because they donAt want to move *orward. 0e all have limiting belie*s about moving *orward and being success*ul. 'o thereAs a lot underneath the clutter, metaphorically. ThereAs a lot underneath the reason you have it. As you and @ tal$ed about be*ore, whether you learned it in the honest way *rom your *amily or whether youAve developed that habit, thereAs a lot that we can loo$ at around the *ear. 'o @ thin$ the *ear o* *acing it 1 *acing the clutter 1 is a wonder*ul eFercise *or people. Rick: 'hall we do some tapping: Carol: Absolutely.

The !ear of !acing *1T- 2

*starts + 3-.241

hate'er 1T 1s3

Rick: Now, in this particular case, as you start tapping on the *ear o* <*acing it>, you might choose the <it> and get very clear on what that <*acing it> means to you 1 in your body, how intense it *eels, and i* you get an emotion around it S that isnAt Dust the *ear o* <*acing it>. 0rite that down. Ma$e it speci*ic. Carol: Now @ Dust got an emotional hit that @ thin$ is important Dust *or me to say it out loud, which is my *ear when youAre as$ing. My *ear seems to be <Aw, @Ave done it be*oreL> 1 a little bit o* that <*ail1success, *ail1success> that people have when theyAve Iuit smo$ing or lost the weight and they always gain it bac$. Rick: 'ure. Carol: And @ thin$, well, @Ave done this be*ore. Now @ $now that, in the last two years 1 @Am a di**erent human being because o* what @Ave done in the last two years with decluttering. 7ut @ didnAt realiJe that @ have that touch o* <@Am a*raid to really do it> and tell people @Ave done it, because then it will come bac$ again. @ will Dust slip into my old ways. And @Am saying it out loud, and @Am thin$ing, <Gou $now what: @Am not that person energetically anymore,> so actually @ donAt thin$ thatAs true and @Am doing a di**erent $ind o* decluttering. 'o thatAs not true, but thatAs interesting. @ donAt honestly

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Clearing Clutter with EFT thin$ thatAs going to happen 1 that itAs going to come bac$ 1 but @ Dust got that tightening in the stomach. Rick: Gou *eel li$e itAs a bit o* a +Iuote, <waste o* time>. Carol: Mmm1hmm. 0hatAs the point:


Rick: The things that come in and out o* our li*e are li$e the *ood that comes in and out o* our system. @tAs di**erent when it comes out than when it goes in. 'o the things that come in and are delicious in your li*e 1 when youAre done with them, they *eel di**erent. And yet, the letting1 go process is either a wonder*ul process o* noticing the things that are no longer *or you and allowing them to move out, saving those things in an appropriate way, but again, this is an emotional process. @tAs not Dust a physical action, and itAs not even Dust a s$ill o* how to organiJe. ThereAs an emotion attached to everything. ThatAs how we $now what it is. 0hatAs the emotional attachment to it: Gou hear that around mementos and other things. <0ell, @Am emotionally attached to that.> Are you emotionally attached because o* the *ear: 2oes it evo$e in you a really positive *eeling: @* you thin$ about what your li*e loo$s li$e, do the things that you have in it evo$e a positive *eeling versus a *eeling o* being heavy or down: ThatAs also part o* what weAre encouraging as we loo$ at all the energies in your li*e. allowing those things that no longer upli*t you to be released, li$e weAre doing with these emotions. Carol: ;reatH Fear o* *acing it. @Am ready.

Tapping on the !ear of !acing *1T*starts + 35.-,1 Rick: =$ay. Karate Chop: Even though @Am a*raid o* what @All *ind underneathL L@Am open to *eeling surprisingly calm and con*ident anyway. Even though @ have all this *earL LthereAs Dust too much to *aceL Land @Am not even sure what all is there. @ deeply and completely accept mysel* anyway. Even though @ want to clean the clutterL

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Clearing Clutter with EFT L@ want to let stu** go. That doesnAt serve me any more. @Am a*raid to *ace itL Land @ ac$nowledge and respect this con*lict. Eyebrow: @ want to let it go. Side of the eye: No, @ donAt. nder the eye: @Am ready to *ace it. nder the nose: No, @Am not. Chin: @Am ready to *ace it. Collarbone: No, @Am not. nder the ar!: And you canAt ma$e me. Top of the head: @ re*use to *ace it. Eyebrow: @ re*use to *ace the clutter. Side of the eye: @ donAt $now i* @ can handle whatAs underneath. nder the eye: @ re*use to *ace the clutter. nder the nose: @ want to clean the clutter. Chin: @ re*use to *ace whatAs underneath. Collarbone: @ have this con*lict. nder the ar!: @ really have a con*lict here. Top of the head: And thatAs o$ay. L@ accept mysel* anyway. Rick: Ta$e a deep breath. "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: +yawning, A yawnAs been trying to come out since the beginningH Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 'ha$e your hands out, maybe... Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: ;et some energy moving. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: 0hat do you thin$ might come up *or someone a*ter that $ind o* round:


Carol: Maybe getting an <a1ha> o* what they are a*raid o*, because o* course itAs overwhelming to be a*raid o* something and you donAt $now what it is. 7ut i* you get the clarity, at least youAve got an answer. 'o maybe people got some answers. Maybe they got an <=h, that7s what @Am a*raid o*.> <=h, that7s whatAs going on.> Maybe that came up.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT

Rick: #etAs do a round on <Even though @Am a*raid to *ace that>. )ust do another round, assuming that some things have become a little more concrete *or people about what theyAre a*raid to *ace here. Carol: =$ay. Rick: @ li$e to do the re*usal tapping. Carol: Ges, @ love it. Rick: ThereAs something @Am not doing that @ want to do. @ re*use to, @ re*use to, @ re*use to 1 and thatAs giving ourselves bac$ some control. ThatAs where weAre standing anyway. Carol: #ove itH My *avorite tappingH Rick: Me, too.

Tapping on Refusing to !ace *1T*starts + 39./41 Karate Chop: Even though @Am a*raid to *ace this thingL Land @ have my reasonsL L@ deeply and completely accept mysel* anyway. Even though @ am not Iuite ready to *ace thisL L@Am letting go o* the emotionL Lbit by bitL Lat the per*ect pace *or me. Even though @Am not going to Dump in and *ace this right nowL L@ ac$nowledge its emotional painL Land @ deeply and completely accept mysel* anyway. Eyebrow: This is pain*ul to *ace. Side of the eye: @tAs too pain*ul to *ace. nder the eye: @tAs been too pain*ul to *ace. nder the nose: @tAs becoming less pain*ul to *ace. Chin: @ accept that. Collarbone: Maybe @ can *ace this.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT nder the ar!: Maybe not nowL Top of the head: Land thatAs o$ay. Eyebrow: @ give mysel* permissionL Side of the eye: Lto address the emotions o* this... nder the eye: Land then let go o* the clutter. nder the nose: That would be di**erent. Chin: @t might even be surprisingly easy. Collarbone: @ am so ready *or it to be easy. nder the ar!: @ ac$nowledge the emotions in all these things. Top of the head: And @ choose to be calm and con*ident anyway. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: "hhhhh8 *yawn1 1 *inally 1 big yawn coming out. 0hat was interesting *or me 1 that wasnAt hitting home with me, but it was still helping because all these other ideas were coming up. All these reasons *or the old clutter, ac$nowledging the changing @ have done in the last couple o* years, loo$ing at the clutter di**erently 1 there was a moment o* shame, and then there was a moment li$e, <@Am totally di**erentH @ donAt need to hold on to things anymoreH> Energetically, @ was able to see that, *or me, at the moment there is a time crunch. ;ive me two wee$s, and itAs done. That is very, very di**erent *or me. 'o hope*ully the listeners, even i* some o* our rounds that weAre doing today donAt hit <bullseye>, it doesnAt matterH Reep tapping with us, because it will bring up something else. That was really good *or me, to have all the chains o* *eelings that were going on *or me, and the ideas coming up. Rick: ThatAs part o* what weAre teaching through this program. @tAs not Dust a treatment. @t is a teaching. @* you ta$e whatAs coming up in *ront o* you, or even i* you listen to tapping rounds on something that isnAt directly related, but you *eel that relie* in your body, the tension level in your body changes and you *ind yoursel* yawning. That is teaching your system how to be surprisingly calm and con*ident, no matter what, whether youAre *acing clutter, or *acing whatAs coming up in your li*e. These are energy eFercises, ta$ing things which are common to all o* us. Every one o* us has things coming into our li*e that *eel li$e clutter. #i$e you said, weAve noticed that when we go bac$ and listened to recordings that we made a year ago, or siF months ago, or last wee$, the energies that come up are o*ten di**erent and they get soothedM even though we might have been *ocused on a particular energy in that moment, itAs di**erent the neFt time we go through it. Gou can come bac$ and listen and tap along to this many times. 0e hear that *rom people who listen to the same EFT tal$ *or three months and tap along with it. 2i**erent things come up and they relieve it, and that creates a

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


resilience inside o* their energy system on how to address a *ear o* *acing it and to be surprisingly calm and con*ident. 0e ta$e clutter as an eFample here, but it applies everywhere. Carol: @Ad li$e to do a round, i* you could wal$ me through one, *or everyoneM either clutter in someoneAs relationship that they are a*raid to *ace, or clutter in their body, or clutter in a schedule. A number o* people come to me, and they *eel important when theyAre too busy. 0hen you can shi*t that *or someone, that busyness is not evidence o* value and importance. Then their entire li*e changes. Gou see everybody now 1 too busy, too scheduled, too many emails, too much stu** 1 that they *eel li$e <=h, @Ave got someplace to go, so @ am somebody.> @* you could run me through something with either clutter in a relationship, body, or schedule 1 something li$e that could be use*ul *or people as well. Rick: Those *eel li$e di**erent aspects *or me, so letAs do a couple o* rounds on those. Carol: =$ay. Rick: =$ay: Carol: Ges. Rick: #etAs start with the *ear o* *acing it when thereAs Dust too much in a relationship or my schedule 1 whatever. Carol: =$ay.

Tapping on the !ear of !acing *1TThere4s *Too 0uch*starts + -2.321 Karate Chop: Even though itAs Dust too muchL LthereAs too much to *aceL Land @ donAt see it changing the way @ want it toL Lnot Iuic$lyL Lnot Iuic$ly enoughL L@ deeply and completely accept all o* my *eelings. Even when @ loo$ at this part o* my li*eL
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Clearing Clutter with EFT LthereAs Dust too much. @tAs overwhelming. @ donAt $now what to do. @ *eel out o* control. @ canAt solve it. @ canAt snap my *ingers and have it done. @ deeply and completely accept all o* my *eelings. Eyebrow: @tAs Dust too much. Side of the eye: @Am not in control here. nder the eye: @ canAt *ace it alone. nder the nose: @ canAt *ace it alone. Chin: @ canAt solve it. Collarbone: And it stresses me out. nder the ar!: @ stay so busy. Top of the head: 'o @ donAt have to really loo$ at this. Eyebrow: 0hat i* there was a di**erent way to see it: Side of the eye: @ donAt have to do it all at once. nder the eye: @s there something that would help: nder the nose: Maybe thereAs something that could help. Chin: 7ring me Dust a little bit o* relie*. Collarbone: @Ad love Dust a little bit o* relie*. nder the ar!: @Am open to guidance. (That would bring me Dust a little relie*. Top of the head: @ deserve some relie*. (@ accept relie*. Than$ you, universe. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: And @ accept clarity. Rick: Ges. Carol: Clarity, clarity. Gou and @L Rick: Clarity, clarity.


Carol: My li*e has changed since you and @ started wor$ing with and tal$ing about clarity and getting GE' and N=s. And i* you Dust got clarity about whatAs overwhelming you about your schedule, your relationship, or your body, something will shi*t.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: There are many people who, when you as$ them how itAs going, their response is about how incredibly busy they are. Knless you happen to be somebody who puts <7usy T Abundance>LletAs do a round. @Ad li$e you to lead that one, Carol, because you have a lot o* eFperience with the city *ol$L Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: Lthere in New Gor$ City 1 and the pace 1 but even out here in the Appalachian Mountains, there seems to be a belie* that i* youAre really, really busy, that it eFcuses you *rom loo$ing at the things that reIuire 1 li$e you said 1 deep clutter. @t reIuires a $ind o* *ocused, relaFed attention to it that is not a super*icial busyness. &ight: Carol: Ges. Rick: 'o letAs do some. 0hen @ thin$ o* the time in my li*e where @ would describe mysel* as busy and cluttered with way too many things that are a N= *or meL Carol: Ges. Rick: &ight: <@Am doing this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and thisL> and thereAs so much o* my day which was busy, busy, busy with N=s 1 things that werenAt really a strong GE'. They werenAt going to be on the gratitude list on the end o* the day. They didnAt need to be done, compared with some o* the things that could have been GE'es.

Tapping on Being Too Busy

*starts + -4./-1 Carol: =$ay Karate Chop: Even though my schedule is too clutteredL Land @Am a*raid to let this goL Lbecause @ donAt $now who @ am underneath it. @ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Even though @Am too busyL Land my schedule is way too clutteredL @Am a*raid to let goL Lbut @Am accepting mysel* right now.

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Eyebrow: My schedule is too busy.. Side of the eye: @ have a need to be busy. nder the eye: @ *eel important when @Am busy. nder the nose: @ *eel important when @Am too boo$ed. Chin: @ *eel important when @Am rushing around. Collarbone: @ *eel valued when @Am busy. nder the ar!: @ wonder whatAs underneath that: Top of the head: @Am a*raid itAs a *eeling o* emptiness. Eyebrow: No wonder @ donAt want to go there. Side of the eye: @ thin$ @ might *eel emptyL nder the eye: Lor scaredL nder the nose: Lor lonely. Chin: @* @ *ace this clutterL Collarbone: Li* @ change my scheduleL nder the ar!: Li* @ let go o* my needL Lto be busy and clutteredL Top of the head: @ wonder what will happen. Eyebrow: 7ut @Am willing to loo$ into it. Carol: +laughing, ;ood. 0e can Dust end there. Rick: 0ell, it was nice because @ started *eeling a sense o* eFpectation right at the end, at the top o* the head, and you put a little icing on it. 'ometimes it will ta$e people more than one round through that to start *eeling the shi*t. Carol: Ges. At any time, i* someone listening *eels the need to do another round, rewind, right: Rick: Ges. Carol: ;o bac$ and start again. 7ecause @ thin$ thatAs a wonder*ul one. @ do thin$ that, *inally, @ would have to say that many, many people are over1 busy and over1boo$ed because underneath it all, thereAs this *eeling o* <@Am not enough.> 0e have that. 0eAre going to get to that later because thatAs a real issue. @ Dust thin$ thatAs critical *or people to ta$e a loo$ at. 0hat would happen i* you let go o* this, <@Am so busy>, <@ canAt get here> and <@ canAt get there> and <@ canAt call you bac$>: 0hat does that mean: 0hatAs going on with that $ind o* clutter:

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Rick: 0hen @ loo$ at what ma$es me *eel abundant in my li*e, it is the unscheduled time. 0here @ *eel empowered to go with my *low. Most people do not have much unscheduled time. 'ometimes you have to schedule your unscheduled timeL Carol: &ight.


Rick: Las <me time> 1 you Dust loo$ at it and say, <0hat would be pleasing to me:> and that can help you i* thereAs nothing to do, to start *eeling li$e thereAs a bene*it *or clearing stu**. Carol: Absolutely. Rick: @* you clear something *rom your schedule *or you, that is essentially unscheduled time. 0hen it arrives, you say, <Cey 1 what would be pleasing to me:> Then youAre teaching yoursel* that thereAs a value in not having so much stu**. Carol: &ight. Rick: @t can start with Dust a *i*teen minute chun$ once a wee$. Carol: EFactly. Rick: Than$ you. Carol: 0onder*ul.

The 1tch of Scarcity

*starts + 2/.251 Rick: 0hat about scarcity: Carol: 'carcity is a big one. 0hen @ *irst started thin$ing about doing the <Clearing Clutter 0ith EFT> with you, @ was thin$ing, literally, o* clutter. The connection o* clutter and scarcity in abundance is 5!!U. Everything is lined up between those two subDects, but thatAs not how @ was approaching it in the beginning. 7ut @ do thin$, energetically, the idea o* scarcity ma$es us hold onto three copies o* the piece o* paper. @t ma$es us hold onto stu** so that we *eel li$e weAve got something. @s there not enough value in material in our li*e: Not enough possessions: 0hatAs going on around this lac$ and

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


not enough: 0hat happens i* we canAt scratch the itch: @* we *eel inadeIuate or empty and we donAt have enough love or we donAt have enough something in our li*e, we substitute. ThatAs why people are eating, drin$ing, smo$ing, <interneting>, <drama1relationshipping>. because we replace things. That may be something thatAs going on 1 a connection. @ hope many people are getting some <a1has> about that connection. 'carcity has nothing to do with stu**. 'carcity is about love or attention or time. Rick: And i* your stu** 1 the emotional attachment to the stu** 1 is loveL ;randma buys a toy *or her grandchildren, one each, every single wee$M thatAs the way she shows love. 0ell, that means that that particular obDect has been in*used with <This is how @Am showing you that @ love you.> Now, how can you let that go: @ thin$ EFT can help with that. For eFample, in peopleAs lives where @Am a *riend o* theirs, i* the toys and things come *rom other people, *or eFample, itAs harder to organiJe them and itAs harder to let them go because o* that emotional attachment. @ spo$e to a woman who runs a <clutter service>. The bac$ o* her minivan says, <;ot clutter:> +laughing, Carol: +laughing, Rick: @ as$ed her about this, and she says that certain people collect things, whether itAs real estate or stoc$s. They might have a stoc$ port*olio that has way too many stoc$s because theyAre collecting investments in all these di**erent businesses and it ma$es them *eel 1 they get an emotional *eeling *rom it 1 that <@Am a broad investor. @ have lots o* interest out there.> Then there are the people that go out on e7ay and $eep buying and buying and buying, and even though people have boFes o* stu** that arrive, they never open them. Carol: &ight. Rick: They *ill a room. Now, to me, thereAs an itch o* scarcity that they $eep scratching and scratching. @t never really gets addressedL Carol: Ges. Rick: Lbecause when the stu** arrives, the itch was scratched when it was purchased, not when it was arrived, and because it was purchased with the energy o* <this is going to soothe my sense o* there not being enoughL> Carol: &ight.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: Lthey could never let it go. @tAs traumatic *or them to let it go because itAs been in*used with it. ThatAs my perspective on it, energetically. The things we buy *rom that sense o* there not being enough 1 itAs very much di**erent, letting go o* those, than <This will be pleasing to me *or a little while.> 2o you *eel the di**erence: Carol: Ges. @tAs the same when someone starts smo$ing because they *eel lonely as an adolescent. The smo$ing becomes in*used, as youAre saying, with all this energy and all this stu**, but itAs not doing it. @t becomes hard to let it go. Rick: &ight. 0hat weAd li$e to do is help people shi*t *rom that *eeling o* scarcity to ac$nowledging every little thing that does *low in and out o* our lives with a sense o* gratitude and appreciation. ThatAs di**icult to get to, i* youAre really strongly in this scarcity energy. 'hall we do some tapping: Carol: Ges. 0eAll do several layers here. The *irst thing is Dust ac$nowledging that youAve got some scarcity in your li*e, not connected to clutter yet, but thereAs Dust a *eeling underneath that thereAs not enough.

Tapping on Scarcity
*starts + 25.331 Karate Chop: Even though @ have this *eeling o* scarcity in my li*eL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Even though thereAs never been enough *or meL Land @ really *eel emptyL L@ accept who @ am no matter what. Even though @ *eel this *eeling o* scarcity at my coreL Lthere was never enough. @ accept who @ amL Lno matter what. Eyebrow: There was never enough *or me. Side of the eye: There was never enough. nder the eye: There wasnAt enough love. nder the nose: Not enough attention. Chin: Not enough stu**. Collarbone: There was never enough.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT nder the ar!: @ need more. Top of the head: No, @ donAtH Eyebrow: @ need more. Side of the eye: ThatAs an energy inside. nder the eye: 0hat i* @ realiJed that @ am enough now: nder the nose: There is enough. Chin: @ am enoughL Collarbone: Land @ donAt need more. nder the ar!: @ want to release this underlying *eeling. Top of the head: 0here did @ get that *eeling o* not enough: Carol: Ta$e a breath.


Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 @nteresting. Two things. one, you said about not needing more, a part o* me down in my gut said <:oooh8> 1 a $ind o* primitive, wanting more. The other aspect is @ started having some images that @Am going to bac$ and tap with individually around times in my childhood where, legitimately, we had a downturn in the amount o* abundance in our lives. @t did *eel on the edge o* scarcity. @ $now that, wor$ing with clients who had times where absolutely there wasnAt anything in the re*rigerator, i* @ could *reeJe us in those momentsL For eFample, somebody who grew up in a time where there wasnAt something in the re*rigerator 1 they may *ind it terri*ying to not have their re*rigerator stoc$ed to the gills and their pantry *illed to over*lowing. @* thatAs the type o* thing, going bac$ to those speci*ic times in our lives, connecting with that energy and tapping again on this *eeling o* scarcity, Dust *ocusing on one speci*ic aspect, li$e going to the re*rigerator and it being empty. That would help you shi*t that event, even Dust using that round we Dust did. Carol: 0ell, letAs put that in our speci*ic event section later, because @ thin$ that is a little di**erent than what weAre doing on the underlying *eeling. @t connects to it, but @ thin$ that would be really help*ul. #etAs do one more on this underlying *eeling o* emptiness. <@Am not enough. ThereAs not enough.>

Tapping on *#ot Enough*starts + 29.221 Karate Chop: Even though @ have this *eeling in my stomachL Lthat thereAs not enoughL L@ *eel $ind o* empty.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT @ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept mysel* anyway. Even though @ have this deep *eeling that thereAs not enough *or meL L@ thin$ @Ave always had it. No wonder @ have clutter. @ accept who @ amL Lno matter what. Even though @ have $nown the energy o* scarcityL Lmy whole li*eL L@ am deciding to change this energy. Eyebrow: ThereAs not enough. Side of the eye: Ges, there is. nder the eye: @Am not enough. nder the nose: 0hat i* @ am: Chin: ThereAs not enough. Collarbone: Ges, there is. nder the ar!: @Am not enough. Top of the head: ThatAs what they taught me. Eyebrow: 0hat i* @ am enough: Side of the eye: 0hat i* there is enough: nder the eye: @ am enough. 'ose: There is enough. Chin: @ *eel so much better. Collarbone: And @ thin$ itAs the truth. nder the ar!: @ thin$ itAs the truth. Top of the head: @ love *eeling abundant now. Carol: ;ood. 'ure is the opposite energyL Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1

Carol: L*eeling abundant, and i* that means you go to the par$ and count *lowers and *eel abundant that way and count the blades o* grass, thatAs a totally di**erent energy. Rick: @t is. My li*e has been a miF o* abundance and, at times growing up, scarcity. @ was raised by a single mom and went to visit my dad, who was a top 2.C. attorney. There was a big amount o* contrast that accentuated the *eeling o* <enoughness>. 0hatAs interesting is that @Am sensing the shi*t in my core. @ thin$ this is where EFT really goes deep is that you can have

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Clearing Clutter with EFT abundance in your li*e. Gou can have a situation which clearly is not a situation o* scarcity. EFT helps you feel it. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Connect to it. Rick: EFT helps you *eel it Dust by releasing those old *eelings that are encoded into our primitive brain, encoded into our body. "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 ThatAs where you start noticing the tingles and the sighs and the openness that comes. @ *eel bigger. )ust *rom the time that weAve spent tapping on these things, @ *eel bigger and stronger. For those people that are tapping with this, loo$ *or little changes in your body 1 little senses o* eFpansion, a little bit less turmoil as you loo$ at the things in your li*e. @* you have a little less turmoil, youAre seeing them *rom a di**erent vantage point, and when you see things *rom a di**erent vibration, a di**erent vibrational vantage point, everything changes.


Carol: 'o much can happen. This is eFciting. @ love combining all these *eelings. 0eAll do some speci*ic events later. @tAs Dust so dramatic *or people 1 this *eeling, the behavior o* clutter, the *eeling o* <not enoughness> underneath it, *eeling bigger, connecting. The per*ect eFample is the $ind o* person youAre tal$ing about. someone who has a lot, and they $eep acIuiring more because it doesnAt scratch the itch. 0hat youAre saying is that EFT helps you energetically and emotionally connect to what you do have and who you really are. Rick: &ight. @t lets your body, mind, and spirit $now that things have changed here on earth *or you, compared to how you were energetically *roJen a long time ago. That lets you enDoy the one beauti*ul $ing1siJe bedspread and not *ind siF or seven o* them in the storage closet that you didnAt even realiJe that you had, because you had not really connected to the energy o* the things that you do have. Carol: Mmm1hmm. 0onder*ul. Rick: Than$ you, Carol. Carol: Than$ you, &ic$.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Recording #5
Abandonment) 6urt) and Clutter
Carol: All right, &ic$. 0elcome bac$H Rick: Ci, CarolH Carol: #etAs continue with clearing *eelings and emotions that might be part o* the reason that weAre holding onto clutter. 0e wor$ed last time with overwhelm and *ear and scarcity. #etAs move to abandonment or hurt in love issues. Rick: @tAs not something that most people thin$ o* when they thin$ o* clutter. Carol: No. Rick: Cow does this come up in the re*lection o* whatAs in peopleAs physical world i* theyAve been abandoned or hurt: Carol: Most simply, people end up replacing love that they didnAt get with stuff. They $ind o* *ill the hole o* abandonment, love1pain issues, or hurt. They gather stu** because the ultimate, underlying *eeling is <ThereAs not enough, @Am not enough, @ wasnAt loveableL> so they thin$ getting more stu** in their li*e will somehow soothe it or *ill the hole. 'o abandonment is a pretty pro*ound, o*ten early childhood or later childhood issue. /eople can *eel abandoned in their adulthood, but i* youAve got the original trac$ *rom childhood, then you really have a lot to wor$ on. 'o replacing it, *illing that hole, is Iuite common, but as you were saying, people donAt typically thin$ <@ have a clutter issue because o* my abandonment problems *rom childhood.> Rick: Cow would someone $now i* this is the underlying cause: 7ecause it *eels li$e, to me, this is something that would be operating subconsciously. Carol: Ges. First thing would be Dust the awareness in someoneAs li*e o* <@s abandonment an issue:> Gou $now, @ o*ten say to people, <0hat emotional themes are running your li*e *rom childhood 1 abandonment, hurt, grie*, *rustration, resentment:>, and they o*ten say, <=h, yeah, thatAs me.> 'o it

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


becomes a bit more conscious. 'o i* abandonment or being le*t or early deaths in your li*e have been a problem and a challenge, and youAre listening to this because youAve got a clutter issue, Dust see i* anything resonates. 'ee i* you get any charge, even when weAre Dust tal$ing about the topic, that love issues or brea$ups or losses could be the reason. @t may not sound very rational, but it could be the reason youAre accumulating more stu**. #etAs see i* thereAs any resonance and charge on that one weAre tal$ing about. @* not, when we tap, Dust go ahead and tap on an abandonment in your li*e. EveryoneAs got something, small or large, that they perceive to be an abandonment. 0eAll tap on that and Dust see what happens. A lot o* whatAs happening with us doing this tapping is Dust clearing emotional con*licts, and the clutter is a side bene*it. &ight: Clearing the clutter is whatAs going to happen as a result. Rick: @ had a picture o* someone saying, <@ love buying shoesH @ love buying shoesH>, and they have so many shoes that, the other side o* it is an overwhelm with how many shoes they have. The emotional bene*it that they get *rom the process o* buying shoes is short1lived. Carol: &ight. Rick: @ believe that, i* we clear the pain around using buying things to soothe ourselves, i* weAre in emotional pain, i* weAre *eeling a lac$ o* love in our li*e, a lac$ o* things that represent Doy in our li*e 1 you may really love to buy shoes, but i* youAre using that as medicationL Carol: Ges. Rick: Lnow youAve got the downside o* doing it so o*ten that youAre not sure how to let shoes go or how to organiJe. ThereAs a whole other slew o* side issues that come up around the buying o* certain things. ThatAs another way that you might loo$ at it. Are the things that you love to do a real enDoyment or a passion that you have *or those things, or do you tend to do those things where otherwise emotionally youAre in a down stage: 0eAre not saying that youAre not going to want to buy shoes or buy clothes or whateverM itAs <0hatAs the emotional state that you do that buying in:> 0hat we *ind is that i* you let go o* the downside energy, youAll still enDoy those things. TheyAll Dust be more balanced. GouAll also do them *rom a higher vibration, so actually, you get the Doy o* it more. 0hen you buy *rom a place o* already *eeling abundant, every time you wear the shoes youAll *eel that reminder o* that abundant place that you bought them in. 'ometimes, i* you bought them in a low vibration, you donAt *ind yoursel* wearing them because youAre reminded o* the low vibration that you were inH 'o that can also ma$e it hard to do. 0e tal$ed last time about *acing

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT whatAs there. Gou donAt want to *ace that boF o* shoes because it represented that moment in time when you bought that to soothe yoursel* over that *eeling o* being abandoned by someone that you loved. Carol: And it didnAt wor$, and itAs not going to wor$ a month later. Rick: No.


Carol: GouAre saying, really, donAt purchase out o* a compulsive need to *ill. @* youAre going to purchase, purchase *rom a place o* abundance, and that would be lovely to add to my li*e, not <@Am desperate> or <@ need this> or <@* @ donAt *ill up, @Am going to *eel empty.> Rick: ThatAs where, i* you tap on that *eeling be*ore you ma$e the purchase, it will change the vibration inside o* you. Gou may or may not ma$e the purchase, but i* you do, youAll be doing it *rom a very di**erent place. Carol: @ was thin$ing also o* someone having a cluttered schedule. Gou $now how when someone brea$s up with someone, and they either get depressed and stay home, or they *ill their schedule 1 with every day, every night, every lunch, every dinner 1 and itAs because theyAre trying to replace that emptiness with the socialiJing. TheyAre trying replace the love, to *ill the hole o* abandonment. @* you have a cluttered schedule, ta$e a loo$ at what thatAs doing *or you. 0hat are you trying to replace: 0hat does that do *or you: @tAs o*ten not until someone gets completely overwhelmed with their schedule that they say, <@Ave got to stop saying NyesA> or <@Ave got to stop compulsively putting things on my calendar to ma$e me *eel good.> @ had a client who said that i* she doesnAt have plans on 'aturday night, she said, <@ *eel li$e a loser and inadeIuateM nobody wants me.> And @Am thin$ing, well, @Ad love not having plansH 'o it was such an interesting place that she was coming *rom, that had some meaning to her. <@ donAt have plans on a 'aturday night, so @Am not good.> 'he was ma$ing plans that didnAt *ill her, that didnAt satis*y, the behavior was *or the wrong reason, and her schedule was cluttered. 'he was eFhausted and overwhelmed as a result. Rick: @t is interesting that you bring up that point, that i* youAre in a place where you *eel li$e someone has abandoned you, or you were abandoned young, and that vibration is very active in you, youAll tend to attract a lot o* people who are very needy, and needy people that have claims on your time, and there is an aspect o* <yeah, that *eels good.> 7ut it *ills up your schedule.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Carol: &ight.


Rick: GouAre *illing up your schedule with organiJations that need you, with individuals that need you. ThatAs the law o* attraction at wor$. @* youAre attracting into your li*e a lot o* people who need you, need you, need you 1 you can loo$ in the mirror and say, <This is me. @, *or some reason, am wanting, attracting.> 0anting: @All use that word advisedly. GouAre attracting, vibrationally, people who need you, and that usually indicates that there is a part o* us that gets soothed by being needed. @ donAt tend to attract people who need me in my li*e, even in my coaching practice. @ li$e that. @ li$e that it is more o* an eIual mutual support and interaction. 7ut @ do wor$ with clients many times +as you do, that have way too many people that need, need, need them. These underlying issues that weAre about to tap on 1 abandonment, hurt, and love 1 those are the $ey things. Carol: &emember when youAre coming *rom that place o* lac$ 1 <Ce le*t me, < <'he le*t me,> <They le*t me> 1 youAre not very discerning because all you want to do is have a person in their place, which is why so many people grow up and end up with a spouse that mirrors whatever was lac$ing in their li*e. They Dust want to be with someone, and theyAre not ta$ing a loo$ at whether that person can be a great partner *or them. Rick: 0ould you li$e to lead us in some tapping, Carol: Carol: Absolutely.

Tapping on Abandonment
*starts + ,4.0-1 Karate Chop: Even though @ have all this stu**L Lbecause @ thought it would help my abandonment issuesL L@ *eel so emptyL Land so lonely. @ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept mysel* anyway. Even though @ realiJe nowL Lthat @ have used my stu** to replace loveL Land @ still *eel hurtL L@ still *eel abandonedL L@ accept who @ am no matter what.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Even though @ was abandonedL Land @ never got over itL Land having stu** ma$es me *eel betterL LtemporarilyL L@ accept who @ am right now. Eyebrow: @ was abandoned and never got over it. Side of the eye: No wonder @ accumulate all this stu**. nder the eye: @ was abandoned and never got over it. nder the nose: @ *eel less abandoned with my stu**. Chin: @ wonder what would happenL Collarbone: Li* @ let go o* some o* this stu**: nder the ar!: 0hat would happen: Top of the head: @ wonder i* @ would *eel those *eelings again. Eyebrow: Ges, and @Am a*raid o* them. Side of the eye: @ donAt want to *eel that *eeling o* abandonment. nder the eye: @Am running as *ast as @ can. nder the nose: @ donAt want to *eel it. Chin: @ donAt want to *eel it. Collarbone: And all these material possessionsL nder the ar!: Lare very distractingL Top of the head: Land @ love being distracted. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 @All sha$e my hands out. "hhhhh8 Carol: 'ee, thatAs a *antastic tapping seIuence *or anyone. Even though @ was abandoned and never got over it. @ would be willing to bet that "!U o* the population would say, <=oohH 0hat a surpriseH @ didnAt $now that would have a charge on it.> Maybe you *elt abandoned by your teddy bear. @t doesnAt matter how big it is, because to you at age *ive, it could seem earth1 shattering. To someone else at twenty1*ive and *i*ty1*ive and eighty1*ive, it could be earth1shattering at any age and any incident. @tAs never *or outsiders to Dudge it. @tAs *or you. 0hat happened: 0hat was the charge li$e: 2id someone not pic$ you *or the ball team in second grade: Rick: Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. Carol: Absolutely. @ thin$ thatAs great to $eep *ocusing on that sense o* <0as @ abandoned:> Ges. <0ere my buying sprees really because @ *eel abandoned:> <0hat would happen i* there were less stu** in my li*e: #ess

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


people, less scheduling, less Noh, @Am so busyLA> 1 you $now how o*ten people *eel important when theyAre busy. <=h, @Am so busy, they want me here, @Ave gotta go hereL> TheyAre o*ten not consciously in touch with it. @* youAre not that busy and people arenAt as$ing you to do things, how do you *eel: Rick: There you are. ThatAs one o* the things that you can do is to picture yoursel* not with people demanding o* your time and needing you. Cow do you *eel: 0hatAs the emotion underneath that: @* that *eeling were to go away, or that behavior was to go away, shi*t. 0hat would you *eel li$e: @Am getting a *eeling 1 you mentioned it 1 about the baseball team and reDection. Abandonment is a little bit di**erent than reDection. &eDection sometimes *eels more active, but itAs a real strong hurt. 2o you thin$ that plays into clutter as well: Carol: Ges. #etAs do another round. @t is slightly di**erent. @n reDection, someone basically says, <N=> to you. 0ith abandonment, it *eels li$e, <Cey, what happened: TheyAre not here anymore.> @tAs Dust what you were describing. 'hall we do one on reDection: Rick: Ges, letAs do that. Carol: All right. Everyone listening. Thin$ o* a time when you *elt reDected. Thin$ o* that speci*ic event. 'ee i* you can scale it *rom !15! how much it a**ects you now, how much it hurts you, what $ind o* charge is on it, and then tap along with that.

Tapping on Re7ection
*starts + /3.2/1 Karate Chop: Even though @ *elt reDected bac$ thenL L@ *eel that hurt in my body. @ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept mysel* anyway. Even though @ *eel reDected nowL Lwhen @ remember what happened bac$ thenL L@ accept who @ amL Lno matter what. Eyebrow: @ *elt so reDected.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Side of the eye: @ *elt so hurt. nder the eye: @ still donAt understand it. nder the nose: @ *elt so hurt. Chin: @ still *eel hurt. Collarbone: @ donAt understand. nder the ar!: @ wonder i* my clutter helps me. Top of the head: @ wonder i* ta$ing these things inL Lcombats being reDected. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: Now, did that ma$e sense: Rick: @t did. Carol: =$ay.


Rick: 0e do a lot o* things to soothe ourselves. @tAs a very natural, human way o* coping with negative emotions. 0hat weAre bringing up with EFT is that thereAs another conscious way o* ta$ing whatAs coming up in the moment, now that youAre learning EFT and starting to use it on some o* these emotions, your body will be more li$ely to call *or it i* something comes up and you *eel reDected. ThatAs what @Ave noticed. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: ThereAs also the aspect o* all the other times that are still banging around in our energy *ield, in our primitive brain, in the parts o* us that are tribal, that donAt want to be reDected. 7eing abandoned means li*e or death, even i* logically it doesnAt. Carol: &ight. Rick: ThereAs a part o* us that gets triggered. @* we were abandoned then, we might be abandoned in the *uture, which means that i* @ have all this stu** 1 @ $now that this is $ind o* weird, but itAs li$e the person who has all the stu** would be able to barter *or *ood or something. @* @ had seventy blan$ets, then @ could barter *or *ood. @* @ had B!! 7eanie 7abiesL Carol: Mmm1hmm, mmm1hmm.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Rick: Lthen @ could trade those *or something @ need in the *uture, right: 'o itAs a way o* collecting things that might be o* value. Again, this is usually a subconscious energyL Carol: Ges. Rick: Lup until the point that it becomes conscious. =nce you become conscious o* it and you start feeling the emotional interplay between the stu** in your li*e and these more core emotions, then it gives you empowerment. ThatAs why weAre bringing it upL Carol: Absolutely.


Rick: Lrather than teaching you how to ma$e piles, and *ile, and things li$e that. All o* those things will ta$e care o* themselves when the emotional noise and clinging is ta$en care o*. Carol: &ight. Rick: Can we do one on clinging, Carol: Carol: Absolutely. Rick: @ thin$ that word comes up. abandonment, clingingL Carol: 'ure. Rick: Geah. Carol: =$ay.

Tapping on Clinging
*starts + /0.-61 Karate Chop: Even though @Am clinging to my stu**L Land @ canAt let goL Lbecause they made me let go be*oreL Lwhen @ wasnAt readyL L@ deeply and completelyL Laccept mysel* anyway.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Even though @Am clinging to my stu**L Land @ donAt want to let goL LdonAt ma$e meH... L@ accept who @ am and how @ *eel. Even though @ have this clinging *eelingL L@ *eel a little desperateL L@ accept who @ amL Lno matter what. Eyebrow: This clinging *eelingL Side of the eye: @ need to cling to my stu**H nder the eye: @Am clinging to my clutter. nder the nose: 0hat i* @ didnAt need to: Chin: 0hat i* @ *elt con*ident and relaFed: Collarbone: 7ut @Am clinging to my stu**. nder the ar!: 0hat i* @ let go: Top of the head: @ wonder how @Ad *eel. Carol: 2eep breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1

Carol: The energy o* that word is really power*ul. Than$s *or bringing it up. Rick: @tAs very childli$e when we thin$ o* clinging, but itAs also one thatL As human beings, we cling to li*e, even in our agedness. *laughing1 0e will cling to a Dob that isnAt right *or us. 0eAll cling to a lot o* old memory stu**. Carol: And hurt and abandonment and reDection 1 you thin$ that people would want to *orget them, but noooooL Rick: NoooooL Carol: Are you $idding: They hold them in a very special place, a very special *ile, and they go chec$ on them once in a while. Rick: 0e say that with respectL Carol: Absolutely. Rick: Lbecause thereAs a deep part o* us that wants to resolve it. Gou and @ have been loo$ing at how the brain responds to trauma. ThereAs a part o* us that gets N*roJen in timeA at that moment o* abandonment 1 the things

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


that are connected to it are li$e the <bread crumbs> that @ thin$ ta$e us bac$ to that. 'o until we process that old trauma, we need some way bac$. That ma$es sense to me. 0hy would @ not get rid o* something that has a bad memory attached to it: 0ell, thereAs a part o* me thatAs still bac$ there, and as soon as @ relieve that, @Ave noticed that people say, <=h, yeah, @ can let go o* this.> That, to me, is a sign that there is a deeper intelligence wor$ing in the letting go process. 0e donAt let go. 0e cling to something *or as long as we need to, especially i* thereAs something thatAs unresolved. Carol: &ight, and sometimes out o* habit. @* you were taught that you werenAt any good, then you have new eFperiences o* that every year o* your li*e, and you cling to those because it *eels li$e theyAre truths. Rick: ThatAs right. This is my evidence. Carol: Ges. <@ can prove to you why @ should be reDected.> Rick: @* somebody is reDected, what is an emotion that comes up: Carol: Curt is number one. @ have also *ound that con*usion is there. <@ donAt get it. 0hy me:> @Ave said that. @Ave *elt that. @Ave had clients that said, <Cuh: 0hat do you mean, you reDected me:> ThereAs a shoc$ to being reDected 1 depending, o* course, i* the person is Iuite aggressive about it, i* they say something thatAs really mean or nasty, or itAs a really big disappointment. #etAs say you get reDected *or a Dob position, or you donAt get into the school that you applied to, or something li$e that. @t depends on what meaning you put to it, but itAs the initial hit going right to your gut, and then hurt, and then con*usion. @ thin$ con*usion is a big deal with some o* these. /eople donAt get why that happened, and thatAs hard. Rick: #ets tap on that. Tapping on Confusion *starts + /9.321 Karate Chop: Even though @ donAt $now why that happenedL Land maybe @ never willL L@ deeply and completely accept my *eelingsL Land @Am ready to move on. Eyebrow: @All never understand it. Side of the eye: Maybe itAs not understandable. nder the eye: @s that o$ay: nder the nose: @Ad li$e that to be o$ay.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Chin: @Ave decided thatAs o$ay. Collarbone: @All never understand it. nder the ar!: @ never will understand them. Top of the head: And @ have decided to move *orward. Rick: 2eep breathL "hhhhh8 Carol: Cow many people have come to us in sessions over the years and said, <Ce or she bro$e up with me> or <Ce or she le*t> and theyAre still loo$ing *or closure. They want the answer. <0hy:> The <why is o*ten impossible to eFplain, especially to the person that has been le*t. Rick: 2o we sometimes get stuc$ in anger: Carol: Ges. Absolutely. Rick: 'o how does anger play into clutter: Carol: 0ell, @ as$ my clients, i* they come in and clutter is a problem, <@s collecting and having clutter an angry act on your part:> Rick: ";ha.


Carol: <@s there some way that you get bac$ at someone this way: 2o you get angry at yoursel*, or does holding onto clutter help you hold onto anger:> Rick: ThereAs two aspects there. =ne is the revenge aspect. <Ce hates the *act that @ collect this stu**, so @Am going to do it anyway because itAs my way o*L> what: ;etting even, showing that, <Gou canAt control me.> Carol: TheyAre saying, <Ca, haH 0atch thisH> @Ave got people saying they wonAt be success*ul to get bac$ at their parents. Again, it can be totally illogical as *ar as the behavior, but it wor$s. @tAs scratching some itch. 'o holding onto clutter 1 as you say, the two pieces o* Nholding onA are, <Gou canAt control me> and <@Am going to do thisL> @t works, but totally temporarily, right: Rick: Ges. And the aspect @ thin$ also is that people have an attitude that theyAre told by other people that they need to clean up, that they need to be more organiJed, whether itAs a boss, or a roommate, or your mother and *ather, still a*ter you about how messy your room is, and now itAs your whole house. ThereAs a part o* us that wants to obDect to being dictated to.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Carol: &ight.


Rick: @tAs very human. @ thin$ that weAre *reedom1see$ing beings when people try to disempower us, especially i* our parents did, you $now: @* you li$e a messy room, why should @ have to clean it up: Carol: @ never understood that. #i$e, who cares: @ was the mess out o* all the $ids, and my parents werenAt terribly upset about it 1 it wasnAt a huge deal or anything, but @ was a mess. 'o what: Rick: 2o you notice that it plays in *or you at all: 2id you ever get that *eeling o*, <Fine. @All Dust $eep it the way @ want it.>: Carol: 0hat @ notice is that, over the years, tapping on so much emotional baggage, basically, and Dust releasing and releasing and releasing, itAs curious to me that @ was a mess and my siblings werenAt. Gou $now what @ mean: @Am thin$ing, <Cuh. @ really came by this naturally. @ really started out that wayH> Gou $now: @ donAt $now what it did *or me. @ would do things as a $id, and @ would play the guitar, and @ would have wonder*ul time periods o* being lost in music or something li$e that. @ didnAt want to clean upH @t was boringH Rick: GeahH Carol: @t was totally boring. Rick: 2o you want to lead us in one, *or those people who *eel that itAs boring and ridiculous to have to $eep things that clean: Carol: @t was never a high value *or me. @t was a value *or my siblings and my parents, but it doesnAt have a charge *or me. Now, as @Am older, @ want neat, tidy, and clean. 0ell, it was always clean, but it was Dust stuff. Rick: &ight. 'o those are choices. #etAs imagine that somebody is still in a place, right now, where anger is coming up. ThereAs a contrast between how they want to $eep it and how other people in their li*e are loo$ing at them. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: TheyAre angry about the Dudgment. @ loo$ed at it the other way. @ was the clean one, and my brother was the slob. 0hen you were tal$ing, @Am *inding, <Gou $now, thereAs a part o* me thatAs still needing to be a little cleaner than maybe @ would want to beL> 'ometimes when @Am busy, out o* the sense o* <'ee: @Am the clean oneH> *laughing1

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Carol: &ightH 0atch thisH *laughing1 Rick: 'o do you want to do a round there: Carol: Ges, but itAs interesting 1 @Am still trying to get to those *eelings. @ have much more *eelings as an adult about it, but bac$ then, was it *rustrating to be told to clean up my room: 'ure. @t was never success*ul. @ never could $eep it without clothes piled on the chair. Rick: Ges. Carol: 'o itAs interesting, and it doesnAt *eel li$e it was connected to anger as much as @ canAt Iuite get bac$ to that. @ $now that, as an adult 1 as @Ave been tapping on issues and con*licts and *eelings 1 that whole clutter issue is changing *or me at a deep level. @ didnAt loo$ at a pile and say, <Even though @ have this clutter pile in *ront o* meL> @ have been wor$ing on anger, *ear, hurt, guilt, abandonment, grie*, lossLfear. As a result, @ am cleaning the deep inside, metaphorically and literally, o* closets and cabinets. Rick: 0ell, we notice that, not only in clutter, but in weightL Carol: Absolutely. Rick: L in every issue. @* you are addressing these emotions, @ believe you come into a very natural, authentic balance thatAs right *or you. That may be on the clean side, it may be on the messy side. Carol: &ight. Rick: @t may be very thin and athleticM it may be so*t and sensual. 0hatever your natural balance is, i* youAre out o* that balance, itAs probably the $ind o* distressed *eeling that brought you to this program. Carol: 'o, *or someone listening. 2o you get bac$ at anyone, now, by being cluttered and having a lot o* stu** and holding 1 weAre bac$ to holding on versus releasing. Rick: ThatAs right. Colding onto the power o* being able to <do it my way> and getting bac$ at them, and show meL

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Carol: All o* the *eelings weAve wor$ed on 1 the overwhelm, *ear, scarcity, abandonment, and anger 1 theyAve all come bac$ to that, ultimately. 2o you want to lead me through: Rick: @Am *eeling li$e @ want you to. Carol: =$ay.

Tapping on Anger
*starts + 35.,41 Karate Chop: Even though @ have all this clutterL Las a way o* holding onL Land maybe as a way o* being angryL L@ choose to release it nowL Even though @ canAt let go o* all o* this stu**L Land @ donAt want to because you want me toL L@ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept mysel* anyway. Even though @ wonAt let go o* thisL Land @ have a suspicion itAs related to angerL Lmaybe resentmentL L@ choose to accept my decision. Eyebrow: @ have been holding on out o* anger. Side of the eye: 0hy wonAt @ let go: nder the eye: @Am using clutter to get bac$ at them. nder the nose: @ *eel angry and @ re*use to clean up. Chin: #et me do it my way. Collarbone: @ want to do it my way. nder the ar!: @ want to do it my way. Top of the head: 2onAt ma$e me do it any other way. Rick: *laughing1 @ donAt $now why, but @Am really into this today. @Am not sure where thatAs coming *rom. ThatAs the neat thing about EFT. @ canAt speci*ically say that this is an issue *or me, but itAs the idea that we do things out o* resistance to an energy that somebody else is trying to put on us.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Carol: &ight.


Rick: Any time we *eel li$e weAre doing that, you can become conscious o* it. "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 That ta$es away the choice. @t *eels li$e weAre standing in a re*usal to do it their way. That is our choice. That is one level o* it. @* you go deeper, though, and you can7t go anywhere else now because youAve planted your anchor 1 <this is the way that @ show how empowered < am> 1 well, now youAre stuc$. GouAve lost your choice. Carol: &ight. Rick: @tAs li$e the person who smo$es out o* a sense o* de*iance. &ight: Now heAs lost his choice. Ce canAt stop smo$ing because then his *eeling will be that he will capitulate. Carol: &ight. Rick: 'o @Ad li$e to do a round on *eeling li$e, <@* @ give in, i* @ ma$e this change, then everyone else will *eel li$e theyAre right.> TheyAve been right all along. <'ee: 2onAt you *eel better: 7lah, blah, blahL> Carol: &ightH For me, itAs bringing up stu** where, as a $id, @ was into sports, into music, had *riends, and siblings that were a lot o* *un to play with. 0e played games and listened to records all the time. Rick: Ges. Carol: 0hy on earth would @ spend a hal* an hour cleaning up my room: Rick: *laughing1 Carol: @tAs *unny, because @Am thin$ing, <CuhH> @t is Dust so interesting because society and my *amily and everybody else in the world thin$s you shouldnAt have a messy room. Rick: &ight. Carol: There was some innocenceL@Am thin$ing about it. 7ac$ then, there was some real basic innocence. @Ad rather have *un. Rick: ThatAs right. Carol: @tAs li$e homewor$. @ always did my homewor$. @ always got it done, *irst thing. There are some people who rebel with their homewor$ in

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT the same way. @tAs li$e @ didnAt have that. Fran$ly, @ wasnAt terribly rebellious. @ Dust didnAt get that oneH @ wasnAt born with that bone that thin$s cleaning up is a good ideaH @nteresting.


Tapping on Rebelliousness
*starts + 39.291 Karate Chop: Even though @ re*use to give inL Land do it your wayL L@ accept who @ amL Lno matter what. Even though @ donAt want to give inL L@Am not going to do it your wayL L@ accept who @ amL Lright now. Even though @ want to do it my wayL Lleave me aloneH 'top telling me what to doH @ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept meL Leven i* @ am a slob. Eyebrow: @ accept me. Side of the eye: 0hy wonAt you accept me: nder the eye: @Am not going to give in. nder the nose: @Am not going to give in. Chin: @ donAt want to give in. Collarbone: @ re*use to do it your way. nder the ar!: @Am going to do it my way. Top of the head: 7ecause my way wor$s *or me. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 #etAs do another round, right now, on <0hy wonAt you accept me the way @ am:>

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Tapping on *Accept 0e the

*starts + -/.,/1

ay 1 Am-

Karate Chop: Even though @ need you to accept me right nowL Las @ amL L@ accept my *eelingsL Land your reDection. Even though @Am angry because you donAt accept meL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Even though you wonAt accept me as @ amL L@ accept who @ amL Lno matter what. Eyebrow: /lease accept me. Side of the eye: /lease accept me. nder the eye: )ust the way @ am. nder the nose: 'o what i* @ have clutter: Chin: 'o whatAs it to you: Collarbone: /lease accept me. nder the ar!: @ accept me. Top of the head: And it has ta$en a long time. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: Now in wonder*ul EFT *ashion, @ donAt have a charge on my parents not accepting me. @t Dust seemed very basic, li$e, <Rids, clean up your room.> 7ut @ have a charge on a colleague relationship that you $now about 1 that @ have tal$ed to you about 1 where he doesnAt accept me. Ce $eeps telling me to slow down and do it this way, and <0hy donAt you breathe when you do this, andL> Rick: *laughing1 Carol: Lit *eels li$e an order *rom him. 0hen @ say NhelloA, @Ave done it wrongH @tAs li$e, <Cug this wayL> or <7reathe deeperL> or <2o thisL> or <Gou tal$ *ast.> Rick: *laughing1

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Carol: @ *eel that sense o*, <)ust accept me, or donAt play with meH 2onAt play in my sandboFH> My li*e is going pretty darn well. @ donAt need to do it somebody elseAs way, male, *emale, *riend, colleague, anything. 7ut it is stri$ing to me that that came up with a charge while we were doing that about Naccept meA. This is not someone whose approval @ need. @ donAt care about them much, @ donAt need their approval pro*essionally or personally, and it still *eels really ir$some. Rick: 0hatAs interesting is that 1 @ believe itAs because we do not want to be molded by somebody elseAs vision o* what we have to be in order to be acceptable. 0e Dust donAt. That sets up a, <=$ay, @Am going to continue to do it the way that @ want.> @n relation to clutter, what weAre *ocusing on with this, as these emotions come up *or you, and @ bet a lot o* people say <@ accept me.> 0hen Carol had us say that, while we were tapping, did it *eel 5!!U true: 2onAt be disappointed i* it only *elt !U true, or B!U true, or ?!U true. )ust continue to tap on that particular round until you see that trend changing. 7ecause i* you can ta$e either a pro*essional relationship li$e Carol tal$ed about or any relationship 1 anywhere where youAre not getting unconditional loveL TheyAre loo$ing at you and saying, <For me to really love and respect and admire and appreciate you, this is going have to change.> ThereAs a core part o* us that says, <No wayH> Carol: <Gou should be di**erent. Gou should do it my way.> As an adult, hearing this, @Am thin$ing, <ThereAs nothing wrong with my way,> but it ma$es me de*ensive. Rick: Ges. Carol: 7ecause the attitude is <GouAre doing it wrongM i* only you would slow down.> Km, @Am not having any problems in my li*e with speed right nowL 0hat he is suggesting that @ should do, these three things 1 i* only @ would do them di**erently whenever @ see him 1 @ thin$ heAs going to vibrate right out o* my li*e. Rick: And thatAs what you will notice here. As you do the tapping, the people that are annoying to you, or that are the aggravators around your clutter, they will start diminishing in importance, psychologically and even in your physical li*e. They Dust will, because the hoo$ is no longer there. GouAre not meeting them with resistance. @* people were compliant with what the leader or some power*ul person was dictating Nhad to beA, we never would have evolved. This impulse to Ndo it a little di**erentlyA is part o* why we have so much diversity and so much technology and all the other things that we have in the diversity o* the human eFperience.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT

Carol: Anything more on anger: 0e didnAt end up doing so much on anger. 0e got sort o* sidetrac$ed by my issues. *laughing1 @t was a personal session *or me, than$ youH Rick: GouAre welcomeH Carol: Anything else on anger or that sense o* holding on or letting go: 0e could do one more. Rick: 0hat happens i* the person lets go o* the anger: Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: Gou $now, @ donAt want to clear my anger. @tAs a good eFcuse not toL Carol: Lrelease. Rick: Ges. @* @ let go o* my anger, then what will happen: Carol: #etAs do one more *or the anger on the releasing versus holding on, and what might happen i* someone lets go o* their anger and lets go o* their stu**, i* theyAre connected. Now, a lot o* you wonAt resonate with that, and you wonAt thin$ thatAs connected, and thatAs *ine. )ust tap along anyway. Rick: ;reat.

Tapping on Anger
*=tarts + -5./,1 Karate Chop: Even though my stu** and holding onto itL Lreminds me o* my angerL Land @ donAt want to let go o* eitherL L@ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept mysel* anyway. Even though having all this stu**L Lis a good eFcuse not to release my angerL Lbecause @ donAt want toL L@Am a*raid toL L@All *eel so eFposed without itL

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Clearing Clutter with EFT L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept who @ am. Eyebrow: @ donAt want to clear my anger. Side of the eye: @ donAt want to clear my home. nder the eye: @ want to hold on to both. nder the nose: @ might *eel vulnerable without it. Chin: @* @ let go o* my anger at themL Collarbone: Lwho will @ be: nder the ar!: 0hat will @ have: Top of the head: No wonder @Am holding onto stu**. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: There are so many variables here, and so many eIuations we could ma$e with emotions and with clutter. 'o, those o* you listening, i* the anger one didnAt Iuite hit or the scarcity *eeling didnAt *eel li$e a good match, donAt worry about it. Reep tapping with us, because all o* these old issues can be relieved. Clear the way, and then clear your clutter. Rick: 0eAre teaching our energy system how to ac$nowledge something thatAs there which is not pleasing to us and to clear it. That will then start being re*lected in your physical world as well. <This is no longer pleasing to me as it sits here or even in my li*e at all.> @ $now how to clear that out. ThatAs where the emotional basis *or noticing things 1 that big, chaotic mess 1 clearing them out, one by one. @t teaches your whole being how to do that in every conteFt, and to become very Iuic$ at it as well. @t becomes something that, on the emotional level, you start clearing anger and *eelings o* being hurt much more Iuic$ly, having done it with three or *our or *ive speci*ic energies that come up. Carol: EFcellent. 'hall we move to guilt: Rick: =hLguilt. Carol: @ thin$ there are two directions that we could go with guilt, and @ thin$ weAll save the speci*ic events *or later. 0hat we could now with the guilt is the guilt about throwing things away, the guilt about having clutter, the guilt about getting rid o* clutter, the guilt about throwing things away. +@s it waste*ul:, Then, later, weAll do a segment on guilt *rom old con*licts in your past which somehow get connected to clutter now. Rick: ThereAs the guilt o* letting things go. ThereAs also the aspect o* <secret> S or is that shame: 'hame and the hiding:

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Carol: 0e could do it both ways, but @ thin$ itAs a little more shame. The other thing with guilt. @Ave had clients who grew up both in poverty and some who have grown up in great riches, and they end up having weird *eelings o* con*lict and guilt around stu**. Rick: Cow does guilt play into clutter at this point:


Carol: @ thin$ it plays in, in two di**erent ways, and weAll separate that. The *irst is guilt *rom things you have done that you perceive are wrong in your li*e that may ma$e you punish yoursel* or do something with clutter in your adult li*e. Rick: Ges. Carol: Another way is Dust guilt about stu** S guilt about having something, guilt about not having something, guilt about throwing something away, guilt i* you thin$ itAs waste*ul. Gou $now how people can eat too much because they *eel guilty about throwing it away, or they have too much because they donAt want to throw it away. Now, theyAre not going to use it, by the way. TheyAre not going to use that bro$en lamp, but theyAre not going to throw it away. Rick: ThatAs a very good point. @* you would *eel guilty about letting go o* anything that is on the list, it can also $eep you *rom starting in the *irst place. ;uilt is such a power*ul emotion. 0e will do almost anything to avoid it, and i* we already have it, we donAt want to loo$ at it because it is so pain*ul to loo$ at without something li$e EFT to help soothe you while you are wor$ing through that *eeling.

Tapping on $uilt
*starts + 2,.261 Karate Chop: Even though @ *eel guilty whenever @ throw something awayL L@ thin$ thatAs bad. @ shouldnAt throw anything out. @ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Even though @ *eel guilty i* @ throw something awayL Lso @ $eep it allL L@ accept my *eelings and my con*licts.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Eyebrow: @t seems waste*ul to throw things out. Side of the eye: @ donAt want to get rid o* anythingH nder the eye: @t seems so waste*ul. nder the nose: @ *eel guilty when @ throw something out. Chin: @ *eel so guilty when @ throw something outH Collarbone: No wonder @ hold on. nder the ar!: No wonder @ hold on. Top of the head: @ need to hold onL Lbecause itAs bad to throw anything away. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 ThatAs interesting. @ had a couple o* pictures o* things li$e you inherited something that doesnAt *it your energy. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: <This was important to my great1grandmother.> <This was important to my mother.> <This was important to my sister.> @t may have no importance to you, but even giving it to somebody who would value it, or giving it to ;oodwill, thereAs a guilt associated with letting it go. Carol: &ight. @* it had meaning *or somebody, but it doesnAt have meaning *or youL Cow many people right now can loo$ in their homes and say, <Gep, that belonged in my *amily, but @ donAt li$e itH> *laughing1 Rick: *laughing1 @t doesnAt *itH @ can de*initely thin$ o* certain things that are in other *amily homes that Dust donAt *itH <7ut they were ;reat1aunt 'o1 and1soAs, and she was so nice to usL> 2o you want to do something speci*ic on that:

Tapping on !amily Clutter

*starts + 23.021 Karate Chop: Even thought @Am holding on for themL Lbecause @ would *eel guilty getting rid o* itL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Even though @Am trying not to hurt their *eelingsL Lso @Am holding onto something @ donAt li$eL

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Land something @ donAt needL L@ choose to release the guilt. Even though @ have all this guiltL Lbecause @ even want to get rid o* itL L@ accept who @ am and how @ *eel. Eyebrow: This complicated guilt. Side of the eye: @ donAt thin$ @ should throw anything away. nder the eye: They gave it to me. nder the nose: @ canAt give it away. Chin: @ certainly canAt throw it away. Collarbone: And thatAs o$ay. nder the ar!: @ accept mysel* as @ amL L right now. Top of the head: And @ appreciate all these con*licts. Carol: Ta$e a breath.


Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 'ometimes itAs hard to appreciate those con*licts. =ne o* the things that @ encourage people to do is to consider that you can $eep the energy, the gi*t 1 the actual emotional gi*t o* the item, the thought behind it 1 and not necessarily hold onto the thing itsel*. Carol: 0ell, one o* the reasons, *or your birthday *or the last two years, @Ave written you a poem and an appreciation list is that @ donAt really want to give you more stu**H @ try to encourage people, you $nowL Rick: *laughing1 ThatAs why you ma$e such a good *riendH Carol: *laughing1 @Am encouraging people and mysel* to stop collecting Nstu**olaAH 'o i* @ give you a list o* wonder*ul things @ appreciate about you, @ thin$ you would hold onto that. Rick: Gour birthday list is something @ loo$ at every single month. @tAs a single sheet o* paper that goes *rom August to 'eptember *older, and 'eptember to =ctober *older. ThatAs my way o* connecting. @ encourage people to thin$ about this. @* youAre trying to create a balance between the richness o* your emotional li*e and greater simplicity in your physical li*e, then thin$ about presents which have rich emotional meaning to them, that arenAt physical things. Those can be eFperiences that you choose to have together. @t can be li$e something that Carol did *or me.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Carol: @ have several *riends and we have a pact that, *or birthdays and holidays, what we do is to go out and have a wonder*ul meal together at a *avorite restaurant. Rick: Ges.


Carol: And that wonder*ul eFperienceL@ donAt need another blouse. @ donAt need another piece o* Dewelry. @ donAt need anything. Rick: Fran$ly, as @ get more energetically clear in mysel*, what is appealing to me is very speci*ic. Carol: Ges. Rick: /eople will say, <CeAs so hard to buy *or.> =$ay: GeahH No apologies thereH *laughing1 Gou $now, you may want to buy me a television, but @Am real care*ul about the energy o* the items that @ bring into my world. 0ith that in mind, though, eFperiences 1 heart1to1heart eFperiences and eFpressions o* what we mean to each other 1 these are things which never clutter yoursel*. These are the rich memories that live on even a*ter weAre gone. Carol: @ thought about the guilt around boo$s. @ have way too many boo$s. 'lowly but surely @Am giving some away, but what really helps me is to have a place to give. 'o @ *ound a *antastic place that will ta$e boo$s, and once or twice a year thereAs a store near us that says, </ut your boo$s *or other people here.> @tAs sort o* a Npass1alongA. 7ut be*ore @ had places to put them, and to give them, the guilt was overwhelming. For one, @ thought @ should read them. Cow many boo$s have @ bought but never read: Rick: 'ure. Carol: =ne client said to me, <@ have a business card stic$ing out o* each boo$,> which means, <ThatAs how *ar @ read, and the business card is my place mar$er.> There are a lot o* boo$s that you donAt need to *inish 1 one chapter is per*ect. @Ave gotten much better about that. 7ut what helped me is *eeling con*ident that @ was giving it to someone who would enDoy it. @ wonAt throw boo$s out. @snAt that interesting: @ will not throw them out. Rick: @ will throw out boo$s that @ *eel the energy in them is not something @ personally would want to pass along to the world. 0hen @ went bac$ through all my boo$s, there were about ten that @ Dust didnAt want to pass on. 'o those got recycled. Than$ you, universe, *or paper recycling. &ight:

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Carol: &ight.


Rick: @t will turn into toilet paper as it runs through the mill. @ agree with you completely. As you thin$ about things that you want to *low in your li*e, you have to have an avenue *or them to *low out in a way that *eels good to you. 0hen @ give a boo$ to somebody, and they say, <@All give it bac$ to you,> @ say, <No, i* you li$e it, pass it on. @* not, give it to the library. 2rop it in the library boF.> TheyAll *igure out something to do with it. @ $now the library will ta$e it and put it in their boo$ sale that raises money *or them. 'o thatAs what @ do. @ agree with you. Anything we have, there are usually people that, i* itAs no longer right *or usL =ur intuition 1 once we let go o* that *eeling o* <@ need to hold onto Aunt MaryAs thingamawhopper> 1 as soon as you get over the guilt o* even considering letting it go, you might have a person come to mind that it would be per*ect *or. Carol: &ight. Rick: @tAs li$e Dewelry. ThereAs some people that can wear those big clip1on earrings, and thereAs some people that canAt. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: ThatAs what weAre tal$ing about here is letting go o* the emotional holding, clinging, and guilt so that you can get clarity about what is right *or this. GouAre probably not going to be buried with all o* your stu**, so at some point itAs going to move on. As soon as you get used to the idea o* a *low o* thingsLahhhhh. Then li*e becomes natural, and you donAt end up *eeling li$e you need to cling to li*e itsel*, too, which ma$es you *eel much *reer as you go through the time that you do have. Carol: Then thereAs also that *inancial peace. @* @Ave spent O on a boo$, and @ give it away, @ *eel li$e @Am wasting money. This happens with clothes and ma$eup and boo$s. 'ince @Ave been changing all thisL @ had some nieces staying with me, siF months to a year ago. @ had no less than *ive eFtra blush compacts in my bathroom, and @ gave them away to them. The colors *it them. They didnAt *it me. @ donAt $now why @ had some compulsion to buy rouge or blush. They were *rom these eFpensive places. @ didnAt want to give them away 1 it was going on siF to ten years o* old stu** +that stu** doesnAt go bad,. 0omen have a real issue with this. @ have tal$ed to a lot o* women about this. @* they buy ma$eup, they canAt give it away. @tAs not right *or them, they canAt throw it away because they spent money on it, and they canAt return it. 0ho wants used ma$eup: 0e cleaned these rouge pu**s up, and my nieces are thrilled.

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Rick: As you say, who needs ma$eup: The domestic violence shelters, you $now: There are places where, to have a nice ma$eup $it, *or somebody who has gone through a very di**icult time, can be wonder*ul. A lot o* these women leave with the clothes on their bac$s. 7ut you canAt get clarity on that i* youAre *eeling li$e, <@ bought that.> Again, itAs not logical. @t isnAt logical. ThatAs why weAre doing this using EFT instead o* saying, <0e want you to go through your bathroom closet and say, N#oo$ 1 do @ really need this or not:A> Gou canAt do that i* youAreL Carol: @* that wor$ed, it would have wor$ed ten years agoL Rick: Gou donAt do that i* you *eel li$e, <0hy did @ buy that::> And thereAs a sense o* guilt or even a sense o* stupidity. Carol: &ight, as i* holding onto the eFtra thing is going to ma$e the money come bac$L Rick: There is evidence o* primitive brain. ThereAs no logical reason *or it. #etAs Dust assume thereAs something primitive going on here. <@ might need it someday: No, not that. 0ould @ *eel guilty i* @ gave it away or threw it away: There it is. guilt.> Even though @ *eel guilty i* @ Dust throw it away, becauseL*ill in the blan$. Carol: That idea o* wasting money 1 @ thin$ itAs so important. ThatAs why we thin$ abundance and clutter are so connected. #etAs do one more tapping on guilt, connecting it to wasting money. @ must say also, the Doy @ *elt o* giving my niece a little rouge compact 1 that she couldnAt a**ord, by the wayL Rick: *laughing1 No. Carol: Land it loo$ed beauti*ul, and she was so happy. @t was one o* those *eelings. 7ut @ didnAt used to get that. @ was all about holding on, and oh, @ might need it someday. Even though that coat is clearly *rom the early 5""!s and itAs out o* date, itAs li$e, <=h, well.> =nce @ *ound places to trans*er and give and o**er, that was a serious part o* my clutter problem 1 not having an avenue. Rick: Ges. @ would say that itAs probably "6U o* the peopleL Even i* you clear some o* the emotional stu**, you need to have some way o* letting it go that *eels acceptable to you. Even i* it doesnAt *eel great, it needs to *eel at least acceptable. @Ave noticed that @ buy boo$s sometimes and theyAre really meant *or somebody else. @All read a couple o* paragraphs or pages or a

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chapter that Dumps out, but then somebodyAs picture will come to mind and <=h 1 it was supposed to go to that personH> @ did that Dust the other day with a boo$ on servant leadership. @ read about three chapters o* it in a co**ee shop, and then this person wal$s in, and @ $now her, and @ said, <This is per*ectH> 'he was so delighted to get the boo$. @t was absolutely right *or her. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: That, to me, is abundance. ThatAs allowing us to be a *low. Carol: Absolutely. 'o, one more on guilt and money.

Tapping on $uilt and 0oney

*starts + 0-./41 Karate Chop: Even though @ *eel guilty giving something awayL Lor throwing something outL L@ accept who @ amL L anyway. Even though it *eels li$e @Am wasting moneyL Lwhen @ let go o* somethingL L@ choose to rearrange this belie*. Even though @ was taught that it is a waste o* moneyL Lto throw something outL L@ choose to accept mysel* anyway. Eyebrow: Maybe itAs not a waste. Side of the eye: Maybe itAs o$ay. nder the eye: Maybe itAs o$ay to have that *low. nder the nose: @ love *low, in and out. Chin: @ love *low. Collarbone: @tAs not a waste o* money. nder the ar!: 'omeone is going to get itL Top of the head: Lor else it will be recycled. Top of the head: @ love *eeling clear. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Carol: ;reat. Rick: Than$ you, CarolH Carol: Than$ you, &ic$. ;ood stu** todayH


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Recording #8
$uilt) Shame) and Clutter
Rick: 0e tal$ed about guilt, Carol, related to clutter. Cow is shame di**erent, and how does it *it into the energy around clutter and the stu** in our li*e: Carol: 0ell, @ always tell people that guilt and shame are di**erent. ;uilt is Nyou *eel bad about something you didA, and shame is Nyou *eel bad about youA. Gou thin$ you7re bad. ThatAs a very di**erent *eeling than i* someone has some speci*ic guilt about something that happened in !!6. Rick: &ight. Carol: 'hame is within yoursel*. 0hatAs so important about shame is that many people are ashamed o* their clutter. They have this emotional shame about something else in their *amily, and then they have this habit o* clutter that they canAt seem to move through, and then theyAre ashamed about that, and it Dust piles on top o* them. Now, they may be ashamed o* their parentsA clutter. They may be ashamed o* how they were raised. They may be ashamed o* the stu** that they have. @t doesnAt really matter. The point is that *eelingLtal$ about bloc$ing your energyH 'hame really, really scrambles your clear energy about yoursel*, about ma$ing decisions, about what you want to do, and this is long be*ore you even consider cleaning up clutter. Rick: @tAs also one o* those energies that tends to come up a*ter you have done a bit o* tapping. 7ecause itAs so core, and weAre ashamed o* it, we donAt tend to bring it up right at the start. Carol: &ight. @ had a client who, siF months into therapy, *inally admitted that he was ashamed that he was ashamed. Ce had never been able to tell me be*ore, and it was a turning point. 'hame ma$es us hide. 0eAre o*ten hiding behind shame. 0e hide the shame because weAre ashamed we have it. 0e hide the things that we *eel ashamed o* about ourselves, our li*e, or our *amily. Gou canAt clear something i* youAre hiding *rom it. @* itAs not *ront and center 1 the way we do EFT, the subDect matter needs to be the target 1 i* youAre not admitting that youAre ashamed, or not telling anyone

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Clearing Clutter with EFT that you have this clutter problem or this shame problem, you really canAt address it and energetically deal with it. @tAs a bit o* a Catch1 there.


Rick: A lot o* times, the shame comes up *rom our own Dudgments about how we *eel about the clutter and proDecting that onto how we *eel other people loo$ at us and de*ine us 1 by the mess in our house, the mess in our *inances, wherever the clutter is. 0e have convinced ourselves that it means, <@ am +blan$,,> and that blan$ is not complimentary. Carol: &ightLthe Dudgment. @tAs also important to note that many people, i* they donAt have a history o* shame *rom their *amily 1 and again, whether they inherited the *eeling and the energy o* shame *rom their parents, or whether they were made to *eel ashamed 1 i* they donAt have that, itAs unli$ely the shame is going to be very big about their clutter problem. @tAs more, <=h, this is Dust me, and itAs a drag, and @Am going to get to it,> but you donAt have that terrible, cellular shame about it unless you come *rom a place where you are easily shamed and Dudged. Rick: Lwhere shame was a parenting techniIueH <Gou should be ashamed o* yoursel*H> @* you heard those words doJens and doJens and doJens o* times a wee$ growing up, chances are thereAs an energy o* shame around anything that you want to shi*t in your li*e. Carol: @tAs hard to admit, <This is a problem and @ want to shi*t it,> because they *eel so ashamed. Now, that word NhideA, again, is really important because we can hide behind the clutter 1 relationship clutter, *inancial clutter, stu** in our o**ice or home clutter, body clutter 1 we can hide behind that and use it as a way not to come out and say, <Ci, this is who @ am,> right down to the basics where you donAt invite someone to your home because itAs cluttered or you Dust use it as an eFcuse. @tAs $ind o* t&ic$y. Change is always t&ic$y, @ *ind, with clients. 'o, any time we can ma$e it present and available rather than hidden, even i* someone is *inally admitting that, <@Ave never told anyone @ have this clutter problem.> That would be great, because now we have something to wor$ with. Rick: Gou could choose a sa*e pro*essional to tell, not necessarily someone that isnAt sa*e and is going to Dudge you and not be a supporter. Gou may or may not have that type o* person in your li*e right now, but you can attract that as soon as you have the desire to be able to sa*ely say, <Cere is where @ am and here is where @ want to go,> including, <@Am ashamed o* it.> Carol: &ight. @ $now itAs a bit global *or EFT, but even i* we did one on <@Am ashamed o* mysel*> not connected to clutter 1 @ thin$ that would have some

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


charge *or a lot o* people. Again, itAs not very speci*ic, but it still *eels right to people, and then we can be speci*ic on the <ashamed o* the clutter>. Rick: @ thin$ that, when youAre doing a global statement li$e, <Even though @ am ashamed,> and the energy as youAre tapping starts coming up, going *rom a to a B to an ?, you can as$ yoursel*, <0hy am @ *eeling ashamed:> and list the speci*ics. <0hat is the indictment against me:> Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: 7y getting into the speci*ics 1 which weAre going to tal$ about soon 1 and using tapping on the speci*ics, this general tapping on the shame will bring some o* those speci*ics to mind 1 thoughts that you have about yoursel*, thoughts that you pic$ed up *rom other people. They may have said things that ma$e you *eel embarrassed, deeply embarrassed, about where you are. Those are energies that you can help trans*orm with EFT. Carol: Absolutely. All right, do you want to lead me through: Rick: 'ure.

Tapping on Shame in $eneral

*starts + ,0.221 Karate Chop: Even though @ *eel ashamedL Land @ donAt want anyone else to $nowL L@ deeply and completely accept all o* my *eelings. Even though @ *eel ashamedL Land maybe @ always haveL Land itAs re*lected in everything that @ loo$ atL L@ deeply and completely ac$nowledge and respect all o* my *eelings. Even though @ am ashamedL Land @ have a long list o* reasonsL L@ accept mysel* anyway. Eyebrow: @ *eel ashamed. Side of the eye: @ do *eel ashamed. nder the eye: Not all the timeL nder the nose: Lbut most o* the time.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Chin: @ *eel ashamed. Collarbone: @ *eel ashamed in my body. nder the ar!: @ *eel the shame in my body. Top of the head: @ *eel it in my head. Eyebrow: @t weighs on my heart. Side of the eye: @t bloc$s me. nder the eye: @t $eeps me *roJen. nder the nose: FroJen in shame. Chin: @Am so tired o* being *roJen in shame. Collarbone: @Am ready to let go o* the shame. nder the ar!: @Am so loo$ing *orward to relie*. Top of the head: The relie* *rom the shame. Rick: Ta$e a deep breath. "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 That would be a great place *or someone to start i* they canAt identi*y why they *eel ashamed and what they *eel ashamed o*. 0here do you *eel it in your body: /eople *eel shame in their stomach or their chest or their bac$ 1 anywhere in their body. They Dust *eel this wormy *eeling o* shame, and that may be a wonder*ul place to start i* you canAt get any more in*ormation. Rick: 7y addressing the bodyAs sensations, there are doorways into the energy system 1 excellent doorways into the energy system. A lot o* people ignore them and do not give enough respect to the bodyAs sensations as being o* the same intelligence as a thought or a vision or something that you hear in your head brings to the healing eFperience. Carol: @n *act, probably smarterH *laughing1 Rick: *laughing1 0e donAt try to second1guess and tal$ ourselves out o* the body sensations as much as we do a thought. <@Am ashamed. =h, @ shouldnAt be ashamed. @Am ashamed that @Am ashamedH> ThatAs di**erent than the *eeling o* tight constriction, that wormy *eeling in the body. 2o you want to do a round on the physical stu**: Carol: 'ure, letAs do the physical. And remember 1 @ want everyone to thin$ o* this. As$ yoursel*. @s the shame *rom your generation or *rom the last one: =ur parents and grandparents can literally hand us down shame as an energy, even though you shouldnAt be ashamed, and they didnAt say, <Gou should be ashamed o* yoursel*.> They carry so much. @tAs in the 2NA.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Rick: @tAs our inheritance. 0hy donAt you lead that one: Carol: =$ay.


Tapping on Shame from Parents

*starts + ,9.,91 Karate Chop: Even though @ have this shame *rom meL Land my *amilyL Land my grandparentsL Lmaybe my great1grandparentsL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept who @ am. Even though @ inherited so much shame *rom themL L@ choose to *eel compassionate toward them. Even though @ donAt thin$ @Am carrying my own shameL L@ thin$ itAs *rom them. @ deeply and pro*oundly accept all o* me. Eyebrow: @ accept mysel* even i* @ *eel ashamed. Side of the eye: @ accept who @ am even i* they gave me too much shame. nder the eye: @ accept them, even i* they came into this world ashamed. nder the nose: 0e all have too much shame. Chin: And itAs not real. Collarbone: @tAs Dust a *eeling. nder the ar!: And @ choose to release it. Top of the head: @ choose to clear the shame *rom my li*e. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: @ recommend doing that one several times i* it hit a chord. Maybe you thin$ the women in your li*e are ashamed, or the men in your *amily, or maybe it was Dust one generation. 'ometimes thereAs one aunt or uncle who Dust carries that tune. 'ee i* you can release it, because shame 1 that *eeling o* <@Am not good, @Am bad to the core> 1 thatAs not a truth. ThatAs something you have to learn. Gou do not come out that way. Rick: @tAs interesting. @ sense that, i* we love someone and theyAre our mentor 1 li$e a parent 1 and we see them in a certain light, but thereAs an

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


underlying hidden shame that theyAre vibrating. 0e as children pic$ up on that. @t doesnAt ma$e any sense, but we will tune to it. @ thin$ thatAs what youAre suggesting 1 the ancestral inheritance o* shame energy is that we will tune to that. @tAs interesting. 7y releasing that, @ have certain very speci*ic connections to men in my lineage and some o* the things 1 they never tal$ed about being ashamed 1 no. They would never admit that they were ashamed. @ could *eel, as we were tapping, a brie* connection to that energy and *eel it in my body and release it. Carol: All right. Rick: Now, i* youAre having that again, go bac$ through that tapping several times. 'ee what comes up. 'ee what shi*ts. The wonder o* EFT and these types o* recordings is that you can use them again and again and again. @* you get bored with it, then youAre doneH Carol: &ightH Rick: @* itAs still bringing up stu**, you $now that it is use*ul to you as an eFercise. Carol: &ight. #etAs do <shame about clutter> speci*ically. =$ay:

Tapping on Shame About Clutter

*starts + /3.--1 Karate Chop: Even though @Am so ashamed o* my clutterL Land @ have to hide it *rom everyoneL Leven *rom mysel*L L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept who @ am. Even though @ *eel ashamed o* my clutterL Land too ashamed to even admit it sometimesL L@ accept who @ am right now. Even though @ *eel ashamed o* mysel* and @ hide behind all this clutterL L@ deeply and pro*oundly love and accept mysel*. Eyebrow: @Am so ashamed o* the clutter. Side of the eye: @Am ashamed o* the clutter. nder the eye: @ donAt even $now what to do.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT nder the nose: All @ $now is @ $eep hiding it. Chin: #i$e other things about mysel*. Collarbone: @Am ashamed o* my clutter. nder the ar!: And @ thin$ @Am ashamed o* mysel*. Top of the head: @ want to let go. Eyebrow: 0hat i* @ let go: Side of the eye: 0hat i* @ accepted the clutter: nder the eye: Then it would stic$. nder the nose: No, it wouldnAt. Chin: @* @ accepted the clutterL Collarbone: Land accepted mysel*L nder the ar!: Land accepted my *eelingsL Top of the head: @ $now things would change. @ appreciate who @ amL Leven though @ have all this clutter. Carol: ;ood. 2eep breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: @tAs so $ey that people really ac$nowledge what the truth is. @tAs a little bit li$e in the weight loss 1 people thin$ that being ashamed and guilty about what they eat and their bodies will ma$e them lose weight, and it never does it. 'o holding onto the shame about the clutter and the shame about mysel* 1 it does not ma$e you better. @t $eeps you stuc$. /eople say, <=h, no, i* youAre ashamed or guilty, you wonAt do it again.> Not trueH Rick: @ have ample evidence that that doesnAt wor$H *laughing1 Carol: @ had a little clutter NrelapseA this wee$ +@ would say,, and @ was gone *or a wee$, so @ came home and o* course thereAs a wee$As worth o* mail , everyone sending me stu**, plus the bills. @Am getting bac$ on top o* it, but there was an interesting *eeling o* <KghH> 1 li$e a heaviness, li$e @ was ma$ing such progress. @ continued to do this deep process which was completely di**erent that what @ had been doing *or the past year or two. @tAs that little sur*ace stu**. @ have to remind mysel* that @ did have a relapse, or it loo$ed li$e a relapse, but it was Dust sur*ace Dun$. @t was very easy, i* you have places to put it. 'o @ have this wonder*ul shredder in the lobby o* my building. @ have this new *iling system. @* you can give it to the right place, even i* that means the garbage, then a lot changes. And thatAs about letting go. 0eAre bac$ to those initial recordings we did about <0hy canAt we let go o* it: 0hat is this scarcity issue: 0hat is this about

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


hoarding: 0hat is it about holding onto stu**: #et it go. Gou donAt need it 1 you havenAt used it in ten yearsH> Rick: 0hatever the energy is thatAs wrapped up in the clutter, *acing it honestly with EFT will ta$e the energy out o* the clutter and then it Dust becomes things. GouAll learn. GouAll become attracted to techniIues and ideas on how to sort and *ile and ta$e care o* stu**. Gour attention will be attracted to a sign *or ;oodwill 1 you didnAt even $now the store was there, but you had already prepared yoursel* energetically *or the idea. Those types o* things will come up. @tAs a good time to smile and say, <Than$ you, source 1 @ really appreciate the *eedbac$ that weAre in this together and @Am going to be attracting into my li*e opportunities to allow stu** to move *orward, move on, move out.> Carol: Cow do you say it 1 once the charge is gone, then you can do something with it 1 itAs a little bit li$e a heavy charge on something. An electrical charge, an emotional charge, is li$e glue. @* you thin$ o* this thing that happened in !! , and you get this *eeling or charge in your body, thatAs li$e glue. @tAs stic$ing to you. That means you have energy wor$ to do on it. @* you loo$ at your clutter and say, <7lahH @c$H @Am disgusting. @Am ashamed,> youAve got wor$ to do be*ore you throw anything out or rearrange anything. The NdoingA doesnAt wor$ long1term. @t wor$s *or about a wee$. @tAs li$e the alcoholic. Any alcoholic +almost, can put down alcohol *or a *ew days, but it canAt stic$ unless they have done the underlying wor$. 'o you can rearrange the boo$s and re*ile things, but it wonAt stic$. @ did that *or a while. Rick: GouAve noticed that neither you nor @ have been telling people, <Cey, you should have made this $ind o* progress on your clutter by now,> and trying to hold people accountable. Kntil theyAve done the energetic wor$, holding someone accountable can provide an eFternal *orce that ma$es it more uncom*ortable *or them to $eep the clutter than to get rid o* it. ThatAs not addressing the energy that caused it in the *irst place. 0hether itAs illness in the body or discord in the house or in a relationship. 2eal with the energetics that you have control over *irst. ThatAs what weAre tal$ing about here. =nce you do that, your perspective on it 1 your vantage point 1 is completely di**erent. Carol: @t is so li$e addiction. @ told you that @Ave been wor$ing on this NIuit smo$ingA program. The peopleAs eyes are opening up. TheyAre saying,> Now @ $now why @ smo$edH> 0eAre getting to the grie*, the hurt, the pain, the connection to the parent that smo$ed. <@tAs so obviousH> @tAs not obvious when youAre smo$ing a pac$ a day. Gou canAt connect to why youAre

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT cluttering unless you do the energetic wor$. Gou canAt Dust rearrange the boo$s. @tAs not going to wor$.


The 6abit of Clutter

*starts + /4.0/1 Rick: Cow much clutter is a habit, then: )ust a bad habit: =bviously notL Carol: No, *or some people, it can be a habit connected to time where i* you literally donAt have enough time in your li*e, but then you need to loo$ at your cluttered schedule. 0hy are you going out every night: 0hy is every minute *ull: 0hy arenAt you having down time, where you go through the mail and throw out old things and give to the ;oodwill +the clothing, and properly arrange things in your o**ice or your home: @* you have too much to do, thereAs a di**erent $ind o* clutter going on. @* you literally canAt attend to the pileL Rick: &ight 1 li*e balance issues and the emotions that go into that. #i$e you said, itAs the habits about where you put things. 2o you have an organiJational habit that youAve gone into: @Ave gotten into a habit now o* $eeping my @nboF clear, and it was not a habit that @ had *ound a techniIue that really had wor$ed *or me until recently. 7ut now that @ do have that techniIue, it ma$es a big di**erence. 0hat was interesting was, until @ cleared some o* the overwhelmed *eelings, the techniIue wasnAt going to stic$. @ could Dust *eel it. @ tried something so similar that it could have wor$ed two years ago, but my reaction to 5!! messages in my @nboF was not a resource*ul one. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: @tAs very common *or me to loo$ at my @nboF and have B! to 5!! messages overnight. Now, when @ address the overwhelm, @ no longer get triggered into primitive brain when @ loo$ at the @nboF. The overwhelm was something that @ didnAt have conscious control over. @t was something that the primitive brain triggered. There were a number o* ways that, by tapping on the overwhelm, where @ *elt it in the body, the speci*ic events came up, and then @ was able to shi*t the habit. The habit was to leave the things that @ Dust couldnAt get to in the @nboF, rather than very Iuic$ly going through it and deciding, <2o @ delete this: @s this a reply, or is this something that needs to be *iled, or is this something that needs to be done on a speci*ic day:

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: ThatAs pretty simple, isnAt it: @ can actually process an entire @nboF o* 5!! messages in less than two or three minutes based upon that criteria. Gou canAt, though, i* youAre in primitive brain because you either want to *ight, which means wail about how overwhelmed you are, you want to *reeJe and do nothing, or you want to runH Carol: Gep. Rick: 'o thatAs an eFample *or me o* how good habits are made possible by this process that we are tal$ing about. Carol: @ also hope that people are getting that connection because 1 @ thin$ that youAve said it a couple o* times 1 that when you are overwhelmed, you canAt ma$e clear decisions. @* you canAt ma$e clear decisions, you donAt $now where the boo$ goes, or the *ile, or the piece o* paper, or the mail that you donAt have to address this wee$. Gou cannot ma$e decisions. @* you can wor$ on that overwhelm 1 go bac$ to our section on overwhelmed 1 and tap and tap and tap until things become clearL <=h, @ can ma$e a decision about thisH> <=h, @ $now where to put thisH> 0hen @ used to be much more overwhelmed with wor$, it was a couple o* years ago that @ *inally put a special hoo$ up right inside the *ront door, and my mail $eys and the post o**ice $ey and my home and o**ice $eys, which were all on the same hoo$. @ put them all up. <@t seems $ind o* basic, Carol, really simple,> but it wasnAt simple because @ was overwhelmed. @Ad wal$ in and what would @ do: @Ad drop the $eys on the table again in the middle o* the mess and never *ind them until these beauti*ul hoo$s were put up. 'o it is what youAre saying, that i* you donAt get and deal with the overwhelm, the good habits that seem pretty normalL @tAs why, when people say, <&ead a boo$ on time management,> it doesnAt wor$. @* thatAs all we needed was a boo$ on time management, we would have done it. @* all we needed to do was have someone come in and clear out the closets, then we wouldnAt get them messy again in two wee$s or two months. 'o that energetic wor$ has to be done *irst. Then you have a commitment and intention and youAre inspired to put your $eys where they belong. GouAre inspired to clean out your poc$ets. GouAre inspired to move that pile o* clothing that you donAt use anymore. Gou must be inspired. @t canAt be this laborious chore. <This is what @ have to do every dayL@Ad better clean up.> ThatAs not going to wor$, either. Rick: That energy that you described is whipping yoursel* so that youAre using your primitive brain, @ thin$, in order to get yoursel* to act out o* pain

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Clearing Clutter with EFT avoidance. 0eAll do a lot to avoid pain, and we do use sel*1criticism, whipping ourselves to create enough pain in order to do something.


Carol: Gou $now, weAre bac$ to shame and lac$ o* abundance and heavy, heavy *eelings. 0hen you *eel heavy, you donAt want to do anything. Gou donAt *eel li$e *eeding the dog or the cat, either, when you have heavy *eelings. Gou donAt *eel li$e doing the laundry. @tAs not depression, per se, but it *eels pretty dar$. Rick: 0ould you lead us in tapping around bad habits 1 this bad habit o* clutter: For those who view it as a bad habit. Carol: Ges, and remember, all o* you listening 1 you might have gotten the habit literally *rom your parents and siblings, the way you get the habit o* hand1gesturing or something else that you do thatAs Dust li$e the rest o* them. Rick: @ $now, *or eFample, that people that come *rom *amilies where they $now how to clean, are able to clean a house in one1third o* the time than people who come *rom a *amily where they did not $now how to e**iciently clean the place. ThereAs an art to $eeping things organiJed. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: @t can be natural and an easy *low, but i* you donAt come *rom there 1 there is a Ns$illA aspect o* it. @* you came *rom an energy where the bad habits have been handed down *rom generation to generation, you never were eFposed to what the good habit *elt li$e, whether itAs cleaning the house or ta$ing care o* and organiJing the stac$ o* stu**. Carol: @t wasnAt developed as a value *or you. There are people who do not value orderliness in their homes and o**ices, and thatAs their prerogative and their right. 7ut you may have Dust inherited that because nobody else did it. 0hy would you: 0hatAs the importance: GouAd rather do F, y, or J than spend the time cleaning and organiJing and having things available to you when you need them. Rick: Maybe include developing a good habit that suits the personAs desire *or the level o* organiJation that is per*ect *or them. @tAs not necessarily Nthe per*ectly clean spotA. Carol: EFactly.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Tapping on a Bad 6abit of Cluttering

*starts + 30.-51 Karate Chop: Even though @ have this bad habitL Land @ got it *rom my *amilyL L@ choose to ma$e some changes soon. Even though @ have this bad habit around clutteringL L@Ave eFamined my *eelingsL Land @Ave decided that @ do want to change. Even though @ have this bad habit around clutteringL L@ want to come up with a new wayL Lto *eel inspired about my li*e. Eyebrow: @ donAt have to be a neat *rea$. Side of the eye: @ donAt li$e them, eitherL nder the eye: Lbut @ donAt li$e the clutterL nder the nose: Land @ can *eel that this is a bad habit. Chin: @Am Dust li$e my parentsL Collarbone: Land @ Dust want to change it. nder the ar!: They wanted to change it, tooL Top of the head: Lbut they never tried very hard. Eyebrow: They had other concerns. Side of the eye: @Am ready to change. nder the eye: Actually, @ *eel eFcited. nder the nose: @Am ready to change. Chin: @Am loo$ing *orward to all the new habits. Collarbone: @ *eel $ind o* eFcitedH nder the ar!: @ can give up this old habitL Top of the head: Land @ loo$ *orward to developing new habitsL Lthat suit me. Rick: GeahH Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: There is no one way. A hundred boo$s on a boo$shel* *or you is *i*ty boo$s *or someone else, or twenty boo$s *or someone elseLthere is no right or wrong. 0e never want to communicate that. 0eAre saying, deal with the

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


*eelings behind the behavior o* clutter and see what you can change and see how you *eel about it. Rick: &ight. Carol: Anything else on the habit portion: Rick: )ust encouragement that there are wonder*ul resources out there. #et your intuition pic$. =ne o* the ones that made a di**erence *or me in organiJing my business was 2avid AllenAs >etting Things ?one. (ery matter1o*1*act $ind o* sorting 1 it gave me a tool that helped me organiJe my materials. There are literally hundreds out there. #et your intuition see which one is bright and shiny *or you. As you deal with the emotions, opportunities, youAll be attracted to things that help with the basic techniIues and logistics.

Specific E'ents Tied to Clutter

*starts + 34./01 Carol: 'o, speci*ic events. 0hy are these so important in EFT: 0eAve been wor$ing, &ic$, on the *eelings. the anger, the guilt, the shame, the abandonment 1 all the emotions that might contribute to this habit o* clutter. Now, letAs speci*ically tal$ about speci*ic events, because @ thin$ itAs critical *or e**ective EFT. 'o why are speci*ic events and getting to them so important when using EFT: Rick: 0ell, sometimes thereAs a very speci*ic event, li$e somebody wal$ed into your home and said, <@ canAt believe you live li$e this.> The emotional charge in that speci*ic event will *reeJe us in that moment, and by addressing that speci*ic event, that tone o* voice, the loo$ on their *ace, who the person was, what that meant to you to have been told that, and how that *eels in your body. NeutraliJing that speci*ic event can change your whole relationship around clutter. As we tap on anger and shame and the habit and our *ear and all o* these other thingsM o*tentimes with EFT, a speci*ic image will come up. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: That speci*ic image is tied to an event. 'peci*ic words that you heard once, or over and over again li$e a mantra, will come up. Those are your body intelligence telling you, <Cey, this is what you need to *ocus on.> The

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


emotions themselves 1 we could do tremendous shi*ts with EFT by addressing the emotions li$e anger because as youAre tapping on our tapping on anger, you are bringing things up. @tAs Dust li$e we did a moment ago about ancestral shame. My intelligence brought up certain images, certain *eelings. ThatAs the way it wor$s *or people. 7ut i* thereAs one that comes up that *eels intense to you, ta$ing and using EFT on that speci*ic event 1 wow. ThereAs great value in doing that. Carol: @t may surprise you what event ends up being connected to clutter. Gou may not have consciously put it together 1 that this event *ive years ago, ten years ago, thirty years ago was connected 1 but when we do the tapping, the Na1hasA start to happen. @ always say to people, <0ho, what, when: 0ho, what, when: 0ho said what to you, and when did they say it:> Then you go right into a speci*ic event. As your eFample was, someone came in and said, <@ canAt believe you live this way.> That $ind o* shaming doesnAt ma$e you clean upM as you said, it ma$es you *reeJe. @tAs li$e a trauma. Kgh 1 you Dust got scolded by some important *igure or *riend o* the *amily or another relative or somebody. Rick: @Ave wor$ed with people that, as a child, their parent got very upset with them and threw all o* their things out on the *ront lawn where they were rained on and many o* them were destroyed. They have a problem letting go o* things. They hold onto them. They hide them. They create loc$ed cupboards and all $inds o* other stu**. As they address that speci*ic memory, which was eFtremely intense 1 sha$ing, crying 1 very intense. As she touched on that event, her attitude changed. Cer energy around her stu** changed. Carol: The eFtent o* that $ind o* a trauma 1 and @ hope this is triggering some people who are listening into maybe something else 1 what did they say or do about your stu**: 0as it as dramatic as throwing stu** on the lawn to get rained on: 0as it ta$ing something away prematurely: @ Dust heard someone say 1 this is a grown man tal$ing about how his bottle was ta$en away too early, and he remembers itH This is a grown businessman ma$ing about O ,!!!,!!! a year 1 heAs tal$ing about his bottleH A*ter we did some tapping, he could feel that ta$e1away, that *eeling o* being deprived. =bviously it wasnAt very conscious 1 we had to get to it. There was Dust that *eeling o* something being ta$en away *rom you, so what do you do: Gou grow up and never give anything awayH Rick: @t is *ascinating. @ believe these things come up at a per*ect time when we want to grow. 0e want to shi*t. 0e want the change and that awareness o* <0hat does this remind me o*: 0hat does this *eeling o* scarcity remind me o*, or that my things will be ta$en away, or @Am going to

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


need them someday: 0hat does it remind me o*:> 0hen your higher consciousness gives you an answer, it may not ma$e sense. @n *act, itAs one o* our *avorite things to hear *rom clients. <This couldnAt possibly be it. This ma$es no sense.> 7ingoHH That, to me, says that weAve Dust gotten the per*ect target *or EFT and wor$ing on a speci*ic event. Carol: No habits really happen or develop out o* the blue, so when we did that habit section, and some people have certain pieces o* the clutter as a habitM in general, why would you develop that: @tAs gotta come *rom somewhere, so there may be a habitual response to put things in this pile and over here, and not clean up that. Cowever, why would you have developed it to begin with: 0hat does it remind you o*: 0hat is the *eeling that someone is threatening to ta$e something away *rom you: @Ave dealt with people who at wor$ 1 and not about a clutter issue 1 someone comes into their o**ice and borrows the stapler or borrows a *ile, and you Dust $now itAs not a normal reaction, what happens to them. 0hat is that about: @t turned out to be around siblings ta$ing their stu** 1 borrowing without as$ingH Rick: =h, de*initely. 0hen @ *ound EFT, @ remembered a couple o* times when my brother too$ stu**, and shi*ting those changes your attitude about loaning things. GouAre much more com*ortable and con*ident that everythingAs going to be o$ay. Gou also tend to get things bac$, because youAre not vibrating, <0ell, @ bet that personAs never going to give that bac$ to me. @ shouldnAt have loaned that out.> ThatAs the #aw o* Attraction at wor$, thereH @ now eFpect people to easily return things because @Ave released those energies, and guess what: They doH Carol: &ightH 'o, everyone. thin$ about, i* you hoard +i* you use that word,, i* youAre a hoarder or Dust hold onto things and never throw anything out, never give anything away 1 what made you want to hoard: 7ecause there is a desire there 1 thereAs this urgency, thereAs a need. <@Ave gotta have thisH> Rick: <@ mustL> Carol: @< must8A 0hat do you suspect made you want to hoard: @s it because you had a sibling who too$ everything o* yours: @s it because the older $ids ate the dessert: @s itLthere are so many optionsH Again, does that seem as traumatic as something else li$e an earthIua$e or a car accident: No, o* course not, but it is to you i* youAre *our. @tAs as traumatic i* youAre waiting *or the piece o* ca$e. @ had a client who said that. 'he said that everybody used to ta$e her ca$e. 'he was the youngestH Everybody

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT ate her stu**. And it turned into, o* course, weight issues, but also into many more emotional issues.


Rick: @t reIuires one time where you go to the re*rigerator and itAs empty. Gour interpretation is that <0eAre going to starve,> especially i* youAre pic$ing up on the energy o* scarcity and Nnot1enoughnessA in the vibration o* the *amily 1 the vibration o* the household 1 i* thatAs there. Maybe theyAre going to get paid tomorrow. Maybe their re*rigerator will get *illed up soon. 7ut youAve already pic$ed up on the vibration, and youAve interpreted it and stored it vibrationally. 'o that means that, <@ can never let my re*rigerator be even close to empty, even i* it means wasting *ood that @ canAt eat in time.> Carol: &ight. Rick: Caving two *reeJers worth o* stu** available, you $now, two yearsA worth o* *ood in the pantry. )usti*y it however you want. @* it *eels tension1 producing to you, and itAs not Dust a calm thing that you Dust pre*er 1 it *eels li$e a compulsion, that <@ have to do this. @ have to hoard. @ have to have this.> @* you can picture it, say <Cow would @ *eel i* this stu** wasnAt there:> @* you have a really strong body reaction o* terror, discom*ort, distress 1 thatAs a sign that you could use EFT on that image o* the stu** not being there. 'oothe it, and then youAll be more relaFed in your li*e. @t will be one less thing that your energy system is constantly paying attention to and constantly worried about. Carol: @t does become compulsive. @tAs a little bit li$e how @ tal$ about addicts. A *ood addict better have three candy bars in their purse, because i* they run out, they will panic. An alcoholic has a drin$ at home be*ore the party, Dust in caseL A compulsive clutterer 1 a compulsive Nholder1onto1 stu**erA 1 they would *eel panic$y letting go o*L <=h, @All wear that one day.> <=h, @All read that one day.> No, you wonAt. 7ut thatAs not the *eeling. Gou canAt tal$ sense into the le*t brain, because itAs a right1brain issue. @tAs about con*lict. @tAs about panic. @tAs about terror. @tAs about trauma. @tAs about <0hatAs going to happen to me i* @ donAt have this:> And there is something compulsive and $ind o* addictive about that. Rick: 'o we can do a +Iuote, Nspeci*icA tapping in a general way. @* you picture the speci*ic event, doesnAt that help: /eople picture the speci*ic event, but weAre doing some general words. 2oes that help people with clearing it:

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Carol: Ges. #etAs have them picture what happened *or the person whose clothes got thrown out on the lawn, and then weAll do one *or audio as well 1 what they said to you. Rick: ;reat.

Tapping on Specific E'ents / Did

*starts + -4.,41

hat Someone

Karate Chop: Even though @ remember eFactly what they didL Lthat made me decide @ had to hold onto everythingL L@ choose to release the energy around it. Even though @ remember that speci*ic eventL L@ $now where @ was. @ $now how it *elt. @ can see what they did. @ made a decisionL L@ would never let go again. @ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept who @ have become. Even though @ can see that eventL L@ can remember it as i* it were yesterdayL L@ deeply and pro*oundlyL Laccept mysel* anyway. Eyebrow: No wonder @ hold onto everything. Side of the eye: No wonder @ donAt give anything away. nder the eye: They threw it out too early. nder the nose: They too$ it *rom me. Chin: No wonder @ hold on. Collarbone: Now @ understand it. nder the ar!: No wonder @ hold onto thingsL LNo wonder @ re*use to give anything away. Top of the head: @ remember it right now. Eyebrow: 0hat i* @ too$ away the charge: Side of the eye: 0hat i* @ relaFed about that event: nder the eye: @t was a long time ago.
Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT nder the nose: They were doing the best they could. Chin: @t wasnAt very good. Collarbone: 7ut it was the best they could do. nder the ar!: @Am going to change nowL Top of the head: Lbut not until @ want to. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: There is great rebellion in clutter and giving away and not giving away and holding on. ThereAs a lot o* the energy o* <2onAt ma$e me. @Am going to do it when @ want to.> =ur culture is all about, <Clean up your room.>, <Tie your shoes.>, <Ma$e sure you wash your *ace,> to little $ids, and @ thin$ that is how rebellion comes out. @ also tal$ about procrastination and how thatAs rebellion. @* you rebel by clutter, hey 1 itAs doing something *or you. Now unpac$ it, get to the vibration energy underneath it, and you donAt have to use clutter as a way to rebel. Rick: ThatAs right. Carol: @tAs very adolescent 1 some o* it 1 and thatAs o$ay. 0e all have the adolescent part o* us in us, until weAre "! or 5!!. 7ut it does have a bit o* that Npush me, pull youA, Ndo it my wayA rebellion. Rick: @ thin$ we all need a certain amount o* *eelings that we control 1 something. To me, something li$e the rebellion energy, weAre demonstrating control over something. To me 1 what gave me relie* was letting go o* things where @ was rebelling and choosing to have control over my interpretation, my emotional response. That, to me, *elt more empowering 1 more, manly, *ran$ly 1 than using rebellion, especially against old stu**. <No, you canAt ma$e me.> <@All do it when @ want to.> <@All do it when itAs per*ect *or me.> Feel *ree to throw those in as youAre tapping. Carol: #etAs Dust do a Iuic$ one, because sometimes people hear that, and they go, <Mmm, maybeL> but when they say it when they tap, you $now i* thatAs accurate *or you.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Tapping on Rebelliousness
*starts + 2/.051 Eyebrow: 2onAt ma$e meH Side of the eye: @Am not going to do it your wayH nder the eye: @Am going to do it when < want to. nder the nose: 2onAt ma$e meH Chin: Gou canAt ma$e me. Collarbone: @Am going to hold on *orever. nder the ar!: @Am doing it in my time. Top of the head: And you canAt ma$e me. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: @ have a client, i* @ donAt throw that in during a session, sheAs unhappy. Rick: *laughing1 Carol: @t wor$s so beauti*ully *or her, and it releases it. @nstead o* it ma$ing her more obstinate by saying, <Gou canAt ma$e me,> o* course it releases it, and she *eels empoweredM then she understands this behavior. Rick: Allow yoursel* to get into it, too. As you can tell, @Am putting energy into it. ThatAs what helps EFT be more e**ective. @* youAre s$imming over the top o* how youAre really *eeling, itAs going to ta$e you longer to trans*orm the energy than allowing yoursel* to *eel it. Carol: Gou $now how they say about the lottery, <GouAve got to be in it to win itH> Gou must be in the emotional *ield in order to have the tapping release or change or shi*t it, Dust as youAre saying. Rick: @* the speci*ic event is really Iuite traumatic, @ encourage people to get pro*essional help so that there is someone there to support you and be able to ta$e you at a pace which is slower and more health*ul, perhaps, than you might do it on your own. @tAs not a reIuirement. A lot o* people do speci*ic events on their own. @ have Dust *ound it very help*ul *or me and my clients when thereAs a lot o* pain 1 when itAs above a 5! S the 5! plus, the ones that *eel li$e a NsiF1trillionA. 'ometimes these come up. Carol: 'ureH @* you *elt violated in the way you described when your clientAs possessions were thrown out on the *ront lawn and then ruined

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


because she was a mess or whatever, that will *eel li$e a violation and a huge trauma. This isnAt going to be a one1minute wonder. There are a lot o* aspects. #etAs go bac$ to the auditory. 0e were going to tap on what they said, and how you heard it. 2o you want to lead me through one o* those:

Tapping on Specific E'ents / Said

*starts + 22./,1

hat Someone

Karate Chop: Even though what they said deeply hurt meL Lscared meL L*roJe meL Lthey were ta$ing away my stu**L Lmy controlL Lover my worldL L@ deeply and completely accept mysel* anyway. Even though @ remember what they saidL Land it struc$ me right in the heartL Lit twisted my gutL L@ *eel it in my body nowL L@ ac$nowledge and respect all o* my *eelings. Even though they too$ away my controlL L@ remember what they saidL L@ can hear it nowL Lthe tone in their voiceL Lthe emotion behind itL Leven the threatL L@ choose to *eel surprisingly calm and con*ident. Eyebrow: @ can hear what they said. Side of the eye: @t echoes inside me still. nder the eye: @ still *eel it. nder the nose: Those words were so harsh. Chin: They had NthreatA to them. Collarbone: @ *elt scared. nder the ar!: And thatAs o$ay. Top of the head: @t was scary. Eyebrow: @t was hurt*ul.
Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Side of the eye: @t was mean, what they said. nder the eye: @t con*used me. nder the nose: @t scared me. Chin: @t *roJe me. Collarbone: @t really a**ected me deeply. nder the ar!: And @ made some decisions thenL Labout my thingsL Top of the head: Land @Am open to loo$ing at those again. Rick: Ta$e a deep breath. "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: ThatAs nice. @tAs li$e saying youAre willing to renegotiate with yoursel*. 0e ma$e these pacts, right: A speci*ic event happens, and we say, <0ell, thatAs the end o* that oneH> <0eAll never do that againH> <0eAre always going to do this againH> Rick: And i* it happened at a time when we were young, we didnAt ma$e that decision verbally or intellectually. @t was Dust an energetic, <@* @ do this, then this happens.> <That happened, @ never want it to happen again.> <As soon as @ have some control in my li*e 1 as soon as @Am an adult 1 @Am going to respond in a certain way.> <@Am going to protect my things.> <@Am going to hide them.> <@Am going to hoard.> These are not conscious decisions. Carol: The irony is that the hoarding is to get control bac$, and o* course, the person *eels utterly out o* control, so it bac$*ires. ThatAs one o* the energies we deal with around any $ind o* rebellion, clutter, or procrastination. Gou thin$ youAre doing it to get control bac$ because you didnAt have it as a child, and that doesnAt wor$. Then youAre ashamed, and you have this big charge on the clutter, which actually you are doing so that you have controlLit doesnAt wor$. Rick: =n speci*ic events, @ encourage you to ta$e a little time and write out three, *ive, ten speci*ic eFamples *rom di**erent periods o* your li*e around the things. the clutter, the busyness, the lac$ o* time and attention. 0hatever it is energetically that you have noticed since you have been tapping with us 1 the shames, the angers, how you deal with your stu** 1 what $ind o* emotions come up: 0hat do those emotions remind you o*, speci*ically: They may have nothing to do with actual clutter. @t may Dust be an emotional response that made you *eel unsa*e. 0rite them down. ;o through them systematically with EFT. =ne o* the ways you can do that, i* youAre not wor$ing with a pro*essional, @ *ound, is to write them out very slowly, while you tap. 0rite a sentence. Cow do @ *eel about that: 0hat am @ noticing in my body: 0rite another sentence. Ta$e it slowly.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


(isualiJe it with intensity. Cear it with intensity. Then tap, tap, tap while youAre doing that. Carol: Absolutely. =* course, we love as$ing, <0hatAs the downside o* letting go:> Cere we are, doing all these recordings about letting go o* the clutter, letting go o* the *eelings, releasing the con*licts that ma$e us cluttered 1 whatAs the downside o* letting go o* the clutter: 0hat is the panic that goes through your body when you thin$ o* having clear space in your home or o**ice or car: @ was tal$ing to someone who said that they practically live in their car. @t had everything in it. @t is so cluttered that nobody could sit in the *ront seat. WhyB @* you cleaned that up, what is the possible downside o* getting over 1 whether this is a habit or *rom speci*ic events or emotions 1 what is a or several downsides to it: @* you donAt get to that, youAre liable to relapse. Rick: <@* @ didnAt have the clutter in my li*e, what would @ have to loo$ at:> is another way o* answering that Iuestion. Carol: =r the upside o* holding on 1 does that chaos or busynessL 'omeone said to me, <@tAs not chaos. @tAs com*ortingH> Rick: AhH Carol: =h 1 interestingH @n the same way, someone said to me about smo$ing, <0hat do you mean: @t calms me down. The nicotine doesnAt rev me up. @t ma$es me go to sleep at night.> 'o, i* clutter calms you down, i* loo$ing at your stu** and clutter ma$es you actually *eel at home and calm 1 maybe you grew up that way or it symboliJes something 1 then letting go o* it is going to be a lot more than Dust tapping on the habit, i* thatAs an upside o* holding on. Then you want to loo$ at how you could get com*ort in a new way, in a way that doesnAt involve stu** and clutter. Cow could you com*ort yoursel*: @tAs the same way that people use alcohol, drugs, *ood, or cigarettes to com*ort and to *ill the emptiness when it doesnAt really wor$. @t wor$s temporarilyL Rick: 0hat would be even more pleasing: Carol: &ight. Rick: All the things wor$. @ li$e EFT more than other options *or soothing mysel*. Carol: &ight.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: @t gives me relie* at my *ingertips, right there in the moment o* soothing mysel* when something comes up. #i*e happens. @t happens to all o* us. The energy that we have to put into organiJing things varies *rom wee$ to wee$, especially i* youAre travelling, li$e you mentioned 1 coming home and soothing ourselves to put us in a resource*ul state *or the li*e that we want to live. Kltimately, thatAs what weAre teaching here. how to be more in a resource*ul state o* being so that youAre living a thriving, abundant li*e 1 one that gives you the emotional eFperience that you want with very *ew lea$s. @* clutter is a big lea$ 1 a big Dab in your side 1 thatAs what weAre shi*ting here, and all the negative emotions around that. Carol: 0e wor$ so much with raising your vibration. @* some o* these *eelings weAve tapped on, or speci*ic events seem overwhelming, or you havenAt gotten additional help yet, raise your vibration merely by loo$ing at the clutter and tapping. 'itting down, donAt say a word. Tap when you loo$ at this corner, tap when you loo$ at the couch, tap when you loo$ at your clothes draped over the chair, tap when you see the pile o* boo$s. @* nothing else, Dust tap to soothe and raise your vibration a little bit, and things will be di**erent. Then you will have the opportunity, because your mind will be wor$ing di**erently. A thought, a *eeling, or an event will come to you, and you will say, <=h 1 now @ $now what they meanH Now @ can tap on that one.> Rick: Absolutely. Than$ you, Carol. Carol: Than$ you, &ic$H

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Recording #9
hat Clutters +ur :ibration"
Rick: 'o what $inds o* things clutter a personAs vibration: Carol: 'o many things, and as you $now, @ $now in how we wor$ with people is we try to raise their vibration. 0hen thereAs clutter in the vibration, itAs not very high. @ certainly $now that about mysel*. 'ome o* the things that @ bump into with clients and with mysel*. negativity 1 chronic, negative thoughts or constant negative thoughts or events. <0hat i* this happens:> <This might not wor$ out.> ThatAs a very cluttered vibration. Another big one. *ear o* what others thin$ about us. Rick: =h, yeah. Carol: &ight 1 big one. The general *ear o* the *uture and then being in the past. GouAre not current and present i* youAre always thin$ing about the past and what happened. Gou havenAt *orgiven this person. This was un*air about what happened with your Dob. @t was un*air when the $ids did this. @* youAre in the past, youAre cluttered, and i* youAre in the *uture, youAre Iuite cluttered. 7oth o* those are also good angles to approach. Rick: @ thin$ about somebody that, every time they meet a person that theyAve had a relationship with *or a while, all o* those negative eFperiences that they might have hadL @ thin$ that, in any relationship, there are going to be eFperiences that are good, bad, and ugly. @* the person is really tuned to the bad and the ugly, the vibration around that person is so cluttered, thereAs no way that they can see who that person is in that moment. Carol: &ight, and they canAt bring out the best in them. ThatAs the idea o* matching. @ was recently with a niece o* mine. 0e bring out the best in each otherH 0e havenAt had all that parental stu**, and @ havenAt had to discipline her 1 none o* that stu** has gone on, and we are Dust two little peas in a podH 'heAs my little niece. ThatAs the $ind o* thing. My vibration around her is totally uncluttered. ThereAs no agenda, in hers or around mine. 'heAs grate*ulLwe love being togetherH Rick: @ believe that all relationships have vastly more potential than they demonstrate. 0hen you clear that clutterL #oo$ at the speci*ic events that

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


@ have with this person. 0hen @ remember them, theyAre still high emotionally. They create a certain reaction in me. ThatAs how you can tell. Gou thin$ about something and it has no impact. @tAs a ! or a 5 1 itAs pretty neutral. 0ell, itAs not clutter anymore. @* you thin$ o* them and itAs a 8, ?, " 1 that old event is still banging around, ta$ing up space, distracting your energy, distracting your presence o* mind, certainly diminishing the relationship as it goes *orward. The same thing applies to the *uture, i* you envision certain things about the *uture. Even dreams can be cluttered, canAt they: @* the dreams have changed, but thereAs a part o* you thatAs still holding onto a sense o* loss or regret 1 even i* you wanted to dream new dreams, those old dreams are ta$ing up space on your wall. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: 'o loo$ing at some o* those, and letting those go can help you be more present and more imaginative in your day1to1day li*e now. Carol: /art o* why you and @ got so eFcited when we thought o* doing this Nclearing clutter with EFTA is that the speci*ic events 1 weAre going bac$ and doing basic EFT. Those events 1 what happened with those people that are loud and in our li*e still 1 all o* those events, and traumas with a little <t>, and issues and con*licts 1 thatAs clutter on an energetic, vibrational level. Gou and @ have gone through all the emotions with the clutter tapping and all sorts o* things about our stu** +the material stu**,. @ Dust thin$ this is a really, really good eFercise *or everyone to do 1 to wor$ on these things that are cluttering our current level o* vibration, even right now, right this minute. Rick: @tAs $ey to me to not loo$ at physical clutter as the only aspect. @n *act, our emotional clutter 1 as you and @ have already tal$ed about in these recordings 1 is the largest contributor to what is showing up in peopleAs physical lives. @* your schedule is cluttered, chances are thereAs a vibrational clutter that is $eeping you *rom seeing clearly was is a GE' *or you. Carol: &ight. @ $eep ma$ing the point 1 @ thin$ at the beginning o* each o* the recordings 1 itAs not enough to have a good system to clear paperwor$ and shoes and old clothes. Gou need to do the vibrational and energetic wor$, then the systems wor$ *or you. Cow many times have you come home and tried to clear the top o* the des$, and it gets messy within three days because itAs a di**erent issue. @tAs not Dust a space issue. #iving in New Gor$ City, @ can argue that itAs a space and countertop issue 1 thereAs not enough room in the drawers 1 but itAs not, and @ see the di**erence. @ am so dramatically di**erent because @Ave done the inner wor$ energetically, and that allows me space on all levels. @ donAt need to hold onto things. @ can

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT clear out, and now thereAs room *or things that belong in drawers and closets. @ $eep ma$ing that point. 2o the energetic wor$ *irst. Clean up later. Rick: Cow can we help our listeners go through that energetic wor$ and clean up their vibration:


Carol: Cow about we wor$ on the *ear o* what other people thin$ about us, because those thoughts and *eelings can mess up our vibration and weAre not even Iuite conscious that weAre always thin$ing that way. Many o* us are. <0hat is he going to say:> <0hat is she going to thin$ o* the boo$:> <0hat are they going to thin$ o* my wor$shop:> <0hat do they thin$ o* how @Am raising the $ids:> Everybody has little bits o* <0hat do they thin$ o* how @Am doing in the world:> ThatAs a great place to get uncluttered. Rick: ;reat. Carol: =$ay:

Tapping on

hat +thers Thin&

*starts + ,5.,21 Karate Chop: Even though @Am worried about what other people thin$ about meL Land @ thin$ this ta$es up a lot o* timeL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Even though @Ave always been worried about what other people thin$ o* meL L@Am pretty sure itAs a bad habitL L@ choose to release it now. Even though my *ears o* what other people thin$ o* meL Lclutter my vibrationL L@ choose to let those *ears go. Eyebrow: @Am a*raid o* what they thin$ o* me. Side of the eye: 0hat i* they donAt approve: nder the eye: @ donAt li$e this energy. nder the nose: @ can tell it *eels li$e clutter. Chin: ThereAs so much static. Collarbone: @ donAt want to worry about what they thin$ o* me.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT nder the ar!: @ want to raise my vibration. Top of the head: @ want to *eel better. Eyebrow: 7ut what i* they donAt approve: Side of the eye: 0hat i* they donAt li$e me: nder the eye: 0hat i* theyAre mean to me: nder the nose: 0hat i* they donAt li$e me: Chin: 'o what: Collarbone: Cow they thin$ o* meL nder the ar!: Lis none o* my business. Top of the head: @ choose to release these *ears. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: Now that actually reminded me o* doing a session with someone whose biggest con*lict in her li*e was that she never got her *atherAs approval, and then when she was about *orty, her *ather died. 'he was still loo$ing *or his approval and it cluttered her vibration. @t cluttered how she approached men, both in her social li*e and in the wor$place, and it too$ up a lot o* space. 'o, even i* the cluttered emotion or con*lict doesnAt *eel li$e itAs right *ront and center, you $now itAs using up space in your mental computer, because itAs been stored somewhere 1 even i* itAs not conscious in the moment. Rick: Gou described something that @ believe bloc$s that sense o* simple inner guidance. 'imple inner guidance comes through when the dec$s are cleared +so to spea$,. #oo$ing outside o* ourselves 1 <0hat are they thin$ing:> 1 especially loo$ing outside o* yoursel* *or what somebody whoAs not even alive is thin$ing and Dudging you 1 wow, that ta$es up so much energy. Gou have your antennas out to the world. ThereAs no attention to your inner world to get that sense in your own heart o* <@s this right *or me:> <2o < approve o* me:> <@s this something that @ want to evolve and shi*t:> @* youAre loo$ing outside o* yoursel*, youAll always pic$ up a lot o* noise. ThereAs no one in our society today that probably would get much over a B!U approval rating. @ donAt care who you are. Carol: *laughing1 &ightH Rick: Especially i* you become a subDect o* conversation. 0e see that happen. ThatAs relie*, to me. @ didnAt thin$ o* it as relie* until @ really let it sin$ in. Gou $now, people that @ $now and love and respect 1 that are on a national stage 1 @ see an aw*ul lot o* people that donAt approve o* them.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


0ell, o$ay. 0hoAs right: That allowed me to go bac$ more within mysel*. 0ith this type o* tapping, what @ encourage people to do is to thin$ o* a speci*ic person. Even though we use the <they> 1 maybe itAs Mom and 2ad 1 as @ was tapping, @ got a speci*ic *ace in mind. @* @ had a picture in *ront o* me o* that speci*ic person while @ was tapping, @ $now that @ would have gotten a little bit more relie*. Try that out, *ol$s, and see how that wor$s. Gou may have to do it siF or seven times. Gou may even want to list out the ways that they donAt approve o* you and do a round o* tapping. Gou can use the eFact same tapping seIuence while loo$ing at the ways that person does not approve o* you. Carol: ;reat idea. @ love the idea o* you tal$ing again about clarity and getting our inner guidance, because you canAt get clarity when that messy des$ and all the *iles and those piles o* boo$s and papers are staring you in the *ace. Nor can you get clarity internally i* youAve got a *ile on your *ather, a *ile on your mother, a *ile on your siblings, a *ile on your $ids, a *ile on your aunt and uncle, a *ile on your coach 1 a *ile that has something in it li$e <They did me wrong,> or <They donAt approve o* me,> or whatever con*lict might be in those peopleAs *iles that are on your mental des$. @ love the notion o* clarity. Gou and @ both have wor$ed with that with our clients and our groups. The more Iuiet and clear you are, the more you will get that GE' *rom your own body and mind. Rick: ;reat. Carol: #etAs do one more on that, because @ thin$ itAs such a biggie. #etAs Dust say NheA +someone could substitute NsheA, doesnAt approve o* me.

Tapping on E;ternal Appro'al

*starts + //.-91 Karate Chop: Even though he doesnAt approve o* meL Land @ spend a lot o* time worrying about thatL Land @ can tell that it clutters my vibrationL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept who @ am. Even though he doesnAt approve o* meL Land @Am the one who spends time worrying about itL L@ accept who @ am anyway. Even though my vibration is cluttered by *ears o* what he thin$sL

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept who @ am. Eyebrow: @ have this cluttered vibration. Side of the eye: @tAs cluttered with my *ear o* what he thin$s o* me. nder the eye: @tAs cluttered with my *ear o* what she thin$s o* me. nder the nose: @Am so a*raid o* how they view me. Chin: No wonder itAs hard to be clear. Collarbone: No wonder itAs hard to be clear. nder the ar!: @ want to be clear. Top of the head: @ choose to release this clutter. Eyebrow: @ love being clear. Side of the eye: Maybe he doesnAt approve o* me. nder the eye: Maybe she doesnAt approve o* me. nder the nose: @ donAt care anymore. Chin: @Am doing the best @ can. Collarbone: @ donAt need to *ear their thoughtsL nder the ar!: Lbecause @ want to be clearL Top of the head: Land @ choose to be clear right now. Carol: Ta$e a breath.


Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 @ love the way that you include the negative aspect o* not approving as well as positive movement toward <@ really donAt careH> Even i* that doesnAt *eel completely true, i* you shi*ted it *rom caring at "?U to caring at 8!U, that will change everything. @* you do it again and again, and it continues to go down to the point where <0hy did @ ever care what he thought:> Carol: &ight. And remember when we were tal$ing and tapping about overwhelm with stu** and *eelings, people have that overwhelm *eeling with clutter. @tAs very hard to picture ta$ing one corner, or now, what weAre tal$ing about is ta$ing one emotion or one event and clearing it. @tAs critical to go piece by piece by piece. @* you wal$ into a very cluttered, messy house or garage and try to do it all at once 1 you canAt do that. 0hat happens is you get overwhelmed and you go bac$ to those *eelings, and that clutters your vibration. 0e want to step through each part that might *eel cluttered in your vibration, and get clearer and clearer and clearer. @t may ta$e some time. Rick: @ was helping my *riend emptied out clutter *rom her garage. 0hat was interesting was that she had done a certain amount o* wor$ and got to a particular place, and then she needed a helping hand. 0hen @ brought my energy in, Dust *or a short period o* time, it helped to ta$e care o* some

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


things that would be di**icult to do Dust by hersel*. Then, a*ter @ le*t, she *illed up *our, *ive, or siF more contractor bags *ull o* stu**. That was great. @ thin$ itAs also a paradigm that sometimes we can use a helping hand *or certain aspects o* it. #i$e you said, the clearing o* the clutter 1 whether itAs emotional clutter or physical clutter 1 when your body or your mind or your spirit says, <0eAre done *or now,> see i* you can move away *rom it, pat yoursel* on the bac$ and say, <Ges. That was a great step in the direction o* what @ want.> #ots o* times when people get started, they see the whole landscape o* what might be reIuired, and theyAll get some energy up, theyAll do some wor$, and then, when their body is saying NenoughA, theyAll want to push *orward and +Iuote, N*inish the DobA. =n the physical side 1 when itAs physical stu** 1 that can really deplete you. 0hen youAre getting guidance *rom your body that, <Cey, youAve done enough,> your mind and your body have sorted enough, done enough, itAs time to stop and do a little celebration. /at yoursel* on the bac$. The same thing wor$s emotionally. @* you have *ive, siF, seven speci*ic events around a particular person and you ta$e one o* them, a*terward you *eel relie* on that one event. Gou *eel li$e you want to *inish all o* them and Dust get them out o* the way, but you donAt really have the energy to do it, youAll *eel it. @* you push *orward at that point, chances are you wonAt be as complete, especially using EFT. GouAll tend to s$im over the important details, the more power*ul energies, the more power*ul emotions, youAll s$im over. 'o @ encourage people to be listening. At each given point, as$ your body and mind. <@s it o$ay to continue:> Carol: &ight. And trust that answer, because itAs not about NshouldA. <@ should do more.> <@ should clean up one more corner.> As you say, people get burnt out, and itAs not good *or them. @tAs not as e**icient. 2o solid wor$. @Am somebody who does short spurts o* EFT. @ donAt sit down with mysel* and do an hour session. @ never have. 'omebody else might do hal* an hour every day on themselves, or *orty1*ive minutes. @ do these little bits. That wor$s *or my system. @tAs not right or wrong. ;et clear on what wor$s *or you. 0hether youAre doing it with a partner or a peer or a buddy, what *eels right to you in the amount o* time that you spend and the amount o* energy that shi*ts: Rick: EFactly. @Ave noticed that, with clients, sometimes youAll get small shi*ts 1 *rom a " to an ?, or an ? to a 8. GouAll do that *or a couple o* wee$s i* youAre wor$ing on your own. Then youAll start shi*ting more signi*icantly. ThatAs o*ten because, as you build up the energy in your vibration, your energy gets used to the idea that it can bring things up and have them soothed and not overwhelm you, and allow you to continue on with the rest o* the things that you have to do in your li*e. Now you have a wor$ing

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT collaboration going on. Gou can ta$e on bigger things. Gour bodyPmindPspirit $nows that it can trust you.


Carol: Absolutely. @ want to tell a brie* story about someone who was tal$ing to me about their clutter. 'he had a *riend visit *or the wee$end, and the *riend is anFious and insecure and says so out loud. <@ need to be li$ed,> she said. 'he attac$ed the clutter areas o* the person who owns the house. The person who owns the house is my *riend, and she said, <@tAs not that @ didnAt thin$ it needed to be done. @Am not an idiot. @ can see the piles. @tAs terrible.> 7ut she said, <@t *elt intrusive. @tAs not the right timing *or me. @Am not ready *or it.> =ne o* the things we have to do, i* we are a cluttered person, is to set really clear boundaries with *riends and *amily members who o*ten are impatient and say, <Clean this up and do this,> or <0hatAs the matter with this pile:> Gou have to deal with that so that you can get energetically ready *irst be*ore you do the actual wor$, i* thatAs the right direction to go. Again, she said, <@ $now it needed to be done, and it loo$s greatL> but she was le*t with ic$y *eelings. <0hy did @ let her do that: 'he was doing it *or hersel*, and @Am glad @ $ept her busy, but ughhhhL> Gou must respect that in yoursel*. Rick: Cow can we help people with EFT around situations li$e that: 0ho hasnAt been pressured to clean up their physical stu** as well as their emotional stu** by someone who Nloves us and wants the best *or usA and is not on our timeline:

Tapping on 1ntrusi'e Beha'ior from %o'ed +nes

*starts + 3,.,21 Karate Chop: Even though @ *eel pressured to do it their wayL Land @ resent itL Land it ma$es me want to rebelL Leven moreL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Even though @ donAt $now how to say NnoA when they want me to do it their wayL L@ accept who @ am and how @ do react. Even though @ resent this pressure to do it their wayL L@ $now itAs messyL
Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT L@ $now @ have a clutter problemL Lbut @Am not ready yetL Lso leave me alone. Eyebrow: #eave me alone. Side of the eye: @ resent your pressure. nder the eye: #eave me alone. nder the nose: @Am not ready yet. Chin: #eave me alone. Collarbone: @ want to *eel *ree. nder the ar!: @ will do it in my own time *rame. Top of the head: #eave me alone. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: The rebellion that will come bac$ will be destructive. /eople mean well, and they want to help you 1 <=h, @All Dust clean this up *or youL> 1 and it doesnAt wor$. @t doesnAt wor$ long1term, and it doesnAt wor$ short1term. The person doesnAt *eel li$e itAs on their time *rame. @ thin$ thatAs important. Rick: <#eave me alone> is ac$nowledging the lower energy. @s there anything practical when youAre *aced with someone who wants to dig into your stu** and clean it up: @s <leave me alone> the answer: Carol: No. <No, than$ you. @ appreciate your willingness.> <No, than$ you. @Am not ready yet, and @All call you when @ am ready.> 'omething that sets the boundaries. <@ see that you want to help. @Am not Iuite in a position *or that yet.> <=h, come on, weAve got an hour 1 letAs go.> <No, that wouldnAt be good *or me.> Rick: =ooh, @ li$e that one, too. Carol: &ight: <Than$ you *or your e**orts, but @All let you $now when @Am ready.> Now that person @Am tal$ing about didnAt *eel com*ortable with it 1 this was a houseguest 1 and sheAs mad at hersel* *or letting that happen, but that was a great learning eFperience. Rick: =* course, EFT can be used on the *eelings post1eFperience as well. @* youAre struggling with the idea that you might be able to say that to your mother or your grandmother or your best *riend, what you can do is to write down some o* those things that Carol said. /ic$ one or two that *eel li$e they might be able to come out o* your mouth, and then Dust say them in

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


*ront o* the mirror while youAre tapping. Tap the points while youAre saying those things over and over. 0hat you *ind is that theyAll Dust t&ic$le o** your tongue at the right time without resistance. The body resistance, the worry about, the threat energies that you might have been *eeling about saying something li$e that, will come up. @* you canAt even say them at all, then as$, <0hat rule would @ be brea$ing i* @ spo$e my truth in this case:> Carol: 7ecause the bac$*iring o* resentment toward that person who is trying to help, that will come out sideways. Then you *eel guilty. Then you *eel ashamed. Rick: The rest o* the time that theyAre there, youAll be trying to manage your resentment. ThatAs a good time to go ta$e a brea$ and go o** to the bathroom and do some tapping on whatever resentment that is honestly there. &esentment is a sign, to me, that somebody violated my boundaries. Carol: Ges. Rick: =nce it comes up, @ can loo$ at, <@s this a boundary that is healthy *or me:> <@s it something that @ pic$ed up that @Ad li$e to change:> =r, <2id they legitimately step on me:> Carol: &ight. Cow about we do *irst the past, and then the *uture: Cow about all those past events: =* course, we recommend that you go to speci*ic events, but many people are cluttered by hundreds o* things in the past. 0hen you wal$, or ta$e a shower, or youAre doing the dishes or other busy wor$, you can o*ten hear yoursel*. Gou tal$ to yoursel*, and it is so clutteredH <0hat he didLwhat she didLwhat happenedLwhat about that ChristmasL> @tAs amaJing i* you stop and listen to the chatterH 'o weAll start globally with all these cluttered past events and memories, and see i* thereAs anything more speci*ic that comes out o* it. 0e would recommend that you ta$e each loud one as a separate tapping seIuence *or you.

Tapping on the Past

*starts + 32.201 Karate Chop: Even though the past is cluttering my presentL L@ have all these thoughts about my pastL Land all those things that happenedL L@ choose to accept who @ am right now.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Even though my past is cluttering my presentL Lall those thoughts and *eelingsL Labout events that happened a long time agoL L@ accept who @ am right now. Eyebrow: My past is cluttering my present. Side of the eye: My vibration is cluttered by my past. nder the eye: @tAs cluttered by my past *eelings. nder the nose: Those things arenAt happening right now. Chin: 7ut @ *eel as i* they are. Collarbone: My past is cluttering my vibration. nder the ar!: All those *eelings and eventsL Top of the head: Lall those things that happenedL Eyebrow: Lall those le*tover piecesL Side of the eye: Lthose unresolved conversationsL nder the eye: Lthose things @ never got to sayL nder the nose: Lthose things @ never got out. Chin: 0hat i* @ let goL Collarbone: Land put them bac$ where they belong, in the pastL nder the ar!: Land cleared up my current vibration: Top of the head: @ wonder what it would do *or my abundance: Carol: *laughing1 @ couldnAt resist. Rick: *laughing1 @ loved that. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: And it does. Kltimately, what are we going *or: Abundance in your health, your wealth, your relationships, your spirituality, your peace o* mind. Clutter gets in the way. 0hether weAre tal$ing about too much anger, too much guilt, too much needing to hold on to unnecessary stu**, past events 1 it doesnAt matter. Clutter gets in the way. 0e were tal$ing about a clear signal. Gou were tal$ing about getting clear guidance *or yoursel* 1 the GE' and N= in your body. 0hat about being able to put out a clear signal to the +Iuote, NuniverseA or whatever you use *or that word: Are you giving a clear signal, or are you saying, <@ want all this abundanceH No, @ donAt, because @ donAt deserve it because my *ather saidLand my coach saidL> 0hatAs the clutter: 0hatAs the static thatAs in the way o* a clear signal to the universe 1 to the #aw o* Attraction:

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: 0hat puts you in that alignment with allowing it to happen and show up in your li*e and being receptive to it: Carol: &ight. Rick: As @ was doing that tapping, @ noticed that one particular period o* my li*e seemed to pop up. To me, that would be a sign that my intelligence is saying, <Cuh. ThereAs a *ew things there.> They *eel li$e threes or *ours. Nothing very speci*ic came up, but @Am pretty con*ident that @ sat down with a piece o* paper and Dust Dotted down some things *rom that time in my li*e, that those would give me the speci*ic events. As youAre listening and youAre tapping along with us, you may want to pause at times when youAve done a tapping round, especially around the past or the *uture 1 around speci*ic events that may be coming up. )ot them down, and write down the intensity, so that you can come bac$ to them later. Gou can stop right then and do some speci*ic EFT on those events right in the moment. Carol: 'peci*ic events hold the charge in our bodies. ThatAs why general EFT can Dust get you so *ar. The speci*ic event 1 the time the coach said, <Gou didnAt do very well. @Am putting you on the bench.> 1 thatAs a big deal. 0hen you go there, that speci*ic event comes up. 'o Dust as youAre saying, &ic$, you ended up thin$ing about a certain part o* your li*e during that tapping. ;o bac$ and write it down. @ always say, <0ho, what, when:> 0ho said what, and when did they say it to you: ;et clear about what it is thatAs bothering you. @ call it Nthe pebbles in my shoeA. Ceaven *orbid @ have a pebble in my shoe. @Am not peace*ul when @ have that, so @ need to call people and clear something up. @ need to ma$e sure, in my relationships and in my wor$, that @Am totally lined up and @ donAt have something hanging out. @ donAt have a Npebble in my shoeA about what the person said and what @ said, or something li$e that. @tAs really good advice to get us all to wor$ on speci*ic things that people said to us 1 speci*ic statements or comments. Gou $now, people throw around comments all the time. 'ometimes they donAt mean to be hostile at all, but boy, does it wound you. Rick: @ndeed it does. Carol: Cow about the *uture, and how that clutters our current vibration: 'ome people listening will say, <Future: No, not at all. MineAs all about the past.> =thers will say, <@ let go o* the past a long time ago, but @ cannot stay present because o* my *uture concerns and worries.> 0eAre not saying the worries arenAt legitimate. Maybe youAre changing Dobs or changing relationships or your $ids are going o** to school or something. &eal issues are out there, but the eFtent to which you worry about it does not protect you.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Tapping on the !uture 2Part 13

*starts + -,./91 Karate Chop: Even though @Am worried about my *utureL Land itAs cluttering up my vibrationL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Even though @ have all these worries about my *utureL Lespecially that thing thatAs coming upL Lwhat i* it doesnAt wor$ out: 0hat i* itAs not the right decision: @ accept who @ am anyway. Even though @Am constantly in the *utureL Land @ $now it clutters up my current vibrationL L@ choose to accept these habits. Eyebrow: @Am so worried about things in the *uture. Side of the eye: 0hat i* @ didnAt ma$e the right decision: nder the eye: 0hat i* @ should have said no: nder the nose: 0hat i* @ should have said yes: Chin: This ta$es up so much energy. Collarbone: These decisions and *earsL nder the ar!: Labout my *utureL Top of the head: 0hat i* it doesnAt wor$ out: Eyebrow: @tAs so hard to stay present. Side of the eye: @Am a*raid to stay present. nder the eye: @ need to be alert. nder the nose: @ need to $now whatAs right *or me. Chin: @ learned how to worry about my *uture. Collarbone: 2onAt @ have to worry: nder the ar!: @snAt it normal to worry: Top of the head: @Am so worried about my *utureL Land @ $now itAs getting in my way. Carol: Ta$e a breath.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 That is so accurate that, as we were tapping, @ went o** someplaceH *laughing1 @ could *eel mysel* saying the words, but thereAs an aspect o* the *uture that ta$es us out o* our body. Carol: Ges. Rick: 0e canAt even enDoy the interaction with someone i* weAre out worrying about something. @* youAre tapping and you get triggered by something that is roc$ing around and cluttering up your vibration, itAs o$ay. Kntil you can do that round that stayed present with your body and the tapping, itAs probably a sign that you can do it again and again and again *or a while. Carol: &ight, and get more speci*ic with each round. Rick: Ges.

Tapping on the !uture 2Part (3

*starts + --.,/1 Eyebrow: @Am worried about neFt wee$. Side of the eye: @Am worried about neFt wee$. nder the eye: Am @ going to be prepared: nder the nose: @Am worried about neFt year. Chin: 2o @ have what it ta$es: Collarbone: @Am worried about my *amily. nder the ar!: @Am so worried about my *amily. Top of the head: @ want it to wor$ out. Eyebrow: @ donAt $now how itAs going to loo$. Side of the eye: @Am worried about my *amily. nder the eye: @Am worried about my Dob. nder the nose: @Am worried about my health. Chin: No wonder @Am not very present. Collarbone: My clutter vibrationL nder the ar!: @ want to clean it up. Top of the head: 0hat i* @ stayed present: Eyebrow: @ wonder how @Ad *eel. Side of the eye: 0hat i* @ was present: nder the eye: @ wonder how @Ad *eel:

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT nder the nose: @ bet @Ad be relaFed. Chin: @ bet @Ad *eel *ree. Collarbone: @ want to be peace*ul. nder the ar!: @ want to be present. Top of the head: @ deserve to raise my vibration. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: Gou $now how people say, <@tAs so loud in this room, @ canAt thin$ straight>: @tAs so loud in our heads sometimes, that we canAt thin$ straight. 0e have to clear the past. 0e have to clear the *uture. 0e have to clear those *ears about what other people thin$ about us. 0e need to clear the negativity, which may be a habit. There is so much to clear energetically *rom our vibration to get that uncluttered so that, then, we $now what we want, we $now who we are, and we $now what the neFt right step is 1 only the neFt right step. 0eAre not tal$ing about ma$ing a li*e plan *or twenty years, only the neFt right step. 2o you ma$e that phone call on business, or do you write the email: 2o you need to go get lunch because itAs now .9! and you havenAt had enough and youAre not thin$ing straight: 2o you need to call your son: 0hat do you need to do in the neFt moment: 2o you need to put a sweater on because itAs cold and that ma$es you not concentrate: 0hat do you need: @Am tal$ing about little things on purpose. These are not crisis issues. They are ta$ing care o* your needs so you $now what the neFt right step is. Rick: As a massage therapist, @ $now that some people will sit at their des$ *or *our or *ive hours straight, ignoring the signal that their body is giving them to get up and move, to go out and get something to eat, to stretch, to roll the shoulders and stretch the nec$. They will stay rigidly attentive, and the only reason to do that, @ *eel, is because youAve got so much worry and stress and strain going on that you thin$ that your survival depends on where you are and what youAre *ocused on, rather than a balance o* listening and *lowing and doing the things that will $eep your body well and relaFed and strong, as well as those things that move us *orward in our business and our career and our *amily. Carol: &ight 1 that sense o* urgency. <No, @ have to. @ canAt get up and go to the bathroom or eat lunch or do anything. @Ave gotta be here. @Am tied to the computer.> Rick: ThatAs where your intelligence will bring it up, right in the middle o* wor$ing at the computer. <Even though < have to stay right hereL>

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT

5 !

Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: <0hat i* @ donAt:> 0hat about the people that do have a negative habit: ThatAs sel*1generating clutter every single moment o* every single day. @s there some relie* that we can start them on right now: Carol: Ges, and @ thin$ the *irst thing to ac$nowledge and be compassionate about toward yoursel* is that, i* you are very negative 1 i* you tend to go to the <what i*> in a negative way 1 it is a habit because @ promise you that you didnAt come out that way. Rick: *laughing1 Carol: Maybe you learned it *rom a parent who was brilliant 1 a master at negativity. Maybe you learned it due to an incident. Conestly loo$ at it and say, <Gou $now what: @t is a habit. @t does ma$e me *eel better. @ am accustomed to it.> Then admit, <@ donAt thin$ itAs that good *or meH> @ tal$ed to an older woman who said that i* she didnAt worry about her children and grandchildren, she would *eel a bit useless. 'he had never wor$ed in her li*eM this was her Dob. 'he never had a Dob in an o**ice. Cer Dob was ta$ing care o* her $ids and her grandchildren. Now they are all o* age. 'o i* she doesnAt worry about her 31year1old granddaughter, she doesnAt *eel use*ul. @* she doesnAt worry about her 6!1year1old sonL 'he *eels li$e thatAs her Dob. @ said, <=$ay, whatAs the downside: 7ecause it causes you great upset.> =ne o* her $ids smo$es and one o* her grandchildren smo$es, and this causes her great upset. 'o @ said, <0hat would happen i* that was all peace*ul and Iuiet:> 'he said, <=ne, @ donAt $now who @Ad beL> Now, this is a woman incredibly *it and put together 1 mentally, physically, and spiritually 1 sheAs in her ?!s. 'he said, <0ho am @, then, i* @Am not worrying:> @ can tell with her itAs going to ta$e a while to help her *eel needed, *eel valuable, and *eel li$e she can be in this world without wringing her hands about somebody. 0eAre not tal$ing about not loving and not caring about them. 0eAre tal$ing about unnecessary staying up at night with <0hat i* he chooses the wrong college:> or <0hat i* my daughter gets divorced:> 0eAre tal$ing about a little bit o* everything. 'o *or her, it may ta$e a while, and thatAs o$ay. Rick: @ thin$ that one o* the things that a coach can do sometimes is to give people an alternative success strategy. @n this case, i* you tal$ about the vibrational approach, beating the drum on someoneAs positive aspects 1 even when theyAre not there 1 @ have come to $now that this changes the relationship. @ believe this also energetically supports them in all the other things that they do.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT

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Carol: ThatAs so awesome. Rick: 0e can *eel the people who really appreciate us all the time. Gou and @ $now because weAre energetically sensitive. 0eAre attuned to the people that really li$e us, that really beat the drum o* our good Iualities. 0e *eel during the down times. 0e *eel during the up times. 0e *eel as we go through our day. 0e $now that theyAre there. @ thin$ that a role *or any o* us in the relationships that we have is to be able to beat the drum o* positive aspects. 0hat do @ li$e about this person: 0hat Iualities does my child have: 0hat Iualities does my grandchild have that he or she is developing: Maybe theyAre not *ully in bloom yet. Maybe theyAre not bearing *ruit yet. ThatAs o$ay 1 youAre beating the drum o* <GE'>. <My son is incredible. #oo$ at thisH #oo$ at thatH> Ma$e them truth*ul 1 things that youAre in alignment with, that you really do appreciate. @* youAre *ocusing in that way, thereAs less room *or worry. @ *ind that worry will tend to be washed away by that $ind o* vibrational approach 1 by consciously choosing thoughts that *eel better and that shine a much brighter light on people than the negative. Carol: That habit, li$e a muscle, will be wor$ed and stretched and moved *orward, and then youAll become good at that. <=h, @ Dust have those negative thoughts. 0hat i* @ wrote that down in my boo$ o* positive aspects about this person:> Now, thereAs another list that @ *ind really help*ul because these habits o*ten grab us unconsciously. 7e*ore we $now it, weAve had 39 negative thoughts be*ore we catch ourselves. Rick: *laughing1 Ges. Carol: My new *avorite list that @ do all the time now is /, Things < Feel Cappy "bout. Now, that can be <My lunch was good.> That can be <@ have a new pair o* snea$ers.> 0eAre not tal$ing about a li*e event. @tAs Dust ten things @ *eel happy about. @ love my home, @ love my snea$ers, @ love the puppy @ Dust saw. @t can be anything *rom huge to small. @ hold onto that because sometimes, i* @Am in a negative spiral or cycle, *irst o* all sometimes @Am wed to it and @ donAt want to let go. &ight: And other times @ Dust need to pull out a list and say, <CeyH #etAs remind mysel* what @ love.> 0hat am @ happy about: @ am thrilled about this. Momentarily, it will get you o** the negativity, which is a habit and a cycle, and in that moment it changes your vibration, youAre less cluttered, and in that moment, you then have access to more positive thought, and in that moment the spiral goes up as Iuic$ly as it goes down. @ donAt thin$ that there is anyone listening who has not had a series o* negative spirals in their li*e. They can watch themselves going down the drain with negative thin$ing. 0ell, it goes up, too. @Ave had enough eFperience with the #aw o* Attraction to have real *eedbac$ *rom the

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Clearing Clutter with EFT

universe that the positive cycles are wonder*ul, and they wor$ very, very Iuic$ly. 7ut @ have to do it. @ would say that @ am not negative anymore. ThatAs an old habit. Now, @ need to really grow 1 and @ am growing, consciously choosing those positive thoughts. And it starts with my list, /, Things < am Cappy "bout TodayH <Cmm 1 itAs a pretty day.> <@ got that proDect done yesterday.> <@ had a great call with someone yesterday.> 0hatever it is, itAs on my list. @tAs instantaneous. +@ love things that are instant. @Am very impatient., @nstantaneously, you change your vibration. Rick: @ love that. =ne o* the things that EFT can do is to stop that negative vibrational trend 1 that negative spiral. As soon as you build up a habit, and you start *eeling that downward trend, and you start tapping on a point, @ have *ound that it stops the trend. @ may not start tapping or @ may not start shi*ting my vibrations until @ bounce a little bit o** the bottom, but itAs very di**erent *or those o* us who have been tapping *or years. @ donAt have to tap very o*ten, *ran$ly 1 maybe two or three times a day, or an email will come in, or @All hear something. @tAs usually more eFternally *ocused nowadays. 7ut those things used to grab me. 0hen @ *irst learned EFT, @ started applying it diligently. @ would tap on whatever was coming upM it would change the vibrations. 0hat youAre tal$ing about was the ten things that ma$e me happy 1 are those new habits: 0ith EFT, clearing the clutter *rom your vibrations will ma$e it easier *or you to instill new habits. @* youAre so consumed by worrying about the *uture, ten things that youAre happy about right now is Dust not going to be on your priority list. Carol: &ight. Rick: Those other big worries will be so huge. @* you canAt get to that yet, thatAs o$ay. 0rite it on your list o* things and Dust notice that as you clear the clutter in your vibration, the negative energies, the eFperiences 1 youAll *ind that you will ma$e time *or things that give you more pleasure. TheyAll come naturally. TheyAll come into your awareness when you have *ive minutes, waiting in the doctorAs o**ice. <A couple o* things that @Am happy about right nowLoh, yeah. @ *eel better. @Am in a better place now.> Carol: #etAs do a round o* EFT on assumption that some o* us have a habit o* negativity, own that, and then try to move *rom it. Rick: ;reat.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT

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Tapping on the 6abit of #egati'ity

*starts + 22.231 Karate Chop: Even though @ am cluttered by my negative habitsL Land my negative thoughtsL L@ deeply and pro*oundly love and accept mysel* anyway. Even though @Am cluttered by my negative thoughtsL Land @ $now itAs an old habitL L@ learned it in my *amilyL L@ accept who @ am and how @ *eel. Even though my vibration is cluttered by negativityL L@ still appreciate mysel*. @ still am grate*ul *or who @ am. Eyebrow: @ have this negative habitL Side of the eye: Lo* cluttering my vibration. nder the eye: @ learned it a long time ago. nder the nose: @ want to learn new t&ic$s. Chin: @ $now @Am negative. Collarbone: @ $now @ worry a lot. nder the ar!: ThatAs who @ am. Top of the head: And @ am accepting o* that. Eyebrow: 7ut @Am willing to do something di**erent. Side of the eye: 0hat i* @ replaced my negative thoughtsL nder the eye: Lwith some positive thoughts: nder the nose: 0ith my list o* what @Am happy about: Chin: 0ith my gratitude list: Collarbone: Even i* @ did it only a *ew times a dayL nder the ar!: L@ bet @Ad *eel better. Top of the head: 2o @ want to *eel better: Eyebrow: =r do @ love this negative habit: Side of the eye: 2oes it ma$e me *eel sa*eL nder the eye: L to thin$ @Am anticipating: nder the nose: @tAs an old habit. Chin: @ thin$ @Am ready to let go o* it. Collarbone: This old habit o* negativityL nder the ar!: Lthat is cluttering my vibrationL Top of the head: This old habit o* negativityL Lthat has been cluttering my vibration.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT

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Eyebrow: @Am ready to let it go. Side of the eye: &ight now. nder the eye: @ can let go o* some o* itL nder the nose: Lby appreciating who @ am. Chin: @ appreciate my body. Collarbone: @ appreciate my li*e. nder the ar!: @ appreciate my wor$. Top of the head: @ appreciate my *amily. Eyebrow: @Am *eeling better already. Side of the eye: There are things to be happy aboutL nder the eye: Leven that @ recogniJed this habit. nder the nose: @ love having a clean vibration. Chin: @ love *eeling so clear. Collarbone: @ am clear. nder the ar!: @t *eels so simple. Top of the head: @ love *eeling clear in my vibration. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: 0ell, @ donAt $now i* itAs all the tapping we have been doing or i* that one speci*ically a**ected me, but @ de*initely *eel better. @ wasnAt noticing that @ was *eeling terribly bad, but something really clic$ed *or me with that one. Rick: @nteresting. @n there @ also *elt my vibration as a light that was clearer and cleaner than it was be*ore that round. ThatAs what we notice with EFT. ThereAs a pro*ound Iuality to the shi*ts that happen when youAre tapping on your physical body and eFpressing gratitude and appreciation, even i* it doesnAt *eel 5!!U. @t cleans things up. @t does so Iuic$ly and painlessly, @ *ind. Carol: @ would recommend 1 Dust as something @Ave tried, and sometimes @ *all o**, but itAs in my mind to try a lot 1 that when youAre tal$ing to someone socially and you donAt $now the person, but youAre having an interaction in the grocery store, when you are doing the dishes, be mind*ul. 7e present. GouAd be surprised at how negativity doesnAt come in when youAre loo$ing at the dish and washing it care*ully with the hot water rolling down the side 1 when youAre really present. 0hen youAre showering or watching a television show, donAt be doing *ive things at once. 7e present. 'ee i* you could practice that because multitas$ing isnAt always good. @ am an olympic1style multitas$er, but @ am always wor$ing toward being present, in the moment, and @ Dust thin$ itAs great practice to add that to EFT, to the vibration lists, to

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trying to raise your vibration daily. @ thin$ itAs a wonder*ul practice and i* you donAt do it well, great 1 you tried *or thirty secondsH Rick: ThatAs right. Carol: Thirty seconds is a long time to be appreciative. Try to appreciate yoursel* *or a minute, instead o*, <Aw, @ didnAt do it wellLaw, @ shoulda, woulda, couldaL> Rick: *laughing1 Now weAre really stretching people. Carol: Ges, we areH Rick: 2o you want to do a tapping round on Nappreciating mysel*A: Carol: Ges, @ do.

Tapping on Appreciating <ourself

*starts + 0,./61 Karate Chop: Even though it has been hard *or me to appreciate who @ amL Lbecause that wasnAt my habitL Land my mind is cluttered with a lot o* negativityL L@ choose to appreciate who @ am right now. Even though @ can be Iuite critical o* mysel*L Land @ thin$ @ learned itL @ choose to loo$ *or things that @ li$e. Even though itAs hard *or me to appreciate who @ amL L@ should have done it di**erentlyL L@ could have done it di**erentlyL L@ should be betterL @ deeply and pro*oundly accept who @ am right now. Eyebrow: 7ut @Am used to being critical. Side of the eye: @ thin$ it helps me move *orward. nder the eye: No, it doesnAt. nder the nose: @Am going to be positive and appreciative right now. Chin: There are many things about me that @ li$e.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Collarbone: There are many things about me that @ am grate*ul *or. nder the ar!: @ appreciate who @ am. Top of the head: @ appreciate how my mind wor$s. Eyebrow: @ appreciate my insights. Side of the eye: @ love it when @Am clear. nder the eye: @ love being a good *riendL nder the nose: Land a good wor$er. Chin: @ love it when @ sleep well. Collarbone: @ appreciate my body when it *eels good. nder the ar!: @ appreciate my body even when @ am sic$. Top of the head: 7ecause itAs mine. Eyebrow: @ am enough. Side of the eye: @ do enough. nder the eye: @ appreciate who @ am. nder the nose: @ am grate*ul *or me. Chin: @Am Dust glad @ am who @ am. Collarbone: =* course @ want to change some things. nder the ar!: 7ut @ appreciate me. Top of the head: And that ma$es me *eel happyH Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: Cow did that *eel:

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Rick: 'imple, peace*ul. @t brought up some things. @ li$ed that, as we got started in those rounds, a part o* me was arguing with the negative, and then @ said, <no, thatAs not right any more>. ThatAs a sign with EFT, i* you start saying something that strongly negative 1 <@ have this negative habit.> 1 part o* you says, <No, not any more.> Carol: &ight. Rick: <@t used to beL> <0eAre di**erent now.> ThatAs when you $now that youAre connecting with your inner guidance, the positive part o* you that encourages and supports and appreciates. There is a part o* all o* us that is Iuite proud o* us, Iuite appreciative o* who we are, has a broader perspective on our li*e, and $nows more intimately than we could imagine how much we overcome, how much we have grown, how much we love and care *or this li*e that weAre living in the body that we animate right now.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT

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Carol: Ges, and even i* it doesnAt ma$e you happy, @ promise you it will change your vibration *or those twenty1*ive seconds that youAre tapping on that round, and i* you can get an opening, change your vibration, raise it a little bit, then something else is going to come to mind. <=h, come to thin$ o* it, you are right. @ do appreciate my body even though @ donAt *eel li$e it.> )ust a little bit 1 you donAt have to go *rom ! to B!H Gou Dust want to move an inch in the right direction. Rick: ThatAs right. Than$ you, Carol. Carol: ;reat. Than$ you, &ic$.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT

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Recording #=
Re'ie, of Physical > Emotional Clutter
Rick: Carol, letAs wrap up a little bit with this recording and review the areas where people can have clutter in their physical li*e, their emotional li*e, and their vibrationM and loo$ at some o* the things that most people are going to be addressing and readdressing as they come up in their li*e. Carol: First o* all, thatAs a good point. )ust to remind people, this isnAt a one1shot deal i* youAve had a li*e1long history and habit o* clutter. @t can come *rom emotional issues, and you can have clutter in your emotional li*e. @t can come *rom spiritual issues, and you can have clutter in your spiritual mind and heart. @t can come *rom *amily issues, it can come *rom and be a part o* all o* those segments o* our li*e. The emotions, you and @ always thin$, are the most important. Emotionally, what contributes to clutter: 0e have *ound that thatAs really what can drive a personAs habitual behavior to hold on. Clutter really means you have more stu** in your li*e, in your mind, in your home, in your o**ice, more stu** in your car, more stu** than you $now what to do withL 'o whatAs the point: 0hy is that necessary: 0hat is the reasoning: Gou and @ always as$, <0hatAs the purpose: 0hat purpose does the clutter serve:> @ thin$ thatAs an eFceptional Iuestion *or people to $eep as$ing themselves. <=$ay, @ cleaned up a little bit, but @Am not willing to let go o* the rest.> Cmm: 0hat purpose does holding on really serve: Rick: 'ometimes those purposes donAt seem very big. For eFample, thereAs a catalog that has been sitting here and sitting here, and it annoys me because itAs a reminder. <@ want to get some new clothes.> And yet, itAs clutter. @tAs absolutely clutter. @tAs not where @ would have ever designed it to be, and itAs annoying, and @ can *eel that, but thereAs a resistance to Dust saying, <Throw it away. @ donAt need it. @tAs not where @Am going to get the clothes.> =r Dust pic$ing it up and dealing with it. Carol: Ma$ing a decision. Cow much do you thin$ an inability to ma$e decisions contributes to clutter: Rick: To me, i* a decision is easy to ma$e, there is no clutterL Carol: Mmm1hmm.

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Rick: Lother than that which is Dust dictated by having a light level o* stu** *lowing in and out, where the clutter will accumulate and then Dust naturally be ta$en care o*. To me, those people who ma$e decisions easily and com*ortably and well1guided have less clutter in their li*e. @ $now that has been true *or me. @ $now also that, as @ loo$ around at the things that @ have, thereAs an emotional component to everything that is still sitting out in my space. Carol: @Am thin$ing o* a couple o* clients who say, <@Am so overwhelmed. @ canAt clean up because @ canAt ma$e a decision.> @ thin$, yes, but which came *irst: 0ere they born so overwhelmed and learned that in the *irst *ew years o* their li*e, so then they didnAt $now how to ma$e decisions, or is the clutter inter*ering with that ability: To me, clutter +i* you want to put in an auditory sense, is noise and static and buJJing. 0hich comes *irst: 0hich inter*eres with what: Rick: @tAs a *eedbac$ loop, to me. Carol: Ges. Mmm1hmm. Rick: @* youAre in a place, even on a particular a*ternoon when a lot o* mail comes in, and youAre not ready to *ile it or act upon it or discard it or give it to somebody else, then you have a pile, and youAre not going to get to it. Then, i* your habit is to be mostly overwhelmed, then every time things start *lowing in, thereAs a constipation e**ect. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: Then it becomes more and more overwhelming, because there are little bits o* time associated with everything there. Gou can loo$ at a stac$ and $now that thereAs a hal* an hour o* time there, at least. @* @ loo$ at this catalog, @ $now that to go through it is *ive to seven minutesM but then i* @ *ind something that @ want, well, now thatAs a ten1minute online transaction, perhaps. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: 'o thereAs a sense o* time commitment *or each thing, and i* youAre not ready to commit time, thereAs a pressure. @ can *eel that pressure in my body to do something with it and not do something with it. 0eAre bac$ to our con*licted energies. Carol: Mmm1hmm.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: 'o overwhelm 1 usually, to me, thereAs a lot o* con*licted energy. Carol: #ots o* GE'es and lots o* N=s, and they $ind o* cancel each other out: Rick: &ight. @ see a boF that hasnAt been opened. @ thin$ @ $now whatAs in it, and i* @ open it, then @Am going to need to *ile them away somewhere or review them. 'o the boF isnAt open. @tAs sitting on its end, over there on the bench. Now, thereAs a con*lict around that. @ both want to see whatAs in it, and ta$e care o* it, and get the boF o** the bench, and itAs not really a priority *or meL Carol: &ight. Rick: Lright now to do that. ThatAs a reality as well. 0e want to ac$nowledge that clutter o*ten accumulates because there are other priorities in our li*e. Carol: Ges. Rick: ThatAs where loo$ing at it and *eeling o$ay with where it is 1 tapping around the con*lict 1 <0hat do @ do with this:> <@ donAt want to deal with itL> 1 the con*lict around the time that it ta$es. These are $ey energies around clutter and *eeling com*ortable with those things. To me, itAs not noise i* @ $now that itAs o$ay *or it to be there. 0hen it starts spea$ing up, and my brain is paying attention to it, now itAs clutter. #i$e you said, the auditory aspect o* it is noise. Carol: @tAs also siphoning o** other energies. Rick: Ges 1 itAs ma$ing it more di**icult to be present and relaFed and com*ortable in a particular space, *or eFample. Carol: And as we have said, that inter*eres with abundance. 'o this all goes bac$ to *reedom and peace and abundance. @* your li*e is too cluttered and your emotions are too cluttered, and it shows up as physical stu** in your o**ice or your home, then youAre not peace*ul and youAre not giving out a very, very clear decision. @ thin$ i* you tal$ to people who have really eFtensive issues with clutter, they donAt say theyAre clear. They o*ten say, <Khhhh, @ canAt get to that yet 1 @Am not sureL> 1 itAs very, very complicated *or them. As you say, they *eel the pressure. They donAt $now what to do *irst because, i* you let things go a long time and the clutter piles are not prioritiJed, it does *eel li$e there are *our priorities staring at you in the *ace.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


And by the way, you have a Dob and a li*e and $ids and a boss and whatever, and you $now, itAs very hard to then ma$e good decisions about what to throw out, what to $eep, whatAs necessary, what phone calls you need to ma$e. All o* that comes into it, and it goes bac$ to how you and @ tal$ about peopleAs lives being so busy that there isnAt room to get clear. ThatAs part o* the problem. Rick: @ thin$ thatAs our *irst tapping round here today. @<7m too busy.A 0e *eel that. @ can tell you that sense o* being too busy is really not always tied to a reality. Gou could *eel really busy and have *our or *ive hours o* meandering in the day. That busy *eeling, though, is a cluttered emotional noise that will $eep you *rom being able to use those hours in an e**ective way. Carol: &ight. @t is about e**iciency. Gou $now the old Do$e about <;ive a busy person something to do, and it will get done,> because they can be Iuite e**icient. @tAs not about Iuantity. At that point, itAs about Iuality. Rick: Clarity. Carol: Clarity 1 absolutely. 2o you want to lead me through a NbusyA: Rick: =$ay.

Tapping on Being Busy

*starts + ,6.2-1 Karate Chop: Even though @ am so, so busyL L@ donAt have time to get to thisL Land itAs driving me craJyL L@ ac$nowledge and respect all o* my *eelings. Even though @ am too busy to deal with my physical clutterL Land @ donAt want to listen to my emotional clutterL LitAs Dust too much. @ accept mysel* anyway. Eyebrow: @Am too busy. Side of the eye: @Am way too busy. nder the eye: ThatAs the truth. nder the nose: @ am very busy.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT Chin: @t *eels li$e @Am too busy. Collarbone: ThereAs too much stu** to deal with. nder the ar!: @* @ stay busy, @ wonAt have to deal with it. Top of the head: @ am too busy.


Eyebrow: 0ay too busy. Side of the eye: @Am not going to deal with this stu**. nder the eye: Gou canAt ma$e meH nder the nose: @ re*use to deal with this stu**. Chin: 7ecause @Am too busy. Collarbone: 0hat i* @ wasnAt so busy: nder the ar!: @Ad really li$e to clean it up a bit. Top of the head: @Am open to a *ew minutes every day where @ can easily clean. Rick: 2eep breath. "hhhhh8 Carol: @ would say that changed my li*e when @ didnAt have to have a three1 hour bloc$ o* time to clean my o**ice. <=h, you mean @Ave got ten minutes and @ can throw out two catalogs:> Rick: &ight. Carol: That made a big di**erence. 7ut what started *irst 1 what you and @ $eep saying is that it starts with your emotional energy. @ canAt point to eFactly what changed that *or me, but over time, wor$ing with EFT and wor$ing with my energy, that became possible and even attractive. &ather than a <No, @ canAt possibly start that proDect until @ have three days o**.> Rick: /eople will loo$ at the enormity o* the situation and be overwhelmed. Carol: Ges. Rick: And yet you can loo$ at a single thing and as$ *or clarity, or whether thereAs something @ can do with that. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: For eFample, @ can loo$ at this one area and my eye is attracted to this empty water bottle and @ can go over and @ can put it into this recycle bin here. Carol: Mmm1hmm.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: @Am done with that. @ *eel better. 0hatAs interesting is that this space loo$s cleaner 1 less clutter. ThereAs less noise coming *rom that area, *rom a *ive1second action. Now, i* @ really start *ocusing on it too much, at too intense a level, we $now *rom the #aw o* Attraction that what we *ocus on gets bigger and bigger and bigger. 0hat @ would suggest to people with clutter. sometimes so*t *ocus can be more e**ective than putting a lot o* energy into it. For eFample, @ can loo$ over at this other wor$ sur*ace, and @ can ta$e these *our or *ive chec$s and @ can Iuic$ly put them in a pile. @ can ta$e the pen and @ can put it in the drawer. @ can ta$e the stapler and put it in a drawer, too. @ can line up this, and @ can ta$e this /ost1it pad and put it someplace where it loo$s nice, and @ can straighten up my mouse pad. 'o in those *ew seconds, *rom what @ Dust did, this corner o* my des$ loo$s really goodH Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: The things that @ have are in a nice position. As @ loo$ at them, @Am drawn to the mug. @Am going to ta$e the mug and @Am going to put it over neFt to where that old water bottle was. =$ay, so now everything has a di**erent energy. @t doesnAt seem noisy to me anymore. That $ind o* simple ability to so*tly *ocus on one narrow area and raise its vibration. Gou and @ tal$ about vibrational trends all the time. Carol: Ges. Rick: 0ith clutter, @ believe vibrational trend is going to be much more important *or most o* us than trying to nail it and get it right. Carol: And not have to be per*ect. Rick: Gou do not have to be per*ect. Carol: @ thin$ i* everyone could listenL &ic$, your eFample was simple and use*ul, but we have some people listening who have piles, and they couldnAt move anything because the piles are so big. Rick: @ want to do some tapping *or those people, where everything Dust seems so big. @ thin$ the intention should be that we can *ind one area, someplace, that the trend in that area could be shi*ted. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: )ust one area in one placeM because i* you can do that, youAre building the s$ill o* being able to so*tly *ocus in ways that are e**ective.

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Clearing Clutter with EFT


Carol: &ight.

Tapping on

here to Start

*starts + /3.361 Karate Chop: Even though @Am overwhelmedL L@ canAt even get startedL Lbecause thereAs too much to doL Lway too much to do. 0hat i* @ thought o* one thingL Lthat might help: Even though @Am totally overwhelmedL L@ canAt get startedL L@ accept all o* me anyway. Even though @ *eel overwhelmedL Land discouragedL Land @ donAt even $now where to startL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Eyebrow: @Am so overwhelmed. Side of the eye: 0hat i* @ could calm down: nder the eye: 0hat i* @ chose one small placeL nder the nose: Lto ma$e my own: Chin: 0hat i* @ could do Dust one thing: Collarbone: @ can do one thing. nder the ar!: 7ut @ canAt do a lot. Top of the head: 'o donAt ma$e meH Eyebrow: @t Dust ma$es me overwhelmed. Side of the eye: 2onAt ma$e me do it all. nder the eye: 7ut @ could do one thing. nder the nose: @ might even *eel better. Chin: @ might even help my vibration. Collarbone: @ could do one thing. nder the ar!: @Ave done it be*ore. Top of the head: @Am Dust going to commit to do one thingL Li* @ *eel li$e it.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: That vibrational trend is essential. 0eAre not trying to go *rom !1B! and change someoneAs li*e in two minutes o* tapping. 0eAre trying to move in the right direction. Turn the corner, ta$e one step, go a little bit to the rightLand thatAs what starts the ball rolling. ThatAs really what weAre doing. Each step rolls the ball a little bit *urther down the hill. Rick: @t does. Carol: @t doesnAt do us any good to have people getting overwhelmed, listening. 0e want you all to really understand the huge continuum o* who has clutter and who doesnAt. @ bet, &ic$, your clutter is about one1tenth o* mine, but both o* us are changing. 7oth o* us are moving *orward. Mine is completely di**erent than it was a year ago, and @ can *eel inside o* me that it is going to be completely di**erent in a month. @Ave had people come in and say, <0hat do you mean, you have so much clutter: @Am not seeing it.> 0ell, *or me, @ thin$ @Am attached to the old picture @ used to have. @Ave wor$ing on it so much *or a couple o* years that it really is di**erent. Rick: There are some spaces in your li*e where you can have a lot o* things, and that *eels homey and com*ortable. There are some wor$ areas where you might want to have a clean des$, where everything has its place. 0hat @ encourage people to do is to try that out. Create a space where itAs clear and do certain activities there. Ta$e them in, and then ta$e them out. @tAs one way to get a *eel *or what might be a more enDoyable living arrangement *or yoursel*. For people that have stu** everywhere, they o*ten donAt have any clean space anywhere. @ have started people on Ncreative meditation cornerA, where Dust the corner is in a di**erent vibration organiJationally, clutter1wise. =*ten, that is the starting point *or them. Carol: @ say to mysel*, <=ne drawer at a timeL> <=ne tabletop at a timeL> 'lowly. @* you see a tabletop or a section o* a bureau that loo$s clean, and you contrast that to the other sections, you might say energetically, <@ want more o* that one. =hH Now @ have a model.> Many people with clutter issues donAt have a model o* what it loo$s li$e or how to do it, and then internally 1 the most important piece 1 you donAt have an energetic interest or inspiration. @ $eep wanting to say out loud over and over again, <The inspiration to clean up clutter is energetic.> Rick: Ges.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Carol: @tAs energetic, and it has to come *rom that place because thatAs where the clutter came *rom. an energy and a vibration. Even loo$ing at a A F A area on a des$, you can say, <0owH That loo$s $ind o* interesting.> @ remember a *ew years ago, @ didnAt have the desire to be uncluttered because @ was so overwhelmed. There was no space *or it. Now, @ am so eFcited, itAs really *unny. @ can wa$e up in the morning to do one more tiny corner, and @Am down to the last bit. @t really is di**erent to have space 1 to have the desire to want to do it. Rick: Gou tal$ed about tapping on the emotional clutter, the vibrational clutter. That creates a space. Carol: Mmm1hmm. #etAs do one on emotions. Cow about Neven though @ still have emotions that are in my way o* cleaning upA: Rick: ;reat.

Tapping on Emotional 1nterference

*starts + /6.-41 Karate Chop: Even though @ still have some emotionsL Lli$e *earL Land hurtL Land abandonmentL Lthat are in my way and cluttering meL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Even though @ still have some emotions that are in my wayL Land @Am not totally clear on what they areL LthatAs o$ayL Lbecause @Am learning about mysel*. Even though some emotions are still bloc$ing my desireL Land theyAre still cluttering my mindL L@ choose to get clear right now. Eyebrow: @ donAt have to do anything. Side of the eye: @ Dust want to be clear. nder the eye: @ wonder what emotions are getting in my way. nder the nose: Maybe there are several *eelingsL Chin: Lthat are getting in my way.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Collarbone: ThatAs o$ayL nder the ar!: Lbecause @ can clear those *eelings. Top of the head: ThatAs all @ have to do. Eyebrow: @Am not going to do anything elseL Side of the eye: LeFcept to get clear about my *eelings. nder the eye: @ want to respect my *eelings. nder the nose: @ want to understand how they connect to my clutter. Collarbone: @ love *eeling clear. nder the ar!: @ choose to *eel clear. Top of the head: And @ choose to honor all these *eelingsL Lthat are contributing to my clutter problem. Carol: Ta$e a breath. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1


Carol: Again, we want that acceptance that happens in EFT. <@ deeply and completely accept mysel* no matter whatL>, even i* your clutter is Dust the way it was a year ago. Accept, accept, accept in order to change the inspiration. /ushing at it isnAt going to do anything. Rick: No. Carol: Cow did that one *eel: First o* all, @ s$ipped a couple o* points there, but @ could tell that @ bounced around emotionally. @t $ept pulling me in a di**erent direction. @t was interesting. Rick: @ *ound that it hit on a lot o* di**erent things. @ could *eel unnamed emotions coming up. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: =ne o* the things that stri$es me, Carol, is that when people ma$e some progress, how they handle the slip bac$ward has a lot to do with whether they ma$e a new habit, or whether they Dust *all bac$ into the old ones. <0hatAs the use:> is one o* those energies that comes up. <0hatAs the use: @tAs Dust going to get messy again.> Can you do some tapping with me on that: Carol: Ges, because @ thin$ the hopelessness is so devastating to people. They Dust want to collapse on the couch and say, <Forget itH> Copelessness is a big piece o* this. 0hen you get overwhelmed and have too much clutter

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


and canAt ma$e decisions, you canAt *ind a piece o* paper that you needed to *ind to ma$e the neFt decision, it *eels pretty discouraging. Rick: @t does. Carol: @s that what you were tal$ing about: That direction: Rick: Ges.

Tapping on Bac&sliding
*starts + 3/.,,1 Karate Chop: Even though @ *eel hopeless about ever changing thisL Lit is Dust who @ amL Lmaybe @All never changeL @ deeply and pro*oundly love and accept mysel* anyway. Even though @ *eel that aw*ul sense o* hopelessnessL L@ donAt thin$ @Am going to get anywhereL Lso whatAs the point o* tryingL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept mysel* anyway. Eyebrow: @ *eel hopeless. Side of the eye: 0hatAs the point: nder the eye: @ *eel hopeless. nder the nose: Nothing is going to change. Chin: @ *eel so hopeless. Collarbone: @ donAt thin$ @ can do it. nder the ar!: @Am a*raid @All Dust relapse. Top of the head: Then @All really hate mysel*. Eyebrow: 'o why even start: Side of the eye: 0hatAs the point: nder the eye: @ donAt even want to start. nder the nose: Ges, @ do. Chin: A part o* me really wants to be di**erent. Collarbone: Can @ accept mysel* nowL nder the ar!: Las @ begin to change: Top of the head: @ hope so. Lbecause @ accept my *eelingsL Lmy challengesL

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Land my con*licts. Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Carol: 0hat did that *eel li$e: Rick: The con*licts 1 Dust ac$nowledging that we have con*lictsH Carol: Mmm1hmm.


Rick: @ also *eel li$e thereAs a reality that cleaning things and organiJing things, dealing with emotional clutter and vibrational clutter 1 these are not one1time events. This is not li$e building the house and thereAs Dust a little bit o* cleaning to be done once in a while. @tAs more li$e building a vibrational habit. That is very di**erent. Cow do we deal with those relapses: @tAs not even Dust a relapse. @* the mail arrives, or youAve been on vacation *or a wee$, now thereAs a big stac$ o* stu** and you donAt have time to deal with it all. ThatAs going to create noise. @ thin$ that, *or those people who have had a problem with clutter, the *act that something has shown up in their li*e may reactivate that vibration again. @ thin$ thatAs good, because every time itAs reactivated, *rom a new vantage point you get an opportunity to raise your vibration even more and solidi*y the habit even more, but without EFT, that reactivation can be pain*ul and distressing. Carol: Gou $now what it sounds li$e, when youAre tal$ing that way, we could have been tal$ing about someone who goes on a very strict dietL Rick: Ges. Carol: Land *or two months, they in *act lose weight, and they go bac$ to their environment o* eating normal *ood in normal portions, and o* course they relapse because no habits have actually gotten into place. They were Dust restricting. 'o i* you restrict yoursel* by saying, <@ have to clean up in this amount o* time every day,> and youAre not really building new habits, the new habits canAt stic$ around. 'o @ thin$ thatAs a great point. 2o you want to ta$e me through something li$e that:

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Tapping on Building 6abits

*starts + 32.351 Karate Chop: Even though Nmess happensAL L@ accept mysel*. Even though @ will accumulate certain thingsL L*or a timeL Land they may even be messyL LthatAs o$ay. @Am still a good personL Li* @ have some piles. Eyebrow: @ have piles. Side of the eye: @ will again. nder the eye: ThatAs o$ay. nder the nose: TheyAre di**erent. Chin: @ want them to be vibrationally di**erent. Collarbone: They are Dust things moving through. nder the ar!: 0hat i* @ donAt get emotionally upset about it: Top of the head: That would be di**erentH Eyebrow: That would be greatH Side of the eye: #etting it be what it is. nder the eye: 'ometimes itAs messy. nder the nose: @tAs not my pre*erence. Chin: @tAs not my pre*erence. Collarbone: @ donAt need to beat mysel* up about it. nder the ar!: That would be help*ul. Top of the head: @ accept mysel*. @ accept mysel*L Land @Am open to *inding it surprisingly easy to ma$e decisionsL Land clear my clutter. Rick: 2eep breath. "hhhhh8 Carol: Energetic again. @* you donAt want to do it *rom an inspirational place, and that motivation and <@ have toL>, and put it on that list o* chores 1 gosh, how does that wor$ out *or people: Not wellL Rick: @ *ound that sometimes, when you Dust loo$ at the mess and you tap on <@tAs a Nblan$ety1blan$A messL>, and you loo$ at it, and you sputter and

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


you spit, and you tap and tap and tap, and you let yoursel* be upset about it 1 @Ave done that on computer errors. Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: @Ave done it on dirty clothes behind a door. @Ave done it on cat hair and dog hair. @Ave done it on big piles o* Dun$ mail. Anything that @ have allowed mysel* to be honest about how ir$some it is 1 what a mess, what a pain 1 it has changed it *orever. @t has never gone bac$ to being as intense. 0hen @Ave been a little bit more polite about it 1 <Even though @ really wish that this stu** wasnAt behind the doorL> 1 No. Carol: @tAs not true. Rick: <Even though itAs horribly insulting to me that people will not put the dirty clothes in the hamper #@RE @ 2=, and that ma$es me *eel '= AN;&GL> Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap while youAre sitting there, while youAre loo$ing at it, while youAre pic$ing it up. ;uess what: @t too$ the emotional charge out o* it. Now itAs Dust what it is. ThereAs not a big emotional tie to it once you have been honest about how you *eel about a particular pile o* stu**, a particular thing that happens. @t could be dirty dishes. @ $now somebody that hated doing the dishes because her husband had promised to do the dishes be*ore they got married, and then he never did the dishes. 'o the dishes would pile up until the pain o* having the dishes there was higher than the pain o* doing it, even though he said he was going to. Now, by tapping on the underlying emotional noise o* <Ce doesnAt love, respect, or $eep his promises because heAs not doing the dishes,> guess what: They Dust became dishes. 0hile sometimes she doesnAt get them done every single time, thereAs not the same emotional strain. GouAre not getting po$ed. @ encourage people, as you loo$ at stu** 1 certain things in your li*e 1 as$ i* thereAs this emotional component. 0hat does this thing really mean to me: Carol: 0hat does it really represent: Rick: 0hat does it really represent: @* youAre getting really, really, really intense about *ive pieces o* dirty clothes, chances are thereAs an emotional component there. As you get down into that and use EFT on that, then itAs Dust *ive pieces o* dirty clothes. Carol: @t reminds me o* a client o* mine who was so *ar into debt that all the bills would go in the drawer, and she Dust couldnAt open the drawer. @n the beginning, it wasnAt about the dollar amount. @t was about shame, and <Cow could @:> and <Am @ spending too much:> and <This is a secret.> All

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


these emotions would come up in her when she would get the mail. 'he would ta$e unopened bills and throw them in the drawer and say, <@Am not dealing right now. @ donAt have to have that problem right now.> There were so many emotions that had nothing to do with money, actually, and nothing to do with the O 6 bills and the O !! bills. 0e really had to Nunpac$A that and say, <Cow does a bill *rom ComEd actually become such a problem emotionally and energetically:> =nce you can Nunpac$A that, li$e youAre saying, i* itAs dishes or a particular pile 1 weAve all had piles o* things *rom wor$ that we donAt go near *or a while. 0hatAs in it: 0hatAs the monster: 0hatAs the sna$e underneath the pile: @tAs Dust a pile o* paperL Rick: The reason itAs the pile youAre avoiding is that thereAs an emotional component to it. Carol: &ight. Rick: @t could be a priority. @ wonAt be Iuite so bold to say that thereAs always an emotional component. 7ut i* itAs being noisy, rather than Dust matter1o*1*actL <@tAs on my priority list, but itAs way down the list. @All get to it.> @* thereAs emotional noise when you loo$ at it, address that with EFT. Carol: Mmm1hmm. 0e want to also encourage people on the way to go about this. Gou could listen to C2 number , then number 3, then number 6, then number 9, then number 5. #etAs say @ have had a problem *orever, and itAs totally cleared up 1 well, not totally. @t has cleared up considerably in the last couple o* years. @ didnAt loo$ at a pile o* clutter and say, <=h, thatAs bothering me,> and tap on that, which is a brilliant thing to do. @ should have. @ Dust $ept wor$ing on my emotional issues around anFiety and whatAs going on in my li*e, and an outcome o* that was this inspiration and strong, strong desire to clean things up, throw out, shred, give away. 7ut you can go about it any way 1 you can start by loo$ing at the corner o* your o**ice and tap. Gou can do it that way. There are many angles and doors in to clearing this problem. @t is interesting 1 @ never used the props that were right under my nose, which were my piles in my o**ice and my piles o* clothes and my piles o* papers. @ never did that, but, o* course, itAs a wonder*ul way that you and @ use EFT *or all sorts o* problemsH Rick: Ges, li$e our !ain %elief With EFT program, we loo$ at the physical stu** as a doorway into the emotional and at the emotional stu** as a doorway into the physical. Carol: Ges.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: 0ith clutter, you can loo$ at a pile and say, <0hat does this remind me o*: 0hat is the emotional component o* this:> Gou can loo$ at an emotion and address that with EFT and suddenly your physical world changes. Either way, both wor$ with EFT. Carol: Ges, both 1 and there are other ways as well. Now, letAs revisit the downsidePupside Iuestion. As you $now, itAs our *avorite Iuestion. Again, *or those o* you who still *eel con*used, or <@ havenAt Iuite *igured out whatAs going on around the clutter,> or <Ges, @ still have it. @tAs getting a little better, but @ donAt understand it,> what @ always as$ is, <@* you got rid o* this problem, would there be a downside: 0ould there be some uneFpected Nooooh, @ didnAt want that to happen, even though @ said @ wanted my clutter to go away.A> @ was thin$ing o* that, &ic$, when you said <@ stay busy> when you were tapping with me. The busyness means @ donAt have to deal with my clutter. 0ell, does the clutter mean you donAt have to deal with an emotion: Rick: The clutter then becomes the insulator. <@ stay busy to avoid the clutter, and the clutter allows me to avoid my relationshipsL Carol: &ight. Rick: Lmy problem with anyone.> @ have a problem with my boss. 0e see that a lot. @tAs a good psychological method that @ thin$ is very cluttered. 0e set something up as the big, hairy elephant, and it really isnAt the big, hairy elephant. @tAs Dust the one that we decide to *ocus on so that we donAt have to loo$ at the big, hairy elephant. Carol: #i$e my client, who, in the process o* Iuitting smo$ing, said, <=h, o$ay. Now @ $now why @ was smo$ingH> @ said, <0hat happened:> 'he said, <@Am thin$ing o* my *ather 3! years ago when he died, when @ was a $id.> @ said, <=h, @ didnAt $now that>, when @ *irst met her. 'he didnAt $now it because she had been smo$ing since she was *i*teen. 'o this smo$ing problem that her li*e was built around 1 <@ have to have them, @ need to have them, and my *riends have to smo$e, and @Am not going to Iuit, and @ am going to Iuit, and @ tried to Iuit> 1 had nothing to do with smo$ing. @t was all about grie*, but she didnAt $now that until the smo$ing went away. 'o i* youAre so *illed in your mind and in your vibration with <@ hate mysel* with the clutter. #oo$ at that. #oo$ at that. @Am a mess. @Am a loser. @ canAt *iF this. @ canAt *ind this.> 1 whatAs actually underneath that: Cow are you using it: Cow does it serve you: 0hatAs the upside: 0hatAs the downside, i* you got over it: @* you sit down with a piece o* paper and a pencil and as$ yoursel* that Iuestion. <The downside o* getting rid o* my clutter is that then, @ would +*ill in the blan$,> 1 youAll come up with something.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Rick: @t may not ma$e sense. @t may not be logical. ThatAs a good sign. =ur primitive brain o*ten ma$es decisions that are not logical, especially i* itAs made when we were two, or three, or seven, or *i*teen, or thirty1*ive. 7y as$ing the Iuestions, you are opening yoursel* to intuitive guidance *or a doorway. A doorway. That is all youAre loo$ing *or 1 a doorway into the energy around your clutter. Carol: )ust a little Na1haA. )ust one Na1haA. Another great Iuestion to write down and as$ yoursel* 1 and leave it blan$ *or a while i* you canAt answer 1 <@Am a*raid to let go o* my clutter becauseL> and Dust sit with it. 7e peace*ul and Iuiet about it. Most people never say, <@Am a*raid to let go o* my clutter.> They come in and say, <@Am overwhelmed and @ can7t let go o* my clutter.> No one says, <@Am a*raid to let it go> because that doesnAt *eel <up> in our consciousness. Rick: A coach as$ing that Iuestion can open your awareness to that underlying core issue. @ remember as$ing that Iuestion o* a client, and a*ter the initial answer was, <@Am not afraid o* it.> @ Dust said, <<f you were a*raid o* letting go o* the clutter, what might be the reason:> @ had her picture the room not being cluttered. 'he immediately said, <=h, my 1 @Ad go bac$ to being on e7ay all the time.> Carol: AhH @nteresting. Rick: 'he had *illed up enough space and spent enough money that i* she were to get rid o* the stu**, all o* a sudden an old pattern she *elt would re1 emerge. 7ut she was $eeping it under control by the pain. The pain o* the clutter was so predominant that it was providing an <KghH 0ell, this *eels better than that.> Carol: 0ow. Rick: <@t *eels better to $eep that pain than to go bac$ to *ighting over items on e7ay and buying a lot o* stu** that didnAt even get opened.> 'he didnAt even realiJe that she already had purchased something Dust li$e it. This was a serious issue *or her, so when that door opened, yeah 1 there were many o* the energies we tal$ed about be*ore around scarcity and security that had to be addressed be*ore she could even begin to thin$ about ta$ing stu** out o* that room. Carol: @Ad li$e to do another one on scarcity. @ $now we addressed this a couple o* C2s ago, but that idea that <ThereAs not enough> and <@ have to hold on> 1 @ thin$ thatAs under a very high percentage o* clutter issues and

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


clutter challenges. ThereAs a sense o* <@ canAt let go o* that 1 @ might need it.> <=h, thereAs not enough o* this.> 'omeone came to me and said, <There wasnAt enough love in my *amily.> 'he was able to identi*y that, and she said, <@ didnAt get enough love there, so @ *eel the need to hold on.> Now, she had done enough wor$ on hersel* initially, so that she $new thatAs where it came *rom. 7ut many people thin$, <ThatAs not where it comes *romH 0hat do you mean: ThatAs not about scarcity o* loveH> 7ut i* you $eep Nunpac$ing the layersA, itAs o*ten about something vitally important to us. Rick: 0e all $now that gi*ts are something that we get and give as an eFchange o* love energy. An absence o* that can ma$e a child *eel very insu**icient and insigni*icant. That energy came up with a client the other day, where they very power*ully remembered the Christmas where there were no presents. That scarcity *eeling 1 you only have to go to your re*rigerator once when youAre a child, and thereAs no *ood in it and youAre hungry, to want to hoard *ood. Carol: &ight. Rick: Gour primitive brain will say, <As long as you can, in some way, i* itAs possible *or you to hoard *ood, then letAs do that.> Carol: Mmm1hmm. Rick: @* you threw something out once, and then were roundly criticiJed *or having thrown away something +Iuote, <per*ectly good> that you mightL <Gou see: Gou needed itH> &ight: That activates the need to hold on to this stu**. Carol: @tAs *unny 1 @ had an incident. @t doesnAt *eel emotionally connected at all to anything *or me in this clutter, but it was a per*ect eFample. @ put my *avorite charm, a nec$lace pendant. @ wrapped it up in RleeneF and put it in one o* those old *ilm canisters +@ was doing a lot o* photography at the time,, and @ threw it out. @ saw the RleeneF and Dust threw it out. 2ays later, @ went, <=ooohH My nec$lace is missingH> @t came to me 1 itAs almost li$e @ wo$e up in the morning and it was that sense o* panic. <@ threw something out 1 @ threw something outH> And @ had wor$ed on that, so it went away, so it didnAt *eel li$e it was connected to my current clutter, but itAs an eFample o* how you can ma$e a mista$e and hold onto it and have it mani*est in a di**erent way in your li*e.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


Tapping on #eeding 0ore

*starts + -4.--1 Karate Chop: Even though @Am holding onto as much as @ canL Lbecause @ need moreL Lbecause there was never enoughL L@ deeply and pro*oundly accept all o* me. Even though @Am holding onto all o* thisL Lbecause @ need itL Lor @ might need it one dayL L@ accept who @ am anyway. Even though @ thin$ @ need all o* thisL L@ donAt want to let go. @ accept who @ amL Lno matter what. Eyebrow: @ need to have this. Side of the eye: @ canAt give it away. nder the eye: @ need to have it. nder the nose: @ want it. Chin: No, @ donAt. Collarbone: @ wonder what itAs substituting. nder the ar!: @Am substituting this stu**L Top of the head: L*or something @ didnAt get. Eyebrow: 0hat didnAt @ get: Side of the eye: Not enough love: nder the eye: Not enough care: nder the nose: Not enough *ood: Chin: Not enough attention: Collarbone: @ wonder which oneL nder the ar!: L*uels my clutter problem. Top of the head: 7ecause @ have that *eeling that thereAs not enough. Eyebrow: This urgent *eelingL Side of the eye: This urgent *eelingL nder the eye: @ have to hoard it all. nder the nose: ;ive me more. Chin: @ have to have more. Collarbone: @ need more. nder the ar!: No, @ donAt.

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT Top of the head: 0hat i* @ let go: Carol: Ta$e a breath.


Rick: "hhhhh8 *deep breath1 Geah. @t could be more than one o* those things. Carol: Absolutely. Rick: =nce you have a consciousness around the emotional contributors to the stu** in your li*e 1 the holding on in your li*e 1 it immediately starts to shi*t, and it will start to heal. @t may become more intense, but thatAs o$ay. Reep tapping on it. Gou may have been suppressing that *eeling o* not having enough. Certain speci*ic events may come up. Certain speci*ic images may come up. @tAs o$ay that you Dust pic$ up something, and youAre about to decide what to do, and youAre *looded with emotion. )ust stop there, and do some EFT on it. Gou donAt need to drive *orward. Gou donAt need to use willpower. @n *act, we encourage you not to use willpower as an alternative to clearing the clutter vibrationally, emotionally, *rom your body, or your mind, allowing yoursel* to be easy about it, relaFed about it. @ believe that habits are easy and relaFed when they really serve an abundant li*e 1 a thriving li*e. Gour habits will be Dust natural, easy, Dust something that you do. The good news is that, as you go *rom where you are right now to where you want to be, there will be places where you will get intense *eedbac$. 7e o$ay with it. Tap on that. Carol: &ight, and Dust $now the purpose and the point is, as you say, not to push willpower and really try hard 1 the point is Dust to turn the corner. Rick: &ight. Carol: Emotionally and vibrationally, everything changes when you change your vibration. Even i* all you do is stare at your piles and tap *or a couple o* days, something is going to shi*t. ThatAs what we $now about EFT. @* you can get into the energy system 1 and EFT is the way to get into the energy system in your vibrations 1 you can shi*t things virtually in a minute, in an instant, overnight 1 sometimes it ta$es a wee$. @t shi*ts things li$e no other tool or techniIue can do. Rick: 0onder*ul. Carol: That was really eFciting. @tAs great wor$ to do, itAs incredibly grati*ying 1 @ donAt $now i* @Am more eFcited, &ic$, *or counselors to listen to this and help their clients and help themselves, or Dust lay people listening,

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

Clearing Clutter with EFT


because @ thin$ everybody can use it. @ Dust $now there are so many colleagues o* mine who say, <0hat do you do when someone comes in and their real issue is about clutter: TheyAre not tal$ing about emotional issues with their *amily.> @ $now in what direction to ta$e them. 'o @ thin$ this will be incredibly use*ul *or both clinicians helping their clients and practitioners helping others, as well as people Dust listening because o* their own concerns about their own habits. Rick: @ admit this vibrational approach is a little weird. Carol: +laughing, Rick: Gou $now, when you start as$ing, <0hat speci*ic event might this remind you o*:> or <0hat emotion does it evo$e:>, you get, <@tAs Dust a pile o* C&A/HH> No, i* it was Dust a pile o* stu**, you wouldnAt have intensity about it. Carol: &ight. Rick: Gou would Dust grab a plastic bag, throw it in the plastic bag, and ta$e it out to the dumpster. @tAs that simple. The *act that it has an emotional component to it 1 a noise to it 1 in your bodyL GesH GouAll *eel that in your body, in your emotions. Ges, youAll have thoughts. GouAll have belie*s about it. All o* those things coming up 1 thatAs reality. ThatAs what ma$es it a big pile o* emotional, physical stuff that you have to learn to soothe yoursel* and clear out the noise, and then it really Dust becomes very straight*orward 1 much more straight*orward. Carol: EFcellent. @ thin$ thereAs a lot there. ;o bac$, everyone, and listen to the recordings over and over again 1 di**erent sections that might have been really help*ul *or you about di**erent emotions or di**erent reasons to hold on 1 and Dust $eep wor$ing through the recordings. Rick: Than$ you, Carol. Carol: Than$ you, &ic$.

6appy Tapping) E'eryone?

Carol #oo$ % &ic$ 0il$es E www.ClearingClutter0ithEFT.com

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