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Jason Bresnehan & Company

Business Plan Template

For: Venture Capital Company Copy Number: 4 of 7

THE BRESNEHAN GROUP PTY LTD January 2 ! 2"#" Authored by: Jason Bresnehan, The Bresnehan Group Pty td !Coronea! ,"A #$ott #treet, %adspen, 7&"' P$: (')* +)") +4,4 F%: (')* ""&) ++-4 &b: '4)' '&& +&7 Ema'(: Jason.bresnehan/$om )eb: 000/bresnehan/$om

Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan

Bu*'ne** P(an Temp(a+e

Business Plan Template to %elp 3ou 4apidly Prepare a #trate5i$ Business Plan # E,ECUT-.E SU&&ARY
This is a para5raph of body te6t/


/ &-SS-ON


01# -n+ro2u3+'on
This industry analysis sets out the results of an e6ternal audit 0hi$h identifies 7ey e6ternal opportunities and threats $onfrontin5 Company 8ame in the areas of the mar7et, $ompetitors, mer5in5 te$hnolo5y trends, so$ial, $ultural, demo5raphi$, 5eo5raphi$, politi$al and le5al for$es/ The follo0in5 dis$ussion is summarised in the #9:T table in #e$tion +/ The ;ndustry Analysis is used to formulate strate5ies to ta7e ad<anta5es of the opportunities and a<oid or redu$e the impa$t of the threats/ This strate5y formulation is underta7en in #e$tion 7/
Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

012 &ar4e+
0 12 1# Tar5 e + & ar4 e +*

Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan
0 12 12 & ar4 e + S'6e

0 12 1/ So 3'a(! Cu(+ ura(! De mo 5 rap $'3! 7 Ge o5 rap $'3 Fo r3e * A88 e 3+ 'n5 Tar5 e + & ar4 e +

01/ Te3$no(o5'3a( For3e*

010 Compe+'+'9e For3e*


E3onom'3 For3e*

01: Summary ;ey E%+erna( Oppor+un'+'e* an2 T$rea+*

Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','


1# -n+ro2u3+'on
This $urrent situation analysis sets out the results of an internal audit 0hi$h e<aluates the Company=s internal stren5ths and 0ea7nesses in the fun$tional areas of the business in$ludin5 business model, mana5ement, mar7etin5, finan$e, resear$h and de<elopment, intelle$tual property and internal information systems/ The follo0in5 dis$ussion is summarised in the #9:T table in #e$tion +/


Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan The Current #ituation Analysis is used to formulate strate5ies to build upon the stren5ths of the Company and o<er$ome the 0ea7nesses of the Company/ This strate5y formulation is underta7en in #e$tion 7/

12 &ana5emen+

12 1# Or5 an'* a+ 'o n

12 12 ;e y Peo p (e

12 1/ P(ann' n5

12 10 Co n+ ro (* 7 Sy*+ e m*

1/ &ar4e+'n5
Customer Analysis & >ar7et 4esear$h

Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

Positionin5 & Brandin5




Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan

10 Pro2u3+'on < Ser9'3e Opera+'on*

Produ$tion >ethods 2 #er<i$e #ystems

Plant & @Auipment

Re*ear3$ an2 De9e(opmen+

4esear$h and ?e<elopment Pro5ram

1: F'nan3'a(
%istori$al Binan$ial Performan$e

Current Binan$ial Position

A$$ountin5 2Binan$ial #ystems and Controls

Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

1= Peop(e
Cey People

4e$ruitment and Trainin5 #ystems

:$$upational %ealth and #afety #ystems

1> -n8orma+'on Sy*+em*


Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan ?ata entry systems ?ata $leansin5 systems

1? ;ey -n+erna( S+ren5+$* an2 )ea4ne**e*

The follo0in5 #9:T table is a summary of the 7ey areas of the e6ternal ;ndustry Analysis (#e$tion 4* and the internal #ituation Analysis (#e$tion -*/ S+ren5+$* )ea4ne**e*



Bi5ure 4/, D #9:T Table



Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan


#"1# Pro2u3+ L'ne*

A table is probably the best 0ay to set this out/ The table should in$lude Beatures, Benefits, Positionin5, 8ames, Brands, Pa$7a5in5 and 9arranties

#"12 Pro2u3+ &'% #"1/ Pro2u3+ L'8e Cy3(e


##1# Ba*'* o8 Se5men+a+'on ##12 Geo5rap$'3 ##1/ Demo5rap$'3 ##10 So3'oe3onom'3 ##1 P*y3$o5rap$'3

Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

##1: Be$a9'ora( Con*ump+'on Pa++ern ##1= Con*umer Pre2'*po*'+'on ##1> >"<2" Se5men+a+'on


Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan

#21# Pr'3e by Pro2u3+ L'ne

#212 Pr'3e 9* Compe+'+or &a+r'% #21/ Pr'3e E(a*+'3'+y -**ue* #210 Pr'3'n5 S+ra+e5'e* an2 Ta3+'3*

#/1# C$anne( #

#/12 C$anne( 2 #/1/ On('ne

Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

#01# Pu*$ 9* Pu(( Promo+'on &'% #012 Po*'+'on'n5 #01/ Un'@ue Se(('n5 Propo*'+'on

Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan

#010 Copy < S+y(e #01 D'5'+a( an2 Pr'n+e2 Co((a+era(

)e b * '+e

# 01 1#

# 01 12

Pro 2 u3+ Da+ a S$e e +* < Pro 2 u3+ o r Se r9'3e Bro 3$ure *

# 01 1/

Co rp o ra+ e Pro 8 '(e

# 01 10

Bu* 'ne ** Car2 *

# 01 1

L 'b rary o 8 (o 5o * ! 2'5 '+ a( p$o + o5 rap $* an2 o + $e r 'ma5 e *

#01: Per*ona( Se(('n5

# 01: 1# Sa(e * Re *o ur3e *

# 01: 12

L e a2 -2e n+ '8 '3a+ 'o n an2 Sa(e * Pro 3e **

# 01: 1/ Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

Sa(e * & ana5 e me n+ ! E9a(u a+ 'o n 7 Bo nu* Sy* + e m

# 01: 10

Sa(e * -T Sy* + e m

#01= A29er+'*'n5
# 01= 1# On('ne A PPC! CP&

# 01= 12

Pr'n+ A Ne B* p ap e r! & a5 a6'ne * ! Tra2 e


Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan

# 01= 1/

Bro a2 3a* + A Fre e +o a'r T.! Pay T.

# 01= 10

C'ne ma

#01> Sa(e* Promo+'on #01? Pub('3'+y

# 01? 1# & e2 'a Re (e a* e Te mp (a+ e

# 01? 12

Tra2 '+ 'o na(

# 01? 1/


# 01? 10

B(o 5 5 'n5


Po'n+ o8 Sa(e


# 1# Core &anu8a3+ur'n5 Pro3e**e* # 12 P(an+ an2 E@u'pmen+ L'8e3y3(e an2 Rep(a3emen+ S3$e2u(e
Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','


Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan


#>1# Or5an'*a+'ona( C$ar+ #>12 ;ey Peop(e #>1/ Re3ru'+men+ Sy*+em* #>10 O33upa+'ona( Hea(+$ an2 Sa8e+y Sy*+em*

#?1# En+'+y S+ru3+ure

#?12 Group S+ru3+ure

#?1/ Boar2 o8 D're3+or*

Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

#?10 Go9ernan3e Sy*+em*

2"1# S+a+emen+ o8 Core -P 2"12 Pa+en+*


Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan

2"1/ Tra2emar4* 2"10 ;noB HoB an2 Tra2e Se3re+*

2#1# Ca*$ F(oB ProCe3+'on
A summary of the Company=s $ash flo0 proEe$tions for the three finan$ial years endin5 F

Cash Blo0 #ummary &',, &',& &',)

;8B :9# ;n$ome ,,+G','' ' Total :peratin5 Cash 4e$eipts T:TA ;8B :9# ,,+G','' ' ,,+G','' ' ,-,,&',' '' ,-,,&',' '' ,-,,&',' '' &-,&'',' '' &-,&'',' '' &-,&'',' ''
Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

:HTB :9# Administration Costs Total ?ire$t >anufa$turin5 & #ellin5 Costs >anufa$turin5 :<erhead >ar7etin5 & Promotions ,",4'' ,,4,),4) + ,,","7+,&,)'' )&,''' ",'7-,&' 7 ,4",G-' G7+,''' )&,''' ,),"4&,, ", ,4",7-' G7+,'''

Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan 4&? Costs 9a5es & Contra$tors CAP@I T:TA :HTB :9# 7&,''' 4-",-'' &)',''' &,"&+,+, , G',''' -"7,''' &-',''' ,,,'+',' -7 ,'&,''' -"-,''' &-',''' ,-,"4+," 4,

8@T :P@4AT;8G CA#% B :9

(,,&4+,+ ,,*

4,'-","4 )


To a$hie<e this Company 8ame has a fundin5 reAuirement of J,/) million to be applied as follo0s:

Appli$ation of Bunds #ummary

Plant and Ba$tory #etKHp ;n<entory

Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

&)','' ' 4G),"7 --",+& ,,&7),G&

9or7in5 Capital (9a5es, 4&?, Ad<ertisin5* Total


Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan


Company has a fundin5 reAuirement of J,/)m to be applied as follo0s:


Appli$ation of Bunds #ummary

Plant and Ba$tory #etKHp ;n<entory 9or7in5 Capital (9a5es, 4&?, Ad<ertisin5* Total

&)','' ' 4G),"7 --",+& ,,&7),G&

Company is offerin5 &'L of the issued shares of the $ompany for J,/&m/

Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

Jason Bresnehan, Australian Business Consultant $an assist you prepare your business plan This eAuates to a postKmoney <aluation of J+,''',''' 0hi$h is refle$ted in the ;P and e6e$ution $apa$ity that Company brin5s to the business/ Based on the finan$ial proEe$tions, a sale of the business in year four, based on a four times multiple of the &',' free $ash flo0 0ould return J7/4 million dollars to holders of the &'L, representin5 an internal rate of return of G'L/ ;nternal 4ate of 4eturn &''G Bree Cash Blo0 >ultiple of Cash Blo0 ;n<estment 4eturn 8et Cash Blo0 ;44 G' L (,,&7),-G&* ' ' 4 &' L (,,&7),-G&* 7,4'&,447 7,4'&,447 (,,&4+,+,,* &''" 4,'-","4) &',' ",&-),'-" &',,


Business Plan Template 1 ,2&-2&','

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