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Version 11.

Module 4
Equipment Design

Training Manual

PLEASE NOTE: AVEVA has a policy of continuing product development: therefore, the information contained in this document may be subject to change without notice. AVEVA A!E" #$ %A&&A#'( $) A#( !*#+ %*', &E-A&+ '$ ',*" +$./ E#', *#.0/+*#- 1/' #$' 0* *'E+ '$, ',E * 20*E+ %A&&A#'*E" $) E&.,A#'A1*0*'( A#+ )*'#E"" )$& A 2A&'*./0A& 2/&2$"E. %hile every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this document, AVEVA shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or conse3uential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.

'his manual provides documentation relating to products to which you may not have access or which may not be licensed to you. )or further information on which products are licensed to you please refer to your licence conditions. Copyright 2013 AVEVA Limited All rights reserved. #o part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of AVEVA. 'he software programs described in this document are confidential information and proprietary products of AVEVA 0td or its licensors. Visit our website at http:44www.AVEVA.com

AVEVA 0td, ,igh .ross,

adingley &oad, .ambridge .15 6,1, /!

1 Session 1....................................................................1
The Principles o !"ilding ################################################################################1 $bjectives........................................................................................................1 ust !now 2oints............................................................................................1 E3uipment........................................................................................................7 2rimitives.........................................................................................................7 2+ " #ames..................................................................................................5 .reating E3uipment.........................................................................................5 +efault A8es.....................................................................................................9 E3uipment and 2rimitive $rientation...............................................................9 .reating 2rimitives...........................................................................................9 "etting Attributes.............................................................................................9 "i:e Attributes ;2rimitives<...............................................................................= 2ositioning.......................................................................................................6 2ositioning /sing 2>2oints............................................................................16 $rientation.....................................................................................................16 $rientate?A8es..............................................................................................11 $rientate?&otate...........................................................................................17 $rientate?2rimitive?2oint..............................................................................17 $ther 2+ " Attributes..................................................................................15 0EVE0 Attributes...........................................................................................15 $bstruction Attributes....................................................................................15 2+ " /nits...................................................................................................19 E8ercise 1 .......................................................................................................................1= .orrecting errors using odel Editor.............................................................16 "ummary of design errors.............................................................................1@

2 Session 2....................................................................1
!"ilding the !$sic Str"ct"re#############################################################################1 $bjectives........................................................................................................1 ust !now 2oints............................................................................................1 E8ercise 7 ;.reate the "ite, Aones and 1ase<................................................7 %hat (ou %ill 1e E8pected to +oB..................................................................7 E8ercise 5 ;.reate 2ump 21=61A<.................................................................6 E8ercise 9 ;.opying E3uipment<.....................................................................@ .reate 2umps 21=67A C 1...........................................................................16 E8ercise = ;.reate ,eat E8changers<...........................................................11 E8ercise 6 ;.reate4E1561<............................................................................17 .reating E3uipment from individual primitives..............................................17 E8ercise D ;.reate 4.1161<...........................................................................1=

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&


/sing odel Editor to &otate a #o::le typically #16....................................16 /sing odel Editor to 2osition #o::le #17...................................................16 E8ercise E ;.reate 4+1761<...........................................................................1@

3 Appendix A..................................................................1
The P(%S Primiti-es#########################################################################################1

4 Appendix B..................................................................1
Simple Pl$nt########################################################################################################1

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&



The Prin iples o! Building

'his module includes all the fundamentals of E3uipment building including positioning and orientation both by attribute manipulation manually, but also using graphical picFing which also introduces event driven graphics. 'he fundamentals learnt here are projected later for piping design so itGs worth taFing time to maFe sure trainees fully understand all the topics.

"#$e ti%es
At the end of this session, you will able to: .reate e3uipment elements. !now how to create, position, orientate and connect primitives. !now how to modify elements and manipulate attributes. /nderstand the principles of graphical hits to modify elements anipulate the graphical representation of elements.

Must &no' Points

'he following points need to be understood by the trainees

,ow to create e3uipment and primitive elements.

,ow to manipulate and checF position and orientation of the above. ,ow to manipulate graphical representation and set obst and lev attributes of primitives.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

E3uipment items consist of a collection of 2+ " primitives, arranged in such a way that they physically model the real life object to some degree. %hen you build e3uipment, you need to decide how you want to model the object, just as you would if you were building a plastic model. 'he only difference in 2+ " terms is that you model the object at full si:e rather than worFing to a scale.

*n order to build an e3uipment item, you first need to decide what types of primiti-es to use. As an e8ample, the simple storage vessel shown below could be constructed from a cylinder for the main body, two dishes for the ends, two bo8es for the support legs and a no::le for the piping connection.

All of these Hbuilding blocFsG are selected from the list of available 2+ " primitives. 'hese are described in detail in Appendi8 A. At the same time as you choose the primitives you want to use you must also consider the position of the e3uipment origin. $nce you have decided on how you want to represent an e3uipment, that is, what primitives you want to use, the ne8t stage is to begin creating each primitive in turn. 'here are other facilities in 2+ ", which allow you to model items in varying degrees of detail for different levels of viewingI we will looF at these later in the session. 'he following topics are selected from the (esign/E'"ipment bar menu, as shown below or from their submenus. 'he command path will be shown i.e. Position/E0plicitly ;At<.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

PDMS ()mes
Any element in the 2+ " database may be named. #ames enable you to identify elements and to produce meaningful reports from the database. %hich elements you attach names to is a matter of choice, but in general you would be e8pected to name all major design items such as E3uipment, #o::les, 2ipes and Valves. .onventionally, for e3uipment, you would probably name the main e3uipment and all of its no::les. #o::les usually carry the e3uipment name plus a suffi8 to identify the specific no::le. )or e8ample no::le 1 of an e3uipment called ,E1101 would probably be called ,E1101)N1 or ,E1101,N1 or simply ,E1101,1. %hatever names you apply, the name convention is usually defined in the project specification used for the project you are worFing on. *t is probable that the project will have autonaming rules set up for items such as no::les so that the project conventions are followed in every detail. Attaching names to elements may be done in a number of ways. *f you are using the 2+ " applications menus, most creation forms offer you an opportunity to name the element you are creating. *f you forget to name an element, or want to change a name, then you can use the %odi y/N$me. . . menu to change or set a new name. All of the application forms allow you to input a name without the preceding slash ;4< character. 'his is because the system adds this automatically during the command processing.

Cre)ting Equipment
%hen you want to create new elements in the system, you can either use the E3uipment application or commands at the command line. .reating elements using the e3uipment applications can be done in several ways. )or e3uipment itself, you can either use the Cre$te/E'"ipment menu to create an empty e3uipment element, or you can select one of the standard items by selecting the Cre$te/St$nd$rd option on the bar menu. 'he Cre$te/E'"ipment option presents you with a form for the name, position and certain other attributes while the Cre$te/St$nd$rd option taFes you through a series of steps, which allow you to build a parameterised e3uipment based on a specification of standard e3uipment types. +uring the course, you will use both the Cre$te/E'"ipment and the Cre$te/St$nd$rd options.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

The Axis S*stem

After you have decided how to represent an e3uipment item with the appropriate primitives, you need to consider both the orientation of the e3uipment itself and that of its primitives. 2+ " models are built in a 5+ world, which allows you to position and orientate any element. 'he a8is system used in the 5+ world relates to compass directions, as you would e8pect in conventional plant design. Just as you use positions such as H#$&',9=66 EA"'5666 /2E666G you can also use orientations liFe H#$&', 9= EA"'G or H/2 9= "$/', 1= +$%#G. *n 2+ ", you need only give the first letter of these directions, i.e. #, ", E, %, /, +, and you do not usually need spaces between the different co>ordinate directionsI thus #5D.= E7D.5 / is a valid direction.

De!)ult Axes
*n 2+ ", each element has a default orientation. *f you refer to the primitives shown in Appendi8 A, you will see that they all lie in a particular orientation with respect to the a8is system labelled K, ( and A. 'hese a8es relate to the %orld co>ordinates as follows:
1 2 EAST 4 2 NO5T6 8 2 7P )1 2 3EST )4 2 SO7T6 )8 2 (O3N 8 4 1

Equipment )nd Primiti%e "rient)tion

%hen you plan the layout of your e3uipment, you will need to maFe some decisions about orientation. 'he first major decision will be to fi8 e3uipment north, that is, where north is in relation to the e3uipment drawing. %hen you are considering this, it is usually best to try and build the e3uipment in such a way that it does not need to be orientated within the Aone. 2rimitives liFe bo8es should be built such that their K, ( and A lengths are aligned with the default a8is system not built in such a way that they need to be rotated from the default a8is system. $bviously, some primitives will need to be rotated, but if you try to Feep these to a minimum then any subse3uent changes to the e3uipment will be easier.

Cre)ting Primiti%es
After creating an e3uipment item, you need to Fnow how to create primitives. /sing the E3uipment application, you can select from the list of primitives given on the Cre$te/Primiti-es menu. "imply selecting the correct option creates each of the primitives in this section. )or e8ample, if you select a bo8, the bo8 creation form is shown on the screen and you are invited to enter the appropriate attributes. %hen you have filled in the form, selecting $! creates the new bo8.

Setting Attri#utes
All new elements may need to have some or all of their attributes changed from their defaults. 'he four main ones on a cylinder, for e8ample, are: 6E*96T (*A%ETE5


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

POS*T*ON O5*ENTAT*ON A new cylinder has, by default, :ero length and diameter, so its 6E*96T and (*A%ETE5 attributes need to be set in order to give it si:e. After setting the si:e, you also need to set position and orientation attributes. 'here are other 2+ " attributes that may be changed. %e will now looF at the different ways of setting or changing attributes.

Si+e Attri#utes ,Primiti%es%hen you create new primitives using the e3uipment application, you automatically see what attributes need setting from the form and its associated picture. 'he form gadgets should be filled in with values for each of the attributes you want to set. %hen you select $! on the creation form, you will get the shape and si:e of primitive you want. *f at any time you select the .ancel option, the process will be abandoned. "ometimes, after you have created a primitive, you will want to change an attribute. 'his is achieved by using the %odi y/Attri:"tes menu, and re>specifying the attributes you want to change. .licF on the attribute you want to change and this will display a form with the current setting, which can now be modified. $! to return the value bacF to the Attri:"tes menu. &emember to $! the Attri:"tes form. Alternatively, you can re>specify any attribute directly from the command line by entering the attribute type and its re3uired setting. )or e8ample, the command L,E*-,' 766M sets the ,E*-,' attribute for the current element to 766mm.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building


'here are three ways of setting the position attribute, E8plicitly, &elatively or by using the odel Editor e8plained in the 1asics C )unctions manual. "electing Position/E0plicitly <AT= will display the following two forms. 'he first is the Positioning Control form. 1y default this appears at the top right on the main menu bar but can be dragged to any position on the screen. 'he 2ositioning .ontrol )orm ;event>driven graphics< is shown automatically whenever you need to picF positions in event>driven graphics mode. *t lets you specify how your cursor picFs are to be interpreted as positions. 'he form has two option lists from which you can maFe the re3uired selections: Option 1 Pic> Type: 0ets you control the types of items to which cursor picFing will respond. As you move the cursor over the 5+ View, only items of the specified type will be highlighted as the cursor passes over them. 'he identities of highlighted elements are shown in the prompt bar, immediately above the graphical view. 'he choices are: Any: Element: Aid: P)point: Screen: 9r$phics: (ou can picF any element, aid, 2>line or 2>point. 2icFing is restricted to elements. 2icFing is restricted to drawing aids. 2icFing is restricted to 2>points. 0ets you picF anywhere in the graphical view, which identifies two co> ordinates. 'he third co>ordinate is taFen from the current %orFing 2lane. 0ets you picF any graphical element ;including aids, construction pins, etc.< that is displayed in the view. +etermines how the position will be derived from subse3uent cursor picFs. 'he currently selected mode is shown in the prompt bar. #ote: ost of these options are mainly applicable to "teelworF

P)line: 2icFing is restricted to structural 2>lines.

Option 2 Pic> %ethod:

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

'he choices are:

Sn$p: (ist$nce:

"elects the snap point nearest to the cursor picF point. Applies the offset value, which you enter in the adjacent te8t>bo8 ;e.g. =66 gives a point =66 mm from the nearest snap point, measured towards the cursor positionI N=66 gives a point =66 mm from the nearest snap point, measured away from the cursor position<.


+erives the mid>point between two snap points along a linear item


"ubdivides the distance between two snap points into a specified number of parts ;as entered in the adjacent te8t>bo8<. 'hen derives the fractional position closest to the cursor picF ;e.g. 6 gives a point at the nearest si8th of the distance along the line joining the first snap point to the second snap point<.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building


+erives the point whose proportional position between two snap points has been entered in the adjacent te8t>bo8 ;e.g. 6.7= gives a point 7=O along the line joining the first snap point to the second snap point<.

*ntersect: C"rsor:

0ets you to picF two lines ;any directional items< or three planes and then derives their intersection point. 2laces the derived point e8actly where the cursor picFs on the element. 'he second form that is displayed is the Position At as shown below.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

'his form lets you position an element either by typing in co>ordinates or by reference to the position of another design item. /se of the +atum option allows identification of the specific point on the element to which the position is to apply, or to a +esignate 2osition. *f you choose the latter, you will be prompted to picF the position on the element using any of the facilities provided by the 2ositioning .ontrol form. 'o define a position e8plicitly, enter the re3uired co>ordinates in the East4%est, #orth4"outh and /p4+own bo8es, using the option buttons to set the appropriate direction in each case. *f necessary, use the, 35T ;with respect to< bo8 to identify the element whose co>ordinate system is to be used for the 2osition data. 'o define a position by reference to e8isting design items, use the 2ositioning .ontrol form and the cursor to identify the re3uired positions by picFing them in a graphical view. *f re3uired, use the 0ocF buttons to fi8 the current co>ordinate along any a8is. 'o position another element, use the "elect menu options to change the focus of the form. /se the .E or $wner option if you have already navigated to the re3uired item, or use the 2icF or 2icF $wner option and then picF the re3uired item when prompted. 'he form will display the current position and you can then change any part of this by entering new values. 'he position you give will be relative to the +atum, which may be the $rigin or a selected *+ +esign point. "electing Position/5el$ti-ely <!4=... will display the following menu, as well as the 2osition control menu described earlier.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

'he values you give will position the item by that amount relative to its origin.

Positioning .sing P/Points

All the 2+ " primitives have a number of predefined points on their surfaces Fnown as p. points. )or e8ample, a cylinder has three p.points, P0 ;the origin<, P1 and P2 at either end. P0 is normally used for general positioning whereas P1 and P2 are used for connecting or positioning relatively.


$rigin of the element


(ou can connect a p.point on the current element to any other p.point in the design. 'he act of connecting both positions and orientates the current element such that the two connected points are at the same position and facing each other.

0iFe positioning, orientating items can be done in a number of ways. 'he 1asics C )unctions manual e8plains how to rotate items using odel Editor as this is the preferred way to orientate. ,owever, for completeness, the ne8t 7 pages e8plain the orientation available using the application menus. 'hey split orientation into different categories for safety


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

reasons, so that you do not inadvertently orient the e3uipment when you e8pected to orient a primitive. 'he menus are split as follows: Orient$te/A0es Orient$te/5ot$te Orient$te/Primiti-e/Point

'his option is used for orientating E3uipment and 2rimitives. "ome elements such as ".'#s cannot be orientated using this form, and the system will signal an error and ignore the command.

'he default orientation for any element is ( is #orth and A is /p. %ith this orientation, the K a8is can only be East. *f we apply an orientation of ( is #orth 9= East, the A a8is is allowed to taFe its default value, so in effect we have done a single a8is orientation.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&


The Principles of Building

'his option enables you to specify an angle of rotation about a given a8is.

'his option allows you to orientate any of the p.points of your current element.


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

"ther PDMS Attri#utes

%hen you create elements, the attributes you set are usually related to position, orientation and si:e. 'aFing E3uipment as an e8ample, there are a number of other attributes relating to the engineering data, which you may wish to set. 'hese include: @"nction (esign code P$int speci ic$tion *ns"l$tion code 1elow e3uipment level, all primitives have the two e8tra attributes 0EVE0 and $1"'&/.'*$#. 'hese relate to how 2+ " sees the primitives both visually

0E1E0 Attri#utes
'he 0EVE0 attribute defines the range of detailing levels at which the primitive is visible. )or e8ample, if you build an e3uipment item, you can display the primitives in layers 1>5, the base in layers =>D and the no::les in layer E>16. An e8ample of how this worFs in "teelworF is that you might draw the centreline representation between, say, levels 6 and =, and the full section between levels 6 and 16. 'he levels visible in +E"*-# determine the picture you see. 'he current visible, levels are given by the Settings/9r$phics/5epresent$tion menu.

"#stru tion Attri#utes

All primitives in 2+ " have an $1"'&/.'*$# attribute which can be set to 6, 1 or 7. 'his is used by the clash>checFing utility, to determine the types of clash that the element could be involved in. 'he three values have the following meanings: $1"' P 6 $1"' P 1 $1"' P 7 Any clashes with this object will be ignored. 'he object is considered to be a so t obstruction. 'he object is a h$rd obstruction, that is, it is solid.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&


The Principles of Building

PDMS .nits
Although on this course you use only metric units, 2+ " can deal with both metric and imperial units. 1y default, the numbers you input are assumed to be in metric units, but you can enter imperial units simply by changing the format of your input. )or e8ample:

*nput =G6*# =.=)' 7.5

eaning = feet 6 in =.= feet 7.5 metres

1y choosing the Settings/7nits option, the following form will be displayed. "elect from the list the units you re3uire for both distances and bores.


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

Exer ise 1
(our trainer will have changed the small site that you were worFing on earlier, shown in Appendi8 1 and introduced some errors. 'he object of this e8ercise is to correct these errors in a slightly messed up version to what it looFed liFe previously. 'he first tasF is to go into design and display the site on the screen. %hen you have done this, you will see some of the errors immediately. A summary of the errors is given at the end of the e8ercise, if you get into difficulties. All the errors are in the e3uipment, so you will need to select the e3uipment application before you begin. 'he types of errors in the e3uipment fall into three categories. 1. SiCe errors "ome primitives have one of their si:e attributes incorrectly set. (our tasF is to identify which attribute is wrong and correct it. E3uipment or primitives are incorrectly positioned within the e3uipment, or the e3uipment itself is incorrectly positioned. E3uipment or primitives are incorrectly orientated Hint > All e3uipment should be orientated on an orthogonal a8is.

7. Position$l errors 5. Orient$tion errors

'he method used, to change si:e parameters is influenced by the type of shape you are changing. Quite appropriately, the different shapes have differing parameters to control their si:e. .ylinders have ,E*-ht and +*A eter, whilst 1o8es have K0E#th, (0E#th and A0E#th. 'he e3uipment application provides a facility for changing the attributes of an element under the %odi y/Attri:"tes menu. %hen you select this menu, a form appears with the current settings of each of the elementGs attributes. 'o change an attribute, all you need to do is to select the attribute you want to change. A second form will appear allowing you to input a new value. "elect the $! button. )inally you must select the Apply gadget to send the new values bacF to the database.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&


The Principles of Building

Corre ting errors using Model Editor

"elect odel Editor mode either by clicFing the button on the odel Editor 'oolbar or by using the menu Edit>Model Editor. .licFing on an E3uipment *tem and selecting Edit E'"ipment from the shortcut menu enables the -raphical E3uipment odification ;-E < facilities. -E gives menu options that facilitate the graphical modification of an E3uipment item and its HoffspringG, down to primitive level. 'his also maFes all items that are displayed and not part of the selected e3uipment display translucent.

'his e8ample e8plains the steps re3uired to correct 'A#!1. %ith )eature ,ighlighting $n ;Selection/@e$t"re 6ighlighting or press @< move the pointer over the ppoint at the bottom of the cylinder and right clicF. "elect %o-e 6$ndle 6ere. 'his will move the handles to the bottom of the cylinder to allow it to be positioned about this point.


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

ove the pointer over the ppoint at the top of the bo8 directly below and right clicF. "elect %o-e Selection 6ere. *f you maFe any mistaFes you can use the /ndo facility. 'his will position the cylinder directly on top of the lower bo8

'he whole e3uipment re3uires rotating. E8it E3uipment editing by right clicF and select E0it/E'"ipment/Editor. "et the view direction to 2lan #orth. 'o orientate the E3uipment move the pointer over the 4 5ot$tion 6$ndle and either drag it around until ( is # or right clicF and select Align DithE and enter N and press OF.

'o complete the 'anF modification at the bo8 select (len.

odify ? Attributes and enter 7E=6 for

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&


The Principles of Building

'he ne8t e3uipment to correct is 'A#!7. odify attributes on .$#E1 and change +'$2 to be 1=66. ove .(0* 1 in the same way as previously as in ove the ,andle to the bottom of the .(0* and then move the pointer over the .$#E and select ove "election ,ere.

'he elevation on 2(&A1 needs to be the same as 2(&A7. ove the handle to the bottom of the 2(&A as e8plained previously. %ith the pointer over the A 0inear ovement ,andle select Align Dith @e$t"reEand picF the corresponding ppoint on 2(&A7

'he #orth 2osition on 2(&A 7 is incorrect and needs aligning with 2(&A 1. ove the pointer over 26 on 2(&A 1 right clicF and select %o-e Selection 6ere.

'o complete the 'anF modifications rotate #$AA 7 so that 21 is pointing E. .orrect the errors on 2/ 21 using the features e8plained above.


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The Principles of Building

Summ)r* o! design errors

'he following is a list of the database errors and their correct settings. ,TANF1 .ylinder 1 1o8 1 ,TANF2 .one 1 > .ylinder 1, 2yra 7 > 2yra 1 > #o::le 4'A#!7>#7 ,P7%P1 +'$2 should be 1=66 East position should be 7666 %&' 4R #orth position should be :ero %&' EQ/*2 /p position should be the same as 2yra 7 $rientation of p1 should be east Elevation should be changed to up 5=6 %&' 4R 'he drive shaft cylinder should be orientated with p1 pointing east. +ish 7 "hould be connected to the motor cylinder $rientation should be ( is #orth and A is /2 2$" should be at up 1=66 (0E# should be 7E=6

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&



Building the B)si Stru ture

'his module includes all the fundamentals of E3uipment building using practical e8ercises. 2roject 7666 started in this module is used in subse3uent modules for other disciplines and principles. 1asic input checFing is also introduced here.

"#$e ti%es
At the end of this session, you will able to: .reate and understand the top>level elements in a project situation. /nderstand the methods of element naming and conventions. !now how to input and checF project 7666 civils base. /nderstand how to create a standard e3uipment item /nderstand the power of the copy function and its options. .reate an e3uipment item from primitives and add in detail of obstruction and soft volumes. Appreciate some basic synta8 for e3uipment design

Must &no' Points

'he following points need to be understood by the trainees
,ow to create e3uipment and primitive elements. ,ow to manipulate and checF position and orientation of the above. ,ow to manipulate graphical representation and set $1"' and 0EV attributes of primitives.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

Exer ise 2 ,Cre)te the Site2 3ones )nd B)se*n this e8ercise we use a real engineering design for our training course. 2roject 7666 is part of a real chemical plant, and it is built in the same way that you would e8pect to see any other plant. *n building this model, you will be able to use general engineering techni3ues to create your design in 2+ "

4h)t 5ou 4ill Be Expe ted to Do6

)or the rest of the course, you will be using different 2+ " techni3ues to build up a replica of 2roject 7666 ;"tabili:er<. As the course progresses, you will practice what you already Fnow, and build on e8isting Fnowledge by introducing new subjects. "tarting with an empty design database, you will begin by building various types of e3uipment items using several different techni3ues. 'hese techni3ues will be e8plained by your tutor before you use them, or introduced in the form of e8ercises. 'he se3uence of modelling will be as follows: 1< !$sic %odelling 7< E'"ipment %odelling 1uilding a "ite, Aones and a site base. 1uilding all of the e3uipment in the plant.

'his is the first e8ercise in which you will actually create new elements. 'he object is to create the basic design structure in which you will build the training site. 'he training site ;2roject 7666< is a real plant design, which has been adopted for this course. 'he design pacFage contains all of the drawings necessary to create a 2+ " model of this site, and it will be used e8tensively during the rest of the course. )or now, we will consider the initial design structure in which the design will sit. %hen you ne8t enter +E"*-#, you will find that the data structure is completely empty of elements. *n fact your 'rainer will have given you a new database in which to worF. 2roject 7666 consists of e3uipment, steelworF, civils and pipes. *n this module we will create the civil and e3uipment data of the project. )rom your Fnowledge of 2+ " so far, you should Fnow that these elements need to belong to a 8ONE, and the 8ONE needs to belong to a S*TE. 'hese are what you are about to build. 'he simplest data structure, which would allow you to build the model, is a single S*TEG which owns just one 8ONE. 'his could then accommodate all of the e3uipment, structures, civils and pipes without difficulty. 'he practical way of building the data structure is to place similar element types in individual :ones so that they can be accessed in logical groups. )or your design, the hierarchy should be something liFeI S*TE ,STA!*L*8E5 8ONE ,EH7*#8ONE 8ONE ,P*PE#8ONE 8ONE ,ST57#8ONE 8ONE ,C*V*L#8ONE .ontaining all e3uipment items .ontaining all pipes .ontaining all structural items .ontaining the site base

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

%hen you select the Cre$te/Site

or Cre$te/8one options you will be shown a form on the screen. Enter the name of the site or :one you want to create. "elect and appropriate Cone p"rpose for each :one and select the OF gadget on the form. Although S*TES and 8ONES could be positioned, we recommend that at this stage, you leave them at the default position of North 0 E$st 0 7p 0. 5E%E%!E5: 'o create any element, you need to be positioned at the correct level in the hierarchy > so before you can create a :one, you must have a site. $nce you have built the basic hierarchical structure, you need to start building actual physical objects to maFe up your design. 'he first of these is a simple bo8 to form a site base upon which all of the rest of your design will be positioned. *n practice, the site base would probably be much more complicated than the simple slab that we are proposing, but for now, this will form the .ivils for our project.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

'he actual bo8, which will represent the site base, needs to be owned by an e'"ipment element, which in turn belongs to a 8ONE. )or our purpose, we suggest that you create an e3uipment belonging to your ci-ils :one. 'o do this, you will need to be using the E3uipment application so that you can build an e3uipment item.

Cre$te / E'"ipment 4o" Dill need to c$lc"l$te the POS*T*ON o the E'"ipment Origin

Cre$te Primiti-e ) !O1


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

4o" Dill o:-io"sly need to c$lc"l$te the lengthG Didth $nd position o the :o0# Chec>ing the Sl$: Position (ou will need to Fnow how to checF that it is correct when you have built it. 'he method of checFing is as follows. )rom the above diagram, you can see that each of the bo8 edges is labelled with a single co>ordinate. (ou can checF this co>ordinate by checFing the position of the appropriate ppoint, which is associated with each of the edges. 'he PPO*NTS for all elements are given in appendi8 A. 'hose for a bo8 are reproduced as follows for convenience.

'he PPO*NTS are in the centre of each face apart from the origin of the bo8, P0, which is in the centre of the bo8. 'he way of checFing the bo8 PPO*NTS is to use the H"ery/9ener$l menu and select the PPO*NTS option to checF each of the individual points in turn. 1y default, all 3uerying will be done relative to the e3uipment, but you can select world, site or :one options as well. )or this e8ercise, you should 3uery the PPO*NTS in 3orld co>ordinates, to maFe sure that they are correctly positioned. Any mistaFes made during this e8ercise need to be corrected. 'he errors you are liFely to have made will only be in the areas of position, si:e or orientation, so you should try to use the appropriate menus to maFe corrections.

*f you have just completed the e8ercise above, you will probably be Feen to maFe sure that you save the results, so that you donGt have to do it again. Any worF that you do during a design session is automatically saved when you leave +E"*-# 'he "aveworF option allows you to save the results of your efforts without having to leave +E"*-#. %henever you complete a significant amount of worF, we recommend that you use "aveworF. "elect (esign/S$-e3or> from the main bar menu.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

Exer ise 3 ,Cre)te Pump P1781A'his e8ercise is designed to familiarise you with the "tandard E3uipment Application by building and positioning the set of four pumps: 421=61A, 421=611 and 421=67A, 421=671. )irst, you will build the two pumps 421=61A and 421=611 using the following procedure: *n +E"*-# with the E3uipment Application selected aFe the E3uipment Aone your .urrent Element ;,EH7*#8ONE< "elect Cre$te/ St$nd$rd from the bar menus Enter the name of the pump on the e3uipment creation form P1;01A# )rom the .A+. "tandard E3uip specification, select St$nd$rd P"mps Centri "g$l P"mps Centreline %o"nted Centreline mo"nted t$ngenti$l o"tlet <P7%P00;=

.licF the PropertiesE button and enter the re3uired values into the e3uipment properties form.

)or this first e8ercise, ;the purpose of which is to get used to the E3uipment application<, it is not necessary to worF out the dimensions from the drawing, these are as follows: > A213B0G !2;10G C21;&G (21;;G E23&0G @21+0G 92;&;G 62A0G I213; %hen you have completed the dimensions, press OF to accept the values.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

"elect the Apply button to accept the choice and to position the e3uipment using the E+-.

$n the Positioning Control form that appears in the top right of the screen, select the positioning e0plicit :"tton and enter the position. 3 312??0 N 303300 7 100?&; and press Apply to instruct the event ;E+-< to position the e3uipment. %hen entering the ;%< coordinate it will be <)E= in the positioning form.

!ill the E8plicit 2osition )orm using 1, the .reate "tandard E3uipment )orm can be +ismissed using (ismiss. ,aving positioned the pump, the orientation of the pump needs rotating 1E6 degrees. /se odel Editor to do this. "elect odel Editor mode either by clicFing the button on the odel Editor 'oolbar or by using the menu Edit>Model Editor.

"elect the pump to display the 0ocator ,andle and using the 4 5ot$tion 6$ndle turn the e3uipment 1+0 degrees. Alternatively, select Edit/5ot$te Selection/A:o"t E enter a value of 1+0 and select $!. /se the %odi y/Attri:"tesE form and fill in the E3uipment description and the attributes below and press the Apply button. )/#.'*$# 2A*#' "2E. ;2'"2E.< *#".,E+/0E J5E@L71 P7%PK JN,AK JN,A

'he e3uipment attributes will be used later when you learn about database reporting. *f you cannot thinF of an appropriate set of titles for these, we suggest the above. %hen you are satisfied, press the Apply and (ismiss the form. #ote: > %odi y / Properties can be used at any time to change the si:es of the E3uipment.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

%e now need to name the no::les and set the no::le specification. %ith the E3uipment Application )orm set to Element probe the no::les in turn to change their names and specification 'o set the no::le name use the %odi y/N$meE from the menu bar

'o modify the no::le si:e and rating, use %odi y/NoCCle Speci ic$tionE to set the re3uired 1ore si:e and specification.

'he no::les are "/.'*$# +E0*VE&( 21=61A>#1 21=61A>#7 166#1 =6#1 S566 &A*"E+ )A.E S566 &A*"E+ )A.E

.hecF that the PPO*NTS for the #o::les on the 2umps correspond with the E3uipment Arrangement drawing. &emember this is done using H"ery / 9ener$l, checF the position of 421=61A>#1 21.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

Exer ise 4 ,Cop*ing Equipment&ather than repeat the previous e8ercise, we can use the copy facilities in the e3uipment application to create pump 421=611. 'he copy facilities can be accessed from the Cre$te/ Copy/O set menu. ;2roviding of course that your current element is still 421=61A.< 'he following form will be displayed.

1y selecting the $ffset menu you can choose that the offset is any of the following: rom Element / to Element rom (esign Point / to (esign Point rom Pline / to Pline @rom Edge / to Edge or a mi8ture of each. 'he $bject to copy can be CEG List or Pic>. 'he to option can be CE or 5el. which means relative ;the same position in the hierarchy as the copied item<. *nput the distance between the e3uipment origins. >1E56mm in the $))set K bo8, then hit Apply $nd (ismiss. /se %odi y/N$me to change the name of the pump to 21=611, and the no::les to 21=611>#1 and 21=611>#7 .hecF that the PPO*NT for the "uction #o::le corresponds with the E3uipment Arrangement drawing.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

Cre)te Pumps P1782A 9 B

#ow create the other two pumps 421=67A and 421=671. 'his time you will need to calculate the positions and dimensions from the drawing. /se the pump type > Centreline mo"nted Dith -ertic$l o set noCCles ;P7%P 00?< .hecF that the PPO*NTS for the #o::les on the 2umps correspond with the E3uipment Arrangement drawing.


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

Exer ise 7 ,Cre)te :e)t Ex h)ngersAfter creating the 2umps, create the two stacFed e8changers, 4E1567A and 4E15671. 'hese can be built using the standard e3uipment items with bo8 supports. 'he standard option of he$t e0ch$ngers, L(ished $nd l$nged Dith noCClesL ;E1C6 00;< should be selected.

&emember to set the E8changer "upport before selecting Apply on the properties form. (ou should have no problems in building these two following the detail drawings provided. 'he standard supports should be used to construct the basic e3uipment. 1uild one e8changer and then use copy for the other. 'he #o::les should be rotated and the si:es checFed. 'he support "ub E3uipment should be copied to form the double height saddle on the lower e8changer E1567A. .hecF that the PPO*NTS for the #o::les on the E8changer correspond with the E3uipment Arrangement drawing.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&


Building the Basic Structure

Exer ise ; ,Cre)te<E1381Cre)ting Equipment !rom indi%idu)l primiti%es

'he ne8t building e8ercise is to build &eboiler 4E1561 and stabili:er 4.1161 using the primitives bar menu to create and set the primitive attributes.

%hen you build any e3uipment item in 2+ " you need to maFe three decisions before you begin. )irstly, you need to define an origin point about which all of the primitives will be placed "econdly, you need to decide on the direction or orientation of the e3uipment 'hirdly, you need to decide on the number and types of primitive to use. )ind your drawing of 4E1561. %hen you start designing this you would probably choose one of two origin points. (our first choice may well be the base of one of the support legs, so that you can position the e8changer on top of a steelworF member. (our second choice may well be along the centreline of the cylinders in line with no::les #1 and #7. 'his second choice may not appear as logical as the first, e8cept for the fact that this is the point dimensioned to on the plant layout drawing. 'his means you do not need to do any further calculations to find the e3uipment position.


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

As for the orientation, there is little point in building the piece of e3uipment in one a8is and then reorienting it after it is complete. (ou might as well build it in the correct orientation in the first place. 'herefore, looFing at the arrangement drawing, you will see that 4E1561 lies with its flanged end to the south, and its dished end to the north. 'his is the orientation we will use for the primitives. 'he ne8t tasF is to decide on how you would represent the e8changer in the 2+ " model. *f you refer to the drawing of 4E1561 you will see that you could use 3uite a number of primitives to represent it. *n fact, taFing all of the individual cones, cylinders and bo8es, we could use up to 51 primitives to represent this e3uipment. ,owever by combining some of the primitives and not being so detailed, we can reduce this number to 15 or 19. %henever you are looFing at how to build a piece of e3uipment, you should always looF at creating the minimum number of primitives, while still enclosing the overall obstruction. Another way of looFing at this would be to imagine the sort of model that a plastic model maFer would build for the same piece of e3uipment. 'he drawing below should give you an idea of how 4E1561 should looF.
3 13 4 12 9


Origin Point



Se'"ence o :"ilding 'o begin building the reboiler, first select Cre$te/E'"ipment # # # from the ain menu. 'his will display a form, which allows you to input a name and position for the e3uipment. -ive the name as E1301 and the position as N2B?B;0 331B1;0 7101&A0

#ow select the Cre$te/Primiti-es . . . form, as shown below, to build up your e3uipment.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&


Building the Basic Structure

)rom the .reate option you may choose "olid or #egative, which means a primitive may represent a hole in a solid object. "elect the other option button ;displayed here as #o::le< to select the type of primitive you wish to create.

1uild the e3uipment to the dimensions shown on the drawings. .hecF that the PPO*NTS correspond with the E3uipment Arrangement drawing. Tip: /se the odel Editor to maFe any fine adjustments to complete the reboiler.


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

Exer ise = ,Cre)te <C1181#ow it is time to build 4.1161. 'his is a similar e8ercise to the previous one, e8cept you will be left on your own to complete it. ost of the no::les can be positioned and orientated using the create no::le form. Also, maFe use of the copy and rotate form. 'here is just one complication in this e8ercise, which is the orientation and position of the no::le on top of the tower no::le #17. 'here are 7 e8amples below. 'he first is showing how to rotate no::les with odel Editor and the second is positioning #$AA #17.

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&


Building the Basic Structure

.sing Model Editor to >ot)te ) (o++le t*pi )ll* (18

'ypical se3uence of events would be as follows: "et the view direction to be 2lan #orth. .reate a copy of a no::le and name it .1161>#16. "elect odel Editor mode either by clicFing the button on the odel Editor 'oolbar or by using the menu Edit>Model Editor. .licF .1161 and select Edit E'"ipment from the shortcut menu. "elect #o::le #16. %ith @e$t"re Sn$pping On move the pointer over any primitive in the centre of the tower and right clicF and select %o-e 6$ndle 6ere. 'his will allow the no::le to be rotated about the centre of the tower.

%ith the &otation ,andle now over the centre of the tower the #o::le can be rotated either by dragging the A &otation ,andle to the desired orientation or by right clicF and entering the re3uired value. 2osition the

.sing Model Editor to Position (o++le (12

'ypical se3uence of events would be as follows: After positioning #= at the top of the tower, create a copy, move it up by 166 ;to allow it to be easily selected< and name it #17. "elect a 2lan view #orth and in odel Editor mode select Edit?E3uipment and picF the new no::le #17.


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

%ith the pointer on the 8 5ot$tion 6$ndle right clicF and select Align 3ithE

Enter a value of E&;S and select OF. /se the Pre-ieD button first to checF your selection and press OF when you are happy it is correct.

%ith the pointer on the 8 Line$r (irection h$ndle right clicF and select Enter V$l"eE

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&


Building the Basic Structure

Enter a value of 2;0 and select OF. /se the Pre-ieD button first to checF your selection and press OF when you are happy it is correct. 'his will move the no::le 7=6mm in a direction of E9=" giving the correct % and # position.

'o complete the positioning of the no::le it will be re3uired to be moved down. )rom the origin position of the EQ/* the elevation of the no::le is calculated as /77611 by adding the values on the drg. 'he elevation of #= is /776ED. "o the difference is D6 mm plus the 166mm that was added during the copy. %ith the pointer on the 1 Line$r (irection h$ndle right clicF and select Enter V$l"eE Enter 1A? and OF# E8it E3uipment Editor. 'o complete the no::le modify the no::le spec and select bore si:e of =6mm


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Building the Basic Structure

Exer ise ? ,Cre)te <D1281*f time, create the last e3uipment in a similar manner to the two previous items. $therwise, a macro to build the items can be read in using BBtra&un acro;Hd1761.pmlmacG<

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&



The PDMS Primiti%es

The BOX Element (BOX)

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The PDMS Primitives

The Cylinder Element (CYLINDER)


Z P0



Spe i!l "ttri#$te%& DIAMETER HEIGHT Diameter Axial height

The origin of the cylinder is at the midpoint of the axis, the default orientation of the cylinder is ith the axis on the !"axis, and # $"points are as sho n%

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Simple Plant

The C'ne Element (CONE)



( K


27 +1$''

Spe i!l "ttri#$te%& DT&$ D'&TT&M HEIGHT Diameter of top surface Diameter of (ottom surface Axial height

The origin of the cone is at the mid"point of the axis, the )"axis lies along the longitudinal axis of the cone%

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The PDMS Primitives

The Di%h Element (DIS()


Z P0 P2 Y X





Spe i!l "ttri#$te%& DIAMETER Diameter of (ase% HEIGHT Maximum height of dished surface a(o*e (ase% RADI+, If the radius is set to )ero, then the Dish is dra n as a section of a sphere% If the radius is greater than )ero, then the Dish is defined as half of an ellipsoid% The origin of the Dish is at the centre of the (ase, and its !axis lies along the normal to the (ase%


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Simple Plant

The Cir $l!r T'r$% Element (CTOR)S)

X P1 P2 A-G.E Y X P0 RI-,I R&+T,

Spe i!l "ttri#$te%& RI-,I R&+T, A-G.E Inside radius &utside radius ,u(tended angle /not allo ed to (e greater than 012 degrees3

The origin of the circular torus is at the centre of the circular arcs of radii RI-,I and R&+T,, and is defined in the 4"5 plane%

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The PDMS Primitives

The Sn'$t Element (SNO)T)

DT&$ P1
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Z ! ! ! Y ! ! ! ! P0 ! ! Y ! X ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! YO"" ! XO""!





Spe i!l "ttri#$te%& DT&$ D'&TT&M 4&66 5&66 HEIGHT Diameter of top surface Diameter of (ottom surface Displacement of axes along 4axis Displacement of axes along 5axis $erpendicular distance (et een surfaces

The origin of the ,nout is at the midpoint of the line 7oining the centres of the top and (ottom surfaces and the !axis is normal to the top and (ottom surfaces%

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Simple Plant

The Pyr!mid Element (PYR"*ID)

2 K'$


K$)) ($) (1$' 2 K1$''

Spe i!l "ttri#$te%& 4'&TT 5'&TT 4T&$ 5T&$ HEIGH 4&66 5&66 Dimension of (ottom parallel to 4axis Dimension of (ottom parallel to 5axis Dimension of top parallel to 4axis Dimension of top parallel to 5axis Height (et een top and (ottom surfaces Displacement of axes along 4axis Displacement of axes along 5axis

The origin of the $yramid is at the midpoint of the line 7oining the midpoints of the top and (ottom surfaces, and its !axis is normal to the top and (ottom faces%

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The PDMS Primitives

The Sl'pe+B'tt'm Cylinder Element (SLCYLINDER)






Spe i!l "ttri#$te%& DIAME HEIGH 4T,H 5T,H 4',H 5',H Diameter Height along axis, (et een $0 and $8 Inclination of top face to 4axis Inclination of top face to 5axis Inclination of (ottom face to 4axis Inclination of (ottom face to 5axis

The origin of the slope(ottom cylinder is at the midpoint of the axis /mid ay (et een $0 and $83 and the default orientation is ith the axis on the !axis%

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Simple Plant

The N',,le Element (NO--LE)


A 27


21 K

-o))les are significant to the Design (ecause they pro*ide the lin9 (et een an E:uipment / hich o ns them3 and a $ipe /'ranch3 hich is connected to each one% It may (e helpful to thin9 of a no))le as (eing a *essel attachment point% S'me '. the Spe i!l "ttri#$te% '. ! N',,le 'E 2 2&E" ,E*.&E) 'hese information attributes can hold relevant 'emperature and 2ressure ratings. .ontrols the height of the #o::le stem ;assuming normal .atalogue conventions are followed. .onnection &eference. /sually set automatically when a 1ranch is connected to a #o::le. *t stores the name of the connected 1ranch. *f it is not set, the #o::le is not connected to anything. 2rovides the physical description of the #o::le directly from the .atalogue. *f it is not set, then the #o::le has no geometry. 17Ncharacter te8t attribute describing the type of fluid handled by the #o::le.

.A'&E) +/'(

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The PDMS Primitives

The P'lyhedr'n Element (PO(EDRON) The $olyhedron is constructed from a num(er of $olygons /$G&-3 and has only the general attri(utes to all e:uipment mem(ers%

The P'ly/'n Element (PO0ON)

The $olygon has the follo ing attri(utes; & ner; o ner reference .e*el; dra ing le*el It is o ned (y the $olyhedron and consists of a num(er of $oints /$&I-T3 hich define the $olygon% GR&+T automatically dra s a line from the last point of a polygon to the first point%

The polyhedron a(o*e is composed of se*en polygons% 6i*e of the points contain four points each and t o of the polygons contain fi*e points each% Each point ill (e defined three times in the design data%


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&



Simple Pl)nt

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The PDMS Primitives

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

Simple Plant

%od"le & E'"ipment (esign ) *ss"e 1+,10,0&

The PDMS Primitives


%od"le & E'"ipment (esign . *ss"e 1+,10,0&

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