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Name Enrolment No o!" No E- ail Co+r,e Colle*e Pro3o,ed Pro4e't To3i' :: - Bandi Damodar : - 112166872 : - #7$%7%$#%& : - !andidamodar'()*mail"'om :B-SC ./ : - .+t+re Inno0er,it12 Ban*alore 5la!ellin* and 3a'6a*in* a, 'om3etiti0e -d0anta*e7"

PROJECT SYNOPSIS On 8/a!elin* and 3a'6a*in* a, Com3etiti0e -d0anta*e7 S9B ITTED TO INDIR- :-ND;I N-TION-/ OPEN 9NI<ERSITY2 DE/;I IN P-RTI-/ .9/.I// ENT O. RE=9IRE ENT .OR T;E ->-RD O. DE:REE O. MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION IN S+33l1 C?ain BY Bandi Damodar @112166872A ana*ement

SESSION 2012- 2013


P-CB-:IN::- packaging is science and art technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging is the activities of designing and producing the container for a product. /-BE/IN::- labeling is any written, electronic or graphic communication on the packing or on a separate but associated label. It displays information about a product on its container, packing, or the product itself .

To understand the labeling and packaging of different products across different industries. Analy ing how labeling and packaging helps in marketing the product. !tudying on how brand image of product can be immensely influenced by labeling and packaging. Identifying different bottlenecks involved in labeling and packaging and try to suggest possible solutions. Identifying the waste that doesn"t add value to the product and eliminating them systematically. To understand the green packaging and how it"s helps the environment. Identifying different trends and types of packaging and labeling process. !tudying how labeling and packaging helps a firm achieve competitive advantage.


The methodology involved to carry out this pro#ect deals with nature of data, data sources, methods of data collection, various tools and techni$ues used for labeling and packaging. The primary data collected by

B1 o!,er0ation: - This method implies the collection of information by

the way of own observations.

T?ro+*? 3er,onal inter0ieC: - This process follows a rigid procedure

and seeks answers to a set of pre-conceived $uestions through personal interviews. T?ro+*? tele3?one inter0ieC,:- This method of collecting information involves contacting the respondents on telephone itself.
B1 mailin* oD E+e,tionnaire,:- %uestionnaires will be mailed to the

respondents with a re$uest to return after filling the same " The !econdary data collected by books, maga ines, web etc .The data thus collected will be arranged in a format.

&y optimi ing the packaging system can greatly improve the business and 'ost reduction initiatives are the drivers for packaging and supply chain improvements. These changes create sustainability results that can be captured and measured. The results of optimi ation strategies are (educe supply chain logistics costs. Improve supply chain efficiencies. (educe the carbon footprint.

)liminate fiber consumption. This information is benchmarking to further establish means to solve these problems and, conse$uently, to increase the competitiveness and to e*pand the opportunities of products sales through improved product packaging and labeling.

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