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In todays world every thing goes On-Line. Electronic operations are the most widely computerized now days. Here we are automating the voting system and log the details in the server. All the clients in the network can access the in ormation through the network path. !his is system is a closed loop system. !his system dynamically authenticates each voter and is use ul to identi y the non-voters. "eople trying to do mal practices and too lazy vote can #e easily ound out. !his system also ena#les us to take stringent actions against non-voters. Elections allow the populace to choose their representatives and e$press their pre erences or how they will #e governed. %aturally& the integrity o the election process is undamental to the integrity o democracy itsel . !he election system must #e su iciently ro#ust to withstand a variety o raudulent #ehaviors and must #e su iciently transparent and comprehensi#le that voters and candidates can accept the results o an election. 'nsurprisingly& history is littered with e$amples o elections #eing manipulated in order to in luence their outcome. !he design o a (good) voting system& whether electronic or using traditional paper #allots or mechanical devices must satis y a num#er o sometimes competing criteria. !he anonymity o a voters #allot must #e preserved& #oth to guarantee the voters sa ety when voting against a malevolent candidate& and to guarantee that voters have no evidence that proves which candidates received their votes.

!he glo#al so tware industry& undergoing catalytic changes and periodic metaphors poses via#le opportunities aplenty. "rimarily to capitalize on them& +o ia In ology was incorporated in the year ,--- as a !raining and .evelopment /ompany and specializes in the niche areas like Industrial Engineering Applications& 0anagement Applications& /ustom application .evelopment and other cost-e ective +o tware +olutions. +o ia also o ers tailor-made courses in e-commerce& Electronics& 0ultimedia and all we# related areas to a host o corporate clients through the separate /orporate !raining 1ing and to hundreds o career oriented techno-savvy individuals& #e it pro essionals or students. "arallel .evelopment is the cru$ o the pedagogy at work at +o ia. !he trainees are given parallel portions o the live pro2ects to work on and their e orts are constantly compared with the progress o the live pro2ects or evaluating per ormance levels. 0eritorious candidates on completion o their course are placed with reputed companies in India and a#road through our glo#al placement cell.

!his is a very commonly held myth3 Only , things are mandatory or voting. 4our name should #e there in the list o registered voters i.e. in electoral roll or voter list o your polling #ooth. 4ou should carry an approved identity proo document. I you are issued with a voter I. card& you have to compulsorily carry it on the day o voting as an identity proo . I you do not possess a voter I. card& you can carry any one o the approved identity proo documents on Election .ay. !he mere possession o voter I. card .OE+ %O! entitle you to voting& #ecause it is mandatory or your name to appear in electoral roll or voter list. Once you have ound out that your name is there in the electoral rolls& and you possess an approved identity proo document 5voter I. card or others6& you are entitled to vote. 4es& you need to register separately to get a voter I. card. 4ou need to ill a di erent orm 57orm --*6 or this. 4ou can do this either at the time o su#mitting your voter registration orm 57orm 86 or a ter you have su#mitted your voter registration orm and your name appears in the voter list. 9oter registration is the process to get your name included in the electoral rolls or voter lists o your constituency. :emem#er& it is mandatory to get voter registration done while it is not mandatory that you possess a voter I. card& to #e eligi#le to vote3

o Login o Registration o Announ e!ent o A""#i ation o$ E#e tion ID o I% Status o U"%ate A""#i ation o &ie' Pro$i#e o &oter #ist

o Login o A""ro(e Registration o Announ e!ent Entr) o A""ro(e A""#i ation o Status Entr) o &oters Maintenan e &ie' &oters A%% &oters Re!o(e &oters

MODULE DESCRIPTION USER Login !his orm collects the user id and password rom the user. I the entry is correct then the user will allow entering the site. I the entry ound to #e incorrect& the user will not allow to viewing the site. Registration :egistration orm collects the in ormation o the user such as personnel in ormation& <anking in ormation& #usiness in ormation. Announ e!ent Admin maintain this announcement area. I government announces any election process such as Election date& photo Id& voter list& #y election will updated #y admin and view to users. Ne' A""#i ation E#e tion ID 'ser can apply or voter id through online. A &oter ID is a law that re=uires some orm o identi ication in order to vote or receive a #allot or an election. In some

2urisdictions& voters must present a photo I.. /andidate must provide original in ormation with identi ication proo . !his person must have authorized identi ication and their name must appear on the list o electors in the same polling division as the voter. !his person can only vouch or one person and the person who is vouched or cannot vouch or another elector. ID Status 'ser can a#le to view the id status #y providing the application no correctly. I. status will maintained #y the admin. U"%ate A""#i ation 'ser can a#le to update their application which has #een already stored in the electoral server. 'pdate can make only #y the responsi#le user no other will allow to change the in ormation. &ie' "ro$i#e 'ser can a#le to view their own and various user pro ile.

Login !his orm collects the user id and password rom the Admin. I the entry is correct then the user will allow entering the site. I the entry ound to #e incorrect& the user will not allow to viewing the site. A""ro(e Registration Approval orm provides the option o approval or cancels or the users. Announ e!ent Entr) Admin update the election committee announcement regularly and provide users to view. A""ro(e A""#i ation Admin has the power to veri y the data provided #y the user. I the data ound to #e correct then admin approve the application and issue the election id to the user. Status Entr)

Admin maintain the application status o the users which will #e shown to the users area.

!he irst stage o so tware development is study o the system under consideration and its re=uirement analysis. .uring these stages& constant interaction with the user o the system is necessary. !he re=uired in ormation rom the users is the input data to the system and the e$pected output. !he purpose is to get an idea a#out the operations and the interactions o the e$isting system its draw#acks and to identi y urther re=uirements. !he system study or this pro2ect was carried out at <ranch 0onitoring +ystem.


E$isting system is a direct system. 9oter id will #e issued #y the government #y illing the orm directly and su#mit to the govt. o ice. Once government con irmed veri ication then issue the voter id to the pu#lic. All the election process will #e made #y working manually. !he ollowing draw#acks will #e occurred in e$isting system. T-is s)ste! a#so -as a $e' %ra'.a /s '-i - are0 Manua# La.or @ !he work orce still involved here is the same as the e$isting system which is too vastA Ta/ing ti!e this system does not help the voter to get the election id aster. ,. Our e$isting I. card issue system in India is o#solete and time consuming. ;. !his system is prone to errors and can also #e easily manipulated. !he prevailing manual system also re=uires lot o human work orce. >. !he ma2or disadvantage in this system is that the meter cannot #e accessed #y the meter reader i the customer is not present at home.

*. !he way o waiting at the =ueues and then applying the election id is still there and


1e are proposing a system through which election I. applying and issuing system #ecomes ully automated and communication is made possi#le via wireless networks. !he long =ueues in the can #e avoided #y implementing our model. !his model also cost e ective& practical and e icient. +o& all the data and statistics are stored in the central archives automatically 2ust in case or uture re erences in case o any discrepancies. !his saves hours and hours o manual data entry needed or entering the data into the central system. +o our module is use ul in that aspect also. A%(antages o$ Pro"ose% s)ste! *. "roposed system is automated in online. +o a voter can easily apply or election id and get =uickly. ,. 9oters in ormation will #e stored in +erver. ;. "roposed system not depends the manpower >. It spends less time to per orm any work ?. +ecurity will #e provided or all in ormation 8. !here is no delay in in ormation search and retrieval B. It is very easy to prepare any report immediately C. :elia#ility and maintaina#ility o data is easy


The machine used to develop this system has the following hardware Specification need

"rocessor 0other <oard 0emory Hard .isk 7loppy .rives 0onitor Gey <oard 0ouse /a#inet


"entium @ I9 ; EHF 0ercury 0other <oard ,?8 0< +.:A0 C- E< H.. *.>> 0< 7.. *?) +9EA /olor 0onitor *-C Acer Gey#oard Logitech 0ouse A!HA! /ompati#le


Operating +ystem 7ront End <ack End D D D 0I/:O+O7! 1I%.O1+ ,---+E:9E: "H" 04+IL


O"erating S)ste!6Mi roso$t 4in%o's 1777
Operating +ystem is an inter ace #etween user and computer& which controls the access o the Application +o tware to the computer. 0icroso t 1indows is a simple& easy to understand graphical user inter ace. In E'I& the computer screen is called .esktop. "rograms and documents can #e opened in the user areas o the desktop. !hough many windows can #e opened in the desktop& only one will #e active at a time.

Features o$ Mi roso$t 4in%o's

+upports multiple monitors with a single /"'. "lays streaming multimedia aster. It can #e con igured or 7A!;, ile system& which opens programs aster and serves disk space. 0aintenance task like scan disk can #e automated with the !ask +cheduler. Internet icon is the desktop helps =uick connection to the Internet. 0aintenance wizard helps to improve "/s speed and e iciency. 0icroso t 7ront"age E$press helps in easy creation o we# pages. <y su#scri#ing to our avorite we# sites& we can schedule windows to check the site automatically and noti y when the site is updated and download the we# pages automatically. 1e can show we# pages on active desktop.



Hyper !e$t 0arkup Language was originally developed #y !im <erners-Lee while at /E:%& and popularized #y the 0osaic #rowser developed at %/+A. .uring the course o the *JJ-s it has #lossomed with the e$plosive growth o the we#. .uring this time& H!0L has #een e$tended in a num#er o ways. !he 1e# depends on 1e# page authors and vendors sharing the same conventions or H!0L. !his has motivated 2oint work on speci ications or H!0L.H!0L > e$tends H!0L with mechanisms or style sheets& scripting& rames& em#edding o#2ects& improved supports or right to le t and mi$ed direction te$t& richer ta#les& and enhancements to orms& o ering improved accessi#ility or people. H!0L > developments inspired #y concerns or accessi#ility includeD <etter distinction #etween document structure and presentation& thus encouraging the use o style sheets instead o H!0L presentation elements and attri#utes. <etter orms& including the addition o access keys& the a#ility to group orm /ontrols semantically& the a#ility to group +ELE/! options semantically& and active la#els. !he a#ility to markup a te$t description o an included o#2ects 5with the O<KE/! elements6.


A new client-side image map mechanism 5the 0A" element6 that allows authors to integrate image and te$t links. !he re=uirements that alternate te$t accompany images included with the I0E element and image maps included with the A:EA element. +upport or the title and long attri#utes on all elements. +upport or the A<<: and A/:O%40 elements.

CASCADIN, STYLE S3EETS +tyle sheets simpli y H!0L markup and largely relieve H!0L o the responsi#ilities o presentation. !hey give #oth authors and users control over the presentation o documentsL ont in ormation& alignment& color& etc. +tyle in ormation can #e speci ied or individual elements or groups o elements. +tyle in ormation may #e speci ied in an H!0L document. Or in e$ternal style sheets. !he mechanisms or associating a style sheet with a document are independent o the style sheet language. <e ore the advent o style sheets& authors had limited control over rendering. H!0L ;., included a num#er o attri#utes and elements o ering control over alignment& ont size& and te$t color. Authors also e$ploited ta#les and images as a means or laying out pages. !he relatively long time it takes or users to upgrade their #rowsers means that these eatures will continue to #e used or some time. However& since style sheets o er more power ul presentation mechanisms& the 1orld 1ide 1e# /onsortium will eventually phase out many o H!0Ls presentation elements and attri#utes.

+tyle sheets represent a ma2or #reakthrough or we# page designers& e$panding their a#ility to improve the appearance o their pages. !hrough scripts& authors may create dynamic 1e# pages 5e.g.&)smart orms) that react as users ill them out6 and use H!0L as a means to #uilt networked applications. !he mechanisms provided to include scripts in an H!0L document are independent the scripting language. +cripts


o er authors a means to e$tend H!0L documents in highly active and interactive ways. For e8a!"#es0 +cripts may #e evaluated as a document loads to modi y the contents o the document dynamically. +cripts may accompany a orm to process input as it is entered. .esigners may dynamically ill out parts o a orm #ased on the values o other ields. !hey may also ensure that input data con orms to predetermined ranges o values& that ields are mutually consistent& etc.&. +cripts may #e triggered #y events that a ect the document& such as loading& unloading& element ocus& mouse movement& etc. +cripts may #e linked to orm controls 5e.g.&#uttons6to produce graphical user inter ace elements. Hyperte$t 0arkup language is used or creating we# pages which are accessed #y "H". !he client side interactions will #e per ormed #y Hyperte$t 0arkup language is used or creating we# pages which are H!0L. !he data given rom clients through H!0L and they are processed #y +ervers using "H". H!0L is designed to speci y the logical organization o a document& with important hyperte$t e$tensions. 0any di erent #rowsers o di erent a#ilities can view H!0L documents. !he ':L speci ied with in the 7orm tag is su#mitted to the +erver. 0E!HO. option present in the 7orm is used to su#mit the ill-out orm to a =uery server. 1hich method we use depends on how the particular server works. !he valid choices are EE! and "O+! EE! - the de ault method causes the ill-out orm contents to #e appended to the ':L as i they were a norml =uery. "O+!- this method causes the ill-out orm contents to #e sent to the +erver in a data #ody rather than as part o the ':L.

Kava+cript is #ased on an action-oriented model o the 1orld 1ide 1e#. Elements o a 1e# page& such as a #utton or check#o$& may trigger actions or events. 1hen %one o these events occurs& a corresponding piece o Kava+cript code& usually a Kava+cript unction is e$ecuted. !hat unction& in turn& is composed o various statements which per orm calculations& e$amine or modi y the contents o the 1e# page& or per orm other tasks in order to respond in some way to that event. 7or e$ample& pressing the +'<0I! #utton on an online order orm might Invoke a Kava+cript unction that validates the contents o that orm to ensure that the user

entered all the re=uired in ormation. Kava+cript is case-sensitive. In general& the elements o a Kava+cript program can #e divided into categories& as ollowsD *. ,. ;. >. 9aria#les and their values E$pressions& which manipulate those values /ontrol structures& which modi y how statements are per ormed 7unctions& which e$ecute a #lock o statements O#2ects and arrays& which are ways o grouping related pieces o data together

9rie$ 3istor) o$ P3P

"H" 5"H"D Hyperte$t "reprocessor6 was created #y :asmus Lerdor in *JJ>. It was initially developed or H!!" usage logging and server-side orm generation in 'ni$. "H" , 5*JJ?6 trans ormed the language into a +erver-side em#edded scripting language. Added data#ase support& ile uploads& varia#les& arrays& recursive unctions& conditionals& iteration& regular e$pressions& etc. "H" ; 5*JJC6 added support or O.</ data sources& multiple plat orm support& email protocols 5+%0"&I0A"6& and new parser written #y Feev +uraski and Andi Eutmans. "H" > 5,---6 #ecame an independent component o the we# server or added e iciency. !he parser was renamed the Fend Engine. 0any security eatures were added. 1hat is "H"A

"H" is an H!0L-em#edded scripting language. 0uch o its synta$ is #orrowed rom /& Kava and "erl with a couple o uni=ue "H"-speci ic eatures thrown in. !he goal o the language is to allow we# developers to write dynamically generated pages =uickly.


"H" stands or PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. !his con uses many people #ecause the irst word o the acronym is the acronym. !his type o acronym is called a recursive acronym. "H"& which stands or M"H"D Hyperte$t "reprocessorM is a widely used Open +ource general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited or 1e# development and can #e em#edded into H!0L.

"H" is a power ul language and the interpreter& whether included in a we# server as a module or e$ecuted as a separate /EI #inary& is a#le to access iles& e$ecute commands and open network connections on the server. "H" is a widely used open source& general-purpose scripting language. It was originally designed or use in 1e# site development. In act& "H" started li e as Persona# 3o!e Page tools& developed #y :asmus Lerdor to assist users with 1e# page tasks. "H" proved so use ul and popular& it rapidly grew to #ecome the ull- eatured language that it is today& ac=uiring the name "H" Hyperte$t "reprocessor along the way to represent its e$panded a#ilities L processing 1e# pages #e ore theyre displayed. T-e "o"u#arit) o$ P3P ontinues to gro' ra"i%#) .e ause o$ its !an) a%(antages0 It:s $ast0 On 1e# sites& #ecause it is em#edded in H!0L code& the time to process and load a 1e# page is short. It:s $ree0 "H" is proo that ree lunches do e$ist and that you can get more than you paid or. It:s eas) to use0 !he synta$ is simple and easy to understand and use& even or nonprogrammers. 7or use in 1e# sites& "H" code is designed to #e included easily in an H!0L ile.


It:s (ersati#e0 "H" runs on a wide variety o operating systems L 1indows& Linu$& 0ac O+& and most varieties o 'ni$. It:s se ure0 As long as your scripts are designed correctly& the user does not see the "H" code. It:s usto!i;a.#e0 !he open source license allows programmers to modi y the "H" so tware& adding or modi ying eatures as needed to it their own environments. "H" provides signi icant control over the environment& reducing chances o ailure. Intera t 'it- 3TML $or!s0 "H" can display an H!0L orm and process the in ormation that the user types in. Co!!uni ate 'it- %ata.ases0 "H" can interact with data#ases to store in ormation rom the user or retrieve in ormation that is displayed to the user. ,enerate se ure 4e. "ages0 "H" allows the developer to create secure 1e# pages that re=uire users to enter a valid username and password #e ore seeing the 1e# page content. Using P3P $or %ata.ase a""#i ations "H" has support or over ,- data#ases& including the most popular commercial and open source varieties. "H" is particularly strong in its a#ility to interact with data#ases. the data#ase& and returns the data#ase response to you. 0a2or data#ases currently supported #y "H" include the some o the ollowingD .#ase In ormi$ Ingres 0icroso t +IL +erver 0s=l 0ys=l Oracle "ostgres=l


"H" works well or a data#ase-driven 1e# site. "H" scripts in the 1e# site can store data in and retrieve data rom any supported data#ase. "H" also can interact with supported data#ases outside a 1e# environment. .ata#ase use is one o "H"s #est eatures.

Using P3P $or s)ste! o!!an%s

"H" can interact with our operating system to per orm any task the operating system can per orm. 1e can e$ecute an operating system command and receive the output. 7or e$ample& we can e$ecute a dir or ls command 5to list the iles in your directory6 rom "H" and receive the list o ilenames that the dirHls command produces. !he a#ility to e$ecute system commands includes the a#ility to run any other program on the system. !hus& we can run programs in other languages rom "H" and make use o the output.

P3P $or t-e 4e.

!he 1e# sever is the so tware that delivers our 1e# pages to the world. !he "H" so tware works in con2unction with the 1e# server. 1hen used on the 1e#& P3P is an embedded scripting language. !his means that "H" code is em#edded in H!0L code. we use H!0L tags to enclose the "H" language that you em#ed in your H!0L ile. we create and edit 1e# pages containing "H" the same way we create and edit regular H!0L pages. "H" and the 1e# server must work closely together. "H" is not integrated with all 1e# servers #ut works with many o the most popular ones. P3P is %e(e#o"e% as a "ro<e t un%er t-e A"a -e So$t'are Foun%ation and& conse=uently& works #est with A"a -e. "H" also works with Mi roso$t IIS=P4S.

Fun tions
A unction is a named #lock o code that per orms a speci ic task& possi#ly acting upon a set o values given to it& or parameters& and possi#ly returning a single value. 7unctions save on compile timeLno matter how many times we call them& unctions are compiled only once or the page. !hey also improve relia#ility #y allowing us to i$ any #ugs in one place& rather than everywhere you per orm a task& and they improve reada#ility #y isolating code that per orms speci ic tasks.

0ost data we encounter as program will #e se=uences o characters& or strings. +trings hold peopleNs names& passwords& addresses& credit-card num#ers& photographs& purchase histories& and more. 7or that reason& "H" has an e$tensive selection o unctions or working with strings.

An array is a collection o data values& organized as an ordered collection o keyvalue pairs. Adding and removing elements rom an array& and looping over the contents o an array. !here are many #uilt-in unctions that work with arrays in "H"& #ecause arrays are very common and use ul

O.<e ts
O#2ect-oriented programming 5OO"6 opens the door to easier maintenance& and greater code reuse. OO" acknowledges the undamental connection #etween data and the codes that works on that data& and design and implement programs around that connection.

4e. Te -ni>ues
"H" was designed as a we# scripting language and& although it is possi#le to use it in purely command-line and E'I scripts& the 1e# accounts or the vast ma2ority o "H" uses. A dynamic we# site may have orms& sessions& and sometimes redirection& implement those things in "H".


Se urit)
"H" is a le$i#le language that has hooks into 2ust a#out every A"I o ered on the machines on which it runs. <ecause it was designed to #e a orms-processing language or H!0L pages& "H" makes it easy to use orm data sent to a script.. !he very eatures that let you =uickly write programs in "H" can open doors or those who would #reak into your systems.

P3P on 4in%o's
!here are many reasons to use "H" on a 1indows system& #ut the most common is that we want to develop we# applications on our 1indows desktop machine without the hassle o telnetting into the central 'ni$ server. !his is very easy to do& as "H" is e$tremely cross-plat orm riendly& and installation and con iguration are #ecoming easier all the time.


!o success ully use the "H" unctions to talk to 0y+IL& we must have 0y+IL running at a location to which our 1e# server can connect 5not necessarily the same machine as our 1e# server6. we also must have created a user 5with a password6& and we must know the name o the data#ase to which we want to connect. I you ollowed the instructions in& the sample data#ase name is testDB& the sample user is joeuser& and the sample password is somepass. +u#stitute our own in ormation when we use these scripts. 'sing mysql_connect() !he mysql_connect() unction is the irst unction we must call when utilizing a "H" script to connect to 0y+ILLwithout an open connection to 0y+IL. !he #asic synta$ or the connection is mys=lOconnect5MhostnameM& MusernameM& MpasswordM6P 'sing actual sample values& the connection unction looks like thisD mys=lOconnect5MlocalhostM& Mari auserM& MsulpassM6P !his unction returns a connection inde$ i the connection is success ul or returns false i the connection ails.!his is a working e$ample o a connection script. It assigns the value o the connection inde$ to a varia#le called $conn& then prints the value o $conn as proo o a connection. A Simple Connection Script *D QAphp ,D Rconn S mys=lOconnect5MlocalhostM& M2oeuserM& MsomepassM6P ;D echo MRconnMP >D AT Connecting and Selecting a Database *D QAphp ,D Rconn S mys=lOconnect5MlocalhostM& Mari auserM& MsulpassM6P ;D mys=lOselectOd#5Mtest.<M&Rconn6P >D AT

4ou now have two important pieces o in ormationD the connection inde$ 5 $conn6 and the knowledge that "H" will use testDB as the data#ase throughout the li e o this particular script. !he connection inde$ is used in mysql_query()

mys=lO=uery5=uery& connection inde$6P


!he .ata& which is input to a computer-#ased in ormation system& must #e correct. I data is carelessly input and errors enter the system& it will lead to incorrect results whose se=uences will #e e$pensive and em#arrassing to the designer. Hence& one o the important tasks o a system designer is to ensure that the design prevents such errors. An important point to #e remem#ered #y the designer is that the volume o input data in in ormation systems is very large. !his implies that& when an error occurs& it will take a long time to ind out the source o the errors unless the design includes controls to isolate a su#set. On errors unless the design includes controls to isolate a su#set o data records as the source o the error DATA INPUT !he input o data to a computer can #e either on-line or o -line. In online data entry the user directly enters data into the computers secondary storage& namely a disk ile. !his entry is through s terminal connected to the computer. In this method the computer prompts with a menu or commands& or orm a displayed on the video display. Any errors in data entry are checked immediately and the suita#le message will #e sent with in one or two seconds to correct the input data. In this so tware& a data validation program checks the data entered #y operators and data records with errors are printed in the error report. !he incorrect transactions in the input are corrected and the data is entered again. A ile update program to update the orm in which the data is manually entered uses the correct transactions. In the orm design& the chances o mistakes in data entry should #e minimized. !he ollowing points should #e kept in mind while designing ormsD

In this system& the correspondence is carried out throughout the pro2ect& there ore& the user has to give the Input as hisHher details. !he user can give the input in On-Line or O -Line& i.e.& the user when su#mits the input it is orwarded to the .ata#ase.



:esenting the data processed #y a computer @#ased in ormation system in an attractive and usa#le orm is very important. 9ery o ten the success and acceptance o a systems depends on good output presentation. It is thus essential or a system analyst to under stand how to design output reports. /urrently e$cellent graphic displays are widely in use.

O.<e ti(es o$ out"ut Design

In order to design a proper output ormat& it is necessary to understand the o#2ectives the output is e$pected to serve. !his #een ound #y asking the ollowing =uestionsD *. 1ho will use the reportA ,. 1hat is the proposed use o the reportA ;. 1hat is the volume o the outputA >. How o ten is the output neededA .uring the design o output reports& here on used ma$imum gi images& which will speci y the use ul in ormation to the users. +o the E'I #ased the user should perish in ormation. And in every output screen the top page will #e headed with the menu as mouse over option. !o give the ma$imum le$i#ility to the end-users& the design o pages are done #y graphical way. Everywhere in #uttons and la#els the mouse over options were speci ied.



.7. is the one o the tools o structural analysis. A .7. models a system #y using e$ternal entities rom which data lows to process which trans orms the data and creates output data which goes to other processes on e$ternal entities or iles data in ta#les and may also low to processes as inputs. !he main merit o .7. is that it can provide an overview o what data a system should process& what trans ormation o data were done what iles are used and here the results low. !he graphical representation o the system makes it a good communication tool #etween the user and an analyst. 7our sym#ols are used in drawing .7.. A circle is used to depict a process. <oth inputs and outputs are data lows. A line with an arrow represents data lows. !he arrow shows the direction o low o data. E$ternal entities are represented #y rectangles. Entities supplying data are known as source and those that consumer data are called sinks. !he data low diagram or this system is shown in the ne$t page. CONTE+T ANALYSIS DIA,RAM ?CAD@

De$inition0 !he .iagrammatic representation o the availa#le modules in our proposed system. 0odules

"rocess Link





Sign in Users

Re(ie' E#e tion I% For!

A""#i ation



Login Login
A""#) $or E#e tion ID

Pro(i%ing "ro"er %etai#s


A""#i ation




Logi n

A""#i atio n



9eri y Applicati on





TA9LE DESI,N .ata design is the most crucial point in the development o a so tware pro2ect. !he impact o data structures on program structures and procedural comple$ity causes data design to have pro ound in luence on the so tware =uality ..ata structure is representation o logical relationship among individual elements o data. !hus the primary activity during data design is to select logical representation o re=uirements de inition and speci ication phase. data o#2ects& Identi ied during


+o tware testing is a crucial element o so tware =uality assurance and represents the acclimate review o the speci ication& design and coding. !he user tests the developed system and changes are made according their needs. !he testing phase involved the testing developed system using various kinds o data. +ystem testing is the stage o implementation that is aimed at assuring that the system works accurately and e iciently #e ore live operation commences. !esting is the vital to the success o the system. +ystem testing makes a logical assumption that i all parts o the system are correct& the goal will #e success ully achieved.

Testing ste"s are as $o##o's

!esting strategies /ode testing +peci ication testing !est data Live data Arti icial data Levels o !esting 'nit testing Integration testing 9alidation testing Output testing 'ser acceptance testing


Unit Testing
'nit testing so cases veri ication e ort on the smallest unit o so tware design o the model. !his is also known as module testing. !he modules o the system are tested separately. !his testing was carried out during programming stage itsel . 9alidation to each o the te$t #o$es& #uttons include in this type o testing. For e8a!"#e& 1e have tested whether the te$t #o$ accepts only num#ers or not. 1e checked whether the home #utton is works properly goes to irst page or not. Etc.&

Integration Testing
.ata can #e lost across an inter ace& the module can have an adverse e ect on another& and su# unctions when com#ined may not produce the desire ma2or unction. Integration testing is the systematic techni=ue or constructing the program structure& while at the same time conducting test to uncover errors associated within the inter ace. "roper Integration includes correct working when several modules work as a whole the changes in module should get re lected in the other and should not lead to any sort o error when the di erent modules work as whole. 7or e$ample& At the time o insertion o one record& we have tested the re lects o the values o input varia#les in the orm and the processing page o the insertion. 1e stored those values into the ta#le.

&a#i%ation Testing
At the culmination o integration testing so tware is completely assume as a package. Inter acing errors have #een uncovered and corrected and inal series o so tware test i.e.& validation test #egins. 9alidation testing can #e de ined in many ways& #ut a simple de inition is that validation succeeds when the so tware unctioned in a manner that can #e reasona#ly e$pected #y the customer. 1e checked whether the whole system is works correctly or not #y com#ining all modules in the system. 7or e$ample& 1e checked whether it moves to irst& ne$t or a particular page correctly or not.

1e tested whether data are correctly stored into corresponding ta#les or not Etc.&

Out"ut Testing
A ter per orming validation testing& ne$t step is output testing o the proposed system& since no system could #e use ul i it does not provide the re=uired output in the speci ied ormat. Here the output ormat is considered in two ways. One is on the screen and another is printed ormat. !he output ormat is corrected according to the user needs. Hence output testing does not result in any correction to the system.

7or e$ample& 1e checked whether the particulars& date& logos& and addresses are printed in correct location or not #y taking the hard copy.

1e tested whether the displayed page is itted in one page or not #y using print preview command on the screen.

User a e"tan e Testing

'ser acceptance o a system is the key actor or the success o any system. !he system consideration is tested or user acceptance #y keeping in touch with the perspective system users at the time o developing and making changes whenever re=uired.

T-e $o##o'ing are %esigne% a or%ing to t-e user nee%s. 0enu driven page. Alerts and con irmation #o$es on Input screen. Output screen.


DE9U,,IN, 9Y INDUCTION .e#ugging is the process o isolating and corresponding the causes o known errors success at de#ugging re=uires highly developed pro#lem-solving skills. /ommonly used de#ugging method includes introduction& deduction and #acktracking. Co##e t t-e a(ai#a.#e in$or!ation Look or pattern. E$amine the collected in ormation or condition that di erentiates the ailure case rom the success ull cases 7orm one or more hypotheses "rove or disprove hypotheses Implement the appropriate correction 9eri y the correction DE9U,,IN, 9Y INDUCTION List possi#le cause or the o#served ailure 'se the availa#le in ormation to eliminate the various hypotheses Ela#orate the hypotheses "rove or disprove the hypotheses .etermine the appropriate correction 9eri y the correction DE9U,,IN, 9Y 9ACBTRACBIN, <acktracking involves working #ackward in the source code rom the point where the error was o#served in an attempt to identi y the e$act point where the error occurred.


+o tware maintenance is a catchall phrase to denote the various modi ication activities that the ollowing products release. 0odi ication are made in order to En-an e A%a"t Corre t error 0aintenance is a microcosm o so tware development& in that 0odi ication o the product may involve U:eanalysis U:edesign U:e-implementation U:evalidation U'pdating o supporting documents A maintenance issue includes development activities that enhance maintaina#ility o the product& managerial o maintenance& con iguration management& source code metrics and other tools and techni=ue or so tware maintenance. +o tware maintenance re=uires #oth managerial and technical e$pertise& managerial concerns during the so tware maintenance phase involves the change o the control #oard& change re=uest procedure& =uality assurance activities& and techni=ue or organizing maintenance programmers. /on iguration management is a pervasive concern throughout the development and maintenance cycle o a so tware product li e cycle. 1hen works& pass their milestone reviews& they are typically placed under con iguration control. +u#se=uent changes to the work product re=uire a ormal change mechanism. 1ork product that has not yet #een #aseline may e$ist in several versions. !racking and controlling several o a so tware product is the ma2or pro#lem o con iguration management maintenance. /on iguration management is particularly important during the maintenance phase> #ecause most so tware product is distri#uted to multiple steps and e$ists in management data#ases and version control li#raries.


0aintaining the =uality o a so tware product successive cycle o modi ication and updating is an issue o undamental concern during so tware maintenance. !he =uality o a so tware product can =uickly degrade due to patches and =uick i$es i great care is not taken to ensure that coding style and documentation standards are maintained and that the supporting documents are updated to re lect the changes. !wo techni=ues are maintaining product e=uality is ormal =uality assurance procedure and source code metrics. .i iculties encountered in the maintenance phase and the social attached to maintenance programming are typically caused #y ailure to plan the maintenance activity during product development& ailure to properly organize the maintenance activity& and ailure to provide the necessary tools& techni=ues& and resource or maintenance. "lanning or maintenance& developing the product with an eye to maintenance& developing the product with an to maintenance& organizing the maintenance activity and the maintenance programmers& and providing good maintenance tools can greatly improve so tware =uality& programmers productivity& and programmer morale


Online election id card applying system satis y most o the user re=uirement. !his system helps users to apply or election id online. 'ser can easily apply ro their home. 'ser cant a#le to wait in =ueue. !his system helps to know the status o the application those who applied through online #y the users. 9oter registration is the process to get your name included in the electoral rolls or voter lists o your constituency.







+creen layout









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Elections allow the populace to choose their representatives and e$press their pre erences or how they will #e governed. %aturally& the integrity o the election process is undamental to the integrity o democracy itsel . !he election system must #e su iciently ro#ust to withstand a variety o raudulent #ehaviors and must #e su iciently transparent and comprehensi#le that voters and candidates can accept the results o an election. !his online Election I. card applying and receiving is mush use ul to the users. It is also easy to handle or administrator. In uture user can allow to poll through online. !his online polling system would #e updated in uture.

17. 9I9LIO,RAP3Y

E. Al-0asri& and I.H. 0ahmoud& (Investigating 1e# +ervices on the 1orld 1ide 1e#). In "roceedings o the *Bth International 1orld 1ide 1e# /on erence 5111,--C6& pp. BJ?-C->& ,--C.

%. Ei#elin and 0. 0akpangou& (E icient and !ransparent 1e# +ervices +election&) In "roceedings o the International /on erence on +ervice-Oriented /omputing 5I/+O/6& ;C5,86D?,B-?;,. ,--?.

"H" A <eginners Euide --- .ave 0ercer H!0L > /omplete :e erence 1iley pu#lications or the complete re erance o "H" .ino Esposito 5,--;6-"rogramming in "H"


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