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Today, there are some extremely dangerous trends in S. E. Asia.

Extremist terrorist kingpins are still very much at large in

the region and their influence is growing by the day. Extremist
racial kingpins are still very much in control of power in the
region despite loud but dubious claims of 'fairness' or 'respect
for human rights'. And their clout is increasing by the day.

In one country in S. E. Asia, the ruling bloc constantly tries

to demonise the opposition, particularly the minority people,
and often hurls threats of investigations and arrests or the
laying of unfounded charges against them. Then, the pro-ruling
mass media would automatically take up the cue from the demonic
ruling politicians and proceed to whip up a frenzy against the
opposition figures as well as the minority people who supported

The various government agencies unabashedly work hand in glove

with the ruling politicians to harasss, intimidate and put fear
into the opposition politicians, targeting especially minority
ones. Meanwhile, the ruling pliticians are up to their nostrils
doing the bribing, the wheeling-dealing and all sorts of things
that give democracy such a terrible and wholly stinking reputation
in S. E. Asia. There are totally all shades of sham democracy.

All the ruling politicians and their minions are always free from
any kind of retribution for their many misdeeds. Many are known
to have deeply involved themselves in corrupt practices, but no
action has been taken against them. Businessmen provided them
with free flights and party donations and in turn they received
preferential treatment and juicy contracts. Many of them live
in luxury dwellings including very expensive mansions and mini-
palaces and often hold very elaborate expensive weddings and
ostentatious banquets where they would proceed to make flowery
speeches on how caring they and the government were. To the
public all these people cared were their pockets and their power
base. Nothing to do with the people's welfare or even democracy.

Meanwhile the various government agencies go hell-bent on their

'investigations' against the opposition, especially the minority
people. When protestations were made that the investigators only
targeted minority races, the government immediately hit back with
claims that the minority people were acting 'racist'. This is
truly like the devil himself accusing a human of being sinful.

This government has all along been among the most racist in the
world. Massacres and killings and systematic discriminations
have all been tried and done and implemented even to this day.
Its stinking record of such very evil misdeeds mirror that of
the US. But while the US could now allow a minority person to
be elected leader of the nation, there is no such hope here.
The government is as horribly and insidiously racist as ever.

The government has never appreciated the fact that its minority
people have been among some of the most contributive and hard-
working of world minorities. Rather, it has been known to have
embarked on a very oppressive campaign to demonise and short-
change its minorities. It has repeatedly and falsely accused its
minorities of being racist, seditious and chauvinistic, the very
traits it itself was guilty of all along. People belonging to
foreign embassies should get to know the local language and then
follow the verbal abuse and evil exhortations in the mass media
to unravel the really true sinister face of the government which
is really evil and among the most racist of all modern nations.
Bad as it was, the US government, at least its highest layer of
officials, has never tried to sow fear among its minorities but
here, everything goes and almost all the politicians are guilty
of such evil. Yet the government has most unashamedly pleaded for
investments from abroad claiming that the country was a model for
this and that. Foreign investors should adopt a careful stance
in the face of this huge web of total lies and deceit.

The information ministry here often took it for granted that it

could speak on behalf of other ministries. Not only does it very
incessantly pour out decadent propaganda, but it has now decided
to threaten internet users who disagreed with the government as
though it now is solely responsible for not only censorship but
also for internal security and knowledge and education as well.
This information ministry would not be out of place in Nazi-era
Germany. Perhaps it is a present day reincarnation of those times.

There have been many deaths of people held in detention or while

undergoing interrogation yet the government has shown no remorse
whatsoever. Instead local officials actually dared to comment and
judge other countries including Myanmar and (south) Thailand. The
local record is worse than these countries. But since the country
is pro-US, Western nations and the UN prefer to look the other
way and keep quiet. Nobody wants to speak about the many abuses
of human rights and the blatant oppression of minority people as
well as the opposition politicians. This is not surprising really,
as international politics today is nothing but merely a big can
of worms and everybody wants to partake in it. Nobody's interested
in what's going on here; the evil threats, the discrimination, the
selective prosecution, the heavy corruption and the ceaseless evil
polemics and sloganeering hatched out by the information ministry
and various right-wing organs and the sham democracy that is being
practised here. People much preferred to look the other way.

Innocent people are now very afraid. Politicians from the minority
groups are living in a state of fear. They are aware of what had
happened to people in detention. They know the kind of fate that
awaits them should they be taken in. Almost every person here knows
the beatings and deprivation unfortunate souls have to endure when
they are inside. Rubber hoses and forced acts and lack of fluids
are no strangers. Detainees are deprived of drinking water and some
were actually forced to drink their own urine. Such acts are often
not revealed to the outside world and people who voiced support
for personalities in Myanmar and elsewhere are totally ignorant of
these. It is truly a story of sham freedom and sham democracy.

Despite the many decades of self-rule, the country is as racist as

ever. The countless transgressions would easily fill a thick book
just like in the case of the US. The shortage of doctors today is
merely one manifestation of those racial policies of the government.
The government is totally unaware that its minorities have largely
been subservient and docile. They have generated their own incomes
and their own employment. They have not preferred to depend on
handouts and bribery. Yet, the politicians here are among some
of the most corrupt in the world. The shame is indeed boundless.
They are among the most conceited and the most sinful in S.E.Asia.
As one very highly respected spiritual leader put it recently: They
and their followers will not qualify to enter Heaven.

S.E. Asia is full of such evil ruling cliques and they are very
racist and religiously extremist and these characteristics are not
going to die out anytime soon. On the contrary, they are the trends
for the future. The rest of the world has been warned. Beware !

Other countries MUST avoid them as though they were the plague !
They are truly EVIL ! ! It is very true. They cannot enter Heaven.
They just stink too much ! ! ! !

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