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Azimov Email: sazimov@tmsacharter.org Course: Multimedia and Webpage Design Course Length: 2 semesters TMSA Phone: (336) 621-00-61 CLASS LOCATION: S124 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: This course provides a broad-based foundation in the digital media field. Students will create digital media in the areas of graphics, animation, audio, video and Web-based applications, using industry standard software and hardware. Emphasis is placed on the fundamental concepts of audio and video design, various digital media technologies, non-linear editing, product development and design, and career development. Communication, mathematical, and critical thinking skills are strengthened throughout the course. EXPECTATIONS: I expect to be able to teach and I expect students to learn. Any situations that prevent me from teaching or a student from learning will not be tolerated. Students are expected to enter the classroom with a calm and serious attitude. Additionally, students are expected come to class prepared to learn each and every day. This includes coming to class with an open mind and willingness to work. Your grade in the class will reflect the effort that you choose to put into the class so I encourage you to take responsibility for being an active participant in your education Students should not expect to take care of personal business during class. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Class attendance is extremely important and is necessary for every scheduled class meeting. Attendance is considered being in class, on time, in your assigned seat, so as not to disturb others. When considering the loss of directed and supervised instruction as well as the loss of student interaction and information sharing, it is to your advantage to attend every scheduled class meeting. Please come prepared for each class. SUPPLIES: You are expected to come to class every day prepared. This includes paper, blue or black pen and a pencil. Each student should also provide a folder to put any notes, handouts etc in. Additionally, it is recommended but not required that each student have a 1-2 GB flash drive to back up projects. Space will be provided on the school network/computers for projects but the additional back-up is always a good idea. GRADING OF COURSE: A. Tests/Projects B. Classwork/Homework/Professionalism* 50% 50%

* You will receive three professionalism grades each 9 weeks. These grades are meant to reflect the qualities and attributes that employers are looking for in their employees. These include such things as punctuality (being on time), cooperation with others, following directions, completion of assignments and attention to detail. MAKE-UP WORK: Make-up work is the responsibility of the student. If you miss class, you should talk to me before or after class about any work you need to make up. If you miss a test or quiz, you must make it up after school within one week. If you are absent the day a project is due, the project should be turned in upon your return to school. Extended absences will be handled on a case by case basis. LATE WORK: Punctuality and adherence to deadlines are two very valuable life skills. As such, late work will not be accepted. Class assignments should be completed the day they are assigned. Projects may be turned in no later than one week late and will lose 10 points for each day it is late. GRADE SCALE: The following grade scale will be used to determine the letter grade equivalent for all grade assignments. 100-90% = A 89-80% = B 79-70% = C 69-60% = D 59% & below = F DEADLINES: All assignments/projects are expected to be completed as scheduled. Late work will only be accepted with an excused absence. It is absolutely essential that each individual student be able to effectively manage time in order to successfully complete and submit each assignment as required. CLASS RULES: The class rules are very simple. The first rule is the most important. The classroom contains very expensive computer equipment. For safety reasons, students who cannot behave themselves will not be allowed to use classroom desktops or other electronic devices. They will still be required to do analog versions of the digital assignments. Students who fail to follow class rules will be subject to referral and teacher/parent conference. Here are the rules: 1. Respect others so you can earn their respect. 2. Food or drinks are not allowed in the classroom. 3. Ask permission before using electronic devices. 4. Gum or sunflower seeds are never allowed in the classroom. 5. Always wash hands before using the computers.

Course Pacing NC Standard Course of Study Multimedia and Webpage Design MWD1.00 Multimedia and Webpage Design the relationship to society 1.01 Investigate typefaces and fonts. 1.02 Investigate design principles and elements. 1.03 Demonstrate desktop publishing. MWD2.00 Understand business, safety, and legal issues in the Multimedia and Webpage Design environment.
2.01 Investigate graphic image design. 2.02 Develop computer animations.

MWD 3.00 Understand multimedia production and webpage design. 3.01 Explore multimedia systems, elements and presentations. 3.02 Develop webpages.

Please sign and return to Mr. Azimov.

Student and Parent Signatures I have read, understand, and agree with all of the information included in this course syllabus.

Student Name___________________

Student Signature___________________

Parent Name ___________________

Parent Signature____________________

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