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2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc.

- All 8lghLs 8eserved

!"##$%& (#)*#"+ ,$#- .")/#0!"%"*)#1*
Welcome Lo MarkeL Leader! 1he flrsL sLep Lo success wlLh your 8ealLyCeneraLor sysLem ls Lo cusLomlze your webslLe. We
sLrongly recommend LhaL you cusLomlze your slLe now Lo ensure Lhe lnformaLlon ls accuraLe and Lhe way you wanL vlslLors
Lo see lL.

!"#$%# '()#* +,#-# $-# ./00#-#') %#1)/('% ),$) '##. %#)234 .#4#'./'5 (' 6,#),#- 7(3 $-# 3%/'5 8#$")79#'#-$)(- $% $
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2&"%#3: SecLlon l only
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8"%+"*3: SecLlons l and lll only

("9#$1% :; 2// <3"*3 (AgenLs, 8rokers, & Lenders)
(#"= >; Slgn ln Lo 8ealLyCeneraLor:
1. 8rokers/AdmlnlsLraLors and AgenLs:
a. Cpen a web browser and Lype ln mykw.kw.com."
b. LnLer your keller Wllllams username and password and cllck logln."
c. under myLeads, cllck on Lhe new Lead" llnk Lo access your dashboard. (llgure 1)

2. Lenders:
a. Cpen a web browser and Lype ln your webslLe address (e.g., www.mywebslLe.com).
b. Scroll Lo Lhe ?1##17 of your webpage and cllck Admln Logln."
c. LnLer your username and password and cllck Logln."

(llgure 1)
(#"= @; CusLomlze ?our roflle lnformaLlon
1. ln Lhe Lop lefL-hand menu, cllck Admln."
2. under Lhe WebslLe Lab, cllck roflle lnfo."
3. Cllck Lhe LdlL" buLLon Lo cusLomlze Lhls secLlon. (llgure 2)
a. 1he followlng MuS1 be cusLomlzed:
l. Cllck Add AgenL MLS lu" Lo ensure your llsLlngs can be locaLed and aLLached Lo your accounL.
ll. Add a 8lo" so LhaL cusLomers can learn more abouL you.

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved
lll. 8rowse" Lo upload your currenL phoLo. ?our webslLe and emalls wlll look more professlonal when
your phoLo ls dlsplayed.
4. Cllck Save" Lo save Lhe changes you make.

(llgure 2)
(#"= A; CusLomlze your noLlflcaLlon AlerLs
1. ln Lhe Lop lefL-hand menu of your dashboard, beneaLh Lhe Admln" secLlon, cllck WebslLe."
2. Cllck Lhe AlerLs" llnk.
3. Cllck Lhe Add" buLLon. (llgure 3)
4. 1o seL up LexL message alerLs, enLer ln your phone number (wlLhouL dashes) and selecL your cell phone provlder.
lor emall alerLs, enLer your emall address. (llgure 4)
3. Cllck Add" Lo save your alerL(s). (llgure 4)
lleose oote. oo coo bove o totol of op to ),-## emoll ooJ/ot text messoqe oletts.
(llgure 3)

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved

(llgure 4)

(#"= B; CusLomlze your SlgnaLure
1. ln Lhe Lop lefL-hand menu of your dashboard, beneaLh Lhe Admln" secLlon, cllck Lmall."
2. Cllck Lmall SlgnaLure."
3. LdlL your emall slgnaLure. 1hls wlll be appended Lo every emall you send Lhrough 8ealLyCeneraLor.
4. Cllck Lhe Save" buLLon Lo save any changes you make. (llgure 3)

(llgure 3)
(#"= C; CeL 1ralnlng!

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved
1. ln Lhe Lop rlghL-hand menu, cllck Pelp and SupporL." (llgure 6)
2. When Lhe menu expands, cllck 1ralnlng."
3. Cn Lhe Lralnlng webslLe, slgn up for onllne Lralnlng Lo qulckly learn your new 8ealLyCeneraLor sysLem.

(llgure 6)

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved
("9#$1% ::; 4*15"*362+7$%$3#*)#1*3 1%/0
(#"= >; CusLomlze ?our Cfflce lnformaLlon
1. Cn Lhe navlgaLlon menu ln your 8roker uashboard, cllck Admln."
2. 8eneaLh Lhe WebslLe Lab, Ceneral lnfo" should be hlghllghLed.
3. Cllck LdlL." (llgure 7)
a. 1he followlng MuS1 be cusLomlzed:
l. LdlL company conLacL lnformaLlon for your offlce.
ll. Cllck Add Cfflce MLS lu" Lo feaLure offlce llsLlngs on your webslLe.
lll. Change Lhe 1lme Zone" drop down menu Lo reflecL your Llme zone. 1hls wlll ad[usL Llme zone
seLLlngs for all of Lhe agenLs ln your accounL.
4. Cllck Save" Lo save any changes you make.

(llgure 7)
(#"= @; CusLomlze ?our WebslLe 8anner and Agency Logo
1. Cn Lhe navlgaLlon menu beneaLh Admln," cllck WebslLe.
2. Cllck SlLe lmages."
3. 1o selecL a SlLe 8anner:
a. Cllck Add" beneaLh Lhe SlLe 8anner placeholder. (llgure 8)
b. Scroll Lhrough Lhe banner phoLos unLll you see one LhaL you wanL Lo dlsplay on your webslLe.
(llgure 9)
c. Cllck on a phoLo Lo selecL lL.
d. Cllck Save."
4. 1o selecL an Agency Logo
a. Cllck Add" beneaLh Lhe Agency Logo place holder. (llgure 8)
b. under 8rowse CaLalog," cllck on Lhe SelecL Agency" dropdown menu and selecL keller
Wllllams." (llgure 10)

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved
c. Cllck Search" Lo see keller Wllllams logos dlsplay. (llgure 10)
d. Cllck on a logo you wlsh Lo use. (llgure 10)
l. noLe: lf you wanL Lo upload a dlfferenL logo, you can 8rowse" Lo upload one from your
e. Scroll Lo Lhe boLLom and cllck Save." (llgure 10)

(llgure 8)

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved

(llgure 9)

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved
(llgure 10)
(#"= A; CusLomlze your CommunlLles Served
lleose oote. oot sobsctlptloo oteos ote olteoJy eoteteJ fot yoo. oo ote welcome to costomlze mote commooltles lf yooJ
llke. 1o Jo tbls, follow tbe steps below.
1. 8elow Lhe WebslLe Lab, cllck CommunlLles Served."
2. Cllck Add CommunlLy." (llgure 11)
3. 1ype ln Lhe name of a communlLy and cllck ConLlnue."
4. LnLer all Lhe Zlp code(s) assoclaLed wlLh Lhe communlLy. Cllck Add Zlp" afLer each one enLered.
3. Cllck Lhe Add CenLer" buLLon. Cllck Lhe red pln and drag lL Lo Lhe map cenLer for LhaL area. (llgure 12)
6. Cllck uone."

(llgure 11)

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved

(llgure 12)

(#"= B; CusLomlze ?our LlsLlng Search Areas.
lleose oote. oo coo cboose to let yoot webslte vlsltots seotcb yoot eotlte Ml5 oteo ot ooly o select set of oteos.
1. Cn Lhe navlgaLlon menu ln your 8roker uashboard, cllck Admln."
2. 8eneaLh Lhe WebslLe Lab, cllck LlsLlng Search Areas."
3. D=#$1% 2 (8ecommended):
a. Cllck Allow vlslLors Lo search all areas." (llgure 13)
b. Cllck Save."
4. D=#$1% 4;
a. Cllck SelecL Lhe areas vlslLors can search." (llgure 13)
b. Cllck Add Search Area."
c. Check all nelghborhoods, zlp codes and clLles you wlsh Lo be searchable on your webslLe. 1o see more
areas, expand Lhe mlles aL Lhe Lop. Cllck Add." (llgure 14)
d. Cllck Save."

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved

(llgure 13)

(llgure 14)

(#"= C; CusLomlze LlsLlng Search llelds
1. Cn Lhe navlgaLlon menu, beneaLh Admln," cllck WebslLe.
2. Cllck LlsLlng Search llelds." (llgure 13)

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved
3. uL a check ln Lhe box nexL Lo Lhe flelds you wanL Lo dlsplay for vlslLors on your webslLe.
4. Cllck Save."

(llgure 13)

(#"= E; Add AgenLs lnLo 8ealLyCeneraLor
1. Cn Lhe navlgaLlon menu, beneaLh 1eam 1ools," cllck AgenLs.
2. Cllck Add an AgenL." (llgure 16)

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved

(llgure 16)
llll ouL Lhe Add an AgenL" form. 1he leLLers below correspond Lo dlfferenL areas of Lhe form (llgure 17). 1hese
are Lhe mosL lmporLanL Lo compleLe. Note. 1be flelJs wltb oo ostetlsk (*) loJlcote tepolteJ flelJs.
a. F)7"; LnLer Lhe agenL's full name. lf Lwo agenLs are worklng one accounL LogeLher, enLer boLh
names (e.g. 1he SmlLh 1eam or 8ob and Sally SmlLh) and selecL Lhe 1eam" box. 1hls wlll plurallze
all sysLem-generaLed emall LemplaLes. 1he agenLs are responslble for plurallzlng all oLher emalls
(emall LemplaLes and emalls Lhey wrlLe).
b. GH#"*%)/ G7)$/: LnLer Lhe agenL's personal emall address. 1hls ls where we send Lhelr welcome
emall wlLh logln lnformaLlon.
c. 2&"%# I8( :J: LnLer your agenL's personal MLS lu so Lhey can adverLlse Lhelr llsLlngs vla
d. 4*1,3": Cllck 8rowse" Lo lnserL your agenL's phoLo. lL wlll dlsplay on your webslLe MeeL" secLlon
as well as on cerLaln emalls senL Lo conLacLs.
e. 4$1: LnLer a brlef summary abouL your agenL. 1hls wlll show up on your agenL's home page and on
Lhe MeeL" secLlon of your broker webslLe.
f. :%9/<+" $% .1#)#$1%; Check Lhls box only lf you wanL your agenL Lo recelve new leads from your
3. Cllck Save."

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved

(llgure 17)

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved
("9#$1% :::; 8"%+"*3 1%/0
(#"= >; CusLomlze your roflle lnfo
1. ln Lhe Lop lefL-hand corner, beneaLh Lhe Admln" secLlon, cllck WebslLe."
2. ln roflle lnfo" cllck LdlL." (llgure 18)
3. Add a llnk Lo your onllne morLgage appllcaLlon so lL wlll be ln your new lead welcome emall.
a. noLe: 8e sure Lo add -##=;66K aL Lhe beglnnlng of your llnk.
4. Cllck Save."

(llgure 18)
(#"= @; CusLomlze your welcome emall
1. ln Lhe navlgaLlon menu, beneaLh Lhe Admln" secLlon, cllck Lmall."
2. Cllck Lhe second llnk down, Welcome Lmall."
3. ersonallze Lhe welcome message. 1hls wlll be auLomaLlcally emalled Lo all your new leads. (llgure 19)
a. noLe: uo noL add a slgnaLure. 1he slgnaLure you cusLomlzed ln SecLlon l, SLep 4 wlll auLomaLlcally be
appended Lo Lhls emall when lL sends.
4. Cllck Save."

(llgure 19)

2010 MarkeL Leader, lnc. - All 8lghLs 8eserved

(llgure 17)
CongraLulaLlons! ?ou are now ready Lo Lake your buslness Lo Lhe nexL level wlLh 8ealLyCeneraLor by MarkeL Leader.

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