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P.Ravi babu* ravi.dsm@gmail.com C.P.Rakesh** rakesh_102002@yahoo.com G.Srikanth*** srikanth02_g@yahoo.com M.Naveen kumar naveen0724@gmail.com D.Prabhuvardhan reddy prabhu4123@yahoo.com

*Professor, Ace Engg College, Hyd ** Asst.Professor, Ace Engg College, Hyd *** Asst.Professor, CVR College of Engg, Hyd

AbstractThe aim of the paper is to present a novel method for solving radial electrical distribution networks. The proposed method involves only the evaluation of simple algebraic voltage expressions without any trigonometric functions. Thus, computationally, the proposed method is very efficient and requires less computer memory storage as all data is stored in vector form. In this paper, the proposed method is tested in IEEE 12-bus system and IEEE 33-bus system. The main objective of the proposed work is to solve a distribution network through novel approach.

I. Introduction

upply of electric power to consumers is ensured by an efficient distribution system. However, in India about 80% of consumer interruptions can be attributed to distribution system and distribution losses vary upto 70% of the overall system losses. Systems are becoming large and are being stretched too far leading to higher system losses, poor voltage regulations, equipment breakdown and supply interruptions. The modern power distribution network is constantly being faced with an ever growing load demand [1]. Distribution networks serving an industrial area experience distinct change from a low to a high load level everyday. Numerous problems have to be attended to in monitoring the operation of such a system which includes various switching operations for shifting loads in addition most modern networks have to operate taking into consideration the minimization of losses so as to achieve high efficiency. The operation and planning studies of a distribution system require a steady state condition of the system for various load demands. The steady state condition of a system can be obtained from the load flow solution [2]. Power flow analysis is a very important and basic tool in the field of power system engineering. Some applications, especially in the field of power system engineering, such as optimization of power system and distribution automation, need repeated fast power flow solutions. In these applications, it is imperative that the power flow analysis is carried out as efficiently as possible. With the invention and wide spread use of digital computers in the 1950s many algorithms for solving the power flow problem have been developed, such as indirect Gauss-Seidel (bus admittance matrix), direct Gauss-Seidel (bus impedance matrix), Newton-Raphson and its decoupled versions.

However, these algorithms have been designed for transmission systems, and therefore their application to distribution systems usually does not provide good results, and very often the solution diverges [3]. Methods like the NewtonRaphson method and Gauss-Seidel method do not exploit the radial structure of the distribution systems and require the solution of a set of equations whose size is of the order of the number of buses [4, 5, and 6]. This then results in long computation time. Hence, it can be seen that the use of conventional power flow methods is not efficient for distribution systems.

II. Assumptions
1. It is assumed that the three phase radial distribution networks are balanced and represented by their equivalent single-line representations Half the line charging susceptance of distribution lines is negligible and these distribution lines are represented as short lines.


III. Solution Methodology

Consider a distribution system consisting of a radial main feeder only. The one line diagram of such a feeder comprising n nodes and n-1 branches is shown in Fig.1. From Fig.2, following equations can be written
R (1 ) + jX (1 ) P ( 2 ) jQ ( 2 ) = V * ( 2 ) I (1 ) I (1 ) = V (1 ) (1 ) V ( 2 ) ( 2 ) .......( 3 . 1 ) .......( 3 . 2 )

From equations 1 and 2 we have

V ( 2 ) = [{( P ( 2 ) R (1) + Q ( 2 ) X (1) 0 . 5 V (1) ) 2 ( R (1) + X (1))( P ( 2 ) + Q ( 2 ))}
2 2 2 2 1/ 2 2

( P ( 2 ) R (1) + Q ( 2 ) X (1) 0 . 5 V (1) )] 1 / 2 ....( 3 . 3 )

Eqn.3 can be written in generalized form

V (i + 1) = [{( P (i + 1) R(i ) + Q (i + 1) X (i ) 0.5V (i ) ) 2 ( R 2 (i ) + X 2 (i ))( P 2 (i + 1) + Q 2 (i + 1))}1/ 2 ( P(i + 1) R (i ) + Q (i + 1) X (i ) 0.5V (i ) )]1 / 2 ....(3.4)
V (1) 1 Substation
(1) I (1)
2 2

V (2) 2
(2) I (2)

V (3) 3


R (1) +jX (1)

R (2) +jX (2)

PL (2) +jQL(2)

PL (3) +jQL(3)

PL (NB) +jQL(NB)

Fig 1: Radial Main Feeder

1 |V (1)| Substation



I (1)

2 |V (2)|


R (1) +jX(1) P (2) +jQ (2)

Fig 2: Electrical Equivalent of Fig.3.1

978-1-4244-4859-3/09/$25.00 2009

Eqn. 3.4 is a recursive relation of voltage magnitude.From Fig. 3.1, the total real and reactive power load fed through node 2 are given by
P (2 ) = Q (2 ) =

Eqn. 3.10 is a very good initial estimate for obtaining the load flow solution of the proposed method.



(i) + (i) +


i= 2 NB

IV. Algorithm for Load Flow Calculation

Step 1: Read line and load data of radial distribution system Step 2: Initialize LP (i) and LQ (i) to zero. Assume node voltages 1 p.u, set convergence criterion |Vmax| . Step 3: Start iteration count IT=1 Step 4: Calculate effective load at each node starting from the last node. Step 5: Initialize real power loss, reactive power loss vectors to zero. Step 6: Find effective losses at each node. Step 7: Calculate load at each node including loss. Step 8: Calculate the node voltages, real and reactive power loss of each branch using eqns. 4 and 9. Step 9: Calculate the largest absolute value of change in voltage |Vmax| , in each iteration. If |Vmax| , go to step 11 else go to step10. Step 10: Increment iteration number IT ++ go to step 6. Step 11: Calculate P (i+1) and Q (i+1) using eqn.10. Step 12: Print voltages at each node, P (i+1), Q (i+1) and number of iterations. Step 13: Stop.


(i) (i) ....( 3 .5 )

i= 2 1


i= 2

i= 2

The real and reactive power losses in branch 1 are

LP ( 1 ) = LQ ( 1 ) = R (1 ) * [ P 2 ( 2 ) + Q | V ( 2 ) |2

( 2 )]

X (1 ) * [ P 2 ( 2 ) + Q | V ( 2 ) |2

( 2 )]


3 .6 )

Eqn. 3.5 can be written in generalized form as P (i + 1) = PL ( j ) + LP ( j )

j = i +1 NB j = i +1 for i = 1, 2 ,...., NB 2

Q (i + 1) =

j = i +1

QL ( j ) + LQ ( j )
j = i +1

NB 1

for i = 1, 2 ,...., NB 2

... ..( 3.7 )

and for the last node

P( NB) = PL( NB) Q( NB) = QL( NB) .....(3.8)

Eqn. 3.6 can also be written in generalized form as

LP (i ) = LQ (i ) = R ( i ) * [ P 2 (i + 1) + Q 2 (i + 1)] | V (i + 1) |2 X (i ) * [ P 2 (i + 1) + Q 2 (i + 1)] | V (i + 1) |2 ....( 3 .9 )

Initially, if LP (i + 1) and LQ (i + 1) are set to zero for all i, then the initial estimates of P (i + 1) and Q (i + 1) will be
P ( i + 1) = Q ( i + 1) =
j = i +1



PL ( j )


i = 1 , 2 ,...., NB 1

j = i +1

QL ( j )


i = 1 , 2 ,...., NB 1

....( 3 . 10 )

Read S/S voltage magnitude |V (1)| line parameters and load data

IS i = NB


Initialize LP (i) =0.0 LQ (i) =0.0 for i=1, 2 NB-1 IS i = NB IT=1 (A) Set PLOSS (i) =LP (i) QLOSS (i) =LQ (i) For i= 1, 2 NB-1 No No

Compute LP (i) & LQ (i) for i=1, 2 NB-1 by using eqn.9

V. Application
To check the validity of the proposed method, the algorithm was implemented. Several tests were carried out to verify its accuracy and convergence behaviour. Two sample radial lines, a 12-Bus
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Compute DP (i) = LP (i) PLOSS (i) DQ (i) =LQ (i) QLOSS (i)

Yes Is Max (|DP (i)|) & (|DQ (i)|)< ?

Fig 4: 12-Bus System

P (i+1) = PL (NB) Q (i+1) =QL (NB)

System shown in fig.4 and a 33-Bus System shown in fig.5 are considered.
24 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

i=1 Compute P (i+1) and Q (i+1) by using eqn. 7 No


22 0 1 2 3 4

Write voltage magnitude feeder looses etc

IT= IT +1 Solve eqn. 4 For |V (i+1)| To (A) i= i+1

To (D)


18 19 20 21

10 11 12 13 14 15 16


Fig 5: 33-Bus System

VI. Additional Application of the Proposed Method (Load Modeling)

All loads, including shunt capacitors for reactive power compensation were represented by their active (Po) and reactive (Qo) components at 1.0 per unit. The effect of voltage variation is represented as follows: P = Po |V| k Q = Qo |V| k Where |V| is the voltage magnitude and k = 0, 1, and 2 for constant power, constant current and constant impedance loads, respectively. The value of k may be different according to the load characteristics. The load flow solution depends on the type of real and reactive loads. It is extremely easy to include real and reactive power loads in the proposed algorithm. For constant current and constant impedance loads, real and reactive power have to be computed after every iteration.

Table 7.1: Load Flow Solution of 12-Bus System


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1.00000 0.99433 0.98903 0.98057 0.96982 0.96653 0.96374 0.95530 0.94727 0.94446 0.94356 0.94335

Total real power loss = 20.71 kW Total reactive power loss = 8.04 kVAr

VII. Results
7.1 Results of 12-Bus System The solution of the load flow has been given in Table 5.3. It took three iterations to converge by the proposed method. The coupled NR method also takes three iterations to converge but the FDLF method fails to converge. However, the proposed method is 1.6 times faster than the coupled NR method and the memory requirement is only 27% of the coupled NR method.

7.2 Results of 33-Bus System The solution of the load flow has been given in Table 5.4. It has taken four iterations to converge by the proposed method. The coupled NR method takes three iterations to converge, whereas FDLF method takes seven iterations to converge. However, the proposed method is 2.2 times faster than the coupled NR and 4.3 times faster than the FDLF methods. Memory requirement is 25% of the coupled NR and 50% of the FDLF methods.

Table 7.2: Load Flow Solution of 33-Bus System


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

1.00000 0.99701 0.98288 0.96764 0.94946 0.94594 0.93228 0.92595 0.92010 0.91923 0.91772 0.91155 0.90927 0.90786 0.90650 0.90448

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

0.90391 0.99648 0.99290 0.99220 0.99156 0.97929 0.97262 0.96930 0.94753 0.94497 0.93353 0.92531 0.92175 0.91759 0.91668 0.94446



Table 7.3: Comparison of Results with Other Methods 13-Bus System Method No of Iterations 3 3 13 3 Diverges PLOSS (kW) 20.714 20.714 20.714 20.714 33-Bus System No of Iterations 5 19 7 PLOSS (kW) 210.986 210.986 210.986

Proposed Method Novel Method[1] By DAS Iterative Method Based On Kirchoffs Law[2] by ZEHAR Coupled Newton- Raphsons Method[3] By TINNY Fast Decoupled Load Flow[4] By STOTT

VIII. Conclusion
In this study, a novel load flow technique, named forward sweeping method, has been proposed for solving radial distribution networks. It completely exploits the radial feature of the distribution network. A unique lateral, node and branch numbering scheme has been suggested which helps to obtain the load flow solution of the radial distribution network. The forward sweeping method always guarantees convergence of any type of practical radial distribution network with a realistic R/X ratio. Computationally, the proposed method is extremely efficient, as compared to the coupled Newton Raphson and Fast Decoupled Load Flow methods, as it solves simple algebraic recursive expressions of voltage magnitude only. Another advantage of the proposed method is that all data can be stored in vector form, thus saving an enormous amount of computer memory. The method can easily handle the composite loads if the break up of the loads is known. Several Indian rural distribution networks have been successfully solved using the proposed forward sweeping method.

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Table A.1: Line Data of 12-Bus System Table Branch no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sending end 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Receiving end 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 R (ohms) 1.093 1.184 2.095 3.188 1.093 1.002 4.403 5.642 2.890 1.514 1.238 X (ohms) 0.455 0.494 0.873 1.329 0.455 0.417 1.215 1.597 0.818 0.428 0.351 Table A.2: Load Data of 12-Bus System Node no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PL (kW) 0 60 40 55 30 20 55 45 40 35 40 15 QL (kVAR) 0 60 30 55 30 15 55 45 40 30 30 15

Branch no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Table A.3: Line Data and Load Data of 33-Bus System Sending Receiving X PL QL R (ohms) end end (ohms) (kW) (kVAR) 60 100 0.0477 0.0922 1 0 40 90 0.2511 0.4930 2 1 80 120 0.1864 0.3660 3 2 30 60 0.1941 0.3811 4 3 20 60 0.7070 0.8190 5 4 100 200 0.6188 0.1872 6 5 100 200 1.2351 1.7114 7 6 20 60 0.7400 1.0300 8 7 20 60 0.7400 1.0400 9 8 30 45 0.0650 0.1966 10 9 35 60 0.1238 0.3744 11 10 35 60 1.1550 1.4680 12 11 80 120 0.7129 0.5416 13 12 10 60 0.5260 0.5910 14 13 20 60 0.5450 0.7463 15 14 20 60 1.7210 1.2890 16 15 40. 90 0.5740 0.7320 17 16 40 90 0.1565 0.1640 18 1 40 90 1.3554 1.5042 19 18 40 90 0.4784 0.4095 20 19 40 90 0.9373 0.7089 21 20 50 90 0.3083 0.4512 22 2 200 420 0.7091 0.8980 23 22 200 420 0.7011 0.8960 24 23 25 60 0.1034 0.2030 25 5 25 60 0.1447 0.2842 26 25 20 60 0.9337 1.0590 27 26 70 120 0.7006 0.8042 28 27 600 200 0.2585 0.5075 29 28 70 150 0.9630 0.9744 30 29 100 210 0.3619 0.3105 31 30 60 0.5302 0.3410 32 31 40

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