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Ra Moses 22

Ra Moses 22

Source: http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Soc/soc.culture.egyptian/2008−10/msg00004.html

• From: Academic Zodiac <wirelass@xxxxxxxxx>

• Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 11:34:09 +0200

Darby Bible Translation

I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify these things to you in the
assemblies. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright and morning

Subject: Re: 30 Jews causing trouble German city

In the Age of Cetus III the revocation of Jewish rights is due.

The 1st time 2002 AW197 caused crisis was 1686 when the French and
Swedish court exiled the Jews.

http://lulu.com/astrology Subprime Mortgage Crisis & the Second

Renaissance of the Jews

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2007, www.lulu.com/astrology .

Copyright © 2007 by Klaudio Zic . All Rights Reserved. No part of this
abstract may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the
written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. First
published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2007, www.lulu.com / astrology. ©
Copyright 2007 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
abstract may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the
written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.



Academy for RTRRT and Scientific Astrology Academy for RTRRT and Scientific

Ra Moses 22 1
Ra Moses 22


The Academy of Scientific Astrology is based on astronomic principles

confirming to the IAU convention. The Academy of Scientific Astrology is
based on astronomic principles confirming to the IAU convention. The
calculations are performed on the HORIZONS integrator by Jon Giorgini of
NASA JPL, Pasadena CA. The calculations are performed on the HORIZONS
integrator by Jon Giorgini of NASA JPL, Pasadena CA.

Subject headings : solar system zodiac, astrology precession

ascendant, religion planetary exorcism Subject headings: solar system −
zodiac, astrology − precession − Ascendant, religion − planetary Exorcism
Online material: www.lulu.com/astrology Online material: www.lulu.com /

Exo 22:18 (22:17) Exo 22:18 (22:17) ÞÛéÁäÔ ÜÐ ê×ÙÔà Exo 22:18 Non lascerai
vivere la strega. ÞÛéäÔ ÜÐ ê×ÙÔ: Exo 22:18 Do not let the witch to live.


Il Signore, Dio dAdamo, ci proibì luso della superstizione Chaldea,

loroscopo fatto di 12 segni in un cielo assetato di movimento. The Lord,
God of Adam, we forbade the use of superstition Chaldea, the horoscope that
12 signs in the sky thirsting for a move. Solo un presuntuoso può assumere
un cielo privo di rotazione, non conoscendo le leggi celesti. Only a
presumptuous can take a sky devoid of rotation, not knowing the laws of
heaven. La precessione e il punto base dello studio dellordine celeste. Un
iniziato come Mosè conosceva queste leggi. The precession and the basis of
the study of heavenly. One started as Moses knew these laws. Lui sapeva che
CINGVLA ORIONIS ascende sotto la via del sole. He knew that CINGVLA Orionis
ascends in the path of the sun. Oggi questeffetto lo conosciamo come
ascendente subconscio. This effect today we know as ascending subconscious.
Era naturale in un Egiziano dellepoca coltivare il monoteismo, pur
evitando ladorazione delle costellazioni. It was natural to cultivate an
Egyptian of monotheism, while avoiding the adoration of the constellations.


LEuropa non ha mai avuto uno zodiaco. Europe has never had a zodiac. Non
sapendo di mancare lo zodiaco, ha commesso molti errori. Not knowing you
miss the zodiac, has committed many errors. Oggi il problema non sta solo
nei due segni derrore, bensì in svariate superstizioni pseudo−matematiche
e visibilmente non astrologiche. Today the problem is not only in the two

Ra Moses 22 2
Ra Moses 22
signs of error, but in many superstitions and pseudo−mathematical visibly
not astrological. Già il fatto che oggi ognuno munito di programmi assurdi
si accinge a calcolare la posizione del proprio sole natale e ridicola.
Already the fact that today everyone with programs absurd is about to
calculate the position of his hometown sun and ridiculous. Si sa che i
programmi astrologici non hanno né idee né intenzioni di sprofondare nel
calcolo della posizione solare o quella dei pianeti. We know that the
astrological programs have neither ideas nor intentions to sink in the
position or that of the solar planets. Uno sguardo alle effemeridi NASA
dimostra subito la posizione del sole e chiarisce i punti chiave del
problema della superstizione. A look at NASA ephemeris shows just the
position of the sun and clarifies the key to the problem of superstition. I
venditori dei 12 animali hanno perso file e segno che non avevano mai già
migliaia danni prima di Hipparchus. Sellers of the 12 animals have lost
files and a sign that had never already thousands of years before
Hipparchus. Un povero astrologo dAlessandria non sapeva nemmeno calcolare
lascendente, non avendo idea del cielo reale. A poor astrologer of
Alexandria did not know even calculate the bottom, not having real idea of
heaven. Sicuramente dopo Hipparchus arrivo il peggio che trionfo nelle
barzellette di Nostradamus. Surely after Hipparchus arrival that the worst
jokes in the triumph of Nostradamus.


Nella ricerca abbiamo usato lintegratore NASA JPL HORIZONS. Il lettore

italiano sicuramente userà lintegratore SOLEX dAldo Vitagliano. In the
research we have used the integrator NASA JPL HORIZONS. The Italian player
certainly will use the integrator of SOLEX Aldo Vitagliano.


I risultati della nostra ricerca sono delineati in quanto segue. The results
of our research are outlined as follows.

Lo zodiaco consta in 22 costellazioni che corrispondono alle lettere

dellalfabeto ebraico. It consists in 22 zodiac constellations that
correspond to letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

Il cielo presente dimostra 16 ascendenti nascenti ad est. The sky

shows this nascent 16 ascending to the east.

Il cielo egiziano variava attorno a due dozzine dascendenti. La

costellazione del Delfino adornava il levante nel cielo di Delfi. The sky

Ra Moses 22 3
Ra Moses 22
Egyptian ranged around two dozen of ancestors. The constellation of
Delphinus adorned in the eastern sky at Delphi. Crater usci ad est con la
ricerca del san Gral. Crater output in the east with the search for Saint
Gral. Ariete usciva nei tempi di re Artù. Aries went out in the time of
King Arthur.


Il cielo doggi non conosce un ascendente Ariete, Scorpione o Capricorno.

The sky today does not know an ascendant Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn.
Liniziato, osservando il cielo reale, scoprirà la sua vera stella natia,
langelo custode, evocandolo. The started looking at the real sky, you'll
discover its true native star, the guardian angel, evocative.

Original Italian text:

Subject headings : solar system zodiac, astrology precession
ascendant, religion planetary exorcism
Suggest a better translation
Academic Zodiac http://lulu.com/astrology RTRRTV

Ra Moses 22 4

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