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Krogis Fury/Arms Warrior Guide (5.

4 Siege of Orgrimmar)
Background: I play, and have played an Arms / Fury Warrior since the launch of Cataclysm (4.0.1) on both the Alliance, and Horde. I have also raided in multiple top end guilds (Primarch US-Galakrond/Frostwolf, Spectrum US-Illidan, Summit US-Illidan) throughout my time. This guide is designed as an affective resource to players seeking, or needing assistance with the basics, as well as extremes of Warrior DPS in World of Warcraft. My Armory Link is provided below Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/illidan/Krogi%C3%A8/advanced
As far as Glyphs & Talents go, feel free to copy mine. I have my Fury spec set-up for MAXIUM SingleTarget damage, and my Arms spec set-up for MAXIUM AoE Damage.

Reforging : quite simple, I use ReforgeLite (Find this on Curse), and you just click the spec you want to
reforge into, calculate it, and then it does all the work for you however, sometimes it does need a bit of tweeking.

Hit/Exp. (7.50) > Crit > Mastery > Haste Strength to Crit is on a 1:1 scale, therefore

Red: Inscribed Vermilion Onyx Yellow: Smooth Suns Radiance Blue/Green: Jagged Wild Jade

Warrior Language Key (Terminology):

CS - (Colossus Smash) MS (Mortal Strike) OP (Overpower) S (Slam) SS (Sweeping Strikes) BS (Bladestorm) BB (Bloodbath) ST (Shattering Throw) BT - (Blood Thirst) RB - (Raging Blow) WS - (Wild Strike) HS - (Heroic Strike) DR - (Dragon Roar) SB - (Storm Bolt) TC - (Thunder Clap) WW - (Whirl Wind) HL - (Heroic Leap) BR- (Berserker Rage)

FURY Opener: When the timer reaches 5 you're going to want to pop your shout, then you should PrePot, followed with a Shattering Throw into the boss (It will all line up with the pull timer).... 2nd Opener: You're going to want to make a burst-macro (Reck, Banner, Orc Racial), ALWAYS attack from behind the target, then use: CS, BT, RB & HS (they do not share GCD, somewhat like a one-two punch) followed by a SB, HS, DR, and then your 2nd RB. NOTE: When CS debuff is down (not on the target) Youre pooling rage, and stacking your RB charges (1 charge = 1 BT use) So youre going to use: BT (on CD) WS as much as possible (ALWAYS use it on Proc) HS with only 85+ rage, Save SB and DR.

For AoE: WW on CD, as well as TC, add DR in there as well (You can also switch to BS/BB for partial-baseds AoE fights), however on main-based AoE fights, Go Arms.

ARMS Opener: When the timer reaches 5 you're going to want to pop your shout, then you should PrePot, followed with a Shattering Throw into the boss (It will all line up with the pull timer)....

2nd Opener: When CS debuff is up (and you have T16, 2-Set) Slam as much as possible, make sure you use BR during this phase, as well as MS on EVERY GCD, and HS only when you have 85+ Rage.

NOTE: When the CS debuff is down, follow this priority Pool as much rage as possible! MS on EVERY GCD, which will give you 3 charges of OP, mix these in with Slam (only slam when you have 10 seconds or greater on your CS button timer in this phase), and dont be afraid to drop a HS when you have around 90 Max rage.

AoE: ALWAYS keep SS up, for your major burst Macro BS and BB together, so then you can easily go: SS, TC, Macro. Then youll fall out of BS, and youll want to Slam, and then re-apply SS. Dont be afraid to use TC on the Global, but your main AoE attack here is going to be Slam.

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