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News for God’s people at Peace With Christ Lutheran Church

September 2009

Bless Us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts …...

from Thy bounty, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Pastor Patrick’s Pen ……………………………………………… Page 3

Letter from Reena………………………………………………... Page 5
LWML……………………………………………………………. Page 7
Joy Circle/TAG…………………………………………………… Page 8
New Bible Studies…………………………………………………. Page 9
Youth News……………………………..………..……………….. Page 10
Marilyn’s Memo………...………………………………………... Page 11
Children’s Ministry………………………………………………... Page 12
Book of Concord/Catechism Connection…………………………. Page 13
“Know Your Leadership”…………………………………………. Page 14
Chancel Update……………………………………………………. Page 16
Financial Update ………………………………………………….. Page 18
Anniversaries …………………… ……………………………….. Page 18
Birthdays. .…………………………..…………………………….. Page 19

Members are invited to sign up to place flowers on our altar

for special occasions: in memory or honor of a loved one or
a special event. Please sign up on the flower chart located
in the Sunshine Hall and see posted guidelines for flowers.


1412 West Swallow Road Pastor: Ralph Patrick
Fort Collins, CO 80526 Parish Worker: Reena Linke
Phone: (970) 226-4721 Ministers: Members
Fax: (970) 204-1570 Editor: Marcy Petago
Email:pwchrist@pwchrist-fc.org Youth Coordinator: Marilyn Lasich
On the web:www.pwchrist-fc.org Prayer Chain Coordinator: Cheryl Harsen
Prayer Chain: 229-1459

Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600 AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays

Church Elders:
Wes Nierman, Head Elder.. ……………………………………..………….….226-5936
Ray Kaiser, Worship Elder…………………………………….….…………....223-0987
Dan Krueckeberg, Staff Elder…………………………………….….…….… ..482-9545
Art Pforr, Elder……………………………………………………………… . .223-8533
Dan Prevedel, Elder...…………………………………………………………..204-4008
Michael Rohlfs, Elder………………………...…………….….…….…………482-2663

Church Council:
President, Chad Hamilton
Vice President, Larry Siegfried
Secretary, Ernestine Munsey
Treasurer, Lisa Bernhardt
Education Chairman, Eric Petago
Education Co-Chair, Jane Pennington
Evangelism Chairman, Rhonda Kaiser
Fellowship Co-Chairman, Kerri Fagan/Linda Siegfried
Youth Ministry Chairman, Amy Hoy
Missions & Ministry Chairman, Jerry Buchleiter
Head Trustee, Fred Kropp
Hands in Harmony Chairman, Betty Keeney

Next month’s articles are due Sunday, September 20!

Pastor Patrick’s Pen

“My righteousness draws near, my salvation has gone out,

and my arms will judge the peoples; the coastlands hope
for me, and for my arm they wait.” Is. 51:5

Dear Children of God,

This month we will briefly consider the prophet
Isaiah, whose name means “The Lord is Salvation.” In-
deed, that was the message that Isaiah proclaimed. But it
was not the type of salvation that the people of Israel ex-
pected. For Isaiah directed them away from themselves,
their wealth, their military might or any other means that
they might use to accomplish their own salvation, and in-
stead directed them toward the coming Messiah.
We are familiar with some of Isaiah’s “Messianic
Prophecies” such as the Christmas prophecy found in 7:14
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold
the virgin shall conceive and bear son, and shall call his
name Immanuel.” Another is the “Suffering Servant”
prophecy of Isaiah 53. But there are other “salvation
prophecies” that may not be quite as familiar, but which
nonetheless direct the hearer to Jesus. One prime example
of this is the OT lesson for the Fourteenth Sunday after
Pentecost from Is. 35:4-7. Take time to read these verses
and consider the following questions:

Continued on page 4

Continued from page 3

In what way does the Messiah, Jesus Christ, come

with “vengeance”? (See John 5:22)
When did Jesus fulfill the prophecy of opening the
eyes of the blind and ears of the deaf? (Mark 7:31-37 is
the Gospel lesson for the Fourteenth Sunday, and pro-
vides one example).
In what ways do waters break forth in the wilder-
What is the “highway of holiness”?
How has the Messiah, Jesus, done this for you?

Certainly there is a temporal fulfillment of many of

Isaiah’s prophecies which occurred during the life of Je-
sus. But there is also a fulfillment that occurs on the Last
Day at the Second Coming of Jesus. Such is the case
with the OT lesson for the Last Sunday of the Church
Year (Nov. 22) from Is. 51:4-6. Though the heavens and
earth will be destroyed, the Lord’s salvation will last for-
Though reading through the prophecy of Isaiah can
at times be disconcerting, his is a message of hope and
salvation in the Messiah. A hope that we have seen re-
vealed in Jesus Christ. May you be filled with this hope
as you live for Him now, and eagerly wait to live with
Him in heaven.

Peace be with you,


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I begin my time here at Peace With Christ, I

thought I would introduce myself a bit to those of
you whom I haven’t met yet. My name is Reena
Linke, and I am the sister of Lydia, who has been
attending PWC while a student at Colorado State
University. I was born in Fargo, ND, and grew up
near Kokomo, IN, but Bismarck, ND, where my ex-
tended family lives and my parents grew up, feels
like home. I graduated from Concordia, St. Paul in
2006, majoring in church music and minoring in
Confessional Lutheranism, receiving certification as
a Director of Parish Music, as well. This past May,
I received my Master of Sacred Music diploma
from Boston University.

Here at Peace With Christ I’ll be serving as the Par-

ish Worker, which means that I’ll be doing a variety
of tasks. I will be assisting with Sunday School and
FED nights, leading and teaching the richness of the
faith to our young people through Scripture, hym-
nody, and music. I’ll also be leading the college
group, hopefully collaborating with Pastor Zill in
Laramie and Pastor Burhop in Boulder. My other
responsibilities include developing some fellowship
opportunities and resources for young families, as-
sisting Pastor with visits to shut-ins and nursing
homes, and other duties as needed.
Continued on page 6

Continued from page 5

On a personal note, I enjoy such things as running,

knitting and crocheting, camping, road trips, thrift
stores, theology, potlucks, laughing with my sisters,
and traveling. I listen to all sorts of music, but I
really love the golden oldies. I also really enjoy
trying new foods and have started a mini-garden on
my porch.

My welcome here has been so gracious, and your

kindness to me during this transition has been such
a blessing! Please introduce yourself if I haven’t
had a chance to meet you yet, and feel free to let me
know how I can better serve you. As we come to-
gether and welcome other new people after being
away for the summer, may our tasks as a congrega-
tion and schedules as individuals be guided and
strengthened by the task God has already accom-
plished. As Fred Pratt Green writes in his hymn,
“How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord,”

In what You give us, Lord, to do,

Together or alone,
In old routines or ventures new,
May we not cease to look to You,
The cross You hung upon—
All You endeavored done.

In Christ,


♦ LWML’s September program will be held Monday, Septem-

ber 14th at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. MarJean Carpenter
will lead our program on Parish Nursing. Ann Rodenbeck
will have devotions and mites. Hostesses will be Jodi Allison
and Connie Jesser. All women of PWC are invited to attend.

♦ Northern Zone LWML Fall Rally will be at Trinity Lutheran

Church in Greeley on Saturday, September 12th beginning at
9am. Binh Rybacki will speak on Children of Peace Interna-
tional. LWML’s bulletin board has registration information.

♦ Only a few months away…LWML’s Holiday Craft Fair is

Saturday, November 14th. Proceeds will benefit Stephen
Heimer, current student at Concordia Seminary, future
LCMS pastor. If you have a gift for woodworking, jewelry
making, knitting, sewing, baking… we would LOVE your
help in making this year’s event a success!

♦ October 4th is LWML Sunday. Sign up sheets are posted on

the LWML board to volunteer your services as usher, coffee-
maker, treat provider or nursery attendant. A women’s choir
traditionally sings at both services on LWML Sunday, so stay
tuned to future greensheets for more information.

♦ LWML’s Executive Board will meet Monday, September 28th

beginning at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. Hostess will be
Karen Buchleiter. All ladies are welcome!

continued from page
Joy Circle
The annual Fall Picnic at Rolland Moore Park (Shields
and Rolland Moore Parkway) will be on Thursday,
Sept. 3rd. Bring your favorite picnic dish to share -
tableware and drinks will be provided. Meet at the
church at 11:30am. We will be in the first shelter near
the playground, if you drive there directly. Hazel
Maiorka will have devotions and there will be a short

Tuesday Afternoon Group
All older adults are welcome to attend the various activi-
ties and Bible studies of this Older Adult Ministry
Group. Our Bible study and meal are on the 1st Tues-
day of the month. Some months there will be an addi-
tional activity. Come and enjoy the fellowship.

Tuesday, September 1st at Noon

Our 19th year begins with a potluck meal with everyone
bringing their favorite dish. A Bible study led by Pastor
Caspersen will follow at 1:00pm.

Saturday, September 19th at 11:30am

The activity this month will be lunch at Denny’s at
11:30am followed by a vintage baseball game at 1:30pm
at the Bee Family Farm Museum. The Berthoud Blues
will play a Wellington team using 1864 rules and uni-
forms. There will be a $5 charge. Meet at the church at
11:00am. Please sign up for these activities.

New Fall Bible Studies

September marks the official beginning of our fall season. With

this comes some significant changes in our bible study topics.
Following is a description of the bible studies that will be of-

Sunday Morning—We will begin working through the epistles

of St. Paul, starting with Galatians. This is one of the most sig-
nificant books when it comes to the topic of Justification by
Grace through faith. Following Galatians, we will look at ei-
ther Philippians or Colossians.

Wednesday Morning—This is a terrific mid-week worship and

study time. Matins or Morning Prayer begins at 8:45 with a
study of The Minor Prophets following, the study is always over
by 10:00am. There is also COFFEE. Our first class will meet
September 9th. High school and college students are most wel-

Tuesday Evening—The book of Genesis will be led by Rev.

Carlton Hein. This is a good introduction to the first book of
the Bible, and a good review as well. It is possible that this class
will move to Wednesdays, depending on scheduling.

In addition to these, there are numerous small group studies

that you can become involved in. Please call the church office
for more information.

PWC Olympics II

Please plan to join us on Sunday, September 13 after

late service for the second annual PWC Olympic
games! ALL members of the congregation are invited
for the fun, a BBQ and the games! Please sign up so we
can plan!


FED Night Bible Study begins on September 2nd!! We will

have a Bible Study and plan the games for PWC Olympics II.
Please plan to attend and of course there will be food - Sign
up please!

FED Night officially begins on September 9th - the meal is at

5:15pm with Bible Study and Confirmation classes beginning
at 6pm - See you there!

Olympics II - Rally Day, Sunday School Kick-Off is scheduled

for September 13th during Sunday School hour and the
Olympics will begin after late service. Please plan to be a
part of the fun! The planning sessions are set for September
2 at 6:30pm, September 9 at 5:30pm and September 12 at
6:00pm. Sign up to help plan the games, food and prizes for
the day.

Football Games are a tradition in the fall and in High School,

so I hope to be able to go to at least one game for each school
that members of the Youth group attend during the season.
Plan to join us here at PWC on Friday, September 25 at
6:30pm to attend the PHS/FCHS football game at French
Field. After the game, we will return to PWC for a devotion,
pizza and dessert! Sign-up!

Attention all Youth Members - I would like to be able to post

the schedules of games for the sports that you are involved in
this fall! Please get them to me or post them on the bulletin
board outside the Youth room. I would also appreciate
schedules of dances or Homecoming (I have the dates of a
few), so I can plan this fall’s activities - Thanks, Marilyn


Hikes, yard work, food, VBS, washing windows, swimming,

taxis, games, airports, worship, buses, Sonic, faith, serving
others, fun, Sunday School, camps, and bowling! Wow -
what a busy summer here at PWC! There were many
opportunities to be involved and there are many more
activities coming this fall.

We are blessed to have the ability to be able to provide so

many varied activities for our youth members to be involved
in. In speaking with other youth leaders this summer, I
realized that we have a very active group here. Due to the
support of the congregation through the budget and
fundraising, we are able to offer our youth members more
opportunities than other churches of a similar size. As the
school year begins and everyone’s schedule fills youth
activities will be slowing down but will remain active and
offer a variety of activities

I encourage all our youth members to attend worship

service on Sunday mornings or Vespers on Monday evening.
Bible Study will be offered on Sunday mornings and
Wednesday evening - plan to attend one or both! Youth
musicians and vocalist are encouraged to participate in
worship services. Youth Readers for the third Sunday
and nursery attendants are always needed.

Hope to see you at one or more of these this fall: worship,

Bible Study, Olympics II, “Surprise” outings, football games,
softball games, corn mazes, bonfires and other fun events!

Have a peace-filled and blessed month,



The Board of Education and Church Council voted to have Dr.

Jan Lohmeyer finish the feasibility study, that was tarted
onJuly 17th. Dr. Lohmeyer will be here September 19th - 21st
and will return sometime in October for a third and final visit.
During the final visit, Dr. Lohmeyer will provide PWC with a
presentation and final report. Again, Dr. Lohmeyer is providing
PWC with a feasibility study which is considered a first step in
determining if we should pursue an early childhood education
and/or daycare program.

Dr. Lohmeyer would like to visit with any members who have
questions, on September 19th between 8:00-4:00 pm. This will
be a one on one opportunity to ask Dr. Lohmeyer any question
you may have about this process. Dr. Lohmeyer is also willing
to meet with small groups, during this time. Church members
are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.
There will be a sign up sheet made available by August 30th.
Dr. Lohmeyer will also continue his lecture on Christian
Education and Apologetics, in Adult Bible Class September

Any questions please see Eric Petago

Catechism Connection: Christian Questions with
Their Answers
Please read pages 204-209 in Luther’s Small Catechism and
answer the following questions.

1.What is baptism?
2.What does the word “baptize” mean?
3.Who is to baptize?
4.What distinction is to be made in baptizing?
Why are babies to be baptized?

Reading from the Book of Concord

We continue with the reading from the introduction to the Formula

of Concord which we began last week. Please read pages 526-531

1. What did Melanchthon allow in the Leipzig Interim?

2. What did George Major teach?
3. What is the meaning of the word “synergism”?
4. What writing of Luther’s addresses the topic of the Freedom of
the Will?
5. What is the meaning of the word “crypto”? How does it apply to
the controversy of 1560-1574?
6. What document was produced as the result of this controversy?
What was the controversy about original sin?

Eric Petago, Education Chairman

I was born in Bainbridge, Maryland to Max and Clarice

Petago. My father was in the Navy, so we did not stay
in one place for long. We moved from Maryland to Con-
neticut and then to Vallejo, California in the first four
years of my life. After 17 years in the Navy my father
decided to retire and we settled on a farm in DeKalb,
Ilinois. My brother and two sisters were born in DeKalb
and we lived there until 1969. My father accepted a job
with CSU and we made the move to Ft. Collins. I was
eight years old and attended Putnam elementary. I went
on to Blevins Jr. High and Rocky Mountain High School
and then earned a B.S. degree in Environmental Geol-
ogy, at CSU. When I attended Rocky Mountain High
School, you could look to the south and west and there
were no houses, only the little church (PWC) and open

Since high school I worked in the HVAC field for 15

years. I was self-employed while earning my degree
and then worked for Delta Environmental Consulting,
as a staff Geologist. In 2003, I began working for my-
self and having been doing so to the present.

I met my wife in 1982. Marcy was a senior at Poudre

High School and we were married in 1988. We have
three beautiful daughters. Katie was born in 1995,
Krissy in 1997 and Karly in 2004. I have been very
blessed to have had such a loving, devoted wife for 21
years and three healthy children.

Continued on page 15

Continued from page 14

I was raised in the Mormon church until 1976, when my

parents divorced and we became inactive. I did not at-
tend church until I married Marcy, who was raised
Catholic. I attended church with Marcy sometimes and
we visited a few non-denominational churches, but it
never felt right for us. However, I knew that I needed
God in my life and He led us to St. John’s Lutheran,
where our best friend Amy Hoy attended regularly. One
year later I was baptized with my daughters Katie &
Krissy. I taught Sunday School for three years at St.
John’s and really enjoyed it. In 2006, we transferred to
PWC where I continued to teach Sunday School and am
currently serving as the Board of Education Chairman.
Again, I have been blessed to have had the opportunity
to serve in God’s Church. Moreover, I have seen how
God has blessed my family since we became members of
His church. I can honestly say...it feels right.

Make a Joyful Noise

Adult choir will begin rehearsals at 7pm on
Wednesday, Sept. 9, which is the first FED
night. Stay after the Bible study to sing
with us! We will be singing for Sunday ser-
vices about once a month, and we would
love to have everyone join us, regardless of
experience. Look for the sign-up sheet in
the Narthex. See you Sept. 9!

Phase one of the chancel remodel is near completion (or
completed at time of receiving publication). The cost of
phase one has been approximately $16,000.00.

During construction we learned the ceiling was dam-

aged due to last year’s lightning strike. The repairs have
been completed. It was decided during this time that
from a practical and financial stand point that we pre-
pared for the ceiling lights.

Congregational feedback has determined phase two will

be lighting, carpeting, and chancel furniture. The cost
will be approximately $21,000.00. The breakdown is as
1. Lights: $3,852.32
2. Carpeting: estimate $8,400.00-9,000.00
3. Chancel furniture: estimate $9,000.00. There has
been a donation of $1,100.00 to the furniture.

There will be poster boards in the Narthex to keep the

congregation informed of phase two’s financial status as
donations are received.

We want to thank the committee members and volun-

teers who have donated their time, supplies, and materi-
als. Also, we want to thank the congregation for their
prayers and financial support.

Please continue to keep the chancel remodel in your

prayers and prayerfully consider making a financial do-
nation to the “PWC chancel remodel”

Ray & Rhonda Kaiser

Scrip Fundraiser

The Scrip Program continues to help raise funds

for Youth Events. This is an easy fundraiser - if
you shop you can participate! The program offers
many gift cards for purchase. You receive the
FULL value of the card and the youth group re-
ceives a percentage of the value. Percentages range from 2% to
15%. Please check out the cards available for immediate pur-
chase as well as those available by ordering. Thank you for your

New Gift Cards available: Starbucks $25, Panera Bread $25,

Pizza Hut $10, Cold Stone Creamery $10, Little Caesars $20,
Chuck E, Cheese $10, Red Robin $25, Amazon.com $25.

The International Network of Children’s Ministry and the Na-
tional Center for Biblical Parenting have teamed up to provide a
Start With the Heart Parenting Seminar. This a one day high-
energy training. Destiny Outreach Ministries will host the event
at their facility in Thornton on Saturday, October 10, 2009. To
learn more about the National Center for Biblical Parenting


Practical Life Coaching

Dr. Lloyd Thomas, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist, author,
speaker, and life coach. He serves on the faculty of the In-
ternational University of Professional Studies. He recently
co-authored (with Patrick Williams) the book: “Total Life
Coaching: 50+ Life Lessons, Skills and Techniques for En-
hancing Your Practice...and Your Life!”

To receive a free subscription:



Randy & Lisa Bernhardt September 3, 2004

Gene & Esther Daugherty September 5
Randy & Sandy Fiscus September 5, 1981
Cheyenne & Heather Dixon September 10, 2005
Jason & Andi Lechman September 24, 2005
Pete & Ida White September 25, 1949
Gale & Bev Russman September 29, 1957

We apologize if we missed your anniversary. Please notify

the church office to update.

Financial Update
As of July 2009

2009 budget: $359,000.00

Year-to-date total PWC income: $190,249.20

Year-to-date total PWC expenses: $194,277.41

Net Income: -$4,028.21


Troy Bauder 2nd

Pat Patrick 2nd
Leah Bauder 3rd
Shirley Farrier 3rd
Kim Fox 5th
Bev Russman 6th
Tiffany France 8th
Rita Sharp 8th
Glenn Stephens 11th
Soren Olsen 12th
Matthew Vanatta 12th
Marvin Grueber 13th
Richie Fiscus 15th
Julie Frank 15th
Bill Cheuvront 16th
John Huisjen 18th
Dolores Lebeda 21st
Wes Nierman 21st
Dean Farrier 22nd
Angie Ahnstedt 23rd
Eileen Meyer 25th
Phil Stegner 25th
Howard Walter 25th
Ned Daugherty 27th
Mari Peterson 27th
Marcie Walter 28th
Greg Beck 29th
Marilyn Craig 29th

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Fort Collins, Colorado
1412 West Swallow Road
Fort Collins, CO 80526


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