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Intro to Backpacking

#1: Sierras: October 56 #2: Pt. Reyes: October 2627 Pre-trip eeting: !"#rs$ay prior% 6:&' p. . ( )*5+B )5, -- .nro// On/ine !a#g"t by O(0s approac"ab/e an$ e1perience$ g#i$es% t"is c/ass 2i// pro3i$e 4irst-ti e an$ re/ati3e/y ine1perience$ backpackers 2it" an o3er3ie2 o4 t"e essentia/ ski//s 4or spen$ing a s#ccess4#/ nig"t o#t #n$er t"e stars. 5esson topics inc/#$e trip p/anning% e6#ip ent se/ection an$ #se% backco#ntry cooking% 4ro ap rea$ing% ini a/ i pact ca ping an$ trai/ sa4ety. 7ro#p ca ping gear is pro3i$e$. Persona/ gear% s#c" as s/eeping bags an$ backpacks% can be rente$ O( at a 5' percent $isco#nt. !ransportation: 8ot pro3i$e$

Backpacking ($3ent#res
#1: Sierras: Septe ber 1*15 #2: Sierras: October 121& #&: Pt. Reyes: October 2627 #*: 9ac"e 9reek: 8o3e ber 2& #5: 9ac"e 9reek: 8o3e ber 1617 Pre-trip eeting: !"#rs$ay prior% 6:&' p. . ( )*5+B )5, -- .nro// On/ine .1p/ore t"e backco#ntry 2it" a great gro#p o4 co panions an$ /et t"e i pressi3e scenery re3ita/i:e yo#. O#t$oor ($3ent#res0 g#i$es 2i// ake s#re yo# "a3e t"e proper e6#ip ent an$ ost /e3e/s co3er topics s#c" as sa4ety an$ /ea3e-no-trace ca ping tec"ni6#es. ($$itiona//y% 2e 2i// "e/p organi:e t"e 4oo$ an$ carpoo/. !rips are $esigne$ 4or t"e basic-/e3e/ backpacker% b#t can be acco pro3i$e$ an$ persona/ ca ping gear is a3ai/ab/e 4ro park entrance 4ee. !ransportation: 8ot pro3i$e$ o$ate$. Participants s"o#/$ be in goo$ p"ysica/ con$ition. 7ro#p ca ping gear is O#t$oor ($3ent#res at a 5' percent

$isco#nt 2it" trip registration. ;or trips going to <ose ite% participants are responsib/e 4or a )1'

Backpacking ($3ent#res & =ay

<ose ite: (#g#st &1Septe ber 2


eeting: !"#rs$ay prior% 6:&' p. .

( )*5+B )5, -- .nro// On/ine .1p/ore t"e backco#ntry 2it" a great gro#p o4 co panions an$ /et t"e i pressi3e scenery re3ita/i:e yo#. O#t$oor ($3ent#res0 g#i$es 2i// ake s#re yo# "a3e t"e proper e6#ip ent an$ ost /e3e/s co3er topics s#c" as sa4ety an$ /ea3e-no-trace ca ping tec"ni6#es. ($$itiona//y% 2e 2i// "e/p organi:e t"e 4oo$ an$ carpoo/. !rips are $esigne$ 4or t"e basic-/e3e/ backpacker% b#t can be acco pro3i$e$ an$ persona/ ca ping gear is a3ai/ab/e 4ro park entrance 4ee. !ransportation: 8ot pro3i$e$ o$ate$. Participants s"o#/$ be in goo$ p"ysica/ con$ition. 7ro#p ca ping gear is O#t$oor ($3ent#res at a 5' percent

$isco#nt 2it" trip registration. ;or trips going to <ose ite% participants are responsib/e 4or a )1'

<ose ite 9ar 9a ping 2 =ay

October 56 Pre-trip eeting: !"#rs$ay prior% 6:&' p. .

( ),5+B )11' -- .nro// On/ine !"is $istincti3e trip co bines t"e co 4ort o4 car-ca ping in <ose ite >a//ey an$ $ay sno2s"oeing to points o4 interest. >isit ./ 9ap ea$o2s 4or breat"-taking 3ie2s o4 t"e 3a//ey% go to ?irror 5ake an$ see @a/4-=o e at its 4inest% or A#st "ang-o#t aro#n$ <ose ite >i//age an$ sip "ot c"oco/ate. O( pro3i$es transportation% gro#p ca ping gear% sno2s"oes an$ a ca psite. Participants are responsib/e 4or a )1' park entrance 4ee. !ransportation: Pro3i$e$

<ose ite 9ar 9a ping & =ay

#1: 8o3e ber B11 Pre-trip eeting: !"#rs$ay prior% 6:&' p. .

#2: 8o3e ber 2B=ece ber 1 Pre-trip eeting: !#es$ay% 8o3e ber 26% 6:&' p. . ( ),5+B )11' -- .nro// On/ine =o yo# 2ant to see t"e g/ory o4 <ose ite b#t $on0t necessari/y 2ant to ca p in t"e backco#ntryC In t"is 4#n trip% yo#0// get to "ike "ar$ $#ring t"e $ay% b#t sti// be ab/e to ret#rn to t"e creat#re

co 4orts o4 car ca ping. <o#

ay 3isit <ose ite >a//ey% !#o/# ne ?ea$o2s or @etc"-@etc"y. i/es per $ay. !ransportation: Pro3i$e$

O( pro3i$es a// gro#p ca ping an$ cooking gear. Participants are responsib/e 4or )1' park entrance 4ee an$ s"o#/$ be ab/e to "ike #p to 5

Di/$erness 7#i$e Sc"oo/

#1: October 2627 #2: 8o3e ber 2& Pre-trip eeting: De$nes$ay prior% 7 p. .

( ),B+B )125 -- .nro// On/ine O#t$oor ($3ent#res r#ns a 2i$e 3ariety o4 2i/$erness base$ trips. ;ro 2eek-/ong backpacking

trips in <ose ite to o3ernig"t ca ping trips on t"e coast% 2e try to o44er so et"ing 4or e3eryone. I4 yo#E3e e3er 2ante$ to /ea$ o#t$oor trips% Di/$erness 7#i$e Sc"oo/ is a great 2ay to get starte$. In t"is 2 2eeken$+& c/assroo /ea$ing 2i/$erness trips. session co#rse% yo#E// /earn essentia/ ski//s necessary to /ea$ 2i/$erness trips. Fpon s#ccess4#/ co#rse co p/etion% yo# 2i// beco e an O( g#i$e an$ can start

@eartsa3e (.= G9PRH

#1: !#es$ay% October 1% 61' p. . #2: De$nes$ay% October B% 61' p. . #&: !#es$ay% October 22% 61' p. . #*: !#es$ay% October 2B% 61' p. . #5: !#es$ay% 8o3e ber 5% 61' p. . #6: !"#rs$ay% 8o3e ber 1*% 61' p. . #7: De$nes$ay% =ece ber *% 61' p. . ( )&&+B )*5 -- .nro// On/ine ;or in$i3i$#a/s 2"o nee$ 9PR ski//s 4or t"e 2orkp/ace an$ an o44icia/ certi4ication car$. !"is co#rse is t"e stan$ar$ 4or a// O#t$oor ($3ent#res g#i$es% ca p#s $epart ents an$ ost 2orkp/aces. Participants 2i// /earn 9PR 4or in4ants% c"i/$ren% an$ a$#/ts Gages , an$ #pH% c"oking re/ie4 4or t"e conscio#s an$ #nconscio#s patient% t"e #se o4 t"e (.= G(#to ate$ .1terna/ =e4ibri//ationH% an$ t"e #se o4 barrier $e3ices 4or yo#r protection. Fpon co p/etion o4 a ski//s test% yo# 2i// recei3e an (@( certi4ication car$ 3a/i$ 4or t2o years. !"e (@( te1tbook is inc/#$e$.

@ea/t"care Pro3i$er 9PR

#1: De$nes$ay% 8o3e ber 6% 61':&' p. . #2: !#es$ay% 8o3e ber 12% 61':&' p. . #&: Sat#r$ay% 8o3e ber 16% ,:&' a. .1 p. . #*: !"#rs$ay% 8o3e ber 21% 61':&' p. . #5: !"#rs$ay% =ece ber 5% 61':&' p. . ( )&,+B )*B -- .nro// On/ine !"is is t"e re6#ire$ co#rse 4or "ea/t"care pro4essiona/s s#c" as R8s an$ .?!s 2orking in t"e e$ica/ pro4ession. !"is co#rse is t"e prere6#isite 4or a// (@( a$3ance$ /i4e s#pport co#rses s#c" as P(5S% (95S% an$ t"e B5S instr#ctor co#rse. Ski//s ta#g"t inc/#$e one- an$ t2o-resc#er 9PR% re/ie4 o4 a ;oreign Bo$y (ir2ay Obstr#ction in t"e conscio#s an$ #nconscio#s patient% t"e #se o4 t"e (.= G(#to ate$ .1terna/ =e4ibri//ationH% an$ t"e #se o4 3ario#s barrier $e3ices 4or a$#/ts% c"i/$ren an$ in4ants. .ac" participant nee$s to pass bot" t"e 2ritten an$ ski//s test to recei3e a certi4ication car$ 3a/i$ 4or t2o years. !"e (@( te1tbook is inc/#$e$.

@eartsa3er ;irst (i$ G8o 9PRH

#1: !"#rs$ay% October 2*% 61' p. . #2: ?on$ay% 8o3e ber 1,% 61' p. . #&: !#es$ay% =ece ber &% 61' p. . ( )&'+B )*2 -- .nro// On/ine ;or t"e in$i3i$#a/ /ooking 4or instr#ction in Basic ;irst (i$. !"is co pre"ensi3e co#rse is #se$ by /ay resc#ers in a pro4essiona/ setting% inc/#$ing teac"ers% ca p co#nse/ors% an$ ot"ers 2"o $onEt nee$ a "ig"er /e3e/ o4 4irst ai$ training. .ac" participant is gi3en a certi4ication car$ 3a/i$ 4or t2o years. !"e (@( te1tbook is inc/#$e$.

Di/$erness ;irst (i$

#1: ?on$ay% October 1*% 61' p. . #2: ?on$ay% October 21% 61' p. . #&: ?on$ay% October 2,% 61' p. . #*: ?on$ay% 8o3e ber *% 61' p. . !"is scenario-$ri3en co#rse intro$#ces yo# to /ong-ter 2"at to $o 2"ere B11 an$ i care an$ i pro3isation in t"e

backco#ntry. (// t"e basics o4 patient care an$ e3a/#ation are presente$ 2it" an e p"asis on e$iate response is not rea$i/y a3ai/ab/e.

Beginning Rock 9/i bing

#1: Sat#r$ay% October 5 #2: Sat#r$ay% October 26 #&: S#n$ay% 8o3e ber & Pre-trip eeting: !"#rs$ay prior% 6:&' p. . ( )&*+B )*5 -- .nro// On/ine 5earn t"e basic ski//s nee$e$ 4or tec"nica/ c/i bing% inc/#$ing be/aying% basic knots% an$ tec"ni6#es 4or 4ace an$ crack c/i bing. !"is co#rse inc/#$es an e3ening session at t"e (R9 9/i bing Da// an$ a 4#// $ay o4 o#t$oor c/i bing at 9os# nes. 9/i bing gear an$ s"oes are pro3i$e$. !ransportation: 8ot pro3i$e$

Intro to !op Rope

#1: S#n$ay% October 1& #2: S#n$ay% 8o3e ber 17 Pre-trip eeting: !"#rs$ay prior% 6:&' p. . ( )&*+B )*5 -- .nro// On/ine !"is o#t$oors trip is $esigne$ 4or beginning c/i bers 2"o "a3e taken t"e Beginning Rock 9/i bing c/ass or are co petent in$oor 2a// c/i bers. <o# 2i// /earn t"e basics o4 setting #p 4i1e$ anc"ors 4or be/ays% rappe/s an$ top ropes. De 2i// re3ie2 o4 knots an$ anc"or syste s% an$ "a3e an opport#nity to practice crack c/i bing an$ t"e $escent rappe//ing. 9/i bing gear an$ s"oes are pro3i$e$. !ransportation: 8ot pro3i$e$. et"o$s 4or /o2ering an$

Beginning D"ite2ater Ra4ting 7#i$e Sc"oo/ I

9/assroo Sessions: 9/assroo Sessions: De$nes$ays% 61' p. . on 2+27% &+6% &+1& J *+& Ri3er Sessions: Ri3er Sessions: ?arc" 2*&1% a// $ay ( )*75+B )625 (pp/ications: ;ebr#ary 26 O#t$oor ($3ent#res is pro#$ to o44er 2"at 2e consi$er to be one o4 t"e ra4ting g#i$e sc"oo/s a3ai/ab/e. It consists o4 12 c/assroo ost co pre"ensi3e

"o#rs an$ , on-ri3er $ays spent

ca ping an$ ra4ting on t"e So#t" ;ork ( erican Ri3er. =#ring t"is co#rse% yo# 2i// not on/y /earn t"e 4#n$a enta/s o4 2"ite 2ater ra4ting% yo# 2i// a/so beco e certi4ie$ in S2i4t Dater Resc#e.

Fpon co#rse co p/etion% yo# 2i// be ab/e to g#i$e co 4#n ne2 ski// an$ ake /i4e/ong 4rien$s in t"e process.

ercia/ ra4ting trips 4or O#t$oor

($3ent#res an$ ot"er ra4ting co panies. !"is is a great 2ay to spen$ yo#r spring break% /earn a

Rock 9/i bing 7#i$e Sc"oo/

=ate: ?ay 1B2' ;ee: )12' G9a ping an$ !ransportation Pro3i$e$H I(pp/ications =#e: ?ay * by 6 p. . - (pp/ications can be picke$ #p at O#t$oor ($3ent#res. I4 yo#0re intereste$ in beco ing a rock c/i bing g#i$e 4or O#t$oor ($3ent#res or taking yo#r c/i bing ski//s to t"e ne1t /e3e/% 2e "a3e a specia/ ne2 g#i$e sc"oo/ 4or at t"is year. De are coor$inating 2it" t"e Pro4essiona/ 9/i bing 7#i$e Instit#te an$ 9/i44"anger 7#i$es to o44er a 2eeken$ o4 c/i bing an$ instr#ction at o#r ost pop#/ar c/i bing area% 9os# nes Ri3er 7orge.

Sea Kayaking 7#i$e Sc"oo/ I

9/assroo Sessions: !B= in ;a// L#arter 2'1& Deeken$ Sessions: !B= in ;a// L#arter 2'1& ;ee: ( )1*'+B )1,5 I(pp/ications =#e: !B= in ;a// L#arter 2'1& !"is co#rse is $esigne$ to $e3e/op yo#r sea kayaking ski//s an$ gi3e yo# t"e abi/ity to /ea$ sea kayaking trips 4or O#t$oor ($3ent#res. !"e sc"oo/ consists o4 t"ree c/assroo sessions an$ t2o 2eeken$s 2orking on pa$$/ing% sa4ety% na3igation% resc#e% /ea$ers"ip an$ teac"ing ski//s. !"e 2eeken$ sessions take p/ace in t"e c"a//enging coasta/ en3iron ents o4 !o a/es Bay% San ;rancisco Bay an$ t"e o#ter coast. (// kayaking e6#ip ent an$ gro#p ca ping gear is pro3i$e$. Pre3io#s e1perience reco en$e$% b#t not necessary.

@ea/t"care Instr#ctor 9o#rse

9/assroo Sessions: Oct 2& J &'M 6-1' p. . ;ee: ( )16'+B )21' I(pp/ications =#e: October 11 by 6 p. . - (pp/ications can be picke$ #p at O#t$oor ($3ent#res. !"is co#rse is $esigne$ to teac" in$i3i$#a/s "o2 to instr#ct 9PR% #se o4 t"e (.= G(#to ate$ .1terna/ =e4ibri//atorH an$ re/ie4 o4 ;B(O G;oreign Bo$y (ir2ay Obstr#ctionH. Participants obtain training in pro3i$ing e44ecti3e e$#cation as 2e// as kno2/e$ge o4 c#rrent (@( po/icies an$ g#i$e/ines. Fpon s#ccess4#/ co p/etion% participants 2i// be a2ar$e$ a Basic 5i4e S#pport

Instr#ctor certi4ication an$ are e/igib/e to teac" 9PR 4or O#t$oor ($3ent#res. (/t"o#g" instr#ctors are not re6#ire$ to "a3e a certi4ication is inter3ie2. e$ica/ backgro#n$% a c#rrent @ea/t"care Pro3i$er 9PR an$atory. (cceptance to t"is co#rse is base$ on app/ications an$ s#bse6#ent

Di/$erness 7#i$e Sc"oo/ I

9/assroo Sessions: Oct 2&% &'% J 8o3 6M 7-1' p. . Deeken$ Sessions: Oct 26-27 J 8o3 2-& ( ),B+B )125 I(pp/ications =#e: October 11 by 6 p. . - (pp/ications can be picke$ #p at O#t$oor ($3ent#res. O#t$oor ($3ent#res r#ns a 2i$e 3ariety o4 2i/$erness base$ trips. ;ro 2eek-/ong backpacking

trips in <ose ite to o3ernig"t ca ping trips on t"e coast% 2e try to o44er so et"ing 4or e3eryone. I4 yo#E3e e3er 2ante$ to /ea$ o#t$oor trips% Di/$erness 7#i$e Sc"oo/ is a great 2ay to get starte$. In t"is 2 2eeken$ co#rse% yo#E// /earn essentia/ ski//s necessary to /ea$ 2i/$erness trips. Fpon s#ccess4#/ co#rse co p/etion% yo# 2i// beco e an O( g#i$e an$ can start /ea$ing 2i/$erness trips.

Emergency Medical Technician-Basic

Program Structure

In this 9 week course, students will receive basic life support training skills needed to become a certified EMT. The classroom structure is divided into lecture and lab time where students get a hands-on learning experience to practice rescue scenario skills. tudents will have a primar! lead instructor on lecture da!s. "uring lab time, students will break into groups with several skills instructors who will provide basic life support training on the particular lessons learned that da!. tudents will be learning from practicing EMTs and #aramedics who work in the field ever!da!. There are no pre-re$uisites for this course. tudents must be at least %& !ears of age before the last class meeting of the session for which the! register.

Through this program participants will receive the following' (#) certification through the *merican +eart *ssociation I( -%,, (ertification +a--mat certification *t least %. hours of ride along time on an ambulance observing a professional EMT /ualit! instruction from trained professionals in the EM field 0pportunit! to network with those who are interested or alread! working in the EM #reparation on how to take the 1ational )egistr! Exam


This program is ideal for' #eople interested in 2oining the EM industr! Those seeking the freedom to work outside of an office or cubicle Individuals who en2o! highl! stressful, !et highl! rewarding work #eople who like a varied schedule Those who want to save lives tudents who are considering nursing or medical school

International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) Advanced Provider Course

Course Description: The ITLS Advanced Provider course is a comprehensive course designed for providers who are first to evaluate and stabilize the trauma patient. The course provides complete training in the skills needed for rapid assessment, resuscitation, stabilization and transportation of trauma patients. This course builds on basic level knowledge, emphasizing evaluation steps and se uencing as well as techni ues for resuscitating and packaging patients. ITLS Advanced is appropriate for advanced !"Ts, paramedics, trauma nurses, ph#sicians and other advanced !"S personnel.

Paramedic Education Program

Paramedic Education

$ur paramedic program will train and prepare students in %&'%( months to provide advanced life support )ALS* to patients in emergenc# situations. +# taking this program, participants will become ualified for a variet# of positions in the !mergenc# "edical Service )!"S* industr#, with emplo#ment opportunities in fire departments, private ambulance companies, hospitals, air medical services and public safet#.

,eceive -. units of academic credit Learn to demonstrate the re uired cognitive knowledge, manipulative skills and affective abilities in line with national standards Learn the soft'skills necessar# to become a successful leader in emergent and non'emergent scenes

This program is ideal for/ 0ertified !mergenc# "edical Technicians )!"Ts* who are read# to move on to become a paramedic 1irefighters who want to become certified as a paramedic Those who are seeking a higher level position in the !"S 1ield Individuals who en2o# highl# stressful, #et highl# rewarding work People who like a varied schedule

$ur curriculum includes/ 0ertification in +LS, A0LS, PALS, A"LS and ITLS 3igh fidelit# simulation skills practice for all ma2or skill competencies !mergenc# 4ehicle $perations 0ourse )!4$0* completion certificate through the Sacramento ,egional 5river Training 1acilit# Anatom# and Ph#siolog# dissection workshop of a human cadaver The first section of the program is didactic )67,S .89A, 67,S .89+ and 67,S .890*, offering students the opportunit# to learn ALS practices in relation to paramedicine. Students will master anatom# and ph#siolog#, cardiolog#, respiration, general medicine, obstetrics, pediatrics, trauma, and neurolog#. The second section is a clinical e:perience )67,S .895* where students are placed in different hospitals around the region. This section offers students the opportunit# to practice and hone their skills in preparation for their field internship. The final section is the field internship )67,S .89!* in which students assume the role of a paramedic

under supervision of a preceptor. A minimum of ;(. hours must be completed in addition to ;. ALS contacts. 7pon successful completion of 67,S .89!, students will be re uired to complete a comprehensive final evaluation that also serves as 6,!"T test preparation.

To be eligible for the Paramedic !ducation Program, applicants must have an !"T certification through the 6ational ,egistr# and show proof of completion in an !"T +asic course. It is preferred, but not re uired, for applicants to be currentl# emplo#ed as an !"T or have at least one #ear of !"T e:perience.

"#$S %&'A E(T Paramedic Advanced Life Support Part I

Course Description: Part % of core theoretical courses providing foundational knowledge re uired for pre'hospital care in the !mergenc# "edical S#stem )!"S*. This is the first course in a five part series in which participants learn the theoretical knowledge and skills of Advanced Life Support practices. Students will also receive Advanced Life Support )ALS*, Advanced 0ardiac Life Support )A0LS* training. 6ote/ "a# be repeated for credit Prere uisite Admission to Paramedic Program 0ore uisite/ 67,S 890

"#$S %&' E(T Paramedic Advanced Life Support Part II

Course Description: Part & of core theoretical courses providing foundational knowledge re uired for pre'hospital care in the !mergenc# "edical S#stem )!"S*. 0ontent builds on learning in 67,S 89A and continues to e:pand the theoretical knowledge and skills of Advanced Life Support practices in relationship to paramedicine. The participant will receive Pediatric Advanced Life Support )PALS* and International Trauma Life Support )ITLS* training. 6ote/ "a# be repeated for credit Prere uisite Admission to Paramedic Program< 67,S 89A 0ore uisite/ 67,S 890

"#$S %&'C E(T Paramedic S)ills

Course Description: 1oundational ALS skills content for pre'hospital care in the !mergenc# "edical S#stem )!"S*. Participants appl# theoretical knowledge of Advanced Life Support in skills lab and simulated patient care e:periences. Students will practice assessment and intervention of ps#chomotor skills for Advanced Life Support )ALS*, Advanced 0ardiac Life Support )A0LS*, Pediatric Advanced Life Support )PALS* and International Trauma Life Support )ITLS*. 6ote/ ma# be repeated for credit Prere uisite/ Admission to Paramedic Program

"#$S %&'D E(T Paramedic Clinical E*perience

Course Description: 0linical course provides students with &8& hours of acute care e:perience under the direct supervision of a licensed nurse in multiple settings offering a wide variet# of patients and care settings preparing them to understand and address the needs of the pre'hospital patient. 6ote/ "a# be repeated for credit Prere uisite/ 67,S 89A, 67,S 89+ and 67,S 890

"#$S %&'E E(T Paramedic +ield E*perience

Course Description: 0ulminating clinical internship course of ;(. hours on Advanced Life Support )ALS* ambulance and=or fire engine. Students will work in a variet# of patient care situations under the direct supervision of a Paramedic Preceptor. Prere uisite/ 67,S 89A, 67,S 89+, 67,S 890 and 67,S 895 6ote/ "a# be repeated for credit

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