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Jennifer Mericido, a family medicine/ internal medicine specialist at Holy Child Hospital defines contraceptives as methods to prevent pregnancy (201 !. "hile according to #schen$renner and %ena$le, &Contraceptives are forms of estrogen and progesterone, 's'ally in com$ination. (hey are administered orally and $y a n'm$er of other ro'tes . . .) (200*, 11+ !. #ltho'gh their ideas are not contradicting, they are totally different from each other. Dr. Mericido,s definition vie-s contraceptives, general p'rpose, -hich is to prevent pregnancy -hile #schen$renner and %ena$le define contraceptives according to its composition. .f e/amined closely, the definition of Dr. Mericido is clearer than #schen$renner,s and %ena$le,s. .t is d'e to the fact that her definition is some-hat accepta$le to a person,s 'nderstanding. .n addition to that, her definition is li0e a derivation from the -ord contraception itself. 1ne can easily see that the -ord contraception can $e divided into t-o -ords2 the preposition contra and the root -ord conception. .f their meaning is com$ined, the res'lting phrase -ill $e &against pregnancy). 3'rthermore, Dr. Mericido mentioned the -ord &methods) -hich means process or techni4'es. (herefore contraceptives as defined $y Dr. Mericido are different techni4'es against pregnancy. #schen$renner and %ena$le,s definition is more technical. Ho-ever, there seems to $e a pro$lem on their definition. (hey associated the term contraceptives -ith the hormones progesterone and estrogen only. (heir e/act point is that contraceptives are derived only from estrogen and progesterone. 5eca'se Dr. Mericido relates contraceptives as methods, the definition of #schen$renner and %ena$le are lac0ing for contraceptives do not come from estrogen and progesterone only and that they have different types that do not contain estrogen and progesterone. Ho-ever, #sche$renner and %ena$le,s definition is still cannot $e considered -rong. 5ased on the previo's definition, one can say that contraceptives are mainly for preventing the sperm cell to fertili6e the egg cell. .t -as similar to -hat 7ehne (2008, p.820! stated, that contraception 's'ally happens -hen the meeting of the sperm cell and the egg cell is interfered d'ring fertili6ation process. 3'rthermore, this statement -as strengthened $y Josephine 5arnes saying, &(he aim of contraception is to prevent fertilisation 9sic: or implantation) (1*8;, ;!. (he statements of 7ehne and 5arnes are similar for they $oth descri$e ho- contraceptives -or0. (hey have the same point that the f'nction of contraceptives is to prevent fertili6ation. Ho-ever, in her statement, 5arnes added the term &implantation). 5asically, it refers to the implantation of the fertili6ed egg to the 'ter's. (h's, the contraceptives not <'st prevent the meeting of the sperm cell and egg cell, $'t also prevent the development of the fertili6ed egg $y preventing it to $e implanted on the 'ter's, the so'rce of n'trients of the fertili6ed egg. D'e to the advancement of technology, there are many types of contraceptives that are $eing discovered and/or invented. (his research only disc'sses the more common types. (hese incl'de

condoms, cervical cap, spermicides, .=D, and oral contraceptives. (he most accessi$le of them all is the condom. (he condom is a thin sheath, made of late/, poly'rethane, or lam$,s intestine that fits comforta$ly over the penis. .ts main p'rpose is to trap the e<ac'lated sperms. Condoms offer protection against >(Ds (7ehne, 2008, 8 0!. #nother description $y Harper (1*? , 2@ ! states that condom is the only $arrier method for men. #ltho'gh effective, there are some disadvantages2 .t red'ces sensation, freely mova$le, and hard to dispose. Ho-ever, condoms provide a good protection against venereal diseases. .n addition to the previo's descriptions, Hales (1**8, 2?1@2?2! stated that condoms are a $arrier type of contraceptive that -or0s $y 0illing the e<ac'lated sperm $y the so@called spermicide. (hey are commonly made of late/ $'t later poly'rethane -as introd'ced. Condoms are a$o't ?0A to ?+A effective. (he three descriptions a$ove have t-o common ideas. 3irst, condom is a $arrier type contraceptive. .t $loc0s, traps and 0ills the e<ac'lated sperm $efore entering into the vagina. >econd, condoms offer protection against venereal or se/'ally transmitted diseases (>(D!. B/amples of these diseases incl'de H.%, Hepatitis 5, gonorrhea, etc. 5oth 7ehne and Hales disc'ssed a$o't late/, $eing the primary material of condoms. 1n the other hand, Harper and Hales disc'ssed a$o't the efficacy of condoms. 5ased on their descriptions, condoms can $e considered as effective type of contraceptives. Hales mentioned the term spermicides. >permicides are other type of contraceptives and it -ill $e disc'ssed later. 1n the other hand, Harper mentioned the disadvantages of the condoms. 5ased on his description, these disadvantages have no ma<or effect and damage in o'r health. 3'rthermore, he ass'red that condoms can protect the 'ser from venereal diseases. (h's -e can infer that condoms are good contraceptives. #nother type of contraceptive is the cervical cap. #ccording to 7ehne (2008, 8 0!, the cervical cap is a c'p@shaped device that fits comforta$ly over the cervi/ and is held in place $y s'ction. (he fail're rate for paro's -omen is C0A -hile for n'lliparo's -omen is 20A. #nother definition $y Harper (1*? , 2@ ! states that cervical cap $loc0s only the cervi/ and is held in place $y s'ction. .t inhi$its the sperm to pass thro'gh -itho't 'sing spermicide. (here are advantages $'t are $eing o't-eighed $y the disadvantages. (hese disadvantages foc's mainly on the handiness of the e4'ipment. .n addition to the descriptions given a$ove, a small yet 'sef'l description given $y Hales (1**8, 2?+! states that a cervical cap is a female type of contraceptive that can $oth $loc0 and 0ill sperm cells. #ltho'gh there is no common idea $et-een the three, $oth 7ehne and Harper descri$ed the location of the cervical cap. 5ased on their descriptions, -e can infer that cervical cap is located over the cervi/ and is held in place $y s'ction. #ltho'gh 7ehne did not give 's ho- cervical cap f'nctions, he gave 's 'sef'l information a$o't ho- effective is this type of contraceptive. 5ased on his statement, -e can see that it is not very effective

on paro's -omen. Daro's is the term given to -omen -ho had already given $irth to a child. Ho-ever, on n'lliparo's -omen, the e/act opposite of paro's -omen, it is considera$ly effective. 1n the other hand, $ased on the description $y Harper, -e can see that there are more disadvantages of 'sing this type of contraceptive than the advantages. Ho-ever, the disadvantages affecting the health of the -omen are only fe-. (herefore, -e can infer that cervical caps are good contraceptives. #nother type of contraceptive that is commonly 'sed together -ith condom or cervical cap is the spermicide. #ccording to 7ehne (2008, 82*!, spermicides are administered in vario's forms. (hese forms incl'de foam, gel, <elly, s'ppositories, vaginal film, and contraceptive sponge. >permicedes are fairly effective -hen 'sed alone. Ho-ever, it is more effective -hen it is 'sed -ith other $arrier methods li0e condoms and diaphragm. (hey &0ill sperms $y destroying their cell mem$rane). Moreover, spermicides, side effects are fe-. Harper (1*? , @ C! also states that most of the $arrier methods for 'se $y -omen, involves 'sing spermicides. >permicides are composed of three classes of agents2 s'rface active agents, $actericidal agents, and acids. >permicides can $e effective if 'sed properly. 3'rthermore, they are safe , readily availa$le, convenient to 'se and have protective action against venereal diseases. .n order to f'nction -ell, they need ade4'ate time for dissol'tion. .n addition to the previo's descriptions, McEenry, (essier and Hogan (2000, ?00! state that spermicides are form of contraceptive that mainly 'ses a &vehicle) li0e <ellies, cap and other devices. Ho-ever, it can $e 'sed alone. >permicides f'nction $y terminating the sperm cells even $efore they reach the 'ter's. (he common idea among the three is that spermicides, main f'nction is to 0ill sperm cells that enter a -oman,s $ody in order to prevent fertili6ation. Moreover, 7ehne and Harper descri$ed the degree of safety in 'sing the prod'ct. 5ased on their statements, spermicides are safe to 'se and have only feside effects. 1n the other hand, $ased on the description of 7ehne and McEenry, (essier and Hogan, there are vario's forms of spermicides, th's -omen can choose -hat forms are they comforta$le of. 3'rthermore $ased on the description of Harper, spermicides can also help the -omen

Fe/t are the intra'terine devices or .=D. #ccording to Hales (1**8, 2?8!, .ntra'terine devices are type of contraceptive, 's'ally accompanied $y a string that is to $e inserted to the 'ter's of the -omen. .=D -or0s $y preventing the implantation of an egg cell. #nother definition of .=D $y Gicci and Eyle saying,) .ntra'terine systems are small plastic (@shaped o$<ects that are placed inside the 'ter's to

provide contraception. (hey prevent pregnancy $y ma0ing the endometri'm of the 'ter's hostile to implantation of a fertili6ed ov'm $y ca'sing a non@specific inflammatory reaction) (122!. 3'rthermore, a simple yet very helpf'l definition $y 5arnes (1*8;, 8! states that, intra'terine devices -or0s $y preventing the implantation of egg cell, this device is 's'ally made either of plastic or metal. (he intra'terine device also 0no-n as .=D is another type of contraceptive that is inserted in the 'ter's of the -omen as stated $y Hales and Gicci. (he common goal of the 'terine device as mentioned $y the three so'rces is that it f'nctions $y preventing the implantation of the egg cell in the 'ter's. #s specified $y Gicci and Eyle the intra'terine device prevents the implantation of the egg cell $y means of a inflammatory reaction. (he last type of contraceptive is the oral contraceptive -hich is the s'$<ect of this st'dy. 3irst of all, let 's fig're o't -hat oral contraceptive is. #ccording to Dr. Mericido, oral contraceptives are contraceptives in form of ta$lets that contain hormones 'sed for preventing pregnancy (201 !. "hile Eistner, descri$es that pills f'nction $y stopping the release of egg cells and alter or modify the lining of the 'ter's so that the egg cell -o'ld not inf'se. (he definition given $y $oth so'rces correlate to one idea, the hormones prod'ce $y the pills are in charge of the modification of the 'terine -all so that egg cell -o'ld not inf'se. #s there are more forms of contraception, this research paper foc'ses more on oral contraceptives and its side effects. (o 0no- more a$o't this Dr. Merecido, defined oral contraceptives as type of contraception that ta0es the form of a ta$let or a pill. >he also mentioned that it contains hormones for the prevention of pregnancy. #ccording to Eistner, the f'nction of these pills is to alter or modify the lining of the 'ter's so that the egg cell -o'ld not inf'se. "ith 5asically, there are t-o classifications of oral contraceptive. #ccording to Myra Farciso, a mid-ife in charge of the family planning room of the City Health 1ffice, oral contraceptives are classified into t-o2 the DoD or the progestin only pills and the CoC or the com$ined oral contraceptives (201 !. 3'rthermore, 7ehne (2008, 822! also has similar statement stating that oral contraceptive is classified into t-o categories, one is the com$ination oral contraceptive -hich is composed of $oth estrogen and progestin hormone, and the progestin only contraceptive that contains only progestin hormone. (disc'ssion! (he first classification of oral contraceptives is the com$ined oral contraceptives. #ccording to 5arnes (1*8;, 1*@22!, com$ined oral contraceptives is made 'p of oestrogen and progestogens. 1estrogen

f'nctions $y increasing the fl'id secreted $y the cervi/, enlarging the endometri'm as -ell as the vaginal epitheli'm. (hey also inhi$it the release of 3>H and 7H. 1estrogen increases $lood coag'la$ility and gl'cose meta$olism. Drogesterone co'nteracts the effects of oestrogens s'ch as change in endometri'm, and rise of $ody temperat're d'ring pregnancy and menstr'ation. 3'rthermore, 7ehne (2008, 822! said that in com$ination oral contraceptive, it is divided into s'$gro'ps that differ in the amo'nt of progestin hormone. Myra Farciso also said that com$ined oral contraceptives sho'ld $e ta0en reg'larly. Ho-ever, the CoC is not advisa$le for -omen -ho need to $reastfeed $eca'se it can ca'se the disappearance of mil0. (disc'ssion! (he second classification is the progestin only oral contraceptives. #ccording to 5arnes (1*8;, 1*@22!, progesterone only pills act $y preventing ov'lation. Drogesterones f'nction $y thic0ening the cervical m'c's so the sperm and egg cell -o'ld not meet. 3'rthermore Myra Farciso, added that progestin only pills cannot affect the prod'ction of mil0 of the mother. (disc'ssion!

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