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The Researcher would like to extend their sincere and deepest ratitude to all the people who ha!e helped the" and contri#uted to the success o$ their stud%& To the Nursin Research Ad!iser' Ma& Antonietta Edris' RN' MAN $or i!in her ad!ice' $or sharin her knowled e and $or the untirin encoura e"ent durin the "akin o$ this stud%& To the respondents' $or sharin their ti"e durin the data( atherin ' $or i!in their perception re ardin instructional "aterial& To the colle e Dean Grace )o% Decipulo' RN' MAN $or allowin the researcher to conduct the stud%& To Charit% *anerio' MATCC' the statistician' o$ this stud% $or sharin her ideas and i!in her su estions $or the #etter"ent o$ this stud%&

To the researcher+s $riends and class"ates' $or sharin their knowled e& To their #elo!ed and supporti!e parents o$ the researchers' $or the understandin the% had i!en especiall% $or i!in consideration on the $inancial expenses o$ the stud%& To Ms& Cherr%l C& Da$un' the ra""arian o$ this stud%' $or editin the papers& To Rhue ,lora Rui-' RN' MAN and Grace )o% G& Decipulo' RN' MAN' the panelist o$ the stud%' $or "akin the essential corrections to "ake this stud% accurate&


A#o!e all' to Al"i ht% God' who "ade all these thin s possi#le' $or his unconditional lo!e' uidance and #lessin s to the researchers&

Thank .ou/

The Researchers



This research stud% was conducted in General 0antos Cit%' speci$icall% in General 0antos Doctors+ Medical 0chool ,oundation' 1nc& A total o$ one hundred se!ent% nine 23456 respondents with histor% o$ "altreat"ent were used in this stud%& Descripti!e desi n was utili-ed to descri#e the childhood a#use experiences and copin strate ies o$ students $ro" General 0antos Doctors+ Medical 0chool ,oundation' 1nc& 1t ai"ed to $ind out the appropriate answers to the $ollowin 7uestions8 What is the de"o raphic pro$ile o$ the respondents in ter"s o$ a e' ender' reli ion' $a"il% si-e' $a"il% structure' parents+ educational attain"ent and parents+ source o$ inco"e9 :ow were the respondents a#used as children in ter"s o$ the $ollowin 8 ph%sical "altreat"ent' e"otional "altreat"ent and sexual "altreat"ent9 What are the copin strate ies o$ the respondents in ter"s o$ handlin personal pro#le"' $a"il% pro#le" and acade"ic pro#le"9 The researchers used a checklist(7uestionnaire "ethod in order to re!eal the descriptions o$ the !aria#les& A$ter ad"inisterin the 7uestionnaire' the researcher used $re7uenc% distri#ution and

percenta e to descri#e the de"o raphic pro$ile o$ the respondents& Wei hted "ean was used to descri#e the respondents+ childhood a#use experiences' speci$ied as ph%sical' e"otional and sexual a#use and copin strate ies o$ the respondents when $aced with personal' $a"il% and acade"ic pro#le"s& ;ased on the data athered' "ost o$ the respondents were $e"ale' 3<(=> %ears old and are Ro"an Catholics& Also' "ost o$ the respondents #elon to a nuclear t%pe o$ $a"il% with ?(< "e"#ers and with "arried parents and li!in educational attain"ent o$ colle e to ether with an

raduate' that is hi her $or "others co"pared to


$athers& :owe!er' "ost o$ the respondents+ $athers are e"plo%ed' which is the source o$ $a"il%+s inco"e& 1n ter"s o$ childhood a#use experiences' the respondents were rarel% #een ph%sicall%' e"otionall% and sexuall% a#used& When $aced with personal' $a"il% and acade"ic pro#le"s' the respondents so"eti"es use di$$erent copin strate ies& This research stud% is reco""ended $or $uture researchers to conduct a kind o$ research outside the institution where cases o$ a#use are "ore existent and di in to the other areas o$ a#use such as ps%cholo ical' $inancial' do"estic and !er#al a#use& ,or parents' it is reco""ended to #e aware o$ the present di!ersities in childrearin practices& Re ardin interaction with students' teachers should #e "ore sensi#le in attitudes and personalities a student is pro@ectin A the uidance counsellor should consider the

appropriate approach in upli$tin the copin "echanis"s o$ the students especiall% in dealin with stressorsA "oreo!er' school ad"inistration should pro!ide a health% and $riendl% school en!iron"ent such as puttin up a student+s or ani-ation& 1"portantl%' students should #e $lexi#le and a#le to adapt to the en!iron"ent and "ust possess the a#ilit% to e$$ecti!el% cope with the en!iron"ent&


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