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To: Re:

Scott Thistle, Lewiston Sun Journal Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) request dated Decem er !, !"#$ for the Ale%ander &rou' Status ('date Re'orts ()ia e*mail)

Dear Scott: On behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services (Department), I am responding to our above!referenced re"uest# $he Department %ill produce the re"uested records to the e&tent that such records are public records as defined b the 'reedom of (ccess (ct (the (ct)# $he Department denies our re"uest to inspect, cop or abstract an re"uested records to the e&tent that such records are confidential, other%ise protected from disclosure, not in the possession or custod of the Department or other%ise outside the scope of the (ct# $he Department %ill strive to ma)e public records available to ou as soon as possible# *ursuant to the (ct, ho%ever, the Department re"uires a reasonable period to ascertain %hich of its records, or parts thereof, relate to our re"uest, identif %hich records are sub+ect to public inspection or cop ing, and determine %hich records, or portions thereof, are confidential, other%ise protected from disclosure, or other%ise outside the scope of the (ct# (lso pursuant to the (ct, the Department %ill schedule inspection, translation and cop ing of responsive records to occur so as to not dela or inconvenience its regular activities# *ursuant to the (ct, ou ma be charged for retrieving, compiling, translation, and cop ing of responsive records# ,ou ma inspect public records, %ithout charge for cop ing, if it is feasible to separate or prevent the disclosure of an confidential information contained in the records# ,ou %ill be provided %ith a good faith, non!binding estimate of the time and cost of compl ing %ith our re"uest# 'inall , please note that the Department %ill not proceed to compl %ith our re"uest %ithout our agreement to pa the estimated cost if the estimate e&ceeds -./ and %ill not proceed to compl %ith our re"uest %ithout pa ment of the estimated cost if the estimate e&ceeds -0//# Sincerel , 1ohn (# 2artins 3ommunications Director 3c: 4evin 5ells, 6eneral 3ounsel

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