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Selft Inspection Checklist Food Defense Program

1 a b c d e 2 a b c d e 3 a b c d e 4 a b c d e Management Yes Porgram Food defense diimplementasikan pada fasilitas / A food defense plan has been implemented at the facility. Inspeksi program food defense dilakukan secara berkala / Food defense inspections of the facility are conducted. Manajemen dan karyawan mendapat pelatihan yang memadai / Appropriate management personnel have received training in food defense. Perusahaan memiliki Tim food defense / The firm has an established food defense management team. Penanggung jawab mengetahui yang harus dihubungi dalam keadaan darurat / Responsible personnel know whom to contact in case of emergency Personnel Yes No No No No Corrective Action

Pemeriksaan riwayat calon karyawan dilakukan sesuai hukum yang berlaku / Background checks as allowed by law are done on prospective employees. Hanya yang berkepentingan yang dapat masuk ruangan khusu/ Only authorized personnel are allowed access to all parts of the facility. Perusahaan memiliki sistem untuk mengidentifikasi karyawan / The facility has a system of positive identification for all personnel. Karyawan dibatasi membawa perlengkapan kedalam area kerja/ There are restrictions on personal items brought into the facility. Kontraktor dibatasi memasuki area kerja/ Contractors are restricted to their work required areas. Property Yes Tersedi CCTV pada area yang memiliki resiko tinggi/ /A closed circuit television system is used to monitor high risk areas inside the facility. Bahan berbahaya disimpan secara khusus/ Hazardous chemical storage areas are secured. Pintu loading selalu tertutup dan dibuka ketika dibutuhkan/ /Doors opening onto the loading dock are kept locked when not in use. Semua kendaraan pengiriman dimonitor/ All truck shipments (incoming and outgoing) are monitored. Produk selalu diperiksa sebelum dikirimkan / Products are inspected upon delivery. Material Yes Material dibeli dari supplier yang jelas/ Material are purchased from reputable established sources. Catatan pembelian tersedia untuk penelurusan dan pengembalian/ Purchase records are maintained for material trace back and recalls. Material yang datang bersih, terlindungi dan diperiksa/ Material arrive at the facility in clean, secure and inspected. Dilakukan pemeriksaan sebelum material digunakan/ Material are inspected for tampering prior to preparation or service. Fasilitas mempunyai prosedur penanganan gangguan / The facility has guidelines for handling tampering incidents.

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