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Company Name Performance Evaluation

Employee Name: Emp ID: Designation: Date of Joining: Evaluation Period: Appraisee P oto: Department: Process Name: Immediate Supervisor: Manager: Department Head: Appraisal !E":

#$% State t e main understanding of your tas& and your responsi'ilities(

#)% ! at do you consider to 'e your most important ac ievement of past year(

#*% ! at do you consider to 'e your most important tas& in t e year(

#+% Indicate t e facilitating and t e indering factors in your overall performance round t e year(

Facilitating Factor Hindering Factor

Organization Perspective

Personal Perspective

,ist 'elo- t e essentials functions of t e position. and/or pro0ects for - ic t e employee is evaluated:

1esponsi'ility 21A3s

1ating Standards

Not Applica'le 7naccepta'le Improvement Needed Meets E8pectations E8ceeds E8pectations 9utstanding 4 $ ) * + : 5 e employee is not re6uired to perform in a specific rating factor. and it cannot 'e measured% !or& performance is inade6uate and inferior to t e standards of performance for t e position% Performance at t is level cannot 'e allo-ed to continue% !or& performance does not consistently meet t e standards of performance for t e position% Serious efforts is needed to improve performance% !or& performance consistently meets t e standards of performance for t e position !or& performance consistently a'ove t e standards of performance for t e position !or& performance consistently superior to standards re6uired for t e 0o'%

5ec nical S&ills ;Effectiveness -it - ic t e employee applies 0o' &no-ledge and s&ill to 0o' assignments<
N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' )o* +no,ledge &o((ents

Anal-zes Pro*le(s

Provide s.ggestions /or ,or0 I(prove(ent

E(plo-s $ools o/ t1e 2o* &o(petentl-

Follo,s Proper 'a/etProced.res

4 #uality of !or& ;Manner in - ic t e employee completes 0o' assignments<

N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' Acc.rac-/Precision $1oro.g1ness/Neatness &o((ents


#esponsiveness to #e3.ests /or 'ervice


).dg(ent / 4ecision Ma0ing

Interpersonal S&ills ;Effectiveness of employee=s interactions -it ot ers and as a team participant<
N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' 5it1 &o-,or0ers 5it1 '.pervisors 5it1 Ot1er sta//s and Managers &o((ents

$ea( Participation

$ea( &ontri*.tions

&o((it(ent to tea( s.ccess

5 Communication s&ills ;If applica'le to t e 0o'<

N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' 5ritten E6pression Oral E6pression &o((ents

'1are In/or(ation 5illingl-

$act and 4iplo(ac-

7oice and Accent 8I/ re3.ired9

Approac to !or& ;C aracteristics t e employee demonstrate - ile performing 0o' assignments<

N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' Activel- 'ee0s ,a-s to 'trea(line Processes Open to ne, Ideas and Approac1es Initiative &o((ents

Planning and Organization


Follo,s Instr.ctions 'ee0s Additional training : develop(ent Attendance 4iscipline and 4ecor.( Positive Attit.de Honest- and Fairness

6 #uality of -or& ;Employee=s success in producing t e re6uired amount of -or&<

N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' Priorit- 'etting A(o.nt o/ 5or0 &o(pleted &o((ents

5or0 &o(pleted on 'c1ed.le

Supervisory/,eaders ip S&ills ;Apply only to employee - o is a Manager. Supervisor. or lead<

N/A-0 U-1 IN-2 MEEE-! O-" #A$IN% FA&$O#' '.pport o/ 7&&I E//orts/Progra(s $rains and develops sta// Properl- Aligns #esponsi*ilit-; Acco.nta*ilit-; A.t1oritEval.ates 'ta// #eg.larlFaces Per/or(ance Pro*le(s '3.arel'.pports responsi*le #is0 ta0ing &ontrol &osts and (a6i(izes #eso.rces Instills pride in Per/or(ance service; Innovation : <.alit'ets Hig1 standards /or 'el/; As 5ell as Ot1ers '.pports Use/.l 4e*ate : 4isagree(ent 5elco(e &onstr.ctive &riticis( Fosters #espect /or Facts; 4ata; and O*2ective Anal-sis Uses Anal-tical $ools and Models /or Process I(prove(ents '.pports E6peri(entation : =rainstor(ing $1at >eads to Innovation and >earning &o((ents

9verall Performance 1ating

$ec1nical '0ills <.alit- o/ 5or0 Interpersonal '0ills &o((.nication '0ills Approac1 $o 5or0 <.antit- o/ 5or0

$otal I(prove(ent Needed 81?1-2?09 Meets E6pectations 82?1- ?09 E6ceeds E6pectations 8 ?1!?"9 O.tstanding 8!?@"?09

Unaccepta*le 80-1?09

5or0 per/or(ance is inade3.ate and in/erior to t1e standards o/ per/or(ance /or t1e position? Per/or(ance at t1is level cannot *e allo,ed to contin.e?

5or0 per/or(ance does not consistentl- (eet t1e standards o/ per/or(ance /or t1e position? 'erio.s e//orts are needed to i(prove per/or(ance?

5or0 per/or(ance consistentl- (eets t1e standards o/ per/or(ance /or t1e position?

5or0 per/or(ance consistentl- a*ove t1e standards o/ per/or(ance /or t1e position?

5or0 per/or(ance consistentls.perior to standards re3.ired /or t1e 2o*

Check in the box above describes the employee's overall performance rating. Supervisor=s Comments ;additional comments may 'e attac ed<

Manager=s Comments/1eactions Employee Comments/1eactions

Dept Head Comments

Actions Plans/5raining and development >oals

(If applicable, summarize any specific projects, performance objectives, or training and development for the next revie period!

H1 Manager Comments

Employee Signature:


I have read and discussed this evaluation ith my supervisor and I understand its contents. "y signature means been advised of my performance status and does not necessarily imply that I agree ith either the appraisal or the contents.

Ne8t Appraisal -ill 'e due on: Supervisor Signature: Date:

June/Decem'er Manager=s Signature: Date:

Dept Head Signature: Date:

1evie-er Signature: Date:

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