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Living a Beautiful Life By Alex Chua

Have you ever felt bored by your life? The routine of forcing yourself to get out of bed, travelling to work and back home again, eating, sleeping etc. over and over and over again and again and again...

I was three years into my first job when I had this queasy feeling that there have got to be more to life than just this monotonous playback of the same day over and over and over again and again and again, every day, for the rest of my life.

Some people get this feeling five years into their working life, while others seven years. Some people start to feel this gapping emptiness gnawing at them when they are in the midst of their second career. Others, fall into this abyss of numb and dump sleepwalking through life as they start their third job.

Alex Chua, 2005 - 2012 Beyond Possibilities Share Your Sparks

There is also this bunch of very special people that Im still trying to understand. For these people, its like a part of them decided to stop working the moment they got the job. Im sure we have none of this group here with us.

The point is that all around me, I see healthy and intelligent people wasting away their lives, thinking that they are wasting their companys time. But no, it is not the companys time that they are wasting! Yes, the company may be paying for your time, but remember this: Youll never be able to buy back this time. This so called time, is your life.

And if you do not choose to live it beautifully and meaningfully, you will one day have to look back and face your own stupidity. You will one day have to feel that lingering hunger that can never be fulfilled by all the food and fortune in the world.

Are you ready for that? Is that the life you have intended? If not, what is? What is the life that you envision for yourself in five or ten years time? Have you ever considered what it would take for you to feel truly happy and deeply fulfilled?

The good news is that more and more people are now awakening to this deep sense of void. More and more people are now awakening to this gradual loss of meaning in their dull and deadening existence. All around me I see people beginning to question the purpose of their lives. More and more people, searching for meaningful work that can arouse their passion and make them feel alive again. This may happen at different times for different people, but let me assure you, it happens to everyone. Sometimes when you least expect it. Sometimes, more than once in your lifetime.
Alex Chua, 2005 - 2012 Beyond Possibilities Share Your Sparks

I recognise this only because this is my own experience in 2005 when I decided to leave my fulltime job to embark on my quest for meaning and purpose. Decide is a kind word. Truth be told, I had little choice as my body began sending me these painful signals and my mind was constantly clouded with a ho-hum of depressive negativity.

If you are reading this far, it is very likely that you have already been bitten by the bug. It is a wakeup call and it will not stop bugging you until you take massive action to change the way you have been living. It is a call to give up on the BIG FAT LIE and to begin to live a beautiful life.

The BIG FAT LIE we all tell ourselves sometimes, is that we are powerless victims of circumstances. That things just happen to us, and we have absolutely zero influence over our destiny.

A beautiful life, on the other hand, is one that is aligned with a higher purpose that empowers us with a consistent flow of intense positive energy to be, do and give our best. What is so beautiful about this life giving energy, this universal force of life, is that it is at the same time passionate, compassionate and full of joy. It is love, laughter and light all at once.

When you are one with this energy, you feel fully alive and charged up. Your eyes light up and sparkle like those of a kid. There is this warm glow around you that is so beautiful you attract all that is good into your life. You flourish, like sunflowers at the peak of their bloom.

Alex Chua, 2005 - 2012 Beyond Possibilities Share Your Sparks

All it takes to activate this amazing power is a spark. One single spark can transform your life and the lives of those you come into contact with.

These sparks of raw creative potential are already within you. It is up to you to express them through your daily living and giving. Through using your attention to mindfully focus and direct these wild and chaotic energy. Through using your intention to consciously create positive new possibilities.

It is through your daily living that you can choose to bare your heart and give these sparks the chance to fly and become sparkling stars that light up the world. You can make this world a brighter and more beautiful place for us all.

All it takes to live this beautiful life is the choice, to share your sparks of love, laughter and light, with the people you meet each and every day.

There is no need to wait till you are older. There is no need to wait till you have more money. There is no need to wait till you are famous. And no, you will not be getting any younger than you already are. You must claim this power now. Now is the time to share your sparks and live the beautiful life. Now is your time. This is your gift and your opportunity. This is your responsibility!

Love, laughter and light! Alex Chua - The Gardener

Alex Chua, 2005 - 2012 Beyond Possibilities Share Your Sparks

Tunning into The Power of Emotions By Alex Chua

Emotions are powerful energies cruising through our bodies. Emotions are energies in motion. Work with them like how an Aikido master would tap into and redirect the force of an opponant to win with elagance, grace and power.

Aikido is The Art of Peace. Just as there are no attacking moves in Aikido, do not attack of fight with your own emotions. That is neither efficient nor effective. It is a futile waste of energy.

Seek instead to master the dynamic energy of your emotions, starting with the five major one; love, fear, anger, sadness and joy.

Mastering the Energy of Love Love is the core emotion from which all other emotiona arise. Just as plants generate energy from light, you can generate energy from love. You can rouse the invigorating force of
Alex Chua, 2005 - 2012 Beyond Possibilities Share Your Sparks

passion to fuel your dreams. Passion is our love for life in action. Passion is how we can make love to life and flourish! Passion is what arouses our potential and translates it into a purpose-driven power. The power to believe! The power to give! The power to create!

Mastering the Energy of Fear Fear is the opposite of love. When the mind is clear and the heart is open, fear does not exist. It cannot exist. It is only when we clutter the mind with worries and enclose the heart in doubts that we find ourselves lost among the shadows of fear. Face your fears and let them drive you away from those things that you do not want in your life. Face your fears, so that they may frighten you away from your bad habits! Face your fears, so that they may shock you out of your meaningless routines! Face your fears, and wake up to truly live, in spite of fear!

Mastering the Energy of Anger Anger is an expression of fear. It is our immature reaction to fear. Anger makes us feel strong and powerful. But this is only an illusion. Anger, conveniently expressed as agression can consume and destroy you. Beware! Anger is like fire! It can spark you into action but it can also burn you. Be alert! Do not allow anger to take over control of your mind and body. Instead, master it! Redirect anger into creating positive change and let it drive you beyond your self-imposed limitations! Let the compelling energy of anger to push you beyond what you thought you were capable of!

Alex Chua, 2005 - 2012 Beyond Possibilities Share Your Sparks

Mastering the Energy of Sadness Sadness is the most challenging of all emotions to master for it is weak and it weakens your will. Sadness seeks solitude. It makes space for reflection and contemplation. It is full of creative potential waiting to be moulded into works of art. The most beautiful and lasting artworks have been brought forth out of this melancholic energy in solitude. Use it constructively and you can make rainbows from the rain. Wallow in it for too long and itll drown your spirits and swallow you whole. Be creative and be social. This is the way to mastering sadness.

Mastering the Energy of Joy Joy is bliss dancing with estasy. It is the heart beating to the music of the universe. To dance, we must put down our baggage. To dance we must learn to be lighthearted and not cling on to people or things. Joy oozes naturally out from being intune with the natural flow of life. Joy is already within us, waiting for us to call upon its power. Tune in and follow your joy, for itll free your heart! Follow your joy, and happines will find you in the most unexpected places, to surprise you, to delight you, to rapture you with awe!

Master the dynamic energy of these five major emotions and you would flourish! You must claim this power now. Now is the time to share your sparks and live the beautiful life. Now is your time. This is your gift and your opportunity. This is your responsibility!

Love, laughter and light! Alex Chua - The Gardener

Alex Chua, 2005 - 2012 Beyond Possibilities Share Your Sparks

Purpose-Driven Employees Drive Success How many people do you have working for you? I believe the answer is closer to zero. People dont work for you. People work for themselves and what they believe in. People work for their own reasons and you could be one of them, but it is unlikely that you are their only reason or even their main reason. People work for what they value as important and meaningful to them. Do you know what is important and meaningful to your employees? This question is very important because to thrive in todays fast changing economy where the most competitive resources are the creative ideas of people, organisations need employees who have more than just obedience, intelligence, diligence and accountability. Organisations need purpose-driven employees with a strong sense of ownership. These are employees who take pride in their work and are passionate and resourceful. These individuals are very clear about their values, strengths and passions, and they know how to direct their energies toward creating and contributing the most value to the organisation. These are the people you want to work with. They understand and subscribe fully to the organisations values, mission and vision. In fact, they live it through the work they do every day. They fill their work with life and they are the ones through which customers would experience an organisations values and mission.

Alex Chua, 2005 - 2012 Beyond Possibilities Share Your Sparks

They have found their answer to the question: What can I create and contribute using my strengths and passions that is aligned with my values, and that others care about enough to pay for? I believe that helping people to discover their life purpose is a noble mission that organisations are very well positioned to take on. The bonus is that profits will be the natural outcome of such an endeavour. I see so many healthy and intelligent people living way below what they are truly capable of and it bothers me. It bothers me because all these unexpressed life-force, all these undirected energies are wasted. It wouldnt bother me so much if these energies just evaporated into thin air but no. These misused energies are spreading throughout society and our organisations, being experienced as stress, anxiety, negativity and even depression. I believe that helping people to discover their life purpose is the solution. The gap between what a person is truly capable of being, and where he/she is currently at, is what I call the Self-Mastery Gap. It is because of this gap that stress, anxiety, negativity and depression can infect our minds and hearts. I believe that people who are committed to a life purpose are those who experience the most joy and love in their lives. They have awakened their own inner core of creative power, from which they can access/generate all the energy they need to live life fully; meaningful and beautifully. We recognise these people when we see someone who love openly, laugh spontaneously and light up the lives of those who they come into contact with. These are the employees who can give joy and love to an organisations customers. These are the people who can delight our customers. These people have reclaimed their power to create and contribute. They have rediscovered how to tap into their inner source of potential energy. By connecting this life-force with their life purpose, these people are able to transform their potential energy into the kinetic energy of passion, and direct it towards the living with love, laughter and light, much like how electricity runs through and powers a light bulb.

Alex Chua, 2005 - 2012 Beyond Possibilities Share Your Sparks

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