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AuLoblogglng roflLs

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Autob|ogg|ng rof|ts
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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1ab|e of Contents
IN1kCDUC1ICN 1C AU1C8LCGGING.......................................................3
SL11ING U CUk AU1C8LCG SS1LM....................................................5
1nL ANA1CM CI A SUCCLSSIUL AU1C8LCG..........................................8
MCNL1I2ING CUk AU1C8LCGS...........................................................11
LAUNCnING CUk AU1C8LCG..............................................................13
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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Introduct|on 1o Autob|ogg|ng
?ou've seen Lhe popularlLy of nlche blogs, and perhaps you've even
experlenced [usL how proflLable conLenL rlch webslLes can be. now, you're
ready Lo shlfL your performance lnLo hlgh gear, and develop a hlgh acLlon
neLwork of proflLable blogs uslng Lhe auLoblogglng sysLem!
AuLoblogglng ls all abouL auLomaLlng your blogs. lrom ln[ecLlng keywords
lnLo conLenL, Lo pulllng quallLy arLlcles and conLenL resources lnLo your blog
ln order Lo keep lL fresh and updaLed, once you've seL up your auLoblogglng
sysLem, lL wlll lnsLanLly mlnlmlze your workload and glve you Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo cover more ground, ln less Llme.
8uL ln order Lo develop an effecLlve auLoblogglng sysLem, you need Lo know
exacLly how Lo creaLe a rock solld sLrucLure. 1hen, you have Lo Lake sLeps Lo
opLlmlze your blogs so LhaL Lhey're able Lo galn maxlmum exposure, whlle
lncreaslng your proflLs from a varleLy of moneLlzaLlon sLraLegles.
1he mosL Llme consumlng parL of auLoblogglng ls ln Lhe seL up phase,
because once you've creaLed your foundaLlon, Lhe auLoblogglng sysLem wlll
Lake over, and you'll be able Lo qulckly repllcaLe your sysLem wlLhln as
many nlche markeLs as you wlsh.
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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So, how do you seL up a powerful auLoblogglng neLwork? 1hls reporL wlll
show you exacLly how Lo do lL fasLer and easler Lhan you ever LhoughL
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AuLoblogglng roflLs
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Sett|ng Up our Autob|og System
ln order Lo develop an auLomaLed blogglng sysLem, you'll need Lo choose
your auLoblogglng sofLware.
1hls sofLware wlll power up your webslLe, pulllng ln quallLy conLenL from
varlous free sources onllne, and lnsLanLly organlzlng your conLenL based on
your publlshlng schedule.
uependlng on Lhe auLoblogglng sofLware you choose, you'll be able Lo
cusLomlze everyLhlng from keywords used ln conLenL, Lo Lhe caLegorles ln
whlch your conLenL ls posLed.
l've personally evaluaLed a number of dlfferenL auLoblogglng sofLware
opLlons, and l've always reLurned Lo hLLp://www.W-8oboL.neL
W 8oboL lsn'L a free opLlon, buL lL does offer you exLended flexlblllLy and
cusLomlzaLlon opLlons LhaL aren'L lncluded ln any oLher blogglng sofLware.
ln facL, wlLh W 8oboL, noL only wlll you be able Lo creaLe a hlghly
organlzed blog, buL you'll be able Lo Lhoroughly moneLlze your conLenL a
number of dlfferenL ways lncludlng wlLh Amazon wldgeLs, Cllckbank afflllaLe
producLs and even e8ay llsLlngs.
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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lf you slmply can'L afford Lo grab a copy of W 8oboL, Lhere ls a free
alLernaLlve, however, Lhe feaLures are very llmlLed.
Cne free Lool ls avallable aL hLLp://www.WArLlcleleLch.com whlch ls a
plugln LhaL wlll pull ln conLenL from arLlcle dlrecLorles and auLomaLlcally
publlsh lL Lo your webslLe.
1here's a lower cosL alLernaLlve Lo W 8oboL avallable aL
hLLp://www.AuLoblogged.com and whlle lL's noL as feaLure laden as W
8oboL, lL's a greaL sLarLer-Lool ln Lhe evenL you need a lower cosL opLlon.
And flnally, you can creaLe your own auLoblogglng sysLem manually (and aL
no cosL) [usL by comblnlng a serles of free pluglns and resources lnLo your
exlsLlng Wordpress blog.
1o sLarL, you wlll wanL Lo download W C MaLlc, a free plugln LhaL wlll
auLomaLe updaLes and publlsh conLenL based on pre-deLermlned daLes and
1hen, you wlll wanL Lo creaLe a swlpe flle of LargeLed 8SS feeds, and lnsLrucL
W-o-MaLlc Lo pull conLenL and maLerlal dlrecLly from Lhese 8SS feeds, and
publlsh lL on your slLe.
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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8SS feeds are one of Lhe easlesL ways Lo populaLe your blog wlLh fresh
conLenL, so you'll wanL Lo spend Llme researchlng quallLy 8SS feeds LhaL
you can use Lo flood your blog wlLh fresh updaLes.
Cne of Lhe easlesL ways Lo flnd relevanL 8SS feeds LhaL you can use wlLh
your own blog ls by browslng Lhrough 8SS dlrecLorles, lncludlng
WlLh leedage, you'll be able Lo qulckly locaLe popular 8SS feeds based on
keyword searches. 8efore addlng a 8SS feed lnLo your auLoblogglng sysLem
however, make sure Lo spend a few mlnuLes browslng Lhrough prevlous
broadcasLs Lo ensure LhaL Lhe quallLy ls LargeLed, lnformaLlve and hlgh
?ou can add as many dlfferenL 8SS feeds lnLo W-o-MaLlc as you wlsh, buL l
recommend sLarLlng off wlLh 3-6 feeds LhaL focus on your nlche markeL,
and Lhen once your blog beglns Lo generaLe conLenL, exLend coverage by
addlng ln addlLlonal 8SS feeds.
When sLarLlng ouL, lL's lmporLanL LhaL you are careful wlLh Lhe amounL of
conLenL publlshed on your slLe. ?ou wanL Lo develop a naLural paLLern for
updaLes as Lo noL alerL Lhe search englnes LhaL you are auLomaLlcally
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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pulllng conLenL from varlous sources.
So, begln by publlshlng 1 new posL a day from quallLy 8SS feeds and Lhen as
your Lrafflc beglns Lo grow, and your webslLe ls esLabllshed, you can
lncrease Lhe number of updaLes each week.
1he Anatomy Cf A Successfu| Autob|og
8egardless whlch auLoblogglng plugln or sofLware you choose, you wanL Lo
creaLe a hlghly organlzed auLoblog, whlch lncludes:
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Lach caLegory wlll feaLure keyword speclflc arLlcle conLenL, helplng your
blog properly rank ln Lhe search englnes. lL's lmporLanL Lo accuraLely
organlze your arLlcle conLenL so LhaL you can develop a SlLC sLrucLure,
boosLlng your search englne ranklngs.
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lf you plan on lnLegraLlng vldeo conLenL lnLo your auLoblog, conslder
asslgnlng a speclflc caLegory [usL for your vldeos.
lrom personal experlence, auLoblogglng pluglns wlll crowd your pages lf
you comblne vldeo and arLlcles lnLo one segmenL, so Lo creaLe a clean,
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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organlzed sLrucLure, seL your auLoblogglng sysLem Lo publlsh vldeos lnLo lLs
own caLegory.
311*04 !"#$%&'1
WlLh sofLware llke W 8oboL, you'll be able Lo 'self asslgn" keywords, so
LhaL each Llme your blog auLomaLlcally publlshes conLenL, your sofLware
knows whaL keywords Lo aLLach Lo your maLerlal.
lf you are seLLlng up a manual auLoblogglng sysLem, you wlll wanL Lo spend
an hour a day asslgnlng keywords Lo each arLlcle or vldeo dlsLrlbuLed
LhroughouL your slLe.
keywords help vlslLors flnd your slLe wlLhln Lhe search englnes, and wlLh
auLoblogs, Lhe ma[orlLy of your Lrafflc wlll be organlc Lype-ln and search
Lrafflc so lL's lmporLanL Lo opLlmlze your ranklng.
-&"./" . 56"+*7*+ 8,"9"
Cne of Lhe blggesL mlsLakes LhaL new bloggers make ls ln creaLlng a generlc
auLoblog LhaL covers a varleLy of Loplcs. AuLoblogs should be LreaLed [usL
llke regular nlche blogs, so LhaL Lhey are Lhemed, and focused on speclflc
nlche markeLs and Loplcs.
?ou can expand your ouLreach by creaLlng addlLlonal auLoblogs LhaL cover a
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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wlder varleLy of Loplcs as your neLwork grows, buL when developlng your
flrsL few auLoblogs, make sure LhaL each one ls LargeLed Lowards a speclflc
segmenL of your markeL.
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1he enLlre polnL of developlng blogs on an auLoblog basls ls Lo mlnlmlze (lf
noL enLlrely ellmlnaLe) your workload, buL ln order Lo develop a quallLy blog
LhaL can be effecLlvely moneLlzed, you'll wanL Lo keep an eye on Lhe Lype of
conLenL belng publlshed Lo your blog, ensurlng LhaL lL's relevanL and
LargeLed Lowards your markeL.
1hls process doesn'L have Lo Lake a loL of Llme, and conslderlng how much
your workload has been reduced, you can slmply spend an hour or Lwo
each week golng over conLenL updaLes, Lweaklng keywords and opLlmlzlng
your slLe as lL grows.
WlLh Lhe ma[orlLy of commerclal auLoblogglng pluglns, you'll be able Lo
choose beLween auLo-publlshlng or manual-approval, glvlng you Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo qulckly revlew conLenL prlor Lo publlcaLlon.
?ou can seL up your auLoblogglng sysLem Lo collecL conLenL LhroughouL Lhe
week and Lhen spend a couple of hours qulckly scannlng Lhe conLenL and
approvlng lL.
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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?ou wanL Lo make sure LhaL your auLoblogglng sysLem lsn'L pulllng
promoLlonal based conLenL, such as Cllck8ank adverLlsemenLs or conLenL
deslgned Lo promoLe speclflc producLs, because ln order Lo moneLlze your
blog, you wanL Lhe CnL? afflllaLe llnks feaLured on your slLe Lo be your
Monet|z|ng our Autob|ogs
1here are many dlfferenL ways Lo effecLlvely moneLlze your auLoblogs, and
dependlng on Lhe amounL of conLenL avallable ln your nlche, you wlll wanL
Lo balance ouL Lhe number of ads so LhaL vlslLors' aren'L overwhelmed
when Lhey enLer your slLe.
?ou never wanL adverLlsemenLs Lo lnLerfere wlLh Lhelr experlence,
oLherwlse lL's unllkely LhaL Lhey'll reLurn.
non-aggresslve ad campalgns may lnclude 3 blocks of Adsense
adverLlsemenLs feaLured LhroughouL your auLoblog.
?ou could lnLegraLe one ad block Lo appear wlLhln each arLlcle conLenL, one
block Lo appear ln Lhe Lop navlgaLlon menu of your LemplaLe so LhaL lL's
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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vlslble on each page, and a flnal ad block Lo appear ln Lhe fooLer area of
your conLenL and webslLe LemplaLe.
lay around wlLh dlfferenL ad block slzes, colors and placemenL so LhaL you
can maxlmlze performance.
Cne popular meLhod of moneLlzlng auLoblogs ls Lo feaLure dlfferenL afflllaLe
producLs LhroughouL Lhe conLenL.
WlLh auLoblogglng pluglns llke W 8oboL, you can lnsLanLly moneLlze your
blog wlLh a comblnaLlon of afflllaLe programs, lncludlng www.Amazon.com
ads (and wldgeLs) and www.Cllck8ank.com
lf you are creaLlng an auLoblogglng sysLem on your own, you wlll wanL Lo
seL up a permanenL adverLlslng sysLem, so LhaL raLher Lhan adverLlsemenLs
appearlng lnslde of conLenL updaLes where you'd be requlred Lo manually
lnserL llnks and banners, you can feaLure adverLlsemenLs along Lhe slde bar
of your Wordpress LemplaLe, as well as wlLhln Lhe header and fooLer areas.
AnoLher easy way Lo moneLlze your auLoblogs wlLh Amazon wldgeLs and
asLore pluglns. ?ou can manually choose producLs LhaL compllmenL your
conLenL, or lf uslng W 8oboL, you can auLomaLe Lhe process of producL
selecLlon by pre-selecLlng caLegorles ln whlch Lo pull and publlsh producLs.
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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Launch|ng our Autob|og
ln order Lo make money wlLh powerful, conLenL rlch auLoblogs, you need Lo
spend Llme developlng LargeLed Lrafflc campalgns LhaL pull ln vlslLors and
boosL your search englne ranklng for maxlmum exposure.
Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL facLors of a successful auLoblog markeLlng
campalgn ls Lo bulld quallLy backllnks LhaL dlrecL LargeLed Lrafflc Lo your
noL only wlll backllnks maxlmlze your auLoblogs' exposure, buL lL wlll boosL
your overall search englne ranklng as search englnes llke Coogle.com asslgn
relevancy based on Lhe number and quallLy of lncomlng llnks.
?ou can develop backllnks [usL by parLlclpaLlng on relevanL forums, or by
posLlng commenLs on auLhorlLy blogs, lncludlng a llnk back Lo your slLe
wlLhln Lhe web address area of Lhe submlsslon form. !usL make sure LhaL
you leave relevanL, helpful commenLs, so LhaL your llnks remaln on Lhe slLe.
?ou can also purchase backllnks from markeLplaces llke
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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!usL make sure LhaL you develop a naLural backllnk paLLern as Lo noL alerL
Lhe search englnes or rlsk belng penallzed.
When developlng backllnks, make sure LhaL you vary Lhe keywords used ln
anchor LexL so LhaL your auLoblog ls able Lo rank for varlous keyword
phrases, raLher Lhan [usL one.
ln addlLlon, don'L use your domaln name or webslLe LlLle, buL lnsLead,
lmplemenL relevanL, LargeLed keywords LhaL descrlbe whaL your webslLe ls
all abouL.
?ou'll already rank ln Lhe search englnes for your domaln name, so lnsLead,
focus on alLernaLlve relevanL keywords.
ln order Lo generaLe quallLy backllnks, you wanL Lo focus only on
esLabllshed blogs LhaL have exlsLlng page rank and auLhorlLy ln Lhe ma[or
search englnes.
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AnoLher useful plugln for locaLlng quallLy blogs Lo help you bulld your back-
llnk campalgn ls Lhrough Lhe CommenL PuL sofLware program.
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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CommenL PuL wlll allow you Lo enLer keywords relaLed Lo your nlche
markeL and Lhen wlll go Lo work for you, scouLlng ouL blogs LhaL feaLure "do
follow", meanlng LhaL llnks lefL wlLhln commenLs wlll counL as a valld
,-. /0* 1-2*3-01 #4" :-88"*# ;.# %-5#206" 0#9
And flnally, lL's lmporLanL Lo maxlmlze exposure by submlLLlng your
auLoblogs lnLo popular blog communlLles.
lL only Lakes a few mlnuLes Lo submlL your u8L and by dolng so, you'll be
able Lo lncrease exposure, whlle neLworklng wlLh oLher bloggers ln your
;"6" 06" #4" #-7 '3-( /-88.*)#)"% 2-6#4 <-)*)*(9
hLLp://www.My8logLog.com (make sure Lo [oln communlLles)
llnal 1lp: Make sure Lo creaLe an accounL wlLh
AuLoblogglng roflLs
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hLLp://www.leed8urner.com so LhaL vlslLors' Lo your blog can subscrlbe Lo
your 8SS feed.
Lven lf your blog ls pulllng auLomaLed conLenL from Lhlrd parLy sources,
people wlll sLlll wanL Lo recelve updaLes, glvlng you an opporLunlLy Lo grow
a very LargeLed subscrlber base!
l wlsh you Lhe very besL of success wlLh your auLoblogglng neLwork!

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