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June 1973

Dear Christian Loved Ones,

JUN 25 t973

Since we last wrote to you, we have really been on the move, literally. Having completed our-formal language study and-initial period of adjustment to this, very
different culture, we desired to locate v^ere the Lord could best use us.

The Ritchey family joined Casses and Sigafooses in Central Java in December

1972, while the Fish (now on furlough) and Idnegarner families remained in Bandung,
West Java. V.hile thousands of villages in I.est and Central Java still have never yet had Christian teaching, the two remaining areas of Java (East Java and the nation'

capitol, Jakarta) were as yet totally untouched by our churches.

or church planting.

Although both of

those areas do have missionaries from various denominations, most of themin Jakarta are in administrative positions and not involved in actual Bible teaching, evangelism,
After much prayer we felt we should move to Jakarta.

Jfe-ny of you know that we had prayed about moving to Central Sumatra ever since I made a survey trip there in October of 1971* However many doors seemed closed by problems with existing churches there. Ive also realized that I would have to spend much time traveling between small, widely separated villages. Ety contrast, Jakarta

(present population estimated in excess of 5 million) is the most densely populated

area in Indonesia.

Mongether positive reasons for choosing Jakarta as our base of operations were the invitations extended to us by various area churches to come teach. To date, I am teaching Christian doctrine couras within two churches. Both of these congregations have branches that we will also begin serving in the near future. One of the branches a Sunday school, is in our part of town (the Pejompongan area). I have asked the mother congregation for the names of children attending this Bible school, with the intention of calling upon all the families involved. Vfe vjant to invite the adults to a weekly Bible stucly session with the goal in mind of them establishing a new congre gation. This area now has only two churches, one Catholic and one Presbyterian. Out reach of the Presbyterian church is limited by its use of the Javanese dialect rather than the Indonesian language. Please pray that God id.ll turn this dream of extensive Christian outreach in the Pejomongan district into a reality!
Another positive aspect of our ministry here is that Jakarta is a strategic point from whidi contact with other islands can be made. Despite government transmigration programs, the influx of persons from outer areas is a major cause of Jakarta* s popula tion increase. Almost every Indonesian tribal group is represented here. Also, peop] are regularly commuting to Jakarta from outer areas. Persons who become acquainted with Christ here may take the message back to loved ones or business associates on other islands. V'e don*t have any specific plans at present for making use of these possibilities. But we hope God will lead us to persons and situations that will help us formulate definite plans, goals, procediires, etc. in this regard.

Apart from a direct evangelistic/teaching ministry, we can also be of service

to our other missionaries. Jakarta is the center for much of the legal work that has

to be done between mission and government. V/e can help the visa applications for new missionaries move quickly (or even move at all) through the necessary red tape.
Assisting with any necessary errands for other missionaries will save them time-

consuming (and oft times useless) trips to Jakarta.

that Christ has given us.

We are also opening our home to

out-of-towners w^ have business to conduct here. Certainly these activities take only a small poriSon of our time, but we feel it is all part of a wonderful opportunit

We^ve been hosting families and individuals since our first week in Jakarta.

Jean Comer left for furlou^ in late April, followed on May 10 by the Lew Cass
family, who have completed five years of pioneer work here. All of us are here as a

result of I^w*s efforts, so again we send our thanks to them.

see them off.

fellowship with Jean and Casses, as well as with our missionary families who came to
Then our most recent visitors from the States were ^Ir. and Mrs. Jim Smith and

address is C/O E. A. Paxton, 2245 Olive Ave., Fremont, Calif. 94538i We enjoyed the

Casses* furlough

Bob Maclean. Bro. Smith is director of Christian Missionary Fellowship and Bro. Maclean is a missionary recruit planning to return with his family in January 1974. Both were here to survey the mission situation with both our group and others also. We were thrilled to hear of new families with a vision for the work in Indonesia. Pray that God will hasten their coming, and that of others also. One prayer we families

in 1973. Another of our prayers, for 200 new Christians and 4 new churches, has been partially answered by the baptism of over 25 people in a village near Salatiga, Centra Java. As far as we know, this is the first new Christian church begun here. This is an inspiration to all of us, especially to those laboring in Salatiga! Praise God!
In a few weeks you'll hear from us about more of the "family details" involved
in our move*

here are shying this year is that twelve missionaries will be recruited to !&idonesia

God bless you as you live for Him,

Ed and Louise Furnas

Kotak Pos 27/K B Y

kebajoran Baru
Jakarta, Java, Indonesia

Isles-of-the Pacific^Chr istian Mission

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eastham

Forwarding Agents
Box 3

. JIIM95

U. S. Postage Non-Profit Org,

Vermilion, Illinois 61955


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1 7
August 1973

Dear Friends and Loved Ones,

I.e hope most of you were able to attend the NACC last month and that as a result

of the fellowship shared there you*re how even better equipped and more zealous to serve our marvelous Lord. Someone said the fe3J.owship was like a little preview of heaven! l.e look forv/ard to such reunions in *75, but until then, let*s help and
encourage one another to tell all the world about Jesus.

In our last two letters we*ve told you about our move to Jakarta and reasons

for doing so.

Now we'd like to acquaint you more thoroughly with the^eaghing

I've been teaching Qiristi^

in which I've recently been involved.

irine courses and occasionally preaching in two churches, both of which have

extensions in other areas in the form of other churches or Sunday schools. Our necrt. letterto you about the more discouraging of these two classes. But
a posiMvs:

with the first of these, the


Thc^y have an avera,ge attendance.of almost 1,000 which is fairly equally divided into 3 v;orship services. There are branch Sunday schools in five different areas of Jakarta as weJl as established churches in Bandung and North Sulaweei (island N E of

This is a wei].-established congregation, begun by the Dutch about 50 years ago.

here). Doctrinally, they are much the same as our churches, observing the "independ
ent" status of the local chnrch and follcrwing the scriptural plan of salvation.

Variations from our position would include their observance of the Lord's supper only
once a month and the fact that only four times a year do they hold baptismal services

in which thoses people vho have confessed Christ during the past three months may be immersed. Their "Pentecostalism" could only be described as very conservative and
is expressed in "decency and in order".

Ive've asked ourselves why I'm even teaching there, when it seems that much of the material concerns things they already believe. In past letters we've explained our reasons for trying to work through already existing diurches. In addition, the follov/ing two convictions have helped me in times of discouragement.

First, we believe the leader^ip must be tau^t to express their beliefs clearly
and to pass this understanding on to the congregation (something they have failed to

do). Furthermore, the eldership needs an awareness of its responsibility as spirit

ual overseers that will motivate them not to permit the people to be exposed to

erroneous teaching (sometimes delivered by guest evangelists) during the v/orship

service, Khile these leaders are not swayed by such teaching, there's always the danger that members of the congregation who are yet babes in Christ could be led

away from teadiings of the Bible. Me would like to see "ttiese elders develop enough confidence, determination, or whatever you want to call it, to safeguard their
congregation even at the risk of offending such abovementioned teachers. But avoid ing offense is a very integral part of their culture. Me don't know the answer to

this problem. . However, we've been encouraged that some of these leaders, including the minister, comprised half of the 10-12 students who attended ny weekly class taught from Paul Benjamin's course on Christian Growth, vdiich began April 4. We're
now beginning a course on personal evangelism.

Secondly, I think these leaders are an excellent contact to help us open a new church in the Pejompongan district of Jakarta, where they have a branch Sunday school. Ive're thinking particularly of a man named Daniel Sukendra, now a "subminister" at Ecclesia Christi. Perhaps I should explain the term "sub-minister".

members of the "majalis" (the equivalent of our elders and deacons) by assigning them

The Ecclesia Christi congregation trains those aspiring to become teachers or

the above training, "preachersto-be" must also complete a ministerial apprentice

ship program. During this time there are a few books that must be studied and

to observe and help the present teacjhers, elders, and deacons. All leaders, with the exception of the preachers, learn entirely through this apprentice system. There is no printed material which they can use or can study to learn more about the purpos' or importance of their position or better teaching methods. In addition to completin,


to one of their branch Sunday schools to begin teaching, leading and calling on
It*s hoped, but not required, that a new congregation will develop;

Following this, the man is given a "preaching post" - i.e., he is sent

in a specialized w3y but does not receive a church salary. He works in the repair shop of a local company and spends his evenings for the church. However, Daniel's effectiveness might be fairly limited to people having a Chinese background, since he himself is a Chinese i?idoriesia.n," and therefore seldom well accepted by "native Indonesians". But Daniel has proven himself att avid worker and one id.lling to learn
and grow in understanding of God's word. ship with him in your prayers. Please remember this man and our relation

Daniel plans to move into the Pejompongan area soon, so any church begun here would have the benefit of his training. He is already dedicated to the lord's work

We appreciate your continued support and love.

God bless you richly.

In His blessed name.

Ed and Louise Rimas

Kotak Pos 27/KBY

Kebajoran Baru -Jakai't.a', Java, -Indonesia

Isles of the Pacific Christian Mssion Ifr. and Mrs. Harold Eastham
Forwarding Agents

U. S. Postage Non-Profit Org.


3 Vermilion, Illinois 61955

^ . ...

Vermilion, 111. 61955

Permit #1



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September Jfewsletter.--.1973

Deat Ortes "in Christ,

and want to tell you about it.

Maybe this is a bad way to begin a newsletter, but we*ve h^ a depressing mor
Sometimes we all get the feelfog^UiaL lllLle Is"

going right, and it's hard to rem^ber ishat "all things work together for good to them that love the Lord." This is such a time in our work h^re. As you know, we've
been working with two churches here in Jakarta.. This letter was to be about the second one. However, lately we've felt it would be better to get involved in direct

evangelism and church planting rather than trying to teach and work through existing independent congregations.
/ Both of ny classes begain with 12-15 students. That number held for several /months but then began dropping, until it settled down to only four students for the

"Jerusalem" church. In addition, because the first church (see last month's letter) fouled up announcements concerning the evangelism course, it began a month late.

Finally, Daniel Sukendra, the minister with whom we hoped to work in establishing a
church in this area, has decided not to move here until Feb. '74, if then. Thus,

our discouragement.

to do) rather than upon God.

city villages) here.

In looking back, it seems I've relied too much upon what men mi^t do a or plan
It will be a work that will have future

V-e still believe that God has led me to teach in those

two churches, so I'll continue to do so.

results. But now we want to give priority to reaching into the kampung areas (inter
Please pray for us as we take this new step of faith.
Now-we "want to ttpll rtp>Y'BHja. Jerusalem Pentekosta

before we moved from Bandung, it became obvious soon after I began that his main desire was to get^ree-^BiKU^anri Engl i sh-ftQunaesr-foruiiis children (in their late

rerxigajem-iPsn^ecos^l C h u r c h ) a s k e d me to teach there even

teens and early twenties). There is no desire on the part of t"He minister or any of the other present leadership to learn more about the Bible or to make any of the many needed doctrinal changes. As it became clear that there would not be free English lessons, but only Bible studies, the attendance began to dwindle to the present class of the preacher's three children and his future son-in-law, Santono. V.hile these young people will probably be future church leaders, and are even now beginning a Sunday School, ihe situation certainly hasn't boosted my seIfr:QQidence

I know it's important thou^ to learn confidence in the ILord and not~iri myselfT"
Vke have hope that Santono. especially, will continue to grewspiritually and

position. Unlike so many othersT^^heis

ings of Pentecostalism.

feel a zeal for evangeSsm.

He is

new Christian^ still forming his doctrinal

to decide for himself what

I said,

the scriptures say. Since this is practically unheard of here, Santono is most unusual. Understandably enough, many of his questions center around the basic teach
I've tried to take the positive approach in my answers,

as when he asked, "Vihan -hri ll T

t.h(a baptism of the^Hgly^Spirit?"

"If you are a Christian"you have already received the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:3^).
we grow from being babes in Christ to the "fullness of the spirit" or spiritual


maturity, we learn to draw more and more upon the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. As to miraculous spiritual gifts, we need to look at I Cor. 12-14. ^-^ich of the many gifts should we select or earnestly desire? Well, Paul mentions one miraculous gift that is better than all the others, LOVE. Is there anyone who can say that love is any less a miracle than tongues? So don't worry about the other gifts. God has the power to give you any of the other miraculous gifts, but

your responsibility is to seek and develoit^Chc^

If Santono continues his questioning, he will soon have a solid base upon whidi to build his Christian life. As a medical supply distributor he will have many

opportiinities to share the good news with others in many West Java villages. We still believe that if the church in Indonesia is going to be a living, growing, and reproducing body, it id.ll be through the leadership of men like Daniel and Santono,
Please pray for them,


not drive it^ made us itart

Landrover jeep. However the Jak^ta heat and filihi plus the fact that Louise could
cwtters 6f a 1967 Qiwy n Sed^* Xt'e audi cleaner and cooler^ aal Lmiiao can
It becomes very obvious vitien Jeanne goes out

^e*ve dianged vehicles!

For the past year and a half we have used a 1961

Scat ^ciateihing more praciicaX. ite are now the

drive it (altheogh Karen says she Hkee ny drivifig better. Ha!)

The rainy seaspn is here again.

side for a few minutes and comes back in leaving a trail of sticky red mud. It's hard to believe she *s already a year old and that Karen will soon be 4 They make

our day very busy,'but, happy. Our'special thanks to the three childreite group bhat. have been corresponding with them latelyl
Yours in Christ forever,

Ed and Louise Purnas

Kotak Pos 27/KBY

Kebajoran Baru Jakarta, Java, Indonesia


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