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Special Educational Needs Policy INTRODUCTION The purpose of this policy is to ensure that pupils with special educational

needs at Christs School are recognised and recei e the support necessary to ena!le the" to gain the "a#i"u" !enefit fro" what the school offers as set out in the $i"s of the School% The &o ernors ac'nowledge their responsi!ilities under current legislation% DE(INITION Children ha e special educational needs if they ha e a learning difficulty which calls for special educational pro ision to !e "ade for the"% )Education $ct* +,,-* Section .+/0 $I1S The ai"s of this policy are to2 identify* assess and "onitor pupils who ha e special educational needs at any ti"e during their school career esta!lish and deli er inter ention and support progra""es pro"ote the greatest degree of partnership !etween parents* children* the school and other agencies% 1$N$&E1ENT The 3earning Support Co4ordinator* who is designated as the School Special Needs Co4ordinator)SENCO0 under the Education $ct +,,.* will !e responsi!le to the 5ead for2 de eloping and "aintaining procedures for the identification* assess"ent and "onitoring of pupils with special educational needs in conte#t of the schools policies on assess"ent and recording organising learning support progra""es for indi idual pupils ad ising curriculu" tea" leaders and liaising with indi idual teachers on the de elop"ent and deli ery of su!6ect specific progra""es% pro iding infor"ation and guidance on in ser ice training for staff in relation to special educational needs% Curriculu" Tea" 3eaders will !e responsi!le for ensuring that sche"es of wor' and teaching "ethods "a'e pro ision for children with special educational needs%

Indi idual teachers will !e responsi!le for recognising and responding to children with special educational needs in their classroo" practice and in pastoral relationships% $ll staff are responsi!le for i"ple"enting the school policy for children with special educational needs%

ENTIT3E1ENT In co""on with all children in the school* pupils with special educational needs should ha e access to a !alanced and !roadly !ased curriculu" )including the National Curriculu"0 and to the full range of acti ities organised !y the school% To this end the school will acti ely support the 3E$ policy to pro"ote the inclusion and access of pupils with special educational needs and "aintain lin's with other schools* including special schools% Pro ision will !e "ade for the transition of pupils with special educational needs !etween schools and !etween school and the ne#t stage in education or life% The school will prepare infor"ation during 7S. and 7S8 on pupils with special educational needs for presentation to e#a"ining !odies to ena!le special arrange"ents to !e "ade to ensure that they ha e the opportunity to de"onstrate their attain"ents% Parents of children with special educational needs will !e acti ely encouraged to wor' in partnership with the school to the !enefit of the pupils% E9TERN$3 $&ENCIES In i"ple"enting this policy the school will2 wor' within the fra"ewor' of the Rich"ond 3E$ policy on Special Educational Needs see' ad ice and support fro" the 3E$ $ccess and Inclusion Di ision as appropriate to the needs of the pupils at Christs School "aintain lin's with child health ser ices* social ser ices and educational welfare and oluntary organisations which wor' on !ehalf of children with special educational needs% RESOURCES :ithin the o erall !udget* the go ernors will gi e due priority to the pro ision of ade;uate staffing and "aterial resources to "eet the special educational needs of pupils% Consideration will !e gi en to the purchase of support ser ices as necessary to "eet the needs of the pupils and with

regard to the guidance in the Special Educational Needs 4 Code of Practice )/<<+0% RE=IE: This policy shall !e su!6ect to re iew !y the &o ernors e ery two years or sooner if circu"stances re;uire%

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