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1.1 MAIN BOARD This board is the brain of the MobiTronix kit.

The major components used on 2 /IN B'R0 1 /IN B'R0 B233'R STRI/ STRI/ the circuit board ar e Motor driver IC - L293D , Decoder IC - HT12D , NOT ate IC 74LS04 , I! !eceiver modu"e, #u$$er and DI% s&itches. B233'R
S4IT5H 4/IN B'R0 L293D is STRI/

a mono"ithic inte rated hi h vo"ta e, hi h curr ent four channe" driver desi ned to drive inductive "oads ' in our case a DC motor(. It provides sufficient DI/ current to motors for them to run.
S4IT5H 1

HT12D is a decoder IC used to decode the si na" received from transmitter. )or proper oper ation bet&een a pair of transmitter and receiver and to avoid jammin , HT12D NOT 0AT' proper address setup shou"d be done. * decoder on"+ accepts the si na" sent D'5OD'R b+ an 74LS04 encoder havin same address conf i uration and rejects a"" other si na"s.
DI/ S4IT5H 3 DI/ S4IT5H 2


/O4'R S4IT5H


IR R7'

1117 6OLTA0' R'02LATOR

Fig.1. L %,l,& Di g! " o# Mo%iT!o$i( M i$ %o !&

D,co&i$g 8$i* - - This unit consists of a decoder IC .T/,D and some components "ike resistors, capacitor s and cr+sta". It r eceives the si na" sent b+ the I! r eceiver unit, reads it, checks the address three times, if the address is matched it is considered as a va"id transmission and the data sent b+ the tr ansmitter is presented on its four data out pins0 if the address does not match, the si na" is considered as an inva"id si na" and Fig (4) Block Di g! " o# M i$ %o !& rejected. DI/ 9:i*c; 1+ . This is a part of decodin unit and is used to set the address. '()l $ *io$ + DI/ 9:i*c; 2+ . This s&itch can be used in t&o &a+s- )our channe"s of this unit can IR R,c,i-,!+ It t&o basica""+ contains I! receiver modu"e. It receives the them. si na" be use to rotate. the motors in an+an direction direct"+ on"+ b+ confi urin transmitted b+ the &ire"ess 'transmitter( fi"ters it, amp"ifies it and driver sendsand it tothe The other four channe"s ofremote this s&itch provide a "ink bet&een the motor the decoder unit. , 1

decoder unit. If it is needed to contro" the robot throu h remote contro" these 2 s&itches must be activated. Si( )i$ %,!g 9*!i)+ . This is a combination of three 3 pin ber strips, &hich are used to connect sensors. It provides a direct interface bet&een sensors and motor driver. Fo8! )i$ %,!g 9*!i)+ . This is a combination of three 2 pin ber strips used to connect sensors. It provides an interface bet&een the sensors and the motor driver throu h a NOT ate. T:o )i$ %,!g 9*!i)+ . This is a combination of three , pin ber strips connected &ith a transistor and a resistor, used to connect sensors. It provides an interface bet&een sensors, bu$$er and motor driver. NOT g *, - - This unit receives si na"s sent b+ the sensors, inverts it and sends them to the drivin unit. DI/ 9:i*c; 3 - - This s&itch does three jobsIt connects the drivin unit &ith the NOT ate. It connects the 4T '4a"id Transmission( pin of decodin unit &ith the dr ivin unit in order to prevent the robot to move out of ran e. It connects the drivin unit &ith t&o pin ber strips &ith a transistor. D!i-i$g 8$i* - - This unit consists of a motor driver IC 5,61D &hich reads the instructions iven to it and drives the motor s accordin "+. Mo*o!9+ . These are a"so ca""ed actuators or the end effectors of a robot, &hich convert the e"ectronic si na"s into a mechanica" si na" and ives motion to the robot. B8<<,!+ .

This is another t+pe of end effecter &hich ives an audib"e response.


In this part of the sensor a microphone is connected &hich receives the sound and converts it into a correspondin e"ectric current but the stren th of that current is ver+ "o&. *n audio amp"ifier is a"so connected in this unit &hich amp"ifies the ver+ "o& e"ectric current to a hi h stren th e"ectric current. The sensitivit+ of the sensor can be adjusted throu h a potentiometer 'variab"e resistor( connected onsound the sound sensor as 879N79:. If is thea potentiometer is of to be rotated in c"ock The sensor, as isrepresented obvious from the name, sensor capab"e respondin to sound si na"s. &ise direction It is possib"e its sensitivit+ usin this decreases sensorand not in on"+ antic"ock&ise to detect thedirection sound but sensitivit+ a"so to adjust increases. the sensitivit+ of the sound to be detected as &e"" as the time for &hich to respond. The sound sensor uses a microphone to detect the sound si na", &hi"e the other components on the board contro" the time as &e"" as the sensitivit+ of the sensor. TIM'R+ of the timer present here is to provide a time de"a+. 7uppose +ou &ant +our robot to move for&ard for certain period of time or +ou &ant +our robo t to take a /;< de ree turn &hen +ou c"ap or so on. In such cases &e need the use of a timer. The timer circuit either takes input from audio input unit or a s&itch present on the board. If +ou press the s&itch or make a c"ap the timer &i"" be activated and it &i"" remain active for cer tain period of time. The time period of the timer can be adjusted throu h a potentiometer 'variab"e re ister( named as =TIM9>. If the potentiometer is to be rotated in c"ock &ise direction the time period decreases and in the anti c"ock&ise direction the time period increases. The status of the time can be seen on 59D/. 59D/ turns on &hen the timer is activated and off &hen the time period is comp"eted. The output of the timer can be fed to the robot throu h a set of ber strips named as =TIM9! O?T> as sho&n in fi -1. These three pins of the ber strip are Data, @v e and Ave. These pins shou"d be connected to the motherboard &ith the he"p of a 1-band connector cab"e &ith the proper convention of Data, @ve and Ave. %o&er supp"+ to sound sensor is provided b+ the motherboard throu h @ve and Ave pins and sound sensor sends data to motherboard throu h the data pin. The data pin of TIM9! O?T pins send a "o ic-< &hen timer is activated and sends a "o ic-/ &hen timer stops. The major ro"e DIA0RAM+



)i -, #"ock dia ram of 7ound 7ensor The timer unit ets input from audio input circuit and ives output to the counter unit a"on &ith the 59D-< and TIM9! O?T fi pin. On readin the output from the timer circuit the counter circuit -,1 starts countin from < and on each input from the timer circuit 'b+ a c"ap or pressin the s&itch( the 5ONSTR25TION AND count is incremented b+ / up to 1 after 4OR=IN0+ &hich it a ain becomes $ero. The output of this unit is ref"ected on 59D-, and 59D-1. The status of the 59Ds on each count is represented in tab"e be"o&. 59D -/ &i"" "o& The sound period sensor of basica""+ of four for certain time asconsists adjusted on the partstime port &hen this sensor detects a c"ap. The sensor &i"" not accept an+ c"ap or sound &hen the timer is active. /. *udio input

,. Timer 1. Counter 2. Output unit

)i -1 7ound 7ensor Top

)i -2 7ound 7ensor #ottom

CO?NT 4*5?9 59D-, 59D-1 < O)) O)) / O)) ON , ON O)) 1 ON ON

The output of the counter is fed to the motherboard throu h t&o fema"e connectors D*T*-/ and D*T*-, present on bottom side of the sensor modu"e as mentioned in the fi -2. These connect fo""o&s the same convention of Data, @ve and Ave as per the connectors exp"ained before. To connect these connectors &ith +our mother board +ou need not have to connect an+ connector +ou can p"ace the board direct"+ on top of the ber strips present on the motherboard. The data pins of this connector send a "o ic-/ &hen the 59D correspondin to it is on and sends a "o ic-< &hen the 59D correspondin to that pin is off.

O2T/2T 2NIT+ The output unit of sound sensor basica""+ consists of 59D-/, 59D,, 59D-1, TIM9! O?T, D*T*/, and D*T*1. Throu h 59Ds &e are ab"e to vie& the status of the sensor and throu h the pins &e can send the data to the motherboard. The detai"s about the 59Ds and data pins have been mentioned above.

its t&o output pins &hich in further can be connected to robot to drive it accordin to 11. SO2ND 5ONTROLL'D ROBOT the number of c"aps. 11.1 D,9c!i)*io$ 11.4 5o$#ig8! *io$+ This robot &orks as per the sound si na"s it receives. Bhen someone c"aps, the robot &i"" move accordin to the number of c"ap sounds it has received. S*,) 1+ Deep a"" s&itches of DI% s&itch / and DI% s&itch , at O)) position. S*,) 2+ Connect the pins of the sound sensor on the D< and D, pins of the 3-pin 11.2 5o$$,c*io$ &i t&o g! "+ ber strip. 11.? 4o!ki$g+ The sound sensor modu"e consists of a microphone and an H5F4027B' 'f"ip f"op IC(. The f"ip- f"op IC is used as a counter circuit. There are , 59D:s on the modu"e. *ccordin to the seEuence of our c"ap the 59D: s &i"" "o&. The data is sent to the main board as per the data disp"a+ed on the 59D:s . *ccordin "+, the robot can move for&ard, "eft, ri ht and stop. *"so a s&itch is present on the sound sensor to simu"ate the c"ap manua""+ &ithout actua""+ c"appin . There are t&o potentiometers on the sound sensor modu"e. The potentiometer named sense is used to adjust the sensitivit+ of the sound sensor &hi"e the other potentiometer =TIM9> he"ps to adjust the time for &hich the motors shou"d respond. 79N79- *nti c"ock&ise A hi h sensitivit+ C"ock&ise A "o& sensitivit+ It shou"d be set usua""+ bet&een < de ree and 2F de ree. Fig (>) . 5i!c8i* &i g! " o# " i$ %o !& #o! So8$& 5o$*!oll,& Ro%o* TI M9 A *nti c"ock&ise A "ess time C"ock&ise A more time

11.3 Logic+ The sound sensor consists of a microphone. The externa" sound is received b+ microphone. *s per the number of c"aps the sound sensor ener ates the binar+ code in /C /;


12.1 D,9c!i)*io$+ In a time contro""ed robot, +ou can move +our robot for&ard or stop +our robot for a certain period of time &hen +ou c"ap. This can be done b+ usin the TI M9 potentiometer of +our sound sensor. 12.2 5o$$,c*io$+

Fig (>) . 5i!c8i* &i g! " o# " i$ %o !& #o! Ti", 5o$*!oll,& Ro%o*

12.3 Logic+ * timer circuit is present on the sound sensor usin &hich it is possib"e to adjust the time for the motors start or stop runnin on receivin the time si na". 12.4 5o$#ig8! *io$+ S*,) 1+ Connect the sound sensor on the , pin ber strip of the main board. S*,) 2+ 7&itch ON the pins F and C of DI% 7&itch - 1 &hi"e s&itch a"" the other pins O)). S*,) 3+ 7&itch ON the %ins / and ; of the DI% 7&itch - ,. S*,) 4+ *djust the TIM9 potentiometer of the sound sensor so as to fix a certain time for the motor s to stop or keep movin . 12.? 4o!ki$g+ Initia""+ &hen the timer is not activated it sends data / to both 9N pins &hich keeps the motors runnin . Bhen &e c"ap, the timer ets activated and sends data < to 9N pins &hich stops the motor for a certain period of time as adjusted in the timer circuit.


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