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THBT there should be a re-organization of Indian states.

This motion stands in the contemporary state of affairs as we will argue over the course of our essay . The status quo, is that the riginal organization on linguistic basis as enacted by the !tates "eorganisation #ct, $%&' ignored the cultural identities of people. #s an e(ample, the Telangana issue may be scrutinized,Telangana historically being a region ruled by the nizam of Hyderabad and hence sub)ect to the *eccani culture distinct from the !eemandhra and "yalseema. Its culture springs from the prople who came to serve the +olconda rulers unli,e the predominantly indegenous tribes and peoples of the rest of #ndhra -radesh. .hen such different cultural identies are clubbed together and their fates tied up in the same state, what happens/ Inefficient distribution of resources, violent separatist tendencies steaming due to the lac, of democratic empathy, in effect, a melting pot of trouble. The same trouble e(ists, though at a hidden level in the 0idarbha region of 1aharashtra, Bodoland, +or,haland. -laces where the people have been thrown together in a cultural hotbo(, in garangutan states with blea, hopes of good governance and in states created to be bro,en up into fragments. 2I3+4I!TI5 I*63TITI6! 3 T TH6 !T" 3+6!T The !"# $%&', created the states on the basis of lingual identity. But, lingual identities are not the strongest identities that e(ist. Instead it is one of the wea,er ones. 7or e(ample, the people of 4ttar -radesh spea, Hindi. But the culture of Bra)bhoomi is drastically different from the #wadhi culture. ne has stuc, to the traditions of 1athura and 0rindavan while the other has been affected by its 3awabs. #wadh is famed for its courtly 8Tehzeeb8 where as Bra)bhoomi for its rustic charm. *oes Hindi truly fulfill the criteria for putting together such different people together/ -" B261 7 I3694#2 *6062 -163T: ur first arguement is that the creation of large states has historically lead to the localisation of prosperity and development instead of homogenous development. 7or e(ample, in 1aharashtra, 0idharba is an area characterized by the lac, of resources, 7armer suicides and chronic draught while 1umbai, the capital, acts as financial capital of India. .hat is the problem with that/ If , hypothetically spea,ing, 0idarbha was created as a separate state, it could see, financial help from the 5entre as a Bimaru state. .hich it cannot currently due to the fact that 1aharashtra is one of the most prosperous states of the country, even if the funds are received, they are diverted to other regions of 1aharashtra since they will provide quic,er returns and better numbers than a poor farmer in 0idarbha . 2avasa will bring in foreign investment, the farmer cannot. 6ven the tric,le down effect has stopped wor,ing. #nother e(ample is #ndhra -radesh where there is e(treme poverty in na(alite affected areas, and prosperity in Hyderabad and few districts of !eemandhra. #reas such as these need special attention of the government and It is quite clear that in the e(isting system they are not receiving the ,ind of attention that they require. By clubbing such areas together as a separate state, in accordance with their geographical position, we can concentrate better on their problems. .H; "6 "+#3I<6 3 ./ Because we are now a more mature democracy that has better means of ta,ing into account the people8s mandate than we were in $%&=. .e are a dynamic and ever evolving democracy and we need to respond to the changing needs of the people, it is

the very basis and root of the ideals of our nation8s founders. The Tulu people of !outh India might have had a demand for a separate state when the !"5 was preparing it8s recommendations , but are now happy being a part of >erela, the state with the highest indicators of literacy and health. n the other hand, garangutan states li,e 4- are an administrative nightmare and are best divided into smaller, more manageable states, as proposed by the former 5heif 1inister. # smaller state will eventually result in better administration due to better interdepartmental co-ordination due to the smaller size of their cadre. "educing communal tendencies and fiascoes li,e 1uzzafarnagar and #yodhya. *ifferent regions have different needs. In order to ma,e the process of progress easier we need to club areas that have similar needs together and wor, on them. #0 I*I3+ H;- 5"I!; 3 TH6 -#"T 7 TH6 + 06"3163T: The purpose of democracy is to fulfill the aspirations of the people. 6(treme pressure being put on the centre and the state governments by varied groups demanding a separate state for their people?community is a clear indication that the people of these states are dissatisfied with the current organisation of the states. .hen the people8s mandate is clear, our country and our government being a democratic one, must provide constitutional means to people to fulfill their demands and wishes, lest our political stagnancy spell doom for us. It should nothave ta,en &@ years and political aspirations of a few for the people of Telangana to get their state. It is a failure as a democracy to ignore our people. B6TT6" -6"7 "1#356 7 !T#T6 + 06"3163T This move would lead to improvement in the performance of state government because if people of the same cultural bac,ground would live in any state, then the politicians would no longer be able to sway people on the basis of ethnic origin during state elections. !o the sole criteria before the people would be merit and performance of the govt. Hence the government would have to perform really well. 7or e(ample, if 4- is occupied by only ;adavas, no longer can !- sway people on the basis of them being ;adavas and hence would need to do really well to win the election. Then they would not need to perform and use dirty vote ban, politics as everyone would already be a ;adav in that state and hence the sole way of them getting re elected is to perform well. !o it would help in removing the dirty tactics of political parties and ma,e them concentrate solely on development. ur opponents would as, us whether we plan to throw out the other communities, we would tell them that this decision will be ta,en by a committee that will have to decide whether these demands are )ustified and feasible will be formed in accordance to the ma)ority votes and plebicite. This committee would be responsible and answerable to the government. This would prevent abuse of rights. 5oncluding, we would li,e to draw the attention of the reader to our essential burden of proof in this essay: To right the wrongs of the !tates "eorganisation #ct, $%&'. these being inefficient administration, resentment among the people and promotion of voteban, politics..e also argued the administrative benfits of such a reorganisation, establishing the idea of a smaller state-more efficient state. 7inally we argue how a smaller state will eventually reduce the vote-ban, politics of narrow minded political parties. Thus, we believe that the motion stands and there is a concrete necessity for the reorganisation of states on cultural grounds.

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