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Powerptnervousin physongogy

Big picture of nerve physiology

1. Electrolytes essential for normal nerve function K, Na, Ca

2. Transmembrane ion concentration gradient needed for normal nerve function, Na, K

3. Energy (ATP) required maintain normal transmembrane gradient Na K

4. Nerve impulse/signal or an action potential is basically a „sudden passive‟ event

that involve rapid ion diffusion of fluxes across nerve cell membrane. Na K

5. An action potential is a series of events that sequentially open and close membrane
ion channels (Na, then K) to allow the passive rapid fluxes of ions

6. Another way of saying it is “An action potential is generated as a result of sudden,

sequential changes in nerve membrane permeability to ions (Na, then K)

7. These opening and closing of ion channels behave like „electric gates‟; in fact these ion
channels are given the name „voltage-gated channels (Na, K)

8. Specifically, the ion channels open and close in response to changes in nerve membrane

9. All cells have an electric potential across their cell membrane with values at negative
millivolts (inner side of membrane slightly negative relative to external side). The normal
cell membrane is thus electrically polarized.

10. At rest, this potential is called the resting membrane potential

11. For excitable cells like nerve and muscle („excitable‟ means an action potential can be
generated) the membrane potential changes during an action potential.

12. During an action potential, the membrane potential suddenly becomes slightly positive
and then rapidly returns to the normal resting membrane potential value again.

13. Another way of saying it is “ An action potential includes a depolarization phase and a
repolarization phase”.

14. Put it together, the depolarization phase is due to Na ion movement into cells and the
repolarization phase is due to K ion movement out of the cells through their voltage gated

. Actionquestioninphysongogy

1. Ion movements during an action potential are active / passive / both a & p processes.

2. Events during an action potential require ATPase / ion channels/ both

3. Events during an action potential involve ligand-gated / voltage-gated / both types of


4. Events during an action potential in sensory nerve involve sodium / potassium / both
Na and K channels

5. During an action potential, the intracellular sodium concentration

remains lower / becomes equal / becomes higher than Na concentration in ECF

6. During the duration of an action potential in skeletal muscle, ECF calcium

enters / exits / does not enter the muscle fiber cell.

7. Equilibrium potential is equal to / can be / cannot be used to calculate the resting

membrane potential

8. Action potential events at the pre-synaptic terminal involve

sodium / calcium / both Na and Ca ions

9. Action potential events at the cardiac pacemaker involve

potassium / calcium / both K and Ca ions
pacemaker potential/depolarization

10. Action potential events at the cardiac ventricles involve

sodium / calcium / both Na and Ca ions
depolar & plateau prolong depolar

11. Action potential peak is reached when the sodium channels are
opened maximally / Na channels are closed / K channels are opened

12. When I am sleeping, there are no / still action potential generation

Only the dead stop breathing!!


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