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A Project Report On

(Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of Degree ) Bachelor of Technolog (!omputer Sc" # $ngg")


Under the Guidance of% Dr"Archana &umar('"O"D) ,-" Bhawna ,ali& ,-" /eeta

Submitted by Amit (erma())*+) A-hi-h Dagar())).) Bhanu (aid()))+)

!e"hi In#titute Of $ana%ement &nd techno"o%y' Gannaur-Soni(at Haryana

Nationa" Hi%h)ay' NH-1' N*+ !e"hi


Thi- i- to certif that the Project entitled 1 ONLINE SHOPPING2 which i- being -ubmitted b &mit ,erma-110./' &#hi#h !a%ar-1110/' 1hanu ,aid-111./ to the Deptt" Of !omputer Science # $ngg3 !I2$ for the award of Bachelor of Tech" degree in !omputer Sc" # $ngg"3 ia record of bonafide project wor&3 the ha4e carried out under our -uper4i-ion and guidance" The re-ult contained in thi- project ha- not been -ubmitted to an other uni4er-it or in-titute for the award of a degree or diploma"

Project 5ncharge ,i-- /eeta

6nder The /uidence of%7 Dr" Archana 8umar('"O"D)

59:e3 Name-#/ hereb declare that the wor& pre-ented in the project report titled 1ONLINE SHOPPING2 -ubmitted to the Deptt" Of !omputer Sc" # $ngg"3 !I2$ for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of 1Bachelor of Tech in !omputer Sc" # $ngg"2 i- our authentic record of m !ollege9compan wor& carried out during the ; th -eme-ter3 <**= at name under the -uper4i-ion of !r3&rchana 4umar and $i## 1h)ana

$a"i5' $i## Geeta >ecturer3 Deptt" Of !omputer Sc" # $ngg(or compan de-ignation)"3 D5T,

The matter embodied in thi- project report ha- not been -ubmitted el-ewhere b an bod for the award of an degree or diploma"

Name# &mit ,erma-110./ &#hi#h !a%ar-1110/ 1hanu ,aid-111./

5t i- a plea-ure to ac&nowledge man people who &nowingl and unwittingl helped u-3 to complete our project" ?ir-t of all let u- than& /od for all the ble--ing-3 which carried u- through all the-e ear-" :e e@pre-- our gratitude to Dr"Archna &umar for hi- cooperation and encouragement during the completion of thi- cour-e" :e e@tend our utmo-t gratitude to ,i-- bhawna mali& our project guide who ha- alwa - -tood b our -ide and guided3 appreciated and encouraged u- to get into more and more 4enture-" !ontinuing the -ame3 -he enlightened u- in the 4ariou- -tage- during the de4elopment of thiproject and pro4ided u- with man in-ight- and u-eful e@ample-3 which pro4ed to be of immen-e help in -ucce--ful completion of thi- project" :e e@tend our -incere gratitude to our teacher- and guide who made unforgettable contribution" :e than& all the non7teaching -taff of our in-titution that wa- alwa - read to help in whate4er wa the could"

Aame-7 Amit (erma())*+) A-hi-h Dagar())).) Bhanu (aid()))+)

13 Introduction 23 Sy#tem Study <") $@i-ting S -tem <"< Drawbac&- in the $@i-ting S -tem 73 Sy#tem &na"y#i# B") Propo-ed S -tem B"< Scope B"B Aeed for the Propo-ed S -tem B". ?ea-ibilit Stud B".") Technical ?ea-ibilit B"."< ?inancial ?ea-ibilit B"."B Operational ?ea-ibilit 03 +e8uirement &na"y#i# .") 6-er !la-- and !haracteri-tic."< ?unctional Requirement."B Performance Requirement.". Aon ?unctional Requirement."; $@ternal 5nterface- Requirement."= /eneral !on-traint-3 A--umption-3 Dependencie-3 /uideline93Sy#tem !e#i%n S(ecifiation ;") Architectural de-ign ;")") Data ?low Diagram:3 2e#tin% ;3 *odin%

83 Screen #hot# .31ib"io%ra(hy

On"ine #ho((in% i- the proce-- whereb con-umer- directl bu good-3 -er4ice- etc" from a -eller interacti4el in real7time without an intermediar -er4ice o4er the internet" Online -hopping i- the proce-- of bu ing good- and -er4ice- from merchant- who -ell on the 5nternet" Since the emergence of the :orld :ide :eb3 merchant- ha4e -ought to -ell their product- to people who -urf the 5nternet" Shopper- can 4i-it web -tore- from the comfort of their home- and -hop a- the -it in front of the computer"!on-umer- bu a 4ariet of item- from online -tore-" 5n fact3 people can purcha-e ju-t about an thing from companie- that pro4ide their product- online" Boo&-3 clothing3 hou-ehold appliance-3 to -3 hardware3 -oftware3 and health in-urance are ju-t -ome of the hundred- of product- con-umer- can bu from an online -tore" ,an people choo-e to conduct -hopping online becau-e of the con4enience" ?or e@ample3 when a per-on -hop- at a bric&7and7mortar -tore3 -he ha- to dri4e to the -tore3 find a par&ing place3 and wal& throughout the -tore until -he locate- the product- -he need-" After finding the item- -he want- to purcha-e3 -he ma often need to -tand in long line- at the ca-h regi-ter" De-pite the con4enience of online -hopping3 not e4er one choo-e- to purcha-e item- and -er4ice- online" Some people li&e the idea of ph -icall going to a -tore and e@periencing the -hopping proce--" The li&e to touch the merchandi-e3 tr on clothing3 and be around other people" Online -hopping doe-nCt permit -hopper- to touch product- or D ha4e an -ocial interaction" 5t al-o doe-nCt allow them to ta&e the merchandi-e home the -ame da the bu it" Online -hopping allow- ou to brow-e through endle-- po--ibilitie-3 and e4en offer- merchandi-e thatC- una4ailable in -tore-" 5f ouCre -earching for a niche product that ma not be di-tributed locall 3 ouCre -ure to find what ouCre loo&ing for on the internet" :hatC- e4en more u-eful i- the abilit to compare item-3 -imilar or not3 online" Eou can -earch through multiple -tore- at the -ame time3 comparing material qualit 3 -iFe- and pricing -imultaneou-l " Shopping 4ia the internet eliminate- the need to -ift through a -toreC- product- with potential bu - li&e pant-3 -hirt-3 belt- and -hoe- all -lung o4er one arm" Online -hopping al-o eliminatethe catch 3 et irritating mu-ic3 a- well a- the hundred-3 if not thou-and-3 of other li&e7minded indi4idual- who -eem to ha4e decided to -hop on the -ame da " Sa Cgoodb eC to the da - when ou -tood in line waiting3 and waiting3 and waiting -ome more for a -tore cler& to finall chec& out our item-" Online -hopping tran-action- occur in-tantl 7 -a4ing ou time to get our other errand- doneG Additionall 3 unli&e a -tore3 online -hopping hafriendl cu-tomer -er4ice repre-entati4e- a4ailable <. hour- a da 3 H da - a wee& to a--i-t ou with locating3 purcha-ing and -hipping our merchandi-e"

5nformation - -tem- project-I originate from man rea-on-% to achie4e greater -peed in proce--ing data3 better accurac and impro4ed con-i-tenc 3 fa-ter information retrie4al3 integration of bu-ine-- area-3 reduced co-t and better -ecurit " The -ource- al-o 4ar project propo-al- originate with department manager-3 -enior e@ecuti4e- and - -tem- anal -i-" Sometime- the real origin i- an out-ide -ource3 -uch a- a go4ernment agenc which -tipulate- a - -tem- requiremetn- the organi-attion mu-t meet" :hen the reque-t i- made3 the fir-t - -temacti4it 3 the preliminar in4e-tigation3 begin-" The acti4it ha- three part-% reque-t clarification3 fea-ibilit -tud and reque-t appro4al

231 E<i#tin% Sy#tem

The e@i-ting - -tem wa- an automated - -tem" But 5t wa- found to be inefficient in meeting the growing demand- of population "

23131 !ra)bac5# in the e<i#tin% #y#tem#

Di-ad4antage of the e@i-ting - -tem% Time !on-uming $@pen-i4e Aeeded an agent :e ha4e to out for that"

73S=S2E$ &N&L=SIS
J Thi- - -tem i- all about the con4erting the -hopping - -tem from manual to online" J !u-tomer can bu product- online after login to the -ite" J Admini-trator i- adding product to databa-e" J Admini-trator can edit or delete the productfrom the databa-e" J After bu ing and ma&ing pa ment the product- are -end to cu-tomer- addre-- that he ha- gi4en" J !u-tomer can write feedbac& for the product or -er4ice-" J Admin can -ee dail -ell and feedbac& gi4en b cu-tomer" J Admini-trator i- adding the deli4er report to the databa-e" J Both admin and cu-tomer can -ee the deli4er report3

J 731 Pur(o#e
Online -hopping trie- to enhance acce-- to care and impro4e the continuit and efficienc of -er4ice-" Depending on the -pecific -etting and locale3 ca-e manager- are re-pon-ible for a 4ariet of ta-&-3 ranging from lin&ing client- to -er4ice- to actuall pro4iding inten-i4e -hopping and deli4er -er4ice- them-el4e-

$ain ob>ecti?e
J To -hop wile in the comfort of our own home 3without ha4ing to -tep out of the door" J -ell at lower rate due to le-- o4er head" J pro4ide home deli4er free of co-t" J Ao wait to -ee the product- if -omeone el-e i- ta&ing that"

732 Sco(e
Thi- product ha- great future -cope" Online -hopping 5nternet -oftware de4eloped on and for the :indow- and later 4er-ion- en4ironment- and >inu@ OS" Thi- project al-o pro4ide- -ecurit with the u-e of >ogin7id and Pa--word3 -o that an unauthoriFed u-er- can not u-e our account" The onl AuthoriFed that will ha4e proper acce-- authorit can acce-- the -oftware"

737 Need for the (ro(o#ed #y#tem

2he online -hopping ('O,$ S'OP) i- an ea- to maintain3 read to run3 -calable3 affordable and reliable co-t -a4ing tool from Software A--ociate- -uited for -mall3 medium3 and large -hopping comple@ and -hopping mall-"

@eature# and 1enefit#% Pro4iding -ecurit >ow co-t Ba-ic computer &nowledge required !onfigurable and e@ten-ible application 65 de-ign he propo-ed - -tem can be u-ed e4en b the naK4e u-er- and it doe- not require an educational le4el3 e@perience3 and technical e@perti-e in computer field but it will be of good u-e if the u-er ha- the good &nowledge of how to operate a computer"

730 @ea#ibi"ity #tudy

A fea-ibilit -tud i- a -hort3 focu-ed -tud 3 which aim- to an-wer a number of que-tion-% Doe- the - -tem contribute to the o4erall objecti4e- of the organiFation-L !an the - -tem be implemented u-ing current technolog and within gi4en co-t and -chedule con-train-L !an the - -tem be integrated with - -tem- which are alread in placeL

73031 2echnica" @ea#ibi"ity

5- the project fea-ibilit within the limit- of current technolog L Doe- the technolog e@i-t at allL 5- it a4ailable within gi4en re-ource con-traint- (i"e"3 budget3 -chedule)L

73032 @inancia" @ea#ibi"ity

5- the project po--ible3 gi4en re-ource con-traint-L Are the benefit- that will accrue from the new - -tem worth the co-t-L :hat are the -a4ing- that will re-ult from the - -tem3 including tangible and intangible one-L :hat are the de4elopment and operational co-t-L

73037 O(erationa" @ea#ibi"ity

Define the urgenc of the problem and the acceptabilit of an -olutionM if the - -tem ide4eloped3 will it be u-edL 5nclude- people7oriented and -ocial i--ue-% internal i--ue-3 -uch amanpower problem-3 labour objection-3 manager re-i-tance3organiFational conflict- and policie-M al-o e@ternal i--ue-3 including -ocial acceptabilit 3 legal a-pect- and go4ernment regulation-"


5n preliminar in4e-tigation fea-ibilit -tud ha- three a-pect-"" Technical ?ea-ibilt Operational ?ea-ibilt $conomical ?ea-ibilit

2echnica" @ea#ibi"ity Technical i--ue- in4ol4ed are the nece--ar technolog e@i-tence3 technical guarantee- of accurac 3 reliabilit 3 ea-e of acce--3 data -ecurit 3 a-pect- of future e@pan-ion" Technolog e@i-t- to de4elop a - -tem" The propo-ed - -tem i- capable of holding data to be u-ed" The propo-ed - -tem i- capable of pro4iding adequate re-pon-e and regardle-- of the number of u-er-" The propo-ed - -tem being modular to the admini-trator3 if he9-he want- can add more feature- in the future and a- well a- be able to e@pand the - -tem" A- far a- the hardware and -oftware i- concerned3 the propo-ed - -tem icompletel liable with proper bac&up and -ecurit "

'ence3 we can -a that the propo-ed - -tem i- technicall fea-ible" O(erationa" @ea#ibi"ity 5f the - -tem meet- the requirement- of the cu-tomer- and the admini-trator we can -a that the - -tem i- operationall fea-ible" The propo-ed - -tem will be beneficial onl if it can be turned into a - -tem which will meet the requirement- of the -tore when it i- de4eloped and in-talled3 and there i- -ufficient -upport from the u-erThe propo-ed - -tem will impro4e the total performance" !u-tomer- here are the mo-t important part of the - -tem and the propo-ed - -tem will pro4ide them with a con4enient mode of operation for them" The propo-ed - -tem will be a4ailable to the cu-tomer- throughout the globe" The propo-ed - -tem will pro4ide a better mar&et for different dealer-"

'ence3 the propo-ed - -tem i- operationall fea-ible"


Economica" @ea#ibi"ity $conomic ?ea-ibilit i- the mo-t frequentl u-ed method for e4aluating the effecti4ene-- of the propo-ed - -tem if the benefit- of the propo-ed - -tem outweigh- the co-t then the deci-ion imade to de-ign and implement the - -tem" The co-t of hardware and -oftware i- affordable" 'igh increa-e in the amount of profit earned b going global" $a- and cheap maintenance of the - -tem po--ible" (er cheap price for going global"

'ence3 the propo-ed - -tem i- economicall fea-ible"

@E&2U+ES O@ 2HE P+OPOSE! S=S2E$ The propo-ed - -tem i- fle@ible both for the admini-trator- and the cu-tomer- 4i-iting the web-ite" The propo-ed - -tem pro4ide- a unique platform for different -il& 4endor- to interact u-ing the -ame platform" The propo-ed - -tem allow- ea- promotion of the -ite through email- and new-letter-" The propo-ed - -tem gi4e- information about the deli4er and pre-ent -tatu- of their order-" ,anagement of data i- ea- " Securit i- pro4ided where4er nece--ar "

P+OPOSE! S=S2E$ 5n the propo-ed web-ite there are different part- or module- which are -ummariFed a- follow*US2O$E+ +EGIS2+&2ION: !u-tomer- are required to regi-ter on the web-ite before the can do the -hopping" The web-ite al-o pro4ide- -e4eral feature- for the non7regi-tered u-er" 'ere the can choo-e their id and all the detail- regarding them are collected and a mail i- -ent to the email addre-- for confirmation"

SHOPPING *&+2: Shopping cart module trie- to -imulate the wor&ing of a -tore where u-er can 4iew each de-ign3 color3 -iFe and price of the product a4ailable" The item- the li&e can be added to the logical cart and can be remo4ed if not required later" Billing and other pa ment related matter- are handled here" &!$INIS2+&2ION Thi- i- the part of the web-ite where the admini-trator- can add delete or update the product information" Admini-trator- are al-o re-pon-ible for adding and deleting the cu-tomer- from the web-ite" 5n addition3 new-letter and promotion- are al-o handled b the -ite admini-trator 4ia e7 mail" SE&+*H Thi- facilit i- pro4ided to both regi-tered and unregi-tered u-er" 6-er can -earch for the a4ailabilit and t pe of product- a4ailable on the web-ite" E$&ILING $mailing module i- concerned about promotion- and new-letter and i- handled b admini-trator" Thi- module i- al-o concerned about -ending acti4ation and warning mail-" the



S -tem requirement- are e@pre--ed in a -oftware requirement document" The Software requirement -pecification (SRS) i- the official -tatement of what i- required of the - -tem de4eloper-" Thi- requirement document include- the requirement- definition and the requirement -pecification" The -oftware requirement document i- not a de-ign document" 5t -hould -et out what the - -tem -hould do without -pecif ing how it -hould be done" The requirement -et out in thi- document i- complete and con-i-tent" The -oftware -pecification document -ati-fie- the following%7 5t -pecifie- the e@ternal - -tem beha4ior-" 5t -pecifie- con-traint- on the implementation" 5t i- ea- to change" 5t -er4e- a- reference tool for - -tem maintainer-" 5t record forethought about the life c cle of the - -tem" 5t characteriFe- acceptable re-pon-e to unde-ired e4ent-"

031 U#er *"a## and *haracteri#tic#

/eneral public !u-tomerAdmini-trator /eneral public can u-e the - -tem to -ee the product3their price- and quantit a4ailable" /eneral u-er can not bu the product-" !u-tomer- are u-ing for 4iewing and bu ing the product-" !u-tomer can al-o write feedbac&- for product- and -er4iceAdmini-trator- can add3edit # delete product-"and pro4ide -er4ice- to the cu-tomer" Admini-trator can -ee the dail -ell" !an al-o -ee the the feedbac& gi4en b the cu-tomer" Admini-trator maintaining the deli4erie-"

032 @unctiona" +e8uirement#

The S -tem mu-t pro4ide following functionalitie-N

8eeping record- of admi--ion of cu-tomer-" &eeping the record- of product-" &eeping the dail -ell " Storing the feedbac& gi4en b the cu-tomer" &eeping detail- about the product it i- deli4ered or not" etc" Storing the item- -elected b the cu-tomer in the temporar -torage"

037 Performance +e8uirement#

5n order to maintain an acceptable -peed at ma@imum number of upload- allowed from a particular cu-tomer will be an number of u-er- can acce-- the - -tem at an time" Al-o connection- to the -er4er- will be ba-ed on the criteria of attribute- of the u-er li&e hi- location3 and -er4er will be wor&ing whole <.O H time-"

030 Non @unctiona" +e8uirement#

?ollowing Aon7functional requirement- will be there in the 5n-urance on internet% Secure acce-- of confidential data (cu-tomerI- detail-)" <. O H a4ailabilit " Better component de-ign to get better performance at pea& time"

?le@ible -er4ice ba-ed architecture will be highl de-irable for future e@ten-ion Aon functional requirement- define - -tem propertie- and con-traint- 5t ari-e through u-er need-3 becau-e of budget con-traint- or organiFational policie-3 or due to the e@ternal factor- -uch a- -afet regulation-3 pri4ac regi-tration and -o on" (ariou- other Aon7functional requirement- are% )" Securit <" Reliabilit B" ,aintainabilit ." Portabilit ;" $@ten-ibilit =" Reu-abilit H" Application Affinit 9!ompatibilit D" Re-ource 6tiliFation

039 E<terna" Interface +e8uirement# 03931 U#er Interface

6-er of the - -tem will be pro4ided with the /raphical u-er interface3 there i- no command line interface for an function- of the product" The u-er will get < page15

)" >ogin page followed b Pa--word

03932 Hard)are Interface% 'ardware requirement- for 5n-urance on internet will be -ame for both the partie- which are follow-% Proce--or% 7 Pentium 5 or abo4e" RA,% 7 )<D ,B or abo4e" 'D% 7 <* /B or abo4e" A5!% 7 ?or each part

03937 Soft)are Interface%7

Software required to ma&e wor&ing of product i-%7 ?ront end7 4i-ual -tudio <*)* Bac& end7 -ql -er4er <**D

03930 *ommunication Interface#

The two partie- -hould be connected through either b >AA or :AA for the communication" !ommunication channel-

03: Genera" *on#traint#' &##um(tion#' !e(endencie#' Guide"ine# 03:31 Genera" *on#traint#

The interface will be in $ngli-h onl " The - -tem i- wor&ing for -ingle -er4er" Sender Recei4er There i- no maintainabilit or bac&up -o a4ailabilit will get affected" The - -tem i- a -ingle u-er - -tem" /65 feature- a4ailable"

03:32 &##um(tion# and !e(endencie#

The product doe- require bac&7end databa-e -er4er , SP> for -toring the u-ername and pa--word for different t pe- of u-er of the - -tem a- well a- 4ariou- databa-e- regarding 4ariouin-urance information"

6-er mu-t be trained for ba-ic computer functionalitie-" 6-er mu-t ha4e the ba-ic &nowledge of $ngli-h The - -tem mu-t be able to re-pond to databa-e -oftware within rea-onable time"



931 &+*HI2E*2U+&L !ESIGN 93131 !&2& @LO6 !I&G+&$S%
Data flow diagram- (D?D) wa- fir-t de4eloped b >ARRE !OASTAAT5A$ a- wa repre-enting - -tem requirement- in a graphical formM thi- lead to modular de-ign" A D?D de-cribe- what data flow (logical) rather than how the are proce--ed3 -o it doe- not depend on hardware3 -oftware3 data -tructure or file organiFation" 5t i- al-o &nown a- Qbubble chartI" A Data ?low Diagram- i- a -tructured anal -i- and de-ign tool that can be u-ed for flowcharting in place of3 or in a--ociation with3 information7oriented and proce--7oriented - -tem- flowchart-" A D?D i- a networ& that de-cribe- the flow of data and the proce--e- that change3 or tran-form3 data throughout a - -tem" Thi- networ& i- con-tructed b u-ing a -et of - mbol- that do not impl a ph -ical implementation" 5t ha- the purpo-e of clarif ing - -tem requirement- and identif ing major tran-formation- that will become program- in - -tem de-ign" So it i- the -tarting point of the de-ign pha-e that functionalit decompo-e- the requirement -pecificationdown to the lowe-t le4el of detail" <* The - mbol- u-ed to prepare D?D do not impl a ph -ical implementation3 a D?D can be con-idered to an ab-tract of the logic of an information7oriented or a proce--7oriented - -tem flow7chart" ?or the-e rea-on- D?D- are often referred to a- logical data flow diagram-" The four ba-ic - mbol- u-ed to con-truct data flow diagram- are -hown below%


The-e are - mbol- that repre-ent data flow-3 data -ource-3 data tran-formation- and data -torage" The point- at which data are tran-formed are repre-ented b enclo-ed figure-3 u-uall circle-3 which are called node-" The principle proce--e- that ta&e place at node- are% )" combining data -tream<" -plitting data -treamB" modif ing data -tream-





=" T$ST5A/
Soft)are 2e#tin% i- an empirical in4e-tigation conducted to pro4ide -ta&eholder- with information about the qualit of the product or -er4ice under te-t3 with re-pect to the conte@t in which it i- intended to operate" Software Te-ting al-o pro4ide- an objecti4e3 independent 4iew of the -oftware to allow the bu-ine-- to appreciate and under-tand the ri-&- at implementation of the -oftware" Te-t technique- include3 but are not limited to3 the proce-- of e@ecuting a program or application with the intent of finding -oftware bug-" 5t can al-o be -tated a- the proce-- of 4alidating and 4erif ing that a -oftware program9application9product meet- the bu-ine-- and technical requirement- that guided it- de-ign and de4elopment3 -o that it wor&- a- e@pected and can be implemented with the -ame characteri-tic-" Software Te-ting3 depending on the te-ting method emplo ed3 can be implemented at an time in the de4elopment proce--3 howe4er the mo-t te-t effort i- emplo ed after the requirement- ha4e been defined and coding proce-- ha- been completed"


:31 Unit 2e#tin%

The primar goal of unit te-ting i- to ta&e the -malle-t piece of te-table -oftware in the application3 i-olate it from the remainder of the code3 and determine whether it beha4e- e@actl a- ou e@pect" $ach unit i- te-ted -eparatel before integrating them into module- to te-t the interface- between module-" 6nit te-ting ha- pro4en it- 4alue in that a large percentage of defectare identified during it- u-e" Unit te#tin% i- a -oftware 4erification and 4alidation method where the programmer gainconfidence that indi4idual unit- of -ource code are fit for u-e" A unit i- the -malle-t te-table part of an application" 5n procedural programming a unit ma be an indi4idual program3 function3 procedure3 etc"3 while in object7oriented programming3 the -malle-t unit i- a cla--3 which ma belong to a ba-e9-uper cla--3 ab-tract cla-- or deri4ed9child cla--" 5deall 3 each te-t ca-e i- independent from the other-% -ub-titute- li&e method -tub-3 moc& object-3 fa&e- and te-t harne--e- can be u-ed to a--i-t te-ting a module in i-olation" 6nit te-t- are t picall written and run b -oftware de4eloper- to en-ure that code meet- it- de-ign and beha4ea- intended" 5t- implementation can 4ar from being 4er manual (pencil and paper) to being formaliFed a- part of build automation"


:32 Inte%ration 2e#tin%

5ntegration te-ting3 al-o &nown a- integration and te-ting (5#T)3 i- a -oftware de4elopment proce-- which program unit- are combined and te-ted a- group- in multiple wa -" 5n thi- conte@t3 a unit i- defined a- the -malle-t te-table part of an application" 5ntegration te-ting can e@po-e problem- with the interface- among program component- before trouble occur- in real7world program e@ecution" 5ntegration te-ting i- a component of $@treme Programming (OP)3 a pragmatic method of -oftware de4elopment that ta&e- a meticulou- approach to building a product b mean- of continual te-ting and re4i-ion" There are two major wa - of carr ing out an integration te-t3 called the bottom7up method and the top7down method" Bottom7up integration te-ting begin- with unit te-ting3 followed b te-t- of progre--i4el higher7le4el combination- of unit- called module- or build-" 5n top7down integration te-ting3 the highe-t7le4el module- are te-ted fir-t and progre--i4el lower7le4el module- are te-ted after that" 5n a comprehen-i4e -oftware de4elopment en4ironment3 bottom7up te-ting i- u-uall done fir-t3 followed b top7down te-ting"


:37 ,a"idation te#tin%

At the 4alidation le4el3 te-ting focu-e- on u-er 4i-ible action- and u-er recogniFable output from the - -tem" (alidation- te-ting i- -aid to be -ucce--ful when -oftware function- in a manner that can be rea-onabl e@pected b the cu-tomer" Two t pe- of 4alidation te-ting &"(ha te#tin% i- -imulated or actual operational te-ting b potential u-er-9cu-tomer- or an independent te-t team at the de4eloper-C -ite" Alpha te-ting i- often emplo ed for off7 the7-helf -oftware a- a form of internal acceptance te-ting3 before the -oftware goe- to beta te-ting" 1eta te#tin% come- after alpha te-ting" (er-ion- of the -oftware3 &nown a- beta 4er-ion3 are relea-ed to a limited audience out-ide of the programming team" The -oftware irelea-ed to group- of people -o that further te-ting can en-ure the product ha- few faultor bug-" Sometime-3 beta 4er-ion- are made a4ailable to the open public to increa-e the feedbac& field to a ma@imal number of future u-erGray bo< te#tin% /re bo@ te-ting i- the combination of blac& bo@ and white bo@ te-ting" 5ntention of thi- te-ting i- to find out defect- related to bad de-ign or bad implementation of the - -tem"it i- u-ed for web application



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to purcha-e product- and -er4ice- where it doe- not intend to complete -uch tran-action-"R9liY RliYAn order placed for a product that i- li-ted at an incorrect price ma be cancelled" Thi- -hall be regardle-- of whether the order ha- been confirmed and9or pa ment le4ied" 5n the e4ent the pa ment ha- been proce--ed3 the -ame -hall be credited to our account and dul notified to ou b email"R9liY RliY5n a credit card tran-action3 ou mu-t u-e our own credit card" Pre-entBaFaar"com will not be liable for an credit card fraud" The liabilit to u-e a card fraudulentl will be on the u-er and the onu- to Cpro4e otherwi-eC -hall be e@clu-i4el on the u-er"R9liY RliY5n the e4ent that a non7deli4er occur- on account of a mi-ta&e b ou (i"e" wrong name or addre--) an e@tra co-t towardre7deli4er -hall be claimed from the 6-er placing the order"R9liY RliYShipment9deli4er time of order proce--ing -tartfrom the da of receipt of the pa ment confirmed again-t the order placed with Pre-entBaFaar"com" 6-uall all order- are proce--ed and -hipped within H wor&ing da -3 once pa ment i- confirmed" 'owe4er3 certain categorie- of product- ha4e different lead7time- for deli4er due to the nature of the product" Do chec& the deli4er timeline- for each product while ordering" Pre-entBaFaar"com -hall not be liable for an dela 9 non7deli4er of purcha-ed good- in the e4ent of flood3 fire3 war-3 actof /od or an cau-e that i- be ond the control of Pre-entBaFaar"com"R9liY RliYThe 6-er agree- to u-e the -er4ice- pro4ided b Pre-entBaFaar"com3 it- affiliate-3 con-ultant- and contracted companie-3 for lawful purpo-e- onl "R9liY RliYThe 6-er agree- to pro4ide authentic and true information" Pre-entBaFaar"com re-er4e- the right to confirm and 4alidate the information and other detail- pro4ided b the 6-er at an point of time" 5f upon confirmation -uch 6-er detail- are found not to be true (wholl or partl )3 Pre-entBaFaar"com ha- the right in it- -ole di-cretion to reject the regi-tration and debar the 6-er from u-ing the Ser4ice- a4ailable at thi- web-ite3 and 9 or other affiliated web-ite- without prior intimation what-oe4er"R9liY R9olY R9tdY R9trY R9tableY R9a-p%!ontentY


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2he main boo5# ')hich )ere con#u"ted for the (ro>ect de?e"o(ment' are 13 Guide to $icro#oft ,i#ua" StudioB Peter Norton 23 Introduction of $icro#oft SAL Ser?er &(tech 73 $S!N Library 03 Soft)are En%ineerin% B +o%er S3 Pre##man' 43 43 &%%ar)a" 93 $a#terin% ,i#ua" 1a#ic B 1P1 Pub"ication


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