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Lets look at JIU JITSU and NUTRITION. This can be a really complex sub ect. Im ust !oin! hit on the "e# points that are true #hether your !oals are competition "ocused$ sel"%de"ense "ocused$ "itness "ocused$ increase per"ormance "ocused$ doesnt matter these principles are true across the board. &irst$ !et more protein. I" youre doin! JIU JITSU youre an acti'e person. (oure an athlete and$ on your trainin! days at least$ you should be thinkin! about !ettin! a !ram o" protein per pound o" lean body mass. The second thin! I #ant you to pay attention to$ is #hat kind o" carbs youre !ettin!. )arbs are not bad. In "act$ you need them. Its the simple$ processed carbs that are the issue. *asically$ you #ant thin!s that ha'ent been !round up into "lours. &oods that are as close to the real$ #hole thin! as you can !et. So$ "oods like #hole !rains #ith exception o" rice. Rice is still pretty simple and you #ant to dod!e that one. No# the reason "or this is$ carbohydrates are one o" the most readily accessible "uels you ha'e. (ou #ant to think about your metabolism like a steady burnin! "ire. (oure al#ays "eedin! it #ith di""erent "uels. The proteins and "ats are slo# burnin! and smolderin! thin!s. The carbs are !oin! to burn "ast and !i'e you sur!es o" ener!y.

No#$ you #ant thin!s are !oin! burn "ast but not too "ast. I" its a processed carbohydrate source$ its like thro#in! !asoline on the "ire. There #ill be a bi! "lare up and then its !one. )hoose steady burnin! "uel instead "or better results. The "inal detail you #ant to think about is timin! o" your meals. +'erythin! you consume is !oin! to become accessible about an hour so a"ter you consumed it. So dont eat ri!ht be"ore trainin!. ,i'e yoursel" a little bit o" time "or the "ood to !et in into your blood stream and time your trainin! around that. Itll also #ay more "un to roll in JIU JITSU and be s-uashed into a ball i" your stomach isn.t "ull o" "ood. I" your #ork out is really intense$ plan on ha'in! some carbohydrates and protein shortly a"ter the #ork out. (ou can do it in drink "orm or you ust can eat some "ruit and some almond butter.

Those #ere all !ood action points. /ick one o" them and do it this #eek. 0hether thats only eatin! complex carbs$ eatin! enou!h protein$ or timin! your meals appropriately. Just chan!e one 'ariable track it "or a #eek to see #hat it does "or you. Then chan!e the next$ then chan!e the next. One at time and en oy the results. Take care.

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