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College of Engineering and Computer Science Mechanical Engineering Department Mechanical Engineering 496ALT Alternative Energy

Spring 2009 Number: 18650 Instructor: Larry Caretto

March 5 Homework Solutions

1 Use the atomic mass data shown in the table below in solving the various parts of this problem. Nucleus "#$ U n 1#' 1e '$ Sr Mass (amu "#$.%&#'& 1.%%,--$ 1#,.'1,2,-' '&.'1'#$," !eference (a) and *olomb+ Energy and the Environment+ p 1"1. Class notes (ta.en from N/S0 web site www".bnl.gov3CoN3nuc3131e1#'.shtml www".bnl.gov3ton3cgi4bin3nuclide5nuc6Sr'$

(a Calculate the mass deficit ( m in atomic mass units (amu of the following fission reaction. (Use literature values for the e7act masses of the isotopes and neutrons.

U 8 n 9 1#'1e 8 '$Sr 8 "n

The mass e!icit !or the reaction gi"en is 1#8$918%869 & 9'$919#582 & 1$008665 ( 2#5$0'#9'$ m 6 :%.1'21# amu (b Calculate the energ) (Me; released per one fission. The annihi)ation o! 1 amu o! mass pro uces 9#1$'95 *e+$ Thus, the mass e!icit compute here -ou) pro uce 1,#.- Me;$ (c Calculate the energ) released per .ilogram of released in the combustion of 1 .g of carbon.

U and compare it to the energ)

./ne *e+ 0 1$6021%6'62110(19 *2 an one amu 0 1$6605#8%#110(2% 3g$ So the energy re)ease per unit mass o! the 2#54 atom !or the !ission reaction sho-n abo"e is !oun as !o))o-s$ 183.6 MeV 1.6022 x10 19 MJ amu MJ = 7.54 x10 7 235.0439 amu MeV 1.6605 kg kg The energy re)ease in the combustion o! 1 3g o! carbon is gi"en in "arious re!erences$ I use the te1t Energy and the Environment by 5ay an 6o)omb, -hich gi"es a "a)ue o! ## *273g on page 121$ The !ission energy re)ease is o"er t-o mi))ion times this amount$ (d /f the uranium feed to a reactor has a U "#$ concentration of #< and the spend fuel has a U"#$ concentration of %.,<+ what weight of U=" fuel is re>uired for a 1%%% M?e plant that runs for one )ear at a '$< capacit) factor and an efficienc) of ##<5 5or each 3g o! uranium )oa e .-hich is a mi1ture o! 42#5 an 42#88, the 42#5 concentration -i)) ecrease !rom #9 to 0$89$ This means that 0$0# : 0$008 0 0$022 3g o! 4 2#5 per 3g o! )oa e uranium -i)) un ergo !ission, pro ucing something )i3e the %$5'110 % *273g compute abo"e$ Thus, on the basis o! uranium )oa e , the !ission pro uces .0$0228. %$5'110 %8 0 1$661106 *273g$ ; 1000 *<e po-er p)ant, operating at an e!!iciency o! ##9 re=uires a heat input o! .1000 *<87##9 0 #000 *< 0 #000 *27s$ I! the p)ant operates at a 959 capacity !actor, the tota) 2acaran a .>ngineering8 ?oom #### >(mai): )carettoAcsun$e u *ai) Co e 8#'8 @hone: 818$6%%$6''8 5a1: 818$6%%$%062

heat energy input uring the year -i)) be .9598.#000 *27s8.#600 s7h8.2' h7 ay8.#65 7yr8 0 9$0811010 *2$ The mass o! uranium re=uire then is .9$08110 10 *27yr8 7 .1$661106 *273g8 0 5$'%110' 3g7yr o! uranium$ The amount o! 4/2 is !oun by mu)tip)ying by the mo)ar mass ratio o! 4/2 to 4 -hich is .2#8 & #2872#8 0 1$1'#$ Thus the re=uire amount o! 4/ 2 is .1$1'#8.5$'%110' 3g7yr8 0 6.21x104 kg/yr o !"2$ " Use the following data in answering the >uestions here. Nucleus " D n # 0 & Ae Mass (amu ".%1&1%" 1.%%,--$ #.%1-%&'# &.%%"-%# !eference http@33www.sisweb.com3referenc3source3e7actmaa.htm Class notes (ta.en from N/S0 web site http@33www".bnl.gov3ton3cgi4bin3nuclide5nuc6A# http@33www.sisweb.com3referenc3source3e7actmaa.htm

(a Calculate the mass deficit ( m in atomic mass units (amu of the following fusion reaction.

D 8 #0 9 &Ae 8 n

The mass e!icit !or the reaction gi"en is '$00260# & 1$008665 : 2$01'102 : #$0160'9#$ m 6 :%.%1,,, amu (b Calculate the energ) (Me; released per one fusion. The annihi)ation o! 1 amu o! mass pro uces 9#1$'95 *e+$ Thus, the mass e!icit compute here -ou) pro uce 12.$' Me;$ (c Calculate the energ) released per .ilogram of deuterium. /ne *e+ 0 1$6021%6'62110(19 *2 an one amu 0 1$6605#8%#110(2% 3g$ So the energy re)ease per unit mass o! euterium !or the !usion reaction sho-n abo"e is !oun as !o))o-s$ #. 0he isotope 1"'/ has a half4life of 1$.2 )ears. /n a nuclear power plant accident+ 1 .g of the isotope is dispersed into the surroundings of the plant. Aow much of the iodine isotope will remain in the surroundings after 1+ 1%+ and 1%% )ears. The )ecture notes !or nuc)ear energy ha"e the !o))o-ing e=uation that re)ates the current concentration, N, the initia) concentration, N0, the time, t, an the ha)!()i!e, t172$

N = N0e

ln( 2 ) t / t1

<e can so)"e this e=uation !or the ratio, N7N0, -hich is in epen ent o! the measure o! the isotope present$ Thus, -e can a)so app)y this e=uation to etermine the mass o! 129I that -i)) be present !or the "arious times sho-n$ I! -e rep)ace N an N 0 by m an m0 0 1 3g, -e obtain the !o))o-ing resu)ts !or the mass remaining a!ter 1, 10, an 100 years$
m1 year = (1 kg )e
l yr ln( 2 ) 15.7 yr

= 0.957 kg



= (1 kg )e

l 0 yr ln( 2 ) 15.7 yr

= 0.643 kg



= (1 kg )e

l 00 yr ln( 2) 15.7 yr

= 0.0121 kg

2acaran a .>ngineering8 ?oom #### >(mai): )carettoAcsun$e u

*ai) Co e 8#'8

@hone: 818$6%%$6''8 5a1: 818$6%%$%062

/! course, a)) these ca)cu)ations assume that there is no mo"ement o! the its )oca) concentration, uring the time perio s use here$


I, -hich -ou)


&. 0he lecture presentation on nuclear energ) discussed separative wor. units+ S?U+ defined 0he lecture presentation on nuclear energ) discussed separative wor. units+ S?U+ defined b) the following e>uation@ S?U 6 B;(NB 8 0;(N; : (;(N( + where ;(N is the value function defined in the notes. 0he meanings of there terms and the following e>uations were defined in the notes@ ( 6 B 8 0C (N( 6 BNB 8 0N;. Use the three e>uations in this paragraph to show that the product4to4feed ratio+ the S?U4to4feed ratio+ and the S?U4to4 product ratio are given b) the following e>uations.

P T N NT = 1 = F F F N P NT F T N NT = 1+ = P P P N F NT

SWU P T = V ( N P ) + V ( NT ) V ( N P ) F F F SWU T F = V ( N P ) + V ( NT ) V ( N P ) P P P

Use these e>uations to verif) the S?U calculations on slide #- of the presentation that for NB 6 #<+ #., S?U re>uired if N0 6 %."$<+ or $.% S?U if N0 6 %.1$<. !ecall that the value of N( for natural uranium is %.21<. Note that the results on that slide are for the S?U4to4 product ratio+ S?U3B. <e can rearrange the gi"en e=uations by i"i ing by the !ee rate, 5$

F = P+T 1=

P T + F F

FN F = PN P + TN T

NF =

P T N P + NT F F

Combining the secon an !ourth e=uation abo"e gi"es the esire resu)t !or @75$

NF =

P P N P + 1 NT F F


This is the !irst esire resu)t$ Ta3ing the reciproca) o! the right(han si e o! the e=uation !or @75 gi"es the resu)t !or 57@$

N NT F T = 1+ = P P P N F NT
To get the resu)t !or S<475 -e start by i"i ing the e=uation !or S<4 by 5 to an use the @75 e=uation Bust eri"e to get the N terms in the e=uation !or S<475$

N NT N NT SWU P T = V ( N P ) + V ( NT ) V ( N P ) = F V ( NP ) + 1 F F F F N P NT N P NT N P NT N F + NT SWU N F N T = V( NP ) + F N P NT N P NT

V ( N T ) V ( N F )

The entire right han si e can be p)ace o"er a common enominator o! N @ : N5 as !o))o-s$

N P NT V ( N T ) N N V ( N F ) P T

SWU ( N F N T )V ( N P ) + ( N P N F )V ( N T ) ( N P N T )V ( N F ) = F N P NT

2acaran a .>ngineering8 ?oom #### >(mai): )carettoAcsun$e u

*ai) Co e 8#'8

@hone: 818$6%%$6''8 5a1: 818$6%%$%062

To get the e=uation !or S<47@ -e i"i e the S<4 e!inition by @ an use the e=uation !or @75 to intro uce the !raction terms$

N NT SWU T F = V ( N P ) + V ( NT ) V ( N P ) = V ( N P ) + 1 P P P P N F NT

N P NT V ( N T ) N N V ( N F ) F T

The !ormu)a !or the "a)ue !unction, sho-n be)o-, is ta3en !rom s)i e #5 o! the nuc)ear energy presentation$ <e can use this !ormu)a to compute the "a)ue o! +.N8 !or the "arious concentrations use in this prob)em$ Note that the concentrations must be e1presse as a !raction, not as a percentage, in this !ormu)a$

N V ( N ) = ( 2 N 1) ln 1 N 0.03 V (0.03) = [ 2(0.03) 1] ln = 3.268 1 0.03 0.0071 V (0.0071) = [ 2(0.0071) 1] ln = 4.780 1 0.0071 0.0025 V (0.0025) = [ 2(0.0025) 1] ln = 5.959 1 0.0025 0.0015 V (0.0015) = [ 2(0.0015) 1] ln = 6.481 1 0.0015
4sing the appropriate !ractions an resu)ts o! the "a)ue !unction !or N 5 0 0$00%1, N@ 0 0$0#, an NT 0 0$0025 in the e=uation !or S<475 gi"es$

SWU ( N F N T )V ( N P ) + ( N P N F )V ( N T ) ( N P N T )V ( N F ) = = F N P NT ( 0.0071 0.0025)( 3.268) + ( 0.03 0.0071)( 5.989) ( 0.03 0.0025)( 4.780) = 0.638 0.03 0.0025
This oes not match the !igure o! #$8 S<4 gi"en in the notes$ @erhaps the ratio not e1presse in the notes is rea))y S<47@$ <e can get this ratio by i"i ing S<475 by @75, -hich -e can compute !rom the e=uation eri"e abo"e$

P N F N T 0.0071 0.0025 = = = 0.1673 F N P NT 0.03 0.0025

F 1 = = 5.978 P 0.1673

This matches the !igure o! 6$0 3g o! !ee !or 1 3g o! enriche uranium gi"en in the )ecture notes$ <e can no- compute S<47@$

SWU SWU F = = ( 0.638)( 5.978) = 3.82 P F P

This matches the "a)ue o! #$8 gi"en in the notes$ Simi)ar agreement -ith the resu)ts in the s)i e is !oun !or the tai)s !raction, NT 0 0$159 by repeating the computations abo"e -ith this ne- "a)ue o! NT, an its correspon ing "a)ue !unction resu)t$

2acaran a .>ngineering8 ?oom #### >(mai): )carettoAcsun$e u

*ai) Co e 8#'8

@hone: 818$6%%$6''8 5a1: 818$6%%$%062

SWU ( N F N T )V ( N P ) + ( N P N F )V ( N T ) ( N P N T )V ( N F ) = = F N P NT ( 0.0071 0.0015)( 3.268) + ( 0.03 0.0071)( 6.481) ( 0.03 0.0015)( 4.780) = 0.979 0.03 0.0015
P N F N T 0.0071 0.0015 = = = 0.1965 F N P NT 0.03 0.0015 F 1 = = 5.089 P 0.1965

SWU SWU F = = ( 0.979 )( 5.089 ) = 4.98 P F P

$. (or man) )ears now there has been onl) little development of new nuclear power plants worldwide and none in the US. !ecentl) the issue of global warming has prompted a reconsideration of nuclear power as a source of power that is free of C= " emissions. (ind a website of either (a an environmental organiDation or (b a compan) or industrial organiDation that favors nuclear power and summariDe the arguments )ou find there. *ive a brief criti>ue of the arguments )ou find. Do this in one to two pages. ;s usua) there is no correct ans-er to =uestions )i3e these$ The gra e on your ans-ers -i)) be base on ho- -e)) you pro"i e in!ormation to present your point o! "ie-$

2acaran a .>ngineering8 ?oom #### >(mai): )carettoAcsun$e u

*ai) Co e 8#'8

@hone: 818$6%%$6''8 5a1: 818$6%%$%062

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