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GRE Revised General Test: Quantitative Reasoning Sample Questions

This document includes figures, which appear on screen. Following each figure on screen is text describing that figure. Readers using visual presentations of the figures may choose to skip parts of the text describing the figure that begin with Begin skippable figure description and end with !nd skippable figure description.

Mathematical Equations and Expressions

This document includes mathematical e"uations and expressions. #ome of the mathematical e"uations and expressions are presented as graphics. $n cases where a mathematical e"uation or expression is presented as a graphic, a verbal presentation is also given and the verbal presentation comes directly after the graphic presentation. The verbal presentation is in green font to assist readers in telling the two presentation%modes apart. Readers using audio alone can safely ignore the graphical presentations, and readers using visual presentations may ignore the verbal presentations.

The revised &uantitative Reasoning section contains four types of "uestions'

(ultiple%choice &uestions ) #elect *ne +nswer ,hoice (ultiple%choice &uestions ) #elect *ne or (ore +nswer ,hoices -umeric !ntry &uestions &uantitative ,omparison &uestions

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!ach "uestion appears either independently as a discrete "uestion or as part of a set of "uestions called a .ata $nterpretation set. +ll of the "uestions in a .ata $nterpretation set are based on the same data presented in tables, graphs, or other displays of data. Below are descriptions, directions, and samples of each type of "uestion.

Multiple-Choice Questions Select One Answer Choice

These "uestions are multiple%choice "uestions that ask you to select only one answer choice from a list of five choices.

Sample Questions (irections: Select a single ans)er choice$

#ample "uestion / below is based on figure /.

Figure 1

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Begin skippable figure description.

Figure / is a circle with center C. Two diameters of the circle are drawn, dividing the circle into 0 sectors. Two nonad1acent sectors are shaded, and the central angle of one of the unshaded sectors measures /23 degrees.

nd skippable figure description.

/. Figure / above shows a circle with center C and radius 2. 4hat is the sum of the areas of the two shaded regions5 +. B. ,. .. !. 6.7 pi 2 pi 0.7 pi 0 pi 8 pi

+nswer' . 9

0 pi:

#ample "uestion ; below is based on figure ;.

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Figure *

Begin skippable figure description.

Figure ; shows the graph in the x y plane of the function f of x < the absolute value of ;x, end absolute value, = 0. There are e"ually spaced tick marks along the x axis and along the y axis. The first tick mark to the right of the origin, and the first tick mark above the origin, are both labeled /. The graph of the function f is in the shape of the letter >. $t is above the x axis and is symmetric with respect to the y axis. The lowest point on the graph of f is the point 3 comma 0 on the y axis. ?oing leftward from the point 3 comma 0 the graph of f is a line that slants upward, passing through the point negative ; comma @. ?oing rightward from the point 3 comma 0 the graph of f is a line that slants upward, passing through the point ; comma @.

nd skippable figure description.

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;. Figure ; above shows the graph of a function f, defined by f of x < the absolute value of ;x, end absolute value, = 0 for all numbers x. For which of the following functions g defined for all numbers x does the graph of g intersect the graph of f 5 +. B. ,. .. !. g of x < x minus ; g of x < x = 8 g of x < ;x minus ; g of x < ;x = 8 g of x < 8x minus ;

+nswer' ! 9

g of x < 8x minus ;:

Multiple-Choice Questions Select One or More Answer Choices

These "uestions are multiple%choice "uestions that ask you to select one or more answer choices from a list of choices. + "uestion may or may not specify the number of choices to select.

Sample Questions

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(irections: Select one or more ans)er choices according to the speci&ic question directions$ -& the question does not speci&. ho) man. ans)er choices to select/ select all that appl.$ The correct ans)er ma. 0e 1ust one o& the choices or ma. 0e as man. as all o& the choices/ depending on the question$ 2o credit is given unless .ou select all o& the correct choices and no others$ -& the question speci&ies ho) man. ans)er choices to select/ select exactl. that num0er o& choices$
/. !ach employee of a certain company is in either .epartment A or .epartment B, and there are more than twice as many employees in .epartment A as in .epartment B. The average 9arithmetic mean: salary is C;7,333 for the employees in .epartment A and is C87,333 for the employees in .epartment B. 4hich of the following amounts could be the average salary for all of the employees in the company5

$ndicate all such amounts.

+. B. ,. ..

C;2,333 C;@,333 C;D,333 C83,333

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!. F. ?.

C8/,333 C8;,333 C80,333

+nswer' + 9C;2,333: and B 9C;@,333:

;. $f f, g, and h are positive integers, f is a factor of g, and g is a factor of h, which of the following statements must be true5

$ndicate all such statements.

+. B. ,.

f is a factor of f is a factor of gh. f is a factor of

g s"uared.

h minus g.

+nswer' + 9f is a factor of of h minus g:

g s"uared:, B 9f is a factor of gh.:, and , 9f is a factor

!u"eric ntr# Questions

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&uestions of this type ask you either to enter the answer as an integer or a decimal in a single answer box or to enter it as a fraction in two separate boxes ) one for the numerator and one for the denominator. $n the computer%administered test, the computer mouse and keyboard are used to enter the answer.

Sample Questions (irections: Enter .our ans)er in the ans)er 0ox3es4 0elo) the question$ Equivalent &orms o& the correct ans)er/ such as *$! and *$!5/ are all correct$ Fractions do not need to 0e reduced to lo)est terms$ Enter the exact ans)er unless the question as6s .ou to round .our ans)er$

/. $f x < /3 to the power negative /, what is the value of open parenthesis, x = the fraction / over x, close parenthesis, times, open parenthesis, / over x, close parenthesis5

+nswer Box

+nswer' /3/

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;. + university admitted /33 students who transferred from other institutions. *f these students, 80 transferred from two%year community colleges, ;7 transferred from private four%year institutions, and the rest transferred from public four%year institutions. $f two different students are to be selected at random from the /33 students, what is the probability that both students selected will be students who transferred from two%year community colleges5

?ive your answer as a fraction.

Fraction answer boxes


/6 over /73 9or any e"uivalent fraction:.

Quantitative 7omparison Questions

&uestions of this type ask the examinee to compare two "uantities ) &uantity + and &uantity B ) and then determine which of four statements describes the comparison.

Sample Questions

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(irections: 7ompare Quantit. 8 and Quantit. 9/ using the additional in&ormation given/ i& an.$ Select one o& the &ollo)ing &our ans)er choices$ 8$ 9$ 7$ ($ Quantit. 8 is greater$ Quantit. 9 is greater$ The t)o quantities are equal$ The relationship cannot 0e determined &rom the in&ormation given$

8 s.m0ol that appears more than once in a question has the same meaning throughout the question$
/. &uantity +' &uantity B' x s"uared = / ;x, minus /

+. B. ,. ..

&uantity + is greater. &uantity B is greater. The two "uantities are e"ual. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

+nswer' + 9&uantity + is greater.:

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#ample "uestion ; below is based on figure 8.

Figure +

Begin skippable figure description.

Figure 8 shows parallelogram RSTU. #ides R U and S T are horiEontal, with S T above, and slightly to the left of side R U. .iagonal S U, which extends from vertex S at the upper left of the parallelogram to vertex U at the lower right of the parallelogram, divides the parallelogram into two triangles, R S U and U S TF and the angle at vertex # into ; ad1acent angles R S U and U S T. The measure of angle R S U is x degrees, and the measure of angle U S T is y degrees.

nd skippable figure description.

;. $t is given that RSTU is a parallelogram. &uantity +' x &uantity B' y

+. B.

&uantity + is greater. &uantity B is greater.

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,. ..

The two "uantities are e"ual. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

+nswer' . 9The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.:

(ata -nterpretation Sets

.ata $nterpretation "uestions are grouped together and refer to the same table, graph, or other data presentation. These "uestions ask you to interpret or analyEe the given data. The types of "uestions may be (ultiple%choice 9both types: or -umeric !ntry.

Sample Questions (irections: Questions 1 to + are 0ased on the data in the &ollo)ing ta0le$
The table shows the percent change in monthly value of inventory at six businesses from +pril to Gune. Business

Hercent ,hange from +pril to (ay =2

Hercent ,hange from (ay to Gune =@

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Hercent ,hange from +pril to (ay =7 =; =@ =/0 =;

Hercent ,hange from (ay to Gune minus 7 =/; minus 7 3 minus /3

I ( R > J

-ote' $nventory values are determined at the end of each month.

/. $f the value of inventory at Business K was C83,333 for +pril, what was the value of inventory at Business K for Gune5

+. B. ,. .. !.

C;;,733 C;D,D;7 C83,333 C88,333 C88,367

+nswer' B 9C;D,D;7:

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;. +t Business M, the value of inventory for (ay was what percent of the value of inventory for Gune5

?ive your answer to the nearest 3./ percent.

K +nswer box followed by percent sign +nswer' @D.8

8. For which of the six businesses shown was the percent change in value of inventory from +pril to Gune greatest5

+. B. ,. .. !.


+nswer' + 9Business G:

(irections: Questions , to " are 0ased on the data sho)n in &igure ,$

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Figure ,

Begin skippable figure description.

The title of the data in figure 0 is 4orkforce of ,ountry A. The data consists of a pie chart and a bar graph. The title of the pie chart is Hercent .istribution of 4orkforce by !mployment #ector and the title of the bar graph is 4orkforce in the #ervice #ector by +rea and ?ender. The percent distribution of the workforce by employment sector in the pie chart is as follows' Hrofessional #ector ;3K. #ervice #ector /7K ,onstruction and (aintenance #ector /3K Hroduction and Transportation #ector /7K *ther #ector /7K #ales #ector /3K (anagement #ector /7K
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The bar graph shows the number of males and females in each of the five service sectors. The bar graph has horiEontal bars. The graph has a horiEontal axis labeled (illions of Heople, with vertical gridlines in multiples of 3.7 million, from 3.7 million to 0 million. Five #ervice #ector areas are listed along the vertical axis. The data in the bar graph is as follows' Lealth ,are #ector, 3.7 million males and ;.67 females Hrotective #ervice #ector, a little under ; million males and 3.7 million females Food #ervice #ector, a little under 8 million males and a little under 0 million females Hersonal ,are #ector, a little over 3.7 million males and about ;.67 million females *ther #ector, a little under 8 milllion males and a little under ; million females

nd skippable figure description.

0. +pproximately how many people are in the production and transportation sector of the workforce5

+. B. ,. .. !.

D million /; million /7 million /@ million ;/ million

+nswer' ! 9;/ million:

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7. +pproximately what fraction of the workforce in the food service area of the service sector is male5


/ fourth


/ third


8 sevenths


0 sevenths


6 tenths

+nswer' , 9

8 sevenths:

2. $n the workforce, the ratio of the number of males to the number of females is the same for the sales sector as it is for the protective service area of the service sector. 4hich of the following is closest to the number of females in the sales sector5

+. B. ,. ..

;.D million 8.2 million /3.0 million //./ million

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/0.3 million

+nswer' + 9;.D million:

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