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The 7 Pillars of Authentic Charisma

By Etienne Charland
Self-Transformation Specialist

This e-book was hand-written and typed at 90 words per minute in a single day on November 12th 2010.

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The objective of this e-book is to provide you a foundation of beliefs that are the main pillars to develop authentic charisma. I am not trying to impose you a set of beliefs. I will present you a set of new ideas, invite you to explore them and let you find your own truth. It is like buying a new pair of shoes. You try them before deciding whether they fit you. The only thing I would ask you is to go through the entire book whether you agree or not. You should never take anything you hear for granted, no matter how trustworthy the source is. Nobody is perfect. Nobody perfectly expresses what they mean. You never perfectly receive the information. When you add it up together, even if you listen to a nearly enlightened person, the information passes through different sets of filters before reaching your consciousness. Thus, dont take your own undemanding of what is being said for granted. Always validate with your own intuition to see what feels right and what feels wrong. Some skeptics do a great job in not taking anything for granted. Where many get wrong is by taking their own beliefs for granted. I would invite you to put your own beliefs aside while reading this book.

You will be presented with a set of new ideas. From a clear state of mind, simply observe the ideas without grasping or resisting them. Some feelings may come up. If you feel a positive feeling of lightness, expansion or warmth, it most likely indicates the idea is true. If you feel a negative feeling of heaviness, contraction or cold, it most likely indicates the idea is false. If your mind becomes reactive and you cannot keep a calm focus on the idea, it is because the idea triggers resistances within you. It doesnt mean the idea is entirely true, but there has to be some truth to it. Sometimes the Earth may appear to be flat. All common perceptions and sense would make you think it is flat. After all, if it was round, you would slide and fall from it. By stepping out of your point of view and looking at it from another angle, you can then realize the Earth is round and gravity
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holds people to it. Galileo was jailed for life when he expressed this new idea. It triggered peoples defenses because there was some truth to it. German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer stated that all truth goes through three steps: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident. I will present you seven core beliefs. Since they touch the foundation of your own belief system, they most likely will trigger resistances. These resistances keep you safe, but they also cut you from your authentic charisma and abundant living. Imagine how it is for a bird to jump from a cliff for the first time. The bird is afraid to step out of his comfort zone and jump, but one he does, he starts flying. It takes only one thing to step out of resistances and to jump in the unknown: faith. Believing that everything will be alright and that theres intelligence greater than yourself taking care of you. During the reading, you will need seven sheets of paper, a pen and a lighter. Whenever you see this symbol, take a break to think and digest the information.

So lets get started with the first core belief. Read this sentence out loud in your mind. 1. I believe in the power of NOW, free from my mind, into my heart and body. Take a sheet of paper and write down your reactions to that sentence. Write any possible reason why that sentence would be wrong or wouldnt apply to you. Pay attention to how you feel. Brainstorm every thought and feeling onto the sheet of paper. Your ego and identity may not like the idea that you disassociate from your mental mind. You may feel confusion about
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what it means. You may be curious. You may be skeptic. You may not believe in the ego. You may be trying to understand it mentally. Write everything down. Fill the sheet. When youre done, you may notice the sheet feels heavy, awkward, contracted. It does not feel good because it is the expression of all the resistances. Take a lighter, go outside and burn the sheet of paper in a safe place. Burning it in the sink can be an option if you cant do it outside. An interesting quantum physics phenomenon takes place. The fire is an intense energy. The vibrations of your thoughts are connected to the words on the paper. As the fire gets in contact with the words, it dissolves the emotional charges connected to them. Do it now.

Once the resistances are released, you can look at the belief from a more centered place. Being less in your mind means being more present. It means being aware of your body, being connected with your emotions and intuition and being aware of people around you. You may then see other people who are stuck in their minds, who have tunnel vision and who are not aware that you are next to them. That state of presence can bring you great powers - Tapping into the unlimited potential of your subconscious mind - Having people feel that you are real and refreshing - Feeling a profound unshakable peace - Having great guidance from your emotions Were not trying to make this a reality here. Were simply releasing some resistances and planting the seed of an idea in your mind. The idea will grow on its own like a flower if you give it time and space.
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Lets move on to the second core belief. 2. I believe in the emotional inter-connectedness of every living being. Take a sheet of paper and write your reactions to that sentence. Write any possible reason why that sentence would be false or inaccurate. Pay attention to how you feel. Brainstorm every thought and feeling onto the sheet of paper. It may trigger resistances to religions or challenge some religious beliefs. It may trigger confusion, curiosity, fear or anger. You may be skeptic and not believe in all these weird things about the interconnected Universe, consciousness and all that. You may reject the idea because it is not a mainstream idea. You may be a very mental and intelligent person and not see any value in such an esoteric idea. Write everything down, its all good, express yourself. Fill the sheet. When youre done, take a lighter, go outside and burn the sheet in a safe place. This will release the emotional charges around the resistances. Pay attention to how you feel while it burns. You may feel some lightness, expansion or warmth within you.

Being emotionally inter-connected means that the way you feel influences what happens in your life. It means that what you focus on consciously or non-consciously is attracted into your life through the law of attraction. It means that emotions are contagious. If you start laughing, people around will start laughing. If you feel good, people around will feel good and want to be around you. If you feel bad, it will make people feel bad and they will avoid you. It means you can read peoples emotions and intuitive women can read you. It means you can get to know someone in depth more in a second of presence than in a year of verbal dialogue. It means that your emotions are more important than you ever thought. What you do to others always comes back to you in some form or another,
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good or bad, sooner or later. Your emotions and intuition can be a very powerful guidance system. E-motions are energies in motion, and everything in the Universe is energy. 96% of the mass of the Universe is void and 99.99999% of your atoms are void. The emotional interconnectedness happens through the structure of that void which is still not understood by science, although there are more and more researches on quantum physics and the void. This opens the doors to unlimited power - Drawing people to you like a magnet by the way you feel - Feeling inspiration to accomplish anything - Reading peoples intentions - Removing chronic problems from your life This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Now lets move on to the third core belief. 3. I believe in the beauty of the soul. Take a sheet of paper and write your reactions to that sentence. Write any possible reason why that sentence would wrong or inaccurate. Pay attention to how you feel. Brainstorm every thought and feeling onto the sheet of paper. You may just want to get laid. You may prefer physical beauty over inner beauty. You may not know what a soul is. You may feel confused or curious. Write everything down and fill the sheet. When youre done, take a lighter, go outside and burn the sheet in a safe place. Pay attention to how you feel while it burns.


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The soul is a persons divine, joyful, peaceful and vibrant nature. It often gets covered by layers of social conditioning and fears of all kind. People start looking for validation. They start trying to control their lives. They start trying to protect themselves. They start building walls around their suppressed souls. Natural physical beauty is important, but some women tend to exaggerate on artificial beauty to compensate for a lack of selfesteem. Some men do the same with flashy cars and toys. Theres nothing wrong with physical beauty and nice cars, but they shouldnt compensate for a lack of self-esteem and they especially shouldnt create walls making you less accessible. When it comes to real life sex and intimacy, it is an exchange of energy, emotions and passion. If you sleep with a gorgeous porn star that is completely blocked emotionally, it may feel like rubbing yourself since there is no emotional exchange. It may be fun once or twice but youll get bored fast. A vibrant, joyful, inspiring, confident, feminine, intuitive, open, non-judgmental, accepting and creative woman is so much more fun to spend time with! This opens the door to many powers and possibilities - Having a great value within yourself that is worth more than looks and social status - Living a reality of sex and intimacy instead of just fantasizing about it - Having quality sex and intimacy - Seeing great value in people that others may overlook

Lets move on to the fourth core belief. 4. I believe in the abundance of love, relationships, food, resources and money.


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Take a sheet of paper and write your reactions to that sentence. Write any possible reason why that sentence would be wrong or inaccurate. Pay attention to how you feel. Brainstorm every thought and feeling onto the sheet of paper. You may wish to believe in it but not see it as a reality. You may watch the news and believe there is a lack of money, energy and love and you should fight to get your piece. You may feel confused or curious. You may have a conflict of interests if you have a business or habits that are based on scarcity. Write everything down and fill the sheet. When youre done, take a lighter, go outside and burn the sheet in a safe place. Pay attention to how you feel while it burns.

Behaving out of a state of mind of scarcity creates scarcity while behaving out of a state of mind of abundance creates abundance. There is enough love for everyone. Love is an emotion you can find within yourself. When you were born, you were connected to an unlimited supply of love. As you grew up, fears covered your pure self-love and you started looking for love from others which can never fill the void within. By reconnecting to that unlimited source of pure love within yourself, you can give love to people instead of taking love from them. There is also an abundance of relationships. The reason so many people are single is that they believe in scarcity and build up walls. Men start competing for women and women start being defensive. The illusion of scarcity disconnects people from each other. The potential for unlimited love, sex and relationships is still there, but people live in their own bubble disconnected from each other because of a false belief. Resources are also abundant. Its just that scarcity is more profitable for businesses. By creating cellphones that die after a year, it makes the economy run, creates a society of consumption and creates an illusion of scarcity of resources. Money creates a gap between resources and people. In India, many people are currently dying of hunger while the rice rots in storage. Why? Because the price is too high and people cant afford the
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food! There is an abundance of resources but limited accessibility due to a belief of scarcity. Money is simply an energy that represents an exchange of value. It is abundant and shouldnt get in the way of accessing resources. The financial system is structured to keep people in debt to centralize the power. You can see beyond the illusion of scarcity. There is abundance of resources, unlimited creative ideas and unlimited exchange of values. This opens the doors to great powers and possibilities - Having more love, sex and intimacy than you can handle - Living abundantly without having to work for it - Giving value and receiving abundance back - Living out of the endless rat race of society

Lets move on to the fifth core belief. 5. I believe in cooperating with every person in my life. Competition and abundance cannot co-exist. Take a sheet of paper and write your reactions to that sentence. Write any possible reason why that sentence would be false or wouldnt apply to you. Pay attention to how you feel. Brainstorm every thought and idea on a sheet of paper. You may like competition. It may give you a purpose in life. You may view it as being constructive. You may view it as the only way to do business. You may view it as an evil. You may not care. You may have a lot of energy and money invested in a competitive system. Write everything down and fill the sheet. When youre done, take a lighter, go outside and burn the sheet in a safe place. Pay attention to how you feel while it burns.


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Competition is about fighting to get the biggest piece of a limited pie. Cooperation is about getting together to build a bigger pie so that everybody has a bigger piece. The Internet was created through world-wide cooperation which allows you to instantly communicate with people on the other side of the planet. All the great inventions came out of people getting together to make it happen. Most people spend their lives fighting for the same small goals while there is almost no competition for the bigger goals. Small goals can keep you busy enough, but you will need to cooperate with others to make big goals happen. For example, in India and many places in the World, people are starving while the rice rots in storage because people cant afford the food. If you work in the food industry and have a small goal to make enough profits to pay your increasing bills, you will compete to take your share of the market and make it happen. If you have a bigger goal of removing the financial barrier between the food and the people, you will need the cooperation of many people. If you succeed, you will never have to worry about your own wealth again and people will deeply respect you. I owe this clear understanding of cooperation vs. competition to CEO Space, a huge international business club with thousands of members based on a cooperative model. All the teachers of the movie The Secret, including Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Lisa Nichols are part of that international club. http://www.ceospace.net This opens the doors to great power - Achieving big goals - Joining the knowledge and experience of others to your own - Creating a reality of abundance for yourself and for others - Surrounding yourself with great people

Lets move on to the sixth core belief.

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6. I believe in living spontaneously without needing to control and plan my life. Take a sheet of paper and write your reactions to that sentence. Write any possible reason why that sentence would be inaccurate or wouldnt apply to you. Pay attention to how you feel. You may feel the need to follow a plan to reach your goals. You may want to control your emotions to behave in a normal civilized way. You may not express yourself because you fear what people would think. You may know what you want and have your ego control your life. You may not believe in the ego, or you may view it as a good thing. Write everything down, its all good. Fill the sheet. When youre done, take a lighter, go outside and burn the sheet in a safe place. Pay attention to how you feel while it burns.

Following a life purpose is the masculine aspect of life. Fully living the present moment is the feminine aspect of life. Many women have become very masculine in the Western world making relationships complicated. Everybody has these two aspects of life within themselves. Some have one aspect stronger while others have the other aspect stronger. The secret to polarity in relationships is to both have a direction in life and have a sense of flowing spontaneously with life, while making your dominant polarity a priority. As a man, if you want women to be more present, spontaneous, open and joyful around you, you should have these qualities within yourself. Be the change you want to see in the world. Being is at least as important as doing. As for accomplishing goals in life, forget about the cursed Hows. Focus on a goal and keep walking towards it. The Hows will show up along the way. Have you ever achieved a goal according to the original plan, anyway?


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This opens the doors to great powers - Fully enjoying and living the present moment - Connecting with people around you - Having passionate and intimate relationships - Accomplishing impossible goals

Lets move on to the seventh core belief. 7. I believe in authentic personal empowerment and the freedom of my mind from external validation. Take a sheet of paper and write your reactions to that sentence. Write any possible reason why that sentence would be wrong or wouldnt apply to you. Pay attention to how you feel. You may believe that your ego is authenticity. You may not see authenticity as being meaningful. You may feel that just being yourself hasnt worked for you in the past. You may see personal empowerment as being selfish. You may see public opinion as being important. Write everything down and fill the sheet. When youre done, take a lighter, go outside and burn the sheet in a safe place. Pay attention to how you feel while it burns.

Authenticity is about having congruency between your conscious mind, your subconscious mind and your actions. It is about being the full expression of your soul. Personal power is about tapping in an unlimited supply of self-confidence, love and power within you. It is not about taking power from others. As you take power over your own life, you subconsciously give others permission to do the same. When you have inner power, you dont need to force anyone. Your presence gives power to people. Also, life is too short to worry about what people think of you. You
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must release all fears of judgment in order to fully live your life and to do what you believe is right. This opens the doors to great powers - Having an unshakable self-confidence - Fully expressing your own truth - Empowering other people - Being a leader

These are the seven pillars of authentic charisma which can draw people and abundance to you. However, pillars need a foundation to hold. Heres the foundation that makes it all hold together. The word belief has a very light meaning in our society. It is seen as a psychological state of holding an idea to be true. It is a mental concept. In ancient literature such as the Bible, it had a completely different meaning. It was seen as something sacred. You only had a belief when your conscious mind, your subconscious mind and your actions were in perfect harmony and congruency around an idea. Only then you had a belief. This has huge power. The modern definition of belief doesnt have any power. Read this book again with the new definition of a belief. It will have more impact this time.

After reading this book twice, see how you feel about each of these seven pillars. Do you feel good, bad or defensive? 1. I believe in the power of NOW, free from my mind, into my heart and body. 2. I believe in the emotional inter-connectedness of every living being.
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3. I believe in the beauty of the soul. 4. I believe in the abundance of love, relationships, food, resources and money. 5. I believe in cooperating with every person in my life. Competition and abundance cannot co-exist. 6. I believe in living spontaneously without needing to control and plan my life. 7. I believe in authentic personal empowerment and the freedom of my mind from external validation. The information presented in this book is only propositions subject to deformations by the writer and the reader. You must find your own truth. Knowledge becomes awareness through experience.

All the best, Etienne Charland November 12, 2010


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The 7 Pillars of Authentic Charisma is copyright of Shamanic Attraction. You MAY redistribute and/or resell this e-book as you wish. If you resell it, you are also selling the redistribution rights. You may NOT change the content, take credit for it or copy any content outside this e-book. Sounds good?

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