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Donington on Bain Primary School Action Plan for Sports Funding 2013/14 For the 2012/13 Financial Year

we received 8,425 in Sports Funding. It has been agreed by the full governing body that the money will be spent as follows.

To provide quality first teaching of PE across all age ranges taught and planned for by a PE specialist teacher/coach. Staff to work alongside the coaches for a minimum of 10 sessions

Why this is important to our school

We have identified that the appointment of qualified and suitably trained coaches will improve the quality and range of school sport offered.

From September 2013-July 2014

Arrange for sports coaches to come into school for a period of time to teach children a specialist sport.


Success criteria
Assessments demonstrate higher order skills within physical literacy. This will be shown through the development of fundamental movement, generic sports skills and ultimately small sided games.

Continue the coaching programme in the next academic year. Pupil progress is accelerated further.

Currently there are no specialist sports teachers amongst our staff.

From September 2013-July 2014

Teachers will observe and work alongside the coaches.

Teachers are confident in their delivery of PE and can continue to develop the skills of our pupils at an accelerated rate.

To take part in competitive sports within school and against other schools KS2

As we are a small rural primary school the pupils will benefit from mixing with other children from a variety of backgrounds. This helps to prepare them for their transfer to secondary school.

From September 2013-July 2014

The netball club coach will arrange a match against another local primary school Dec 13. Other competitions to be organised throughout the year.


Pupils throughout KS2 have taken part in inter school sport.

To provide pupils with extended sports provision To introduce new sports e.g. dodgeball

We are a small rural primary and the attendance at sports clubs in the area involves travelling by car The range of sports currently offered are ones that have always been traditionally offered by small primary schools such as football.

From September 2013-July 2014 From September 2013-July 2014

Organise sports clubs to take place three times a week after school.


Increased attendance at clubs All after school clubs are full

Teachers continue to work alongside coaches during the next academic year. Inset training for staff from coaches. Leading to higher quality provision within our school. Links established with other schools to maintain inter school sport To develop further by organising additional competitive sports days within the school year e.g. Winter games, Spring sports etc Develop this to include KS1 Maintain this and aim to offer more provision.

Through PE lessons and after school clubs.

To support parents with additional costs

To ensure all children have access to sports/PE opportunities

From September 2013-July 2014

Identification of need through PP and other factors.

comb ined with the above figure 300

Pupils will have experienced new sports and this exposure will lead to an increased uptake from pupils with other clubs either at school or in the wider community. Increased attendance at after school sports clubs More pupils accessing sport outside the curriculum. The attitude towards sport from some pupils is changed to a more positive one. Audit of resources and new equipment purchased where necessary. Areas of development addressed

Introduce more sports and continue to develop skils with those developed during previous academic year.

Maintain the enthusiasm of pupils who find engagement in sport by continuing to give them additional support through coaching and supported places. High quality resources will enable us to continue delivering high quality PE and sport in school.

Ensure PE resources are available and of a high quality

To enable high quality PE and sport to be available across the school

February 2013

Audit to be carried out by staff.


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