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Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre !

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+canne , proofe an formatte at sacre !te"ts#com, -arch 8004, by 5ohn 1runo .are# Th$s te"t $s $n the publ$c oma$n $n the &+ because $t 9as publ$she pr$or to 198:# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# ;]

N%T30* T% T.* +*0%ND *D3T3%N# T.* f$rst e $t$on of these Tales be$ng e"hauste , an a eman ha;$ng ar$sen for a secon , the Translator has thought $t r$ght to a th$rteen tales, 9h$ch complete the translat$on of --# (sb<ornsen an -oe7s 0ollect$on, an to strengthen the 3ntro uct$on by 9or=$ng $n some ne9 matter, an by 9or=$ng out some po$nts 9h$ch 9ere only sl$ghtly s=etche $n the f$rst e $t$on# The fa;our 9$th 9h$ch the boo= 9as 9elcome ma=es $t almost a uty to say a 9or here on the many =$n an able not$ces 9h$ch ha;e been 9r$tten upon $t# Dut$es are not al9ays pleasant, but the fulf$lment of th$s at least g$;es no pa$n> because, 9$thout one e"cept$on, e;ery cr$t$c$sm 9h$ch the Translator has seen has she9n h$m that h$s prayer for ?gentle? rea ers has been fully hear # 3t 9$ll be forg$;en h$m, he hopes, 9hen he says that he has not seen goo groun to change or e;en to mo $fy any of the op$n$ons as to the or$g$n an $ffus$on of popular tales put forth $n the f$rst e $t$on# -uch

[p# ;$] $n ee has been sa$ by others for those ;$e9s> 9hat has been urge aga$nst them, 9$th all =$n ness an goo humour, $n one or t9o cases, has not a;a$le at all to 9e$gh o9n mature con;$ct$ons el$berately e"presse after the stu $es of years, bac=e as they are by the researches an support of those 9ho ha;e g$;en the$r l$;es to th$s branch of =no9le ge# (n no9, before the Translator ta=es lea;e of h$s rea ers for the secon t$me, he 9$ll follo9 the lea of the goo go mother $n one of these Tales, an forb$ all goo ch$l ren to rea the t9o 9h$ch stan last $n the boo=# There $s th$s $fference bet9een h$m an the go mother# +he foun her foster! aughter out as soon as she came bac=# .e 9$ll ne;er =no9 $t, $f any ba ch$l has bro=en h$s behest# +t$ll he hopes that all goo ch$l ren 9ho rea th$s boo= 9$ll bear $n m$n that there $s <ust as much s$n $n brea=$ng a comman ment e;en though $t be not foun out, an so he b$ s them goo !bye, an feels sure that no goo ch$l 9$ll are to loo= $nto those t9o rooms# 3f, after th$s 9arn$ng, they peep $n, they may perhaps see someth$ng 9h$ch 9$ll shoc= them# ?Why then pr$nt them at all@? some gro9n rea er as=s# 1ecause th$s ;olume $s meant for you as 9ell as for ch$l ren, an $f you ha;e gone e;er so l$ttle $nto the 9orl 9$th open eyes, you must ha;e seen, yes, e;ery ay, th$ngs much more shoc=$ng# 1ecause there $s noth$ng [p# ;$$] $mmoral $n the$r sp$r$t# 1ecause they are $ntr$ns$cally ;aluable, as $llustrat$ng manners an tra $t$ons, an so coul not 9ell be left out# 1ecause they complete the number of the Norse or$g$nals, an lea;e none untranslate # (n last, though not least, because the Translator hates fam$ly ;ers$ons of anyth$ng, ?,am$ly 1$bles,? ?,am$ly +ha=espeares#? Those 9ho, 9$th so large a cho$ce of beauty before them, 9oul p$c= out an gloat o;er th$s or that coarseness or free om of e"press$on, are l$=e those 9ho, $n rea $ng the 1$ble, shoul al9ays turn to 'e;$t$cus, or those 9hose +ha=espeare 9oul open of $tself at Per$cles Pr$nce of Tyre# +uch rea ers the Translator oes not 9$sh to ha;e# 1)%(D +(N0T&()6, -arch 18, 1AB9# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# $"]

N%T30* T% T.* ,3)+T *D3T3%N# T.*+* translat$ons from the Nors=e ,ol=ee;entyr, collecte 9$th such freshness an fa$thfulness by --# (sb<ornsen an -oe, ha;e been ma e at ;ar$ous t$mes an at long $nter;als ur$ng the last f$fteen years> a fact 9h$ch $s ment$one only to account for any ;ar$at$ons $n style or tone!! of 9h$ch, ho9e;er, the Translator $s unconsc$ous!!that a cr$t$cal eye may

etect $n th$s ;olume# %ne of them, The -aster Th$ef, has alrea y appeare $n 1lac=9oo 7s -agaC$ne for No;ember 1AB1, from the columns of 9h$ch Per$o $cal $t $s no9 repr$nte , by the =$n perm$ss$on of the Propr$etors# The Translator $s sorry that he has not been able to comply 9$th the suggest$on of some fr$en s upon 9hose goo !9$ll he sets all store, 9ho 9$she h$m to change an soften some features $n these Tales, 9h$ch they thought l$=ely to shoc= *ngl$sh feel$ng# .e has, ho9e;er, felt $t to be out of h$s po9er to meet the$r 9$shes, for the mer$t of an un erta=$ng of th$s =$n rests [p# "] ent$rely on $ts fa$thfulness an truth> an the man 9ho, $n such a 9or=, 9$lfully changes or softens, $s as gu$lty as he ?9ho puts b$tter for s9eet, an s9eet for b$tter#? %f th$s gu$lt, at least, the Translator feels h$mself free> an , perhaps, $f any, 9ho may be $ncl$ne to be offen e at f$rst, 9$ll ta=e the trouble to rea the 3ntro uct$on 9h$ch prece es an e"pla$ns the Tales, they may f$n , not only that the soften$ng process 9oul ha;e spo$lt these popular tra $t$ons for all e"cept the most ch$l $sh rea ers, but that the th$ngs 9h$ch shoc=e them at the f$rst blush are, after all, not so ;ery shoc=$ng# ,or the rest, $t $ll becomes h$m to spea= of the 9ay $n 9h$ch h$s 9or= has been one/ but $f the rea er 9$ll only bear $n m$n that th$s, too, $s an enchante gar en, $n 9h$ch 9hoe;er ares to pluc= a flo9er, oes $t at the per$l of h$s hea > an $f he 9$ll then rea the boo= $n a merc$ful an ten er sp$r$t, he 9$ll pro;e h$mself 9hat the Translator most longs to f$n , ?a gentle rea er,? an both 9$ll part on the best terms# 1)%(D +(N0T&()6, Dec# 18, 1ABA# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# "$]


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Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# ";$$]

+3) G*%)G* W*11* D(+*NT, D#0#'# 3N present$ng to the 9orl a ne9 e $t$on of +$r George Webbe Dasent7s Norse Tales a br$ef memo$r of $ts author 9$ll not be eeme out of place# The Dasent fam$ly $s bel$e;e to ha;e been or$g$nally of ,rench e"tract$on, the name ha;$ng been trace to an anc$ent Norman source# 3t has o9ne property $n the West 3n $es s$nce the )estorat$on, an $s represente $n the $slan of +t# 2$ncent at the present ay# +ome of $ts members 9ere amongst the earl$est colon$sts $n +t# 0hr$stopher7s at a t$me 9hen that $slan an -art$n$Kue 9ere hel <o$ntly by the ,rench an the *ngl$sh> an the h$ghest <u $c$al an a m$n$strat$;e off$ces $n +t# 0hr$stopher7s, $n Ne;$s, $n (nt$gua, an , more recently, $n +t# 2$ncent $tself 9ere f$lle by +$r George Dasent7s ancestors# [L1] .$s gran father 9as 0h$ef 5ust$ce of Ne;$s 9hen Nelson f$rst ser;e on the West 3n $an stat$on!!so long the battle!groun of *nglan an ,rance for the supremacy of the sea, an the cra le, so to spea=, of our na;al emp$re# .$s father, 5ohn )oche Dasent, son of the 0h$ef

[p# ";$$$] [paragraph cont$nues] 5ust$ce of Ne;$s by h$s 9$fe, *leanor )oche, became (ttorney!General of +t# 2$ncent the year after Trafalgar# 3t 9as $n th$s ;olcan$c $slan , perpetually robe $n lu"ur$ant trop$cal ;egetat$on from mounta$n top to seashore, that the sub<ect of our memo$r 9as born on -ay 88n , 1A1I# .$s mother, the secon 9$fe of h$s father, 9as 0harlotte -artha, younger aughter an co!he$ress of 0apta$n (le"an er 1urro9es 3r9$n, of an anc$ent 3r$sh fam$ly $n the count$es of Dubl$n, -eath, an T$pperary, an of the &n$on *state $n +t# 2$ncent# 0apta$n 3r9$n ha come 9$th the :8n ,oot to these pleasant summer seas $n 1IF4, an he ser;e 9$th $t there for ten years# .e $ not, ho9e;er, return to 3relan 9$th h$s reg$ment, as, ha;$ng obta$ne a grant of lan $n one of the most fru$tful hollo9s of the ol home of the 0ar$bs, he passe the rema$n er of h$s l$fe on h$s estate $n +t# 2$ncent, an $e there $n 1A0F# .$s only son, .enry 1ury 3r9$n, capta$n $n the FAth )eg$ment, 9as =$lle at the battle of the N$;elle $n the Pen$nsular War# '$=e h$s father an others of the fam$ly before h$m, George Webbe Dasent 9as sent o;er to *nglan to be e ucate at Westm$nster +chool, enter$ng there so long ago as 1A:0 Mafter be$ng for a short t$me at 'en on7s 9ell! =no9n preparatory school at Totter$ geN, 9hen George the ,ourth 9as st$ll upon the throne# .e boar e at -rs# +telfo"7s house, an amongst h$s schoolfello9s 9ere the present Du=e of )$chmon , 'or *sher, the late -aster of the Polls, an +$r 5ohn -o9bray, unt$l Ku$te lately the ,ather of the .ouse of 0ommons# [p# "$"] .e 9$tnesse , as a Westm$nster boy, the coronat$on of W$ll$am the ,ourth# The ceremony $n the (bbey, an the burn$ng of the ol .ouses of Parl$ament a fe9 years later 9ere, he use to say, the th$ngs 9h$ch most $mpresse themsel;es upon h$s boy$sh memory at the t$me# Nor 9as $t l$=ely that the ag$tat$on pre;a$l$ng $n the country at the t$me of the great )eform -o;ement 9oul f$n much reflect$on 9$th$n the 9alls of +t# Peter7s 0ollege on the 3sle of Thorns, although Westm$nster 9as then the fa;oure school of the great Wh$g fam$l$es of *nglan # 3n 1A:8 Dasent7s father $e , an the f$nal emanc$pat$on of the sla;es a l$ttle later pro;$ng the eath!=nell of the commerc$al prosper$ty of the West 3n $an $slan s, $t became $ncreas$ngly $ff$cult for the propr$etors to l$;e upon the$r estates# The care of the younger ch$l ren e;ol;e $n great measure upon the$r half!brother 5ohn 1ury Dasent [late 5u ge of 0ounty 0ourts, 9ho $e , age e$ghty!one, $n 1AAA], then a young stu ent of the -$ le Temple, res$ $ng on ;ery slen er means $n +er<eants7 3nn, ,leet +treet# 3t so happene that 5ohn +terl$ng, the am$able son of the ?Thun erer of the T$mes,? ha ;$s$te +t# 2$ncent $n 1A:1, shortly before ol -r# Dasent7s eath, to assume the management of a sugar estate at a place calle 0olonar$e# .$s health ha been ;ery $n $fferent, an $t 9as hope

that a ;oyage to the trop$cs $n a sa$l$ng!sh$p on 9oul restore $t# (n $nt$macy, not 9$thout $nfluence the future career of young George Dasent, as 9$ll be seen hereafter, soon sprang up bet9een the t9o fam$l$es# (fter lea;$ng Westm$nster, Dasent, 9ent for a t$me to [p# ""] [paragraph cont$nues] 4$ng7s 0ollege, 'on on, an $t 9as there that he f$rst became $nt$mately acKua$nte 9$th h$s l$fe!long fr$en an future brother!$n!la9, 5ohn Tha eus Delane# 3n 1A:F they both matr$culate at -ag alen .all, %"for , of 9h$ch Dr# -acbr$ e 9as then the Pr$nc$pal, an 5acobson, after9ar s 1$shop of 0hester, the 2$ce!Pr$nc$pal# (t %"for , Dasent rea har , an became a goo class$cal scholar, though by no means neglect$ng the r$;er or the cr$c=et!f$el , h$s $nterest $n ee $n athlet$cs an any feats of en urance only ceas$ng 9$th l$fe $tself# .e soon became a fa;our$te 9$th 5acobson, as $ Delane> an another last$ng fr$en sh$p begun at -ag alen .all 9as 9$th -anuel 5ohnson 9ho, after ta=$ng h$s egree, 9as appo$nte to succee )$gau as )a cl$ffe %bser;er# 5ohnson 9as ;ery popular $n the un$;ers$ty, an the %bser;atory became the resort of the lea ers of the .$gh 0hurch party $n %"for # .ere Dasent, 9ho 9as a freKuent ;$s$tor, came for a t$me un er the spell of Ne9man> but a more en ur$ng rel$g$ous $nfluence seems to ha;e been e"erte o;er h$m by -aur$ce, 9hose =$n ly nature ne;er fa$le to appeal to the young# We gather from Dasent7s $ary that he rarely m$sse the un$;ers$ty sermon 9hen Ne9man or Pusey preache , an that so great 9as the cro9 at +t# -ary7s to hear the latter that un ergra uates 9a$te pat$ently for the oors to open, 9hen a scramble ensue for places, l$=e the rush at the oors of a popular theatre# 3n *aster Term 1A40 he too= h$s egree, obta$n$ng a +econ 0lass $n 0lass$cs $n the company of 5ames (nthony ,rou e, 'or ,arrer, an the late -r# 5ohn [p# ""$] [paragraph cont$nues] Walter# 3n h$s $ary he recor s that he ? $ not =no9 9hether to be please or not# %n the 9hole, perhaps, 3 ha;e no cause to compla$n as the f$rst an secon [classes] are both small, an 3 ha;e beaten some men thought better than myself, an ha;e been beaten by no one thought 9orse#? (t any rate he 9as place $n a company not less $st$ngu$she $n after ach$e;ement than $s to be foun $n the f$rst class of the same honours l$st# (fter go$ng o9n from the un$;ers$ty he spent some l$ttle t$me $n 'on on, 9here h$s mother ha no9 remo;e from the West 3n $es# Delane, 9ho about th$s t$me 9as establ$she $n the e $tor$al cha$r of the T$mes, 9as $n constant assoc$at$on 9$th h$m, an $t 9as at th$s early per$o of h$s career that Dasent began to 9r$te art$cles for the paper 9h$ch he after9ar s ser;e so fa$thfully an so 9ell $n an off$c$al capac$ty#

+terl$ng, 9ho ha returne from +t# 2$ncent some years before, $ntro uce h$m to h$s father, an Dasent became a freKuent ;$s$tor at the 9h$te house $n +outh Place, 4n$ghtsbr$ ge# .ere he became acKua$nte 9$th 0arlyle, 9hose 9or=s he ha long a m$re , an 9hose rugge honesty of purpose an $n epen ent character pro;e an $mme $ate attract$on to h$s open$ng m$n > 9$th 5ohn +tuart -$ll, 9$th 5ul$us .are, an 9$th Thac=eray, the latter then only =no9n to fame from the publ$cat$on of the 6ello9!Plush Papers# The el er +terl$ng, $n the e;en$ng of h$s ays, after he ha pract$cally cease to launch h$s thun erbolts $n the press, lo;e to gather men of $ntellect, both young an , roun h$s $nner!table# 0arlyle, $n h$s '$fe of 5ohn [p# ""$$] [paragraph cont$nues] +terl$ng, spea=s of the m$scellany of soc$al faces roun h$m, of h$s ?=$n ly a ;$ce to the young,? an of the ?fran= an <oyous part$es? at the 4n$ghtsbr$ ge house, a ?sunny $slet? $n the l$terary 'on on of that age# Dasent ne"t procee e to +toc=holm as secretary to +$r Thomas 0art9r$ght, the 1r$t$sh *n;oy to the 0ourt of +9e en, ha;$ng been recommen e to h$m by h$s ol tutor 5acobson as a young man of great prom$se an ab$l$ty# 3n these ays of rap$ ra$l9ay tra;ell$ng 9hen the +9e $sh cap$tal has been brought 9$th$n f$fty hours of 'on on, $t $s $nterest$ng to rea the escr$pt$on g$;en by h$m $n h$s -s# $ary of the angers an $ff$cult$es atten $ng a <ourney to northern *urope ur$ng the b$tter 9$nter of 1A40! 41# (fter ta=$ng lea;e of h$s mother, on Ne9 6ear7s Day 1A41, he, the only cab$n passenger $n the sh$p, embar=e on the 0$ty of .amburg, ly$ng off the To9er +ta$rs, an reache 0u"ha;en on the 4th of 5anuary, post$ng the se;enty m$les on to .amburg $n t9enty!n$ne hoursO Thence the 0openhagen $l$gence cra9le at a sna$l7s pace through .olste$n t$ll a hea;y fall of sno9 compelle h$m to ta=e to a sle ge, ?escorte ,? the $ary tells $ts, ?by a ban of the most sa;age peasantry $t $s poss$ble to conce$;e#? The Dan$sh cap$tal 9as not reache t$ll the 14th of the month> an here he learnt from +$r .enry Wynn, to 9hom he brought letters of $ntro uct$on, that he ha m$sse the $l$gence for +toc=holm by a ay# 3n sp$te, ho9e;er, of the e"treme col then pre;a$l$ng, Dasent, 9hose $mpetuous nature 9as al9ays $mpat$ent of elay, aga$n resorte to an open sle ge contrary to Wynn7s a ;$ce, an reach$ng *ls$nore he barga$ne for a boat to carry h$m to .els$ngborg# [p# ""$$$] 1ut soon after thrust$ng out from the lan ?9e hear a harsh grat$ng soun aga$nst our bo9s, an foun 9e 9ere on the e ge of 9hat seeme to be a boun less sheet of $ce on $ts 9ay from the 1alt$c to the North +ea, 9h$ch appeare 9$ll$ng to rest for the n$ght off the harbour of *ls$nore#? The ne"t ay, the $ce ha;$ng sh$fte a l$ttle, Dasent lan e safely on +9e $sh so$l, an aga$n ta=$ng a sle ge, an carry$ng h$s pro;$s$ons 9$th h$m, he at last reache +toc=holm, by $nt of tra;ell$ng n$ght an ay $n the b$tterest of 9eather, on the t9enty!f$fth ay after go$ng on boar sh$p $n the Thames#

(t +toc=holm he rema$ne about four years, pay$ng ho9e;er occas$onal ;$s$ts to *nglan , an ;$s$t$ng ,ran=fort!on!the!-a$n, an other places $n Germany, 9$th the 0art9r$ght fam$ly# 3t 9as ur$ng h$s stay $n +toc=holm that he e;elope that genu$ne an last$ng lo;e of +can $na;$an l$terature an the mythology of the North, 9$th 9h$ch h$s name has al9ays been so consp$cuously assoc$ate # *ncourage by the great 5acob Gr$mm to master the languages of the North, he soon e;ote h$mself to the stu y of the +agas# ,e9 human recor s, $n ee , e"$st 9h$ch portray soc$ety $n $ts pr$m$t$;e form so graph$cally, abun antly, an truthfully as the +agas of 3celan # ?3t $s 9$th the e;ery ay l$fe of the 3celan ers that 9e feel oursel;es thoroughly at home# 3n the hall of the gallant Gunnar at '$then , or 9$th the peaceful an la9!s=$lle N<al at 1ergthors=noll, 9e meet men 9ho th$n= an act as men of noble m$n s an gentle hearts ha;e e;er acte , an 9$ll ne;er cease to act, so long as human nature rema$ns the same# G$sh, the generous outla9, [p# ""$;] an +norr$, the 9orl ly!9$se pr$est, -or 2algar son, the 9$ly tra$tor, an .allger a, the o;erbear$ng hateful 9$fe, are characters true for all t$me, 9hose 9or=s an 9ays are but em$nent e"amples of our common human$ty, an at once arouse our sympathy or our ant$pathy#? [L1] 3n 1A48 he e $cate h$s f$rst boo= to Thomas 0arlyle $n grat$tu e for the encouragement he rece$;e from h$m to ef$n$tely e;ote h$mself to l$terature# Th$s 9as a translat$on of the Prose, or 6ounger * a, an 9as publ$she at +toc=holm# 3n the course of the follo9$ng year appeare h$s Grammar of the 3celan $c or %l Norse Tongue, from the +9e $sh of *rasmus )as=> an h$s Theoph$lus $n 3celan $c, 'o9 German an other Tongues, from mss# to 9h$ch he ha access $n the )oyal '$brary at +toc=holm, follo9e $n 1A4B# .e returne to *nglan $n the spr$ng of th$s latter year an <o$ne Delane at the T$mes %ff$ce as ass$stant e $tor, a post 9h$ch he cont$nue to f$ll 9$th remar=able ab$l$ty for the ne"t Kuarter of a century# %f ;ery $fferent natures each of the t9o young brothers!$n!la9, ?5ohn Walter7s three!year!ol s,? as they 9ere somet$mes calle , contr$bute someth$ng 9h$ch 9as 9ant$ng $n the character of the other, an the result 9as a remar=able smoothness an e;enness $n the con uct of the paper# Though ne$ther 9as at any t$me of h$s l$fe 9hat coul be calle a party man the $nst$ncts of Delane 9ere ec$ e ly '$beral> an Dasent h$mself 9rote that ur$ng h$s 9hole tenure of off$ce the columns of the T$mes ?are compose out of the ;ery ore of l$berty an progress, an 9$ll for e;er rema$n the best monument to h$s memory#? [p# "";] The late -r# -o9bray -orr$s, another brother!$n!la9 of Delane7s, became the bus$ness manager of the paper, an $t $s no e"aggerat$on to say that un er Delane7s able gu$ ance the l$terary reputat$on of the T$mes reache $ts Cen$th#

+urroun e by a ban of br$ll$ant 9r$ters, unsurpasse before or s$nce for the pur$ty of the$r style an the ;$gour an soun ness of the$r op$n$ons, Delane comman e the ;aluable ser;$ces, $n a $t$on to George Webbe Dasent, of )obert 'o9e, (braham .ay9ar , .enry )ee;e Mplayfully allu e to $n Dasent7s correspon ence 9$th Delane as ?Don Pomposo?N, Thomas -oCley MNe9man7s brother!$n!la9N, 'aurence %l$phant, -atthe9 (rnol , an Doctor no9 +$r W$ll$am, )ussell, the f$rst of all 9ar! correspon ents, an at the present ay the only sur;$;or of the great Delane ynasty $n Pr$nt$ng .ouse +Kuare# Dasent7s $nt$macy 9$th 1unsen also pro;e of great ser;$ce to Delane $n connect$on 9$th the fore$gn pol$cy of the paper# [L1] 3n the happy phraseology of +$r 5ames Graham, the T$mes through $ts masterly e $t$ng at th$s per$o ?sa;e the *ngl$sh language#? Dasent7s l$terary act$;$ty an capac$ty for har 9or= $n early m$ le l$fe 9as pro $g$ous# Not9$thstan $ng late hours s$" n$ghts $n e;ery 9ee= spent $n the ser;$ce of the great ne9spaper, to 9h$ch [p# "";$] he contr$bute $n a $t$on to lea $ng art$cles a large proport$on of the re;$e9s of current l$terature an the b$ograph$cal not$ces of em$nent men> [L1] he 9or=e ass$ uously at h$s translat$on of the Norse Tales of (sb<ornsen/ one of 9h$ch, ?The -aster Th$ef,? f$rst appeare $n 1lac=9oo 7s -agaC$ne for No;ember 1AB1# The f$rst collecte e $t$on of these celebrate stor$es appeare $n 1AB9 Mthe preface $s ate from h$s house, No# F 1roa +anctuary, Westm$nster, December 18th, 1ABAN> an the long $ntro uctory essay on the or$g$n an $ffus$on of popular tales, e"pla$n$ng the m$grat$on of these stor$es from (s$a to the north of *urope, 9h$ch he cons$ ere to be the best p$ece of 9or= he e;er $ , has been pronounce by so competent an author$ty as -a" -uller to be one of the purest spec$mens of *ngl$sh l$terature pro uce $n our o9n or any other age# ( secon e $t$on, greatly enlarge , conta$n$ng th$rteen ne9 tales, an an appen $", cons$st$ng of (nanC$ stor$es tol by the negroes $n the West 3n $es, 9as calle for 9$th$n three months# ( select$on from the Norse tales for the use of ch$l ren, 9$th $llustrat$ons, follo9e $n 1AF8, an a th$r e $t$on of the unabr$ ge collect$on 9as publ$she $n 1AAA# The Norsemen $n 3celan 9as publ$she $n the %"for *ssays, 1ABA, a ;olume 9h$ch, $t $s $nterest$ng to note, also conta$ne 'or , +al$sbury7s celebrate art$cle on Parl$amentary )eform# [p# "";$$] 3n 1AB8 Dasent 9as calle to the 1ar at the -$ le Temple, becom$ng an ( ;ocate $n Doctors7 0ommons $n No;ember of the same year# (t the t$me of h$s eath he 9as one of the last sur;$;ors of that anc$ent legal 0orporat$on# 3n 1AB8 he also too= h$s egree as D#0#'# .e no9 accepte , un er 5elf, the post of Professor of *ngl$sh '$terature an -o ern .$story at 4$ng7s 0ollege, an the lectures el$;ere by h$m $n that capac$ty from 1AB: to 1AFB 9ere un$formly of a h$gh or er of mer$t, an 9ell eser;e publ$cat$on $n a collecte form# Through the $nstrumental$ty of 'o9e, 9ho Ku$c=ly perce$;e h$s ;alue for e ucat$onal purposes, he 9as freKuently

employe henceforth as a Go;ernment e"am$ner of can $ ates for a m$ss$on to the (rmy an the permanent 0$;$l +er;$ce# 3n the autumn of 1AB4 Delane, 9hose $nterest $n m$l$tary affa$rs 9as al9ays a =een one, 9as so $mpresse by )ussell7s letters from the front escr$b$ng the p$t$able con $t$on of our troops, that he 9ent to the 0r$mea to see for h$mself ho9 the 9ar 9as progress$ng, lea;$ng Dasent $n supreme comman at Pr$nt$ng .ouse +Kuare# Dur$ng a s$m$lar $nterregnum $n the follo9$ng year )ee;e too= umbrage at the alterat$ons 9h$ch the temporary e $tor thought $t necessary to ma=e $n h$s contr$but$ons to the paper on fore$gn pol$cy, but Delane uphel Dasent7s l$ne of act$on, an )ee;e 9$th re9 from the T$mes to assume the e $torsh$p of the * $nburgh )e;$e9# [L1] [p# "";$$$] 3n a $t$on to all h$s other 9or=, Dasent 9rote constantly for the Juarterly an the * $nburgh, an the pr$nc$pal l$terary per$o $cals, $nclu $ng the no9 efunct ,raser7s -agaC$ne, of 9h$ch he 9as at one t$me offere the e $torsh$p# .a;$ng been approache by the representat$;es of )$char 0leasby, 9ho ha been for years engage $n collect$ng mater$als for an 3celan $c!*ngl$sh D$ct$onary, Dasent 9armly $ntereste h$mself $n the tas= of complet$ng the 9or=# .e brought Gu bran r 2$gfusson, an 3celan $c scholar of great $n ustry an $ntell$gence, alrea y 9ell!=no9n for h$s labours $n the f$el of h$s nat$;e l$terature, o;er to *nglan to complete the f$nal re;$s$on an arrangement of the manuscr$pts, an 9as successful, through the $nstrumental$ty of '$ ell, $n $n uc$ng the &n$;ers$ty of %"for to br$ng out the 9or= at the 0laren on Press# ,or th$s great un erta=$ng Dasent 9rote the $ntro uct$on an also the l$fe of )$char 0leasby!!h$s only e"per$ment $n contemporary b$ography 9h$ch has come o9n to us $n boo= form# The f$rst e $t$on of 1urnt N<al, a 9or= of 9h$ch 9e gla ly repeat the el$berate <u gment of a $st$ngu$she (mer$can 9r$ter that ?$t $s unsurpasse by any e"$st$ng monument $n the narrat$;e epartment of any l$terature anc$ent or mo ern,? [L1] appeare $n 1AF1# .e ha conce$;e the not$on of g$;$ng an *ngl$sh ress to the N<al7s +aga so early as $n 1A4:, but, as the preface $nforms us, $t 9as est$ne to ran= among those th$ngs 9h$ch, begun $n youth, must 9a$t for the$r complet$on [p# ""$"] $n m$ le age# 1ut the elay nee not be regrette s$nce $t enables us to en<oy th$s great ep$c tale $n as perfect a form as pat$ent eru $t$on an a genu$ne lo;e of the most untro en paths of ant$Ku$ty coul present $t# The $nterest of th$s trag$c story re;ol;es aroun the ut$es an the r$ghts of the bloo !feu , an sho9s us ho9 a man, gentle, generous, an forg$;$ng, l$=e N<al, 9as, $n sp$te of all h$s ;$rtues, gra ually $n;ol;e $n a net9or= of bloo y retal$at$on> ho9 $n sp$te of all h$s 9$se an pac$f$c counsel massacre repl$e to massacre aroun h$m, unt$l he an h$s 9hole househol per$she $n bloo an f$re, lea;$ng, ho9e;er, a fearful her$tage of ;engeance to be e"acte by 4ar$, h$s son!$n!la9#

3n 1AF1, an aga$n $n the follo9$ng year, Dasent ;$s$te 3celan $n person, $n company 9$th the late -r# 5ohn 0ampbell of 3slay Mh$mself an earnest stu ent of the fol=lore an popular tales of the Western .$ghlan sN an other fr$en s# .e 9as rece$;e 9$th great cor $al$ty at )ey=<a;$= an enterta$ne at a publ$c banKuet by the author$t$es, 9ho accla$me h$m as the foremost 3celan $c scholar $n *urope# .e ro e across the g$gant$c sno9f$el of the 2atna 5o=ull, an ;$s$te many of the places of $nterest $n the country, 9hose phys$cal features 9ere alrea y 9ell =no9n to h$m through $ts l$terature# The a ;entures of the party on the occas$on of Dasent7s secon ;$s$t to 3celan 9ere so humorously escr$be by the late +$r 0harles 0l$ffor $n h$s Tra;els by &mbra, an the $spos$t$on an personal appearance of each of the f$;e members of th$s merry group so a m$rably [p# """] burlesKue , that 9e ma=e no apology for repro uc$ng the$r portra$ts/!! 7,$rst!!he 9ho by tac$t consent 9as rec=one surname (rch$bal -7D$arm$ # [L1] the hea of our party!!9as

73 bel$e;e the a $t$on of esKu$re $s cons$ ere a sort of $nsult $n the .$ghlan s, 9hence he came, so 3 om$t $t# -7D$arm$ , l$=e 0r$chton, $ all th$ngs 9ell, be$ng a f$rst!rate sportsman, a goo raughtsman> 9as a follo9er of sc$ence, an an author to boot# 7.e possesse Kual$t$es of coolness, el$berat$on an courage, that 9oul ha;e f$tte h$m to be the lea er of a party boun on an e"pe $t$on far more a ;enturous than our o9n# 7.e 9as, moreo;er, a pleasant compan$on, but lest $t shoul be thought that 3 am escr$b$ng a too perfect character, 3 9$ll a m$t that he cher$she t9o superst$t$ons# ,$rst, he bel$e;e $n %ss$an> secon ly, he hel $t as an art$cle of fa$th, not to be oubte , that h$s tent 9as completely 9aterproof# 7Ne"t to h$m 3 9$ll $ntro uce -r# Dar9$n, [L8] a really celebrate personage# .e ha 9r$tten a learne boo= on northern ant$Ku$t$es, $n recompense of 9h$ch a +can $na;$an potentate create h$m a 4n$ght of the secon class of the %r er of the Walrus, the r$bbon of 9h$ch $llustr$ous %r er 9as suspen e across h$s bra9ny shoul ers# %f .erculean he$ght an strength, 9$th h$s long blac= bear escen $ng to h$s 9a$st, he resemble a 2$=$ng of ol , an such 3 conce$;e he at t$mes suppose h$mself to be# 3n fact, so eeply 9as he $mbue 9$th [p# """$] the sp$r$t of ant$Ku$ty, that a cont$nual antagon$sm bet9een the past an the present, or rather, 3 shoul say, bet9een the $mag$nary an the real, e"$ste $n h$s breast# 7.e 9as t9o gentlemen at once# Though a s$ncerely rel$g$ous man, st$ll 3 cannot help suspect$ng that $n h$s heart of hearts he loo=e on 0hr$st$an$ty as a some9hat par;enu cree , an eeme that Thor, % $n, ,reya, etc#, 9ere the proper ob<ects of 9orsh$p# 3n ull fact he 9as an

e"cellent c$t$Cen, a househol er, pay$ng rates an ta"es, an affect$onate husban , an the goo father of a fam$ly> but $n the ream, the fancy!!?the sp$r$t, -aster +hallo9?!!he 9as a 1erser=er, a Norse p$rate, plough$ng the seas $n h$s ragon!shape barKue, ma=$ng h$s trusty falch$on r$ng on the casKues of h$s enem$es, slay$ng, p$llag$ng, burn$ng, ra;$sh$ng, an thus grat$fy$ng a lau able taste for a ;enture# 3 fear he preferre the glor$ous ream to the sober real$ty# 3 th$n= he $n9ar ly p$ne at h$s o9n respectab$l$ty, that he cons$ ere h$mself m$splace $n the narro9 sphere of ut$es# 1ut he 9as a most agreeable comra e# 7Th$r 9as )agner, 'or 'o brog, an 3r$sh peer, [L1] an then a stu ent at the &n$;ers$ty# .e er$;e h$s escent from a ch$efta$n of that name, 9ho ha sla$n a ragon after encas$ng h$mself $n $mpenetrable ha$ry breeches> an $t 9as st$ll a custom $n h$s fam$ly, out of respect to th$s ancestor, to 9ear h$rsute nether garments# 7.o9 gay 9as 'o brogO the l$fe an ne;er fa$le # (s he cantere [p# """$$] on ahea of all, 0um spumant$s eKu$ fo eret calcar$bus armos, a cr$mson sash roun h$s 9a$st, the plumage of the 9$l s9an $n h$s cap, an roun h$s shoul ers slung a horn, 9h$ch ha erst, to the great $sgust of the Dons, a9o=e the echoes of Pec=9ater Jua , he 9as ha$le by us as ec$ e ly the ?+=arCma ur? or Dan y of the party# 7,ourth 9as -r# H, a member of Parl$ament, [L1] 9ho ha come out late $n the sess$on# 3 am not a9are that he e;er enl$ghtene the senate by h$s eloKuence# .e 9as rather a s$lent, reser;e person, an h$s ch$ef talent seeme to cons$st $n smo=$ng tobacco# .o9e;er, to o h$m <ust$ce, he 9as al9ays goo !tempere , lent a 9$ll$ng han at the pac=$ng $n the morn$ng, an ne;er bore any of us by Kuot$ng blueboo=s, 9h$ch $s much to h$s cre $t# When he $ spea=, $t 9as generally to ma=e some c$tat$on from the class$cs or +ha=espeare, 9h$ch 9as te $ous, but happ$ly br$ef# 7,$fth 9as -r# D$g9ell, [L8] a relat$;e of -r# Dar9$n, ,ello9 of a 0ollege at 0ambr$ ge, an , unfortunately for h$m, sm$tten 9$th a taste for Geology, 9h$ch ha $mpelle h$m to come to 3celan # .e 9as a tall, th$n man, an al9ays carr$e a hammer to a$ h$m $n h$s fa;our$te pursu$t# .e also brought an anc$ent m$l$tary sa le, 9h$ch an ancestor of h$s ha use $n the Du=e of -arlborough7s campa$gns# %n an 3celan pony $t seeme some9hat m$splace # 1es$ es h$s Ceal for sc$ence, D$g9ell 9as pass$onately fon of poetry, an for hours together 9oul repeat ;erses, embo y$ng the myster$ous [p# """$$$] long$ngs of the soul# &nluc=$ly nature ha en o9e h$m 9$th another cra;$ng ent$rely oppose to romance> namely a most $nor $nate appet$te#7 'ater on $n th$s el$ghtful boo=, the =ey to the characters $n 9h$ch $s no9 for the f$rst t$me ma e publ$c, $s $ntro uce Gr$mur Thomsen of 0openhagen, un er the $sgu$se of 7-r# 5onson#7 The great success of 1urnt N<al le to the publ$cat$on, $n 1AFF, of G$sl$ the %utla9, $n 9h$ch 9$ll be foun a beaut$ful map of 3celan , an a soul of our company/ h$s cheerfulness

secon ser$es of popular stor$es, ent$tle $n 1AI4#

Tales from the ,<el , appeare

(t the beg$nn$ng of 1AI0, -r# Gla stone, to 9hom he ha been ma e =no9n by 'o9e, 9rote to offer h$m the $mportant appo$ntment of one of .er -a<esty7s 0$;$l 0omm$ss$oners, an though $t 9as a great 9rench to h$m to se;er h$s long connect$on 9$th Delane at the T$mes %ff$ce, an an $mme $ate loss of $ncome, after some hes$tat$on he accepte the post on the a ;$ce of h$s fam$ly# No longer constra$ne to 9or= e;ery n$ght $nto the small hours of the morn$ng, he 9as no9 free to go more $nto 'on on soc$ety> an br$ng$ng to $t, as he $ , a 9ell!store m$n , a fun of nat$;e humour, [L1] great capac$ty for en<oyment, an rare con;ersat$onal po9ers, he became one of $ts recogn$se fa;our$tes, an a 9elcome guest, l$=e Delane h$mself, at $ts $nner!tables# %ne of h$s most [p# """$;] ;alue fr$en s throughout h$s l$fet$me, an they ha been up at %"for together, 9as W$ll$am 1romley Da;enport, [L1] an *ngl$sh sportsman of the best type, an as cle;er a letter 9r$ter as the 2$ctor$an (ge has pro uce , though not str$=$ngly successful as a publ$c spea=er# +carce a ear passe 9$thout Dasent7s ;$s$t$ng h$m at h$s 0hesh$re home, an the last country ;$s$t he e;er pa$ 9as to h$s 9$ o9 at 0apesthorne# 3nt$mate, too, 9$th (rthur Penrhyn +tanley Mafter 9hom h$s youngest son 9as chr$stene N, he 9as freKuently at the Deanery, Westm$nster, an , l$=e +tanley h$mself, too= the greatest $nterest $n all that concerne the h$story an archaeology of the (bbey, 9h$ch he ha =no9n an lo;e from boyhoo # .e 9as present 9$th the Dean 9hen some of the )oyal tombs 9ere opene 9$th a ;$e9 to the more complete $ ent$f$cat$on of the$r contents# (t 'or Gran;$lle7s, both $n to9n an at Walmer 0astle, he $ncrease h$s alrea y e"tens$;e =no9le ge of the pol$t$cal 9orl , an he 9as a 9elcome guest at .$ghclere, at )aby, at (lthorp, an at 0hats9orth# .e en<oye the close fr$en sh$p of +$r Thomas *rs=$ne -ay M'or ,arnboroughN, of -atthe9 (rnol , an the late +$r 0harles 1o9en!!all, l$=e h$mself, hab$tues of the [p# """;] [paragraph cont$nues] (thenaeum 0lub, 9here h$s unfa$l$ng sp$r$ts an cult$;ate tal= 9ere long apprec$ate # [L1] (nother ;ery ear fr$en 9as the late +$r )obert -ea e, the permanent &n er!+ecretary of the 0olon$al %ff$ce, 9ho 9as also a ne$ghbour $n 1er=sh$re, at *nglemere, -o9bray -orr$s7s former home near (scot .eath# ( member also of the 0osmopol$tan 0lub $n 0harles +treet, 1er=eley +Kuare, the fa;our$te resort of such 9$ts as 'or .oughton, an the better!=no9n f$gures $n the pol$t$cal an soc$al 9orl of 'on on, Dasent became as prom$nent soc$ally as he 9as alrea y amongst men of letters# ( constant ;$s$tor to 1aron -eyer e )othsch$l at -entmore $n the early se;ent$es, he 9armly $ntereste h$mself 9$th the 1aroness $n support of the mo;ement for the %ral 3nstruct$on of the Deaf an Dumb, a scheme generously for9ar e by the )othsch$l fam$ly by e;ery means $n the$r

po9er# 3n 1AI8 the Pr$nce of Wales pres$ e at a publ$c $nner $n furtherance of the scheme, at 9h$ch Dasent e"pla$ne the a ;antages of the system o;er any other metho of e ucat$ng eaf mutes an l$ghten$ng the bur en of the$r l$;es# ,or many years he atten e the meet$ngs of the 0omm$ttee of the (ssoc$at$on, an stro;e to $nfluence publ$c op$n$on on# $ts behalf# Wh$le cont$nu$ng to 9r$te re;$e9s for the T$mes, so [p# """;$] long as Delane rema$ne at h$s post, Dasent no9 for the f$rst t$me turne h$s attent$on to contemporary f$ct$on# .$s f$rst no;el!!The (nnals of an *;entful '$fe [L1]!!$ssue at f$rst anonymously $n 1AI0, 9ent through se;eral e $t$ons $n the course of a fe9 months, an has s$nce been freKuently re!$ssue $n one ;olume# The capac$ty for f$ct$on $splaye $n th$s h$ghly or$g$nal 9or=, an $ts $nstantaneous success, le to h$s 9r$t$ng Three to %ne $n 1AI8 an .alf a '$fe $n 1AI4# To those 9ho =ne9 h$m 9ell $t $s easy to see that the latter $s ma$nly autob$ograph$cal, an 9h$le not amongst h$s best 9r$t$ngs, $t 9$ll al9ays be $nterest$ng for the ;$;$ account $n $ts pages of h$s Westm$nster school! ays# The 2$=$ngs of the 1alt$c, an $ngen$ous attempt to $lute the 5oms;$=$nga +aga $nto a mo ern three!;olume no;el, 9as publ$she $n 1AIB# %n 5une 8Ith, 1AIF, on -r# D$srael$7s recommen at$on, Dasent rece$;e the honour of =n$ghthoo ?for publ$c ser;$ces#? [L8] .e 9as alrea y a 4n$ght of the Dan$sh %r er of the Dannebrog> another compl$ment 9h$ch he rece$;e from the Danes be$ng a beaut$ful s$l;er r$n=$ng!horn, shape l$=e a 2$=$ng sh$p, $n recogn$t$on of h$s ser;$ces to Northern l$terature# %n the $nst$tut$on of the )oyal 0omm$ss$on on .$stor$cal -anuscr$pts, he 9as $n;$te by the Go;ernment [p# """;$$] to be one of $ts or$g$nal members, an many of $ts subseKuently pr$nte ;olumes are the result of h$s personal =no9le ge of unpubl$she l$terary treasures long ly$ng unhee e $n the mun$ment rooms of many an *ngl$sh home# %n the ret$rement of +$r Thomas *rs=$ne -ay from the cler=sh$p of the .ouse of 0ommons $n 1AAF, Gla stone 9as $ncl$ne to appo$nt Dasent as h$s successor $n that h$gh off$ce, but h$s $nf$rm$ty of lameness, the result, $n the f$rst $nstance, of a fall $n 1AF:, aggra;ate by other acc$ ents of a l$=e nature, 9as hel to be an $nsuperable obstacle to the eff$c$ent $scharge of the onerous ut$es attach$ng to the post, an he rema$ne at the 0$;$l +er;$ce 0omm$ss$on, of 9h$ch he ha become, on the eath of 'or .ampton, the off$c$al ch$ef# 3n 1A90 he susta$ne a se;ere shoc= through the total estruct$on by f$re of h$s country house at To9er .$ll, 1er=s, an the loss or gr$e;ous amage of much ;aluable property, $nclu $ng an e"tens$;e l$brary at$ng from h$s %"for ays, ol furn$ture, p$ctures, plate, ch$na, an cur$os$t$es collecte ur$ng a long l$fe $n all parts of the 9orl #

3n th$s connect$on $t shoul be ment$one that he 9as one of the f$rst to g$;e ser$ous attent$on to the stu y of hall!mar=s on plate, long before the appearance of 0haffers7s an 0r$pps7s boo=s on th$s sub<ect, an that he ha secure $n m$ le age an unr$;alle collect$on of ant$Kue s$l;er, $nclu $ng spec$mens from the +to9e sale, 9h$ch he atten e $n person, an from the 1ernal an .ast$ngs collect$ons# -any cho$ce e"amples of ol Nor9$ch, 6or=, an $nto h$s possess$on, at a t$me 9hen [p# """;$$$] the secret of the ;ar$ous alphabet$cal cycles 9as =no9n, perhaps, only to h$mself an the late -r# %cta;$us -organ# ( port$on of h$s collect$on 9as sol at 0hr$st$e7s $n 1AIB, an real$se pr$ces then regar e as enormous, though s$nce largely e"cee e on the $spersal at the same rooms of the -$lban= an Dunn!Gar ner collect$ons# The e"haust$;e art$cle on ?Plate an Plate 1uyers,? $n the Juarterly )e;$e9 MNo# 8A8N for (pr$l 1AIF!!the lamp at 9h$ch all subseKuent 9r$ters on %l *ngl$sh +$l;er ha;e l$t the$r torch!!9as from h$s pen# The thorough grasp an apprec$at$on of the sub<ect there$n $splaye , the t$mely 9arn$ngs as to forger$es, a resse to 9oul !be buyers 9$th long purses but l$ttle real =no9le ge, an the conf$ ent pre $ct$on e"presse by h$m, an s$nce abun antly ;er$f$e , that genu$ne spec$mens of me $ae;al an pre!0arol$ne plate Mof 9h$ch there 9ere some th$rty $n h$s o9n collect$onN, must greatly $ncrease $n ;alue as the$r e"treme rar$ty 9as better real$se , ren er the 9hole art$cle of s$ngular $nterest to collectors at the present ay# W$th character$st$c energy, although h$s health 9as no9 beg$nn$ng to fa$l, he appl$e h$mself to the tas= of rebu$l $ng h$s ru$ne home, an on h$s f$nal ret$rement from the publ$c ser;$ce $n 1A98, he 9$th re9 altogether from 'on on soc$ety to en h$s ays $n the peaceful atmosphere of W$n sor ,orest, a ne$ghbourhoo to 9h$ch both he an Delane ha been strongly attache from the$r boyhoo # .$s ser;$ces at the 0$;$l +er;$ce 0omm$ss$on are thus commemorate $n the open$ng 9or s of the th$rty!s$"th )eport of that bo y/!! ?Th$s 0omm$ss$on has susta$ne [p# """$"] superannuat$on of +$r George Webbe Dasent at the close of the last f$nanc$al year# (ppo$nte 0omm$ss$oner $n 1AI0, before the pr$nc$ple of open compet$t$on 9as appl$e to the .ome 0$;$l +er;$ce, he helpe , $n con<unct$on 9$th the late +$r * 9ar )yan, a$ e by the late -r# Theo ore Walron , then secretary to the 0omm$ss$oners, to organ$se the ne9 system> he cont$nue to 9atch o;er an gu$ e $ts e;elopment> an 9hate;er success has atten e $ts a m$n$strat$on has been largely ue to h$s ab$l$ty an <u gment#? .e 9as force to ret$re, not9$thstan $ng h$s un9ear$e e"ert$ons $n the publ$c $nterest, on a ;ery $na eKuate pens$on/ $n such fash$on oes an ungrateful Treasury re9ar $ts best ser;ants# .$s last contr$but$on to the T$mes 9as a letter 9h$ch appeare on December Fth, 1A9:, 9hen he 9rote from h$s ret$rement at To9er .$ll to cla$m the authorsh$p of a class$cal ep$gram ma e on the occas$on of the marr$age of -r# .enry a hea;y loss o9$ng to the other pro;$nc$al 9or= came

Wyn ham West to -$ss 2$olet 0ampbell, 9h$ch ha been 9rongly attr$bute M$n a ment$on of -r# West7s eath $n the same ne9spaperN to (braham .ay9ar # The ep$gram ran as follo9s/!! ?Juaerebat Gephyrus brumal$ tempore florem/ *nO 0amp$s 1ell$s $nc$ $t $n 2$olam#? (n to the r$ght un erstan $ng of th$s a$nty class$cal morsel $t shoul be a e that -r# West7s n$c=name $n early l$fe 9as ?Gephyr,? an that he 9as marr$e $n m$ 9$nter to -$ss 2$olet 0ampbell, a s$ster of 'a y Gran;$lle, an half!s$ster of Dasent7s ol fr$en , 5ohn 0ampbell of 3slay# 6et another boo= 9as to be publ$she un er h$s name before the curta$n fell!!h$s masterly translat$on of the %r=ney an .acon +agas $ssue $n 1A94 for the ser$es of [p# "l] [paragraph cont$nues] Nat$onal .$stor$cal Publ$cat$ons by the -aster of the )olls> but $t shoul here be state that $n the re;$s$on of th$s 9or= he rece$;e great ass$stance from h$s el est son, -r# 5ohn )oche Dasent, 0#1#, 9ho $s h$mself engage at the present t$me $n e $t$ng the (cts of the Pr$;y 0ounc$l of *nglan , a tas= left unf$n$she by +$r .arr$s N$colas# The publ$cat$on of these t9o +agas complete the labours of more than half a century e;ote to the popular$sat$on of the l$terature of +can $na;$a an $ts bear$ngs upon the h$story of *nglan # .$s contemplate '$fe of Delane, 9hose ;ast an un$Kue correspon ence passe $nto h$s =eep$ng, an fortunately escape the flames at To9er .$ll, $s 9$thhel from publ$cat$on for the present, though $t 9$ll surely see the l$ght 9hen the t$mes are r$pe for $t to be g$;en to the 9orl # [L1] Dasent7s once $ron frame at last began to brea= o9n, an a gra ual ecay of h$s po9ers set $n# ,or the last year an a half of h$s l$fe be 9as conf$ne to h$s room by a $stress$ng mala y, 9h$ch be bore 9$th a m$rable fort$tu e, rarely utter$ng a 9or of compla$nt, though he suffere constant an acute pa$n# The en came on Thurs ay, 5une 11th, 1A9F, 9hen he passe a9ay, surroun e by h$s fam$ly, at h$s house at To9er .$ll, o;erloo=$ng the 9$l lan scape of 1agshot .eath, an the 9oo lan s of +9$nley 9h$ch he lo;e so 9ell# [p# "l$] %n the -on ay follo9$ng h$s rema$ns 9ere Ku$etly $nterre $n the p$cturesKue churchyar of the ol forest par$sh of *asthampstea , 9here, too, h$s l$fe!long fr$en , 5ohn Delane, rests from h$s labours# Dasent marr$e , at +t# 5ames7s, P$cca $lly, $n 1A4F, ,anny 'ou$sa, th$r aughter of the late -r# W$ll$am ,re er$c= (ugustus Delane, of %l 1rac=nell, *asthampstea , the only son of 0a;$n Delane, of an anc$ent 3r$sh fam$ly $n )oscommon an the Jueen7s 0ounty, +er<eant!at!(rms to George the Th$r , $n 1IIB, by h$s 9$fe *l$Cabeth Da;enport# 1y th$s la y, 9ho sur;$;es h$m, Dasent ha four ch$l ren/!! M1N 5ohn )oche Dasent, 0#1#, e ucate at Westm$nster +chool an 0hr$st 0hurch, %"for , ass$stant secretary to the 1oar of * ucat$on, marr$e $n 1AIA to *llen, younger aughter an co!he$ress of ( m$ral of the ,leet

+$r .enry 0o r$ngton, 4#0#1#, by 9hom he has t9o sons, -anuel an both $n the )oyal Na;y# M8N George W$ll$am -anuel, also at Westm$nster an acc$ entally ro9ne at %"for $n 1AI8# M:N ,rances *m$ly -ary# 0hr$st 0hurch,


M4N (rthur 3r9$n, e ucate at *ton, an no9 one of the cler=s of the .ouse of 0ommons, marr$e , Bth ,ebruary 1901, at +t# Paul7s, 4n$ghtsbr$ ge, to .elen (ugusta *sse", youngest aughter of the late '$eutenant!0olonel (lfre T$pp$nge, Grena $er Guar s, of 'ongpar$sh .ouse, .ants# ,ootnotes P";$$/1 ,or a eta$le pe $gree of the fam$ly of Dasent, see 2# '# %l$;er7s .$story of the 3slan of (nt$gua# 1A94# 2olume $# pp# 190!194, an 1ur=e7s 'an e Gentry, Ath e $t$on, pp# 4F9, 4I0# P""$;/1 3ntro uct$on to the 3celan $c!*ngl$sh D$ct$onary, p# "l;$$# P"";/1 4$ngla=e, 9ho 9as 9ell acKua$nte 9$th Delane an competent to apprec$ate h$s remar=able talents, has g$;en us an $ns$ght $nto h$s metho of con uct$ng the paper, er$;e from personal obser;at$on of the great e $tor an the pr$nc$pal members of h$s staff at the$r n$ghtly 9or= $n Pr$nt$ng .ouse +Kuare#!!3n;as$on of the 0r$mea, ;ol# ;$# pp# 849!8B1# P"";$/1 -uch of h$s best an freshest 9r$t$ng perforce l$es bur$e $n the anonymous columns of the T$mes# +ome of h$s contr$but$ons to the paper an the pr$nc$pal re;$e9s 9ere publ$she by h$m $n 1AI:, $n t9o ;olumes, ent$tle 5est an *arnest# P"";$$/1 3n h$s recently!publ$she $ary )ee;e states that bet9een 1A40 an 1ABB he 9rote nearly t9o thousan f$;e hun re art$cles for the paper, an rece$;e for them up9ar s of '1:,000# P"";$$$/1 +ee The +atur ay )e;$e9, ;ol# "$# p# 489# P"""/1 5ohn 0ampbell of 3slay# P"""/8 George Webbe Dasent# P"""$/1 Then 'or Ne9ry, an no9 *arl of 4$lmorey#

P"""$$/1 0harles 0a;en $sh 0l$ffor # P"""$$/8 5ohn )oche Da=yns# P"""$$$/1 .$s $nnate lo;e of a <o=e occas$onally $llum$ne the col pr$nt of the T$mes columns# %n one occas$on, 9hen he 9as act$ng for Delane, a letter came to the off$ce from a -r# W$eass for publ$cat$on# The s$gnature 9as an $n $st$nct scra9l 9h$ch ef$e all efforts to ec$pher, an the name of the 9r$ter 9as pr$nte 7W$seass#7 The 9r$ter of the letter [p# """$;] 9as e"cee $ngly 9roth an 9rote to compla$n# To cool the $nflame m$n of the correspon ent there appeare ne"t morn$ng an e $tor$al e"cuse# 3t state that 7after a careful stu y of the 9r$ter7s cal$graphy, 9e came to the conclus$on that a $ff$culty e"$ste as to

ec$pher$ng the f$rst part of the s$gnature, but there 9as no m$sta=e as to the latter part#7 P"""$;/1 'ate -#P# for North War9$c=sh$re# P""";/1 *lecte to the (thenaeum un er the rule 9h$ch pro;$ es for the a m$ss$on of men ?of $st$ngu$she em$nence $n l$terature, sc$ence, or the arts,? 9$thout the or eal of the ballot, h$s name rema$ne on the l$st of members for forty years# P""";$/1 Th$s he 9rote at h$s 'on on house, No# 19 0hesham Place, +#W#, 9h$lst ly$ng on h$s bac= ur$ng the enforce $nact$;$ty follo9$ng on an acc$ ent to h$s =nee# P""";$/8 The Jueen has =n$ghte Dasent> W$t 9ell eser;es a han le to $ts name#? !!Punch, Ath 5uly 1AIF# P"l/1 Delane 9rote to )ee;e, %ctober 88n , 1AI4/!!?The Ku$c=ly for long $nter;als of suppresse publ$cat$on,? T$mes re;$e9 of the Gre;$lle -emo$rs# Dasent 9rote the to, an sat up all n$ght to f$n$sh $t, as 9as h$s 9ont h$s sub<ect# 9orl mo;es too a propos of the art$cle referre 9hen absorbe $n

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# "l$$$]


%)3G3N# T.* most careless rea er can har ly fa$l to see that many of the Tales $n th$s ;olume ha;e the same groun 9or= as those 9$th 9h$ch he has been fam$l$ar from h$s earl$est youth# They are Nursery Tales, $n fact, of the ays 9hen there 9ere tales $n nurser$es!!ol 9$;es7 fables, 9h$ch ha;e fa e a9ay before the l$ght of gas an the po9er of steam# 3t $s long, $n ee , s$nce *ngl$sh nurses tol these tales to *ngl$sh ch$l ren by force of memory an 9or of mouth# 3n a 9r$tten shape, 9e ha;e long ha some of them at least $n *ngl$sh ;ers$ons of the 0ontes e ma -ere l7%ye of Perrault, an the 0ontes e ,ees of -a ame D7(ulnoy> those t$ght! lace , h$gh!heele tales of the ?teacup t$mes? of 'ou$s H32# an h$s successors, $n 9h$ch the popular tale appears to as much $sa ;antage as an artless country g$rl $n the st$fl$ng atmosphere of a 'on on theatre# ,rom these fore$gn sources, after the ;o$ce of the *ngl$sh rec$ter 9as hushe !!an $t 9as hushe $n *nglan more than a century ago!!our great! gran mothers learnt to tell of 0$n erella an 1eauty an the 1east, of '$ttle )e )$ $ng!.oo an 1lue 1ear , m$ngle together $n the 0ab$net es ,ees 9$th +$n ba the +a$lor an (la $n7s 9on rous lamp> for that

9as an uncr$t$cal age, an $ts sp$r$t breathe hot an col , east an 9est, from all Kuarters of the globe at once, confus$ng [p# "l$;] the tra $t$ons an tales of all t$mes an countr$es $nto one $ncongruous mass of fable, as much tangle an =notte as that famous poun of fla" 9h$ch the lass$e $n one of these Tales $s e"pecte to sp$n $nto an e;en 9oof 9$th$n four!an !t9enty hours# No po;erty of $n;ent$on or 9ant of po9er on the part of translators coul ent$rely estroy the $nnate beauty of those popular tra $t$ons> but here, $n *nglan at least, they ha almost 9$n le out, or at any rate ha been lost s$ght of as home! gro9ths# We ha learnt to buy our o9n ch$l ren bac= $sgu$se $n fore$gn garb> an as for the$r be$ng anyth$ng more than the mere past$me of an $ le hour!!as to the$r ha;$ng any h$story or sc$ence of the$r o9n!!such an absur $ty 9as ne;er once thought of# 3t ha $n ee , been remar=e , e;en $n the e$ghteenth century!!that reary t$me of $n $fference an oubt!!that some of the popular tra $t$ons of the nat$ons north of the (lps conta$ne str$=$ng resemblances an parallels to stor$es $n the class$cal mythology# 1ut those 9ere the ays 9hen Gree= an 'at$n lor e $t o;er the other languages of the earth> an 9hen any such resemblance or analogy 9as obser;e , $t 9as commonly suppose that that base!born sla;e, the ;ulgar tongue, ha are to ma=e a clumsy copy of someth$ng, pecul$arly belong$ng to the t9$n tyrants 9ho rule all the $alects of the 9orl 9$th a pe ant7s ro # (t last, <ust at the close of that great 9ar 9h$ch Western *urope 9age aga$nst the gen$us an fortune of the f$rst Napoleon> <ust as the eagle!! Prometheus an the eagle $n one shape!!9as fast fettere by sheer force an strength to h$s roc= $n the (tlant$c, there arose a man $n 0entral Germany, on the ol Thur$ng$an so$l, to [p# "l;] 9hom $t 9as g$;en to assert the $gn$ty of ;ernacular l$terature, to thro9 off the yo=e of class$cal tyranny, an to cla$m for all the $alects of Teuton$c speech a r$ght of anc$ent $nher$tance an perfect free om before unsuspecte an un=no9n# 3t $s almost nee less to ment$on th$s honoure name# ,or the furtherance of the goo 9or= 9h$ch he began nearly f$fty years ago, he st$ll l$;es [L1] an st$ll labours# There $s no spot on 9h$ch an accent of Teuton$c speech $s uttere 9here the name of 5acob Gr$mm $s not a ?househol 9or #? .$s General Grammar of all the Teuton$c D$alects from 3celan to *nglan has pro;e the eKual$ty of these tongues 9$th the$r anc$ent class$cal oppressors# .$s (nt$Ku$t$es of Teuton$c 'a9 ha;e she9n that the co es of the 'ombar s, ,ran=s, an Goths 9ere not mere sa;age, brutal customar$es, base , as ha been suppose , on the absence of all la9 an r$ght# .$s numerous treat$ses on early German authors ha;e she9n that the German poets of the -$ le (ge, Go frey of +trasburg, Wolfram ;on *schenbach, .artmann ;on er (ue, Walter ;on er 2ogel9e$ e, an the rest, can hol the$r o9n aga$nst any contemporary 9r$ters $n other lan s# (n lastly, 9hat rather concerns us here, h$s Teuton$c -ythology, h$s )eynar the ,o", an the collect$on of German Popular Tales, 9h$ch he an h$s brother W$ll$am publ$she , ha;e thro9n a floo of l$ght on the early h$story of all the branches of our race, an ha;e ra$se 9hat ha come to be loo=e on as mere nursery f$ct$ons an ol 9$;es7 fables!!to a stu y f$t for the energ$es of gro9n men, an to all the $gn$ty of a sc$ence#

[p# "l;$] 3n these pages, 9here 9e ha;e to run o;er a ;ast tract of space, the rea er 9ho 9$shes to learn an not to ca;$l!!an for such alone th$s 3ntro uct$on $s $nten e !!must be content 9$th results rather than processes an steps# To use a homely l$=eness, he must be sat$sf$e 9$th the soup that $s set before h$m, an not es$re to see the bones of the o" out of 9h$ch $t has been bo$le # When 9e say, therefore, that $n these latter ays the ph$lology an mythology of the *ast an West ha;e met an =$sse each other> that they no9 go han $n han > that they len one another mutual support> that one cannot be un erstoo 9$thout the other,!!9e loo= to be bel$e;e # We o not e"pect to be put to the proof, ho9 the labours of Gr$mm an h$s $sc$ples on th$s s$ e 9ere f$rst ren ere poss$ble by the l$ngu$st$c $sco;er$es of (nKuet$l u Perron an others $n 3n $a an ,rance, at the en of the last century> then mater$ally ass$ste an furthere by the researches of +$r W$ll$am 5ones, 0olebroo=e, an others, $n 3n $a an *nglan ur$ng the early part of th$s century, an f$nally ha;e become $ ent$cal 9$th those of W$lson, 1opp, 'assen, an -a" -uller, at the present ay# The aff$n$ty, 9h$ch e"$sts $n a mytholog$cal an ph$lolog$cal po$nt of ;$e9, bet9een the (ryan or 3n o!*uropean languages on the one han , an the +anscr$t on the other, $s no9 the f$rst art$cle of a l$terary cree , an the man 9ho en$es $t puts h$mself as much beyon the pale of argument as he 9ho, $n a rel$g$ous $scuss$on, shoul meet a gra;e $;$ne of the 0hurch of *nglan 9$th the str$ct contra $ctory of her f$rst art$cle, an lou ly eclare h$s con;$ct$on that there 9as no Go # 3n a general 9ay, then, 9e may be perm$tte to ogmat$Ce, an to lay $t o9n as a la9 9h$ch [p# "l;$$] $s al9ays $n force, that the f$rst authent$c h$story of a nat$on $s the h$story of $ts tongue# We can form no not$on of the l$terature of a country apart from $ts language, an the cons$ erat$on of $ts language necessar$ly $n;ol;es the cons$ erat$on of $ts h$story# .ere $s *nglan , for $nstance, 9$th a language, an therefore a l$terature, compose of 0elt$c, )oman, +a"on, Norse, an )omance elements# 3s not th$s s$mple fact suggest$;e of!!nay, oes $t not challenge us to!!an $nKu$ry $nto the or$g$n an h$story of the races 9ho ha;e passe o;er our $slan , an left the$r mar= not only on the so$l but on our speech@ (ga$n, to ta=e a 9$ er ;$e9, an to r$se from archaeology to sc$ence, 9hat problem has $ntereste the 9orl $n a greater egree than the or$g$n of man, an 9hat to$l has not been spent $n trac$ng all races bac= to the$r common stoc=@ The sc$ence of comparat$;e ph$lology!!the $nKu$ry, not $nto one $solate language!!for no9!a! ays $t may fa$rly be sa$ of a man 9ho =no9s only one language that he =no9s none!!but $nto all the languages of one fam$ly, an thus to re uce them to one common centre, from 9h$ch they sprea l$=e the rays of the sun,!!$f $t has not sol;e , $s $n a fa$r 9ay of sol;$ng, th$s problem# When 9e ha;e one for the ;ar$ous members of each fam$ly 9hat has been one of late years for the 3n o!*uropean tongues, $ts solut$on 9$ll be complete# 3n such an $nKu$ry the h$story of a race $s, $n fact, the h$story of $ts language, an can be noth$ng else> for 9e ha;e to eal 9$th t$mes antece ent to all h$story, properly so calle , an the stream 9h$ch $n later ages may be $;$ e $nto many branches no9 flo9s $n a s$ngle channel# ,rom the *ast, then, came our ancestors, $n $n that grey a9n of t$me of 9h$ch ays of $mmemor$al ant$Ku$ty,

[p# "l;$$$] all early songs an lays can tell, but of 9h$ch $t $s, as $mposs$ble as $t $s useless to attempt to f$" the ate# 3mposs$ble, because no means e"$st for ascerta$n$ng $t,> useless, because $t $s $n real$ty a matter of utter $n $fference, 9hen, as th$s tell!tale crust of earth $nforms us, 9e ha;e/ an $nf$n$ty of ages an per$o s to fall bac= on, [L1] 9hether [p# "l$"] th$s great mo;ement, th$s m$ghty lust to change the$r seats, se$Ce on the (ryan race one hun re or one thousan years sooner or later# 1ut from the *ast 9e came, an from that central pla$n of (s$a, no9 commonly calle 3ran# 3ran, the hab$tat$on of the t$llers an [p# l] carers [L1] of the earth, as oppose to Turan, the abo e of restless horse!r$ $ng noma s!!of Tur=s, $n short> for $n the$r name the root sur;$;es, an st$ll $st$ngu$shes the great Turan$an or -ongol$an fam$ly from# the (ryan, 3ran$an, or 3n o!*uropean race# 3t $s scarce 9orth 9h$le to $nKu$re!!e;en $f $nKu$ry coul lea to any result!!9hat cause set them $n mot$on from the$r anc$ent seats# Whether $mpelle by fam$ne or $nternal str$fe, star;e out l$=e other nat$onal$t$es $n recent t$mes, or le on by a ;enturous ch$efs, 9hose sp$r$t chafe at the narro9ness of home, certa$n $t $s that they left that home an began a 9an er$ng 9est9ar s, 9h$ch only cease 9hen $t reache the (tlant$c an the Northern %cean# Nor 9as the fate of those they left beh$n less strange# (t some per$o almost as remote as, but after, that at 9h$ch the 9an erers for *urope starte , the rema$n$ng port$on of the [p# l$] stoc=, or a cons$ erable offshoot from $t, turne the$r faces east, an pass$ng the 3n $an 0aucasus, poure through the ef$les of (ffghan$stan, crosse the pla$n of the ,$;e )$;ers, an escen e on the fru$tful pla$ns of 3n $a# The $fferent est$ny of these stoc=s has been 9on erful $n ee # %f those 9ho 9ent 9est, 9e ha;e only to enumerate the names un er 9h$ch they appear $n h$story!!0elts, Gree=s, )omans, Teutons, +la;on$ans!!to see an to =no9 at once that the stream of th$s m$grat$on has borne on $ts 9a;es all that has become most prec$ous to man# To use the 9or s of -a" -uller/ ?They ha;e been the prom$nent actors $n the great rama of h$story, an ha;e carr$e to the$r fullest gro9th all the elements of act$;e l$fe 9$th 9h$ch our nature $s en o9e # They ha;e perfecte soc$ety an morals, an 9e learn from the$r l$terature an 9or=s of art the elements of sc$ence, the la9s of art, an the pr$nc$ples of ph$losophy# 3n cont$nual struggle 9$th each other, an 9$th +em$t$c an -ongol$an races, these (ryan nat$ons ha;e become the rulers of h$story, an $t seems to be the$r m$ss$on to l$n= all parts of the 9orl together by the cha$ns of c$;$l$sat$on, commerce, an rel$g$on#? We may a , that though by nature tough an en ur$ng, they ha;e not been obst$nate an self!9$lle > they ha;e been $st$ngu$she from# all other nat$ons, an part$cularly from the$r el er brothers 9hom they left beh$n , by the$r common sense, by the$r po9er of a apt$ng themsel;es to all c$rcumstances, an by ma=$ng the best of the$r pos$t$on> abo;e all, they ha;e been teachable, rea y to rece$;e $mpress$ons from 9$thout, an , 9hen rece$;e , to e;elop them# To she9 the truth of th$s, 9e nee only obser;e, that they a opte 0hr$st$an$ty

[p# l$$] from another race, the most obst$nate an st$ff!nec=e the 9orl has e;er seen, 9ho, tra$ne un er the %l D$spensat$on to preser;e the 9orsh$p of the one true Go , 9ere too prou to accept the further re;elat$on of Go un er the Ne9, an , re<ect$ng the$r b$rthr$ght, suffere the$r $nher$tance to pass $nto other han s# +uch, then, has been the lot of the Western branch, of the younger brother, 9ho, l$=e the younger brother 9hom 9e shall meet so often $n these Popular Tales, 9ent out $nto the 9orl , 9$th noth$ng but h$s goo heart an Go 7s bless$ng to gu$ e h$m> an no9 has come to all honour an fortune, an to be a =$ng, rul$ng o;er the 9orl # .e 9ent out an $ # 'et us see no9 9hat became of the el er brother, 9ho staye at home some t$me after h$s brother 9ent out, an then only ma e a short <ourney# .a;$ng r$;en out the fe9 abor$g$nal $nhab$tants of 3n $a 9$th l$ttle effort, an follo9$ng the course of the great r$;ers, the *astern (ryans gra ually establ$she themsel;es all o;er the pen$nsula> an then, $n calm possess$on of a 9orl of the$r o9n, un $sturbe by conKuest from 9$thout, an accept$ng 9$th apathy any change of ynasty among the$r rulers, $gnorant of the past an careless of the future, they sat o9n once for all an thought!!thought not of 9hat they ha to o here, that stern lesson of e;ery! ay l$fe from 9h$ch ne$ther men nor nat$ons can escape $f they are to l$;e 9$th the$r fello9s, but ho9 they coul abstract themsel;es ent$rely from the$r present e"$stence, an $mmerse themsel;es 9holly $n reamy speculat$ons on the future# Whate;er they may ha;e been ur$ng the$r short m$grat$on an subseKuent settlement, $t $s certa$n that they appear $n the 2e as!! [p# l$$$] perhaps the earl$est collect$on 9h$ch the 9orl possesses!!as a nat$on of ph$losophers# Well may Professor -uller compare the 3n $an m$n to a plant reare $n a hot!house, gorgeous $n colour, r$ch $n perfume, precoc$ous an abun ant $n fru$t> $t may be all th$s, ?but 9$ll ne;er be l$=e the oa=, gro9$ng $n 9$n an 9eather, str$=$ng $ts roots $nto real earth, an stretch$ng $ts branches $nto real a$r, beneath the stars an sun of .ea;en?> an 9ell oes he also remar=, that a people of th$s pecul$ar stamp 9as ne;er est$ne to act a prom$nent part $n the h$story of the 9orl > nay, the e"haust$ng atmosphere of transcen ental $ eas coul not but e"erc$se a etr$mental $nfluence on the act$;e an moral character of the .$n oos# [L1] [p# l$;] 3n th$s pass$;e, abstract, unprogress$;e state, they ha;e rema$ne e;er s$nce# +t$ffene $nto castes, an tongue!t$e an han !t$e by absur r$tes an ceremon$es, they 9ere hear of $n $m legen s by .ero otus> they 9ere seen by (le"an er 9hen that bol sp$r$t pushe h$s phalan" beyon the l$m$ts of the =no9n 9orl > they traff$c=e 9$th $mper$al )ome, an the later emp$re> they 9ere aga$n almost lost s$ght of, an became fabulous, $n the -$ le (ge> they 9ere re $sco;ere by the Portuguese> they ha;e been alternately peaceful sub<ects an esperate rebels to us *ngl$sh> but they ha;e been st$ll the same $mmo;able an unprogress$;e ph$losophers, though a=$n to *urope all the 9h$le> an though the .$ghlan er, 9ho r$;es h$s bayonet through the heart of a h$gh!caste +epoy mut$neer, l$ttle =no9s that h$s pale features an san y ha$r, an

that us= face 9$th $ts ra;en loc=s, both come from a common ancestor a9ay $n 0entral (s$a, many, many centur$es ago# [p# l;] 1ut here ar$ses the Kuest$on, What $nterest can 9e, the escen ants of the pract$cal brother, he$rs to so much h$stor$cal reno9n, poss$bly ta=e $n the recor s of a race so h$stor$cally characterless, an so sun= $n re;er$es an myst$c$sm@ The ans9er $s easy# Those recor s are 9r$tten $n a language closely all$e to the pr$me;al common tongue of those t9o branches before they parte , an escen $ng from a per$o anter$or to the$r separat$on# 3t may, or $t may not, be the ;ery tongue $tself, but $t certa$nly $s not further remo;e than a fe9 steps# The speech of the em$grants to the 9est rap$ ly change 9$th the chang$ng c$rcumstances an ;ar$ous fortune of each of $ts 9a;es, an $n the$r $ntercourse 9$th the abor$g$nal populat$on they often a opte fore$gn elements $nto the$r language# %ne of these 9a;es, $t $s probable, pass$ng by 9ay of Pers$a an (s$a -$nor, crosse the .ellespont an , follo9$ng the coast, thre9 off a m$ghty r$ll, =no9n $n after t$mes as Gree=s> 9h$le the ma$n stream, str$=$ng through -ace on$a, e$ther crosse the ( r$at$c, or, st$ll hugg$ng the coast, came o9n on 3taly, to be =no9n as 'at$ns# (nother, pass$ng bet9een the 0asp$an an the 1lac= +ea, f$lle the steppes roun the 0r$mea, an , pass$ng on o;er the 1al=an an the 0arpath$ans to9ar s the 9est, became that great Teuton$c nat$onal$ty 9h$ch, un er ;ar$ous names, but all closely a=$n, f$lle , 9hen 9e f$rst hear of them $n h$stor$cal t$mes, the space bet9een the 1lac= +ea an the 1alt$c, an 9as then slo9ly but surely r$;$ng before them the great 9a;e of the 0elts 9h$ch ha prece e them $n the$r 9an er$ng, an 9h$ch ha probably follo9e the same l$ne of march as the ancestors of the Gree=s an 'at$ns,!!a mo;ement 9h$ch laste unt$l all [p# l;$] that 9as left of 0elt$c nat$onal$ty 9as e$ther absorbe by the $ntru ers, or force as$ e an r$;en to ta=e refuge $n mounta$n fastnesses an outly$ng $slan s# 1es$ es all these, there 9as st$ll another 9a;e, 9h$ch $s suppose to ha;e passe bet9een the +ea of (ral an the 0asp$an, an , =eep$ng st$ll further to the north an east, to ha;e passe bet9een $ts =$n re Teutons an the -ongol$an tr$bes, an so to ha;e la$n $n the bac=groun unt$l 9e f$n them appear$ng as +la;on$ans on the scene of h$story# 3nto so many great stoc=s $ the Western (ryans pass, each possess$ng strongly mar=e nat$onal$t$es an languages, an these seem$ngly so $st$nct that each often asserte that the other spo=e a barbarous tongue# 1ut, for all that, each of those tongues bears about 9$th $t st$ll, an $n earl$er t$mes no oubt bore st$ll more pla$nly about 9$th $t, $nfall$ble e;$ ence of common or$g$n, so that each $alect can be trace up to that pr$me;al form of speech st$ll $n the ma$n preser;e $n the +anscr$t by the +outhern (ryan branch, 9ho, careless of pract$cal l$fe, an $mmerse $n speculat$on, ha;e clung to the$r anc$ent tra $t$ons an tongue 9$th 9on erful tenac$ty# 3t $s th$s 9h$ch has g$;en such ;alue to +anscr$t, a tongue of 9h$ch $t may be sa$ that $f $t ha per$she the sun 9oul ne;er ha;e r$sen on the sc$ence of comparat$;e ph$lology# 1efore the $sco;er$es $n +anscr$t of +$r W$ll$am 5ones, W$l=$ns, W$lson, an others, the 9orl ha str$;en to f$n the common ancestor of *uropean languages, somet$mes $n the class$cal, an somet$mes $n the +em$t$c tongues# 3n the one case the result 9as a tyranny of Gree= an 'at$n o;er the non!class$cal tongues, an $n the other the most uncr$t$cal an unph$losoph$cal 9aste of learn$ng#

[p# l;$$] [paragraph cont$nues] No oubt some str$=$ng analog$es e"$st bet9een the 3n o!*uropean fam$ly an the +em$t$c stoc=, <ust as there are remar=able analog$es bet9een the -ongol$an an 3n o!*uropean fam$l$es> but the ra;$ngs of 2allancey, $n h$s effort to connect the *rse 9$th Phoen$c$an, are an a9ful 9arn$ng of 9hat unsc$ent$f$c $nKu$ry, base upon casual analogy, may br$ng $tself to bel$e;e, an e;en to fancy $t has pro;e # These general obser;at$ons, then, an th$s rap$ b$r 7s!eye ;$e9, may suff$ce to sho9 the common aff$n$ty 9h$ch e"$sts bet9een the *astern an Western (ryans> bet9een the .$n oo on the one han , an the nat$ons of Western *urope on the other# That $s the fact to =eep stea $ly before our eyes# We all came, Gree=, 'at$n, 0elt, Teuton, +la;on$an, from the *ast, as =$th an =$n, lea;$ng =$th an =$n beh$n us> an after thousan s of years, the language an tra $t$ons of those 9ho 9ent *ast, an those 9ho 9ent West, bear such an aff$n$ty to each other, as to ha;e establ$she , beyon $scuss$on or $spute, the fact of the$r escent from a common stoc=# ,ootnotes P"l;/1 [.e $e $n 1AF:# Th$s 3ntro uct$on 9as 9r$tten $n 1ABA#]

P"l;$$$/1 .o9 strange $s the terror of Natural +c$ence, 9h$ch seems to possess, 9$th a rel$g$ous possess$on, so many goo an p$ous peopleO .o9 r$g$ ly o they b$n themsel;es han an foot 9$th the mere letter of the la9, forgett$ng .$m 9ho came to teach us that ?the letter =$lleth, but the sp$r$t g$;eth l$fe?O What are 9e to say of those 9ho, 9hen the ol crust 9h$ch clogs an hampers human =no9le ge $s crac=$ng an brea=$ng all aroun them, 9hen the shell $s too narro9 an abo e for the l$fe 9$th$n $t, 9h$ch $s prepar$ng to cast $t off, st$ll cl$ng to the crust an shell, loo=$ng, l$=e the $sc$ples by the sepulchre, at the l$nen clothes ly$ng, an =no9 not that .e has r$sen $n glory@ These are they 9ho obst$nately refuse to bel$e;e $n the ?Test$mony of the )oc=s,? 9ho eny Geology the thousan s, nay m$ll$ons, of years 9h$ch she reKu$res to ma=e her epos$ts $n Nature7s great sa;$ng!ban=# These are they for 9hom the N$le, as he br$ngs o9n year by year h$s tr$bute to the sea from 0entral (fr$ca, lays o9n $n ;a$n layer after layer of allu;$al epos$t, 9h$ch can be measure to an $nch for tens of thousan s of years# These are they to 9hom the comparat$;ely younger gro9th of trees, the ragon tree of %rota;a, an the ce ars of 0al$forn$a, plea $n ;a$n 9hen they she9, year after year, r$ng on r$ng of 9oo for thousan s of years# ?No> the 9orl $s only f$;e or s$" thousan s of years ol , or thereabouts# The %l Testament?!!the ates $n 9h$ch ha;e been confesse ly tampere 9$th, an $n some cases [p# "l$"] forge an fabr$cate by .ebre9 scr$bes!!?says so# We bel$e;e $n $t> 9e 9$ll bel$e;e $n noth$ng else, not e;en $n our senses# We 9$ll bel$e;e l$terally $n the f$rst chapter of Genes$s, $n 9or=$ng ays an n$ghts of t9enty!four hours, e;en before the sun an moon 9ere ma e, on the fourth ay, 7to $;$ e the ay from the n$ght,7 an to be 7for s$gns an for seasons, an for ays an years#7 We 9$ll not hear of ages or per$o s, but 7 ays,7 because the 7letter7 says so#? Th$s $s 9hat our Western 1rahm$ns say> but $f they remembere that .e 9ho set sun an moon also plante the eye an ear, that .e ga;e sense, an speech, an m$n > $f they cons$ ere that fa$th $s a l$;ely th$ng, elast$c an e"pans$;e> that $t embraces a thousan or a m$ll$on years as eas$ly as a moment of t$me> that bon s cannot fetter $t, nor $stance

ar=en an $smay $t> that $t $s g$;en to man to gro9 9$th h$s gro9th an strengthen 9$th h$s strength> that $t r$ses at oubts an $ff$cult$es, an surmounts them!!they 9oul cease to con emn all the 9orl to 9ear the$r o9n stra$t!9a$stcoat, cut an se9n by rabb$s an octors some thousan years ago> a garment 9h$ch the human $ntellect has altogether outgro9n, 9h$ch $t $s r$ $culous to 9ear, 9h$ch careless an $mp$ous men laugh at 9hen $t $s seen $n the streets> an m$ght beg$n to see that sp$r$t $s sp$r$t, an flesh $s flesh> that 9h$le one l$;es for e;er, the other $s corrupt$ble an passes a9ay> that there are e;elopments $n fa$th as $n e;eryth$ng else> that as man7s $ntellect an human =no9le ge ha;e gro9n an e"pan e , so h$s fa$th must gro9 [p# l] an e"pan too> that $t really matters noth$ng at all, as an act of fa$th, 9hether the 9orl $s s$" thousan or s$" m$ll$on years ol > that $t must ha;e ha a beg$nn$ng> that there must be one great f$rst cause, Go # +urely there $s no better 9ay to br$ng .$s goo ness $nto Kuest$on, to thro9 oubt on .$s re;elat$on, an to ma=e $t the laugh$ng!stoc= of the $rrel$g$ous, than thus to cl$p the 9$ngs of fa$th, to thro9 her $nto a ungeon, to =eep her from the l$ght of ay, to ma=e her rea through .ebre9 spectacles, an to force her to be a laggar an ullar , $nstea of a br$ght an ;olat$le sp$r$t, for9ar an foremost $n the race of l$fe# Pl/1 ?1ut $f the f$rst he$r of my $n;ent$on pro;e eforme , 3 shall be sorry $t ha so noble a go father, an ne;er after ear so barren a lan , for fear $t y$el me st$ll so ba a har;est#?!!+.(4*+P*()*, De $cat$on to 2enus an ( on$s# Pl$$$/1 (s a spec$men of the$r thoughtful turn of m$n , e;en $n the 2e as, at a t$me before the monstrous a;atars of the .$n oo Pantheon 9ere $mag$ne , an 9hen the$r system of ph$losophy, properly so calle , ha no e"$stence, the follo9$ng metr$cal translat$on of the 189th hymn of the 10th boo= of the )$g!2e a may be Kuote , 9h$ch Professor -uller assures us $s of a ;ery early ate/!! ?Nor aught nor nought e"$ste > yon br$ght s=y Was not, nor .ea;en7s broa 9oof outstretche abo;e# What co;ere all@ 9hat sheltere @ 9hat conceale @ Was $t the 9ater7s fathomless abyss@ There 9as not eath!!yet 9as there nought $mmortal# There 9as no conf$ne bet9$"t ay an n$ght> The only %ne breathe breathless by $tself, %ther than 3t there noth$ng s$nce has been# Dar=ness there 9as, an all at f$rst 9as ;e$le 3n gloom profoun !!an ocean 9$thout l$ght!! The germ that st$ll lay co;ere $n the hus= 1urst forth, one nature, from the fer;ent heat# Then f$rst came lo;e upon $t, the ne9 spr$ng %f m$n !!yea, poets $n the$r hearts $scerne ,[p# l$;] Pon er$ng, th$s bon bet9een create th$ngs (n uncreate # 0omes th$s spar= from earth, P$erc$ng an all!per;a $ng, or from .ea;en@ Then see s 9ere so9n, an m$ghty po9ers arose!! Nature belo9, an po9er an 9$ll abo;e!! Who =no9s the secret@ 9ho procla$me $t here, Whence, 9hence th$s man$fol creat$on sprang@ The Go s themsel;es came later $nto be$ng!! Who =no9s from 9hence th$s great creat$on sprang@ .e from 9hom all th$s great creat$on came, Whether .$s 9$ll create or 9as mute,

The -ost .$gh +eer that $s $n h$ghest hea;en, .e =no9s $t!!or perchance e;en he =no9s not#? 3f 9e reflect that th$s hymn 9as compose centur$es before the t$me of .es$o , 9e shall be better able to apprec$ate the speculat$;e character of the 3n $an m$n $n $ts earl$est stage# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

D3,,&+3%N# Th$s general aff$n$ty establ$she , 9e procee to narro9 our sub<ect to $ts proper l$m$ts, an to conf$ne $t to the cons$ erat$on, f$rst, of Popular Tales $n general, an , secon ly, of those Norse Tales $n part$cular, 9h$ch form the bul= of th$s ;olume# 3n the f$rst place, then, the fact 9h$ch 9e remar=e the groun 9or= or plot of many of [p# l;$$$] these tales $s common to all the nat$ons of *urope, $s more $mportant, an of greater sc$ent$f$c $nterest, than m$ght at f$rst appear# They form, $n fact, another l$n= $n the cha$n of e;$ ence of a common or$g$n bet9een the *ast an West, an e;en the obst$nate a herents of the ol class$cal theory, accor $ng to 9h$ch all resemblances 9ere set o9n to sheer copy$ng from Gree= or 'at$n patterns, are no9 force to confess not only that there 9as no such 9holesale copy$ng at all, but that, $n many cases, the esp$se ;ernacular tongues ha;e preser;e the common tra $t$ons far more fa$thfully than the 9r$ters of Greece an )ome, The sooner $n short that th$s theory of copy$ng, 9h$ch some e;en bes$ es the class$c$sts ha;e ma$nta$ne , $s aban one , the better, not only for the truth but for the l$terary reputat$on of those 9ho put $t forth# No one can, of course, $mag$ne that ur$ng that long success$on of ages 9hen th$s m$ghty 9e ge of (ryan m$grat$on 9as r$;$ng $ts 9ay through that preh$stor$c race, that nameless nat$onal$ty, the traces of 9h$ch 9e e;ery9here f$n un erly$ng the $ntru ers $n the$r monuments an $mplements of bone an stone!!a race a=$n, $n all probab$l$ty, to the -ongol$an fam$ly, an 9hose m$serable remnants 9e see pushe as$ e, an hu le up $n the holes an corners of *urope, as 'apps, an ,$nns, an 1asKues!!no one, 9e say, can suppose for a moment, that $n that long process of contact an absorpt$on, some tra $t$ons of e$ther race shoul not ha;e been caught up an a opte by the other# We =no9 $t to be a fact 9$th regar to the$r language, from the e;$ ence of ph$lology, 9h$ch cannot l$e> an the 9$tness borne by such a 9or as the Goth$c (tta for father, 9here a -ongol$an has been [p# l$"] a opte $n preference to an (ryan 9or , $s $rres$st$ble on th$s po$nt> but that, apart from such natural ass$m$lat$on, all the thousan sha es of resemblance an aff$n$ty 9h$ch gleam an fl$c=er through the 9hole bo y of popular tra $t$on $n the (ryan race, as the (urora plays an flashes $n countless rays ath9art the Northern hea;en, shoul be the on sett$ng out, that

result of mere ser;$le copy$ng of one tr$be7s tra $t$ons by another, $s a suppos$t$on as absur as that of those goo country!fol=, 9ho, 9hen they see an (urora, fancy $t must be a great f$re, the 9or= of some $ncen $ary, an sen off the par$sh eng$ne to put $t out# NoO 9hen 9e f$n $n such a story as ?The -aster Th$ef? tra$ts 9h$ch are to be foun $n the +anscr$t .$topa esa, [L1] an 9h$ch [p# l"] rem$n s us at once of the story of )hamps$n$tus $n .ero otus> 9h$ch are also to be foun $n German, 3tal$an, an ,lem$sh popular tales, but tol $n all 9$th such ;ar$at$ons of character an eta$l, an such a aptat$ons to t$me an place, as e;$ ently sho9 the or$g$nal 9or=$ng of the nat$onal consc$ousness upon a stoc= of tra $t$on common to all the race, but belong$ng to no tr$be of that race $n part$cular> an 9hen 9e f$n th$s occurr$ng not $n one tale but $n t9enty, 9e are force to aban on the theory of such un$;ersal copy$ng, for fear lest 9e shoul fall $nto a greater $ff$culty than that for 9h$ch 9e 9ere str$;$ng to account# To set th$s Kuest$on $n a pla$ner l$ght, let us ta=e a 9ell!=no9n $nstance> let us ta=e the story of W$ll$am Tell an h$s ar$ng shot, 9h$ch $s sa$ to ha;e been ma e $n the year 1:0I# 3t $s <ust poss$ble that the feat m$ght be h$stor$cal, an , no oubt, thousan s bel$e;e $t for the sa=e of the +9$ss patr$ot, as f$rmly as they bel$e;e $n anyth$ng> but, unfortunately, th$s story of the bol archer 9ho sa;es h$s l$fe by shoot$ng an apple from the hea of h$s ch$l at the comman of a tyrant $s common to the 9hole (ryan race# 3t appears $n +a"o Grammat$cus, 9ho flour$she $n the t9elfth century, 9here $t $s tol of Palnato=$, [p# l"$] [paragraph cont$nues] 4$ng .arol Gormson7s thane an assass$n# 3n the th$rteenth century the W$l=$na +aga relates $t of *g$ll, 2olun r7s!!our Waylan +m$th7s!!younger brother# +o also $n the Norse +aga of +a$nt %lof, =$ng an martyr/ the =$ng, 9ho $e $n 10:0, eager for the con;ers$on of one of h$s heathen ch$efs *$n r$ $, competes 9$th h$m $n ;ar$ous athlet$c e"erc$ses, f$rst $n s9$mm$ng an then $n archery# (fter se;eral famous shots on e$ther s$ e, the =$ng challenges *$n r$ $ to shoot a tablet off h$s son7s hea 9$thout hurt$ng the ch$l # *$n r$ $ $s rea y, but eclares he 9$ll re;enge h$mself $f the ch$l $s hurt# The =$ng has the f$rst shot, an h$s arro9 str$=es close to the tablet# Then *$n r$ $ $s to shoot, but at the prayers of h$s mother an s$ster, refuses the shot, an has to y$el an be con;erte # [L1] +o, also, 4$ng .arol +$gur arson, 9ho $e 10FF, bac=e h$mself aga$nst a famous mar=sman, .em$ngr, an or ere h$m to shoot a haCel!nut off the hea of h$s brother 1<orn, an .em$ngr performe the feat# [L8] 3n the m$ le of the fourteenth century, the -alleus -alef$carum refers $t to Puncher, a mag$c$an of the &pper )h$ne# .ere $n *nglan , 9e ha;e $t $n the ol *ngl$sh balla of ( am 1ell, 0lym# of the 0lough, an W$ll$am of 0lou esly, 9here W$ll$am performs the feat# [L:] 3t $s not tol at all of Tell $n +9$tCerlan before the year 1499, an the earl$er +9$ss chron$cles om$t $t altogether# 3t $s common to the Tur=s an -ongol$ans> an a legen of the 9$l +amoye s, 9ho ne;er hear of Tell [p# l"$$] or sa9 a boo= $n the$r l$;es, relates $t, chapter an ;erse, of one of the$r famous mar=smen# What shall 9e say then, but that the story of th$s

bol master!shot 9as pr$me;al amongst many tr$bes an races, an that $t only crystall$se $tself roun the great name of Tell by that process of attract$on 9h$ch $n;ar$ably lea s a grateful people to thro9 such myth$c 9reaths, such garlan s of bol ee s of prec$ous memory, roun the bro9 of $ts arl$ng champ$on# [L1] [p# l"$$$] Nor let any p$ous Welshman be shoc=e $f 9e ;enture to assert that Gellert, that famous houn upon 9hose last rest$ng place the tra;eller comes as he passes o9n the lo;ely ;ale of G9ynant, $s a myth$cal og, an ne;er [p# l"$;] snuffe the fresh breeCe $n the forest of +no9 on, nor sa;e h$s master7s ch$l from ra;en$ng 9olf# Th$s, too, $s a pr$me;al story, tol 9$th many ;ar$at$ons# +omet$mes the foe $s a 9olf, somet$mes a bear, somet$mes a sna=e# +omet$mes the fa$thful guar $an of the ch$l $s an otter, a 9easel, or a og# 3t, too, came from the *ast# 3t $s foun $n the Pantcha!Tantra, $n the .$topa esa, $n 1$ pa$7s [p# l";] [paragraph cont$nues] ,ables, $n the (rab$c or$g$nal of the +e;en W$se -asters,!!that famous collect$on of stor$es 9h$ch $llustrate a step ame7s calumny an hate!!an $n many me $e;al ;ers$ons of those or$g$nals# [L1] Thence $t passe $nto the 'at$n Gesta )omanorum, 9here, as 9ell as $n the %l *ngl$sh ;ers$on publ$she by +$r ,re er$c= -a en, $t may be rea as a [p# l";$] ser;$ce ren ere by a fa$thful houn aga$nst a sna=e# Th$s, too, l$=e Tell7s master!shot, $s as the l$ghtn$ng 9h$ch sh$neth o;er the 9hole hea;en at once, an can be cla$me by no one tr$be of the (ryan race, to the e"clus$on of the rest# ?The Dog of -ontarg$s? $s $n l$=e manner myth$c, though perhaps not so 9$ ely sprea # 3t f$rst occurs $n ,rance, as tol of +yb$lla, a fabulous 9$fe of 0harlemagne> but $t $s at any rate as ol as the t$me of Plutarch, 9ho relates $t as an anec ote of brute sagac$ty $n the ays of Pyrrhus# There can be no oubt, 9$th regar to the Kuest$on of the or$g$n of these tales, that they 9ere common $n germ at least to the (ryan tr$bes before the$r m$grat$on# We f$n those germs e;elope $n the popular tra $t$ons of the *astern (ryans, an 9e f$n them e;elope $n a hun re forms an shapes $n e;ery one of the nat$ons $nto 9h$ch the Western (ryans ha;e shape themsel;es $n the course of ages# We are le , therefore, $rres$st$bly to the conclus$on, that these tra $t$ons are as much a port$on of the common $nher$tance of our ancestors, as the$r language unKuest$onably $s> an that they form, along 9$th that language, a ouble cha$n of e;$ ence, 9h$ch pro;es the$r *astern or$g$n# 3f 9e are to see= for a s$m$le, or an analogy, as to the relat$;e pos$t$ons of these tales an tra $t$ons, an to the mutual resemblances 9h$ch e"$st bet9een them as the se;eral branches of our race ha;e e;elope them from the common stoc=, 9e may f$n $t $n one 9h$ch 9$ll come home to e;ery rea er as he loo=s roun the omest$c hearth, $f he shoul be so happy as to ha;e one#

They are l$=e as s$sters of one house are l$=e# They ha;e 9hat 9oul calle a strong fam$ly l$=eness> [p# l";$$]


but bes$ es th$s l$=eness, 9h$ch, they o9e to father or mother, as the case may be, they ha;e each the$r pecul$ar$t$es of form an eye an face, an , st$ll more, the$r $fferences of $ntellect an m$n # Th$s may be ar=, that fa$r> th$s may ha;e grey eyes, that blac=> th$s may be open an graceful, that reser;e an close> th$s you may lo;e, that you can ta=e no $nterest $n# %ne may be bashful, another 9$nn$ng, a th$r 9orth =no9$ng, an yet har to =no9# They are so l$=e, an so unl$=e# (t f$rst $t may be, as an ol *ngl$sh 9r$ter beaut$fully e"presses $t, ?the$r father hath 9r$t them as h$s o9n l$ttle story,? but as they gro9 up they thro9 off the copy, e ucate themsel;es for goo or $ll, an f$nally assume ne9 forms of feel$ng an feature un er an or$g$nal e;elopment of the$r o9n# %r shall 9e ta=e another l$=eness, an say they are nat$onal reams> that they are l$=e the sleep$ng thoughts of many men upon one an the same th$ng, +uppose a hun re men to ha;e been eye!9$tnesses of some e;ent on the same ay, an then to ha;e slept an reamt of $t> 9e shoul ha;e as many $st$nct representat$ons of that e;ent, all turn$ng upon $t an boun up 9$th $t $n some 9ay, but each preser;$ng the personal$ty of the sleeper, an 9or=$ng up the common stuff $n a h$gher or lo9er egree, <ust as the fancy an the $ntellect of the sleeper 9as at a h$gher or lo9er le;el of perfect$on# There $s, $n ee , greater truth $n th$s l$=eness than may at f$rst s$ght appear# 3n the popular tale, properly so calle , the nat$onal m$n reams all $ts h$story o;er aga$n> $n $ts half! consc$ous state $t ta=es th$s tra$t an that tra$t, th$s feature an that feature, of t$mes an ages long past# 3t [p# l";$$$] snatches up b$ts of $ts ol bel$efs, an fears, an gr$efs, an glory, an p$eces them together 9$th someth$ng that happene yester ay, an then hol s up the $storte reflect$on $n all $ts $nconseKuence, <ust as $t has passe before that mag$c glass, as though $t 9ere genu$ne h$story, an matter for pure bel$ef# (n here $t may be as 9ell to say, that bes$ es that ol class$cal foe of ;ernacular tra $t$on, there $s another har ly less angerous, 9h$ch returns to the charge of copy$ng, but changes 9hat la9yers call the ;enue of the tr$al from class$cal to *astern lan s# (ccor $ng to th$s theory, 9h$ch came up 9hen $ts class$cal pre ecessor 9as no longer tenable, the tra $t$ons an tales of Western *urope came from the *ast, but they 9ere st$ll all cop$es# They 9ere suppose to ha;e procee e ent$rely from t9o sources/ one the D$rector$um .umanae 2$tae of 5ohn of 0apua, translate bet9een 18F8!IA from a .ebre9 ;ers$on, 9h$ch aga$n came from an (rab$c ;ers$on of the e$ghth century, 9h$ch came from a Pehl;$ ;ers$on ma e by one 1arCouyeh, at the comman of 0hosrou Noush$r;an, 4$ng of Pers$a, $n the s$"th century, 9h$ch aga$n came from the Pantcha!Tantra, a +anscr$t or$g$nal of un=no9n ant$Ku$ty# Th$s $s that famous boo= of 0al$la an D$mna, as the Pers$an ;ers$on $s calle , attr$bute to 1$ pa$, an 9h$ch 9as thus run to earth $n 3n $a# The secon source of Western tra $t$on 9as hel to be that st$ll more famous collect$on of stor$es commonly =no9n by the name of the ?+tory of the +e;en +ages,? but 9h$ch, un er many names!!4a$ser %cta;$anus, D$oclet$anus, Dolopathos, *rastus, etc#!!plays a most $mportant part $n

me $e;al romance# Th$s, too, by a s$m$lar process, has been trace 3n $a, appear$ng f$rst $n [p# l"$"]


[paragraph cont$nues] *urope at the beg$nn$ng of the th$rteenth century $n the 'at$n .$stor$a +eptem +ap$entum )omae, by Dame 5ehans, mon= $n the (bbey of .aute +el;e# .ere, too, 9e ha;e a .ebre9, an (rab$c, an a Pers$an ;ers$on> 9h$ch last came a;o9e ly from a +anscr$t or$g$nal, though that or$g$nal has not ;et been $sco;ere # ,rom these t9o sources of fable an tra $t$on, accor $ng to the ne9 copy$ng theory, our Western fables an tales ha come by $rect translat$on from the *ast# No9 $t 9$ll be at once e;$ ent that th$s theory hangs on 9hat ma be calle a s$ngle threa # 'et us say, then, that all that can be foun $n 0al$la an D$mna, or the later Pers$an ;ers$on, ma e (#D# 1494, of .osse$n 2aeC, calle the (n;ar$ +oha$l$, ?the 0anop$c '$ghts,?!!from 9h$ch, 9hen publ$she $n Par$s by Da;$ +ah$ of 3spahan, $n the year 1F44, 'a ,onta$ne re9 the substance of many of h$s best fables#!!'et us say, too, that all can be foun $n the ?'$fe of the +e;en +ages,? ?or the 1oo= of +en aba ,? as $t 9as calle $n Pers$a, after an apocryphal 3n $an sage!! came by translat$on!!that $s to say, through the cells of 1rahm$ns, mag$ans, an mon=s, an the labours of the learne !!$nto the popular l$terature of the West# 'et us g$;e up all that, an then see 9here 9e stan # What are 9e to say of the many tales an fables 9h$ch are to be foun $n ne$ther of those famous collect$ons, an not tales alone, but tra$ts an features of ol tra $t$on, bro=en b$ts of fable, roots an germs of m$ghty gro9ths of song an story, nay, e;en the ;ery 9or s, 9h$ch e"$st $n Western popular l$terature, an 9h$ch mo ern ph$lology has foun obst$nately st$c=$ng $n +anscr$t, an of 9h$ch fresh proofs an $nstances are $sco;ere e;ery ay@ What [p# l""] are 9e to say of such a remar=able resemblance as th$s@!! ?The noble 4$ng Putra=a fle $nto the 2$n hya mounta$ns $n or er to l$;e apart from h$s un=$n =$nsfol=> an as he 9an ere about there he met t9o men 9ho 9restle an fought 9$th one another# 7Who are you@7 he as=e # 7We are the sons of -ayasara, an here l$e our r$ches> th$s bo9l, th$s staff, an these shoes> these are 9hat 9e are f$ght$ng for, an 9h$che;er $s stronger $s to ha;e them for h$s o9n#7 ?+o 9hen Putra=a ha hear that, he as=e the goo of o9n$ng these th$ngs@7 them 9$th a laugh, 7Why, 9hat7s

?Then they ans9ere , 7Whoe;er puts on these shoes gets the po9er to fly> 9hate;er $s po$nte at 9$th th$s staff r$ses up at once> an 9hate;er foo one 9$shes for $n th$s bo9l, $t comes at once#7 ?+o 9hen Putra=a ha hear that he sa$ , 7Why f$ght about $t@ 'et th$s be the pr$Ce> 9hoe;er beats the other $n a race, let h$m ha;e them all#7 ?7+o be $t,7 sa$ the t9o fools, an set off runn$ng, but Putra=a put on the shoes at once, an fle9 a9ay 9$th the staff an bo9l up $nto the clou s#? Well, th$s $s a story ne$ther $n the Pantcha!Tantra nor the .$topa esa, the +anscr$t or$g$nals of 0al$la an D$mna# 3t $s not $n the D$rector$um

.umanae 2$tae, an has not passe 9est by that 9ay# Nor $s $t $n the 1oo= of +en aba , an thence come 9est $n the ?.$story of the +e;en +ages#? 1oth these paths are stoppe # $t comes from the 4atha +ar$t +agara, the ?+ea of +treams of +tory? of +oma e;a 1hatta of 0ashmere, 9ho, $n the m$ le of the t9elfth century of our era, 9or=e up the tales foun $n an earl$er collect$on, calle the 2r$=at [p# l""$] [paragraph cont$nues] 4atha, ?the lengthene story,? $n or er to amuse h$s m$stress, the Jueen of 0ashmere# +oma e;a7s collect$on has only been recently =no9n an translate # 1ut 9est the story certa$nly came long before, an $n the e"treme north!9est 9e st$ll f$n $t $n these Norse Tales $n ?The Three Pr$ncesses of Wh$telan ,? Dpage 1A1E# ?7WellO7 sa$ the man, 7as th$s $s so, 37ll g$;e you a b$t of a ;$ce# .ereabouts, on a moor, stan three brothers, an there they ha;e stoo these hun re years, f$ght$ng about a bat, a cloa=, an a pa$r of boots# 3f any one has these three th$ngs, he can ma=e h$mself $n;$s$ble, an 9$sh h$mself any9here he pleases# 6ou can tell them you 9$sh to try the th$ngs, an after that, you7ll pass <u gment bet9een them, 9hose they shall be#7 ?6esO the =$ng than=e the man, an 9ent an $ as he tol h$m# here 37ll g$;e

?7What7s all th$s@7 he sa$ to the brothers# 7Why o you stan f$ght$ng for e;er an a ay@ 5ust lot me try these th$ngs, an <u gment 9hose they shall be#7 ?They 9ere ;ery 9$ll$ng to o th$s> but as soon as he ha cloa=, an boots, he sa$ !! ?7When 9e meet ne"t t$me 37ll tell you my <u gment>7 an he 9$she h$mself a9ay#?

got the hat, 9$th these 9or s

Nor $n the Norse Tales alone# %ther collect$ons she9 bo9 thoroughly at home th$s story 9as $n the *ast# 3n the )elat$ons of +s$ $ 47ur, a Tartar tale, a 0han7s son f$rst gets possess$on of a cloa= 9h$ch t9o ch$l ren stan an f$ght for, 9h$ch has the g$ft of ma=$ng the 9earer $n;$s$ble, an after9ar s of a pa$r of boots, 9$th 9h$ch one can 9$sh one7s!self to 9hate;er place one chooses# (ga$n, $n a Wallach$an tale, 9e rea of three e;$ls 9ho [p# l""$$] f$ght for the$r $nher$tance!!a club 9h$ch turns e;eryth$ng to stone, a hat 9h$ch ma=es the 9earer $n;$s$ble, an a cloa= by help of 9h$ch one can 9$sh one7s!self 9h$thersoe;er one pleases# (ga$n, $n a -ongol$an tale, the 0han7s son comes upon a group of ch$l ren 9ho f$ght for a hoo 9h$ch ma=es the 9earer $n;$s$ble> he $s to be <u ge bet9een# them, ma=es them run a race for $t, but mean9h$le puts $t on an ;an$shes from the$r s$ght# ( l$ttle further on he meets another group, 9ho are Kuarrell$ng for a pa$r of boots, the 9earer of 9h$ch can 9$sh h$mself 9h$thersoe;er he pleases, an ga$ns possess$on of them $n the same 9ay# [L1] Nor $n one Norse tale alone, but $n many, 9e f$n traces of these three 9on erful th$ngs, or of th$ngs l$=e them# They are ;ery l$=e the cloth, the ram, an the st$c=, 9h$ch the la got from the North W$n $nstea of

h$s meal# 2ery l$=e, too, the cloth, the sc$ssors, an the tap, 9h$ch 9$ll be foun $n Dpage 8B8E, ?The 1est W$sh#? 3f 9e rop the number three, 9e f$n the 1oots aga$n $n ?+or$a -or$a 0astle,? Dpage :9FE# 'ea;$ng the Norse Tales, 9e see at once that they are the se;en!league boots of 5ac= the G$ant 4$ller# 3n the N$belungen '$e , 9hen +$egfr$e f$n s +ch$lbung an N$blung, the 9e$r he$rs of the famous ?.oar ,? str$;$ng for the possess$on of that heap of re gol an gleam$ng stones> 9hen they beg h$m to share $t for them, prom$s$ng h$m, as h$s mee , 1almung, best of s9or s> 9hen he shares $t, 9hen they are $scontent, an 9hen $n the struggle 9h$ch ensues he gets possess$on of he tarnhut, the ?cloa= of ar=ness,? 9h$ch ga;e $ts [p# l""$$$] 9earer the strength of t9el;e men, an enable h$m to go 9here he 9oul unseen, an 9h$ch 9as the great pr$Ce among the treasures of the 9arfs> [L1] 9ho $s there that oes not see the bro=en fragments of that ol *astern story of the he$rs struggl$ng for the$r $nher$tance, an call$ng $n the a$ of some one of better 9$t or strength, 9ho en s by ma=$ng the ;ery pr$Ce for 9h$ch they f$ght h$s o9n@ (n no9 to return for a moment to 0al$la an D$mna, an ?The +e;en +ages#? +$nce 9e ha;e seen that there are other stor$es, an many of them, for th$s $s by no means the only resemblance to be foun $n +oma e;a7s boo= [L8] 9h$ch are common to the *astern an [p# l""$;] [paragraph cont$nues] Western (ryans, but 9h$ch $ not tra;el to *urope by translat$on> let us go on to say that $t $s by no means certa$n, e;en 9hen some Western story or fable $s foun $n these +anscr$t or$g$nals an the$r translat$ons, that that 9as the only 9ay by 9h$ch they came to *urope# ( s$ngle Kuest$on 9$ll pro;e th$s# .o9 $ the fables an apologues 9h$ch are foun $n (esop, an 9h$ch are also foun $n the Pantcha!Tantra an the .$topa esa come West@ That they came from the *ast $s certa$n> but by 9hat 9ay@!!certa$nly not by translat$on or copy$ng, for they ha tra;elle 9est long before translat$ons 9ere thought of# .o9 9as $t that Them$st$us, a Gree= orator of the fourth century, [L1] ha hear of that fable of the l$on, fo", an bull, 9h$ch $s $n substance the same as that of the l$on, the bull, an the t9o <ac=als $n the Pantcha! Tantra an the .$topa esa@ .o9, but along the path of that pr$me;al (ryan m$grat$on, an by that eep groun !tone of tra $t$on by 9h$ch man spea=s to man, nat$on to nat$on, an age to age> along 9h$ch comparat$;e ph$lology has, $n these last ays, tra;elle bac= th$ther, l$stene to the accents spo=en, an so foun $n the *ast the cra le of a common language an common bel$ef# (n no9 ha;$ng, as 9e hope, f$nally establ$she th$s 3n $an aff$n$ty, an $spose of mere 3n $an copy$ng, let us l$ft our eyes an see $f someth$ng more $s not to be $scerne on the 9$ e hor$Con no9 open on our ;$e9# The most $nterest$ng problem for man to sol;e $s the or$g$n of h$s race# %f late years comparat$;e ph$lology, [p# l"";] ha;$ng accompl$she her tas= $n pro;$ng the aff$n$ty of language bet9een *urope an the *ast, an so ta=en a m$ghty step to9ar s f$"$ng the f$rst seat of the greatest!!greatest $n 9$t an 9$s om, $f not $n actual

numbers!!port$on of the human race, has pursue her $nKu$r$es $nto the languages of the Turan$an, the +em$t$c, an the 0ham$t$c or (fr$can races, 9$th more or less successful results# 3n a fe9 more years, 9hen the (fr$can languages are better =no9n, an the roots of *gypt$an an 0h$nese 9or s are more accurately etecte , +c$ence 9$ll be better able to spea= as to the common aff$n$ty of all the tr$bes that throng the earth# 3n the meant$me, let the test$mony of tra $t$on an popular tales be hear , 9h$ch $n th$s case ha;e outstr$ppe comparat$;e ph$lology, an lea $nstea of follo9$ng her# 3t $s beyon the scope of th$s essay, 9h$ch a$ms at be$ng popular an rea able rather than learne an lengthy, to go o;er a prolonge sc$ent$f$c $n;est$gat$on step by step# We repeat $t/ the rea er must ha;e fa$th $n the 9r$ter, an bel$e;e the 9or s no9 9r$tten are the results of an $nKu$ry, an not as= for the $nKu$ry $tself# 3n all mytholog$es an tra $t$ons, then, there are 9hat may be calle natural resemblances, parallel$sms suggeste to the senses of each race by natural ob<ects an e;ery! ay e;ents, an these m$ght spr$ng up spontaneously all o;er the earth as home gro9ths, ne$ther er$;e by $m$tat$on from other tr$bes, nor from see s of common tra $t$on she from a common stoc=# +uch resemblances ha;e been 9ell compare by W$ll$am Gr$mm [L1] to [p# l"";$] those 9or s 9h$ch are foun $n all languages er$;e from the $m$tat$on of natural soun s, or, 9e may a , from the f$rst l$sp$ng accents of $nfancy# 1ut the case $s ;ery $fferent 9hen th$s or that ob<ect 9h$ch str$=es the senses $s accounte for $n a 9ay so e"traor $nary an pecul$ar, as to stamp the tra $t$on 9$th a character of $ts o9n# Then ar$ses a l$=e $mpress$on on the m$n , $f 9e f$n the same tra $t$on $n t9o tr$bes at the oppos$te en s of the earth, as $s pro uce by meet$ng t9$n brothers, one $n (fr$ca an the other $n (s$a> 9e say at once, ?3 =no9 you are so!an !so7s brother, you are so l$=e h$m#? Ta=e an $nstance/ 3n these Norse Tales, Dpage 1I8E, 9e are tol ho9 $t 9as the bear came to ha;e a stumpy ta$l, an $n an (fr$can tale [L1] 9e f$n ho9 $t 9as the hyaena became ta$lless an earless# No9, the ta$lless con $t$on both of the bear an the hyaena coul scarcely fa$l to attract attent$on $n a race of hunters, an 9e m$ght e"pect that popular tra $t$on 9oul attempt to account for both> but ho9 are 9e to e"pla$n the fact, that both Norseman an (fr$can account for $t $n the same 9ay!!that both o9e the$r loss to the super$or cunn$ng of another an$mal@ 3n *urope the fo" bears a9ay the palm for 9$t from all other an$mals, so he $t $s that persua es the bear $n the Norse Tales to s$t 9$th h$s ta$l $n a hole $n the $ce t$ll $t $s fast froCen $n, an snaps short off 9hen he tr$es to tug $t out# 3n 1ornou, $n the heart of (fr$ca, [p# l"";$$] $t $s the 9easel 9ho $s the 9$sest of beasts, an 9ho, ha;$ng got some meat $n common 9$th the hyaena, put $t $nto a hole, an sa$ ,!! ?71ehol t9o men came out of the forest, too= the meat, an put $t $nto a hole/ stop, 3 9$ll go $nto the hole, an then thou mayst stretch out thy ta$l to me, an 3 9$ll t$e the meat to thy ta$l for thee to ra9 $t out#7 +o the 9easel 9ent $nto the hole, the hyaena stretche $ts ta$l out to $t, but the 9easel too= the hyaena7s ta$l, fastene a st$c=, an t$e the hyaena7s ta$l to the st$c=, an then sa$ to the hyaena, 73 ha;e t$e the meat to thy ta$l> ra9, an pull $t out#7 The hyaena 9as a fool, $t $ not =no9 the 9easel surpasse $t $n subtlety> $t thought the meat 9as

t$e > but 9hen $t tr$e to ra9 out $ts ta$l, $t 9as fast# When the 9easel sa$ aga$n to $t, 7Pull,7 $t pulle , but coul not ra9 $t out> so $t became ;e"e , an on pull$ng 9$th force, $ts ta$l bro=e# The ta$l be$ng torn out, the 9easel 9as no more seen by the hyaena/ the 9easel 9as h$ en $n the hole 9$th $ts meat, an the hyaena sa9 $t not#? [L1] .ere 9e ha;e a fact $n natural h$story accounte for, but accounte for $n such a pecul$ar 9ay as she9s that the races among 9h$ch they are current must ha;e er$;e them from some common tra $t$on# The mo e by 9h$ch the ta$l $s lost $s $fferent $n ee > but the manner $n 9h$ch the common groun !9or= $s su$te $n one case to the col of the North, an the 9ay $n 9h$ch f$sh are commonly caught at holes $n the $ce as they r$se to breathe> an $n the other to (fr$ca an her p$t!falls for 9$l beasts, $s only another proof of the ol ness of the tra $t$on, an that $t $s not merely a copy# [p# l"";$$$] Ta=e another $nstance# *;ery one =no9s the story $n the (rab$an N$ghts, 9here the man 9ho =no9s the speech of beasts laughs at someth$ng sa$ by an o" to an ass# .$s 9$fe 9ants to =no9 9hy he laughs, an pers$sts, though he tells her $t 9$ll cost h$m h$s l$fe $f he tells her# (s he oubts 9hat to o, he hears the coc= say to the house! og, ?%ur master $s not 9$se> 3 ha;e f$fty hens 9ho obey me> $f he follo9e my a ;$ce, he7 <ust ta=e a goo st$c=, shut up h$s 9$fe $n a room 9$th h$m, an g$;e her a goo cu gell$ng#? The same story $s tol $n +traparola [L1] 9$th so many ;ar$at$ons as to sho9 $t $s no copy> $t $s also tol $n a +er;$an popular tale, 9$th ;ar$at$ons of $ts o9n> an no9 here 9e f$n $t $n 1ornou, as tol by 4olle# ?There 9as a ser;ant of Go 9ho ha one 9$fe an one horse> but h$s 9$fe 9as one!eye , an they l$;e $n the$r house# No9 th$s ser;ant of Go un erstoo the language of the beasts of the forest 9hen they spo=e, an of the b$r s of the a$r 9hen they tal=e as they fle9 by# Th$s ser;ant of Go also un erstoo the cry of the hyaena 9hen $t arose at n$ght $n the forest, an came to the houses an cr$e near them> so, l$=e9$se, 9hen h$s horse 9as hungry an ne$ghe , he un erstoo 9hat $t ne$ghe , rose up, brought the horse grass, an then returne an sat o9n# 3t happene one ay that b$r s ha the$r tal= as they 9ore fly$ng by abo;e, an the ser;ant of Go un erstoo 9hat they tal=e # Th$s cause h$m to laugh, 9hereupon h$s 9$fe sa$ to h$m, 7What ost thou hear that [p# l""$"] thou laughest@7 .e repl$e to h$s 9$fe, 73 shall not tell thee 9hat 3 hear, an 9hy 3 laugh#7 The 9oman sa$ to her husban , 73 =no9 9hy thou laughest> thou laughest at me because 3 am one!eye #7 The man then sa$ to h$s 9$fe, 73 sa9 that thou 9ast one!eye before 3 lo;e thee, an before 9e marr$e an sat o9n $n our house#7 When the 9oman hear her husban 7s 9or she 9as Ku$et# ?1ut once at n$ght, as they 9ere ly$ng on the$r be , an $t 9as past m$ n$ght, $t happene that a rat playe 9$th h$s 9$fe on the top of the house, an that both fell to the groun # Then the 9$fe of the rat sa$ to her husban , 7Thy sport $s ba > thou sa$ st to me that thou 9oul st play, but 9hen 9e came together 9e fell to the groun , so that 3 bro=e my bac=#

?When the ser;ant of Go hear the tal= of the rat7s 9$fe, as he 9as ly$ng on h$s be , he laughe # No9, as soon as he laughe h$s 9$fe arose, se$Ce h$m, an sa$ to h$m as she hel h$m fast, 7No9 th$s t$me 3 9$ll not let thee go out of th$s house e"cept thou tell me 9hat thou hearest an 9hy thou laughest#7 The man begge the 9oman, say$ng, 7'et me go>7 but the 9oman 9oul not l$sten to her husban 7s entreaty#? The husban then tells h$s 9$fe that he =no9s the language of beasts an b$r s, an she $s content> but 9hen he 9a=es $n the morn$ng he f$n s he has lost h$s 9on erful g$ft> an the moral of the tale $s a e most ungallantly, ?3f a man sho9s an tells h$s thoughts to a 9oman, Go 9$ll pun$sh h$m for $t#? Though, perhaps, $t $s better, for the sa=e of the gentler se", that the tale shoul be po$nte 9$th th$s unfa$r moral, than that the (fr$can story shoul procee l$=e all the other ;ar$at$ons, an sa;e the husban 7s g$ft at the cost of the 9$fe7s s=$n, [p# l"""] Ta=e other (fr$can $nstances# .o9 $s $t that the 9an er$ng 1echuanas got the$r story of ?The T9o 1rothers,? the groun !9or= of 9h$ch $s the same as ?The -achan elboom? an ?The -$l=!9h$te Doo,? an 9here the $nc$ ents an e;en the 9or s are almost the same@ .o9 $s $t that $n some of $ts tra$ts that 1echuana story embo $es those of that earl$est of all popular tales, recently publ$she from an *gypt$an Papyrus, coe;al 9$th the abo e of the 3srael$tes $n *gypt@ an ho9 $s $t that that same *gypt$an tale has other tra$ts 9h$ch rem$n us of the Dun 1ull $n ?4at$e Woo encloa=,? as 9ell as $nc$ ents 9h$ch are the germ of stor$es long s$nce re uce to 9r$t$ng $n Norse +agas of the t9elfth an th$rteenth centur$es@ [L1] .o9 $s $t that 9e st$ll f$n among the Negroes $n the West 3n $es [L8] a r$ch store of popular tales, an the 1east *p$c $n full bloom, brought 9$th them from (fr$ca to the $slan s of the West> an among those tales an tra $t$ons, ho9 $s $t that 9e f$n a ?W$sh$ng Tree,? the counterpart of that $n a German popular tale, an ?a l$ttle $rty scrub of a ch$l ,? 9hom h$s s$sters esp$se, but 9ho $s o9n brother to 1oots $n the Norse Tales, an l$=e h$m out9$ts the Troll, spo$ls h$s substance, an sa;es h$s s$sters@ .o9 $s $t that 9e f$n the goo 9oman 9ho 9ashes the loathsome hea re9ar e , 9h$le the ba man 9ho refuses to o that $rty 9or= $s pun$she for h$s pr$ e> the ;ery groun 9or=, nay the ;ery 9or s, that 9e meet $n ?1ushy 1r$ e,? [p# l"""$] another Norse tale@ .o9 $s $t that 9e f$n a -ongol$an tale, 9h$ch came confesse ly from 3n $a, ma e up of t9o of our Norse Tales, ?)$ch Peter the Pe lar,? an ?The G$ant that ha no heart $n h$s bo y?@ .o9 shoul all these th$ngs be, an ho9 coul they poss$bly be, e"cept on that theory 9h$ch ay by ay becomes more an more a matter of fact/ th$s, that the 9hole human race sprung from one stoc=, plante $n the *ast, 9h$ch has stretche out $ts boughs an branches, la en 9$th the fru$t of language, an br$ght 9$th the bloom of song an story, by success$;e offshoots to the utmost parts of the earth# ,ootnotes Pl$"/1 ?( 1rahm$n, 9ho ha ;o9e a sacr$f$ce, 9ent to the mar=et to buy a goat# Three th$e;es sa9 h$m, an 9ante to get hol of the goat# They stat$one themsel;es at $nter;als on the h$gh!roa # When the 1rahm$n, 9ho carr$e the goat on h$s bac=, approache the f$rst th$ef, the th$ef sa$ ,

71rahm$n, 9hy o you carry a og on your bac=@7 The 1rahm$n repl$e / 73t $s not a og, $t $s a goat#7 ( l$ttle 9h$le after, he 9as accoste by the secon th$ef, 9ho sa$ , 71rahm$n, 9hy o you carry a og on your bac=@7 The 1rahm$n felt perple"e , put the goat o9n, e"am$ne $t, an 9al=e on# +oon after he 9as stoppe by the th$r th$ef, 9ho sa$ , 71rahm$n, 9hy o you carry a og on your bac=@7 Then the 1rahm$n 9as fr$ghtene , thre9 o9n the goat, an 9al=e home to perform h$s ablut$ons for ha;$ng touche an unclean an$mal# The th$e;es too= the goat an ate $t#? +ee the not$ce of the Norse Tales $n the +atur ay )e;$e9, 5anuary 1Bth# 3n -a" -uller7s translat$on of the .$topa esa, the story has a $fferent en $ng# +ee also 'e P$ace;ol$ Nott$ $ [p# l"] -# G$o;an ,rancesco +traparola a 0ara;agg$o# 2en$ce, 1BFI# Notte Pr$ma, ,a;ola 333# ?Pre +carpac$f$co a tre malan r$n$ una sol ;olta gabbato, tre f$ate gabba loro, f$nalmente ;$ttor$oso con la sua N$na l$etamente r$mane#? 3n 9h$ch tale the beg$nn$ng $s a parallel to the f$rst part of ?The -aster Th$ef,? 9h$le the en ans9ers e"actly to the Norse tale a e $n th$s e $t$on, an calle ?1$g Peter an '$ttle Peter#? Pl"$/1 ,orum# +og#, $$# 8I8# Pl"$/8 -uller7s +aga 1$bl#, $$$# :B9# Pl"$/: +ee the balla $n Percy7s )el$Kues#

Pl"$$/1 The follo9$ng are translat$ons from +a"o, the W$l=$na +aga, an the -alleus -alef$carum# The Kuest$on $s completely set at rest by Gr$mm, D# -# p# :B: fol# an p# 1814# ?Nor $s the follo9$ng story to be 9rappe $n s$lence# ( certa$n Palnato=$, for some t$me among 4$ng .arol 7s bo yguar , ha ma e h$s bra;ery o $ous to ;ery many of h$s fello9!sol $ers by the Ceal 9$th 9h$ch he surpasse them $n the $scharge of h$s uty# Th$s man once, 9hen tal=$ng, t$ps$ly o;er h$s cups, ha boaste that he 9as so s=$lle an archer, that he coul h$t the smallest apple place a long 9ay off on a 9an at the f$rst shot> 9h$ch tal=, caught up at f$rst by the ears of bac=b$ters, soon came to the hear$ng of the =$ng# No9, mar= ho9 the 9$c=e ness of the =$ng turne the conf$ ence of the s$re to the per$l of the son, by comman $ng that th$s earest ple ge of h$s l$fe shoul be place $nstea of the 9an , 9$th a threat that, unless the author of th$s prom$se coul str$=e off the apple at the f$rst fl$ght of the arro9, he shoul pay the penalty of h$s empty boast$ng by the loss of h$s hea # The =$ng7s comman force the sol $er to perform more than he ha prom$se , an 9hat he ha sa$ , reporte by the tongues of slan erers, boun h$m to accompl$sh 9hat he ha not sa$ #? # # # # ?Nor $ h$s sterl$ng [p# l"$$$] courage, thought caught $n the snare of slan er, suffer h$m to lay as$ e h$s f$rmness of heart> nay, he accepte the tr$al the more rea $ly because $t 9as har # +o Palnato=$ 9arne the boy urgently 9hen he too= h$s stan to a9a$t the com$ng of the hurtl$ng arro9 9$th calm ears an unbent hea , lest by a sl$ght turn of h$s bo y he shoul efeat the pract$se s=$ll of the bo9man> an , ta=$ng further counsel to pre;ent h$s fear, he turne a9ay h$s face, lest he shoul be scare at the s$ght of the 9eapon# Then ta=$ng three arro9s from the Ku$;er, he struc= the mar= g$;en h$m 9$th the f$rst he f$tte to the str$ng# 1ut, $f chance ha brought the hea of the boy before the shaft, no oubt the penalty of the son 9oul ha;e reco$le to the per$l of the father, an the s9er;$ng of the shaft that struc= the boy 9oul ha;e l$n=e them both $n common ru$n# 3 am $n oubt, then, 9hether to a m$re most the courage of the father or the temper of the son, of 9hom the one by s=$ll $n h$s art a;o$ e be$ng

the slayer of h$s ch$l , 9h$le the other by pat$ence of m$n an Ku$etness of bo y sa;e h$mself al$;e, an spare the natural affect$on of h$s father# Nay, the youthful frame strengthene the age heart, an sho9e as much courage $n a9a$t$ng the arro9 as the father s=$ll $n launch$ng $t# 1ut Palnato=$, 9hen as=e by the =$ng 9hy he ha ta=en more arro9s from the Ku$;er, 9hen $t ha been settle that he shoul only try the fortune of the bo9 once, ma e ans9er, 7That 3 m$ght a;enge on thee the s9er;$ng of the f$rst by the po$nts of the rest, lest perchance my $nnocence m$ght ha;e been pun$she , 9h$le your [p# l"$;] ;$olence escape scot!free#7?!+a"o Gram#, 1oo= "# p# 1FF, e # ,ran=f# ?(bout that t$me the young *g$ll, Waylan 7s brother, came to the court of 4$ng N$ ung, because Waylan M+m$thN ha sent h$m 9or # *g$ll 9as the fa$rest of men, an one th$ng he ha before all other men!!he shot better 9$th the bo9 than any other man# The =$ng too= to h$m 9ell, an *g$ll 9as there a long t$me# No9, the =$ng 9$she to try 9hether *g$ll shot so 9ell as 9as sa$ or not, so he let *g$ll7s son, a boy of three years ol , be ta=en, an ma e them put an apple on h$s hea , an ba e *g$ll shoot so that the shaft struc= ne$ther abo;e the hea nor to the left nor to the r$ght> the apple only 9as he to spl$t# 1ut $t 9as not forb$ en h$m to shoot the boy, for the =$ng thought $t certa$n that he 9oul o that on no account, $f he coul at all help $t# (n he 9as to shoot one arro9 only, no more# +o *g$ll ta=es three, an stro=es the$r feathers smooth, an f$ts one to h$s str$ng, an shoots an h$ts the apple $n the m$ le, so that the arro9 too= along 9$th $t half the apple, an then fell to the groun # Th$s master!shot has long been tal=e about, an the =$ng ma e much of h$m, an he 9as the most famous of men# No9, 4$ng N$ ung as=e *g$ll 9hy he too= out three arro9s, 9hen $t 9as settle that one only 9as to be shot 9$th# Then *g$ll ans9ere , 7'or ,7# sa$ he, 73 9$ll not l$e to you> ha [p# l";] 3 str$c=en the la 9$th that one arro9, then 3 ha meant these t9o for you#7 1ut the =$ng too= that 9ell from h$m, an all thought $t 9as bol ly spo=en#?!!W$l=$na +aga, ch# 8I, e # Per$ng# ?3t $s relate of h$m [Puncher] that a certa$n lor , 9ho 9$she to obta$n a sure tr$al of h$s s=$ll, set up h$s l$ttle son as a butt, an for a mar= a sh$ll$ng on the boy7s cap, comman $ng h$m to carry off the sh$ll$ng 9$thout the cap 9$th h$s arro9# 1ut 9hen the 9$Car sa$ he coul o $t, though he 9oul rather absta$n, lest the De;$l shoul ecoy h$m to estruct$on> st$ll, be$ng le on by the 9or s of the ch$ef, he thrust one arro9 through h$s collar, an , f$tt$ng the other to h$s crossbo9, struc= off the co$n from the boy7s cap 9$thout o$ng h$m any harm> see$ng 9h$ch, 9hen the lor as=e the 9$Car 9hy he ha place the arro9 $n h$s collar@ he ans9ere , 73f by the De;$l7s ece$t 3 ha sla$n the boy, 9hen 3 nee s must $e, 3 9oul ha;e transf$"e you su enly 9$th the other arro9, that e;en so 3 m$ght ha;e a;enge my eath#7?!!-alleus -alef#, P# $$# ch# 1F# Pl";/1 +ee Pantcha!Tantra, ;# $$# of W$lson7s (nalys$s, Kuote by 'o$seleur Deslongchamps, *ssa$ sur les ,ables 3n $ennes, Par$s MTechenerN, 1A:A, p# B4, 9here the an$mal that protects the ch$l $s a mangouste M2$;erra -ungoN# +ee also .$topa esa, -a" -uller7s Translat$on, 'e$pC$g M1roc=hausN, p# 1IA, 9here the guar $an $s an otter# 3n both the foe $s a sna=e# Pl""$$/1 -oe/ 3ntro # """$$#!$$$# Pl""$$$/1 The account $n the N$belungen respect$ng the tarnhut $s confuse , an the te"t probably corrupt> but so much $s pla$n, that

+$egfr$e got $t from *lber$ch $n the struggle 9h$ch ensue +ch$lbung an N$blung, after he ha share the .oar #


Pl""$$$/8 Thus 9e f$n $n $t the or$g$nals or the parallels of Gren el $n 1eo9ulf, of )umpelst$lts=$n, of the reco;ery of the 1r$ e by the r$ng roppe $nto the cup, as relate $n +or$a -or$a 0astle, an other tales> of the ?9$sh$ng ram,? 9h$ch $n the 3n $an story becomes a ?9$sh$ng co9,? an thus rem$n s us of the bull $n one of these Norse Tales, out of 9hose ear came a ?9$sh$ng cloth?> of the luc=y ch$l , 9ho f$n s a purse of gol un er h$s p$llo9 e;ery morn$ng> an of the re lappet so9n on the sleep$ng lo;er, as on +$egfr$e $n the N$belungen# The e;$ces of &pa=osa, the fa$thful 9$fe, rem$n us at once of ?The -asterma$ ,? an the 9hole of the stor$es of +a=t$ e;a an the Gol en 0$ty, an of 2$ uscha=a, 4$ng ( $tyasena7s aughter, are the same $n groun 9or= an $n many of the$r $nc$ ents as ?*ast o7 the +un, an West o7 [p# l""$;] the -oon,? ?The Three Pr$ncesses of Wh$telan ,? an ?+or$a -or$a 0astle#? Pl""$;/1 5# Gr$mm/ )e$nhart ,uchs, ccl"$$$# 3ntr# Pl"";/1 4$n er! un .ausmarchen, ;ol# $$$#, : ;olume 9orthy of the utmost attent$on# e #, Gott$ngen, 1ABF> a

Pl"";$/1 4olle/ 4anur$ Pro;erbs an ,ables, 'on on 0hurch -$ss$onary .ouse, 1AB4# ( boo= of great ph$lolog$cal $nterest, an one 9h$ch reflects great cre $t on the rel$g$ous soc$ety by 9h$ch $t 9as publ$she # Pl"";$$/1 4anur$ Pro;erbs, p# 1FI# Pl"";$$$/1 Notte Duo ec$ma# ,a;ola terCa# ?,e er$go a PoCCuolo che $nten e;a $l l$nguagg$o e gl$ an$mal$, astretto alla mogl$e $rle un segreto, Kuella stranamente batte#? Pl"""/1 The +tory of the T9o 1rothers (nesou an D7%rb$ney Papyrus, by De )ouge/ Par$s, 1AB8# +atou, from the

Pl"""/8 +ee the (nanC$ +tor$es $n the (ppen $", 9h$ch ha;e been ta=en o9n from the mouth of a West 3n $an nurse# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

N%)+* -6T.%'%G6# (n no9, $n the secon place, for that part$cular branch of the (ryan race, $n 9h$ch th$s pecul$ar e;elopment of the common tra $t$on has ar$sen, 9h$ch 9e are to cons$ er as ?Norse Popular Tales#? Whate;er $sputes may ha;e e"$ste as to the mythology of other branches of the Teuton$c sub $;$s$on of the (ryan race!!9hate;er $scuss$ons may ha;e ar$sen as to the pos$t$on of th$s or that $;$n$ty among the ,ran=s, the (nglo!+a"ons, or the Goths!about the Norsemen there can be no $spute or oubt# ,rom a ;ar$ety of c$rcumstances, but t9o before all the rest!! the one the$r settlement $n 3celan , 9h$ch preser;e the$r language an $ts l$terary treasures $ncorrupt> the other the$r late con;ers$on

[p# l"""$$] to 0hr$st$an$ty!!the$r cosmogony an mythology stan s before us $n full flo9er, an 9e ha;e not, as else9here, to p$c= up an p$ece together the 9retche fragments of a fa$th, the art$cles of 9h$ch $ts o9n pr$ests ha forgotten to comm$t to 9r$t$ng, an 9h$ch those of another cree ha ashe to p$eces an estroye , 9here;er the$r Cealous han s coul reach# 3n the t9o * as, therefore, $n the early +agas, $n +a"o7s st$lte 'at$n, 9h$ch barely conceals the popular songs an legen s from 9h$ch the h$stor$an re9 h$s mater$als, 9e are enable to form a perfect concept$on of the cree of the heathen Norsemen# We are enable to trace, as has been trace by the same han $n another place, [L1] the natural an rat$onal e;elopment of that cree from a s$mple 9orsh$p of nature an her po9ers, f$rst to monothe$sm, an then to a polythe$st$c system# The tert$ary system of Polythe$sm $s the so$l out of 9h$ch the mythology of the * as sprang, though through $t each of the ol er format$ons crops out $n huge masses 9h$ch a m$t of no m$sta=e as to $ts or$g$n# $n the * as the natural po9ers ha;e been partly sub ue , partly thrust on one s$ e, for a t$me, by % $n an (es$r, by the Great ,ather an h$s ch$l ren, by %ne +upreme an t9el;e subor $nate go s, 9ho rule for all appo$nte t$me, an o;er 9hom hangs an $mpen $ng fate, 9h$ch $mparts a charm of melancholy to th$s cree , 9h$ch has clung to the race 9ho once bel$e;e $n $t long after the cree $tself has ;an$she before the l$ght of 0hr$st$an$ty# (ccor $ng to th$s cree , the (es$r an % $n ha the$r abo e $n (sgar , a lofty h$ll $n the centre of the hab$table [p# l"""$$$] earth, $n the m$ st of -$ gar , that m$ le earth 9h$ch 9e hear of $n early *ngl$sh poetry, the abo e of go s an men# )oun that earth, 9h$ch 9as fence $n aga$nst the attac=s of anc$ent an $n;eterate foes by a natural fort$f$cat$on of h$lls, flo9e the great sea $n a r$ng, an beyon that sea 9as &tgar , the outly$ng 9orl , the abo e of ,rost G$ants, an -onsters, those ol !natural po9ers 9ho ha been $spossesse by % $n an the (es$r 9hen the ne9 or er of the un$;erse arose, an bet9een 9hom an the ne9 go s a feu as $n;eterate as that cher$she by the T$tans aga$nst 5up$ter 9as necessar$ly =ept al$;e# 3t $s true $n ee that th$s feu 9as bro=en by $nter;als of truce ur$ng 9h$ch the (es$r an the G$ants ;$s$t each other, an appear on more or less fr$en ly terms, but the true relat$on bet9een them 9as 9ar> pretty much as the Norseman 9as at 9ar 9$th all the rest of the 9orl # Nor 9as th$s struggle bet9een t9o r$;al races or po9ers conf$ne to the go s $n (sgar alone# 5ust as the$r anc$ent foes 9ere the G$ants of ,rost an +no9, so bet9een the race of men an the race of Trolls 9as there a perpetual feu # (s the go s 9ere men magn$f$e an e"aggerate , so 9ere the Trolls $m$n$she ,rost G$ants> far super$or to man $n strength an stature but $nfer$or to man $n 9$t an $n;ent$on# '$=e the ,rost G$ants, they $nhab$t the rough an rugge places of the earth, an , h$stor$cally spea=$ng $n all probab$l$ty represent the ol abor$g$nal races 9ho ret$re $nto the mounta$nous fastnesses of the lan , an 9hose strength 9as e"aggerate , because the $ntercourse bet9een the races 9as small# 3n almost e;ery respect they stan $n the same relat$ons to men as the ,rost G$ants stan to the Go s# [p# l"""$;] There $s noth$ng perhaps, more character$st$c of a true, as compare 9$th a false rel$g$on, than the restlessness of the one 9hen brought face to

face 9$th the Ku$et $gn$ty an ma<esty of the other# &n er the 0hr$st$an $spensat$on, our blesse 'or , h$s a9ful sacr$f$ce once performe , ?ascen e up on h$gh,? ha;$ng ?le capt$;$ty capt$;e,? an e"pects the hour that shall ma=e h$s foes ?h$s footstool?> but false go s, 5up$ter, 2$shnu, % $n, Thor, must constantly =eep themsel;es, as $t 9ere, before the eyes of men, lest they shoul lose respect# +uch go s be$ng $n;ar$ably 9hat the ph$losophers call sub<ect$;e, that $s to say, ha;$ng no e"$stence e"cept $n the m$n s of those 9ho bel$e;e $n them, ha;$ng been create by man $n h$s o9n $mage, 9$th h$s o9n es$res an pass$ons, stan $n constant nee of be$ng re!create # They change as the hab$ts an temper of the race 9h$ch a ores them alter> they are e;er boun to o someth$ng fresh, lest man shoul forget them, an ne9 $;$n$t$es usurp the$r place# .ence came en less a;atars $n .$n oo mythology, repro uc$ng all the reamy monstros$t$es of that pass$;e 3n $an m$n # .ence came 5o;e7s a ;entures, t$nge 9$th all the lust an gu$le 9h$ch the 9$c=e ness of the natural man plante on a hot!be of $n$Ku$ty $s capable of conce$;$ng# .ence bloo y -oloch, an the foul abom$nat$ons of 0hemosh an -$lcom# .ence, too, % $n7s countless a ;entures, h$s <ourneys $nto all parts of the 9orl , h$s constant tr$als of 9$t an strength, 9$th h$s anc$ent foes the ,rost G$ants, h$s ha$rbrea th escapes# .ence Thor7s labours an to$ls, h$s passages beyon the sea, g$rt 9$th h$s strength! belt, 9ear$ng h$s $ron glo;es, an grasp$ng h$s hammer, 9h$ch spl$t the s=ulls of so many of the G$ant7s =$th an =$n# [p# l""";] [paragraph cont$nues] 3n the Norse go s, then, 9e see the Norseman h$mself, subl$me an ele;ate beyon man7s nature, but bear$ng about 9$th h$m all h$s bra;ery an en urance, all h$s ash an sp$r$t of a ;enture, all h$s fort$tu e an resolut$on to struggle aga$nst a certa$nty of oom 9h$ch, sooner or later, must> o;erta=e h$m on that rea ay, the ?t9$l$ght of the go s,? 9hen the 9olf 9as to brea= loose, 9hen the great sna=e that lay co$le roun the 9orl shoul lash h$mself $nto 9rath, an the 9hole race of the (es$rs an the$r antagon$sts 9ere to per$sh $n $nternec$ne str$fe# +uch 9ere the go s $n 9hom the Norseman bel$e;e ,!!e"aggerat$ons of h$mself, of all h$s goo an all h$s ba Kual$t$es# The$r m$ght an the$r a ;entures, the$r omest$c Kuarrels an certa$n oom, 9ere sung $n ;enerable lays, no9 collecte $n 9hat 9e call the *l er, or Poet$c * a> s$mple ma<est$c songs, 9hose mello9 accents go stra$ght to the heart through the ear, an 9hose s$mple se;er$ty ne;er suffers us to m$sta=e the$r mean$ng# 1ut, bes$ es these go s, there 9ere heroes of the race 9hose fame an glory 9ere $n e;ery man7s memory, an 9hose m$ghty ee s 9ere $n e;ery m$nstrel7s mouth/ .elg$, +$gmun , +$nf<otl$, +$gur , +$gny, 1rynh$l r, Gu run> champ$ons an sh$el !ma$ ens, henchmen an corse! choosers, no9 ea an gone, 9ho sat roun % $n7s boar $n 2alhalla> 9omen 9hose beauty, 9oes, an suffer$ngs 9ere beyon those of all 9omen> men 9hose pro9ess ha ne;er foun an eKual# 1et9een these, lo;e an hate> all that can foster pass$on or beget re;enge# 3ll!assorte marr$ages> the r$ght man to the 9rong 9oman, an the 9rong man to the r$ght 9oman> en;y$ngs, <ealous$es, [p# l""";$] hatre , mur ers, all the 9or=s of the natural man, comb$ne together to form that mar;ellous story 9h$ch beg$ns 9$th a curse!!the curse of $ll! gotten gol >!!an en s 9$th a curse, a 9$ o97s curse, 9h$ch rags o9n

all on 9hom $t falls, an e;en her o9n flesh an bloo , to certa$n oom# +uch 9as the theme of the 9on rous 2olsung Tale, the far ol er, s$mpler, an gran er or$g$nal of that N$belungen Nee of the th$rteenth century, a tale 9h$ch beg$ns 9$th the slaughter of ,afn$r by +$gur , an en s 9$th .ermanar$c, ?that f$erce fa$th!brea=er,? as the (nglo!+a"on m$nstrel calls h$m, 9hen he $s escr$b$ng, $n rap$ touches, the myth$c glor$es of the Teuton$c race# Th$s 9as the story of the 2olsungs# They trace themsel;es bac=, l$=e all heroes, to % $n, the great father of go s an men# ,rom h$m sprung +$g$, from h$m )er$r, from h$m 2olsung, r$ppe from h$s mother7s 9omb after a s$" years bear$ng, to become the *ponymus of that famous race# 3n the centre of h$s hall gre9 an oa=, the tall trun= of 9h$ch passe through the roof, an $ts boughs sprea far an 9$ e $n upper a$r# 3nto that hall, on a h$gh feast ay, 9hen +$gny, 2olsung7s aughter, 9as to be g$;en a9ay to +$gge$r, 4$ng of Gothlan , stro e an ol one!eye guest# .$s feet 9ere bare, h$s hose 9ere of =n$tte l$nen, he 9ore a great str$pe cloa=, an a broa flapp$ng hat# 3n h$s han he bore a s9or , 9h$ch, at one stro=e, he ro;e up to the h$lt $n the oa= trun=# ?There,? sa$ he, ?let h$m of all th$s company bear th$s s9or 9ho $s man enough to pull $t out# 3 g$;e $t h$m, an none shall say he e;er bore a better bla e#? W$th these 9or s be passe out of the hall, an 9as seen no more# -any tr$e , for that s9or 9as pla$nly a th$ng of pr$ce, but none [p# l""";$$] coul st$r $t, t$ll +$gmun , the best an bra;est of 2olsung7s sons, tr$e h$s han , an , loO the 9eapon y$el e $tself at once# Th$s 9as that famous bla e Gram, of 9h$ch 9e shall hear aga$n# +$gmun bore $t $n battle aga$nst h$s brother!$n!la9, 9ho Kuarrelle 9$th h$m about th$s ;ery s9or , 9hen 2olsung fell, an +$gmun an h$s ten brothers 9ere ta=en an boun # (ll per$she but +$gmun , 9ho 9as sa;e by h$s s$ster +$gny, an b$ en $n a 9oo t$ll he coul re;enge h$s father an brethren# .ere 9$th +$nf<otl$, 9ho 9as at once h$s son an nephe9, he ran as a 9ere!9olf through the forest, an 9rought many 9$l ee s# When +$nf<otl$ 9as of age to help h$m, they procee to ;engeance, an burn the treacherous brother!$n!la9 al$;e, 9$th all h$s follo9ers# +$gmun then rega$ns h$s father7s =$ng om, an $n e"treme ol age $es $n battle aga$nst the sons of 4$ng .un $ng# 5ust as he 9as about to turn the f$ght, a 9arr$or of more than mortal m$ght, a one!eye man $n a blue cloa=, 9$th a flapp$ng hat, rose up aga$nst h$m spear $n han # (t that outstretche spear +$gmun sm$tes 9$th h$s trusty s9or # 3t snaps $n t9a$n# Then he =no9s that h$s luc= $s gone> he sees $n h$s foe % $n the g$;er of the s9or , s$n=s o9n on the gory battle!f$el , an $es $n the arms of .<or $s, h$s young 9$fe, refus$ng all leechcraft, an bo9$ng h$s hea to % $n7s 9$ll# 1y the fortune of 9ar, .<or $s, bear$ng a babe un er her g$r le, came $nto the han s of 4$ng .$alpre= of Denmar=> there she bore a son to +$gmun , +$gur , the arl$ng of Teuton$c song an story# )eg$n, the =$ng7s sm$th, 9as h$s foster!father, an as the boy gre9 up the fa$rest an stoutest of all the 2olsungs, )eg$n, 9ho 9as of the 9arf race, urge h$m [p# l""";$$$] ay by ay to o a oughty ee , an slay ,afn$r the Dragon# ,or ,afn$r, )eg$n, an %tter ha been brothers, sons of )e$ mar# 3n one of the$r many 9an er$ngs, % $n, 'o=$, an .aen$r came to a r$;er an a force# There, on the ban= un er the force, they sa9 an otter 9$th a salmon $n $ts mouth,

9h$ch $t ate gree $ly 9$th $ts eyes shut# 'o=$ too= a stone, thre9 $t, an =$lle the beast, an boaste ho9 he ha got both f$sh an flesh at one thro9# Then the (es$r passe on an came at n$ght to )e$ mar7s house, as=e a lo g$ng, got $t, an she9e the$r spo$l# ?+e$Ce an b$n them, la s,? cr$e )e$ mar> ?for they ha;e sla$n your brother %tter#? +o they 9ere se$Ce an boun by )eg$n an ,afn$r, an offere an atonement to buy off the feu , an )e$ mar 9as to name the sum# Then %tter 9as flaye , an the (es$r 9ere to f$ll the s=$n 9$th re gol , an co;er $t 9$thout, that not a ha$r coul be seen# To fetch the gol % $n sent 'o=$ o9n to the abo es of the 1lac= *l;es> there $n a stream he caught (n ;ar$ the D9arf, an ma e h$m g$;e up all the gol 9h$ch he ha hoar e up $n the stony roc=# 3n ;a$n the D9arf begge an praye that he m$ght =eep one r$ng, for $t 9as the source of all h$s 9ealth, an r$ng after r$ng roppe from $t# ?No> not a penny shoul he ha;e,? sa$ 'o=$# Then the D9arf la$ a curse on the r$ng, an sa$ $t shoul be e;ery man7s bane 9ho o9ne $t# ?+o much the better,? sa$ 'o=$, an 9hen he got bac=, % $n sa9 the r$ng ho9 fa$r $t 9as, an =ept $t to h$mself, but ga;e the gol to )e$ mar# +o )e$ mar f$lle the s=$n 9$th gol as full as he coul , an set $t up on en , an % $n poure gol o;er $t, an co;ere $t up# 1ut 9hen )e$ mar loo=e at $t be sa9 st$ll one grey ha$r, an ba e [p# l"""$"] them co;er that too, else the atonement 9as at an en # Then % $n re9 forth the r$ng an la$ $t o;er the grey ha$r# +o the (es$r 9as set free, but before they 9ent, 'o=$ repeate the curse 9h$ch (n ;ar$ ha la$ upon the r$ng an gol # 3t soon began to 9or=# ,$rst, )eg$n as=e for some of the gol , but not a penny 9oul )e$ mar g$;e# +o the t9o brothers la$ the$r hea s together an sle9 the$r s$re# Then )eg$n begge ,afn$r to share the gol 9$th h$m# 1ut, ?no,? ,afn$r 9as stronger, an sa$ he shoul =eep $t all h$mself, an )eg$n ha best be off, unless he 9$she to fare the same 9ay as )e$ mar# +o )eg$n ha to fly, but ,afn$r too= a ragon7s shape> ?an there,? sa$ )eg$n, ?he l$es on the 7Gl$sten$ng .eath,7 co$le roun h$s store of gol an prec$ous th$ngs, an that7s 9hy 3 9$sh you to =$ll h$m#? +$gur tol )eg$n, 9ho 9as the best of sm$ths, to forge h$m a s9or # T9o are ma e, but both snap asun er at the f$rst stro=e# ?&ntrue are they, l$=e you an all your race,? cr$es +$gur # Then he 9ent to h$s mother an begge the bro=en b$ts of Gram, an out of them )eg$n forge a ne9 bla e, that clo;e the an;$l $n the sm$thy, an cut a loc= of 9ool borne o9n upon $t by a runn$ng stream# ?No9, slay me, ,afn$r,? sa$ )eg$n> but +$gur must f$rst f$n out 4$ng .un $ng7s sons, an a;enge h$s father +$gmun 7s eath# 4$ng .$alpre= len s h$m force> by % $n7s gu$ ance he f$n s them out, routs the$r army, an slays all those brothers# %n h$s return, h$s foster!father st$ll eggs h$m on to slay the Dragon, an thus to she9 that there 9as st$ll a 2olsung left# +o, arme 9$th Gram, an mounte on Gran, h$s goo stee , 9hom % $n ha taught h$m ho9 to choose, +$gur ro e to the ?Gl$sten$ng .eath,? [p# "c] ug a p$t $n the Dragon7s path, an sle9 h$m as he passe o;er h$m o9n to r$n= at the r$;er# Then )eg$n came up, an the ol feel$ng of ;engeance for a brother7s bloo gre9 strong, an as an atonement, +$gur 9as to roast ,afn$r7s heart, an carry $t to )eg$n, 9ho s9$lle h$s full of the Dragon7s bloo , an lay o9n to sleep# 1ut as +$gur roaste the heart, an 9on ere $f $t 9oul soon be one, he tr$e $t 9$th h$s f$nger to see $f $t 9ere soft# The hot roast burne h$s f$nger, an he put $t

$nto h$s mouth, an taste the l$fe!bloo of the Dragon# Then $n a moment he un erstoo the song of b$r s, an bear ho9 the s9allo9s o;er h$s hea sa$ one to the other, ?There thou s$ttest, +$gur , roast$ng ,afn$r7s heart# *at $t thyself, an become the 9$sest of men#? Then another sa$ , ?There l$es )eg$n, an means to cheat h$m 9ho trusts h$m#? Then a th$r sa$ , ?'et +$gur cut off h$s hea then, an so o9n all the gol h$mself#? Then +$gur 9ent to )eg$n an sle9 h$m, an ate the heart, an ro e on Gran to ,afn$r7s la$r, an too= the spo$l an loa e h$s goo stee 9$th $t, an ro e a9ay# (n no9 +$gur 9as the most famous of men# (ll the songs an stor$es of the North ma=e h$m the arl$ng of that age# They 9ell on h$s soft ha$r, 9h$ch fell $n great loc=s of gol en bro9n, on h$s bushy bear of auburn hue, h$s stra$ght features, h$s ru y chee=s, h$s broa bro9, h$s br$ght an p$erc$ng eye, of 9h$ch fe9 are to meet the gaCe, h$s taper l$mbs an 9ell!=n$t <o$nts, h$s broa shoul ers, an to9er$ng he$ght# ?+o tall he 9as, that as he stro e through the full!gro9n rye, g$rt 9$th Gram the t$p of the scabbar <ust touche the ears of corn#? )ea y of tongue too, an full of forethought# .$s great pleasure [p# "c$] 9as to help other men, an to o ar$ng ee s> to spo$l #h$s foes, an g$;e largely to h$s fr$en s# The bra;est man al$;e, an one that ne;er =ne9 fear# %n an on he ro e, t$ll on a lone fell he sa9 a fl$c=er$ng flame, an 9hen he reache $t, there $t flame an blaCe all roun a house# No horse but Gran coul r$ e that flame> no man al$;e but +$gur s$t h$m 9h$le be leape through $t# 3ns$ e the house lay a fa$r ma$ en, arme from hea to foot, $n a eep sleep# 1rynh$l r, (tl$7s s$ster, 9as her name, a 2al=yr$e, a corse!chooser> but out of 9$lfulness she ha g$;en the ;$ctory to the 9rong s$ e, an % $n $n h$s 9rath ha thrust the thorn of sleep $nto her cloa=, an la$ her un er a curse to slumber there t$ll a man bol enough to r$ e through that flame came to set her free, an 9$n her for h$s br$ e# +o then she 9o=e up, an taught h$m all runes an 9$s om, an they s9ore to lo;e each other 9$th a m$ghty oath, an then +$gur left her an ro e on# +o on he ro e to 4$ng G$u=$7s hall, G$u=$ the N$flung, 4$ng of ,ran=lan , 9hose 9$fe 9as Gr$mh$l r, 9hose sons 9ere Gunnar an .ogn$, 9hose stepson 9as Guttorm, an 9hose aughter 9as the fa$r Gu run# .ere at f$rst he 9as full of 1rynh$l r, an all for go$ng bac= to fetch h$s lo;ely br$ e from the lone fell# 1ut Gr$mh$l r 9as g$;en to ar= arts> she longe for the bra;e 2olsung for her o9n aughter, she bre9e h$m the ph$ltre of forgetfulness, he ra$ne $t off, forgot 1rynh$l r, s9ore a brother7s fr$en sh$p 9$th Gunnar an .ogn$, an 9e e the fa$r Gu run# 1ut no9 G$u=$ 9ante a 9$fe for Gunnar, an so off set the brothers an the$r bosom fr$en to 9oo, but 9hom shoul they choose but 1rynh$l r, (tl$7s s$ster, 9ho sat there st$ll upon the fell, 9a$t$ng for the man 9ho 9as [p# "c$$] bol enough to r$ e through the fl$c=er$ng flame# +he =ne9 but one coul o $t, an 9a$te for that one to come bac=# +o she ha g$;en out 9hoe;er coul r$ e that flame shoul ha;e her to 9$fe# +o 9hen Gunnar an .ogn$ reache $t, Gunnar ro e at $t, but h$s horse, goo though $t 9as, s9er;e from the f$erce flame# Then by Gr$mh$l r7s mag$c arts, +$gur an Gunnar change shapes an arms, an +$gur leapt up on Gran7s bac=, an the goo stee bore h$m bra;ely through the flame# +o 1rynh$l r the prou ma$ en

9as 9on an force to y$el # That e;en$ng 9as the$r 9e $ng> but 9hen they lay o9n to rest, +$gur unsheathe h$s =een s9or Gram, an la$ $t na=e bet9een them# Ne"t morn$ng 9hen he arose, he too= the r$ng 9h$ch (n ;ar$ ha la$ un er the curse, an 9h$ch 9as among ,afn$r7s treasures, an ga;e $t to 1rynh$l r as a ?morn$ng g$ft,? an she ga;e h$m another r$ng as a ple ge# Then +$gur ro e bac= to h$s compan$ons, an too= h$s o9n shape aga$n, an then Gunnar 9ent an cla$me 1rynh$l r, an carr$e her home as h$s br$ e# 1ut no sooner 9as Gunnar 9e e than +$gur 7s eyes 9ere opene , the po9er of the ph$ltre passe a9ay, he remembere all that ha passe , an the oath he ha s9orn to 1rynh$l r# (ll th$s came bac= upon h$m 9hen $t 9as too late, but he 9as 9$se an sa$ noth$ng about $t# Well, so th$ngs 9ent on, t$ll one ay 1rynh$l r the r$;er to 9ash the$r ha$r# Then 1rynh$l r 9a far as she coul , an sa$ she 9oul n7t ha;e on streame from Gu run7s> for hers 9as the bra;er out after her, an sa$ the 9ater ought [p# "c$$$] to come on her ha$r f$rst, because her husban bore a9ay the palm from Gunnar, an e;ery other man al$;e, for he sle9 ,afn$r an )e!$n, an too= the$r $nher$tance# ?(y,? sa$ 1rynh$l r, ?but $t 9as a 9orth$er ee 9hen Gunnar ro e through the flame, but +$gur are not try#? Then Gu run laughe , an sa$ , ?Th$n=st thou that Gunnar really ro e the flame@ 3 tro9 he 9ent to be 9$th thee that n$ght, 9ho ga;e me th$s gol r$ng# (n as for that r$ng yon er 9h$ch you ha;e on your f$nger, an 9h$ch you got as your 7morn$ng g$ft,7 $ts name $s (n ;ar$7s spo$l, an that 3 on7t th$n= Gunnar sought on the Gl$sten$ng .eath#7 Then 1rynh$l r hel her peace an 9ent home, an her lo;e for +$gur came bac=, but $t 9as turne to hate, for she felt herself betraye # Then she egge on Gunnar to re;enge her 9rong# (t last the brothers y$el to her entreat$es, but they 9ere s9orn brothers to +$gur , an to brea= that oath by ee 9as a th$ng unhear of# +t$ll they bro=e $t $n sp$r$t> by charms an prayers they set on Guttorm the$r half!brother, an so at ea of n$ght, 9h$le Gu run hel the bra;est man al$;e fast loc=e $n her 9h$te arms, the mur erer stole to the be s$ e an ro;e a s9or through the hero# Then +$gur turne an 9r$the , an as Guttorm fle he hurle Gram after h$m, an the =een bla e too= h$m asun er at the 9a$st, an h$s hea fell out of the room an h$s heels $n, an that 9as the en of Guttorm# 1ut 9$th re;enge 1rynh$l r7s lo;e returne , an 9hen +$gur 9as la$ upon the p$le her heart bro=e> she burst forth $nto a prophet$c song of the 9oes that 9ere st$ll to come, ma e them lay her by h$s s$ e 9$th Gram bet9een them, an so 9ent to 2alhalla 9$th her ol lo;er# Thus (n ;ar$7s curse 9as fulf$lle # [p# "c$;] Gu run, the 9eary 9$ o9, 9an ere a9ay# (fter a 9h$le, she accepts atonement from her brothers for her husban 7s loss, an marr$es (tl$, the .un =$ng, 1rynh$l r7s brother# .e cher$she a gru ge aga$nst G$u=$7s sons for the gu$le they ha pract$se aga$nst the$r brother!$n!la9, 9h$ch ha bro=en h$s s$ster7s heart, an bes$ es be cla$me , $n r$ght of Gu run, all the gol 9h$ch +$gur 9on from the Dragon, but 9h$ch the N$flung Pr$nces ha se$Ce 9hen he 9as sla$n# 3t 9as $n ;a$n to attac= them $n fa$r f$ght, so he sent them a fr$en ly message, an $n;$te them to a banKuet> they go, an are o;erpo9ere # .ogn$7s heart $s cut out of h$m al$;e, but he st$ll sm$les> Gunnar $s cast $nto a p$t full of sna=es, but e;en then charms them to sleep 9$th h$s harp, all but one, that fl$es at an Gu run 9ent o9n to e out $nto the stream as her hea the 9ater that husban # +o Gu run 9a e

h$s heart an st$ngs h$m to eath# W$th them per$she the secret of the Dragon7s hoar , 9h$ch they ha thro9n $nto the )h$ne as they crosse $t on the 9ay to .un!lan # No9 comes horror on horror# )e;enge for her brothers no9 belongs to Gu run> she slays 9$th her o9n han her t9o sons by (tl$, ma=es h$m eat the$r flesh, an r$n= the$r bloo out of the$r s=ulls, an , 9h$le the =$ng slept soun , sle9 h$m $n h$s be by the help of her brother .ogn$7s son# Then she set the hall ablaCe, an burnt all that 9ere $n $t# (fter that she 9ent to the sea!shore, an thre9 herself $n to ro9n# 1ut the eep 9$ll not ha;e her, the b$llo9s bear her o;er to 4$ng 5ona=r7s lan # .e marr$es her, an has three sons by her, +aurl$, .am $r, an *rp, blac=!ha$re as ra;ens, l$=e all the N$flungs# +;anh$l , her aughter by +$gur , 9ho ha her father7s br$ght an terr$ble eyes, she has st$ll 9$th her, no9 gro9n up to be the fa$rest of 9omen# +o 9hen .ermanar$c the [p# "c;] [paragraph cont$nues] -$ghty, the great Goth$c =$ng, hear of +;anh$l 7s beauty, he sent h$s son )an ;er to 9oo her for h$m, but 1$==$ the ,alse sa$ to the youth, ?1etter far 9ere th$s ma$ en for thee than for thy ol father?> an the ma$ en an the pr$nce thought $t goo a ;$ce# Then 1$==$ 9ent an tol the =$ng, an .ermanar$c ba e them ta=e an hang )an ;er at once# +o on h$s 9ay to the gallo9s, the pr$nce too= h$s ha9= an pluc=e off all $ts feathers, an sent $t to h$s father# 1ut 9hen h$s s$re sa9 $t, he =ne9 at once that, as the ha9= 9as featherless an unable to fly, so 9as h$s realm efenceless un er an ol an sonless =$ng# Too late he sent to stop the hang$ng> h$s son 9as alrea y ea # +o one ay as he ro e bac= from hunt$ng, he sa9 fa$r +;anh$l 9ash$ng her gol en loc=s, an $t came $nto h$s heart ho9 there she sat, the cause of all h$s 9oe> an he an h$s men ro e at her an o;er her, an the$r stee s trample her to eath# 1ut 9hen Gu run hear th$s, she set on her three N$flung sons to a;enge the$r s$ster# 1yrn$es an helms she ga;e them so true that no s9or 9oul b$te on them# They 9ere to steal on .ermanar$c as he slept> +aurl$ 9as to cut off h$s han s, .am $r h$s feet, an *rp h$s hea # +o as the three 9ent along, the t9o as=e *rp 9hat help he 9oul g$;e them 9hen they got to .ermanar$c# ?+uch as han len s to foot,? he sa$ # ?No help at all,? they cr$e > an pass$ng from 9or s to blo9s, an because the$r mother lo;e *rp best, they sle9 h$m# ( l$ttle further on +aurl$ stumble an fell for9ar , but sa;e h$mself 9$th one han , an sa$ , ?.ere han helps foot> better 9ere $t that *rp l$;e #? +o they came on .ermanar$c as he slept, an +aurl$ he9e off h$s han s, an .am $r h$s feet, but he a9o=e an calle for h$s men# [p# "c;$] [paragraph cont$nues] Then sa$ .am $r!!?Were *rp al$;e, the hea 9oul be off, an he coul n7t call out#? Then .ermanar$c7s men arose an too= the t9a$n, an 9hen they foun that no steel 9oul touch them, an ol one!eye man ga;e them a ;$ce to stone them to eath# Thus fell +aurl$ an .am $r, an soon after Gu run $e too, an 9$th her en s the 2olsung an the N$flung tale# (n here $t $s 9orth 9h$le to say, s$nce some m$n s are so narro9ly moul e as to be $ncapable of conta$n$ng more than one $ ea, that because $t has seeme a uty to escr$be $n $ts true l$ght the ol fa$th of our forefathers, $t by no means follo9s that the same eyes are bl$n to the glor$ous beauty of Gree= -ythology# That ha the rare a ;antage of runn$ng $ts course free an unfettere unt$l $t fell rather by natural

ecay than before the 9eapon of a ne9 bel$ef# The Gree=s 9ere (the$sts before they became 0hr$st$an# The$r fa$th ha passe through e;ery stage# We can contemplate $t as $t spr$ngs out of the $m m$s!shapen symbol, ur$ng that phase 9hen men7s eyes are f$"e more on mean$ng an real$ty than on beauty an form, 9e can mar= ho9 $t gra ually loo=s more to symmetry an shape, ho9 $t $s transf$gure $n the (rts, unt$l, un er that pure a$r an br$ght s=y, the glo9$ng ra $ant f$gures of (pollo an (phro $te, of Geus an (thene,!!of perfect man!9orsh$p an 9oman! 9orsh$p,!!stan out clear an roun $n the foregroun aga$nst the m$sty $stance of anc$ent t$mes# %ut of that m$sty $stance the Norseman7s fa$th ne;er emerge # What that early phase of fa$th m$ght ha;e become, ha $t been once 9e e to the -uses, an learne to cult$;ate the (rts, $t $s $mposs$ble to say# (s $t $s, $ts career 9as cut short $n [p# "c;$$] m$ !course# 3t carr$e about 9$th $t that melancholy present$ment of $ssolut$on 9h$ch has come to be so character$st$c of mo ern l$fe, but of 9h$ch scarce a trace e"$sts $n anc$ent t$mes, an th$s feel$ng 9oul al9ays ha;e ma e $t $fferent from that cheerful carelessness 9h$ch so attracts us $n the Gree=s> but e;en that o9ncast broo $ng heart 9as capable of conce$;$ng great an hero$c thoughts, 9h$ch $t m$ght ha;e clothe $n noble shapes an forms, ha not the a"e of Pro;$ ence cut o9n the stately sapl$ng $n the North before $t gre9 to be a tree, 9h$le $t spare the p$nes of Delph$ an Do ona7s sacre oa=s, unt$l they ha atta$ne a green ol age# (n so th$s fa$th rema$ne ru e an rough> but e;en ru eness has a s$mpl$c$ty of $ts o9n, an $t $s better to be rough an true!hearte than pol$she an false# 3n all the feel$ngs of natural affect$on, that fa$th nee fear no compar$son 9$th any other upon earth# 3n these respects $t $s f$rm an stea fast as a roc=, an pure an br$ght as a l$;$ng spr$ng# The h$ghest Go $s a father, 9ho protects h$s ch$l ren> 9ho g$;es them glory an ;$ctory 9h$le they l$;e, an 9hen they $e ta=es them to h$mself> to those fatherly abo es Death 9as a happy return, a glor$ous go$ng home# 1y the s$ e of th$s great father stan s a ;enerable go ess, aCCl$ng 9$th beauty, the great mother of go s an men# .an $n han th$s $;$ne pa$r tra;erse the lan > he teach$ng the men the use of arms an all the arts of 9ar,!!for 9ar 9as then as no9 a noble call$ng, an to han le arms an honourable, nay necessary, profess$on# To the 9omen she teaches omest$c ut$es an the arts of peace> from her they learn to 9ea;e, an se9, an sp$n> from her, too, the husban man learns to t$ll h$s f$el s# ,rom [p# "c;$$$] h$m spr$ngs poetry an song> from her legen an tra $t$on# Nor shoul $t e;er be forgotten that the footsteps of Pro;$ ence are al9ays on9ar , e;en 9hen they seem ta=en $n the ar=, an that the$r ru e fa$th 9as the f$rst $n 9h$ch that ;enerat$on for 9omen arose, 9h$ch the Western nat$ons may 9ell cla$m as the br$ghtest <e9el $n the$r cro9n of c$;$l$sat$on> that 9h$le she 9as a sla;e $n the *ast, a toy to the Gree=s, an a house9$fe to the )omans, she 9as a helpmeet to the Teuton, an that those stern 9arr$ors recogn$se someth$ng $;$ne $n her nature, an bo9e before her clearer $ns$ght $nto hea;enly myster$es# The 9orsh$p of the 2$n g$n -ary 9as gra ually e;elope out of th$s concept$on of 9oman7s character, an 9oul ha;e been a th$ng absur an $mposs$ble ha 0hr$st$an$ty clung for e;er to *astern so$l# (n no9 to procee , after thus turn$ng as$ e to compare the mythology of the Gree= 9$th the fa$th of the Norseman# The m$sta=e $s to fa;our one or the other e"clus$;ely

$nstea of respect$ng an a m$r$ng both> but $t $s a m$sta=e 9h$ch those only can fall $nto, 9hose souls are narro9 an conf$ne , 9ho 9oul say th$s th$ng an th$s person you shall lo;e, an none other> th$s form an feature you shall 9orsh$p an a ore, an th$s alone> 9hen $n fact the 9hole prom$se lan of thought an l$fe l$es before us at our feet, our nature encourages us to go $n an possess $t, an e;ery step 9e ma=e $n th$s ne9 9orl of =no9le ge br$ngs us to fresh prospects of beauty, an to ne9 pastures of el$ght# +uch 9ere the go s, an such the heroes of the Norseman> 9ho, l$=e h$s o9n go s, 9ent sm$l$ng to eath un er the 9e$ght of an $ne;$table est$ny# 1ut that fate ne;er fell on the$r go s# 1efore th$s sub<ect$;e mytholog$cal [p# "c$"] ream of the Norsemen coul be fulf$lle , the rel$g$ous m$st $n 9h$ch they 9al=e 9as scattere by the sunbeams of 0hr$st$an$ty# ( ne9 state an con $t$on of soc$ety arose, an the cree 9h$ch ha sat$sf$e a race of heathen 9arr$ors, 9ho e"ternally 9ere at 9ar 9$th all the 9orl , became $n t$me an ob<ect of horror an a;ers$on to the con;erte 0hr$st$an# Th$s $s not the place to escr$be the long struggle bet9een the ne9 an the ol fa$th $n the North> ho9 =$ngs an Kueens became the foster!fathers an nurs$ng!mothers of the 0hurch> ho9 the great ch$efs, each a l$ttle =$ng $n h$mself, scorne an er$ e the 9hole scheme as altogether 9ea= an effem$nate> ho9 the bul= of the people 9ere sullen an susp$c$ous, an often bro=e out $nto heathen mut$ny> ho9 =$ngs rose an =$ngs fell, <ust as they too= one or the other s$ e> an ho9, f$nally, after a contest 9h$ch ha laste altogether more than three centur$es, Denmar=, Nor9ay, 3celan , an +9e en!!9e run them o;er $n the or er of con;ers$on!!became fa$thful to 0hr$st$an$ty, as preache by the m$ss$onar$es of the 0hurch of )ome# %ne fact, ho9e;er, 9e must $ns$st on, 9h$ch m$ght be $nferre , $n ee , both from the nature of the struggle $tself, an the character of )ome> an that $s, that throughout there 9as someth$ng $n the process of con;ers$on of the nature of a comprom$se!!of 9hat 9e may call the great pr$nc$ple of ?g$;e an ta=e#? 3n all 0hr$st$an churches, $n ee , an $n none so much as the 0hurch of )ome, noth$ng $s so austere, so ele;at$ng an so gran , as the uncomprom$s$ng tone $n 9h$ch the great ogmas of the ,a$th are enunc$ate an procla$me # Noth$ng $s more magn$f$cent, $n short, than the theory of 0hr$st$an$ty> but noth$ng $s more mean [p# c] an m$serable than the t$me!ser;$ng 9ay $n 9h$ch those ogmas are ragge o9n to the ull le;el of a$ly l$fe, an that subl$me theory re uce to or $nary pract$ce# (t )ome, $t 9as true, that the Pope coul congratulate the fa$thful that 9hole nat$ons $n the barbarous an froCen North ha been a e to the true fol , an that % $n7s gr$m champ$ons no9 un$;ersally bel$e;e $n the gospel of peace an lo;e# 3t $s so easy to $spose of a oubtful struggle $n a s$ngle sentence, an so tempt$ng to bel$e;e $t 9hen once 9r$tten# 1ut $n the North, the state of th$ngs, an the manner of procee $ng 9ere ent$rely $fferent# There the ogma 9as procla$me , $n ee > but the manner of preach$ng $t 9as not $n that m$l sp$r$t 9$th 9h$ch the +a;$our rebu=e the $sc$ple 9hen he sa$ , ?Put up aga$n thy s9or $nto h$s place/ for all they that ta=e the s9or shall per$sh 9$th the s9or #? There the s9or 9as use to br$ng con;erts to the font, an the bapt$sm 9as often one rather of bloo than of 9ater# There

the ne9 con;erts perpetually relapse , chase a9ay the m$ss$onar$es an the =$ngs 9ho sheltere them, an only y$el e at last to the o;er9helm$ng 9e$ght of 0hr$st$an op$n$on $n the Western 9orl # +t# %lof, =$ng an martyr, martyre $n p$tche battle by h$s mut$nous allo $al freemen, because he tr$e to r$;e rather than to lea them to the cross> an another %lof, greater than he, %lof Trygg;ason, 9ho fell $n battle aga$nst the heathen +9e es, 9ere men of bloo rather than peace> but to them the $ntro uct$on of the ne9 fa$th $nto Nor9ay $s ma$nly o9$ng# +o also 0harlemagne, at an earl$er per$o , ha ealt 9$th the +a"ons at the -a$n 1r$ ge, 9hen h$s ult$matum 9as, ?0hr$st$an$ty or eath#? +o also the f$rst [p# c$] m$ss$onary to 3celan !!9ho met, $n ee , 9$th a sorry recept$on!!9as follo9e about by a stout champ$on name Thangbran , 9ho, 9hene;er there 9as 9hat 9e shoul no9 call a m$ss$onary meet$ng challenge any $mpugner of the ne9 octr$nes to mortal combat on the spot# No 9on er that, after ha;$ng =$lle se;eral opponents $n the l$ttle tour 9h$ch he ma e 9$th h$s m$ss$onary fr$en through the $slan , $t became too hot to hol h$m, an he, an the m$ss$onary, an the ne9 cree , 9ere force to ta=e sh$p an sa$l bac= to Nor9ay# ?Precept upon precept, l$ne upon l$ne, here a l$ttle, an there a l$ttle,? 9as the motto of )ome $n her eal$ngs 9$th the heathen Norsemen, an $f she su$te herself at f$rst rather to the$r hab$ts an temper than to those of more enl$ghtene nat$ons, she ha an e"cuse $n +t# Paul7s ma"$m of ma=$ng herself ?all th$ngs to all men#? Thus, 9hen a secon attempt to 0hr$st$an$se 3celan pro;e more successful!!for $n the meant$me, 4$ng %lof Trygg;ason, a Cealous 0hr$st$an, ha se$Ce as hostages all the 3celan ers of fam$ly an fame 9ho happene to be $n Nor9ay, an thus 9or=e on the feel$ngs of the ch$efs of those fam$l$es at home, 9ho $n the$r turn br$be the la9man 9ho pres$ e o;er the Great (ssembly to pronounce $n fa;our of the ne9 ,a$th!!e;en then the a herents of the ol rel$g$on, 9ere allo9e to perform $ts r$tes $n secret, an t9o ol heathen pract$ces only 9ere e"pressly proh$b$te , the e"posure of $nfants an the eat$ng of horseflesh, for horses 9ere sacre an$mals, an the heathen ate the$r flesh after they ha been solemnly sacr$f$ce to the go s# (s a matter of fact, $t $s far eas$er to change a form of rel$g$on than to e"t$rpate a fa$th# The f$rst $n ee [p# c$$] $s no easy matter, as those stu ents of h$story 9ell =no9, 9ho are acKua$nte 9$th the tenac$ty 9$th 9h$ch a large proport$on of the *ngl$sh nat$on clung to the 0hurch of )ome, long after the +tate ha eclare for the )eformat$on# 1ut to change the fa$th of a 9hole nat$on $n bloc= an bul= on the $nstant, 9as a th$ng contrary to the or $nary 9or=$ng of Pro;$ ence, an un=no9n e;en $n the ays of m$racles, though the ays of m$racles ha long cease 9hen )ome a ;ance aga$nst the North# There $t 9as more pol$t$c to ra$se a cross $n the gro;e 9here the +acre Tree ha once stoo , an to po$nt to the sacre emblem 9h$ch ha supplante the ol ob<ect of nat$onal a orat$on, 9hen the populace came at certa$n seasons 9$th songs an ances to perform the$r heathen r$tes# Near the cross soon rose a church> an both 9ere g$rt by a cemetery, the so$l of 9h$ch 9as oubly sacre as a heathen fane an a 0hr$st$an sanctuary, an 9here alone the bo $es of the fa$thful coul repose $n peace# 1ut the songs an ances, an process$ons $n the churchyar roun the cross,

cont$nue long after 0hr$st$an$ty ha become om$nant# +o also the 9orsh$p of 9ells an spr$ng 9as chr$st$an$se 9hen $t 9as foun $mposs$ble to pre;ent $t# Great churches arose o;er or near them, as at Wals$ngham, 9here an abbey, the hol$est place $n *nglan , after the shr$ne of +t# Thomas at 0anterbury, thre9 $ts ma<est$c sha e o;er the heathen 9$sh$ng!9ell, an the 9orsh$ppers of % $n an the Norn$r 9ere gra ually con;erte $nto ;otar$es of the 2$rg$n -ary# +uch pract$ces form a sub<ect of constant remonstrance an reproof $n the treat$ses an pen$tent$al ep$stles of me $e;al $;$nes, an $n some fe9 [p# c$$$] places an churches, e;en $n *nglan , such r$tes are st$ll yearly celebrate # [L1] +o, too, aga$n 9$th the anc$ent go s# They 9ere cast o9n from honour, but not from po9er# They lost the$r gen$al =$n ly $nfluence as the protectors of men an the or$g$n of all th$ngs goo > but the$r e"$stence 9as tolerate > they became po9erful for $ll, an egenerate $nto mal$gnant emons# Thus the 9orsh$ppers of % $n ha suppose that at certa$n t$mes an rare $nter;als the goo po9ers she9e themsel;es $n bo $ly shape to mortal eye, pass$ng through the lan $n $;$ne progress, br$ng$ng bless$ngs $n the$r tra$n, an rece$;$ng $n return the offer$ngs an homage of the$r grateful ;otar$es# 1ut these 9ere naturally only e"cept$onal $nstances> on or $nary occas$ons the p$ous heathen recogn$se h$s go s s9eep$ng through the a$r $n clou an storm, r$ $ng on the 9$ngs of the 9$n , an spea=$ng $n a9ful accents, as the tempest ho9le an roare , an the sea shoo= h$s 9h$te mane an crest# Nor $ he fa$l to see them $n the ust an $n of battle, 9hen % $n appeare 9$th h$s terr$ble helm, succour$ng h$s o9n, str$=$ng fear $nto the$r foes, an turn$ng the ay $n many a oubtful f$ght> or $n the hurry an uproar of the chase, 9here the m$ghty huntsman on h$s s9$ft stee , seen $n gl$mpses among the trees, too= up the hunt 9here 9eary mortals la$ $t o9n, outstr$ppe them all, an brought the noble Kuarry to the groun # 'oo=$ng up to the stars an hea;en, they sa9 the footsteps of the go s [p# c$;] mar=e out $n the br$ght path of the -$l=y Way> an $n the 1ear they ha$le the 9ar!char$ot of the 9arr$or7s go # The great go esses too, ,r$gga an ,rey<a, 9ere thoroughly ol !fash$one omest$c $;$n$t$es# They help 9omen $n the$r greatest nee , they sp$n themsel;es, they teach the ma$ s to sp$n, an pun$sh them $f the 9ool rema$ns upon the$r sp$n le# They are =$n , an goo , an br$ght, for .ol a, 1ertha, are the ep$thets g$;en to them# (n so, too, th$s mythology 9h$ch, $n $ts aspect to the stranger an the e"ternal 9orl , 9as so ruthless an terr$ble, 9hen loo=e at from 9$th$n an at home, 9as gen$al, an =$n ly, an hearty, an affor s another proof that men, $n all ages an cl$mes, are not so ba as they seem> that after all, peace an not 9ar $s the proper state for man, an that a nat$on may ma=e 9ar on others an e"$st> but that unless $t has peace 9$th$n, an $n ustry at home, $t must per$sh from the face of the earth# 1ut 9hen 0hr$st$an$ty came the 9hole character of th$s goo ly array of $;$n$t$es 9as soure an spo$lt# 3nstea of the stately process$on of the Go , 9h$ch the $ntensely sensuous eye of man $n that early t$me connecte 9$th all the phenomena of nature, the people 9ere le to bel$e;e $n a ghastly gr$sly ban of ghosts, 9ho follo9e an $nfernal 9arr$or or huntsman $n h$ eous tumult through the m$ n$ght a$r# No oubt, as Gr$mm r$ghtly remar=s, [L1] the

heathen ha fon ly fanc$e that the sp$r$ts of those 9ho ha gone to % $n follo9e h$m $n h$s tr$umphant progress e$ther ;$s$bly or $n;$s$bly> that they ro e 9$th h$m $n the 9h$rl9$n , <ust as they follo9e h$m to battle, an feaste [p# c;] 9$th h$m $n 2alhalla> but no9 the 0hr$st$an bel$ef, 9hen $t ha egra e the m$ghty go $nto a emon huntsman, 9ho pursue h$s n$ghtly roun $n chase of human souls, sa9 $n the tra$n of the $nfernal master of the hunt only the spectres of su$c$ es, run=ar s, an ruff$ans> an , 9$th all the unchar$tableness of a ogmat$c fa$th, the sp$r$ts of ch$l ren 9ho $e unbapt$Ce , 9hose har fate ha thro9n them $nto such e;$l company# Th$s 9as the 9ay $n 9h$ch that 9$ esprea superst$t$on arose, 9h$ch sees $n the phantoms of the clou s the shapes of the W$l .untsman an h$s accurse cre9, an bears, $n spr$ng an autumn n$ghts, 9hen sea!fo9l ta=e the 9$ng to fly e$ther south or north, the strange accents an uncouth yells 9$th 9h$ch the chase $s presse on $n upper a$r# Thus, $n +9e en $t $s st$ll % $n 9ho passes by> $n Denmar= $t $s 4$ng Wal emar7s .unt> $n Nor9ay $t $s (as=ere$ a, that $s (sgar 7s 0ar> $n Germany $t $s Wo e, Wo en, or .ac=elberen , or D$eter$ch of 1ern> $n ,rance $t $s .elleKu$n, or 4$ng .ugo, or 0harles the ,$fth, or, ropp$ng a name altogether, $t $s 'e Gran 2eneur 9ho ranges at n$ght through the ,orest of ,onta$nebleau# Nor 9as *nglan 9$thout her W$l .untsman an h$s ghastly follo9$ng# Ger;ase of T$lbury, $n the t9elfth century, coul tell $t of 4$ng (rthur, roun 9hose m$ghty name the superst$t$on settle $tself, for he ha hear from the foresters ho9, ?on alternate ays, about the full of the moon, one ay at noon the ne"t at m$ n$ght 9hen the moon shone br$ght, a m$ghty tra$n of hunters on horses 9as seen, 9$th bay$ng houn s an blast of horns> an 9hen those hunters 9ere as=e of 9hose company an househol they 9ere, they repl$e 7of (rthur7s#7? We [p# c;$] hear of h$m aga$n $n ?The 0omplaynt of +cotlan ,? that cur$ous compos$t$on attr$bute by some to +$r Da;$ 'yn say of the -ount $n ,$fe, an of G$lmerton $n *ast 'oth$an, pp# 9I, 9A, 9here he says!! (rthur =nycht, he ra$ on nycht, W$th gyl $n spur an can $l lycht#? Nor shoul 9e forget, 9hen cons$ er$ng th$s legen , that story of .erne the .unter, 9ho, ?+omet$me a =eeper here $n W$n sor ,orest, Doth all the 9$nter t$me, at st$ll m$ n$ght, Wal= roun about an oa=, 9$th great ragg7 horns> (n there he blasts the trees, an ta=es the cattle, (n ma=es m$lch!=$ne y$el bloo , an sha=es a cha$n 3n a most h$ eous an rea ful manner#? [L1] (n e;en yet, $n ;ar$ous parts of *nglan , the story of some great man, generally a member of one of the county fam$l$es, 9ho r$;es about the country at n$ght, $s common# Thus, $n War9$c=sh$re, $t $s the ?%ne!han e 1oughton,? 9ho r$;es about $n h$s coach an s$", an ma=es the ben$ghte tra;eller hol gates open for h$m> or $t $s ?'a y +=$p9$th,? 9ho passes through the country at n$ght $n the same manner, Th$s sub<ect m$ght be pursue to much greater length, for popular tra $t$on $s full of such

stor$es> but enough has been sa$ to sho9 bo9 the a9ful presence of a glor$ous Go can be con;erte $nto a gloomy superst$t$on> an , at the same t$me, ho9 the ma<esty of the ol bel$ef str$;es to rescue $tself by cl$ng$ng, $n the popular consc$ousness, to some =$ng or hero, as (rthur or Wal emar, or, fa$l$ng that, to some sKu$re7s fam$ly, as .ac=elberen , [p# c;$$] or the ?one!han e 1oughton,? or e;en to the 4eeper .erne#

% $n an the (es$r then 9ere $spossesse an egra e by our +a;$our an h$s (postles, <ust as they ha of ol thro9n out the ,rost G$ants, an the t9o are m$ngle together, $n me $ae;al Norse tra $t$on, as Trolls an G$ants, host$le al$=e to 0hr$st$an$ty an man# 0hr$st$an$ty ha ta=en possess$on? $n ee , but $t 9as beyon her po9er to =$ll# To th$s half! result the s9$ft corrupt$on of the 0hurch of )ome lent no small a$ # .er octr$nes, as taught by (ugust$ne an 1on$face, by (nschar an +$gfr$ , 9ere comparat$;ely m$l an pure> but she ha scarce s9allo9e the heathen om of the North, much $n the same 9ay as the Wolf 9as to s9allo9 % $n at the ?T9$l$ght of the Go s,? than she fell $nto a ea ly lethargy of fa$th, 9h$ch put $t out of her po9er to $gest her meal# Gregory the +e;enth, electe Pope $n 10I:, tore the clergy from the t$es of omest$c l$fe 9$th a grasp that 9oun e e;ery f$bre of natural affect$on, an ma e $t blee to the ;ery root# W$th the cel$bacy of the clergy he establ$she the h$erarchy of the 0hurch, but her labours as a m$ss$onary church 9ere o;er# .enceforth she 9or=e not by m$ss$onar$es an apostles, but by crusa es an bulls# No9 she ra$se m$ghty armaments to reco;er the barren so$l of the .oly +epulchre, or to ann$h$late heret$c (lb$genses# No9 she establ$she great or ers, Templars an .osp$tallers, 9hose pr$ e an lu"ury an pomp brought s9$ft estruct$on on one at least of those fratern$t$es# No9 she became feu al!!she o9ne lan $nstea of hearts, an forgot that the true patr$mony of +t# Peter 9as the souls of men# No 9on er that, 9$th the barbar$sm of the t$mes, she soon [p# c;$$$] fulf$lle the (postle7s 9or s, ?+he that l$;eth $n lu"ury $s ea 9h$le she l$;eth,? an became f$lle 9$th $ le superst$t$ons an ;a$n bel$efs# No 9on er, then, that $nstea of complet$ng her conKuest o;er the heathen, an carry$ng out the$r con;ers$on, she became half heathen herself> that she a opte the tales an tra $t$ons of the ol mythology, 9h$ch she ha ne;er been able to e"t$rpate, an relate them of our 'or an h$s (postles# No 9on er, then, that ha;$ng aban one her m$ss$on of be$ng the f$rst po9er of $ntell$gence on earth, she fell l$=e 'uc$fer 9hen the m$st of me $e;al feu al$sm rolle a9ay, an the l$ght of learn$ng an e ucat$on returne !!fell before the $n $gnat$on of enl$ghtene men, 9or=$ng upon popular op$n$on# +$nce 9h$ch ay, though she has change her plans, an remo elle her superst$t$ons to su$t the t$mes, she has ne;er rega$ne the supremacy 9h$ch, $f she ha been 9$se $n a true sense, she seeme est$ne to hol for e;er# ,ootnotes Pl"""$/1 ?The Dee s of 1og a Gesser 0ham,? by 3# 5# +chm$ t, Petersburg an 'e$pC$g, 1A:9# Pl"""$$/1 %"for *ssays for 1ABA/ ?The Norsemen $n 3celan #?

Pc$$$/1 +ee (nec # an Tra #, 0am # +oc# 1A:9, pp# 98 fol# +ee also the passages from (nglo!+a"on la9s aga$nst ?9ell!9a=$ng,? 9h$ch Gr$mm has collecte , D# -#, p# BB0# Pc$;/1 D# -#, p# 900# Wuten es heer# Pc;$/1 -erry W$;es of W$n sor, (ct $;# sc# 4# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

N%)+* P%P&'() T('*+# The prece $ng obser;at$ons 9$ll ha;e g$;en a suff$c$ent account of the mythology of the Norsemen, an of the 9ay $n 9h$ch $t fell# They came from the *ast, an brought that common stoc= of tra $t$on 9$th them# +ettle $n the +can $na;$an pen$nsula, they e;elope themsel;es through .eathen$sm, )oman$sm, an 'utheran$sm, $n a local$ty l$ttle e"pose to fore$gn $nfluence, so that e;en no9 the Daleman $n Nor9ay or +9e en may be rec=one among the most pr$m$t$;e e"amples left of peasant l$fe# We shoul e"pect, then, that these Popular Tales, 9h$ch, for the sa=e of those $gnorant $n such matters, [p# c$"] $t may be remar=e , ha ne;er been collecte or re uce to 9r$t$ng t$ll 9$th$n the last fe9 years, 9oul present a fa$thful p$cture of the nat$onal consc$ousness, or, perhaps, to spea= more correctly, of that half consc$ousness out of 9h$ch the heart of any people spea=s $n $ts abun ance# 1es$ es those 9orl !ol aff$n$t$es an pr$me;al parallel$sms, bes$ es those reamy recollect$ons of $ts ol home $n the *ast, 9h$ch 9e ha;e alrea y po$nte out, 9e shoul e"pect to f$n $ts later h$story, after the great m$grat$on, st$ll more $st$nctly reflecte > to $sco;er heathen go s mas=e $n the garb of 0hr$st$an sa$nts> an thus to see a proof of our assert$on abo;e, that a nat$on more eas$ly changes the form than the essence of $ts fa$th, an cl$ngs 9$th a toughness 9h$ch en ures for centur$es to 9hat $t has once learne to bel$e;e# 3n all mytholog$es, the tra$t of all others 9h$ch most commonly occurs, $s that of the escent of the Go s to earth, 9here, $n human form, they m$" among mortals, an occupy themsel;es 9$th the$r affa$rs, e$ther out of a sp$r$t of a ;enture, or to try the hearts of men# +uch a concept$on $s shoc=$ng to the 0hr$st$an not$on of the omn$potence an omn$presence of Go > but 9e Kuest$on $f there be not t$mes 9hen the most p$ous an perfect 0hr$st$an may not f$n comfort an rel$ef from a fallacy 9h$ch 9as a matter of fa$th $n less enl$ghtene cree s, an o;er 9h$ch the apostle, 9r$t$ng to the .ebre9s, thro9s the sanct$on of h$s author$ty, so for as angels are concerne # [L1] Nor coul he ha;e forgotten those 9or s of [p# c"] the men of 'ystra,!!?The go s are come o9n to us $n the l$=eness of men>? an ho9 they calle ?1arnabas 5up$ter,? an h$mself -ercury, ?because he 9as the ch$ef spea=er#? 0lass$cal mythology $s full of such

stor$es# These 9an er$ngs of the go s are ment$one $n the % yssey, an the sanct$ty of the r$tes of hosp$tal$ty, an the rea of turn$ng a stranger from the oor, too= $ts or$g$n from a fear lest the 9ayfar$ng man shoul be a $;$n$ty $n $sgu$se# (ccor $ng to the Gree= story, %r$on o9e h$s b$rth to the fact that the ch$l less .yr$eus, h$s repute father, ha once rece$;e una9ares Geus, Pose$ on, an .ermes, or, to call them by the$r 'at$n names, 5up$ter, Neptune, an -ercury# 3n the beaut$ful story of Ph$lemon an 1auc$s, 5up$ter an -ercury re9ar the age couple 9ho ha so hosp$tably rece$;e them by 9arn$ng them of the approach$ng eluge# The fables of Phae rus an (esop represent -ercury an Demeter as 9an er$ng an en<oy$ng the hosp$tal$ty of men# 3n 3n $a $t $s 1rahm an 2$shnu 9ho generally 9an er# 3n the * a, % $n, 'o=$, an .oen$r thus roam about, or Thor, Th$alf$, an 'o=$# +omet$mes % $n appears alone as a horseman, 9ho turns $n at n$ght to the sm$th7s house, an gets h$m to shoe h$s horse,!!a legen 9h$ch rem$n s us at once of the -aster!+m$th# [L1] +omet$mes $t $s Thor 9$th h$s great hammer 9ho 9an ers thus alone# No9, let us turn from heathen to 0hr$st$an t$mes, an these ol legen s of 9an er$ng go s $n a [p# c"$] ne9 ress# Throughout the -$ le (ge, $t $s our blesse 'or an +t# Peter that thus 9an er> an here 9e see that half! $geste heathen om to 9h$ch 9e ha;e allu e # Those 9ho may be shoc=e at such tales $n th$s collect$on as ?The -aster!+m$th? an ?Gertru e7s 1$r ,? must <ust remember that these are almost purely heathen tra $t$ons $n 9h$ch the names alone are 0hr$st$an> an $f $t be any consolat$on to any to =no9 the fact, 9e may as 9ell state at once that th$s a aptat$on of ne9 names to ol bel$efs $s not pecul$ar to the Norsemen, but $s foun $n all the popular tales of *urope# Germany 9as full of them, an there +t# Peter often appears $n a snapp$sh lu $crous gu$se, 9h$ch rem$n s the rea er ;erse $n Norse mythology 9$th the tr$c=s an pran=s of the sh$fty 'o=$# 3n the Norse tales he thoroughly preser;es h$s sa$ntly character# Nor 9as $t only go s that 9al=e among men# 3n the Norse mythology, ,r$gga, % $n7s 9$fe, 9ho =ne9 beforehan all that 9as to happen, an ,rey<a, the go ess of lo;e an plenty, 9ere prom$nent f$gures, an often tro the earth> the three Norns or ,ates, 9ho s9ay the 9e$r s of men, an sp$n the$r est$n$es at -$m$rs7 9ell of =no9le ge, 9ere a9ful, ;enerable po9ers, to 9hom the heathen 9orl loo=e up 9$th lo;e an a orat$on an a9e# To that lo;e an a orat$on an a9e, throughout the -$ le (ge, one 9oman, transf$gure $nto a $;$ne shape, succee e by a sort of natural r$ght, an roun the 2$rg$n -ary7s blesse hea a halo of lo;ely tales of $;$ne help beams 9$th soft ra $ance as a cro9n beKueathe to her by the anc$ent go esses# +he appears as $;$ne mother, sp$nner, an helpful ;$rg$n M;$erge secourableN# ,lo9ers an plants bear her name# 3n *nglan one of our commonest an [p# c"$$] prett$est $nsects $s st$ll calle after her, but 9h$ch belonge ,rey<a, the heathen ?'a y,? long before the Western nat$ons ha to a ore the name of the mother of 5esus# [L1] to learne loo= at some of

The rea er of these Tales 9$ll meet, $n that of ?The 'ass$e an her Go mother,? Dpage 1AAE, 9$th the 2$rg$n -ary $n a truly myth$c character,

as the ma<est$c guar $an of sun, moon, an stars, comb$ne 9$th, that of a helpful, =$n ly 9oman, 9ho, 9h$le she =no9s ho9 to pun$sh a fault, =no9s also ho9 to reconc$le an forg$;e# The Norseman7s go 9as a go of battles, an ;$ctory h$s greatest g$ft to men> but th$s 9as not the only aspect un er 9h$ch the Great ,ather 9as re;ere # Not ;$ctory $n the f$ght alone, but e;ery other goo g$ft came o9n from h$m an the (es$r# % $n7s supreme 9$ll 9as that treasure!house of bounty to9ar s 9h$ch, $n one shape or the other, all mortal es$res turne , an out of $ts abun ance sho9ers of mercy an streams of $;$ne fa;our constantly poure o9n to refresh the 9eary race of men# (ll these bless$ngs an merc$es, nay, the$r ;ery source $tself, the anc$ent language boun up $n a s$ngle 9or , [p# c"$$$] 9h$ch, ho9e;er e"press$;e $t may st$ll be, has lost much of the fulness of $ts mean$ng $n $ts escent to these later t$mes# Th$s 9or 9as ?W$sh,? 9h$ch or$g$nally meant the perfect $ eal, the actual fru$t$on of all <oy an es$re, an not, as no9, the empty long$ng for the ob<ect of our es$res# ,rom th$s or$g$nal abstract mean$ng $t 9as but a step to pass to the concrete, to person$fy the $ ea, to ma=e $t an $mmortal essence, an attr$bute of the $;$n$ty, another name for the greatest of all Go s h$mself# (n so 9e f$n a host of passages $n early 9r$ters, [L1] $n e;ery one of 9h$ch ?Go ? or ?% $n? m$ght be subst$tute for ?W$sh? 9$th perfect propr$ety# .ere 9e rea ho9 ?The W$sh? has han s, feet, po9er, s$ght, to$l, an art# .o9 he 9or=s an labours, shapes an masters, $ncl$nes h$s ear, th$n=s, s9ears, curses, an re<o$ces, a opts ch$l ren, an ta=es melt $nto h$s house> beha;es, $n short, as a be$ng of boun less po9er an $nf$n$te free!9$ll# +t$ll more, he re<o$ces $n h$s o9n 9or=s as $n a ch$l , an thus appears $n a thoroughly patr$archal po$nt of ;$e9, as the 'or of creat$on, glory$ng $n h$s han $9or=, as the father of a fam$ly $n early t$mes 9as gla at heart 9hen he rec=one h$s ch$l ren as arro9s $n h$s Ku$;er, an behel h$s house full of a long l$ne of reta$ners an epen ants# ,or th$s attr$bute of the Great ,ather, for % $n as the Go of W$sh, the * a uses the 9or ?%s=$,? 9h$ch l$terally e"presses the mascul$ne person$f$cat$on of ?W$sh,? an $t passe on an a e the 9or os=, 9$sh, as a pref$" to a number of others, to s$gn$fy that they stoo $n a pecul$ar relat$on to the Great G$;er of all goo # Thus, 9e ha;e os=a!ste$nn, 9$sh$ng!stone, $#e# a stone 9h$ch plays the part of a $;$n$ng!ro , an re;eals secrets an [p# c"$;] h$ en treasure> os=a!byrr, a fa$r 9$n , a 9$n as fa$r as man7s heart coul 9$sh $t> os=!barn an os=a!barn, a ch$l after one7s o9n heart, an a opte ch$l , as 9hen the younger * a tells us that all those 9ho $e $n battle are % $n7s cho$ce!ba$rns, h$s a opte ch$l ren, those on 9hom he has set h$s heart,!!an e"press$on 9h$ch, $n the$r turn, 9as ta=en by the 3celan $c 0hr$st$an 9r$ters to e"press the relat$on e"$st$ng bet9een Go an the bapt$Ce > an , though last, not least, os=a!maer, 9$sh! ma$ ens, another name for the 2al=yr$es!!% $n7s corse!choosers,!!9ho p$c=e out the ea for h$m on the f$el of battle, an 9a$te on the heroes $n 2alhalla# (ga$n, the * a $s f$lle 9$th ?cho$ce th$ngs,? possess$ng some myster$ous po9er of the$r o9n, some ?;$rtue,? as our ol er *ngl$sh 9oul e"press $t, 9h$ch belong to th$s or that go , an are occas$onally lent or lost# Thus, % $n h$mself ha a spear 9h$ch ga;e ;$ctory to those on 9hose s$ e $t 9as hurle > Thor, a hammer 9h$ch

estroye the G$ants, hallo9e ;o9s, an returne of $tself to h$s han # .e ha a strength!belt, too, 9h$ch, 9hen he g$r e $t on, h$s go ! strength 9a"e one!half> ,reyr ha a s9or 9h$ch 9$el e $tself> ,rey<a a nec=lace 9h$ch, l$=e the cestus of 2enus, $nsp$re all hearts 9$th lo;e> ,reyr, aga$n, ha a sh$p calle +=$thblathn$r# ?+he $s so great, that all the (es$r, 9$th the$r 9eapons an 9ar gear, may f$n room on boar her> an as soon as the sa$l $s set, she has a fa$r 9$n 9h$ther she shall go> an 9hen there $s no nee of far$ng on the sea $n her, she $s ma e of so many th$ngs, an 9$th so much craft, that ,reyr may fol her to!ether l$=e a cloth, an =eep her $n h$s bag? [L1] [p# c";] %f th$s =$n , too, 9as the r$ng ?Dropper? 9h$ch % $n ha , an from 9h$ch t9el;e other r$ngs roppe e;ery n$ght> the apples 9h$ch 3 un, one of the Go esses, ha , an of 9h$ch, so soon as the (es$r ate, they became young aga$n> the helm 9h$ch %eg$r, the sea g$ant ha , 9h$ch struc= terror $nto all antagon$sts l$=e the (eg$s of (thene> an that 9on erful m$ll 9h$ch the myth$cal ,ro $ o9ne , of 9h$ch 9e shall shortly spea=# No9, let us see 9hat traces of th$s great go ?W$sh? an h$s cho$ce! ba$rns an 9$sh$ng!th$ngs 9e can f$n $n these Tales, fa$nt echoes of a m$ghty heathen ;o$ce, 9h$ch once procla$me the goo ness of the great ,ather $n the bless$ngs 9h$ch he besto9e on h$s chosen sons# We shall not ha;e long to see=# 3n tale No# ""#, Dpage 1:1E, 9hen +hortshan=s meets those three ol croo=bac=e hags 9ho ha;e only one eye, 9h$ch he snaps up, an gets f$rst a s9or ?that puts a 9hole army to fl$ght, be $t e;er so great#? We ha;e the ?one!eye % $n,? egenerate $nto an ol hag, or rather!!by no uncommon process!!9e ha;e an ol 9$tch fuse by popular tra $t$on $nto a m$"ture of % $n an the three Norn$r# (ga$n, 9hen he gets that 9on rous sh$p ?9h$ch can sa$l o;er fresh 9ater an salt 9ater, an o;er h$gh h$lls an eep ales,? an 9h$ch $s so small that he can put $t $nto h$s poc=et, an yet, 9hen he came to use $t, coul hol f$;e hun re men, 9e ha;e pla$nly the +=$thblathn$r of the * a to the ;ery l$fe# +o also $n ?The 1est W$sh,? Dpage 8B8E, the 9hole groun 9or= of th$s story rests on th$s ol bel$ef> an 9hen 9e meet that pa$r of ol sc$ssors 9h$ch cuts all manner of f$ne clothes out of the a$r, that tablecloth 9h$ch co;ers $tself 9$th the best $shes you coul th$n= of, as soon as $t 9as sprea out, an that [p# c";$] tap 9h$ch, as soon as $t 9as turne , poure out the best of mea an 9$ne, 9e ha;e pla$nly another form of ,ro $7s 9$sh$ng!Kuern,!!another recollect$on of those th$ngs of cho$ce about 9h$ch the ol mythology has so much to tell# %f the same =$n are the tablecloth, the ram, an the st$c= $n ?The 'a 9ho 9ent to the North W$n ,? Dpage 88AE, an the r$ngs $n ?The Three Pr$ncesses of Wh$te lan ,? Dpage 1A1E, an $n ?+or$a -or$a 0astle,? Dpage :9FE# 3n the f$rst of those stor$es, too, 9e f$n those ?three brothers? 9ho ha;e stoo on a moor ?these hun re years f$ght$ng about a hat, a cloa=, an a pa$r of boots,? 9h$ch ha the ;$rtue of ma=$ng h$m 9ho 9ore them $n;$s$ble> cho$ce th$ngs 9h$ch 9$ll aga$n rem$n the rea er of the N$belungen '$e , of the 9ay $n 9h$ch +$egfr$e became possesse of the famous hoar of gol , an ho9 he got that ?cap of ar=ness? 9h$ch 9as so useful to h$m $n h$s rema$n$ng e"plo$ts# +o aga$n $n ?The 1lue 1elt,? Dpage 1BBE, 9hat $s that belt 9h$ch, 9hen the boy

g$r e $t on, ?he fell as strong as $f he coul l$ft the 9hole h$ll,? but Thor7s ?cho$ce!belt>? an 9hat $s the ar$ng boy h$mself, 9ho o;ercomes the Troll, but Thor h$mself, as engage $n one of h$s a ;entures 9$th the G$ants@ +o, too, $n ?'$ttle (nn$e the Goose!g$rl,? Dpage 414E, the stone 9h$ch tells the Pr$nce all the secrets of h$s br$ es $s pla$nly the ol %s=aste$n, or ?9$sh$ng!stone#? These $nstances 9$ll suff$ce to she9 the prolonge fa$th $n ?W$sh,? an h$s cho$ce th$ngs> a bel$ef 9h$ch, though so eeply roote $n the North, 9e ha;e alrea y trace to $ts home $n the *ast, 9hence $t stretches $tself from pole to pole, an reappears $n e;ery race# We recogn$se $t $n the 9$sh$ng!cap of ,ortunatus, 9h$ch $s a 0elt$c legen > $n the cornucop$a of the )omans> [p# c";$$] $n the goat (malthea among, the Gree=s> $n the 9$sh$ng!co9 an 9$sh$ng! tree of the .$n oos> $n the pump=$n!tree of the West 3n $an (nanC$ stor$es> $n the co9 of the +er;$an legen s, 9ho sp$ns yarn out of her ear> $n the +ampo of the ,$nns> an $n all those stor$es of cups, an glasses, an horns, an r$ngs, an s9or s, se$Ce by some hol sp$r$t $n the m$ st of a fa$ry re;el, or earne by some =$n ee ren ere by mortal han to one of the? goo fol=? $n her hour of nee , an 9$th 9h$ch the ?luc=? [L1] of that mortal7s house 9as e;er after9ar s boun up> stor$es 9$th 9h$ch the local tra $t$ons of all lan s are full, but 9h$ch all pay unconsc$ous homage to the 9orsh$p of that great Go , to 9hom so many heathen hearts so often turne as the $;$ne real$ser of the$r prayers, an the g$;er of all goo th$ngs, unt$l they came at last to ma=e an $ ol out of the$r hopes an prayers, an to $mmortal$se the ;ery ?W$sh? $tself# (ga$n, of all bel$efs, that $n 9h$ch man has, at all t$mes of h$s h$story, been most prone to set fa$th, $s that of a gol en age of peace an plenty, 9h$ch ha passe a9ay, but 9h$ch m$ght be e"pecte to return# +uch a per$o 9as loo=e for 9hen (ugustus close the temple of 5anus, an peace, though perhaps not plenty, re$gne o;er 9hat the prou )oman calle the hab$table 9orl # +uch a per$o the early 0hr$st$an e"pecte 9hen the +a;$our 9as born, $n the re$gn of that ;ery (ugustus> an such a per$o , some, 9hose thoughts are more set on earth than hea;en, ha;e hope for e;er s$nce, 9$th a hope 9h$ch, though eferre for e$ghteen centur$es, has not ma e the$r hearts [p# c";$$$] s$c=# +uch a per$o of peace an plenty, such a gol en t$me, the Norseman coul tell of $n h$s myth$c ,ro $7s re$gn, 9hen gol or ,ro $7s meal, as $t 9as calle , 9as so plent$ful that gol en armlets lay untouche from year7s en to year7s en on the =$ng7s h$gh9ay, an the f$el s bore crops unso9n# .ere, $n *nglan , the (nglo!+a"on 1e e [L1] =ne9 ho9 to tell the same story of * 9$n, the Northumbr$an =$ng, an 9hen (lfre came to be myth$c, the same legen 9as passe on from * 9$n to the West +a"on monarch# The remembrance of ?the bount$ful ,ro $? echoe $n the songs of German poets long after the story 9h$ch ma e h$m so bount$ful ha been forgotten> but the Norse +=al s coul tell not only the story of ,ro $7s 9ealth an bounty, but also of h$s o9nfall an ru$n# 3n ,ro $7s house 9ere t9o ma$ ens of that ol g$ant race, ,en<a an -en<a# These aughters of the g$ant he ha bought as sla;es, an he ma e them gr$n h$s Kuern or han !m$ll, Grott$, out of 9h$ch he use to gr$n peace an gol # *;en $n that gol en age one sees there 9ere sla;es, an ,ro $, ho9e;er bount$ful to h$s thanes an people, 9as a har tas=master to h$s g$ant han ma$ ens#

.e =ept them to the m$ll, nor ga;e them longer rest than the cuc=oo7s note laste , or they coul s$ng a song# 1ut that Kuern 9as such that $t groun anyth$ng that the gr$n er chose, though unt$l then $t ha groun noth$ng but gol an peace# +o the ma$ ens groun an groun , an one sang the$r p$teous tale $n a stra$n 9orthy of (eschylus as the other 9or=e !!they praye for rest an p$ty, but ,ro $ 9as eaf# Then they turne $n g$ant moo , an [p# c"$"] groun no longer peace an plenty, but f$re an 9ar# Then the Kuern 9ent fast an fur$ous, an that ;ery n$ght came -ys$ng the +ea!ro;er, an sle9 ,ro $ an all h$s men, an carr$e off the Kuern> an so ,ro $7s peace en e # The ma$ ens the +ea!ro;er too= 9$th h$m, an 9hen he got on the h$gh seas he ba e them gr$n salt# +o they groun > an at m$ n$ght they as=e $f he ha not salt enough, but he ba e them st$ll gr$n on# +o they groun t$ll the sh$p 9as full an san=, -ys$ng, ma$ s, an m$ll, an all, an that7s 9hy the sea $s salt# [L1] Perhaps of all the tales $n th$s ;olume, none coul be selecte as better pro;$ng the toughness of a tra $t$onal bel$ef than No# $$#, Dpage AE, 9h$ch tells ?Why the +ea $s +alt#? The not$on of the (rch!enemy of Go an man, of a fallen angel, to 9hom po9er 9as perm$tte at certa$n t$mes for an all!9$se purpose by the Great )uler of the un$;erse, 9as as fore$gn to the heathen om of our ancestors as h$s name 9as outlan $sh an strange to the$r tongue# Th$s not$on 0hr$st$an$ty brought 9$th $t from the *ast> an though $t $s a plant 9h$ch has struc= eep roots, gro9n $storte an a9ry, an borne a b$tter crop of superst$t$on, $t reKu$re all the author$ty of the 0hurch to prepare the so$l at f$rst for $ts recept$on# To the not$on of goo necessar$ly follo9s that of e;$l# The *astern m$n , 9$th $ts %rmuC an (hr$man, $s full of such ual$sm, an from that hour, 9hen a more than mortal eye sa9 +atan fall$ng l$=e l$ghtn$ng from hea;en, [L8] the =$ng om of ar=ness, the abo e of +atan an h$s ba sp$r$ts, 9as [p# c""] establ$she $n $rect oppos$t$on to the =$ng om of the +a;$our an h$s angels# The North ha $ts o9n not$on on th$s po$nt# 3ts mythology 9as not 9$thout $ts o9n ar= po9ers> but though they too 9ere e<ecte an $spossesse , they, accor $ng to that mythology, ha r$ghts of the$r o9n# To them belonge all the un$;erse that ha not been se$Ce an recla$me by the younger race of % $n an (es$r> an though th$s upstart ynasty, as the ,rost G$ants $n Promethean phrase 9oul ha;e calle $t, 9ell =ne9 that .el, one of th$s g$ant progeny, 9as fate to o them all m$sch$ef, an to outl$;e them, they too= her an ma e her Kueen of N$flhe$m, an m$stress o;er n$ne 9orl s# There, $n a b$tterly col place, she rece$;e the souls of all 9ho $e of s$c=ness or ol age> care 9as her be , hunger her $sh, star;at$on her =n$fe# .er 9alls 9ere h$gh an strong, an her bolts an bars huge> ?.alf blue 9as her s=$n, an half the colour of human flesh# ( go ess easy to =no9, an $n all th$ngs ;ery stern an gr$m#? [L1] 1ut though se;ere, she 9as not an e;$l sp$r$t# +he only rece$;e those 9ho $e as no Norseman 9$she to $e# ,or those 9ho fell on the gory battle!f$el , or san= beneath the 9a;es, 2alhalla 9as prepare , an en less m$rth an bl$ss 9$th % $n# Those 9ent to .el, 9ho 9ere rather unfortunate than 9$c=e , 9ho $e before they coul be =$lle # 1ut 9hen 0hr$st$an$ty came $n an e<ecte % $n an h$s cre9 of false $;$n$t$es, eclar$ng them to be ly$ng go s an emons, then .el

fell 9$th the rest> but fulf$l l$ng her fate, outl$;e them# ,rom a person she became a place, an all the Northern nat$ons, from the Goth to [p# c""$] the Norseman, agree $n bel$e;$ng .ell to be the abo e of the e;$l an h$s 9$c=e sp$r$ts, the place prepare from the beg$nn$ng for the e;erlast$ng torments of the amne # %ne cur$ous fact connecte 9$th th$s e"planat$on of .ell7s or$g$n 9$ll not escape the rea er7s attent$on# The 0hr$st$an not$on of .ell $s that of a place of heat, for $n the *ast, 9hence 0hr$st$an$ty came, heat $s often an $ntolerable torment, an col , on the other han , e;eryth$ng that $s pleasant an el$ghtful# 1ut to the 9eller $n the North, heat br$ngs 9$th $t sensat$ons of <oy an comfort, an l$fe 9$thout f$re has a reary outloo=> so the$r .el rule $n a col reg$on o;er those 9ho 9ere co9ar s by $mpl$cat$on, 9h$le the mea !cup 9ent roun , an huge logs blaCe an crac=le $n 2alhalla, for the bra;e an beaut$ful 9ho ha are to $e on the f$el of battle# 1ut un er 0hr$st$an$ty the e"tremes of heat an col ha;e met, an .el, the col uncomfortable go ess, $s no9 our .ell, 9here flames an f$re aboun , an 9here the e;$ls ab$ e $n e;erlast$ng flame# +t$ll, popular tra $t$on $s tough, an e;en after centur$es of 0hr$st$an teach$ng, the Norse peasant, $n h$s popular tales, can st$ll tell of .ell as a place 9here f$re9oo $s 9ante at 0hr$stmas, an o;er 9h$ch a certa$n a$r of comfort breathes, though, as $n the Go ess .el7s halls, meat $s scarce# The follo9$ng passage from ?Why the +ea $s +alt,? Dpage AE, 9$ll suff$c$ently pro;e th$s/!! ?Well, here $s the fl$tch,? sa$ to .ell#? the r$ch brother, ?an no9 go stra$ght the other> so he

?What 3 ha;e g$;en my 9or to o, 3 must st$c= to,? sa$ too= the fl$tch an set off# .e 9al=e [p# c""$$] the 9hole l$ght# ay, an at

us= he came to a place 9here he sa9 a ;ery br$ght

?-aybe th$s $s the place,? sa$ the man to h$mself# +o he turne as$ e, an the f$rst th$ng he sa9 9as an ol , ol man, 9$th a long 9h$te bear , 9ho stoo $n an outhouse, he9$ng 9oo for the 0hr$stmas f$re# ?Goo e;en,? sa$ the man 9$th the fl$tch# the man# the poor

?The same to you> 9h$ther are you go$ng so late@? sa$

?%hO 37m go$ng to .ell, $f 3 only =ne9 the r$ght 9ay,? ans9ere man#

?Well, you7re not far 9rong, for th$s $s .ell,? sa$ the ol man# ?When you get $ns$ e they 9$ll be all for buy$ng your fl$tch, for meat $s scarce $n .ell> but m$n you on7t sell $t unless you get the han !Kuern 9h$ch stan s beh$n the oor for $t# When you come out, 37ll teach you ho9 to han le the Kuern, for $t7s goo to gr$n almost anyth$ng#? Th$s, too, $s the proper place to e"pla$n the conclus$on of that $ntensely heathen tale, ?The -aster!+m$th,? Dpage 10BE# We ha;e alrea y

seen ho9 the +a;$our an +t# Peter supply, $n $ts beg$nn$ng, the place of % $n an some other heathen go # 1ut 9hen the +m$th sets out 9$th the feel$ng that he has one a s$lly th$ng, $n Kuarrell$ng 9$th the De;$l, ha;$ng alrea y lost h$s hope of hea;en, th$s tale assumes a st$ll more heathen shape# (ccor $ng to the ol not$on, those 9ho 9ere not % $n7s guests 9ent e$ther to Thor7s house, 9ho ha all the thralls, or to ,rey<a, 9ho e;en cla$me a th$r part of the sla$n on e;ery battlef$el 9$th % $n, or to .el, the col comfortless go ess alrea y ment$one , 9ho 9as st$ll no tormentor, though she rule o;er n$ne 9orl s, an though her 9alls 9ere h$gh, [p# c""$$$] an her bolts an bars huge> tra$ts 9h$ch come out $n ?The -aster!+m$th,? Dpage 10BE, 9hen the De;$l, 9ho here assumes .el7s place, or ers the 9atch to go bac= an loc= up all the n$ne loc=s on the gates of .ell!!a loc= for each of the go esses7 n$ne 9orl s!!an to put a pa loc= on bes$ es# 3n the t9$l$ght bet9een heathen om an 0hr$st$an$ty, $n that half!0hr$st$an half!heathen consc$ousness 9h$ch th$s tale re;eals, hea;en $s the preferable abo e, as 2alhalla 9as of yore, but rather than be 9$thout a house to one7s hea after eath, .ell 9as not to be esp$se > though, ha;$ng beha;e $ll to the ruler of one, an actually Kuarrelle 9$th the master of the other, the +m$th 9as naturally an"$ous on the matter# Th$s not$on of $fferent abo es $n another 9orl , not necessar$ly places of torment, comes out too $n ?Not a P$n to choose bet9een them,? Dpage 1I:E# 9here Peter, the secon husban of the s$lly Goo y, goes about begg$ng from house to house $n Para $se# ,or the rest, 9hene;er the De;$l appears $n these tales, $t $s not at all as the (rch!enemy, as the subtle sp$r$t of the 0hr$st$an7s fa$th, but rather as one of the ol G$ants, supernatural an host$le $n ee to man, but s$mple an eas$ly ece$;e by a cunn$ng reprobate, 9hose super$or $ntell$gence he learns to rea , for 9hom he feels h$mself no match, an 9hom, f$nally, he 9$ll rece$;e $n .ell at no pr$ce# We shall ha;e to not$ce some other character$st$cs of th$s race of g$ants a l$ttle further on, but certa$nly no greater proof can be g$;en of the small hol 9h$ch the 0hr$st$an De;$l has ta=en of the Norse m$n , than the heathen aspect un er 9h$ch he constantly appears, an the lu $crous 9ay $n 9h$ch he $s al9ays out9$tte # [p# c""$;] We ha;e seen ho9 our 'or an the sa$nts succee e to % $n an h$s ch$l ren $n the stor$es 9h$ch tol of the$r 9an er$ngs on earth to 9arn the 9$c=e , or to help the goo > 9e ha;e seen ho9 the =$n l$ness an helpfulness of the anc$ent go esses fell l$=e a royal mantle roun the form of the 2$rg$n -ary# We ha;e seen, too, on the other han , ho9 the process$on of the (lm$ghty Go egenerate $nto the $nfernal m$ n$ght hunt# We ha;e no9 to see 9hat became of the rest of the po9er of the go esses, of all that m$ght 9h$ch 9as not absorbe $nto the glory of the blesse 2$rg$n# We shall not ha;e far to see=# No rea er of early me $e;al chron$cles an sermons can fa$l to ha;e been struc= 9$th many passages 9h$ch ascr$be ma<esty an po9er to be$ngs of 9oman7s se"# No9 $t $s a heathen go ess as D$ana> no9 some half!h$stor$cal character as 1ertha> no9 a myth$cal be$ng as .ol a> no9 .ero $as> no9 +at$a> no9 Dom$na (bun $a, or Dame .abon e# [L1] ( ;ery short $n;est$gat$on 9$ll ser;e

[p# c"";] to $ ent$fy the t9o anc$ent go esses ,r$gga an ,rey<a 9$th all these lea ers of a m$ n$ght host# 5ust as % $n 9as ban$she from ay to ar=ness, so the t9o great heathen go esses, fuse $nto one ?uncanny? shape, 9ere suppose to r$ e the a$r at n$ght# -e $e;al chron$clers, 9r$t$ng $n bastar 'at$n, an follo9$ng the e"ample of class$cal authors, 9hen they ha to f$n a name for th$s emon!go ess, chose, of course, D$ana the heathen huntress> the moon!go ess> an the ruler of the n$ght# 3n the same 9ay, 9hen they thre9 % $n7s name $nto a 'at$n shape, he, the go of 9$t an 9$ll, as 9ell as po9er an ;$ctory, became -ercury# (s for .ero $as!!not the mother, but the aughter 9ho ance !!she must ha;e ma e a eep $mpress$on on the m$n of the early -$ le (ge, for she 9as suppose to ha;e been curse after the behea $ng of 5ohn the 1apt$st, an to ha;e gone on anc$ng for e;er# When heathen om fell, she became confoun e 9$th the anc$ent Go esses, an thus 9e f$n [p# c"";$] her, somet$mes among the cre9 of the W$l .untsman> somet$mes, as 9e see $n the passages belo9, $n company 9$th, or $n the place of D$ana, .ol a, +at$a, an (bun $a, at the hea of a be;y of 9omen, 9ho met at certa$n places to celebrate unholy r$tes an myster$es# (s for .ol a, +at$a, an (bun $a, ?the =$n ,? ?the sat$sfy$ng,? an ?the abun ant,? they are pla$nly names of goo rather than e;$l po9ers> they are anc$ent ep$thets ra9n from the bounty of the ?Goo 'a y,? an attest the feel$ng of respect 9h$ch st$ll clung to them $n the popular m$n # (s 9as the case 9hene;er 0hr$st$an$ty 9as brought $n, the country fol=, al9ays a;erse to change, as compare 9$th the more l$;ely an $ntell$gent 9ellers $n to9ns, [p# c"";$$] st$ll rema$ne more or less heathen, [L1] an to th$s ay they preser;e unconsc$ously many superst$t$ons 9h$ch can be trace up $n l$neal escent to the$r ol bel$ef# 3n many 9ays oes the ol $;$n$ty peep out un er the ne9 superst$t$on!!the long tra$n, the m$ n$ght feast, ?the goo la y? 9ho pres$ es, the bounty an abun ance 9h$ch her ;otar$es fanc$e 9oul follo9 $n her footsteps, all belong to the anc$ent Go ess# -ost cur$ous of all $s the 9ay $n 9h$ch all these tra $t$ons from $fferent countr$es $ns$st on the th$r part of the earth, the th$r ch$l born, the th$r soul as belong$ng to the ?goo la y? 9ho lea s the re;el> for th$s r$ght of a th$r , or e;en of a half, 9as one 9h$ch ,rey<a possesse # ?1ut ,rey<a $s most famous of the (syn<or# +he has that bo9er $n hea;en h$ght ,ol=;angr, an 9h$thersoe;er she r$ eth to the battle, then hath she one! half of the sla$n, but % $n the other half#? (ga$n ?9hen she fares abroa , she r$;es t9o cats an s$ts $n a car, an she len s an easy ear to the prayers of men#? [L8] We ha;e got then the anc$ent go esses $ ent$f$e as e;$l $nfluences, an as the lea er of a m$ n$ght ban of 9omen, 9ho pract$se secret an unholy r$tes# Th$s lea s us at once to 9$tchcraft# 3n all ages an $n all races th$s bel$ef $n sorcery has e"$ste # -en an 9omen pract$se $t al$=e, but $n all t$mes female sorcerers ha;e pre om$nate # [L:] Th$s 9as natural enough# 3n those ays 9omen [p# c"";$$$]

9ere pr$estesses> they collecte rugs an s$mples> Women alone =ne9 the ;$rtues of plants# Those soft han s spun l$nen, ma e l$nt, an boun 9oun s# Women, $n the earl$est t$mes 9$th 9h$ch 9e are acKua$nte 9$th our forefathers, alone =ne9 ho9 to rea an 9r$te, they only coul car;e the myst$c runes, they only coul chant the charms so potent to allay the 9oun e 9arr$or7s smart an pa$n# The men 9ere busy out of oors 9$th plough$ng hunt$ng, barter, an 9ar# 3n such an age the se" 9h$ch possesse by natural r$ght boo=!learn$ng, phys$c, soothsay$ng, an $ncantat$on, e;en 9hen they use these myster$es for goo purposes, 9ere but a step from s$n# The same soft 9h$te han that boun the 9oun an scrape the l$nt> the same gentle ;o$ce that sung the myst$c rune, that helpe the ch$l !bear$ng 9oman, or re9 the arro9!hea from the y$ng champ$on7s breast> the same br$ght eye that gaCe up to hea;en $n ecstasy through the sacre ro;e an rea the 9$ll of the Go s 9hen the myst$c tablets an rune!car;e lots 9ere cast!!all these, $f the 9$ll 9ere ha , $f the soothsayer passe $nto the false prophetess, the leech $nto a po$soner, an the pr$estess $nto a 9$tch, 9ere as potent an terr$ble for $ll as they ha once been po9erful for goo # 3n all the 3n o!*uropean tr$bes, therefore, 9omen, an espec$ally ol 9omen, ha;e pract$se 9$tchcraft from the earl$est t$mes, an 0hr$st$an$ty foun them 9here;er $t a ;ance # 1ut 0hr$st$an$ty, as $t place man=$n upon a h$gher platform of c$;$l$sat$on, $ncrease the e;$l 9h$ch $t foun , an 9hen $t e"pelle the anc$ent go esses, an confoun e them as emons 9$th D$ana an .ero $as, $t a e them an the$r ;otar$es to the ol class of male;olent sorcerers# There 9as but one step, but a s$mple act of the 9$ll, bet9een [p# c""$"] the Norn an the hag, e;en before 0hr$st$an$ty came $n# (s soon as $t came, o9n 9ent Go ess, 2al=yr$e, Norn, pr$estess, an soothsayer, $nto that unholy eep 9here the heathen hags an 9$tches ha the$r be$ng> an , as 0hr$st$an$ty gathere strength, e;elope $ts ogmas, an 9or=e out $ts fa$th, fancy, tra $t$on, leechcraft, po;erty, an $ leness, pro uce that unhappy class, the me $e;al 9$tch, the persecut$on of 9h$ch $s one of the ar=est pages $n rel$g$ous h$story# 3t $s cur$ous $n ee to trace the bel$ef $n 9$tches through the -$ le (ge, an to mar= ho9 $t $ncreases $n $ntens$ty an absur $ty# (t f$rst, as 9e ha;e seen $n the passages Kuote , the superst$t$on seeme comparat$;ely harmless, an though the 9$tches themsel;es may ha;e bel$e;e $n the$r unholy po9er, there 9ere not 9ant$ng $;$nes 9ho too= a common!sense ;$e9 of the matter, an put the absur $ty of the$r pretens$ons to a pract$cal proof# +uch 9as that goo par$sh pr$est 9ho as=e , 9hen an ol 9oman of h$s floc= $ns$ste that she ha been $n h$s house 9$th the company of ?the Goo 'a y,? an ha seen h$m na=e an co;ere h$m up, ?.o9, then, $ you get $n 9hen all the oors 9ere loc=e @? ?We can get $n,? she sa$ , ?e;en $f the oors are loc=e #? Then the pr$est too= her $nto the chancel of the church, loc=e the oor, an ga;e her a soun thrash$ng 9$th the pastoral staff, call$ng out, ?%ut 9$th you, la y 9$tch#? 1ut as she coul not, he sent her home, say$ng, ?+ee no9 ho9 fool$sh you are to bel$e;e $n such empty reams#? [L1] 1ut as the 0hurch [p# c"""] $ncrease $n strength, as heres$es arose, an conseKuent persecut$on, then the secret meet$ngs of these sectar$ans, as 9e shoul no9 call them,

9ere $ ent$f$e by the h$erarchy 9$th the r$tes of sorcery an mag$c, an 9$th the rel$es of the 9orsh$p of the ol go s# 1y the t$me, too, that the h$erarchy 9as establ$she , that bel$ef $n the fallen angel, the (rch! ,$en , the De;$l, or$g$nally so fore$gn to the nat$ons of the West, ha become thoroughly $ngrafte on the popular m$n , an a ne9 element of 9$c=e ness an superst$t$on 9as $ntro uce at those unholy fest$;als# (bout the m$ le of the th$rteenth century, 9e f$n the man$a for persecut$ng heret$cs $n;a $ng the tr$bes of Teuton$c race from ,rance an 3taly, bac=e by all the po9er of the Pope# '$=e <ealousy, persecut$on too often ma=es the meat $t fee s on, an many s$lly, $f not harmless, superst$t$ons 9ere rap$ ly put un er the ban of the 0hurch# No9 the ?Goo 'a y? an her tra$n beg$n to rece e> they only f$ll up the bac=groun , 9h$le the Pr$nce of Dar=ness steps, ar= an terr$ble, $n front, an soon ra9s after h$m the follo9$ng of the anc$ent go ess# No9 9e hear stor$es of emon$ac possess$on> no9 the 9$tches a ore a emon of the other se"# W$th the male element, an $ts harsher, sterner nature, the s$nfulness of these unholy assembl$es $s $nf$n$tely $ncrease > folly becomes gu$lt, an gu$lt cr$me# [L1] [p# c"""$] ,rom the m$ le of the fourteenth to the m$ le of the se;enteenth century the h$story of *urope teems 9$th processes aga$nst 9$tches an sorcerers# 1efore the )eformat$on $t reache $ts he$ght, $n the 0athol$c 9orl , 9$th the famous bull of 3nnocent the *$ghth $n 14A1, the $nfamous -alleus -alef$carum, the f$rst of the long l$st of 9$tch!f$n $ng boo=s, an the Ceal 9$th 9h$ch the +tate lent all the terrors of the la9 to ass$st the eccles$ast$cal $nKu$s$tors# 1efore the tr$bunals of those $nKu$s$tors, $n [p# c"""$$] the f$fteenth century, $nnumerable ;$ct$ms 9ere arra$gne on the ouble charge of heresy an sorcery!!for the cr$mes ran $n couples, both be$ng ch$l ren an s9orn ser;ants of the De;$l# Woul that the h$stor$an coul say that 9$th the era of the )eformat$on these abom$nat$ons cease O The )oman .$erarchy, 9$th her bulls an $nKu$s$tors, ha so9n a b$tter crop, 9h$ch both she an the Protestant 0hurches 9ere est$ne to reap> but $n no part of the 9orl 9ere the labourers more eager an 9$ll$ng, 9hen the f$el s 9ere ?blac=? to har;est, than $n those ;ery reforme commun$t$es 9h$ch ha <ust sha=en off the yo=e of )ome, an 9h$ch ha sprung $n many cases from the ;ery heret$cs 9hom she ha persecute an burnt, accus$ng them, at the same t$me, of the most mal$gnant sorcer$es# [L1] The$r e"cuse $s, that no [p# c"""$$$] one $s before h$s age# The $ntense personal$ty g$;en to the De;$l $n the -$ le (ge ha possesse the 9hole m$n of *urope# We must ta=e them as 9e f$n them, 9$th the$r br$ght fancy, the$r earnest fa$th, the$r stern fanat$c$sm, the$r re;olt$ng superst$t$on, <ust as 9hen 9e loo= upon a p$cture 9e =no9 that those br$ll$ant hues an tones, that sp$r$t 9h$ch $nforms the 9hole, coul ne;er be 9ere $t not for the ;ulgar earths an o$l out of 9h$ch the glor$ous 9or= of art $s m$"e an ma e# +trangely monotonous are all the 9$tch tr$als of 9h$ch *urope has so many to sho9# (t f$rst the accuse en$es, then un er torture she confesses, then relapses an en$es> torture aga$n, she confesses aga$n, ampl$f$es her story, an accuses others# When g$;en to the sta=e, she not sel om

asserts all her confess$ons to be false, 9h$ch $s ascr$be to the po9er 9h$ch the f$en st$ll has o;er her# Then she $s burnt an her ashes g$;en to the 9$n s# Those 9ho 9$sh to rea one, une"ample perhaps for barbar$ty an superst$t$on, an more cur$ous than the rest from the prom$nence g$;en $n $t to a man, may f$n $t $n the tr$al of Dr# ,$an, the +cotch 9$Car , ?9h$ch Doctor 9as reg$ster to the e;$ll, that sun r$e t$mes preache at North 1ar$c=e MNorth 1er9$c=, $n *ast 'oth$anN 4$r=e to a number of notor$ous W$tches#? [L1] 1ut [p# c"""$;] 9e a ;$se no one to ;enture on a perusal of th$s tract 9ho $s not prepare to meet 9$th the most unutterable accusat$ons an cr$mes, the most cruel tortures, an the most absur confess$ons, follo9e as usual by the stoutest en$al of all that ha been confesse > 9hen torture ha one her 9orst on poor human nature, an the soul reasserte at the last her supremacy o;er the bo y# [L1] %ne [p# c""";] character$st$c of all these 9$tch tr$als $s the fact# that $n sp$te of the$r unholy connect$on an $ntr$gues 9$th the *;$l %ne, no 9$tch e;er atta$ne to 9ealth an stat$on by the a$ of the Pr$nce of Dar=ness# The pleasure to o $ll $s all the pleasure they feel# Th$s fact alone m$ght ha;e opene the eyes of the$r persecutors, for $f the De;$l ha the 9orl ly po9er 9h$ch they represente h$m to ha;e, [p# c""";$] he m$ght at least ha;e ra$se se$ne of h$s ;otar$es to temporal ran=, an to the pomps an the ;an$t$es of th$s 9orl # (n ol German pro;erb e"presses th$s notor$ous fact, by say$ng, that ?e;ery se;en years a 9$tch $s three halfpence r$cher>? an so 9$th all the unholy means of .ell at the$r comman , they ragge out the$r l$;es, along 9$th the$r blac= cats, $n po;erty an 9retche ness# To th$s fate at last came the 9orsh$ppers of the great go ess ,rey<a, 9hom our forefathers a ore as the go ess of lo;e an plenty> an 9hose car 9as ra9n by those an$mals 9h$ch popular superst$t$on has e;er s$nce ass$gne to the ?ol 9$tch? of our *ngl$sh ;$llages# The North 9as not free, any more than the rest of the Protestant 9orl , from th$s $reful superst$t$on, 9h$ch ran [p# c""";$$] o;er *urope l$=e a pest$lence $n the s$"teenth century# 3n +9e en espec$ally, the 9$tches an the$r m$ n$ght r$ $ngs to 1lo=ulla, the blac= h$ll, ga;e occas$on to processes as absur an abom$nable as the tr$al of Dr# ,$an an the 9$tch!f$n $ngs of .op=$ns# 3n Denmar=, the sorceresses 9ere suppose to meet at Tromsoe, h$gh up $n ,$nmar=, or e;en on .ecla $n 3celan # The Norse 9$tches met at a 1lo=olle of the$r o9n, or on the Do;refell, or at other places $n Nor9ay or ,$nmar=# (s m$ght be e"pecte , 9e f$n many traces of 9$tchcraft $n these Tales, but $t may be oubte 9hether these may not be referre rather to the ol heathen bel$ef $n such arts st$ll l$nger$ng $n the popular m$n than to the processes of the f$fteenth an s$"teenth centur$es, 9h$ch 9ere far [p# c""";$$$]

more a craCe an man$a of the e ucate classes act$ng un er a m$sta=en rel$g$ous fanat$c$sm aga$nst popular superst$t$ons than a mo;ement ar$s$ng from the mass of the commun$ty# +t$ll, $n the -asterma$ , Dpage I1E, the 9$tch of a s$ster!$n!la9, 9ho ha rolle the apple o;er to the Pr$nce, an so charme h$m, 9as torn to p$eces bet9een t9enty!four horses# The ol Kueen $n ?The 'ass$e an her Go mother,? Dpage 1AAE, tr$es to persua e her son to ha;e the young Kueen burnt al$;e for a 9$c=e 9$tch, 9ho 9as umb, an ha eaten her o9n babes# 3n ?*ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon,? Dpage 88E, $t $s a 9$c=e stepmother 9ho has be9$tche the pr$nce# 3n ?1ushy 1r$ e,? Dpage :88E, the ugly br$ e charms the =$ng to sleep, an $s at last thro9n, 9$th her 9$c=e mother, $nto a p$t full of sna=es# 3n ?The T9el;e W$l Duc=s,? Dpage B1E, the 9$c=e stepmother persua es the =$ng that +no9!9h$te an )osy!re $s a 9$tch, an almost persua es h$m to burn her al$;e# 3n ?Tatterhoo ,? Dpage :4BE, a 9hole troop of 9$tches come to =eep the$r re;els on 0hr$stmas e;e $n the Jueen7s Palace, an snap off the young Pr$ncess7s hea # 3t $s har , $n ee , $n tales 9here Trolls play so great a part, to =eep 9$tch an Troll separate> but the abo;e $nstances 9$ll she9 that the bel$ef $n the one, as $st$nct from the other, e"$sts $n the popular superst$t$ons of the North# The freKuent transformat$on of men $nto beasts, $n these Tales, $s another str$=$ng feature# Th$s po9er the go s of the Norseman possesse $n common 9$th those of all other mytholog$es# *uropa an her 1ull, 'e a an her +9an, 9$ll occur at once to the rea er7s m$n > an to come to closer resemblances, <ust as (thene appears $n the [p# c"""$"] [paragraph cont$nues] % yssey as an eagle or a s9allo9 perche on the roof of the hall, [L1] so % $n fl$es off as a falcon, an 'o=$ ta=es the form of a horse or b$r # Th$s 9as only part of that omn$potence 9h$ch all go s en<oy# 1ut the bel$ef that men, un er certa$n con $t$ons, coul also ta=e the shape of an$mals, $s pr$me;al, an the tra $t$ons of e;ery race can tell of such transformat$ons# .ero otus ha hear ho9 the Neur$ans, a +la;on$c race, passe for 9$Car s amongst the +cyth$ans an the Gree=s settle roun the 1lac= +ea, because each of them, once $n the year, became a 9olf for a fe9 ays, an then returne to h$s natural shape# Pl$ny, Pompon$us -ela, an +t# (ugust$n, $n h$s great treat$se, De 0$;$tate De$, tell the same story, an 2$rg$l $n h$s *clogues has sung the same bel$ef# [L8] The 'at$ns calle such a man a turns=$n,!! ;ers$pell$s, an e"press$on 9h$ch e"actly agrees 9$th the 3celan $c e"press$on for the same th$ng, an 9h$ch $s probably the true or$g$nal of our turncoat# 3n Petron$us the superst$t$on appears $n $ts full shape, an $s 9orth repeat$ng# (t the banKuet of Tr$malch$on, N$ceros g$;es the follo9$ng account of the turns=$ns of Nero7s t$me/!! ?3t happene that my master 9as gone to 0apua to $spose of some secon ! han goo s# 3 too= the opportun$ty an persua e our guest to 9al= 9$th me to the f$fth m$lestone# .e 9as a ;al$ant sol $er, an a sort of gr$m 9ater! r$n=$ng Pluto# (bout coc=!cro9, 9hen the moon 9as sh$n$ng as br$ght as m$ ! ay, 9e came among the monuments# -y [p# c"l] fr$en began a ress$ng h$mself to the stars, but 3 9as rather $n a moo to s$ng or to count them> an 9hen 3 turne to loo= at h$m, loO he ha

alrea y str$ppe h$mself an la$ o9n h$s clothes near h$m# -y heart 9as $n my nostr$ls, an 3 stoo l$=e a ea man> but he 7c$rcumm$n"$t ;est$menta,7 an on a su en became a# 9olf# Do not th$n= 3 <est> 3 9oul not l$e for any man7s estate# 1ut to return to 9hat 3 9as say$ng# When he became a 9olf, he began ho9l$ng, an fle $nto the 9oo s# (t f$rst 3 har ly =ne9 9here 3 9as, an after9ar s, 9hen 3 9ent to ta=e up h$s clothes, they 9ere turne $nto stone# Who then $e 9$th fear but 3@ 6et 3 re9 my s9or , an 9ent cutt$ng the a$r r$ght an left, t$ll 3 reache the ;$lla of my s9eetheart# 3 entere the courtyar # 3 almost breathe my last, the s9eat ran o9n my nec=, my eyes 9ere $m, an 3 thought 3 shoul ne;er reco;er myself# -y -el$ssa 9on ere 9hy 3 9as out so late, an sa$ to me,!!7.a you come sooner you m$ght at least ha;e helpe us, for a 9olf has entere the farm, an 9orr$e all our cattle> but he ha not the best of the <o=e, for all he escape , for our sla;e ran a lance through h$s nec=#7 When 3 hear th$s, 3 coul not oubt ho9 $t 9as, an , as $t 9as clear ayl$ght, ran home as fast as a robbe $nn=eeper# When 3 came to the spot 9here the clothes ha been turne $nto stone, 3 coul f$n noth$ng e"cept bloo # 1ut 9hen 3 got home, 3 foun my fr$en the sol $er $n be , blee $ng at the nec= l$=e an o", an a octor ress$ng h$s 9oun # 3 then =ne9 he 9as a turns=$n> nor 9oul 3 e;er ha;e bro=e brea 9$th h$m aga$n> no, not $f you ha =$lle me#? [L1] [p# c"l$] ( man 9ho ha such a g$ft or gree 9as also calle lycanthropus, a man! 9olf or 9olf!man, 9h$ch term the (nglo!+a"ons translate l$terally $n 0anute7s 'a9s ;ere;ulf, an the early *ngl$sh 9ere9olf# 3n %l ,rench he 9as loupgarou, 9h$ch means the same th$ng> e"cept that garou means man! 9olf $n $tself 9$thout the antece ent loup, so that, as -a en obser;es, the 9hole 9or $s one of those re upl$cat$ons of 9h$ch 9e ha;e an e"ample $n lu=e9arm# 3n 1r$ttany he 9as ble$Cgarou an en;le$C, forme respect$;ely from ble$C, 9olf, an en, man> garou $s merely a $storte form of 9er or ;ere, man an loup# 3n later ,rench the 9or became 9aroul, 9hence the +cotch 9roul, 9url, an 9orl$n# [L1] 3t 9as not l$=ely that a bel$ef so 9$ ely sprea shoul not ha;e e"ten e $tself to the North> an the gra;e assert$ons of %laus -agnus $n the s$"teenth century, $n h$s Treat$se e Gent$bus +eptentr$onal$bus, she9 ho9 common the bel$ef $n 9ere!9ol;es 9as $n +9e en so late as the t$me of Gusta;us 2asa# 3n myth$cal t$mes the 2olsunga +aga [L8] e"pressly states of +$gmun an +$nf<otl$ that they became 9ere!9ol;es,!!9h$ch, 9e may remar=, 9ere % $n7s sacre beasts,!!<ust $n the same 9ay as 1rynh$l r an the 2al=yr$es, or corse!choosers, 9ho follo9e the [p# c"l$$] go of battles to the f$el , an chose the ea for 2alhalla 9hen the f$ght 9as one, became s9an!ma$ ens, an too= the shape of s9ans# 3n e$ther case, the 9olf7s s=$n or the s9an7s feathery co;er$ng 9as assume an la$ as$ e at pleasure, though the 2olun r Ju$ r, $n the * a, an the stor$es of ?The ,a$r -elus$na,? an other me $e;al s9an!ma$ ens, she9 that any one 9ho se$Ce that shape 9h$le thus la$ as$ e, ha po9er o;er $ts 9earer# 3n later t$mes, 9hen th$s ol hero$c bel$ef egenerate $nto the not$on of sorcery, $t 9as suppose that a g$r le of 9olfs=$n thro9n o;er the bo y, or e;en a slap on the face 9$th a 9olfs=$n glo;e, 9oul transform the person upon 9hom the sorcerer pract$se $nto the shape of a ra;en$ng 9olf, 9h$ch fle at once to the 9oo s, 9here he rema$ne $n that shape for a per$o 9h$ch ;ar$e $n popular bel$ef for n$ne ays, three,

se;en, or n$ne years# Wh$le $n th$s state he 9as espec$ally ra;enous after young ch$l ren, 9hom he carr$e off as the 9ere!9olf carr$e off W$ll$am $n the ol romance, though all 9ere!9ol;es $ not treat the$r prey 9$th the same ten erness as that 9ere!9olf treate W$ll$am# 1ut the fa;our$te 9e may <u ge from =$ng of all the$r of great respect# beast for Norse transformat$ons $n h$stor$c t$mes, $f the e;$ ence affor e by the +agas, 9as the bear, the beasts, 9hose strength an sagac$ty ma e h$m an ob<ect [L1]

Th$s ol bel$ef, then, m$ght be e"pecte to be foun $n these Norse Tales, an accor $ngly 9e f$n men forme $n them $nto ;ar$ous beasts# %f ol these transformat$ons, [p# c"l$$$] as 9e ha;e alrea y state , 9ere act$;e, $f 9e may use the e"press$on, as 9ell as pass$;e# ( man 9ho possesse the g$ft freKuently assume the shape of a beast at h$s o9n 9$ll an pleasure, l$=e the sol $er $n Petron$us, *;en no9 $n Nor9ay, $t $s matter of popular bel$ef that ,$nns an 'apps, 9ho from t$me $mmemor$al ha;e passe for the most s=$lful 9$tches an 9$Car s $n the 9orl , can at 9$ll assume the shape of bears> an $t $s a common th$ng to say of one of those beasts, 9hen be gets unusually sa;age an ar$ng, ?that can be no 0hr$st$an bear#? %n such a bear, $n the par$sh of %fo en, after he ha 9orr$e to eath more than s$"ty horses an s$" men, $t $s sa$ that a g$r le of bears=$n, the $nfall$ble mar= of a man thus transforme , 9as foun 9hen he 9as at last trac=e an sla$n# The tale calle ?,armer Weathers=y,? $n th$s collect$on MDpage 8ABEN, she9s that the bel$ef of these spontaneous transformat$ons st$ll e"$sts $n popular tra $t$on, 9here $t $s easy to see that ,armer Weathers=y $s only one of the anc$ent go s egra e $nto a emon7s shape# .$s su en eparture through the a$r, horse, sle ge, an la , an all, an h$s ans9er, ?37m at home, al$=e north, an south, an east, an 9est?> h$s name $tself, an h$s $stant abo e, surroun e 9$th the corpses of the sla$n, suff$c$ently betray the $;$n$ty $n $sgu$se# .$s transformat$on, too, $nto a ha9= ans9ers e"actly to, that of % $n 9hen he fle9 a9ay from the ,rost G$ant $n the shape of that b$r # 1ut $n these Tales such transformat$ons are for the most part pass$;e> they occur not at the 9$ll of the person transforme , but through sorcery pract$se on them by some one else# Thus the Wh$te 1ear $n the beaut$ful story of ?*ast o7 the +un an West [p# c"l$;] o7 the -oon,? Dpage 88E, $s a Pr$nce transforme by h$s stepmother, <ust as $t $s the stepmother 9ho plays the same part $n the romance of W$ll$am an the Were!9olf# +o the horse $n ?The W$ o97s +on,? Dpage :11E, $s a Pr$nce o;er 9hom a =$ng has cast that shape# [L1] +o also $n ?'or Peter,? Dpage 89BE, 9h$ch $s the full story of 9hat 9e ha;e only h$therto =no9n $n part as ?Puss $n 1oots,? the cat $s a Pr$ncess be9$tche by the Troll 9ho ha robbe her of her lan s> so also $n ?The +e;en ,oals,? Dpage :08E, an ?The T9el;e W$l Duc=s,? Dpage B1E, the ,oals an the Duc=s are Pr$nces o;er 9hom that fate has come by the po9er of a 9$tch or a Troll, to 9hom an un9ary prom$se ha been g$;en# Thoroughly myth$c $s the tra$t $n ?The T9el;e W$l Duc=s,? 9here the youngest brother reappears 9$th a 9$l uc=7s 9$ng $nstea of h$s left arm, because h$s s$ster ha no t$me to f$n$sh that port$on of the sh$rt, upon the complet$on of 9h$ch h$s retransformat$on epen e #

1ut 9e shoul $ll un erstan the sp$r$t of the Norsemen, $f 9e suppose that these transformat$ons $nto beasts 9ere all that the nat$onal heart has to tell of beasts an the$r o$ngs, or that, 9hen they appear, they o so merely as men!beasts, 9$thout any po9er or ;$rtue of the$r o9n# ,rom the earl$est t$mes, s$ e by s$ e 9$th those pro uct$ons of the human m$n 9h$ch spea= of the eal$ngs of men 9$th men, there has gro9n up a stoc= of tra $t$ons about an$mals an the$r relat$ons 9$th one another, 9h$ch forms a true 1east *p$c, an $s full of the l$;el$est tra$ts of nature# [p# c"l;] [paragraph cont$nues] .ere, too, $t 9as reser;e for Gr$mm to restore these tra $t$ons to the$r true place $n the h$story of the human m$n , an to she9 that the poetry 9h$ch treats of them $s ne$ther sat$r$cal nor $ act$c, though $t may conta$n touches of both these art$f$c$al =$n s of compos$t$on, but, on the contrary, purely an $ntensely natural# 3t $s *p$c, $n short, spr$ng$ng out of that eep lo;e of nature an close obser;at$on of the hab$ts of an$mals 9h$ch $s only poss$ble $n an early an s$mple stage of soc$ety# 3t use to be the fash$on, 9hen these 1east tra $t$ons 9ere not$ce , to po$nt to (esop as the$r or$g$nal, but Gr$mm has suff$c$ently pro;e [L1] that 9hat 9e see $n (esop $s only the rema$ns of a great 9orl !ol cycle of such tra $t$ons 9h$ch ha alrea y, $n (esop7s ay, been sub<ecte by the Gree= m$n to that cr$t$cal process 9h$ch a late state of soc$ety br$ngs to bear on popular tra $t$ons> that they 9ere then alrea y 9orn an 9ashe out an moral$se # .e has also she9n ho9 the same process 9ent on t$ll $n Phae rus noth$ng but the ry bones of the tra $t$ons, 9$th a r$er moral, are ser;e up to the rea er> an he has one <ust$ce on 'a ,onta$ne, 9ho 9rote 9$th all the 9anton l$cent$ousness of h$s ay, an fr$ttere a9ay the 9hole nature of h$s fables by the fr$;ol$ty of h$s allus$ons to the art$f$c$al soc$ety of h$s t$me# Nor has he spare 'ess$ng 9ho, though he sa9 through the po;erty of Phae rus as compare 9$th (esop, an 9as al$;e to the 9ea=ness of 'a ,onta$ne, st$ll 9an ere about $n the class$cal m$st 9h$ch hung hea;y o;er the learn$ng of the e$ghteenth century, an sa9 $n the Gree= form the perfect$on of all fable, 9hen $n (esop [p# c"l;$] $t really appears $n a state of egeneracy an ecay# .ere too, as $n so many other th$ngs, 9e ha;e a proof that the 9orl $s ol er than 9e th$n= $t# The 1east!,ables $n the Pantcha!Tantra an the .$topa esa, the 3n $an parallels to (esop, re;eal, $n the connect$on $n 9h$ch they occur, an $n the moral use to 9h$ch they are put, a state of soc$ety long past that s$mple early t$me $n 9h$ch such f$ct$ons ar$se# They must ha;e sprung up $n the *ast $n the ;ery a9n of t$me> an thence tra;ell$ng $n all $rect$ons, 9e f$n them after many centur$es $n ;ar$ous shapes, 9h$ch a m$t of no m$sta=e as to the$r f$rst or$g$n, at the ;ery en s of the earth, $n countr$es as oppos$te as the Poles to each other> $n Ne9 Gealan an Nor9ay, $n 0entral (fr$ca an +er;$a, $n the West 3n $es an $n -ongol$a> all separate by $mmense tracts of lan or sea from the$r common centre# To the earnest $nKu$rer, to one 9ho bel$e;es that many ar= th$ngs may yet be sol;e , $t $s ;ery sat$sfactory to see that e;en Gr$mm, $n h$s ?)eynar the ,o",? $s at a loss to un erstan 9hy the North, properly so calle , ha none of the tra $t$ons 9h$ch the -$ le (ge moul e $nto that

famous 1east *p$c# 1ut s$nce then the North, as the Great -aster h$mself confesses $n h$s later 9or=s, has amply a;enge herself for the sl$ght thus cast upon her by m$sta=e# 3n the year 1A:4, 9hen Gr$mm thus e"presse h$s surpr$se on th$s po$nt, the North ha no such tra $t$ons to she9 $n boo=s $n ee , but she =ept them store up $n her heart $n an abun ance 9$th 9h$ch no other lan perhaps can ;$e# Th$s boo= at least she9s ho9 natural $t seems to the Norse m$n no9, an ho9 much more natural of course $t seeme $n earl$er t$mes, 9hen [p# c"l;$$] sense 9ent for so much an reflect$on for so l$ttle, that beasts shoul tal=> an ho9 truly an fa$thfully $t has l$stene an loo=e for the accents an character of each# The 1ear $s st$ll the 4$ng of 1easts, $n 9h$ch character he appears $n ?True an &ntrue,? Dpage 1E, but here, as $n Germany, he $s no match for the ,o" $n 9$t# Thus )eynar plays h$m a tr$c= 9h$ch con emns h$m for e;er to a stumpy ta$l $n No# HH333# MDpage 1I8EN# .e cheats h$m out of h$s share of a f$r=$n of butter $n No# '233# MDpage 409EN# .e, $s preferre as .er sman, $n No# H# MDpage F9EN, before e$ther 1ear or Wolf, by the ol 9$fe 9ho 9ants some one to ten her floc=# 6et all the 9h$le he professes $mmense respect for the 1ear, an calls h$m ?'or ,? e;en 9hen $n the ;ery act of out9$tt$ng h$m# 3n the tale calle ?Well Done an 3ll Pa$ ,? Dpage 8FFE, the crafty fo" puts a f$n$sh to h$s m$sbeha;$our to h$s ?'or 1ru$n,? by han $ng h$m o;er, boun han an foot, to the peasant, an by caus$ng h$s eath outr$ght# .ere, too, 9e ha;e an e"ample, 9h$ch 9e shall see repeate $n the case of the g$ants, that strength an stature are not al9ays 9$se, an that 9$t an 9$s om ne;er fa$l to carry the ay aga$nst mere brute force# (nother tale, ho9e;er, restores the bear to h$s true place as the =$ng of beasts, en o9e not only 9$th strength, but 9$th someth$ng $;$ne an terr$ble about h$m 9h$ch the Trolls cannot 9$thstan # Th$s $s ?The 0at on the Do;refell,? Dpage 90E, $n connect$on 9$th 9h$ch $t shoul be remembere that the same tra $t$on e"$ste $n the th$rteenth century $n Germany, [L1] that the bear $s calle fam$l$arly gran father $n the North, an that the 'apps rec=on h$m [p# c"l;$$$] rather as a=$n to men than beasts> that they say he has the strength of ten an the 9$t of t9el;e men# 3f they slay h$m, they formally beg h$s par on, as o also the %st<a=s, a tr$be a=$n to the 'apps, an br$ng h$m to the$r huts 9$th great formal$t$es an myst$c songs# To the Wolf, 9hose n$c=name $s ?Graylegs,? [L1] these Tales are more compl$mentary# .e $s not the sp$teful, stup$ , gree y 3sengr$m of Germany an ,rance# Not that 3sengr$m, of 9hom ol *ngl$sh fables of the th$rteenth century tell us that he became a mon=, but 9hen the brethren 9$she to teach h$m h$s letters that he m$ght learn the Paternoster, all they coul get out of h$m 9as lamb, lamb> nor coul they e;er get h$m to loo= to the cross, for h$s eyes, 9$th h$s thoughts, ?9ere e;er to the 9oo 9ar #? [L8] .e appears, on the contrary, $n ?The G$ant 9ho ha no .eart $n h$s 1o y,? Dpage B9E, as a =$n ly, grateful beast, 9ho repays tenfol out of the h$ en store of h$s supernatural sagac$ty the g$ft of the ol <a e, 9h$ch 1oots ha ma e o;er to h$m# The horse 9as a sacre an$mal among the Teuton$c tr$bes from the f$rst moment of the$r appearance $n h$story, an Tac$tus [L:] has relate , ho9 $n the sha e of those 9oo s an gro;es 9h$ch ser;e them for temples, 9h$te horses 9ere fe at the publ$c cost, 9hose bac=s no mortal man

crosse , 9hose ne$gh$ngs an snort$ngs 9ere carefully 9atche an omens, an 9ho 9ere thought to be [p# c"l$"]

as augur$es

consc$ous of $;$ne myster$es# 3n Pers$a, too, the class$cal rea er 9$ll remember ho9 the ne$gh$ng of a horse ec$ e the cho$ce for the cro9n# .ere, $n *nglan , at any rate, 9e ha;e only to th$n= of .eng$st an .orsa, the t9$n!heroes of the (nglo!+a"on m$grat$on, as the legen ran,!! heroes 9hose name meant ?horse,?!!an of the ;ale of the Wh$te .orse $n 1er=s, 9here the sacre form st$ll gleams along the o9n, to be rem$n e of the sacre ness of the horse to our forefathers# The * as are f$lle 9$th the names of famous horses, an the +agas conta$n many stor$es of goo stee s, $n 9hom the$r o9ners truste an bel$e;e as sacre to th$s or that part$cular go # +uch a horse $s Dapplegr$m $n these Tales MDpage 8I8EN, 9ho sa;es h$s master out of all h$s per$ls, an br$ngs h$m to all fortune, an $s another e"ample of that myster$ous connect$on 9$th the h$gher po9ers 9h$ch an$mals $n all ages ha;e been suppose to possess# +uch a fr$en , too, to the helpless lass$e $s the Dun 1ull $n ?4at$e Woo encloa=,? Dpage :BIE, out of 9hose ear comes the ?W$sh$ng 0loth,? 9h$ch ser;es up the cho$cest $shes# The story $s probably $mperfect, as 9e shoul e"pect to see h$m aga$n $n human shape after h$s hea 9as cut off, an h$s s=$n flaye > but, after be$ng the ch$ef character up to that po$nt, he rema$ns from that t$me forth $n the bac=groun , an 9e only see h$m ar=ly $n the man 9ho comes out of the face of the roc=, an suppl$es the lass$e7s 9ants 9hen she =noc=s on $t# Dun, or blue, or mouse!colour, $s the fa;our$te colour for fa$ry =$ne# Thus the co9 9h$ch Guy of War9$c= =$lle 9as un# The .ul ror $n Nor9ay ha;e large floc=s of blue =$ne# 3n +cotlan runs the story of the -ouse!coloure *lf$n 1ull# 3n [p# cl] [paragraph cont$nues] 3celan the colour of such =$ne $s apalgrar, apple grey# Th$s an$mal has been an ob<ect of a orat$on an respect from the earl$est t$mes, an 9e nee only rem$n our rea ers of the sanct$ty of co9s an bulls among the 3n $ans an *gypt$ans, of ?the Gol en 0alf? $n the 1$ble> of 3o an her 9an er$ngs from lan to lan > an , though last, not least, of (u humla, the -yth$c 0o9 $n the * a, 9ho ha so large a part $n the creat$on of the f$rst G$ant $n human form# [L1] The Dog, to 9h$ch, 9$th all h$s sagac$ty an fa$thfulness, someth$ng unclean an $mpure cl$ngs, as Gr$mm 9ell obser;es, plays no ;ery prom$nent part $n these Tales# [L8] [p# cl$] [paragraph cont$nues] We f$n h$m, ho9e;er, $n ?Not a P$n to choose bet9een them,? Dpage 1I:E, 9here h$s sagac$ty fa$ls to etect h$s m$stress> an , as ?the foe of h$s o9n house,? the half!bre fo"y houn , 9ho chases a9ay the cunn$ng ,o" $n ?Well Done an 3ll Pa$ ,? Dpage 8FFE# +t$ll he, too, $n popular superst$t$on, $s g$fte 9$th a sense of the supernatural> he ho9ls 9hen eath $mpen s, an $n ?1uttercup,? Dpage 184E, $t $s Gol tooth, the$r og, 9ho 9arns 1uttercup an h$s mother of the approach of the ol hag# 3n ?1ushy 1r$ e,? Dpage :88E, he appears only as the lass$e7s lap! og, $s thro9n a9ay as one of her sacr$f$ces, an at last goes to the 9e $ng $n her coach> yet $n that tale he has

someth$ng 9e$r about h$m, an to see $f the a9n $s com$ng# [p# cl$$]

he $s sent out by h$s m$stress three t$mes

3n one tale MDpage 8F4EN the Goat appears $n full force, an ashes out the bra$ns of the Troll, 9ho l$;e un er the br$ ge o;er the burn# 3n another, ?Tatterhoo ,? Dpage :4BE, he helps the lass$e $n her onslaught on the 9$tches# .e, too, 9as sacre to Thor $n the ol mythology, an re9 h$s thun er$ng car# .ere someth$ng of the $;$ne nature of h$s former lor , 9ho 9as the great foe of all Trolls, seems to ha;e been passe on $n popular tra $t$on to the an$mal 9ho ha seen so many a ;entures 9$th the great Go 9ho s9aye the thun er# Th$s feu bet9een the Goat an the Trolls comes out cur$ously $n ?The %l Dame an her .en,? Dpage 14E, 9here a goat falls o9n the trap oor to the Troll7s house/ ?Who sent for you, 3 shoul l$=e to =no9, you lone!bear e beast@? sa$ the -an o7 the .$ll, 9ho 9as $n an a9ful rage> an 9$th that he 9h$ppe up the Goat, 9rung h$s hea off, an thre9 h$m o9n $nto the cellar#? +t$ll he belonge to one of the heathen go s, an so $n later -$ le!(ge superst$t$on he $s ass$gne to the De;$l, 9ho e;en ta=es h$s shape 9hen he pres$ es at the W$tches7 +abbath# Nor $n th$s l$st must the l$ttle b$r s be forgotten 9h$ch taught the man7s aughter, $n the tale of ?The T9o +tep!s$sters,? Dpage 11:E, ho9 to act $n her tr$als# +o, too, $n ?4at$e Woo encloa=,? Dpage :BIE, the l$ttle b$r tells the Pr$nce, ?9ho un erstoo the song of b$r s ;ery 9ell,? that bloo $s gush$ng out of the gol en shoe# The bel$ef that some persons ha the g$ft of un erstan $ng 9hat the b$r s sa$ $s pr$me;al# We pay homage to $t $n our pro;erb$al e"press$on, ?( l$ttle b$r tol me#? Popular tra $t$ons an rhymes protect the$r nests, as $n the case of the 9ren, the rob$n, an the s9allo9# %ccas$onally th$s g$ft seems [p# cl$$$] to ha;e been acKu$re by eat$ng or tast$ng the flesh of a sna=e or ragon, as +$gur , $n the 2olsung tale, f$rst became a9are of )eg$n7s es$gns aga$nst h$s l$fe, 9hen he acc$ entally taste the heart!bloo of ,afn$r, 9hom he ha sla$n $n ragon shape, an then all at once the s9allo97s song, perche abo;e h$m, became as $ntell$g$ble as human speech# We no9 come to a class of be$ngs 9h$ch plays a large part, an al9ays for $ll, $n these Tales# These are the G$ants or Trolls# 3n mo ern Norse tra $t$on there $s l$ttle $fference bet9een the names, but or$g$nally Troll 9as a more general e"press$on for a supernatural be$ng than G$ant, [L1] 9h$ch 9as rather conf$ne to a race more ull than 9$c=e # 3n the G$ants 9e ha;e the 9antonness of boun less bo $ly strength an s$Ce, 9h$ch, trust$ng ent$rely to these Kual$t$es, falls at last by $ts o9n 9e$ght# (t f$rst, $t $s true, that pro;erb$al 9$s om, all the stores of tra $t$onal lore, all that coul be learnt by 9hat may be calle rule of thumb, 9as ascr$be to them# %ne sympath$ses too 9$th them, an almost p$t$es them as the representat$;es of a s$mple pr$m$t$;e race, 9hose ay $s past an gone, but 9ho st$ll possesse someth$ng of the $nnocence an ;$rtue of anc$ent t$mes, together 9$th a stoc= of ol e"per$ence, 9h$ch, ho9e;er useful $t m$ght be as an e"ample to others, 9as Ku$te useless to help themsel;es# [p# cl$;]

[paragraph cont$nues] They are the ol Tor$es of mythology, as oppose to the (es$r, the a ;ance l$berals# They can loo= bac= an say 9hat has been, but to loo= for9ar to say 9hat 9$ll be an shall be, an to moul the future, $s beyon the$r =en# True as gol to the tra $t$onal an rece$;e , an 9orthless as ross for the ne9 an progress$;e/ such a nature, 9hen unpro;o=e , $s easy an s$mple> but rouse $t, an $ts e"uberant strength r$ses $n a paro"ysm of rage, though $ts clumsy a9=9ar blo9s, gu$ e by mere cunn$ng, fa$l to str$=e the sl$ght an l$ssom foe 9ho 9a$ts for an elu es the stro=e, unt$l h$s reason g$;es h$m the mastery o;er sheer brute force 9h$ch has 9ear$e $tself out by $ts o9n e"ert$ons# [L1] Th$s race, an that of the upstart (es$r, though almost al9ays at feu , st$ll ha the$r $nter;als of common $ntercourse, an e;en soc$al en<oyment# -arr$ages ta=e place bet9een them, ;$s$ts are pa$ , feasts are g$;en, ale $s broache , an m$rth $s fast an fur$ous# Thor 9as the 9orst foe the g$ants e;er ha , an yet he met them somet$mes on goo terms# They 9ere est$ne to meet once for all on that a9ful ay, ?the t9$l$ght of the go s,? but t$ll then, they enterta$ne for each other some sense of mutual respect# The Trolls, on the other han , 9$th 9hom man=$n ha more to o, 9ere suppose to be less easy!tempere , an more systemat$cally mal$gnant, than the G$ants, an 9$th the term 9ere boun up not$ons of sorcery an [p# cl;] unholy po9er# 1ut mythology $s a 9oof of many colours, $n 9h$ch the hues are shot an blen e , so that the ;ar$ous races of supernatural be$ngs are sha e off, an fa e a9ay almost $mpercept$bly $nto each other> an thus, e;en $n heathen t$mes, $t must ha;e been har to say e"actly 9here the G$ant en e an the Troll began# 1ut 9hen 0hr$st$an$ty came $n, an heathen om fell, 9hen the go l$=e race of the (es$r became e;$l emons $nstea of goo gen$al po9ers, then all the ob<ects of the ol popular bel$ef, 9hether (es$r, G$ants, or Trolls, 9ere m$ngle together $n one superst$t$on, as ?no canny#? They 9ere all Trolls, all mal$gnant> an thus $t $s that, $n these Tales, the tra $t$ons about % $n an h$s un erl$ngs, about the ,rost G$ants, an about sorcerers an 9$Car s, are confuse an garble > an all supernatural agency that plots man7s $ll $s the 9or= of Trolls, 9hether the agent be the arch!enemy h$mself, or g$ant, or 9$tch, or 9$Car # 3n tales such as ?The %l Dame an her .en,? Dpage 14E, ?The G$ant 9ho ha no .eart $n h$s 1o y,? Dpage B9E, ?+hortshan=s,? Dpage 1:1E, ?1oots an the Troll,? Dpage 81BE, ?1oots 9ho ate a -atch 9$th the Troll,? Dpage :FE, the easy temper of the ol ,rost G$ants pre om$nates, an 9e almost p$ty them as 9e rea # 3n another, ?The 1$g 1$r Dan,? Dpage :A8E, 9e ha;e a Troll Pr$nce, 9ho appears as a generous benefactor to the young Pr$nce, an len s h$m a s9or by help of 9h$ch he slays the 4$ng of the Trolls, <ust as 9e somet$mes f$n $n the * a fr$en ly meet$ngs bet9een the (es$r an th$s or that ,rost G$ant# 3n ?Tatterhoo ,? Dpage :4BE, the Trolls are ;ery near a=$n to the 9$tches of the -$ le (ge# 3n other tales, [p# cl;$] as ?The -asterma$ ,? Dpage I1E, ?The 1lue 1elt,? Dpage 1BBE, ?,armer Weathers=y,? Dpage 8ABE, a sort of settle mal$gn$ty aga$nst man appears

as the $rect 9or=$ng an result of a ba an e;$l sp$r$t# 3n ?1uttercup,? Dpage 184E, an ?The 0at on the Do;refell,? 9e ha;e the Troll proper,!!the supernatural 9ellers of the 9oo s an h$lls, 9ho go to church, an eat men, an porr$ ge, an sausages $n $fferently, not from mal$gn$ty, but because they =no9 no better, because $t $s the$r nature, an because they ha;e al9ays one so# 3n one po$nt they all agree/ $n the$r place of abo e# The 9$l p$ne forest that clothes the spurs of the fells, but more than all, the $nter$or recesses of the roc=y fell $tself, $s 9here the Trolls l$;e# Th$ther they carry off the ch$l ren of men, an to them belongs all the untol r$ches of the m$neral 9orl # There, $n ca;es an clefts $n the steep face of the roc=, s$ts the Troll,# as the representat$;e of the ol g$ants, among heaps of gol an s$l;er an prec$ous th$ngs# They str$ e off $nto the ar= forest by ay, 9h$ther no rays of the sun can p$erce> they return home at n$ghtfall, feast themsel;es full, an snore out the n$ght# %ne th$ng 9as fatal to them/ the s$ght of the sun# 3f they loo=e h$m full $n the face, h$s glory 9as too great for them, an they burst, as $n ?'or Peter,? Dpage 89BE, an $n ?The %l Dame an her .en,? Dpage 14E# Th$s, too, $s a eeply myth$c tra$t# The ol rel$g$on of the North 9as a br$ght an l$;ely fa$th> $t l$;e $n the l$ght of <oy an gla ness> $ts go s 9ere the ?bl$the po9ers?> oppose to them 9ere the ar= po9ers of m$st an gloom, 9ho coul not bear the glor$ous face of the +un, of 1al r7s beam$ng ;$sage, or the br$ght flash of Thor7s le;$n bolt# [p# cl;$$] 3n one aspect, the 9hole race of G$ants an Trolls stan s out $n strong h$stor$cal l$ght# There can be l$ttle oubt that, $n the$r cont$nue e"$stence amongst the 9oo s, an roc=s, an h$lls, 9e ha;e a memory of the gra ual suppress$on an e"t$nct$on of some host$le race, 9ho gra ually ret$re $nto the natural fastnesses of the lan , an spee $ly became myth$c# Nor, $f 9e bear $n m$n the$r natural pos$t$on, an remember ho9 constantly the $nfamy of sorcery has clung to the ,$nns an 'apps, shall 9e ha;e far to go to see= th$s anc$ent race, e;en at the Present ay# 1et9een th$s outcast noma race, 9h$ch 9an ere from forest to forest, an from fell to fell, 9$thout a f$"e place of abo e, an the ol natural po9ers an ,rost G$ants, the m$n s of the race 9h$ch a ore % $n an the (es$r soon engen ere a monstrous man!eat$ng cross!bree of supernatural be$ngs, 9ho fle from contact 9$th the $ntru ers as soon as the f$rst great struggle 9as o;er, abhorre the l$ght of ay, an loo=e upon agr$culture an t$llage as a angerous $nno;at$on 9h$ch estroye the$r hunt$ng!f$el s, an 9as est$ne f$nally to root them out from off the face of the earth# Th$s fact appears $n countless stor$es all o;er the globe, for man $s true to h$mself $n all cl$mes, an the sa;age $n (fr$ca or across the )oc=y -ounta$ns rea s t$llage an etests the plough as much as any 'app or +amoye # ?+ee 9hat pretty playth$ngs, motherO? cr$es the G$ant7s aughter, as she unt$es her apron, an sho9s her a plough, an horses, an peasant# ?1ac= 9$th them th$s $nstant,? cr$es the mother $n 9rath, ?an put them o9n as carefully as you can, for these playth$ngs can o our race great harm, an 9hen these come 9e must bu ge#? [p# cl;$$$] [paragraph cont$nues] to another, 9hen they that 9$ll one ay eat G$ants left that part ?What sort of an earth9orm $s th$s@? sa$ one G$ant met a man as they 9al=e # ?These are the earth9orms us up, brother,? ans9ere the other> an soon both of Germany# Nor oes th$s tra$t appear less

strongly $n these Norse Tales# The G$ants or Trolls can ne$ther bre9 nor 9ash properly, as 9e see $n ?+hortshan=s,? Dpage 1:1E, 9here the %gre has to get +hortshan=s to bre9 h$s ale for h$m> an $n ?*ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon,? Dpage 88E, 9here none of the Trolls are able to 9ash out the spot of tallo9# +o also $n the ?T9o +tep!s$sters,? Dpage 11:E, the ol 9$tch $s force to get human ma$ s to o her househol 9or=> an , lastly, the best e"ample of all, $n ?'or Peter,? Dpage 89BE, 9here agr$culture $s pla$nly a secret of man=$n , 9h$ch the G$ants 9ere eager to learn, but 9h$ch 9as a branch of =no9le ge beyon the$r po9er to atta$n# ?7+top a b$t,7 sa$ the 0at, 7an 9or= to get $n h$s 9$nter rye#7 ?(n so she tol 37ll tell you ho9 the farmer sets to

h$m such a long story about the 9$nter rye#

?7,$rst of all, you see, he ploughs the f$el , an then he ungs $t, an then he ploughs $t aga$n, an then he harro9s $t,7 an so she 9ent on t$ll the sun rose#? 1efore 9e lea;e these g$gant$c natural po9ers, let us l$nger a moment to po$nt out ho9 heart$ly the W$n s are s=etche $n these Tales as four brothers> of 9hom, of course, the North 9$n $s the ol est, an strongest, an roughest# 1ut though rough $n form an tongue, he $s a gen$al, =$n !hearte fello9 after all# .e carr$es the lass$e to the castle, ?*ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon,? 9h$ther none of h$s brothers ha strength to blo9# (ll [p# cl$"] he as=s $s that she 9on7t be afra$ , an then he ta=es a goo rest, an puffs h$mself up 9$th as much breath as e;er he can hol , beg$ns to blo9 a storm, an off they go# +o, too, $n ?The 'a 9ho 9ent to the North W$n ,? Dpage 88AE, though he can7t restore the meal he carr$e off, he g$;es the la three th$ngs 9h$ch ma=e h$s fortune, an amply repay h$m# .e, too, l$=e the Grec$an 1oreas, $s $;$ne, an l$neally escen e from .raes;elgr, that great g$ant $n the * a, 9ho s$ts ?at the en of the 9orl $n eagle7s shape, an 9hen he flaps h$s 9$ngs, all the 9$n s come that blo9 upon men#? *nough surely has no9 been sa$ to she9 that the ol rel$g$on an mythology of the Norseman st$ll l$;es $sgu$se $n these popular tales# 1es$ es th$s $nternal e;$ ence, 9e f$n here an there, $n the 9r$tten l$terature of earl$er ays, h$nts that the same stor$es 9ere e;en then current, an current then, as no9, among the lo9er classes# Thus $n 4$ng +;err$7s +aga 9e rea , ?(n so $t 9as <ust l$=e 9hat $s sa$ to ha;e happene $n ol stor$es of 9hat the =$ng7s ch$l ren suffere from the$r stepmother7s $ll!9$ll#? (n aga$n, $n %lof Trygg;ason7s +aga by the mon= % , ?(n better $s $t to hear such th$ngs 9$th m$rth than stepmother7s stor$es 9h$ch shepher s tell, 9here no one can tell 9hether anyth$ng $s true, an 9here the =$ng $s al9ays ma e the least $n the$r narrat$;e#? 1ut, $n truth, no such pos$t$;e e;$ ence $s nee e # (ny one 9ho has rea the 2olsung tale as 9e ha;e g$;en $t, 9$ll be at no loss to see 9here the ?l$ttle b$r s? 9ho spea= to the Pr$nce an the lass$e, or the ?p$t of sna=es? $nto 9h$ch fol= are cast, $n these tales, come from> nor 9hen they rea $n the ?1$g 1$r Dan,? Dpage :A8E, about ?the na=e [p# cl"]

s9or ? 9h$ch the Pr$ncess lays by her s$ e e;ery n$ght, 9$ll the fa$l to recogn$se +$gur 7s s9or Gram, 9h$ch he la$ bet9een h$mself an 1rynh$l r 9hen he ro e through the flame an 9on her for Gunnar# These myth$cal eep!roote germs, thro9$ng out fresh shoots from age to age $n the popular l$terature of the race, are far more con;$nc$ng proofs of the early e"$stence of these tra $t$ons than any mere e"ternal e;$ ence# [L1] ,ootnotes Pc$"/1 .eb# "$$$# 1/ ?'et brotherly lo;e cont$nue# 1e not forgetful to enterta$n strangers/ for thereby some ha;e enterta$ne angels una9ares#? Pc"/1 %ne of % $n7s name, 9hen on these a ;entures, 9as Gangra r, or Gangler$# 1oth mean ?the Ganger, or 9ayfarer#? We ha;e the latter ep$thet $n the ?Gangrel carle,? an ?Gangrel loon,? of the early +cotch balla s# Pc"$$/1 +o also %r$on7s 1elt 9as calle by the Norsemen, ,r$gga7s sp$n le or roc=, ,r$gg<ar roc=r# 3n mo ern +9e $sh, ,r$ggeroc=, 9here the ol go ess hol s her o9n> but $n Dan$sh, -ar$ae!roc=, %ur 'a y7s roc= or sp$n le# Thus, too, 4arla;agn, the ?car of men,? or heroes, 9ho ro e 9$th % $n, 9h$ch 9e call ?0harles7s Wa$n,? thus =eep$ng someth$ng, at least, of the ol name, though none of $ts mean$ng, became $n +cotlan ?Peter7s! pleugh,? from the 0hr$st$an sa$nt, <ust as %r$on7s s9or became ?Peter7s! staff#? 1ut 9hat o ?'a y 'an ers? an ?'a y *ll$son? mean, as appl$e to the ?'a y!1$r ? $n +cotlan @ Pc"$$$/1 D# -#, p# 18F fol#, 9here they are c$te Pc"$;/1 +norro7s * a, +toc=holm, 1A48, translate at length# by the 9r$ter#

Pc";$$/1 +ee the 9ell!=no9n story of the ?'uc= of * en .all#? Pc";$$$/1 .$st# $$# 1F# Pc"$"/1 +nor# * # +=al s=# ch# 4:# Pc"$"/8 +t# 'u=e "# 1A# Pc""/1 +nor# * a, ch# :4, *ngl# Transl#

Pc""$;/1 .ere are a fe9 of these passages 9h$ch m$ght be much e"ten e /!! 1urchar of Worms, p# 194, a# ?cre $ $st$ ut al$Kua fem$na s$t Kuae hoc facere poss$t Kuo Kuae am a $abolo eceptae se aff$rmant necessar$o et e" praecepto facere ebere> $ est cum aemonum turba $n s$m$l$tu $nem mul$erum transformata, Kuam ;ulgar$s stult$t$a .ol am ;ocat, cert$s noct$bus eKu$tare ebere super Kuas am best$as, et $n eorum se consort$o annumeratam esse# ?3llu et$am non om$tten um, Kuo Kuae am sceleratae mul$eres retro post +athanam con;ersae, aemonum $llus$on$bus et phantasmat$bus se uctae cre unt se et prof$tentur nocturn$s hor$s cum D$ana paganorum ea, ;el cum .ero $a e et $nnumera mult$tu $ne mul$erum eKu$tare super Kuas am best$as, [p# c"";] et multa terrarum spat$a $ntempestae noct$s s$lent$o pertrans$re, e<usKue <uss$on$bus ;elut Dom$nae obe $re et cert$s noct$bus a e<us ser;$t$um e;ocar$#?!!1urchar of Worms, 10, 1#

?Juale est, Kuo noct$lucam Kuan am, ;el .ero $a em, ;el praes$ em noct$s Dom$nam conc$l$a et con;entus e nocte asserunt con;ocare, ;ar$a celebrar$ con;$;$a, etc#?!!5oh# +ar$sber$ens$s Polycrat#, 8, 1I, $e 11A8# ?.ero $am $llam bapt$stae 0hr$st$ $nterfectr$cem, Kuas$ reg$nam, $mmo eam proponant, asserentes tert$am tot$us mun $ partem $ll$ tra $tam#?!! )ather# 0ambrens#, $e 9I4# ?+$c et aemon Ku$ praete"tu mul$er$s cum al$$s e nocte, omos et cellar$a $c$tur freKuentare, et ;ocant eam +at$am a [p# c"";$] sat$etate, et Dom$nam (bun $am, pro abun ant$a, Kuam eam praestare $cunt om$bus Kuas freKuenta;er$t> hu<usmo $ et$am aemones Kuas om$nas ;ocant, ;etulae penes Kuas error $ste remans$t et a Ku$bus sol$s cre $tur et somn$atur#?!!Gu$l$elmus (l;ernus, $# 10:F, $e 184A# +o also the )oman e )ou M-eon, l$ne 1A,F88N!!

Ju$ les c$nc sons a$ns$nc eco$t Par les fantosmes, Ku7$l reco$t, Dont ma$ntes gens par lor fol$e 0u$ ent estre par nu$t estr$es, *rrans a;eKues Dame .abon e> *t $ent, Kue par tout le mon e '$ t$ers enfant e nac$on +unt e ceste con $c$on#? (n aga$n, l$ne 1A,FAF!!

?Dautre part, Kue l$ t$ers u mon e ($lle a$ns$nc a;ec Dame .abon e#?

Pc"";$$/1 +ee the er$;at$on of pagan from 7paganus,7 one 9ho l$;e the country, as oppose to 7urbanus,7 a to9nsman# Pc"";$$/8 +norro7s * a, Dasent7s Trans# pp# 89, +toc=holm 1A48# by Gr$mm, D# -#, p# 991,


Pc"";$$/: 4e$sersberg %me$ss, 4F b#, Kuote says!!

?Wen man e$n man ;erbrent, so brent man 9ol Cehen frauen#? Pc""$"/1 +ee the passage from 2$ncent, 1ello;# +pec# -or# $$$# 8, 8I, Kuote $n Gr$mm, D# -#, pp# 1018!1:# Pc"""/1 The follo9$ng passage from ?The ,ortal$ce of ,a$th? of (lphonso +p$na, 9r$tten about the year 14BA, 9$ll suff$ce to sho9 ho9 $sgust$ngly the De;$l, $n the form of a goat, ha supplante the ?Goo 'a y/?!!?Ju$a n$m$um abun ant tales per;ersae mul$eres $n Delph$natu et Guascon$a, ub$ se asserunt concurrere e nocte $n Kua am plan$t$e eserta ub$ [p# c"""$] est caper Ku$ am $n rupe, Ku$ ;ulgar$ter $c$tur el boch e 1$terne, et Kuo $b$ con;en$unt cum can el$s acceps$s et a orant $llum caprum osculantes cum $n ano suo# 3 eo captae plures earum, ab $nKu$s$tor$bus f$ e$ et con;$ctae $gn$bus comburuntur#?

(bout the same t$me, too, began to sprea the not$on of formal 9r$tten agreements bet9een the ,$en an men 9ho 9ere to be h$s after a certa$n t$me, ur$ng 9h$ch he 9as to help them to all earthly goo s# Th$s, too, came 9$th 0hr$st$an$ty from the *ast# The f$rst $nstance 9as Theoph$lus, ;$ce om$nus of the 1$shop of ( ana, 9hose fall an con;ers$on form the or$g$nal of all the ,aust 'egen s# +ee Gr$mm, D# -#, 9F9, an ?Theoph$lus $n 3celan $c, 'o9 German, an other tongues, by G# W# Dasent, +toc=holm, 1A4B,? 9here a complete account of the l$terature of the legen may be foun # 3n almost all these early cases the ,$en $s out9$tte by the help of the 2$rg$n or some other sa$nt, an $n th$s 9ay the rea er $s rem$n e of the Norse De;$l, the successor of the G$ants, 9ho al9ays ma=es ba barga$ns# When the story 9as appl$e to ,aust $n the s$"teenth century, the terr$ble -$ le (ge De;$l 9as paramount, an =ne9 ho9 to e"act h$s ue# Pc"""$$/1 .o9 strangely full of common sense soun s the follo9$ng art$cle from the 0ap$tular$es of 0harlemagne, De part# +a"# B/ ?+$ Ku$s a $abolo eceptus cre $ er$t secun um morem Paganorum, ;$rum al$Kuem aut foem$nam str$garn esse et hom$nes come ere, et propter hoc $psum $ncen er$t, ;el carnem e<us a come en um e er$t, cap$t$s sentent$a pun$etur#? (n th$s of )othar$us, 'e"# )oth#, :I9/ ?Nullus praesumat al $am al$enam aut anc$llam Kuas$ str$gam occ$ ere, Kuo 0hr$st$an$s ment$bus nullatenus est cre en um nec poss$b$le est, ut hom$nem mul$er ;$;um $ntr$nsecus poss$t come ere#? .ere the la9 9arns the common people from bel$e;$ng $n 9$tches, an from ta=$ng $ts funct$ons $nto the$r o9n han s, an reasons 9$th them aga$nst the absur $ty of such elus$ons# +o, too, that reasonable par$sh pr$est 9ho thrashe the 9$tch, though earl$er $n t$me, 9as far $n a ;ance of Gregory an h$s $nKu$s$tors, an e;en of our 9$se 4$ng 5ames# Pc"""$$$/1 The follo9$ng $s the t$tle of th$s strange tract,!!?Ne9es from +cotlan , eclar$ng the amnable l$fe of Doctor ,$an, a notable +orcerer, 9ho 9as burne at * enbrough, $n 5anuar$e last 1B91, 9h$ch Doctor 9as reg$ster to the e;$ll, that sun r$e t$mes preache at North 1ar$c=e 4$r=e to a number of notor$ous W$tches# W$th the true e"am$nat$ons of the sa$ Doctor an 9$tches, as they uttere them $n the presence of [p# c"""$;] the +cott$sh =$ng# D$sco;er$ng ho9 they preten e to be9$tch an ro9ne h$s -a<est$e $n the sea, comm$ng from Denmar=e, 9$th such other 9on erfull matters as the l$=e, hath not b$n hear at an$e t$me# Publ$she accor $ng to the +cott$sh cop$e# Pr$nte for W$ll$am Wr$ght#? 3t 9as repr$nte $n 1A1F for the )o"burghe 0lub by -r# G# .# ,reel$ng, an $s ;ery scarce e;en $n the repr$nt, 9h$ch, all th$ngs cons$ ere , $s perhaps <ust as 9ell# Pc"""$;/1 The follo9$ng spec$mens of the tortures an confess$ons may suff$ce> but most of the cr$mes an confess$ons are unutterable# %ne Ge$ll$s Duncane 9as torture by her master Da;$ +eaton, 9ell$ng 9$th$n the to9n of Tranent, 9ho, ?9$th the help of others, $ torment her 9$th the torture of the P$ll$9$n=es Mthumbscre9sN, upon her f$ngers, an b$n $ng an 9r$nch$ng her hea 9$th a cor or roape, 9h$ch $s a most cruel torment also#? +o also (gnes +ampson, ?the el est 9$tch of them all, 9ell$ng $n .a $ngton, be$ng brought to .aleru$ .ouse before the =$nge7s ma<est$c an sun ry other of the nob$l$t$e of +cotlan , ha her hea thra9ne 9$th a rope accor $ng to the custom of that countr$e, bee$ng a payne most gree;ous#? (fter the De;$l7s mar= $s foun on her, she confesses that she 9ent to sea 9$th t9o hun re others $n s$e;es to the =$r= of North 1er9$c= $n *ast 'oth$an, an after they ha lan e they

?too= han es on the lan e [p# c""";] an aunce, say$ng all 9$th one ;o$ce,!!

aunce , th$s re$ll or short

?0ommer goe ye before, 0ommer goe ye, G$f ye 9$ll not goe before, 0ommer let me#? [paragraph cont$nues] ?(t 9h$ch t$me she confesse that th$s Ge$ll$s Duncane $ goe before them play$ng th$s re$ll or aunce upon a small trumpe calle a 5e97s trump, unt$l they entere $nto the =$r= of North 1arr$c=#? ?(s touch$ng the aforesa$ Doctor ,$an,? he ?9as ta=en an $mpr$sone , an use 9$th the accustome pa$ne pro;$ e for these offences, $nfl$cte upon the rest, as $s aforesa$ # ,$rst by thra9$ng of h$s hea 9$th a rope, 9hereat he 9oul confesse noth$ngMON +econ ly, he 9as persua e by fa$re means to confesse h$s foll$es, but that 9oul pre;a$le as l$ttle# 'astly, he 9as put to the most se;ere an cruell pa$ne $n the 9orl , calle the 1ootes, 9ho, after he ha rece$;e three stro=es, be$ng $nKu$re $f he 9oul confesse h$s amnable actes an 9$c=e l$fe, h$s toong 9oul not ser;e h$m to spea=e#? Th$s $nab$l$ty, pro uce no oubt by pa$n, the other 9$tches e"pla$n by say$ng that the De;$l7s mar= ha not been foun , 9h$ch, be$ng foun , ?the charm? 9as ?st$nte ,? an the Doctor, $n rea probably of a fourth stro=e, confesse unutterably shameful th$ngs# .a;$ng escape from pr$son, of course by the a$ of the De;$l, he 9as pursue , an brought bac= an re! e"am$ne before the =$ng# ?1ut th$s [p# c""";$] Doctor, not9$thstan $ng that h$s o9n confess$on appeareth rema$n$ng $n recor e, un er h$s o9ne han e9r$t$ng, an the same thereunto f$"e $n the presence of the 4$ng7s ma<est$e an sun r$e of h$s councell, yet $ he utterly eny the same, 9hereupon the 4$ng7s ma<est$c, perce$;$ng h$s stubborne 9$lfulnesse # # # he 9as comman e to ha;e a most strange torment, 9h$ch 9as one $n th$s manner follo9$ng,!!.$s na$les upon all h$s f$ngers 9ere r$;en an pulle off 9$th an $nstrument calle $n +cott$sh a Tur=as, 9h$ch $n *nglan 9ee call a payre of p$ncers, an un er e;er$e nayle there 9as thrust $n t9o nee els o;er e;en up to the hea s# (t all 9h$ch torments, not9$thstan $ng the Doctor ne;er shron=e an$e 9h$t, ne$ther 9oul he then confesse $t the sooner for all the tortures $nfl$cte upon h$m# ?Then 9as he 9$th all con;en$ent spee , by comman ement con;a$e aga$ne to the torment of the 1ootes, 9here$n hee cont$nue a long t$me, an $ ab$ e so many blo9es $n them, that h$s legges 9ere crusht an beaten to ether as small as [p# c""";$$] m$ght bee, an the bones an flesh so bruse that the blou an marro9 spoute forth $n great abun ance, 9hereby they 9ere ma e unser;$ceable for e;er# (n not9$thstan $ng all these gr$e;ous pa$nes an cruel torments, he 9oul not confesse an$eth$ng, so eepely ha the De;$ll entere $nto h$s heart, that hee utterly en$e all that 9h$ch he ha before a;ouche , an 9oul sa$e noth$ng therunto but th$s, that 9hat he ha one an say e before, 9as onely one an sa$ e for fear of paynes 9h$ch he ha en ure #? Thereupon as ?a ue e"ecut$on of <ust$ce,? ?an for e"ample sa=e,? he 9as tr$e , sentence , put $nto a cart, strangle an ?$mme $ately put $nto a great f$re, be$ng rea $e pro;$ e for that purpose, an there burne $n the 0astle .$ll of * enbrough on a sater a$e, $n the en e of 5anuar$e last past, 1B91#? The tract en s s$gn$f$cantly/ ?The rest of the 9$tches 9h$ch are not yet e"ecute remayne $n pr$son t$ll further tr$all an =no9le ge of h$s ma<est$e7s pleasure#? Pc"""$"/1 % # $$$# :I8> an Pc"""$"/8 *cl# ;$$$# 9I!! ""$$# 8:9#

?.$s ego saepe lupum f$er$ et se con ere s$l;$s -oer$m!!!!!!;$ $#?

Pc"l/1 +ee Gr$mm7s D# -#, 104I fol#> an for th$s translat$on from Petron$us, a ;ery $nterest$ng letter pref$"e to -a en7s e # of the ol *ngl$sh )omance of ?W$ll$am an the Were9olf,? 1A:8, one of the )o"burghe 0lub Publ$cat$ons# Th$s [p# c"l$] letter, 9h$ch 9as by the han of -r# .erbert of Pet9orth, conta$ns all that 9as =no9n on th$s sub<ect before Gr$mm> but 9hen Gr$mm came he 9as, compare 9$th all 9ho ha treate the sub<ect, as a sober man amongst run=ar s# Pc"l$/1 1$scla;aret $n the 'a$s of -ar$e e ,rance, $# 1IA, seems to be a corrupt$on of 1le$Cgarou, as the Norman gar9al $s of gar9olf# +ee also 5am$eson7s D$ct# un er 9ar9olf# Pc"l$/8 ,ornal +og#, $# 1:0, 1:1#

Pc"l$$/1 +ee 'an nama $n many places# *g$l7s +ag# .rolf 4ra=# +ag# Pc"l$;/1 Trol ham, at =aste ham paa# 0omp# the %l Norse hamr, hamfor, hamma r, hamrammr, 9h$ch occur repeate ly $n the same sense# Pc"l;/1 )e$nhart ,uchs, 3ntro uct$on# Pc"l;$$/1 Gr$mm, 3r$sch# *lfenm#, 114!19, an D# -#, 44I#

Pc"l;$$$/1 0omp# 2$ct# .ug#, Notre!Dame e Par$s, 9here he tells us that the g$ps$es calle the 9olf p$e gr$s# +ee also Gr$mm, D# -#, F::, an )e$nhart, l;, cc;$$, an 44F# Pc"l;$$$/8 Douce, 3llust# to +ha=speare, $$# ::, :44, Kuote ,uchs, cc""$# Pc"l;$$$/: German# 9, 10# Pcl/1 +norro7s * a, ch# ;$#, *ngl$sh trans#, +toc=holm, 1A48# $n )e$nhart

Pcl/8 Thus from the earl$est t$mes ? og,? ?houn ,? has been a term of reproach# Great $nstances of f$ el$ty, such as ?Gellert? or the ?Dog of -ontarg$s,? both of 9h$ch are *astern an pr$me;al, ha;e scarcely re eeme the cr$ng$ng curr$sh nature of the race $n general from $sgrace# -# ,ranc$sKue -$chel, $n h$s .$sto$re es )aces -au $tes e la ,rance et e l7*spagne, th$n=s $t probable that 0agot, the n$c=name by 9h$ch the heret$cal Goths 9ho fle $nto (Ku$ta$ne $n the t$me of 0harles -artel, an rece$;e protect$on from that =$ng an h$s successors, 9ere calle by the ,ran=s, 9as er$;e from the term 0an$s Goth$cus or 0anes Goth$# 3n mo ern ,rench the 9or means 7hypocr$te,7 an th$s 9oul come from the not$on of the out9ar conform$ty to the 0athol$c formular$es $mpose on the (r$an Goths by the$r ortho o" protectors# *tymolog$cally, the er$;at$on $s goo enough, accor $ng to D$eC, )oman$sches Worterbuch> Pro;encal ca, og> Got, Goth$c# 1efore Ku$tt$ng 0agot, 9e may obser;e that the er$;at$on of b$got, our 7b$got,7 another 9or of the same =$n , $s not so [p# cl$] clear# -$chel says $t comes from 2$C$gothus, 1$C$gothus# D$eC says th$s $s too far!fetche , espec$ally as ?1$got,? ?1$go ,? 9as a term appl$e to the Normans, an not to the populat$on of

the +outh of ,rance# There $s, bes$ es, another er$;at$on g$;en by Ducange from a 'at$n chron$cle of the t9elfth century# 3n spea=$ng of the homage one by )ollo, the f$rst Du=e of Norman y, to the 4$ng of ,rance, he says!! ?.$c non $gnatus pe em 0arol$ oscular$ n$s$ a os suum le;aret, cumKue su$ com$tes $llum a monerent ut pe em )eg$s $n accept$one tant$ muner$s, Neustr$ae pro;$nc$ae, oscularetur, (ngl$ca l$ngua respon $t 7ne se b$ got,7 Kuo $nterpretatur 7ne per eum#7 )e" ;ero et su$ $llum er$ entes, et sermonem e<us corrupte referentes, $llum ;oca;erunt 1$gottum> un e Normann$ a huc 1$goth$ ;ocantur#? Wace, too, says, $n the )oman e )ou, that the ,rench ha abuse the Normans $n many 9ays, call$ng them 1$gos# 3t $s also terme , $n a ,rench recor of the year 148B, ?un mot tres $n<ur$eu"#? D$eC says $t 9as not use $n $ts present sense before the s$"teenth century# Pcl$$$/1 The most common 9or for a g$ant $n the * as 9as 5otunn M(#! +a"# eotenN, 9h$ch, strange to say, sur;$;es $n the +cotch *t$n# 3n one or t9o places the 9or %gre has been use , 9h$ch $s properly a )omance 9or , an comes from the ,rench ogre, 3tal# orco, 'at# orcus# .ere, too, 9e ha;e an ol )oman go of the nether 9orl egra e # Pcl$;/1 These paro"ysms 9ere calle $n %l Norse 5otunmo r, the *t$n moo , as oppose to (smo r, the moo of the (es$r, that $;$ner 9rath 9h$ch, though burn$ng hot, 9as st$ll un er the control of reason# Pcl"/1 3t may be 9orth 9h$le here to she9 ho9 ol an 9$ esprea th$s custom or not$on of the ?na=e s9or ? 9as# 3n the North, bes$ es be$ng tol of +$gur an 1rynh$l r, 9e hear $t of .rolf an 3ng$ger , 9ho too= rest at n$ght $n a hut of lea;es $n the 9oo , an lay together, ?but la$ a na=e s9or bet9een them#? +o also +a"o Grammat$cus says of 4$ng Gorm/ ?0aeterum ne $nconcessum ;$rg$n$s amorem l$b$ $noso comple"u praer$pere ;$ eretur, ;$c$na latera non solum alter$us comple"$bus e"u$t, se et$am $str$cto mucrone secre;$t#?!!'$b# 9, p# 1I9# +o also Tr$stan an 3solt $n Gottfr$e of +trasbarg7s poem, l$nes 1I,40I!1I!! ?.$er ber ;ant Tr$stan e$nen s$n, +$ g$engen an $r bette 9$ er, &n le$ten s$ch a 9$ er n$ er, 2on e$nan er 9ol b$n an, )eht als man un man, N$ht als man un 9$p> Da lac l$p un l$p, 3n frem er gelegenhe$t, %uch hat Tr$stan gele$t +$n s9ert bar enC9$schen s$#? [paragraph cont$nues] (n the ol ,rench Tr$stan $n the same 9ay!!

?*t Kant $l ;$t la nue espee Ju$ entre eus ens les eseurout#? [paragraph cont$nues] +o the ol ?.$s s9er he rough t$tly (n la$ $t hem b$t;ene#? *ngl$sh Tr$strem, $$$# 80, 81, 88!!

[paragraph cont$nues] Wun erhorn, $$# 8IF!!

[p# cl"$](n

the ol

German balla

$n Des 4naben

?Der .erCog Cog aus se$n gol $ges sch9ert, *r le$t es C9$schen be$ e hert Das sch9ert soll 9e er hauen noch schne$ en, Das (nnele$n soll e$n mege l$ ble$ben#? [paragraph cont$nues] +o ,onCo an ,en$C$a $n the Pentamerone, $# 9!!

?-a segnenno ha;ere fatto ;uto a D$ana, e non toccare la mogl$ere la notte, mese la spata arrancata comme stacc$one 7m$eCo a $sso e a ,en$C$a#? [paragraph cont$nues] (n $n Gr$mm7s story of ?The T9o 1rothers,? 9here the secon brother lays ?a ouble!e ge s9or ? at n$ght bet9een h$mself an h$s brother7s 9$fe, 9ho has m$sta=en h$m for h$s t9$n brother# 3n fact, the custom, as W$ll$am Wac=ernagel has she9n $n .aupt7s Ge$tschr$ft fur Deutsches (lterthum, 9as one recogn$se by the la9> an so late as 14II, 9hen 'e9$s, 0ounty Palat$ne of 2el enC represente -a"$m$l$an of (ustr$a as h$s pro"y at the betrothal of -ary of 1urgun y, he got $nto the be of state, boote an spurre , an la$ a na=e s9or bet9een h$m an the br$ e# 0omp# 1$r=ens *hrensp$egel, p# AAB# +ee also as a proof that the custom 9as =no9n $n *nglan as late as the se;enteenth century, ?The 5o;$al 0re9,? a come y f$rst acte $n 1F41, an Kuote by +$r W# +cott $n h$s Tr$strem, p# :4B, 9here $t $s sa$ , (ct ;# sc# 8, ?.e tol h$m that he 9oul be h$s pro"y, an marry her for h$m, an l$e 9$th her the f$rst n$ght 9$th a na=e cu gel bet9$"t them#? (n see for the 9hole sub<ect, 5# Gr$mm7s Deutsche )echts!(lterthumer, Gott$ngen, 1A8A, pp# 1FA!I0# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# cl"$]

0%N0'&+3%N# We ha;e no9 only to cons$ er the men an our tas= $s one# 3t 9$ll be sooner [p# cl"$$] one, because they may be left to spea= for themsel;es, an must stan or fall by the$r o9n 9or s an act$ons# The tales of all races ha;e a character an manner of the$r o9n# (mong the .$n oos the stra$ght stem of the story $s o;erhung 9$th a net9or= of $magery 9h$ch rem$n s one of the paras$t$c gro9th of a trop$cal forest# (mong the (rabs the tale $s more elegant, po$nte 9$th a moral, an a orne 9$th tropes an ep$so es# (mong the 3tal$ans $t $s br$ght, l$ght, aCCl$ng an s9$ft# (mong the ,rench 9e ha;e passe from the 9oo s, an f$el s, an b$lls, to my la y7s bou o$r,!!rose!p$n= $s the pre;a$l$ng colour, an the a$r $s loa e 9$th patchoul$ an m$lle fleurs# We m$ss the song of b$r s, the mo est o our of 9$l !flo9ers, an the balmy fragrance of the p$ne forest# The +9e es are more st$ff, an the$r style $s more l$=e that of a chron$cle than a 9omen of these Tales, an then

tale# The Germans are s$mple, hearty, an rather com$c than humorous> an -# -oe [L1] has 9ell sa$ , that as 9e rea them $t $s as $f 9e sat an l$stene to some el erly 9oman of the m$ le class, 9ho rec$tes them 9$th a clear, full, eep ;o$ce# 3n +cotlan the fe9 that ha;e been collecte by -r# )obert 0hambers [L8] are as goo $n tone an =eep$ng as anyth$ng of the =$n $n the 9hole range of such popular collect$ons# [L:] The 9on erful [p# cl"$$$] l$=eness 9h$ch $s she9n bet9een such tales as ?The 1lac= 1ull of Norro9ay? $n -r# 0hambers7s collect$on, an 4at$e Woo encloa= $n these Norse Tales, $s to be accounte [p# cl"$;] for by no theory of the $mportat$on of th$s or that part$cular tale $n later t$mes from Nor9ay, but by the fact that the 'o9lan +cots, among 9hom these tales 9ere [p# cl";] tol , 9ere l$neal escen ants of Norsemen, 9ho ha e$ther se$Ce the country $n the 2$=$ng t$mes, or ha been r$;en $nto $t across the 1or er after the Norman 0onKuest# [p# cl";$] These Norse Tales 9e may character$se as bol , outspo=en, an humorous, $n the true sense of humour# 3n the m$ st of e;ery $ff$culty an anger ar$ses that ol [p# cl";$$] [paragraph cont$nues] Norse feel$ng of ma=$ng the best of e;eryth$ng, an =eep$ng a goo face to the foe# The language an tone are perhaps rather lo9er than $n some other collect$ons, [p# cl";$$$] but $t must be remembere that these are the tales of ?hempen homespuns,? of Norse yeomen, of Nors=e 1on er, 9ho call a spa e a spa e, an 9ho burn tallo9, not 9a"> an yet $n no collect$on of tales $s the general tone so chaste, are the great pr$nc$ples of moral$ty better 9or=e out, an r$ght an 9rong =ept so stea $ly $n s$ght# The general ;$e9 of human nature $s goo an =$n ly# The happ$ness of marr$e l$fe 9as ne;er more prett$ly tol than $n ?Gu bran on the .$lls$ e,? Dpage 149E, 9here the ten erness of the 9$fe for her husban 9e$ghs o9n all other cons$ erat$ons> an 9e all agree 9$th -# -oe that $t 9oul be 9ell $f there 9ere many 9$;es l$=e Gu bran 7s# The balance, too, $s ;ery e;enly =ept bet9een the se"es> [p# cl"$"] for $f any 9$fe shoul po$nt 9$th $n $gnat$on at such a tale as ?Not a P$n to choose bet9een them,? Dpage 1I:E, 9here 9$;es suffer> she 9$ll be amply a;enge 9hen she rea s ?The .usban 9ho 9as to m$n the .ouse,? Dpage 8F9E, 9here the husban has ec$ e ly the 9orst of the barga$n, an $s pun$she as he eser;es#

%f part$cular characters, one occurs repeate ly# Th$s $s that 9h$ch 9e ha;e ;enture , for 9ant of a better 9or , to call ?1oots,? from that 9$ ely!sprea tra $t$on $n *ngl$sh fam$l$es, that the youngest brother $s boun to o all the har 9or= h$s brothers set h$m, an 9h$ch has also $gn$f$e h$m 9$th the term here use # 3n Norse he $s calle ?(s=ef$s,? or ?*spen (s=ef<$s#? 1y -# -oe he [p# cl""] $s calle ?(s=epot,? [L1] a Dan$sh 9or 9h$ch the rea ers of Gr$mm7s Tales 9$ll see at once $s o9n brother to (schenputtel# The mean$ng of the 9or $s ?one 9ho po=es about the ashes an blo9s up the f$re?> one 9ho oes $rty 9or=, $n short> an $n Nor9ay, accor $ng to -# -oe, the term $s almost un$;ersally appl$e to the youngest son of the fam$ly# .e $s 0$n erella7s brother, $n fact> an <ust as she ha all the $rty 9or= put upon her by her s$sters, he meets 9$th the same fate from h$s brothers# .e $s generally the youngest of three, 9hose names are often Peter an Paul, as $n No# H'33# MDpage 89BEN, an 9ho esp$se, cry o9n, an moc= h$m# 1ut he has $n h$m that eep strength of character an natural po9er upon 9h$ch the goo po9ers al9ays sm$le# .e $s the man 9hom .ea;en helps, because he can help h$mself> an so, after h$s brothers try an fa$l, he alone can 9atch $n the barn, an tame the stee , an r$ e up the glass h$ll, an ga$n the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om# The Norse ?1oots? shares these Kual$t$es $n common 9$th the ?P$n=el? of the +9e es, an the Dumml$ng of the [p# cl""$] [paragraph cont$nues] Germans, as 9ell as 9$th our ?5ac= the G$ant 4$ller,? but he starts lo9er than these!!he starts from the ust!b$n an the coal!hole# There he s$ts $ le 9h$lst all 9or=> there he l$es 9$th that eep $rony of consc$ous po9er, 9h$ch =no9s $ts t$me must one ay come, an meant$me can affor to 9a$t# When that t$me comes, he g$r s h$mself to the feat, am$ st the scoffs an scorn of h$s flesh an bloo > but e;en then, after he has one some great ee , he conceals $t, returns to h$s ashes, an aga$n s$ts $ ly by the =$tchen!f$re, $rty, laCy, an esp$se , unt$l the t$me for f$nal recogn$t$on comes, an then h$s $rt an rags fall off,!!he stan s out $n all the ma<esty of h$s royal robes, an $s ac=no9le ge once for all a =$ng# 3n th$s 9ay oes the consc$ousness of a nat$on, an the m$rror of $ts thought, reflect the $mage an person$f$cat$on of a great moral truth, that mo esty, en urance, an ab$l$ty 9$ll sooner or later reap the$r re9ar , ho9e;er much they may be egra e , scoffe at, an esp$se by the prou , the 9orthless, an the o;erbear$ng# [L1] (s a general rule, the 9omen are less strongly mar=e than the men> for these Tales, as $s 9ell sa$ , are uttere ?9$th a manly mouth>? [L8] an none of the female characters, e"cept perhaps ?The -asterma$ ,? an ?Tatterhoo ,? can compare $n strength 9$th ?The -aster!+m$th,? ?The -aster!Th$ef,? ?+hortshan=s,? or ?1oots#? +t$ll the true 9omanly type comes out $n full play $n such tales as ?The T9o +tep!s$sters#? Dpage 11:E> *ast o7 the +un an West [p# cl""$$] o7 the -oon,? Dpage 88E> ?1ushy 1r$ e,? Dpage :88E, an ?The T9el;e W$l Duc=s,? Dpage B1E# 3n all these the lass$e $s br$ght, an goo , an

helpful> she forgets herself $n her eagerness to help others# When she goes o9n the 9ell after the uneKual match aga$nst her step!s$ster $n sp$nn$ng br$stles aga$nst fla"> she steps ten erly o;er the he ge, m$l=s the co9, shears the sheep, rel$e;es the boughs of the apple!tree,!!all out of the natural goo ness of her heart# When she $s sent to fetch 9ater from the 9ell, she 9ashes an brushes, an e;en =$sses, the loathsome hea > she bel$e;es 9hat her enem$es say, e;en to her o9n 9rong an $n<ury> she sacr$f$ces all that she hol s most ear, an at last e;en herself, because she $s ma e to bel$e;e that $t $s her brother7s 9$sh# (n so on her, too, the goo po9ers sm$le# +he can un erstan an prof$t by 9hat the l$ttle b$r s say> she =no9s ho9 to choose the r$ght cas=et# (n at last, after many tr$als, all at once the scene changes, an she rece$;es a glor$ous re9ar , 9h$le the 9$c=e stepmother an her ugly aughter meet 9$th a <ust fate# Nor $s another female character less ten erly ra9n $n ?.acon Gr$CClebear ,? Dpage :9E, 9here 9e see the prou , haughty pr$ncess sub ue an tame by natural affect$on $nto a fa$thful, lo;$ng 9$fe# We sympath$se 9$th her more than 9$th the ?Pat$ent Gr$CCel? of the poets, 9ho $s $n real$ty too goo , for her story has no rel$ef> 9h$le $n .acon Gr$CClebear 9e beg$n by be$ng angry at the pr$ncess7s pr$ e> 9e are gla at the retr$but$on 9h$ch o;erta=es her, but 9e are gra ually melte at her suffer$ngs an har sh$ps 9hen she g$;es up all for the 1eggar an follo9s h$m> 9e burst $nto tears 9$th her 9hen she e"cla$ms, ?%h the 1eggar, an the babe, an the cab$nO? an 9e re<o$ce [p# cl""$$$] 9$th her 9hen the Pr$nce says, ?.ere $s the 1eggar, an babe, an so let the cab$n burn a9ay#? there $s the

Nor $s $t unprof$table here to remar= ho9 the profess$ons fare 9hen they appear $n these tales# The 0hurch cannot be sa$ to be treate 9$th respect, for ?,ather 'a9rence? $s lu $crously ece$;e an scur;$ly treate by the -aster Th$ef, Dpage 8:8E> nor oes the pr$est come off any better $n ?Goosey Gr$CCel,? Dpage 881E, 9here he $s thro9n by the ,armer $nto the 9et moss# 3n ee $t seems as $f the popular m$n 9ere eterm$ne to re;enge $tself 9hen left to $tself, for the superst$t$on of )ome on the one han , an the se;er$ty of str$ct 'utheran$sm on the other# 3t has l$ttle to say of e$ther of them, but 9hen $t oes spea=, $ts accents are not those of re;erence an lo;e# The 'a9, too, as represente by those a9ful personages, the 0onstable, the (ttorney, an the +her$ff $n ?The -asterma$ ,? Dpage I1E, $s hel up to r$ $cule, an treate 9$th anyth$ng but ten erness# 1ut there $s one profess$on for 9h$ch a goo 9or $s sa$ , a s$ngle 9or , but enough to she9 the feel$ng of the people# 3n ?The T9el;e W$l Duc=s,? Dpage B1E, the =$ng $s ?as soft an =$n ? to +no9!9h$te an )osey!re ?as a octor,?!!a octor, alasO not of la9s, but of me $c$ne> an thus th$s profess$on, so often esp$se , but $n real$ty the noblest, has homage pa$ to $t $n that s$ngle sentence, 9h$ch ne$ther the 0hurch 9$th all $ts $gn$ty, nor the 'a9 9$th all $ts cunn$ng, ha;e been able to e"tort from the popular m$n # 6et e;en th$s profess$on has a har 9or uttere aga$nst $t $n ?4at$e Woo encloa=,? Dpage :BIE, 9here the octor ta=es a great fee from the 9$c=e Kueen to say she 9$ll ne;er be 9ell unless she has some of the Dun 1ull7s flesh to eat# [p# cl""$;] (n no9 $t $s t$me to br$ng th$s 3ntro uct$on to an en , lest $t shoul play the Wolf7s part to % $n, an s9allo9 up the Tales themsel;es# *nough has been sa$ , at least, to pro;e that e;en nursery tales may ha;e a

sc$ence of the$r o9n, an to she9 ho9 the ol Norn$r an $;$ne sp$nners can re;enge themsel;es $f the$r ol 9$;es7 tales are $nsulte an attac=e # The $nKu$ry $tself m$ght be almost $n ef$n$tely prolonge , for th$s $s a <ourney 9here each turn of the roa br$ngs out a ne9 po$nt of ;$e9, an the longer 9e l$nger on our path, the longer 9e f$n someth$ng fresh to see# Popular mythology $s a ;$rg$n m$ne, an $ts ore, so far from be$ng e"hauste or 9or=e out, has here, $n *nglan at least, been scarcely touche # 3t may, $n ee , be rea e lest the t$me for collect$ng such *ngl$sh tra $t$ons $s not past an gone> 9hether the steam!eng$ne an pr$nt$ng!press ha;e not playe the$r great 9or= of enl$ghtenment too 9ell> an 9hether the popular tales, of 9h$ch, no oubt, the lan 9as once full, ha;e not fa e a9ay before those great $n;ent$ons, as the race# of G$ants 9ane before the m$ght of % $n an the (es$r# +t$ll the e"ample of th$s ;ery Nor9ay, 9h$ch at one t$me 9as thought, e;en by her o9n sons, to ha;e fe9 tales of her o9n, an no9 has been foun to ha;e them so fresh an full, may ser;e as a 9arn$ng not to aban on a search, 9h$ch, $n ee , can scarcely be sa$ to ha;e been e;er begun> an to suggest a oubt 9hether the $ll success 9h$ch may ha;e atten e th$s or that part$cular attempt, may not ha;e been from the fault rather of the see=ers after tra $t$ons, than from the 9ant of the tra $t$ons themsel;es# 3n po$nt of fact, $t $s a matter of the utmost $ff$culty to gather such tales [p# cl"";] $n any country, as those 9ho ha;e collecte them most successfully 9$ll be the f$rst to confess# 3t $s har to ma=e ol an feeble 9omen, 9ho generally are the epos$tar$es of these nat$onal treasures, bel$e;e that the $nKu$rer can ha;e any real $nterest $n the matter# They fear that the Kuest$on $s only put to turn them $nto r$ $cule> for the popular m$n $s a sens$t$;e plant> $t becomes coy, an closes $ts lea;es at the f$rst ru e touch> an 9hen once shut, $t $s har to ma=e these age l$ps re;eal the secrets of the memory# There they rema$n, ho9e;er, form$ng part of an un er!current of tra $t$on, of 9h$ch the e ucate classes, through 9hose m$n flo9s the br$ght upper!current of fa$th, are apt to forget the ;ery e"$stence/ th$ngs out of s$ght, an therefore out of m$n # No9 an then a 9a;e of chance tosses them to the surface from those h$ en epths, an all .er -a<esty7s $nspectors of schools are shoc=e at the 9$l shapes 9h$ch st$ll haunt the m$n s of the great mass of the commun$ty# 3t cannot be sa$ that the *ngl$sh are not a superst$t$ous people# .ere 9e ha;e gone on for more than a hun re years procla$m$ng our op$n$on that the bel$ef $n 9$tches, an 9$Car s, an ghosts, an fetches, 9as e"t$nct throughout the lan # -$n$sters of all enom$nat$ons ha;e preache them o9n, an ph$losophers con;$nce all the 9orl of the absur $ty of such ;a$n superst$t$ons> an yet $t has been reser;e for another learne profess$on, the 'a9, to pro uce $n one tr$al at the +taffor sh$re ass$Ces, a year or t9o ago, such a host of 9$tnesses, 9ho f$rmly bel$e;e $n 9$tchcraft, an s9ore to the$r bel$ef $n spectre ogs an 9$Car s, as to she9 that, $n the -$ lan count$es at least, such tra $t$ons are anyth$ng but e"t$nct# 3f so much of [p# cl"";$] the ba has been spare by steam, by natural ph$losophy, an by the 0hurch, let us hope that some of the goo may st$ll l$nger along 9$th $t, an that an *ngl$sh Gr$mm may yet ar$se 9ho may carry out 9hat -r# 0hambers has so 9ell begun $n +cotlan , an $sco;er $n the mouth of an

(nglo!+a"on Gammer Grethel, some, at least, of those popular tales 9h$ch *nglan once ha $n common 9$th all the (ryan race# ,or these Norse Tales one may say that noth$ng can eKual the ten erness an s=$ll 9$th 9h$ch --# (sb<ornsen an -oe ha;e collecte them# +ome of that ten erness an beauty may, $t $s hope , be foun $n th$s *ngl$sh translat$on> but to those 9ho ha;e ne;er been $n the country 9here they are current, an 9ho are not fam$l$ar 9$th that hearty s$mple people, no 9or s can tell the freshness an truth of the or$g$nals# 3t $s not that the $ $oms of the t9o languages are $fferent, for they are more nearly all$e , both $n ;ocabulary an construct$on, than any other t9o tongues, but $t $s the face of nature herself, an the character of the race that loo=s up to her, that fa$l to the m$n 7s eye# The West 0oast of +cotlan $s someth$ng l$=e that nature $n a general 9ay, e"cept that $t $s $nf$n$tely smaller an less gran > but that constant, br$ght blue s=y, those eeply!$n ente , s$nuous, gleam$ng fr$ths, those hea strong r$;ers an hea long falls, those steep h$ll!s$ es, those long r$ ges of fells, those pea=s an nee les r$s$ng sharp abo;e them, those hang$ng glac$ers an 9reaths of e;erlast$ng sno9, those to9er$ng en less p$ne forests, rel$e;e by slen er stems of s$l;er b$rch, those green spots $n the m$ st of the forest, those 9$n $ng ales an uplan la=es, those ;ar$ous shapes of [p# cl"";$$] b$r s an beasts, the m$ghty crash$ng el=, the fleet re$n eer, the fearless bear, the n$mble lyn", the shy 9olf, those eagles, an s9ans, an seab$r s, those many tones an notes of Nature7s ;o$ce ma=$ng $stant mus$c through the t9$l$ght summer n$ght, those br$ll$ant, flash$ng northern l$ghts 9hen ays gro9 short, those aCCl$ng, bl$n $ng storms of autumn sno9, that cheerful 9$nter frost an col , that <oy of sle g$ng o;er the smooth $ce, 9hen the sharp!sho horse careers at full spee 9$th the l$ght sle ge, or rushes o9n the steep p$tches o;er the crac=l$ng sno9 through the green spruce 9oo !!all these form a Nature of the$r o9n# These part$cular features belong $n the$r fatness an comb$nat$on to no other lan # When $n the m$ st of all th$s natural scenery 9e f$n an honest, manly race, not the race of the to9ns an c$t$es, but of the ales an fells, free an unsub ue , hol $ng $ts o9n $n a country 9here there are ne$ther lor s nor la $es, but s$mple men an 9omen, bra;e men an fa$r 9omen, 9ho cl$ng to the tra $t$ons of the$r forefathers, an 9hose memory reflects as from# the fa$thful m$rror of the$r nat$;e steel the 9hole h$story an progress of the$r race!!9hen all these natural features, an such a manly race meet> then 9e ha;e the stuff out of 9h$ch these tales are ma e, the l$;$ng roc= out of 9h$ch these sharp!cut nat$onal forms are he9n# Then, too, our tas= of $ntro uc$ng them $s o;er, 9e may lay as$ e our pen, an lea;e the rea er an the tales to themsel;es# ,ootnotes Pcl"$$/1 -# -oe, 3ntro # Nors=# *;ent#, 0hr$st$an$a, 1AB1, 8 9h$ch the 9r$ter $s largely $n ebte # Pcl"$$/8 Popular )hymes of +cotlan , e # 1A4I# Pcl"$$/: The follo9$ng l$st, 9h$ch only selects the more prom$nent collect$ons, 9$ll suff$ce to she9 that Popular Tales ha;e a l$terature of the$r o9n/!!+anscr$t/ The Pantcha!Tantra, ?The ,$;e 1oo=s,? a collect$on e #, to

of fables of 9h$ch only e"tracts ha;e as yet been publ$she , but of 9h$ch Professor [p# cl"$$$] W$lson has g$;en an analys$s $n the Transact$ons of the (s$at$c +oc$ety, ;ol# $# sect# 8# The .$topa esa, or ?Wholesome 3nstruct$on,? a select$on of tales an fables from the Pantcha!Tantra, f$rst e $te by 0arey at +erampore $n 1A04> aga$n by .am$lton $n 'on on $n 1A10> aga$n $n Germany by (# W# ;on +chlegel $n 1A89, an e $t$on 9h$ch 9as follo9e $n 1A:1 by a cr$t$cal commentary by 'assen> an aga$n $n 1A:0 at 0alcutta 9$th a 1engal$ an *ngl$sh translat$on# The 9or= ha been translate $nto *ngl$sh by W$l=$ns so early as 1IAI, 9hen $t 9as publ$she $n 'on on, an aga$n by +$r W$ll$am 5ones, 9hose ren er$ng, 9h$ch $s not so goo as that by W$l=$ns, appeare after h$s eath $n the collecte e $t$on of h$s 9or=s# 3nto German $t has been translate $n a masterly 9ay by -a" -uller, 'e$pC$g, 1roc=haus, 1A44# 2ers$ons of these +anscr$t collect$ons, the ate of the latter of 9h$ch $s ascr$be to the en of the secon century of the 0hr$st$an era, ;ary$ng $n many respects, but all possess$ng suff$c$ent resemblance to $ ent$fy them 9$th the$r +anscr$t or$g$nals, are foun $n almost e;ery 3n $an $alect, an $n Gen , (rab$c, Pers$an, .ebre9, Gree=, an Tur=$sh# We are happy to be able to state here that the em$nent +anscr$t scholar, Professor 1enfey of Gott$ngen, $s no9 publ$sh$ng a German translat$on of the Pantcha!Tantra, 9h$ch 9$ll be accompan$e by translat$ons of numerous compos$t$ons of the same =$n , ra9n from unpubl$she +anscr$t 9or=s, an from the legen s current amongst the -ongol$an tr$bes# The 9or= 9$ll be prece e by an $ntro uct$on embrac$ng the 9hole Kuest$on of the or$g$n an $ffus$on of fables an popular tales# The follo9$ng 9$ll be the t$tle of Prof# 1enfey7s 9or=/ [p# cl"$;]!!?Pantcha Tantra# *rster The$l/ ,unf 1ucher 3n $scher ,abeln, -archen, un *rCalungen# (us em +ans=r$t ubersetCt, m$t (nmer=ungen un *$nle$tung uber as 3n $sche Grun 9er= un essen (usflusse, so 9$e uber $e Juellen un 2erbre$tung es 3nhalts erselben# G9e$ter The$l, &bersetCungen un (nmer=ungen#? -ost $nterest$ng of all for our purpose $s the collect$on of +anscr$t Tales, collecte $n the t9elfth century of our era, by +oma e;a 1hatta of 0ashmere# Th$s has been publ$she $n +anscr$t, an translate $nto German by .ermann 1roc=haus, an the nature of $ts contents has alrea y been suff$c$ently $n $cate # We may a , ho9e;er, that +oma e;a7s collect$on e"h$b$ts the .$n oo m$n $n the t9elfth century $n a con $t$on, as regar s popular tales, 9h$ch that of *urope has not yet reache # .o9 ol these stor$es an fables must ha;e been $n the *ast, 9e see both from the Pantcha!Tantra an the .$topa esa, 9h$ch are str$ctly $ act$c 9or=s, an only employ tales an fables to $llustrate an $nculcate a moral lesson# We $n the West ha;e got beyon fables an apologues, but 9e are only no9 collect$ng our popular tales# 3n +oma e;a7s t$me the s$mple tale no longer suff$ce > $t ha to be f$tte $nto an arrange 9$th others, 9$th an art an e"ter$ty 9h$ch $s really mar;ellous> an so cle;erly $s th$s one, that $t reKu$res a m$n of no l$ttle cult$;at$on, an a hea of more than or $nary clearness, to carry 9$thout confus$on all the 9heels 9$th$n 9heels, an fables 9$th$n fables, 9h$ch spr$ng out of the or$g$nal story as $t procee s# 3n other respects the popular tale loses $n s$mpl$c$ty 9hat $t ga$ns $n $ntr$cacy by th$s art$f$c$al arrangement> an $t $s e;$ ent that $n the t9elfth century the .$n oo tales [p# cl";] ha been long s$nce collecte out of the mouths of the people, an re uce to 9r$t$ng>!!$n a 9or , that the popular element ha $sappeare , an that they ha passe $nto the 9r$tten l$terature of the race# We may ta=e th$s opportun$ty, too, to ment$on that a most cur$ous collect$on of tales an fables, translate from +anscr$t, has recently boon $sco;ere $n 0h$nese# They are on the e;e of publ$cat$on by -# +tan$slas 5ul$en, the f$rst of 0h$nese scholars> an from the $nformat$on on the matter 9h$ch Professor -a" -uller has =$n ly furn$she to the translator, $t appears

that they passe 9$th 1u h$sm from 3n $a $nto 0h$na# The 9or= from 9h$ch -# 5ul$en has ta=en these fables!!9h$ch are all the more prec$ous because the +anscr$t or$g$nals ha;e $n all probab$l$ty per$she ,!!$s calle 6u! l$n, or ?The ,orest of 0ompar$sons#? 3t 9as the 9or= of 6ouen!tha$, a great 0h$nese scholar, 9ho 9as Pres$ ent of the -$n$stry of 5ust$ce at Pe=$n $n the year 1BFB of our era# .e collecte $n t9enty!four ;olumes, after the labour of t9enty years, ur$ng 9h$ch he rea up9ar s of four hun re 9or=s, all the fables an compar$sons he coul f$n $n anc$ent boo=s# %f those 9or=s, t9o hun re 9ere translat$ons from the +anscr$t ma e by 1u h$st mon=s, an $t $s from ele;en of these that -# 5ul$en has translate h$s 0h$nese ,ables# We nee har ly say that th$s 9or= $s most an"$ously e"pecte by all 9ho ta=e an $nterest $n such matters# 'et $t be allo9e to a here, that $t 9as through no 9ant of respect to9ar s the memory of -# e +acy that the translator has g$;en so much prom$nence to the ;$e9s an labours of the 1rothers Gr$mm $n th$s 3ntro uct$on# To -# e +acy belongs all the mer$t of e"plor$ng 9hat may be calle the ol 9r$tten [p# cl";$] 9orl of fable# .e, an Warton, an Dunlop, an Pr$ce, too, $ the ays9or= of g$ants, $n trac$ng out an class$fy$ng those tales an fables 9h$ch ha passe $nto the l$terature of the (ryan race# 1ut, bes$ es th$s ol reg$on, there $s another ne9 hem$sphere of f$ct$on 9h$ch l$es $n the mouths an $n the m$n s of the people# Th$s ne9 9orl of fable the Gr$mms $sco;ere , an to them belongs the glory of ha;$ng brought all $ts fru$ts an flo9ers to the l$ght of ay# Th$s $s 9hy the$r names must e;er be foremost $n a 9or= on Popular Tales, sh$n$ng, as the$r names must e;er sh$ne, a br$ght ouble star o;er that ne9 hem$sphere# 3n more mo ern t$mes, the earl$est collect$on of popular tales $s to be foun $n the P$ace;ol$ Notte of 5ohn ,ranc$s +traparola of 0ara;agg$o, near -$lan, the f$rst e $t$on of 9h$ch appeare at 2en$ce $n 1BB0# The boo=, 9h$ch $s shamefully $n ecent, e;en for that age, an 9h$ch at last, $n 1F0F, 9as place $n the 3n e" *"purgator$us, conta$ns stor$es from all sources, an amongst them n$neteen genu$ne popular tales, 9h$ch are not $sf$gure by the f$lth 9$th 9h$ch the rest of the ;olume $s full# +traparola7s 9or= has been t9$ce translate $nto German,!!once at 2$enna, 1I91, an aga$n by +chm$ t $n a more complete form, -archen!+aal, 1erl$n, 1A1I# 1ut a much more $nterest$ng 3tal$an collect$on appeare at Naples $n the ne"t century# Th$s 9as the Pentamerone of G$ambatt$sta 1as$le, 9ho 9rote $n the Neapol$tan $alect, an 9hose boo= appeare $n 1F:I# Th$s collect$on conta$ns forty!e$ght tales, an $s $n tone, an =eep$ng an $ct$on, one of the best that has e;er appeare $n any language# 3t has been repeate ly repr$nte at Naples# 3t has been translate $nto German, an a port$on of $t, a year or t9o bac=, by [p# cl";$$] -r# Taylor, $nto *ngl$sh# 3n ,rance the f$rst collect$on of th$s =$n 9as ma e by 0harles Perrault, 9ho, $n 1F9I, publ$she e$ght tales, un er a t$tle ta=en from an ol ,abl$au, 0ontes e ma -ere l7%ye, 9hence comes our ?-other Goose#? To these e$ght, three more tales 9ere a e $n later e $t$ons# Perrault 9as shortly follo9e by -a ame 7(ulnoy Mborn $n 1FB0, $e 1I0BN, 9hose manner of treat$ng her tales $s far less true to nature than Perrault7s, an 9ho $nserts at 9$ll ;erses, alterat$ons, a $t$ons, an moral reflect$ons# .er style $s sent$mental an o;er!ref$ne > the courtly a$rs of the age of 'ou$s H32# pre om$nate, an nature suffers by the change from the cottage to the palace# -a ame 7(ulnoy 9as follo9e by a host of $m$tators/ the 0ountess -urat, 9ho $e $n 1I1F> 0ountess 7(uneu$l, 9ho $e $n 1I00> -# e Preschac, born 1FIF, 9ho compose tales of utter 9orthlessness, 9h$ch may be rea as e"amples of 9hat popular tales are not, $n the collect$on calle 'e 0ab$net es ,ees, 9h$ch 9as publ$she $n Par$s $n 1IAB# Not much better are the attempts of 0ount .am$lton, 9ho $e $n 1I80> of -# e -oncr$f, 9ho $e $n 1II0> of -a emo$selle e la ,orce, $e 1I84> of -a emo$selle l7.er$t$er, $e 1I:I> of 0ount 0aylus,

9ho 9rote h$s ,eer$es Nou;elles $n the f$rst half of the e$ghteenth century, for the popular element fa$ls almost ent$rely $n the$r 9or=s# +uch as they are, they may also be rea $n the 0ab$net es ,ees, a collect$on 9h$ch ran to no fe9er than forty!one ;olumes, an 9$th 9h$ch no lo;er of popular tra $t$on nee trouble h$mself much# To the play9r$ght an the story!teller $t has been a great repos$tory, 9h$ch has suppl$e the lac= of or$g$nal $n;ent$on# 3n Germany 9e nee trouble oursel;es 9$th none [p# cl";$$$] of the collect$ons before the t$me of the Gr$mms, e"cept to say that they are nearly 9orthless# 3n 1A18!14 the t9o brothers, 5acob an W$ll$am, brought out the f$rst e $t$on of the$r 4$n er! un .aus!-archen, 9h$ch 9as follo9e by a secon an more complete one $n 1A88, : ;ols#, 1erl$n, )e$mer# The t9o f$rst ;olumes ha;e been repeate ly republ$she , but fe9 rea ers $n *nglan are a9are of the e"$stence of the th$r , a th$r e $t$on of 9h$ch appeare $n 1ABF at Gott$ngen, 9h$ch conta$ns the l$terature of these tra $t$ons, an $s a monument of the care an pa$ns 9$th 9h$ch the brothers!!or rather W$ll$am, for $t $s h$s 9or=!!e;en so far bac= as 1A80, ha trace out parallel tra $t$ons $n other tr$bes an lan s# Th$s 9or= forme an era $n popular l$terature, an has been a opte as a mo el by all true collectors e;er s$nce# 3t procee e on the pr$nc$ple of fa$thfully collect$ng these tra $t$ons from the mouths of the people, 9$thout a $ng one <ot or t$ttle, or $n any 9ay $nterfer$ng 9$th them, e"cept to select th$s or that ;ar$at$on as most apt or beaut$ful# To the a opt$on of th$s pr$nc$ple 9e o9e the e"cellent [p# cl"$"] +9e $sh collect$on of George +tephens an .ylten 0a;all$ns, +;ens=a ,ol=!+agor og (ef;entyr, 8 ;ols#, +toc=holm 1A44, an follo9$ng years> an also th$s beaut$ful Norse one, to 9h$ch 5acob Gr$mm a9ar s the palm o;er all collect$ons, e"cept perhaps the +cott$sh, of --# (sb<ornsen an -oe# To $t also 9e o9e many most e"cellent collect$ons $n Germany, o;er nearly the 9hole of 9h$ch an act$;e ban of the Gr$mms7 pup$ls ha;e gone gather$ng up as gleaners the ears 9h$ch the$r great masters ha let fall or let l$e# 3n Denmar= the collect$on of -# W$nther, Dans=e ,ol=ee;entyr, 0openhagen 1A8:, $s a pra$se9orthy attempt $n the same $rect$on> nor oes $t at all etract from the mer$t of .# 0# (n ersen as an or$g$nal 9r$ter, to obser;e ho9 often h$s creat$;e m$n has fastene on one of these nat$onal stor$es, an 9or=e out of that p$ece of nat$;e roc= a f$n$she 9or= of art# Though last, not least, are to be rec=one the +cott$sh stor$es collecte by -r# )obert 0hambers, of the mer$t of 9h$ch 9e ha;e alrea y e"presse our op$n$on $n the te"t# Pcl""/1 (fter all, there $s, $t seems, a +cott$sh 9or 9h$ch ans9ers to (s=epot to a ha$r# +ee 5am$eson7s D$ct$onary 9here the rea er 9$ll f$n (sh$epattle as use $n +hetlan for ?a neglecte ch$l ?> an not $n +hetlan alone, but $n (yrsh$re, (shypet, an a <ect$;e, or rather a substant$;e egra e to o the $rty 9or= of an a <ect$;e, ?one employe $n the lo9est =$tchen 9or=#? +ee too the Kuotat$on, ?9hen 3 reache -rs# Damas=7s house she 9as gone to be , an nobo y to let me $n, r$pp$ng 9et as 3 9as, but an ashypet lass$e, that helps her for a ser;ant#?!! +teamboat, page 8B9# +o aga$n (ss$epet, substant$;e, ?a $rty l$ttle creature, one that $s constantly so$le 9$th ass or ashes#? Pcl""$/1 The +agas conta$n many $nstances of Norsemen 9ho sat thus $ ly o;er the f$re, an 9ere thence calle 4olb$tr, coalb$ters, but 9ho after9ar s became m$ghty men# Pcl""$/8 -oe/ 3ntro # Nors=# *;ent#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# cl"";$"]

*HT)(0T+ ,)%- P)*++ N%T30*+# 7The late +$r George Dasent7s Popular Tales from the Norse, tol as they are $n easy an charm$ng *ngl$sh, ha;e ha many rea ers, an 9e are gla therefore to 9elcome a ne9 e $t$on# %f the Tales themsel;es an of +$r George Dasent7s scholarly $ntro uct$on to them noth$ng rema$ns to be sa$ , e"cept perhaps that as they ha;e ant$Ku$ty beh$n them, so as he$rlooms of the 9hole (ryan race, they must sur;$;e to an $n ef$n$te future# The *ngl$sh!spea=$ng 9orl cannot es$re a better translat$on than th$s of +$r George Dasent# What $s ne9 on the present occas$on $s -r# Dasent7s -emo$r of h$s father, 9h$ch a s cons$ erably to the $nterest of the ;olume# -r# Dasent has one 9ell to put on recor th$s account of a l$fe spent, part of $t formally, part $nformally, but all of $t honourably $n the ser;$ce of the publ$c#7!!T$mes# 7The stor$es seem as 9e rea them as $f they coul not ha;e e"$ste other9$se# ( feature of the collect$on $s the masterly $ntro uct$on g$;$ng a sur;ey of the 9hole of Northern mythology an l$terature# We =no9 of no other 9or= of $ts =$n that forms so goo an $ntro uct$on to the stu y of the 9on erful poetry of the ol er * a#7!!+pectator# 7Dasent7s Popular Tales from the Norse may cla$m to ran= as a class$c# %ne of the most capable, earnest, an scholarly $sc$ples of the Gr$mms, +$r George contr$bute greatly to the =no9le ge of comparat$;e mythology an fol=lore, an bes$ es o$ng much to popular$se a branch of =no9le ge at that t$me conf$ne to the spec$al$st, ga;e us a boo= of stor$es 9h$ch has been a perpetual el$ght to manhoo an to youth# The ne9 e $t$on $s han somely got up, an 9$ll be an ornament to any shel;es# 3t has ne;er been forgotten, but $s l$=ely to en<oy an aftermath of prosper$ty#7!! Notes an Juer$es# [p# cl"""] *HT)(0T+ ,)%- P)*++ N%T30*+#!!cont$nue # 7%ne of the most charm$ng boo=s of fol= stor$es perhaps =no9n to *ngl$sh rea ers $s +$r George Webbe Dasent7s Popular Tales from the Norse, of 9h$ch Da;$ Douglas, * $nburgh, has <ust pro uce a ne9 e $t$on# The $nterest of th$s $ssue $s much $ncrease by the ;aluable a $t$on of a memo$r of the author contr$bute by h$s son, (rthur 3r9$n Dasent# -r# Dasent g$;es a clear an conc$se account of h$s father7s career, from the t$me of h$s b$rth at +t# 2$ncent $n 1A1I to the ate of h$s eath at h$s home at 1agshotheath $n 5une 1A9F#7!!Da$ly Telegraph# 7Though nearly half a century has passe a9ay s$nce the f$rst appearance of these celebrate +can $na;$an stor$es $n *ngl$sh ress, the fact that they are st$ll $n eman sho9s the$r $nherent ;$tal$ty#7!!Dun ee ( ;ert$ser# 7The $ntro uctory essay to these translat$ons from the Norse 9as pronounce by no less an author$ty than -a" -uller to be one of the

purest spec$mens of *ngl$sh l$terature pro uce $n our o9n or any other age, an $t $s therefore $nterest$ng to glance at the con $t$ons un er 9h$ch the boo= 9as 9r$tten#7!!T# P#7s Wee=ly# 7The $nterest of the present ;olume $s enhance by the $nclus$on of a memo$r of the $st$ngu$she +can $na;$an scholar# 3t $s 9r$tten by h$s son, -r# (rthur 3r9$n Dasent, an though br$ef presents an e"cellent an sharp p$cture of the man 9hose 9or= 9as $n $ts 9ay a class$c shar$ng 9$th (n ersen7s an Gr$mm7s ,a$ry Tales the lo;e of ch$l ren of a past generat$on, an stan $ng to them much $n the same relat$on that (l$ce $n Won erlan stan s to the$r successors#7!!The %utloo=#

*D3N1&)G./ D(23D D%&G'(+, 10 0(+T'* +T)**T#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 1]

True an


%nce on a t$me there 9ere t9o brothers> one 9as calle True, an the other &ntrue# True 9as al9ays upr$ght an goo to9ar s all, but &ntrue 9as ba an full of l$es, so that no one coul bel$e;e 9hat he sa$ # The$r mother 9as a 9$ o9, an ha n7t much to l$;e on> so 9hen her sons ha gro9n up, she 9as force to sen them a9ay, that they m$ght earn the$r brea $n the 9orl # *ach got a l$ttle scr$p 9$th some foo $n $t, an then they 9ent the$r 9ay# No9, 9hen they ha 9al=e t$ll e;en$ng, they sat o9n on a 9$n fall $n the 9oo , an too= out the$r scr$ps, for they 9ere hungry after 9al=$ng the 9hole ay, an thought a morsel of foo 9oul be s9eet enough# ?3f you7re of my m$n ,? sa$ &ntrue, ?3 th$n= 9e ha better eat out of your scr$p, so long as there $s anyth$ng $n $t, an after that 9e can ta=e to m$ne#? 6esO True 9as 9ell please 9$th th$s, so they fell to eat$ng, but &ntrue got all the best b$ts, an stuffe h$mself 9$th them, 9h$le True got only the burnt crusts an scraps# [p# 8] Ne"t morn$ng they bro=e the$r fast off True7s foo , an they $ne off $t too, an then there 9as noth$ng left $n h$s scr$p# +o 9hen they ha 9al=e t$ll late at n$ght, an 9ere rea y to eat aga$n, True 9ante to eat out of h$s brother7s scr$p, but &ntrue sa$ ?No,? the foo 9as h$s, an he ha only enough for h$mself#

?NayO but you =no9 you ate out of my scr$p so long as there 9as anyth$ng $n $t,? sa$ True# ?(ll ;ery f$ne, 3 aresay,? ans9ere &ntrue> ?but $f you are such a fool as to let others eat up your foo before your face, you must ma=e the best of $t> for no9 all you ha;e to o $s to s$t here an star;e#? ?2ery 9ellO? sa$ True, ?you7re &ntrue by name an untrue by nature> so you ha;e been, an so you 9$ll be all your l$fe long#? No9 9hen brother, fol= are an left &ntrue hear th$s, he fle9 $nto a rage, an rushe at h$s an pluc=e out both h$s eyes# ?No9, try $f you can see 9hether untrue or not, you bl$n buCCar O? an so say$ng, he ran a9ay h$m# an feel$ng h$s 9ay through the =ne9 9h$ch 9ay to turn, 9hen all a great bushy l$me!tree, so he s$t there t$ll the n$ght 9as o;er

Poor TrueO there he 9ent 9al=$ng along th$c= 9oo # 1l$n an alone, he scarce at once he caught hol of the trun= of thought he 9oul cl$mb up $nto $t, an for fear of the 9$l beasts#

?When the b$r s beg$n to s$ng,? he sa$ to h$mself, ?then 3 shall =no9 $t $s ay, an 3 can try to grope my 9ay farther on#? +o he cl$mbe up $nto the l$me!tree# (fter he ha sat there a l$ttle t$me, he hear ho9 some one came an began to ma=e a st$r an clatter un er the [p# :] tree, an soon after others came an 9hen they began to greet one another, he foun out $t 9as 1ru$n the bear, an Greylegs the 9olf, an +lyboots the fo", an 'ongears the hare, 9ho ha come to =eep +t# 5ohn7s e;e un er the tree# +o they began to eat an r$n=, an be merry> an 9hen they ha one eat$ng they fell to goss$p$ng together# (t last the ,o" sa$ !! ?+han7t 9e, each of us, tell a l$ttle story 9h$le 9e s$t here@? WellO the others ha noth$ng aga$nst that# 3t 9oul be goo fun, they sa$ , an the 1ear began> for you may fancy he 9as =$ng of the company# ?The =$ng of *nglan ,? sa$ 1ru$n, ?has such ba eyes$ght, he can scarce see a yar before h$m> but $f he only came to th$s l$me!tree $n the morn$ng, 9h$le the e9 $s st$ll on the lea;es, an too= an rubbe h$s eyes 9$th the e9, he 9oul get bac= h$s s$ght as goo as e;er#? ?2ery trueO? sa$ Greylegs# ?The =$ng of *nglan has a eaf an umb aughter too> but $f he only =ne9 9hat 3 =no9, he 9oul soon cure her# 'ast year she 9ent to the commun$on# +he let a crumb of the brea fall out of her mouth, an a great toa came an s9allo9e $t o9n> but $f they only ug up the chancel floor, they 9oul f$n the toa s$tt$ng r$ght un er the altar ra$ls, 9$th the brea st$ll st$c=$ng $n h$s throat# 3f they 9ere to cut the toa open, an ta=e an g$;e the brea to the pr$ncess, she 9oul be l$=e other fol= aga$n as to her speech an hear$ng#? ?That7s all ;ery 9ell,? sa$ the ,o"> ?but $f the =$ng 9hat 3 =no9, he 9oul not be so ba ly off for 9ater $n un er the great stone, $n [p# 4] h$s palace!yar , $s a clearest 9ater one coul 9$sh for, $f he only =ne9 to of *nglan =ne9 h$s palace> for spr$ng of the $g for $t there#?

?(hO? sa$ the .are $n a small ;o$ce> ?the =$ng of *nglan has the f$nest orchar $n the 9hole lan but $t oes not bear so much as a crab, for

there l$es a hea;y gol cha$n $n three turns roun the orchar # 3f he got that ug up, there 9oul not be a gar en l$=e $t for bear$ng $n all h$s =$ng om#? ?2ery true, 3 are say,? sa$ an 9e may as 9ell go home#? the ,o"> ?but no9 $t7s gett$ng ;ery late,

+o they all 9ent a9ay together# (fter they 9ere gone, True fell asleep as he sat up $n the tree> but 9hen the b$r s began to s$ng at a9n, he 9o=e up, an too= the e9 from the lea;es, an rubbe h$s eyes 9$th $t, an so got h$s s$ght bac= as goo as $t 9as before &ntrue pluc=e h$s eyes out# Then he 9ent stra$ght to the =$ng of *nglan 7s palace, an begge for 9or=, an got $t on the spot# +o one ay the =$ng came out $nto the palace!yar , an 9hen he ha 9al=e about a b$t, he 9ante to r$n= out of h$s pump> for you must =no9 the ay 9as hot, an the =$ng ;ery th$rsty> but 9hen they poure h$m out a glass, $t 9as so mu y, an nasty, an foul, that the =$ng got Ku$te ;e"e # ?3 on7t th$n= there7s e;er a man $n my 9hole =$ng om 9ho has such ba 9ater $n h$s yar as 3, an yet 3 br$ng $t $n p$pes from far, o;er h$ll an ale,? cr$e out the =$ng# ?'$=e enough, your -a<esty>? sa$ True, ?but $f you 9oul let me ha;e some men to help me to $g up th$s great stone 9h$ch l$es here $n the m$ le of your yar , you 9oul soon see goo 9ater, an plenty of $t#? [p# B] WellO the =$ng 9as 9$ll$ng enough> an they ha scarcely got the stone 9ell out, an ug un er $t a 9h$le, before a <et of 9ater sprang out h$gh up $nto the a$r, as clear an full as $f $t came out of a con u$t, an clearer 9ater 9as not to be foun $n all *nglan # ( l$ttle 9h$le after the =$ng 9as out $n h$s palace!yar aga$n, an there came a great ha9= fly$ng after h$s ch$c=en, an all the =$ng7s men began to clap the$r han s an ba9l out, ?There he fl$esO? ?There he fl$esO? The =$ng caught up h$s gun an tr$e to shoot the ha9=, but he coul n7t see so far, so he fell $nto great gr$ef# ?Woul to .ea;en,? he sa$ , ?there 9as any one 9ho coul tell me a cure for my eyes> for 3 th$n= 3 shall soon go Ku$te bl$n O? ?3 can tell you one soon enough,? sa$ True> an then he tol the =$ng 9hat he ha one to cure h$s o9n eyes, an the =$ng set off that ;ery afternoon to the l$me!tree, as you may fancy, an h$s eyes 9ere Ku$te cure as soon as he rubbe them 9$th the e9 9h$ch 9as on the lea;es $n the morn$ng# ,rom that t$me forth there 9as no one 9hom the =$ng hel so ear as True, an he ha to be 9$th h$m 9here;er he 9ent, both at home an abroa # +o one ay, as they 9ere 9al=$ng together $n the orchar , the =$ng sa$ , ?3 can7t tell ho9 $t $s, that 3 can7tO there $sn7t a man $n *nglan 9ho spen s so much on h$s orchar as 3, an yet 3 can7t get one of the trees to bear so much as a crab#? ?WellO WellO? sa$ True> ?$f 3 may ha;e 9hat l$es three t$mes t9$ste roun your orchar , an men to $g $t up, your orchar 9$ll bear 9ell enough#?

6esO the =$ng 9as Ku$te 9$ll$ng, so True got men an [p# F] began to $g, an at last he ug up the 9hole gol cha$n# No9 True 9as a r$ch man, far r$cher $n ee than the =$ng h$mself, but st$ll the =$ng 9as 9ell please , for h$s orchar bore so that the boughs of the trees hung o9n to the groun , an such s9eet apples an pears nobo y ha e;er taste # (nother ay too the =$ng an True 9ere 9al=$ng about, an tal=$ng together, 9hen the pr$ncess passe them, an the =$ng 9as Ku$te o9ncast 9hen he sa9 her# ?3sn7t $t a p$ty, no9, that so lo;ely a pr$ncess as m$ne shoul speech an hear$ng@? he sa$ to True# ?(y, but there $s a cure for that,? sa$ True# 9ant

When the =$ng hear that, he 9as so gla that he prom$se h$m the pr$ncess to 9$fe, an half h$s =$ng om $nto the barga$n, $f he coul get her r$ght aga$n# +o True too= a fe9 men, an 9ent $nto the church, an ug up the toa 9h$ch sat un er the altar!ra$ls# Then he cut open the toa , an too= out the brea an ga;e $t to the =$ng7s aughter> an from that hour she got bac= her speech, an coul tal= l$=e other people# No9 True 9as to ha;e the pr$ncess, an they got rea y for the br$ al! feast, an such a feast ha ne;er been seen before> $t 9as the tal= of the 9hole lan # 5ust as they 9ere $n the m$ st of anc$ng the br$ al! ance, $n came a beggar la , an begge for a morsel of foo , an he 9as so ragge an 9retche that e;ery one crosse themsel;es 9hen they loo=e at h$m> but True =ne9 h$m at once, an sa9 that $t 9as &ntrue, h$s brother# ?Do you =no9 me aga$n@? sa$ ?%hO 9here shoul &ntrue# [p# I] True#

such a one as 3 e;er ha;e seen so great a lor @? sa$

?+t$ll you ha;e seen me before,? sa$ True# ?3t 9as 3 9hose eyes you pluc=e out a year ago th$s ;ery ay# &ntrue by name, an untrue by nature> so 3 sa$ before, an so 3 say no9> but you are st$ll my brother, an so you shall ha;e some foo # (fter that, you may go to the l$me!tree 9here 3 sat last year> $f you hear anyth$ng that can o you goo , you 9$ll be luc=y#? +o &ntrue $ not 9a$t to be tol t9$ce# ?3f True has got so much goo by s$tt$ng $n the l$me!tree, that $n one year he has come to be =$ng o;er half *nglan , 9hat goo may not 3 get@? he thought# +o he set off an cl$mbe up $nto the l$me!tree# .e ha not sat there long, before all the beasts came as before, an ate an ran=, an =ept +t# 5ohn7s e;e un er the tree# When they ha left off eat$ng, the ,o" 9$she that they shoul beg$n to tell stor$es, an &ntrue got rea y to l$sten 9$th all h$s m$ght, t$ll h$s ears 9ere almost f$t to fall off# 1ut 1ru$n the bear 9as surly, an , gro9le an sa$ !! ?+ome one has been chatter$ng about 9hat 9e sa$ last year, an so no9 9e 9$ll hol our tongues about 9hat 9e =no9>? an 9$th that the beasts ba e one another ?Goo n$ght,? an parte , an &ntrue 9as <ust as 9$se as he 9as before, an the reason 9as, that h$s name 9as &ntrue, an h$s nature untrue too#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# A]

Why the +ea 3s +alt %nce on a t$me, but $t 9as a long, long t$me ago, there 9ere t9o brothers, one r$ch an one poor# No9, one 0hr$stmas e;e, the poor one ha n7t so much as a crumb $n the house, e$ther of meat or brea , so he 9ent to h$s brother to as= h$m for someth$ng to =eep 0hr$stmas 9$th, $n Go 7s name# 3t 9as not the f$rst t$me h$s brother ha been force to help h$m, an you may fancy he 9asn7t ;ery gla to see h$s face, but he sa$ !! ?3f you 9$ll bacon#? o 9hat 3 as= you to he 9oul o, 37ll g$;e you a 9hole fl$tch of o anyth$ng, an 9as full of than=s# no9 go stra$ght

+o the poor brother sa$

?Well, here $s the fl$tch,? sa$ to .ell#?

the r$ch brother, ?an

?What 3 ha;e g$;en my 9or to o, 3 must st$c= to,? sa$ the other> so he too= the fl$tch an set off# .e 9al=e the 9hole ay, an at us= he came to a place 9here he sa9 a ;ery br$ght l$ght# ?-aybe th$s $s the place,? sa$ the man to h$mself# +o he turne as$ e, an the f$rst th$ng he sa9 9as an ol , ol man, 9$th a long 9h$te bear , 9ho stoo $n an outhouse, he9$ng 9oo for the 0hr$stmas f$re# ?Goo e;en,? sa$ the man 9$th the fl$tch# the man# [p# 9] the poor

?The same to you> 9h$ther are you go$ng so late@? sa$

?%hO 37m go$ng to .ell, $f 3 only =ne9 the r$ght 9ay,? ans9ere man#

?Well, you7re not far 9rong, for th$s $s .ell,? sa$ the ol man> ?9hen you get $ns$ e they 9$ll be all for buy$ng your fl$tch, for meat $s scarce $n .ell> but m$n , you on7t sell $t unless you get the han !Kuern 9h$ch stan s beh$n the oor for $t# When you come out, 37ll teach you ho9 to han le the Kuern, for $t7s goo to gr$n almost anyth$ng#? +o the man 9$th the fl$tch than=e ga;e a great =noc= at the De;$l7s the other for h$s goo oor# a ;$ce, an

When he got $n, e;eryth$ng 9ent <ust as the ol man ha sa$ # (ll the e;$ls, great an small, came s9arm$ng up to h$m l$=e ants roun an anth$ll, an each tr$e to outb$ the other for the fl$tch# ?WellO? sa$ the man, ?by r$ghts my ol ame an 3 ought to ha;e th$s fl$tch for our 0hr$stmas $nner> but s$nce you ha;e all set your hearts on $t, 3 suppose 3 must g$;e $t up to you> but $f 3 sell $t at all, 37ll ha;e for $t that Kuern beh$n the oor yon er#?

(t f$rst the De;$l 9oul n7t hear of such a barga$n, an chaffere an haggle 9$th the man> but he stuc= to 9hat he sa$ , an at last the De;$l ha to part 9$th h$s Kuern# When the man got out $nto the yar , he as=e the ol 9oo cutter ho9 he 9as to han le the Kuern> an after he ha learne ho9 to use $t, he than=e the ol man an 9ent off home as fast as he coul , but st$ll the cloc= ha struc= t9el;e on 0hr$stmas e;e before he reache h$s o9n oor# ?Where;er $n the 9orl ha;e you been@? sa$ h$s ol ame> ?here ha;e 3 sat hour after hour 9a$t$ng an [p# 10] 9atch$ng, 9$thout so much as t9o st$c=s to lay together un er the 0hr$stmas brose#? ?%hO? sa$ the man, ?3 coul n7t get bac= before, for 3 ha to go a long 9ay f$rst for one th$ng, an then for another> but no9 you shall see 9hat you shall see#? +o he put the Kuern on the table, an ba e $t f$rst of all gr$n l$ghts, then a table!cloth, then meat, then ale, an so on t$ll they ha got e;eryth$ng that 9as n$ce for 0hr$stmas fare# .e ha only to spea= the 9or , an the Kuern groun out 9hat he 9ante # The ol ame stoo by bless$ng her stars an =ept on as=$ng 9here he ha got th$s 9on erful Kuern, but he 9oul n7t tell her# ?3t7s all one 9here 3 got $t from> you see the Kuern $s a goo the m$ll!stream ne;er freeCes, that7s enough#? one, an

+o he groun meat an r$n= an a$nt$es enough to last out t$ll T9elfth Day, an on the th$r ay he as=e all h$s fr$en s an =$n to h$s house, an ga;e a great feast# No9, 9hen h$s r$ch brother sa9 all that 9as on the table, an all that 9as beh$n $n the lar er, he gre9 Ku$te sp$teful an 9$l , for he coul n7t bear that h$s brother shoul ha;e anyth$ng# ? 7T9as only on 0hr$stmas e;e,? he sa$ to the rest, ?he 9as $n such stra$ts that he came an as=e for a morsel of foo $n Go 7s name, an no9 he g$;es a feast as $f he 9ere count or =$ng>? an he turne to h$s brother an sa$ !! ?1ut 9hence, $n .ell7s name, ha;e you got all th$s 9ealth@? ?,rom beh$n the oor,? ans9ere the o9ner of the Kuern, for he $ n7t care to let the cat out of the bag# 1ut [p# 11] later on the e;en$ng, 9hen he ha got a rop too much, he coul =eep h$s secret no longer, an brought out the Kuern an sa$ !! ?There, you see 9hat has gotten me all th$s 9ealth>? an so he ma e the Kuern gr$n all =$n of th$ngs# When h$s brother sa9 $t, he set h$s heart on ha;$ng the Kuern, an , after a eal of coa"$ng, he got $t> but he ha to pay three hun re ollars for $t, an h$s brother barga$ne to =eep $t t$ll hay!har;est, for he thought, $f 3 =eep $t t$ll then, 3 can ma=e $t gr$n meat an r$n= that 9$ll last for years# +o you may fancy the Kuern $ n7t gro9 rusty for 9ant of 9or=, an 9hen hay!har;est came, the r$ch brother got $t, but the other too= care not to teach h$m ho9 to han le $t# 3t 9as e;en$ng 9hen the r$ch brother got the Kuern home, an ne"t morn$ng he tol h$s 9$fe to go out $nto the hay!f$el an toss, 9h$le the mo9ers cut the grass, an he 9oul stay at home an get the $nner rea y# +o,

9hen $nner!t$me sa$ !! ?Gr$n herr$ngs an

re9 near, he put the Kuern on the =$tchen table an broth, an gr$n them goo an fast#?

+o the Kuern began to gr$n herr$ngs an broth> f$rst of all, all the $shes full, then all the tubs full, an so on t$ll the =$tchen floor 9as Ku$te co;ere # Then the man t9$ste an t9$rle at the Kuern to get $t to stop, but for all h$s t9$st$ng an f$nger$ng the Kuern 9ent on gr$n $ng, an $n a l$ttle 9h$le the broth rose so h$gh that the man 9as l$=e to ro9n# +o he thre9 open the =$tchen oor an ran $nto the parlour, but $t 9asn7t long before the Kuern ha groun the parlour full too, an $t 9as only at [p# 18] the r$s= of h$s l$fe that the man coul get hol of the latch of the house oor through the stream of broth# When he got the oor open, he ran out an set off o9n the roa , 9$th the stream of herr$ngs an broth at h$s heels, roar$ng l$=e a 9aterfall o;er the 9hole farm# No9, h$s ol ame, 9ho 9as $n the f$el t$me to $nner, an at last she sa$ !! toss$ng hay, thought $t a long

?WellO though the master oesn7t call us home, 9e may as 9ell go# -aybe he f$n s $t har 9or= to bo$l the broth, an 9$ll be gla of my help#? The men 9ere 9$ll$ng enough, so they sauntere home9ar s> but <ust as they ha got a l$ttle 9ay up the h$ll, 9hat shoul they meet but herr$ngs, an broth, an brea , all runn$ng an ash$ng, an splash$ng together $n a stream, an the master h$mself runn$ng before them for h$s l$fe, an as he passe them he ba9le out,!!?Woul to hea;en each of you ha a hun re throatsO but ta=e care you7re not ro9ne $n the broth#? (9ay he 9ent, as though the *;$l %ne 9ere at h$s heels, to h$s brother7s house, an begge h$m for Go 7s sa=e to ta=e bac= the Kuern that $nstant> for, sa$ he!! ?3f $t gr$n s only one hour more, the 9hole par$sh 9$ll be s9allo9e by herr$ngs an broth#? 1ut h$s brother 9oul n7t hear of ta=$ng $t bac= t$ll the other pa$ o9n three hun re ollars more# up h$m

+o the poor brother got both the money an the Kuern, an $t 9asn7t long before he set up a farm!house far f$ner than the one $n 9h$ch h$s brother l$;e , an 9$th the Kuern he groun so much gol that he co;ere $t 9$th plates of gol > an as the farm lay by the sea!s$ e, the gol en house gleame an gl$stene far a9ay o;er the sea# [p# 1:] (ll 9ho sa$le by put ashore to see the r$ch man $n the gol en house, an to see the 9on erful Kuern, the fame of 9h$ch sprea far an 9$ e, t$ll there 9as nobo y 9ho ha n7t hear tell of $t# +o one ay there came a s=$pper 9ho 9ante f$rst th$ng he as=e 9as $f $t coul gr$n ?Gr$n saltO? sa$ anyth$ng#? the o9ner> ?3 shoul to see the Kuern> an salt# the

<ust th$n= $t coul # 3t can gr$n

When the s=$pper hear that, he sa$ he must ha;e the Kuern, cost 9hat $t 9oul > for $f he only ha $t, he thought he shoul be r$ of h$s long ;oyages across stormy seas for a la $ng of salt# Well, at f$rst the man

9oul n7t hear of part$ng 9$th the Kuern> but the s=$pper begge an praye so har , that at last he let h$m ha;e $t, but he ha to pay many, many thousan ollars for $t# No9, 9hen the s=$pper ha got the Kuern on h$s bac=, he soon ma e off 9$th $t, for he 9as afra$ lest the man shoul change h$s m$n > so he ha no t$me to as= ho9 to han le the Kuern, but got on boar h$s sh$p as fast as he coul , an set sa$l# When he ha sa$le a goo 9ay off, he brought the Kuern on ec= an sa$ !! ?Gr$n salt, an gr$n both goo an fast#?

Well, the Kuern began to gr$n salt so that $t poure out l$=e 9ater> an 9hen the s=$pper ha got the sh$p full, he 9$she to stop the Kuern, but 9h$che;er 9ay he turne $t, an ho9e;er much he tr$e , $t 9as no goo > the Kuern =ept gr$n $ng on, an the heap of salt gre9 h$gher an h$gher, an at last o9n sun= the sh$p# There l$es the Kuern at the bottom of the sea, an ;ery ay, an that7s 9hy the sea $s salt# gr$n s a9ay at th$s

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 14]

The %l

Dame an

.er .en

%nce on a t$me there 9as an ol 9$ o9 9ho l$;e far a9ay from the rest of the 9orl , up un er a h$ll!s$ e, 9$th her three aughters# +he 9as so poor that she ha no stoc= but one s$ngle hen, 9h$ch she pr$Ce as the apple of her eye> $n short, $t 9as al9ays cac=l$ng at her heels, an she 9as al9ays runn$ng to loo= after $t# WellO one ay, all at once, the hen 9as m$ss$ng# The ol 9$fe 9ent out, an roun an roun the cottage, loo=$ng an call$ng for her hen, but $t 9as gone, an there 9as no gett$ng $t bac=# +o the 9oman sa$ to her el est aughter, ?6ou must <ust go out an see $f you can f$n our hen, for ha;e $t bac= 9e must, e;en $f 9e ha;e to fetch $t out of the h$ll#? WellO the aughter 9as rea y enough to go, so she set off an 9al=e up an o9n, an loo=e an calle , but no hen coul she f$n # 1ut all at once, <ust as she 9as about to g$;e up the hunt, she hear some one call$ng out $n a cleft $n the roc=!! ?6our hen tr$ps $ns$ e the h$llO 6our hen tr$ps $ns$ e the h$llO? +o she 9ent $nto the cleft to see 9hat $t 9as, but she ha scarce set her foot $ns$ e the cleft, before she fell through a trap! oor, eep, eep o9n, $nto a ;ault un er groun # When she got to the bottom she 9ent through many rooms, each f$ner than the other, but $n the $nnermost [p# 1B] room of all, a great ugly man of the h$ll!fol= came up to her an as=e , ?W$ll you be my s9eetheart@?

?NoO 3 9$ll not,? she sa$ # +he 9oul n7t ha;e h$m at any pr$ceO not she> all she 9ante 9as to get abo;e groun aga$n as fast as e;er she coul , an to loo= after her hen 9h$ch 9as lost# Then the -an o7 the .$ll got so angry that he too= her up an 9rung her hea off, an thre9 both hea an trun= o9n $nto the cellar# Wh$le th$s 9as go$ng on, her mother sat at home 9a$t$ng an 9a$t$ng, but no aughter came# +o, after she ha 9a$te a b$t longer, an ne$ther hear nor sa9 anyth$ng of her aughter, she sa$ to her m$ most aughter, that she must go out an see after her s$ster, an she a e !! ?6ou can <ust g$;e our hen a call at the same t$me#? WellO the secon s$ster ha to set off, an the ;ery same th$ng befell her> she 9ent about loo=$ng an call$ng, an all at once she too hear a ;o$ce a9ay $n the cleft of the roc= say$ng!! ?6our hen tr$ps $ns$ e the h$llO 6our hen tr$ps $ns$ e the h$llO? +he thought th$s strange, an 9ent to see 9hat $t coul be> an so she too fell through the trap! oor, eep, eep o9n, $nto the ;ault# There she 9ent from room to room, an $n the $nnermost one the -an o7 the .$ll came to her an as=e $f she 9oul be h$s s9eetheart@ NoO that she 9oul n7t> all she 9ante 9as to get abo;e groun aga$n, an hunt for her hen 9h$ch 9as lost# +o the -an o7 the .$ll got angry, an too= her up an 9rung her hea off, an thre9 both hea an trun= o9n $nto the cellar# [p# 1F] No9, 9hen the ol ame ha sat an 9a$te se;en lengths an se;en brea ths for her secon aughter, an coul ne$ther see nor hear anyth$ng of her, she sa$ to the youngest!! ?No9, you really must set off an see after your s$sters# 7T9as s$lly to lose the hen, but 7t9$ll be s$ll$er st$ll $f 9e lose both your s$sters> an you can g$;e the hen a call at the same t$me?!!for the ol ame7s heart 9as st$ll set on her hen# 6esO the youngest 9as rea y enough to go> so she 9al=e up an o9n, hunt$ng for her s$sters an call$ng the hen, but she coul ne$ther see nor hear anyth$ng of them# +o at last she too came, up to the cleft $n the roc=, an hear ho9 someth$ng sa$ !! ?6our hen tr$ps $ns$ e the h$llO 6our hen tr$ps $ns$ e the h$llO? +he thought th$s strange, so she too 9ent to see 9hat $t 9as, an fell through the trap! oor too, eep, eep o9n, $nto a ;ault# When she reache the bottom she 9ent from one room to another, each gran er than the other> but she 9asn7t at all afra$ , an too= goo t$me to loo= about her# +o, as she 9as peep$ng $nto th$s an that, she cast her eye on the trap! oor $nto the cellar, an loo=e o9n $t, an 9hat shoul she see there but her s$sters, 9ho lay ea # +he ha scarce t$me to slam the trap! oor before the -an o7 the .$ll came to her an as=e !! ?W$ll you be my s9eetheart@?

?W$th all my heart,? ans9ere the g$rl, for she sa9 ;ery 9ell ho9 $t ha gone 9$th her s$sters# +o, 9hen the -an o7 the .$ll hear that, he got her the f$nest [p# 1I] clothes $n the 9orl > she ha only to as= for them, or for anyth$ng else she ha a m$n to, an she got 9hat she 9ante , so gla 9as the -an o7 the .$ll that any one 9oul be h$s s9eetheart# 1ut 9hen she ha been there a l$ttle 9h$le, she 9as one ay e;en more oleful an o9ncast than 9as her 9ont# +o the -an o7 the .$ll as=e her 9hat 9as the matter, an 9hy she 9as $n such umps# ?(hO? sa$ the g$rl, ?$t7s because 3 can7t get home to my mother# +he7s har p$nche , 3 =no9, for meat an r$n=, an has no one 9$th her#? ?WellO? sa$ the -an o7 the .$ll, ?3 can7t let you go to see her> but <ust stuff some meat an r$n= $nto a sac=, an 37ll carry $t to her#? 6esO she 9oul o so, she sa$ , 9$th many than=s> but at the bottom of the sac= she stuffe a lot of gol an s$l;er, an after9ar s she la$ a l$ttle foo on the top of the gol an s$l;er# Then she tol the ogre the sac= 9as rea y, but he must be sure not to loo= $nto $t# +o he ga;e h$s 9or he 9oul n7t, an set off# No9, as the -an o7 the .$ll 9al=e off, she peepe out after h$m through a ch$n= $n the trap! oor> but 9hen he ha gone a b$t on the 9ay, he sa$ !! ?Th$s sac= $s so hea;y, 37ll <ust see 9hat there $s $ns$ e $t#? (n so he 9as about to unt$e the mouth of the sac=, but the g$rl calle out to h$m!! ?3 see 9hat you7re atO 3 see 9hat you7re atO? ?The euce you oO? sa$ the -an o7 the .$ll> [p# 1A] ?then you must ha;e plaguy sharp eyes $n your hea , that7s allO? +o he thre9 the sac= o;er h$s shoul er, an are not try to loo= $nto $t aga$n# When he reache the 9$ o97s cottage, he thre9 the sac= $n through the cottage oor, an sa$ !! ?.ere you ha;e meat an anyth$ng#? r$n= from your aughter> she oesn7t 9ant for ay a

+o, 9hen the g$rl ha been $n the h$ll a goo b$lly!goat fell o9n the trap! oor#

b$t longer, one

?Who sent for you, 3 shoul l$=e to =no9@ you long!bear e beastO? sa$ the -an o7 the .$ll, 9ho 9as $n an a9ful rage, an 9$th that he 9h$ppe up the goat, an 9rung h$s hea off, an thre9 h$m o9n $nto the cellar# ?%hO? sa$ play 9$th the g$rl, ?9hy o9n here#? $ you o that@ 3 m$ght ha;e ha the goat to

?WellO? sa$ the -an o7 the .$ll, ?you nee n7t be so o9n $n the mouth about $t, 3 shoul th$n=, for 3 can soon put l$fe $nto the b$lly!goat aga$n#?

+o say$ng, he too= a flas= 9h$ch hung up aga$nst the 9all, put the b$lly! goat7s hea on h$s bo y aga$n, an smeare $t 9$th some o$ntment out of the flas=, an he 9as as 9ell an as l$;ely as e;er aga$n# ?.oO hoO? sa$ $t $s#? the g$rl to herself> ?that flas= $s 9orth someth$ng!!that

+o 9hen she ha been some t$me longer $n the h$ll, she 9atche for a ay 9hen the -an o7 the .$ll 9as a9ay, too= her el est s$ster, an putt$ng her hea on her shoul ers, smeare her 9$th some of the o$ntment out of the flas=, <ust as she ha seen the -an o7 the .$ll o 9$th the b$lly! goat, [p# 19] an $n a tr$ce her s$ster came to l$fe aga$n# Then the g$rl stuffe her $nto a sac=, la$ a l$ttle foo o;er her, an as soon as the -an o7 the .$ll came home, she sa$ to h$m!! ?Dear fr$en O No9 o go home to my mother 9$th a morsel of foo aga$n> poor th$ngO she7s both hungry an th$rsty 37ll be boun > an bes$ es that, she7s all alone $n the 9orl # 1ut you must m$n an not loo= $nto the sac=#? WellO he sa$ he 9oul carry the sac=> an he sa$ , too, that he 9oul not loo= $nto $t> but 9hen he ha gone a l$ttle 9ay, he thought the sac= got a9fully hea;y> an 9hen he ha gone a b$t farther he sa$ to h$mself!! ?0ome 9hat 9$ll, 3 must see 9hat7s $ns$ e th$s sac=, for ho9e;er sharp her eyes may be, she can7t see me all th$s 9ay off#? 1ut <ust as he 9as about to unt$e the sac=, the g$rl 9ho sat $ns$ e the sac= calle out!! ?3 see 9hat you7re atO 3 see 9hat you7re atO? ?The euce you oO? sa$ the ogre> ?then you must ha;e plaguy sharp eyes>? for he thought all the 9h$le $t 9as the g$rl $ns$ e the h$ll 9ho 9as spea=$ng# +o he $ n7t care so much as to peep $nto the sac= aga$n, but carr$e $t stra$ght to her mother as fast as he coul , an 9hen he got to the cottage oor he thre9 $t $n through the oor, an ba9le out!! ?.ere you ha;e meat an r$n= from your aughter> she 9ants for noth$ng#?

No9, 9hen the g$rl ha been $n the h$ll a 9h$le longer, [p# 80] she $ the ;ery same th$ng 9$th her other s$ster# +he put her hea on her shoul ers, smeare her 9$th o$ntment out of the flas=, brought her to l$fe, an stuffe her $nto the sac=> but th$s t$me she cramme $n also as much gol an s$l;er as the sac= 9oul hol , an o;er all la$ a ;ery l$ttle foo # ?Dear fr$en ,? she sa$ to the -an o7 the .$ll, ?you really must run home to my mother 9$th a l$ttle foo aga$n> an m$n you on7t loo= $nto the sac=#? 6esO the -an o7 the .$ll 9as rea y enough to o as she 9$she , an he ga;e h$s 9or too that he 9oul n7t loo= $nto the sac=> but 9hen he ha gone a b$t of the 9ay he began to th$n= the sac= got a9fully hea;y, an

9hen he ha gone a b$t further, he coul scarce stagger along un er $t, so he set $t o9n, an 9as <ust about to unt$e the str$ng an loo= $nto $t, 9hen the g$rl $ns$ e the sac= ba9le out!! ?3 see 9hat you7re atO 3 see 9hat you7re atO? ?The euce you o,? sa$ the -an o7 the .$ll, ?then you must ha;e plaguy sharp eyes of your o9n#? Well, he are not try to loo= $nto the sac=, but ma e all the haste he coul , an carr$e the sac= stra$ght to the g$rl7s mother# When he got to the cottage oor he thre9 the sac= $n through the oor, an roare out!! ?.ere you ha;e foo from your aughter> she 9ants for noth$ng#?

+o 9hen the g$rl ha been there a goo 9h$le longer, the -an o7 the .$ll ma e up h$s m$n to go out for the ay> then the g$rl shamme to be s$c= an sorry, an poute an frette # [p# 81] ?3t7s no use your com$ng home before t9el;e o7cloc= at n$ght,? she sa$ , ?for 3 shan7t be able to ha;e supper rea y before,!!37m so s$c= an poorly#? 1ut 9hen the -an o7 the .$ll 9as 9ell out of the house, she stuffe some of her clothes 9$th stra9, an stuc= up th$s lass of stra9 $n the corner by the ch$mney, 9$th a besom $n her han , so that $t loo=e <ust as $f she herself 9ere stan $ng there# (fter that she stole off home, an got a sharp!shooter to stay $n the cottage 9$th her mother# +o 9hen the cloc= struc= t9el;e, or <ust about $t, home came the -an o7 the .$ll, an the f$rst th$ng he sa$ to the stra9!g$rl 9as, ?G$;e me someth$ng to eat#? 1ut she ans9ere h$m ne;er a 9or # out the -an o7 the .$ll, ?for 3

?G$;e me someth$ng to eat, 3 sayO? calle am almost star;e #? NoO she ha n7t a 9or to thro9 at h$m#

?G$;e me someth$ng to eatO? roare out the ogre the th$r t$me# ?3 th$n= you7 better open your ears an hear 9hat 3 say, or else 37ll 9a=e you up, that 3 9$llO? NoO the g$rl stoo <ust as st$ll as e;er> so he fle9 $nto a rage, an ga;e her such a slap $n the face, that the stra9 fle9 all about the room> but 9hen he sa9 that, he =ne9 he ha been tr$c=e , an began to hunt e;ery9here> an at last, 9hen he came to the cellar, an foun both the g$rl7s s$sters m$ss$ng, he soon sa9 ho9 the cat <umpe , an ran off to the cottage, say$ng, ?37ll soon pay her offO? 1ut 9hen he reache the cottage, the sharp!shooter f$re off h$s p$ece, an then the -an o7 the .$ll are not go $nto the house, for he thought $t 9as thun er# +o he set off home aga$n as fast $ts he coul lay legs to the groun > [p# 88] but 9hat o you th$n=, <ust as he got to the trap! oor, the sun rose an the -an o7 the .$ll burst#

%hO $f one only =ne9 9here the trap! oor 9as, 37ll be boun 9hole heap of gol an s$l;er o9n there st$llO

there7s a

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

*ast o7 the +un an

West o7 the -oon

%nce on a t$me there 9as a poor husban man 9ho ha so many ch$l ren that he ha n7t much of e$ther foo or cloth$ng to g$;e them# Pretty ch$l ren they all 9ere, but the prett$est 9as the youngest aughter, 9ho 9as so lo;ely there 9as no en to her lo;el$ness# +o one ay, 7t9as on a Thurs ay e;en$ng late at the fall of the year, the 9eather 9as so 9$l an rough outs$ e, an $t 9as so cruelly ar=, an ra$n fell an 9$n ble9, t$ll the 9alls of the cottage shoo= aga$n# There they all sat roun the f$re busy 9$th th$s th$ng an that# 1ut <ust then, all at once someth$ng ga;e three taps on the 9$n o9!pane# Then the father 9ent out to see 9hat 9as the matter> an , 9hen he got out of oors, 9hat shoul he see but a great b$g Wh$te 1ear# ?Goo e;en$ng to you,? sa$ the Wh$te 1ear#

?The same to you,? sa$

the man#

?W$ll you g$;e me your youngest aughter@ 3f you 9$ll, 37ll ma=e you as r$ch as you are no9 poor,? sa$ the 1ear# Well, the man 9oul not be at all sorry to be so r$ch> but st$ll he thought he must ha;e a b$t of a tal= 9$th h$s [p# 8:] aughter f$rst> so he 9ent $n an tol them ho9 there 9as a great Wh$te 1ear 9a$t$ng outs$ e, 9ho ha g$;en h$s 9or to ma=e them so r$ch $f he coul only ha;e the youngest aughter# The lass$e sa$ ?NoO? outr$ght# Noth$ng coul get her to say anyth$ng else> so the man 9ent out an settle $t 9$th the Wh$te 1ear, that he shoul come aga$n the ne"t Thurs ay e;en$ng an get an ans9er# -eant$me he tal=e h$s aughter o;er, an =ept on tell$ng her of all the r$ches they 9oul get, an ho9 9ell off she 9oul be herself> an so at last she thought better of $t, an 9ashe an men e her rags, ma e herself as smart as she coul , an 9as rea y to start# 3 can7t say her pac=$ng ga;e her much trouble# Ne"t Thurs ay e;en$ng came the Wh$te 1ear to fetch her, an she got upon h$s bac= 9$th her bun le, an off they 9ent# +o, 9hen they ha gone a b$t of the 9ay, the Wh$te 1ear sa$ !! ?(re you afra$ @? ?NoO she 9asn7t#? ?WellO m$n fear,? sa$ an hol t$ght by my shaggy coat, an the 1ear# then there7s noth$ng to

+o she ro e a long, long 9ay, t$ll they came to a great steep h$ll# There, on the face of $t, the Wh$te 1ear ga;e a =noc=, an a oor opene , an they came $nto a castle, 9here there 9ere many rooms all l$t up> rooms gleam$ng 9$th s$l;er an gol > an there too 9as a table rea y la$ , an $t 9as all as gran as gran coul be# Then the Wh$te 1ear ga;e her a s$l;er bell> an 9hen she 9ante anyth$ng, she 9as only to r$ng $t, an she 9oul get $t at once, [p# 84] Well, after she ha eaten an run=, an e;en$ng 9ore on, she got sleepy after her <ourney, an thought she 9oul l$=e to go to be , so she rang the bell> an she ha scarce ta=en hol of $t before she came $nto a chamber, 9here there 9as a be ma e> as fa$r an 9h$te as any one 9oul 9$sh to sleep $n, 9$th s$l=en p$llo9s an curta$ns, an gol fr$nge# (ll that 9as $n the room 9as gol or s$l;er> but 9hen she ha gone to be , an put out the l$ght, a man came an la$ h$mself alongs$ e her# That 9as the Wh$te 1ear, 9ho thre9 off h$s beast shape at n$ght> but she ne;er sa9 h$m, for he al9ays came after she ha put out the l$ght, an before the ay a9ne he 9as up an off aga$n# +o th$ngs 9ent on happ$ly for a 9h$le, but at last she began to get s$lent an sorro9ful> for there she 9ent about all ay alone, an she longe to go home to see her father an mother, an brothers an s$sters# +o one ay, 9hen the Wh$te 1ear as=e 9hat $t 9as that she lac=e , she sa$ $t 9as so ull an lonely there, an ho9 she longe to go home to see her father an mother, an brothers an s$sters, an that 9as 9hy she 9as so sa an sorro9ful, because she coul n7t get to them# ?Well, 9ellO? sa$ the 1ear, ?perhaps there7s a cure for all th$s> but you must prom$se me one th$ng, not to tal= alone 9$th your mother, but only 9hen the rest are by to hear> for she7ll ta=e you by the han an try to lea you $nto a room alone to tal=> but you must m$n an not o that, else you7ll br$ng ba luc= on both of us#? +o one +un ay the Wh$te 1ear came an sa$ no9 they coul set off to see her father an mother# Well, off they starte , she s$tt$ng on h$s bac=> an they 9ent far an long# (t last they came to a gran house, an there [p# 8B] her brothers an s$sters 9ere runn$ng about out of oors at play, an e;eryth$ng 9as so pretty, 7t9as a <oy to see# ?Th$s $s 9here your father an mother l$;e no9,? sa$ the Wh$te 1ear but on7t forget 9hat 3 tol you, else you7ll ma=e us both unluc=y#? ?NoO bless her, she7 not forget an 9hen she ha Wh$te 1ear turne r$ght about an left her# reache the house, the

Then 9hen she 9ent $n to see her father an mother, there 9as such <oy, there 9as no en to $t# None of them thought they coul than= her enough for all she ha one for them# No9, they ha e;eryth$ng they 9$she , as goo as goo coul be, an they all 9ante to =no9 ho9 she got on 9here she l$;e # Well, she sa$ , $t 9as ;ery goo to l$;e 9here she $ > she ha all she 9$she # What she sa$ bes$ e 3 on7t =no9> but 3 on7t th$n= any of them ha the r$ght en of the st$c=, or that they got much out of her# 1ut so $n the afternoon, after they ha one $nner, all happene as the Wh$te 1ear ha sa$ # .er mother 9ante to tal= 9$th her alone $n her be !room> but she m$n e 9hat the Wh$te 1ear ha sa$ , an 9oul n7t go up sta$rs#

?%h, 9hat 9e ha;e to tal= about 9$ll =eep,? she sa$ , an put her mother off# 1ut someho9 or other, her mother got roun her at last, an she ha to tell her the 9hole story# +o she sa$ , ho9 e;ery n$ght, 9hen she ha gone to be , a man came an lay o9n bes$ e her as soon as she ha put out the l$ght, an ho9 she ne;er sa9 h$m, because he 9as al9ays up an a9ay before the morn$ng a9ne > an ho9 she 9ent about 9oeful an sorro9$ng, for she thought she shoul so l$=e to see h$m, an ho9 all ay [p# 8F] long she 9al=e about there alone, an ho9 ull, an reary, an lonesome $t 9as# ?-yO? sa$ her mother> ?$t may 9ell be a Troll you slept 9$thO 1ut no9 37ll teach you a lesson ho9 to set eyes on h$m# 37ll g$;e you a b$t of can le, 9h$ch you can carry home $n your bosom> <ust l$ght that 9h$le he $s asleep, but ta=e care not to rop the tallo9 on h$m#? 6esO she too= the can le, an h$ $t $n her bosom, an the Wh$te 1ear came an fetche her a9ay# as n$ght re9 on,

1ut 9hen they ha gone a b$t of the 9ay, the Wh$te 1ear as=e ha n7t happene as he ha sa$ # ?Well, she coul n7t say $t ha n7t#?

$f all

?No9, m$n ,? sa$ he, ?$f you ha;e l$stene to your mother7s a ;$ce, you ha;e brought ba luc= on us both, an then, all that has passe bet9een us 9$ll be as noth$ng#? ?No,? she sa$ , ?she ha n7t l$stene to her mother7s a ;$ce#?

+o 9hen she reache home, an ha gone to be , $t 9as the ol story o;er aga$n# There came a man an lay o9n bes$ e her> but at ea of n$ght, 9hen she hear he slept, she got up an struc= a l$ght, l$t the can le, an let the l$ght sh$ne on h$m, an so she sa9 that he 9as the lo;el$est Pr$nce one e;er set eyes on, an she fell so eep $n lo;e 9$th h$m on the spot, that she thought she coul n7t l$;e $f she $ n7t g$;e h$m a =$ss there an then# (n so she $ , but as she =$sse h$m, she roppe three hot rops of tallo9 on h$s sh$rt, an he 9o=e up# ?What ha;e you one@? he cr$e > ?no9 you ha;e ma e us both unluc=y, for ha you hel out only th$s one year, 3 ha been free # ,or 3 ha;e a stepmother 9ho has be9$tche [p# 8I] me, so that 3 am a Wh$te 1ear by ay, an a -an by n$ght# 1ut no9 all t$es are snapt bet9een us> no9 3 must set off from you to her# +he l$;es $n a castle 9h$ch stan s *ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon, an there, too, $s a Pr$ncess, 9$th a nose three ells long, an she7s the 9$fe 3 must ha;e no9#? +he 9ept an Then she as=e too= $t $ll, but there 9as no help for $t> go he must# $f she m$ghtn7t go 9$th h$m#

No, she m$ghtn7t# ?Tell me the 9ay, then,? she sa$ , ?an 3 may get lea;e to o#? 37ll search you out> that surely

?6es, she m$ght o that,? he sa$ > ?but there 9as no 9ay to that place# 3t lay *ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon, an th$ther she7 ne;er f$n her 9ay#?

+o ne"t morn$ng, 9hen she 9o=e up, both Pr$nce an castle 9ere gone, an then she lay on a l$ttle green patch, $n the m$ st of the gloomy th$c= 9oo , an by her s$ e lay the same bun le of rags she ha brought 9$th her from her ol home# +o 9hen she ha rubbe the sleep out of her eyes, an 9ept t$ll she 9as t$re , she set out on her 9ay, an 9al=e many, many ays, t$ll she came to a lofty crag# &n er $t sat an ol hag, an playe 9$th a gol apple 9h$ch she tosse about# .er the lass$e as=e $f she =ne9 the 9ay to the Pr$nce, 9ho l$;e 9$th h$s stepmother $n the castle that lay *ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon, an 9ho 9as to marry the Pr$ncess 9$th a nose three ells long# ?.o9 $ you come to =no9 about h$m@? as=e the ol hag> ?but maybe you are the lass$e 9ho ought to ha;e ha h$m@? [p# 8A] 6es, she 9as# ?+o, so> $t7s you, $s $t@? sa$ the ol hag# ?Well, all 3 =no9 about h$m $s, that he l$;es $n the castle that l$es *ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon, an th$ther you7ll come, late or ne;er> but st$ll you may ha;e the loan of my horse, an on h$m you can r$ e to my ne"t ne$ghbour# -aybe she7ll be able to tell you> an 9hen you get there, <ust g$;e the horse a s9$tch un er the left ear, an beg h$m to be off home> an , stay, th$s gol apple you may ta=e 9$th you#? +o she got upon the horse, an ro e a long long t$me, t$ll she came to another crag, un er 9h$ch sat another ol hag, 9$th a gol car $ng!comb# .er the lass$e as=e $f she =ne9 the 9ay to the castle that lay *ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon, an she ans9ere , l$=e the f$rst ol hag, that she =ne9 noth$ng about $t, e"cept $t 9as east o7 the sun an 9est o7 the moon# ?(n th$ther you7ll come, late or ne;er> but you shall ha;e the loan of my horse to my ne"t ne$ghbour> maybe she7ll tell you all about $t> an 9hen you get there, <ust s9$tch the horse un er the left ear, an beg h$m to be off home#? (n th$s ol hag ga;e her the gol en car $ng!comb> $t m$ght be she7 f$n some use for $t, she sa$ # +o the lass$e got up on the horse, an ro e a far far 9ay, an a 9eary t$me> an so at last she came to another great crag, un er 9h$ch sat another ol hag, sp$nn$ng 9$th a gol en sp$nn$ng! 9heel# .er, too, she as=e $f she =ne9 the 9ay to the Pr$nce, an 9here the castle 9as that lay *ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon# +o $t 9as the same th$ng o;er aga$n# [p# 89] ?-aybe $t7s you 9ho ought to ha;e ha 6es, $t 9as# 1ut she, too, o7 the sun an $ n7t =no9 the 9ay a b$t better than the other t9o# ?*ast 9est o7 the moon $t 9as,? she =ne9!! that 9as all# my horse, an maybe he =no9s h$m, you nee trot home of the Pr$nce@? sa$ the ol hag#

?(n th$ther you7ll come, late or ne;er> but 37ll len you then 3 th$n= you7 best r$ e to the *ast W$n an as= h$m> those parts, an can blo9 you th$ther# 1ut 9hen you get to only g$;e the horse a s9$tch un er the left ear, an he7ll h$mself#?

(n so, too, she ga;e her the gol use for $t,? sa$ the ol hag#

sp$nn$ng!9heel# ?-aybe you7ll f$n

Then on she ro e many many ays, a 9eary t$me, before she got to the *ast W$n 7s house, but at last she $ reach $t, an then she as=e the *ast W$n $f he coul tell her the 9ay to the Pr$nce 9ho 9elt east o7 the sun an 9est o7 the moon# 6es, the *ast W$n ha often hear tell of $t, the Pr$nce an the castle, but he coul n7t tell the 9ay, for he ha ne;er blo9n so far# ?1ut, $f you 9$ll, 37ll go 9$th you to my brother the West W$n , maybe he =no9s, for he7s much stronger# +o, $f you 9$ll <ust get on my bac=, 37ll carry you th$ther#? 6es, she got on h$s bac=, an along# 3 shoul <ust th$n= they 9ent br$s=ly

+o 9hen they got there, they 9ent $nto the West W$n 7s house, an the *ast W$n sa$ the lass$e he ha brought 9as the one 9ho ought to ha;e ha the Pr$nce 9ho l$;e $n the castle *ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon> an so she ha set out to see= h$m, an ho9 he ha come [p# :0] 9$th her, an 9oul be gla to =no9 $f the West W$n =ne9 ho9 to get to the castle# ?Nay,? sa$ the West W$n , ?so far 37;e ne;er blo9n> but $f you 9$ll, 37ll go 9$th you to our brother the +outh W$n , for he7s much stronger than e$ther of us, an he has flappe h$s 9$ngs far an 9$ e# -aybe he7ll tell you# 6ou can get on my bac=, an 37ll carry you to h$m#? 6esO she got on h$s bac=, an so they tra;elle to the +outh W$n , an 9eren7t so ;ery long on the 9ay, 3 shoul th$n=# When they got there, the West W$n as=e h$m $f he coul tell her the 9ay to the castle that lay *ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon, for $t 9as she 9ho ought to ha;e ha the Pr$nce 9ho l$;e there# ?6ou on7t say soO That7s she, $s $t@? sa$ the +outh W$n #

?Well, 3 ha;e blustere about $n most places $n my t$me, but so far ha;e 3 ne;er blo9n> but $f you 9$ll, 37ll ta=e you to my brother the North W$n > he $s the ol est an strongest of the 9hole lot of us, an $f he on7t =no9 9here $t $s, you7ll ne;er f$n any one $n the 9orl to tell you# 6ou can get on my bac=, an 37ll carry you th$ther#? 6esO she got on h$s bac=, an a9ay he 9ent from h$s house at a f$ne rate# (n th$s t$me, too, she 9asn7t long on her 9ay# +o 9hen they got to the North W$n 7s house, he 9as so 9$l col puffs came from h$m a long 9ay off# an cross,

?1last you both, 9hat o you 9ant@? he roare out to them e;er so far off so that $t struc= them 9$th an $cy sh$;er# [p# :1] ?Well,? sa$ the +outh W$n , ?you am, your brother, the +outh W$n , ha;e ha the Pr$nce 9ho 9ells $n an West o7 the -oon, an no9 she nee n7t be so foul!mouthe , for here 3 an here $s the lass$e 9ho ought to the castle that l$es *ast o7 the +un 9ants to as= you $f you e;er 9ere

there, an aga$n#

can tell her the 9ay, for she 9oul

be so gla

to f$n


?6es, 3 =no9 9ell enough 9here $t $s,? sa$ the North W$n > ?once $n my l$fe 3 ble9 an aspen!leaf th$ther but 3 9as so t$re 3 coul n7t blo9 a puff for e;er so many ays after# 1ut $f you really 9$sh to go th$ther, an aren7t afra$ to come along 9$th me, 37ll ta=e you on my bac= an see $f 3 can blo9 you th$ther#? 6esO 9$th all her heart> she must an 9oul get th$ther $f $t 9ere poss$ble $n any 9ay> an as for fear, ho9e;er ma ly he 9ent, she 9oul n7t be at all afra$ # ?2ery 9ell, then,? sa$ the North W$n , ?but you must sleep here to! n$ght, for 9e must ha;e the 9hole ay before us, $f 9e7re to get th$ther at all# *arly ne"t morn$ng the North W$n 9o=e her, an puffe h$mself up, an ble9 h$mself out, an ma e h$mself so stout an b$g, 7t9as gruesome to loo= at h$m> an so off they 9ent h$gh up through the a$r, as $f they 9oul ne;er stop t$ll they got to the 9orl 7s en # Do9n here belo9 there 9as such a storm> $t thre9 o9n long tracts of 9oo an many houses, an 9hen $t s9ept o;er the great sea, sh$ps foun ere by hun re s# +o they tore on an on,!! no one can bel$e;e ho9 far they 9ent,!! an all the 9h$le they st$ll 9ent o;er the sea, an the North W$n got more an more 9eary, an so out of breath he coul scarce br$ng out a puff, an h$s 9$ngs [p# :8] roope an roope , t$ll at last he sun= so lo9 that the crests of the 9a;es ashe o;er h$s heels# ?(re you afra$ @? sa$ ?NoO? she 9asn7t# 1ut they 9eren7t ;ery far from lan > an the North W$n ha st$ll so much strength left $n h$m that he manage to thro9 her up on the shore un er the 9$n o9s of the castle 9h$ch lay *ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon> but then he 9as so 9ea= an 9orn out, he ha to stay there an rest many ays before he coul get home aga$n# Ne"t morn$ng the lass$e sat o9n un er the castle 9$n o9, an began to play 9$th the gol apple> an the f$rst person she sa9 9as the 'ong!nose 9ho 9as to ha;e the Pr$nce# ?What o you 9ant for your gol an thre9 up the 9$n o9# ?3t7s not for sale, for gol apple, you lass$e@? sa$ the lass$e# the 'ong!nose, the North W$n #

or money,? sa$

?3f $t7s not for sale for gol or money, 9hat $s $t that you 9$ll sell $t for@ 6ou may name your o9n pr$ce,? sa$ the Pr$ncess# ?WellO $f 3 may get to the Pr$nce, 9ho l$;es here, an be 9$th h$m to! n$ght, you shall ha;e $t,? sa$ the lass$e 9hom the North W$n ha brought#

6esO she m$ght> that coul be one# +o the Pr$ncess got the gol apple> but 9hen the lass$e came up to the Pr$nce7s be !room at n$ght he 9as fast asleep> she calle h$m an shoo= h$m, an bet9een 9h$les she 9ept sore> but all she coul o she coul n7t 9a=e h$m up# Ne"t morn$ng as soon as ay bro=e, came the Pr$ncess 9$th the long nose, an ro;e her out aga$n# [p# ::] +o $n the ay!t$me she sat o9n un er the castle 9$n o9s an began to car 9$th her gol en car $ng!comb, an the same th$ng happene # The Pr$ncess as=e 9hat she 9ante for $t> an she sa$ $t 9asn7t for sale for gol or money, but $f she m$ght get lea;e to go up to the Pr$nce an be 9$th h$m that n$ght, the Pr$ncess shoul ha;e $t# 1ut 9hen she 9ent up she foun h$m fast asleep aga$n, an all she calle , an all she shoo=, an 9ept, an praye , she coul n7t get l$fe $nto h$m> an as soon as the f$rst gray peep of ay came, then came the Pr$ncess 9$th the long nose, an chase her out aga$n# +o $n the ay!t$me the lass$e sat o9n outs$ e un er the castle 9$n o9, an began to sp$n 9$th her gol en sp$nn$ng!9heel, an that, too, the Pr$ncess 9$th the long nose 9ante to ha;e# +o she thre9 up the 9$n o9 an as=e 9hat she 9ante for $t# The lass$e sa$ , as she ha sa$ t9$ce before, $t 9asn7t for sale for gol or money> but $f she m$ght go up to the Pr$nce 9ho 9as there, an be 9$th h$m alone that n$ght, she m$ght ha;e $t# 6esO she m$ght o that an 9elcome# 1ut no9 you must =no9 there 9ere some 0hr$st$an fol= 9ho ha been carr$e off th$ther, an as they sat $n the$r room, 9h$ch 9as ne"t the Pr$nce, they ha hear ho9 a 9oman ha been $n there, an 9ept an praye , an calle to h$m t9o n$ghts runn$ng, an they tol that to the Pr$nce# That e;en$ng, 9hen the Pr$ncess came 9$th her sleepy r$n=, the Pr$nce ma e as $f he ran=, but thre9 $t o;er h$s shoul er, for he coul guess $t 9as a sleepy r$n=# +o, 9hen the lass$e came $n, she foun the Pr$nce 9$ e [p# :4] a9a=e> an then she tol h$m the 9hole story ho9 she ha come th$ther# ?(h,? sa$ the Pr$nce, ?you7;e <ust come $n the ;ery n$c= of t$me, for to!morro9 $s to be our 9e $ng! ay> but no9 3 9on7t ha;e the 'ong!nose, an you are the only 9oman $n the 9orl 9ho can set me free# 37ll say 3 9ant to see 9hat my 9$fe $s f$t for, an beg her to 9ash the sh$rt 9h$ch has the three spots of tallo9 on $t> she7ll say yes, for she oesn7t =no9 7t$s you 9ho put them there> but that7s a 9or= only for 0hr$st$an fol=, an not for such a pac= of Trolls, an so 37ll say that 3 9on7t ha;e any other for my br$ e than the 9oman 9ho can 9ash them out, an as= you to o $t#? +o there 9as great <oy an lo;e bet9een them all that n$ght# 1ut ne"t ay, 9hen the 9e $ng 9as to be, the Pr$nce sa$ !! ?,$rst of all, 37 ?6esO? sa$ l$=e to see 9hat my br$ e $s f$t for#?

the step!mother, 9$th all her heart#

?Well,? sa$ the Pr$nce, ?37;e got a f$ne sh$rt 9h$ch 37 l$=e for my 9e $ng sh$rt, but some ho9 or other $t has got three spots of tallo9 on $t, 9h$ch 3 must ha;e 9ashe out> an 3 ha;e s9orn ne;er to ta=e any

other br$ e than the 9oman 9ho7s able to 9orth ha;$ng#?

o that# 3f she can7t, she7s not

Well, that 9as no great th$ng they sa$ , so they agree , an she 9$th the long nose began to 9ash a9ay as har as she coul , but the more she rubbe an scrubbe , the b$gger the spots gre9# ?(hO? sa$ the ol hag, her mother, ?you can7t 9ash> let me try#?

1ut she ha n7t long ta=en the sh$rt $n han , before [p# :B] $t got far 9orse than e;er, an 9$th all her rubb$ng, an 9r$ng$ng an scrubb$ng the spots gre9 b$gger an blac=er, an the ar=er an ugl$er 9as the sh$rt# Then all the other Trolls began to 9ash, but the longer $t laste , the blac=er an ugl$er the sh$rt gre9, t$ll at last $t 9as as blac= all o;er as $f $t ha been up the ch$mney# ?(hO? sa$ the Pr$nce, ?you7re none of you 9orth a stra9/ you can7t 9ash# Why there, outs$ e, s$ts a beggar lass$e 37ll be boun she =no9s ho9 to 9ash better than the 9hole lot of you# 0ome $n, 'ass$eO? he shoute # Well, $n she came# ?0an you 9ash th$s sh$rt clean, lass$e, you@? sa$ ?3 on7t =no9,? she sa$ , ?but 3 th$n= 3 can#? ta=en $t an $ppe 9h$ter st$ll# $t $n the 9ater, $t 9as as he#

(n almost before she ha 9h$te as r$;en sno9, an

?6es> you are the lass$e for me,? sa$

the Pr$nce#

(t that the ol hag fle9 $nto such a rage, she burst on the spot, an the Pr$ncess 9$th the long nose after her, an the 9hole pac= of Trolls after her,!! at least 37;e ne;er hear a 9or about them s$nce# (s for the Pr$nce an Pr$ncess, they set free all the poor 0hr$st$an fol= 9ho ha been carr$e off an shut up there> an they too= 9$th them all the s$l;er an gol , an fl$tte a9ay as far as they coul from the castle that lay *ast o7 the +un an West o7 the -oon# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

1oots Who (te a -atch 9$th the Troll [p# :F] %nce on a t$me there 9as a farmer 9ho ha three sons> h$s means 9ere small, an he 9as ol an 9ea=, an h$s sons 9oul ta=e to noth$ng# ( f$ne large 9oo belonge to the farm, an one ay the father tol h$s sons to go an he9 9oo , an try to pay off some of h$s ebts# Well, after a long tal=, he got them to set off, an the el est 9as to go f$rst# 1ut 9hen he ha got 9ell $nto the 9oo , an began to he9 at a

mossy ol Troll#

f$r, 9hat shoul

he see com$ng up to h$m but a great stur y of m$ne,? sa$ the Troll, 37ll =$ll youO?

?3f you he9 $n th$s 9oo

When the la hear that, he thre9 the a"e o9n, an ran off home as fast as he coul lay legs to the groun > so he came $n Ku$te out of breath, an tol them 9hat ha happene , but h$s father calle h$m ?hare! heart,?!!no Troll 9oul e;er ha;e scare h$m from he9$ng 9hen he 9as young, he sa$ # Ne"t ay the secon son7s turn came, an he fare <ust the same# .e ha scarce he9n three stro=es at the f$r, before the Troll came to h$m too, an sa$ !! ?3f you he9 $n th$s 9oo of m$ne, 37ll =$ll you#?

The la are not so much as loo= at h$m, but thre9 o9n the a"e, too= to h$s heels, an came scamper$ng home <ust l$=e h$s brother# +o 9hen he got home, h$s [p# :I] father 9as angry aga$n, an sa$ no Troll ha e;er scare h$m 9hen he 9as young# The th$r ay 1oots 9ante to set off#

?6ou, $n ee O? sa$ the t9o el er brothers> ?you7ll o $t bra;ely, no oubtO you, 9ho ha;e scarce e;er set your foot out of the oor#? 1oots sa$ noth$ng to th$s, but only begge them to g$;e h$m a goo store of foo # .$s mother ha no cheese, so she set the pot on the f$re to ma=e h$m a l$ttle, an he put $t $nto a scr$p an set off# +o 9hen he ha he9n a b$t, the Troll came to h$m too, an sa$ !! ?3f you he9 $n th$s 9oo of m$ne, 37ll =$ll you#?

1ut the la 9as not slo9> he pulle h$s cheese out of the scr$p $n a tr$ce, an sKueeCe $t t$ll the 9hey spurte out# ?.ol your tongueO? he cr$e to the Troll, ?or 37ll sKueeCe you as 3 sKueeCe the 9ater out of th$s 9h$te stone#? ?Nay, he9#? ear fr$en O? sa$ the Troll, ?only spare me, an 37ll help you to

Well, on those terms the la 9as 9$ll$ng to spare h$m, an the Troll he9e so bra;ely, that they felle an cut up many, many fathoms $n the ay# 1ut 9hen e;en ?No9 you7 re9 near, the Troll sa$ !!

better come home 9$th me, for my house $s nearer than yours#?

+o the la 9as 9$ll$ng enough> an 9hen they reache the Troll7s house, the Troll 9as to ma=e up the f$re, 9h$le the la 9ent to fetch 9ater for the$r porr$ ge, an there stoo t9o $ron pa$ls so b$g an hea;y, that he coul n7t so much as l$ft them from the groun # [p# :A] ?PoohO? sa$ the la , ?$t $sn7t 9orth 9h$le to touch these f$nger!bas$ns# 37ll <ust go an fetch the spr$ng $tself#?

?Nay, nay, ear fr$en O? sa$ the Troll> ? 3 can7t affor to lose my spr$ng> <ust you ma=e up the f$re, an 37ll go an fetch the 9ater#? +o 9hen he came bac= 9$th the 9ater, they set to an pot of porr$ ge# ?3t7s all the same to me,? sa$ eat a matchO? bo$le up a great

the la > ?but $f you7re of my m$n , 9e7ll

?W$th all my heart,? sa$ the Troll, for he thought he coul surely hol h$s o9n $n eat$ng# +o they sat o9n> but the la too= h$s scr$p una9ares to the Troll, an hung $t before h$m, an so he spoone more $nto the scr$p than he ate h$mself> an 9hen the scr$p 9as full, he too= up h$s =n$fe an ma e a sl$t $n the scr$p# The Troll loo=e on all the 9h$le, but sa$ ne;er a 9or # +o 9hen they ha eaten a goo b$t longer, the Troll la$ o9n h$s spoon, say$ng, ?NayO but 3 can7t eat a morsel more#? ?1ut you shall eat,? sa$ the youth> ?37m only half one> 9hy on7t you o as 3 $ , an cut a hole $n your paunch@ 6ou7ll be able to eat then as much as you please#? ?1ut oesn7t $t hurt one cruelly@? as=e the Troll#

?%h,? sa$

the youth, ?noth$ng to spea= of#?

+o the Troll $ as the la sa$ , an then you must =no9 ;ery 9ell that he lost h$s l$fe> but the la too= all the s$l;er an gol that he foun $n the h$ll!s$ e, an 9ent home 9$th $t, an you may fancy $t 9ent a great 9ay to pay off the ebt# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# :9]

.acon Gr$CClebear %nce on a t$me there 9as a Pr$ncess su$tor 9as goo enough for her# +he about the$r bus$ness, one after the st$ll ne9 su$tors =ept on com$ng to 9$c=e husseyO 9ho 9as so prou an pert that no ma e game of them all, an sent them other> but though she 9as so prou , the palace, for she 9as a beauty, the

+o one ay there came a pr$nce to 9oo her, an h$s name 9as .acon Gr$CClebear > but the f$rst n$ght he 9as there, the Pr$ncess ba e the =$ng7s fool cut off the ears of one of the pr$nce7s horses, an sl$t the <a9s of the other up to the ears# When the pr$nce 9ent out to r$;e ne"t ay the Pr$ncess stoo $n the porch an loo=e at h$m# ?WellO? she cr$e , ?3 ne;er sa9 the l$=e of th$s $n all my l$fe> the =een north 9$n that blo9s here has ta=en the ears off one of your horses, an the other has stoo by an gape at 9hat 9as go$ng on t$ll h$s <a9s ha;e spl$t r$ght up to h$s ears#?

(n 9$th that she burst out $nto a roar of laughter, ran $n, slamme the oor, an let h$m r$;e off#


+o he ro;e home> but as he 9ent, he thought to h$mself that he 9oul pay her off one ay# (fter a b$t, he put on a great bear of moss, thre9 a great fur cloa= o;er h$s clothes, an resse h$mself up <ust l$=e any beggar# .e 9ent to a gol sm$th an bought a gol en sp$nn$ng 9heel, an sat o9n 9$th $t un er the Pr$ncess7 9$n o9, [p# 40] an began to f$le a9ay at h$s sp$nn$ng 9heel, an to turn $t th$s 9ay an that, for $t 9asn7t Ku$te $n or er, an bes$ es, $t 9ante a stan # +o 9hen the Pr$ncess rose up $n the morn$ng, she came to the 9$n o9 an thre9 $t up, an calle out to the beggar $f he 9oul sell h$s gol en sp$nn$ng 9heel@ ?No> $t $sn7t for sale,? sa$ .acon Gr$CClebear > but $f 3 may ha;e lea;e to sleep outs$ e your be !room oor to!n$ght, 37ll g$;e $t you#? Well, the Pr$ncess thought $t a goo lett$ng h$m sleep outs$ e her oor# barga$n> there coul be no anger $n

+o she got the 9heel, an at n$ght .acon Gr$CClebear lay o9n outs$ e her be !room# 1ut as the n$ght 9ore on he began to freeCe# ?.utetutetutetuO $t $s so col > o let me $n,? he cr$e # the Pr$ncess# o let me $n,? sa$ .acon

?6ou7;e lost your 9$ts outr$ght, 3 th$n=,? sa$ ?%h, hutetutetutetuO $t $s so b$tter col , pray Gr$CClebear aga$n#

?.ushO hushO hol your tongueO? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?$f my father 9ere to =no9 that there 9as a man $n the house, 3 shoul be $n a f$ne scrape#? ?%h, hutetutetutetuO 37m almost froCen to eath> only let me come $ns$ e an l$e on the floor,? sa$ .acon Gr$CClebear # 6esO there 9as no help for $t# +he ha to let h$m $n, an lay on the groun an slept l$=e a top# 9hen he 9as, he

+ome t$me after, .acon came aga$n 9$th the stan to the sp$nn$ng 9heel, an sat o9n un er the Pr$ncess7 [p# 41] 9$n o9, an began to f$le at $t, for $t 9as not Ku$te f$t for use# When she hear h$m f$l$ng, she thre9 up the 9$n o9 an began to tal= to h$m, an to as= 9hat he ha there# ?%hO only the stan to that sp$nn$ng 9heel 9h$ch your royal h$ghness bought> for 3 thought, as you ha the 9heel, you m$ght l$=e to ha;e the stan too#? ?What o you 9ant for $t@ ? as=e the Pr$ncess> but $t 9as not for sale any more than the 9heel, but she m$ght ha;e them $f she 9oul g$;e h$m lea;e to sleep on the floor of her be room ne"t n$ght# WellO she ga;e h$m lea;e, only he 9as to be sure to l$e st$ll, an not to sh$;er an call out ?hutetu,? or any such stuff# .acon Gr$CClebear prom$se fa$r enough, but as the n$ght 9ore on he began to sh$;er an sha=e, an to as= 9hether he m$ght not come nearer, an l$e on the floor alongs$ e the Pr$ncess7 be #

There 9as no help for $t> she ha to g$;e h$m lea;e, lest the =$ng shoul hear the no$se he ma e# +o .acon Gr$CClebear lay alongs$ e the Pr$ncess7 be , an slept l$=e a top# 3t 9as a long 9h$le before .acon Gr$CClebear came aga$n> but 9hen he came he ha 9$th h$m a gol en 9ool!9$n er, an he sat o9n an began to f$le a9ay at $t un er the Pr$ncess7 9$n o9# Then came the ol story o;er aga$n# When the Pr$ncess hear 9hat 9as go$ng on, she came to the 9$n o9 an as=e h$m ho9 he $ , an 9hether he 9oul sell the gol en 9ool! 9$n er@ ?3t $s not to be ha for money> but $f you7ll g$;e me lea;e to sleep to! n$ght $n your be !room, 9$th my hea on your be stea , you shall ha;e $t for noth$ng,? sa$ .acon Gr$CClebear # [p# 48] ?WellO she 9oul g$;e h$m lea;e, $f he only ga;e h$s 9or to be Ku$et an ma=e no no$se# +o he sa$ he 9oul o h$s best to be st$ll> but as the n$ght 9ore on he began to sh$;er an sha=e, so that h$s teeth chattere aga$n# ?.utetutetutetuO $t $s so b$tter col O %h, o let me get $nto be 9arm myself a l$ttle,? sa$ .acon Gr$CClebear # ?Get $nto be O? sa$ ?.utetutetutetuO? sa$ an

the Pr$ncess> ?9hy, you must ha;e lost your 9$ts#? .acon> ? o let me get $nto be # .utetutetutetu#?

?.ushO hushO be st$ll for Go 7s sa=e,? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?$f father =no9s there $s a man $n here, 3 shall be $n a sa pl$ght# 37m sure he7ll =$ll me on the spot#? ?.utetutetutetuO let me get $nto be ,? sa$ .acon Gr$CClebear , 9ho =ept on sh$;er$ng so that the 9hole room shoo=# WellO there 9as no help for $t> she ha to let h$m get $nto be , 9here he slept both soun an soft> but a l$ttle 9h$le after the Pr$ncess ha a ch$l , at 9h$ch the =$ng gre9 so 9$l 9$th rage, that he 9as near ma=$ng an en of both mother an babe# 5ust after th$s happene , came .acon Gr$CClebear tramp$ng that 9ay once more, as $f by chance, an too= h$s seat o9n $n the =$tchen, l$=e any other beggar# +o 9hen the Pr$ncess came out an sa9 h$m, she cr$e , ?(h, Go ha;e mercy on me, for the $ll!luc= you ha;e brought on me> father $s rea y to burst 9$th rage> o let me follo9 you to your home#? ?%hO 37ll be boun you7re too 9ell bre to follo9 me,? sa$ .acon, ?for 3 ha;e noth$ng, but a log hut to l$;e $n> [p# 4:] an ho9 3 shall e;er get foo for you 3 can7t tell, for $t7s <ust as much as 3 can o to get foo for myself#? ?%h yesO $t7s all the same to me ho9 you get $t, or 9hether you get $t at all,? she sa$ > ?only let me be 9$th you, for $f 3 stay here any longer, my father 9$ll be sure to ta=e my l$fe#? +o she got lea;e to be 9$th the beggar, as she calle h$m, an they 9al=e a long, long 9ay, though she 9as but a poor han at tramp$ng# When she passe out of her father7s lan $nto another, she as=e 9hose $t 9as@

?%hO th$s $s .acon Gr$CClebear 7s, $f you must =no9,? sa$


?3n ee O? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?3 m$ght ha;e marr$e h$m $f 3 chose, an then 3 shoul not ha;e ha to 9al= about l$=e a beggar7s 9$fe#? +o, 9hene;er they came to gran castles, an 9oo s, an par=s, an she as=e 9hose they 9ere@ the beggar7s ans9er 9as st$ll the same/ ?%hO they are .acon Gr$CClebear 7s#? (n the Pr$ncess 9as $n a sa 9ay that she ha not chosen the man 9ho ha such broa lan s# 'ast of all they came to a palace, 9here he sa$ he 9as =no9n, an 9here he thought he coul get her 9or=, so that they m$ght ha;e someth$ng to l$;e on> so he bu$lt up a cab$n by the 9oo !s$ e for them to 9ell $n> an e;ery ay he 9ent to the =$ng7s palace, as he sa$ , to he9 9oo an ra9 9ater for the coo=, an 9hen he came bac= he brought a fe9 scraps of meat> but they $ not go ;ery far# %ne ay, 9hen he came home from the palace, he sa$ !!

?To!morro9 3 9$ll stay at home an loo= after the baby, but you must get rea y to go to the palace, o you [p# 44] hear@ for the Pr$nce sa$ you 9ere to come an try your han at ba=$ng#? ?3 ba=eO? sa$ $n my l$fe#? the Pr$ncess> ?3 can7t ba=e, for 3 ne;er $ such a th$ng

?Well, you must go,? sa$ .acon, ?s$nce the Pr$nce has sa$ $t# 3f you can7t ba=e, you can learn> you ha;e only got to loo= ho9 the rest ba=e> an m$n , 9hen you lea;e, you must steal me some brea #? ?3 can7t steal,? sa$ the Pr$ncess# .acon> you =no9 9e l$;e on short commons# oesn7t see you, for he has eyes at the reache the put on h$s

?6ou can learn that too,? sa$ 1ut ta=e care that the Pr$nce bac= of h$s hea #?

+o 9hen she 9as 9ell on her 9ay, .acon ran by a short cut an palace long before her, an thre9 off h$s rags an bear , an pr$ncely robes# The Pr$ncess too= her turn $n the ba=ehouse, an for she stole brea t$ll her poc=ets 9ere cramme about to go home at e;en, the Pr$nce sa$ !! ?We 9e7

$ as .acon ba e her, full# +o 9hen she 9as

on7t =no9 much of th$s ol 9$fe of .acon Gr$CClebear 7s> 3 th$n= best see $f she has ta=en anyth$ng a9ay 9$th her#?

+o he thrust h$s han $nto all her poc=ets, an felt her all o;er, an 9hen he foun the brea , he 9as $n a great rage, an le them all a sa l$fe# +he began to 9eep an be9a$l, an sa$ !! ?The beggar ma e me o $t, an 3 coul n7t help $t#?

?Well,? sa$ the Pr$nce at last, ?$t ought to ha;e gone har 9$th you> but all the same, for the sa=e of the beggar you shall be forg$;en th$s once#?

When she 9as 9ell on her 9ay, he thre9 off h$s robes, [p# 4B] put on h$s s=$n cloa=, an h$s false bear , an reache the cab$n before her# When she came home, he 9as busy nurs$ng the baby# ?Well, you ha;e ma e me o 9hat $t 9ent aga$nst my heart to o# Th$s $s the f$rst t$me 3 e;er stole, an th$s shall be the last>? an 9$th that she tol h$m ho9 $t ha gone 9$th her, an 9hat the Pr$nce ha sa$ # ( fe9 ays after .acon Gr$CClebear came home at e;en an sa$ !!

?To!morro9 3 must stay at home an m$n the babe, for they are go$ng to =$ll a p$g at the palace, an you must help to ma=e the sausages#? ?3 ma=e sausagesO? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?3 can7t o any such th$ng# 3 ha;e eaten sausages often enough> but as to ma=$ng them, 3 ne;er ma e one $n my l$fe#? Well, there 9as no help for $t> the Pr$nce ha sa$ $t, an (s for not =no9$ng ho9, she 9as only to o 9hat the others the same t$me .acon ba e her steal some sausages for h$m# go she must# $ , an at

?Nay, but 3 can7t steal them,? she sa$ > ?you =no9 ho9 $t 9ent last t$me#? ?Well, you can learn to steal> 9ho =no9s but you may ha;e better luc= ne"t t$me@? sa$ .acon Gr$CClebear # When she 9as 9ell on her 9ay, .acon ran by a short cut, reache the palace long before her, thre9 off h$s s=$n cloa= an false bear , an stoo $n the =$tchen 9$th h$s royal robes before she came $n# +o the Pr$ncess stoo by 9hen the p$g 9as =$lle , an ma e sausages 9$th the rest, an $ as .acon ba e her, an stuffe her poc=ets full of sausages# 1ut 9hen she 9as about to go home at e;en, the Pr$nce sa$ !! ?Th$s beggar7s 9$fe 9as long!f$ngere $f she hasn7t carr$e anyth$ng off#? last t$me> 9e may as 9ell <ust see the

+o he began to thrust h$s han s $nto her poc=ets, an 9hen he foun sausages he 9as $n a great rage aga$n, an ma e a great to o, threaten$ng to sen for the constable an put her $nto the cage# ?%h, Go bless your royal h$ghness> $t,? she sa$ , an 9ept b$tterly#

o let me offO The beggar ma e me

?Well,? sa$ .acon, ?you ought to smart for $t> but for the beggar7s sa=e you shall be forg$;en#? When she 9as gone, he change h$s clothes aga$n, ran by the short cut, an 9hen she reache the cab$n, there he 9as before her# Then she tol h$m the 9hole story, an s9ore, through th$c= an th$n, $t shoul be the last t$me he got her to o such a th$ng# No9, $t fell out a l$ttle t$me after, 9hen the man came bac= from the palace, he sa$ !! ?%ur Pr$nce $s go$ng to be marr$e , but the br$ e $s s$c=, so the ta$lor can7t measure her for her 9e $ng go9n# (n the Pr$nce7s 9$ll $s, that you shoul go up to the palace an be measure $nstea of the br$ e> for

he says you are <ust the same he$ght an shape# 1ut after you ha;e been measure , m$n you on7t go a9ay> you can stan about, you =no9, an 9hen the ta$lor cuts out the go9n, you can snap up the largest p$eces, an br$ng them home for a 9a$stcoat for me#? ?Nay, but 3 can7t steal,? she sa$ > ?bes$ es, you =no9 ho9 $t 9ent last t$me#? ?6ou can learn then,? sa$ perhaps#? .acon, ?an you may ha;e better luc=,

+he thought $t ba , but st$ll she 9ent an $ as she [p# 4I] 9as tol # +he stoo by 9h$le the ta$lor 9as cutt$ng out the go9n, an she s9ept o9n all the b$ggest scraps, an stuffe them $nto her poc=ets> an 9hen she 9as go$ng a9ay, the Pr$nce sa$ !! ?We may as 9ell see $f th$s ol too#? g$rl has not been long!f$ngere th$s t$me

+o he began to feel an search her poc=ets, an 9hen he foun the p$eces he 9as $n a rage, an began to stamp an scol at a great rate, 9h$le she 9ept an sa$ !! ?(h, pray forg$;e me> the beggar ba e me ?Well, you ought to smart for $t,? sa$ $t shall be forg$;en you#? o $t, an 3 coul n7t help $t#?

.acon> ?but for the beggar7s sa=e 9hen she got bac= to the

+o $t 9ent no9 <ust as $t ha gone before, an cab$n, the beggar 9as there before her#

?%h, .ea;en help me,? she sa$ > ?you 9$ll be the eath of me at last by ma=$ng me noth$ng but 9hat $s 9$c=e # The Pr$nce 9as $n such a to9er$ng rage that he threatene me both 9$th the constable an cage#? +ome t$me after, .acon came home to the cab$n at e;en an sa$ !! stan be > that y to

?No9, the Pr$nce7s 9$ll $s, that you shoul go up to the palace an for the br$ e, ol lassO for the br$ e $s st$ll s$c=, an =eeps her but he 9on7t put off the 9e $ng> an he says, you are so l$=e her, no one coul tell one from the other> so to!morro9 you must get rea go to the palace#?

?3 th$n= you7;e lost your 9$ts, both the Pr$nce an you,? sa$ she# ?Do you th$n= 3 loo= f$t to stan $n the br$ e7s place@ loo= at meO 0an any beggar7s trull loo= 9orse than 3@? [p# 4A] ?Well, the pr$nce sa$ Gr$CClebear # you 9ere to go, an so go you must,? sa$ .acon

There 9as no help for $t, go she must> an 9hen, she reache the palace, they resse her out so f$nely that no pr$ncess e;er loo=e so smart# The br$ al tra$n 9ent to church, 9here she stoo for the br$ e, an 9hen they came bac=, there 9as anc$ng an merr$ment $n the palace# 1ut <ust as she 9as $n the m$ st of anc$ng 9$th the Pr$nce, she sa9 a gleam of l$ght through the 9$n o9, an loO the cab$n by the 9oo !s$ e 9as all one br$ght flame#

?%hO the beggar, an the babe, an <ust go$ng to s9oon a9ay#

the cab$n,? she screame

out, an


?.ere $s the beggar, an there $s the babe, an a9ay,? sa$ .acon Gr$CClebear #

so let the cab$n burn

Then she =ne9 h$m aga$n, an after that the m$rth an merr$ment began $n r$ght earnest> but s$nce that 3 ha;e ne;er hear tell anyth$ng more about them# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

1oots Who -a e the Pr$ncess +ay, ?That7s ( +tory#? %nce on a t$me there 9as a =$ng 9ho ha a aughter, an she 9as such a rea ful story!teller that the l$=e of her 9as not to be foun far or near# +o the =$ng ga;e out, that $f any one coul tell such a str$ng of l$es as 9oul get her to say, ?That7s a story,? he shoul ha;e her to 9$fe, an half the =$ng om bes$ es# Well, many came, as [p# 49] you may fancy, to try the$r luc=, for e;ery one 9oul ha;e been ;ery gla to ha;e the Pr$ncess, to say noth$ng of the =$ng om> but they all cut a sorry f$gure, for the Pr$ncess 9as so g$;en to story!tell$ng, that all the$r l$es 9ent $n at one ear an out of the other# (mong the rest came three brothers to try the$r luc=, an the t9o el er 9ent f$rst, but they fare no better than those 9ho ha gone before them# 'ast of all, the th$r , 1oots, set off an foun the Pr$ncess $n the farm!yar # ?Goo ?Goo morn$ng,? he sa$ , ?an morn$ng? sa$ she, ?an than= you for noth$ng#? the same to you#?

Then she 9ent on!! ?6ou ha;en7t such a f$ne farm!yar as ours, 37ll be boun > for 9hen t9o shepher s stan , one at each en of $t, an blo9 the$r ram7s horns, the one can7t hear the other#? ?.a;en7t 9e thoughO? ans9ere 1oots> ?ours $s far b$gger> for 9hen a co9 beg$ns to go 9$th calf at one en of $t, she oesn7t get to the other en before the t$me to rop her calf $s come#? ?3 are sayO? sa$ the Pr$ncess# ?Well, but you ha;en7t such a b$g o", after all, as ours yon er> for 9hen t9o men s$t, one on each horn, they can7t touch each other 9$th a t9enty!foot rule#? ?+tuffO? sa$ 1oots> ?$s that all@ 9hy, 9e ha;e an o" 9ho $s so b$g, that 9hen t9o men s$t, one on each horn, an each blo9s h$s great mounta$n! trumpet, they can7t hear one another#? ?3 are say,? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?but you ha;en7t so much m$l= as 9e, 37ll be boun > for 9e m$l= our =$ne $nto [p# B0] great pa$ls, an carry them $n! oors, an empty them $nto great tubs, an so 9e ma=e great, great cheeses#?

?%hO you o, o, you@? sa$ 1oots# ?Well, 9e m$l= ours $nto great tubs, an then 9e put them $n carts an r$;e them $n! oors, an then 9e turn them out $nto great bre9$ng ;ats, an so 9e ma=e cheeses as b$g as a great house# We ha , too, a un mare to trea the cheese 9ell together 9hen $t 9as ma=$ng> but once she tumble o9n $nto the cheese, an 9e lost her> an after 9e ha eaten at th$s cheese se;en years, 9e came upon a great un mare, al$;e an =$c=$ng# Well, once after that 3 9as go$ng to r$;e th$s mare to the m$ll, an her bac=!bone snappe $n t9o> but 3 9asn7t put out, not 3, for 3 too= a spruce sapl$ng, an put $t $nto her for a bac=!bone, an she ha no other bac=!bone all the 9h$le 9e ha her# 1ut the sapl$ng gre9 up $nto such a tall tree, that 3 cl$mbe r$ght up to hea;en by $t, an 9hen 3 got there, 3 sa9 the 2$rg$n -ary s$tt$ng an sp$nn$ng the foam of the sea $nto p$gs7!br$stle ropes> but <ust then the spruce!f$r bro=e short off, an 3 coul n7t get o9n aga$n> so the 2$rg$n -ary let me o9n by one of the ropes, an o9n 3 sl$ppe stra$ght $nto a fo"7s hole, an 9ho shoul s$t there but my mother an your father cobbl$ng shoes> an <ust as 3 steppe $n, my mother ga;e your father such a bo" on the ear, that $t ma e h$s 9h$s=ers curl#? ?That7s a storyO? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?my father ne;er $n all h$s born aysO? +o 1oots got the Pr$ncess to 9$fe, an $ any such th$ng

half the =$ng om bes$ es#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# B1]

The T9el;e Duc=s %nce on a t$me there 9as a Jueen 9ho 9as out r$;$ng, 9hen there ha been a ne9 fall of sno9 $n the 9$nter> but 9hen she ha gone a l$ttle 9ay, she began to blee at the nose, an ha to get out of her sle ge# (n so, as she stoo there, lean$ng aga$nst the fence, an sa9 the re bloo on the 9h$te sno9, she fell a!th$n=$ng ho9 she ha t9el;e sons an no aughter, an she sa$ to herself!! ?3f 3 only ha a aughter as 9h$te as sno9 an shoul n7t care 9hat became of all my sons#? as re as bloo , 3 9$tch of the

1ut the 9or s 9ere scarce out of her mouth before an ol Trolls came up to her#

?( aughter you shall ha;e,? she sa$ , ?an she shall be as 9h$te as sno9, an as re as bloo > an your sons shall be m$ne, but you may =eep them t$ll the babe $s chr$stene #? +o 9hen the t$me came the Jueen ha a aughter, an she 9as as 9h$te as sno9, an as re as bloo , <ust as the Troll ha prom$se , an so they calle her ?+no9!9h$te an )osy!re #? Well, there 9as great <oy at the 4$ng7s court, an the Jueen 9as as gla as gla coul be> but 9hen 9hat she ha prom$se to the ol 9$tch came $nto her m$n , she sent for a s$l;ersm$th, an ba e h$m ma=e t9el;e s$l;er spoons, one for each pr$nce,

an after that she ba e h$m ma=e one more, an that she ga;e to +no9! 9h$te an )osy!re # 1ut as soon as e;er the Pr$ncess 9as [p# B8] chr$stene , the Pr$nces 9ere turne $nto t9el;e 9$l uc=s, an fle9 a9ay# They ne;er sa9 them aga$n,!!a9ay they 9ent, an a9ay they staye # +o the Pr$ncess gre9 up, an she 9as both tall an fa$r, but she 9as often so strange an sorro9ful, an no one coul un erstan 9hat $t 9as that fa$le her# 1ut one e;en$ng the Jueen 9as also sorro9ful, for she ha many strange thoughts 9hen she thought of her sons# +he sa$ to +no9! 9h$te an )osy!re !! ?Why are you so sorro9ful, my aughter@ 3s there anyth$ng you 9ant@ $f so, only say the 9or , an you shall ha;e $t#? ?%h, $t seems so ull an lonely here,? sa$ +no9!9h$te an )osy!re > ?e;ery one else has brothers an s$sters, but 3 am all alone> 3 ha;e none> an that7s 9hy 37m so sorro9ful#? ?1ut you ha brothers, my aughter,? sa$ the Jueen> ?3 ha t9el;e sons 9ho 9ere your brothers, but 3 ga;e them all a9ay to get you>? an so she tol her the 9hole story# +o 9hen the Pr$ncess hear that, she ha no rest> for, $n sp$te of all the Jueen coul say or o, an all she 9ept an praye , the lass$e 9oul set off to see= her brothers, for she thought $t 9as all her fault> an at last she got lea;e to go a9ay from the palace# %n an on she 9al=e $nto the 9$ e 9orl , so far, you 9oul ne;er ha;e thought a young la y coul ha;e strength to 9al= so far# +o, once, 9hen she 9as 9al=$ng through a great, great 9oo , one ay she felt t$re , an sat o9n on a mossy tuft an fell asleep# Then she reamt that she 9ent eeper an eeper $nto the 9oo , t$ll she came to a l$ttle 9oo en hut, an there she foun her brothers> <ust then she 9o=e, an [p# B:] stra$ght before her she sa9 a 9orn path $n the green moss, an th$s path 9ent eeper $nto the 9oo > so she follo9e $t, an after a long t$me she came to <ust such a l$ttle 9oo en house as that she ha seen $n her ream# No9, 9hen she 9ent $nto the room there 9as no one at home, but there stoo t9el;e be s, an t9el;e cha$rs, an t9el;e spoons!!a oCen of e;eryth$ng, $n short# +o 9hen she sa9 that she 9as so gla , she ha n7t been so gla for many a long year, for she coul guess at once that her brothers l$;e here, an that they o9ne the be s, an cha$rs, an spoons# +o she began to ma=e up the f$re, an s9eep the room, an ma=e the be s, an coo= the $nner, an to ma=e the house as t$ y as she coul > an 9hen she ha one all the coo=$ng an 9or=, she ate her o9n $nner, an crept un er her youngest brother7s be , an lay o9n there, but she forgot her spoon upon the table# +o she ha scarcely la$ herself o9n before she hear someth$ng flapp$ng an 9h$rr$ng $n the a$r, an so all the t9el;e 9$l uc=s came s9eep$ng $n> but as soon as e;er they crosse the threshol they became Pr$nces# ?%h, ho9 n$ce an 9arm $t $s $n here,? they sa$ # ?.ea;en bless h$m 9ho ma e up the f$re, an coo=e such a goo $nner for us#? (n so each too= up h$s s$l;er spoon an 9as go$ng to eat# 1ut 9hen each ha ta=en h$s o9n, there 9as one st$ll left ly$ng on the table, an $t 9as so l$=e the rest that they coul n7t tell $t from them#

?Th$s $s our s$ster7s spoon,? they sa$ > ?an can7t be ;ery far off herself#?

$f her spoon be here, she

?3f th$s be our s$ster7s spoon, an she be here,? sa$ [p# B4] the el est, ?she shall be =$lle , for she $s to blame for all the $ll 9e suffer#? (n th$s she lay un er the be an l$stene to#

?No,? sa$ the youngest ? 7t9ere a shame to =$ll her for that# +he has noth$ng to o 9$th our suffer$ng $ll> for $f any one7s to blame, $t7s our o9n mother#? +o they set to 9or= hunt$ng for her both h$gh an lo9, an at last they loo=e un er all the be s, an so 9hen they came to the youngest Pr$nce7s be , they foun her, an ragge her out# Then the el est Pr$nce 9$she aga$n to ha;e her =$lle , but she begge an praye so prett$ly for herself# ?%hO grac$ous goo nessO Don7t =$ll me, for 37;e gone about see=$ng you these three years, an $f 3 coul only set you free, 37 9$ll$ngly lose my l$fe#? ?WellO? sa$ they, ?$f you 9$ll set us free, you may =eep your l$fe> for you can $f you choose#? ?6es> only tell me,? sa$ $t, 9hate;er $t be#? the Pr$ncess, ?ho9 $t can be one, an 37ll o

?6ou must p$c= th$stle! o9n,? sa$ the Pr$nces, ?an you must car $t, an sp$n $t, an 9ea;e $t> an after you ha;e one that, you must cut out an ma=e t9el;e coats, an t9el;e sh$rts, an t9el;e nec=erch$efs, one for each of us, an 9h$le you o that, you must ne$ther tal=, nor laugh, nor 9eep# 3f you can o that, 9e are free#? ?1ut 9here shall 3 e;er get th$stle! o9n enough for so many nec=erch$efs, an sh$rts, an coats@? as=e +no9!9h$te an )osy!re # ?We7ll soon sho9 you,? sa$ the Pr$nces> an so they too= her 9$th them to a great 9$ e moor, 9here there stoo such a crop of th$stles, all no $ng an no $ng $n [p# BB] the breeCe, an the o9n all float$ng an gl$sten$ng l$=e gossamers through the a$r $n the sunbeams# The Pr$ncess ha ne;er seen such a Kuant$ty of th$stle! o9n $n her l$fe, an she began to pluc= an gather $t as fast an as 9ell as she coul > an 9hen she got home at n$ght she set to 9or= car $ng an sp$nn$ng yarn from the o9n# +o she 9ent on a long long t$me, p$c=$ng an car $ng, an sp$nn$ng an all the 9h$le =eep$ng the Pr$nces7 house, coo=$ng, an ma=$ng the$r be s# (t e;en$ng home they came, flapp$ng an 9h$rr$ng l$=e 9$l uc=s, an all n$ght they 9ere Pr$nces, but $n the morn$ng off they fle9 aga$n, an 9ere 9$l uc=s the 9hole ay# 1ut no9 $t happene once, 9hen she 9as out on the moor to p$c= th$stle! o9n,!!an $f 3 on7t m$sta=e, $t 9as the ;ery last t$me she 9as to go th$ther,!!$t happene that the young 4$ng 9ho rule that lan 9as out hunt$ng an came r$ $ng across the moor, an sa9 her# +o he stoppe there an 9on ere 9ho the lo;ely la y coul be that 9al=e along the moor p$c=$ng th$stle! o9n, an he as=e her her name, an 9hen he coul get no

ans9er, he 9as st$ll more aston$she > an at last he l$=e her so much, that noth$ng 9oul o but he must ta=e her home to h$s castle an marry her# +o he or ere h$s ser;ants to ta=e her an put her up on h$s horse# +no9!9h$te an )osy!re she 9rung her han s, an ma e s$gns to them, an po$nte to the bags $n 9h$ch her 9or= 9as, an 9hen the 4$ng sa9 she 9$she to ha;e them 9$th her, he tol h$s men to ta=e up the bags beh$n them# When they ha one that the Pr$ncess came to herself, l$ttle by l$ttle, for the 4$ng 9as both a 9$se man an a han some man too, an he 9as as soft an =$n to her as a octor# 1ut 9hen they got [p# BF] home to the palace, an the ol Jueen, 9ho 9as h$s stepmother, set eyes on +no9!9h$te an )osy!re , she got so cross an <ealous of her because she 9as so lo;ely, that she sa$ to the =$ng!! ?0an7t you see no9, that th$s th$ng 9hom you ha;e p$c=e up, an 9hom you are go$ng to marry, $s a 9$tch@ Why, she can7t e$ther tal=, or laugh, or 9eepO? 1ut the 4$ng, $ n7t care a p$n for 9hat she sa$ , but hel on 9$th the 9e $ng, an marr$e +no9!9h$te an )osy!re , an they l$;e $n great <oy an glory> but she $ n7t forget to go on se9$ng at her sh$rts# +o 9hen the year 9as almost out, +no9!9h$te an )osy!re brought a Pr$nce $nto the 9orl > an then the ol Jueen 9as more sp$teful an <ealous than e;er, an at ea of n$ght she stole $n to +no9!9h$te an )osy!re , 9h$le she slept, an too= a9ay her babe, an thre9 $t $nto a p$t full of sna=es# (fter that she cut +no9!9h$te an )osy!re $n her f$nger, an smeare the bloo o;er her mouth, an 9ent stra$ght to the 4$ng# ?No9 come an see,? she sa$ , ?9hat sort of a th$ng you ha;e ta=en for your Jueen> here she has eaten up her o9n babe#? Then the =$ng 9as so o9ncast, he almost burst $nto tears, an sa$ !! o

?6es, $t must be true, s$nce 3 see $t 9$th my o9n eyes> but she7ll not $t aga$n, 37m sure, an so th$s t$me 37ll spare her l$fe#? +o before the ne"t year 9as out she ha another son, an the same th$ng happene # The 4$ng7s stepmother got more an more <ealous an sp$teful# +he stole $nto the young Jueen at n$ght 9h$le she slept, too= a9ay the babe, [p# BI] an thre9 $t $nto a p$t full of sna=es, cut the young Jueen7s f$nger, an smeare the bloo o;er her mouth, an then 9ent an tol the 4$ng she ha eaten up her o9n ch$l # Then the 4$ng 9as so sorro9ful, you can7t th$n= ho9 sorry he 9as, an he sa$ !! ?6es, $t must be true, s$nce 3 see $t 9$th my o9n eyes, but she7ll not $t aga$n, 37m sure, an so th$s t$me too 37ll spare her l$fe#? Well, before the ne"t year 9as out, +no9!9h$te an )osy!re brought a aughter $nto the 9orl , an her, too, the ol Jueen too= an thre9 $nto the p$t full of sna=es, 9h$le the young Jueen slept# Then she cut her f$nger, smeare the bloo o;er her mouth, an 9ent aga$n to the 4$ng an sa$ !! ?No9 you may come an see $f $t $sn7t as 3 say> she7s a 9$c=e , 9$c=e 9$tch, for here she has gone an eaten up her th$r babe too#?

Then the 4$ng 9as so sa , there 9as no en to $t, for no9 he coul n7t spare her any longer, but ha to or er her to be burnt al$;e on a p$le of

9oo # 1ut <ust 9hen the p$le 9as all ablaCe, an they 9ere her on $t, she ma e s$gns to them to ta=e t9el;e boar s an roun the p$le, an on these she la$ the nec=erch$efs, an an the coats for her brothers, but the youngest brother7s $ts left arm, for she ha n7t ha t$me to f$n$sh $t# (n as she ha one that, they hear such a flapp$ng an 9h$rr$ng an o9n came t9el;e 9$l uc=s fly$ng o;er the forest, an snappe up h$s clothes $n h$s b$ll an fle9 off 9$th them#

go$ng to put lay them the sh$rts, sh$rt 9ante soon as e;er $n the a$r, each of them

?+ee no9O? sa$ the ol Jueen to the 4$ng, ?9asn7t 3 [p# BA] r$ght 9hen 3 tol you she 9as a 9$tch> but ma=e haste an burn her before the p$le burns lo9#? ?%hO? sa$ the 4$ng, ?9e7;e 9oo enough an to spare, an so 37ll 9a$t a b$t, for 3 ha;e a m$n to see 9hat the en of all th$s 9$ll be#? (s he spo=e, up came the t9el;e pr$nces r$ $ng along as han some 9ell! gro9n la s as you7 9$sh to see> but the youngest pr$nce ha a 9$l uc=7s 9$ng $nstea of h$s left arm# ?What7s all th$s about@? as=e the Pr$nces#

?-y Jueen $s to be burnt,? sa$ the 4$ng, ?because she7s a 9$tch, an because she has eaten up her o9n babes#? ?+he hasn7t eaten them at all,? sa$ the Pr$nces# sa;e us, no9 sa;e

?+pea= no9, s$ster> you ha;e set us free an yourself#?

Then +no9!9h$te an )osy!re spo=e, an tol the 9hole story> ho9 e;ery t$me she 9as brought to be , the ol Jueen, the 4$ng7s stepmother, ha stolen $nto her at n$ght, ha ta=en her babes a9ay, an cut her l$ttle f$nger, an smeare the bloo o;er her mouth> an then the Pr$nces too= the 4$ng, an sho9e h$m the sna=e!p$t 9here three babes lay play$ng 9$th a ers an toa s, an lo;el$er ch$l ren you ne;er sa9# +o the 4$ng ha them ta=en out at once, an 9ent to h$s stepmother, an as=e her 9hat pun$shment she thought that 9oman eser;e 9ho coul f$n $t $n her heart to betray a gu$ltless Jueen an three such blesse l$ttle babes# ?+he eser;es to be fast boun bet9een t9el;e unbro=en stee s, so that each may ta=e h$s share of her,? sa$ the ol Jueen# [p# B9] ?6ou ha;e spo=en your o9n at once#? oom,? sa$ the 4$ng, ?an you shall suffer $t

+o the 9$c=e ol Jueen 9as fast boun bet9een t9el;e unbro=en stee s, an each got h$s share of her# 1ut the 4$ng too= +no9!9h$te an )osy!re , an the$r three ch$l ren, an the t9el;e Pr$nces> an so they all 9ent home to the$r father an mother, an tol all that ha befallen them, an there 9as <oy an gla ness o;er the 9hole =$ng om, because the Pr$ncess 9as sa;e an set free, an because she ha set free her t9el;e brothers# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The G$ant Who .a

No .eart $n .$s 1o y

%nce on a t$me there 9as a 4$ng 9ho ha se;en sons, an he lo;e them so much that he coul ne;er bear to be 9$thout them all at once, but one must al9ays be 9$th h$m# No9, 9hen they 9ere gro9n up, s$" 9ere to set off to 9oo, but as for the youngest, h$s father =ept h$m at home, an the others 9ere to br$ng bac= a pr$ncess for h$m to the palace# +o the 4$ng ga;e the s$" the f$nest clothes you e;er set eyes on, so f$ne that the l$ght gleame from them a long 9ay off, an each ha h$s horse, 9h$ch cost many, many hun re ollars, an so they set off# No9, 9hen they ha been to many palaces, an seen many pr$ncesses, at last they came to a 4$ng 9ho ha s$" aughters> such lo;ely =$ng7s aughters they ha ne;er seen, an so they fell to 9oo$ng them, each one, an 9hen [p# F0] they ha got them for s9eethearts, they set off home aga$n, but they Ku$te forgot that they 9ere to br$ng bac= 9$th them a s9eetheart for 1oots, the$r brother, 9ho staye at home, for they 9ere o;er hea an ears $n lo;e 9$th the$r o9n s9eethearts# 1ut 9hen they ha gone a goo b$t on the$r 9ay, they passe close by a steep h$ll!s$ e, l$=e a 9all, 9here the g$ant7s house 9as, an there the g$ant came out, an set h$s eyes upon them, an turne them all $nto stone, pr$nces an pr$ncesses an all# No9 the 4$ng 9a$te an 9a$te for h$s s$" sons, but the more he 9a$te the longer they staye a9ay> so he fell $nto great trouble, an sa$ he shoul ne;er =no9 9hat $t 9as to be gla aga$n# ?(n $f 3 ha not you left,? he sa$ to 1oots, ?3 9oul so full of sorro9 am 3 for the loss of your brothers#? l$;e no longer, f$n

?Well, but no9 37;e been th$n=$ng to as= your lea;e to set out an them aga$n> that7s 9hat 37m th$n=$ng of,? sa$ 1oots#

?Nay, nayO? sa$ h$s father> ?that lea;e you shall ne;er get, for then you 9oul stay a9ay too#? 1ut 1oots ha set h$s heart upon $t> go he 9oul > an he begge an praye so long that the 4$ng 9as force to let h$m go# No9, you must =no9 the 4$ng ha no other horse to g$;e 1oots but an ol bro=en! o9n <a e, for h$s s$" other sons an the$r tra$n ha carr$e off all h$s horses> but 1oots $ not care a p$n for that, he sprang up on h$s sorry ol stee # ?,are9ell, father,? sa$ he> ?37ll come bac=, ne;er fear, an l$=e enough 3 shall br$ng my s$" brothers bac= 9$th me>? an 9$th that he ro e off# [p# F1] +o, 9hen he ha r$ en a 9h$le, he came to a )a;en, 9h$ch lay $n the roa an flappe $ts 9$ngs, an 9as not able to get out of the 9ay, $t 9as so star;e # ?%h, ear fr$en ,? sa$ the )a;en, ?g$;e me a l$ttle foo , an you aga$n at your utmost nee #? 37ll help

?3 ha;en7t much foo ,? sa$ the Pr$nce, ?an 3 on7t see ho9 you7ll e;er be able to help me much> but st$ll 3 can spare you a l$ttle# 3 see you 9ant $t#? +o he ga;e the )a;en some of the foo he ha brought 9$th h$m#

No9, 9hen he ha gone a b$t further, he came to a broo=, an $n the broo= lay a great +almon, 9h$ch ha got upon a ry place, an ashe $tself about, an coul not get $nto the 9ater aga$n# ?%h, ear fr$en ,? sa$ the +almon to the Pr$nce> ?sho;e me out $nto the 9ater aga$n, an 37ll help you aga$n at your utmost nee #? ?WellO? sa$ the Pr$nce, ?the help you7ll g$;e me 9$ll not be great, 3 aresay, but $t7s a p$ty you shoul l$e there an cho=e>? an 9$th that he shot the f$sh out $nto the stream aga$n# (fter that he 9ent a long, long 9ay, an there met h$m a Wolf, 9h$ch 9as so fam$she that $t lay an cra9le along the roa on $ts belly# ?Dear fr$en , o let me ha;e your horse,? sa$ the Wolf> ?37m so hungry the 9$n 9h$stles through my r$bs> 37;e ha noth$ng to eat these t9o years#? ?No,? sa$ 1oots, ?th$s 9$ll ne;er o> f$rst 3 came to a ra;en, an 3 9as force to g$;e h$m my foo > ne"t 3 came to a salmon, an h$m 3 ha to help $nto the 9ater aga$n> an no9 you 9$ll ha;e my horse# 3t can7t be [p# F8] one, that $t can7t, for then 3 shoul ha;e noth$ng to r$ e on#? ?Nay, ear fr$en , but you can help me,? sa$ Graylegs the 9olf> ?you can r$ e upon my bac=, an 37ll help you aga$n $n your utmost nee #? ?WellO the help 3 shall get from you 9$ll not be great, 37ll be boun ,? sa$ the Pr$nce> ?but you may ta=e my horse, s$nce you are $n such nee #? +o 9hen the 9olf ha eaten the horse, 1oots too= the b$t an put $t $nto the 9olf7s <a9, an la$ the sa le on h$s bac=> an no9 the 9olf 9as so strong, after 9hat he ha got $ns$ e, that he set off 9$th the Pr$nce l$=e noth$ng# +o fast he ha ne;er r$ en before# ?When 9e ha;e gone a b$t farther,? sa$ G$ant7s house#? +o after a 9h$le they came to $t# ?+ee, here $s the G$ant7s house,? sa$ the Wolf> ?an see, here are your s$" brothers, 9hom the G$ant has turne $nto stone> an see here are the$r s$" br$ es, an a9ay yon er $s the oor, an $n at that oor you must go#? ?Nay, but 3 aren7t go $n,? sa$ the Pr$nce> ?he7ll ta=e my l$fe#? o Graylegs, ?37ll sho9 you the

?NoO noO? sa$ the Wolf> ?9hen you get $n you7ll f$n a Pr$ncess, an she7ll tell you 9hat to o to ma=e an en of the G$ant# %nly m$n an as she b$ s you#?

WellO 1oots 9ent $n, but, truth to say, he 9as ;ery much afra$ # When he came $n the G$ant 9as a9ay, but $n one of the rooms sat the Pr$ncess,

<ust as the 9olf ha set eyes on#

sa$ , an

so lo;ely a Pr$ncess 1oots ha

ne;er yet

?%hO hea;en help youO 9hence ha;e you come@? sa$ the Pr$ncess, as she sa9 h$m> ?$t 9$ll surely be your eath# No one can ma=e an en of the G$ant 9ho l$;es here, for he has no heart $n h$s bo y#? ?WellO WellO? sa$ 1oots> ?but no9 that 3 am here, 3 may as 9ell try 9hat 3 can o 9$th h$m> an 3 9$ll see $f 3 can7t free my brothers, 9ho are stan $ng turne to stone out of oors> an you, too, 3 9$ll try to sa;e, that 3 9$ll#? ?Well, $f you must, you must,? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?an so let us see $f 9e can7t h$t on a plan# 5ust creep un er the be yon er, an m$n an l$sten to 9hat he an 3 tal= about# 1ut, pray, o l$e as st$ll as a mouse#? +o he crept un er the be , an before the G$ant came# ?.aO? roare houseO? he ha scarce got 9ell un erneath $t, there $s $n the

the G$ant, ?9hat a smell of 0hr$st$an bloo

?6es, 3 =no9 there $s,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?for there came a magp$e fly$ng 9$th a man7s bone, an let $t fall o9n the ch$mney# 3 ma e all the haste 3 coul to get $t out, but all one can o, the smell oesn7t go off so soon#? +o the G$ant sa$ no more about $t, an 9hen n$ght came, they 9ent to be # (fter they ha la$n a 9h$le, the Pr$ncess sa$ !! ?There $s one th$ng 37 be so gla to as= you about, $f 3 only are #?

?What th$ng $s that@? as=e

the G$ant# on7t carry $t about

?%nly 9here $t $s you =eep your heart, s$nce you you,? sa$ the Pr$ncess#

?(hO that7s a th$ng you7;e no bus$ness to as= about> but $f you must =no9, $t l$es un er the oor!s$ll,? sa$ the G$ant# ?.oO .oO? sa$ 1oots to h$mself un er the be , ?then 9e7ll soon see $f 9e can7t f$n $t#? Ne"t morn$ng the G$ant got up cruelly early, an stro e off to the 9oo > but he 9as har ly out of the house before 1oots an the Pr$ncess set to 9or= to loo= un er the oor!s$ll for h$s heart> but the more they ug, an the more they hunte , the more they coul n7t f$n $t# ?.e has baul=e more#? us th$s t$me,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?but 9e7ll try h$m once

+o she p$c=e all the prett$est flo9ers she coul f$n , an stre9e them o;er the oor!s$ll, 9h$ch they ha la$ $n $ts r$ght place aga$n> an 9hen the t$me came for the G$ant to come home aga$n, 1oots crept un er the be # 5ust as he 9as 9ell un er, bac= came the G$ant#

+nuff!snuff, 9ent the G$ant7s nose# ?-y eyes an 0hr$st$an bloo there $s $n here,? sa$ he#

l$mbs, 9hat a smell of

?3 =no9 there $s,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?for there came a magp$e fly$ng 9$th a man7s bone $n h$s b$ll, an let $t fall o9n the ch$mney# 3 ma e as much haste as 3 coul to get $t out, but 3 aresay $t7s that you smell#? +o the G$ant hel h$s peace, an sa$ no more about $t# ( l$ttle 9h$le after, he as=e 9ho $t 9as that ha stre9e flo9ers about the oor!s$ll# ?%h, 3, of course,? sa$ the Pr$ncess# the G$ant#

?(n , pray, 9hat7s the mean$ng of all th$s@? sa$

?(hO? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?37m so fon of you that 3 coul n7t help stre9$ng them, 9hen 3 =ne9 that your heart lay un er there#? ?6ou on7t say so,? sa$ at all#? the G$ant> ?but after all $t oesn7t l$e there

+o 9hen they 9ent to be aga$n $n the e;en$ng, the Pr$ncess as=e the G$ant aga$n 9here h$s heart 9as, for she sa$ she 9oul so l$=e to =no9# ?Well,? sa$ the G$ant, ?$f you must =no9, $t l$es a9ay yon er $n the cupboar aga$nst the 9all#? ?+o, soO? thought 1oots an $t#? the Pr$ncess> ?then 9e7ll soon try to f$n

Ne"t morn$ng the G$ant 9as a9ay early, an stro e off to the 9oo , an so soon as he 9as gone 1oots an the Pr$ncess 9ere $n the cupboar hunt$ng for h$s heart, but the more they sought for $t, the less they foun $t# ?Well,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?9e7ll <ust try h$m once more#?

+o she ec=e out the cupboar 9$th flo9ers an garlan s, an 9hen the t$me came for the G$ant to come home, 1oots crept un er the be aga$n# Then bac= came the G$ant# +nuff!snuffO ?-y eyes an $n hereO? l$mbs, 9hat a smell of 0hr$st$an bloo there $s

?3 =no9 there $s,? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?for a l$ttle 9h$le s$nce there came a magp$e fly$ng 9$th a man7s bone $n h$s b$ll, an let $t fall o9n the ch$mney# 3 ma e all the haste 3 coul to get $t out of the house aga$n> but after all my pa$ns, 3 aresay $t7s that you smell#? When the G$ant hear that, he sa$ no more about $t> but a l$ttle 9h$le after, he sa9 ho9 the cupboar 9as all ec=e about 9$th flo9ers an garlan s> so he as=e 9ho $t 9as that ha one that@ Who coul $t be but the Pr$ncess@ ?(n , pray, 9hat7s the mean$ng of all th$s tomfoolery@? as=e ?%h, 37m so fon of you, 3 coul n7t help heart lay there,? sa$ the Pr$ncess# the G$ant#

o$ng $t 9hen 3 =ne9 that your

?.o9 can you be so s$lly as to bel$e;e any such th$ng@? sa$ ?%h yes> ho9 can 3 help bel$e;$ng $t, 9hen you say $t@? sa$ Pr$ncess# ?6ou7re a goose,? sa$ come#?

the G$ant# the

the G$ant> ?9here my heart $s, you 9$ll ne;er be such a pleasure to say!!

?Well,? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?but for all that, 7t9oul to =no9 9here $t really l$es#? Then the poor G$ant coul hol

out no longer, but 9as force

?,ar, far a9ay $n a la=e l$es an $slan > on that $slan stan s a church> $n that church $s a 9ell> $n that 9ell s9$ms a uc=> $n that uc= there $s an egg, an $n that egg there l$es my heart,!!you arl$ngO? 3n the morn$ng early, 9h$le $t 9as st$ll gray to the 9oo # a9n, the G$ant stro e off

?6esO no9 3 must set off too,? sa$ 1oots> ?$f 3 only =ne9 ho9 to f$n the 9ay#? .e too= a long, long fare9ell of the Pr$ncess, an 9hen he got out of the G$ant7s oor, there stoo the Wolf 9a$t$ng for h$m# +o 1oots tol h$m all that ha happene $ns$ e the house, an sa$ no9 he 9$she to r$ e to the 9ell $n the church, $f he only =ne9 the 9ay# +o the Wolf ba e h$m <ump on h$s bac=, he7 soon f$n the 9ay> an a9ay they 9ent, t$ll the 9$n 9h$stle after them, o;er he ge an f$el , o;er h$ll an [p# FI] ale# (fter they ha tra;elle many, many ays, they came at last to the la=e# Then the Pr$nce $ not =no9 ho9 to get o;er $t, but the Wolf ba e h$m only not be afra$ , but st$c= on, an so he <umpe $nto the la=e 9$th the Pr$nce on h$s bac=, an s9am o;er to the $slan # +o they came to the church> but the church =eys hung h$gh, h$gh up on the top of the to9er, an at f$rst the Pr$nce $ not =no9 ho9 to get them o9n# ?6ou must call on the ra;en,? sa$ the Wolf#

+o the Pr$nce calle on the ra;en, an $n a tr$ce the ra;en came, an fle9 up an fetche the =eys, an so the Pr$nce got $nto the church# 1ut 9hen he came to the 9ell, there lay the uc=, an s9am about bac=9ar s an for9ar s, <ust as the G$ant ha sa$ # +o the Pr$nce stoo an coa"e $t an coa"e $t, t$ll $t came to h$m, an he graspe $t $n h$s han > but <ust as he l$fte $t up from the 9ater the uc= roppe the egg $nto the 9ell, an then 1oots 9as bes$ e h$mself to =no9 ho9 to get $t out aga$n# ?Well, no9 you must call on the salmon to be sure,? sa$ the Wolf> an the =$ng7s son calle on the salmon, an the salmon came an fetche up the egg from the bottom of the 9ell# Then the Wolf tol h$m to sKueeCe the egg, an sKueeCe $t the G$ant screame out# as soon as e;er he

?+KueeCe $t aga$n,? sa$ the Wolf> an 9hen the Pr$nce $ so, the G$ant screame st$ll more p$teously, an begge an praye so prett$ly to be spare , say$ng he 9oul o all that the Pr$nce 9$she $f he 9oul only not sKueeCe h$s heart $n t9o#

?Tell h$m, $f he 9$ll restore to l$fe aga$n your s$" brothers an the$r br$ es, 9hom he has turne to stone, [p# FA] you 9$ll spare h$s l$fe,? sa$ the Wolf# 6es, the G$ant 9as rea y to o that, an he turne the s$" brothers $nto =$ng7s sons aga$n, an the$r br$ es $nto =$ng7s aughters# ?No9, sKueeCe the egg $n t9o,? sa$ the Wolf# +o 1oots sKueeCe to p$eces, an the G$ant burst at once# the egg

No9, 9hen he ha ma e an en of the G$ant, 1oots ro e bac= aga$n on the Wolf to the G$ant7s house, an there stoo all h$s s$" brothers al$;e an merry, 9$th the$r br$ es# Then 1oots 9ent $nto the h$ll!s$ e after h$s br$ e, an so they all set off home aga$n to the$r father7s house# (n you may fancy ho9 gla the ol =$ng 9as 9hen he sa9 all h$s se;en sons come bac=, each 9$th h$s br$ e>!!?1ut the lo;el$est br$ e of all $s the br$ e of 1oots, after all,? sa$ the =$ng, ?an he shall s$t uppermost at the table, 9$th her by h$s s$ e#? +o he sent out, an calle a great 9e $ng!feast, an the m$rth 9as both lou an long> an $f they ha;e not one feast$ng, 9hy, they are st$ll at $t# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# F9]

The ,o" as .er sman %nce on a t$me there 9as a 9oman 9ho 9ent out to h$re a her sman, an met a bear# ?Wh$ther a9ay, Goo y@? sa$ 1ru$n# the 9oman# she

?%h, 37m go$ng out to h$re a her sman,? ans9ere ?Why not ha;e me for a her sman@? sa$ ?Well, 9hy not@? sa$ <ust let me hear#? ?%W, %WO? gro9le 1ru$n#

the 9oman# ?3f you only =ne9 ho9 to call the floc=>

the bear# h$m say

?No, noO 3 9on7t ha;e you,? sa$ the 9oman, as soon as she hear that, an off she 9ent on her 9ay# +o, 9hen she ha gone a b$t farther, she met a 9olf# the Wolf#

?Wh$ther a9ay, Goo y@? as=e ?%h,? sa$

she, ?37m go$ng out to h$re a her sman#? the Wolf# she#

?Why not ha;e me for a her sman@? sa$

?Well, 9hy not@ $f you can only call the floc=> let me hear,? sa$

?&h, uhO? sa$ ?No, noO? sa$

the Wolf# the 9oman> ?you7ll ne;er o for me#?

Well, after she ha

gone a 9h$le longer, she met a fo"# the ,o"# the 9oman#

?Wh$ther a9ay, Goo y@? as=e

?%h, 37m <ust go$ng out to h$re a her sman,? sa$ [p# I0] ?Why not ha;e me for your her sman@? as=e ?Well, 9hy not@? sa$ me hear#?

the ,o"#

she> ?$f you only =ne9 ho9 to call the floc=> let

?D$l! al!holom,? sung out the ,o", $n such a f$ne clear ;o$ce# ?6es> 37ll ha;e you for my her sman,? sa$ ,o" to her her floc=# the 9oman> an so she set the

The f$rst ay the ,o" 9as her sman he ate up all the 9oman7s goats> the ne"t ay he ma e an en of all her sheep> an the th$r ay he ate up all her =$ne# +o, 9hen he came home at e;en, the 9oman as=e 9hat he ha one 9$th all her floc=s@ ?%hO? sa$ the ,o", ?the$r s=ulls are $n the stream, an the holt#? the$r bo $es $n

No9, the Goo y stoo an churne 9hen the ,o" sa$ th$s, but she thought she m$ght as 9ell step out an see after her floc=> an 9h$le she 9as a9ay the ,o" crept $nto the churn an ate up the cream# +o 9hen the Goo y came bac= an sa9 that, she fell $nto such a rage, that she snatche up the l$ttle morsel of the cream that 9as left, an thre9 $t at the ,o" as he ran off, so that he got a ab of $t on the en of h$s ta$l, an that7s the reason 9hy the fo" has a 9h$te t$p to h$s brush# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The -asterma$ [p# I1] %nce on a t$me there 9as a =$ng 9ho ha se;eral sons!!3 on7t =no9 ho9 many there 9ere!!but the youngest ha no rest at home, for noth$ng else 9oul please h$m but to go out $nto the 9orl an try h$s luc=, an after a long, t$me the =$ng 9as force to g$;e h$m lea;e to go# No9, after he ha tra;elle some ays, he came one n$ght to a G$ant7s house, an there he got a place $n the G$ant7s ser;$ce# 3n the morn$ng the G$ant 9ent off to her h$s goats, an as he left the yar he tol the Pr$nce to clean out the stable> ?(n after you ha;e one that, you nee n7t o anyth$ng else to! ay> for you must =no9 $t $s an easy master you ha;e come to# 1ut 9hat $s set you to o you must o 9ell, an you mustn7t th$n= of go$ng

$nto any of the rooms 9h$ch are beyon you o, 37ll ta=e your l$fe#?

that $n 9h$ch you slept, for $f

?+ure enough, $t $s an easy master 3 ha;e got,? sa$ the Pr$nce to h$mself, as he 9al=e up an o9n the room, an carolle an sang, for he thought there 9as plenty of t$me to clean out the stable# ?1ut st$ll $t 9oul be goo fun <ust to peep $nto h$s other rooms, for there must be someth$ng $n them 9h$ch he $s afra$ lest 3 shoul see, s$nce he 9on7t g$;e me lea;e to go $n#? +o he 9ent $nto the f$rst room, an there 9as a pot bo$l$ng on a hoo= by the 9all, but the Pr$nce sa9 no f$re un erneath [p# I8] $t# 3 9on er 9hat $s $ns$ e $t, he thought> an then he $ppe a loc= of h$s ha$r $nto $t, an the ha$r seeme as $f $t 9ere all turne to copper# ?What a a$nty broth,? he sa$ > ?$f one taste $t, he7 loo= gran $ns$ e h$s gullet>? an 9$th that he 9ent $nto the ne"t room# There, too, 9as a pot hang$ng by a hoo=, 9h$ch bubble an bo$le > but there 9as no f$re un er that e$ther# ?3 may as 9ell try th$s too,? sa$ the Pr$nce, as he put another loc= $nto the pot, an $t came out all s$l;ere # ?They ha;en7t such r$ch broth $n my father7s house,? sa$ the Pr$nce> ?but $t all epen s on ho9 $t tastes,? an 9$th that he 9ent on $nto the th$r room# There, too, hung a pot, an bo$le <ust as he ha seen $n the t9o other rooms, an the Pr$nce ha a m$n to try th$s too, so he $ppe a loc= of ha$r $nto $t, an $t came out g$l e , so that the l$ght gleame from $t# ? 7Worse an 9orse,7 sa$ the ol 9$fe> but 3 say better an better,? sa$ the Pr$nce> ?but $f he bo$ls gol here, 3 9on er 9hat he bo$ls $n yon er#? .e thought he m$ght as 9ell see> so he 9ent through the oor $nto the fourth room# Well, there 9as no pot $n there, but there 9as a Pr$ncess, seate on a bench, so lo;ely, that the Pr$nce ha ne;er seen anyth$ng l$=e her $n h$s born ays# ?%hO $n .ea;en7s name,? she sa$ , ?9hat ?3 got a place here yester ay,? sa$ o you 9ant here@?

the Pr$nce#

?( place, $n ee O .ea;en help you out of $t#? ?Well, after all, 3 th$n= 37;e got an easy master> he [p# I:] hasn7t set me much to o to! ay, for after 3 ha;e cleane out the stable my ay7s 9or= $s o;er#? ?6es, but ho9 9$ll you o $t@? she $t l$=e other fol=, ten p$tchfor=s toss out# 1ut 3 9$ll teach you ho9 ups$ e o9n, an toss 9$th the han of $tself#? sa$ > ?for $f you set to 9or= to clean full 9$ll come $n for e;ery one you to set to 9or=> you must turn the for= le, an then all the ung 9$ll fly out

?6es, he 9oul be sure to o that,? sa$ the Pr$nce> an so he sat there the 9hole ay, for he an the Pr$ncess 9ere soon great fr$en s, an ha

ma e up the$r m$n s to ha;e one another, an so the f$rst ay of h$s ser;$ce 9$th the G$ant 9as not long, you may fancy# 1ut 9hen the e;en$ng re9 on, she sa$ 7t9oul be as 9ell $f he got the stable cleane out before the G$ant came home> an 9hen he 9ent to the stable he thought he 9oul <ust see $f 9hat she ha sa$ 9ere true, an so he began to 9or= l$=e the grooms $n h$s father7s stable> but he soon ha enough of that, for he ha n7t 9or=e a m$nute before the stable 9as so full of ung that he ha n7t room to stan # Then he $ as the Pr$ncess ba e h$m, an turne up the for= an 9or=e 9$th the han le, an loO $n a tr$ce the stable 9as as clean as $f $t ha been scoure # (n 9hen he ha one h$s 9or= he 9ent bac= $nto the room 9here the G$ant ha g$;en h$m lea;e to be, an began to 9al= up an o9n, an to carol an s$ng# +o after a b$t, home came the G$ant 9$th h$s goats# ?.a;e you cleane the stable@? as=e the G$ant# the Pr$nce#

?6es, no9 $t7s all r$ght an

t$ght, master,? ans9ere

?37ll soon see $f $t $s,? gro9le the G$ant, an stro e [p# I4] off to the stable, 9here he foun $t <ust as the Pr$nce ha sa$ # ?6ou7;e been tal=$ng to my -asterma$ , 3 can see,? sa$ the G$ant> ?for you7;e not suc=e th$s =no9le ge out of your o9n breast#? ?-asterma$ O? sa$ the Pr$nce, 9ho loo=e as stup$ as an o9l, ?9hat sort of th$ng $s that, master@ 37 be ;ery gla to see $t#? ?Well, 9ellO? sa$ the G$ant> ?you7ll see her soon enough#?

Ne"t ay the G$ant set off 9$th h$s goats aga$n, an before he 9ent he tol the Pr$nce to fetch home h$s horse, 9h$ch 9as out at grass on the h$ll!s$ e, an 9hen he ha one that he m$ght rest all the ay# ?,or you must =no9 $t $s an easy master you ha;e come to,? sa$ the G$ant> ?but $f you go $nto any of the rooms 3 spo=e of yester ay, 37ll 9r$ng your hea off#? +o off he 9ent 9$th h$s floc= of goats# ?(n easy master you are $n ee ,? sa$ the Pr$nce> but for all that, 37ll <ust go $n an ha;e a chat 9$th your -asterma$ > may be she7ll be as soon m$ne as yours#? +o he 9ent $n to her, an she as=e h$m 9hat he ha to o that ay# ?%hO noth$ng to be afra$ of,? sa$ s$ e to fetch h$s horse#? ?2ery 9ell> an he> ?37;e only to go up to the h$ll!

ho9 9$ll you set about $t@?

?Well, for that matter, there7s no great art $n r$ $ng a horse home# 3 fancy 37;e r$ en fresher horses before no9,? sa$ the Pr$nce# ?(h, but th$s $sn7t so easy a tas= as you th$n=> but 37ll teach you ho9 to o $t# When you get near $t, f$re [p# IB] an flame 9$ll come out of $ts nostr$ls, as out of a tar barrel> but loo= out, an ta=e the b$t 9h$ch hangs beh$n the oor yon er, an thro9 $t r$ght $nto h$s <a9s, an he 9$ll gro9 so tame that you may o 9hat you l$=e 9$th h$m#?

6esO the Pr$nce 9oul m$n an o that> an so he sat $n there the 9hole ay, tal=$ng an chatter$ng 9$th the -asterma$ about one th$ng an another> but they al9ays came bac= to ho9 happy they 9oul be $f they coul only ha;e one another, an get 9ell a9ay from the G$ant> an , to tell the truth, the Pr$nce 9oul ha;e clean forgotten both the horse an the h$ll!s$ e, $f the -asterma$ ha n7t put h$m $n m$n of them 9hen e;en$ng re9 on, tell$ng h$m he ha better set out to fetch the horse before the G$ant came home# +o he set off, an too= the b$t 9h$ch hung $n the corner, ran up the h$ll, an $t 9asn7t long before he met the horse, 9$th f$re an flame stream$ng out of $ts nostr$ls# 1ut he 9atche h$s t$me, an as the horse came open!<a9e up to h$m, he thre9 the b$t $nto $ts mouth, an $t stoo as Ku$et as a lamb# (fter that $t 9as no great matter to r$ e $t home an put $t up, you may fancy> an then the Pr$nce 9ent $nto h$s room aga$n, an began to carol an s$ng# +o the G$ant came home aga$n at e;en 9$th h$s goats> an he sa$ 9ere!! ?.a;e you brought my horse o9n from the h$ll@? the f$rst 9or s

?6es, master, that 3 ha;e,? sa$ the Pr$nce> ?an a better horse 3 ne;er bestro e> but for all that 3 ro e h$m stra$ght home, an put h$m up safe an soun #? ?37ll soon see to that,? sa$ the G$ant, an there stoo the horse <ust as the Pr$nce ha ran out to the stable, an sa$ #

[p# IF] ?6ou7;e tal=e to my -asterma$ , 37ll be boun , for you ha;en7t suc=e th$s out of your o9n breast,? sa$ the G$ant aga$n# ?6ester ay master tal=e of th$s -asterma$ , an to! ay $t7s the same story,? sa$ the Pr$nce, 9ho preten e to be s$lly an stup$ # ?1less you, masterO 9hy on7t you sho9 me the th$ng at once@ 3 shoul so l$=e to see $t only once $n my l$fe#? ?%h, $f that7s all,? sa$ the G$ant, ?you7ll see her soon enough# aga$n 9$th h$s

The th$r ay, at a9n, the G$ant 9ent off to the 9oo goats> but before he 9ent he sa$ to the Pr$nce!!

?To! ay you must go to .ell an fetch my f$re!ta"# When you ha;e one that you can rest yourself all ay, for you must =no9 $t $s an easy master you ha;e come to>? an 9$th that off he 9ent# ?*asy master, $n ee O? sa$ the Pr$nce# ?6ou may be easy, but you set me har tas=s all the same# 1ut 3 may as 9ell see $f 3 can f$n your -asterma$ , as you call her# 3 aresay she7ll tell me 9hat to o>? an so $n he 9ent to her aga$n# +o 9hen the -asterma$ as=e 9hat the G$ant ha set h$m to o that he tol her ho9 he 9as to go to .ell an fetch the f$re!ta"# ?(n ho9 9$ll you set about $t@? as=e the -asterma$ # ay,

?%h, that you must tell me,? sa$ the Pr$nce# ?3 ha;e ne;er been to .ell $n my l$fe> an e;en $f 3 =ne9 the 9ay, 3 on7t =no9 ho9 much 3 am to as= for#?

?Well, 37ll soon tell you,? sa$ the -asterma$ > ?you must go to the steep roc= a9ay yon er, un er the h$ll!s$ e, an ta=e the club that l$es there, an =noc= on the face of the roc=# Then there 9$ll come out one all gl$sten$ng 9$th f$re> to h$m you must tell your erran > an 9hen he as=s you ho9 much you 9$ll ha;e, m$n you say, 7(s much as 3 can carry#7 ? 6es> he 9oul be sure to say that> so he sat $n there 9$th the -asterma$ all that ay too> an though e;en$ng re9 on, he 9oul ha;e sat there t$ll no9, ha not the -asterma$ put h$m $n m$n that $t 9as h$gh t$me to be off to .ell to fetch the G$ant7s f$re!ta" before he came home# +o he 9ent on h$s 9ay, an $ <ust as the -asterma$ ha tol h$m> an 9hen he reache the roc= he too= up the club an ga;e a great thump# Then the roc= opene , an out came one 9hose face gl$stene , an out of 9hose eyes an nostr$ls fle9 spar=s of f$re# ?What $s your 9$ll@? sa$ he# the

?%hO 37m only come from the G$ant to fetch h$s f$re!ta",? sa$ Pr$nce# ?.o9 much 9$ll you ha;e then@? sa$ the other#

?3 ne;er 9$sh for more than 3 am able to carry,? sa$

the Pr$nce#

?'uc=y for you that you $ not as= for a 9hole horse!loa ,? sa$ he 9ho came out of the roc=> ?but come no9 $nto the roc= 9$th me, an you shall ha;e $t#? +o the Pr$nce 9ent $n 9$th h$m, an you may fancy 9hat heaps an heaps of gol an s$l;er he sa9 ly$ng $n there, <ust l$=e stones $n a gra;el!p$t> an he got a loa <ust as b$g as he 9as able to carry, an set off home 9$th $t# No9, 9hen the G$ant came home 9$th h$s goats at [p# IA] e;en, the Pr$nce 9ent $nto h$s room, an began to carol an s$ng as he ha one the e;en$ngs before# ?.a;e you been to .ell after my f$re!ta"@? roare ?%h yes> that 3 ha;e, master,? ans9ere ?Where ha;e you put $t@? sa$ the G$ant# the Pr$nce# the G$ant#

the Pr$nce#

?There stan s the sac= on the bench yon er,? sa$

?37ll soon see to that,? sa$ the G$ant, 9ho stro e off to the bench, an there he sa9 the sac= so full that the gol an s$l;er roppe out on the floor as soon as e;er he unt$e the str$ng# ?6ou7;e been tal=$ng to my -asterma$ , that 3 can see,? sa$ ?but $f you ha;e, 37ll 9r$ng your hea off#? the G$ant>

?-asterma$ O? sa$ the Pr$nce> ?yester ay master tal=e of th$s -asterma$ , an to! ay he tal=s of her aga$n, an the ay before yester ay $t 9as the same story# 3 only 9$sh 3 coul see 9hat sort of th$ng she $sO that 3 o#? ?Well, 9ell, 9a$t t$ll to!morro9,? sa$ you $n to her myself#? the G$ant, ?an then 37ll ta=e

?Than= you =$n ly, master,? sa$ master7s, 37ll be boun #? +o ne"t

the Pr$nce> ?but $t7s only a <o=e of sa$ to her!!

ay the G$ant too= h$m $n to the -asterma$ , an

?No9, you must cut h$s throat, an bo$l h$m $n the great b$g pot you 9ot of> an 9hen the broth $s rea y <ust g$;e me a call#? (fter that he la$ h$m o9n on the bench to sleep, an that $t soun e l$=e thun er on the h$lls# [p# I9] began to snore so,

+o the -asterma$ too= a =n$fe an cut the Pr$nce $n h$s l$ttle f$nger, an let three rops of bloo fall on a three!legge stool> an after that she too= all the ol rags an soles of shoes, an all the rubb$sh she coul lay han s on, an put them $nto the pot> an then she f$lle a chest full of groun gol , an too= a lump of salt, an a flas= of 9ater that hung beh$n the oor, an she too=, bes$ es, a gol en apple, an t9o gol en ch$c=ens, an off she set 9$th the Pr$nce from the G$ant7s house as fast as they coul > an 9hen they ha gone a l$ttle 9ay, they came to the sea, an after that they sa$le o;er the sea> but 9here they got the sh$p from 3 ha;e ne;er hear tell# +o 9hen the G$ant ha slumbere a goo b$t, he began to stretch h$mself as he lay on the bench, an calle out, ?W$ll $t be soon one@? ?%nly <ust begun,? ans9ere the f$rst rop of bloo on the stool#

+o the G$ant lay o9n to sleep aga$n, an last he began to toss about a l$ttle, an

slumbere a long, long t$me# (t cr$e out!!

?Do you hear 9hat 3 say> 9$ll $t be soon one@? but he $ not loo= up th$s t$me any more than the f$rst, for he 9as st$ll half asleep# ?.alf one,? sa$ the secon rop of bloo #

Then the G$ant thought aga$n $t 9as the -asterma$ , so he turne o;er on h$s other s$ e, an fell asleep aga$n an 9hen he ha gone on sleep$ng for many hours, he began to st$r an stretch h$s ol bones, an to call out!! ?3sn7t $t one yet@? the th$r rop of bloo #

?Done to a turn,? sa$

Then the G$ant rose up, an began to rub h$s eyes, [p# A0] but he coul n7t see 9ho $t 9as that 9as tal=$ng to h$m, so he searche an calle for the -asterma$ , but no one ans9ere # ?(h, 9ellO 3 are say she7s <ust run out of oors for a b$t,? he thought, an too= up a spoon an 9ent up to the pot to taste the broth> but he foun noth$ng but shoe!soles, an rags, an such stuff> an $t 9as all bo$le up together, so that he coul n7t tell 9h$ch 9as th$c= an 9h$ch 9as th$n# (s soon as he sa9 th$s, he coul tell ho9 th$ngs ha gone, an he got so angry he scarce =ne9 9h$ch leg to stan upon# (9ay he 9ent after the Pr$nce an the -asterma$ , t$ll the 9$n 9h$stle beh$n h$m> but before long he came to the 9ater an coul n7t cross $t#

?Ne;er m$n ,? he sa$ > ?3 =no9 a cure for th$s# 37;e only got to call on my stream!suc=er#? +o he calle on h$s stream!suc=er, an he came an stoope o9n, an too= one, t9o, three, gulps> an then the 9ater fell so much $n the sea that the G$ant coul see the -asterma$ an the Pr$nce sa$l$ng $n the$r sh$p# ?No9 you must cast out the lump of salt,? sa$ the -asterma$ #

+o the Pr$nce thre9 $t o;erboar , an $t gre9 up $nto a mounta$n so h$gh, r$ght across the sea, that the G$ant coul n7t pass $t, an the stream! suc=er coul n7t help h$m by s9$ll$ng any more 9ater# ?Ne;er m$n ,? cr$e the G$ant> ?there7s a cure for th$s too# +o he calle on h$s h$ll!borer to come an bore through the mounta$n, that the stream! suc=er m$ght creep through an ta=e another s9$ll> but <ust as they ha ma e a hole through the h$ll, an the stream!suc=er 9as about to r$n=, the -asterma$ tol the Pr$nce to thro9 o;erboar [p# A1] a rop or t9o out of the flas=, an then the sea 9as <ust as full as e;er, an before the stream!suc=er coul ta=e another gulp, they reache the lan an 9ere sa;e from the G$ant# +o they ma e up the$r m$n s to go home to the Pr$nce7s father> but the Pr$nce 9oul not hear of the -asterma$ 7s 9al=$ng, for he thought $t seemly ne$ther for her nor for h$m# ?5ust 9a$t here ten m$nutes,? he sa$ , ?9h$le 3 go home after the se;en horses 9h$ch stan $n my father7s stall# 3t7s no great 9ay off, an 3 shan7t be long about $t> but 3 9$ll not hear of my s9eetheart 9al=$ng to my father7s palace#? ?(hO? sa$ the -asterma$ , ?pray on7t lea;e me, for $f you once get home to the palace you7ll forget me outr$ght> 3 =no9 you 9$ll#? ?%hO? sa$ he, ?ho9 can 3 forget you> you 9$th 9hom 3 ha;e gone through so much, an 9hom 3 lo;e so early@? There 9as no help for $t, he must an 9oul go home to fetch the coach an se;en horses, an she 9as to 9a$t for h$m by the sea!s$ e# +o at last the -asterma$ 9as force to let h$m ha;e h$s 9ay> she only sa$ ,!! ?No9, 9hen you get home, on7t stop so much as to say goo ay to any one, but go stra$ght to the stable an put to the horses, an r$;e bac= as Ku$c= as you can> for they 9$ll all come about you, but o as though you $ not see them> an abo;e all th$ngs, m$n you o not taste a morsel of foo , for $f you o, 9e shall both come to gr$ef#? (ll th$s the Pr$nce prom$se > but he thought all the t$me there 9as l$ttle fear of h$s forgett$ng her# No9, <ust as he came home to the palace, one of h$s [p# A8] brothers 9as th$n=$ng of hol $ng h$s br$ al feast, an the br$ e, an all her =$th an =$n, 9ere <ust come to the palace# +o they all thronge roun h$m, an as=e about th$s th$ng an that, an 9ante h$m to go $n 9$th them> but he ma e as though he $ not see them, an 9ent stra$ght to the stall an got out the horses, an began to put them to# (n 9hen they sa9 they coul not get h$m to go $n, they came out to h$m 9$th meat an r$n=, an the best of e;eryth$ng they ha got rea y for the feast> but the Pr$nce

9oul not taste so much as a crumb, an put to as fast as he coul # (t last the br$ e7s s$ster rolle an apple across the yar to h$m, say$ng!! ?Well, $f you 9on7t eat anyth$ng else, you may as 9ell ta=e a b$te of th$s, for you must be both hungry an th$rsty after so long a <ourney#? +o he too= up the apple an b$t a p$ece out of $t> but he ha scarce one so before he forgot the -asterma$ , an ho9 he 9as to r$;e bac= for her# ?Well, 3 th$n= 3 must be ma ,? he sa$ > ?9hat am 3 to an horses@? o 9$th th$s coach

+o he put the horses up aga$n, an 9ent along 9$th the others $nto the palace, an $t 9as soon settle that he shoul ha;e the br$ e7s s$ster, 9ho ha rolle the apple o;er to h$m# There sat the -asterma$ by the sea!shore, an 9a$te an 9a$te for the Pr$nce, but no Pr$nce came> so at last she 9ent up from the shore, an after she ha gone a b$t she came to a l$ttle hut, 9h$ch lay by $tself $n a copse close by the =$ng7s palace# +he 9ent $n an as=e $f she m$ght lo ge there# 3t 9as an ol ame that o9ne the hut, an a cross!gra$ne scol $ng hag she 9as as e;er you sa9# (t [p# A:] f$rst she 9oul not hear of the -asterma$ 7s lo g$ng $n her house, but at last, for fa$r 9or s an h$gh rent, the -asterma$ got lea;e to be there# No9 the hut 9as as ar= an $rty as a p$gsty, so the -asterma$ sa$ she 9oul smarten $t up a l$ttle, that the$r house m$ght loo= $ns$ e l$=e other people7s# The ol hag $ not l$=e th$s e$ther, an sho9e her teeth, an 9as cross> but the -asterma$ $ not m$n her# +he too= her chest of gol , an thre9 a han ful or so $nto the f$re, an loO the gol melte , an bubble an bo$le o;er out of the grate, an sprea $tself o;er the 9hole hut, t$ll $t 9as g$l e both outs$ e an $n# 1ut as soon as the gol began to bubble an bo$l, the ol hag got so afra$ that she tr$e to run out as $f the *;$l %ne 9ere at her heels> an as she ran out at the oor, she forgot to stoop, an ga;e her hea such a =noc= aga$nst the l$ntel, that she bro=e her nec=, an that 9as the en of her# Ne"t morn$ng the 0onstable passe that 9ay, an you may fancy he coul scarce bel$e;e h$s eyes 9hen he sa9 the gol en hut sh$n$ng an gl$sten$ng a9ay $n the copse> but he 9as st$ll more aston$she 9hen he 9ent $n an sa9 the lo;ely ma$ en 9ho sat there# To ma=e a long story short, he fell o;er hea an ears $n lo;e 9$th her, an begge an praye her to become h$s 9$fe# ?Well, but ha;e you much money@? as=e 6es, for that matter, he home to fetch the money, bushel sac=, an set $t 9oul ha;e h$m, s$nce he she sa$ she must get up the -asterma$ #

sa$ , he 9as not so ba ly off, an off he 9ent an 9hen he came bac= at e;en he brought a half! o9n on the bench# +o the -asterma$ sa$ she 9as so r$ch> but they 9ere scarce $n be before aga$n,!! [p# A4]

?,or 3 ha;e forgotten to ma=e up the f$re#? ?Pray, on7t st$r out of be ,? sa$ out of be , an stoo the 0onstable> ?37ll see to $t#? on the hearth $n a tr$ce#

+o he <umpe

?(s soon as you ha;e got hol -asterma$ #

of the sho;el, <ust tell me,? sa$ the 0onstable#


?Well, 3 am hol $ng $t no9,? sa$ Then the -asterma$ sa$ ,!!

?Go grant that you may hol the sho;el, an the sho;el you, an heap hot burn$ng coals o;er yourself t$ll morn$ng brea=s#?

may you

+o there stoo the 0onstable all n$ght long, sho;ell$ng hot burn$ng coals o;er h$mself> an though he begge , an praye , an 9ept, the coals 9ere not a b$t col er for that> but as soon as ay bro=e, an he ha po9er to cast a9ay the sho;el, he $ not stay long, as you may fancy, but set off as $f the *;$l %ne or the ba$l$ff 9ere at h$s heels> an all 9ho met h$m stare the$r eyes out at h$m, for he cut capers as though he 9ere ma , an he coul not ha;e loo=e $n 9orse pl$ght $f he ha been flaye an tanne , an e;ery one 9on ere 9hat ha befallen h$m, but he tol no one 9here he ha been, for shame7s sa=e# Ne"t ay the (ttorney passe by the place 9here the -asterma$ l$;e , an he too sa9 ho9 $t shone an gl$stene $n the copse> so he turne as$ e to f$n out 9ho o9ne the hut> an 9hen he came $n an sa9 the lo;ely ma$ en, he fell more $n lo;e 9$th her than the 0onstable, an began to 9oo her $n hot haste# Well, the -asterma$ as=e h$m, as she ha as=e the 0onstable, $f he ha a goo lot of money@ an the (ttorney [p# AB] sa$ he 9asn7t so ba ly off> an as a proof he 9ent home to fetch h$s money# +o at e;en he came bac= 9$th a great fat sac= of money!!3 th$n= $t 9as a 9hole bushel sac=!! an set $t o9n on the bench> an the long an the short of the matter 9as, that he 9as to ha;e her, an they 9ent to be # 1ut all at once the -asterma$ ha forgotten to shut the oor of the porch, an she must get up an ma=e $t fast for the n$ght# ?What, you o thatO? sa$ the (ttorney, ?9h$le 3 l$e here> that can ne;er be> l$e st$ll 9h$le 3 go an o $t#? +o up he <umpe ?Tell me,? sa$ ?37;e got hol ?Go the l$=e a pea on a rum!hea , an ran out $nto the porch# of the oor!latch#?

the -asterma$ , ?9hen you ha;e hol of $t no9,? sa$ the (ttorney#

grant, then,? sa$ the -asterma$ , ?that you may hol the oor, an oor you, an that you may go from 9all to 9all t$ll ay a9ns#?

+o you may fancy 9hat a ance the (ttorney ha all n$ght long> such a 9altC he ne;er ha before, an 3 on7t th$n= he 9oul much care $f he ne;er ha such a 9altC aga$n# No9 he pulle the oor for9ar , an then the oor pulle h$m bac=, an so he 9ent on, no9 ashe $nto one corner of the porch, an no9 $nto the other, t$ll he 9as almost battere to eath# (t f$rst he began to curse an s9ear, an then to beg an pray, but the oor care for noth$ng but hol $ng $ts o9n t$ll brea= of ay# (s soon as $t let go $ts hol , off set the (ttorney, lea;$ng beh$n h$m h$s money to pay for h$s n$ght7s lo g$ng, an forgett$ng h$s courtsh$p altogether, for, to tell the truth, he 9as afra$ lest the house! oor shoul come anc$ng after h$m# (ll 9ho [p# AF] met h$m stare an gape

at h$m, for he too cut capers l$=e a ma man, an he coul not ha;e loo=e $n 9orse pl$ght $f he ha spent the 9hole n$ght $n butt$ng aga$nst a floc= of rams# The th$r ay the +her$ff passe that 9ay, an he too sa9 the gol en hut, an turne as$ e to f$n out 9ho l$;e there> an he ha scarce set eyes on the -asterma$ before he began to 9oo her# +o she ans9ere h$m as she ha ans9ere the other t9o# 3f he ha lots of money she 9oul ha;e h$m> $f not, he m$ght go about h$s bus$ness# Well, the +her$ff sa$ he 9asn7t so ba ly off, an he 9oul go home an fetch the money> an 9hen he came aga$n at e;en, he ha a b$gger sac= e;en than the (ttorney!!$t must ha;e been at least a bushel an a half, an put $t o9n on the bench# +o $t 9as soon settle that he 9as to ha;e the -asterma$ , but they ha scarce gone to be before the -asterma$ sa$ she ha forgotten to br$ng home the calf from the mea o9, so she must get up an r$;e h$m $nto the stall# Then the +her$ff s9ore by all the po9ers that shoul ne;er be, an , stout an fat as he 9as, up he <umpe as n$mbly as a =$tten# ?Well, only tell me 9hen you7;e got hol -asterma$ # ?No9 3 ha;e hol of $t,? sa$ of the calf7s ta$l,? sa$ the

the +her$ff#

?Go grant,? sa$ the -asterma$ , ?that you may hol the calf7s ta$l, an the calf7s ta$l you, an that you may ma=e a tour of the 9orl together t$ll ay a9ns#? Well, you may <ust fancy ho9 the +her$ff ha to stretch h$s legs> a9ay they 9ent, the calf an he, o;er h$gh an lo9, across h$ll an ale, an the more the +her$ff curse an s9ore, the faster the calf ran an <umpe # (t a9n [p# AI] of ay the poor +her$ff 9as 9ell n$gh bro=en! 9$n e , an so gla 9as he to let go the calf7s ta$l that he forgot h$s sac= of money an e;eryth$ng else# (s he 9as a great man, he 9ent a l$ttle slo9er than the (ttorney an the 0onstable, but the slo9er he 9ent the more t$me people ha to gape an stare at h$m> an 3 must say they ma e goo use of the$r t$me, for he 9as terr$bly tattere an torn, after h$s ance 9$th the calf# Ne"t ay 9as f$"e for the 9e $ng at the palace, an the el est brother 9as to r$;e to church 9$th h$s br$ e, an the younger, 9ho ha l$;e 9$th the G$ant, 9$th the br$ e7s s$ster# 1ut 9hen they ha got $nto the coach, an 9ere <ust go$ng to r$;e off, one of the trace!p$ns snappe off> an though they ma e at least three $n $ts place, they all bro=e, from 9hate;er sort of 9oo they 9ere ma e# +o t$me 9ent on an on, an they coul n7t get to church, an e;ery one gre9 ;ery o9ncast# 1ut all at once the 0onstable sa$ , for he too 9as b$ en to the 9e $ng, that yon er, a9ay $n the copse, l$;e a ma$ en/ ?(n $f you can only get her to len you the han le of her sho;el 9$th 9h$ch she ma=es up her f$re, 3 =no9 ;ery 9ell $t 9$ll hol #? WellO they sent a messenger on the spot, 9$th such a pretty message to the ma$ en, to =no9 $f they coul n7t get the loan of her sho;el 9h$ch the 0onstable ha spo=en of> an the ma$ en sa$ ?yes,? they m$ght ha;e $t> so they got a trace!p$n 9h$ch 9asn7t l$=ely to snap# 1ut all at once, <ust as they 9ere r$;$ng off, the bottom of the coach tumble to b$ts# +o they set to 9or= to ma=e a ne9 bottom as they best

m$ght> but $t mattere not ho9 many na$ls they put $nto $t, nor of 9hat 9oo [p# AA] they ma e $t, for as soon as e;er they got the bottom 9ell $nto the coach an 9ere r$;$ng off, snap $t 9ent $n t9o aga$n, an they 9ere e;en 9orse off than 9hen they lost the trace!p$n# 5ust then the (ttorney sa$ !!for $f the 0onstable 9as there, you may fancy the (ttorney 9as there too!!?(9ay yon er, $n the copse, l$;es a ma$ en, an $f you coul only get her to len you one!half of her porch! oor, 3 =no9 $t can hol together#? WellO they sent another message to the copse, an as=e so prett$ly $f they coul n7t ha;e the loan of the g$l e porch! oor 9h$ch the (ttorney ha tal=e of> an they got $t on the spot# +o they 9ere <ust sett$ng out> but no9 the horses 9ere not strong enough to ra9 the coach, though there 9ere s$" of them> then they put on e$ght, an ten, an t9el;e, but the more they put on, an the more the coachman 9h$ppe , the more the coach 9oul n7t st$r an $nch# 1y th$s t$me $t 9as far on $n the ay, an e;ery one about the palace 9as $n oleful umps> for to church they must go, an yet $t loo=e as $f they shoul ne;er get there# +o at last the +her$ff sa$ that yon er, $n the g$l e hut $n the copse, l$;e a ma$ en, an $f they coul only get the loan of her calf,!! ?3 =no9 $t can rag the coach, though $t 9ere as hea;y as a mounta$n#?

Well, they all thought $t 9oul loo= s$lly to be ra9n to church by a calf, but there 9as no help for $t, so they ha to sen a th$r t$me, an as= so prett$ly $n the 4$ng7s name, $f he coul n7t get the loan of the calf the +her$ff ha spo=en of, an the -asterma$ let them ha;e $t on the spot, for she 9as not go$ng to say ?no? th$s t$me e$ther# +o they put the calf on before the horses, an 9a$te to see $f [p# A9] $t 9oul o any goo , an a9ay 9ent the coach o;er h$gh an lo9, an stoc= an stone, so that they coul scarce ra9 the$r breath> somet$mes they 9ere on the groun , an somet$mes up $n the a$r, an 9hen they reache the church, the calf began to run roun an roun $t l$=e a sp$nn$ng <enny, so that they ha har 9or= to get out of the coach, an $nto the church# When they 9ent bac=, $t 9as the same story, only they 9ent faster, an they reache the palace almost before they =ne9 they ha set out# No9 9hen they sat o9n to $nner, the Pr$nce 9ho ha ser;e 9$th the G$ant sa$ he thought they ought to as= the ma$ en 9ho ha lent them her sho;el!han le an porch! oor, an calf, to come up to the palace# ?,or,? sa$ he, ?$f 9e ha n7t got these three th$ngs, 9e shoul st$c=$ng here st$ll#? ha;e been

6es> the 4$ng thought that only fa$r an r$ght, so he sent f$;e of h$s best men o9n to the g$l e hut to greet the ma$ en from the 4$ng an to as= her $f she 9oul n7t be so goo as to come up an $ne at the palace# ?Greet the 4$ng from me,? sa$ the -asterma$ , ?an tell h$m, $f he7s too goo to come to me, so am 3 too goo to go to h$m#? +o the 4$ng ha to go h$mself, an then the -asterma$ 9ent up 9$th h$m 9$thout more a o> an as the 4$ng thought she 9as more than she seeme to be, he sat her o9n $n the h$ghest seat by the s$ e of the youngest br$ egroom# No9, 9hen they ha sat a l$ttle 9h$le at table, the -asterma$ too= out her gol en apple, an the gol en coc= an hen, 9h$ch she ha carr$e off

from the G$ant, an put them o9n on the table before her, an the coc= an hen [p# 90] began at once to pec= at one another, an to f$ght for the gol en apple# ?%hO only loo=,? sa$ apple#? the Pr$nce> ?see ho9 those t9o str$;e for the

?6esO? sa$ the -asterma$ > ?so 9e t9o stro;e to get a9ay that t$me 9hen 9e 9ere together $n the h$lls$ e#? Then the spell 9as bro=en, an the Pr$nce =ne9 her aga$n, an you may fancy ho9 gla he 9as# 1ut as for the 9$tch 9ho ha rolle the apple o;er to h$m, he ha her torn to p$eces bet9een t9enty!four horses, so that there 9as not a b$t of her left, an after that they hel on 9$th the 9e $ng $n real earnest> an though they 9ere st$ll st$ff an footsore, the 0onstable, the (ttorney, an the +her$ff, =ept $t up 9$th the best of them# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The 0at on the Do;refell %nce on a t$me there 9as a man up $n ,$nnmar= 9ho ha caught a great 9h$te bear, 9h$ch he 9as go$ng to ta=e to the 4$ng of Denmar=# No9, $t so fell out that he came to the Do;refell <ust about 0hr$stmas *;e, an there he turne $nto a cottage 9here a man l$;e , 9hose name 9as .al;or, an as=e the man $f he coul get house!room there for h$s bear an h$mself# ?.ea;en ne;er help me, $f 9hat 3 say $sn7t trueO? sa$ the man> ?but can7t g$;e any one house!room <ust no9, for e;ery 0hr$stmas *;e such pac= of Trolls come o9n [p# 91] upon us that 9e are force to fl$t, ha;en7t so much as a house o;er our o9n hea s, to say noth$ng of len one to any one else#? 9e a an $ng

?%hO? sa$ the man, ?$f that7s all, you can ;ery 9ell len me your house> my bear can l$e un er the sto;e yon er, an 3 can sleep $n the s$ e! room#? Well, he begge so har , that at last he got lea;e to stay there> so the people of the house fl$tte out, an before they 9ent e;eryth$ng 9as got rea y for the Trolls> the tables 9ere la$ , an there 9as r$ce porr$ ge, an f$sh bo$le $n lye, an sausages, an all else that 9as goo , <ust as for any other gran feast# +o, 9hen e;eryth$ng 9as rea y, o9n came the Trolls# +ome 9ere great, an some 9ere small> some ha long ta$ls, an some ha no ta$ls at all> some, too, ha long, long noses> an they ate an ran=, an taste e;eryth$ng# 5ust then one of the l$ttle Trolls caught s$ght of the 9h$te bear, 9ho lay un er the sto;e> so he too= a p$ece of sausage an stuc= $t on a for=, an 9ent an po=e $t up aga$nst the bear7s nose, scream$ng out,!! ?Pussy, 9$ll you ha;e some sausage@?

Then the 9h$te bear rose up an gro9le , an them out of oors, both great an small#


the 9hole pac= of

Ne"t year .al;or 9as out $n the 9oo on the afternoon of 0hr$stmas *;e, cutt$ng 9oo before the hol$ ays, for he thought the Trolls 9oul come aga$n> an <ust as he 9as har at 9or=, he hear a ;o$ce $n the 9oo call$ng out!! ?.al;orO .al;orO? ?Well,? sa$ .al;or, ?here 3 am#?

?.a;e you got your b$g cat 9$th you st$ll@? [p# 98] ?6es, that 3 ha;e,? sa$ .al;or> ?she7s ly$ng at home un er the sto;e, an 9hat7s more, she has no9 got se;en =$ttens, far b$gger an f$ercer than she $s herself#? ?%h, then, 9e7ll ne;er come to see you aga$n,? ba9le out the Troll a9ay $n the 9oo , an he =ept h$s 9or > for s$nce that t$me the Trolls ha;e ne;er eaten the$r 0hr$stmas brose 9$th .al;or on the Do;refell# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

Pr$ncess on the Glass .$ll %nce on a t$me there 9as a man 9ho ha a mea o9, 9h$ch lay h$gh up on the h$ll!s$ e, an $n the mea o9 9as a barn, 9h$ch he ha bu$lt to =eep h$s hay $n# No9, 3 must tell you there ha n7t been much $n the barn for the last year or t9o, for e;ery +t# 5ohn7s n$ght, 9hen the grass stoo greenest an eepest, the mea o9 9as eaten o9n to the ;ery groun the ne"t morn$ng, <ust as $f a 9hole ro;e of sheep ha been there fee $ng on $t o;er n$ght# Th$s happene once, an $t happene t9$ce> so at last the man gre9 9eary of los$ng h$s crop of hay, an sa$ to h$s sons!!for he ha three of them, an the youngest 9as n$c=name 1oots, of course!!that no9 one of them must <ust go an sleep $n the barn $n the outly$ng f$el 9hen +t# 5ohn7s n$ght came, for $t 9as too goo a <o=e that h$s grass shoul be eaten, root an bla e, th$s year, as $t ha been the last t9o years# +o 9h$che;er of them 9ent must =eep a sharp loo=!out> that 9as 9hat the$r father sa$ # Well, the el est son 9as rea y to go an 9atch the [p# 9:] mea o9> trust h$m for loo=$ng after the grassO 3t shoul n7t be h$s fault $f man or beast, or the f$en h$mself, got a bla e of grass# +o, 9hen e;en$ng came, he set off to the barn, an lay o9n to sleep> but a l$ttle on $n the n$ght came such a clatter, an such an earthKua=e, that 9alls an roof shoo=, an groane , an crea=e > then up <umpe the la , an too= to h$s heels as fast as e;er he coul > nor are he once loo= roun t$ll he reache home> an as for the hay, 9hy $t 9as eaten up th$s year <ust as $t ha been t9$ce before# The ne"t +t# 5ohn7s n$ght, the man sa$ aga$n $t 9oul ne;er o to lose all the grass $n the outly$ng f$el year after year $n th$s 9ay, so one of h$s sons must <ust tru ge off to 9atch $t, an 9atch $t 9ell too# Well, the ne"t ol est son 9as rea y to try h$s luc=, so he set off, an lay o9n to sleep $n the barn as h$s brother ha one before h$m> but as

n$ght 9ore on there came on a rumbl$ng an Kua=$ng of the earth, 9orse e;en than on the last +t# 5ohn7s n$ght, an 9hen the la hear $t he got fr$ghtene , an too= to h$s heels as though he 9ere runn$ng a race# Ne"t year the turn came to 1oots> but 9hen he ma e rea y to go, the other t9o began to laugh, an to ma=e game of h$m, say$ng,!! ?6ou7re <ust the man to 9atch the hay, that you are> you 9ho ha;e one noth$ng all your l$fe but s$t $n the ashes an toast yourself by the f$re#? 1ut 1oots $ not care a p$n for the$r chatter$ng, an stumpe a9ay, as e;en$ng re9 on, up the h$ll!s$ e to the outly$ng f$el # There he 9ent $ns$ e the barn an lay o9n> but $n about an hour7s t$me the barn began to groan an crea=, so that $t 9as rea ful to hear# [p# 94] ?Well,? sa$ 1oots to h$mself, ?$f $t $sn7t 9orse than th$s, 3 can stan $t 9ell enough#? ( l$ttle 9h$le after came another crea= an an earthKua=e, so that the l$tter $n the barn fle9 about the la 7s ears# ?%hO? sa$ 1oots to h$mself, ?$f $t $sn7t 9orse than th$s, 3 can stan $t out#? aresay 3

1ut <ust then came a th$r rumbl$ng, an a th$r earthKua=e, so that the la thought 9alls an roof 9ere com$ng o9n on h$s hea > but $t passe off, an all 9as st$ll as eath about h$m# ?3t7ll come aga$n, 37ll be boun ,? thought 1oots> but no, $t $ not come aga$n> st$ll $t 9as an st$ll $t staye > but after he ha la$n a l$ttle 9h$le he hear a no$se as $f a horse 9ere stan $ng <ust outs$ e the barn! oor, an cropp$ng the grass# .e stole to the oor, an peepe through a ch$n=, an there, stoo a horse fee $ng a9ay# +o b$g, an fat, an gran a horse, 1oots ha ne;er set eyes on> by h$s s$ e on the grass lay a sa le an br$ le, an a full set of armour for a =n$ght, all of brass, so br$ght that the l$ght gleame from $t# ?.o, hoO? thought the la $t7s you, $s $t, that eats up our hay@ 37ll soon put a spo=e $n your 9heel> <ust see $f 3 on7t#? +o he lost no t$me, but too= the steel out of h$s t$n er!bo", an thre9 $t o;er the horse> then $t ha no po9er to st$r from the spot, an became so tame that the la coul o 9hat he l$=e 9$th $t# +o he got on $ts bac=, an ro e off 9$th $t to a place 9h$ch no one =ne9 of, an there he put up the horse# When he got home h$s brothers laughe , an as=e ho9 he ha fare @ [p# 9B] ?6ou $ n7t l$e long $n the barn, e;en $f you ha as the f$el #? the heart to go so far

?Well,? sa$ 1oots, ?all 3 can say $s, 3 lay $n the barn t$ll the sun rose, an ne$ther sa9 nor hear anyth$ng> 3 can7t th$n= 9hat there 9as $n the barn to ma=e you both so afra$ #? ?( pretty storyO? sa$ h$s brothers> ?but 9e7ll soon see ho9 you ha;e 9atche the mea o9>? so they set off> but 9hen they reache $t, there stoo the grass as eep an th$c= as $t ha been o;er n$ght#

Well, the ne"t +t# 5ohn7s e;e $t 9as the same story o;er aga$n> ne$ther of the el er brothers are to go out to the outly$ng f$el to 9atch the crop> but 1oots, he ha the heart to go, an e;eryth$ng happene <ust as $t ha happene the year before# ,$rst a clatter an an earthKua=e, then a greater clatter an another earthKua=e, an so on a th$r t$me> only th$s year the earthKua=es 9ere far 9orse than the year before# Then all at once e;eryth$ng 9as as st$ll as eath, an the la hear ho9 someth$ng 9as cropp$ng the grass outs$ e the barn! oor, so he stole to the oor, an peepe through a ch$n=> an 9hat o you th$n= he sa9@ 9hy, another horse stan $ng r$ght up aga$nst the 9all, an che9$ng an champ$ng 9$th m$ght an ma$n# 3t 9as far f$ner an fatter than that 9h$ch came the year before, an $t ha a sa le on $ts bac=, an a br$ le on $ts nec=, an a full su$t of ma$l for a =n$ght lay by $ts s$ e, all of s$l;er, an as gran an you 9oul 9$sh to see# ?.o, hoO? sa$ 1oots to h$mself> ?$t7s you that gobbles up our hay, $s $t@ 37ll soon put a spo=e $n your 9heel>? an 9$th that he too= the steel out of h$s t$n er!bo", an thre9 $t o;er the horse7s crest, 9h$ch stoo as st$ll [p# 9F] as a lamb# Well, the la ro e th$s horse, too, to the h$ $ng!place 9here he =ept the other one, an after that he 9ent home# ?3 suppose you7ll tell us,? sa$ one of h$s brothers, ?there7s a f$ne crop th$s year too, up $n the hayf$el #? ?Well, so there $s,? sa$ 1oots> an off ran the others to see, an there stoo the grass th$c= an eep, as $t 9as the year before> but they $ n7t g$;e 1oots softer 9or s for all that# No9, 9hen the th$r +t# 5ohn7s e;e came, the t9o el er st$ll ha n7t the heart to l$e out $n the barn an 9atch the grass, for they ha got so scare at heart the n$ght they lay there before, that they coul n7t get o;er the fr$ght> but 1oots, he are to go> an , to ma=e a long story short, the ;ery same th$ng happene th$s t$me as ha happene t9$ce before# Three earthKua=es came, one after the other, each 9orse than the one 9h$ch 9ent before, an 9hen the last came, the la ance about 9$th the shoc= from one barn 9all to the other> an after that, all at once, $t 9as st$ll as eath# No9 9hen he ha la$n a l$ttle 9h$le he hear someth$ng tugg$ng a9ay at the grass outs$ e the barn, so he stole aga$n to the oor!ch$n=, an peepe out, an there stoo a horse close outs$ e!!far, far b$gger an fatter than the t9o he ha ta=en before# ?.o, hoO? sa$ the la to h$mself, ?$t7s you, $s $t, that comes here eat$ng up our hay@ 37ll soon stop that!!37ll soon put a spo=e $n your 9heel#? +o he caught up h$s steel an thre9 $t o;er the horse7s nec=, an $n a tr$ce $t stoo as $f $t 9ere na$le to the groun , an 1oots coul o as he please 9$th $t# Then he ro e off 9$th $t to the h$ $ng!place 9here he =ept the other t9o, an then [p# 9I] 9ent home# When he got home h$s t9o brothers ma e game of h$m as they ha one before, say$ng they coul see, he ha 9atche the grass 9ell, for he loo=e for all the 9orl as $f he 9ere 9al=$ng $n h$s sleep, an many other sp$teful th$ngs they sa$ , but 1oots ga;e no hee to them, only as=$ng them to go an see for themsel;es> an 9hen they 9ent, there stoo the grass as f$ne an eep th$s t$me as $t ha been t9$ce before# No9, you must =no9 that the =$ng of the country 9here 1oots l$;e ha a aughter, 9hom he 9oul only g$;e to the man 9ho coul r$ e up o;er the h$ll of glass, for there 9as a h$gh, h$gh h$ll all of glass, as smooth

an sl$ppery as $ce, close by the =$ng7s palace# &pon the t$p!top of the h$ll the =$ng7s aughter 9as to s$t, 9$th three gol en apples $n her lap, an the man 9ho coul r$ e up an carry off the three gol en apples 9as to ha;e half the =$ng om, an the Pr$ncess to 9$fe# Th$s the =$ng ha stuc= up on all the church! oors $n h$s realm, an ha g$;en $t out $n many other =$ng oms bes$ es# No9, th$s Pr$ncess 9as so lo;ely that all 9ho set eyes on her fell o;er hea an ears $n lo;e 9$th her 9hether they 9oul or no# +o 3 nee n7t tell you ho9 all the pr$nces an =n$ghts 9ho hear of her 9ere eager to 9$n her to 9$fe, an half the =$ng om bes$ e> an ho9 they came r$ $ng from all parts of the 9orl on h$gh pranc$ng horses, an cla $n the gran est clothes, for there 9asn7t one of them 9ho ha n7t ma e up h$s m$n that he, an he alone, 9as to 9$n the Pr$ncess# +o 9hen the ay of tr$al came, 9h$ch the =$ng ha f$"e , there 9as such a cro9 of pr$nces an =n$ghts un er the glass h$ll, that $t ma e one7s hea 9h$rl to loo= at them> an e;ery one $n the country 9ho coul e;en cra9l along [p# 9A] 9as off to the h$ll, for they all 9ere eager to see the man 9ho 9as to 9$n the Pr$ncess# +o the t9o el er brothers set off 9$th the rest> but as for 1oots, they sa$ outr$ght he shoul n7t go 9$th them, for $f they 9ere seen 9$th such a $rty changel$ng, all begr$me 9$th smut from clean$ng the$r shoes an s$ft$ng c$n ers $n the usthole, they sa$ fol= 9oul ma=e game of them# ?2ery 9ell,? sa$ 1oots, ?$t7s all one to me# 3 can go alone, an or fall by myself#? stan

No9 9hen the t9o brothers came to the h$ll of glass the =n$ghts an pr$nces 9ere all har at $t, r$ $ng the$r horses t$ll they 9ere all $n a foam> but $t 9as no goo , by my troth> for as soon as e;er the horses set foot on the h$ll, o9n they sl$ppe , an there 9asn7t one 9ho coul get a yar or t9o up> an no 9on er, for the h$ll 9as as smooth as a sheet of glass, an as steep as a house!9all# 1ut all 9ere eager to ha;e the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om# +o they ro e an sl$ppe , an sl$ppe an ro e, an st$ll $t 9as the same story o;er aga$n# (t last all the$r horses 9ere so 9eary that they coul scarce l$ft a leg, an $n such a s9eat that the lather r$ppe from them, an so the =n$ghts ha to g$;e up try$ng any more# +o the =$ng 9as <ust th$n=$ng that he 9oul procla$m a ne9 tr$al for the ne"t ay, to see $f they 9oul ha;e better luc=, 9hen all at once a =n$ght came r$ $ng up on so bra;e a stee that no one ha e;er seen the l$=e of $t $n h$s born ays, an the =n$ght ha ma$l of brass, an the horse a brass b$t $n h$s mouth, so br$ght that the sunbeams shone from $t# Then all the others calle out to h$m he m$ght <ust as 9ell spare h$mself the trouble of r$ $ng at the h$ll, for $t 9oul lea to no goo > but he ga;e no hee to them, an [p# 99] put h$s horse at the h$ll, an 9ent up $t l$=e noth$ng for a goo 9ay, about a th$r of the he$ght> an 9hen he ha got so far, he turne h$s horse roun an ro e o9n aga$n# +o lo;ely a =n$ght the Pr$ncess thought she ha ne;er yet seen> an 9h$le he 9as r$ $ng, she sat an thought to herself!! ?Woul to hea;en he m$ght only come up, an o9n the other s$ e#?

(n 9hen she sa9 h$m turn$ng bac=, she thre9 o9n one of the gol en apples after h$m, an $t rolle o9n $nto h$s shoe# 1ut 9hen he got to the bottom of the h$ll he ro e off so fast that no one coul tell 9hat ha become of h$m# That e;en$ng all the =n$ghts an pr$nces 9ere to go before the =$ng, that he 9ho ha r$ en so far up the h$ll m$ght sho9 the

apple 9h$ch the pr$ncess ha thro9n, but there 9as no one 9ho ha anyth$ng to sho9# %ne after the other they all came, but not a man of them coul sho9 the apple# (t e;en the brothers of 1oots came home too, an tell about the r$ $ng up the h$ll# ha such a long story to

?,$rst of all,? they sa$ , ?there 9as not one of the 9hole lot 9ho coul get so much as a str$ e up> but at last came one 9ho ha a su$t of brass ma$l, an a brass br$ le an sa le, all so br$ght that the sun shone from them a m$le off# .e 9as a chap to r$ e, <ustO .e ro e a th$r of the 9ay up the h$ll of glass, an he coul eas$ly ha;e r$ en the 9hole 9ay up, $f he chose> but he turne roun an ro e o9n, th$n=$ng, maybe, that 9as enough for once#? ?%hO 3 shoul so l$=e to ha;e seen h$m, that 3 shoul ,? sa$ 1oots, 9ho sat by the f$res$ e, an stuc= h$s feet $nto the c$n ers as 9as h$s 9ont# ?%hO? sa$ h$s brothers, ?you 9oul , 9oul you@ 6ou [p# 100] loo= f$t to =eep company 9$th such h$gh lor s, nasty beast that you are, s$tt$ng there amongst the ashes#? Ne"t ay the brothers 9ere all for sett$ng off aga$n, an 1oots begge them th$s t$me, too, to let h$m go 9$th them an see the r$ $ng> but no, they 9oul n7t ha;e h$m at any pr$ce, he 9as too ugly an nasty, they sa$ # ?Well, 9ellO? sa$ afra$ #? 1oots> ?$f 3 go at all, 3 must go by myself# 37m not

+o 9hen the brothers got to the h$ll of glass, all the pr$nces an =n$ghts began to r$ e aga$n, an you may fancy they ha ta=en care to shoe the$r horses sharp> but $t 9as no goo ,!!they ro e an sl$ppe , an sl$ppe an ro e, <ust as they ha one the ay before, an there 9as not one 9ho coul get so far as a yar up the h$ll# (n 9hen they ha 9orn out the$r horses, so that they coul not st$r a leg, they 9ere all force to g$;e $t up as a ba <ob# +o the =$ng thought he m$ght as 9ell procla$m that the r$ $ng shoul ta=e place the ay after for the last t$me, <ust to g$;e them one chance more> but all at once $t came across h$s m$n that he m$ght as 9ell 9a$t a l$ttle longer, to see $f the =n$ght $n brass ma$l 9oul come th$s ay too# Well, they sa9 noth$ng of h$m> but all at once came one r$ $ng on a stee , far, far, bra;er an f$ner than that on 9h$ch the =n$ght $n brass ha r$ en, an he ha s$l;er ma$l, an a s$l;er sa le an br$ le, all so br$ght that the sunbeams gleame an glance from them far a9ay# Then the others shoute out to h$m aga$n, say$ng he m$ght as 9ell hol har , an not try to r$ e up the h$ll, for all h$s trouble 9oul be thro9n a9ay> but the =n$ght pa$ no hee to them, an ro e stra$ght at the h$ll, an r$ght up $t, t$ll he ha gone t9o!th$r s of the 9ay, an then he 9heele h$s horse roun [p# 101] an ro e o9n aga$n# To tell the truth, the Pr$ncess l$=e h$m st$ll better than the =n$ght $n brass, an she sat an 9$she he m$ght only be able to come r$ght up to the top, an o9n the other s$ e> but 9hen she sa9 h$m turn$ng bac=, she thre9 the secon apple after h$m, an $t rolle o9n an fell $nto h$s shoe# 1ut as soon as e;er he ha come o9n from the h$ll of glass, he ro e off so fast that no one coul see 9hat became of h$m#

(t e;en, 9hen all 9ere to go $n before the =$ng an the Pr$ncess, that he 9ho ha the gol en apple m$ght sho9 $t> $n they 9ent, one after the other, but there 9as no one 9ho ha any apple to sho9, an the t9o brothers, as they ha one on the former ay, 9ent home an tol ho9 th$ngs ha gone, an ho9 all ha r$ en at the h$ll an none got up# ?1ut, last of all,? they sa$ , ?came one $n a s$l;er su$t, an h$s horse ha a s$l;er sa le an a s$l;er br$ le# .e 9as <ust a chap to r$ e> an he got t9o!th$r s up the h$ll, an then turne bac=# .e 9as a f$ne fello9 an no m$sta=e> an the Pr$ncess thre9 the secon gol apple to h$m#? ?%hO? sa$ 1oots, ?3 shoul so l$=e to ha;e seen h$m too, that 3 shoul #?

?( pretty storyO? they sa$ # ?Perhaps you th$n= h$s coat of ma$l 9as as br$ght as the ashes you are al9ays po=$ng about, an s$ft$ng, you nasty $rty beast#? The th$r ay e;eryth$ng happene as $t ha happene the t9o ays before# 1oots begge to go an see the s$ght, but the t9o 9oul n7t hear of h$s go$ng 9$th them# When they got to the h$ll there 9as no one 9ho coul get so much as a yar up $t> an no9 all 9a$te for the =n$ght $n s$l;er [p# 108] ma$l, but they ne$ther sa9 nor hear of h$m# (t last came one r$ $ng on a stee , so bra;e that no one ha e;er seen h$s match> an the =n$ght ha a su$t of gol en ma$l, an a gol en sa le an br$ le, so 9on rous br$ght that the sunbeams gleame from them a m$le off# The other =n$ghts an pr$nces coul not f$n t$me to call out to h$m not to try h$s luc=, for they 9ere amaCe to see ho9 gran he 9as# +o he ro e r$ght at the h$ll, an tore up $t l$=e noth$ng, so that the Pr$ncess ha n7t e;en t$me to 9$sh that he m$ght get up the 9hole 9ay# (s soon as e;er he reache the top, he too= the th$r gol en apple from the Pr$ncess7 lap, an then turne h$s horse an ro e o9n aga$n# (s soon as he got o9n, he ro e off at full spee , an 9as out of s$ght $n no t$me# No9, 9hen the brothers got home at e;en, you may fancy 9hat long stor$es they tol , ho9 the r$ $ng ha gone off that ay> an amongst other th$ngs, they ha a eal to say about the =n$ght $n gol en ma$l# ?.e <ust 9as a chap to r$ eO? they sa$ > ?so gran foun $n the 9$ e 9orl #? ?%hO? sa$ 1oots, ?3 shoul a =n$ght $sn7t to be

so l$=e to ha;e seen h$m> that 3 shoul #?

?(hO? sa$ h$s brothers, ?h$s ma$l shone a eal br$ghter than the glo9$ng coals 9h$ch you are al9ays po=$ng an $gg$ng at> nasty $rty beast that you are#? Ne"t ay all the =n$ghts an pr$nces 9ere to Pr$ncess!!$t 9as too late to o so the n$ght 9ho ha the gol apple m$ght br$ng $t forth> f$rst the pr$nces, an then the =n$ghts, an gol apple# [p# 10:] pass before the =$ng an the before, 3 suppose!!that he but one came after another, st$ll no one coul sho9 the

?Well,? sa$ the =$ng, ?some one must ha;e $t, for $t 9as someth$ng that 9e all sa9 9$th our o9n eyes, ho9 a man came an ro e up an bore $t off#? +o he comman e that e;ery one 9ho 9as $n the =$ng om shoul come up to the palace an see $f they coul sho9 the apple# Well, they all came, one

after another, but no one ha the gol en apple, an after a long t$me the t9o brothers of 1oots came# They 9ere the last of all, so the =$ng as=e them $f there 9as no one else $n the =$ng om 9ho ha n7t come# ?%h, yes,? sa$ they> ?9e ha;e a brother, but he ne;er carr$e off the gol en apple# .e hasn7t st$rre out of the ust!hole on any of the three ays#? ?Ne;er m$n that,? sa$ l$=e the rest#? +o 1oots ha the =$ng> ?he may as 9ell come up to the palace

to go up to the palace# the =$ng> ?ha;e you got the gol en apple@ +pea= outO?

?.o9, no9,? sa$

?6es, 3 ha;e,? sa$ 1oots> ?here $s the f$rst, an here $s the secon , an here $s the th$r too>? an 9$th that he pulle all three gol en apples out of h$s poc=et, an at the same t$me thre9 off h$s sooty rags, an stoo before them $n h$s gleam$ng gol en ma$l# ?6esO? sa$ the =$ng> ?you shall ha;e my for you 9ell eser;e both her an $t#? aughter, an half my =$ng om,

+o they got rea y for the 9e $ng, an 1oots got the Pr$ncess to 9$fe, an there 9as great merry!ma=$ng at the br$ al!feast, you may fancy, for they coul all be merry though they coul n7t r$ e up the h$ll of glass> an all 3 can say $s, $f they ha;en7t left off the$r merry!ma=$ng yet, 9hy they7re st$ll at $t# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 104]

.o9 %ne Went %ut to Woo %nce on a t$me there 9as a la 9ho 9ent out to 9oo h$m a 9$fe# (mongst other places he came to a farm!house, 9here the househol 9ere l$ttle better than beggars> but 9hen the 9ooer came $n they 9ante to ma=e out that they 9ere 9ell to o, as you may guess# No9 the husban ha got a ne9 arm to h$s coat# ?Pray, ta=e a seat,? he sa$ $n the house#? to the 9ooer> ?but there7s a shoc=$ng ust

+o he 9ent about rubb$ng an 9$p$ng all the benches an tables 9$th h$s ne9 arm, but he =ept the other all the 9h$le beh$n h$s bac=# The 9$fe she ha got one ne9 shoe, an she 9ent stamp$ng an sl$ $ng 9$th $t up aga$nst the stools an cha$rs, say$ng, ?.o9 unt$ y $t $s hereO *;eryth$ng $s out of $ts placeO? Then they calle r$ghts> but the out to the$r aughter to come o9n an put th$ngs to aughter she ha got a ne9 cap> so she put her hea $n at

the oor, an that#

=ept no

$ng an


$ng, f$rst to th$s s$ e, an

then to

?WellO for my part,? she sa$ , ?3 can7t be e;ery9here at once#? (yO ayO that 9as a 9ell!to! o househol the 9ooer ha come to#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 10B]

The 0oc= an

.en .en must be $m$tate #] yet 3

[3n th$s tale the notes of the 0oc= an

.en!!?6ou prom$se me shoes year after year, year after year, an get no shoesO? 0oc=!!?6ou shall ha;e them, ne;er fearO .enny pennyO? .en!!?3 lay egg after egg, egg after egg, an

yet 3 go about barefootO? buy yourself

0oc=!!Well, ta=e your eggs, an be off to the tryst, an shoes, an on7t go any longer barefootO?

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The -aster!+m$th %nce on a t$me, $n the ays 9hen our 'or an +t# Peter use to 9an er on earth, they came to a sm$th7s house# .e ha ma e a barga$n 9$th the De;$l that the f$en shoul ha;e h$m after se;en years, but ur$ng that t$me he 9as to be the master of all masters $n h$s tra e, an to th$s barga$n both he an the De;$l ha s$gne the$r names# +o he ha stuc= up $n great letters o;er the oor of h$s forge,!! ?.ere 9ells the -aster o;er all -asters#? passe by an sa9 that, he 9ent $n# [p# 10F]

No9 9hen our 'or

?Who are you@? he sa$

to the +m$th#

?)ea 9hat7s 9r$tten o;er the oor,? sa$ the +m$th> ?but maybe you can7t rea 9r$t$ng# 3f so, you must 9a$t t$ll some one comes to help you#? 1efore our 'or ha t$me to ans9er h$m, a man came 9$th h$s horse, 9h$ch he begge the +m$th to shoe# ?-$ght 3 ha;e lea;e to shoe $t@? as=e our 'or #

?6ou may try, $f you l$=e,? sa$ the +m$th> ?you can7t that 3 shall not be able to ma=e $t r$ght aga$n#?

o $t so ba ly

+o our 'or 9ent out an too= one leg off the horse, an la$ $t $n the furnace, an ma e the shoe re !hot> after that he turne up the en s of the shoe, an f$le o9n the hea s of the na$ls, an clenche the po$nts> an then he put bac= the leg safe an soun on the horse aga$n# (n 9hen he 9as one 9$th that leg, he too= the other foreleg an $ the same 9$th $t> an 9hen he 9as one 9$th that he too= the h$n !legs!!f$rst the off, an then the near leg, an la$ them $n the furnace, ma=$ng the shoes re !hot, turn$ng up the en s, f$l$ng the hea s of the na$ls, an clench$ng the po$nts an after all 9as one, putt$ng the legs on the horse aga$n# (ll the 9h$le the +m$th stoo by an loo=e on# ?6ou7re not so ba ?%h, you th$n= so, a sm$th after all,? sa$ o you@? sa$ our 'or # he#

( l$ttle 9h$le after came the +m$th7s mother to the forge, an calle h$m to come home an eat h$s $nner> she 9as an ol , ol 9oman, 9$th an ugly croo= on her bac=, an 9r$n=les $n her face, an $t 9as as much as she coul o to cra9l along# ?-ar= no9 9hat you see,? sa$ our 'or # sm$th$e a lo;ely

Then he too= the 9oman an la$ her $n the furnace, an young ma$ en out of her# [p# 10I]

?Well,? sa$ the +m$th, ?3 say no9, as 3 sa$ before, you are not such a ba sm$th after all# There $t stan s o;er my oor!!.ere 9ells the -aster o;er all -asters> but for all that, 3 say r$ght out, one learns as long as one l$;es>? an 9$th that he 9al=e off to h$s house an ate h$s $nner# +o after $nner, <ust after he ha r$ $ng up to ha;e h$s horse sho # got bac= to h$s forge, a man came the +m$th, ?for 3 9ay $t $s 9hen the

?3t shall be one $n the t9$n=l$ng of an eye,? sa$ ha;e <ust learnt a ne9 9ay to shoe> an a ;ery goo ays are short#?

+o he began to cut an hac= t$ll he ha got all the horse7s legs off, for he sa$ , 3 on7t =no9 9hy one shoul go potter$ng bac=9ar s an for9ar s!!f$rst 9$th one leg, an then 9$th another# Then he la$ the legs $n the furnace, <ust as he ha seen our 'or lay them, an thre9 on a great heap of coal, an ma e h$s mates 9or= the bello9s bra;ely> but $t 9ent as one m$ght suppose $t 9oul go# The legs 9ere burnt to ashes, an the +m$th ha to pay for the horse# Well, he $ n7t care much about that, but <ust then an ol beggar!9oman came along the roa , an he thought to h$mself, ?1etter luc= ne"t t$me>? so he too= the ol ame an la$ her $n the furnace, an though she begge an praye har for her l$fe, $t 9as no goo # ?6ou7re so ol , you on7t =no9 9hat $s goo for you,? sa$ the +m$th> ?no9 you shall be a lo;ely young ma$ en $n half no t$me, an for all that, 37ll not charge you a penny for the <ob#?

1ut $t 9ent no better 9$th the poor ol ?That 9as $ll one, an 3 say $t,? sa$

9oman than 9$th the horse7s legs# our 'or #

[p# 10A] ?%hO for that matter,? sa$ the +m$th, ?there7s not many 9ho7ll as= after her, 37ll be boun > but $t7s a shame of the De;$l, $f th$s $s the 9ay he hol s to 9hat $s 9r$tten up o;er the oor#? ?3f you m$ght ha;e three 9$shes from me,? sa$ 9$sh for@? ?%nly try me,? sa$ +o our 'or the +m$th, ?an our 'or , ?9hat 9oul you

you7ll soon =no9#?

ga;e h$m three 9$shes#

?Well,? sa$ the +m$th, ?f$rst an foremost, 3 9$sh that any one 9hom 3 as= to cl$mb up $nto the pear!tree that stan s outs$ e by the 9all of my forge, may stay s$tt$ng there t$ll 3 as= h$m to come o9n aga$n# The secon 9$sh 3 9$sh $s, that any one 9hom 3 as= to s$t o9n $n my easy cha$r 9h$ch stan s $ns$ e the 9or=shop yon er, may stay s$tt$ng there t$ll 3 as= h$m to get up# 'ast of all, 3 9$sh that any one 9hom 3 as= to creep $nto the steel purse 9h$ch 3 ha;e $n my poc=et, may stay $n $t t$ll 3 g$;e h$m lea;e to creep out aga$n#? ?6ou ha;e 9$she as a 9$c=e man,? sa$ +t# Peter> ?f$rst an you shoul ha;e 9$she for Go 7s grace an goo 9$ll#? foremost,

?3 urstn7t loo= so h$gh as that,? sa$ the +m$th> an after that our 'or an +t# Peter ba e h$m ?goo !bye,? an 9ent on the$r 9ay# Well, the years 9ent on an on, an 9hen the t$me 9as up, the De;$l came to fetch the +m$th, as $t 9as 9r$tten $n the$r barga$n# ?(re you rea y@? he sa$ , as he stuc= h$s nose $n at the forge# oor of the

?%h,? sa$ the +m$th, ?3 must <ust hammer the hea of th$s tenpenny na$l f$rst> meant$me you can <ust cl$mb up [p# 109] $nto the pear!tree, an pluc= yourself a pear to gna9 at> you must be both hungry an th$rsty after your <ourney#? +o the De;$l than=e pear!tree# h$m for h$s =$n offer, an cl$mbe up $nto the

?2ery goo ,? sa$ the +m$th> ?but no9, on th$n=$ng the matter o;er, 3 f$n 3 shall ne;er be able to ha;e one hammer$ng the hea of th$s na$l t$ll four years are out at least, th$s $ron $s so plaguy har > o9n you can7t come $n all that t$me, but may s$t up there an rest your bones#? When the De;$l hear th$s, he begge an praye t$ll h$s ;o$ce 9as as th$n as a s$l;er penny that he m$ght ha;e lea;e to come o9n> but there 9as no help for $t# There he 9as, an there he must stay# (t last he ha to g$;e h$s 9or of honour not to come aga$n t$ll the four years 9ere out, 9h$ch the +m$th ha spo=en of, an then the +m$th sa$ , ?2ery 9ell, no9 you may come o9n#? +o 9hen the t$me 9as up, the De;$l came aga$n to fetch the +m$th#

?6ou7re rea y no9, of course,? sa$ he> ?you7;e ha the hea of that na$l, 3 shoul th$n=#?

t$me enough to hammer

?6es, the hea $s r$ght enough no9,? sa$ the +m$th> ?but st$ll you ha;e come a l$ttle t$ny b$t too soon, for 3 ha;en7t Ku$te one sharpen$ng the po$nt> such plaguy har $ron 3 ne;er hammere $n all my born ays# +o 9h$le 3 9or= at the po$nt, you may <ust as 9ell s$t o9n $n my easy cha$r an rest yourself> 37ll be boun you7re 9eary after com$ng so far#? ?Than= you =$n ly,? sa$ the De;$l, an o9n he plumpe $nto the easy cha$r> but <ust as he ha ma e h$mself comfortable, the +m$th sa$ , on secon thoughts he [p# 110] foun he coul n7t get the po$nt sharp t$ll four years 9ere out# ,$rst of all, the De;$l begge so prett$ly to be let out of the cha$r, an after9ar s, 9a"$ng 9roth, he began to threaten an scol > but the +m$th =ept on, all the 9h$le e"cus$ng h$mself, an say$ng $t 9as all the $ron7s fault, $t 9as so plaguy har , an tell$ng the De;$l he 9as not so ba ly off to ha;e to s$t Ku$etly $n an easy!cha$r, an that he 9oul let h$m out to the m$nute 9hen the four years 9ere o;er# Well, at last there 9as no help for $t, an the De;$l ha to g$;e h$s 9or of honour not to fetch the +m$th t$ll the four years 9ere out> an then the +m$th sa$ ,!! ?Well no9, you may get up an the De;$l as fast as he coul be off about your bus$ness,? an lay legs to the groun # a9ay 9ent

When the four years 9ere o;er the De;$l came aga$n to fetch the +m$th, an he calle out, as he stuc= h$s nose $n at the oor of the forge,!! ?No9, 3 =no9 you must be rea y#? ?)ea y, ay, rea y,? ans9ere the +m$th> ?9e can go no9 as soon as you please> but har= ye, there $s one th$ng 3 ha;e stoo here an thought, an thought, 3 9oul as= you to tell me# 3s $t true 9hat people say, that the De;$l can ma=e h$mself as small as he pleases@? ?Go =no9s, $t $s the ;ery truth,? sa$ the De;$l#

?%hO? sa$ the +m$th> ?$t $s true, $s $t@ then 3 9$sh you 9oul <ust be so goo as to creep $nto th$s steel purse of m$ne, an see 9hether $t $s soun at the bottom, for, to tell you the truth, 37m afra$ my tra;ell$ng money 9$ll rop out#? ?W$th all my heart,? sa$ the De;$l, 9ho ma e h$mself [p# 111] small $n a tr$ce, an crept $nto the purse> but he 9as scarce $n 9hen the +m$th snappe to the clasp# ?6es,? calle e;ery9here#? out the De;$l $ns$ e the purse> ?$t7s r$ght an t$ght

?2ery goo ,? sa$ the +m$th> ?37m gla to hear you say so, but 7-ore haste the 9orse spee ,7 says the ol sa9, an 7,ore9arne $s forearme ,7 says another> so 37ll <ust 9el these l$n=s a l$ttle together, <ust for safety7s sa=e>? an 9$th that he la$ the purse $n the furnace, an ma e $t re hot# ?(&O (&O? screame purse@? the De;$l, ?are you ma @ on7t you =no9 37m $ns$ e the

?6es, 3 oO? sa$ the +m$th> ?but 3 can7t help you, for another ol sa9 says, 7%ne must str$=e 9h$le the $ron $s hot>7 ? an as he sa$ th$s, he too= up h$s sle ge!hammer, la$ the purse on the an;$l, an let fly at $t as har as he coul # ?(&O (&O (&O? bello9e the De;$l, $ns$ e the purse# ?Dear fr$en , me out, an 37ll ne;er come near you aga$n#? o let

?2ery 9ellO? sa$ the +m$th> ?no9, 3 th$n=, the l$n=s are pretty 9ell 9el e , an you may come out>? so he unclaspe the purse, an a9ay 9ent the De;$l $n such a hurry that he $ n7t once loo= beh$n h$m# No9, some t$me after, $t came across the +m$th7s m$n that he ha one a s$lly th$ng $n ma=$ng the De;$l h$s enemy, for he sa$ to h$mself,!! ?3f, as $s l$=e enough, they 9on7t ha;e me $n the =$ng om of .ea;en, 3 shall be $n anger of be$ng houseless, s$nce 37;e fallen out 9$th h$m 9ho rules o;er .ell#? +o he ma e up h$s m$n $t 9oul be best to try to get [p# 118] e$ther $nto .ell or .ea;en, an to try at once, rather than to put $t off any longer, so that he m$ght =no9 ho9 th$ngs really stoo # Then he thre9 h$s sle ge!hammer o;er h$s shoul er an set off> an 9hen he ha gone a goo b$t of the 9ay, he came to a place 9here t9o roa s met, an 9here the path to the =$ng om of .ea;en parts from the path that lea s to .ell, an here he o;ertoo= a ta$lor, 9ho 9as pelt$ng along 9$th h$s goose $n h$s han # ?Goo ay,? sa$ the +m$th> ?9h$ther are you off to@?

?To the =$ng om of .ea;en,? sa$ the Ta$lor, ?$f 3 can only get $nto $t>!!but 9h$ther are you go$ng yourself@? ?%h, our 9ays on7t run together,? sa$ the +m$th> ?for 3 ha;e ma e up my m$n to try f$rst $n .ell, as the De;$l an 3 =no9 someth$ng of one another from ol t$mes#? +o they ba e one another ?Goo !bye,? an each 9ent h$s 9ay> but the +m$th 9as a stout strong man, an got o;er the groun far faster than the ta$lor, an so $t 9asn7t long before he stoo at the gates of .ell# Then he calle the 9atch, an ba e h$m go an tell the De;$l there 9as some one outs$ e 9ho 9$she to spea= a 9or 9$th h$m# ?Go out,? sa$ the De;$l to the 9atch, ?an as= h$m 9ho he $s@? +o that 9hen the 9atch came an tol h$m that, the +m$th ans9ere ,!! ?Go an greet the De;$l $n my name, an say $t $s the +m$th 9ho o9ns the purse he 9ots off> an beg h$m prett$ly to let me $n at once, for 3 9or=e at my forge t$ll noon, an 3 ha;e ha a long 9al= s$nce#? 1ut 9hen the De;$l hear 9ho $t 9as he charge the 9atch to go bac= an loc= up all the n$ne loc=s on the gates of .ell# ?(n , bes$ es,? he sa$ , ?you may as 9ell put on a [p# 11:] pa loc=, for $f he only once gets $n, he7ll turn .ell topsy!tur;yO?

?WellO? sa$ the +m$th to h$mself, 9hen he sa9 them busy bolt$ng up the gates, ?there7s no lo g$ng to be got here, that7s pla$n> so 3 may as 9ell try my luc= $n the =$ng om of .ea;en>? an 9$th that he turne roun an 9ent bac= t$ll he reache the cross!roa s, an then he 9ent along the path the ta$lor ha ta=en# (n no9, as he 9as cross at ha;$ng gone bac=9ar s an for9ar s so far for no goo , he stro e along 9$th all h$s m$ght, an reache the gate of .ea;en <ust as +t# Peter 9as open$ng $t a ;ery l$ttle, <ust enough to let the half!star;e ta$lor sl$p $n# The +m$th 9as st$ll s$" or se;en str$ es off the gate, so he thought to h$mself, ?No9 there7s no t$me to be lost>? an grasp$ng h$s sle ge! hammer, he hurle $t $nto the open$ng of the oor <ust as the ta$lor slun= $n> an $f the +m$th $ n7t get $n then, 9hen the oor 9as a<ar, 9hy 3 on7t =no9 9hat has become of h$m# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The T9o +tep!+$sters %nce on a t$me there 9as a couple, an each of them ha a aughter by a former marr$age# The 9oman7s aughter 9as ull an laCy, an coul ne;er turn her han to anyth$ng, an the man7s aughter 9as br$s= an rea y> but someho9 or other she coul ne;er o anyth$ng to her stepmother7s l$=$ng, an both the 9oman an her aughter 9oul ha;e been gla to be r$ of her# [p# 114] +o $t fell one ay the t9o g$rls 9ere to go out an sp$n the 9ell, an the 9oman7s aughter ha fla" to sp$n, but aughter got noth$ng to sp$n but br$stles# ?3 on7t =no9 the 9oman7s aughter, ?you7re al9ays so Ku$c= an sharp, not afra$ to sp$n a match 9$th you#? by the s$ e of the man7s ho9 $t $s,? sa$ but st$ll 37m

Well, they agree that she 9hose threa f$rst snappe shoul go o9n the 9ell# +o they span a9ay> but <ust as they 9ere har at $t, the man7s aughter7s threa bro=e, an she ha to go o9n the 9ell# 1ut 9hen she got to the bottom, she sa9 far an 9$ e aroun her a fa$r green mea , an she ha n7t hurt herself at all# +o she 9al=e on a b$t, t$ll she came to a he ge 9h$ch she ha on7t, an to cross#

?(hO on7t trea har on me, pray that 3 9$ll,? sa$ the .e ge#

37ll help you another t$me, tro e so

Then the lass$e ma e herself as l$ght as she coul , an carefully she scarce touche a t9$g#

+o she 9ent on a b$t farther, t$ll she came to a br$n le co9, 9h$ch 9al=e there 9$th a m$l=$ng!pa$l on her horns# 7T9as a large pretty co9, an her u er 9as so full an roun # ?(hO be so goo as to m$l= me, pray,? sa$ the 0o9> ?37m so full of m$l=# Dr$n= as much as you please, an thro9 the rest o;er my hoofs, an see $f 3 on7t help you some ay#?

+o the man7s aughter $ as the co9 begge # (s soon as she touche the teats, the m$l= spoute out $nto the pa$l# Then she ran= t$ll her th$rst 9as sla=e > an the rest she thre9 o;er the co97s hoofs, an the m$l=$ng pa$l she hung on her horns aga$n# [p# 11B] +o 9hen she ha gone a b$t farther, a b$g 9ether met her, 9h$ch ha such th$c= long 9ool, $t hung o9n an raggle after h$m on the groun , an on one of h$s horns hung a great pa$r of shears# ?(hO please cl$p off my 9ool,? sa$ the sheep, ?for here 3 go about 9$th all th$s 9ool, an catch up e;eryth$ng 3 meet, an bes$ es, $t7s so 9arm, 37m almost cho=e # Ta=e as much of the fleece as you please, an t9$st the rest roun my nec=, an see $f 3 on7t help you some ay#? 6es> she 9as 9$ll$ng enough, an the sheep lap, an =ept Ku$te st$ll, an she cl$ppe scratch on h$s s=$n# Then she too= as much the rest she t9$ste roun the nec= of the lay o9n of h$mself on her h$m so neatly, there 9asn7t a of the 9ool as she chose, an sheep#

( l$ttle farther on, she came to an apple!tree, 9h$ch 9as loa e 9$th apples> all $ts branches 9ere bo9e to the groun , an lean$ng aga$nst the stem 9as a slen er pole# ?(hO o be so goo as to pluc= my apples off me,? sa$ the Tree, ?so that my branches may stra$ghten themsel;es aga$n, for $t7s ba 9or= to stan so croo=e > but 9hen you beat them o9n, on7t str$=e me too har # Then eat as many as you please, lay the rest roun my root, an see $f 3 on7t help you some ay or other#? 6es> she pluc=e all she coul reach 9$th her han s, an then she too= the pole an =noc=e o9n the rest, an after9ar s she ate her f$ll, an the rest she la$ neatly roun the root# +o she 9al=e on a long, long 9ay, an then she came to a great farm! house, 9here an ol hag of the Trolls l$;e 9$th her aughter# There she turne $n to as= $f she coul get a place# [p# 11F] ?%hO? sa$ the ol hag> ?$t7s no use your try$ng# We7;e ha ma$ s, but none of them 9as 9orth her salt#? e;er so many

1ut she begge so prett$ly that they 9oul <ust ta=e her on tr$al, that at last they let her stay# +o the ol hag ga;e her a s$e;e, an ba e her go an fetch 9ater $n $t# +he thought $t strange to fetch 9ater $n a s$e;e, but st$ll she 9ent, an 9hen see came to the 9ell, the l$ttle b$r s began to s$ng!! ?Daub $n clay, +tuff $n stra9> Daub $n clay, +tuff $n stra9#?

6es, she $ so, an foun she coul carry 9ater $n a s$e;e 9ell enough> but 9hen she got home 9$th the 9ater, an the ol 9$tch sa9 the s$e;e, she cr$e out,!! ?Th$s you ha;en7t suc=e out of your o9n breast#?

+o the ol 9$tch sa$ , no9 she m$ght go $nto the byre to p$tch out ung an m$l= =$ne> but 9hen she got there she foun a p$tchfor= so long an hea;y she coul n7t st$r $t, much less 9or= 9$th $t# +he $ n7t =no9 at all 9hat to o, or 9hat to ma=e of $t> but the l$ttle b$r s sang aga$n that she shoul ta=e the broomst$c= an toss out a l$ttle 9$th that, an all the rest of the ung 9oul fly after $t# +o she $ that, an as soon as e;er she began 9$th the broomst$c=, the byre 9as as clean as $f $t ha been s9ept an 9ashe # No9 she ha to m$l= the =$ne, but they 9ere so restless that they =$c=e an fr$s=e > there 9as no gett$ng near them to m$l= them# [p# 11I] 1ut the l$ttle b$r s sang outs$ e,!! ?( l$ttle rop, a t$ny sup, r$n= $t up#?

,or the l$ttle b$r s to

6es, she $ that> she <ust m$l=e a t$ny rop, 7t9as as much as she coul , for the l$ttle b$r s outs$ e> an then all the co9s stoo st$ll an let her m$l= them# They ne$ther =$c=e nor fr$s=e > they $ n7t e;en l$ft a leg# +o 9hen the ol 9$tch sa9 her com$ng $n 9$th the m$l=, she cr$e out,!!

?Th$s you ha;en7t suc=e out of your o9n breast# 1ut no9 <ust ta=e th$s blac= 9ool an 9ash $t 9h$te#? Th$s the lass$e 9as at her 9$t7s en to =no9 ho9 to o, for she ha ne;er seen or hear of any one 9ho coul 9ash blac= 9ool 9h$te# +t$ll she sa$ noth$ng, but too= the 9ool an 9ent o9n 9$th $t to the 9ell# There the l$ttle b$r s sang aga$n, an tol her to ta=e the 9ool an $p $t $nto the great butt that stoo there> an she $ so, an out $t came as 9h$te as sno9# ?Well, 3 ne;erO? sa$ the ol 9$tch, 9hen she came $n 9$th the 9ool, ?$t7s no goo =eep$ng you# 6ou can o e;eryth$ng, an at last you7ll be the plague of my l$fe# We7 best part, so ta=e your 9ages an be off#? Then the ol hag re9 out three cas=ets, one re , one green, an one blue, an of these the lass$e 9as to choose one as 9ages for her ser;$ce# No9 she $ n7t =no9 at all 9h$ch to choose, but the l$ttle b$r s sang,!! ?Don7t ta=e the re , on7t ta=e the green,

1ut ta=e the blue, 9here may be seen Three l$ttle crosses all $n a ro9> We sa9 the mar=s, an so 9e =no9#?

[p# 11A] +o she too= the blue cas=et, as the b$r s sang# ?1a luc= to you, then,? sa$ for th$sO? the ol 9$tch> ?see $f 3 on7t ma=e you pay

+o 9hen the man7s aughter 9as <ust sett$ng off, the ol 9$tch shot a re !hot bar of $ron after her, but she sprang beh$n the oor an h$ herself, so that $t m$sse her, for her fr$en s, the l$ttle b$r s, ha tol her beforehan ho9 to beha;e# Then she 9al=e on an on as fast as e;er she coul > but 9hen she got to the apple!tree, she hear an a9ful clatter beh$n her on the roa , an that 9as the ol 9$tch an her aughter com$ng after her# +o the lass$e 9as so fr$ghtene an scare , she $ n7t =no9 9hat to o#

?0ome h$ther to me, lass$e, o you hear,? sa$ the (pple!tree, ?37ll help you> get un er my branches an h$ e, for $f they catch you they7ll tear you to eath, an ta=e the cas=et from you#? 6es> she 9$tch an $ so, an she ha her aughter# har ly h$ en herself before up came the ol the ol

?.a;e you seen any lass$e pass th$s 9ay, you apple!tree@? sa$ hag#

?6es, 6es,? sa$ the (pple!tree> ?one ran by here an hour ago> but no9 she7s got so far ahea you7ll ne;er catch her up#? +o the ol 9$tch turne bac= an 9ent home aga$n#

Then the lass$e 9al=e on a b$t, but 9hen she came <ust about 9here the sheep 9as, she hear an a9ful clatter beg$nn$ng on the roa beh$n her, an she $ n7t =no9 9hat to o, she 9as so scare an fr$ghtene > for she =ne9 9ell enough $t 9as the ol 9$tch, 9ho ha thought better of $t# [p# 119] ?0ome h$ther to me, lass$e,? sa$ the Wether, ?an 37ll help you# .$ e yourself un er my fleece, an then they7ll not see you> else they7ll ta=e a9ay the cas=et, an tear you to eath#? 5ust then up came the ol 9$tch, tear$ng along# to the 9ether#

?.a;e you seen any lass$e pass here, you sheep@? she cr$e

?%h 6es,? sa$ the Wether, ?3 sa9 one an hour ago, but she ran so fast you7ll ne;er catch her#? +o the ol 9$tch turne roun an 9ent home# another

1ut 9hen the lass$e ha come to 9here she met the co9, she hear a9ful clatter beh$n her#

?0ome h$ther to me, lass$e,? sa$ the 0o9, ?an 37ll help you to h$ e yourself un er my u er, else the ol hag 9$ll come an ta=e a9ay your cas=et, an tear you to eath#? True enough, $t 9asn7t long before she came up# ?.a;e you seen any lass$e pass here, you co9@? sa$ the ol hag#

?6es, 3 sa9 one an hour ago,? sa$ the 0o9, ?but she7s far a9ay no9, for she ran so fast 3 on7t th$n= you7ll e;er catch her up#? +o the ol hag turne roun , an 9ent bac= home aga$n#

When the lass$e ha 9al=e a long, long 9ay farther on, an 9as not far from the he ge, she hear aga$n that a9ful clatter on the roa beh$n her, an she got scare an fr$ghtene , for she =ne9 9ell enough $t 9as the ol hag an her aughter, 9ho ha change the$r m$n s# ?0ome h$ther to me, lass$e,? sa$ the .e ge, ?an 37ll help you# 0reep un er my t9$gs, so that they can7t see [p# 180] you> else they7ll ta=e the cas=et from you, an tear you to eath#? 6es> she ma e all the haste she coul he ge# to get un er the t9$gs of the the ol hag to

?.a;e you seen any lass$e pass th$s 9ay, you he ge@? sa$ the he ge#

?No, 3 ha;en7t seen any lass$e,? ans9ere the .e ge, an 9as as smooth! tongue as $f he ha got melte butter $n h$s mouth> but all the 9h$le he sprea h$mself out, an ma e h$mself so b$g an tall, one ha to th$n= t9$ce before cross$ng h$m# (n so the ol 9$tch ha no help for $t but to turn roun an go home aga$n# +o 9hen the man7s aughter got home, her step!mother an her step!s$ster 9ere more sp$teful aga$nst her than e;er> for no9 she 9as much neater, an so smart, $t 9as a <oy to loo= at her# +t$ll she coul n7t get lea;e to l$;e 9$th them, but they ro;e her out $nto a p$g!sty# That 9as to be her house# +o she scrubbe $t out so neat an clean, an then she opene her cas=et, <ust to see 9hat she ha got for her 9ages# 1ut as soon as e;er she unloc=e $t, she sa9 $ns$ e so much gol an s$l;er, an lo;ely th$ngs, 9h$ch came stream$ng out t$ll all the 9alls 9ere hung 9$th them, an at last the p$g!sty 9as far gran er than the gran est =$ng7s palace# (n 9hen the step!mother an her aughter came to see th$s, they almost <umpe out of the$r s=$n, an began to as= 9hat =$n of a place she ha o9n there@ ?%h,? sa$ the lass$e, ?can7t you see, 9hen 3 ha;e got such goo 9ages# 7T9as such a fam$ly an such a m$stress to ser;e, you coul n7t f$n the$r l$=e any9here#? 6es> the 9oman7s aughter ma e up her m$n to go out to ser;e too, that she m$ght get <ust such another gol cas=et# [p# 181] +o they sat o9n to sp$n aga$n, an no9 the 9oman7s aughter 9as to sp$n br$stles, an the man7s aughter fla", an she 9hose threa f$rst snappe 9as to go o9n the 9ell# 3t 9asn7t long, as you may fancy, before the 9oman7s aughter7s threa snappe , an so they thre9 her o9n the 9ell#

+o the same th$ng happene # +he fell to the bottom, but met 9$th no harm, an foun herself on a lo;ely green mea o9# When she ha 9al=e a b$t she came to the he ge# ?Don7t trea .e ge# har on me, pray, lass$e, an 37ll help you aga$n,? sa$ trampe the

?%hO? sa$ she, ?9hat shoul 3 care for a bun le of t9$gsO? an an stampe o;er the he ge t$ll $t crac=e an groane aga$n# ( l$ttle farther on she came to the co9, 9h$ch 9al=e burst for 9ant of m$l=$ng#

about rea y to

?1e so goo as to m$l= me, lass$e,? sa$ the 0o9, ?an 37ll help you aga$n# Dr$n= as much as you please, but thro9 the rest o;er my hoofs#? 6es, she $ that> she m$l=e the co9, an ran= t$ll she coul r$n= no more> but 9hen she left off, there 9as none left to thro9 o;er the co97s hoofs, an as for the pa$l, she tosse $t o9n the h$ll an 9al=e on# When she ha gone a b$t farther, she came to the sheep, 9h$ch 9al=e along 9$th h$s 9ool ragg$ng after h$m# ?%h, be so goo as to cl$p me, lass$e,? sa$ the +heep, ?an 37ll ser;e you aga$n# Ta=e as much of the 9ool as you 9$ll, but t9$st the rest roun my nec=#? Well, she $ that> but she 9ent so carelessly to [p# 188] 9or=, that she cut great p$eces out of the poor sheep, an as for the 9ool, she carr$e $t all a9ay 9$th her# ( l$ttle 9h$le after she came to the apple!tree, 9h$ch stoo croo=e 9$th fru$t aga$n# there Ku$te

?1e so goo as to pluc= the apples off me that my l$mbs may gro9 stra$ght, for $t7s 9eary 9or= to stan all a9ry,? sa$ the (pple!tree# ?1ut please ta=e care not to beat me too har # *at as many as you 9$ll, but lay the rest neatly roun my root, an 37ll help you aga$n#? Well, she pluc=e those coul n7t reach 9$th the bro=e off an tore o9n full coul be, an then nearest to her, an thrashe o9n those she pole> but she $ n7t care ho9 she $ $t, an great boughs, an ate t$ll she 9as as full as she thre9 o9n the rest un er the tree#

+o 9hen she ha gone a goo b$t farther, she came to the farm 9here the ol 9$tch l$;e # There she as=e for a place, but the ol hag sa$ she 9oul n7t ha;e any more ma$ s, for they 9ere e$ther 9orth noth$ng, or 9ere too cle;er, an cheate her out of her goo s# 1ut the 9oman7s aughter 9as not to be put off, she 9oul ha;e a place, so the ol 9$tch sa$ she7 g$;e her a tr$al, $f she 9as f$t for anyth$ng# The f$rst th$ng she ha to o 9as to fetch 9ater $n a s$e;e# Well, off she 9ent to the 9ell, an re9 9ater $n a s$e;e, but as fast as she got $t $n $t ran out aga$n# +o the l$ttle b$r s sang, ?Daub $n clay, Put $n stra9

Daub $n clay, Put $n stra9#? 1ut she $ n7t care to l$sten to the b$r s7 song, an [p# 18:] pelte them 9$th clay, t$ll they fle9 off far a9ay# (n so she ha to go home 9$th the empty s$e;e, an got 9ell scol e by the ol 9$tch# Then she 9as to go $nto the byre to clean $t, an m$l= the =$ne# 1ut she 9as too goo for such $rty 9or=, she thought# +t$ll, she 9ent out $nto the byre, but 9hen she got there, she coul n7t get on at all 9$th the p$tchfor=, $t 9as so b$g# The b$r s sa$ the same to her as they ha sa$ to her step!s$ster, an tol her to ta=e the broomst$c=, an toss out a l$ttle ung, an then all the rest 9oul fly after $t> but all she $ 9$th the broomst$c= 9as to thro9 $t at the b$r s# When she came to m$l=, the =$ne 9ere so unruly, they =$c=e an pushe , an e;ery t$me she got a l$ttle m$l= $n the pa$l, o;er they =$c=e $t# Then the b$r s sang aga$n,!! ?( l$ttle rop, an a t$ny sup, r$n= $t up#?

,or the l$ttle b$r s to

1ut she beat an bange the co9s about, an thre9 an pelte at the b$r s e;eryth$ng she coul lay hol of, an ma e such a to o, 7t9as a9ful to see# +o she $ n7t ma=e much e$ther of her p$tch$ng or m$l=$ng an 9hen she came $n! oors she got blo9s as 9ell as har 9or s from the ol 9$tch, 9ho sent her off to 9ash the blac= 9ool 9h$te> but that, too, she $ no better# Then the ol 9$tch thought th$s really too ba , so she set out the three cas=ets, one re , one green, an one blue, an sa$ she7 no longer any nee of her ser;$ces, for she 9asn7t 9orth =eep$ng, but for 9ages she shoul ha;e lea;e to choose 9h$che;er cas=et she please # Then sang the l$ttle b$r s,!! [p# 184] ?Don7t ta=e the re , on7t ta=e the green,

1ut choose the blue, 9here may be seen Three l$ttle crosses all $n a ro9> We sa9 the mar=s, an so 9e =no9#?

+he $ n7t care a p$n for 9hat the b$r s sang, but too= the re , 9h$ch caught her eye most# (n so she set out on her roa home, an she 9ent along Ku$etly an eas$ly enough> there 9as no one 9ho came after her# +o 9hen she got home, her mother 9as rea y to <ump 9$th <oy, an the t9o 9ent at once $nto the $ngle, an put the cas=et up there, for they ma e up the$r m$n s there coul be noth$ng $n $t but pure s$l;er an gol , an they thought to ha;e all the 9alls an roof g$l e l$=e the p$g!sty# 1ut loO 9hen they opene the cas=et there came tumbl$ng out noth$ng but toa s, an frogs, an sna=es> an 9orse than that, 9hene;er the 9oman7s

aughter opene her mouth, out poppe a toa or a sna=e, an all the ;erm$n one e;er thought of, so that at last there 9as no l$;$ng $n the house 9$th her# That 9as all the 9ages she got for go$ng out to ser;$ce 9$th the ol 9$tch# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

1uttercup %nce on a t$me there 9as an ol 9$fe 9ho sat an ba=e # No9 you must =no9 that th$s ol 9$fe ha a l$ttle son, 9ho 9as so plump an fat, an so fon of goo th$ngs, that they calle h$m 1uttercup> she ha a og, too, 9hose name 9as Gol tooth, an as she 9as ba=$ng, all at once Gol tooth began to bar=# [p# 18B] ?)un out, 1uttercup, there7s a Gol tooth $s bar=$ng at#? +o the boy ran out, an earO? sa$ the ol 9$fe, ?an see 9hat

came bac= cry$ng out,!! un er

?%h, .ea;en help usO here comes a great b$g 9$tch, 9$th her hea her arm, an a bag at her bac=#? ?5ump un er the =nea $ng!trough an +o $n came the ol ?Goo ?Go ay,? sa$ hag# she# 1uttercup7s mother# the hag# h$ e yourself,? sa$

h$s mother#

bless youO? sa$

?3sn7t your 1uttercup at home to! ay@? as=e ?No, that he $sn7t# .e7s out $n the 9oo ptarm$gan#? ?Plague ta=e $t,? sa$ the hag, ?for 3 ha =n$fe 3 9ante to g$;e h$m#? ?P$p, p$pO here 3 am,? sa$ he came# ?37m so ol the bag an

9$th h$s father shoot$ng such a n$ce l$ttle s$l;er out

1uttercup un er the =nea $ng!trough, an

an st$ff $n the bac=,? sa$ fetch $t out for yourself#?

the hag, ?you must creep $nto

1ut 9hen 1uttercup 9as 9ell $nto the bag, the hag thre9 $t o;er her bac= an stro e off, an 9hen they ha gone a goo b$t of the 9ay, the ol hag got t$re an as=e ,!! ?.o9 far $s $t off to +nor$ng@? ?.alf a m$le,? ans9ere 1uttercup#

+o the hag put o9n the sac= on the roa , an 9ent as$ e by herself $nto the 9oo , an lay o9n to sleep# -eant$me 1uttercup set to 9or= an cut a hole $n the sac= 9$th h$s =n$fe> then he crept out an put a great root of a f$r!tree $nto the sac=, an ran home to h$s mother# [p# 18F] When the hag got home, an she 9as $n a f$ne rage# sa9 9hat there 9as $n the sac=, you may fancy aga$n, an she, ?an her og began to bar=,

Ne"t ay the ol 9$fe sat an ba=e <ust as he $ the ay before# ?)un out, 1uttercup, my boy,? sa$ bar=$ng at#?

see 9hat Gol tooth $s

?Well, 3 ne;erO? cr$e 1uttercup, as soon as he got out> ?$f there $sn7t that ugly ol beast com$ng aga$n 9$th her hea un er her arm, an a great sac= at her bac=#? ?&n er the =nea $ng!trough 9$th you an ?Goo ayO? sa$ h$ e,? sa$ h$s mother#

the hag, ?$s your 1uttercup at home to! ay@? h$s mother> ?he7s out $n the 9oo 9$th

?37m sorry to say he $sn7t,? sa$ h$s father shoot$ng ptarm$gan#?

?What a bore,? sa$ the hag> ?here 3 ha;e a beaut$ful l$ttle s$l;er spoon 3 9ant to g$;e h$m#? ?P$p, p$pO here 3 am,? sa$ 1uttercup, an crept out# 9$tch, ?you must creep $nto the

?37m so st$ff $n the bac=,? sa$ the ol sac= an fetch $t out for yourself#?

+o 9hen 1uttercup 9as 9ell $nto the sac=, the hag s9ung $t o;er her shoul ers an set off home as fast as her legs coul carry her# 1ut 9hen they ha gone a goo b$t, she gre9 9eary an as=e ,!! ?.o9 far $s $t off to +nor$ng@? ?( m$le an a half,? ans9ere 1uttercup#

+o the hag set o9n the sac=, an 9ent as$ e $nto the 9oo to sleep a b$t, but 9h$le she slept, 1uttercup ma e a hole $n the sac= an got out, an put a great stone $nto $t# No9, 9hen the ol 9$tch got home, she ma e a great f$re on the hearth, an put a b$g pot on $t, an got e;eryth$ng rea y [p# 18I] to bo$l 1uttercup> but 9hen she too= the sac=, an thought she 9as go$ng to turn out 1uttercup $nto the pot, o9n plumpe the stone an ma e a hole $n the bottom of the pot, so that the 9ater ran out an Kuenche the f$re# Then the ol hag 9as $n a rea ful rage, an sa$ , ?3f he ma=es h$mself e;er so hea;y ne"t t$me, he shan7t ta=e me $n aga$n#? The th$r ay e;eryth$ng 9ent <ust as $t ha gone t9$ce before> Gol tooth began to bar=, an 1uttercup7s mother sa$ to h$m,!! ?Do run out an see 9hat our og $s bar=$ng at#?

+o out he 9ent, but he soon came bac= cry$ng out,!!

?.ea;en sa;e usO .ere comes the ol arm, an a sac= at her bac=#? ?5ump un er the =nea $ng!trough an

hag aga$n 9$th her hea h$ e,? sa$ h$s mother#

un er her

?Goo ayO? sa$ the hag, as she came $n at the at home to! ay@?

oor> ?$s your 1uttercup

?6ou7re ;ery =$n to as= after h$m,? sa$ h$s mother> ?but he7s out $n the 9oo 9$th h$s father shoot$ng ptarm$gan#? ?What a bore no9,? sa$ the ol l$ttle s$l;er for= for h$m#? ?P$p, p$pO here 3 am,? sa$ =nea $ng!trough# hag> ?here ha;e 3 got such a beaut$ful

1uttercup, as he came out from un er the the hag, ?you must creep $nto the sac=

?37m so st$ff $n the bac=,? sa$ an fetch $t out for yourself#? 1ut 9hen 1uttercup 9as her shoul ers, an set turn as$ e to sleep by the sac=, an 9hen she +o the ol hag sa$

9ell $ns$ e the sac=, the ol hag s9ung $t across off as fast as she coul # Th$s t$me she $ not the 9ay, but 9ent stra$ght home 9$th 1uttercup $n reache her house $t 9as +un ay# [p# 18A] aughter,!!

to her

?No9 you must ta=e 1uttercup an =$ll h$m, an bo$l h$m n$cely t$ll 3 come bac=, for 37m off to church to b$ my guests to $nner#? +o, 9hen all $n the house 9ere gone to church, the aughter 9as to ta=e 1uttercup an =$ll h$m, but then she $ n7t =no9 ho9 to set about $t at all# ?+top a b$t,? sa$ 1uttercup> ?37ll soon sho9 you ho9 to your hea on the chopp$ng!bloc=, an you7ll soon see#? o $t> <ust lay

+o the poor s$lly th$ng la$ her hea o9n, an 1uttercup too= an a"e an choppe her hea off, <ust as $f she ha been a ch$c=en# Then he la$ her hea $n the be , an poppe her bo y $nto the pot, an bo$le $t so n$cely> an 9hen he ha one that, he cl$mbe up on the roof, an ragge up 9$th h$m the f$r!tree root an the stone, an put the one o;er the oor, an the other at the top of the ch$mney# +o 9hen the househol came bac= from church, an sa9 the hea on the be , they thought $t 9as the aughter 9ho lay there asleep> an then they thought they 9oul <ust taste the broth# ?Goo , by my trothO 1uttercup broth,? sa$ the ol hag#

?Goo , by my trothO Daughter broth,?



o9n the ch$mney, but no one hee e

h$m# as she, too= the spoon

+o the ol hag7s husban , 9ho 9as e;ery b$t as ba to ha;e a taste# ?Goo , by my trothO 1uttercup broth,? sa$ he# [p# 189]

?Goo , by my trothO Daughter broth,? sa$ 1uttercup o9n the ch$mney p$pe#

Then they all began to 9on er 9ho $t coul be that chattere so, an ran out to see# 1ut 9hen they came out at the oor, 1uttercup thre9 o9n on them the f$r!tree root an the stone, an bro=e all the$r hea s to b$ts# (fter that he too= all the gol an s$l;er that lay $n the house, an 9ent home to h$s mother, an became a r$ch man# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

Tam$ng the +hre9 %nce on a t$me there 9as a =$ng, an he ha a aughter 9ho 9as such a scol , an 9hose tongue 9ent so fast, there 9as no stopp$ng $t# +o he ga;e out that the man 9ho coul stop her tongue shoul ha;e the Pr$ncess to 9$fe, an half h$s =$ng om $nto the barga$n# No9, three brothers, 9ho hear th$s, ma e up the$r m$n s to go an try the$r luc=> an f$rst of all the t9o el er 9ent, for they thought they 9ere the cle;erest> but they coul n7t cope 9$th her at all, an got 9ell thrashe bes$ es# Then 1oots, the youngest, set off, an 9hen he ha gone a l$ttle 9ay he foun an oC$er ban ly$ng on the roa , an he p$c=e $t up# When he ha gone a l$ttle farther he foun a p$ece of a bro=en plate, an he p$c=e that up too# ( l$ttle farther on he foun a ea magp$e, an a l$ttle farther on st$ll, a croo=e ram7s horn> so he 9ent on a b$t an foun the fello9 to the horn> an at last, <ust [p# 1:0] as he 9as cross$ng the f$el s by the =$ng7s palace, 9here they 9ere p$tch$ng out ung, he foun a 9orn!out shoe!sole# (ll these th$ngs he too= 9$th h$m $nto the palace, an 9ent before the Pr$ncess# ?Goo ?Goo ay,? sa$ ay,? sa$ he# she, an ma e a 9ry face# here@? he as=e # the Pr$ncess#

?0an 3 get my magp$e coo=e ?37m afra$

$t 9$ll burst,? ans9ere

?%hO ne;er fear> for 37ll <ust t$e th$s oC$er ban la , as he pulle $t out# ?The fat 9$ll run out of $t,? sa$ ?Then 37ll hol bro=en plate# th$s un er $t,? sa$ the Pr$ncess# the la , an


$t,? sa$



her the p$ece of

?6ou are so croo=e $n your 9or s,? sa$ =no9$ng 9here to ha;e you#? ?No, 37m not croo=e ,? sa$ the horns# ?WellO ? sa$ ays#?

the Pr$ncess, ?there7s no up one of

the la > ?but th$s $s,? as he hel

the Pr$ncess, ?3 ne;er sa9 the match of th$s $n all my the la , as he pulle out the

?Why, here you see the match to $t,? sa$ other ram7s horn#

?3 th$n=,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?you must ha;e come here to 9ear out my tongue 9$th your nonsense#? ?No, 3 ha;e not,? sa$ the shoe!sole# the la > ?but th$s $s 9orn out,? as he pulle to say, for she ha out

To th$s the Pr$ncess ha n7t a 9or ;o$ce 9$th rage# ?No9 you are m$ne,? sa$ half the =$ng om#

fa$rly lost her

the la > an

so he got the Pr$ncess to 9$fe, an

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 1:1]

+hortshan=s %nce on a t$me there 9as a poor couple 9ho l$;e $n a tumble! o9n hut, $n 9h$ch there 9as noth$ng but blac= 9ant, so that they ha n7t a morsel to eat, nor a st$c= to burn# 1ut though they ha ne"t to noth$ng of other th$ngs, they ha Go 7s bless$ng $n the 9ay of ch$l ren, an e;ery year they ha another babe# No9, 9hen th$s story beg$ns, they 9ere <ust loo=$ng out for a ne9 ch$l > an , to tell the truth, the husban 9as rather cross, an he 9as al9ays go$ng about grumbl$ng an gro9l$ng, an say$ng, ?,or h$s part, he thought one m$ght ha;e too many of these Go 7s g$fts#? +o 9hen the t$me came that the babe 9as to be born, he 9ent off $nto the 9oo to fetch fuel, say$ng, ?he $ n7t care to stop an see the young sKualler> he7 be sure to hear h$m soon enough, scream$ng for foo #? No9, 9hen her husban 9as 9ell out of the house, h$s 9$fe ga;e b$rth to a beaut$ful boy, 9ho began to loo= about the room as soon as e;er he came $nto the 9orl #

?%h, ear motherO? he sa$ , ?g$;e me some of my brother7s cast!off clothes, an a fe9 ays7 foo , an 37ll go out $nto the 9orl an try my luc=> you ha;e ch$l ren enough as $t $s, that 3 can see#? ?Go help you, my sonO? ans9ere far too young yet#? h$s mother> ?that can ne;er be, you are

1ut the t$ny one stuc= to 9hat he sa$ , an begge an praye t$ll h$s mother 9as force to let h$m ha;e a fe9 ol [p# 1:8] rags, an a l$ttle foo t$e up $n a bun le, an off he 9ent r$ght merr$ly an manfully $nto the 9$ e 9orl # 1ut he 9as scarce out of the house before h$s mother ha another boy, an he too loo=e about h$m an sa$ !! ?%h, ear motherO g$;e me some of my brother7s ol clothes, an a fe9 ays7 foo , an 37ll go out $nto the 9orl to f$n my t9$n!brother> you ha;e ch$l ren enough alrea y on your han s, that 3 can see#? ?Go help you, my poor l$ttle fello9O? sa$ l$ttle, th$s 9$ll ne;er o#? h$s mother> ?you are far too

1ut $t 9as no goo > the t$ny one begge an praye so har , t$ll he got some ol tattere rags an a bun le of foo > an so he 9an ere out $nto the 9orl l$=e a man, to f$n h$s t9$n!brother# No9, 9hen the younger ha 9al=e a 9h$le, he sa9 h$s brother a goo b$t on before h$m, so he calle out to h$m to stop# ?.alloaO can7t you stop@ 9hy, you lay legs to the groun as $f you 9ere runn$ng a race# 1ut you m$ght <ust as 9ell ha;e staye to see your youngest brother before set you off $nto the 9orl $n such a hurry#? +o the el er stoppe an loo=e roun > an 9hen the younger ha come up to h$m an tol h$m the 9hole story, an ho9 he 9as h$s brother, he 9ent on to say,!! ?1ut let7s s$t o9n here an see 9hat our mother has g$;en us for foo #? +o they sat o9n together, an 9ere soon great fr$en s# No9 9hen they ha gone a b$t farther on the$r 9ay they came to a broo= 9h$ch ran through a green mea o9, an the youngest sa$ no9 the t$me 9as come to g$;e one another names> ?+$nce 9e set off $n such a hurry that 9e ha n7t t$me to o $t at home, 9e may as 9ell o $t here#? [p# 1::] ?Well,? sa$ the el er, ?an 9hat shall your name be@? yours, 9hat

?%hO? sa$ the younger, ?my name shall be +hortshan=s> an shall $t be@? ?3 9$ll be calle 4$ng +tur y,? ans9ere the el est#

+o they chr$stene each other $n the broo=, an 9ent on> but 9hen they ha 9al=e a 9h$le they came to a cross roa , an agree they shoul part there, an each ta=e h$s o9n roa # +o they parte , but they ha n7t gone half a m$le before the$r roa s met aga$n# +o they parte the secon t$me, an too= each a roa > but $n a l$ttle 9h$le the same th$ng happene , an they met aga$n, they scarce =ne9 ho9> an the same th$ng happene a th$r

t$me also# Then they agree that they shoul each choose a Kuarter of the hea;ens, an one 9as to go east an the other 9est> but before they parte , the el er sa$ ,!! ?3f you e;er fall $nto m$sfortune or nee , call three t$mes on me, an 3 9$ll come an help you> but m$n you on7t call on me t$ll you are at the last p$nch#? ?WellO? sa$ +hortshan=s, ?$f that7s to be the rule, 3 shall meet aga$n ;ery soon#? (fter that they ba e each other goo !bye, an 4$ng +tur y 9est# on7t th$n= 9e

+hortshan=s 9ent east an

No9, you must =no9 9hen +hortshan=s ha gone a goo b$t alone, he met an ol , ol , croo=!bac=e hag 9ho ha only one eye, an +hortshan=s snappe $t up# ?%hO %hO? screame the hag, ?9hat has become of my eye@? +hortshan=s, ?$f you get your eye bac=@?

?What 9$ll you g$;e me,? as=e

?37ll g$;e you a s9or , an such a s9or O 3t 9$ll put [p# 1:4] a 9hole army to fl$ght, be $t e;er so great,? ans9ere the ol 9oman# ?%ut 9$th $t, thenO? sa$ +hortshan=s#

+o the ol hag ga;e h$m the s9or , an got her eye bac= aga$n# (fter that +hortshan=s 9an ere on a 9h$le, an another ol , ol , croo=!bac=e hag met h$m 9ho ha only one eye, 9h$ch +hortshan=s stole before she 9as a9are of h$m# ?%hO %hO 9hate;er has become of my eye@? screame ?What 9$ll you g$;e me to get your eye bac=@? as=e the hag# +hortshan=s#

?37ll g$;e you a sh$p,? sa$ the 9oman, ?9h$ch can sa$l o;er fresh 9ater an salt 9ater, an o;er h$gh h$lls an eep ales#? ?Well, out 9$th $tO? sa$ +hortshan=s#

+o the ol 9oman ga;e h$m a l$ttle t$ny sh$p, no b$gger than he coul put $n h$s poc=et, an she got her eye bac= aga$n, an they each 9ent the$r 9ay# 1ut 9hen he ha 9an ere on a long, long 9ay, he met a th$r t$me an ol , ol , croo=!bac=e hag, 9$th only one eye# Th$s eye too, +hortshan=s stole> an 9hen the hag screame an ma e a great to! o, ba9l$ng out 9hat ha become of her eye, +hortshan=s sa$ ,!! ?What 9$ll you g$;e me to get bac= your eye@? Then she ans9ere ,!! ?37ll g$;e you the art ho9 to bre9 a hun re str$=e#? Well, for teach$ng that art the ol 9ent the$r 9ay# lasts of malt at one they each

hag got bac= her eye, an

1ut 9hen +hortshan=s ha 9al=e a l$ttle 9ay, he thought $t m$ght be 9orth 9h$le to try h$s sh$p> so he [p# 1:B] too= $t out of h$s poc=et, an put f$rst one foot $nto $t, an then the other> an as soon as e;er he set one foot $nto $t $t began to gro9 b$gger an b$gger, an by the t$me he set the other foot $nto $t, $t 9as as b$g as other sh$ps that sa$l on the sea# Then +hortshan=s sa$ ,!! ?%ff an a9ay, o;er fresh 9ater an salt 9ater, o;er h$gh h$lls an ales, an on7t stop t$ll you come to the =$ng7s palace#? eep

(n loO a9ay 9ent the sh$p as s9$ftly as a b$r through the a$r, t$ll $t came o9n a l$ttle belo9 the =$ng7s palace, an there $t stoppe # ,rom the palace 9$n o9s people ha stoo an seen +hortshan=s come sa$l$ng along, an they 9ere all so amaCe that they ran o9n to see 9ho $t coul be that came sa$l$ng $n a sh$p through the a$r# 1ut 9h$le they 9ere runn$ng o9n, +hortshan=s ha steppe out of h$s sh$p an put $t $nto h$s poc=et aga$n> for as soon as he steppe out of $t, $t became as small as $t 9as 9hen he got $t from the ol 9oman# +o those 9ho ha run o9n from the palace sa9 no one but a ragge l$ttle boy stan $ng o9n there by the stran # Then the =$ng as=e 9hence he came, but the boy sa$ he $ n7t =no9, nor coul he tell them ho9 he ha got there# There he 9as, an that 9as all they coul get out of h$m> but he begge an praye so prett$ly to get a place $n the =$ng7s palace, say$ng, $f there 9as noth$ng else for h$m to o he coul carry $n 9oo an 9ater for the =$tchen!ma$ , that the$r hearts 9ere touche , an he got lea;e to stay there# No9 9hen +hortshan=s came up to the palace he sa9 ho9 $t 9as all hung 9$th blac=, both outs$ e an $n, 9all an roof> so he as=e the =$tchen! ma$ 9hat all that mourn$ng meant# [p# 1:F] ?Don7t you =no9@? sa$ the =$tchen!ma$ > ?37ll soon tell you/ the =$ng7s aughter 9as prom$se a9ay a long t$me ago to three %gres, an ne"t Thurs ay e;en$ng one of them $s com$ng to fetch her# )$tter )e , $t $s true, has g$;en out that he $s man enough to set her free, but Go =no9s $f he can o $t> an no9 you =no9 9hy 9e are all $n gr$ef an sorro9#? +o 9hen Thurs ay e;en$ng came, )$tter )e le the Pr$ncess o9n to the stran , for there $t 9as she 9as to meet the %gre, an he 9as to stay by her there an 9atch> but he 9asn7t l$=ely to o the %gre much harm, 3 rec=on, for as soon as e;er the Pr$ncess ha sat o9n on the stran )$tter )e cl$mbe up $nto a great tree that stoo there, an h$ h$mself as 9ell as he coul among the boughs# The Pr$ncess begge an praye h$m not to lea;e her, but )$tter )e turne a eaf ear to her, an all he sa$ 9as,!! ? 7T$s better for one to lose l$fe than for t9o#? That 9as 9hat )$tter )e sa$ # as=e her so prett$ly

-eant$me +hortshan=s 9ent to the =$tchen!ma$ , an $f he m$ghtn7t go o9n to the stran for a b$t# ?(n 9hat shoul ta=e you o9n to the stran @? as=e ?6ou =no9 you7;e no bus$ness there#?

the =$tchen!ma$ #

?%h, ear fr$en ,? sa$ +hortshan=s, ? o let me goO 3 shoul so l$=e to run o9n there an play a 9h$le 9$th the other ch$l ren> that 3 shoul #? ?Well, 9ellO? sa$ the =$tchen!ma$ , ?off 9$th you> but on7t let me catch you stay$ng there a b$t o;er the t$me 9hen the brose for supper must be set on the f$re, an the [p# 1:I] roast put on the sp$t> an let me see, 9hen you come bac= m$n you br$ng a goo armful of 9oo 9$th you#? 6es, +hortshan=s 9oul m$n all that> so off he ran o9n to the stran #

1ut <ust as he reache the spot 9here the Pr$ncess sat, 9hat shoul come but the %gre tear$ng along $n h$s sh$p, so that the 9$n roare an ho9le after h$m# .e 9as so tall an stout $t 9as a9ful to loo= on h$m, an he ha f$;e hea s of h$s o9n# ?,$re an ?,$re an flameO? screame the %gre# +hortshan=s#

flame yourselfO? sa$

?0an you f$ght@? roare

the %gre# +hortshan=s#

?3f 3 can7t, 3 can learn,? sa$

+o the %gre struc= at h$m 9$th a great th$c= $ron club 9h$ch he ha $n h$s f$st, an the earth an stones fle9 up f$;e yar s $nto the a$r after the stro=e# ?-yO? sa$ +hortshan=s, ?that 9as someth$ng l$=e a blo9, but no9 you shall see a stro=e of m$ne#? Then he graspe the s9or he ha got from the ol croo=!bac=e hag, an cut at the %gre> an a9ay 9ent all h$s f$;e hea s fly$ng o;er the san # +o 9hen the Pr$ncess sa9 she 9as sa;e , she 9as so gla that she scarce =ne9 9hat to o, an she <umpe an ance for <oy# ?0ome, l$e o9n, an sleep a l$ttle $n my lap,? she sa$ to +hortshan=s, an as he slept she thre9 o;er h$m a t$nsel robe# No9 you must =no9 $t 9asn7t long before )$tter )e crept o9n from the tree, as soon as he sa9 there 9as noth$ng to fear $n the 9ay, an he 9ent up to the Pr$ncess an threatene her, unt$l she prom$se to say $t 9as he 9ho ha sa;e her l$fe> for $f she 9oul n7t say so, he sa$ he 9oul =$ll her on the spot# (fter that he cut out the %gre7s [p# 1:A] lungs an tongue, an 9rappe them up $n h$s han =erch$ef, an so le the Pr$ncess bac= to the palace, an 9hate;er honours he ha not before he got then, for the =$ng $ not =no9 ho9 to f$n honour enough for h$m, an ma e h$m s$t e;ery ay on h$s r$ght han at $nner# (s for +hortshan=s, he 9ent f$rst of all on boar the %gre7s sh$p, an too= a 9hole heap of gol an s$l;er r$ngs, as large as hoops, an trotte off 9$th them as har as he coul to the palace# When the =$tchen!ma$ set her eyes on all that gol an s$l;er, she 9as Ku$te scare , an as=e h$m,!! ?1ut ear, goo +hortshan=s, 9here;er $ you get all th$s from@? for she 9as rather afra$ he ha n7t come r$ghtly by $t#

?%hO? ans9ere +hortshan=s, ?3 9ent home for a b$t, an there 3 foun these hoops, 9h$ch ha fallen off some ol pa$ls of ours, so 3 la$ han s on them for you $f you must =no9#? Well, 9hen the =$tchen!ma$ hear they 9ere for her, she sa$ noth$ng more about the matter, but than=e +hortshan=s an they 9ere goo fr$en s aga$n# The ne"t Thurs ay e;en$ng $t 9as the same story o;er aga$n> all 9ere $n gr$ef an trouble, but )$tter )e sa$ , as he ha sa;e the Pr$ncess from one %gre $t 9as har $f he coul n7t sa;e her from another> an o9n he le her to the stran as bra;e as a l$on# 1ut he $ n7t o th$s %gre much harm e$ther, for 9hen the t$me came that they loo=e for the %gre he sa$ , as he ha sa$ before,!! ? 7T$s better one shoul lose l$fe than t9o,? an crept up $nto h$s tree aga$n# 1ut +hortshan=s begge the =$tchen!ma$ to let h$m go o9n to the stran for a l$ttle# [p# 1:9] ?%hO? as=e the =$tchen!ma$ , ?an 9hat bus$ness ha;e you o9n there@?

?Dear fr$en ,? sa$ +hortshan=s, ? o pray let me goO 3 long so to run o9n an play a 9h$le 9$th the other ch$l ren#? Well, the =$tchen!ma$ ga;e h$m lea;e to go, but he must prom$se to be bac= by the t$me the roast 9as turne , an he 9as to m$n an br$ng a b$g bun le of 9oo 9$th h$m# +o +hortshan=s ha scarce got o9n to the stran 9hen the %gre came tear$ng along $n h$s sh$p, so that the 9$n ho9le an roare aroun h$m> he 9as t9$ce as b$g as the other %gre, an he ha ten hea s on h$s shoul ers# ?,$re an ?,$re an flameO? screame the %gre# +hortshan=s#

flame yourselfO? ans9ere the %gre#

?0an you f$ght@? roare

?3f 3 can7t, 3 can learn,? sa$


Then the %gre struc= at h$m 9$th h$s $ron club> $t 9as e;en b$gger than that 9h$ch the f$rst %gre ha , an the earth an stones fle9 up ten yar s $nto the a$r# ?-yO? sa$ +hortshan=s, ?that 9as someth$ng l$=e a blo9> no9 you shall see a stro=e of m$ne#? Then he graspe h$s s9or , an cut off all the %gre7s ten hea s at one blo9, an sent them anc$ng a9ay o;er the san # Then the Pr$ncess sa$ aga$n to h$m, ?'$e o9n an sleep a l$ttle 9h$le on my lap>? an 9h$le +hortshan=s lay there, she thre9 o;er h$m a s$l;er robe# 1ut as soon as )$tter )e mar=e that there 9as no more anger $n the 9ay he crept o9n from the tree, an threatene the Pr$ncess, t$ll she 9as force to g$;e her 9or to say $t 9as he 9ho ha set her free> after that he cut the lungs an tongue out of the %gre, an 9rappe them $n h$s han =erch$ef, [p# 140] an le the Pr$ncess bac= to the palace# Then you may fancy 9hat m$rth an <oy there 9as, an the =$ng 9as at h$s 9$ts7 en to =no9 ho9 to sho9 )$tter )e honour an fa;our enough#

Th$s t$me, too, +hortshan=s too= a 9hole armful of gol an s$l;er r$ngs from the %gre7s sh$p, an 9hen he came bac= to the palace the =$tchen! ma$ clappe her han s $n 9on er, as=$ng 9here;er he got all that gol an s$l;er from# 1ut +hortshan=s ans9ere that he ha been home a 9h$le, an that the hoops ha fallen off some ol pa$ls, so he ha la$ h$s han s on them for h$s fr$en the =$tchen!ma$ # +o 9hen the th$r Thurs ay e;en$ng came, e;eryth$ng happene as $t ha happene t9$ce before> the 9hole palace 9as hung 9$th blac=, an all 9ent about mourn$ng an 9eep$ng# 1ut )$tter )e sa$ he coul n7t see 9hat nee they ha to be so afra$ > he ha free the Pr$ncess from t9o %gres, an he coul ;ery 9ell free her from a th$r > so he le her o9n to the stran , but 9hen the t$me re9 near for the %gre to come up, he crept $nto h$s tree aga$n an h$ h$mself# The Pr$ncess begge an praye , but $t 9as no goo , for )$tter )e sa$ aga$n,!! ? 7T$s better that one shoul lose l$fe than t9o#? for lea;e to go ta=e you o9n to the stran #

That e;en$ng, too, +hortshan=s begge ?%hO? sa$

the =$tchen!ma$ , ?9hat shoul

o9n there@?

1ut he begge an praye so, that at last he got lea;e to go, only he ha to prom$se to be bac= $n the =$tchen aga$n 9hen the roast 9as to be turne # +o off he 9ent, but he ha scarce reache the stran 9hen the %gre came [p# 141] 9$th the 9$n ho9l$ng an roar$ng after h$m# .e 9as much, much b$gger than e$ther of the other t9o, an he ha f$fteen hea s on h$s shoul ers# ?,$re an ?,$re an flameO? roare out the %gre# +hortshan=s#

flame yourselfO? sa$

?0an you f$ght@? screame

the %gre# +hortshan=s#

?3f 3 can7t, 3 can learn,? sa$

?37ll soon teach you,? screame the %gre, an struc= at h$m 9$th h$s $ron club, so that the earth an stones fle9 up f$fteen yar s $nto the a$r# ?-yO? sa$ +hortshan=s, ?that 9as someth$ng l$=e a blo9> but no9 you shall see a stro=e of m$ne#? (s he sa$ that, he graspe h$s s9or , an cut off all the %gre7s f$fteen hea s at one blo9, an sent them all anc$ng o;er the san # +o the Pr$ncess 9as free from all the %gres, an than=e +hortshan=s for sa;$ng her l$fe# she both blesse an

?+leep no9 a 9h$le on my lap,? she sa$ > an he la$ h$s hea an 9h$le he slept she thre9 o;er h$m a gol en robe#

on her lap, me@? she

?1ut ho9 shall 9e let $t be =no9n that $t $s you that ha;e sa;e as=e , 9hen he a9o=e#

?%h, 37ll soon tell you,? ans9ere +hortshan=s# ?When )$tter )e has le you home aga$n, an g$;en h$mself out as the man 9ho has sa;e you, you

=no9 he $s to ha;e you to 9$fe, an half the =$ng om# No9, 9hen they as= you, on your 9e $ng! ay, 9hom you 9$ll ha;e to be your cup!bearer, you must say, 73 9$ll ha;e the ragge boy 9ho oes o <obs $n the =$tchen, an carr$es $n 9oo an 9ater for the =$tchen!ma$ #7 +o, 9hen 3 am f$ll$ng your cups, 3 9$ll sp$ll a rop on h$s plate, but none on yours> then he 9$ll [p# 148] be 9roth an g$;e me a blo9> an the same th$ng 9$ll happen three t$mes# 1ut the th$r t$me you must m$n an say, 7+hame on youO to str$=e my heart7s arl$ng> he $t $s 9ho set me free, an h$m 9$ll 3 ha;e#7 ? (fter that +hortshan=s ran bac= to the palace, as he ha one before> but he 9ent f$rst on boar the %gre7s sh$p, an too= a 9hole heap of gol , s$l;er, an prec$ous stones, an out of them he ga;e the =$tchen!ma$ another great armful of gol an s$l;er r$ngs# Well, as for )$tter )e , as soon as e;er he sa9 that all r$s= 9as o;er he crept o9n from h$s tree, an threatene the Pr$ncess t$ll she 9as force to prom$se she 9oul say $t 9as he 9ho ha sa;e her# (fter that he le her bac= to the palace, an all the honour sho9n h$m before 9as noth$ng to 9hat he got no9, for the =$ng thought of noth$ng else than ho9 he m$ght best honour the man 9ho ha sa;e h$s aughter from the three %gres# (s for h$s marry$ng her, an ha;$ng half the =$ng om, that 9as a settle th$ng, the =$ng sa$ # 1ut 9hen the 9e $ng! ay came, the Pr$ncess begge she m$ght ha;e the ragge boy, 9ho carr$e $n 9oo an 9ater for the coo=, to be her cup!bearer at the br$ al!feast# ?3 can7t th$n= 9hy you shoul 9ant to br$ng that f$lthy beggar boy $n here,? sa$ )$tter )e > but the Pr$ncess ha a 9$ll of her o9n, an sa$ she 9oul ha;e h$m, an no one else, to pour out her 9$ne> so she ha her 9ay at last# No9 e;eryth$ng 9ent as $t ha been agree bet9een +hortshan=s an the Pr$ncess> he sp$lle a rop on )$tter )e 7s plate, but none on hers, an each t$me )$tter )e got 9roth an struc= h$m# (t the f$rst blo9 +hortshan=s7 rags fell off 9h$ch he ha 9orn $n the =$tchen> at the secon the [p# 14:] t$nsel robe fell off> an at the th$r the s$l;er robe> an then he stoo $n h$s gol en robe, all gleam$ng an gl$tter$ng $n the l$ght# Then the Pr$ncess sa$ ,!! ?+hame on youO to str$=e my heart7s 9$ll 3 ha;e#? arl$ng> he has sa;e me, an h$m

)$tter )e curse an s9ore $t 9as he 9ho ha put $n h$s 9or , an sa$ ,!! ?The man 9ho sa;e my

set her free> but the =$ng

aughter must ha;e some to=en to sho9 for $t#?

6esO )$tter )e ha someth$ng to sho9, an he ran off at once after h$s han =erch$ef 9$th the lungs an tongues $n $t> an +hortshan=s fetche all the gol an s$l;er an prec$ous th$ngs he ha ta=en out of the %gres7 sh$ps# +o each la$ h$s to=ens before the =$ng, an the =$ng sa$ ,!! ?The man 9ho has such prec$ous stores of gol , an s$l;er, an $amon s, must ha;e sla$n the %gre, an spo$le h$s goo s, for such th$ngs are not to be ha else9here#? +o )$tter )e 9as thro9n $nto a p$t full of sna=es, an to ha;e the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om# +hortshan=s 9as

%ne ay +hortshan=s an the =$ng 9ere out 9al=$ng, an the =$ng $f he ha n7t any more ch$l ren#

+hortshan=s as=e

?6es,? sa$ the =$ng, ?3 ha another aughter> but the %gre has ta=en her a9ay, because there 9as no one 9ho coul sa;e her# No9 you are go$ng to ha;e one aughter, but $f you can set the other free, 9hom the %gre has carr$e off, you shall ha;e her too, 9$th all my heart, an the other half of my =$ng om#? ?Well,? sa$ +hortshan=s, ?3 may as 9ell try> but 3 must ha;e an $ron cable, f$;e hun re fathoms long, an f$;e hun re men, an foo for them to last f$fteen 9ee=s, for 3 ha;e a long ;oyage before me#? [p# 144] 6es, the =$ng sa$ he shoul ha;e them, but he 9as afra$ sh$p $n h$s =$ng om b$g enough to carry such a fre$ght# ?%hO $f that7s all,? sa$ W$th that he 9h$ppe hag# there 9asn7t a

+hortshan=s, ?3 ha;e a sh$p of my o9n#? got from the ol

out of h$s poc=et the sh$p he ha

The =$ng laughe , an thought $t 9as all a <o=e> but +hortshan=s begge h$m only to g$;e h$m 9hat he as=e , an he shoul soon see $f $t 9as a <o=e# +o they got together 9hat he 9ante , an +hortshan=s ba e h$m put the cable on boar the sh$p f$rst of all> but there 9as no one man 9ho coul l$ft $t, an there 9asn7t room for more than one at a t$me roun the t$ny sh$p# Then +hortshan=s too= hol of the cable by one en , an la$ a l$n= or t9o $nto the sh$p> an as he thre9 $n the l$n=s, the sh$p gre9 b$gger an b$gger, t$ll at last $t got so b$g that there 9as room enough an to spare $n $t for the cable, an the f$;e hun re men, an the$r foo , an +hortshan=s, an all# Then he sa$ to the sh$p,!! ?%ff an a9ay, o;er fresh 9ater an salt 9ater, o;er h$gh h$ll an eep ale, an on7t stop t$ll you come to 9here the =$ng7s aughter $s#? (n a9ay 9ent the sh$p o;er lan an sea, t$ll the 9$n 9h$stle after $t# +o 9hen they ha sa$le m$ le of the sea# far, far a9ay, the sh$p stoo stoc= st$ll $n the

?(hO? sa$ +hortshan=s, ?no9 9e ha;e got so far> but ho9 9e are to get bac= $s another story#? Then he too= the cable an sa$ ,!! [p# 14B] ?No9, 3 must go 9ant to come up 9$ll be lost as an $;e o9n, to the bottom, but 9hen 3 g$;e the cable a goo tug, an aga$n, m$n you all ho$st a9ay 9$th a 9$ll, or your l$;es 9ell as m$ne>? an 9$th these 9or s o;erboar he leapt, so that the yello9 9a;es rose roun h$m $n an e y# t$e one en of $t roun h$s 9a$st, an

Well, he san= an san=, an at last he came to the bottom, an there he sa9 a great roc= r$s$ng up 9$th a oor $n $t, so he opene the oor an 9ent $n# When he got $ns$ e, he sa9 another Pr$ncess, 9ho sat an se9e ,

but 9hen she sa9 +hortshan=s, she claspe out,!!

her han s together an


?No9, Go be than=e O you are the f$rst 0hr$st$an man 37;e set eyes on s$nce 3 came here#? ?2ery goo ,? sa$ +hortshan=s> ?but o you =no9 37;e come to fetch you@?

?%hO? she cr$e , ?you7ll ne;er fetch me> you7ll ne;er ha;e that luc=, for $f the %gre sees you, he7ll =$ll you on the spot#? ?37m gla you spo=e of the %gre,? sa$ to see h$m> 9hereabouts $s he@? +hortshan=s> ? 7t9oul be f$ne fun

Then the Pr$ncess tol h$m the %gre 9as out loo=$ng for some one 9ho coul bre9 a hun re lasts of malt at one str$=e, for he 9as go$ng to g$;e a great feast, an less r$n= 9oul n7t o# ?WellO 3 can o that,? sa$ +hortshan=s#

?(hO? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?$f only the %gre 9asn7t so hasty, 3 m$ght tell h$m about you> but he7s so cross> 37m afra$ he7ll tear you to p$eces as soon as he comes $n, 9$thout 9a$t$ng to hear my story# 'et me see 9hat $s to be one# %hO 3 ha;e $t> <ust h$ e yourself $n the s$ e!room yon er, an let us ta=e our chance#? [p# 14F] Well, +hortshan=s $ as she tol h$m, an s$ e!room before the %gre came $n# ?.&,O? sa$ the %gre> ?9hat a horr$ he ha scarce crept $nto the

smell of 0hr$st$an man7s bloo O?

?6esO? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?3 =no9 there $s, for a b$r fle9 o;er the house 9$th a 0hr$st$an man7s bone $n h$s b$ll, an let $t fall o9n the ch$mney# 3 ma e all the haste 3 coul to get $t out aga$n, but 3 aresay $t7s that you smell#? ?(hO? sa$ the %gre, ?l$=e enough#? hol of any one 9ho coul o $t#? he

Then the Pr$ncess as=e the %gre $f he ha la$ bre9 a hun re lasts of malt at one str$=e@ ?No,? sa$

the %gre, ?3 can7t hear of any one 9ho can

?Well,? she sa$ , ?a 9h$le ago, there 9as a chap $n here 9ho sa$ coul o $t#? ?5ust l$=e you, 9$th your 9$s omO? sa$ the %gre> ?9hy $ a9ay then, 9hen you =ne9 he 9as the ;ery man 3 9ante @?

you let h$m go

?Well, then, 3 $ n7t let h$m go,? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?but father7s temper $s a l$ttle hot, so 3 h$ h$m a9ay $n the s$ e!room yon er> but $f father hasn7t h$t upon any one, here he $s#? ?Well,? sa$ the %gre, ?let h$m come $n then#?

+o +hortshan=s came $n, an the %gre as=e h$m $f $t 9ere true that he coul bre9 a hun re lasts of malt at a str$=e# ?6es, $t $s,? sa$ +hortshan=s#

? 7T9as goo luc= then to lay han s on you,? sa$ the %gre, ?an no9 fall to 9or= th$s m$nute> but hea;en help you $f you on7t bre9 the ale strong enough#? [p# 14I] ?%h,? sa$ +hortshan=s, ?ne;er fear, $t shall be st$ng$ng stuff>? an 9$th that he began to bre9 9$thout more fuss, but all at once he cr$e out,!! ?3 must ha;e more of you %gres to help $n the bre9$ng for these 3 ha;e got a$n7t half strong enough#? Well, he got more!!so many, that there 9as a 9hole s9arm of them, an then the bre9$ng 9ent on bra;ely# No9 9hen the s9eet!9ort 9as rea y, they 9ere all eager to taste $t, you may guess> f$rst of all the %gre, an then all h$s =$th an =$n# 1ut +hortshan=s ha bre9e the 9ort so strong that they all fell o9n ea , one after another, l$=e so many fl$es, as soon as they ha taste $t# (t last there 9asn7t one of them left al$;e but one ;$le ol hag, 9ho lay be !r$ en $n the ch$mney corner# ?%h, you poor ol 9retchO? sa$ the 9ort along 9$th the rest#? +o he 9ent an scoope scoop, an ga;e her a +hortshan=s, ?you may <ust as 9ell taste

up a l$ttle from the bottom of the copper $n a r$n=, an so he 9as r$ of the 9hole pac= of them#

(s he stoo there an loo=e about h$m, he cast h$s eye on a great chest, so he too= $t an f$lle $t 9$th gol an s$l;er> then he t$e the cable roun h$mself an the Pr$ncess an the chest, an ga;e $t a goo tug, an h$s men pulle them all up, safe an soun # (s soon as e;er +hortshan=s 9as 9ell up, he sa$ to the sh$p,!! ?%ff an a9ay, o;er fresh 9ater an salt 9ater, h$gh h$ll an eep ale, an on7t stop t$ll you come to the =$ng7s palace>? an stra$ght9ay the sh$p hel on her course, so that the yello9 b$llo9s foame roun her# When the people $n the palace sa9 the sh$p sa$l$ng up, they 9ere not slo9 $n meet$ng them 9$th songs an mus$c, 9elcom$ng [p# 14A] +hortshan=s 9$th great <oy> but the gla est of all 9as the =$ng, 9ho ha no9 got h$s other aughter bac= aga$n# 1ut no9 +hortshan=s 9as rather o9n!hearte , for you must =no9 that both the Pr$ncesses 9ante to ha;e h$m, an he 9oul ha;e no other than the one he ha f$rst sa;e , an she 9as the youngest# +o he 9al=e up an o9n, an thought an thought 9hat he shoul o to get her, an yet o someth$ng to please her s$ster# Well, one ay as he 9as turn$ng the th$ng o;er $n h$s m$n , $t struc= h$m $f he only ha h$s brother 4$ng +tur y, 9ho 9as so l$=e h$m that no one coul tell the one from the other, he 9oul g$;e up to h$m the other pr$ncess an half the =$ng om, for he thought one!half 9as Ku$te enough# Well, as soon as e;er th$s came $nto h$s m$n , he 9ent outs$ e the palace an calle on 4$ng +tur y, but no one came# +o he calle a secon t$me a

l$ttle lou er, but st$ll no one came# Then he calle out the th$r t$me ?4$ng +tur yO? 9$th all h$s m$ght, an there stoo h$s brother before h$m# ?D$ n7t 3 sayO? he sa$ to +hortshan=s, ? $ n7t 3 say you 9ere not to call me e"cept $n your utmost nee O an here there $s not so much as a gnat to o you any harm,? an 9$th that he ga;e h$m such a bo" on the ear that +hortshan=s tumble hea o;er heels on the grass# ?No9 shame on you to h$t so har O? sa$ +hortshan=s# ?,$rst of all 3 9on a pr$ncess an half the =$ng om, an then 3 9on another pr$ncess an the other half of the =$ng om> an no9 37m th$n=$ng to g$;e you one of the pr$ncesses an half the =$ng om# 3s there any rhyme or reason $n g$;$ng me such a bo" on the ear@? When 4$ng +tur y hear that, he begge h$s brother to [p# 149] forg$;e h$m, an they 9ere soon as goo fr$en s as e;er aga$n# ?No9,? sa$ +hortshan=s, ?you =no9, 9e are so much al$=e that no one can tell the one from the other> so <ust change clothes 9$th me an go $nto the palace> then the pr$ncesses 9$ll th$n= $t $s 3 that am com$ng $n, an the one that =$sses you f$rst you shall ha;e for your 9$fe, an 3 9$ll ha;e the other for m$ne#? (n he sa$ th$s because he =ne9 9ell enough that the el er =$ng7s aughter 9as the stronger, an so he coul ;ery 9ell guess ho9 th$ngs 9oul go# (s for 4$ng +tur y, he 9as 9$ll$ng enough, so he change clothes 9$th h$s brother an 9ent $nto the palace# 1ut 9hen he came $nto the Pr$ncesses7 bo9er they thought $t 9as +hortshan=s, an both ran up to h$m to =$ss h$m> but the el er, 9ho 9as stronger an b$gger, pushe her s$ster on one s$ e, an thre9 her arms roun 4$ng +tur y7s nec=, an ga;e h$m a =$ss> an so he got her for h$s 9$fe, an +hortshan=s got the younger Pr$ncess# Then they ma e rea y for the 9e $ng, an you may fancy 9hat a gran one $t 9as, 9hen 3 tell you that the fame of $t 9as no$se abroa o;er se;en =$ng oms# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

Gu bran

on the .$ll!s$ e

%nce on a t$me there 9as a man 9hose name 9as Gu bran > he ha a farm 9h$ch lay far, far a9ay, upon a h$ll!s$ e, an so they calle h$m Gu bran on the .$ll!s$ e# No9, you must =no9 th$s man an h$s goo 9$fe l$;e so [p# 1B0] happ$ly together, an un erstoo one another so 9ell, that all the husban $ the 9$fe thought so 9ell one, there 9as noth$ng l$=e $t $n the 9orl , an she 9as al9ays gla 9hate;er he turne h$s han to# The farm 9as the$r o9n lan , an they ha a hun re ollars ly$ng at the bottom of the$r chest, an t9o co9s tethere up $n a stall $n the$r farmyar # +o one ay h$s 9$fe sa$ to Gu bran ,!!

?Do you =no9, ear, 3 th$n= 9e ought to ta=e one of our co9s $nto to9n an sell $t> that7s 9hat 3 th$n=> for then 9e shall ha;e some money $n han , an such 9ell to! o people as 9e ought to ha;e rea y money l$=e the rest of the 9orl # (s for the hun re ollars at the bottom of the chest yon er, 9e can7t ma=e a hole $n them, an 37m sure 3 on7t =no9 9hat 9e 9ant 9$th more than one co9# 1es$ es, 9e shall ga$n a l$ttle $n another 9ay, for then 3 shall get off 9$th only loo=$ng after one co9, $nstea of ha;$ng, as no9, to fee an l$tter an 9ater t9o#? Well, Gu bran thought h$s 9$fe tal=e r$ght goo sense, so he set off at once 9$th the co9 on h$s 9ay to to9n to sell her> but 9hen he got to the to9n, there 9as no one 9ho 9oul buy h$s co9# ?Well, 9ellO ne;er m$n ,? sa$ Gu bran , ?at the 9orst, 3 can only go bac= home aga$n 9$th my co9# 37;e both stable an tether for her, 3 shoul th$n=, an the roa $s no farther out than $n>? an 9$th that he began to to le home 9$th h$s co9# 1ut 9hen he ha gone a b$t of the 9ay, a man met h$m 9ho ha a horse to sell, so Gu bran thought 7t9as better to ha;e a horse than a co9, so he s9oppe 9$th the man# ( l$ttle farther on he met a man 9al=$ng along an r$;$ng [p# 1B1] a fat p$g before h$m, an he thought $t better to ha;e a fat p$g than a horse, so he s9oppe 9$th the man# (fter that he 9ent a l$ttle farther, an a man met h$m 9$th a goat> so he thought $t better to ha;e a goat than a p$g, an he s9oppe 9$th the man that o9ne the goat# Then he 9ent on a goo b$t t$ll he met a man 9ho ha a sheep, an he s9oppe 9$th h$m too, for he thought $t al9ays better to ha;e a sheep than a goat# (fter a 9h$le he met a man 9$th a goose, an he s9oppe a9ay the sheep for the goose> an 9hen he ha 9al=e a long, long t$me, he met a man 9$th a coc=, an he s9oppe 9$th h$m, for he thought $n th$s 9$se, ? 7T$s surely better to ha;e a coc= than a goose#? Then he 9ent on t$ll the ay 9as far spent, an he began to get ;ery hungry, so he sol the coc= for a sh$ll$ng, an bought foo 9$th the money, for, thought Gu bran on the .$ll!s$ e, ? 7T$s al9ays better to sa;e one7s l$fe than to ha;e a coc=#? (fter that he 9ent on home t$ll he reache 9here he turne $n# ?Well,? sa$ to9n@? the o9ner of the house, ?ho9 h$s nearest ne$ghbour7s house, $ th$ngs go 9$th you $n

?)ather so so,? sa$ Gu bran # ?3 can7t pra$se my luc=, nor o 3 blame $t e$ther,? an 9$th that he tol the 9hole story from f$rst to last# ?(hO? sa$ h$s fr$en , ?you7ll get n$cely calle o;er the coals, that one can see, 9hen you get home to your 9$fe# .ea;en help you, 3 9oul n7t stan $n your shoes for someth$ng#? ?Well,? sa$ Gu bran on the .$ll!s$ e, ?3 th$n= th$ngs m$ght ha;e gone much 9orse 9$th me> but no9, 9hether 3 ha;e one 9rong or not, 3 ha;e so =$n a goo !9$fe, [p# 1B8] she ne;er has a 9or to say aga$nst anyth$ng that 3 o#? ?%hO? ans9ere h$s ne$ghbour, ?3 hear 9hat you say, but 3 $t for all that#? on7t bel$e;e

?+hall 9e lay a bet upon $t@? as=e Gu bran on the .$ll!s$ e# ?3 ha;e a hun re ollars at the bottom of my chest at home> 9$ll you lay as many aga$nst them@? 6es, the fr$en 9as rea y to bet> so Gu bran staye there t$ll e;en$ng, 9hen $t began to get ar=, an then they 9ent together to h$s house, an the ne$ghbour 9as to stan outs$ e the oor an l$sten, 9h$le the man 9ent $n to see h$s 9$fe# ?Goo ?Goo e;en$ngO? sa$ e;en$ngO? sa$ Gu bran on the .$ll!s$ e# be pra$se #?

the goo 9$fe# ?%h, $s that you@ no9 Go ho9 th$ngs ha

6esO $t 9as he# +o the 9$fe as=e

gone 9$th h$m $n to9n#

?%hO only so so,? ans9ere Gu bran > ?not much to brag of# When 3 got to the to9n there 9as no one 9ho 9oul buy the co9, so you must =no9 3 s9oppe $t a9ay for a horse#? ?,or a horse,? sa$ h$s 9$fe> ?9ell, that $s goo of you> than=s 9$th all my heart# We are so 9ell to o that 9e may r$;e to church, <ust as 9ell as other people> an $f 9e choose to =eep a horse 9e ha;e a r$ght to get one, 3 shoul th$n=# +o run out, ch$l , an put up the horse#? ?(hO? sa$ Gu bran , ?but you see 37;e not got the horse after all> for 9hen 3 got a b$t farther on the roa 3 s9oppe $t a9ay for a p$g#? ?Th$n= of that, no9O? sa$ the 9$fe> ?you $ <ust as 3 shoul ha;e one myself> a thousan than=sO No9 3 [p# 1B:] can ha;e a b$t of bacon $n the house to set before people 9hen they come to see me, that 3 can# What o 9e 9ant 9$th a horse@ People 9oul only say 9e ha got so prou that 9e coul n7t 9al= to church# Go out, ch$l , an put up the p$g $n the stye#? ?1ut 37;e not got the p$g e$ther,? sa$ Gu bran > ?for 9hen 3 got a l$ttle farther on 3 s9oppe $t a9ay for a m$lch goat#? ?1less usO? cr$e h$s 9$fe, ?ho9 9ell you manage e;eryth$ngO No9 3 th$n= $t o;er, 9hat shoul 3 o 9$th a p$g@ People 9oul only po$nt at us an say, 76on er they eat up all they ha;e got#7 NoO no9 3 ha;e got a goat, an 3 shall ha;e m$l= an cheese, an =eep the goat too# )un out, ch$l , an put up the goat#? ?Nay, but 3 ha;en7t got the goat e$ther,? sa$ Gu bran , ?for a l$ttle farther on 3 s9oppe $t a9ay, an got a f$ne sheep $nstea #? ?6ou on7t say soO? cr$e h$s 9$fe> ?9hy, you o e;eryth$ng to please me, <ust as $f 3 ha been 9$th you> 9hat o 9e 9ant 9$th a goatO 3f 3 ha $t 3 shoul lose half my t$me $n cl$mb$ng up the h$lls to get $t o9n# NoO $f 3 ha;e a sheep, 3 shall ha;e both 9ool an cloth$ng, an fresh meat $n the house# )un out, ch$l , an put up the sheep#? ?1ut 3 ha;en7t got the sheep any more than the rest,? sa$ Gu bran > ?for 9hen 3 ha gone a b$t farther 3 s9oppe $t a9ay for a goose#? ?Than= youO than= youO 9$th all my heart,? cr$e h$s 9$fe> ?9hat shoul o 9$th a sheep@ 3 ha;e no sp$nn$ng!9heel, nor car $ng!comb, nor shoul care to 9orry myself 9$th cutt$ng, an shap$ng, an se9$ng clothes# We can buy clothes no9, as 9e ha;e al9ays one> an no9 3 shall [p# 1B4] 3 3

ha;e roast goose, 9h$ch 3 ha;e longe for so often> an , bes$ es, o9n to stuff my l$ttle p$llo9 9$th# )un out, ch$l , an put up the goose#? ?(hO? sa$ Gu bran , ?but 3 ha;en7t the goose e$ther> for 9hen 3 ha a b$t farther 3 s9oppe $t a9ay for a coc=#? gone

?Dear meO? cr$e h$s 9$fe, ?ho9 you th$n= of e;eryth$ngO <ust as 3 shoul ha;e one myself# ( coc=O th$n= of thatO 9hy $t7s as goo as an e$ght! ay cloc=, for e;ery morn$ng the coc= cro9s at four o7cloc=, an 9e shall be able to st$r our stumps $n goo t$me# What shoul 9e o 9$th a goose@ 3 on7t =no9 ho9 to coo= $t> an as for my p$llo9, 3 can stuff $t 9$th cotton!grass# )un out, ch$l , an put up the coc=#? ?1ut after all 3 ha;en7t got the coc=,? sa$ Gu bran > ?for 9hen 3 ha gone a b$t farther, 3 got as hungry as a hunter, so 3 9as force to sell the coc= for a sh$ll$ng, for fear 3 shoul star;e#? ?No9, Go be pra$se that you $ soO? cr$e h$s 9$fe> ?9hate;er you o, you o $t al9ays <ust after my o9n heart# What shoul 9e o 9$th the coc=@ We are our o9n masters, 3 shoul th$n=, an can l$e a!be $n the morn$ng, as long as 9e l$=e# .ea;en be than=e that 3 ha;e got you safe bac= aga$n> you 9ho o e;eryth$ng so 9ell that 3 9ant ne$ther coc= nor goose> ne$ther p$gs nor =$ne#? Then Gu bran opene the oor an sa$ ,!! ollars@? an h$s

?Well, 9hat o you say no9@ .a;e 3 9on the hun re ne$ghbour 9as force to allo9 that he ha #

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The 1lue 1elt [p# 1BB] %nce on a t$me there 9as an ol beggar!9oman, 9ho ha gone out to beg# +he ha a l$ttle la 9$th her, an 9hen she ha got her bag full, she struc= across the h$lls to9ar s her o9n home# +o 9hen they ha gone a b$t up the h$ll!s$ e they came upon a l$ttle blue belt, 9h$ch lay 9here t9o paths met, an the la as=e h$s mother7s lea;e to p$c= $t up# ?No,? sa$ she, ?may be there7s 9$tchcraft $n $t>? an so 9$th threats she force h$m to follo9 her# 1ut 9hen they ha gone a b$t farther the la sa$ he must turn as$ e a moment out of the roa , an mean9h$le h$s mother sat o9n on a tree!stump# 1ut the la 9as a long t$me gone, for as soon as he got so far $nto the 9oo that the ol ame coul not see h$m, he ran off to 9here the belt lay, too= $t up, t$e $t roun h$s 9a$st, an loO he felt as strong as $f he coul l$ft the 9hole h$ll# When he got bac=, the ol ame 9as $n a great rage, an 9ante to =no9 9hat he ha been o$ng all that 9h$le# ?6ou on7t care ho9 much t$me you 9aste, an yet you =no9 the n$ght $s ra9$ng on, an 9e must cross the h$ll before $t $s ar=O? +o on they trampe , but 9hen they ha got about half!9ay, the ol ame gre9 9eary, an sa$ she must rest un er a bush#

?Dear mother,?sa$ the la , ?mayn7t 3 <ust go up to the top of th$s h$gh crag 9h$le you rest, an try $f 3 can7t see some s$gn of fol= hereabouts@? 6es, he m$ght o that> so 9hen he ha got to the top [p# 1BF] he sa9 a l$ght sh$n$ng from the north# +o he ran o9n an tol h$s mother# ?We must get on, mother> 9e are near a house, for 3 see a br$ght l$ght sh$n$ng Ku$te close to us $n the north#? Then she rose an shoul ere her bag, an set off to see> but they ha n7t gone far, before there stoo a steep spur of the h$ll, r$ght across the$r path# ?5ust as 3 thoughtO? sa$ the ol a pretty be 9e shall ha;e hereO? ame> ?no9 9e can7t go a step farther>

1ut the la too= the bag un er one arm, an h$s mother un er the other, an ran stra$ght up the steep crag 9$th them# ?No9, on7t you seeO Don7t you see that 9e are close to a houseO Don7t you see the br$ght l$ght@? 1ut the ol ame sa$ those 9ere no 0hr$st$an fol=, but Trolls, for she 9as at home $n all that forest far an near, an =ne9 there 9as not a l$;$ng soul $n $t unt$l you 9ere 9ell o;er the r$ ge an ha come o9n on the other s$ e# 1ut they 9ent on, an $n a l$ttle 9h$le they came to a great house 9h$ch 9as all pa$nte re # ?What7s the goo @? sa$ Trolls l$;e#? the ol ame, ?9e aren7t go $n, for here the

?Don7t say so> 9e must go $n# There must be men 9here the l$ghts sh$ne so,? sa$ the la # +o $n he 9ent, an h$s mother after h$m, but he ha scarce opene the oor before she s9oone a9ay, for there she sa9 a great stout man, at least t9enty feet h$gh, s$tt$ng on the bench# ?Goo e;en$ng, gran fatherO? sa$ the la #

?Well, here 37;e sat three hun re years,? sa$ the man 9ho sat on the bench, ?an no one has e;er come an calle me gran father before#? Then the la sat o9n by the man7s s$ e, an began to tal= to h$m as $f they ha been ol fr$en s# [p# 1BI] ?1ut 9hat7s come o;er your mother@? sa$ the man, after they ha chattere a 9h$le# ?3 th$n= she s9oone a9ay> you ha better loo= after her#? +o the la 9ent an too= hol of the ol ame> an ragge her up the hall along the floor# That brought her to herself, an she =$c=e an scratche , an flung herself about, an at last sat o9n upon a heap of f$re9oo $n the corner> but she 9as so fr$ghtene that she scarce are to loo= one $n the face# (fter a 9h$le, the la ?6es, to be sure,? sa$ as=e $f they coul spen the n$ght there#

the man#

+o they 9ent on tal=$ng aga$n, but the la soon got hungry, an =no9 $f they coul get foo as 9ell as lo g$ng#



?%f course,? sa$ the man, ?that m$ght be got too#? (n after he ha sat a 9h$le longer, he rose up an thre9 s$" loa s of ry p$tch!p$ne on the f$re# Th$s ma e the ol hag, st$ll more afra$ # ?%hO no9 he7s go$ng to roast us al$;e,? she sa$ , $n the corner 9here she sat# (n 9hen the 9oo ha burne stro e out of h$s house# o9n to glo9$ng embers, up got the man an the ol

?.ea;en bless an help usO 9hat a stout heart you ha;e got,? sa$ ame> ? on7t you see 9e ha;e got amongst Trolls@? ?+tuff an nonsenseO? sa$ the la > ?no harm $f 9e ha;e#?

3n a l$ttle 9h$le bac= came the man 9$th an o" so fat an b$g the la ha ne;er seen $ts l$=e, an he ga;e $t one blo9 9$th h$s f$st un er the ear, an o9n $t fell ea on [p# 1BA] the floor# When that 9as one, he too= $t up by all the four legs, an la$ $t on the glo9$ng embers, an turne $t an t9$ste $t about t$ll $t 9as burnt bro9n outs$ e# (fter that, he 9ent to a cupboar an too= out a great s$l;er $sh an la$ the o" on $t> an the $sh 9as so b$g that none of the o" hung o;er on any s$ e# Th$s he put on the table, an then he 9ent o9n $nto the cellar, an fetche a cas= of 9$ne, =noc=e out the hea , an put the cas= on the table, together 9$th t9o =n$;es, 9h$ch 9ere each s$" feet long# When th$s 9as one, he ba e them go an s$t o9n to supper an eat# +o they 9ent, the la f$rst an the ol ame after, but she began to 9h$mper an 9a$l, an to 9on er ho9 she shoul e;er use such =n$;es# 1ut her son se$Ce one, an began to cut sl$ces out of the th$gh of the o", 9h$ch he place before h$s mother# (n 9hen they ha eaten a b$t, he too= up the cas= 9$th both han s, an l$fte $t o9n to the floor> then he tol h$s mother to come an r$n=, but $t 9as st$ll so h$gh she coul n7t reach up to $t> so he caught her up, an hel her up to the e ge of the cas= 9h$le she ran=> as for h$mself, he clambere up an hung o9n l$=e a cat $ns$ e the cas= 9h$le he ran=# +o 9hen he ha Kuenche h$s th$rst, he too= up the cas= an put $t bac= on the table, an than=e the man for the goo meal, an tol h$s mother to come an than= h$m too, an afeare though she 9as, she are o noth$ng else but than= the man# Then the la sat o9n aga$n alongs$ e the man an began to goss$p, an after they ha sat a 9h$le, the man sa$ ,!! ?Well, 3 must <ust go an get a b$t of supper too an so he 9ent to the table an ate up the 9hole o"!!hoofs, [p# 1B9] an horns, an all!!an ra$ne the cas= to the last rop, an then 9ent bac= an sat on the bench# ?(s for be s,? he sa$ , ?3 on7t =no9 9hat7s to be one# 37;e only got one be an a cra le> but 9e coul get on pretty 9ell $f you 9oul sleep $n the cra le, an then your mother m$ght l$e $n the be yon er#? ?Than= you =$n ly, that7ll o n$cely,? sa$ the la > an 9$th that he pulle off h$s clothes an lay o9n $n the cra le> but to tell you the truth, $t 9as Ku$te as b$g as a four!poster# (s for the ol ame, she ha to follo9 the man, 9ho sho9e her to be , though she 9as out of her 9$ts for fear#

?Well,? thought the la to h$mself, ? 7t9$ll ne;er o to go to sleep yet# 37 best l$e a9a=e an l$sten ho9 th$ngs go as the n$ght 9ears on#? +o after a 9h$le the man began to tal= to the ol sa$ ,!! ?We t9o m$ght l$;e here so happ$ly together, coul son of yours#? ame, an at last he of th$s

9e only be r$

?1ut o you =no9 ho9 to settle h$m@ 3s that 9hat you7re th$n=$ng of@? sa$ she# ?Noth$ng eas$er,? sa$ he> at any rate he 9oul try# .e 9oul <ust say he 9$she the ol ame 9oul stay an =eep house for h$m a ay or t9o, an then he 9oul ta=e the la out 9$th h$m up the h$ll to Kuarry corner! stones, an roll o9n a great roc= on h$m# (ll th$s the la lay an l$stene to# Ne"t ay the Troll!!for $t 9as a Troll as clear as ay!! as=e $f the ol ame 9oul stay an =eep house for h$m a fe9 ays> an as the ay 9ent on he too= a great $ron cro9bar, an as=e the la $f he ha a m$n to go 9$th [p# 1F0] h$m up the h$ll an Kuarry a fe9 corner!stones# W$th all h$s heart he sa$ , an 9ent 9$th h$m> an so, after they ha spl$t a fe9 stones, the Troll 9ante h$m to go o9n belo9 an loo= after crac=s $n the roc=> an 9h$le he 9as o$ng th$s, the Troll 9or=e a9ay, an 9ear$e h$mself 9$th h$s cro9bar t$ll he mo;e a 9hole crag out of $ts be , 9h$ch came roll$ng r$ght o9n on the place 9here the la 9as> but he hel $t up t$ll he coul get on one s$ e, an then let $t roll on# ?%hO? sa$ the la to the Troll, ?no9 3 see 9hat you mean to o 9$th me# 6ou 9ant to crush me to eath> so <ust go o9n yourself an loo= after the crac=s an refts $n the roc=, an 37ll stan up abo;e#? The Troll $ not are to o other9$se than the la ba e h$m, an the en of $t 9as that the la rolle o9n a great roc=, 9h$ch fell upon the Troll, an bro=e one of h$s th$ghs# ?WellO you are $n a sa pl$ght,? sa$ the la , as he stro e o9n, l$fte up the roc=, an set the man free# (fter that he ha to put h$m on h$s bac= an carry h$m home> so he ran 9$th h$m as fast as a horse, an shoo= h$m so that the Troll screame an screeche as $f a =n$fe 9ere run $nto h$m# (n 9hen he got home, they ha to put the Troll to be , an there he lay $n a sa p$c=le# When the n$ght 9ore on the Troll began to tal= to the ol to 9on er ho9e;er they coul be r$ of the la # ?Well,? sa$ the ol 37m sure 3 can7t#? ame aga$n, an of h$m,

ame, ?$f you can7t h$t on a plan to get r$

?'et me see,? sa$ the Troll> ?37;e got t9el;e l$ons $n a gar en> $f they coul only get hol of the la they7 soon tear h$m to p$eces#? [p# 1F1] +o the ol ame sa$ $t 9oul be easy enough to get h$m there# +he 9oul sham s$c=, an say she felt so poorly, noth$ng 9oul o her any goo but

l$on7s m$l=# (ll that the la lay an l$stene to> an 9hen he got up $n the morn$ng h$s mother sa$ she 9as 9orse than she loo=e , an she thought she shoul ne;er be r$ght aga$n unless she coul get some l$on7s m$l=# ?Then 37m afra$ ?for 37m sure 3 you7ll be poorly a long t$me, mother,? sa$ on7t =no9 9here any $s to be got#? the la ,

?%hO $f that be all,? sa$ the Troll, ?there7s no lac= of l$on7s m$l=, $f 9e only ha the man to fetch $t>? an then he 9ent on to say ho9 h$s brother ha a gar en 9$th t9el;e l$ons $n $t, an ho9 the la m$ght ha;e the =ey $f he ha a m$n to m$l= the l$ons# +o the la too= the =ey an a m$l=$ng pa$l, an stro e off> an 9hen he unloc=e the gate an got $nto the gar en, there stoo all the t9el;e l$ons on the$r h$n !pa9s, rampant an roar$ng at h$m# 1ut the la la$ hol of the b$ggest, an le h$m about by the fore!pa9s, an ashe h$m aga$nst stoc=s an stones, t$ll there 9asn7t a b$t of h$m left but the t9o pa9s# +o 9hen the rest sa9 that, they 9ere so afra$ that they crept up an lay at h$s feet l$=e so many curs# (fter that they follo9e h$m about 9here;er he 9ent, an 9hen he got home they la$ o9n outs$ e the house, 9$th the$r fore!pa9s on the oor s$ll# ?No9, mother, you7ll soon be 9ell,? sa$ here $s the l$on7s m$l=#? .e ha <ust m$l=e a rop $n the pa$l# the la , 9hen he 9ent $n, ?for

1ut the Troll, as he lay $n be , s9ore $t 9as all a l$e# .e 9as sure the la 9as not the man to m$l= l$ons# [p# 1F8] When the la hear that, he force the Troll to get out of be , thre9 open the oor, an all the l$ons rose up an se$Ce the Troll, an at last the la ha to ma=e them lea;e the$r hol # That n$ght the Troll began to tal= to the ol ame aga$n# ?37m sure 3 can7t tell ho9 to put th$s la out of the 9ay!!he $s so a9fully strong> can7t you th$n= of some 9ay@? ?No,? sa$ the ol ame> ?$f you can7t tell, 37m sure 3 can7t#?

?Well,? sa$ the Troll, ?3 ha;e t9o brothers $n a castle> they are t9el;e t$mes as strong as 3 am, an that7s 9hy 3 9as turne out an ha to put up 9$th th$s farm# They hol that castle, an roun $t there $s an orchar 9$th apples $n $t, an 9hoe;er eats those apples sleeps for three ays an three n$ghts# 3f 9e coul only get the la to go for the fru$t, he 9oul n7t be able to =eep from tast$ng the apples, an as soon as e;er he fell asleep my brothers 9oul tear h$m $n p$eces#? The ol ame sa$ she 9oul sham s$c=, an say she coul ne;er be herself aga$n unless she taste those apples> for she ha set her heart on them# (ll th$s the la lay an l$stene to#

When the morn$ng came the ol ame 9as so poorly that she coul n7t utter a 9or but groans an s$ghs# +he 9as sure she shoul ne;er be 9ell aga$n, unless she ha some of those apples that gre9 $n the orchar near the

castle 9here the man7s brothers l$;e > only she ha them#

no one to sen


%hO the la 9as rea y to go that $nstant> but the ele;en l$ons 9ent 9$th h$m# +o 9hen he came to the orchar , he cl$mbe up $nto the apple!tree an ate as many [p# 1F:] apples as he coul , an he ha scarce got o9n before he fell $nto a eep sleep> but the l$ons all lay roun h$m $n a r$ng# The th$r ay came the Troll7s brothers, but they $ not come $n man7s shape# They came snort$ng l$=e man!eat$ng stee s, an 9on ere 9ho $t 9as that are to be there, an sa$ they 9oul tear h$m to p$eces so small that there shoul not be a b$t of h$m left# 1ut up rose the l$ons an tore the Trolls $nto small p$eces, so that the place loo=e as $f a ungheap ha been tosse about $t> an 9hen they ha f$n$she the Trolls they lay o9n aga$n# The la $ not 9a=e t$ll late $n the afternoon, an 9hen he got on h$s =nees an rubbe the sleep out of h$s eyes, he began to 9on er 9hat ha been go$ng on, 9hen he sa9 the mar=s of hoofs# 1ut 9hen he 9ent to9ar s the castle, a ma$ en loo=e out of a 9$n o9 9ho ha seen all that ha happene , an she sa$ ,!! ?6ou may than= your stars you 9eren7t $n that tussle, else you must ha;e lost your l$fe#? ?WhatO 3 lose my l$feO No fear of that, 3 th$n=,? sa$ the la #

+o she begge h$m to come $n, that she m$ght tal= 9$th h$m, for she ha n7t seen a 0hr$st$an soul e;er s$nce she came there# 1ut 9hen she opene the oor the l$ons 9ante to go $n too, but she got so fr$ghtene that she began to scream, an so the la let them l$e outs$ e# Then the t9o tal=e an tal=e , an the la as=e ho9 $t came that she, 9ho 9as so lo;ely, coul put up 9$th those ugly Trolls# +he ne;er 9$she $t, she sa$ > 7t9as Ku$te aga$nst her 9$ll# They ha se$Ce her by force, an she 9as the 4$ng of (rab$a7s aughter# +o they tal=e on, an at last she as=e h$m 9hat he 9oul o> 9hether she shoul go bac= home, [p# 1F4] or 9hether he 9oul ha;e her to 9$fe# %f course he 9oul ha;e her, an she shoul n7t go home# (fter that they 9ent roun the castle, an at last they came to a great hall, 9here the Trolls7 t9o great s9or s hung h$gh up on the 9all# ?3 9on er $f you are man enough to 9$el Pr$ncess# ?Who@!!3@? sa$ one of these#? the la # ? 7T9oul one of these,? sa$ the

be a pretty th$ng $f 3 coul n7t 9$el

W$th that he put t9o or three cha$rs one atop of the other, <umpe up, an touche the b$ggest s9or 9$th h$s f$nger t$ps, tosse $t up $n the a$r, an caught $t aga$n by the h$lt> leapt o9n, an at the same t$me ealt such a blo9 9$th $t on the floor, that the 9hole hall shoo=# (fter he ha thus got o9n he thrust the s9or un er h$s arm an carr$e $t about 9$th h$m# +o 9hen they ha l$;e a l$ttle 9h$le $n the castle, the Pr$ncess thought she ought to go home to her parents, an let them =no9 9hat ha become of her> so they loa e a sh$p, an she set sa$l from the castle#

(fter she ha gone, an the la ha 9an ere about a l$ttle, he calle to m$n that he ha been sent on an erran th$ther, an ha come to fetch someth$ng for h$s mother7s health> an though he sa$ to h$mself,!! ?(fter all, the ol ame 9as not so ba but she7s all r$ght by th$s t$me,?!! st$ll he thought he ought to go an <ust see ho9 she 9as# +o he 9ent an foun both the man an h$s mother Ku$te fresh an hearty# ?What 9retches you are to l$;e $n th$s beggarly hut,? sa$ the la # ?0ome 9$th me up to my castle, an you shall see 9hat a f$ne fello9 3 am#? [p# 1FB] WellO they 9ere both rea y to go, an on the 9ay h$s mother tal=e h$m, an as=e , ?.o9 $t 9as he ha got so strong@? to

?3f you must =no9, $t came of that blue belt 9h$ch lay on the h$ll!s$ e that t$me 9hen you an 3 9ere out begg$ng,? sa$ the la # ?.a;e you got $t st$ll@? as=e ?6es,?!!he ha # 3t 9as t$e ?-$ght she see $t@? ?6es, she m$ght>? an sho9 $t her# Then she se$Ce f$st# 9$th that he pulle open h$s 9a$stcoat an t9$ste sh$rt to her she# h$s 9a$st#


$t 9$th both han s, tore $t off, an

$t roun

?No9,? she cr$e , ?9hat shall 3 o 9$th such a 9retch as you@ 37ll <ust g$;e you one blo9, an ash your bra$ns outO? ?,ar too goo a eath for such a scamp,? sa$ the Troll# ?NoO let7s f$rst burn out h$s eyes, an then turn h$m a r$ft $n a l$ttle boat#? +o they burne out h$s eyes an turne h$m a r$ft, $n sp$te of h$s prayers an tears> but, as the boat r$fte , the l$ons s9am after, an at last they la$ hol of $t an ragge $t ashore on an $slan , an place the la un er a f$r!tree# They caught game for h$m, an they pluc=e the b$r s an ma e h$m a be of o9n> but he 9as force to eat h$s meat ra9, an he 9as bl$n # (t last, one ay the b$ggest l$on 9as chas$ng a hare 9h$ch 9as bl$n , for $t ran stra$ght o;er stoc= an stone, an the en 9as, $t ran r$ght up aga$nst a f$r!stump an tumble hea o;er heels across the f$el r$ght $nto a spr$ng> but loO 9hen $t came out of the spr$ng $t sa9 $ts 9ay Ku$te pla$n, an so sa;e $ts l$fe# [p# 1FF] ?+o, soO? thought the l$on, an 9ent an ragge the la to the spr$ng, an $ppe h$m o;er hea an ears $n $t# +o, 9hen he ha got h$s s$ght aga$n, he 9ent o9n to the shore an ma e s$gns to the l$ons that they shoul all l$e close together l$=e a raft> then he stoo upon the$r bac=s 9h$le they s9am 9$th h$m to the ma$nlan # When he ha reache the shore he 9ent up $nto a b$rchen copse, an ma e the l$ons l$e Ku$et# Then he stole up to the castle, l$=e a th$ef, to see $f he coul n7t lay han s on h$s belt> an 9hen he got to the oor, he peepe through the =eyhole, an

there he sa9 h$s belt hang$ng up o;er a oor $n the =$tchen# +o he crept softly $n across the floor, for there 9as no one there> but as soon as he got hol of the belt, he began to =$c= an stamp about as though he 9ere ma # 5ust then h$s mother came rush$ng out,!! ?Dear heart, my arl$ng l$ttle boyO o g$;e me the belt aga$n,? she sa$ #

?Than= you =$n ly,? sa$ he# ?No9 you shall ha;e the oom you passe on me,? an he fulf$lle $t on the spot# When the ol Troll hear that, he came $n an begge an praye so prett$ly that he m$ght not be sm$tten to eath# ?Well, you may l$;e,? sa$ the la , ?but you shall un ergo the same pun$shment you ga;e me>? an so he burne out the Troll7s eyes, an turne h$m a r$ft on the sea $n a l$ttle boat, but he ha no l$ons to follo9 h$m# No9 the la 9as all alone, an he 9ent about long$ng an long$ng for the Pr$ncess> at last he coul bear $t no longer> he must set out to see= her, h$s heart 9as so bent on ha;$ng her# +o he loa e four sh$ps an set sa$l for (rab$a# ,or some t$me they ha fa$r 9$n an f$ne 9eather, [p# 1FI] but after that they lay 9$n !boun un er a roc=y $slan # +o the sa$lors 9ent ashore an strolle about to spen the t$me, an there they foun a huge egg, almost as b$g as a l$ttle house# +o they began to =noc= $t about 9$th large stones, but, after all, they coul n7t crac= the shell# Then the la came up 9$th h$s s9or to see 9hat all the no$se 9as about, an 9hen he sa9 the egg, he thought $t a tr$fle to crac= $t> so he ga;e $t one blo9 an the egg spl$t, an out came a ch$c=en as b$g as an elephant# ?No9 9e ha;e one 9rong,? sa$ the la > ?th$s can cost us all our l$;es? an then he as=e h$s sa$lors $f they 9ere men enough to sa$l to (rab$a $n four!an !t9enty hours, $f they got a f$ne breeCe# 6es, they 9ere goo to o that, they sa$ , so they set sa$l 9$th a f$ne breeCe, an got to (rab$a $n three!an !t9enty hours# (s soon as they lan e , the la or ere all the sa$lors to go an bury themsel;es up to the eyes $n a san h$ll, so that they coul barely see the sh$ps# The la an the capta$ns cl$mbe a h$gh crag an sate o9n un er a f$r# 3n a l$ttle 9h$le came a great b$r fly$ng 9$th an $slan $n $ts cla9s, an let $t fall o9n on the fleet, an san= e;ery sh$p# (fter $t ha one that, $t fle9 up to the san h$ll an flappe $ts 9$ngs, so that the 9$n nearly too= off the hea s of the sa$lors, an $t fle9 past the f$r 9$th such force that $t turne the la r$ght about, but he 9as rea y 9$th h$s s9or , an ga;e the b$r one blo9 an brought $t o9n ea # (fter that he 9ent to the to9n, 9here e;ery one 9as gla because the =$ng ha got h$s aughter bac=> but no9 the =$ng ha h$ en her a9ay some9here h$mself, an prom$se her han as a re9ar to any one 9ho coul f$n her, an th$s though she 9as betrothe before# No9 as the la [p# 1FA] 9ent along he met a man 9ho ha 9h$te bear!s=$ns for sale, so he bought one of the h$ es an put $t on> an one of the capta$ns 9as to ta=e an $ron cha$n an lea h$m about, an so he 9ent $nto the to9n an began to play pran=s# (t last the ne9s came to the =$ng7s ears that there ne;er ha been such fun $n the to9n before, for here 9as a 9h$te bear that ance an cut capers <ust as $t 9as b$ # +o a messenger came to say the bear must come to the castle at once, for the =$ng 9ante to see $ts tr$c=s# +o 9hen $t got to the castle e;ery one 9as afra$ , for such a beast they ha ne;er seen before> but the capta$n sa$ there 9as no anger unless

they laughe at $t# They mustn7t o that, else $t 9oul tear them to p$eces# When the =$ng hear that, he 9arne all the court not to laugh# 1ut 9h$le the fun 9as go$ng on, $n came one of the =$ng7s ma$ s, an began to laugh an ma=e game of the bear, an the bear fle9 at her an tore her, so that there 9as scarce a rag of her left# Then all the court began to be9a$l, an the capta$n most of all# ?+tuff an nonsense,? sa$ the =$ng> ?she7s only a ma$ , bes$ es $t7s more my affa$r than yours#? When the sho9 9as o;er, $t 9as late at n$ght# ?3t7s no goo your go$ng a9ay 9hen $t7s so late,? sa$ the =$ng# ?The bear ha best sleep here#? ?Perhaps $t m$ght sleep $n the $ngle by the =$tchen f$re,? sa$ capta$n# the

?Nay,? sa$ the =$ng, ?$t shall sleep up here, an $t shall ha;e p$llo9s an cush$ons to sleep on#? +o a 9hole heap of p$llo9s an cush$ons 9as brought, an the capta$n ha a be $n a s$ e!room# 1ut at m$ n$ght the =$ng came 9$th a lamp $n h$s han [p# 1F9] an a b$g bunch of =eys, an carr$e off the 9h$te bear# .e passe along gallery after gallery, through oors an rooms, up!sta$rs an o9n!sta$rs, t$ll at last he came to a p$er 9h$ch ran out $nto the sea# Then the =$ng began to pull an haul at posts an p$ns, th$s one up an that one o9n, t$ll at last a l$ttle house floate up to the 9ater7s e ge# There he =ept h$s aughter, for she 9as so ear to h$m that he ha h$ her, so that no one coul f$n her out# .e left the 9h$te bear outs$ e 9h$le he 9ent $n an tol her ho9 $t ha ance an playe $ts pran=s# +he sa$ she 9as afra$ , an are not loo= at $t> but he tal=e her o;er, say$ng there 9as no anger, $f she only 9oul n7t laugh# +o they brought the bear $n, an loc=e the oor, an $t ance an playe $ts tr$c=s> but <ust 9hen the fun 9as at $ts he$ght the Pr$ncess7s ma$ began to laugh# Then the la fle9 at her an tore her to b$ts, an the Pr$ncess began to cry an sob# ?+tuff an nonsense,? cr$e the =$ng> ?all th$s fuss about a ma$ O 37ll get you <ust as goo a one aga$n# 1ut no9 3 th$n= the bear ha best stay here t$ll morn$ng, for 3 on7t care to ha;e to go an lea $t along all those galler$es an sta$rs at th$s t$me of n$ghtO? ?Well,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?$f $t sleeps here 37m sure 3 9on7t#?

1ut <ust then the bear curle h$mself up an lay o9n by the sto;e> an $t 9as settle at last that the Pr$ncess shoul sleep there too, 9$th a l$ght burn$ng# 1ut as soon as the =$ng 9as 9ell gone, the 9h$te bear came an begge her to un o h$s collar# The Pr$ncess 9as so scare she almost s9oone a9ay> but she felt about t$ll she foun the collar, an she ha scarce un one $t before the bear [p# 1I0] pulle h$s hea off# Then she =ne9 h$m aga$n, an 9as so gla , there 9as no en to her <oy, an she 9ante to tell her father at once that her el$;erer 9as come# 1ut the la 9oul not hear of $t> he 9oul earn her once more, he sa$ # +o $n the morn$ng, 9hen they hear the =$ng rattl$ng at the posts outs$ e, the la re9 on the h$ e, an lay o9n by the sto;e# ?Well, has $t la$n st$ll@? the =$ng as=e #

?3 shoul stretche

th$n= so,? sa$ $tself once#?

the Pr$ncess> ?$t hasn7t so much as turne


When they got up to the castle aga$n, the capta$n too= the bear an le $t a9ay, an then the la thre9 off the h$ e, an 9ent to a ta$lor an or ere clothes f$t for a pr$nce> an 9hen they 9ere f$tte on he 9ent to the =$ng, an sa$ he 9ante to f$n the Pr$ncess# ?6ou7re not the f$rst 9ho has 9$she the same th$ng,? sa$ the =$ng, ?but they ha;e all lost the$r l$;es> for $f any one 9ho tr$es can7t f$n her $n four!an !t9enty hours h$s l$fe $s forfe$te #? 6es> the la =ne9 all that# +t$ll he 9$she to try, an $f he coul n7t f$n her, 7t9as h$s loo=!out# No9 $n the castle there 9as a ban that playe s9eet tunes, an there 9ere fa$r ma$ s to ance 9$th, an so the la ance a9ay# When t9el;e hours 9ere gone, the =$ng sa$ ,!! ?3 p$ty you 9$th all my heart# 6ou7re so poor a han surely lose your l$fe#? at see=$ng> you 9$ll

?+tuffO? sa$ the la > ?9h$le there7s l$fe there7s hope# +o long as there7s breath $n the bo y there7s no fear> 9e ha;e lots of t$me>? an he 9ent on anc$ng t$ll there 9as only one hour left# [p# 1I1] Then he sa$ he 9oul beg$n to search# the =$ng> ?t$me7s up#?


?3t7s no use no9,? sa$

?'$ght your lamp> out 9$th your b$g bunch of =eys,? sa$ the la , ?an follo9 me 9h$ther 3 9$sh to go# There $s st$ll a 9hole hour left#? +o the la 9ent the same 9ay 9h$ch the =$ng ha le h$m the n$ght before, an he ba e the =$ng unloc= oor after oor t$ll they came o9n to the p$er 9h$ch ran out $nto the sea# ?3t7s all no use, 3 tell you,? sa$ the =$ng> ?t$me7s up, an only lea you r$ght out $nto the sea#? ?+t$ll f$;e m$nutes more,? sa$ the la , as he pulle posts an p$ns, an the house floate up# ?No9 the t$me $s up,? ba9le off h$s hea #? an th$s 9$ll at the ta=e


the =$ng> ?come h$ther, hea sman, an

?Nay, nayO? sa$ the la > ?stop a b$t, there are st$ll three m$nutes# %ut 9$th the =ey, an let me get $nto th$s house#? 1ut there stoo (t last he sa$ the =$ng an fumble he ha n7t any =ey# 9$th h$s =eys, to ra9 out the t$me# oor such a

?Well, $f you ha;en7t, 3 ha;e,? sa$ the la , as he ga;e the =$c= that $t fle9 to spl$nters $n9ar s on the floor#

(t the oor the Pr$ncess met h$m, an tol her father th$s 9as her el$;erer, on 9hom her heart 9as set# +o she ha h$m> an th$s 9as ho9 the beggar boy came to marry the =$ng7s aughter of (rab$a#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 1I8]

Why the 1ear 3s +tumpy!Ta$le %ne ay the 1ear met the ,o", 9ho came sl$n=$ng along 9$th a str$ng of f$sh he ha stolen# ?Whence $ you get those from@? as=e the 1ear# caught them,? sa$ the ,o"#

?%hO my 'or

1ru$n, 37;e been out f$sh$ng an

+o the 1ear ha a m$n to learn to f$sh too, an ho9 he 9as to set about $t#

ba e the ,o" tell h$m

?%hO $t7s an easy craft for you,? ans9ere the ,o", ?an soon learnt# 6ou7;e only got to go upon the $ce, an cut a hole an st$c= your ta$l o9n $nto $t> an so you must go on hol $ng $t there as long as you can# 6ou7re not to m$n $f your ta$l smarts a l$ttle> that7s 9hen the f$sh b$te# The longer you hol $t there the more f$sh you7ll get> an then all at once out 9$th $t, 9$th a cross pull s$ e9ays, an 9$th a strong pull too#? 6es> the 1ear $ as the ,o" ha sa$ , an hel h$s ta$l a long, long t$me o9n $n the hole, t$ll $t 9as fast froCen $n# Then he pulle $t out 9$th a cross pull, an $t snappe short off# That7s 9hy 1ru$n goes about 9$th a stumpy ta$l th$s ;ery ay# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 1I:]

Not a P$n to 0hoose 1et9een Them %nce on a t$me there 9as a man, an he ha a 9$fe# No9 th$s couple 9ante to so9 the$r f$el s, but they ha ne$ther see !corn nor money to buy $t 9$th# 1ut they ha a co9, an the man 9as to r$;e $t $nto to9n an sell $t, to get money to buy corn for see # 1ut 9hen $t came to the p$nch, the 9$fe are not let her husban start, for fear he shoul spen the money $n r$n=, so she set off herself 9$th the co9, an too= bes$ es a hen 9$th her# 0lose by the to9n she met a butcher, 9ho as=e ,!! ?W$ll you sell that co9, Goo y@? ?6es, that 3 9$ll,? she ans9ere #

?Well, 9hat

o you 9ant for her@?

?%hO 3 must ha;e f$;e sh$ll$ngs for the co9, but you shall ha;e the hen for ten poun #? ?2ery goo O? sa$ the man> ?3 on7t 9ant the hen, an you7ll soon get $t off your han s $n the to9n> but 37ll g$;e you f$;e sh$ll$ngs for the co9#? Well, she sol her co9 for f$;e sh$ll$ngs, but there 9as no one $n the to9n 9ho 9oul g$;e ten poun for a lean tough ol hen, so she 9ent bac= to the butcher, an sa$ ,!! ?Do all 3 can, 3 can7t get r$ as you too= the co9#? of th$s hen, masterO you must ta=e $t too,

?Well,? sa$ the butcher, ?come along an 9e7ll see about $t#? Then he treate her both 9$th meat an r$n=, an ga;e her so much bran y that she lost her hea , an $ n7t [p# 1I4] =no9 9hat she 9as about, an fell fast asleep# 1ut 9h$le she slept, the butcher too= an $ppe her $nto a tar!barrel, an then la$ her o9n on a heap of feathers> an 9hen she 9o=e up she 9as feathere all o;er, an began to 9on er 9hat ha befallen her# ?3s $t me, or $s $t not me@ No, $t can ne;er be me> $t must be some great strange b$r # 1ut 9hat shall 3 o to f$n out 9hether $t $s me or not# %hO 3 =no9 ho9 3 shall be able to tell 9hether $t $s me> $f the cal;es come an l$c= me, an our og Tray oesn7t bar= at me 9hen 3 get home, then $t must be me an no one else#? No9, Tray, her og, ha scarce set h$s eyes on the strange monster 9h$ch came through the gate, than he set up such a bar=$ng, one 9oul ha;e thought all the rogues an robbers $n the 9orl 9ere $n the yar # ?(hO eary meO? sa$ she, ?3 thought so> $t can7t be me surely#? +o she 9ent to the stra9!yar , an the cal;es 9oul n7t l$c= her, 9hen they snuffe $n the strong smell of tar# ?No, noO? she sa$ , ?$t can7t be me> $t must be some strange outlan $sh b$r #? +o she crept up on the roof of the safe an began to flap her arms, as $f they ha been 9$ngs, an 9as <ust go$ng to fly off# When her husban sa9 all th$s, out he came 9$th h$s r$fle, an ta=e a$m at her# ?%hO? cr$e h$s 9$fe, ? on7t shoot, began to

on7t shootO $t $s only meO?

?3f $t7s you,? sa$ her husban , ? on7t stan up there l$=e a goat on a house!top, but come o9n an let me hear 9hat you ha;e to say for yourself#? [p# 1IB] +o she cra9le o9n aga$n, but she ha n7t a sh$ll$ng to sho9, for the cro9n she ha got from the butcher she ha thro9n a9ay $n her run=enness# When her husban hear her story, he sa$ ?6ou7re only t9$ce

as s$lly as you 9ere before,? an he got so angry that he ma e up h$s m$n to go a9ay from her altogether, an ne;er to come bac= t$ll he ha foun three other Goo $es as s$lly as h$s o9n# +o he to le off, an 9hen he ha 9al=e a l$ttle 9ay he sa9 a Goo y, 9ho 9as runn$ng $n an out of a ne9ly!bu$lt 9oo en cottage 9$th an empty s$e;e, an e;ery t$me she ran $n she thre9 her apron o;er the s$e;e, <ust as $f she ha someth$ng $n $t, an 9hen she got $n she turne $t up!s$ e o9n on the floor# ?Why, Goo yO? he as=e , ?9hat are you ?%h,? she ans9ere , ?37m only ho9 $t $s, 9hen 37m outs$ e 3 $ns$ e, someho9 or other 37;e plenty of sun, though 3 ne;er =ne9 some one 9ho 9oul br$ng ollars an 9elcome#? ?.a;e you got an a"e@? as=e sun $ns$ e#? o$ng@?

carry$ng $n a l$ttle sun but 3 on7t =no9 ha;e the sun $n my s$e;e, but 9hen 3 get thro9n $t a9ay# 1ut $n my ol cottage 3 ha carr$e $n the least b$t# 3 only 9$sh 3 the sun $ns$ e> 37 g$;e h$m three hun re the man# ?3f you ha;e, 37ll soon br$ng the

+o he got an a"e an cut 9$n o9s $n the cottage, for the carpenters ha forgotten them> then the sun shone $n, an he got h$s three hun re ollars# ?That 9as one of them,? sa$ the man to h$mself, as he 9ent on h$s 9ay#

(fter a 9h$le he passe by a house, out of 9h$ch came an a9ful scream$ng an bello9$ng> so he turne $n an sa9 a Goo y, 9ho 9as har at 9or= bang$ng her husban across [p# 1IF] the hea 9$th a beetle, an o;er h$s hea she ha ra9n a sh$rt 9$thout any sl$t for the nec=# ?Why, Goo yO? he as=e , ?9$ll you beat your husban to eath@?

?No,? she sa$ , ?3 only must ha;e a hole $n th$s sh$rt for h$s nec= to come through#? (ll the 9h$le the husban =ept on scream$ng an call$ng out,!!

?.ea;en help an comfort all 9ho try on ne9 sh$rtsO 3f any one 9oul teach my Goo y another 9ay of ma=$ng a sl$t for the nec= $n my ne9 sh$rts 37 g$;e h$m three hun re ollars o9n, an 9elcome#? ?37ll o $t $n the t9$n=l$ng of an eye,? sa$ g$;e me a pa$r of sc$ssors#? +o he got a pa$r of sc$ssors, an sn$ppe 9ent off 9$th h$s three hun re ollars# ?That 9as another of them,? he sa$ the man, ?$f you7ll only

a hole $n the the nec=, an along#

to h$mself, as he 9al=e

'ast of all, he came to a farm, 9here he ma e up h$s m$n +o 9hen he 9ent $n, the m$stress as=e h$m,!! ?Whence o you come, master@?

to rest a b$t#

?%hO? sa$ farm#

he, ?3 come from Para $se Place,? for that 9as the name of h$s

?,rom Para $se PlaceO? she cr$e , ?you on7t say soO Why, then, you must =no9 my secon husban Peter, 9ho $s ea an gone, Go rest h$s soulO? ,or you must =no9 th$s Goo y ha been marr$e f$rst an last husban s ha been ba , she ha secon only 9as gone to hea;en# [p# 1II] ?%hO yes,? sa$ ?Well,? as=e the man> ?3 =no9 h$m ;ery 9ell#? the Goo y, ?ho9 o th$ngs go 9$th h$m, poor ear soul@? three t$mes, an ma e up her m$n as her that the

?%nly m$ l$ng,? 9as the ans9er> ?he goes about begg$ng from house to house, an has ne$ther foo nor a rag to h$s bac=# (s for money, he hasn7t a s$"pence to bless h$mself 9$th#? ?-ercy on meO? cr$e out the Goo y> ?he ne;er ought to go about such a f$gure 9hen he left so much beh$n h$m# Why, there7s a 9hole cupboar full of ol clothes upsta$rs 9h$ch belonge to h$m, bes$ es a great chest full of money yon er# No9, $f you 9$ll ta=e them 9$th you, you shall ha;e a horse an cart to carry them# (s for the horse, he can =eep $t, an s$t on the cart, an r$;e about from house to house, an then he nee n7t tru ge on foot#? +o the man got a 9hole cart!loa of clothes, an a chest full of sh$n$ng ollars, an as much meat an r$n= as he 9oul > an 9hen he ha got all he 9ante , he <umpe $nto the cart an ro;e off# ?That 9as the th$r ,? he sa$ to h$mself, as he 9ent along#

No9 th$s Goo y7s th$r husban 9as a l$ttle 9ay off $n a f$el plough$ng, an 9hen he sa9 a strange man r$;$ng off from the farm 9$th h$s horse an cart, he 9ent home an as=e h$s 9$fe 9ho that 9as that ha <ust starte 9$th the blac= horse# ?%h, o you mean h$m@? sa$ the Goo y> ?9hy, that 9as a man from Para $se, 9ho sa$ that Peter, my ear secon husban , 9ho $s ea an gone, $s $n a sa pl$ght, an that he goes from house to house begg$ng, an has ne$ther clothes nor money> so 3 <ust sent h$m all those ol [p# 1IA] clothes he left beh$n h$m, an the ol money bo" 9$th the ollars $n $t#? The man sa9 ho9 the lan lay $n a tr$ce, so he sa le h$s horse an ro e off from the farm at full gallop# 3t 9asn7t long before he 9as close beh$n the man 9ho sat an ro;e the cart> but 9hen the latter sa9 th$s he ro;e the cart $nto a th$c=et by the s$ e of the roa , pulle out a han ful of ha$r from the horse7s ta$l, <umpe up on a l$ttle r$se $n the 9oo , 9here he t$e the ha$r fast to a b$rch, an then lay o9n un er $t, an began to peer an stare up at the s=y# ?Well, 9ell, $f 3 e;erO? he sa$ , as Peter the th$r 3 ne;er sa9 the l$=e of th$s $n all my born aysO? came r$ $ng up# ?NoO

Then Peter stoo an loo=e at h$m for some t$me, 9on er$ng 9hat ha o;er h$m> but at last he as=e ,!! ?What o you l$e there star$ng at@?


?No,? =ept on the man, ?3 ne;er $ see anyth$ng l$=e $tO!!here $s a man go$ng stra$ght up to hea;en on a blac= horse, an here you see h$s horse7s ta$l st$ll hang$ng $n th$s b$rch> an yon er up $n the s=y you see the blac= horse#? Peter loo=e f$rst at the man, an then at the s=y, an sa$ !!

?3 see noth$ng but the horse ha$r $n the b$rch> that7s all 3 see#? ?%f course you can7t 9here you stan ,? sa$ the man> but <ust come an l$e o9n here, an stare stra$ght up, an m$n you on7t ta=e your eyes off the s=y> an then you shall see 9hat you shall see#? 1ut 9h$le Peter the th$r lay an stare up at the s=y [p# 1I9] t$ll h$s eyes f$lle 9$th tears, the man from Para $se Place too= h$s horse an <umpe on $ts bac=, an ro e off both 9$th $t an the cart an horse# When the hoofs thun ere along the roa , Peter the th$r <umpe up, but he 9as so ta=en abac= 9hen he foun the man ha gone off 9$th h$s horse, that he ha n7t the sense to run after h$m t$ll $t 9as too late# .e 9as rather o9n $n the mouth 9hen he got home to h$s Goo y> but 9hen she as=e h$m 9hat he ha one 9$th the horse, he sa$ ,!! ?3 ga;e $t to the man too for Peter the secon , for 3 thought $t 9asn7t r$ght he shoul s$t $n a cart an scramble about from house to house> so no9 he can sell the cart an buy h$mself a coach to r$;e about $n#? ?Than= you heart$lyO? sa$ =$n #? h$s 9$fe> ?3 ne;er thought you coul be so

Well, 9hen the man reache home, 9ho ha got the s$" hun re ollars an the cart!loa of clothes an money, he sa9 that all h$s f$el s 9ere ploughe an so9n, an the f$rst th$ng he as=e h$s 9$fe 9as, 9here she ha got the see !corn from# ?%h,? she sa$ , ?3 ha;e al9ays hear that 9hat a man so9s he shall reap, so 3 so9e the salt 9h$ch our fr$en s the north country men la$ up here 9$th us, an $f 9e only ha;e ra$n 3 fancy $t 9$ll come up n$cely#? ?+$lly you are,? sa$ her husban , ?an s$lly you 9$ll be so long as you l$;e> but that $s all one no9, for the rest are not a b$t 9$ser than you# There $s not a p$n to choose bet9een you#? Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 1A0]

%ne7s %9n 0h$l ren (re (l9ays Prett$est

( sportsman 9ent out once $nto a 9oo ?Dear fr$en ,? sa$

to shoot, an

he met a +n$pe#

the +n$pe, ? on7t shoot my ch$l ren@? the +ports!man> ?9hat are they

?.o9 shall 3 =no9 your ch$l ren@? as=e l$=e@? ?%hO? sa$

the +n$pe, ?m$ne are the prett$est ch$l ren $n all the 9oo #? the +portsman, ?37ll not shoot them> on7t be afra$ #?

?2ery 9ell,? sa$

1ut for all that, 9hen he came bac=, there he ha sn$pes $n h$s han 9h$ch he ha shot# ?%hO ohO? sa$ the +n$pe, ?9hy $

a 9hole str$ng of young

you shoot my ch$l ren after all@? the +portsman> ?9hy, 3 shot the ugl$est

?What, these your ch$l renO? sa$ 3 coul f$n , that 3 $ O?

?Woe $s meO? sa$ the +n$pe> ? on7t you =no9 that each one th$n=s h$s o9n ch$l ren the prett$est $n the 9orl @? Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The Three Pr$ncesses of Wh$telan [p# 1A1] %nce on a t$me there 9as a f$sherman 9ho l$;e close by a palace, an f$she for the =$ng7s table# %ne ay 9hen he 9as out f$sh$ng he <ust caught noth$ng# Do 9hat he 9oul !!ho9e;er he tr$e 9$th ba$t an angle!! there 9as ne;er a sprat on h$s hoo=# 1ut 9hen the ay 9as far spent a hea bobbe up out of the 9ater, an sa$ ,!! ?3f 3 may ha;e 9hat your 9$fe bears un er her g$r le you shall catch f$sh enough#? +o the man ans9ere bol ly, ?6es>? for he $ not =no9 that h$s 9$fe 9as go$ng to ha;e a ch$l # (fter that, as 9as l$=e enough, he caught plenty of f$sh of all =$n s# 1ut 9hen he got home at n$ght an tol h$s story, ho9 he ha got all that f$sh, h$s 9$fe fell a!9eep$ng an moan$ng, an 9as bes$ e herself for the prom$se 9h$ch her husban ha ma e, for she sa$ , ?3 bear a babe un er my g$r le#? Well, the story soon sprea , an came up to the castle> an 9hen the =$ng hear the 9oman7s gr$ef an $ts cause, he sent o9n to say he 9oul ta=e care of the ch$l , an see $f he coul n7t sa;e $t# +o the months 9ent on an on, an 9hen her t$me came the f$sher7s 9$fe ha a boy> so the =$ng too= $t at once, an brought $t up as h$s o9n son, unt$l the la gre9 up# Then he begge lea;e one ay to go out f$sh$ng 9$th h$s father> he ha such a m$n to go, he sa$ # (t f$rst the =$ng 9oul n7t hear of $t, but at last the la ha h$s 9ay, [p# 1A8] an 9ent#

+o he an h$s father 9ere out the 9hole ay, an all 9ent r$ght an 9ell t$ll they lan e at n$ght# Then the la remembere he ha left h$s han =erch$ef, an 9ent to loo= for $t> but as soon as e;er he got $nto the boat $t began to mo;e off 9$th h$m at such spee that the 9ater roare un er the bo9, an all the la coul o $n ro9$ng aga$nst $t 9$th the oars 9as no use> so he 9ent an 9ent the 9hole n$ght, an at last he came to a 9h$te stran , far far a9ay# There he 9ent ashore, an 9hen he ha met h$m, 9$th a long 9h$te bear # ?What7s the name of th$s lan @? as=e 9al=e about a b$t, an ol , ol man

the la # 9hence he came, an

?Wh$telan ,? sa$ the man, 9ho 9ent on to as= the la 9hat he 9as go$ng to o# +o the la tol h$m all#

?(y, ayO? sa$ the man> no9 9hen you ha;e 9al=e a l$ttle farther along the stran here, you7ll come to three Pr$ncesses, 9hom you 9$ll see stan $ng $n the earth up to the$r nec=s, 9$th only the$r hea s out# Then the f$rst!!she $s the el est!!9$ll call out an beg you so prett$ly to come an help her> an the secon 9$ll o the same> to ne$ther of these shall you go> ma=e haste past them, as $f you ne$ther sa9 nor hear anyth$ng# 1ut the th$r you shall go to, an o 9hat she as=s# 3f you o th$s you7ll ha;e goo luc=, that7s all#? When the la came to the f$rst Pr$ncess she calle out to h$m an begge h$m so prett$ly to come to her, but he passe on as though he sa9 her not# 3n the same 9ay he passe by the secon > but to the th$r he 9ent stra$ght up# ?3f you7ll please#? [p# 1A:] ?6es>? he 9as 9$ll$ng enough> so she tol h$m ho9 three Trolls ha set them o9n $n the earth there> but before they ha l$;e $n the castle up among the trees# ?No9,? she sa$ , ?you must go $nto that castle, an let the Trolls 9h$p you each one n$ght for each of us# 3f you can bear that you7ll set us free#? Well, the la sa$ he 9as rea y to try# o 9hat 3 b$ you,? she sa$ , ?you may ha;e 9h$ch of us you

?When you go $n,? the Pr$ncess 9ent on to say, ?you7ll see t9o l$ons stan $ng at the gate> but $f you7ll only go r$ght $n the m$ le bet9een them they7ll o you no harm# Then go stra$ght on $nto a l$ttle ar= room, an ma=e your be # Then the Troll 9$ll come to 9h$p you> but $f you ta=e the flas= 9h$ch hangs on the 9all, an rub yourself 9$th the o$ntment that7s $n $t, 9here;er h$s lash falls you7ll be as soun as e;er# Then grasp the s9or that hangs by the s$ e of the flas= an str$=e the Troll ea #? 6es, he $ as the Pr$ncess tol h$m> he passe $n the m$ st l$ons, as $f he ha n7t seen them, an 9ent stra$ght $nto the an there he lay o9n to sleep# The f$rst n$ght there came a three hea s an three ro s, an 9h$ppe the la soun ly> but bet9een the l$ttle room, Troll 9$th he stoo $t

t$ll the Troll 9as one> then he too= the flas= an graspe the s9or an sle9 the Troll#


h$mself, an

+o, 9hen he 9ent out ne"t morn$ng, the Pr$ncesses stoo up to the$r 9a$sts#

out of the earth

The ne"t n$ght 7t9as the same story o;er aga$n, only th$s t$me the Troll ha s$" hea s an s$" ro s, an he 9h$ppe h$m far 9orse than the f$rst> but 9hen he 9ent out ne"t morn$ng the Pr$ncesses stoo out of the earth as far as the =nee# The th$r n$ght there came a Troll that ha n$ne hea s [p# 1A4] an n$ne ro s, an he 9h$ppe an flogge the la so long that he fa$nte a9ay> then the Troll too= h$m up an ashe h$m aga$nst the 9all> but the shoc= brought o9n the flas=, 9h$ch fell on the la , burst an sp$lle the o$ntment all o;er h$m, an so he became as strong an soun as e;er aga$n# Then he 9asn7t slo9> he graspe the s9or an sle9 the Troll> an ne"t morn$ng 9hen he 9ent out of the castle the Pr$ncesses stoo before h$m 9$th all the$r bo $es out of the earth# +o he too= the youngest for h$s Kueen, an l$;e 9ell an happ$ly 9$th her for some t$me# (t last he began to long to go home for a l$ttle to see h$s parents# .$s Kueen $ not l$=e th$s> but at last h$s heart 9as so set on $t, an he longe an longe so much, there 9as no hol $ng h$m bac=, so she sa$ ,!! ?%ne th$ng you must prom$se me# Th$s#!!%nly to o 9hat your father begs you to o, an not 9hat your mother 9$shes>? an that he prom$se # Then she ga;e h$m a r$ng, 9h$ch 9as of that =$n that any one 9ho 9ore $t m$ght 9$sh t9o 9$shes# +o he 9$she h$mself home, an 9hen he got home h$s parents coul not 9on er enough 9hat a gran man the$r son ha become# No9, 9hen he ha been at home some ays, h$s mother 9$she h$m to go up to the palace an sho9 the =$ng 9hat a f$ne fello9 he ha come to be# 1ut h$s father sa$ ,!! ?NoO on7t let h$m h$m th$s t$me#? o that> $f he oes, 9e shan7t ha;e any more <oy of

1ut $t 9as no goo , the mother begge an praye so long, that at last he 9ent# +o 9hen he got up to the palace, he 9as far bra;er, both $n clothes an array, than the other =$ng, 9ho $ n7t Ku$te l$=e th$s, an at last he sa$ ,!! [p# 1AB] ?(ll ;ery f$ne> but here you can see my Kueen, 9hat l$=e she $s, but 3 can7t see yours, that 3 can7t# Do you =no9 3 scarce th$n= she7s so goo ! loo=$ng as m$ne#? ?Woul to .ea;en,? sa$ the young =$ng, ?she 9ere stan $ng here, then you7 see 9hat she 9as l$=e#? (n that $nstant there she stoo before them# 1ut she 9as ;ery 9oeful, an sa$ to h$m,!!

?Why $ you not m$n 9hat 3 tol you> an 9hy $ you not l$sten to 9hat your father sa$ @ No9, 3 must a9ay home, an as for you, you ha;e ha both your 9$shes#? W$th that she =n$tte a r$ng among h$s ha$r 9$th her name on $t, an 9$she herself home, an 9as off# Then the young =$ng 9as cut to the heart, an 9ent, ay out ay $n, th$n=$ng an th$n=$ng ho9 he shoul get bac= to h$s Kueen# ?37ll <ust try,? he thought, ?$f 3 can7t learn 9here Wh$telan l$es>? an so he 9ent out $nto the 9orl to as=# +o 9hen he ha gone a goo 9ay he came to a h$gh h$ll, an there he met one 9ho 9as lor o;er all the beasts of the 9oo , for they all came home to h$m 9hen he ble9 h$s horn> so the =$ng as=e $f he =ne9 9here Wh$telan 9as# ?No, 3 on7t,? sa$ he, ?but 37ll as= my beasts#? Then he ble9 h$s horn an calle them, an as=e $f any of them =ne9 9here Wh$telan lay> but there 9as no beast that =ne9# +o the man ga;e h$m a pa$r of sno9!shoes# ?When you get on these,? he sa$ , ?you7ll come to my brother, 9ho l$;es hun re s of m$les off> he $s lor o;er all the b$r s of the a$r# (s= h$m# When you reach h$s house, <ust turn the shoes, so that the toes po$nt th$s 9ay, an they7ll come home of themsel;es#? +o 9hen the =$ng [p# 1AF] reache the house he turne the shoes as the lor of the beasts ha sa$ , an a9ay they 9ent home of themsel;es# +o he as=e aga$n after Wh$telan , an the man calle all the b$r s 9$th a blast of h$s horn, an as=e $f any of them =ne9 9here Wh$telan lay> but none of the b$r s =ne9# No9, long, long after the rest of the b$r s, came an ol eagle, 9h$ch ha been a9ay ten roun years, but he coul n7t tell any more than the rest# ?WellO 9ellO? sa$ the man, ?37ll len you a pa$r of sno9!shoes, an 9hen you get them on they7ll carry you to my brother, 9ho l$;es hun re s of m$les off> he7s lor of all the f$sh $n the sea> you7 better as= h$m# 1ut on7t forget to turn the toes of the shoes th$s 9ay#? The =$ng 9as full of than=s, got on the shoes, an 9hen he came to the man 9ho 9as lor o;er the f$sh of the sea, he turne the toes roun , an so off they 9ent home l$=e the other pa$r# (fter that, he as=e aga$n after Wh$telan # +o the man calle the f$sh 9$th a blast, but no f$sh coul tell 9here $t lay# (t last came an ol p$=e, 9h$ch they ha great 9or= to call home, he 9as such a 9ay off# +o 9hen they as=e h$m he sa$ ,!! ?4no9 $tO 3 shoul th$n= 3 $ # 37;e been coo= there ten years, an to! morro9 37m go$ng there aga$n> for no9, the Kueen of Wh$telan , 9hose =$ng $s a9ay, $s go$ng to 9e another husban #? ?WellO? sa$ the man, ?as th$s $s so, 37ll g$;e you a b$t of a ;$ce# .ereabouts, on a moor, stan three brothers, an here they ha;e stoo these hun re years, f$ght$ng about a hat, a cloa=, an a pa$r of boots# 3f any one has these three th$ngs he can ma=e h$mself $n;$s$ble, an 9$sh h$mself any9here he pleases# 6ou can tell them you 9$sh [p# 1AI] to try

the th$ngs, an shall be#?

after that you7ll pass <u gment bet9een them, 9hose they the man, an 9ent an $ as he tol h$m#

6es, the =$ng than=e

?What7s all th$s@? he sa$ to the brothers# ?Why o you stan here f$ght$ng for e;er an a ay@ 5ust let me try these th$ngs, an 37ll g$;e <u gment 9hose they shall be#? They 9ere ;ery 9$ll$ng to o th$s> but as soon as he ha cloa=, an boots, he sa$ ,!! ?When 9e meet ne"t t$me 37ll tell you my <u gment,? an he 9$she h$mself a9ay# got the hat, 9$th these 9or s

+o as he 9ent along, up $n the a$r, he came up 9$th the North W$n # ?Wh$ther a9ay@? roare ?To Wh$telan ,? sa$ h$m# the North W$n # the =$ng> an then he tol h$m all that ha befallen

?(h,? sa$ the North W$n , ?you go faster than 3!!you o> for you can go stra$ght, 9h$le 3 ha;e to puff an blo9 roun e;ery turn an corner# 1ut 9hen you get there, <ust place yourself on the sta$rs by the s$ e of the oor, an then 37ll come storm$ng $n, as though 3 9ere go$ng to blo9 o9n the 9hole castle# (n then 9hen the Pr$nce, 9ho $s to ha;e your Kueen, comes out to see 9hat7s the matter, <ust you ta=e h$m by the collar an p$tch h$m out of oors> then 37ll loo= after h$m, an see $f 3 can7t carry h$m off#? Well!!the =$ng $ as the North W$n sa$ # .e too= h$s stan on the sta$rs, an 9hen the North W$n came, storm$ng an roar$ng, an too= hol of the castle 9all, so that $t shoo= aga$n, the pr$nce came out to see 9hat 9as the matter# 1ut as soon as e;er he came, the =$ng caught h$m [p# 1AA] by the collar an p$tche h$m out of oors, an then the North W$n caught h$m up an carr$e h$m off# +o 9hen there 9as an en of h$m, the =$ng 9ent $nto the castle, an at f$rst h$s Kueen $ n7t =no9 h$m, he 9as so 9an an th$n, through 9an er$ng so far an be$ng so 9oeful> but 9hen he sho9e her the r$ng, she 9as as gla as gla coul be> an so the r$ghtful 9e $ng 9as hel an the fame of $t sprea far an 9$ e# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The 'ass$e an

.er Go mother

%nce on a t$me a poor couple l$;e far, far a9ay $n a great 9oo # The 9$fe 9as brought to be , an ha a pretty g$rl, but they 9ere so poor they $ not =no9 ho9 to get the babe chr$stene , for they ha no money to pay the parson7s fees# +o one ay the father 9ent out to see $f he coul f$n any one 9ho 9as 9$ll$ng to stan for the ch$l an pay the fees> but though he 9al=e about the 9hole ay from one house to another, an though all sa$ they 9ere 9$ll$ng enough to stan , no one thought h$mself boun to pay the fees# No9, 9hen he 9as go$ng home aga$n, a

lo;ely la y met h$m, resse so f$ne, an 9ho loo=e so thoroughly goo an =$n > she offere to get the babe chr$stene , but after that, she sa$ , she must =eep $t for her o9n# The husban ans9ere , he must f$rst as= h$s 9$fe 9hat she 9$she to o> but 9hen he got home an tol h$s story, the 9$fe sa$ , r$ght out, ?NoO? Ne"t ay the man 9ent out aga$n, but no one 9oul [p# 1A9] stan $f they ha to pay the fees> an though he begge an praye , he coul get no help# (n aga$n, as he 9ent home to9ar s e;en$ng, the same lo;ely la y met h$m, 9ho loo=e so s9eet an goo , an she ma e h$m the same offer# +o he tol h$s 9$fe aga$n ho9 he ha fare , an th$s t$me, she sa$ , $f he coul n7t get any one to stan for h$s babe ne"t ay, they must <ust let the la y ha;e her 9ay, s$nce she seeme so =$n an goo # The th$r ay the man 9ent about, but he coul n7t get any one to stan > an so 9hen, to9ar s e;en$ng, he met the =$n la y aga$n, he ga;e h$s 9or she shoul ha;e the babe $f she 9oul only get $t chr$stene at the font# +o ne"t morn$ng she came to the place 9here the man l$;e , follo9e by t9o men to stan go fathers, too= the babe an carr$e $t to church, an there $t 9as chr$stene # (fter that she too= $t to her o9n house, an there the l$ttle g$rl l$;e 9$th her se;eral years, an her foster!mother 9as al9ays =$n an fr$en ly to her# No9 9hen the lass$e ha gro9n to be b$g enough to =no9 r$ght an her foster!mother got rea y to go on a <ourney# 9rong,

?6ou ha;e my lea;e,? she sa$ , ?to go all o;er the house, e"cept those rooms 9h$ch 3 sho9 you>? an 9hen she ha sa$ that, a9ay she 9ent# 1ut the lass$e coul not forbear <ust to open one of the b$t, 9hen PopO out fle9 a +tar# oors a l$ttle

When her foster!mother came bac=, she 9as ;ery ;e"e to f$n that the star ha flo9n out, an she got ;ery angry 9$th her foster! aughter, an threatene to sen her a9ay> but the ch$l cr$e an begge so har that she got lea;e to stay# [p# 190] No9, after a 9h$le, the foster!mother ha to go on another <ourney> an before she 9ent she forba e the lass$e to go $nto those t9o rooms $nto 9h$ch she ha ne;er been# +he prom$se to be9are> but 9hen she 9as left alone she began to th$n= an to 9on er 9hat there coul be $n the secon room, an at last she coul not help sett$ng the oor a l$ttle a<ar, <ust to peep $n, 9hen!! P%PO out fle9 the -oon# When her foster!mother came home an foun the -oon let out, she 9as ;ery o9ncast, an sa$ to the lass$e she must go a9ay, she coul not stay 9$th her any longer# 1ut the lass$e 9ept so b$tterly, an praye so heart$ly for forg$;eness, that th$s t$me too she got lea;e to stay# +ome t$me after, the foster!mother ha to go a9ay aga$n, an she charge the lass$e, 9ho by th$s t$me 9as half gro9n up, most earnestly that she mustn7t try to go $nto, or to peep $nto, the th$r room# 1ut 9hen her foster!mother ha been gone some t$me, an the lass$e 9as 9eary of 9al=$ng about alone, all at once she thought, ?Dear me, 9hat fun $t 9oul be <ust to peep a l$ttle $nto that th$r room#? Then she thought she mustn7t o $t for her foster!mother7s sa=e> but 9hen the ba thought came

the secon t$me she coul hol out no longer> come 9hat m$ght, she must an 9oul loo= $nto the room> so she <ust opene the oor a t$ny b$t, 9hen!! P%PO out fle9 the +un# 1ut 9hen her foster!mother came bac= an sa9 that the sun ha flo9n a9ay, she 9as cut to the heart, an sa$ , ?No9, there 9as no help for $t, the lass$e must an shoul go a9ay> she coul n7t hear of her stay$ng any longer#? No9 the lass$e cr$e her eyes out, an begge an praye so prett$ly> but $t 9as all no goo # ?Nay, but 3 must pun$sh youO? sa$ her foster!mother> [p# 191] ?but you may ha;e your cho$ce, e$ther to be the lo;el$est 9oman $n the 9orl , an not to be able to spea=, or to =eep your speech an be the ugl$est of all 9omen> but a9ay from me you must go#? (n the lass$e sa$ , ?3 9oul sooner be lo;ely#? +o she became all at once 9on rous fa$r, but from that ay forth she 9as umb# +o 9hen she 9ent a9ay from her foster!mother she 9al=e an 9an ere through a great, great 9oo > but the farther she 9ent, the farther off the en seeme to be# +o, 9hen the e;en$ng came on, she clomb up $nto a tall tree, 9h$ch gre9 o;er a spr$ng, an there she ma e herself up to sleep that n$ght# 0lose by lay a castle, an from that castle came early e;ery morn$ng a ma$ to ra9 9ater, to ma=e the Pr$nce7s tea, from the spr$ng o;er 9h$ch the lass$e 9as s$tt$ng# +o the ma$ loo=e o9n $nto the spr$ng, sa9 the lo;ely face $n the 9ater, an thought $t 9as her o9n> then she flung a9ay the p$tcher, an ran home> an 9hen she got there, she tosse up her hea , an sa$ , ?3f 37m so pretty 37m far too goo to go an fetch 9ater#? +o another ma$ ha to go for the 9ater, but the same th$ng happene to her> she 9ent bac= an sa$ she 9as far too pretty an too goo to fetch 9ater from the spr$ng for the Pr$nce# Then the Pr$nce 9ent h$mself, for he ha a m$n to see 9hat all th$s coul mean# +o, 9hen he reache the spr$ng, he too sa9 the $mage $n the 9ater> but he loo=e up at once, an became a9are of the lo;ely lass$e 9ho sat there up $n the tree# Then he coa"e her o9n an too= her home> an at last ma e up h$s m$n to ha;e her for h$s Kueen, because she 9as so lo;ely> but h$s mother, 9ho 9as st$ll al$;e, 9as aga$nst $t# [p# 198] ?+he can7t spea=,? she sa$ , ?an maybe she7s a 9$c=e 9$tch#?

1ut the Pr$nce coul not be content t$ll he got her# +o after they ha l$;e together a 9h$le, the lass$e 9as to ha;e a ch$l , an 9hen the ch$l came to be born the Pr$nce set a strong 9atch roun her> but at the b$rth one an all fell $nto a eep sleep, an her foster!mother came, cut the babe on $ts l$ttle f$nger, an smeare the Kueen7s mouth 9$th the bloo > an sa$ ,!! ?No9 you shall be as gr$e;e 9$th these 9or s she carr$e as 3 9as 9hen you let out the star>? an off the babe#

1ut 9hen those 9ho 9ere on the 9atch 9o=e, they thought the Kueen ha eaten her o9n ch$l , an the ol Kueen 9as all for burn$ng her al$;e, but the Pr$nce 9as so fon of her that at last he begge her off, but he ha har 9or= to set her free#

+o the ne"t t$me the young Kueen 9as to ha;e a ch$l , t9$ce as strong a 9atch 9as set as the f$rst t$me, but the same th$ng happene o;er aga$n, only th$s t$me her foster!mother sa$ ,!! ?No9 you shall be as gr$e;e as 3 9as 9hen you let the moon out#?

(n the Kueen begge an praye , an 9ept> for 9hen her foster!mother 9as there, she coul spea=!!but $t 9as all no goo # (n no9 the ol Kueen sa$ she must be burnt, but the Pr$nce foun means to beg her off# 1ut 9hen the th$r ch$l 9as to be born, a 9atch 9as set three t$mes as strong as the f$rst, but <ust the same th$ng happene # .er foster!mother came 9h$le the 9atch slept, too= the babe, an [p# 19:] cut $ts l$ttle f$nger, an smeare the Kueen7s mouth 9$th the bloo , tell$ng her no9 she shoul be as gr$e;e as she ha been 9hen the lass$e let out the sun# (n no9 the Pr$nce coul not sa;e her any longer# +he must an shoul be burnt# 1ut <ust as they 9ere lea $ng her to the sta=e, all at once they sa9 her foster!mother, 9ho came 9$th all three ch$l ren!!t9o she le by the han , an the th$r she ha on her arm> an so she 9ent up to the young Kueen an sa$ ,!! ?.ere are your ch$l ren> no9 you shall ha;e them aga$n# 3 am the 2$rg$n -ary, an so gr$e;e as you ha;e been, so gr$e;e 9as 3 9hen you let out sun an moon, an star# No9 you ha;e been pun$she for 9hat you $ , an henceforth you shall ha;e your speech#? .o9 gla the Jueen an Pr$nce no9 9ere all may eas$ly th$n=, but no one can tell# (fter that they 9ere al9ays happy> an from that ay e;en the Pr$nce7s mother 9as ;ery fon of the young Kueen# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The Three (unts %nce on a t$me there 9as a poor man 9ho l$;e $n a hut far a9ay $n the 9oo , an got h$s l$;$ng by shoot$ng# .e ha an only aughter, 9ho 9as ;ery pretty, an as she ha lost her mother 9hen she 9as a ch$l , an 9as no9 half gro9n up, she sa$ she 9oul go out $nto the 9orl an earn her brea # ?Well, lass$eO? sa$ the father, ?true enough you ha;e learnt noth$ng here but ho9 to pluc= b$r s an roast them, but st$ll you may as 9ell try to earn your brea #? +o the g$rl 9ent off to see= a place, an 9hen she ha gone a l$ttle 9h$le, she came to a palace# There she staye an got a place, an the Kueen l$=e her so 9ell that all the other ma$ s got en;$ous of her# +o they ma e up the$r m$n s to tell the Kueen ho9 the lass$e sa$ she 9as goo to sp$n a poun of fla" $n four!an !t9enty hours, for you must =no9 the Kueen 9as a great house9$fe, an thought much of goo 9or=# ?.a;e you sa$ th$s@ then you shall o $t,? sa$ ha;e a l$ttle longer t$me $f you choose#? the Kueen> ?but you may

No9, the poor lass$e are not say she ha ne;er spun $n all her l$fe, but she only begge for a room to herself# That she got, an the 9heel an the fla" 9ere brought up to her# There she sat sa an 9eep$ng, an =ne9 not ho9 to help herself# +he pulle the 9heel th$s 9ay an that, an t9$ste an turne $t about, but she ma e a poor han of $t, for she ha ne;er e;en seen a sp$nn$ng!9heel $n her l$fe# 1ut all at once, as she sat there, $n came an ol ?What a$ls you, ch$l @? she sa$ # ?(hO? sa$ the lass$e, 9$th a eep s$gh, ?$t7s no goo you7ll ne;er be able to help me#? ?Who =no9s@? sa$ the ol to tell you, for 9oman to her#

9$fe# ?-aybe 3 =no9 ho9 to help you after all#? so she to sp$n

Well, thought the lass$e to herself, 3 may as 9ell tell her, an tol her ho9 her fello9!ser;ants ha g$;en out that she 9as goo a poun of fla" $n four!an !t9enty hours# [p# 19B]

?(n here am 3, 9retch that 3 am, shut up to sp$n all that heap $n a ay an a n$ght, 9hen 3 ha;e ne;er e;er seen a sp$nn$ng!9heel $n all my born ays#? ?Well ne;er m$n , ch$l ,? sa$ the ol 9oman, ?3f you7ll call me (unt on the happ$est ay of your l$fe, 37ll sp$n th$s fla" for you, an so you may <ust go a9ay an l$e o9n to sleep#? 6es, the lass$e 9as 9$ll$ng enough, an sleep# off she 9ent an lay o9n to

Ne"t morn$ng 9hen she a9o=e, there lay all the fla" spun on the table, an that so clean an f$ne, no one ha e;er seen such e;en an pretty yarn# The Kueen 9as ;ery gla to get such n$ce yarn, an she set greater store by the lass$e than e;er# 1ut the rest 9ere st$ll more en;$ous, an agree to tell the Kueen ho9 the lass$e ha sa$ she 9as goo to 9ea;e the yarn she ha spun $n four!an !t9enty hours# +o the Kueen sa$ aga$n, as she ha sa$ $t she must o $t> but $f she coul n7t Ku$te f$n$sh $t $n four!an !t9enty hours, she 9oul n7t be too har upon her, she m$ght ha;e a l$ttle more t$me# Th$s t$me, too, the lass$e are not say No, but begge for a room to herself, an then she 9oul try# There she sat aga$n, sobb$ng an cry$ng, an not =no9$ng 9h$ch 9ay to turn, 9hen another ol 9oman came $n an as=e ,!! ?What a$ls you, ch$l @? (t f$rst the lass$e 9oul n7t say, but at last she tol story of her gr$ef# her the 9hole

?Well, 9ellO? sa$ the ol 9$fe, ?ne;er m$n # 3f you7ll call me (unt on the happ$est ay of your l$fe, 37ll 9ea;e th$s yarn for you, an so you may <ust be off, an l$e o9n to sleep#? 6es, the lass$e 9as 9$ll$ng enough> so she 9ent a9ay an lay o9n to sleep# When she a9o=e, there lay the p$ece of l$nen on the table, 9o;en so neat an close, no 9oof coul be better# +o the lass$e too= the p$ece an ran o9n to the Kueen, 9ho 9as ;ery gla to get such beaut$ful l$nen, an set greater store than

e;er by the lass$e# 1ut as for the others, they gre9 st$ll more b$tter aga$nst her, an thought of noth$ng but ho9 to f$n out someth$ng to tell about her# [p# 19F] (t last they tol the Kueen the lass$e ha sa$ she 9as goo to ma=e up the p$ece of l$nen $nto sh$rts $n four!an !t9enty hours# Well, all happene as before> the lass$e are not say she coul n7t se9> so she 9as shut up aga$n $n a room by herself, an there she sat $n tears an gr$ef# 1ut then another ol 9$fe came, 9ho sa$ she 9oul se9 the sh$rts for her $f she 9oul call her (unt on the happ$est ay of her l$fe# The lass$e 9as only too gla to o th$s, an then she $ as the ol 9$fe tol her, an 9ent an lay o9n to sleep# Ne"t morn$ng 9hen she 9o=e she foun the p$ece of l$nen ma e up $nto sh$rts, 9h$ch lay on the table!!an such beaut$ful 9or= no one ha e;er set eyes on> an more than that, the sh$rts 9ere all mar=e an rea y for 9ear# +o, 9hen the Kueen sa9 the 9or=, she 9as so gla at the 9ay $n 9h$ch $t 9as se9n, that she clappe her han s, an sa$ ,!! ?+uch se9$ng 3 ne;er ha , nor e;en sa9, $n all my born ays>? an after that she 9as as fon of the lass$e as of her o9n ch$l ren> an she sa$ to her,!! ?No9, $f you l$=e to ha;e the Pr$nce for your husban , you shall ha;e h$m> for you 9$ll ne;er nee to h$re 9or=!9omen# 6ou can se9, an sp$n, an 9ea;e all yourself#? [p# 19I] +o as the lass$e 9as pretty, an the Pr$nce 9as gla to ha;e her, the 9e $ng soon came on# 1ut <ust as the Pr$nce 9as go$ng to s$t o9n 9$th the br$ e to the br$ al feast, $n came an ugly ol hag 9$th a long nose!! 37m sure $t 9as three ells long# +o up got the br$ e an ?Goo ! ay, (unt$e#? ?That (unt$e to my br$ e@? sa$ ?6es, she 9asO? ?Well, then, she7 better s$t o9n 9$th us to the feast,? sa$ the Pr$nce> but to tell you the truth, both he an the rest thought she 9as a loathsome 9oman to ha;e ne"t you# 1ut <ust then $n came another ugly ol hag# +he ha a bac= so humpe an broa , she ha har 9or= to get through the oor# &p <umpe the br$ e $n a tr$ce, an greete her 9$th ?Goo ! ay, (unt$eO? (n the Pr$nce as=e aga$n $f that 9ere h$s br$ e7s aunt# They both sa$ , 6es> so the Pr$nce sa$ , $f that 9ere so, she too ha better s$t o9n 9$th them to the feast# 1ut they ha scarce ta=en the$r seats before another ugly ol hag came $n, 9$th eyes as large as saucers, an so re an bleare , 7t9as gruesome the Pr$nce# ma e a curtsey, an sa$ ,!!

to loo= at her# 1ut up <umpe the br$ e aga$n, 9$th her ?Goo ! ay, (unt$e,? an her, too, the Pr$nce as=e to s$t o9n> but 3 can7t say he 9as ;ery gla , for he thought to h$mself,!! ?.ea;en sh$el me from such (unt$es as my br$ e hasO? +o 9hen he ha a 9h$le, he coul not =eep h$s thoughts to h$mself any longer, but as=e ,!! ?1ut ho9, $n all the 9orl can my br$ e, 9ho $s such a lo;ely lass$e, ha;e such loathsome m$s!shapen (unts@? ?37ll soon tell you ho9 $t $s,? sa$ the f$rst# ?3 9as [p# 19A] <ust as goo !loo=$ng 9hen 3 9as her age> but the reason 9hy 37;e got th$s long nose $s, because 3 9as al9ays =ept s$tt$ng, an po=$ng, an no $ng o;er my sp$nn$ng, an so my nose got stretche an stretche , unt$l $t got as long as you no9 see $t#? ?(n 3,? sa$ the secon , ?e;er s$nce 3 9as young, 3 ha;e sat an scuttle bac=9ar s an for9ar s o;er my loom, an that7s ho9 my bac= has got so broa an humpe as you no9 see $t#? ?(n 3,? sa$ the th$r , ?e;er s$nce 3 9as l$ttle, 3 ha;e sat, an stare an se9n, an se9n an stare , n$ght an ay> an that7s 9hy my eyes ha;e got so ugly an re , an no9 there7s no help for them#? ?+o, soO? sa$ the Pr$nce, ? 7t9as luc=y 3 came to =no9 th$s> for $f fol= can get so ugly an loathsome by all th$s, then my br$ e shall ne$ther sp$n, nor 9ea;e, nor se9 all her l$fe long#? Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com sat

The 0oc=, the 0uc=oo, an

the 1lac=coc=

[Th$s $s another of those tales $n 9h$ch the b$r s7 notes must be $m$tate #] %nce on a t$me the 0oc=, the 0uc=oo, an the 1lac=coc= bought a co9 bet9een them# 1ut 9hen they came to share $t, an coul not agree 9h$ch shoul buy the others out, they settle that he 9ho 9o=e f$rst $n the morn$ng shoul ha;e the co9# +o the 0oc= 9o=e f$rst# [p# 199] ?No9 the co97s m$neO No9 the co97s m$neO .urrahO hurrahO? he cre9, an ?.alf co9O as he cre9, up a9o=e the 0uc=oo#

.alf co9O? sang the 0uc=oo, an 9o=e up the 1lac=coc=#

?( l$=e share, a l$=e share> Dear fr$en s, that7s only fa$rO +a9 seeO +ee sa9O? That7s 9hat the 1lac=coc= sa$ # (n no9, can you tell me 9h$ch of them ought to ha;e the co9@

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

)$ch Peter the Pe lar %nce on a t$me there 9as a man 9hom they calle )$ch Peter the Pe lar, because he use to tra;el about 9$th a pac=, an got so much money that he became Ku$te r$ch# Th$s )$ch Peter ha a aughter, 9hom he hel so ear that all 9ho came to 9oo her 9ere sent about the$r bus$ness, for no one 9as goo enough for her, he thought# Well, th$s 9ent on an on, an at last no one came to 9oo her, an as years rolle on, Peter began to be afra$ that she 9oul $e an ol ma$ # ?3 9on er no9,? he sa$ to h$s 9$fe, ?9hy su$tors no longer come to 9oo our lass, 9ho $s so r$ch# 7T9oul be o $f nobo y care to ha;e her, for money she has, an more she shall ha;e# 3 th$n= 37 better <ust go off to the [p# 800] +targaCers, an as= them 9hom she shall ha;e, for not a soul comes to us no9#? ?1ut ho9,? as=e ?0an7t they@? sa$ the 9$fe, ?can the +targaCers ans9er that@? Peter> ?9hyO they rea all th$ngs $n the stars#?

+o he too= 9$th h$m a great bag of money, an set off to the +targaCers, an as=e them to be so goo as to loo= at the stars, an tell h$m the husban h$s aughter 9as to ha;e# Well, the +targaCers loo=e an loo=e , but they sa$ they coul see noth$ng about $t# 1ut Peter begge them to loo= better, an to tell h$m the truth> he 9oul pay them 9ell for $t# +o the +targaCers loo=e better, an at last they sa$ that h$s aughter7s husban 9as to be the m$ller7s son, 9ho 9as only <ust born, o9n at the m$ll belo9 )$ch Peter7s house# Then Peter ga;e the +targaCers a hun re ollars, an 9ent home 9$th the ans9er he ha got# No9, he thought $t too goo a <o=e that h$s ne9ly born, an of such poor estate# .e sa$ a e ,!! aughter shoul 9e one so th$s to h$s 9$fe, an

?3 9on er no9 $f they 9oul the 9ay@? ?3 aresay they 9oul ,? sa$

sell me the boy> then 37

soon put h$m out of

h$s 9$fe> ?you =no9 they7re ;ery poor#?

+o Peter 9ent o9n to the m$ll, an as=e the m$ller7s 9$fe 9hether she 9oul sell h$m her son> she shoul get a heap of money for h$m@ ?NoO? that she 9oul n7t# ?WellO? sa$ Peter, ?37m sure 3 can7t see 9hy you [p# 801] shoul n7t> you7;e har 9or= enough as $t $s to =eep hunger out of the house, an the boy 9on7t ma=e $t eas$er, 3 th$n=#? 1ut the mother 9as so prou of the boy she coul n7t part 9$th h$m# +o 9hen the m$ller came home, Peter sa$ the same th$ng to h$m, an ga;e h$s 9or to pay s$" hun re ollars for the boy, so that they m$ght buy themsel;es a farm of the$r o9n, an not ha;e to gr$n other fol=s7 corn, an to star;e 9hen they ran short of 9ater# The m$ller thought $t 9as a goo barga$n, an he tal=e o;er h$s 9$fe> an the en 9as, that )$ch Peter got the boy# The mother cr$e an sobbe , but Peter comforte her by say$ng the boy shoul be 9ell care for> only they ha to prom$se ne;er to as= after h$m, for he sa$ he meant to sen h$m far a9ay to other lan s, so that he m$ght learn fore$gn tongues# +o 9hen Peter the Pe lar got home 9$th the boy he sent for a carpenter, an ha a l$ttle chest ma e, 9h$ch 9as so t$ y an neat, 7t9as a <oy to see# Th$s he ma e 9ater!t$ght 9$th p$tch, put the m$ller7s boy $nto $t, loc=e $t up, an thre9 $t $nto the r$;er, 9here the stream carr$e $t a9ay# ?No9, 37m r$ of h$m,? thought Peter the Pe lar#

1ut 9hen the chest ha floate e;er so far o9n the stream, $t came $nto the m$ll!hea of another m$ll, an ran o9n an hampere the shaft of the 9heel, an stoppe $t# %ut came the m$ller to see 9hat stoppe the m$ll, foun the chest, an too= $t up# +o 9hen he came home to $nner to h$s 9$fe, he sa$ ,!! ?3 9on er no9 9hate;er there can be $ns$ e th$s chest, 9h$ch came float$ng o9n the m$ll!hea an stoppe our m$ll to! ay@? [p# 808] ?That 9e7ll soon =no9,? sa$ <ust turn $t#? h$s 9$fe> ?see, there7s the =ey $n the loc=,

+o they turne the =ey, an opene the chest, an loO there lay the prett$est ch$l you e;er set eyes on# +o they 9ere both gla , an 9ere rea y to =eep the ch$l , for they ha no ch$l ren of the$r o9n, an 9ere so ol they coul no9 hope for none# No9, after a l$ttle 9h$le, Peter the Pe lar began to 9on er ho9 $t 9as no one came to 9oo h$s aughter, 9ho 9as so r$ch $n lan , an ha so much rea y money# (t last, 9hen no one came, off he 9ent aga$n to the +targaCers, an offere them a heap of money $f they coul tell h$m 9hom h$s aughter 9as to ha;e for a husban #

?Why, 9e ha;e tol you alrea y, that she $s to ha;e the m$ller7s son yon er,? sa$ the +targaCers#


?(ll ;ery true, 3 aresay,? sa$ Peter the Pe lar> ?but $t so happens he7s ea > but $f you can tell me 9hom she7s to ha;e, 37ll g$;e you t9o hun re ollars, an 9elcome#? +o the +targaCers loo=e an sa$ ,!! at the stars aga$n, but they got Ku$te cross,

?We tol you before, an 9e tell you no9, she $s to ha;e the m$ller7s son, 9hom you thre9 $nto the r$;er, an 9$she to ma=e an en of> for he $s al$;e, safe an soun , $n such an such a m$ll, far o9n the stream#? +o Peter the Pe lar ga;e them t9o hun re ollars for th$s ne9s, an thought ho9 he coul best be r$ of the m$ller7s son# The f$rst th$ng Peter $ 9hen he got home 9as to set off for the m$ll# 1y that t$me the boy 9as so b$g that he ha been conf$rme , an 9ent about the m$ll, an helpe the m$ller# +uch a pretty boy you ne;er sa9# [p# 80:] ?0an7t you spare me that la m$ller# yon er@? sa$ Peter the Pe lar to the

?No, that 3 can7t,? he ans9ere > ?37;e brought h$m up as my o9n son, an he has turne out so 9ell that no9 he7s a great help an a$ to me $n the m$ll, for 37m gett$ng ol an past 9or=#? ?3t7s <ust the same 9$th me,? sa$ Peter the pe lar> that7s 9hy 37 l$=e to ha;e some one to learn my tra e# No9, $f you7ll g$;e h$m up to me, 37ll g$;e you s$" hun re ollars, an then you can buy yourself a farm, an l$;e $n peace an Ku$et the rest of your ays#? 6es, 9hen the m$ller hear that, he let Peter the Pe lar ha;e the la #

Then the t9o tra;elle about far an 9$ e, 9$th the$r pac=s an 9ares, t$ll they came to an $nn, 9h$ch lay by the e ge of a great 9oo # ,rom th$s Peter the Pe lar sent the la home 9$th a letter to h$s 9$fe, for the 9ay 9as not so long $f you too= the short cut across the 9oo , an tol h$m to tell her she 9as to be sure an o 9hat 9as 9r$tten $n the letter as Ku$c=ly as she coul # 1ut $t 9as 9r$tten $n the letter that she 9as to ha;e a great p$le ma e there an then, f$re $t, an cast the m$ller7s son $nto $t# 3f she $ n7t o that, he7 burn her al$;e h$mself 9hen he came bac=# +o the la set off 9$th the letter across the 9oo , an 9hen e;en$ng came on he reache a house far, far a9ay $n the 9oo , $nto 9h$ch he 9ent> but $ns$ e he foun no one# 3n one of the rooms 9as a be rea y ma e, so he thre9 h$mself across $t an fell asleep# The letter he ha stuc= $nto h$s hat!ban , an the hat he pulle o;er h$s face# +o 9hen the robbers came bac=!!for $n that house t9el;e robbers ha the$r abo e!!an sa9 the la ly$ng on the be , they [p# 804] began to 9on er 9ho he coul be, an one of them too= the letter an bro=e $t open, an rea $t# ?.eO heO? sa$ he> ?th$s comes from Peter the Pe lar, oes $t@ No9 9e7ll play h$m a tr$c=# 3t 9oul be a p$ty $f the ol n$ggar ma e an en of such a pretty la #?

+o the robbers 9rote another letter to Peter the Pe lar7s 9$fe, an fastene $t un er h$s hat!ban 9h$le he slept> an $n that they 9rote that as soon as e;er she got $t she 9as to ma=e a 9e $ng for her aughter an the m$ller7s boy, an g$;e them horses an cattle, an househol stuff, an set them up for themsel;es $n the farm 9h$ch he ha un er the h$ll> an $f he $ n7t f$n all th$s one by the t$me he came bac= she7 smart for $t!!that 9as all# Ne"t ay the robbers let the la go, an 9hen he came home an el$;ere the letter, he sa$ he 9as to greet her =$n ly from Peter the Pe lar, an to say that she 9as to carry out 9hat 9as 9r$tten $n the letter as soon as e;er she coul # ?6ou must ha;e beha;e ;ery 9ell then,? sa$ Peter the Pe lar7s 9$fe to the m$ller7s boy, ?$f he can 9r$te so about you no9, for 9hen you set off, he 9as so ma aga$nst you he $ n7t =no9 ho9 to put you out of the 9ay#? +o she marr$e them on the spot, an set them up for themsel;es, 9$th horses, an cattle, an househol stuff, $n the farm up un er the h$ll# No long t$me after Peter the Pe lar came home, an the f$rst th$ng he as=e 9as, $f she ha one 9hat he ha 9r$tten $n h$s letter# ?(yO ayO? she sa$ > ?3 thought $t rather o , but 3 are not o anyth$ng else>? an so Peter as=e 9here h$s aughter 9as# [p# 80B] ?Why, you =no9 9ell enough 9here she $s,? sa$ h$s 9$fe# ?Where shoul she be but up at the farm un er the h$ll, as you 9rote $n the letter#? +o 9hen Peter the Pe lar came to hear the 9hole story, an came to see the letter, he got so angry he 9as rea y to burst 9$th rage, an off he ran up to the farm to the young couple# ?3t7s all ;ery 9ell, my son, to say you ha;e got my aughter,? he sa$ to the m$ller7s la > ?but $f you 9$sh to =eep her, you must go to the Dragon of Deepferry, an get me three feathers out of h$s ta$l> for he 9ho has them may get anyth$ng he chooses#? ?1ut 9here shall 3 f$n h$m@? sa$ h$s son!$n!la9#

?37m sure 3 can7t tell,? sa$ not m$ne#?

Peter the Pe lar> ?that7s your loo=!out, after he ha 9al=e some 9ay

+o the la set off 9$th a stout heart, an he came to a =$ng7s palace#

?.ere 37ll <ust step $n an as=,? he sa$ to h$mself, for such great fol= =no9 more about the 9orl than others, an perhaps 3 may here learn the 9ay to the Dragon#? Then the =$ng as=e h$m 9hence he came, an 9h$ther he 9as go$ng@

?%hO? sa$ the la , ?37m go$ng to the Dragon of Deepferry to pluc= three feathers out of h$s ta$l, $f 3 only =ne9 9here to f$n h$m#? ?6ou must ta=e luc= 9$th you, then,? sa$ the 4$ng, ?for 3 ne;er hear of any one 9ho came bac= from that search# 1ut $f you f$n h$m, <ust as= h$m from me 9hy 3 can7t get clear 9ater $n my 9ell> for 37;e ug $t out t$me after t$me, an st$ll 3 can7t get a rop of clear 9ater#?

?6es, 37ll be sure to as= h$m,? sa$ the la # +o he [p# 80F] l$;e on the fat of the lan at the palace, an got money an foo 9hen he left $t# (t e;en he came to another =$ng7s palace> an 9hen he 9ent $nto the =$tchen, the 4$ng came out of the parlour an as=e 9hence he came, an on 9hat erran he 9as boun # ?%h,? sa$ the la , ?37m go$ng to the Dragon of Deepferry to pluc= three feathers out of h$s ta$l#? ?Then you must ta=e luc= 9$th you,? sa$ the 4$ng, for 3 ne;er yet hear that any one came bac= 9ho 9ent to loo= for h$m# 1ut $f you f$n h$m, be so goo as to as= h$m from me 9here my aughter $s, 9ho has been lost so many years# 3 ha;e hunte for her, an ha her name g$;en out $n e;ery church $n the country, but no one can tell me anyth$ng about her# ?6es, 37ll m$n an o that,? sa$ the la > an $n that palace too he l$;e on the best, an 9hen he 9ent a9ay he got both money an foo # +o 9hen e;en$ng re9 on aga$n he came at last to another =$ng7s palace# .ere 9ho shoul come out $nto the =$tchen but the Jueen, an she as=e h$m 9hence he came, an on 9hat erran he 9as boun # ?37m go$ng to the Dragon of Deepferry, to pluc= three feathers out of h$s ta$l,? sa$ the la # ?Then you7 better ta=e a goo p$ece of luc= 9$th you,? sa$ the Jueen, ?for 3 ne;er hear of any one that came bac= from h$m# 1ut $f you f$n h$m, <ust be goo enough to as= h$m from me 9here 3 shall f$n my gol =eys 9h$ch 3 ha;e lost#? ?6es, 37ll be sure to as= h$m,? sa$ the la #

Well, 9hen he left the palace he came to a great broa [p# 80I] r$;er> an 9h$le he stoo there, an 9on ere 9hether he shoul cross $t or go o9n along the ban=, an ol hunch!bac=e man came up, an as=e 9h$ther he 9as go$ng# ?%h, 37m go$ng to the Dragon of Deepferry, $f 3 coul to tell 9here 3 can f$n h$m#? only f$n any one

?3 can tell you that,? sa$ the man> ?for here 3 go bac=9ar s an for9ar s, an carry those o;er 9ho are go$ng to see h$m# .e l$;es <ust across, an 9hen you cl$mb the h$ll you7ll see h$s castle> but m$n , $f you come to tal= 9$th h$m, to as= h$m from me ho9 long 37m to stop here an carry fol= o;er#? ?37ll be sure to as= h$m,? sa$ the la # 9hen she

+o the man too= h$m on h$s bac= an carr$e h$m o;er the r$;er> an he cl$mbe the h$ll he sa9 the castle an 9ent $n# .e foun sa$ ,!! there a Pr$ncess 9ho l$;e 9$th the Dragon all alone> an

?1ut, ear fr$en , ho9 can 0hr$st$an fol= are to come h$ther@ None ha;e been here s$nce 3 came, an you7 best be off as fast as you can> for as

soon as the Dragon comes home he7ll smell you out, an tr$ce, an that7ll ma=e me so unhappy#? ?Nay, nayO? sa$ of h$s ta$l#?

gobble you up $n a

the la > ?3 can7t go before 37;e got three feathers out the Pr$ncess> ?you7 best be off#? get the

?6ou7ll ne;er get them,? sa$

1ut the la 9oul n7t go> he 9oul 9a$t for the Dragon, an feathers, an an ans9er to all h$s Kuest$ons#

?Well, s$nce you7re so stea fast 37ll see 9hat 3 can o to help you,? sa$ the Pr$ncess> ?<ust try to l$ft that s9or that hangs on the 9all yon er#? [p# 80A] No> the la coul not e;en st$r $t# the Pr$ncess> ?but <ust ta=e a r$n= out of th$s then he coul then you may

?3 thought so,? sa$ flas=#? +o 9hen the la <ust st$r $t# ha

sat a 9h$le, he 9as to try aga$n> an

?WellO you must ta=e another r$n=,? sa$ as 9ell tell me your erran h$ther#?

the Pr$ncess, ?an

+o he too= another r$n=, an then he tol her ho9 one =$ng ha begge h$m to as= the Dragon ho9 $t 9as he coul n7t get clear 9ater $n h$s 9ell@!!ho9 another ha b$ en h$m as= 9hat ha become of h$s aughter, 9ho ha been lost many years s$nce@!!an ho9 a Kueen ha begge h$m to as= the Dragon 9hat ha become of her gol =eys@!!an , last of all, ho9 the ferryman ha begge h$m to as= the Dragon ho9 long he 9as to stop there an carry fol= o;er@ When he ha one h$s story, an too= hol of the s9or , he coul l$ft $t> an 9hen he ha ta=en another r$n=, he coul bran $sh $t# ?No9,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?$f you on7t 9ant the Dragon to ma=e an en of you you7 best creep un er the be , for n$ght $s ra9$ng on, an he7ll soon be home, an then you must l$e as st$ll as you can lest he shoul f$n you out# (n 9hen 9e ha;e gone to be , 37ll as= h$m, but you must =eep your ears open, an snap up all that he says> an un er the be you must l$e t$ll all $s st$ll an the Dragon falls asleep> then creep out softly an se$Ce the s9or , an as soon as he r$ses, loo= out to he9 off h$s hea at one stro=e, an at the same t$me pluc= out the three feathers, for else he7ll tear them out h$mself, that no one may get any goo by them#? [p# 809] +o the la crept un er the be an the Dragon came home# the Dragon#

?What a smell of 0hr$st$an flesh,? sa$

?%h yes,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?a ra;en came fly$ng 9$th a man7s bone $n h$s b$ll, an perche on the roof# No oubt $t7s that you smell#?

?+o $t $s, 3

aresay,? sa$

the Dragon#

+o the Pr$ncess ser;e supper> an after they ha eaten, they 9ent to be # 1ut after they ha la$n a 9h$le, the Pr$ncess began to toss about, an all at once she starte up an sa$ ,!! ?(hO ahO? ?What7s the matter@? sa$ the Dragon# 37;e ha such a

?%h,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?3 can7t rest at all, an strange ream#? ?What $ you ream about@ 'et7s hear@? sa$ as=e

the Dragon# o to get clear

?3 thought a =$ng came here, an 9ater $n h$s 9ell#?

you 9hat he must

?%h,? sa$ the Dragon, ?he m$ght <ust as 9ell ha;e foun that out for h$mself# 3f he ug the 9ell out, an too= out the ol rotten stump 9h$ch l$es at the bottom, he7 get clear 9ater fast enough# 1ut be st$ll no9, an on7t ream any more#? When the Pr$ncess ha la$n a 9h$le, she began to toss about, an she starte up 9$th her ?(hO ahO? ?What7s the matter no9@? sa$ the Dragon# 37;e ha such a strange ream,? at last

?%hO 3 can7t get any rest at all, an sa$ the Pr$ncess# ?Why, you seem full of ream no9@? [p# 810]

reams to!n$ght,? sa$

the Dragon/ ?9hat 9as your

?3 thought a =$ng came here, an as=e you 9hat ha become of h$s aughter 9ho ha been lost many years s$nce,? sa$ the Pr$ncess# ?Why, you are she,? sa$ the Dragon> ?but he7ll ne;er set eyes on you aga$n# 1ut no9, o pray be st$ll, an let me get some rest, an on7t let7s ha;e any more reams, else 37ll brea= your r$bs#? Well, the Pr$ncess ha n7t la$n much longer before she began to toss about aga$n# (t last she starte up 9$th her ?(hO ahO? ?WhatO (re you at $t aga$n@? sa$ the Dragon# What7s the matter no9@? for he 9as 9$l an sleep!surly, so that he 9as rea y to fly to p$eces# ?%h, on7t be angry? sa$ ream#? ?The euce ta=e your t$me@? the Pr$ncess> ?but 37;e ha the Dragon> 9hat such a strange $ you ream th$s

reams,? roare

?3 thought a Kueen came here, 9ho as=e you to tell her 9here she 9oul f$n her gol =eys, 9h$ch she has lost#? ?%h,? sa$ the Dragon, ?she7ll f$n them soon enough $f she loo=s among the bushes 9here she lay that t$me she 9ots of# 1ut o no9 let me ha;e no more reams, but sleep $n peace#? +o they slept a 9h$le> but then the Pr$ncess 9as <ust as restless as e;er, an at last she screame out!! ?(hO ahO? ?6ou7ll ne;er beha;e t$ll 3 brea= your nec=,? sa$ the Dragon, 9ho 9as no9 so 9roth that spar=s of f$re fle9 out of h$s eyes# ?What7s the matter no9@? [p# 811] ?%h, on7t be so angry,? sa$ ha such a strange ream#? the Pr$ncess> ?3 can7t bear that> but 37;e reams!!

?1less meO? sa$ the Dragon> ?$f 3 e;er hear the l$=e of these there7s no en to them# (n pray, 9hat $ you ream no9@? ?3 thought the ferryman o9n at the ferry came an as=e to stop there an carry fol= o;er,? sa$ the Pr$ncess#

ho9 long he 9as

?The ull foolO? sa$ the Dragon> ?he7 soon be free $f he chose# When any one comes 9ho 9ants to go across he has only to ta=e an thro9 h$m $nto the r$;er, an say 7No9, carry fol= o;er yourself t$ll some one sets you free#7 1ut no9, pray let7s ha;e an en of these reams, else 37ll lea you a pretty ance#? +o the Pr$ncess let h$m sleep on# 1ut as soon as all 9as st$ll, an the m$ller7s la hear that the Dragon snore , he crept out# 1efore $t 9as l$ght the Dragon rose> but he ha scarce set both h$s feet on the floor before the la cut off h$s hea , an pluc=e three feathers out of h$s ta$l# Then came great <oy, an both the la an the Pr$ncess too= as much gol , an s$l;er, an money, an prec$ous th$ngs as they coul carry> an 9hen they came o9n to the for , they so puCCle the ferryman 9$th all they ha to tell, that he Ku$te forgot to as= 9hat the Dragon ha sa$ about h$m t$ll they ha got across# ?.alloa, you s$r,? he sa$ , as they 9ere go$ng off, ? $ Dragon 9hat 3 begge you to as=@? you as= the

?6es, 3 $ ,? sa$ the la , ?an he sa$ , 7When any one comes an 9ants to go o;er, you must thro9 h$m $nto the m$ st of the r$;er, an say 7No9, carry fol= o;er yourself t$ll some one comes to set you free,7 an then you7ll be free#? [p# 818] ?(h, ba luc= to you,? sa$ the ferryman> ?ha you m$ght ha;e set me free yourself#? you tol me that before

+o 9hen they got to the f$rst palace, the Jueen as=e the Dragon about her gol =eys#

$f he ha

spo=en to you must a

?6es,? sa$ the la , an 9h$spere $n the Jueen7s ear> ?he sa$ loo= among the bushes 9here you lay the ay you 9ot of#? ?.ushO hushO on7t say a 9or ,? sa$ hun re ollars# When they came to the secon the Dragon of 9hat he begge ?6es,? sa$ the la , ?3 the Jueen, an ga;e the la $f he ha aughter#?

palace the 4$ng as=e h$m# see, here $s your

spo=en to

$ > an

(t that the 4$ng 9as so gla he 9oul gla ly ha;e g$;en the Pr$ncess to the m$ller7s la to 9$fe, an half the =$ng om bes$ e> but as he 9as marr$e alrea y he ga;e h$m t9o hun re ollars, an coaches an horses, an as much gol an s$l;er as he coul carry a9ay# When he came to the th$r 4$ng7s palace, out came the 4$ng an he ha as=e the Dragon of 9hat he begge h$m# as=e $f

?6es,? sa$ the la , ?an he sa$ you must $g out the 9ell, an ta=e out the rotten ol stump 9h$ch l$es at the bottom, an then you7ll get plenty of clear 9ater#? Then the 4$ng ga;e h$m three hun re ollars, an he set out home> but he 9as so loa e 9$th gol an s$l;er, an so gran ly clothe , that $t gleame an gl$stene from h$m, an he 9as no9 far r$cher than Peter the Pe lar# When Peter got the feathers he ha n7t a 9or more to say aga$nst the 9e $ng> but 9hen he sa9 all that 9ealth, he as=e $f there 9as much st$ll left at the Dragon7s castle# [p# 81:] ?6es, 3 shoul th$n= so,? sa$ the la > ?there 9as much more than 3 coul carry 9$th me!!so much, that you m$ght loa many horses 9$th $t> an $f you choose to go you may be sure there7ll be enough for you#? +o h$s son!$n!la9 tol any one# h$m the 9ay so clearly that he ha n7t to as= $t of

?1ut the horses,? sa$ the la , ?you7 best lea;e th$s s$ e the r$;er> for the ol ferryman, he7ll carry you o;er safe enough#? +o Peter set off, an too= 9$th h$m great store of foo , an many horses> but these he left beh$n h$m on the r$;er7s br$n=, as the la ha sa$ # (n the ol ferryman too= h$m upon h$s bac=> but 9hen they ha come a b$t out $nto the stream he cast h$m $nto the m$ st of the r$;er, an sa$ ,!! ?No9 you may go bac=9ar s an are set free#? for9ar s here, an carry fol= o;er t$ll you

(n unless some one has set h$m free, there goes )$ch Peter the Pe lar bac=9ar s an for9ar s, an carr$es fol= across th$s ;ery ay#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

Gertru e7s 1$r 3n those ays 9hen our 'or an +t# Peter 9an ere upon earth, they came once to an ol 9$fe7s house, 9ho sat ba=$ng# .er name 9as Gertru e, an she ha a re mutch on her hea # They ha 9al=e a long 9ay, an 9ere both hungry, an our 'or begge har for a bannoc= to stay the$r hunger# 6es, they shoul ha;e $t# [p# 814] +o she too= a t$ny l$ttle p$ece of ough an rolle $t out, but as she rolle $t, $t gre9 an gre9 t$ll $t co;ere the 9hole gr$ le# Nay, that 9as too b$g> they coul n7t ha;e that# +o she too= a t$n$er b$t st$ll> but 9hen that 9as rolle out $t co;ere the 9hole gr$ le <ust the same, an that bannoc= 9as too b$g, she sa$ > they coul n7t ha;e that e$ther# The th$r t$me she too= a st$ll t$n$er b$t!!so t$ny you coul scarce see $t> but $t 9as the same story o;er aga$n!!the bannoc= 9as too b$g# ?Well,? sa$ Gertru e, ?3 can7t g$;e you anyth$ng> you must <ust go 9$thout, for all these bannoc=s are too b$g#? Then our 'or 9a"e 9roth, an sa$ ,!!

?+$nce you lo;e me so l$ttle as to gru ge me a morsel of foo , you shall ha;e th$s pun$shment,!!you shall become a b$r , an see= your foo bet9een bar= an bole, an ne;er get a rop to r$n= sa;e 9hen $t ra$ns#? .e ha scarce sa$ the last 9or before she 9as turne $nto a great blac= 9oo pec=er, or Gertru e7s b$r , an fle9 from her =nea $ng!trough r$ght up the ch$mney> an t$ll th$s ;ery ay you may see her fly$ng about, 9$th her re mutch on her hea , an her bo y all blac=, because of the soot $n the ch$mney> an so she hac=s an taps a9ay at the trees for her foo , an 9h$stles 9hen ra$n $s com$ng, for she $s e;er ath$rst, an then she loo=s for a rop to cool her tongue# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 81B]

1oots an

the Troll

%nce on a t$me there 9as a poor man 9ho ha three sons# When he $e , the t9o el er set off $nto the 9orl to try the$r luc=, but the youngest they 9oul n7t ha;e 9$th them at any pr$ce# ?(s for you,? they sa$ , ?you7re f$t for noth$ng but to s$t an about $n the ashes#? po=e

+o the t9o 9ent off an got places at a palace!!the one un er the coachman, an the other un er the gar ener# 1ut 1oots, he set off too, an too= 9$th h$m a great =nea $ng!trough, 9h$ch 9as the only th$ng h$s parents left beh$n them, but 9h$ch the other t9o 9oul not bother themsel;es 9$th# 3t 9as hea;y to carry, but he $ not l$=e to lea;e $t beh$n , an so, after he ha tru ge a b$t, he too came to the palace, an as=e for a place# +o they tol h$m they $ not 9ant h$m, but he begge so prett$ly that at last he got lea;e to be $n the =$tchen, an carry $n 9oo an 9ater for the =$tchen ma$ # .e 9as Ku$c= an rea y, an $n a l$ttle 9h$le e;ery one l$=e h$m> but the t9o others 9ere ull, an so they got more =$c=s than half pence, an gre9 Ku$te en;$ous of 1oots, 9hen they sa9 ho9 much better he got on# 5ust oppos$te the palace, across a la=e, l$;e a Troll, 9ho ha se;en s$l;er uc=s 9h$ch s9am on the la=e, so that they coul be seen from the palace# These the =$ng ha often longe for> an so the t9o el er brothers tol the coachman,!! [p# 81F] ?3f our brother only chose, he has sa$ those se;en s$l;er uc=s#? he coul eas$ly get the =$ng th$s to the =$ng> fetch

6ou may fancy $t 9asn7t long before the coachman tol an the =$ng calle 1oots before h$m, an sa$ ,!! ?6our brothers say you can get me the s$l;er them#? ?37m sure 3 ne;er thought or sa$ ?6ou $ say so, an h$s o9n#

uc=s> so no9 go an

anyth$ng of the =$n ,? sa$

the la # hol

you shall fetch them,? sa$

the =$ng, 9ho 9oul

?Well, 9ell,? sa$ the la > ?nee s must, 3 suppose> but g$;e me a bushel of rye an a bushel of 9heat, an 37ll try 9hat 3 can o#? +o he got the rye an the 9heat, an put them $nto the =nea $ng!trough he ha brought 9$th h$m from home, got $n, an ro9e across the la=e# When he reache the other s$ e he began to 9al= along the shore, an to spr$n=le an stre9 the gra$n, an at last he coa"e the uc=s $nto h$s =nea $n!trough, an ro9e bac= as fast as e;er he coul # When he got half o;er, the Troll came out of h$s house an h$m# set eyes on

?.alloaO? roare out the Troll> ?$s $t you that has gone off 9$th my se;en s$l;er uc=s@? ?(yO ayO? sa$ the la # the Troll#

?+hall you be bac= soon@? as=e ?2ery l$=ely,? sa$ the la #

+o 9hen he got bac= to the =$ng, 9$th the se;en s$l;er uc=s, he 9as more l$=e than e;er, an e;en the =$ng 9as please to say, ?Well oneO? 1ut at th$s h$s brothers gre9 more an more sp$teful an en;$ous> an so they

[p# 81I] 9ent an tol the coachman that the$r brother ha sa$ $f he chose, he 9as man enough to get the =$ng the Troll7s be !Ku$lt, 9h$ch ha a gol patch an a s$l;er patch, an a s$l;er patch an a gol patch> an th$s t$me, too, the coachman 9as not slo9 $n tell$ng all th$s to the =$ng# +o the =$ng sa$ to the la , ho9 h$s brothers ha sa$ he 9as goo to steal the Troll7s be !Ku$lt, 9$th gol an s$l;er patches> so no9 he must go an o $t, or lose h$s l$fe# 1oots ans9ere , he ha ne;er thought or sa$ any such th$ng> but 9hen he foun there 9as no help for $t, he begge for three ays to th$n= o;er the matter# +o 9hen the three ays 9ere gone, he ro9e o;er $n h$s =nea an 9ent spy$ng about# (t last, he sa9 those $n the Troll7s an hang the Ku$lt out to a$r, an as soon as e;er they ha $nto the face of the roc=, 1oots pulle the Ku$lt o9n, an 9$th $t as fast as he coul # (n 9hen he 9as half across, out came the Troll an roare out,!! ?.alloaO 3t $s you 9ho too= my se;en s$l;er ?(yO ayO? sa$ the la # gol uc=s@? $ng!trough, ca;e come out gone bac= ro9e a9ay

set eyes on h$m, an

?(n no9, ha;e you ta=en my be !Ku$lt, 9$th s$l;er patches an patches, an gol patches an s$l;er patches@? ?(yO ayO? sa$ the la #

?+hall you come bac= aga$n@? ?2ery l$=ely,? sa$ the la #

1ut 9hen he got bac= 9$th the gol an s$l;er patch9or= Ku$lt e;ery one 9as fon er of h$m than e;er an he 9as ma e the =$ng7s bo y!ser;ant# [p# 81A] (t th$s the other t9o 9ere st$ll more ;e"e , an 9ent an tol the coachman,!! to be re;enge , they

?No9, our brother has sa$ he $s man enough to get the =$ng the gol harp 9h$ch the Troll has, an that harp $s of such a =$n that all 9ho l$sten 9hen $t $s playe gro9 gla , ho9e;er sa they may be#? 6es> the coachman 9ent an tol the =$ng, an he sa$ to the la ,!!

?3f you ha;e sa$ th$s you shall o $t# 3f you o $t you shall ha;e the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om# 3f you on7t, you shall lose your l$fe#? ?37m sure 3 ne;er thought or sa$ anyth$ng of the =$n ,? sa$ the la > ?but $f there7s no help for $t, 3 may as 9ell try> but 3 must ha;e s$" ays to th$n= about $t#? 6es, he m$ght ha;e s$" ays, but 9hen they 9ere o;er he must set out#

Then he too= a tenpenny na$l, a b$rch!p$n, an a 9a"en taper!en $n h$s poc=et, an ro9e across, an 9al=e up an o9n before the Troll7s ca;e, loo=$ng stealth$ly about h$m# +o 9hen the Troll came out he sa9 h$m at once# ?.%, .%O? roare ?(yO ayO? sa$ the Troll> ?$s $t you 9ho too= my se;en s$l;er the la # an s$l;er patches@? uc=s@?

?(n $t $s you 9ho too= my be !Ku$lt, 9$th the gol as=e the Troll# ?(yO ayO? sa$ the la #

+o the Troll caught hol of h$m at once, an $n the face of the roc=# ?No9, aughter ear,? sa$ the s$l;er uc=s an my be put h$m $nto the fatten$ng ma=e a feast for our fr$en

too= h$m off $nto the ca;e

the Troll, ?37;e caught the fello9 9ho stole !Ku$lt 9$th [p# 819] gol an s$l;er patches> coop, an 9hen he7s fat 9e7ll =$ll h$m, an s#?

+he 9as 9$ll$ng enough, an put h$m at once $nto the fatten$ng coop, an there he staye e$ght ays, fe on the best, both $n meat an r$n=, an as much as he coul cram# +o, 9hen the e$ght ays 9ere o;er, the Troll sa$ to h$s aughter to go o9n an cut h$m $n h$s l$ttle f$nger, that they m$ght see $f he 9ere fat# Do9n she came to the coop# ?%ut 9$th your l$ttle f$ngerO? she sa$ # 1ut 1oots stuc= out h$s tenpenny na$l, an she cut at $t# aughter, 9hen

?Nay, nayO he7s as har as $ron st$ll,? sa$ the Troll7s she got bac= to her father> ?9e can7t ta=e, h$m yet#? (fter another e$ght ays the same th$ng happene , an stuc= out h$s b$rchen p$n#

th$s t$me 1oots

?Well, he7s a l$ttle better,? she sa$ , 9hen she got bac= to the Troll> ?but st$ll he7ll be as har as 9oo to che9#? 1ut 9hen another e$ght ays 9ere gone, the Troll tol o9n an see $f he 9asn7t fat no9# h$s aughter to go

?%ut 9$th your l$ttle f$nger,? sa$ the Troll7s aughter, 9hen she reache the coop, an th$s t$me 1oots stuc= out the taper en # ?No9 he7ll o n$cely,? she sa$ #

?W$ll he@? sa$ the Troll# ?Well, then, 37ll <ust set off an as= the guests> meant$me you must =$ll h$m, an roast half an bo$l half#? +o 9hen the Troll ha been gone a l$ttle 9h$le, the sharpen a great long =n$fe# ?3s that 9hat you7re go$ng to =$ll me 9$th@? as=e [p# 880] aughter began to the la #

?6es, $t $s,? sa$


?1ut $t $sn7t sharp,? sa$ the la # ?5ust let me sharpen $t for you, an then you7ll f$n $t eas$er 9or= to =$ll me#? +o she let h$m ha;e the =n$fe, an 9hetstone# he began to rub an sharpen $t on the

?5ust let me try $t on one of your ha$r pla$ts> 3 th$n= $t7s about r$ght no9#? +o he got lea;e to o that> but at the same t$me that he graspe the pla$t of ha$r he pulle bac= her hea , an at one gash cut off the Troll7s aughter7s hea > an half of her he roaste an half of her he bo$le , an ser;e $t all up# (fter that he resse h$mself $n her clothes, an sat a9ay $n the corner#

+o 9hen the Troll came home 9$th h$s guests, he calle out to h$s aughter!!for he thought all the t$me $t 9as h$s aughter!!to come an ta=e a snac=# ?No, than=, you,? sa$ o9ncast#? the la , ?3 on7t care for foo , 37m so sa an

?%hO? sa$ the Troll, ?$f that7s all, you =no9 the cure> ta=e the harp, an play a tune on $t#? ?6esO? sa$ the la > ?but 9here has $t got to> 3 can7t f$n $t#?

?Why, you =no9 9ell enough,? sa$ the Troll> ?you use shoul $t be but o;er the oor yon er@?

$t last> 9here

The la $ not 9a$t to be tol t9$ce> he too= o9n the harp, an 9ent $n an out play$ng tunes> but, all at once he sho;e off the =nea $ng! trough, <umpe $nto $t, an ro9e off, so that the foam fle9 aroun the trough# (fter a 9h$le the Troll thought h$s aughter 9as a long 9h$le gone, an 9ent out to see 9hat a$le her> an then he sa9 the la $n the trough, far, far out on the la=e# [p# 881] ?.alloaO 3s $t you,? he roare , ?that too= my se;en s$l;er ?(y, ayO? sa$ the la # an s$l;er patches@? uc=s@?

?3s $t you that too= my be !Ku$lt, 9$th the gol ?6esO? sa$ ?(n the la #

no9 you ha;e ta=en off my gol

harp@? screame

the Troll#

?6esO? sa$ ?(n

the la > ?37;e got $t, sure enough#?

ha;en7t 3 eaten you up after all, then@?

?No, noO 7t9as your o9n

aughter you ate,? ans9ere

the la #

1ut 9hen the Troll hear that, he 9as so sorry, he burst> an then 1oots ro9e bac=, an too= a 9hole heap of gol an s$l;er 9$th h$m, as much as the trough coul carry# (n so, 9hen he came to the palace 9$th the gol harp he got the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om, as the =$ng ha prom$se h$m> an , as for h$s brothers, he treate them 9ell, for he thought they ha only 9$she h$s goo 9hen they sa$ 9hat they ha sa$ # Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

Goosey Gr$CCel %nce on a t$me there 9as a W$ o9er, 9ho ha a house =eeper name Gr$CCel, 9ho set her mutch at h$m, an teaCe h$m early an late to marry her# (t last the man got so 9eary of her he 9as at h$s 9$t7s en to =no9 ho9 to get r$ of her# [p# 888] +o $t fell on a ay, bet9een hay t$me an har;est, the t9o 9ent out to pull hemp# Gr$CCel7s hea 9as full of her goo loo=s an her han $ness, an she 9or=e a9ay at the hemp t$ll she gre9 g$ y from the strong smell of the r$pe see , an at last o9n she fell flat, fast asleep among the hemp# Wh$le she slept, her master got a pa$r of sc$ssors an cut her s=$rts short all roun , an then he rubbe her all o;er, face an all, f$rst 9$th tallo9 an then 9$th soot, t$ll she loo=e 9orse than the De$l h$mself# +o, 9hen Gr$CCel 9o=e an sa9 ho9 ugly she 9as, she $ n7t =no9 herself# ?0an th$s be me, no9@? sa$ Gr$CCel, ?Nay, nayO $t can ne;er be me# +o ugly ha;e 3 ne;er been> $t7s surely the De$l h$mself@? WellO that she m$ght really =no9 the truth, she 9ent off an her master7s oor, an as=e ,!! ?3s your G$rC$e at home the ay, father@? the man, 9ho 9ante to =noc=e at

?(y, ay, our G$rC$e $s at home safe enough,? sa$ be r$ of her#

?Well, 9ellO? she sa$ to herself, ?then 3 can7t be h$s Gr$CCel,? an stole a9ay> an r$ght gla the man 9as, 3 can tell you# +o, 9hen she ha 9al=e a b$t she came to a great 9oo , 9here she met t9o th$e;es# ?The ;ery men for my money,? thought Gr$CCel, ?s$nce 3 am the De$l th$e;es are <ust f$t fello9s for me#? 1ut the th$e;es 9ere not of the same m$n , not they# (s soon as they set eyes on her they too= to the$r heels as fast as they coul , for they thought the *;$l %ne 9as come to catch them# 1ut $t 9as no goo , for Gr$CCel 9as long!legge an s9$ft!foote , an she came up 9$th them before they =ne9 9here they 9ere#

[p# 88:] ?3f you7re go$ng out to steal, 37ll go 9$th you an help,? sa$ Gr$CCel, ?for 3 =no9 the 9hole country roun #? +o, 9hen the th$e;es hear that, they thought they ha foun a goo mate, an 9ere no longer afra$ # Then they sa$ they 9ere off to steal a sheep, only they 9here to lay hol of one# $ n7t =no9

?%hO? sa$ Gr$CCel, ?that7s a small matter, for 3 9as ma$ 9$th a farmer e;er so long out $n the 9oo yon er, an 3 coul f$n the sheepfol though the n$ght 9ere ar= as p$tch#? The th$e;es thought that gran > an 9hen they came to the place, Gr$CCel 9as to go $nto the fol an turn out the sheep, an they 9ere to lay hol on $t# No9, the sheepfol lay close to the 9all of the room 9here the farmer slept, so Gr$CCel crept Ku$te softly an carefully $nto the fol > but as soon as she got $n she began to scream out to the th$e;es# ?W$ll you ha;e a 9ether or a e9e@ here are lots to choose from#? ?.ush, hushO? sa$ the th$e;es, ?only ta=e one that $s f$ne an fat#?

?6es, yesO but 9$ll you ha;e a 9ether or a e9e@ 9$ll you ha;e a 9ether or a e9e@ for here are lots to choose from,? screeche Gr$CCel# ?.ush, hushO? sa$ the th$e;es aga$n, ?only ta=e one that7s f$ne an $t7s all the same to us 9hether $t7s a 9ether or a e9e#? ?6esO? screeche Gr$CCel, 9ho stuc= to her o9n> ?but 9$ll you ha;e a 9ether or a e9e!!a 9ether or a e9e@ here are lots to choose from#? ?.ol your <a9O? sa$ the th$e;es, ?an e9e, $t7s all one to us#? [p# 884] 1ut <ust then out came the farmer $n h$s sh$rt, 9ho ha been 9a=e by all th$s clatter, an 9ante to see 9hat 9as go$ng on# +o the th$e;es too= to the$r heels, an Gr$CCel after them, upsett$ng the farmer $n her fl$ght# ?+top, boysO stop, boysO? she screame > but the farmer, 9ho ha only seen the blac= monster, gre9 so afra$ that he coul scarce stan , for he thought $t 9as the De$l h$mself that ha been $n h$s sheepfol # The only help he =ne9 9as to go $n oors an 9a=e up the 9hole house> an they all sat o9n to rea an pray, for he ha hear that 9as the 9ay to sen the De$l about h$s bus$ness# No9 the ne"t n$ght the th$e;es sa$ they must go an steal a fat goose, an Gr$CCel 9as to sho9 them the 9ay# +o 9hen they came to the goosepen, Gr$CCel 9as to go $n an turn one out, for she =ne9 the 9ays of the place, an the th$e;es 9ere to stan outs$ e an catch $t# 1ut as soon as e;er she got $n she began to scream,!! ?W$ll you ha;e goose or gan er@ you may p$c= an ?.ush, hushO choose only a f$ne fat one,? sa$ choose here#? the th$e;es# ta=e a f$ne fat one, 9ether or fat>

?6es, yesO but 9$ll you ha;e goose or gan er!!goose or gan er@ you may p$c= an choose,? screame Gr$CCel# ?.ush, hushO only choose one that7s f$ne an fat, an $t7s all one to us 9hether $t7s goose or gan er> but o hol your <a9,? sa$ they# 1ut 9h$le Gr$CCel an the th$e;es 9ere settl$ng th$s, one of the geese began to cac=le, an then another cac=le , an then the 9hole floc= cac=le an h$sse , an out came the farmer to see 9hat all the no$se coul mean, an a9ay [p# 88B] 9ent the th$e;es, an Gr$CCel after them at full spee , an the farmer thought aga$n $t 9as the blac= De$l fly$ng a9ay> for long!legge she 9as, an she ha no s=$rts to hamper her# ?+top a b$t, boysO? she =ept on scream$ng, ?you m$ght as 9ell ha;e sa$ 9hether you 9oul ha;e goose or gan er#? 1ut they ha no t$me to stop, they thought> an , as for the farmer, he began to rea an pray 9$th all h$s house, small an great, for they thought $t 9as the De$l, an no m$sta=e# No9, the th$r ay, 9hen n$ght came, the th$e;es an Gr$CCel 9ere so hungry they $ not =no9 9hat to o> so they ma e up the$r m$n s to go to the lar er of a r$ch farmer 9ho l$;e by the 9oo 7s s$ e, an steal some foo # Well, off they 9ent, but the th$e;es $ not are to ;enture themsel;es, so Gr$CCel 9as to go up the steps 9h$ch le to the lar er, an han the foo out, an the others 9ere to stan belo9 an ta=e $t from her# +o 9hen Gr$CCel got $ns$ e she sa9 the lar er 9as full of all sorts of th$ngs, fresh meat an salt, an sausages an oat!ca=e# The th$e;es begge her to be st$ll, an <ust thro9 out someth$ng to eat, an to bear $n m$n ho9 ba ly they ha fare for t9o n$ghts# 1ut Gr$CCel stuc= to her o9n, that she $ # ?W$ll you ha;e fresh meat or salt, or sausages, or oat!ca=e@ 5ust loo=, 9hat lo;ely oat!ca=e,? she ba9le out enough to spl$t your hea # ?6ou may ha;e 9hat you please, for here7s plenty to choose from#? 1ut the farmer 9o=e 9$th all th$s no$se, an ran out to see 9hat $t all meant# (s for the th$e;es, off they ran [p# 88F] as fast as they coul > but 9h$le the farmer 9as loo=$ng after them o9n came Gr$CCel so blac= an ugly# ?+top a b$tO stop a b$t, boysO? she bello9e > ?you may ha;e 9hat you please, for there7s plenty to choose from#? (n 9hen the farmer sa9 that ugly monster he too thought the De$l 9as loose, for he ha hear 9hat ha happene to h$s ne$ghbours the e;en$ngs before> so he began both to rea an pray, an e;ery one $n the 9hole par$sh began to rea an pray, for they =ne9 that you coul rea the De;$l a9ay# The ne"t e;en$ng 9as +atur ay e;en$ng, an the th$e;es 9ante to steal a fat ram for the$r +un ay $nner> an 9ell they m$ght, for they ha faste many ays, but they 9oul n7t ha;e Gr$CCel 9$th them at any pr$ce# +he brought ba luc= 9$th her <a9, they sa$ > so 9h$le Gr$CCel 9as 9al=$ng about 9a$t$ng for them on +un ay morn$ng, she got so a9fully hungry!!for she ha faste for three ays!!that she 9ent $nto a turn$p f$el an pulle up some turn$ps to eat# 1ut 9hen the farmer 9ho o9ne the turn$ps

rose, he felt uneasy $n h$s m$n , an thought he 9oul <ust go an ta=e a loo= at h$s turn$ps on the +un ay morn$ng# +o he pulle on h$s trousers an 9ent across the moss 9h$ch lay un er the h$ll, 9here the turn$p!f$el lay# 1ut 9hen he got to the bottom of the f$el he sa9 someth$ng blac= 9al=$ng about $n the f$el an pull$ng up h$s turn$ps, an he soon ma e up h$s m$n that $t 9as the De$l# +o a9ay he ran home as fast as he coul , an sa$ the De$l 9as among the turn$ps# Th$s fr$ghtene the 9hole house out of the$r 9$ts, an they agree they7 best sen for the pr$est, an get h$m to b$n the De$l# ?That 9on7t o,? sa$ the goo 9$fe> ?th$s $s +un ay [p# 88I] morn$ng, you7ll ne;er get the pr$est to come> for e$ther he7ll be $n be , or, $f he7s up, he7ll be learn$ng h$s sermon by heart#? ?%h,? sa$ the goo man, ?ne;er fear> 37ll prom$se h$m a fat lo$n of ;eal, an then he7ll come fast enough#? +o off he 9ent to the pr$est7s house> but 9hen he got there sure enough the pr$est 9as st$ll $n be # The ma$ begge the farmer to 9al= $nto the parlour 9h$le she ran up to the pr$est, an sa$ ,!! ?,armer +o!an !+o 9as o9n!sta$rs, an 9$she to ha;e a 9or 9$th h$m#?

Well, 9hen the pr$est hear that such a 9orthy man 9as o9n!sta$rs, he got up at once, an came o9n <ust as he 9as, $n h$s sl$ppers an n$ght! cap# +o the goo man tol h$s erran > ho9 the De$l 9as loose $n h$s turn$p! f$el > an $f the pr$est 9oul only come an b$n h$m, he 9oul sen h$m a fat lo$n of ;eal# 6es> the pr$est 9as 9$ll$ng enough, an calle out to h$s groom to sa le h$s horse, 9h$le he resse h$mself# ?Nay, nay, fatherO? sa$ the man> ?the De$l 9on7t 9a$t for us long, an no one =no9s 9here 9e shall f$n h$m aga$n $f 9e m$ss h$m no9# 6our re;erence must come, at once, <ust as you are#? +o the pr$est follo9e h$m <ust as he 9as, 9$th the clothes he stoo $n, an 9ent off $n h$s n$ghtcap an sl$ppers# 1ut 9hen they got to the moss $t 9as so mo$st, the pr$est coul n7t cross $t $n h$s sl$ppers# +o the goo man too= h$m on h$s bac= to carry h$m o;er# %n they 9ent, the goo man p$c=$ng h$s 9ay from one clump to the other, t$ll they got to the m$ le> then Gr$CCel caught s$ght of them, an thought $t 9as the th$e;es br$ng$ng the ram# [p# 88A] ?3s he fat@? she screame > ?$s he fat@? an 9oo rang aga$n# ma e such a no$se that the

?The De$l =no9s $f he7s fat or lean> 37m sure 3 on7t,? sa$ the goo man, 9hen he hear that> ?but, $f you 9ant to =no9, you ha better come yourself an see#? (n then he got so afra$ he thre9 the pr$est hea o;er heels $nto the soft 9et moss, an too= to h$s legs> an $f the pr$est hasn7t got out, 9hy 3 aresay he7s ly$ng there st$ll#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The 'a

Who Went to the North W$n

%nce on a t$me there 9as an ol 9$ o9 9ho ha one son> an as she 9as poorly an 9ea=, her son ha to go up $nto the safe to fetch meal for coo=$ng> but 9hen he got outs$ e the safe, an 9as <ust go$ng o9n the steps, there came the North W$n , puff$ng an blo9$ng, caught up the meal, an so a9ay 9$th $t through the a$r# Then the la 9ent bac= $nto the safe for more> but 9hen he came out aga$n on the steps, $f the North W$n $ n7t come aga$n an carry off the meal 9$th a puff> an more than that, he $ so the th$r t$me# (t th$s the la got ;ery angry> an as he thought $t har that the North W$n shoul beha;e so, he thought he7 <ust loo= h$m up, an as= h$m to g$;e up h$s meal# +o off he 9ent, but the 9ay 9as long, an last he came to the North W$n 7s house# [p# 889] ?Goo ayO? sa$ the la , an ?than= you for com$ng to see us yester ay#? an gruff, he 9al=e an 9al=e > but at

?G%%D D(6O? ans9ere the North W$n , for h$s ;o$ce 9as lou ?(ND T.(N4+ ,%) 0%-3NG T% +** -*# W.(T D% 6%& W(NT@?

?%hO? ans9ere the la , ?3 only 9$she to as= you to be so goo as to let me ha;e bac= that meal you too= from me on the safe steps, for 9e ha;en7t much to l$;e on> an $f you7re to go on snapp$ng up the morsel 9e ha;e there7ll be noth$ng for $t but to star;e#? ?3 ha;en7t got your meal,? sa$ the North W$n > ?but $f you are $n such nee , 37ll g$;e you a cloth 9h$ch 9$ll get you e;eryth$ng you 9ant, $f you only say, 70loth, sprea yourself, an ser;e up all =$n of goo $shesO7 ? W$th th$s the la 9as 9ell content# 1ut, as the 9ay 9as so long, he coul n7t get home $n one ay, so he turne $nto an $nn on the 9ay> an 9hen they 9ere go$ng to s$t o9n to supper, he la$ the cloth on a table 9h$ch stoo $n the corner an sa$ ,!! ?0loth, sprea yourself, an ser;e up all =$n s of goo $shes#?

.e ha scarce sa$ so stoo by thought $t a all 9ere fast asleep, another $n $ts stea , but 9h$ch coul n7t so

before the cloth $ as $t 9as b$ > an all 9ho f$ne th$ng, but most of all the lan la y# +o, 9hen at ea of n$ght, she too= the la 7s cloth, an put <ust l$=e the one he ha got from the North W$n , much as ser;e up a b$t of ry brea # 9ent off 9$th $t, an that

+o, 9hen the la 9o=e, he too= h$s cloth an ay he got home to h$s mother#

?No9,? sa$ he, ?37;e been to the North W$n 7s house, [p# 8:0] an a goo fello9 he $s, for he ga;e me th$s cloth, an 9hen 3 only say to $t, 70loth, sprea yourself, an ser;e up all =$n of goo $shes,7 3 get any sort of foo 3 please#?

?(ll ;ery true, 3 aresay,? sa$ h$s mother> ?but see$ng $s bel$e;$ng, an 3 shan7t bel$e;e $t t$ll 3 see $t#? +o the la sa$ ,!! ma e haste, re9 out a table, la$ ser;e up all =$n $ the cloth on $t, an of goo $shes#?

?0loth, sprea

yourself, an ry brea

1ut ne;er a b$t of

the cloth ser;e up#

?Well,? sa$ the la , ?there7s no help for $t but to go to the North W$n aga$n>? an a9ay he 9ent# +o he came to 9here the North W$n ?Goo ?Goo e;en$ngO? sa$ e;en$ngO? sa$ the la # the North W$n # the la > l$;e late $n the afternoon#

?3 9ant my r$ghts for that meal of ours 9h$ch you too=,? sa$ ?for as for that cloth 3 got, $t $sn7t 9orth a penny#?

?37;e got no meal? sa$ the North W$n > ?but yon er you ha;e a ram 9h$ch co$ns noth$ng but gol en ucats as soon as you say to $t!! ? 7)am, ramO ma=e moneyO7 ? +o the la thought th$s a f$ne th$ng> but as $t 9as too far to get home that ay, he turne $n for the n$ght to the same $nn 9here he ha slept before# 1efore he calle for anyth$ng, he tr$e the truth of 9hat the North W$n ha sa$ of the ram, an foun $t all r$ght> but 9hen the lan lor sa9 that, he thought $t 9as a famous ram, an , 9hen the la ha fallen asleep, he [p# 8:1] too= another 9h$ch coul n7t co$n gol ucats, an change the t9o# Ne"t morn$ng, off 9ent the la > an sa$ ,!! ?(fter all, the North W$n ram 9h$ch can co$n gol en 9hen he got home to h$s mother, he

$s a <olly fello9> for no9 he has g$;en me a ucats $f 3 only say, 7)am, ramO ma=e moneyO7 ?

?(ll ;ery true, 3 aresay,? sa$ h$s mother> ?but 3 shan7t bel$e;e any such stuff unt$l 3 see the ucats ma e#? ?)am, ramO ma=e moneyO? sa$ 9asn7t money# the la > but $f the the ram ma e anyth$ng $t

+o the la 9ent bac= aga$n to the North W$n , an ble9 h$m up, an sa$ the ram 9as 9orth noth$ng, an he must ha;e h$s r$ghts for the meal# ?Well,? sa$ the North W$n > ?37;e noth$ng else to g$;e you but that ol st$c= $n the corner yon er> but $t7s a st$c= of that =$n that $f you say!! ? 7+t$c=, st$c=O lay onO7 $t lays on t$ll you say!!

? 7+t$c=, st$c=O no9 stopO7 ? +o, as the 9ay 9as long, the la turne $n th$s n$ght too to the lan lor > but as he coul pretty 9ell guess ho9 th$ngs stoo as to the cloth an the ram, he lay o9n at once on the bench an began to snore, as $f he 9ere asleep# No9 the lan lor , 9ho eas$ly sa9 that the st$c= must be 9orth someth$ng, hunte up one 9h$ch 9as l$=e $t, an 9hen he hear the la snore, 9as go$ng to change the t9o, but <ust as the lan lor 9as about to ta=e $t the la ba9le out!! ?+t$c=, st$c=O lay onO? +o the st$c= began to beat the lan lor , t$ll he <umpe [p# 8:8] o;er cha$rs, an tables, an benches, an yelle an roare ,!! ?%h myO oh myO b$ the st$c= be st$ll, else $t 9$ll beat me to you shall ha;e bac= both your cloth an your ram#? When the la thought the lan lor ha got enough, he sa$ !! eath, an

?+t$c=, st$c=O no9 stopO? Then he too= the cloth an put $t $nto h$s poc=et, an 9ent home 9$th h$s st$c= $n h$s han , lea $ng the ram by a cor roun $ts horns> an so he got h$s r$ghts for the meal he ha lost# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The -aster Th$ef %nce upon a t$me there 9as a poor cottager 9ho ha three sons# .e ha noth$ng to lea;e them 9hen he $e , an no money 9$th 9h$ch to put them to any tra e, so that he $ not =no9 9hat to ma=e of them# (t last he sa$ he 9oul g$;e them lea;e to ta=e to anyth$ng each l$=e best, an to go 9h$thersoe;er they please , an he 9oul go 9$th them a b$t of the 9ay> an so he $ # .e 9ent 9$th them t$ll they came to a place 9here three roa s met, an there each of them chose a roa , an the$r father ba e them goo !bye, an 9ent bac= home# 3 ha;e ne;er hear tell 9hat became of the t9o ol er> but as for the youngest, he 9ent both far an long, as you shall hear# +o $t fell out one n$ght as he 9as go$ng through a great 9oo that such ba 9eather o;ertoo= h$m# 3t ble9, an [p# 8::] sleete , an ro;e so that he coul scarce =eep h$s eyes open> an $n a tr$ce, before he =ne9 ho9 $t 9as, he got be9$l ere , an coul not f$n e$ther roa or path# 1ut as he 9ent on an on, at last he sa9 a gl$mmer$ng of l$ght far far off $n the 9oo # +o he thought he 9oul try an get to the l$ght> an after a t$me he $ reach $t# There $t 9as $n a large house, an the f$re 9as blaC$ng so br$ghtly $ns$ e that he coul tell the fol= ha not yet gone to be > so he 9ent $n an sa9 an ol ame bustl$ng about an m$n $ng the house#

?Goo ?Goo

e;en$ngO? sa$ e;en$ngO? sa$

the youth# the ol ame# oors to!n$ght,? sa$ he#

?.utetuO $t7s such foul 9eather out of ?+o $t $s,? sa$ she# an

?0an 3 get lea;e to ha;e a be youth#

shelter here to!n$ght@? as=e


?6ou7ll get no goo by sleep$ng here,? sa$ the ol ame> for $f the fol= come home an f$n you here, they7ll =$ll both me an you#? ?What sort of fol=, then, are they 9ho l$;e here@? as=e the youth#

?%h, robbersO (n a ba lot of them too,? sa$ the ol ame# ?They stole me a9ay 9hen 3 9as l$ttle, an ha;e =ept me as the$r house=eeper e;er s$nce#? ?Well, for all that, 3 th$n= 37ll <ust go to be ,? sa$ 9hat may, 37ll not st$r out at n$ght $n such 9eather#? ?2ery 9ell,? sa$ you#? the ol the youth# ?0ome

ame> ?but $f you stay, $t be the 9orse for

W$th that the youth got $nto a be 9h$ch stoo there, [p# 8:4] but he are not go to sleep, an ;ery soon after $n came the robbers> so the ol ame tol them ho9 a stranger fello9 ha come $n 9hom she ha not been able to get out of the house aga$n# ?D$ you see $f he ha any money@? sa$ the robbers#

?+uch a one as he moneyO? sa$ the ol ame, ?the tramperO Why, $f he ha clothes to h$s bac=, $t 9as as much as he ha #? Then the robbers began to tal= among themsel;es 9hat they shoul o 9$th h$m> $f they shoul =$ll h$m outr$ght, or 9hat else they shoul o# -eant$me the youth got up an began to tal= to them, an to as= $f they $ n7t 9ant a ser;ant, for $t m$ght be that he 9oul be gla to enter the$r ser;$ce# ?%h,? sa$ they, ?$f you ha;e a m$n to follo9 the tra e that 9e follo9, you can ;ery 9ell get a place here#? ?3t7s all one to me 9hat tra e 3 follo9,? sa$ the youth> ?for 9hen 3 left home father ga;e me lea;e to ta=e to any tra e 3 chose#? ?Well, ha;e you a m$n ?3 on7t care,? sa$ learn that tra e# to steal@? as=e the robbers# not ta=e long to

the youth, for he thought $t 9oul

No9 there l$;e a man a l$ttle 9ay off 9ho ha three o"en# %ne of these he 9as to ta=e to the to9n to sell, an the robbers ha hear 9hat he 9as go$ng to o, so they sa$ to the youth, $f he 9ere goo to steal the o"

from the man by the 9ay 9$thout h$s =no9$ng $t, an 9$thout harm, they 9oul g$;e h$m lea;e to be the$r ser;$ng!man#

o$ng h$m any

Well, the youth set off, an too= 9$th h$m a pretty shoe 9$th a s$l;er buc=le on $t, 9h$ch lay about the house> an [p# 8:B] he put the shoe $n the roa along 9h$ch the man 9as go$ng 9$th h$s o"> an 9hen he ha one that, he 9ent $nto the 9oo an h$ h$mself un er a bush# +o 9hen the man came by he sa9 the shoe at once# ?That7s a n$ce shoe,? sa$ he# ?3f 3 only ha the fello9 to $t, 37 ta=e $t home, 9$th me, an perhaps 37 put my ol ame $n a goo humour for once#? ,or you must =no9 he ha an ol 9$fe, so cross an snapp$sh, $t 9as not long bet9een each t$me that she bo"e h$s ears# 1ut then he bethought h$m that he coul o noth$ng 9$th the o shoe unless he ha the fello9 to $t> so he 9ent on h$s 9ay an let the shoe l$e on the roa # Then the youth too= up the shoe, au ma e all the haste he coul to get before the man by a short cut through the 9oo , an la$ $t o9n before h$m $n the roa aga$n# When the man came along 9$th h$s o", he got Ku$te angry 9$th h$mself for be$ng so ull as to lea;e the fello9 to the shoe ly$ng $n the roa $nstea of ta=$ng $t 9$th h$m> so he t$e the o" to the fence, an sa$ to h$mself, ?3 may <ust as 9ell run bac= an p$c= up the other, an then 37ll ha;e a pa$r of goo shoes for my ol ame, an so, perhaps, 37ll get a =$n 9or from her for once#? +o he set off, an hunte an hunte up an o9n for the shoe, but no shoe $ he f$n > an at length he ha to go bac= 9$th the one he ha # 1ut, mean9h$le, the youth ha ta=en the o" an gone off 9$th $t> an 9hen the man came an sa9 h$s o" gone, he began to cry an be9a$l, for he 9as afra$ h$s ol ame 9oul =$ll h$m outr$ght 9hen she came to =no9 that the o" 9as lost# 1ut <ust then $t came across h$s m$n that he 9oul go home an ta=e the secon o", an r$;e $t to the to9n, an not let h$s ol [p# 8:F] ame =no9 anyth$ng about the matter# +o he $ th$s, an 9ent home an too= the o" 9$thout h$s ame7s =no9$ng $t, an set off 9$th $t to the to9n# 1ut the robbers =ne9 all about $t, an they sa$ to the youth, $f he coul get th$s o" too, 9$thout the man7s =no9$ng $t, an 9$thout h$s o$ng h$m any harm, he shoul be as goo as any one of them# 3f that 9ere all, the youth sa$ , he $ not th$n= $t a ;ery har th$ng# Th$s t$me he too= 9$th h$m a rope, an hung h$mself up un er the armp$ts to a tree r$ght $n the man7s 9ay# +o the man came along 9$th h$s o", an 9hen he sa9 such a s$ght hang$ng there he began to feel a l$ttle Kueer# ?Well,? sa$ he, ?9hate;er hea;y thoughts you ha 9ho ha;e hange yourself up there, $t can7t be helpe > you may hang for 9hat 3 careO 3 can7t breathe l$fe $nto you aga$n>? an 9$th that he 9ent on h$s 9ay 9$th h$s o"# Do9n sl$ppe the youth from the tree, an ran by a footpath, an got before the man, an hung h$mself up r$ght $n h$s 9ay aga$n# ?1less meO? sa$ the man, ?9ere you really so hea;y at heart that you hange yourself up there!!or $s $t only a p$ece or 9$tchcraft that 3 see before me@ (y, ayO you may hang for all 3 care, 9hether you are a ghost, or 9hate;er you are#? +o he passe on 9$th h$s o"# No9 the youth $ <ust as he ha one t9$ce before> he <umpe o9n from the tree, ran through the 9oo by a footpath, an hung h$mself up r$ght $n the man7s 9ay aga$n# 1ut 9hen the man sa9 th$s s$ght for the th$r t$me, he sa$ to h$mself,!!

?Well, th$s $s an ugly bus$nessO 3s $t l$=ely no9 that they shoul ha;e been so hea;y at heart as to hang themsel;es [p# 8:I] all these three@ NoO 3 cannot th$n= $t $s anyth$ng else than a p$ece of 9$tchcraft that 3 see# 1ut no9 37ll soon =no9 for certa$n> $f the other t9o are st$ll hang$ng there, $t must be really so> but $f they are not, then $t can be noth$ng but 9$tchcraft that 3 see#? +o he t$e up h$s o", an ran bac= to see $f the others 9ere st$ll really hang$ng there# 1ut 9h$le he 9ent an peere up $nto all the trees, the youth <umpe o9n an too= h$s o" an ran off 9$th $t# When the man came bac= an foun h$s o" gone, he 9as $n a sa pl$ght, an , as any one m$ght =no9 9$thout be$ng tol , he began to cry an bemoan> but at last he came to ta=e $t eas$er, an so he thought,!! ?There7s no other help for $t than to go home an ta=e the th$r o" 9$thout my ame7s =no9$ng $t, an to try an r$;e a goo barga$n 9$th $t, so that 3 may get a goo sum of money for $t#? +o he 9ent home an set off 9$th the o", an h$s ol ame =ne9 ne;er a 9or about the matter# 1ut the robbers, they =ne9 all about $t, an they sa$ to the youth, that $f he coul steal th$s o" as he ha stolen the other t9o, then he shoul be master o;er the 9hole ban # Well, the youth set off, an ran $nto the 9oo > an as the man came by 9$th h$s o" he set up a rea ful bello9$ng, <ust l$=e a great o" $n the 9oo # When the man hear that, you can7t th$n= ho9 gla he 9as, for $t seeme to h$m that he =ne9 the ;o$ce of h$s b$g bulloc=, an he thought that, no9 he shoul f$n both of them aga$n> so he t$e up the th$r o", an ran off from the roa to loo= for them $n the 9oo > but meant$me the youth 9ent off 9$th the th$r o"# No9, 9hen the man came bac= an foun he ha lost th$s o" too, [p# 8:A] he 9as so 9$l that there 9as no en to h$s gr$ef# .e cr$e an roare an beat h$s breast, an , to tell the truth, $t 9as many ays before he are go home> for he 9as afra$ lest h$s ol ame shoul =$ll h$m outr$ght on the spot# (s for the robbers, they 9ere not ;ery 9ell please e$ther, 9hen they ha to o9n that the youth 9as master o;er the 9hole ban # +o one ay they thought they 9oul try the$r han s at someth$ng 9h$ch he 9as not man enough to o> an they set off all together, e;ery man 5ac= of them, an left h$m alone at home# No9, the f$rst th$ng that he $ 9hen they 9ere all 9ell clear of the house, 9as to r$;e the o"en out to the roa , so that they m$ght run bac= to the man from 9hom he ha stolen them> an r$ght gla he 9as to see them, as you may fancy# Ne"t he too= all the horses 9h$ch the robbers ha , an loa e them 9$th the best th$ngs he coul lay h$s han s on!!gol an s$l;er, an clothes, an other f$ne th$ngs> an then he ba e the ol ame to greet the robbers 9hen they came bac=, an to than= them for h$m, an to say that no9 he 9as sett$ng off on h$s tra;els, an they 9oul ha;e har 9or= to f$n h$m aga$n> an 9$th that, off he starte # (fter a goo b$t he came to the roa along 9h$ch he 9as go$ng 9hen he fell among the robbers, an 9hen he got near home, an coul see h$s father7s cottage, he put on an un$form 9h$ch he ha foun among the clothes he ha ta=en from the robbers, an 9h$ch 9as ma e <ust l$=e a general7s# +o he ro;e up to the oor as $f he 9ere any other great man# (fter that he 9ent $n an as=e $f he coul ha;e a lo g$ng# No> that he coul n7t at any pr$ce#

?.o9 e;er shoul 3 be able,? sa$ the man, ?to ma=e [p# 8:9] room $n my house for such a f$ne gentleman!!3 9ho scarce ha;e a rag to l$e upon, an m$serable rags, too@? ?6ou al9ays 9ere a st$ngy ol hun=s,? sa$ the youth, ?an st$ll, 9hen you 9on7t ta=e your o9n son $n#? ?What, you my sonO? sa$ the man# the youth# Well, after a l$ttle 9h$le he so you are

?Don7t you =no9 me aga$n@? sa$ $ =no9 h$m aga$n#

?1ut 9hat ha;e you been turn$ng your han to, that you ha;e ma e yourself so great a man $n such haste@? as=e the man# ?%h, 37ll soon tell you,? sa$ the youth# ?6ou sa$ 3 m$ght ta=e to any tra e 3 chose, an so 3 boun myself apprent$ce to a pac= of th$e;es an robbers, an no9 ha;e ser;e my t$me out, an am become a -aster Th$ef#? No9 there l$;e a +Ku$re close by to h$s father7s cottage, an such a great house, an such heaps of money, he coul not tell he ha # .e ha a aughter too, an a smart an pretty g$rl she the -aster Th$ef set h$s heart upon ha;$ng her to 9$fe, an he father to go to the +Ku$re an as= for h$s aughter for h$m# he ha ho9 much 9as# +o tol h$s

?3f he as=s by 9hat tra e 3 get my l$;$ng, you can say 37m a -aster Th$ef#? ?3 th$n= you7;e lost your 9$ts,? sa$ the man, ?for you can7t be $n your r$ght m$n 9hen you th$n= of such stuff#? No, he ha not lost h$s 9$ts> h$s father must an an as= for h$s aughter# shoul go to the +Ku$re

?Nay, but 3 tell you, 3 aren7t go to the +Ku$re an be your spo=esman> he 9ho $s so r$ch, an has so much money,? sa$ the man# [p# 840] 6es, there 9as no help for $t, sa$ the -aster Th$ef>

he shoul go 9hether he 9oul or no> an $f he $ not go by fa$r means, he 9oul soon ma=e h$m go by foul# 1ut the man 9as st$ll loath to go> so he stoppe after h$m, an rubbe h$m o9n 9$th a goo b$rch cu gel, an =ept on t$ll the man came cry$ng an sobb$ng $ns$ e the +Ku$re7s oor# ?.o9 no9, my manO 9hat a$ls you@? sa$ the +Ku$re# three sons 9ho set off one 9h$thersoe;er they 9oul , an here no9 $s the youngest come me come to you an as= for me say, bes$ es, that he7s a sobb$ng aga$n#

+o he tol h$m the 9hole story> ho9 he ha ay, an ho9 he ha g$;en them lea;e to go to follo9 9hate;er call$ng they chose# ?(n home, an has thrashe me t$ll he has ma e your aughter for h$m to 9$fe> an he b$ s -aster Th$ef#? (n so he fell to cry$ng an

?Ne;er m$n , my man,? sa$ the +Ku$re laugh$ng> ?<ust go bac= an tell h$m from me he must pro;e h$s s=$ll f$rst# 3f he can steal the roast from

the sp$t $n the =$tchen on +un ay, 9h$le all the househol are loo=$ng after $t, he shall ha;e my aughter# 5ust go an tell h$m that#? +o he 9ent bac= an tol the youth, 9ho thought $t 9oul be an easy <ob# +o he set about an caught three hares al$;e, an put them $nto a bag, an resse h$mself $n some ol rags, unt$l he loo=e so poor an f$lthy that $t ma e one7s heart blee to see> an then he stole $nto the passage at the bac=! oor of the +Ku$re7s house on the +un ay forenoon, 9$th h$s bag, <ust l$=e any other beggar!boy# 1ut the +Ku$re h$mself an all h$s househol 9ere $n the =$tchen 9atch$ng the roast# 5ust as they 9ere o$ng th$s, the youth let one hare go, an $t set off an ran roun an roun the yar $n front of the house# [p# 841] ?%h, <ust loo= at that hareO? sa$ for runn$ng out to catch $t# the fol= $n the =$tchen, an 9ere all

6es, the +Ku$re sa9 $t runn$ng too# ?%h, let $t run,? sa$ no use $n th$n=$ng to catch a hare on the spr$ng#?

he> ?there7s

( l$ttle 9h$le after, the youth let the secon hare go, an they sa9 $t $n the =$tchen, an thought $t 9as the same they ha seen before, an st$ll 9ante to run out an catch $t> but the +Ku$re sa$ aga$n $t 9as no use# 3t 9as not long before the youth let the th$r hare go, an $t set off an ran roun an roun the yar as the others before $t# No9, they sa9 $t from the =$tchen, an st$ll thought $t 9as the same hare that =ept on runn$ng about, an 9ere all eager to be out after $t# ?Well, $t $s a f$ne hare,? sa$ lay our han s on $t#? the +Ku$re> ?come, let7s see $f 9e can7t

+o out he ran, an the rest 9$th h$m!!a9ay they all 9ent, the hare before, an they after> so that $t 9as rare fun to see# 1ut meant$me the youth too= the roast an ran off 9$th $t> an 9here the +Ku$re got a roast for h$s $nner that ay 3 on7t =no9> but one th$ng, 3 =no9, an that $s, that he ha no roast hare, though he ran after $t t$ll he 9as both 9arm an 9eary# No9 $t chance that the Pr$est came to $nner that ay, an 9hen the +Ku$re tol h$m 9hat a tr$c= the -aster Th$ef ha playe h$m, he ma e such game of h$m that there 9as no en of $t# ?,or my part,? sa$ the Pr$est, ?3 can7t th$n= ho9 $t coul to me to be ma e such a fool of by a fello9 l$=e that#? e;er happen

?2ery 9ell!!only =eep a sharp loo=!out,? sa$ the [p# 848] +Ku$re> ?maybe he7ll come to see you before you =no9 a 9or of $t#? 1ut the pr$est stuc= to h$s te"t,!!that he $ , an ma e game of the +Ku$re because he ha been so ta=en $n# 'ater $n the afternoon came the -aster Th$ef, an 9ante to ha;e the +Ku$re7s aughter, as he ha g$;en h$s 9or # 1ut the +Ku$re began to tal= h$m o;er, an sa$ , ?%h, you must f$rst pro;e your s=$ll a l$ttle more> for 9hat you $ to! ay 9as no great th$ng after all# 0oul n7t you no9 play off a goo tr$c= on the Pr$est, 9ho $s s$tt$ng $n there, an ma=$ng game of me for lett$ng such a fello9 as you t9$st me roun h$s thumb@?

?Well, as for that, $t 9oul n7t be har ,? sa$ the -aster Th$ef# +o he resse h$mself up l$=e a b$r , thre9 a great 9h$te sheet o;er h$s bo y, too= the 9$ngs of a goose, an t$e them to h$s bac=, an so cl$mbe up $nto a great maple 9h$ch stoo $n the Pr$est7s gar en# (n 9hen the Pr$est came home $n the e;en$ng, the youth began to ba9l out!! ?,ather 'aurenceO ,ather 'aurenceO?!!for that 9as the Pr$est7s name# ?Who $s that call$ng me@? sa$ the Pr$est#

?3 am an angel,? sa$ the -aster Th$ef, ?sent from Go to let you =no9 that you shall be ta=en up al$;e $nto hea;en for your p$ety7s sa=e# Ne"t -on ay n$ght you must hol yourself rea y for the <ourney, for 3 shall come then to fetch you $n a sac=> an all your gol an your s$l;er, an all that you ha;e of th$s 9orl 7s goo s, you must lay together $n a heap $n your $n$ng!room#? Well, ,ather 'aurence fell on h$s =nees before the angel, an than=e h$m> an the ;ery ne"t ay he preache a [p# 84:] fare9ell sermon, an ga;e $t out ho9 there ha come o9n an angel unto the b$g maple $n h$s gar en, 9ho ha tol h$m that he 9as to be ta=en up al$;e $nto hea;en for h$s p$ety7s sa=e> an he preache an ma e such a touch$ng $scourse, that all 9ho 9ore at church 9ept, both young an ol # +o the ne"t -on ay n$ght came the -aster Th$ef l$=e an angel aga$n, an the Pr$est fell on h$s =nees an than=e h$m before he 9as put $nto the sac=> but 9hen he ha got h$m 9ell $n, the -aster Th$ef re9 an ragge h$m o;er stoc=s an stones# ?%WO %WO? groane the Pr$est $ns$ e the sac=, ?9here;er are 9e go$ng@?

?Th$s $s the narro9 9ay 9h$ch lea eth unto the =$ng om of hea;en,? sa$ the -aster Th$ef, 9ho 9ent on ragg$ng h$m along t$ll he ha nearly bro=en e;ery bone $n h$s bo y# (t last he tumble h$m $nto a goose!house that belonge to the +Ku$re, an the geese began pec=$ng an p$nch$ng h$m 9$th the$r b$lls, so that he 9as more ea than al$;e# ?No9 you are $n the flames of purgatory, to be cleanse an pur$f$e for l$fe e;erlast$ng,? sa$ the -aster Th$ef> an 9$th that he 9ent h$s 9ay, an too= all the gol 9h$ch the Pr$est ha la$ together $n h$s $n$ng! room# The ne"t morn$ng, 9hen the goose!g$rl came to let the geese out, she hear ho9 the Pr$est lay $n the sac=, an bemoane h$mself $n the goose!house# ?3n hea;en7s name, 9ho7s there, an 9hat a$ls you@? she cr$e #

?%hO? sa$ the Pr$est, ?$f you are an angel from hea;en, o let me out, an let me return aga$n to earth, for $t $s 9orse here than $n hell# The l$ttle f$en s =eep on p$nch$ng me 9$th tongs#? [p# 844] ?.ea;en help us, 3 am no angel at all,? sa$ the g$rl, as she helpe the Pr$est out of the sac=> ?3 only loo= after the +Ku$re7s geese, an l$=e enough they are the l$ttle f$en s 9h$ch ha;e p$nche your re;erence#? ?%hO? groane the Pr$est, ?th$s $s all that -aster Th$ef7s o$ng# (ll my gol an my s$l;er, an my f$ne clothes#? (n he beat h$s breast, an

hobble home at such a rate that the g$rl thought he ha all at once#

lost h$s 9$ts

No9 9hen the +Ku$re came to hear ho9 $t ha gone 9$th the Pr$est, an ho9 he ha been along the narro9 9ay, an $nto purgatory, he laughe t$ll he 9elln$gh spl$t h$s s$ es# 1ut 9hen the -aster Th$ef came an as=e for h$s aughter as he ha prom$se , the +Ku$re put h$m off aga$n, an sa$ !! ?6ou must o one masterp$ece better st$ll, that 3 may see pla$nly 9hat you are f$t for# No9, 3 ha;e t9el;e horses $n my stable, an on them 3 9$ll put t9el;e grooms, one on each# 3f you are so goo a th$ef as to steal the horses from un er them, 37ll see 9hat 3 can o for you#? ?2ery 9ell, 3 aresay 3 can o $t,? sa$ really ha;e your aughter $f 3 can@? ?6es, $f you can, 37ll the -aster Th$ef> ?but shall 3 the +Ku$re#

o my best for you,? sa$

+o the -aster Th$ef set off to a shop,an bought bran y enough to f$ll t9o poc=et!flas=s, an $nto one of them he put a sleepy r$n=, but $nto the other only bran y# (fter that he h$re ele;en men to l$e $n 9a$t at n$ght beh$n the +Ku$re7s stableyar > an last of all, for fa$r 9or s an a goo b$t of money, he borro9e a ragge go9n an cloa= from an ol 9oman> an so, 9$th a staff $n h$s han , an [p# 84B] a bun le at h$s bac=, he l$mpe off, as e;en$ng re9 on, to9ar s the +Ku$re7s stable# 5ust as he got there they 9ere 9ater$ng the horses for the n$ght, an ha the$r han s full of 9or=# ?What the e;$l o you 9ant@? sa$ one of the grooms to the ol 9oman#

?%h, ohO hutetuO $t $s so b$tter col ,? sa$ she, an sh$;ere an shoo=, an ma e 9ry faces# ?.utetuO $t $s so col , a poor 9retch may eas$ly freeCe to eath>? an 9$th that she fell to sh$;er$ng an sha=$ng aga$n# ?%hO for the lo;e of hea;en, can 3 get lea;e to stay here a 9h$le, an s$t $ns$ e the stable oor@? ?To the e;$l 9$th your lea;e,? sa$ one# ?Pac= yourself off th$s m$nute, for $f the +Ku$re sets h$s eye on you, he7ll lea us a pretty ance#? ?%hO the poor ol bag of bones,? sa$ another, 9hose heart too= p$ty on her> ?the ol hag may s$t $ns$ e an 9elcome> such a one as she can o no harm#? (n the rest sa$ , some she shoul stay an some she shoul n7t> but 9h$le they 9ere Kuarrell$ng an m$n $ng the horses, she crept farther an farther $nto the stable, t$ll at last she sat herself o9n beh$n the oor> an 9hen she ha got so far, no one ga;e any more hee to her# (s the n$ght 9ore on, the men foun an Ku$et on horsebac=# ?.utetuO $t $s so ?That $t $s,? sa$ ?3f one only ha $t rather col one, an 9or= to s$t so st$ll

e;$l$sh col ,? sa$

beat h$s arms cross9$se#

another> ?3 freeCe so that my teeth chatter#? a Ku$ to cho9,? sa$ a th$r #

[p# 84F] WellO there 9as one 9ho ha an ounce or t9o> so they share $t bet9een them, though $t 9asn7t much, after all, that each got> an so they che9e an spat, an spat an che9e # Th$s helpe them some9hat> but $n a l$ttle 9h$le they 9ere <ust as ba as e;er# ?.utetu? sa$ one, an sh$;ere an shoo=#

?.utetu,? sa$ the ol 9oman, an sh$;ere so, that e;ery tooth $n her hea chattere # Then she pulle out the flas= 9$th bran y $n $t, an her han shoo= so that the sp$r$t splashe about $n the flas=, an then she too= such a gulp, that $t 9ent ?bop? $n her throat# ?What7s that you7;e got $n your flas=, ol ?%h, $t7s only a rop of bran y, ol g$rl@? sa$ she# one of the grooms#

man,? sa$

?1ran yO Well, 3 ne;erO Do let me ha;e a rop,? screame the 9hole t9el;e, one after another# ?%h, but $t $s such a l$ttle rop,? mumble the ol 9oman, ?$t 9$ll not e;en 9et your mouths roun #? 1ut they must an 9oul ha;e $t> there 9as no help for $t> an so she pulle out the flas= 9$th the sleepy r$n= $n $t, an put $t to the f$rst man7s l$ps> then she shoo= no more, but gu$ e the flas= so that each of them got 9hat he 9ante , an the t9elfth ha not one r$n=$ng before the f$rst sat an snore # Then the -aster Th$ef thre9 off h$s beggar7s rags, an too= one groom after the other so softly off the$r horses, an set them astr$ e on the beams bet9een the stalls> an so he calle h$s ele;en men, an ro e off 9$th the +Ku$re7s t9el;e horses# 1ut 9hen the +Ku$re got up $n the morn$ng, an 9ent to loo= after h$s grooms, they ha <ust begun to come to> an some of them fell to spurr$ng the beams 9$th the$r [p# 84I] spurs, t$ll the spl$nters fle9 aga$n, an some fell off, an some st$ll hung on an sat there loo=$ng l$=e fools# ?.oO hoO? sa$ the +Ku$re> ?3 see ;ery 9ell 9ho has been here> but as for you, a pretty set of bloc=hea s you must be to s$t here an let the -aster Th$ef steal the horses from bet9een your legs#? +o they all got a goo loo=!out# ,arther manage prom$se must o leather$ng because they ha not =ept a sharper

on $n the ay came the -aster Th$ef aga$n, an tol ho9 he ha the matter, an as=e for the +Ku$re7s aughter, as he ha > but the +Ku$re ga;e h$m one hun re ollars o9n, an sa$ he someth$ng better st$ll#

?Do you th$n= no9,? sa$ he, ?you can steal the horse from un er me 9h$le 3 am out r$ $ng on h$s bac=@? ?%, yesO 3 aresay 3 coul ,? sa$ sure of gett$ng your aughter#? the -aster Th$ef, ?$f 3 9ere really

Well, 9ell, the +Ku$re 9oul see 9hat he coul o an he tol the -aster Th$ef a ay 9hen he 9oul be ta=$ng a r$ e on a great common 9here they r$lle the troops# +o the -aster Th$ef soon got hol of an ol 9orn!out <a e of a mare, an set to 9or=, an ma e traces an collar of 9$th$es an broom!t9$gs, an bought an ol beggarly cart an a great cas=# (fter

that he tol an ol beggar 9oman he 9oul g$;e her ten ollars $f she 9oul get $ns$ e the cas=, an =eep her mouth agape o;er the taphole, $nto 9h$ch he 9as go$ng to st$c= h$s f$nger# No harm shoul happen to her> she shoul only be r$;en about a l$ttle> an $f he too= h$s f$nger out more than once, she 9as to ha;e ten ollars more# Then he thre9 a fe9 rags an tatters o;er h$mself, an stuffe h$mself out, an [p# 84A] put on a 9$g an a great bear of goat7s ha$r, so that no one coul =no9 h$m aga$n, an set off for the common, 9here the +Ku$re ha alrea y been r$ $ng about a goo b$t# When he reache the place, he 9ent along so softly an slo9ly that he scarce ma e an $nch of 9ay# ?Gee upO Gee upO? an so he 9ent on a l$ttle> then he stoo stoc= st$ll, an so on a l$ttle aga$n> an altogether the pace 9as so poor $t ne;er once came $nto the +Ku$re7s hea that th$s coul be the -aster Th$ef# (t last the +Ku$re ro e r$ght up to h$m, an lur=$ng about $n the 9oo thereabouts# ?No,? sa$ the man, ?3 ha;en7t seen a soul#? as=e $f he ha seen any one

?.ar=ye, no9,? sa$ the +Ku$re, ?$f you ha;e a m$n to r$ e $nto the 9oo , an hunt about an see $f you can fall upon any one lur=$ng about there, you shall ha;e the loan of my horse, an a sh$ll$ng $nto the barga$n, to r$n= my health for your pa$ns#? ?3 on7t see ho9 3 can go,? sa$ the man, ?for 3 am go$ng to a 9e $ng 9$th th$s cas= of mea , 9h$ch 3 ha;e been to to9n to fetch, an here the tap has fallen out by the 9ay, an so 3 must go along hol $ng my f$nger $n the taphole#? ?)$ e off,? sa$ the +Ku$re> ?37ll loo= after your horse an cas=#?

Well, on these terms the man 9as 9$ll$ng to go> but he begge the +Ku$re to be Ku$c= $n putt$ng h$s f$nger $nto the taphole 9hen he too= h$s o9n out, an to m$n an =eep $t there t$ll he came bac=# (t last the +Ku$re gre9 9eary of stan $ng there 9$th h$s f$nger $n the taphole, so he too= $t out# ?No9 3 shall ha;e ten ollars moreO? screame the ol [p# 849] 9oman $ns$ e the cas=> an then the +Ku$re sa9 at once ho9 the lan lay, an too= h$mself off home> but he ha not gone far before they met h$m 9$th a fresh horse, for the -aster Th$ef ha alrea y been to h$s house, an tol them to sen one# The ay after he came to the +Ku$re an 9oul ha;e h$s aughter, as he ha g$;en h$s 9or > but the +Ku$re put h$m off aga$n 9$th f$ne 9or s, an ga;e h$m t9o hun re ollars, an sa$ he must o one more masterp$ece# 3f he coul o that, he shoul ha;e her# Well, 9ell, the -aster Th$ef thought he coul o $t, $f he only =ne9 9hat $t 9as to be# ?Do you th$n=, no9,? sa$ the +Ku$re, ?you can steal the sheet off our be , an the sh$ft off my 9$fe7s bac=# Do you th$n= you coul o that@? ?3t shall be gett$ng your one,? sa$ aughter#? the -aster Th$ef# ?3 only 9$sh 3 9as as sure of

+o 9hen n$ght began to fall, the -aster Th$ef 9ent out an cut o9n a th$ef 9ho hung on the gallo9s, an thre9 h$m across h$s shoul ers, an carr$e h$m off# Then he got a long la er an set $t up aga$nst the

+Ku$re7s be !room 9$n o9, an so cl$mbe up, an =ept bobb$ng the ea man up an o9n, <ust for all the 9orl l$=e one that 9as peep$ng $n at the 9$n o9# ?That7s the -aster Th$ef, ol lassO? sa$ the +Ku$re, an ga;e h$s 9$fe a nu ge on the s$ e# ?No9 see $f 3 on7t shoot h$m, that7s all#? +o say$ng, he too= up a r$fle, 9h$ch he ha la$ at h$s be s$ e# try,?

?No, noO pray on7t shoot h$m after tell$ng h$m he m$ght come an sa$ h$s 9$fe# [p# 8B0]

?Don7t tal= to me, for shoot h$m 3 9$ll,? sa$ he> an so he lay there an a$me an a$me > but as soon as the hea came up before the 9$n o9, an he sa9 a l$ttle of $t, so soon 9as $t o9n aga$n# (t last he thought he ha a goo a$m> ?bang? 9ent the gun, o9n fell the ea bo y to the groun 9$th a hea;y thump, an o9n 9ent the -aster Th$ef too as fast as he coul # ?Well,? sa$ the +Ku$re, ?$t $s Ku$te true that 3 am the ch$ef mag$strate $n these parts> but people are fon of tal=$ng, an $t 9oul be a bore $f they came to see th$s ea man7s bo y# 3 th$n= the best th$ng to be one $s that 3 shoul go o9n an bury h$m#? ?6ou must o as you th$n= best, ear,? sa$ h$s 9$fe# +o the +Ku$re got out of be an 9ent o9n!sta$rs, an he ha scarce put h$s foot out of the oor before the -aster Th$ef stole $n, an 9ent stra$ght upsta$rs to h$s 9$fe# ?Why, ear, bac= alrea yO? sa$ she, for she thought $t 9as her husban # earth o;er ba n$ght out the sheet to $n such a

?% yes, 3 only <ust put h$m $nto a hole, an thre9 a l$ttle h$m# 3t $s enough that he $s out of s$ght, for $t $s such a of oors> by an by 37ll o $t better# 1ut <ust let me ha;e 9$pe myself 9$th!!he 9as so bloo y!! an 3 ha;e ma e myself mess 9$th h$m#? +o he got the sheet#

(fter a 9h$le he sa$ !! ?Do you =no9 3 am afra$ you must let me ha;e your n$ght!sh$ft too, for the sheet 9on7t o by $tself> that 3 can see#? +o she ga;e h$m the sh$ft also# 1ut <ust then $t came across h$s m$n that he ha forgotten to loc= the house! oor, [p# 8B1] so he must step o9n an loo= to that before he came bac= to be , an a9ay he 9ent 9$th both sh$ft an sheet# ( l$ttle 9h$le after came the true +Ku$re# ?WhyO 9hat a t$me you7;e ta=en to loc= the oor, earO? sa$ ?an 9hat ha;e you one 9$th the sheet an sh$ft@? ?What o you say@? sa$ the +Ku$re# one 9$th sheet an sh$ft that you ha to h$s 9$fe>

?Why, 3 am as=$ng 9hat you ha;e 9$pe off the bloo ,? sa$ she#

?What, $n the De$l7s nameO? sa$ t$me too@?

the +Ku$re, ?has he ta=en me $n th$s

Ne"t ay came the -aster Th$ef an as=e for the +Ku$re7s aughter, as he ha g$;en h$s 9or > an then the +Ku$re are not o anyth$ng else than g$;e her to h$m, an a goo lump of money $nto the barga$n> for, to tell the truth, he 9as afra$ lest the -aster Th$ef shoul steal the eyes out of h$s hea , an that the people 9oul beg$n to say sp$teful th$ngs of h$m $f he bro=e h$s 9or # +o -aster Th$ef l$;e 9ell an happ$ly from that t$me for9ar # 3 on7t =no9 9hether he stole any more> but $f he $ , 3 am Ku$te sure $t 9as only for the sa=e of a b$t of fun# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 8B8]

The 1est W$sh %nce on a t$me there 9ere three brothers> 3 on7t Ku$te =no9 ho9 happene , but each of them ha got the r$ght, to 9$sh one th$ng, he chose# +o the t9o el er 9ere not long a!th$n=$ng> they 9$she e;ery t$me they put the$r han s $n the$r poc=ets they m$ght pull p$ece of money> for sa$ they,!! $t 9hate;er that out a

?The man 9ho has as much money as he 9$shes for $s al9ays sure to get on $n the 9orl #? 1ut the youngest 9$she someth$ng better st$ll# .e 9$she that e;ery 9oman he sa9 m$ght fall $n lo;e 9$th h$m as soon as she sa9 h$m> an you shall soon hear ho9 far better th$s 9as than gol an goo s# +o, 9hen they ha all 9$she the$r 9$shes, the t9o el er 9ere for sett$ng out to see the 9orl > an 1oots, the$r youngest brother, as=e $f he m$ghtn7t go along 9$th them> but they 9oul n7t hear of such a th$ng# ?Where;er 9e go,? they sa$ , ?9e shall be treate as counts an =$ngs> but you, you star;el$ng 9retch, 9ho ha;en7t a penny, an ne;er 9$ll ha;e one, 9ho o you th$n= 9$ll care a b$t about you@? ?Well, but $n sp$te of that 37 l$=e to go 9$th you,? sa$ 1oots> ?perhaps a a$nty b$t may fall to my share too off the plates of such h$gh an m$ghty lor s#? (t last, after begg$ng an pray$ng, he got lea;e to go 9$th them, $f he 9oul be the$r ser;ant, else they 9oul n7t hear of $t# [p# 8B:] +o 9hen they ha gone a ay or so, they came to an $nn, 9here the t9o 9ho ha the money al$ghte , calle for f$sh an flesh, an fo9l, an bran y, an mea , an e;eryth$ng that 9as goo > but 1oots, poor fello9, ha to loo= after the$r luggage an all that belonge to the t9o great people# No9, as he 9ent to an fro outs$ e, an lo$tere about $n the $nn!yar ,

the $nn=eeper7s 9$fe loo=e out of 9$n o9 an sa9 the ser;ant of the gentlemen upsta$rs> an , all at once, she thought she ha ne;er set eyes on such a han some chap# +o she stare , an the longer she loo=e the han somer he seeme # ?Why, 9hat, by the De$l7s s=$n an bones, $s $t that you are stan $ng there gap$ng at out of the 9$n o9@? sa$ her husban # 3 th$n= 7t9oul be better $f you <ust loo=e ho9 the suc=$ng p$g $s gett$ng on, $nstea of hang$ng out of 9$n o9 $n that 9ay# Don7t you =no9 9hat gran fol= 9e ha;e $n the house to! ay@? ?%hO? sa$ h$s ol ame, ?3 on7t care a farth$ng about such a pac= of rubb$sh> $f they on7t l$=e $t they may lump $t, an be off# 1ut <ust o come an loo= at th$s la out $n the yar , so han some a fello9 3 ne;er sa9 $n all my born ays> an , $f you7ll o as 3 9$sh, 9e7ll as= h$m to step $n an treat h$m a l$ttle, for, poor la , he seems to ha;e a har f$ght of $t#? ?.a;e you lost the l$ttle bra$ns you ha , Goo y@? sa$ the husban , 9hose eyes gl$stene 9$th rage> ?$nto the =$tchen 9$th you, an m$n the f$re> but on7t stan there glo9er$ng after strange men#? +o the 9$fe ha noth$ng left for after the coo=$ng> as for the la h$m $n, or to treat h$m [p# 8B4] sp$tt$ng the p$g $n the =$tchen, the yar , an then an there she =$n that they cut of themsel;es one e;er sa9, s$l= an sat$n, an $t but to go $nto =$tchen, an loo= outs$ e, she coul n7t get lea;e to as= e$ther> but <ust as she 9as about she ma e an e"cuse for runn$ng out $nto ga;e 1oots a pa$r of sc$ssors, of such a out of the a$r the lo;el$est clothes any all that 9as f$ne# the $nn=eeper7s

?Th$s you shall ha;e because you are so han some,? sa$ 9$fe#

+o 9hen the t9o ol er brothers ha cramme themsel;es 9$th roast an bo$le , they 9$she to be off aga$n, an 1oots ha to stan beh$n the$r carr$age, an be the$r ser;ant> an so they tra;elle a goo 9ay, t$ll they came to another $nn# There the t9o brothers aga$n al$ghte an 9ent $n oors, but 1oots, 9ho ha no money, they 9oul n7t ha;e $ns$ e 9$th them> no, he must 9a$t outs$ e an 9atch the luggage# ?(n m$n ,? they sa$ , ?$f any one as=s 9hose ser;ant you are, say 9e are t9o fore$gn Pr$nces#? 1ut the same th$ng happene no9 as $t happene before> 9h$le 1oots stoo hang$ng about out $n the yar , the $nn!=eeper7s 9$fe came to the 9$n o9 an sa9 h$m, an she too fell $n lo;e 9$th h$m, <ust l$=e the f$rst $nn=eeper7s 9$fe> an there she stoo an stare , for she thought she coul ne;er ha;e her f$ll of loo=$ng at h$m# Then her husban came runn$ng through the room 9$th someth$ng the t9o Pr$nces ha or ere # ?Don7t stan there star$ng l$=e a co9 at a barn! oor, but ta=e th$s $nto the =$tchen, an loo= after your f$sh!=ettle, Goo y,? sa$ the man# ?Don7t you see 9hat gran people 9e ha;e $n the house to! ay@? [p# 8BB]

?3 on7t care a farth$ng for such a pac= of rubb$sh,? sa$ the 9$fe> ?$f they on7t l$=e 9hat they get they may lump $t, an eat 9hat they brought 9$th them# 1ut <ust o come here, an see 9hat you shall seeO +uch a han some fello9 as 9al=s here, out $n the yar , 3 ne;er sa9 $n all my born ays# +han7t 9e as= h$m $n an treat h$m a l$ttle> he, loo=s as $f he nee e $t, poor chap@? an then she 9ent on,!! ?+uch a lo;eO such a lo;eO? ?6ou ne;er ha much 9$t, an the l$ttle you ha $s clean gone, 3 can see,? sa$ the man, 9ho 9as much more angry than the f$rst $nn=eeper, an chase h$s 9$fe bac=, nec= an crop, $nto the =$tchen# ?3nto the =$tchen 9$th you, an on7t stan glo9er$ng after la s,? he sa$ # +o she ha to go $n an m$n her f$sh!=ettle, an she are not treat 1oots, for she 9as afra$ of her ol man> but as she stoo there ma=$ng up the f$re, she ma e an e"cuse for runn$ng out $nto the yar , an then an there she ga;e 1oots a tablecloth, 9h$ch 9as such that $t co;ere $tself 9$th the best $shes you coul th$n= of, as soon as $t 9as sprea out# ?Th$s you shall ha;e,? she sa$ , ?because you7re so han some#? +o 9hen the t9o brothers ha eaten an ran= of all that 9as $n the house, an ha pa$ the b$ll $n har cash, they set off aga$n, an 1oots stoo up beh$n the$r carr$age# 1ut 9hen they ha gone so far that they gre9 hungry aga$n, they turne $nto a th$r $nn, an calle for the best an earest they coul th$n= of# ?,or,? sa$ they, ?9e are t9o =$ngs on our tra;els, an $t gro9s l$=e grass#? as for our money,

Well, 9hen the $nn=eeper hear that, there 9as such a roast$ng, an ba=$ng, an bo$l$ng> 9hy, you m$ght smell the $nner at the ne"t ne$ghbour7s house, though $t 9asn7t so ;ery near> an the $nn=eeper 9as at h$s 9$t7s en to f$n all he 9$she to put before the t9o =$ngs# 1ut 1oots, he ha to stan outs$ e here too, an loo= after the th$ngs $n the carr$age# +o $t 9as the same story o;er aga$n# The $nn=eeper7s 9$fe came to the 9$n o9 an peepe out, an there she sa9 the ser;ant stan $ng by the carr$age# +uch a han some chap she ha ne;er set eyes on before> so she loo=e an loo=e , an the more she stare the han somer he seeme to the $nn=eeper7s 9$fe# Then out came the $nn=eeper, scamper$ng through the room, 9$th some a$nty 9h$ch the tra;ell$ng =$ngs ha or ere , an he 9asn7t ;ery soft!tongue 9hen he sa9 h$s ol ame stan $ng an glo9er$ng out of the 9$n o9# ?Don7t you =no9 better than to stan gap$ng an star$ng there, 9hen 9e ha;e such great fol= $n the house@? he sa$ > ?bac= $nto the =$tchen 9$th you th$s m$nute, to your custar s#? ?Well, 9ell,? she sa$ , ?as for them, 3 on7t care a p$n# 3f they can7t 9a$t t$ll the custar s are ba=e , they may go 9$thout!!that7s all# 1ut o, pray, come here, an you7ll see such a lo;ely la stan $ng out here $n the yar # Why, 3 ne;er sa9 such a pretty fello9 $n my l$fe# +han7t 9e as= h$m $n no9, an treat h$m a l$ttle, for he loo=s as $f $t 9oul o h$m goo @ %hO 9hat a arl$ngO What a arl$ngO?

?( 9anton ga about you7;e been all your ays, an so you are st$ll,? sa$ her husban , 9ho 9as $n such a rage he [p# 8BI] scarce =ne9 9h$ch leg to stan on> ?but $f you on7t be off to your custar s th$s m$nute, 37ll soon f$n out ho9 to ma=e you st$r your stumps> see $f 3 on7t#? +o the 9$fe ha off to her custar s as fast as she coul > for she =ne9 that her husban 9oul stan no nonsense> but as she stoo there o;er the f$re she stole out $nto the yar , an ga;e 1oots a tap# ?3f you only turn th$s tap,? she sa$ > ?you7ll get the f$nest 9hate;er =$n you choose, both mea , an 9$ne, an bran y> an shall ha;e because you are so han some#? r$n= of th$s you

+o 9hen the t9o brothers ha eaten an run= all they coul , they starte from the $nn, an 1oots stoo up beh$n aga$n as the$r ser;ant, an thus they ro;e far an 9$ e, t$ll they came to a =$ng7s palace# There the t9o ol er ga;e themsel;es out for t9o emperor7s sons, an as they ha plenty of money, an 9ere so f$ne that the$r clothes shone aga$n e;er so far off, they 9ere 9ell treate # They ha rooms $n the palace, an the =$ng coul n7t tell ho9 to ma=e enough of them# 1ut 1oots, 9ho 9ent about $n the same rags he stoo $n 9hen he left home, an 9ho ha ne;er a penny $n h$s poc=et, he 9as ta=en up by the =$ng7s guar , an put across to an $slan , 9h$ther they use to ro9 o;er all the beggars an rogues that came to the palace# Th$s the =$ng ha or ere , because he 9oul n7t ha;e the m$rth at the palace spo$lt by those $rty blac=guar s> an th$ther, too, only <ust as much foo as 9oul =eep bo y an soul together 9as sent o;er e;ery ay# No9 1oots7 brothers sa9 ;ery 9ell that the guar 9as ro9$ng h$m o;er to the $slan , but they 9ere gla to be r$ of h$m, an $ n7t pay the least hee to h$m# [p# 8BA] 1ut 9hen 1oots got o;er there, he <ust pulle out h$s sc$ssors an began to sn$p an cut $n the a$r> so the sc$ssors cut out the f$nest clothes any one 9oul 9$sh to see> s$l= an sat$n both, an all the beggars on the $slan 9ere soon resse far f$ner than the =$ng an all h$s guests $n the palace# (fter that, 1oots pulle out h$s table!cloth, an sprea $t out, an so they got foo too, the poor beggars# +uch a feast ha ne;er been seen at the =$ng7s palace as 9as ser;e that ay at the 1eggars7 3sle# ?Th$rsty, too, 37ll be boun you all are,? sa$ 1oots, an out 9$th h$s tap, ga;e $t a turn, an so the beggars got all a rop to r$n=> an such ale an mea the =$ng h$mself ha ne;er taste $n all h$s l$fe# +o, ne"t morn$ng, 9hen those 9ho 9ere to br$ng the beggars the$r foo on the $slan came ro9$ng o;er 9$th the scrap$ngs of the porr$ ge!pots an cheese!par$ngs!!that 9as 9hat the poor 9retches ha !!the beggars 9oul n7t so much as taste them, an the =$ng7s men fell to 9on er$ng 9hat $t coul mean> but they 9on ere much more 9hen they got a goo loo= at the beggars, for they 9ere so f$ne the guar thought they must be *mperors or Popes at least, an that they must ha;e ro9e to a 9rong $slan > but 9hen they loo=e better about them, they sa9 they 9ere come to the ol place# Then they soon foun out $t must be he 9hom they ha ro9e out the ay before 9ho ha brought the beggars on the $slan all th$s state an bra;ery> an as soon as they got bac= to the palace, they 9ere not slo9

to tell ho9 the man, 9hom they ha ro9e o;er the ay before, ha resse out all the beggars so f$ne an gran that prec$ous th$ngs fell from the$r clothes# [p# 8B9] ?(n as for the porr$ ge an cheese 9e too=, they 9oul n7t e;en taste them, so prou ha;e they got,? they sa$ # %ne of them, too, ha smelt out that the la he cut out the clothes 9$th# ha a pa$r of sc$ssors 9h$ch cuts

?When he only sn$ps 9$th those sc$ssors up $n the a$r he sn$ps an out noth$ng but s$l= an sat$n,? sa$ he#

+o, 9hen the Pr$ncess hear that, she ha ne$ther peace nor rest t$ll she sa9 the la an h$s sc$ssors that cut out s$l= an sat$n from the a$r> such a pa$r 9as 9orth ha;$ng she thought, for 9$th the$r help she 9oul soon get all the f$nery she 9$she for# Well, she begge the =$ng so long an har , he 9as force to sen a messenger for the la 9ho o9ne the sc$ssors> an 9hen he came to the palace, the Pr$ncess as=e h$m $f $t 9ere true that he ha such an such a pa$r of sc$ssors, an $f he 9oul sell them her# 6es, $t 9as all true he ha such a pa$r, sa$ 1oots, but sell them he 9oul n7t> an 9$th that he too= the sc$ssors out of h$s poc=et, an sn$ppe an sn$ppe 9$th them $n the a$r t$ll str$ps of s$l= an sat$n fle9 all about h$m# ?Nay, but you must sell me those sc$ssors,? sa$ the Pr$ncess# ?6ou may as= 9hat you please for them, but ha;e them 3 must#? NoO such a pa$r of sc$ssors he 9oul n7t sell at any pr$ce, for he coul ne;er get such a pa$r aga$n> an 9h$le they stoo an haggle for the sc$ssors, the Pr$ncess ha t$me to loo= better at 1oots, an she too thought 9$th the $nn=eepers7 9$;es that she ha ne;er seen such a han some fello9 before# +o she began to barga$n for the sc$ssors o;er aga$n, an begge an praye 1oots to let her ha;e [p# 8F0] them> he m$ght as= many, many hun re ollars for them, 7t9as all the same to her, so she got them# ?NoO sell them 3 9on7t,? sa$ 1oots> ?but all the same, $f 3 can get lea;e to sleep one n$ght on the floor of the Pr$ncess7 be !room, close by the oor, 37ll g$;e her the sc$ssors# 37ll o her no harm, but $f she7s afra$ , she may ha;e t9o men to 9atch $ns$ e the room#? 6esO the Pr$ncess 9as gla enough to g$;e h$m lea;e, for she 9as rea y to grant h$m anyth$ng $f she only got the sc$ssors# +o 1oots lay on the floor $ns$ e the Pr$ncess7 be !room that n$ght, an t9o men stoo 9atch there too> but the Pr$ncess $ n7t get much rest after all> for 9hen she ought to ha;e been asleep, she must open her eyes to loo= at 1oots, an so $t 9ent on the 9hole n$ght# 3f she shut her eyes for a m$nute, she peepe out at h$m aga$n the ne"t, such a han some fello9 he seeme to her to be# Ne"t morn$ng 1oots 9as ro9e o;er to the 1eggars7 3sle aga$n> but 9hen they came 9$th the porr$ ge!scrap$ngs an cheese!par$ngs from the palace, there 9as no one 9ho 9oul taste them that ay e$ther, an so those 9ho brought the foo 9ere more aston$she than e;er# 1ut one of those 9ho brought the foo contr$;e to smell out that the la 9ho ha o9ne the

sc$ssors o9ne also a table!cloth, 9h$ch he only nee e to sprea out, an $t 9as co;ere 9$th all the goo th$ngs he coul 9$sh for# +o 9hen he got bac= to the palace, he 9asn7t long before he sa$ ,!! ?+uch hot <o$nts an palace#? such custar s 3 ne;er sa9 the l$=e of $n the =$ng7s

(n 9hen the Pr$ncess hear that, she tol $t to the =$ng, an begge an praye so long, that he 9as force to sen a messenger out to the $slan to fetch the la 9ho [p# 8F1] o9ne the table!cloth> an so 1oots came bac= to the palace# The Pr$ncess must an 9oul ha;e the cloth of h$m, an offere h$m gol an green 9oo s for $t, but 1oots 9oul n7t sell $t at any pr$ce# ?1ut $f 3 may ha;e lea;e to l$e on the bench by the Pr$ncess7 be !s$ e to!n$ght, she shall ha;e the cloth> but $f she7s afra$ , she $s 9elcome to set four men to 9atch $ns$ e the room#? 6esO the Pr$ncess agree to th$s, so 1oots lay o9n on the bench by the be !s$ e, an the four men 9atche > but $f the Pr$ncess ha n7t much sleep the n$ght before, she ha much less th$s, for she coul scarce get a 9$n= of sleep> there she lay 9$ e a9a=e loo=$ng at the lo;ely la the 9hole n$ght through, an after all, the n$ght seeme too short# Ne"t morn$ng 1oots 9as ro9e off aga$n to the 1eggar7s 3slan , though sorely aga$nst the Pr$ncess7 9$ll, so happy 9as she to be near h$m> but $t 9as past pray$ng for> to the $slan he must go, an there 9as an en of $t# 1ut 9hen those 9ho brought the foo to the beggars came 9$th the porr$ ge!scrap$ngs an cheese!par$ngs, there 9asn7t one of them 9ho 9oul e;en loo= at 9hat the =$ng sent, an those 9ho brought $t $ n7t 9on er e$ther> though they all thought $t strange that none of them 9ere th$rsty# 1ut <ust then, one of the =$ng7s guar smelle out that the la 9ho ha o9ne the sc$ssors an the table!cloth ha a tap bes$ es, 9h$ch, $f one only turne $t a l$ttle, ga;e out the rarest r$n=, both ale, an mea , an 9$ne# +o 9hen he came bac= to the palace, he coul n7t =eep h$s mouth shut th$s t$me any more than before> he 9ent about tell$ng h$gh an lo9 about the tap, an ho9 easy $t 9as to ra9 all sorts of r$n= out of $t# [p# 8F8] ?(n as for that mea an ale, 37;e ne;er taste the l$=e of them $n the =$ng7s palace> honey an syrup are noth$ng to them for s9eetness#? +o 9hen the Pr$ncess hear that, she 9as all for gett$ng the tap, an 9as noth$ng loath to str$=e a barga$n 9$th the o9ner e$ther# +o she 9ent aga$n to the =$ng an begge h$m to sen a messenger to the 1eggars7 3sle after the la 9ho ha o9ne the sc$ssors an cloth, for no9 he ha another th$ng9orth ha;$ng, she sa$ > an 9hen the =$ng hear $t 9as a tap that 9as goo to g$;e the best ale an 9$ne any one coul r$n=, 9hen one ga;e $t a turn, he 9asn7t long $n sen $ng the messenger, 3 shoul th$n=# +o 9hen 1oots came up to the palace, the Pr$ncess as=e 9hether $t 9ere true he ha a tap 9h$ch coul o such an such th$ngs# ?6es, he ha such a tap $n h$s 9a$stcoat poc=et,? sa$ 1oots> but 9hen the Pr$ncess 9$she 9$th all her m$ght to buy $t, 1oots sa$ , as he ha sa$ t9$ce before, he 9oul n7t sell $t, e;en $f the Pr$ncess ba e half the =$ng om for $t#

?1ut all the same,? sa$ 1oots> ?$f 3 may ha;e lea;e to sleep on the Pr$ncess7 be to!n$ght, outs$ e the Ku$lt, she shall ha;e my tap# 37ll not o her any harm> but $f she7s afra$ , she may set e$ght men to 9atch $n her room#? ?%h noO? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?there 9as no nee of that, she =ne9 h$m no9 so 9ell>? an so 1oots lay outs$ e the Pr$ncess7 be that n$ght# 1ut $f she ha n7t slept much the t9o n$ghts before, she ha less sleep that n$ght> for she coul n7t shut her eyes the l$;elong n$ght, but lay an loo=e at 1oots, 9ho lay alongs$ e her outs$ e the Ku$lt# [p# 8F:] +o 9hen she got up $n the morn$ng, an they 9ere go$ng to ro9 1oots bac= to the $slan , she begge them to hol har a l$ttle b$t> an $n she ran to the =$ng, an begge h$m so prett$ly to let her ha;e 1oots for a husban , she 9as so fon of h$m, an , unless she ha h$m, she $ not care to l$;e# ?Well, 9ellO? sa$ the =$ng, ?you shall ha;e h$m $f you must> for he 9ho has such th$ngs $s <ust as r$ch as you are#? +o 1oots got the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om!!the other half he 9as to ha;e 9hen the =$ng $e > an e;eryth$ng 9ent smooth an 9ell> but as for h$s brothers, 9ho ha al9ays been so ba to h$m, he pac=e them off to the 1eggars7 3slan # ?There,? sa$ 1oots, ?perhaps they may f$n out, 9h$ch $s best off, the man 9ho has h$s poc=ets full of money, or the man 9hom all 9omen fall $n lo;e 9$th#? Nor, to tell you the truth, o 3 th$n= $t 9oul help them much to 9an er about upon the 1eggars7 3slan pull$ng p$eces of money out of the$r poc=ets> an so, $f 1oots hasn7t ta=en them off the $slan , there they are st$ll 9al=$ng about to th$s ;ery ay, eat$ng cheese!par$ngs an the scrap$ngs of the porr$ ge!pots# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 8F4]

The Three 1$lly!Goats Gruff %nce on a t$me there 9ere three 1$lly!goats, 9ho 9ere to go up to the h$ll!s$ e to ma=e themsel;es fat, an the name of all three 9as ?Gruff#? %n the 9ay up 9as a br$ ge o;er a burn they ha to cross> an un er the br$ ge l$;e a great ugly Troll, 9$th eyes as b$g as saucers, an a nose as long as a po=er# +o f$rst of all came the youngest b$lly!goat Gruff to cross the br$ ge# ?Tr$p, trapO tr$p, trapO? 9ent the br$ ge#

?W.%7+ T.(T tr$pp$ng o;er my br$ ge@? roare

the Troll#

?%h, $t $s only 3, the t$n$est b$lly!goat Gruff> an 37m go$ng up to the h$ll!s$ e to ma=e myself fat,? sa$ the b$lly!goat, 9$th such a small ;o$ce# ?No9, 37m com$ng, to gobble you up,? sa$ the Troll#

?%h, noO pray on7t ta=e me# 37m too l$ttle, that 3 am,? sa$ the b$lly! goat> ?9a$t a b$t t$ll the secon b$lly!goat Gruff comes, he7s much b$gger#? ?Well, be off 9$th you>? sa$ the Troll# b$lly!goat Gruff to cross the

( l$ttle 9h$le after came the secon br$ ge#

?T)3P, T)(PO T)3P, T)(PO T)3P, T)(PO? 9ent the br$ ge# ?W.%7+ T.(T tr$pp$ng o;er my br$ ge@? roare the Troll#

?%h, $t7s the secon b$lly!goat Gruff, an 37m go$ng up to the h$ll!s$ e to ma=e myself fat,? sa$ the b$lly!goat, 9ho ha n7t such a small ;o$ce# ?No9 37m com$ng to gobble you up,? sa$ the Troll#

?%h, noO on7t ta=e me, 9a$t a l$ttle t$ll the b$g b$lly!goat Gruff comes, he7s much b$gger#? ?2ery 9ellO be off 9$th you,? sa$ the Troll#

1ut <ust then up came the b$g b$lly!goat Gruff# ?T)3P, T)(PO T)3P, T)(PO T)3P, T)(PO? 9ent the br$ ge, for the b$lly!goat 9as so hea;y that the br$ ge crea=e an groane un er h$m# ?W.%7+ T.(T tramp$ng o;er my br$ ge@? roare ?3T7+ 3O T.* 13G 13''6!G%(T G)&,,,? sa$ hoarse ;o$ce of h$s o9n# ?No9 37m com$ng to gobble you up,? roare ?Well, come alongO 37;e got t9o spears, (n 37ll po=e your eyeballs out at your ears> the Troll# an ugly

the b$lly!goat, 9ho ha the Troll,

37;e got bes$ es t9o curl$ng!stones, (n 37ll crush you to b$ts, bo y an bones#?

That 9as 9hat the b$g b$lly!goat sa$ > an so he fle9 at the Troll, an po=e h$s eyes out 9$th h$s horns, an crushe h$m to b$ts, bo y an bones, an tosse h$m out $nto the burn, an after that he 9ent up to the h$ll!s$ e# There the b$lly!goats got so fat they 9ere scarce able to 9al= home aga$n> an $f the fat hasn7t fallen off them, 9hy, they7re st$ll fat> an so!!

?+n$p, snap, snout Th$s tale7s tol out#?

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 8FF]

Well Done an

3ll Pa$ to r$;e h$s sle ge to the 9oo ea

%nce on a t$me there 9as a man, 9ho ha for fuel# +o a bear met h$m# ?%ut 9$th your horse,? sa$ by summer#?

the 1ear, ?or 37ll str$=e all your sheep

?%hO hea;en help me then,? sa$ the man> ?there7s not a st$c= of f$re9oo $n the house> you must let me r$;e home a loa of fuel, else 9e shall be froCen to eath# 37ll br$ng the horse to you to!morro9 morn$ng#? 6es> on those terms he m$ght r$;e the 9oo home, that 9as a barga$n> but 1ru$n sa$ , ?$f he $ n7t come bac=, he shoul lose all h$s sheep by summer#? +o the man got the 9oo on the sle ge an rattle home9ar s, but he 9asn7t o;er please at the barga$n you may fancy# +o <ust then a fo" met h$m# ?Why, 9hat7s the matter@? sa$ mouth@? the ,o"> ?9hy are you so o9n $n the

?%h, $f you 9ant to =no9,? sa$ the man> ?3 met a bear up yon er $n the 9oo , an 3 ha to g$;e my 9or to h$m to br$ng Dobb$n bac= to!morro9, at th$s ;ery hour for $f he $ n7t get h$m, he sa$ he 9oul tear all my sheep to eath by summer#? ?+tuff, noth$ng 9orse than that,? sa$ the ,o"> ?$f you7ll g$;e me your fattest 9ether, 37ll soon set you free> see $f 3 on7t#? 6es> the man ga;e h$s 9or , an [p# 8FI] ?Well, 9hen you come 9$th Dobb$n to!morro9 for the bear,? sa$ the ,o", ?37ll ma=e a clatter up $n that heap of stones yon er, an so 9hen the bear as=s 9hat that no$se $s, you must say 7t$s Peter the -ar=sman, 9ho $s the best shot $n the 9orl > an after that you must help yourself#? Ne"t ay off set the man, an 9hen he met the bear, someth$ng began to ma=e a clatter up $n the heap of stones# ?.$stO 9hat7s that@? sa$ the 1ear# s9ore he 9oul =eep $t too#

?%hO that7s Peter the -ar=sman, to be sure,? sa$ shot $n the 9orl # 3 =no9 h$m by h$s ;o$ce#? ?.a;e you seen any bears about here, *r$c@? shoute 9oo # ?+ay NoO? sa$ the 1ear# *r$c#

the man> ?he7s the best out a ;o$ce $n the

?No, 3 ha;en7t seen any,? sa$

?What7s that then that stan s alongs$ e your sle ge@? ba9le ;o$ce $n the 9oo # ?+ay $t7s an ol f$r!stump,? sa$ the 1ear# the man#

out the

?%h, $t7s only an ol

f$r!stump,? sa$

?+uch f$r!stumps 9e ta=e $n our country an roll them on our sle ges,? ba9le out the ;o$ce# ?3f you can7t o $t yourself, 37ll come an help you#? ?+ay you can help yourself, an roll me up on the sle ge,? sa$ the man, an the 1ear# rolle

?No, than= ye, 3 can help myself 9ell enough,? sa$ the bear on to the sle ge#

?+uch f$r!stumps 9e al9ays b$n fast on our sle ges $n our part of the 9orl ,? ba9le out the ;o$ce> ?shall 3 come an help you@? ?+ay you can help yourself, an [p# 8FA] ?No, than=s, 3 can help myself 9ell enough,? sa$ the man, 9ho set to b$n $ng 1ru$n fast 9$th all the ropes he ha , so that at last the bear coul n7t st$r a pa9# ?+uch f$r!stumps 9e al9ays r$;e our a"es $nto $n our part of the 9orl ,? ba9le out the ;o$ce> ?for then 9e gu$ e them better go$ng o9n the steep p$tches#? ?Preten to r$;e your a"e $nto me, o no9,? sa$ the 1ear# b$n me fast# Do#? sa$ the 1ear#

Then the man too= up h$s a"e, an at one blo9 spl$t the bear7s s=ull, so that 1ru$n lay ea $n a tr$ce, an so the man an the fo" 9ere great fr$en s, an on the best terms# 1ut 9hen they came near the farm, the ,o" sa$ ,!! ?37;e no m$n to go r$ght home 9$th you, for 3 can7t say 3 l$=e your ty=es> so 37ll <ust 9a$t here, an you can br$ng the 9ether to me, but m$n an p$c= out one n$ce an fat#? 6es, the man 9oul be sure to o that, an than=e the fo" much for h$s help# +o 9hen he ha put up Dobb$n, he 9ent across to the sheep!stall# ?Wh$ther a9ay, no9@? as=e h$s ol ame#

?%hO? sa$ the man, ?37m only go$ng to the sheep!stall to fetch a fat 9ether for that cunn$ng fo" 9ho set our Dobb$n free# 3 ga;e h$m my 9or 9oul #?

?Wether, $n ee ,? sa$ the ol ame> ?ne;er a one shall that th$ef of a fo" get# .a;en7t 9e got Dobb$n safe, an the bear $nto the barga$n> an as for the fo", 37ll be boun he7s stolen more of our geese than the 9ether $s 9orth> an e;en $f he hasn7t stolen them, he 9$ll# No, no> ta=e a brace of your s9$ftest houn s $n a sac=, an sl$p them loose after h$m> an then, perhaps, 9e shall be r$ of th$s robb$ng )eynar #? [p# 8F9] Well, the man thought that goo a ;$ce> so he too= t9o fleet re put them $nto a sac=, an set off 9$th them# ?.a;e you brought the 9ether@? sa$ ?6es, come an the houn s# ta=e $t,? sa$ the ,o"# the sac= an let sl$p houn s,

the man, as he unt$e

?.&,O? sa$ the ,o", sa9 says, 7Well one another say$ng, 7The 9hat the ,o" sa$ as heels#

an ga;e a great spr$ng> ?true $t $s 9hat the ol $s often $ll pa$ >7 an no9, too, 3 see the truth of 9orst foes are those of one7s o9n house#7 ? That 9as he ran off, an sa9 the re fo"y houn s at h$s

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The .usban

Who Was to -$n

the .ouse

%nce on a t$me there 9as a man, so surly an cross, he ne;er thought h$s 9$fe $ anyth$ng r$ght $n the house# +o one e;en$ng, $n hay!ma=$ng t$me, he came home, scol $ng an s9ear$ng an sho9$ng h$s teeth an ma=$ng a ust# ?Dear lo;e, on7t be so angry> there7s a goo man,? sa$ h$s goo y> ?to! morro9 let7s change our 9or=# 37ll go out 9$th the mo9ers an mo9, an you shall m$n the house at home#? 6es, the husban he sa$ # thought that 9oul o ;ery 9ell# .e 9as Ku$te 9$ll$ng,

+o, early ne"t morn$ng, h$s goo y too= a scythe o;er [p# 8I0] her nec=, an 9ent out $nto the hay!f$el 9$th the mo9ers an began to mo9> but the man 9as to m$n the house, an o the 9or= at home# ,$rst of all he 9ante to churn the butter> but 9hen he ha churne a 9h$le, he got th$rsty, an 9ent o9n to the cellar to tap a barrel of ale# +o, <ust 9hen he ha =noc=e $n the bung, an 9as putt$ng the tap $nto the cas=, he hear o;erhea the p$g come $nto the =$tchen# Then off he ran up the cellar steps, 9$th the tap $n h$s han , as fast as he coul , to loo= after the p$g, lest $t shoul upset the churn> but 9hen he got up, an sa9 the p$g ha alrea y =noc=e the churn o;er, an stoo

there, rout$ng an grunt$ng amongst the cream 9h$ch 9as runn$ng all o;er the floor, he got so 9$l 9$th rage that he Ku$te forgot the ale!barrel, an ran at the p$g, as har as he coul # .e caught $t, too, <ust as $t ran out of oors, an ga;e $t such a =$c= that p$ggy lay for ea on the spot# Then all at once he remembere he ha the tap $n h$s han > but 9hen he got o9n to the cellar, e;ery rop of ale ha run out of the cas=# Then he 9ent $nto the a$ry an foun enough cream left to f$ll the churn aga$n, an so he began to churn, for butter they must ha;e at $nner# When he ha churne a b$t, he remembere that the$r m$l=$ng co9 9as st$ll shut up $n the byre, an ha n7t ha a b$t to eat or a rop to r$n= all the morn$ng, though the sun 9as h$gh# Then all at once he thought 7t9as too far to ta=e her o9n to the mea o9, so he7 <ust get her up on the house!top!!for the house, you must =no9, 9as thatche 9$th so s, an a f$ne crop of grass 9as gro9$ng there# No9 the$r house lay close up aga$nst a steep o9n, an he thought $f he la$ a [p# 8I1] plan= across to the thatch at the bac= he7 eas$ly get the co9 up# 1ut st$ll he coul n7t lea;e the churn, for there 9as h$s l$ttle babe cra9l$ng about on the floor, an ?$f 3 lea;e $t,? he thought, ?the ch$l $s safe to upset $t#? +o he too= the churn on h$s bac=, an 9ent out 9$th $t> but then he thought, he7 better f$rst 9ater the co9 before he turne her out on the thatch> so he too= up a buc=et to ra9 9ater out of the 9ell> but, as he stoope o9n at the 9ell7s br$n=, all the cream ran out of the churn o;er h$s shoul ers, an so o9n $nto the 9ell# No9 $t 9as near $nner!t$me, an he ha n7t e;en got the butter yet> so he thought he7 best bo$l the porr$ ge, an f$lle the pot 9$th 9ater, an hung $t o;er the f$re# When he ha one that, he thought the co9 m$ght perhaps fall off the thatch an brea= her legs or her nec=# +o he got up on the house to t$e her up# %ne en of the rope he ma e fast to the co97s nec=, an the other he sl$ppe o9n the ch$mney an t$e roun h$s o9n th$gh> an he ha to ma=e haste, for the 9ater no9 began to bo$l $n the pot, an he ha st$ll to gr$n the oatmeal# +o he began to gr$n a9ay> but 9h$le he 9as har at $t, o9n fell the co9 off the house top after all, an as she fell, she ragge the man up the ch$mney by the rope# There he stuc= fast> an as for the co9, she hung, half!9ay o9n the 9all, s9$ng$ng bet9een hea;en an earth, for she coul ne$ther get o9n nor up# (n no9 the goo y ha 9a$te se;en lengths an se;en brea ths for her husban to come an call them home to $nner> but ne;er a call they ha # (t last she thought she7 9a$te long enough, an 9ent home# 1ut 9hen she [p# 8I8] got there an sa9 the co9 hang$ng $n such an ugly place, she ran up an cut the rope $n t9o 9$th her scythe# 1ut as she $ th$s, o9n came her husban out of the ch$mney> an so 9hen h$s ol ame came $ns$ e the =$tchen, there she foun h$m stan $ng on h$s hea $n the porr$ ge! pot# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com


%nce on a t$me there 9as a r$ch couple 9ho ha t9el;e sons> but the youngest 9hen he 9as gro9n up sa$ he 9oul n7t stay any longer at home, but be off $nto the 9orl to try h$s luc=# .$s father an -other sa$ he $ ;ery 9ell at home, an ha better stay 9here he 9as# 1ut no, he coul n7t rest> a9ay he must an 9oul go# +o at last they ga;e h$m lea;e# (n 9hen he ha 9al=e a goo b$t, he came to a =$ng7s palace, 9here he as=e for a place, an got $t# No9 the aughter of the =$ng of that lan ha been carr$e off $nto the h$ll by a Troll, an the =$ng ha no other ch$l ren> so he an all h$s lan 9ere $n great gr$ef an sorro9, an the =$ng ga;e h$s 9or that any one 9ho coul set her free shoul ha;e the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om# 1ut there 9as no one 9ho coul o $t, though many tr$e # +o 9hen the la ha been there a year or so, he longe to go home aga$n an see h$s father an mother, an bac= he 9ent> but 9hen he got home h$s father an mother [p# 8I:] 9ere ea , an h$s brothers ha share all that the ol people o9ne bet9een them, an so there 9as noth$ng left for the la # ?+han7t 3 ha;e anyth$ng at all, then, out of father7s an goo s@? sa$ the la # mother7s

?Who coul tell you 9ere st$ll al$;e, 9hen you 9ent ga $ng an 9an er$ng about so long@? sa$ h$s brothers# ?1ut all the same> there are t9el;e mares up on the h$ll 9h$ch 9e ha;en7t yet share among us> $f you choose to ta=e them for your share, you7re Ku$te 9elcome#? 6es, the la 9as Ku$te content> so he than=e h$s brothers, an 9ent at once up on the h$ll, 9here the t9el;e mares 9ere out at grass# (n 9hen he got up there an foun them, each of them ha a foal at her s$ e, an one of them ha bes$ es, along 9$th her, a b$g apple!gray foal, 9h$ch 9as so slee= that the sun shone from $ts coat# ?( f$ne fello9 you are, my l$ttle foal,? sa$ the la #

?6es,? sa$ the ,oal> ?but $f you7ll only =$ll all the other foals, so that 3 may run an suc= all the mares one year more, you7ll see ho9 b$g an slee= 37ll be then#? 6es, the la 9as rea y to an 9ent home aga$n# o that> so he =$lle all those t9el;e foals,

+o 9hen he came bac= the ne"t year to loo= after h$s foal an mares, the foal 9as so fat an slee=, that the sun shone from $ts coat, an $t ha gro9n so b$g, the la ha har 9or= to mount $t# (s for the mares, they ha each of them another foal# ?Well, $t7s Ku$te pla$n 3 lost noth$ng by lett$ng you suc= all my t9el;e mares,? sa$ the la to the yearl$ng, but no9 you7re b$g enough to come along 9$th me#? ?No,? sa$ the 0olt, ?3 must b$ e here a year longer> [p# 8I4] an no9 =$ll all the t9el;e foals, that 3 may suc= all the mares th$s year too, an you7ll see ho9 b$g an slee= 37ll be by summer#? 6es, the la $ that> an ne"t year 9hen he 9ent up on the h$ll to loo= after h$s colt an the mares, each mare ha her foal, but the apple colt

9as so tall the la ho9 fat he 9as> an sunsh$ne#

coul n7t reach up to h$s crest 9hen he 9ante to feel so slee= he 9as too, that h$s coat gl$stene $n the

?1$g an beaut$ftul you 9ere last year, my colt,? sa$ the la , ?but th$s year you7re far gran er# There7s no such horse $n the =$ng7s stable# 1ut no9 you must come along 9$th me#? ?No,? sa$ Dapple aga$n, ?3 must stay here one year more# 4$ll the t9el;e foals as before, that 3 may suc= the mares the 9hole year, an then <ust come an loo= at me 9hen the summer comes#? 6es, the la $ that> he =$lle the foals, an 9ent a9ay home#

1ut 9hen he 9ent up ne"t year to loo= after Dapple an the mares, he 9as Ku$te aston$she # +o tall, an stout, an stur y, he ne;er tbought a horse coul be> for Dapple ha to l$e o9n on all fours before the la coul bestr$ e h$m, an $t 9as har 9or= to get up e;en then, although he lay flat> an h$s coat 9as so smooth an slee=, the sunbeams shone from $t as from a loo=$ng!glass# Th$s t$me Dapple 9as 9$ll$ng enough to follo9 the la , so he <umpe up on h$s bac=, an 9hen he came r$ $ng home to h$s brothers, they all clappe the$r han s an crosse themsel;es, for such a horse they ha ne;er hear of nor seen before# [p# 8IB] ?3f you 9$ll only get the best shoes you can for my horse, an the gran est sa le an br$ le that are to be foun ,? sa$ the la , ?you may ha;e my t9el;e mares that graCe up on the h$ll yon er, an the$r t9el;e foals $nto the barga$n#? ,or you must =no9 that th$s year too e;ery mare ha her foal# 6es, h$s brothers 9ere rea y to o that, an so the la got such strong shoes un er h$s horse, that the stones fle9 h$gh aloft as he ro e a9ay across the h$lls> an he ha a gol en sa le an a gol en br$ le, 9h$ch gleame an gl$stene a long 9ay off# ?No9 9e7re off to the =$ng7s palace,? sa$ Dapplegr$m!!that 9as h$s name> ?but m$n you as= the =$ng for a goo stable an goo fo er for me#? 6es, the la sa$ he 9oul m$n > he7 be sure not to forget> an 9hen he ro e off from h$s brothers7 house, you may be sure $t 9asn7t long, 9$th such a horse un er h$m, before he got to the =$ng7s palace# When he came there, the =$ng 9as stan $ng on the steps, an stare at the man 9ho came r$ $ng along# ?Nay, nayO? sa$ all my l$fe#? he, ?such a man an stare an

such a horse 3 ne;er yet sa9 $n all

1ut 9hen the la as=e $f he coul get a place $n the =$ng7s househol , the =$ng 9as so gla he 9as rea y to <ump an ance as he stoo on the steps# Well, they sa$ , perhaps he m$ght get a place there#

?(y,? sa$ the la , ?but 3 must ha;e goo fo er that one can trust#?

stable!room for my horse, an

6es, he shoul ha;e mea o9!hay an oats, as much as Dapple coul cram, an all the other =n$ghts ha to lea the$r horses out of the stable, that Dapplegr$m m$ght stan alone, an ha;e $t all to h$mself# 1ut $t 9asn7t long before all the others $n the =$ng7s househol began to be <ealous of the la , an there 9as no en to the ba th$ngs they 9oul ha;e one to h$m, $f they ha only are # (t last they thought of tell$ng the =$ng he ha sa$ he 9as man enough to set the =$ng7s aughter free!! 9hom the Troll ha long s$nce carr$e a9ay $nto the h$ll!!$f he only chose# The =$ng calle the la before h$m, an sa$ he ha hear the la sa$ he 9as goo to o so an so> so no9 he must go an o $t# 3f he $ $t he =ne9 ho9 the =$ng ha prom$se h$s aughter an half the =$ng om, an that prom$se 9oul be fa$thfully =ept> $f he $ n7t, he shoul be =$lle # The la =ept on say$ng he ne;er sa$ any such th$ng but $t 9as no goo ,!! the =$ng 9oul n7t e;en l$sten to h$m> an so the en of $t 9as he 9as force to say he7 go an try# +o he 9ent $nto the stable, o9n $n the mouth an hea;y!hearte , an Dapplegr$m as=e h$m at once 9hy he 9as $n such umps# Then, the la tol h$m all, an then

ho9 he coul n7t tell 9h$ch 9ay to turn,!! o9nr$ght stuff#?

?,or as for sett$ng the Pr$ncess free, that7s ?%hO but $t m$ght be through> but you must ten poun of $ron an to hammer an another

one, perhaps,? sa$ Dapplegr$m# ?37ll help you f$rst ha;e me 9ell sho # 6ou must go an as= for t9el;e poun of steel for the shoes, an one sm$th to hol #?

6es, the la $ that, an got for ans9er ?6esO? .e [p# 8II] got both the $ron an the steel, an the sm$ths, an so Dapplegr$m 9as sho both strong an 9ell, an off 9ent the la from the courtyar $n a clou of ust# 1ut 9hen he came to the h$ll $nto 9h$ch the Pr$ncess ha been carr$e , the p$nch 9as ho9 to get up the steep 9all of roc= 9here the Troll7s ca;e 9as $n 9h$ch the Pr$ncess ha been h$ # ,or you must =no9 the h$ll stoo stra$ght up an o9n r$ght on en , as upr$ght as a house!9all, an as smooth as a sheet of glass# The f$rst t$me the la 9ent at $t he got a l$ttle 9ay up> but then Dapple7s fore!legs sl$ppe , an o9n they 9ent aga$n, 9$th a soun l$=e thun er on the h$ll# The secon t$me he ro e at $t he got some 9ay farther up> but then one fore!leg sl$ppe , an o9n they 9ent 9$th a crash l$=e a lan sl$p# 1ut the th$r t$me Dapple sa$ ,!!

?No9 9e must sho9 our mettle>? an 9ent at $t aga$n t$ll the stones fle9 hea;en!h$gh about them, an so they got up#

Then the la ro e r$ght $nto the ca;e at full spee , an caught up the Pr$ncess, an thre9 her o;er h$s sa le!bo9, an out an o9n aga$n before the Troll ha t$me e;en to get on h$s legs> an so the Pr$ncess 9as free # When the la came bac= to the palace, the =$ng 9as both happy an gla to get h$s aughter bac=> that you may 9ell bel$e;e> but someho9 or other, though 3 on7t =no9 ho9, the others about the court ha so brought $t about that the =$ng 9as angry 9$th the la after all# ?Than=s you shall ha;e for free$ng my Pr$ncess,? sa$ he to the la , 9hen he brought the Pr$ncess $nto the hall, an ma e h$s bo9# [p# 8IA] ?+he ought to be m$ne as 9ell, as yours> for you7re a 9or !fast man, 3 hope,? sa$ the la # ?(y, ayO? sa$ the =$ng, ?ha;e her you shall, s$nce 3 sa$ of all, you must ma=e the sun sh$ne $nto my palace hall#? $t> but, f$rst

No9, you must =no9 there 9as a h$gh steep r$ ge of roc= close outs$ e the 9$n o9s, 9h$ch thre9 such a sha e o;er the hall that ne;er a sunbeam shone $nto $t# ?That 9asn7t $n our barga$n,? ans9ere the la > ?but 3 see th$s $s past pray$ng aga$nst> 3 must e7en go an try my luc=, for the Pr$ncess 3 must an 9$ll ha;e#? +o o9n he 9ent to Dapple, an tol h$m 9hat the =$ng 9ante , an Dapplegr$m thought $t m$ght eas$ly be one, but f$rst of all he must be ne9 sho > an for that ten poun of $ron, an t9el;e poun of steel bes$ es, 9ere nee e , an t9o sm$ths, one to hammer an the other to hol , an then they7 soon get the sun to sh$ne $nto the palace hall# +o 9hen the la as=e for all these th$ngs, he got coul n7t say nay for ;ery shame> an so Dapplegr$m such shoesO Then the la <umpe upon h$s bac=, an an for e;ery leap that Dapplegr$m ga;e, o9n sun= $nto the earth, an so they 9ent on t$ll there 9as r$ ge for the =$ng to see# them at once!!the =$ng got ne9 shoes, an off they 9ent aga$n> the r$ ge f$fteen ells noth$ng left of the

When the la got bac= to the =$ng7s palace he as=e the =$ng $f the Pr$ncess 9ere not h$s no9> for no9 no one coul say that the sun $ n7t sh$ne $nto the hall# 1ut then the others set the =$ng bac= up aga$n, an he ans9ere the la shoul ha;e her of course, he ha ne;er thought of anyth$ng else> but f$rst of all he must get as gran a horse [p# 8I9] for the br$ e to r$ e on to church as the br$ e!groom ha h$mself# The la sa$ the =$ng ha n7t spo=en a 9or about th$s before, an that he thought he ha no9 fa$rly earne the Pr$ncess> but the =$ng hel to h$s o9n> an more, $f the la coul n7t o that he shoul lose h$s l$fe> that 9as 9hat the =$ng sa$ # +o the la 9ent o9n to the stable $n oleful umps, as you may 9ell fancy, an there he tol Dapplegr$m all about $t> ho9 the =$ng ha la$ that tas= on h$m, to f$n the br$ e as goo a horse as the br$ egroom ha h$mself, else he 9oul lose h$s l$fe#

?1ut that7s not so easy,? he sa$ , ?for your match $sn7t to be foun the 9$ e 9orl #?


?%h yes, 3 ha;e a match,? sa$ Dapplegr$m> ?but 7t $sn7t so easy to f$n h$m, for he ab$ es $n .ell# +t$ll 9e7ll try# (n no9 you must go up to the =$ng an as= for ne9 shoes for me, ten poun of $ron, an t9el;e poun of steel> an t9o sm$ths, one to hammer an one to hol > an m$n you see that the po$nts an en s of these shoes are sharp> an t9el;e sac=s of rye, an t9el;e sac=s of barley, an t9el;e slaughtere o"en, 9e must ha;e 9$th us> an m$n , 9e must ha;e the t9el;e o"!h$ es, 9$th t9el;e hun re sp$=es r$;en $nto each> an , let me see, a b$g tar! barrel>!!that7s all 9e 9ant#? +o the la 9ent up to the =$ng an as=e for all that Dapplegr$m ha sa$ , an the =$ng aga$n thought he coul n7t say nay, for shame7s sa=e, an so the la got all he 9ante # Well, he <umpe an 9hen he ha up on Dapplegr$m7s bac=, an r$ en far far o;er h$ll an ro e a9ay from the palace, heath, Dapple as=e ,!!

?Do you hear anyth$ng@? [p# 8A0] ?6es, 3 hear an a9ful h$ss$ng an ?3 th$n= 37m gett$ng afra$ #? rustl$ng up $n the a$r,? sa$ the la >

?That7s all the 9$l b$r s that fly through the 9oo # They are sent to stop us> but <ust cut a hole $n the corn!sac=s, an then they7ll ha;e so much to o 9$th the corn, they7ll forget us Ku$te#? 6es, the la $ that> he cut holes $n the corn!sac=s, so that the rye an barley ran out on all s$ es# Then all the 9$l b$r s that 9ere $n the 9oo came fly$ng roun them so th$c= that the sunbeams gre9 ar=> but as soon as they sa9 the corn, they coul n7t =eep to the$r purpose, but fle9 o9n an began to p$c= an scratch at the rye an barley, an after that they began to f$ght among themsel;es# (s for Dapplegr$m an the la , they forgot all about them, an $ them no harm# +o the la ro e on an on!!far far o;er mounta$n an ale, o;er san ! h$lls an moor# Then Dapplegr$m began to pr$c= up h$s ears aga$n, an at last he as=e the la $f he hear anyth$ng# ?6es> no9 3 hear such an ugly roar$ng an $t ma=es me Ku$te afra$ #? ho9l$ng $n the 9oo all roun ,

?(hO? sa$ Dapplegr$m, ?that7s all the 9$l beasts that range through the 9oo , an they7re sent out to stop us# 1ut <ust cast out the t9el;e carcases of the o"en, that 9$ll g$;e them enough to o, an so they7ll forget us outr$ght#? 6es, the la cast out the carcases, an then all the 9$l beasts $n the 9oo , both bears, an 9ol;es, an l$ons!!all fell beasts of all =$n s!! came after them# 1ut 9hen they sa9 the carcases, they began to f$ght for them among themsel;es, t$ll bloo flo9e $n streams> but Dapplegr$m an the la they Ku$te forgot# [p# 8A1]

+o the la ro e far a9ay, an they change the lan scape many many t$mes, for Dapplegr$m $ n7t let the grass gro9 un er h$m, as you may fancy# (t last Dapple ga;e a great ne$gh# ?Do you hear anyth$ng@? he sa$ , ?6es, 3 hear someth$ng l$=e a colt ne$gh$ng lou , a long long 9ay off,? ans9ere the la # ?That7s a full!gro9n colt then,? sa$ so lou such a long 9ay off#? Dapplegr$m, ?$f 9e hear h$m ne$gh

(fter that they tra;elle a goo b$t, chang$ng the lan scape once or t9$ce maybe# Then Dapplegr$m ga;e another ne$gh# ?No9 l$sten, an tell me $f you hear anyth$ng,? he sa$ # the la # then

?6es, no9 3 hear a ne$gh l$=e a full!gro9n horse,? ans9ere

?(yO ayO? sa$ Dapplegr$m, ?you7ll hear h$m once aga$n soon, an you7ll hear he7s got a ;o$ce of h$s o9n#? +o they tra;elle perhaps, an then as= the la $f he heathy h$ll!s$ e, asun er#

on an on, an change the lan scape once or t9$ce Dapplegr$m ne$ghe the th$r t$me> but before he coul hear anyth$ng, someth$ng ga;e such a ne$gh across the the la thought h$ll an roc= 9oul surely be rent

?No9 he7s hereO? sa$ Dapplegr$m> ?ma=e haste, no9, an thro9 the o"! h$ es, 9$th the sp$=es $n them, o;er me, an thro9 o9n the tar!barrel on the pla$n> then cl$mb up $nto that great spruce!f$r yon er# When $t comes, f$re 9$ll flash out of both nostr$ls, an then the tar!barrel 9$ll catch f$re# No9 m$n 9hat 3 say# 3f the flame r$ses, 3 9$n> $f $t [p# 8A8] falls, 3 lose> but $f you see me 9$nn$ng, ta=e an cast the br$ le!! you must ta=e $t off me!!o;er $ts hea , an then $t 9$ll be tame enough#? +o <ust as the la ha one thro9$ng the o"!h$ es, 9$th the sp$=es, o;er Dapplegr$m, an ha cast o9n the tar!barrel on the pla$n, an ha got 9ell up $nto the spruce!f$r, up gallope a horse, 9$th f$re flash$ng out of h$s nostr$ls, an the flame caught the tar!barrel at once# Then Dapplegr$m an the strange horse began to f$ght t$ll the stones fle9 hea;en!h$gh# They fought, an b$t an =$c=e both 9$th fore!feet an h$n !feet, an somet$mes the la coul see them, an somet$mes he coul n7t, but at last the flame began to r$se> for 9here;er the strange horse =$c=e or b$t, he met the sp$=e h$ es, an at last he ha to y$el # When the la sa9 that, he 9asn7t long $n gett$ng o9n from the tree, an $n thro9$ng the br$ le o;er $ts hea , an then $t 9as so tame you coul hol $t 9$th a pac=!threa # (n 9hat o you th$n=@ that horse 9as apple too, an so l$=e Dapplegr$m, you coul n7t tell 9h$ch 9as 9h$ch# Then the la bestro e the ne9 Dapple he ha bro=en, an ro e home to the palace, an ol Dapplegr$m ran loose by h$s s$ e# +o 9hen he got home, there stoo the =$ng out $n the yar #

?0an you tell me no9,? sa$ the la , ?9h$ch $s the horse 3 ha;e caught an bro=en, an 9h$ch $s the one 3 ha before# 3f you can7t, 3 th$n= your aughter $s fa$rly m$ne#? Then the =$ng 9ent an loo=e at both Dapples, h$gh an lo9, before an beh$n , but there 9asn7t a ha$r on one 9h$ch 9asn7t on the other as 9ell# ?No,? sa$ the =$ng, ?that 3 can7t> an s$nce you7;e [p# 8A:] got my aughter such a gran horse for her 9e $ng, you shall ha;e her 9$th all my heart# 1ut st$ll 9e7ll ha;e one tr$al more, <ust to see 9hether you7re fate to ha;e her# ,$rst, she shall h$ e herself t9$ce, an then you shall h$ e yourself t9$ce# 3f you can f$n out her h$ $ng!place, an she can7t f$n out yours, 9hy then, you7re fate to ha;e her, an so you shall ha;e her#? ?That7s not $n the barga$n e$ther,? sa$ the la > ?but 9e must <ust try, s$nce $t must be so,? an so the Pr$ncess 9ent off to h$ e herself f$rst# +o she turne herself $nto a uc=, an lay s9$mm$ng on a pon that 9as close to the palace# 1ut the la only ran o9n to the stable, an as=e Dapplegr$m 9hat she ha one 9$th herself#? ?%h, you only nee to ta=e your gun,? sa$ Dapplegr$m, an go o9n to the br$n= of the pon , an a$m at the uc= 9h$ch l$es s9$mm$ng about there, an she7ll soon sho9 herself#? +o the la snatche up h$s gun an ran off to the pon # ?37ll <ust ta=e a pop at th$s uc=,? he sa$ , an began to a$m at $t# ?Nay, nay, +o he ha ear fr$en , foun her once# on7t shoot# 3t7s 3,? sa$ the Pr$ncess#

The secon t$me the Pr$ncess turne herself $nto a loaf of brea , an la$ herself on the table among four other loa;es> an so l$=e 9as she to the others, no one coul say 9h$ch 9as 9h$ch# 1ut the la 9ent aga$n o9n to the stable to Dapplegr$m, an sa$ ho9 the Pr$ncess ha h$ en herself aga$n, an he coul n7t tell at all 9hat ha become of her# [p# 8A4] ?%h, <ust ta=e an sharpen a goo brea !=n$fe,? sa$ Dapplegr$m, ?an o as $f you 9ere go$ng to cut $n t9o the th$r loaf on the left han of those four loa;es 9h$ch are ly$ng on the resser $n the =$ng7s =$tchen, an you7ll f$n her soon enough#? 6es, the la 9as o9n $n the =$tchen $n no t$me, an began to sharpen the b$ggest brea !=n$fe he coul lay han s on> then he caught hol of the th$r loaf on the left han , an put the =n$fe to $t, as though he 9as go$ng to cut $t $n t9o# ?37ll <ust ha;e a sl$ce off th$s loaf,? he sa$ # ?Nay, ear fr$en ,? sa$ foun the Pr$ncess, ? on7t cut# 3t7s 3#?

+o he ha

her t9$ce#

Then he 9as to go an h$ e> but he an Dapplegr$m ha settle $t all so 9ell beforehan , $t 9asn7t easy to f$n h$m# ,$rst he turne h$mself $nto a t$c= an h$ h$mself $n Dapplegr$m7s left nostr$l> an the Pr$ncess 9ent about hunt$ng h$m e;ery9here, h$gh an lo9> at last she 9ante to go $nto Dapplegr$m7s stall, but he began to b$te an =$c=, so that she aren7t go near h$m, an so she coul n7t f$n the la # ?Well,? she sa$ , ?s$nce 3 can7t f$n you, you must sho9 9here you are yourself>? an $n a tr$ce the la stoo there on the stable floor# The secon t$me Dapplegr$m tol h$m aga$n 9hat to o> an then he turne h$mself $nto a clo of earth, an stuc= h$mself bet9een Dapple7s hoof an shoe on the near forefoot# +o the Pr$ncess hunte up an o9n, out an $n, e;ery9here> at last she came $nto the stable, an 9ante to go $nto Dapplegr$m7s loose!bo"# Th$s t$me he let her come up to h$m, an she pr$e h$gh an lo9, but un er h$s hoofs she [p# 8AB] coul n7t come, for he stoo f$rm as a roc= on h$s feet, an so she coul n7t f$n the la # ?Well> you must <ust sho9 yourself, for 37m sure 3 can7t f$n you,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, an as she spo=e the la stoo by her s$ e on the stable floor# ?No9 you are m$ne $n ee ,? sa$ the la > ?for no9 you can see 37m fate to ha;e you#? Th$s he sa$ both to the father an aughter# ?6es> $t $s so fate ,? sa$ the =$ng> ?so $t must be#?

Then they got rea y the 9e $ng $n r$ght! o9n earnest, an lost no t$me about $t> an the la got on Dapplegr$m, an the Pr$ncess on Dapplegr$m7s match, an then you may fancy they 9ere not 3ona on the$r 9ay to the church# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

,armer Weathers=y %nce on a t$me there 9as a man an h$s 9$fe, 9ho ha an only son, an h$s name 9as 5ac=# The ol ame thought $t h$gh t$me for her son to go out $nto the 9orl to learn a tra e, an ba e her husban be off 9$th h$m# ?1ut all you o,? she sa$ , ?m$n you b$n h$m to some one 9ho can teach h$m to be master abo;e all masters>? an 9$th that she put some foo an a roll of tobacco $nto a bag, an pac=e them off# Well, they 9ent to many masters> but one an all sa$ they coul ma=e the la as goo as themsel;es, but better they coul n7t ma=e h$m# +o 9hen the man came home aga$n to h$s 9$fe 9$th that ans9er, she sa$ ,!! [p# 8AF] ?3 on7t care 9hat you ma=e of h$m> but th$s 3 say an st$c= to, you must b$n h$m to some one 9here he can learn to be master abo;e all masters>?

an 9$th that she pac=e up more foo father an son ha to be off aga$n#


another roll of tobacco, an

No9 9hen they ha 9al=e a 9h$le they got upon the $ce, an there they met a man 9ho came 9h$s=$ng along $n a sle ge, an ro;e a blac= horse# ?Wh$ther a9ay@? sa$ the man#

?Well,? sa$ the father, ?37m go$ng to b$n my son to some one 9ho $s goo to teach h$m a tra e> but my ol ame comes of such f$ne fol=, she 9$ll ha;e h$m taught to be master abo;e all masters#? ?Well met then,? sa$ the r$;er> ?37m <ust the man for your money, for 37m loo=$ng out for such an apprent$ce# &p 9$th you beh$n O? he a e to the la , an 9h$s=O off they 9ent, both of them, an sle ge an horse, r$ght up $nto the a$r# ?Nay, nayO? cr$e 9here you l$;e#? the la 7s father, ?you ha;en7t tol me your name, nor

?%hO? sa$ the master, ?37m at home al$=e north an south, east an 9est, an my name7s ,armer Weathers=y# 3n a year an a ay you may come here aga$n, an then 37ll tell you $f 3 l$=e h$m#? +o a9ay they 9ent through the a$r, an 9ere soon out of s$ght# +o 9hen the man got home, h$s ol ame as=e 9hat ha become of her son#

?Well,? sa$ the man, ?.ea;en =no9s, 37m sure 3 on7t# They 9ent up aloft>? an so he tol her 9hat ha happene # 1ut 9hen the ol ame hear that her husban coul n7t tell at all 9hen her son7s apprent$cesh$p 9oul be out, nor [p# 8AI] 9h$ther he ha gone, she pac=e h$m off aga$n, an ga;e h$m another bag of foo an another roll of tobacco# +o, 9hen he ha 9al=e a b$t, he came to a great 9oo , 9h$ch stretche on an on all ay as he 9al=e through $t# When $t got ar= he sa9 a great l$ght, an he 9ent to9ar s $t# (fter a long, long t$me he came to a l$ttle hut un er a roc=, an outs$ e stoo an ol hag ra9$ng 9ater out of a 9ell 9$th her nose, so long 9as $t# ?Goo e;en$ng, motherO? sa$ the man# hag# ?3t7s hun re s of years s$nce any the man#

?The same to you,? sa$ one calle me mother#?

the ol

?0an 3 ha;e lo g$ng here to!n$ght@? as=e ?No, that you can7t,? sa$ she#

1ut then the man pulle out h$s roll of tobacco, l$ghte h$s p$pe, an ga;e the ol ame a 9h$ff an a p$nch of snuff# Then she 9as so happy she began to ance for <oy, an the en 9as, she ga;e the man lea;e to stop the n$ght# +o ne"t morn$ng he began to as= after ,armer Weathers=y# ?No, she ne;er hear tell of h$m, but she rule o;er all the four!foote beasts> perhaps some of them m$ght =no9 h$m#? +o she playe them all home 9$th a p$pe she ha , an as=e them all, but there 9asn7t one of them 9ho =ne9 anyth$ng about ,armer Weathers=y#

?Well,? sa$ the ol hag, ?there are three s$sters of us> maybe one of the other t9o =no9s 9here he l$;es# 37ll len you my horse an sle ge, an then you7ll beat her house by n$ght> but $t7s at least three hun re m$les off, the nearest 9ay#? Then the man starte off, an at n$ght reache the house, an 9hen he came there, there stoo another ol hag before the oor, ra9$ng 9ater out of the 9ell 9$th her nose# ?Goo e;en$ng, motherO? sa$ the man#

?The same to you,? sa$ me mother#?

she> ?$t7s hun re s of years s$nce any one calle the man#

?0an 3 lo ge here to!n$ght@? as=e ?No,? sa$ the ol hag#

1ut he too= out h$s roll of tobacco, l$ghte h$s p$pe, an ga;e the ol ame a 9h$ff, an a goo p$nch of snuff bes$ es on the bac= of her han # Then she 9as so happy that she began to <ump an ance for <oy, an so the man got lea;e to stay the n$ght# When that 9as o;er, he began to as= after ,armer Weathers=y# ?No, she ha ne;er hear tell of h$m> but she rule all the f$sh $n the sea> perhaps some of them m$ght =no9 someth$ng about h$m#? +o she playe them all home 9$th a p$pe she ha , an as=e them, but there 9asn7t one of them 9ho =ne9 anyth$ng about ,armer Weathers=y# ?Well, 9ellO? sa$ the ol hag, ?there7s one s$ster of us left> maybe she =no9s someth$ng about h$m# +he l$;es s$" hun re m$les off, but 37ll len you my horse an sle ge, an then you7ll get there by n$ghtfall#? Then the man starte off, an reache the house by n$ghtfall, an there he foun another ol hag 9ho stoo before the grate, an st$rre the f$re 9$th her nose, so long an tough $t 9as# ?Goo e;en$ng, motherO? sa$ the man# hag> ?$t7s hun re s of years s$nce any the man#

?The same to you,? sa$ one calle me mother#?

the ol

?0an 3 lo ge here to!n$ght@? as=e ?No,? sa$ the ol hag#

Then the man pulle out h$s roll of tobacco aga$n, an l$ghte h$s p$pe, an ga;e the ol hag such a p$nch of snuff [p# 8A9] $t co;ere the 9hole bac= of her han # Then she got so happy she began to ance for <oy, an so the man got lea;e to stay# 1ut 9hen the n$ght 9as o;er, he began to as= after ,armer Weathers=y# +he ne;er hear tell of h$m, she sa$ > but she rule o;er all the b$r s of the a$r, an so she playe them all home 9$th a p$pe she ha , an 9hen she ha mustere them all, the *agle 9as m$ss$ng# 1ut a l$ttle 9h$le after he came fly$ng home, an 9hen she as=e h$m, he sa$ he ha <ust come stra$ght from ,armer Weathers=y# Then the ol hag sa$ he must gu$ e the man th$ther> but the *agle sa$ he must ha;e someth$ng to eat f$rst,

an bes$ es he must rest t$ll the ne"t ay> he 9as so t$re that long 9ay, he coul scarce r$se from the earth#

9$th fly$ng

+o 9hen he ha eaten h$s f$ll an ta=en a goo rest, the ol hag pulle a feather out of the *agle7s ta$l, an put the man there $n $ts stea > so the *agle fle9 off 9$th the man, an fle9, an fle9, but they $ n7t reach ,armer Weathers=y7s house before m$ n$ght# +o 9hen they got there, the *agle sa$ ,!! ?There are heaps of ea bo $es ly$ng about outs$ e, but you mustn7t m$n them# 3ns$ e the house e;ery man 5ac= of them are so soun asleep, 7t9$ll be har 9or= to 9a=e them> but you must go stra$ght to the table ra9er, an ta=e out of $t three crumbs of brea , an 9hen you hear some one snor$ng lou , pull three feathers out of h$s hea > he 9on7t 9a=e for all that#? +o the man $ as he 9as tol , an after he ha brea , he pulle out the f$rst feather# ?%%,O? gro9le [p# 890] +o the man pulle ?%%,O? he gro9le out another feather# aga$n# ta=en the crumbs of

,armer Weathers=y, for $t 9as he 9ho snore #

1ut 9hen he pulle out the th$r , ,armer Weathers=y roare so, the man thought roof an 9all 9oul ha;e flo9n asun er, but for all that the snorer slept on# (fter that the *agle tol h$m 9hat he 9as to o# .e 9ent to the yar , an there at the stable! oor he stumble aga$nst a b$g gray stone, an that he l$fte up> un erneath $t lay three ch$ps of 9oo , an those he p$c=e up too> then he =noc=e at the stable! oor, an $t opene of $tself# Then he thre9 o9n the three crumbs of brea , an a hare came an ate them up> that hare he caught an =ept# (fter that the *agle ba e h$m pull three feathers out of h$s ta$l, an put the hare, the stone, the ch$ps, an h$mself there $nstea , an then he 9oul fly a9ay home 9$th them all# +o 9hen the *agle ha flo9n a long 9ay, he l$ghte on a roc= to rest#

?Do you see anyth$ng@? $t as=e # ?6es,? sa$ the man> ?3 see a floc= of cro9s com$ng fly$ng after us#? the *agle, 9ho fle9 a9ay# (fter a

?We7 better be off aga$n, then,? sa$ 9h$le $t as=e aga$n,!! ?Do you see anyth$ng no9@? ?6es,? sa$

the man> ?no9 the cro9s are close beh$n

us#? the *agle#

?Drop no9 the three feathers you pulle

out of h$s hea ,? sa$

Well, the man roppe the feathers, an as soon as e;er he roppe them they became a floc= of ra;ens 9h$ch ro;e the cro9s home aga$n# Then the

*agle fle9 on far [p# 891] a9ay 9$th the man, an another stone to rest# ?Do you see anyth$ng@? $t sa$ # ?37m not sure,? sa$ a9ay#?

at last $t l$ghte


the man> ?3 fancy 3 see someth$ng com$ng far far the *agle> an after a 9h$le $t sa$

?We7 better get on then,? sa$ aga$n!! ?Do you see anyth$ng@? ?6es,? sa$

the man> ?no9 he7s close at our heels#?

?No9 you must let fall the ch$ps of 9oo 9h$ch you too= from un er the gray stone at the stable oor,? sa$ the *agle# 6es, the man let them fall, an they gre9 at once up $nto tall th$c= 9oo , so that ,armer Weathers=y ha to go bac= home to fetch an a"e to he9 h$s 9ay through# Wh$le he $ th$s, the *agle fle9 e;er so far, but 9hen $t got t$re , $t l$ghte on a f$r to rest# ?Do you see anyth$ng@? $t sa$ # ?Well, 37m not sure,? sa$ someth$ng far a9ay#? the man> ?but 3 fancy 3 catch a gl$mpse of off $t fle9 as fast as $t

?We7 best be off then,? sa$ the *agle> an coul # (fter a 9h$le $t sa$ ,!! ?Do you see anyth$ng no9@? ?6es> no9 he7s close beh$n ?No9, you must the *agle# us,? sa$

the man# up at the stable oor,? sa$

rop the b$g stone you l$fte

The man $ so, an as $t fell, $t became a great h$gh mounta$n, 9h$ch ,armer Weathers=y ha to brea= h$s 9ay through# When he ha got half through the mounta$n, he tr$ppe an bro=e one of h$s legs, an so he ha to l$mp home aga$n an patch $t up# 1ut 9h$le he 9as o$ng th$s, the *agle fle9 a9ay to the [p# 898] man7s house 9$th h$m an the hare, an as soon as they got home, the man 9ent $nto the churchyar an spr$n=le 0hr$st$an moul o;er the hare, an loO $t turne $nto ?5ac=,? h$s son# Well, you may fancy the ol ame 9as gla to get her son aga$n, but st$ll she 9asn7t easy $n her m$n about h$s tra e, an she 9oul n7t rest t$ll he ga;e her a proof that he 9as ?master abo;e all masters#? +o 9hen the fa$r came roun , the la change h$mself $nto a bay horse, an tol h$s father to lea h$m to the fa$r# ?No9, 9hen any one comes,? he sa$ , ?to buy me, you may as= a hun re ollars for me> but m$n you on7t forget to ta=e the hea stall off me>

$f you o, ,armer Weathers=y 9$ll =eep me for e;er, for he $t $s 9ho 9$ll come to eal 9$th you#? +o $t turne out# &p came a horse! ealer, 9ho ha a great 9$sh to eal for the horse, an he ga;e a hun re ollars o9n for h$m> but 9hen the barga$n 9as struc=, an 5ac=7s father ha poc=ete the money, the horse! ealer 9ante to ha;e the hea stall# ?Nay, nayO? sa$ the man, ?there7s noth$ng about that $n the barga$n> an bes$ es, you can7t ha;e the hea stall, for 37;e other horses at home to br$ng to to9n to!morro9#? +o each 9ent h$s 9ay, but they ha n7t gone far before 5ac= too= h$s o9n shape an ran a9ay, an 9hen h$s father got home, there sat 5ac= $n the $ngle# Ne"t ay he turne h$mself $nto a bro9n horse, an r$;e h$m to the fa$r# tol h$s father to

?(n 9hen any one comes to buy me, you may as= t9o hun re ollars for me!!he7ll g$;e that an treat you bes$ es/ but 9hate;er you o, an ho9e;er much you [p# 89:] r$n=, on7t forget to ta=e the hea stall off me, else you7ll ne;er set eyes on me aga$n#? +o all happene as he ha sa$ > the man got t9o hun re ollars for the horse an a glass of r$n= bes$ es, an 9hen the buyer an seller parte , $t 9as as much as he coul o to remember to ta=e off the hea stall# 1ut, the buyer an the horse ha n7t got far on the roa before 5ac= too= h$s o9n shape, an 9hen the man got home, there sat 5ac= $n the $ngle# The th$r ay $t 9as the same story o;er aga$n> the la turne h$mself $nto a blac= horse, an tol h$s father some one 9oul come an b$ three hun re ollars for h$m, an f$ll h$s s=$n 9$th meat an r$n= bes$ es> but ho9e;er much he ate or ran=, he 9as to m$n an not forget to ta=e the hea stall off, else he7 ha;e to stay 9$th ,armer Weathers=y all h$s l$fe long# ?No, no> 37ll not forget, ne;er fear,? sa$ the man#

+o 9hen he came to the fa$r, he got three hun re ollars for the horse, an as $t 9asn7t to be a ry barga$n, ,armer Weathers=y ma e h$m r$n= so much that he Ku$te forgot to ta=e the hea stall off, an a9ay 9ent ,armer Weathers=y 9$th the horse# No9 9hen he ha gone a l$ttle 9ay, ,armer Weathers=y thought he 9oul <ust stop an ha;e another glass of bran y> so he put a barrel of re !hot na$ls un er h$s horse7s nose, an a s$e;e of oats un er h$s ta$l, hung the halter upon a hoo=, an 9ent $nto the $nn# +o the horse stoo there, an stampe an pa9e , an snorte an reare # 5ust then out came a lass$e, 9ho thought $t a shame to treat a horse so# ?%h, poor beast$e,? she sa$ , ?9hat a cruel master you must ha;e to treat you so,? an as she sa$ th$s she pulle [p# 894] the halter off the hoo=, so that the horse m$ght turn roun an taste the oats# ?37m after you,? roare oor# ,armer Weathers=y, 9ho came rush$ng out of the

1ut the horse ha alrea y sha=en off the hea stall, an <umpe $nto a uc=!pon , 9here he turne h$mself $nto a t$ny f$sh# 3n 9ent ,armer Weathers=y after h$m, an turne h$mself $nto a great p$=e# Then 5ac=

turne h$mself $nto a o;e, an ,armer Weathers=y ma e h$mself $nto a ha9=, an chase an struc= at the o;e# 1ut <ust then a Pr$ncess stoo at the 9$n o9 of the palace an sa9 th$s struggle# ?(hO poor o;e,? she cr$e , ?$f you only =ne9 9hat 3 =no9, you7 me through th$s 9$n o9#? +o the o;e came fly$ng $n through the 9$n o9 an aga$n, 9ho tol h$s o9n tale# ?Turn yourself $nto a gol Pr$ncess# r$ng, an turne fly to

$tself $nto 5ac= the

put yourself on my f$nger,? sa$

?Nay, nayO? sa$ 5ac=, ?that7ll ne;er o, for then ,armer Weathers=y 9$ll ma=e the 4$ng s$c=, an then there7ll be no one 9ho can ma=e h$m 9ell aga$n t$ll ,armer Weathers=y comes an cures h$m, an then, for h$s fee, he7ll as= for that gol r$ng#? ?Then 37ll say 3 ha Pr$ncess# $t from my mother, an can7t part 9$th $t,? sa$ the

Well, 5ac= turne h$mself $nto a gol r$ng, an put h$mself on the Pr$ncess7 f$nger, an so ,armer Weathers=y coul n7t get at h$m# 1ut then follo9e 9hat the la ha foretol > the 4$ng fell s$c=, an there 9asn7t a octor $n the =$ng om 9ho coul cure h$m t$ll ,armer Weathers=y came, an he as=e for the r$ng off the Pr$ncess7 f$nger for [p# 89B] h$s fee# +o the 4$ng sent a messenger to the Pr$ncess for the r$ng> but the Pr$ncess sa$ she 9oul n7t part 9$th $t, her mother ha left $t her# When the 4$ng hear that, he fle9 $nto a rage, an sa$ he 9oul ha;e the r$ng, 9hoe;er left $t to her# ?Well,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?$t7s no goo be$ng cross about $t# 3 can7t get $t off, an $f you must ha;e the r$ng, you must ta=e my f$nger too#? ?3f you7ll let me try, 37ll soon get the r$ng off,? sa$ Weathers=y# ,armer

?No, than=s, 37ll try myself,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, an fle9 off to the grate an put ashes on her f$nger# Then the r$ng sl$ppe off an 9as lost among the ashes# +o ,armer Weathers=y turne h$mself $nto a coo=, 9ho scratche an pec=e after the r$ng $n the grate, t$ll he 9as up to the ears $n ashes# 1ut 9h$le he 9as o$ng th$s, 5ac= turne h$mself $nto a fo", an b$t off the coc=7s hea , an so $f the *;$l %ne 9as $n ,armer Weathers=y, $t $s all o;er 9$th h$m no9# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com



%nce on a t$me there 9as a poor couple, an they ha noth$ng $n the 9orl but three sons, What the names the t9o el er ha 3 can7t say, but the youngest he 9as calle Peter# +o 9hen the$r father an mother $e , the sons 9ere to share 9hat 9as left, but there 9as noth$ng but a porr$ ge! pot, a gr$ le, an a cat#

[p# 89F] The el est, 9ho 9as to ha;e f$rst cho$ce, he too= the pot> ?for,? sa$ he, ?9hene;er 3 len the pot to any one to bo$l porr$ ge, 3 can al9ays get lea;e to scrape $t#? The secon too= the gr$ le> ?for,? sa$ he, ?9hene;er 3 len one, 37ll al9ays get a morsel of ough to ma=e a bannoc=#? 1ut the youngest, he ha $t must be the cat# $t to any

no cho$ce left h$m> $f he 9as to choose anyth$ng

?Well,? sa$ he, ?$f 3 len the cat to any one 3 shan7t get much by that> for $f pussy gets a rop of m$l=, she7ll 9ant $t all herself# +t$ll, 37 best ta=e her along 9$th me> 3 shoul n7t l$=e her to go about here an star;e#? +o the brothers 9ent out $nto the 9orl to try the$r luc=, an each too= h$s o9n 9ay> but 9hen the youngest ha gone a 9h$le, the 0at sa$ ,!! ?No9 you shall ha;e a goo turn, because you 9oul n7t let me stay beh$n $n the ol cottage an star;e# No9, 37m off to the 9oo to lay hol of a f$ne fat hea of game, an then you must go up to the =$ng7s palace that you see yon er, an say you are come 9$th a l$ttle present for the =$ng> an 9hen he as=s 9ho sen s $t, you must say, 7Why, 9ho shoul $t be from but 'or Peter@7 ? Well, Peter ha n7t 9a$te long before bac= came the 0at 9$th a re$n eer from the 9oo > she ha <umpe up on the re$n eer7s hea , bet9een h$s horns, an sa$ , ?3f you on7t go stra$ght to the =$ng7s palace 37ll cla9 your eyes out#? +o the re$n eer ha to go 9hether he l$=e $t or no#

(n 9hen Peter got to the palace he 9ent $nto the =$tchen 9$th the eer, an sa$ ,!!?.ere 37m come 9$th a l$ttle present for the 4$ng, $f he 9on7t esp$se $t#? [p# 89I] Then the 4$ng 9ent out $nto the =$tchen, an re$n eer, he 9as ;ery gla # 9hen he sa9 the f$ne plump $s $t that sen s me

?1ut, my ear fr$en ,? he sa$ , ?9ho $n the 9orl such a f$ne g$ft@? ?%hO? sa$ Peter, ?9ho shoul sen $t but 'or


?'or PeterO 'or for he thought $t 9hat the la 9oul master ha forb$

PeterO? sa$ the 4$ng# ?Pray tell me 9here he l$;es>? a shame not to =no9 so great a man# 1ut that 9as <ust n7t tell h$m> he aren7t o $t, he sa$ , because h$s en h$m#

+o the 4$ng ga;e h$m a goo b$t of money to r$n= h$s health, an ba e h$m be sure an say all =$n of pretty th$ngs, an many than=s for the present to h$s master 9hen he got home#

Ne"t ay the 0at 9ent aga$n $nto the 9oo , an <umpe up on a re ! eer7s hea , an sat bet9een h$s horns, an force h$m to go to the palace# Then Peter 9ent aga$n $nto the =$tchen, an sa$ he 9as come 9$th a l$ttle present for the 4$ng, $f he 9oul be please to ta=e $t# (n the 4$ng 9as st$ll more gla to get the re ! eer than he ha been to get the re$n eer, an as=e aga$n 9ho $t 9as that sent so f$ne a present# ?Why, $t7s 'or Peter, of course,? sa$ the la > but 9hen the 4$ng 9ante to =no9 9here 'or Peter l$;e , he got the same ans9er as the ay before> an th$s ay, too, he ga;e Peter a goo lump of money to r$n= h$s health 9$th# The th$r ay the 0at came 9$th an el=# (n so 9hen Peter got $nto the palace!=$tchen, an sa$ he ha a l$ttle present for the 4$ng, $f he7 be please to ta=e $t, the [p# 89A] 4$ng came out at once $nto the =$tchen> an 9hen he sa9 the gran b$g el=, he 9as so gla he scarce =ne9 9h$ch leg to stan on> an th$s ay, too, he ga;e Peter many many more ollars!!at least a hun re # .e 9$she no9, once for all, to =no9 9here th$s 'or Peter l$;e , an as=e an as=e about th$s th$ng an that, but the la sa$ he aren7t say, for h$s master7s sa=e, 9ho ha str$ctly forb$ en h$m to tell# ?Well, then,? sa$ the 4$ng, ?beg 'or Peter to come an see me#?

6es, the la 9oul ta=e that message> but 9hen Peter got out $nto the yar aga$n, an met the 0at, he sa$ ,!! ?( pretty scrape you7;e got me $nto no9, for here7s the 4$ng, 9ho 9ants me to come an see h$m, an you =no9 37;e noth$ng to go $n but these rags 3 stan an 9al= $n#? ?%h, on7t be afra$ about that,? sa$ the 0at> ?$n three ays you shall ha;e coach an horses, an f$ne clothes, so f$ne that the gol falls from them, an then you may go an see the 4$ng ;ery 9ell# 1ut m$n , 9hate;er you see $n the 4$ng7s palace, you must say you ha;e far f$ner an gran er th$ngs of your o9n# Don7t forget that#? No, no, Peter 9oul bear that $n m$n , ne;er fear#

+o 9hen three ays 9ere o;er, the 0at came 9$th a coach an horses, an clothes, an all that Peter 9ante , an altogether $t 9as as gran as anyth$ng you e;er set eyes on> so off he set, an the 0at ran alongs$ e the coach# The 4$ng met h$m 9ell an grac$ously> but 9hate;er the 4$ng offere h$m, an 9hate;er he sho9e h$m, Peter sa$ , 7t9as all ;ery 9ell, but he ha far f$ner an better th$ngs $n h$s o9n house# The 4$ng seeme not Ku$te to bel$e;e th$s, but Peter stuc= to 9hat he sa$ , an at last the 4$ng got so angry, he coul n7t bear $t any longer# [p# 899] ?No9 37ll go home 9$th you,? he sa$ , ?an see $f $t be true 9hat you7;e been tell$ng me, that you ha;e far f$ner an better th$ngs of your o9n# 1ut $f you7;e been tell$ng a pac= of l$es, .ea;en help you, that7s all 3 say#? ?No9, you7;e got me $nto a f$ne scrape,? sa$ Peter to the 0at, ?for here7s the 4$ng com$ng home 9$th me> but my home, that7s not so easy to f$n , 3 th$n=#?

?%hO ne;er m$n ,? sa$ before#?

the 0at> ?only

o you

r$;e after me as 3 run then the 4$ng

+o off they set> f$rst Peter, 9ho an all h$s court#

ro;e after h$s 0at, an

1ut 9hen they ha r$;en a goo b$t, they came to a great floc= of f$ne sheep, that ha 9ool so long $t almost touche the groun # ?3f you7ll only say,? sa$ the 0at to the shepher , ?th$s floc= of sheep belongs to 'or Peter, 9hen the 4$ng as=s you, 37ll g$;e you th$s s$l;er spoon,? 9h$ch she ha ta=en 9$th her from the 4$ng7s palace# 6es, he 9as 9$ll$ng enough to o that# +o 9hen the 4$ng came up, he sa$ to the la 9ho 9atche the sheep,!! ?Well, 3 ne;er sa9 so large an $s $t, my l$ttle la @? ?Why,? sa$ f$ne a floc= of sheep $n my l$feO Whose $t be but 'or Peter7s@? of f$ne br$n le

the la , ?9hose shoul

( l$ttle 9h$le after they came to a great, great her =$ne, 9ho 9ere all so slee= the sun shone from them#

?3f you7ll only say,? sa$ the 0at to the neat!her , ?th$s her $s 'or Peter7s, 9hen the 4$ng as=s you, 37ll g$;e you th$s s$l;er la le>? an the la le too she ha ta=en from the 4$ng7s palace# [p# :00] ?6es, 9$th all my heart,? sa$ the neat!her #

+o 9hen the 4$ng came up, he 9as Ku$te amaCe at the f$ne fat her , for such a her he ha ne;er seen before, an so he as=e the neat!her 9ho o9ne those br$n le =$ne# ?Why, 9ho shoul o9n them but 'or Peter@? sa$ the neat!her # ro;e of blac=, an

+o they 9ent on a l$ttle farther, an came to a great, great horses, the f$nest you e;er sa9, s$" of each colour, bay, an bro9n, an chestnut#

?3f you7ll only say th$s ro;e of horses $s 'or Peter7s 9hen the 4$ng as=s you,? sa$ the 0at, ?37ll g$;e you th$s s$l;er stoop>? an the stoop too she ha ta=en from the palace# 6es, the la 9as 9$ll$ng enough> an so 9hen the 4$ng came up, he 9as Ku$te amaCe at the gran ro;e of horses, for the matches of such horses he ha ne;er yet set eyes on, he sa$ # +o he as=e the la 9ho 9atche them, 9hose all these blac=s, an an bro9ns, an chestnuts 9ere# ?Whose shoul they be,? sa$ the la , ?but 'or Peter7s@? bays,

+o 9hen they ha gone a goo there 9as a gate of t$n, an

b$t farther, they came to a castle> f$rst ne"t a gate of s$l;er, an ne"t a gate of

gol # The castle $tself 9as of s$l;er, an so aCCl$ng 9h$te, that $t Ku$te hurt one7s eyes to loo= at $n the sunbeams 9h$ch fell on $t <ust as they reache $t# +o they 9ent $nto $t, an the 0at tol Peter to say th$s 9as h$s house# (s for the castle $ns$ e, $t 9as far f$ner than $t loo=e outs$ e, for e;eryth$ng 9as pure gol ,!!cha$rs, an tables, an benches, an all# (n 9hen the 4$ng ha gone all o;er $t, an seen e;eryth$ng h$gh an lo9, he got Ku$te shameful an o9ncast# [p# :01] ?6es,? he sa$ at last> ?'or Peter has e;eryth$ng far f$ner than 3 ha;e, there7s no ga$nsay$ng that,? an so he 9ante to be off home aga$n# 1ut Peter begge h$m to stay to supper, an sour an surly the 9hole t$me# the 4$ng staye , but he 9as the castle, an

+o as they sat at supper, bac= came the Troll 9ho o9ne ga;e such a great =noc= at the oor# ?Who7s th$s eat$ng my meat an roare out the Troll# (s soon as the 0at hear r$n=$ng my mea

l$=e s9$ne $n here@?

that, she ran

o9n to the gate#

?+top a b$t,? she sa$ , ?an get $n h$s 9$nter rye#? (n so she tol

37ll tell you ho9 the farmer sets to 9or= to

h$m such a long story about the 9$nter rye#

?,$rst of all, you see, he ploughs h$s f$el , an then he ungs $t, an then he ploughs $t aga$n, an then he harro9s $t>? an so she 9ent on t$ll the sun rose# ?%h, o loo= beh$n you, an the 0at to the Troll# +o the Troll turne burst# there you7ll see such a lo;ely la y,? sa$

roun , an , of course, as soon as he sa9 the sun he

?No9 all th$s $s yours,? sa$ the 0at to 'or Peter# ?No9, you must cut off my hea > that7s all 3 as= for 9hat 3 ha;e one for you#? ?Nay, nay,? sa$ ?3f you 'or Peter, ?37ll ne;er the 0at, ?see $f 3 o any such th$ng, that7s flat#? on7t cla9 your eyes out#?

on7t,? sa$

Well, so 'or Peter ha to o $t, though $t 9as sore aga$nst h$s 9$ll# .e cut off the 0at7s hea , but there an [p# :08] then she became the lo;el$est Pr$ncess you e;er set eyes on, an 'or Peter fell $n lo;e 9$th her at once# ?6es, all th$s greatness 9as m$ne f$rst,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, but a Troll be9$tche me to be a 0at $n your father7s an mother7s cottage# No9 you may o as you please, 9hether you ta=e me as your Kueen or not, for you are no9 =$ng o;er all th$s realm#?

Well, 9ell, there 9as l$ttle oubt 'or ha;e her as h$s Kueen, an so there 9as ays, an a feast bes$ es, an after $t 'or Peter an h$s lo;ely Kueen, an so them#

Peter 9oul be 9$ll$ng enough to a 9e $ng that laste e$ght 9hole 9as o;er 3 staye no longer 9$th 3 can7t say anyth$ng more about

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The +e;en ,oals %nce on a t$me there 9as a poor couple 9ho l$;e $n a 9retche hut, far far a9ay $n the 9oo # .o9 they l$;e 3 can7t tell, but 37m sure $t 9as from han to mouth, an har 9or= e;en then> but they ha three sons, an the youngest of them 9as 1oots, of course, for he $ l$ttle else than l$e there an po=e about $n the ashes# +o one ay the el est la sa$ he 9oul go out to earn h$s brea , an he soon got lea;e, an 9an ere out $nto the 9orl # There he 9al=e an 9al=e the 9hole ay, an 9hen e;en$ng re9 $n, he came to a =$ng7s palace, an there stoo the 4$ng out on the steps, an as=e 9h$ther he 9as boun # [p# :0:] ?0h, 37m go$ng about, loo=$ng after a place,? sa$ the la #

?W$ll ;ou ser;e me@? as=e the 4$ng ?an 9atch my se;en foals# 3f you can 9atch them one 9hole ay, an tell me at n$ght 9hat they eat an 9hat they r$n=, you shall ha;e the Pr$ncess to 9$fe, an half my =$ng om> but $f you can7t, 37ll cut three re str$pes out of your bac=# Do you hear@? 6es, that 9as an easy tas=, the la ne;er fear# thought> he7 o that fast enough,

+o ne"t morn$ng as soon as the f$rst peep of a9n came, the 4$ng7s coachman let out the se;en foals# (9ay they 9ent, an the la after them# 6ou may fancy ho9 they tore o;er h$ll an ale, through bush an bog# When the la ha run so a long t$me, he began to get 9eary, an 9hen he ha hel on a 9h$le longer, he ha more than enough of h$s 9atch$ng, an <ust there, he came to a cleft $n a roc=, 9here an ol hag sat an spun 9$th a $staff# (s soon as she sa9 the la , 9ho 9as runn$ng after the foals t$ll the s9eat ran o9n h$s bro9, th$s ol hag ba9le out,!! ?0ome h$ther, come h$ther, my pretty son, an let me comb your ha$r#?

6es, the la 9as 9$ll$ng enough> so he sat o9n $n the cleft of the roc= 9$th the ol hag, an la$ h$s hea on her lap, an she combe h$s ha$r all ay 9h$lst he lay there, an stretche h$s laCy bones# +o, 9hen e;en$ng re9 on, the la 9ante to go a9ay# he, ?for $t7s no use

?3 may <ust as 9ell to le stra$ght home no9,? sa$ my go$ng bac= to the palace#?

?+top a b$t t$ll $t7s ar=,? sa$ the ol hag, ?an then the =$ng7s foals 9$ll pass by here aga$n, an then you can [p# :04] run home 9$th them, an then no one 9$ll =no9 that you ha;e la$n here, all ay long, $nstea of 9atch$ng the foals#? +o, 9hen they came, she ga;e the la a flas= of 9ater an a clo of turf# Those he 9as to sho9 to the 4$ng, an say that 9as 9hat h$s se;en foals ate an ran=# ?.a;e you 9atche true an 9ell the 9hole the la came before h$m $n the e;en$ng# ?6es, 3 shoul th$n= so,? sa$ the la # r$n=,? sa$ the clo the 4$ng# of turf, ay, no9@? as=e the 4$ng, 9hen

?Then you can tell me 9hat my se;en foals eat an ?6esO? an so the la 9h$ch the ol hag ha

pulle out the flas= of 9ater an g$;en h$m# here you see the$r

?.ere you see the$r meat, an

r$n=,? sa$

the la #

1ut then the 4$ng sa9 pla$n enough ho9 he ha 9atche , an he got so 9roth, he or ere h$s men to chase h$m a9ay home on the spot> but f$rst they 9ere to cut three re str$pes out of h$s bac=, an rub salt $nto them# +o 9hen the la got home aga$n, you may fancy 9hat a temper he 9as $n# .e7 gone out once to get a place, he sa$ , but he7 ne;er o so aga$n# Ne"t ay the secon son sa$ he 9oul go out $nto the 9orl to try h$s luc=# .$s father an mother sa$ ?No,? an ba e h$m loo= at h$s brother7s bac=> but the la 9oul n7t g$;e $n> he hel to h$s o9n, an at last he got lea;e to go, an set off# +o 9hen he ha 9al=e the 9hole ay, he, too, came to the 4$ng7s palace# There stoo the 4$ng out on the steps, an as=e 9h$ther he 9as boun > an 9hen the la sa$ he 9as loo=$ng about for a place, the 4$ng sa$ he m$ght ha;e a place there, an [p# :0B] 9atch h$s se;en foals# 1ut the 4$ng la$ o9n the same pun$shment, an the same re9ar , as he ha settle for h$s brother# Well, the la 9as 9$ll$ng enough> he too= the place at once 9$th the 4$ng, for he thought he7 soon 9atch the foals, an tell the 4$ng 9hat they ate an ran=# +o, $n the gray of the morn$ng, the coachman let out the se;en foals, an off they 9ent aga$n o;er h$ll an ale, an the la after them# 1ut the same th$ng happene to h$m as ha befallen h$s brother# When he ha run after the foals a long long t$me, t$ll he 9as both 9arm an 9eary, he passe by the cleft $n a roc=, 9here an ol hag sat an spun 9$th a $staff, an she ba9le out to the la ,!! ?0ome h$ther, come h$ther, my pretty son, an let me comb your ha$r#?

That the la thought a goo offer, so he let the foals run on the$r 9ay, an sat o9n $n the cleft 9$th the ol hag# There he sat, an there he lay, ta=$ng h$s ease,an stretch$ng h$s laCy bones the 9hole ay# When the foals came bac= at n$ghtfall, he too got a flas= of 9ater an clo of turf from the ol hag to sho9 to the 4$ng# 1ut 9hen the 4$ng as=e the la ,!!

?0an you tell me no9 9hat my se;en foals eat an pulle out the flas= an the clo , an sa$ ,!! ?.ere you see the$r meat, an here you see the$r

r$n=@? an r$n=,?!!

the la

Then the 4$ng got 9roth aga$n, an or ere them to cut three re str$pes out of the la 7s bac=, an rub salt $n, an chase h$m home that ;ery m$nute# (n so 9hen the [p# :0F] la got home, he also tol ho9 he ha fare , an sa$ he ha gone out once to get a place, but he7 ne;er o so any more# The th$r ay 1oots 9ante to set out> he ha a great m$n to try an 9atch the se;en foals, he sa$ # The others laughe at h$m, an ma e game of h$m, say$ng,!! ?When 9e fare so $ll, you7ll o $t better!!a f$ne <o=e> you loo= l$=e $t!!you, 9ho ha;e ne;er one anyth$ng but l$e there an po=e about $n the ashes#? ?6es,? sa$ 1oots> ?3 on7t see 9hy 3 shoul n7t go, for 37;e got $t $nto my hea , an can7t get $t out aga$n#? (n ol so, $n sp$te of all the <eers of the others an the prayers of the people, there 9as no help for $t, an 1oots set out#

+o after he ha 9al=e the 9hole ay, he too came at us= to the 4$ng7s palace# There stoo the 4$ng out on the steps, an as=e 9h$ther he 9as boun # ?%h,? sa$ 1oots, ?37m go$ng about see$ng $f 3 can hear of a place#?

?Whence o you come then@? sa$ the 4$ng, for he 9ante to =no9 a l$ttle more about them before he too= any one $nto h$s ser;$ce# +o 1oots sa$ 9hence he came, an ho9 he 9as brother to those t9o 9ho ha 9atche the 4$ng7s se;en foals, an en e by as=$ng $f he m$ght try to 9atch them ne"t ay# ?%h, stuffO? sa$ the 4$ng, for he got Ku$te cross $f he e;en thought of them> ?$f you7re brother to those t9o you7re not 9orth much, 37ll be boun , 37;e ha enough of such scamps#? ?Well,? sa$ 1oots> ?but s$nce 37;e come so far, 3 may <ust as 9ell get lea;e to try, 3 too#? [p# :0I] ?%h, ;ery 9ell> 9$th all my heart,? sa$ bac= flaye , you7re Ku$te 9elcome#? ?37 much rather ha;e the Pr$ncess,? sa$ the 4$ng, ?$f you 9$ll ha;e your 1oots#

+o ne"t morn$ng, at gray of a9n, the coachman let out the se;en foals aga$n, an a9ay they 9ent o;er h$ll an ale, through bush an bog, an 1oots beh$n them# (n so, 9hen he too ha run a long 9h$le, he came to the cleft $n the roc= 9here the ol hag sat sp$nn$ng at her $staff# +o she ba9le out to 1oots,!!

?0ome h$ther, come h$ther, my pretty son, an

let me comb your ha$r#?

?Don7t you 9$sh you may catch me@? sa$ 1oots# ?Don7t you 9$sh you may catch me@? as he ran along leap$ng an <ump$ng, an hol $ng on by one of the foals7 ta$ls# (n 9hen he ha got 9ell past the cleft $n the roc=, the youngest foal sa$ ,!! ?5ump up on my bac=, my la , for 9e7;e a long 9ay before us st$ll#? +o 1oots <umpe up on h$s bac=# on, a long, long 9ay# the foal#

+o they 9ent on, an

?Do you see anyth$ng no9@? sa$ ?No,? sa$ 1oots#

+o they 9ent on a goo

b$t farther# the foal#

?Do you see anyth$ng no9@? as=e ?%h no,? sa$ the la #

+o 9hen they ha gone a great, great 9ay farther!!37m sure 3 can7t tell ho9 far!!the foal as=e aga$n,!! ?Do you see anyth$ng no9@? ?6es,? sa$ 1oots> ?no9 3 see someth$ng that loo=s 9h$te!!<ust l$=e a tall, b$g b$rch trun=#? ?6es,? sa$ [p# :0A] +o 9hen they got to the trun=, the el est foal too= an pushe $t on one s$ e, an then they sa9 a oor 9here $t ha stoo , an $ns$ e the oor 9as a l$ttle room, an $n the room there 9as scarce anyth$ng but a l$ttle f$replace an one or t9o benches> but beh$n the oor hung a great rusty s9or an a l$ttle p$tcher# ?0an you bran $sh the s9or @? sa$ the foals> ?try#? the foal> ?9e7re go$ng $nto that trun=#?

+o 1oots, tr$e but he coul n7t> then they ma e h$m ta=e a pull at the p$tcher> f$rst once, then t9$ce, an then thr$ce, an then he coul 9$el $t l$=e anyth$ng# ?6es,? sa$ the foals, ?no9 you may ta=e the s9or 9$th you, an 9$th $t you must cut off all our se;en hea s on your 9e $ng! ay, an then 9e7ll be pr$nces aga$n as 9e 9ere before# ,or 9e are brothers of that Pr$ncess 9hom you are to ha;e 9hen you can tell the 4$ng 9hat 9e eat an r$n=> but an ugly Troll has thro9n th$s shape o;er us# No9 m$n , 9hen you ha;e he9n off our hea s, to ta=e care to lay each hea at the ta$l of the trun= 9h$ch $t belonge to before, an then the spell 9$ll ha;e no more po9er o;er us#? 6es, 1oots prom$se all that, an then on they 9ent#


9hen they ha


a long long 9ay, the foal as=e ,!!

?Do you see anyth$ng@? ?No,? sa$ 1oots# a goo b$t st$ll#

+o they tra;elle ?(n no9@? as=e

the foal# 1oots# ale#

?No, 3 see noth$ng,? sa$ +o they tra;elle ?No9 then,? sa$ [p# :09] ?6es,? sa$ a9ay#? ?6es,? sa$

many many m$les aga$n, o;er h$ll an the foal, ? o you see anyth$ng no9@?

1oots, ?no9 3 see someth$ng l$=e a blue str$pe, far far the foal, ?that7s a r$;er 9e7;e got to cross#?

%;er the r$;er 9as a long, gran br$ ge> an 9hen they ha got o;er to the other s$ e, they tra;elle on a long, long 9ay# (t last the foal as=e aga$n ?3f 1oots $ n7t see anyth$ng@? blac= far far a9ay, <ust as

?6es, th$s t$me he sa9 someth$ng that loo=e though $t 9ere a church steeple#? ?6es,? sa$

the foal, ?that7s 9here 9e7re go$ng to turn $n#?

+o 9hen the foals got $nto the churchyar , they became men aga$n, an loo=e l$=e Pr$nces, 9$th such f$ne clothes that $t gl$stene from them> an so they 9ent $nto the church, an too= the brea an 9$ne from the pr$est 9ho stoo at the altar# (n 1oots he 9ent $n too> but 9hen the pr$est ha la$ h$s han s on the Pr$nces, an g$;en them the bless$ng, they 9ent out of the church aga$n, an 1oots 9ent out too> but he too= 9$th h$m a flas= of 9$ne an a 9afer# (n as soon as e;er the se;en Pr$nces came out $nto the churchyar , they 9ere turne $nto foals aga$n, an so 1oots got up on the bac= of the youngest, an so they all 9ent bac= the same 9ay that they ha come> only they 9ent much, much faster# ,$rst they crosse the br$ ge, ne"t they passe the trun=, an then they passe the ol hag, 9ho sat at the cleft an span, an they 9ent by her so fast, that 1oots coul n7t hear 9hat the ol hag screeche after h$m> but he hear so much as to =no9 she 9as $n an a9ful rage# 3t 9as almost ar= 9hen they got bac= to the palace, [p# :10] an 4$ng h$mself stoo out on the steps an 9a$te for them# ?.a;e you 9atche ?37;e 9ell an true the 9hole 1oots# r$n=,? sa$ the 4$ng# ay@? sa$ he to 1oots# the

one my best,? ans9ere

?Then you can tell me 9hat my se;en foals eat an

Then 1oots pulle the 4$ng#

out the flas= of 9$ne an

the 9afer, an

sho9e he#

them to

?.ere you see the$r meat, an

here you see the$r true an

r$n=,? sa$ 9ell, an

?6es,? sa$ the 4$ng, ?you ha;e 9atche the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om#?

you shall ha;e be such

+o they ma e rea y the 9e $ng!feast, an the 4$ng sa$ a gran one, $t shoul be the tal= far an near#

$t shoul

1ut 9hen they sat o9n to the br$ al feast, the br$ e!groom got up an 9ent o9n to the stable, for he sa$ he ha forgotten someth$ng, an must go to fetch $t# (n 9hen he got o9n there, he $ as the foals ha sa$ , an he9e the$r hea s off, all se;en, the ol est f$rst, an the others after h$m> an at the same t$me he too= care to lay each hea at the ta$l of the foal to 9h$ch $t belonge > an as he $ th$s, loO they all became Pr$nces aga$n# +o 9hen he 9ent $nto the br$ al hall 9$th the se;en Pr$nces, the 4$ng 9as so gla he both =$sse 1oots an patte h$m on the bac=, an h$s br$ e 9as st$ll more gla of h$m than she ha been before# ?.alf the =$ng om you ha;e got alrea y,? sa$ the 4$ng, ?an the other half you shall ha;e after my eath> [p# :11] for my sons can eas$ly get themsel;es lan s an 9ealth, no9 they are pr$nces aga$n#? (n so, l$=e enough, there 9as m$rth an fun at that 9e $ng# 3 9as there too> but there 9as no one to care for poor me> an so 3 got noth$ng but a b$t of brea an butter, an 3 la$ $t o9n on the sto;e, an the brea 9as burnt an the butter ran, an so 3 $ n7t get e;en the smallest crumb# Wasn7t that a great shame@ Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The W$ o97s +on %nce on a t$me there 9as a poor, poor 9$ o9, 9ho ha an only son# +he ragge on 9$th the boy t$ll he ha been conf$rme , an then she sa$ she coul n7t fee h$m any longer, he must <ust go out an earn h$s o9n brea # +o the la 9an ere out $nto the 9orl , an 9hen he ha 9al=e a ay or so, a strange man met h$m# ?Wh$ther a9ay@? as=e the man# to try an the man# the la # get place,? sa$ the la #

?%h, 37m go$ng out $nto the 9orl ?W$ll you come an ser;e me@? sa$

?%h yes> <ust as soon you as any one else,? sa$

?Well, you7ll ha;e a goo place 9$th me,? sa$ the man> for you7ll only ha;e to =eep me company, an o noth$ng at all else bes$ e#?

+o the la stoppe 9$th h$m an l$;e on the fat of the lan , both $n meat an r$n=, an ha l$ttle or noth$ng to o> but he ne;er sa9 a l$;$ng soul $n that man7s house# [p# :18] +o one ay the man sa$ ,!!

?No9, 37m go$ng off for e$ght ays, an that t$me you7ll ha;e to spen here all alone> but you must not go $nto any one of these four rooms here# 3f you o, 37ll ta=e your l$fe 9hen 3 come bac=#? ?No,? sa$ the la ,!!he7 be sure not been gone three or four ays, the la 9ent $nto the f$rst room, an 9hen he sa9 noth$ng but a shelf o;er the oor to o that# 1ut 9hen coul n7t bear $t any got $ns$ e he loo=e 9here a bramble!bush the man ha longer, but roun , but he ro lay# my see$ng

?Well, $n ee O? thought the la > ?a pretty th$ng to forb$ th$s#? +o 9hen the e$ght he sa$ 9as,!! ays 9ere out, the man came home, an

the f$rst th$ng,

?6ou ha;en7t been $nto any of these rooms, of course@? ?No, no> that 3 ha;en7t,? sa$ ?37ll soon see that,? sa$ the la ha been# the la # 9ent at once $nto the room 9here he> ?an no9 you shall lose your

the man, an

?Nay, but you ha;e been $n here,? sa$ l$fe#? Then the la begge an the man ga;e h$m a goo fr$en s as e;er# praye so har thrash$ng# (n

that he got off 9$th h$s l$fe, but 9hen $t 9as o;er they 9ere as goo

+ome t$me after the man set off aga$n, an sa$ he shoul be a9ay fourteen ays> but before he 9ent he forba e the la to go $nto any of the rooms he ha not been $n before> as for that he ha been $n, he m$ght go $nto that, an 9elcome# Well, $t 9as the same story o;er aga$n, e"cept that the la stoo out e$ght ays before he 9ent $n# 3n th$s room, too, he sa9 noth$ng but a shelf o;er the oor, an a b$g stone, an a p$tcher of 9ater on $t# ?Well, after [p# :1:] all, there7s not much to be afra$ of my see$ng here,? thought the la # 1ut 9hen the man came bac=, he as=e $f he ha been $nto any of the rooms# No, the la ha n7t one anyth$ng of the =$n # ?Well, 9ell, 37ll soon see that,? sa$ the man> an la ha been $n them after all, he sa$ ,!! 9hen he sa9 that the

?(hO no9 37ll spare you no longer> no9 you must lose your l$fe#? 1ut the la begge an praye for h$mself aga$n, an so th$s t$me too he got off 9$th str$pes> though he got as many as h$s s=$n coul carry# 1ut 9hen he got soun an 9ell aga$n, he le <ust as easy a l$fe as e;er, an he an the man 9ere <ust as goo fr$en s#

+o a 9h$le after the man 9as to ta=e another <ourney, an no9 he sa$ he shoul be a9ay three 9ee=s, an he forba e the la ane9 to go $nto the th$r room, for $f he 9ent $n there he m$ght <ust ma=e up h$s m$n at once to lose h$s l$fe# Then after fourteen ays the la coul n7t bear $t, but crept $nto the room, but he sa9 noth$ng at all $n there but a trap oor on the floor> an 9hen he l$fte $t up an loo=e o9n, there stoo a great copper caul ron 9h$ch bubble an bo$le a9ay o9n there> but he sa9 no f$re un er $t# ?Well, 3 shoul <ust l$=e to =no9 $f $t7s hot,? thought the la , an stuc= h$s f$nger o9n $nto the broth, an 9hen he pulle $t out aga$n, loO $t 9as g$l e all o;er# +o the la scrape an scrubbe $t, but the g$l $ng 9oul n7t go off, so he boun a p$ece of rag roun $t> an 9hen the man came bac= an as=e 9hat 9as the matter 9$th h$s f$nger, [p# :14] the la sa$ he7 g$;en $t such a ba cut# 1ut the man tore off the rag, an then he soon sa9 9hat 9as the matter 9$th the f$nger# ,$rst he 9ante to =$ll the la outr$ght, but 9hen he 9ept an begge , he only ga;e h$m such a thrash$ng that he ha to =eep h$s be three ays# (fter that the man too= o9n a pot from the 9all, an rubbe h$m o;er 9$th some stuff out of $t, an so the la 9as soun an fresh as e;er# +o after a 9h$le the man starte off aga$n, an th$s t$me he 9as to be a9ay a month# 1ut before he 9ent, he sa$ to the la , $f he 9ent $nto the fourth room he m$ght g$;e up all hope of sa;$ng h$s l$fe# Well, the la stoo out for t9o or three 9ee=s, but then he coul n7t hol out any longer> he must an 9oul go $nto that room, an go $n he stole# There stoo a great blac= horse t$e up $n a stall by h$mself, 9$th a manger of re !hot coals at h$s hea , an a truss of hay at h$s ta$l# Then the la thought th$s all 9rong, so he change them about, an put the hay at h$s hea # Then sa$ the horse,!! ?+$nce you are so goo at heart as to let me ha;e some foo , 37ll set you free, that 3 9$ll# ,or $f the Troll comes bac= an f$n s you here, he7ll =$ll you outr$ght# 1ut no9 you must go up to the room 9h$ch l$es <ust o;er th$s, an ta=e a coat of ma$l out of those that hang there> an m$n , 9hate;er you o, on7t ta=e any of the br$ght ones, but the most rusty of all you see, that7s the one to ta=e> an s9or an sa le you must choose for yourself <ust $n the same 9ay#? +o the la $ all that> but $t 9as a hea;y loa all o9n at once# for h$m to carry them

When he came bac=, the .orse tol h$m to pull off h$s [p# :1B] clothes an get $nto the caul ron 9h$ch stoo an bo$le $n the other room, an bathe h$mself there# ?3f 3 o,? thought the la , ?3 shall loo= an a9ful fr$ght>? but for all that, he $ as he 9as tol # +o 9hen he ha ta=en h$s bath, he became so han some an slee=, an as re an 9h$te as m$l= an bloo , an much stronger than he ha been before# ?Do you feel any change@? as=e ?6es,? sa$ the la # the .orse# the .orse#

?Try to l$ft me, then,? sa$

%h yesO he coul feather#

o that, an

as for the s9or , he bran $she

$t l$=e a

?No9 sa le me,? sa$ the .orse, ?an put on the coat of ma$l, an then ta=e the bramble!bush ro , an the stone, an the p$tcher of 9ater, an the pot of o$ntment, an then 9e7ll be off as fast as 9e can#? +o 9hen the la ha got on the horse, off they 9ent at such a rate, he coul n7t at all tell ho9 they 9ent# 1ut 9hen he ha r$ en a9h$le, the .orse sa$ , ?3 th$n= 3 hear a no$se> loo= roun O can you see anyth$ng@? ?6es> there are e;er so many com$ng after us, at least a score,? sa$ la # ?(y, ay, that7s the Troll com$ng,? sa$ 9$th h$s pac=#? the .orse> ?no9 he7s after us 9ere close beh$n them# the

+o they ro e on a 9h$le, unt$l those 9ho follo9e

?No9 thro9 your bramble!bush ro beh$n you, o;er your shoul er,? sa$ the .orse> ?but m$n you thro9 $t a goo 9ay off my bac=#? +o the la $ that, an all at once a close, th$c=, [p# :1F] bramble! 9oo gre9 up beh$n them# +o the la ro e on a long, long t$me, 9h$le the Troll an h$s cre9 ha to go home to fetch someth$ng to he9 the$r 9ay through the 9oo # 1ut at last the .orse sa$ aga$n,!! ?'oo= beh$n youO can you see anyth$ng no9@? the la , ?as many as 9oul f$ll a large

?6es, e;er so many,? sa$ church#?

?(y, ay, that7s the Troll an h$s cre9,? sa$ the .orse> ?no9 he7s got more to bac= h$m> but no9 thro9 o9n the stone, an m$n you thro9 $t far beh$n me#? (n as soon as the la $ 9hat the horse sa$ , up rose a great blac= h$ll of roc= beh$n h$m# +o the Troll ha to be off home to fetch someth$ng to m$ne h$s 9ay through the roc=> an 9h$le the Troll $ that, the la ro e a goo b$t farther on# 1ut st$ll the horse begge h$m to loo= beh$n h$m, an then he sa9 a troop l$=e a 9hole army beh$n h$m, an they gl$stene $n the sunbeams# ?(y, ay,? sa$ the .orse, ?that7s the Troll, an no9 he7s got h$s 9hole ban 9$th h$m, so thro9 the p$tcher of 9ater beh$n you, but m$n you on7t sp$ll any of $t upon me#? +o the la $ that> but $n sp$te of all the pa$ns he too=, he st$ll sp$lt one rop on the horse7s flan=# +o $t became a great eep la=e> an , because of that one rop, the horse foun h$mself far out $n $t, but st$ll he s9am safe to lan # 1ut 9hen the Trolls came to the la=e, they lay o9n to r$n= $t ry> an so they s9$lle an s9$lle t$ll they burst# ?No9 9e7re r$ of them,? sa$ the .orse#

+o 9hen they ha 9oo #

gone a long, long 9h$le, they came to a green patch $n a

?No9, str$p off all your arms,? sa$ the .orse, ?an only put on your ragge clothes, an ta=e the sa le off me [p# :1I] an let me loose, an hang all my cloth$ng an your arms up $ns$ e that great hollo9 l$me!tree yon er# Then ma=e yourself a 9$g of f$r!moss, an go up to the =$ng7s palace, 9h$ch l$es close here, an as= for a place# Whene;er you nee me, only come here an sha=e the br$ le, an 37ll come to you#? 6es, the la $ all h$s horse tol h$m, an the 9$g of moss he became so ugly, an pale, one 9oul ha;e =no9n h$m aga$n# Then he 9ent begge f$rst for lea;e to be $n the =$tchen, for the coo=, but then the =$tchen!ma$ as=e as soon as e;er he put on an m$serable to loo= at, no up to the =$ng7s palace, an an br$ng $n 9oo an 9ater h$m,!!

?Why o you 9ear that ugly 9$g@ %ff 9$th $t# 3 9on7t ha;e such a fr$ght $n here#? ?No, 3 can7t hea #? o that,? sa$ the la > ?for 37m not Ku$te r$ght $n my

?Do you th$n= then 37ll ha;e you $n here about the foo @? cr$e the coo=# ?(9ay 9$th you to the coachman> you7re best f$t to go an clean the stable#? 1ut 9hen the coachman begge h$m to ta=e h$s 9$g off, he got the same ans9er, an he 9oul n7t ha;e h$m e$ther# ?6ou7 best go o9n to the gar ener,? sa$ about an $g $n the gar en#? he> ?you7re best f$t to go

+o he got lea;e to be 9$th the gar ener, but none of the other ser;ants 9oul sleep 9$th h$m, an so he ha to sleep by h$mself un er the steps of the summer!house# 3t stoo upon beams, an ha a h$gh sta$rcase# &n er that he got some turf for h$s be , an there he lay as 9ell as he coul # +o, 9hen he ha been some t$me at the palace, $t happene one morn$ng, <ust as the sun rose, that the la [p# :1A] ha ta=en off h$s 9$g, an stoo an 9ashe h$mself, an then he 9as so han some, $t 9as a <oy to loo= at h$m# +o the Pr$ncess sa9 from her 9$n o9 the lo;ely gar ener7s boy, an thought she ha ne;er seen any one so han some# Then she as=e the gar ener 9hy he lay out there un er the steps# ?%h,? sa$ the gar ener, ?none of h$s fello9!ser;ants 9$ll sleep 9$th h$m> that7s 9hy#? ?'et h$m come up to!n$ght, an l$e at the oor $ns$ e my be room, an then they7ll not refuse to sleep 9$th h$m any more,? sa$ the Pr$ncess# +o the gar ener tol that to the la # say

?Do you th$n= 37ll o any such th$ng@? sa$ the la # ?Why, they7 ne"t there 9as someth$ng bet9een me an the Pr$ncess#?

?6es,? sa$ the gar ener, ?you7;e goo 9ho are so han some#? ?Well 9ell,? sa$

reason to fear any such th$ng, you

the la , ?s$nce $t7s her 9$ll, 3 suppose 3 must go#?

+o, 9hen he 9as to go up the steps $n the e;en$ng, he trampe an stampe so on the 9ay, that they ha to beg h$m to trea softly, lest the 4$ng shoul come to =no9 $t# +o he came $nto the Pr$ncess7 be room, lay o9n, an began to snore at once# Then the Pr$ncess sa$ to her ma$ ,!! ?Go gently, an <ust pull h$s 9$g off>? an she 9ent up to h$m#

1ut <ust as she 9as go$ng to 9h$s= $t off, he caught hol of $t 9$th both han s, an sa$ she shoul ne;er ha;e $t# (fter that he lay o9n aga$n, an began to snore# Then the Pr$ncess ga;e her ma$ a 9$n=, an th$s t$me she 9h$s=e off the 9$g> an there lay the la so lo;ely, [p# :19] an 9h$te, an re , <ust as the Pr$ncess ha seen h$m $n the morn$ng sun# (fter that the la slept e;ery n$ght $n the Pr$ncess7 be room#

1ut $t 9asn7t long before the 4$ng came to hear ho9 the gar ener7s la slept e;ery n$ght $n the Pr$ncess7 be room> an he got so 9roth he almost too= the la 7s l$fe# .e $ n7t o that, ho9e;er, but thre9 h$m $nto the pr$son to9er> an as for h$s aughter, he shut her up $n her o9n room, 9hence she ne;er got lea;e to st$r ay or n$ght# (ll that she begge , an all that she praye , for the la an herself, 9as no goo # The 4$ng 9as only more 9roth than e;er# +ome t$me after came a 9ar an uproar $n the lan , an the 4$ng ha to ta=e up arms aga$nst another 4$ng 9ho 9$she to ta=e the =$ng om from h$m# +o 9hen the la hear that, he begge the gaoler to go to the 4$ng an as= for a coat of ma$l an a s9or , an for lea;e to go to the 9ar# (ll the rest laughe 9hen the gaoler tol h$s erran , an begge the 4$ng to let h$m ha;e an ol 9orn!out su$t, that they m$ght ha;e the fun of see$ng such a 9retch $n battle# +o he got that an an ol bro=en! o9n hac= bes$ es, 9h$ch 9ent upon three legs, an ragge the fourth after $t# Then they 9ent out to meet the foe> but they ha n7t got far from the palace before the la got stuc= fast $n a bog 9$th h$s hac=# There he sat an ug h$s spurs $n, an cr$e , ?Gee up, gee upO? to h$s hac=# (n all the rest ha the$r fun out of th$s, an laughe , an ma e game of the la as they ro e past h$m# 1ut they 9ere scarcely gone before he ran to the l$me!tree, thre9 on h$s coat of [p# :80] ma$l, an shoo= the br$ le, an there came the horse $n a tr$ce, an sa$ ,!! ?Do no9 your best an 37ll o m$ne#?

1ut 9hen the la came up the battle ha begun, an the 4$ng 9as $n a sa p$nch> but no sooner ha the la rushe $nto the th$c= of $t than the foe 9as beaten bac= an put to fl$ght# The 4$ng an h$s men 9on ere an 9on ere 9ho $t coul be 9ho ha come to help them but none of them got so near h$m as to be able to tal= to h$m, an as soon as the f$ght 9as o;er he 9as gone# When they 9ent bac= there sat the la st$ll $n the bog, an ug h$s spurs $nto h$s three!legge hac=, an they all laughe aga$n# ?NoO only <ust loo=,? they sa$ > ?there the fool s$ts st$ll#?

The ne"t ay 9hen they 9ent out to battle, they sa9 the la s$tt$ng there st$ll, so they laughe aga$n, an ma e game of h$m but as soon as e;er they ha r$ en by, the la ran aga$n to the l$me!tree, an all happene as on the f$rst ay# *;ery one 9on ere 9hat strange champ$on $t coul be that ha helpe them, but no one got so near h$m as to say a 9or to h$m> an no one guesse $t coul be the la > that7s easy to un erstan # +o 9hen they 9ent home at n$ght, an sa9 the la st$ll s$tt$ng there on h$s bac=, they burst out laugh$ng at h$m aga$n, an one of them shot an arro9 at h$m an h$t h$m $n the leg# +o he began to shr$e= an to be9a$l> 7t9as enough to brea= one7s heart> an so the 4$ng thre9 h$s poc=et! han =erch$ef to h$m to b$n h$s 9oun # When they 9ent out to battle the th$r [p# :81] ?Gee up, gee upO? he sa$ to h$s hac=# ay the la st$ll sat there#

?Nay, nay,? sa$ the 4$ng7s men> ?$f he 9on7t st$c= there t$ll he7s star;e to eath#? (n then they ro e the$r horses# When to the battle <ust =$ng, an then the on, an laughe at h$m t$ll they 9ere f$t to fall from they 9ere gone, he ran aga$n to the l$me, an came up $n the ;ery n$c= of t$me# Th$s ay he sle9 the enemy7s 9ar 9as o;er at once# 4$ng caught s$ght of h$s han =erch$ef, boun roun h$s leg, an so $t 9asn7t har h$m 9$th great <oy bet9een them to the sa9 h$m from her 9$n o9, got so gla , no

When the battle 9as o;er, the 9h$ch the strange 9arr$or ha to f$n h$m out# +o they too= palace, an the Pr$ncess, 9ho one can bel$e;e $t#

?.ere comes my o9n true lo;e,? she sa$ # Then he too= the pot of o$ntment an rubbe h$mself on the leg, an after that he rubbe all the 9oun e , an so they all got 9ell aga$n $n a moment# +o he got the Pr$ncess to 9$fe> but 9hen he 9ent o9n $nto the stable 9here h$s horse 9as on the ay the 9e $ng 9as to be, there $t stoo so ull an hea;y, an hung $ts ears o9n, an 9oul n7t eat $ts corn# +o 9hen the young 4$ng!!for he 9as no9 a =$ng, an ha got half the =$ng om!!spo=e to h$m an as=e 9hat a$le h$m, the .orse sa$ ,!! ?No9 3 ha;e helpe you on, an no9 3 9on7t l$;e any longer# +o <ust ta=e the s9or , an cut my hea off#? ?No, 37ll o noth$ng of the =$n ,? sa$ the young 4$ng> but you shall ha;e all you 9ant, an rest all your l$fe#? ?Well,? sa$ the .orse, ?$f you ta=e your l$fe someho9#? on7t o as 3 tell you, see $f 3 on7t

+o the 4$ng ha to o 9hat he as=e > but 9hen he [p# :88] s9ung the s9or an 9as to cut h$s hea off, he 9as so sorry he turne a9ay h$s face, for he 9oul not see the stro=e fall# 1ut as soon as e;er he ha cut off the

hea , there stoo stoo #

the lo;el$est Pr$nce on the spot 9here the horse ha $ you come from@? as=e the 4$ng#

?Why, 9here $n all the 9orl

?3t 9as 3 9ho 9as a horse,? sa$ the Pr$nce> ?for 3 9as =$ng of that lan 9hose =$ng you sle9 yester ay# .e $t 9as 9ho thre9 th$s Troll7s shape o;er me, an sol me to the Troll# 1ut no9 he $s sla$n 3 get my o9n aga$n, an you an 3 9$ll be ne$ghbour =$ngs, but 9ar 9e 9$ll ne;er ma=e on one another#? (n they each pa$ $ n7t e$ther> for they 9ere fr$en s as long as they l$;e , an the other ;ery many ;$s$ts#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

1ushy 1r$ e %nce on a t$me there 9as a 9$ o9er, 9ho ha a son an a aughter by h$s f$rst marr$age# 1oth 9ere goo ch$l ren, an lo;e each other early# +ome t$me after the man marr$e a 9$ o9, 9ho ha a aughter by her f$rst husban , an she 9as both ugly an ba , l$=e her mother# +o from the ay the ne9 9$fe came $nto the house there 9as no peace for her stepch$l ren $n any corner> an at last the la thought he7 best go out $nto the 9orl an try to earn h$s o9n brea # (n 9hen he ha 9an ere a 9h$le he came to a =$ng7s palace, an got a place un er the coachman, an [p# :8:] Ku$c= an 9$ll$ng he 9as, an the horses he loo=e after 9ere so slee= an clean that the$r coats shone aga$n# 1ut the s$ster 9ho staye at home 9as treate 9orse than ba > both her stepmother an steps$ster 9ere al9ays at her, an 9here;er she 9ent an 9hate;er she $ , they scol e an snarle so, the poor lass$e ha n7t an hour7s peace# (ll the har 9or= she 9as force to o, an early an late she got noth$ng but ba 9or s, an l$ttle foo bes$ es# +o one ay they ha sent her to the burn to fetch 9ater> an 9hat th$n=@ up poppe an ugly, ugly hea out of the pool, an sa$ ,!! ?Wash me, you lass$e#? ?6es, 9$th all my heart 37ll 9ash you,? sa$ +o she began to 9ash an thought $t nasty 9or=# the lass$e# o you

scrub the ugly hea > but truth to say, she another hea out of

Well, as soon as she ha one 9ash$ng $t, up poppe the pool, an th$s 9as ugl$er st$ll# ?1rush me, you lass$e,? sa$ the hea #

?6es, 9$th all my heart 37ll brush you#? (n 9$th that she too= $n han the matte ha n7t ;ery pleasant 9or= 9$th them# loc=s, an you may fancy she

1ut 9hen she ha got o;er that, $f a th$r hea $ n7t pop out of the pool, an th$s 9as far more ugly an loathsome than both the others put together# ?4$ss me, you lass$eO? ?6es, 37ll =$ss you,? sa$ the lass$e, an she thought $t the 9orst th$ng she ha e;er ha to $ $t too, though she o $n her l$fe# 9hat they shoul

Then the hea s began to chatter together, an each as=e o for the lass$e 9ho 9as so =$n an gentle# [p# :84] ?That she be the prett$est lass$e $n the 9orl , an ay,? sa$ the f$rst hea # ?That gol shall secon hea #

as fa$r as the br$ght the

rop from her ha$r e;ery t$me she brushes $t,? sa$ the

?That gol shall fall from her mouth e;ery t$me she spea=s,? sa$ th$r hea #

+o 9hen the lass$e came home loo=$ng so lo;ely, an beam$ng as the br$ght ay $tself, her stepmother an her steps$ster got more an more cross, an they got 9orse st$ll 9hen she began to tal=, an they sa9 ho9 gol en gu$neas fell from her mouth# (s for the stepmother, she got so ma 9$th rage she chase the lass$e $nto the p$gsty# That 9as the r$ght place for all her gol stuff# but as for com$ng $nto the house, she 9oul n7t hear of $t# Well, $t 9asn7t long before the stepmother 9$she her o9n aughter to go to the burn to fetch 9ater# +o 9hen she came to the 9ater7s e ge 9$th her buc=ets, up poppe the f$rst hea # ?Wash me, you lass$e,? $t sa$ # ?The De$l 9ash you,? sa$ +o the secon hea poppe the step aughter# up#

?1rush me, you lass$e,? $t sa$ # ?The De$l brush you,? sa$ +o the step aughter# the th$r hea poppe up#

o9n $t 9ent to the bottom, an

?4$ss me, you lass$e,? sa$

the hea # the g$rl#

?The De$l =$ss you, you p$g7s!snout,? sa$

Then the hea s chattere together aga$n, an as=e 9hat they shoul o to the g$rl 9ho 9as so sp$teful an cross!gra$ne > an they all agree she shoul ha;e a nose four ells long, an a snout three ells long, an a p$ne!bush [p# :8B] r$ght $n the m$ st of her forehea , an e;ery t$me she spo=e, ashes 9ere to fall out of her mouth#

+o 9hen she got home 9$th her buc=ets, she ba9le ?%pen the oor#? arl$ng ch$l ,? sa$

out to her mother!!

?%pen $t yourself, my

the mother# the aughter#

?3 can7t reach $t because of my nose,? sa$

+o 9hen the mother came out an sa9 her, you may fancy 9hat a 9ay she 9as $n, an ho9 she screame an groane > but for all that there 9ere the nose an the snout an the p$ne!bush, an they got no smaller for all her gr$ef# No9 the brother, 9ho ha got the place $n the =$ng7s stable, ha ta=en a l$ttle s=etch of h$s s$ster, 9h$ch he carr$e a9ay 9$th h$m, an e;ery morn$ng an e;ery e;en$ng he =nelt o9n before the p$cture an praye to %ur 'or for h$s s$ster, 9hom he lo;e so early# The other grooms ha hear h$m pray$ng, so they peepe through the =ey!hole of h$s room, an there they sa9 h$m on h$s =nees before the p$cture# +o they 9ent about say$ng ho9 the la e;ery morn$ng an e;ery e;en$ng =nelt o9n an praye to an $ ol 9h$ch he ha , an at last they 9ent to the 4$ng h$mself an begge h$m only to peep through the =ey!hole, an then h$s -a<esty 9oul see the la , an 9hat th$ngs he $ # (t f$rst the 4$ng 9oul n7t bel$e;e $t, but at last they tal=e h$m o;er, an he crept on t$ptoe to the oor an peepe $n# 6es, there 9as the la on h$s =nees before the p$cture, 9h$ch hung on the 9all, pray$ng 9$th claspe han s# ?%pen the [p# :8F] +o the 4$ng calle out $n a lou er ;o$ce, but the la prayers he coul n7t hear h$m th$s t$me e$ther# ?%pen the oor, 3 sayO? roare to come $n#? 9as so eep $n h$s oorO? calle out the =$ng, but the la $ n7t hear h$m#

out the 4$ng> ?$t7s 3, the 4$ng, 9ho 9ant oor an unloc=e $t, but $n h$s

Well, up <umpe the la an ran to the hurry he forgot to h$ e the p$cture#

1ut 9hen the 4$ng came $n an sa9 the p$cture, he stoo there as $f he 9ere fettere , an coul n7t st$r from the spot, so lo;ely he thought the p$cture# ?+o lo;ely a 9oman there $sn7t $n all the 9$ e 9orl ,? sa$ 1ut the la tol h$m she 9as h$s s$ster he ha ra9n, an prett$er than that, at least she 9asn7t ugl$er# the 4$ng# $f she 9asn7t

?Well, $f she7s so lo;ely,? sa$ the 4$ng, ?37ll ha;e her for my Kueen?> an then he or ere the la to set off home that m$nute, an not be long on the roa e$ther# +o the la prom$se to ma=e as much haste as he coul , an starte off from the 4$ng7s palace# When the brother came home to fetch h$s s$ster, the stepmother an steps$ster sa$ they must go too# +o they all set out, an the goo lass$e ha a cas=et $n 9h$ch she =ept her gol , an a l$ttle og, 9hose name 9as ?'$ttle ,lo>? those t9o th$ngs 9ere all her mother left her# (n

9hen they ha gone a9h$le, they came to a la=e 9h$ch they ha to cross> so the brother sat o9n at the helm, an the stepmother an the t9o g$rls sat $n the bo9 fore9ar , an so they sa$le a long, long 9ay# (t last they caught s$ght of lan # ?There,? sa$ the brother, ?9here you see the 9h$te stran yon er, there7s 9here 9e7re to lan ?> an as he sa$ th$s he po$nte across the 9ater# [p# :8I] ?What $s $t my brother says@? as=e the goo lass$e# the stepmother# the lass$e, an aga$n across the

?.e says you must thro9 your cas=et o;erboar ,? sa$ ?Well, 9hen my brother says $t, 3 must o;erboar 9ent the cas=et# When they ha la=e# sa$le o $t,? sa$

a b$t farther, the brother po$nte

?There you see the castle 9e7re go$ng to#? ?What $s $t my brother says@? as=e the lass$e# og o;erboar ,? sa$ the earest

?.e says no9 you must thro9 your l$ttle stepmother#

Then the lass$e 9ept an 9as sore gr$e;e , for '$ttle ,lo 9as the th$ng she ha $n the 9orl , but at last she thre9 h$m o;erboar #

?When my brother says $t, 3 must o $t, but hea;en =no9s ho9 $t hurts me to thro9 you o;er, '$ttle ,lo,? she sa$ # +o they sa$le on a goo b$t st$ll# o9n to meet us,? sa$ the lass$e# thro9 yourself o;erboar ,? sa$ the the brother, an

?There you see the 4$ng com$ng po$nte to9ar s the stran #

?What $s $t my brother says@? as=e ?No9 he says you must ma=e haste an stepmother#

Well, the lass$e 9ept an moane > but 9hen her brother tol her to o that, she thought she ought to o $t, so she leapt o9n $nto the la=e# 1ut 9hen they came to the palace, an the 4$ng sa9 the loathly br$ e, 9$th a nose four ells long, an a snout three ells long, an a p$ne!bush $n the m$ st of her forehea , he 9as Ku$te scare out of h$s 9$ts> but the 9e $ng 9as all rea y, both $n bre9$ng an ba=$ng, an there sat all the 9e $ng guests 9a$t$ng for the br$ e> so the 4$ng coul n7t help h$mself, but 9as force to ta=e her for better for 9orse# 1ut angry he 9as that anyone can forg$;e h$m, so he ha the brother thro9n $nto a p$t full of sna=es#

Well, the f$rst Thurs ay e;en$ng after the 9e $ng, about m$ n$ght, $n came a lo;ely la y $nto the palace!=$tchen, an begge the =$tchen!ma$ , 9ho slept there, so prett$ly to len her a brush# That she got, an then she brushe her ha$r, an as she brushe , o9n roppe gol # ( l$ttle og 9as at her heel, an to h$m she sa$ ,!! ?)un out, '$ttle ,lo, an see $f $t 9$ll soon be ay#?

Th$s she sa$ three t$mes, an the th$r t$me she sent the og $t 9as <ust about the t$me the a9n beg$ns to peep# Then she ha to go, but as she 9ent she sang,!! ?%ut on you, ugly 1ushy 1r$ e, 'y$ng so 9arm by the 4$ng7s left s$ e> Wh$le 3 on san (n (n an gra;el sleep, ers creep,

o;er my brothers a all 9$thout a tear#?

?No9 3 come t9$ce more, an

then ne;er aga$n#?

+o ne"t morn$ng the =$tchen!ma$ tol 9hat she ha seen an hear , an the 4$ng sa$ he7 9atch h$mself ne"t Thurs ay n$ght $n the =$tchen, an see $f $t 9ere true, an as soon as $t got ar=, out he 9ent $nto the =$tchen to the =$tchen!ma$ # 1ut all he coul o, an ho9e;er much he rubbe h$s eyes an tr$e to =eep h$mself a9a=e, $t 9as no goo > for the 1ushy 1r$ e chaunte an sang t$ll h$s eyes close , an so 9hen the lo;ely la y came, there he slept an snore # Th$s t$me, too, as before, she borro9e a brush, an brushe her ha$r t$ll the gol roppe , an sent her og out three t$mes, an as soon as $t 9as grey a9n, a9ay she 9ent s$ng$ng the same 9or s, an a $ng,!! [p# :89] ?No9 3 come once more, an then ne;er aga$n#?

The th$r Thurs ay e;en$ng the 4$ng sa$ he 9oul 9atch aga$n> an he set t9o men to hol h$m, one un er each arm, 9ho 9ere to sha=e an <og h$m e;ery t$me he 9ante to fall asleep> an t9o men he set to 9atch h$s 1ushy 1r$ e# 1ut 9hen the n$ght 9ore on, the 1ushy 1r$ ge began to chaunt an s$ng, so that h$s eyes began to 9$n=, an h$s hea hung o9n on h$s shoul ers# Then $n came the lo;ely la y an got the brush an brushe her ha$r, t$ll the gol roppe from $t> after that she sent '$ttle ,lo out aga$n to see $f $t 9oul soon be ay, an th$s she $ three t$mes# The th$r t$me $t began to get grey $n the east> then she sang!! ?%ut on you, ugly 1ushy 1r$ e, 'y$ng so 9arm by the 4$ng7s left s$ e> Wh$le 3 on san (n (n an gra;el sleep, ers creep,

o;er my brothers a all 9$thout a tear#?

?No9 3 come bac= ne;er more,? she sa$ , an 9ent to9ar s the oor# 1ut the t9o men 9ho hel the 4$ng un er the arms clenche h$s han s together, an put a =n$fe $nto h$s grasp, an so someho9 or other, they got h$m to cut her $n her l$ttle f$nger, an re9 bloo # Then the true br$ e 9as free , an the 4$ng 9o=e up, an she tol h$m no9 the 9hole story, an ho9 her stepmother an s$ster ha ece$;e her# +o the 4$ng sent at once an too= her brother out of the p$t of sna=es, an the a ers ha n7t one h$m the least harm, but the stepmother an her aughter 9ere thro9n $nto $t $n h$s stea # (n no9 no one can tell ho9 gla the 4$ng 9as to be r$ of that ugly 1ushy 1r$ e, an to get a Kueen 9ho 9as [p# ::0] as lo;ely an br$ght as the ay $tself# +o the true 9e $ng 9as hel , an e;eryone tal=e of $t o;er se;en =$ng oms> an the 4$ng ro;e to church $n the$r coach, an '$ttle ,lo 9ent $ns$ e 9$th them too, an 9hen the bless$ng 9as g$;en they ro;e bac= aga$n, an after that 3 sa9 noth$ng more of them# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

1oots an

.$s 1rothers

%nce on a t$me there 9as a man 9ho ha three sons, Peter, Paul, an 5ohn# 5ohn 9as 1oots, of course, because he 9as the youngest# 3 can7t say the man ha anyth$ng more than these three sons, for he ha n7t one penny to rub aga$nst another> an so he tol h$s sons o;er an o;er aga$n they must go out $nto the 9orl an try to earn the$r brea , for there at home there 9as noth$ng to be loo=e for but star;$ng to eath# No9, a b$t off the man7s cottage 9as the 4$ng7s palace, an you must =no9, <ust aga$nst the 4$ng7s 9$n o9s a great oa= ha sprung up, 9h$ch 9as so stout an b$g, that $t too= a9ay all the l$ght from the 4$ng7s palace# The 4$ng ha sa$ he 9oul g$;e many, many ollars to the man 9ho coul fell the oa=, but no one 9as man enough for that, for as soon as e;er one ch$p of the oa=7s trun= fle9 off, t9o gre9 $n $ts stea # ( 9ell, too, the 4$ng ha ug, 9h$ch 9as to hol 9ater for the 9hole year> for all h$s ne$ghbours ha 9ells, but he ha n7t any, an that he thought a shame# +o the 4$ng sa$ he 9oul g$;e any one 9ho coul $g h$m such a 9ell as 9oul hol 9ater for a 9hole year roun , both money an goo s> but no one coul o $t, for the 4$ng7s palace lay h$gh, h$gh up on a h$ll, an they ha n7t ug a fe9 $nches before they came upon the l$;$ng roc=# 1ut as the 4$ng ha set h$s heart on ha;$ng these t9o th$ngs one, he ha $t g$;en out far an 9$ e, $n all the churches of h$s =$ng om, that he 9ho coul fell the b$g oa= $n the 4$ng7s courtyar , an get h$m a 9ell that 9oul hol 9ater the 9hole year roun , shoul ha;e the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om# Well, you may eas$ly =no9 there 9as many a man 9ho came to try h$s luc=> but for all the$r hac=$ng an he9$ng, an all the$r $gg$ng an el;$ng, $t 9as no goo # The oa= got b$gger an stouter at e;ery stro=e, an the roc= $ n7t get softer e$ther# +o one ay those three brothers thought they7 set off an try too, an the$r father ha n7t a 9or aga$nst $t> for e;en $f they $ n7t get the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om, $t m$ght happen they m$ght get a place some9here 9$th a

goo master> an that 9as all he 9ante # +o 9hen the brothers sa$ they thought of go$ng to the palace, the$r father sa$ ?yes? at once# +o Peter, Paul, an 5ac= 9ent off from the$r home# Well, they ha n7t gone far before they came to a f$r!9oo , an up along one s$ e of $t rose a steep h$ll!s$ e, an as they 9ent, they hear someth$ng he9$ng an hac=$ng a9ay up on the h$ll among the trees# ?3 9on er no9 9hat $t $s that $s he9$ng a9ay up yon er,? sa$ 5ac=#

?6ou7re al9ays so cle;er 9$th your 9on er$ngs,? sa$ Peter an Paul both at once# ?What 9on er $s $t, pray, that a 9oo cutter shoul stan an hac= up on a h$ll!s$ e@? ?+t$ll, 37 9ent# l$=e to see 9hat $t $s, after all,? sa$ o you goo 5ac=> an up he

?%h, $f you7re such a ch$l , 7t9$ll ba9le out h$s brothers after h$m#

to go an

ta=e a lesson,?

1ut 5ac= $ n7t care for 9hat they sa$ > he cl$mbe the steep h$ll!s$ e to9ar s 9here the no$se came, an 9hen he reache the place, 9hat o you th$n= he sa9@ 9hy, an a"e that stoo there hac=$ng an he9$ng, all of $tself, at the trun= of a f$r# ?Goo ayO? sa$ 5ac=# ?+o you stan an he9e an here all alone an hac=e he9, o you@?

?6es> here 37;e stoo you,? sa$ the ("e#

a long, long t$me, 9a$t$ng for $t off laugh

?Well, here 3 am at last,? sa$ $ts haft, an stuffe both hea +o 9hen he got at h$m#

5ac=, as he too= the a"e, pulle an haft $nto h$s 9allet#

o9n aga$n to h$s brothers, they began to <eer an

?(n no9, 9hat funny th$ng 9as $t you sa9 up yon er on the h$ll!s$ e@? they sa$ # ?%h, $t 9as only an a"e 9e hear ,? sa$ 5ac=#

+o 9hen they ha gone a b$t farther, they came un er a steep spur of roc=, an up there they hear someth$ng $gg$ng an sho;ell$ng# ?3 9on er no9,? sa$ 5ac=, ?9hat $t $s at the top of the roc=#? $gg$ng an sho;ell$ng, up yon er Peter an Paul pec=$ng at a

?(h, you7re al9ays so cle;er 9$th your 9on er$ngs,? sa$ aga$n, ?as $f you7 ne;er hear a 9oo pec=er hac=$ng an hollo9 tree#? ?Well, 9ell,? sa$ 5ac=, ?3 th$n= $t 9oul 9hat $t really $s#?

be a p$ece of fun <ust to see

(n so off he set to cl$mb the roc=, 9h$le the others laughe an ma e game of h$m# 1ut he $ n7t care a b$t for that> up he clomb, an 9hen he got near the top, 9hat o you th$n= he sa9@ Why, a spa e that stoo there, $gg$ng an el;$ng#


ayO? sa$

5ac=# ?+o you stan

here all alone, an

$g an

el;eO? one th$s

?6es, that7s 9hat 3 o,? sa$ the +pa e, ?an many a long ay, 9a$t$ng for you#?

that7s 9hat 37;e

?Well, here 3 am,? sa$ 5ac= aga$n, as he too= the spa e an =noc=e $t off $ts han le, an put $t $nto h$s 9allet, an then o9n aga$n to h$s brothers# ?Well, 9hat 9as $t, so rare an strange,? sa$ sa9 up there at the top of the roc=@? ?%h,? sa$ Peter an Paul, ?that you

5ac=, ?noth$ng more than a spa e> that 9as 9hat 9e hear #?

+o they 9ent on aga$n a goo b$t, t$ll they came to a broo=# They 9ere th$rsty, all three, after the$r long 9al=, an so they lay o9n bes$ e the broo= to ha;e a r$n=# ?3 9on er no9,? sa$ 5ac=, ?9here all th$s 9ater comes from#?

?3 9on er $f you7re r$ght $n your hea ,? sa$ Peter an Paul $n one breath# ?3f you7re not ma alrea y, you7ll go ma ;ery soon, 9$th your 9on er$ngs# Where the broo= comes from, $n ee O .a;e you ne;er hear ho9 9ater r$ses from a spr$ng $n the earth@? ?6es> but st$ll 37;e a great fancy to see 9here th$s broo= comes from,? sa$ 5ac=# +o up alongs$ e the broo= he 9ent, $n sp$te of all that h$s brothers ba9le after h$m# Noth$ng coul stop h$m# %n he 9ent# +o, as he 9ent up an up, the broo= got smaller an smaller, an at last, a l$ttle 9ay farther on, 9hat o you th$n= he sa9@ Why, a great 9alnut, an out of that the 9ater tr$c=le # ?Goo ! ayO? sa$ all alone@? 5ac= aga$n# ?+o you l$e here, an tr$c=le an an run o9n

?6es, 3 o,? sa$ the Walnut> ?an a long ay, 9a$t$ng for you#?

here ha;e 3 tr$c=le

run th$s many

?Well, here 3 am,? sa$ 5ac=, as he too= up a lump of moss, an plugge up the hole, that the 9ater m$ghtn7t run out# Then he put the 9alnut $nto h$s 9allet, an ran o9n to h$s brothers# ?Well, no9,? sa$ Peter an Paul, ?ha;e you foun comes from@ ( rare s$ght $t must ha;e beenO? out 9here the 9ater

?%h, after all, $t 9as only a hole $t ran out of,? sa$ 5ac=> an so the others laughe an ma e game of h$m aga$n, but 5ac= $ n7t m$n that a b$t# ?(fter all, 3 ha the fun of see$ng $t,? sa$ he#

+o 9hen they ha gone a b$t farther, they came to the 4$ng7s palace> but as e;ery one $n the =$ng om ha hear ho9 they m$ght 9$n the Pr$ncess an half the realm, $f they coul only fell the b$g oa= an $g the 4$ng7s 9ell, so many ha come to try the$r luc= that the oa= 9as no9 t9$ce as

stout an b$g as $t ha been at f$rst, for t9o ch$ps gre9 for e;ery one they he9e out 9$th the$r a"es, as 3 aresay you all bear $n m$n # +o the 4$ng ha no9 la$ $t o9n as a pun$shment, that $f any one tr$e an coul n7t fell the oa=, he shoul be put on a barren $slan , an both h$s ears 9ere to be cl$ppe off# 1ut the t9o brothers $ n7t let themsel;es be scare by that> they 9ere Ku$te sure they coul fell the oa=, an Peter, as he 9as el est, 9as to try h$s han f$rst> but $t 9ent 9$th h$m as 9$th all the rest 9ho ha he9n at the oa=> for e;ery ch$p he cut out, t9o gre9 $n $ts place# +o the 4$ng7s men se$Ce h$m, an cl$ppe off both h$s ears, an put h$m out on the $slan # No9 Paul, he 9as to try h$s luc=, but he fare <ust the same> 9hen he ha he9n t9o or three stro=es, they began to see the oa= gro9, an so the 4$ng7s men se$Ce h$m too, an cl$ppe h$s ears, an put h$m out on the $slan > an h$s ears they cl$ppe closer, because they sa$ he ought to ha;e ta=en a lesson from h$s brother# +o no9 5ac= 9as to try# ?3f you 9$ll loo= l$=e a mar=e sheep, 9e7re Ku$te rea y to cl$p your ears at once, an then you7ll sa;e yourself some bother,? sa$ the 4$ng, for he 9as angry 9$th h$m for h$s brothers7 sa=e# ?Well, 37 l$=e <ust to try f$rst,? sa$ 5ac=, an so he got lea;e# Then he too= h$s a"e out of h$s 9allet> an f$tte $t to $ts haft# ?.e9 a9ayO? sa$ he to h$s a"e> an a9ay $t he9e , ma=$ng the ch$ps fly aga$n, so that $t 9asn7t long before o9n came the oa=# When that 9as han le# one, 5ac= pulle out h$s spa e, an f$tte $t to $ts $g an el;e the 9ell

?D$g a9ayO? sa$ he to the spa e> an so the spa e began to t$ll the earth an roc= fle9 out $n spl$nters, an so he ha soon ug out, you may th$n=# (n 9hen he ha 9alnut an la$ out# [p# ::F]

got $t as b$g an eep as he chose, 5ac= too= out h$s $t $n one corner of the 9ell, an pulle the plug of moss

?Tr$c=le an run,? sa$ 5ac=> an so the nut tr$c=le an ran, t$ll the 9ater gushe out of the hole $n a stream, an $n a short t$me the 9ell 9as br$mfull# Then 5ac= ha felle the oa= 9h$ch sha e the 4$ng7s palace, an ug a 9ell $n the palace!yar , an so he got the Pr$ncess an half the =$ng om, as the 4$ng ha sa$ > but $t 9as luc=y for Peter an Paul that they ha lost the$r ears, else they ha hear each hour an ay ho9 e;ery one sa$ , ?Well, after all, 5ac= 9asn7t so much out of h$s m$n 9hen he too= to 9on er$ng#? Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

1$g Peter an

'$ttle Peter

%nce on a t$me there 9ere t9o brothers, both name Peter, an so the ol er 9as calle 1$g Peter, an the younger '$ttle Peter# When h$s father 9as ea , 1$g Peter too= h$m a 9$fe 9$th lots of money, but '$ttle Peter 9as at home 9$th h$s mother, an l$;e on her means t$ll he gre9 up# +o 9hen he 9as of age he came $nto h$s her$tage, an then 1$g Peter sa$ he mustn7t stay any longer $n the ol house, an eat up h$s mother7s substance> 7t9ere better he shoul go out $nto the 9orl an o someth$ng for h$mself# 6es> '$ttle Peter thought that no ba plan> so he bought h$mself a f$ne horse an a loa of butter an cheese, an set off to the to9n> an 9$th the money he got for h$s goo s he bought bran y, an 9$ne, an beer, an as soon as e;er he got home aga$n $t 9as one roun of hol$ ay!=eep$ng [p# ::I] an merry!ma=$ng> he treate all h$s ol fr$en s an ne$ghbours, an they treate h$m aga$n> an so he l$;e $n fun an frol$c so long as h$s money laste # 1ut 9hen h$s last sh$ll$ng 9as spent, an '$ttle Peter ha n7t a penny $n h$s purse, he 9ent bac= home aga$n to h$s ol mother, an brought noth$ng 9$th h$m but a calf# When the spr$ng came he turne out the calf an let $t graCe on 1$g Peter7s mea o9# Then 1$g Peter got cross an =$lle the calf at one blo9> but '$ttle Peter, he flaye the calf, an hung the s=$n up $n the bath!room t$ll $t 9as thoroughly ry> then he rolle $t up, stuffe $t $nto a sac=, an 9ent about the country try$ng to sell $t> but 9here;er he came, they only laughe at h$m, an sa$ they ha no nee of smo=e calfs=$n# +o 9hen he ha 9al=e on a long 9ay, he came to a farm, an there he turne $n an as=e for a n$ght7s lo g$ng# ?Nay, nay,? sa$ the Goo y, ? 3 can7t g$;e you lo g$ng, for my husban $s up at the sh$el$ng on the h$ll, an 37m alone $n the house# 6ou must <ust try to get shelter at our ne"t ne$ghbour7s> but st$ll $f they 9on7t ta=e you $n, you may come bac=, for you must ha;e a house o;er your hea , come 9hat may#? +o as '$ttle Peter passe by the parlour 9$n o9, he sa9 that there 9as a pr$est $n there, 9$th 9hom the Goo y 9as ma=$ng merry, an she 9as ser;$ng h$m up ale an bran y, an a great bo9l of custar # 1ut <ust as the pr$est ha sat o9n to eat an r$n=, bac= came the husban , an as soon as e;er the Goo y hear h$m $n the passage, she 9as not slo9> she too= the bo9l of custar , an put $t un er the =$tchen grate, an the ale an bran y $nto the cellar, an as for the pr$est, she loc=e h$m up $n a great [p# ::A] chest 9h$ch stoo there# (ll th$s '$ttle Peter stoo outs$ e an sa9, an as soon as the husban 9as 9ell $ns$ e, '$ttle Peter 9ent up to the oor an as=e $f he m$ght ha;e a n$ght7s lo g$ng# ?6es, to be sure,? sa$ the man, ?9e7ll ta=e you $n>? an so he begge '$ttle Peter to s$t o9n at the table an eat# 6es, '$ttle Peter sat o9n, an too= h$s calfs=$n 9$th h$m, an la$ $t o9n at h$s feet# +o, 9hen they ha sat a 9h$le, '$ttle Peter began to mutter to h$s s=$n# your tongue@? sa$ the man# '$ttle Peter#

?What are you say$ng no9@ can7t you hol ?Who $s $t you7re tal=$ng 9$th@? as=e

?%h,? ans9ere calfs=$n#? ?(n pray 9hat

'$ttle Peter, ?$t7s only a spae!ma$ en 9hom 37;e got $n my oes she spae@? as=e the man aga$n# stan $ng

?Why, she says that no one can say there $sn7t a bo9l of custar un er the grate,? sa$ '$ttle Peter#

?+he may spae as much as she pleases,? ans9ere the man, ?but 9e ha;en7t ha custar s $n th$s house for a year an a ay#? 1ut Peter begge h$m only to loo=, an he $ so> an he foun the custar !bo9l# +o they began to ma=e merry 9$th $t, but <ust as they sat an too= the$r ease, Peter muttere someth$ng aga$n to the calfs=$n# ?.ushO? he sa$ , ?can7t you hol ?(n pray 9hat your <a9@? the man#

oes the spae!ma$ en say no9@? as=e

?%h, she says no one can say there $sn7t bran y an [p# ::9] ale stan $ng <ust un er the trap! oor 9h$ch goes o9n $nto the cellar,? ans9ere Peter# ?Well, $f she ne;er spae 9rong $n her l$fe, she spaes 9rong no9,? sa$ the man# ?1ran y an aleO 9hy, 3 can7t call to m$n the ay 9hen 9e ha such th$ngs $n the houseO? ?5ust loo=,? sa$ Peter> an the man $ so, an foun the r$n=, an you may fancy ho9 merry an ?What $ you g$;e for that spae!ma$ en@? sa$ her, 9hate;er you as= for her#? there, sure enough, he <olly he 9as# the man, ?for 3 must ha;e

?+he 9as left me by my father,? sa$ Peter, ?an so she $ n7t cost me much# To tell you the truth, 37;e no great m$n to part 9$th her, but, all the same, you may ha;e her, $f you7ll let me ha;e, $nstea of her, that ol chest that stan s $n the parlour yon er#? ?The chest7s loc=e an the =ey lost,? screame the ol ame# Peter#

?Then 37ll ta=e $t 9$thout the =ey, that 3 9$ll,? sa$

(n so he an the man soon struc= the barga$n# Peter got a rope $nstea of the =ey, an the man helpe h$m to get the chest up on h$s bac=, an then off he stumpe 9$th $t# +o 9hen he ha 9al=e a b$t he came on to a br$ ge, an un er the br$ ge ran a r$;er $n such a hea long stream, $t leapt, an foame , an ma e such a roar, that the br$ ge shoo= aga$n# ?(hO? sa$ Peter, ?that bran y!!that bran yO No9 3 can feel 37;e ha a rop too much# What7s the goo of my ragg$ng th$s chest about@ 3f 3 ha n7t been run= an ma , 3 shoul n7t ha;e gone an s9oppe a9ay my [p# :40] spae!ma$ en for $t# 1ut no9 th$s chest shall go out $nto the r$;er th$s ;ery m$nute#? (n 9$th that he began to unt$e the rope#

?(uO (uO o for Go 7s sa=e set me free# The pr$est7s l$fe $s at sta=e> he $t $s 9hom you ha;e got $n the chest,? screame out some one $ns$ e#

?Th$s must be the De$l h$mself,? sa$ Peter, ?9ho 9ants to ma=e me bel$e;e he has turne pr$est> but 9hether he ma=es h$mself pr$est or cler=, out he goes $nto the r$;er#? ?%h, noO oh noO? roare out the pr$est# ?The par$sh pr$est $s at sta=e# .e 9as on a ;$s$t to the Goo y for her soul7s health, but her husban $s rough an 9$l , an so she ha to h$ e me $n the chest# .ere 3 ha;e a gol 9atch an a s$l;er 9atch $n my fob> you shall ha;e them both, an e$ght hun re ollars bes$ e, $f you 9$ll only let me out#? ?Nay, nay,? sa$ Peter> ?$s $t really your re;erence after all@? an 9$th that he too= up a stone, an =noc=e the l$ of the chest to p$eces# Then the pr$est got out, an off he set home to h$s parsonage both fast an l$ght, for he no longer ha h$s 9atches an money to 9e$gh h$m o9n# (s for '$ttle Peter, he 9ent home aga$n, an sa$ to 1$g Peter, ?There 9as a goo sale to! ay for calfs=$ns at the mar=et#? ?Why, 9hat $ you get for your tattere one, no9@? as=e 1$g Peter#

?Ju$te as much as $t 9as 9orth# 3 got e$ght hun re ollars for $t, but b$gger an stouter cal;es7 s=$ns fetche t9$ce as much,? sa$ '$ttle Peter, an sho9e h$s ollars# ? 7T9as 9ell you tol me th$s,? ans9ere 1$g Peter, [p# :41] 9ho 9ent an slaughtere all h$s =$ne an cal;es, an set off on the roa to to9n 9$th the$r s=$ns an h$ es# +o 9hen he got to the mar=et, an the tanners as=e 9hat he 9ante for h$s h$ es, 1$g Peter sa$ he must ha;e e$ght hun re ollars for the small ones, an so on, more an more, for the b$g ones# 1ut all the fol= only laughe an ma e game of h$m, an sa$ he oughtn7t to come there> he7 better turn $nto the ma house for a better barga$n, an so he soon foun out ho9 th$ngs ha gone, an that '$ttle Peter ha playe h$m$ a tr$c=# 1ut 9hen he got home aga$n he 9as not ;ery soft!spo=en, an he s9ore an curse > so help h$m, $f he 9oul n7t str$=e '$ttle Peter ea that ;ery n$ght# (ll th$s '$ttle Peter stoo an l$stene to> an so, 9hen he ha gone to be 9$th h$s mother, an the n$ght ha 9orn on a l$ttle, he begge her to change s$ es 9$th h$m, for he 9as 9ell!n$gh froCen, he sa$ , an m$ght be 7t9as 9armer ne"t the 9all# 6es, she $ that, an $n a l$ttle 9h$le came 1$g Peter 9$th an a"e $n h$s han , an crept up to the be s$ e, an at one blo9 choppe off h$s mother7s hea # Ne"t morn$ng, $n 9ent '$ttle Peter $nto 1$g Peter7s s$tt$ng!room# ?.ea;en better an help you,? he sa$ > ?you 9ho ha;e choppe our mother7s hea off# The +her$ff 9$ll not be o;er!please to hear that you pay mother7s o9er $n th$s 9ay#? Then 1$g Peter got so afra$ , be begge '$ttle Peter, for Go 7s sa=e, to say noth$ng about 9hat he =ne9# 3f he 9oul only o that, he shoul ha;e e$ght hun re ollars# Well, '$ttle Peter s9ept up the money> set h$s mother7s [p# :48] hea on her bo y aga$n> put her on a han !sle ge, an so re9 her to mar=et# There he set her up 9$th an apple!bas=et on each arm, an an apple $n each han # 1y an by came a s=$pper 9al=$ng along> he thought she 9as an apple!9oman, an as=e $f she ha apples to sell, an ho9 many he m$ght

ha;e for a penny# 1ut the ol 9oman ma e no ans9er# +o the s=$pper as=e aga$n# NoO she ha n7t a 9or to say for herself# ?.o9 many may 3 ha;e for a penny@? he ba9le the th$r t$me, but the ol ame sat bolt upr$ght, as though she ne$ther sa9 h$m nor hear 9hat he sa$ # Then the s=$pper fle9 $nto such a rage that he ga;e her one un er the ear, an so a9ay rolle her hea across the mar=et!place# (t that moment, up came '$ttle Peter 9$th a boun > he fell a!9eep$ng an be9a$l$ng, an threatene to ma=e the s=$pper smart for $t, for ha;$ng ealt h$s ol mother her eath!blo9# ?Dear fr$en , only hol your tongue about 9hat you =no9,? sa$ s=$pper, ?an you shall ha;e e$ght hun re ollars#? (n so they ma e $t up# to 1$g Peter,!! the

When '$ttle Peter got home aga$n, he sa$

?%l 9omen fetch a f$ne pr$ce at mar=et to! ay> 3 got e$ght hun re ollars for mother> <ust loo=,? an so he sho9e h$m the money# ? 7T9as 9ell 3 came to =no9 th$s,? sa$ 1$g Peter#

No9 you must =no9 he ha an ol stepmother, so he too= an =$lle her out of han , an stro e off to sell her# 1ut 9hen they hear ho9 he 9ent about try$ng to sell ea bo $es, the ne$ghbours 9ere all for han $ng h$m o;er [p# :4:] to the +her$ff, an $t 9as as much as he coul o to get out of the scrape# When 1$g Peter got home aga$n, he 9as so 9roth an ma aga$nst '$ttle Peter, he threatene to str$=e h$m ea there an then> he nee n7t hope for mercy, $e he must# ?Well, 9ell,? sa$ '$ttle Peter, ?that7s the 9ay 9e must all tru ge, an bet9$"t to! ay an to!morro9 there7s only a n$ght to come# 1ut $f 3 must set off no9, 37;e only one th$ng to as=> stuff me $nto that sac= that hangs yon er, an ta=e an toss me $nto the r$;er#? Well, 1$g Peter ha noth$ng to say aga$nst that> he stuffe h$m $nto the sac=, an set off# 1ut he ha n7t gone far on h$s 9ay before $t came $nto h$s m$n that he ha forgotten someth$ng 9h$ch he must go bac= to fetch> mean9h$le, he set the sac= o9n by the roa !s$ e# 5ust then came a man r$;$ng a f$ne fat floc= of sheep, ?To 4$ng om!come, to Para $se> To 4$ng om!come, to Para $se,? roare out '$ttle Peter, 9ho lay $ns$ e the sac=, an ba9l$ng an bello9$ng out# ?-ayn7t 3 get lea;e to go 9$th you@? as=e the man 9ho that he =ept ro;e the sheep#

?%f course you may,? sa$ '$ttle Peter# ?3f you7ll only unt$e the sac=, an creep $nto $t $n my stea , you7ll soon get there# (s for me, 3 on7t m$n b$ $ng here t$ll ne"t t$me, that 3 on7t# 1ut you must =eep on call$ng out the 9or s 3 ba9le out, else you7ll not go to the r$ght place#?

Then the man unt$e the sac=, an Peter t$e the sac= up aga$n, an [p# :44] ?To 4$ng om!come, to Para $se> To 4$ng om!come, to Para $se>? an to that te"t he stuc=#

got $nto $t $n '$ttle Peter7s place/ the man began to ba9l out,!!

When Peter ha got h$m 9ell $nto the sac=, he 9asn7t slo9> off he 9ent 9$th the floc= of sheep, an soon put a goo b$t of the roa beh$n h$m# -eant$me, bac= came 1$g Peter, too= the sac= on h$s shoul ers, an bore $t across the country to the r$;er, an all the 9h$le he 9ent, the ro;er sat $ns$ e ba9l$ng out,!! ?To 4$ng om!come, to Para $se> To 4$ng om!come, to Para $se>? ?(y, ay,? sa$ 1$g Peter> ?try no9 to f$n the 9ay for yourself>? an 9$th that he tosse h$m out $nto the stream# +o 9hen 1$g Peter ha one that, an 9as go$ng bac= home, 9hom shoul he o;erta=e but h$s brother, 9ho 9ent along r$;$ng the floc= of sheep before h$m# 1$g Peter coul scarce bel$e;e h$s eyes, an as=e ho9 '$ttle Peter ha got out of the r$;er, an 9hence the f$ne floc= of sheep came# ?(hO? sa$ '$ttle Peter, ?that <ust 9as a goo brotherly turn you $ me 9hen you thre9 me $nto the r$;er# 3 san= r$ght o9n to the bottom l$=e a stone, an there 3 <ust $ see floc=s of sheep> you7 scarce bel$e;e no9, that they go about o9n there by thousan s, one floc= b$gger than the other# (n <ust loo= hereO here are fleeces for youO? ?Well,? sa$ 1$g Peter, ?37m ;ery gla you tol me#?

+o off he ran home to h$s ol ame> ma e her come 9$th h$m to the r$;er> crept $nto a sac=, an ba e her ma=e haste to t$e $t up, an toss h$m o;er the br$ ge# [p# :4B] ?37m go$ng after a floc= of sheep,? he sa$ , ?but $f 3 stay too long, an you th$n= 3 can7t get along 9$th the floc= by myself, <ust <ump o;er an help me> o you hear@? ?Well, on7t stay too long,? sa$ see$ng those sheep#? h$s 9$fe, ?for my heart $s set on

There she stoo an 9a$te a 9h$le, but then she thought perhaps her husban coul n7t =eep the floc= 9ell together, an so o9n she <umpe after h$m# (n so '$ttle Peter 9as r$ of them all, an the farm an f$el s came to h$m as he$r, an horses an cattle too> an , bes$ es, he ha money $n h$s poc=et to buy m$l= =$ne to tether $n h$s byre#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

Tatterhoo %nce on a t$me there 9as a =$ng an a Kueen 9ho ha no ch$l ren, an that ga;e the Kueen much gr$ef> she scarce ha one happy hour# +he 9as al9ays be9a$l$ng an bemoan$ng herself, an say$ng ho9 ull an lonesome $t 9as $n the palace# ?3f 9e ha ch$l ren there7 be l$fe enough,? she sa$ #

Where;er she 9ent $n all her realm she foun Go 7s bless$ng $n ch$l ren, e;en $n the ;$lest hut> an 9here;er she came she hear the Goo $es scol $ng the ba$rns, an say$ng ho9 they ha one that an that 9rong# (ll th$s the Kueen hear , an thought $t 9oul be so n$ce to o as other 9omen $ # (t last the =$ng an Kueen too= $nto the$r palace a stranger lass$e to rear up, that they m$ght [p# :4F] ha;e her al9ays 9$th them, to lo;e her $f she $ 9ell, an scol her $f she $ 9rong, l$=e the$r o9n ch$l # +o one ay the l$ttle lass$e 9hom they ha ta=en as the$r o9n, ran o9n $nto the palace!yar , an 9as play$ng 9$th a gol apple# 5ust then an ol beggar 9$fe came by, 9ho ha a l$ttle g$rl 9$th her, an $t 9asn7t long before the l$ttle lass$e an the beggar7s ba$rn 9ere great fr$en s, an began to play together, an to toss the gol apple about bet9een them# When the Jueen sa9 th$s, as she sat at a 9$n o9 $n the palace, she tappe on the pane for her foster! aughter to come up# +he 9ent at once, but the beggar!g$rl 9ent up too an as they 9ent $nto the Jueen7s bo9er, each hel the other by the han # Then the Jueen began to scol the l$ttle la y, an to say,!! ?6ou ought to be abo;e runn$ng about an brat#? (n so she 9ante to r$;e the lass$e play$ng 9$th a tattere o9n!sta$rs# beggar7s

?3f the Jueen only =ne9 my mother7s po9er, she7 not r$;e me out,? sa$ the l$ttle lass$e> an 9hen the Jueen as=e 9hat she meant more pla$nly, she tol her ho9 her mother coul get her ch$l ren $f she chose# The Jueen 9oul n7t bel$e;e $t, but the lass$e hel her o9n, an sa$ e;ery 9or of $t 9as true, an ba e the Jueen only to try an ma=e her mother o $t# +o the Jueen sent the lass$e o9n to fetch up her mother# ?Do you =no9 9hat your aughter says@? as=e as soon as e;er she came $nto the room# No> the beggar!9$fe =ne9 noth$ng about $t# ?Well, she says you can get me ch$l ren $f you 9$ll,? ans9ere [p# :4I] the Jueen# the Jueen of the ol 9oman,

?Jueens shoul n7t l$sten to beggar lass$es7 s$lly stor$es,? sa$ 9$fe, an stro e out of the room#

the ol

Then the Jueen got angry, an 9ante aga$n to r$;e out the l$ttle lass$e> but she eclare $t 9as true e;ery 9or that she ha sa$ # ?'et the Jueen only g$;e my mother a ?9hen she gets merry she7ll soon f$n rop to r$n=,? sa$ the lass$e> out a 9ay to help you#?

The Jueen 9as rea y to try th$s> so the beggar 9$fe 9as fetche up aga$n once more, an treate both 9$th 9$ne an mea as much as she chose> an so $t 9as not long before her tongue began to 9ag# Then the Jueen came out aga$n 9$th the same Kuest$on she ha as=e before# ?%ne 9ay to help you perhaps 3 =no9,? sa$ the beggar 9$fe# ?6our -a<esty must ma=e them br$ng $n t9o pa$ls of 9ater some e;en$ng before you go to be # 3n each of them you must 9ash yourself, an after9ar s thro9 a9ay the 9ater un er the be # When you loo= un er the be ne"t morn$ng, t9o flo9ers 9$ll ha;e sprung up, one fa$r an one ugly# The fa$r one you must eat, the ugly one you must let stan > but m$n you on7t forget the last#? That 9as 9hat the beggar 9$fe sa$ # 6es> the Jueen $ 9hat the beggar 9$fe a ;$se her to o> she ha the 9ater brought up $n t9o pa$ls, 9ashe herself $n them, an empt$e them un er the be > an loO 9hen she loo=e un er the be ne"t morn$ng, there stoo t9o flo9ers> one 9as ugly an foul, an ha blac= lea;es> but the other 9as so br$ght, an fa$r, an lo;ely, she ha ne;er seen $ts l$=e> so she ate $t up at once# 1ut the pretty flo9er taste so s9eet, that she coul n7t help herself# [p# :4A] +he ate the other up too, for, she thought, ?$t can7t hurt or help one much e$ther 9ay, 37ll be boun #? Well, sure enough, after a 9h$le the Jueen 9as brought to be # ,$rst of all, she ha a g$rl 9ho ha a 9oo en spoon $n her han , an ro e upon a goat> loathly an ugly she 9as, an the ;ery moment she came $nto the 9orl she ba9le out ?-amma#? ?3f 37m your mamma,? sa$ the Jueen, ?Go g$;e me grace to men my 9ays#?

?%h, on7t be sorry,? sa$ the g$rl, 9ho ro e on the goat, ?for one 9$ll soon come after me 9ho $s better loo=$ng#? +o, after a 9h$le, the Jueen ha another g$rl, 9ho 9as so fa$r an s9eet, no one ha e;er set eyes on such a lo;ely ch$l , an 9$th her you may fancy the Jueen 9as ;ery 9ell please # The el er t9$n they calle ?Tatterhoo ,? because she 9as al9ays so ugly an ragge , an because she ha a hoo 9h$ch hung about her ears $n tatters# The Jueen coul scarce bear to loo= at her, an the nurses tr$e to shut her up $n a room by herself, but $t 9as all no goo > 9here the younger t9$n 9as, there she must also be, an no one coul e;er =eep them apart# Well, one 0hr$stmas e;e, 9hen they 9ere half gro9n up, there rose such a fr$ghtful no$se an clatter $n the gallery outs$ e the Jueen7s bo9er# +o Tatterhoo as=e 9hat $t 9as that ashe an crashe so out $n the passage# ?%hO? sa$ the Jueen, ?$t $sn7t 9orth as=$ng about#?7

1ut Tatterhoo 9oul n7t g$;e o;er t$ll she foun out all about $t> an so the Jueen tol her $t 9as a pac= of Trolls, an 9$tches 9ho ha come there to =eep 0hr$stmas# +o Tatterhoo sa$ she7 <ust go out an r$;e them a9ay> [p# :49] an $n sp$te of all they coul say, an ho9e;er much they begge an praye her to let the Trolls alone, she must an 9oul go out to r$;e the 9$tches off> but she begge the Jueen to m$n an =eep all the oors close shut, so that not one of them came so much as the least b$t a<ar# .a;$ng sa$ th$s, off she 9ent 9$th her 9oo en spoon, an began to hunt an s9eep a9ay the hags> an all th$s 9h$le there 9as such a pother out $n the gallery, the l$=e of $t 9as ne;er hear # The 9hole palace crea=e an groane as $f e;ery <o$nt an beam 9ere go$ng to be torn out of $ts place# No9, ho9 $t 9as, 37m sure 3 can7t tell> but someho9 or other one oor $ get the least b$t a<ar, then her t9$n s$ster <ust peepe out to see ho9 th$ngs 9ere go$ng 9$th Tatterhoo , an put her hea a t$ny b$t through the open$ng# 1ut, P%PO up came an ol 9$tch, an 9h$ppe off her hea , an stuc= a calf7s hea on her shoul ers $nstea > an so the Pr$ncess ran bac= $nto the room on all!fours, an began to ?moo? l$=e a calf# When Tatterhoo came bac= an sa9 her s$ster, she scol e them all roun , an 9as ;ery angry because they ha n7t =ept better 9atch, an as=e them 9hat they thought of the$r hee lessness no9, 9hen her s$ster 9as turne $nto a calf# ?1ut st$ll 37ll see $f 3 can7t set her free,? she sa$ # Then she as=e the 4$ng for a sh$p $n full tr$m, an 9ell f$tte 9$th stores> but capta$n an sa$lors she 9oul n7t ha;e# No> she 9oul sa$l a9ay 9$th her s$ster all alone> an as there 9as no hol $ng her bac=, at last they let her ha;e her o9n 9ay# Then Tatterhoo sa$le off, an steere her sh$p r$ght un er the lan 9here the 9$tches 9elt, an 9hen she came to the lan $ng!place, she tol her s$ster to stay Ku$te [p# :B0] st$ll on boar the sh$p> but she herself ro e on her goat up to the 9$tches7 castle# When she got there, one of the 9$n o9s $n the gallery 9as open, an there she sa9 her s$ster7s hea hung up on the 9$n o9 frame> so she leapt her goat through the 9$n o9 $nto the gallery, snappe up the hea , an set off 9$th $t# (fter her came the 9$tches to try to get the hea aga$n, an they floc=e about her as th$c= as a s9arm of bees or a nest of ants> but the goat snorte an puffe , an butte 9$th h$s horns, an Tatterhoo beat an bange them about 9$th her 9oo en spoon> an so the pac= of 9$tches ha to g$;e $t up# +o Tatterhoo got bac= to her sh$p, too= the calf7s hea off her s$ster, an put her o9n on aga$n, an then she became a g$rl as she ha been before# (fter that she sa$le a long, long 9ay, to a strange =$ng7s realm# No9 the =$ng of that lan 9as a 9$ o9er, an ha an only son# +o 9hen he sa9 the strange sa$l, he sent messengers o9n to the stran to f$n out 9hence $t came, an 9ho o9ne $t> but 9hen the =$ng7s men came o9n there, they sa9 ne;er a l$;$ng soul on boar but Tatterhoo , an there she 9as, r$ $ng roun an roun the ec= on her goat at full spee , t$ll her elf loc=s streame aga$n $n the 9$n # The fol= from the palace 9ere all amaCe at th$s s$ght, an as=e 9ere there not more on boar # 6es, there 9ere> she ha a s$ster 9$th her, sa$ Tatterhoo # .er, too, they 9ante to see, but Tatterhoo sa$ ?No,?!! ?No one shall see her, unless the 4$ng comes h$mself,? she sa$ > an so she began to gallop about on her goat t$ll the ec= thun ere aga$n#

+o 9hen the ser;ants got bac= to the palace, an tol 9hat they ha seen an hear o9n at the sh$p, the 4$ng [p# :B1] 9as for sett$ng out at once, that he m$ght see the lass$e that ro e on the goat# When he got o9n, Tatterhoo le out her s$ster, an she 9as so fa$r an gentle, the 4$ng fell o;er hea an ears $n lo;e 9$th her as he stoo # .e brought them both bac= 9$th h$m to the palace, an 9ante to ha;e the s$ster for h$s Kueen> but Tatterhoo sa$ ?No>? the 4$ng coul n7t ha;e her $n any 9ay, unless the 4$ng7s son chose to ha;e Tatterhoo # That you may fancy the Pr$nce 9as ;ery loath to o, such an ugly hussy as Tatterhoo 9as> but at last the =$ng an all the others $n the palace tal=e h$m o;er, an he y$el e , g$;$ng h$s 9or to ta=e her for h$s Kueen> but $t 9ent sore aga$nst the gra$n, an he 9as a oleful man# No9 they set about the 9e $ng, both 9$th bre9$ng an ba=$ng> an 9hen all 9as rea y, they 9ere to go to church> but the Pr$nce thought $t the 9ear$est church$ng he ha e;er ha $n all h$s l$fe# ,$rst, the 4$ng ro;e on 9$th h$s br$ e, an she 9as so lo;ely an so gran , all the people stoppe to loo= after her all along the roa , an they stare at her t$ll she 9as out of s$ght# (fter them came the Pr$nce on horsebac= by the s$ e of Tatterhoo , 9ho trotte along on her goat 9$th her 9oo en spoon $n her f$st, an to loo= at h$m, $t 9as more l$=e go$ng to a bur$al than a 9e $ng, an that h$s o9n> so sorro9ful he seeme , an 9$th ne;er a 9or to say# ?Why on7t you tal=@? as=e Tatterhoo , 9hen they ha the Pr$nce# r$ en a b$t#

?Why, 9hat shoul

3 tal= about@? ans9ere

?Well, you m$ght at least as= me 9hy 3 r$ e upon th$s ugly goat,? sa$ Tatterhoo # ?Why o you r$ e on that ugly goat@? as=e the Pr$nce#

[p# :B8] ?3s $t an ugly goat@ 9hy, $t7s the gran est horse br$ e e;er ro e on,? ans9ere Tatterhoo > an $n a tr$ce the goat became a horse, an that the f$nest the Pr$nce ha e;er set eyes on# Then they ro e on aga$n a b$t, but the Pr$nce 9as <ust as 9oeful as before, an coul n7t get a 9or out# +o Tatterhoo as=e h$m aga$n 9hy he $ n7t tal=, an 9hen the Pr$nce ans9ere , he $ n7t =no9 9hat to tal= about, she sa$ ,!! 6ou can at least as= me 9hy 3 r$ e 9$th th$s ugly spoon $n my f$st#? ?Why o you r$ e 9$th that ugly spoon@? as=e the Pr$nce#

?3s $t an ugly spoon@ 9hy, $t7s the lo;el$est s$l;er 9an br$ e e;er bore,? sa$ Tatterhoo > an $n a tr$ce $t became a s$l;er 9an , so aCCl$ng br$ght, the sunbeams gl$stene from $t# +o they ro e on another b$t, but the Pr$nce 9as <ust as sorro9ful, an sa$ ne;er a 9or # 3n a l$ttle 9h$le Tatterhoo as=e h$m aga$n 9hy he $ n7t tal=,an ba e h$m as= 9hy she 9ore that ugly gray hoo on her hea #


o you 9ear that ugly gray hoo

on your hea @? as=e

the Pr$nce#

?3s $t an ugly hoo @ 9hy, $t7s the br$ghtest gol en cro9n br$ e e;er 9ore,? ans9ere Tatterhoo , an $t became a cro9n on the spot# No9 they ro e on a long 9h$le aga$n, an the Pr$nce 9as so 9oeful, that he sat 9$thout soun or speech, <ust as before# +o h$s br$ e as=e h$m aga$n 9hy he $ n7t tal=, an ba e h$m as= no9 9hy her face 9as so ugly an ashen!gray@ [p# :B:] ?(hO? as=e the Pr$nce, ?9hy $s your face so ugly an ashen!gray@?

?3 ugly,? sa$ the br$ e> ?you th$n= my s$ster pretty, but 3 am ten t$mes prett$er>? an loO 9hen the Pr$nce loo=e at her, she 9as so lo;ely, he thought there ne;er 9as so lo;ely a 9oman $n all the 9orl # (fter that, 3 shoul n7t 9on er $f the Pr$nce foun h$s tongue, an no longer ro e along hang$ng o9n h$s hea # +o they ran= the br$ al cup both eep an long, Pr$nce an 4$ng set out 9$th the$r br$ es to the palace, an there they ha another br$ al feast, eep an long# There 9as no en to the fun> an , run to the 4$ng7s palace, 3 are say you7ll f$n the br$ al ale left for you# an , after that, both Pr$ncess7s father7s an ran= ane9, both $f you ma=e haste an there7s st$ll a rop of

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The 0oc= an

.en That Went to the Do;refell

%nce on a t$me there 9as a hen that ha flo9n up, an perche on an oa=! tree for the n$ght# When the n$ght came, she reame that unless she got to the Do;refell, the 9orl 9oul come to an en # +o that ;ery m$nute, she <umpe o9n, an set out on her 9ay# When she ha 9al=e a b$t she met a 0oc=# ?Goo ?Goo ay, 0oc=y!'oc=y,? sa$ ay, .enny!Penny,? sa$ the .en# the 0oc=> ?9h$ther a9ay so early@?

[p# :B4] ?%h, 37m go$ng to the Do;refell, that the 9orl sa$ the .en# ?Who tol you that, .enny!Penny@? as=e mayn7t come to an en ,?

the 0oc=# the .en#

?3 sat $n the oa= an ?37ll go 9$th you,? sa$ Well, they 9al=e

reamt $t last n$ght,? sa$ the 0oc=# b$t, an

on a goo

then they met a Duc=#

?Goo ?Goo

ay, Duc=y!'uc=y,? sa$ ay, 0oc=y!'oc=y,? sa$

the 0oc=# the Duc=> ?9h$ther a9ay so early@? mayn7t come to an en ,?

?%h, 37m go$ng to the Do;refell, that the 9orl sa$ the 0oc=# ?Who tol you that, 0oc=y!'oc=y@? the 0oc=#

?.enny!Penny,? sa$ ?Who tol

you that, .enny!Penny@? as=e

the Duc=# the .en#

?3 sat $n the oa= an ?37ll go 9$th you?, sa$

reamt $t last n$ght,? sa$ the Duc=#

+o they 9ent off together, an ?Goo ?Goo ay, Goosey!Poosey,? sa$ ay, Duc=y!'uc=y,? sa$

after a b$t they met a Goose# the Duc=# the Goose> ?9h$ther a9ay so early@? mayn7t come to an en ,? sa$

?37m go$ng to the Do;refell, that the 9orl the Duc=# ?Who tol you that, Duc=y!'uc=y@? as=e

the Goose#

?0oc=y!'oc=y#? ?Who tol you that, 0oc=y!'oc=y@?

?.enny!Penny#? ?.o9 o you =no9 that, .enny!Penny@? sa$ the Goose#

[p# :BB] ?3 sat $n the oa= an ?37ll go 9$th you,? sa$ No9 9hen they ha ?Goo ?Goo reamt $t last n$ght Goosey!Poosey,? sa$ the Goose# along for a b$t, a ,o" met them# the Goose# the .en#

all 9al=e

ay, ,o"y!0oc=sy,? sa$ ay, Goosey!Poosey#?

?Wh$ther a9ay, ,o"y!0oc=sy@? ?Wh$ther a9ay yourself, Goosey!Poosey@? ?37m go$ng to the Do;refell, that the 9orl the Goose# ?Who tol you that, Goosey!Poosey@? as=e mayn7t come to an en ,? sa$ the ,o"#


?Who tol

you that, Duc=y!'uc=y@?

?0oc=y!'oc=y#? ?Who tol you that, 0oc=y!'oc=y@?

?.enny!Penny#? ?.o9 o you =no9 that, .enny!Penny@?

?3 sat $n the oa= an reamt last n$ght, that $f 9e on7t get to the Do;refell, the 9orl 9$ll come to an en ,? sa$ the .en# ?+tuff an nonsense,? sa$ the ,o"> ?the 9orl 9on7t come to an en $f you on7t go th$ther# No> come home 9$th me to my earth# That7s far better# ,or $t7s 9arm an <olly there#? Well, they 9ent home 9$th the ,o" to h$s earth, an 9hen they got $n, the ,o" la$ on lots of fuel, so that they all got ;ery sleepy# The Duc= an the Goose, they settle themsel;es o9n $n a corner, but the 0oc= an .en fle9 up on a post# +o 9hen the Goose an Duc= 9ere 9ell asleep, the ,o" too= [p# :BF] the Goose an la$ h$m on the embers, an roaste h$m# The .en smelt the strong roast!meat, an sprang up to a h$gher peg, an sa$ , half asleep!! ?,augh, 9hat a nasty smellO What a nasty smellO? ?%h, stuff,? sa$ the ,o"> ?$t7s only the smo=e go to sleep aga$n, an hol your tongue#? +o the .en 9ent off to sleep aga$n# No9 the ,o" ha har ly got the Goose 9ell o9n h$s throat, before he the ;ery same 9$th the Duc=# .e too= an la$ h$m on the embers, an roaste h$m for a a$nty b$t# Then the .en 9o=e up aga$n, an ?,augh, 9hat a nasty smellO What a nasty smellO? she sa$ aga$n, an then she got her eyes open, an came to see ho9 the ,o" ha eaten both the t9a$n, Goose an Duc=> so she fle9 up to the h$ghest peg of all, an perche there, an peepe up through the ch$mney# ?Nay, nay> <ust see 9hat a lo;ely lot of geese fly$ng yon er,? she sa$ to the ,o"# %ut ran )eynar to fetch a fat roast# 1ut 9h$le he 9as gone, the .en 9o=e up the 0oc=, an tol h$m ho9 $t ha gone 9$th Goosey!Poosey an Duc=y! 'uc=y> an so 0oc=y!'oc=y an .enny!Penny fle9 out through the ch$mney, an $f they ha n7t got to the Do;refell, $t surely 9oul ha;e been all o;er 9$th the 9orl # sprang up to a h$gher peg st$ll# $ r$;en o9n the ch$mney>

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# :BI]

4at$e Woo encloa= %nce on a t$me, there 9as a 4$ng 9ho ha become a 9$ o9er# 1y h$s Jueen he ha one aughter, 9ho 9as so cle;er an lo;ely, there 9asn7t a cle;erer or lo;el$er Pr$ncess $n all the 9orl # +o the 4$ng 9ent on a long t$me sorro9$ng for the Jueen, 9hom he ha lo;e so much, but at last he got 9eary of l$;$ng alone, an marr$e another Jueen, 9ho 9as a 9$ o9, an ha , too, an only aughter> but th$s aughter 9as <ust as ba an ugly as the other 9as =$n , an cle;er, an lo;ely# The stepmother an her aughter 9ere <ealous of the Pr$ncess, because she 9as so lo;ely> but so long as the 4$ng 9as at home they aren7t o her any harm, he 9as so fon of her# Well, after a t$me he fell $nto 9ar 9$th another 4$ng, an 9ent out to battle 9$th h$s host, an then the step!mother thought she m$ght o as she please > an so she both star;e an beat the Pr$ncess, an 9as after her $n e;ery hole an corner of the house# (t last she thought e;eryth$ng too goo for her, an turne her out to her cattle# +o there she 9ent about 9$th the cattle, an her e them $n the 9oo s an on the fells# (s for foo , she got l$ttle or none, an she gre9 th$n an 9an, an 9as al9ays sobb$ng an sorro9ful# No9 $n the her there 9as a great un bull, 9h$ch al9ays =ept h$mself so neat an slee=, an often an often he came up to the Pr$ncess, an let her pat h$m# +o one ay 9hen she sat there, sa , an sobb$ng, an sorro9ful, he came up to her an as=e [p# :BA] her outr$ght 9hy she 9as al9ays $n such gr$ef# +he ans9ere noth$ng, but 9ent on 9eep$ng# ?(hO? sa$ the 1ull, ?3 =no9 all about $t Ku$te 9ell, though you 9on7t tell me> you 9eep because the Jueen $s ba to you, an because she $s rea y to star;e you to eath# 1ut foo you7;e no nee to fret about, for $n my left ear l$es a cloth, an 9hen you ta=e an sprea $t out, you may ha;e as many $shes as you please#? +o she $ that, too= the cloth an sprea $t out on the grass, an loO $t ser;e up the n$cest $shes one coul 9$sh to ha;e> there 9as 9$ne too, an mea , an s9eet ca=e# Well, she soon got up her flesh aga$n, an gre9 so plump, an rosy, an 9h$te, that the Jueen an her scra9ny ch$p of a aughter turne blue an yello9 for sp$te# The Jueen coul n7t at all ma=e out ho9 her step aughter got to loo= so 9ell on such ba fare, so she tol one of her ma$ s to go after her $n the 9oo , an 9atch an see ho9 $t all 9as, for she thought some of the ser;ants $n the house must g$;e her foo # +o the ma$ 9ent after her, an 9atche $n the 9oo , an then she sa9 ho9 the step aughter too= the cloth out of the 1ull7s ear, an sprea $t out, an ho9 $t ser;e up the n$cest $shes, 9h$ch the step aughter ate an ma e goo cheer o;er# (ll th$s the ma$ tol the Jueen 9hen she 9ent home# (n no9 the 4$ng came home from 9ar, an ha 9on the f$ght aga$nst the other =$ng 9$th 9hom he 9ent out to battle# +o there 9as great <oy

throughout the palace, an no one 9as gla er than the 4$ng7s aughter# 1ut the Jueen shamme s$c=, an too= to her be , an pa$ the octor a great fee to get h$m to say she coul ne;er be 9ell aga$n unless she ha some of the un bull7s flesh to [p# :B9] eat# 1oth the 4$ng7s aughter an the fol= $n the palace as=e the octor $f noth$ng else 9oul help her, an praye har for the 1ull, for e;ery one 9as fon of h$m, an they all sa$ there 9asn7t that 1ull7s match $n all the lan # 1ut no> he must an shoul be slaughtere , noth$ng else 9oul o# When the 4$ng7s aughter hear that, she got ;ery sorro9ful, an 9ent o9n $nto the byre to the 1ull# There, too, he stoo an hung o9n h$s hea , an loo=e so o9ncast that she began to 9eep o;er h$m# ?What are you 9eep$ng for@? as=e the 1ull#

+o she tol h$m ho9 the 4$ng ha come home aga$n, an ho9 the Jueen ha shamme s$c= an got the octor to say she coul ne;er be 9ell an soun aga$n unless she got some of the Dun 1ull7s flesh to eat, an so no9 he 9as to be slaughtere # ?3f they get me =$lle f$rst,? sa$ the 1ull, ?they7ll soon ta=e your l$fe too# No9, $f you7re of my m$n , 9e7ll <ust start off, an go a9ay to!n$ght#? Well, the Pr$ncess thought $t ba , you may be sure, to go an lea;e her father, but she thought $t st$ll 9orse to be $n the house 9$th the Jueen> an so she ga;e her 9or to the 1ull to come to h$m# (t n$ght, 9hen all ha gone to be , the Pr$ncess stole o9n to the byre to the 1ull, an so he too= her on h$s bac=, an set off from the homestea as fast as e;er he coul # (n 9hen the fol= got up at coc=cro9 ne"t morn$ng to slaughter the 1ull, 9hy, he 9as gone> an 9hen the 4$ng got up an as=e for h$s aughter, she 9as gone too# .e sent out messengers on all s$ es to hunt for them, an ga;e them out $n all the par$sh churches> but there 9as no one 9ho ha caught a gl$mpse of them# -ean9h$le, [p# :F0] the 1ull 9ent through many lan s 9$th the 4$ng7s aughter on h$s bac=, an so one ay they came to a great copper!9oo , 9here both the trees, an branches, an lea;es, an flo9ers, an e;eryth$ng, 9ere noth$ng but copper# 1ut before they 9ent $nto the 9oo , the 1ull sa$ aughter,!! to the 4$ng7s

?No9, 9hen 9e get $nto th$s 9oo , m$n you ta=e care not to touch e;en a leaf of $t, else $t7s all o;er both 9$th me an you, for here 9ells a Troll 9$th three hea s 9ho o9ns th$s 9oo #? No, bless her, she7 be sure to ta=e care not to touch anyth$ng# Well, she 9as ;ery careful, an leant th$s 9ay an that to m$ss the boughs, an put them gently as$ e 9$th her han s> but $t 9as such a th$c= 9oo , 7t9as scarce poss$ble to get through> an so, 9$th all her pa$ns, someho9 or other she tore off a leaf, 9h$ch she hel $n her han # ?(&O (&O 9hat ha;e you one no9@? sa$ the 1ull> there7s noth$ng for $t no9 but to f$ght for l$fe or eath> but m$n you =eep the leaf safe#? +oon after they got to the en came runn$ng up,!! of the 9oo , an a Troll 9$th three hea s

?Who $s th$s that touches my 9oo @? sa$ ?3t7s <ust as much m$ne as yours,? sa$ ?(hO? roare

the Troll# the 1ull#

the Troll, ?9e7ll try a fall about that#? the 1ull#

?(s you choose,? sa$

+o they rushe at one another, an fought> an the 1ull he butte , an gore , an =$c=e 9$th all h$s m$ght an ma$n> but the Troll ga;e h$m as goo as he brought, an $t laste the 9hole ay before the 1ull got the mastery> an then he 9as so full of 9oun s, an so 9orn out, he coul scarce l$ft a leg# Then they 9ere force to [p# :F1] stay there a ay to rest, an then the 1ull ba e the 4$ng7s aughter to ta=e the horn of o$ntment 9h$ch hung at the Troll7s belt, an rub h$m 9$th $t# Then he came to h$mself aga$n, an the ay after they tru ge on aga$n# +o they tra;elle many, many ays, unt$l, after a long long t$me, they came to a s$l;er 9oo , 9here both the trees, an branches, an lea;es, an flo9ers, an e;eryth$ng, 9ere s$l;ern# 1efore the 1ull 9ent $nto the 9oo , he sa$ to the 4$ng7s aughter,!!

?No9, 9hen 9e get $nto th$s 9oo , for hea;en7s sa=e m$n you ta=e goo care> you mustn7t touch anyth$ng, an not pluc= off so much as one leaf, else $t $s all o;er both 9$th me an you> for here $s a Troll 9$th s$" hea s 9ho o9ns $t, an h$m 3 on7t th$n= 3 shoul be able to master#? ?No,? sa$ the 4$ng7s aughter> ?37ll ta=e goo anyth$ng you on7t 9$sh me to touch#? care, an not touch

1ut 9hen they got $nto the 9oo , $t 9as so close an th$c=, they coul scarce get along# +he 9as as careful as careful coul be, an leant to th$s s$ e an that to m$ss the boughs, an put them on one s$ e 9$th her han s, but e;ery m$nute the branches struc= her across the eyes, an , $n sp$te of all her pa$ns, $t so happene she tore off a leaf# ?(&O (&O 9hat ha;e you one no9@? sa$ the 1ull# ?There7s noth$ng for $t no9 but to f$ght for l$fe an eath, for th$s Troll has s$" hea s, an $s t9$ce as strong as the other, but m$n you =eep the leaf safe, an on7t lose $t#? 5ust as he sa$ that, up came the Troll,!!

?Who $s th$s,? he sa$ , ?that touches my 9oo @? ?3t7s as much m$ne as yours,? sa$ the 1ull# ?That 9e7ll try a fall about,? roare the Troll# [p# :F8] ?(s you choose,? sa$ the 1ull, an rushe at the Troll, an gore out h$s eyes, an ro;e h$s horns r$ght through h$s bo y, so that the entra$ls gushe out> but the Troll 9as almost a match for h$m, an $t laste three 9hole ays before the 1ull got the l$fe gore out of h$m# 1ut then he, too, 9as so 9ea= an 9retche , $t 9as as much as he coul o to st$r a l$mb, an so full of 9oun s, that the bloo streame from h$m# +o he sa$ to the 4$ng7s aughter she must ta=e the horn of o$ntment that hung at the Troll7s belt, an rub h$m 9$th $t# Then she $ that, an he came to h$mself> but they 9ere force to stay there a 9ee= to rest before the 1ull ha strength enough to go on#

(t last they set off aga$n, but the 1ull 9as st$ll poorly, an they 9ent rather slo9 at f$rst# +o to spare t$me the 4$ng7s aughter sa$ as she 9as young an l$ght of foot, she coul ;ery 9ell 9al=, but she coul n7t get lea;e to o that# No> she must seat herself up on h$s bac= aga$n# +o on they tra;elle through many lan s a long t$me, an the 4$ng7s aughter $ not =no9 $n the least 9h$ther they 9ent> but after a long, long t$me they came to a gol 9oo # 3t 9as so gran , the gol roppe from e;ery t9$g, an all the trees, an boughs, an flo9ers, an lea;es, 9ere of pure gol # .ere, too, the same th$ng happene as ha happene $n the s$l;er 9oo an copper 9oo # The 1ull tol the 4$ng7s aughter she mustn7t touch $t for anyth$ng, for there 9as a Troll 9$th n$ne hea s 9ho o9ne $t, an he 9as much b$gger an stouter than both the others put together, an he $ n7t th$n= he coul get the better of h$m# No> she7 be sure to ta=e hee not to touch $t> that he m$ght =no9 ;ery 9ell# 1ut 9hen they got $nto the 9oo , $t 9as far th$c=er an closer than the s$l;er 9oo , an the eeper they 9ent $nto [p# :F:] $t the 9orse $t got# The 9oo 9ent on gett$ng th$c=er an th$c=er, an closer an closer> an at last she thought there 9as no 9ay at all to get through $t# +he 9as $n such an a9ful fr$ght of pluc=$ng off anyth$ng, that she sat, an t9$ste an turne herself th$s 9ay an that, an h$ther an th$ther, to =eep clear of the boughs, an she put them on one s$ e 9$th her han s> but e;ery moment the branches struc= her across the eyes, so that she coul n7t see 9hat she 9as clutch$ng at> an loO before she =ne9 ho9 $t came about, she ha a gol apple $n her han # Then she 9as so b$tterly sorry she burst $nto tears an 9ante to thro9 $t a9ay> but the 1ull sa$ she must =eep $t safe an 9atch $t 9ell, an comforte her as 9ell as he coul > but he thought $t 9oul be a har tussle, an he oubte ho9 $t 9oul go# 5ust then up came the Troll 9$th the n$ne hea s, an 4$ng7s aughter scarcely are to loo= at h$m# ?Who $s th$s that touches my Woo @? he roare # ?3t7s <ust as much m$ne as yours,? sa$ ?That 9e7ll try a fall about,? roare the 1ull# the Troll aga$n# he 9as so ugly, the

?5ust as you choose,? sa$ the 1ull> an so they rushe at one another, an fought, an $t 9as such a rea ful s$ght the 4$ng7s aughter 9as rea y to s9oon a9ay# The 1ull gore out the Troll7s eyes, an ro;e h$s horns through an through h$s bo y, t$ll the entra$ls came tumbl$ng out> but the Troll fought bra;ely> an 9hen the 1ull got one hea gore to eath, the rest breathe l$fe $nto $t aga$n, an so $t laste a 9hole 9ee= before the 1ull 9as able to get the l$fe out of them all# 1ut then he 9as utterly 9orn out an 9retche # .e coul n7t st$r a foot, an h$s bo y 9as [p# :F4] all one 9oun # .e coul n7t so much as as= the 4$ng7s aughter to ta=e the horn of o$ntment 9h$ch hung at the Troll7s belt, an rub $t o;er h$m# 1ut she $ $t all the same, an then he came to h$mself by l$ttle an l$ttle> but they ha to l$e there an rest three 9ee=s before he 9as f$t to go on aga$n# Then they set off at a sna$l7s pace, for the 1ull sa$ they ha st$ll a l$ttle farther to go, an so they crosse o;er many h$gh h$lls an th$c= 9oo s# +o after a 9h$le they got upon the fells# ?Do you see anyth$ng@? as=e the 1ull#

?No, 3 see noth$ng but the s=y an aughter#

the 9$l

fell,? sa$

the 4$ng7s they coul see

+o 9hen they clomb h$gher up, the fell got smoother, an farther off# ?Do you see anyth$ng no9@? as=e the 1ull#

?6es, 3 see a l$ttle castle far, far a9ay,? sa$ ?That7s not so l$ttle though,? sa$ the 1ull#

the Pr$ncess#

(fter a long, long t$me, they came to a great ca$rn, 9here there 9as a spur of the fell that stoo sheer across the 9ay# ?Do you see anyth$ng no9@? as=e the 1ull# the 4$ng7s aughter, ?an no9

?6es, no9 3 see the castle close by,? sa$ $t $s much, much b$gger#?

?Th$ther you7re to go,? sa$ the 1ull# ?)$ght un erneath the castle $s a p$g!sty, 9here you are to 9ell# When you come th$ther you7ll f$n a 9oo en cloa=, all ma e of str$ps of lath> that you must put on, an go up to the castle an say your name $s 74at$e Woo encloa=,7 an as= for a place# 1ut before you go, you must ta=e your [p# :FB] pen=n$fe an cut my hea off, an then you must flay me, an roll up the h$ e, an lay $t un er the 9all of roc= yon er, an un er the h$ e you must lay the copper leaf, an the s$l;ern leaf, an the gol en apple# 6on er, up aga$nst the roc=, stan s a st$c=> an 9hen you 9ant anyth$ng, you7;e only got to =noc= on the 9all of roc= 9$th that st$c=#? (t f$rst she 9oul n7t o anyth$ng of the =$n > but 9hen the 1ull sa$ $t 9as the only than=s he 9oul ha;e for 9hat he ha one for her, she coul n7t help herself# +o, ho9e;er much $t gr$e;e her heart, she hac=e an cut a9ay 9$th her =n$fe at the b$g beast t$ll she got both h$s hea an h$s h$ e off, an then she la$ the h$ e up un er the 9all of roc=, an put the copper leaf, an the s$l;ern leaf, an the gol en apple $ns$ e $t# +o 9hen she ha one that, she 9ent o;er to the p$g!sty, but all the 9h$le she 9ent she sobbe an 9ept# There she put on the 9oo en cloa=, an so 9ent up to the palace# When she came $nto the =$tchen she begge for a place, an tol them her name 9as 4at$e Woo encloa=# 6es, the coo= sa$ she m$ght ha;e a place!!she m$ght ha;e lea;e to be there $n the scullery, an 9ash up, for the lass$e 9ho $ that 9or= before ha <ust gone a9ay# ?1ut as soon as you get 9eary of be$ng here, you7ll go your 9ay too, 37ll be boun #? No> she 9as sure she 9oul n7t o that#

+o there she 9as, beha;$ng so 9ell, an 9ash$ng up so han $ly# The +un ay after there 9ere to be strange guests at the palace, so 4at$e as=e $f she m$ght ha;e lea;e to carry up 9ater for the Pr$nce7s bath> but all the rest laughe at her, an sa$ ,!! [p# :FF]

?What shoul you o there@ Do you th$n= the Pr$nce 9$ll care to loo= at you, you 9ho are such a fr$ght@? 1ut she 9oul n7t g$;e $t up, an =ept on begg$ng an pray$ng> an at last she got lea;e# +o 9hen she 9ent up the sta$rs, her 9oo en cloa= ma e such a clatter, the Pr$nce came out an as=e ,!! ?Pray, 9ho are you@? ?%h, 3 9as <ust go$ng to br$ng up 9ater for your )oyal .$ghness7s bath,? sa$ 4at$e# ?Do you th$n= no9,? sa$ the Pr$nce, ?37 ha;e anyth$ng to o 9$th the 9ater you br$ng@? an 9$th that he thre9 the 9ater o;er her# +o she ha to put up 9$th that, but then she as=e lea;e to go to church> 9ell, she got that lea;e too, for the church lay close by# 1ut f$rst of all she 9ent to the roc=, an =noc=e on $ts face 9$th the st$c= 9h$ch stoo there, <ust as the 1ull ha sa$ # (n stra$ght9ay out came a man, 9ho sa$ ,!! ?What7s your 9$ll@? +o the Pr$ncess sa$ she ha got lea;e to go to church an hear the pr$est preach, but she ha no clothes to go $n# +o he brought out a =$rtle, 9h$ch 9as as br$ght as the copper 9oo , an she got a horse an sa le bes$ e# No9, 9hen she got to the church, she 9as so lo;ely an gran , all 9on ere 9ho she coul be, an scarce one of them l$stene to 9hat the pr$est sa$ , for they loo=e too much at her# (s for the Pr$nce, he fell so eep $n lo;e 9$th her, he $ n7t ta=e h$s eyes off her for a s$ngle moment# +o, as she 9ent out of church, the Pr$nce ran after her, an hel the church oor open for her> an so he got hol of one of her glo;es, 9h$ch 9as caught $n the oor# When [p# :FI] she 9ent a9ay an mounte her horse, the Pr$nce 9ent up to her aga$n, an as=e 9hence she came# ?%h, 37m from 1ath,? sa$ 4at$e> an to g$;e $t to her, she sa$ ,!! ?1r$ght before an ar= beh$n , 9h$le the Pr$nce too= out the glo;e

0lou s come roll$ng on the 9$n > That th$s Pr$nce may ne;er see Where my goo stee goes 9$th me#?

The Pr$nce ha ne;er seen the l$=e of that glo;e, an 9ent about far an 9$ e as=$ng after the lan 9hence the prou la y, 9ho ro e off 9$thout her glo;e, sa$ she came> but there 9as no one 9ho coul tell 9here ?1ath? lay# Ne"t +un ay some one ha to go up to the Pr$nce 9$th a to9el# 4at$e#

?%h, may 3 ha;e lea;e to go up 9$th $t@? sa$

?What7s the goo of your go$ng@? sa$ 9$th you last t$me#?

the others> ?you sa9 ho9 $t fare

1ut 4at$e 9oul n7t g$;e $n> she =ept on begg$ng an pray$ng, t$ll she got lea;e> an then she ran up the sta$rs, so that her 9oo en cloa= ma e a great clatter# %ut came the Pr$nce, an 9hen he sa9 $t 9as 4at$e, he tore the to9el out of her han , an thre9 $t $nto her face# ?Pac= yourself off, you ugly Troll,? he cr$e > ? o you th$n= 37 to9el 9h$ch you ha;e touche 9$th your smutty f$ngers@? ha;e a

(fter that the Pr$nce set off to church, an 4at$e begge for lea;e to go too# They all as=e 9hat bus$ness she ha at church!!she 9ho ha noth$ng to put on but that 9oo en cloa=, 9h$ch 9as so blac= an ugly# 1ut 4at$e sa$ the Pr$est 9as such a bra;e man to preach, 9hat he sa$ $ her so much goo > an so at last she got lea;e# [p# :FA] No9 she 9ent aga$n to the roc= an =noc=e , an so out came the man, an ga;e her a =$rtle far f$ner than the f$rst one> $t 9as all co;ere 9$th s$l;er, an $t shone l$=e the s$l;er 9oo > an she got bes$ es a noble stee , 9$th a sa le! cloth bro$ ere 9$th s$l;er, an a s$l;er b$t# +o 9hen the 4$ng7s aughter got to the church, the fol= 9ere st$ll stan $ng about $n the churchyar # (n all 9on ere an 9on ere 9ho she coul be, an the Pr$nce 9as soon on the spot, an came an 9$she to hol her horse for her 9h$le she got off# 1ut she <umpe o9n, an sa$ there 9as no nee , for her horse 9as so 9ell bro=e, $t stoo st$ll 9hen she ba e $t, an came 9hen she calle $t# +o they all 9ent $nto church, but there 9as scarce a soul that l$stene to 9hat the pr$est sa$ , for they loo=e at her a eal too much> an the Pr$nce fell st$ll eeper $n lo;e than the f$rst t$me# When the sermon 9as o;er, an she 9ent out of church, an 9as go$ng to mount her horse, up came the Pr$nce aga$n an as=e her 9hence she came# ?%h, 37m from To9ellan ,? sa$ the 4$ng7s aughter> an as she sa$ that, she roppe her r$ $ng!9h$p, an 9hen the Pr$nce stoope to p$c= $t up, she sa$ ,!! ?1r$ght before an ar= beh$n ,

0lou s come roll$ng on the 9$n > That th$s Pr$nce may ne;er see Where my goo stee goes 9$th me#? the Pr$nce coul n7t tell 9hat ha become of 9$ e, as=$ng after the lan 9hence she sa$ one 9ho coul tell h$m 9here $t lay> an so best he coul of $t#

+o a9ay she 9as aga$n> an her# .e 9ent about far an she came, but there 9as no the Pr$nce ha to ma=e the [p# :F9]

Ne"t +un ay some one ha to go up to the Pr$nce 9$th a comb# 4at$e begge for lea;e to go up 9$th $t, but the others put her $n m$n ho9 she ha fare the last t$me, an scol e her for 9$sh$ng to go before the Pr$nce!!such a blac= an ugly fr$ght as she 9as $n her 9oo en cloa=# 1ut she 9oul n7t lea;e off as=$ng t$ll they let her go up to the Pr$nce 9$th

h$s comb# +o, 9hen she came clatter$ng up the sta$rs aga$n, out came the Pr$nce, an too= the comb, an thre9 $t at her, an ba e her be off as fast as she coul # (fter that the Pr$nce 9ent to church, an 4at$e begge for lea;e to go too# They as=e aga$n 9hat bus$ness she ha there, she 9ho 9as so foul an blac=, an 9ho ha no clothes to sho9 herself $n# -$ght be the Pr$nce or some one else 9oul see her, an then both she an all the others 9oul smart for $t> but 4at$e sa$ they ha someth$ng else to o than to loo= at her> an she 9oul n7t lea;e off begg$ng an pray$ng t$ll they ga;e her lea;e to go# +o the same th$ng happene no9 as ha happene t9$ce before# +he 9ent to the roc= an =noc=e 9$th the st$c=, an then the man came out an ga;e her a =$rtle 9h$ch 9as far gran er than e$ther of the others# 3t 9as almost all pure gol , an stu e 9$th $amon s> an she got bes$ es a noble stee , 9$th a gol bro$ ere sa le!cloth an a gol en b$t# No9 9hen the 4$ng7s aughter got to the church, there stoo the pr$est an all the people $n the churchyar 9a$t$ng for her# &p came the Pr$nce runn$ng, an 9ante to hol her horse, but she <umpe off, an sa$ ,!! ?No> than=s!!there7s no nee , for my horse $s so 9ell bro=e, $t stan s st$ll 9hen 3 b$ h$m#? +o they all hastene $nto church, an the pr$est got [p# :I0] $nto the pulp$t, but no one l$stene to a 9or he sa$ > for they all loo=e too much at her, an 9on ere 9hence she came> an the Pr$nce, he 9as far eeper $n lo;e than e$ther of the former t$mes# .e ha no eyes, or ears, or sense for anyth$ng, but <ust to s$t an stare at her# +o 9hen the sermon 9as o;er, an the 4$ng7s aughter 9as to go out of the church, the Pr$nce ha got a f$r=$n of p$tch poure out $n the porch, that he m$ght come an help her o;er $t> but she $ n7t care a b$t!!she <ust put her foot r$ght o9n $nto the m$ st of the p$tch, an <umpe across $t> but then one of her gol en shoes stuc= fast $n $t, an as she got on her horse, up came the Pr$nce runn$ng out of the church an as=e 9hence she came# ?37m from 0omblan ,? sa$ 4at$e# 1ut 9hen the Pr$nce 9ante the gol shoe, she sa$ ,!! ?1r$ght before an ar= beh$n , to reach her

0lou s come roll$ng on the 9$n > That th$s Pr$nce may ne;er see Where my goo stee goes 9$th me#? st$ll 9hat ha become of her, an he 9ent the 9orl as=$ng for ?0omblan >? but 9hen no lay, he or ere $t to be g$;en out e;ery9here 9hose foot coul f$t the gol shoe#

+o the Pr$nce coul n7t tell about a 9eary t$me all o;er one coul tell h$m 9here $t that he 9oul 9e the 9oman

+o many came of all sorts from all s$ es, fa$r an ugly al$=e> but there 9as no one 9ho ha so small a foot as to be able to get on the gol shoe# (n after a long, long t$me, 9ho shoul come but 4at$e7s 9$c=e stepmother, an her aughter, too, an her the gol shoe f$tte > but ugly she 9as, an so loathly she loo=e , the Pr$nce only =ept [p# :I1] h$s

9or sore aga$nst h$s 9$ll# +t$ll they got rea y the 9e $ng!feast, an she 9as resse up an ec=e out as a br$ e> but as they ro e to church, a l$ttle b$r sat upon a tree an sang,!! ?( b$t off her heel, (n a b$t off her toe>

4at$e Woo encloa=7s t$ny shoe 3s full of bloo !!that7s all 3 =no9#? (n , sure enough, 9hen they loo=e bloo gushe out of the shoe# to $t, the b$r tol the truth, for

Then all the ma$ s an 9omen 9ho 9ere about the palace ha to go up to try on the shoe, but there 9as none of them 9hom $t 9oul f$t at all# ?1ut 9here7s 4at$e Woo encloa=@? as=e the Pr$nce, 9hen all the rest ha tr$e the shoe, for he un erstoo the song of b$r s ;ery 9ell, an bore $n m$n 9hat the l$ttle b$r ha sa$ # ?%h, sheO th$n= of thatO? sa$ the rest> $t7s no goo ?Why, she7s legs l$=e a horse#? her com$ng for9ar #

?2ery true, 3 aresay,? sa$ the Pr$nce> ?but s$nce all the others ha;e tr$e , 4at$e may as 9ell try too#? ?4at$eO? he ba9le out through the oor> an 4at$e came trampl$ng up! sta$rs, an her 9oo en cloa= clattere as $f a 9hole reg$ment of ragoons 9ere charg$ng up# ?No9, you must try the shoe on, an be a Pr$ncess, you too,? sa$ other ma$ s, an laughe an ma e game of her# the

+o 4at$e too= up the shoe, an put her foot $nto $t l$=e noth$ng, an thre9 off her 9oo en cloa=> an so there she stoo $n her gol =$rtle, an $t shone so that the sunbeams [p# :I8] gl$stene from her> an , loO on her other foot she ha the fello9 to the gol shoe# +o 9hen the Pr$nce =ne9 her aga$n, he gre9 so gla , he ran up to her an thre9 h$s arms roun her, an ga;e her a =$ss> an 9hen he hear she 9as a 4$ng7s aughter, he got gla er st$ll, an then came the 9e $ng!feast> an so ?+n$p, sn$p, sno;er, Th$s story7s o;er#? Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com


%nce on a t$me there 9as a 9oman 9ho ha an only son, an he 9as no taller than your thumb> an so they calle h$m Thumb$=$n# No9, 9hen he ha come to be ol enough to =no9 r$ght an 9rong, h$s mother tol h$m to go out an 9oo h$m a br$ e, for no9 she sa$ $t 9as h$gh t$me he thought about gett$ng a 9$fe# When Thumb$=$n hear that, he 9as ;ery gla > so they got the$r r$;$ng gear $n or er an set off, an h$s mother put h$m $nto her bosom# No9 they 9ere go$ng to a palace 9here there 9as such an a9fully b$g Pr$ncess, but 9hen they ha gone a b$t of the 9ay, Thumb$=$n 9as lost an gone# .$s mother hunte for h$m e;ery9here, an ba9le to h$m, an 9ept because he 9as lost, an she coul n7t f$n h$m aga$n# ?P$p, p$p,? sa$ horse7s mane# Thumb$=$n, ?here 3 am,? an he ha h$ en h$mself $n the

+o he came out, an ha to g$;e h$s 9or to h$s mother [p# :I:] that he 9oul n7t o so any more# 1ut 9hen they ha r$;en a b$t farther on, Thumb$=$n 9as lost aga$n# .$s mother hunte for h$m, an calle h$m an 9ept> but gone he 9as, an gone he staye # ?P$p, p$p,? sa$ Thumb$=$n at last> an then she hear ho9 he laughe t$ttere , but she coul n7t f$n h$m at all for the l$fe of her# ?P$p, p$p, 9hy, here 3 am no9O? sa$ horse7s ear# Thumb$=$n, an came out of the an

+o he ha to g$;e h$s 9or that he 9oul n7t h$ e h$mself aga$n> but they ha scarce r$;en a b$t farther before he 9as gone aga$n# .e coul n7t help $t# (s for h$s mother, she hunte , an 9ept, an calle h$m by name> but gone he 9as, an gone he staye > an the more she hunte , the less she coul f$n h$m $n any 9ay# ?P$p, p$p, here 3 am then,? sa$ Thumb$=$n# so ull

1ut she coul n7t ma=e out at all 9here he 9as, h$s ;o$ce soun e an muffle #

+o she hunte , an he =ept on say$ng, ?P$p, here 3 am,? an laughe an chuc=le , that she coul n7t f$n h$m> but all at once the horse snorte , an $t snorte Thumb$=$n out, for he ha crept up one of h$s nostr$ls# Then h$s mother too= h$m an put h$m $nto a bag> she =ne9 no other 9ay, for she sa9 9ell enough he coul n7t help h$ $ng h$mself# +o 9hen they came to the palace the match 9as soon ma e, for the Pr$ncess thought h$m a pretty l$ttle chap, an $t 9asn7t long before the 9e $ng came on too# No9, 9hen they 9ere go$ng to s$t o9n to the 9e $ng!feast, Thumb$=$n sat at the table by the Pr$ncess7s s$ e> but he ha 9orse than no seat, for 9hen he 9as to eat he [p# :I4] coul n7t reach up to the table> an so, $f the Pr$ncess ha n7t helpe h$m up on to $t, he 9oul n7t ha;e got a b$t to eat# No9 $t 9ent goo an 9ell so long as he ha to eat off a plate, but then there came a great bo9l of porr$ ge!!that he coul n7t reach up to> but Thumb$=$n soon foun out a 9ay to help h$mself> he cl$mbe up an sat on

the l$p of the bo9l# 1ut then there 9as a pat of melt$ng butter r$ght $n the m$ le of the bo9l, an that he coul n7t reach to $p h$s porr$ ge $nto $t, an so he 9ent on an too= h$s seat at the e ge of the melt$ng butter> but <ust then 9ho shoul come but the Pr$ncess, 9$th a great spoonful of porr$ ge to $p $t $nto the butter> an , alasO she 9ent too near to Thumb$=$n, an t$ppe h$m o;er> an so he fell o;er hea an ears, an 9as ro9ne $n the melte butter# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

Doll $7 the Grass %nce on a t$me there 9as a 4$ng 9ho ha t9el;e sons# When they 9ere gro9n b$g he tol them they must go out $nto the 9orl an 9$n themsel;es 9$;es, but these 9$;es must each be able to sp$n, an 9ea;e, an se9 a sh$rt $n one ay, else he 9oul n7t ha;e them for aughters!$n!la9# To each he ga;e a horse an a ne9 su$t of ma$l, an they 9ent out $nto the 9orl to loo= after the$r br$ es> but 9hen they ha gone a b$t of the 9ay, they sa$ they 9oul n7t ha;e 1oots, the$r youngest brother, 9$th them!!he 9asn7t f$t for anyth$ng# [p# :IB] Well, 1oots ha to stay beh$n , an he $ n7t =no9 9hat to o or 9h$ther to turn> an so he gre9 so o9ncast, he got off h$s horse, an sat o9n $n the tall grass to 9eep# 1ut 9hen he ha sat a l$ttle 9h$le, one of the tufts $n the grass began to st$r an mo;e, an out of $t came a l$ttle 9h$te th$ng, an 9hen $t came nearer, 1oots sa9 $t 9as a charm$ng, l$ttle lass$e, only such a t$ny b$t of a th$ng# +o the lass$e 9ent up to h$m, an as=e $f he 9oul come o9n belo9 an see ?Doll $7 the Grass#? 6es, he7 be ;ery happy> an so he 9ent#

No9, 9hen he got o9n, there sat Doll $7 the Grass on a cha$r> she 9as so lo;ely an so smart, an she as=e 1oots 9h$ther he 9as go$ng, an 9hat 9as h$s bus$ness# +o he tol her ho9 there 9ere t9el;e brothers of them, an ho9 the 4$ng ha g$;en them horse an ma$l, an sa$ they must each go out $nto the 9orl an f$n them a 9$fe 9ho coul sp$n, an 9ea;e, an se9 a sh$rt $n a ay# ?1ut $f you7ll only say at once you7ll be my 9$fe, 37ll not go a step farther,? sa$ 1oots to Doll $7 the Grass# Well, she 9as 9$ll$ng enough, an so she ma e haste, an span, an 9o;e, an se9e the sh$rt, but $t 9as so t$ny, t$ny l$ttle# 3t 9asn7t longer than so!!!!!!!!long# +o 1oots set off home 9$th $t, but 9hen he brought $t out he 9as almost ashame , $t 9as so small# +t$ll the 4$ng sa$ he shoul ha;e her, an so 1oots set off, gla an happy to fetch h$s l$ttle s9eetheart# +o 9hen he got to Doll $7 the Grass, he 9$she to ta=e her up before h$m on h$s

horse> but she 9oul n7t ha;e that, for she sa$ she 9oul s$t an r$;e along $n a s$l;er spoon, an that she ha t9o small 9h$te horses to ra9 her# +o off they set, he on h$s horse an she on her s$l;er spoon, an the t9o [p# :IF] horses that re9 her 9ere t9o t$ny 9h$te m$ce> but 1oots al9ays =ept the other s$ e of the roa , he 9as so afra$ lest he shoul r$ e o;er her, she 9as so l$ttle# +o, 9hen they ha gone a b$t of the 9ay, they came to a great p$ece of 9ater# .ere 1oots7 horse got fr$ghtene , an sh$e across the roa an upset the spoon, an Doll $7 the Grass tumble $nto the 9ater# Then 1oots got so sorro9ful, because he $ n7t =no9 ho9 to get her out aga$n> but $n a l$ttle 9h$le up came a merman 9$th her, an no9 she 9as as 9ell an full gro9n as other men an 9omen, an far lo;el$er than she ha been before# +o he too= her up before h$m on h$s horse, an ro e home# When 1oots got home all h$s brothers ha come, bac= each 9$th h$s s9eetheart, but these 9ere all so ugly, an foul, an 9$c=e , that they ha one noth$ng but f$ght 9$th one another on the 9ay home, an on the$r hea s they ha a =$n of hat that 9as aube o;er 9$th tar an soot, an so the ra$n ha run o9n off the hats on to the$r faces, t$ll they got far ugl$er an nast$er than they ha been before# When h$s brothers sa9 1oots an h$s s9eetheart, they 9ere all as <ealous as <ealous coul be of her> but the 4$ng 9as so o;er<oye 9$th them both, that he ro;e all the others a9ay, an so 1oots hel h$s 9e $ng!feast 9$th Doll $7 the Grass, an after that they l$;e 9ell an happ$ly together a long long t$me, an $f they7re not ea , 9hy, they7re al$;e st$ll# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# :II]

The 'a


the De$l

%nce on a t$me there 9as a la 9ho 9as 9al=$ng along a roa crac=$ng nuts, so he foun one that 9as 9orm!eaten, an <ust at that ;ery moment he met the De$l# ?3s $t true, no9,? sa$ the la , ?9hat they say, that the De$l can ma=e h$mself as small as he chooses, an thrust h$mself $n through a p$nhole@? ?6es, $t $s,? sa$ the De$l# o $t, an <ust creep $nto th$s

?%hO $t $s, $s $t@ then let me see you nut,? sa$ the la # +o the De$l $ $t#

No9, 9hen he ha crept 9ell $nto $t through the 9orm7s hole, the la stoppe $t up 9$th a p$n# ?No9, 37;e got you safe,? he sa$ , an put the nut $nto h$s poc=et# $n an

+o 9hen he ha 9al=e on a b$t, he came to a sm$thy, an he turne as=e the sm$th $f he7 be goo enough to crac= that nut for h$m#

?(y, that7ll be an easy <ob,? sa$ the sm$th, an too= h$s smallest hammer, la$ the nut on the an;$l, an ga;e $t a blo9, but $t 9oul n7t brea=# +o he too= another hammer a l$ttle b$gger, but that 9asn7t hea;y enough e$ther# Then he too= one b$gger st$ll, but $t 9as st$ll the same story> an the sm$th got 9roth, an graspe h$s great sle ge!hammer# so

?No9, 37ll crac= you to b$ts,? he sa$ , an let r$;e at [p# :IA] the nut 9$th all h$s m$ght an ma$n# (n so the nut fle9 to p$eces 9$th a bang that ble9 off half the roof of the sm$thy, an the 9hole house crea=e an groane as though $t 9ere rea y to fall# ?WhyO $f 3 sm$th# on7t th$n= the De$l must ha;e been $n that nut,? sa$ the

?+o he 9as> you7re Ku$te r$ght,? sa$

the la , as he 9ent a9ay laugh$ng#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The 0oc= an

.en a!Nutt$ng

%nce on a t$me the coc= an the hen 9ent out $nto the haCel!9oo to p$c= nuts> an so the hen got a nutshell $n her throat, an lay on her bac=, flapp$ng her 9$ngs# %ff 9ent the coc= to fetch 9ater for her> so he came to the +pr$ng an sa$ ,!! ?Dear goo fr$en +pr$ng, g$;e me a rop of 9ater, that 3 may g$;e $t to Dame Partlet my mate, 9ho l$es at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo #? 1ut the +pr$ng ans9ere ,!! ?6ou7ll get no 9ater from me unt$l 3 get lea;es from you#? +o the 0oc= ran to the '$n en an sa$ ,!!

?Dear goo fr$en '$n en, g$;e me some of your lea;es, the lea;es 37ll g$;e to the +pr$ng, an the +pr$ng7ll g$;e me 9ater to g$;e to Dame Partlet my mate, 9ho l$es at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo #? ?6ou7ll get no lea;es from me,? sa$ the '$n en, [p# :I9] ?unt$l 3 get a re r$bbon 9$th a gol en e ge from you#? +o the coc= ran to the 2$rg$n -ary# ?Dear goo 2$rg$n -ary, g$;e me a re r$bbon 9$th a gol en e ge, an 37ll g$;e the re r$bbon to the '$n en, the '$n en7ll g$;e me lea;es, the lea;es 37ll g$;e to the +pr$ng, the +pr$ng7ll g$;e me 9ater, an the 9ater 37ll g$;e to Dame Partlet my mate, 9ho l$es at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo #?

?6ou7ll get no re r$bbon from me,? ans9ere get shoes from you#? +o the 0oc= ran to the +hoema=er an sa$ ,!!

the 2$rg$n -ary, ?unt$l 3

?Dear goo fr$en +hoema=er, g$;e me shoes, an 37ll g$;e the shoes to the 2$rg$n -ary, the 2$rg$n -ary7ll g$;e me a re r$bbon, the re r$bbon 37ll g$;e to the '$n en, the '$n en7ll g$;e me lea;es, the lea;es 37ll g$;e to the +pr$ng, the +pr$ng7ll g$;e me 9ater, the 9ater 37ll g$;e to Dame Partlet my mate, 9ho l$es at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo #? ?6ou7ll get no shoes from me,? sa$ from you#? the +hoema=er, ?unt$l 3 get br$stles

+o the 0oc= ran to the +o9 an sa$ ,!! ?Dear goo fr$en +o9, g$;e me br$stles, the br$stles 37ll g$;e to the +hoema=er, the +hoema=er7ll g$;e me shoes, the shoes 37ll g$;e to the 2$rg$n -ary, the 2$rg$n -ary7ll g$;e me a re r$bbon, the re r$bbon 37ll g$;e to the '$n en, the '$n en7ll g$;e me lea;es, the lea;es 37ll g$;e to the +pr$ng, the +pr$ng7ll g$;e me 9ater, the 9ater 37ll g$;e to Dame Partlet my mate, 9ho l$es at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo #? ?6ou7ll get no br$stles from me,? sa$ you#? [p# :A0] +o the 0oc= ran to the Thresher an sa$ ,!! the +o9, ?unt$l 3 get corn from

?Dear goo fr$en Thresher, g$;e me corn, the corn 37ll g$;e to the +o9, the +o97ll g$;e me br$stles, the br$stles 37ll g$;e to the +hoema=er, the +hoema=er7ll g$;e me shoes, the shoes 37ll g$;e to the 2$rg$n -ary, the 2$rg$n -ary7ll g$;e me a re r$bbon, the re r$bbon 37ll g$;e to the '$n en, the '$n en7ll g$;e me lea;es, the lea;es 37ll g$;e to the +pr$ng, the +pr$ng7ll g$;e me 9ater, the 9ater 37ll g$;e to Dame Partlet my mate, 9ho l$es at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo #? ?6ou7ll get no corn from me,? sa$ from you#? the Thresher, ?unt$l 3 get a bannoc= sa$ ,!!

+o the 0oc= ran to the 1a=er7s 9$fe an

?Dear goo fr$en -rs# 1a=er, g$;e me a bannoc=, the bannoc= 37ll g$;e to the Thresher, the Thresher7ll g$;e me corn, the corn 37ll g$;e to the +o9, the +o97ll g$;e me br$stles, the br$stles 37ll g$;e to the +hoema=er, the +hoema=er7ll g$;e me shoes, the shoes 37ll g$;e to the 2$rg$n -ary, the 2$rg$n -ary7ll g$;e me a re r$bbon, the re r$bbon 37ll g$;e to the '$n en, the '$n en7ll g$;e me lea;es, the lea;es 37ll g$;e to the +pr$ng, the +pr$ng7ll g$;e me 9ater, the 9ater 37ll g$;e to Dame Partlet my mate, 9ho l$es at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo #? ?6ou7ll get no bannoc= from me,? sa$ from you#? +o the 0oc= ran to the Woo cutter an the 1a=er7s 9$fe, ?unt$l 3 get 9oo sa$ ,!!

?Dear goo fr$en Woo cutter, g$;e me 9oo , the 9oo 37ll g$;e to the 1a=er7s 9$fe, the 1a=er7s 9$fe7ll g$;e me a bannoc=, the bannoc= 37ll g$;e to the Thresher, the Thresher7ll g$;e me corn, the corn 37ll g$;e to the +o9, the +o97ll g$;e me br$stles, the br$stles 37ll g$;e to the [p# :A1] +hoema=er, the +hoema=er7ll g$;e me shoes, the shoes 37ll g$;e to the 2$rg$n -ary, the 2$rg$n -ary7ll g$;e me a re r$bbon, the re r$bbon 37ll g$;e to the '$n en, the '$n en7ll g$;e me lea;es, the lea;es 37ll g$;e to the +pr$ng, the +pr$ng7ll g$;e me 9ater, the 9ater 37ll g$;e to Dame Partlet my mate, 9ho l$es at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo #? ?6ou7ll get no 9oo a"e from you#? from me,? ans9ere the Woo cutter, ?unt$l 3 get an

+o the 0oc= ran to the +m$th an

sa$ ,!!

?Dear goo fr$en +m$th, g$;e me an a"e, the a"e 37ll g$;e to the Woo cutter, the Woo cutter7ll g$;e me 9oo , the 9oo 37ll g$;e to the 1a=er7s 9$fe, the 1a=er7s 9$fe7ll g$;e me a bannoc=, the bannoc= 37ll g$;e to the Thresher, the Thresher7ll g$;e me corn, the corn 37ll g$;e to the +o9, the +o97ll g$;e me br$stles, the br$stles 37ll g$;e to the +hoema=er, the +hoema=er7ll g$;e me shoes, the shoes 37ll g$;e to the 2$rg$n -ary, the 2$rg$n -ary7ll g$;e me a re r$bbon, the re r$bbon 37ll g$;e to the '$n en, the '$n en7ll g$;e me lea;es, the lea;es 37ll g$;e to the +pr$ng, the +pr$ng7ll g$;e me 9ater, the 9ater 37ll g$;e to Dame Partlet my mate, 9ho l$es at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo #? ?6ou7ll get no a"e from me,? ans9ere from you#? the +m$th, ?unt$l 3 get charcoal sa$ ,!!

+o the 0oc= ran to the 0harcoal!burner an

?Dear goo fr$en 0harcoal!burner, g$;e me charcoal, the charcoal 37ll g$;e to the +m$th, the +m$th7ll g$;e me an a"e, the a"e 37ll g$;e to the Woo cutter, the Woo cutter7ll g$;e me 9oo , the 9oo 37ll g$;e to the 1a=er7s 9$fe, the 1a=er7s 9$fe7ll g$;e me a bannoc=, the bannoc= 37ll g$;e to the Thresher, the Thresher7ll g$;e me corn, the corn 37ll [p# :A8] g$;e to the +o9, the +o97ll g$;e me br$stles, the br$stles 37ll g$;e to the +hoema=er, the +hoema=er7ll g$;e me shoes, the shoes 37ll g$;e to the 2$rg$n -ary, the 2$rg$n -ary7ll g$;e me a re r$bbon, the re r$bbon 37ll g$;e to the '$n en, the '$n en7ll g$;e me lea;es, the lea;es 37ll g$;e to the +pr$ng, the +pr$ng7ll g$;e me 9ater, the 9ater 37ll g$;e to Dame Partlet my mate, 9ho l$es at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo #? +o the 0harcoal!burner too= p$ty on the 0oc=, an ga;e h$m a b$t of charcoal, an then the +m$th got h$s coal, an the Woo cutter h$s a"e, an the 1a=er7s 9$fe her 9oo , an the Thresher h$s bannoc=, an the +o9 her corn, an the +hoema=er h$s br$stles, an the 2$rg$n -ary her shoes, an the '$n en $ts re r$bbon 9$th a gol en e ge, an the +pr$ng $ts lea;es, an the 0oc= h$s rop of 9ater, an he ga;e $t to Dame Partlet, h$s mate, 9ho lay there at eath7s oor $n the haCel!9oo , an so she got all r$ght aga$n# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

The 1$g 1$r


%nce on a t$me there 9as a =$ng 9ho ha t9el;e aughters, an he 9as so fon of them they must al9ays be at h$s s$ e> but e;ery ay at noon, 9h$le the =$ng slept, the Pr$ncesses 9ent out to ta=e a 9al=# +o once, 9h$le the =$ng 9as ta=$ng h$s noont$ e nap, an the Pr$ncesses ha gone to ta=e the$r 9al=, all at once they 9ere m$ss$ng, an 9orse, they ne;er came home aga$n# Then there 9as great gr$ef an sorro9 all o;er the lan , but the most sorry of all 9as [p# :A:] the =$ng# .e sent messengers out throughout h$s o9n an other realms, an ga;e out the$r names $n all the churches, an ha the bells tolle for them $n all the steeples> but gone the Pr$ncesses 9ere, an gone they staye , an none coul tell 9hat 9as become of them# +o $t 9as as clear as ay that they must ha;e been carr$e off by some 9$tchcraft# Well, $t 9asn7t long before these t$ $ngs sprea far an 9$ e, o;er lan an to9n, ay, o;er many lan s> an so the ne9s came to a =$ng e;er so many lan s off, 9ho ha t9el;e sons# +o 9hen these Pr$nces hear of the t9el;e =$ng7s aughters, they as=e lea;e of the$r father to go out an see= them# They ha har 9or= to get h$s lea;e, for he 9as afra$ lest he shoul ne;er see them aga$n, but they all fell o9n on the$r =nees before the =$ng, an begge so long, at last he 9as force to let them go after all# .e f$tte out a sh$p for them, an ga;e them )$tter )e , 9ho 9as Ku$te at home at sea, for a capta$n# +o they sa$le about a long, long t$me, lan e on e;ery shore they came to, an hunte an as=e after the Pr$ncesses, but they coul ne$ther hear nor see anyth$ng of them# (n no9, a fe9 ays only 9ere 9ant$ng to ma=e up se;en years s$nce they set sa$l, 9hen one ay a strong storm rose, an such foul 9eather, they thought they shoul ne;er come to lan aga$n, an all ha to 9or= so har , they coul n7t get a 9$n= of sleep so long as the storm laste # 1ut 9hen the th$r ay 9as nearly o;er, the 9$n fell, an all at once $t got as st$ll as st$ll coul be# No9, they 9ere all so 9eary 9$th 9or= an the rough 9eather, they fell fast asleep $n the t9$n=l$ng of an eye> all but the youngest [p# :A4] Pr$nce, he coul get no rest, an coul n7t go off to sleep at all# +o as he 9as pac$ng up an o9n the ec=, the sh$p came to a l$ttle $slan , an on the $slan ran a l$ttle og, an baye an bar=e at the sh$p as $f $t 9ante to come on boar # +o the Pr$nce 9ent to that s$ e of the ec=, an tr$e to coa" the og, an 9h$stle an 9h$stle to h$m, but the more he 9h$stle an coa"e , the more the og bar=e an snarle # Well, he thought $t a shame the og shoul run about there an star;e, for he ma e up h$s m$n that $t must ha;e come th$ther from a sh$p that ha been cast a9ay $n the storm> but st$ll he thought he shoul ne;er be able to help $t after all, for he coul n7t put out the boat by h$mself, an as for the others, they all slept so soun , he 9oul n7t 9a=e them for the sa=e of a og# 1ut then the 9eather 9as so calm an st$ll> an at last he sa$ to h$mself> ?0ome 9hat may, you must go on shore an sa;e that og,? an so he began to try to launch the boat, an he foun $t far eas$er 9or= than he thought# +o he ro9e ashore, an 9ent up to the og> but e;ery t$me he tr$e to catch $t, $t <umpe on one s$ e, an so $t 9ent on t$ll he foun h$mself $ns$ e a great gran castle, before he =ne9 9here he 9as# Then the og, all at once, 9as change $nto a lo;ely Pr$ncess> an there, on the bench, sat a man so b$g an ugly, the Pr$nce almost lost h$s 9$ts for fear#

?6%&72* N% N**D T% 1* (,)(3D,? sa$ the man!!but the Pr$nce, to tell you the truth, got far more afra$ 9hen he hear h$s gruff ;o$ce!!?for 3 =no9 9ell enough 9hat you 9ant# There are t9el;e Pr$nces of you, an you are loo=$ng for the t9el;e Pr$ncesses that are [p# :AB] lost# 3 =no9, too, ;ery 9ell 9hereabouts they are> they7re 9$th my lor an master, an there they s$t, each of them on her cha$r, an comb h$s ha$r> for he has t9el;e hea s# (n no9 you ha;e sa$le se;en years, but you7ll ha;e to sa$l se;en years more before you f$n them# (s for you, you m$ght stay here an 9elcome, an ha;e my aughter> but you must f$rst slay h$m, for he7s a har master to all of us, an 9e7re all 9eary of h$m, an 9hen he7s ea 3 shall be 4$ng $n h$s stea > but f$rst try $f you can bran $sh th$s s9or #? Then the 4$ng7s son too= hol of a rusty ol 9all, but he coul scarce st$r $t# s9or 9h$ch hung on the

?No9 you must ta=e a pull at th$s flas=,? sa$ the Troll> an 9hen he ha one that he coul st$r $t, an 9hen he ha ta=en another he coul l$ft $t, an 9hen he ha ta=en a th$r he coul bran $sh the s9or as eas$ly as $f $t ha been h$s o9n# ?No9, 9hen you get on boar ,? sa$ the Troll Pr$nce, ?you must h$ e the s9or 9ell $n your berth, that )$tter )e mayn7t set eyes on $t> he7s not man enough to 9$el $t, but he7ll get sp$teful aga$nst you, an try to ta=e your l$fe# (n 9hen se;en years are almost out all but three ays,? he 9ent on to say, ?e;eryth$ng 9$ll happen <ust as no9> foul 9eather 9$ll come on you, 9$th a great storm, an 9hen $t $s o;er you7ll all be sleepy# Then you must ta=e the s9or an ro9 ashore, an so you7ll come to a castle 9here all sorts of guar s 9$ll stan !!9ol;es, an bears, an l$ons> but you nee n7t be afra$ of them, for they7ll all come an crouch at your feet# 1ut 9hen you come $ns$ e the castle, you7ll soon see the Troll> he s$ts $n a splen $ chamber $n gran att$re an array> t9el;e hea s [p# :AF] he has of h$s o9n, an the Pr$ncesses s$t roun them, each on her cha$r, an comb h$s hea s, an that7s a 9or= you may guess they on7t much l$=e# Then you must ma=e haste, an he9 off one hea after the other as Ku$c= as you can> for $f he 9a=es an sets h$s eyes on you, he7ll s9allo9 you al$;e#? +o the 4$ng7s son 9ent on boar 9$th the s9or , an he bore $n m$n 9hat he ha come to =no9# The others st$ll lay fast asleep an snore , an he h$ the s9or $n h$s berth, so that ne$ther )$tter )e nor any of the rest got s$ght of $t# (n no9 $t began to blo9 aga$n, so he 9o=e up the others, an sa$ he thought they oughtn7t to sleep any longer no9 9hen there 9as such a goo 9$n # (n there 9as none of them that mar=e he ha been a9ay# Well, after the se;en years 9ere all gone but three ays, all happene as the Troll ha sa$ # ( great storm an foul 9eather came on that laste three ays, an 9hen $t ha blo9n $tself out, all the rest gre9 sleepy an 9ent to rest> but the youngest 4$ng7s son ro9e ashore, an the guar s fell at h$s feet, an so he came to the castle# +o 9hen he got $ns$ e the chamber, there sat the 4$ng fast asleep as the Troll Pr$nce ha sa$ , an the t9el;e Pr$ncesses sat each on her cha$r an combe one of h$s hea s# The =$ng7s son bec=one to the Pr$ncesses to get out of the 9ay> they po$nte to the Troll, an bec=one to h$m aga$n to go h$s 9ay as Ku$c= as e;er he coul , but he =ept on ma=$ng s$gns to them to get out of the 9ay, an then they un erstoo that he 9ante to set them free, an stole a9ay softly one after the other, an as fast as they 9ent, he he9e off the Troll 4$ng7s hea s, t$ll at last the bloo gushe out l$=e a great broo=# When the Troll 9as [p# :AI] sla$n he ro9e on

boar an h$ h$s s9or # .e thought no9 he ha one enough, an as he coul n7t get r$ of the bo y by h$mself, he thought $t only fa$r they shoul help h$m a l$ttle# +o he 9o=e them all up, an sa$ $t 9as a shame they shoul be snor$ng there, 9hen he ha foun the Pr$ncesses, an set them free from the Troll# The others only laughe at h$m, an sa$ he ha been <ust as soun asleep as they, an only reamt that he 9as man enough to o 9hat he sa$ > for $f any one 9as to set the Pr$ncesses free, $t 9as far more l$=ely $t 9oul be one of them# 1ut the youngest 4$ng7s son tol them all about $t, an 9hen they follo9e h$m to the lan an sa9 f$rst of all the broo= of bloo , an then the castle, an the Troll, an the t9el;e hea s, an the Pr$ncesses, they sa9 pla$n enough that he ha spo=en the truth, an no9 the 9hole helpe h$m to thro9 the bo y an the hea s $nto the sea# +o all 9ere gla an happy, but none more so than the Pr$ncesses, 9ho got r$ of ha;$ng to s$t there an comb the Troll7s ha$r all ay# %f all the s$l;er an gol an prec$ous th$ngs that 9ere there, they too= as much as the sh$p coul hol , an so they 9ent on boar altogether, Pr$nces an Pr$ncesses al$=e# 1ut 9hen they ha gone a b$t out on the sea, the Pr$ncesses sa$ they ha forgotten $n the$r <oy the$r gol cro9ns, they lay beh$n $n a press, an they 9oul be so gla to ha;e them# +o 9hen none of the others 9as 9$ll$ng to fetch them, the youngest 4$ng7s son sa$ ,!! ?3 ha;e alrea y are so much, 3 can ;ery 9ell go bac= for the gol cro9ns too, $f you 9$ll only str$=e sa$l an 9a$t t$ll 3 come aga$n#? 6es, that they 9oul o# 1ut 9hen he ha gone bac= [p# :AA] so far that they coul n7t see h$m any longer, )$tter )e , 9ho 9oul ha;e been gla enough to ha;e been the$r ch$ef, an to ha;e the youngest Pr$ncess, sa$ , ?$t 9as no use the$r ly$ng there st$ll 9a$t$ng for h$m, for they m$ght =no9 ;ery 9ell he 9oul ne;er come bac=> they all =ne9, too, ho9 the =$ng ha g$;en h$m all po9er an author$ty to sa$l or not as he chose> an no9 they must all say 7t9as he that ha sa;e the Pr$ncesses, an $f any one sa$ anyth$ng else, he shoul lose h$s l$fe#? The Pr$nces $ n7t are to an so they sa$le a9ay# o anyth$ng else than 9hat )$tter )e 9$lle ,

-ean9h$le the youngest 4$ng7s son ro9e to lan , 9ent up to the castle, foun the press 9$th the gol cro9ns $n $t, an at last lugge $t o9n to the boat, an sho;e off> but 9hen he came 9here he ought to ha;e seen the sh$p, loO $t 9as gone# Well, as he coul n7t catch a gl$mpse of $t any9here, he coul ;ery soon tell ho9 matters stoo # To ro9 after them 9as no goo , an so he 9as force to turn about an ro9 bac= to lan # .e 9as rather afra$ to stay alone $n the castle all n$ght, but there 9as no other house to be got, so he pluc=e up a heart, loc=e up all the oors an gates fast, an lay o9n $n a room 9here there 9as a be rea y ma e# 1ut fearful an 9oeful he 9as, an st$ll more afra$ he got 9hen he ha la$n a 9h$le an someth$ng began to crea= an groan an Kua=e $n 9all an roof, as $f the 9hole castle 9ere be$ng torn asun er# Then all at once o9n someth$ng plunge close by the s$ e of h$s be , as $f $t 9ere a 9hole cartloa of hay# Then all 9as st$ll aga$n> but after a 9h$le he hear a ;o$ce, 9h$ch ba e h$m not to be afra$ , an sa$ ,!! [p# :A9] ?.ere am 3, the 1$g 1$r Dan

0ome to help you all 3 can#? ?but the f$rst th$ng you must o 9hen you 9a=e $n the morn$ng, 9$ll be to go to the barn an fetch four barrels of rye for me# 3 must f$ll my crop 9$th them for brea=fast, else 3 can7t o anyth$ng#? When he 9o=e up, sure enough there he sa9 an a9fully b$g b$r , 9h$ch ha a feather at the nape of h$s nec=, as th$c= an long as a half!gro9n spruce f$r# +o the 4$ng7s son 9ent o9n to the barn to fetch four barrels of rye for the 1$g 1$r Dan, an 9hen he ha cramme them $nto h$s crop he tol the 4$ng7s son to hang the press 9$th the gol cro9ns on one s$ e of h$s nec=, an as much gol an s$l;er as 9oul 9e$gh $t o9n on the other s$ e, an after that to get on h$s bac= an hol fast by the feather $n the nape of h$s nec=# +o a9ay they 9ent t$ll the 9$n 9h$stle after them, an so $t 9asn7t long before they outstr$ppe the sh$p# The 4$ng7s son 9ante to go on boar for h$s s9or , for he 9as afra$ lest any one shoul get s$ght of $t, for the Troll ha tol h$m that mustn7t be> but 1$r Dan sa$ that mustn7t be e$ther# ?)$tter )e 9$ll ne;er see $t, ne;er fear> but $f you go on boar , he7ll try to ta=e your l$fe, for he has set h$s heart on ha;$ng the youngest Pr$ncess> but ma=e your m$n Ku$te easy about her, for she lays a na=e s9or by her s$ e $n be e;ery n$ght#? +o after a long, long t$me, they came to the $slan 9here the Troll Pr$nce 9as> an there the 4$ng7s son 9as 9elcome so heart$ly there 9as no en to $t# The Troll Pr$nce $ n7t =no9 ho9 to be goo enough to h$m for ha;$ng sla$n h$s 'or an -aster, an so ma e h$m 4$ng of [p# :90] the Trolls, an $f the 4$ng7s son ha been 9$ll$ng he m$ght eas$ly ha;e got the Troll 4$ng7s aughter, an half the =$ng om# 1ut he ha so set h$s heart on the youngest of the t9el;e Pr$ncesses, he coul ta=e no rest, but 9as all for go$ng after the$r sh$p t$me after t$me# +o the Troll 4$ng begge h$m to be Ku$et a l$ttle longer, an sa$ they ha st$ll nearly se;en years to sa$l before they got home# (s for the Pr$ncess the Troll sa$ the same th$ng as the 1$g 1$r Dan# ?6ou nee n7t fret yourself about her, for she lays a na=e s9or by her s$ e e;ery n$ght $n be # (n no9 $f you on7t bel$e;e 9hat 3 say,? sa$ the Troll, ?you can go on boar 9hen they sa$l by here, an see for yourself, an fetch the s9or too, for 3 may <ust as 9ell ha;e $t aga$n#? +o 9hen they sa$le by another great storm arose, an 9hen the =$ng7s son 9ent on boar they all slept, an each Pr$ncess lay bes$ e her Pr$nce> but the youngest lay alone 9$th a na=e s9or bes$ e her $n the be , an on the floor by the be s$ e lay )$tter )e # Then the =$ng7s son too= the s9or an ro9e ashore aga$n, an none of them ha seen that he ha been on boar # 1ut st$ll the 4$ng7s son coul n7t rest, an he often an often 9ante to be off, an so at last 9hen $t got near the en of the se;en years, an only three 9ee=s 9ere left, the Troll 4$ng sa$ ,!! ?No9 you may get rea y to go, s$nce you 9on7t stay 9$th us> an you shall ha;e the loan of my $ron boat, 9h$ch sa$ls of $tself, $f you only say, ? 7 1oat, boat, go onO7 3n that boat there $s an $ron club, an that club you must l$ft a l$ttle 9hen you see the sh$p stra$ght a!hea of [p# :91] you, an then they7ll get such a rattl$ng fa$r breeCe, they7ll forget to loo= at you> but 9hen

you get alongs$ e them, you must l$ft the club a l$ttle aga$n, an then they7ll get such a foul 9$n an storm they7ll ha;e someth$ng else to o than to stare at you> an 9hen you ha;e run past them you must l$ft the club a th$r t$me, but you must al9ays be sure an lay $t o9n carefully aga$n, else there7ll be such a storm, both you an they 9$ll be 9rec=e an lost# No9 9hen you ha;e got to lan , you ha;e no nee to bother yourself at all about the boat> <ust turn $t about, an sho;e $t off, an say, ? 7 1oat, boat, go bac= homeO7 ? When he set out they ga;e h$m so much gol an s$l;er, an so many other costly th$ngs, an clothes an l$nen 9h$ch the Troll Pr$ncess ha se9n an 9o;en for h$m all that long t$me, that he 9as far r$cher than any of h$s brothers# Well, he ha no sooner seate h$mself $n the boat an sa$ ,!!

?1oat, boat, go onO? than a9ay 9ent the boat, an 9hen he sa9 the sh$p r$ght a!hea , he l$fte up the club, an then they got such a fa$r breeCe, they forgot to loo= at h$m# When he 9as alongs$ e the sh$p, he l$fte the club aga$n, an then such a storm arose an such foul 9eather, that the 9h$te foam fle9 about the sh$p, an the b$llo9s rolle o;er the ec=, an they ha someth$ng else to o than to stare at h$m> an 9hen he ha run past them he l$fte the club the th$r t$me, an then the storm an the 9$n rose so, they ha st$ll less t$me to loo= after h$m, an to ma=e h$m out# +o he came to [p# :98] lan long, long before the sh$p> an 9hen he ha got all h$s goo s out of the boat, he sho;e $t off aga$n, an turne $t about an sa$ , ?1oat, boat, go bac= homeO? (n off 9ent the boat#

Then he resse h$mself up as a sa$lor!!9hether the Troll =$ng ha tol h$m that or $t 9as h$s o9n e;$ce, 37m sure 3 can7t say!!an 9ent up to a 9retche hut 9here an ol 9$fe l$;e , 9hom he got to bel$e;e that he 9as a poor sa$lor 9ho ha been on boar a great sh$p that 9as 9rec=e , an that he 9as the only soul that ha got ashore# (fter that he begge for house!room for h$mself an the goo s he ha sa;e # ?.ea;en men meO? sa$ the ol 9$fe, ?ho9 can 3 len any one house!roomO loo= at me an m$ne, 9hy, 37;e no be to sleep on myself, st$ll less one for any one else to l$e on#? Well, 9ell, $t 9as all the same, sa$ the sa$lor> $f he only got a roof o;er h$s hea $t $ n7t matter 9here he lay# +o she coul n7t turn h$m out of the house, 9hen he 9as so than=ful for 9hat there 9as# That afternoon he fetche up h$s th$ngs, an the ol 9$fe, 9ho 9as ;ery eager to hear a b$t of ne9s to run about an tell, began at once to as= 9ho he 9as, 9hence he came, 9h$ther he 9as boun , 9hat $t 9as he ha 9$th h$m, 9hat h$s bus$ness 9as, an $f he ha n7t hear anyth$ng of the t9el;e Pr$ncesses 9ho ha been a9ay the 'or =ne9 ho9 many years# (ll th$s she as=e an much more, 9h$ch $t 9oul be 9aste of t$me to tell# 1ut he sa$ he 9as so poorly an ha such a ba hea ache after the a9ful 9eather he ha been out $n, that he coul n7t ans9er any of her Kuest$ons> she must

<ust lea;e h$m alone an let h$m rest a fe9 ays t$ll he came to h$mself after the [p# :9:] har 9or= he7 ha $n the gale, an then she7 =no9 all she 9ante # The ;ery ne"t ay the ol 9$fe began to st$r h$m up an as= aga$n, but the sa$lor7s hea 9as st$ll so ba he ha n7t got h$s 9$ts together, but someho9 he let rop a 9or or t9o to sho9 that he $ =no9 someth$ng about the Pr$ncesses# %ff ran the ol 9$fe 9$th 9hat she ha hear to all the goss$ps an chatterbo"es roun about, an soon the one came runn$ng after the other to as= about the Pr$ncesses, ?$f he ha seen them,? ?$f they 9oul soon be there,? ?$f they 9ere on the 9ay,? an much more of the same sort# .e st$ll 9ent on groan$ng o;er h$s hea ache after the storm, so that he coul n7t tell them all about $t, but so much he tol them, unless they ha been lost $n the great storm they7 ma=e the lan $n about a fortn$ght or before perhaps> but he coul n7t say for sure 9hether they 9ere al$;e or no, for though he ha seen them, $t m$ght ;ery 9ell be that they ha been cast a9ay $n the storm s$nce# +o 9hat $ one of these ol goss$ps o but run up to the Palace 9$th th$s story, an say that there 9as a sa$lor o9n $n such an such an ol 9$fe7s hut, 9ho ha seen the Pr$ncesses, an that they 9ere com$ng home $n a fortn$ght or $n a 9ee=7s t$me# When the 4$ng hear that he sent a messenger o9n to the sa$lor to come up to h$m an tell the ne9s h$mself# ?3 on7t see ho9 $t7s to be,? sa$ f$t to stan $n before the 4$ng#? the sa$lor, ?for 3 ha;en7t any clothes

1ut the 4$ng sa$ he must come> for the 4$ng must an 9oul tal= 9$th h$m, 9hether he 9ere r$chly or poorly cla , for there 9as no one else 9ho coul br$ng h$m any t$ $ngs of the Pr$ncesses# +o he 9ent up at last to the Palace [p# :94] an 9ent $n before the 4$ng, 9ho as=e h$m $f $t 9ere true that he ha seen anyth$ng of the Pr$ncesses# ?(y, ay,? sa$ the sa$lor, ?37;e seen them sure enough, but 3 on7t =no9 9hether they7re st$ll al$;e, for 9hen 3 last caught s$ght of them, the 9eather 9as so foul 9e $n our sh$p 9ere cast a9ay> but $f they7re st$ll al$;e they7ll come safe home $n a fortn$ght or perhaps before#? When the 4$ng hear that he 9as almost bes$ e h$mself for <oy> an 9hen the t$me came that the sa$lor ha sa$ they 9oul come, the 4$ng ro;e o9n to the stran to meet them $n great state> an there 9as <oy an gla ness o;er the 9hole lan 9hen the sh$p came sa$l$ng $n 9$th the Pr$nces an Pr$ncesses an )$tter )e # 1ut no one 9as gla er than the ol 4$ng, 9ho ha got h$s aughters bac= aga$n# The ele;en el est Pr$ncesses too, 9ere gla an merry, but the youngest, 9ho 9as to ha;e )$tter )e , 9ho sa$ that he ha set them all free an sla$n the Troll, she 9ept an 9as al9ays sorro9ful# The 4$ng too= th$s $ll, an as=e 9hy she 9asn7t cheerful an merry l$=e the others> she ha n7t anyth$ng to be sorry for no9 9hen she ha got out of the Troll7s clutches, an 9as to ha;e such a husban as )$tter )e # 1ut she are n7t say anyth$ng, for )$tter )e ha sa$ he 9oul ta=e the l$fe of any one 9ho tol the truth ho9 th$ngs ha gone# 1ut no9 one ay, 9hen they 9ere har at 9or= se9$ng an st$tch$ng the br$ al array, $n came a man $n a great sa$lor7s cloa= 9$th a pe lar7s pac= on h$s bac=, an as=e $f the Pr$ncesses 9oul n7t buy someth$ng f$ne of h$m for the 9e $ng> he ha so many 9ares an costly th$ngs, both gol an s$l;er# 6es, they m$ght o so perhaps, so they loo=e at h$s 9ares,

an an

they loo=e at h$m, for they thought [p# :9B] they ha many of h$s costly th$ngs before#

seen both h$m

?.e 9ho has so many f$ne th$ngs,? sa$ the youngest Pr$ncess, ?must surely ha;e someth$ng st$ll more prec$ous, an 9h$ch su$ts us better e;en than these#? ?-aybe 3 ha;e,? sa$ the Pe lar# ?.ush,? an o# ba e her bear $n m$n 9hat

1ut no9 all the others cr$e )$tter )e ha sa$ he 9oul

Well, some t$me after the Pr$ncesses sat an loo=e out of the 9$n o9, an then the 4$ng7s son came aga$n 9$th the great sea!cloa= thro9n about h$m, an the press 9$th the gol cro9ns at h$s bac=> an 9hen he got $nto the palace hall he unloc=e the press before the Pr$ncesses, an 9hen each of them =ne9 her o9n gol cro9n aga$n, the youngest sa$ ,!! ?3 th$n= $t only r$ght that he 9ho set us free shoul get the mee that $s h$s ue> an he $s not )$tter )e , but th$s man 9ho has brought us our gol cro9ns# .e $t $s that set us free#? Then the 4$ng7s son cast off the sa$lor7s cloa=, an stoo there far f$ner an gran er than all the rest> an so the ol 4$ng ma e them put )$tter )e to eath# (n no9 there 9as real r$ght o9n <oy $n the palace> each too= h$s o9n br$ e, an there <ust 9as a 9e $ngO Why, $t 9as hear of an tal=e about o;er t9el;e =$ngs7 realms# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# :9F]

+or$a -or$a 0astle %nce on a t$me there 9as a poor couple 9ho ha a son 9hose name 9as .al;or# *;er s$nce he 9as a l$ttle boy he 9oul turn h$s han to noth$ng, but <ust sat there an grope about $n the ashes# .$s father an mother often put h$m out to learn th$s tra e or that, but .al;or coul stay no9here> for, 9hen he ha been there a ay or t9o, he ran a9ay from h$s master, an ne;er stoppe t$ll he 9as s$tt$ng aga$n $n the $ngle, po=$ng about $n the c$n ers# Well, one ay a s=$pper came an as=e .al;or $f he ha n7t a m$n 9$th h$m, an go to sea, an see strange lan s# 6es, .al;or 9oul that ;ery much> so he 9asn7t long $n gett$ng h$mself rea y# to be l$=e

.o9 long they sa$le 37m sure 3 can7t tell> but the en of $t 9as, they fell $nto a great storm, an 9hen $t 9as blo9n o;er, an $t got st$ll aga$n, they coul n7t tell 9here they 9ere> for they ha been r$;en a9ay to a strange coast, 9h$ch none of them =ne9 anyth$ng about# Well, as there 9as <ust no 9$n at all, they staye ly$ng 9$n !boun there, an .al;or as=e the s=$pper7s lea;e to go on shore an loo= about h$m> he 9oul sooner go, he sa$ , than l$e there an sleep#

?Do you th$n= no9 you7re f$t to sho9 yourself before fol=,? sa$ s=$pper, ?9hy, you7;e no clothes than those rags you stan $n@?


1ut .al;or stuc= to h$s o9n, an so at last he got lea;e but he 9as to be sure an come bac= as soon as e;er $t [p# :9I] began to blo9# +o off he 9ent an foun a lo;ely lan > 9here;er he came there 9ere f$ne large flat corn!f$el s an r$ch mea s, but, he coul n7t catch a gl$mpse of a l$;$ng soul# Well, $t began to blo9, but .al;or thought he ha n7t seen enough yet, an he 9ante to 9al= a l$ttle farther, <ust to see $f he coul n7t meet any fol=# +o after a 9h$le he came to a broa h$gh roa , so smooth an e;en, you m$ght eas$ly roll an egg along $t# .al;or follo9e th$s, an 9hen e;en$ng re9 on he sa9 a great castle e;er so far off, from 9h$ch the sunbeams shone# +o as he ha no9 9al=e the 9hole ay an ha n7t ta=en a b$t to eat 9$th h$m, he 9as as hungry as a hunter, but st$ll the nearer he came to the castle, the more afra$ he got# 3n the castle =$tchen a great f$re 9as blaC$ng, an .al;or 9ent $nto $t, but such a =$tchen he ha ne;er seen $n all h$s born ays# 3t 9as so gran an f$ne> there 9ere ;essels of s$l;er an ;essels of gol , but st$ll ne;er a l$;$ng!soul# +o 9hen .al;or ha stoo there a 9h$le an no one came out, he 9ent an opene a oor, an there $ns$ e sat a Pr$ncess 9ho span upon a sp$nn$ng!9heel# ?Nay, nay, no9O? she calle out, ? are 0hr$st$an fol= come h$ther@ 1ut no9 you7 best be off about your bus$ness, $f you on7t 9ant the Troll to gobble you up> for here l$;es a Troll 9$th three hea s#? ?(ll one to me,? sa$ the la , ?37 be <ust as gla to hear he ha four hea s bes$ e> 37 l$=e to see 9hat =$n of fello9 he $s# (s for go$ng, 3 9on7t go at all# 37;e one no harm> but meat you must get me, for 37m almost star;e to eath#? When .al;or ha eaten h$s f$ll, the Pr$ncess tol h$m to try $f he coul bran $sh the s9or that hung aga$nst the [p# :9A] 9all> no, he coul n7t bran $sh $t, he coul n7t e;en l$ft $t up# ?%hO? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?no9 you must go an ta=e a pull of that flas= that hangs by $ts s$ e> that7s 9hat the Troll oes e;ery t$me he goes out to use the s9or #? +o .al;or too= a pull, an $n the t9$n=l$ng of an eye he coul bran $sh the s9or l$=e noth$ng> an no9 he thought $t h$gh t$me the Troll came> an loO <ust then up came the Troll puff$ng an blo9$ng# .al;or <umpe beh$n the oor# ?.utetu,? sa$ the Troll, as he put h$s hea smell of 0hr$st$an man7s bloo O? $n at the oor, ?9hat a 9$th that be

?(y,? sa$ .al;or, ?you7ll soon =no9 that to your cost,? an he9e off all h$s hea s#

No9 the Pr$ncess 9as so gla that she 9as free, she both ance an sang, but then all at once she calle her s$sters to m$n , an so she sa$ ,!! ?Woul my s$sters 9ere free tooO? .al;or#

?Where are they@? as=e

Well, she tol h$m all about $t> one 9as ta=en a9ay by a Troll to h$s castle, 9h$ch lay f$fty m$les off, an the other by another Troll to h$s castle, 9h$ch 9as f$fty m$les farther st$ll# ?1ut no9,? she sa$ , ?you must f$rst help me to get th$s ugly carcase out of the house#? 6es, .al;or 9as so strong he s9ept e;eryth$ng a9ay, an ma e $t all clean an t$ y $n no t$me# +o they ha a goo an happy t$me of $t, an ne"t morn$ng he set off at peep of gray a9n> he coul ta=e no rest by the 9ay, but ran an 9al=e the 9hole ay# When he f$rst sa9 the castle he got a l$ttle afra$ > $t 9as far gran er than the [p# :99] f$rst, but here too there 9asn7t a l$;$ng soul to be seen# +o .al;or 9ent $nto the =$tchen, an $ n7t stop there e$ther, but 9ent stra$ght farther on $nto the house# ?Nay, nay,? calle out the Pr$ncess, ? are 0hr$st$an fol= come h$ther@ 3 on7t =no9 37m sure ho9 long $t $s s$nce 3 came here, but $n all that t$me 3 ha;en7t seen a 0hr$st$an man# 7T9ere best you sa9 ho9 to get a9ay as fast as you came> for here l$;es a Troll 9ho has s$" hea s#? ?3 shan7t go,? sa$ .al;or, ?$f he ha s9allo9 you s$" hea s bes$ es#? the Pr$ncess#

?.e7ll ta=e you up an

o9n al$;e,? sa$

1ut $t 9as no goo , .al;or 9oul n7t go> he 9asn7t at all afra$ of the Troll, but meat an r$n= he must ha;e, for he 9as half star;e after h$s long <ourney# Well, he got as much of that as he 9$she , but then the Pr$ncess 9ante h$m to be off aga$n# ?No,? sa$ .al;or, ?3 9on7t go, 37;e afra$ about#? one no harm, an 37;e noth$ng to be

?.e 9on7t stay to as= that,? sa$ the Pr$ncess, ?for he7ll ta=e you 9$thout la9 or lea;e> but as you 9on7t go, <ust try $f you can bran $sh that s9or yon er, 9h$ch the Troll 9$el s $n 9ar#? .e coul n7t bran $sh $t, an then the Pr$ncess sa$ he must ta=e a pull at the flas= 9h$ch hung by $ts s$ e, an 9hen he ha one that he coul bran $sh $t# 5ust then bac= came the Troll, an he 9as both stout an b$g, so that he ha to go s$ e9ays to get through the oor# When the Troll got h$s f$rst hea $n he calle out,!! ?.utetu, 9hat a smell of 0hr$st$an man7s bloo O? 1ut that ;ery moment .al;or he9e off h$s f$rst hea , [p# 400] an so on all the rest as they poppe $n# The Pr$ncess 9as o;er<oye , but <ust then she came to th$n= of her s$sters, an 9$she out lou they 9ere free# .al;or thought that m$ght eas$ly be one, an 9ante to be off at once, but f$rst he ha to help the Pr$ncess to get the Troll7s carcase out of the 9ay, an so he coul only set out ne"t morn$ng# 3t 9as a long 9ay to the castle, an he ha to 9al= fast an run har to reach $t $n t$me> but about n$ghtfall he sa9 the castle, 9h$ch 9as far f$ner an gran er than e$ther of the others# Th$s t$me he 9asn7t the

least afra$ , but 9al=e stra$ght through the =$tchen, an $nto the castle# There sat a Pr$ncess 9ho 9as so pretty, there 9as no en to her lo;el$ness# +he, too, l$=e the others, tol h$m there ha n7t been 0hr$st$an fol= there e;er s$nce she came th$ther, an ba e h$m go a9ay aga$n, else the Troll 9oul s9allo9 h$m al$;e, an o you =no9, she sa$ , he has n$ne hea s# ?(y, ay,? sa$ .al;or, ?$f he ha n$ne other hea s, an n$ne other hea s st$ll, 3 9on7t go a9ay,? an so he stoo fast before the sto;e# The Pr$ncess =ept on begg$ng h$m so prett$ly to go a9ay, lest the Troll shoul gobble h$m up, but .al;or sa$ ,!! ?'et h$m come as soon as he l$=es#? +o she ga;e h$m the Troll7s s9or , an ba e h$m ta=e a pull at the flas=, that he m$ght be able to bran $sh an 9$el $t# 5ust then bac= came the Troll puff$ng an blo9$ng an tear$ng along# .e 9as far stouter an b$gger than the other t9o, an he too ha to go on one s$ e to get through the oor# +o 9hen he got h$s f$rst hea $n, he sa$ as the others ha sa$ ,!! [p# 401] ?.utetu, 9hat a smell of 0hr$st$an man7s bloo O? That ;ery moment .al;or he9e off the f$rst hea an then all the rest> but the last 9as the toughest of them all, an $t 9as the har est b$t of 9or= .al;or ha to o to get $t he9n off, although he =ne9 ;ery 9ell he ha strength enough to o $t# +o all the Pr$ncesses came together to that castle, 9h$ch 9as calle +or$a -or$a 0astle, an they 9ere gla an happy as they ha ne;er been $n all the$r l$;es before, an they all 9ere fon of .al;or an .al;or of them, an he m$ght choose the one he l$=e best for h$s br$ e> but the youngest 9as fon est of h$m of all the three# 1ut there, after a 9h$le, .al;or 9ent about, an 9as so strange an ull an s$lent# Then the Pr$ncesses as=e h$m 9hat he lac=e , an $f he $ n7t l$=e to l$;e 9$th them any longer@ 6es, he $ , for they ha enough an to spare, an he 9as 9ell off $n e;ery 9ay, but st$ll someho9 or other he $ so long to go home, for h$s father an mother 9ere al$;e, an them he ha such a great 9$sh to see# Well, they thought that m$ght be one eas$ly enough# unscathe , $f you

?6ou shall go th$ther an come bac= h$ther, safe an 9$ll only follo9 our a ;$ce,? sa$ the Pr$ncesses# 6es, he7 be sure to m$n all they sa$ # +o 9as as gran as a =$ng7s son, an then they that 9as such a r$ng, he coul 9$sh h$mself but they tol h$m to be sure not to ta=e $t names, for there 9oul be an en of all h$s see them more# [p# 408]

they resse h$m up t$ll he set a r$ng on h$s f$nger, an th$ther an h$ther 9$th $t> off, an not to name the$r bra;ery, an then he7 ne;er

?3f 3 only stoo at home 37 be gla ,? sa$ .al;or> an $t 9as one as he ha 9$she # Then stoo .al;or at h$s father7s cottage oor before he =ne9 a 9or about $t# No9 $t 9as about us= at e;en, an so, 9hen they sa9 such a gran stately lor 9al= $n, the ol couple got so afra$ they began to bo9 an scrape# Then .al;or as=e $f he coul n7t stay there, an ha;e a lo g$ng there that n$ght> No> that he coul n7t# ?We can7t o $t at all,? they sa$ , ?for 9e ha;en7t th$s th$ng or that th$ng 9h$ch such a lor $s use to ha;e> 7t9ere best your lor sh$p 9ent up to the farm, no long 9ay off, for you can see the ch$mneys, an there they ha;e lots of e;eryth$ng#? .al;or 9oul n7t hear of $t!!he 9ante to stop> but the ol couple stuc= to the$r o9n, that he ha better go to the farmer7s> there he 9oul get both meat an r$n=> as for them, they ha n7t e;en a cha$r to offer h$m to s$t o9n on# ?No,? sa$ .al;or, ?3 9on7t go up there t$ll to!morro9 early, but let me <ust stay here to!n$ght> 9orst come to the 9orst, 3 can s$t $n the ch$mney corner#? Well, they coul n7t say anyth$ng aga$nst that> so .al;or sat o9n by the $ngle, an began to po=e about $n the ashes, <ust as he use to o 9hen he lay at home $n ol ays, an stretche h$s laCy bones# Well, they chattere about th$s th$ng an ch$l ren# ?6es, yes, they ha =no9 9h$ther he ha ea or al$;e#? an tal=e about many th$ngs> an they tol .al;or that> an so he as=e them $f they ha ne;er ha any once a la 9hose name 9as .al;or, but they $ n7t 9an ere > they coul n7t e;en tell 9hether he 9ere .al;or#

?0oul n7t $t be me no9@? sa$ [p# 40:]

?'et me see> 3 coul tell h$m 9ell enough,? sa$ the ol 9$fe, an rose up# ?%ur .al;or 9as so laCy an ull, he ne;er $ a th$ng> an bes$ es, he 9as so ragge , that one tatter too= hol of the ne"t tatter on h$m# No> there ne;er 9as the ma=$ng of such a f$ne fello9 $n h$m as you are, master#? ( l$ttle 9h$le after the ol 9$fe 9ent to the hearth to po=e up the f$re, an 9hen the blaCe fell on .al;or7s face, <ust as 9hen he 9as at home of ol po=$ng about $n the ashes, she =ne9 h$m at once# ?(hO but $s $t you after all, .al;or@? she cr$e > an then there 9as such <oy for the ol couple, there 9as no en to $t> an he 9as force to tell ho9 he ha fare , an the ol ame 9as so fon an prou of h$m, noth$ng 9oul o but he must go up at once to the farmer7s an sho9 h$mself to the lass$es, 9ho ha al9ays loo=e o9n on h$m# (n off she 9ent f$rst, an .al;or follo9e after# +o, 9hen she got up there, she tol them all ho9 her .al;or ha come home aga$n, an no9 they shoul only <ust see ho9 gran he 9as, for, sa$ she, ?he loo=s l$=e noth$ng but a =$ng7s son#? ?(ll ;ery f$ne,? sa$ the lass$es, an tosse up the$r hea s# ?We7ll be boun he7s <ust the same beggarly, ragge boy he al9ays 9as#?

5ust then $n 9al=e .al;or, an then the lass$es 9ere all so ta=en abac=, they forgot the$r sar=s $n the $ngle, 9here they 9ere s$tt$ng arn$ng the$r clothes, an ran out $n the$r smoc=s# Well, 9hen they 9ere got bac= aga$n, they 9ere so shameface they scarce are loo= at .al;or, to9ar s 9hom they ha al9ays been prou an haughty# ?(y, ay,? sa$ .al;or, ?you al9ays thought yoursel;es [p# 404] so pretty an neat, no one coul come near you> but no9 you shoul <ust see the el est Pr$ncess 3 ha;e set free> aga$nst her you loo= <ust l$=e m$l=ma$ s, an the m$ most $s prett$er st$ll> but the youngest, 9ho $s my s9eetheart, she7s fa$rer than both sun an moon# Woul to .ea;en she 9ere only here,? sa$ .al;or, ?then you7 see 9hat you 9oul see#? .e ha scarce uttere these 9or s before there they stoo , but then he felt so sorry, for no9 9hat they ha sa$ came $nto h$s m$n # &p at the farm there 9as a great feast got rea y for the Pr$ncesses, an much 9as ma e of them, but they 9oul n7t stop there# ?No> 9e 9ant to go o9n to your father an mother,? they sa$ ?an so 9e7ll go out no9 an loo= about us#? to .al;or>

+o he 9ent o9n 9$th them, an they came to a great la=e <ust outs$ e the farm# 0lose by the 9ater 9as such a lo;ely green ban=> here the Pr$ncesses sa$ they 9oul s$t an rest a 9h$le> they thought $t so s9eet to s$t o9n an loo= o;er the 9ater# +o they sat o9n there, an Pr$ncess sa$ ,!! 9hen they ha sat a 9h$le, the youngest

?3 may as 9ell comb your ha$r a l$ttle, .al;or#? 6es, .al;or la$ h$s hea on her lap, an so she combe h$s bonny loc=s, an $t 9asn7t long before .al;or fell fast asleep# Then she too= the r$ng from h$s f$nger, an put another $n $ts stea > an so she sa$ ,!! ?No9 hol 0astle#? me all togetherO an no9 9oul 9e 9ere all $n +or$a -or$a

+o 9hen .al;or 9o=e up, he coul ;ery 9ell tell that he ha lost the Pr$ncesses, an began to 9eep an 9a$l> [p# 40B] an he 9as so o9ncast, they coul n7t comfort h$m at all# 3n sp$te of all h$s father an mother sa$ , he 9oul n7t stop there, but too= fare9ell of them, an sa$ he 9as safe not to see them aga$n> for $f he coul n7t f$n the Pr$ncesses aga$n, he thought $t not 9orth 9h$le to l$;e# Well, he ha st$ll three hun re ollars left, so he put them $nto h$s poc=et, an set out on h$s 9ay# +o 9hen he ha 9al=e a 9h$le, he met a man 9$th a t$ y horse, an he 9ante to buy $t, an began to chaffer 9$th the man# ?(y,? sa$ the man, ?to tell the truth, 3 ne;er thought of sell$ng h$m> but $f 9e coul str$=e a barga$n, perhaps?!! ?What o you 9ant for h$m,? as=e .al;or#

?3 $ n7t g$;e much for h$m, nor $s he 9orth much> he7s a bra;e horse to r$ e, but he can7t ra9 at all> st$ll he7s strong enough to carry your =napsac= an you too, turn an turn about,? sa$ the man# (t last they agree on the pr$ce, an .al;or la$ the =napsac= on h$m, an so he 9al=e a b$t, an ro e a b$t, turn an turn about# (t n$ght he came to a green pla$n 9here stoo a great tree, at the roots of 9h$ch he sat o9n# There he let the horse loose, but he $ n7t l$e o9n to sleep, but opene h$s =napsac= an too= a meal# (t peep of ay off he set aga$n, for he coul ta=e no rest# +o he ro e an 9al=e , an 9al=e an ro e the 9hole ay through the 9$ e 9oo , 9here there 9ere so many green spots an gla es that shone so br$ght an lo;ely bet9een the trees# .e $ n7t =no9 at all 9here he 9as or 9h$ther he 9as go$ng, but he ga;e h$mself no more t$me to rest, than 9hen h$s horse croppe a b$t of grass, an he too= a snac= out of h$s =napsac= 9hen they came to one of those [p# 40F] green gla es# +o he 9ent on 9al=$ng an r$ $ng by turns, an as for the 9oo there seeme to be no en to $t# 1ut at us= the ne"t ay he sa9 a l$ght gleam$ng a9ay through the trees#

?Woul there 9ere fol= herea9ay,? thought .al;or, ?that 3 m$ght 9arm myself a b$t an get a morsel to =eep bo y an soul together#? When he got an through grey!hea e 9as so long $ngle# ?Goo ?Goo up to $t, he sa9 the l$ght came from a 9retche l$ttle hut, the 9$n o9 he sa9 an ol ol couple $ns$ e# They 9ere as as a pa$r of o;es, an the ol 9$fe ha such a noseO 9hy, $t she use $t for a po=er to st$r the f$re as she sat $n the .al;or# the ol 9$fe#

e;en$ng,? sa$ e;en$ng,? sa$

?1ut 9hat erran can you ha;e $n com$ng h$ther@? she 9ent on, ?for no 0hr$st$an fol= ha;e been here these hun re years an more#? Well, .al;or tol her all about h$mself, an ho9 he 9ante to get to +or$a -or$a 0astle, an as=e $f she =ne9 the 9ay th$ther# ?No,? sa$ the ol 9$fe, ?that 3 on7t, but see no9, here comes the -oon, 37ll as= her, she7ll =no9 all about $t, for oesn7t she sh$ne on e;eryth$ng#? +o 9hen the -oon stoo 9ent out# clear an br$ght o;er the tree!tops, the ol 9$fe

?Thou -oon, thou -oon,? she screame , ?canst thou tell me the 9ay to +or$a -or$a 0astle@? ?No,? sa$ the -oon, ?that 3 can7t, for the last t$me 3 shone there a clou stoo before me#? ?Wa$t a b$t st$ll,? sa$ the ol 9$fe to .al;or, ?by an [p# 40I] by comes the West W$n > he7s sure to =no9 $t, for he puffs an blo9s roun e;ery corner#?

?Nay, nay,? sa$ the ol 9$fe 9hen she 9ent out aga$n, you on7t mean to say you7;e got a horse too> <ust turn the poor beast$e loose $n our 7toun,7 an on7t let h$m stan there an star;e to eath at the oor#? Then she ran on,!! ?1ut 9on7t you s9op h$m a9ay to me> 9e7;e got an ol pa$r of boots here, 9$th 9h$ch you can ta=e t9enty m$les at each str$ e> those you shall ha;e for your horse, an so you7ll get all the sooner to +or$a -or$a 0astle#? That .al;or 9as 9$ll$ng to o at once> an the ol 9$fe 9as so gla the horse, she 9as rea y to ance an s=$p for <oy# at

?,or no9,? she sa$ , ?3 shall be able to r$ e to church# 3 too, th$n= of that#? (s for .al;or, he ha no rest, an 9$fe sa$ there 9as no hurry# 9ante to be off at once, but the ol

?'$e o9n on the bench 9$th you an sleep a b$t, for 9e7;e no be to offer you, an 37ll 9atch an 9a=e you 9hen the West W$n comes#? +o after a 9h$le up came the West W$n , roar$ng an the 9alls crea=e an groane aga$n# %ut ran the ol 9$fe# ho9l$ng along t$ll

?Thou West W$n , thou West W$n O 0anst thou tell me the 9ay to +or$a -or$a 0astle@ .ere7s one 9ho 9ants to get th$ther#? ? 6es, 3 =no9 $t ;ery 9ell,? sa$ the West W$n , ?an no9 37m <ust off th$ther to ry clothes for the 9e $ng that7s to be> $f he7s s9$ft of foot he can go along 9$th me#? %ut ran .al;or# [p# 40A] ?6ou7ll ha;e to stretch your legs $f you mean to =eep up,? sa$ W$n # +o off he set o;er f$el har 9or= to =eep up# an he ge, an h$ll an fell, an the West

.al;or ha

?Well,? sa$ the West W$n , ?no9 37;e no t$me to stay 9$th you any longer, for 37;e got to go a9ay yon er an tear o9n a str$p of spruce 9oo f$rst before 3 go to the bleach$ng!groun to ry the clothes> but $f you go alongs$ e the h$ll you7ll come to a lot of lass$es stan $ng 9ash$ng clothes, an then you7;e not far to go to +or$a -or$a 0astle#? 3n a l$ttle 9h$le .al;or came upon the lass$es 9ho stoo 9ash$ng, an they as=e $f he ha seen anyth$ng of the West W$n , 9ho 9as to come an ry the clothes for the 9e $ng# ?(y, ay, that 3 ha;e,? sa$ .al;or, ?he7s only gone to tear o9n a str$p of spruce 9oo # 3t7ll not be long before he7s here,? an then he as=e them the 9ay to +or$a -or$a 0astle#

+o they put h$m $nto the r$ght 9ay, an 9hen he got to the 0astle $t 9as full of fol= an horses> so full $t ma e one g$ y to loo= at them# 1ut .al;or 9as so ragge an torn from ha;$ng follo9e the West W$n through bush an br$er an bog, that he =ept on one s$ e, an 9oul n7t sho9 h$mself t$ll the last ay 9hen the br$ al feast 9as to be# +o 9hen all, as 9as then r$ght an f$tt$ng, 9ere to r$n= the br$ e an br$ egroom7s health an 9$sh them luc=, an 9hen the cupbearer 9as to r$n= to them all aga$n, both =n$ghts an sKu$res, last of all he came $n turn to .al;or# .e ran= the$r health, but let the r$ng 9h$ch the Pr$ncess [p# 409] ha put upon h$s f$nger as he lay by the la=e fall $nto the glass, an ba e the cupbearer go an greet the br$ e an han her the glass# Then up rose the Pr$ncess from the boar at once#

?Who $s most 9orthy to ha;e one of us,? she sa$ , ?he that has set us free, or he that here s$ts by me as br$ e!groom#? Well they all sa$ there coul be but one ;o$ce an 9$ll as to that, an 9hen .al;or hear that he 9asn7t long $n thro9$ng off h$s beggar7s rags, an array$ng h$mself as br$ e!groom# ?(y, ay, here $s the r$ght one after all,? sa$ the youngest Pr$ncess as soon as she sa9 h$m, an so she tosse the other one out of the 9$n o9, an hel her 9e $ng 9$th .al;or# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

1ru$n an


The 1ear an the ,o" ha once bought a f$r=$n of butter together> they 9ere to ha;e $t at 6ule, an h$ $t t$ll then un er a th$c= spruce bush# (fter that they 9ent a l$ttle 9ay off an lay o9n on a sunny ban= to sleep# +o 9hen they ha la$n a 9h$le the ,o" got up, shoo= h$mself, an ba9le out ?yes#? Then he ran off stra$ght to the f$r=$n an ate a goo th$r part of $t# 1ut 9hen he came bac=, an the 1ear as=e h$m 9here he ha been s$nce he 9as so fat about the paunch, he sa$ ,!! [p# 410] ?Don7t you bel$e;e then that 3 9as b$ feast#? ?+o, so,? sa$ the 1ear, ?an the ,o"# the ,o" en to barsel, to a chr$sten$ng

pray 9hat 9as the ba$rn7s name#?

?5ust!begun,? sa$

+o they lay o9n to sleep aga$n# 3n a l$ttle 9h$le up <umpe aga$n, ba9le out ?yes,? an ran off to the f$r=$n#

Th$s t$me, too, he ate a goo lump# When he came bac=, an h$m aga$n 9here he ha been, he sa$ ,!! ?%h 9asn7t 3 b$ ?(n en to barsel aga$n, on7t you th$n=#?

the 1ear as=e

pray 9hat 9as the ba$rn7s name th$s t$me,? as=e the ,o"#

the 1ear#

?.alf!eaten,? sa$

The 1ear thought that a ;ery Kueer name, but he ha n7t 9on ere long o;er $t before he began to ya9n an gape, an fell asleep# Well, he ha n7t la$n long before the ,o" <umpe up as he ha one t9$ce before, ba9le out ?yes,? an ran off to the f$r=$n, 9h$ch th$s t$me he cleare r$ght out# When he got bac= he ha been b$ en to barsel aga$n, an 9hen the 1ear 9ante to =no9 the ba$rn7s name he ans9ere ,!! ?'$c=e !to!the!bottom#? (fter that they lay o9n aga$n, an slept a long t$me> but then they 9ere to go to the f$r=$n to loo= at the butter, an 9hen they foun $t eaten up, the 1ear thre9 the blame on the ,o", an the ,o" on the 1ear> an each sa$ the one ha been at the f$r=$n 9h$le the other slept# ?Well, 9ell,? sa$ )eynar , ?9e7ll soon f$n th$s out, 9h$ch of us has eaten the butter# We7ll <ust lay o9n $n the sunsh$ne, an he 9hose chee=s an chaps are greas$est 9hen 9e 9a=e, he $s the th$ef#? [p# 411] 6es, that tr$al 1ru$n 9as rea y to stan > an as he =ne9 $n h$s heart he ha ne;er so much as taste the butter, he lay o9n 9$thout a care to sleep $n the sun# Then )eynar stole off to the f$r=$n for a morsel of butter, 9h$ch stuc= there $n a crac=, an then he crept bac= to the 1ear, an grease h$s chaps an chee=s 9$th $t> an then he, too, lay o9n to sleep as $f noth$ng ha happene # +o 9hen they both 9o=e, the sun ha melte the butter, an the 1ear7s 9h$s=ers 9ere all greasy> an so $t 9as 1ru$n after all, an no one else, 9ho ha eaten the butter# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

Tom Totherhouse %nce on a t$me there 9as a Goo y 9ho ha a eaf husban # ( goo easy man he 9as, but that 9as <ust 9hy she thought more of the la ne"t oor, 9hom they calle ?Tom Totherhouse#? No9 the la that ser;e the eaf man sa9 ;ery 9ell that the t9o ha someth$ng bet9een them, an one ay he sa$ to the Goo y,!! ?Dare you 9ager ten o9n shame@? ollars, mother, that 3 on7t ma=e you lay bare your

?6es, 3

are,? sa$

she> an

so they 9agere



+o one ay, 9h$le the la an the eaf man stoo thrash$ng $n the barn, the la sa9 that Tom Totherhouse came to see the Goo y# .e sa$ noth$ng, but a goo 9h$le before $nner!t$me he turne to9ar the barn! oor, an ba9le out ?.alloaO? [p# 418] ?WhatO are 9e to go home alrea y@? sa$ hee to 9hat the la $ # ?6es, 9e must, s$nce mother calls,? sa$ the man, 9ho ha n7t g$;en any the la #

+o 9hen they got $nto the passage, the la began to hem an cough, that the Goo y m$ght get Tom Totherhouse out of the 9ay# 1ut 9hen they came $nto the room, there stoo a 9hole bo9l of custar s on the table# ?Nay, nay, mother,? cr$e out the man, ?shall 9e ha;e custar s to! ay@?

?6es, that you shall, ear,? sa$ the Goo y> but she 9as as sour as ;er<u$ce, an as cross as t9o st$c=s# +o 9hen they ha eaten an ran= all the goo cheer up, off they 9ent aga$n to the$r 9or=, an the Goo y sa$ to Tom,!! ?De$l ta=e that la 7s sharp nose, th$s 9as all h$s fault> but no9 you must be off as fast as you can, an 37ll come o9n to you $n the mea 9$th a snac= bet9een meals#? Th$s the la stoo outs$ e $n the passage an l$stene to#

?Do you =no9, father,? he sa$ , ?3 th$n= 9e7 best go o9n $nto the hollo9 an put our fence to r$ghts, 9h$ch $s blo9n o9n, before the ne$ghbours7 s9$ne get $n an root up our mea o9#? ?(y, ay, let7s go an goo , easy man# o $t,? sa$ the man> for he $ all he 9as tol ,

+o 9hen the afternoon 9as half spent, o9n came the Goo y snea=$ng along $nto the mea , 9$th someth$ng un er her apron# ?Nay, nay, mother,? sa$ the man, ?$t can7t be you any longer> are 9e to ha;e a snac= bet9een meals too@? ?6es, yes, that you shall,? she sa$ / but she 9as sourer an e;er# [p# 41:] +o they ma e merry, an cramme themsel;es 9$th bannoc=s an ha a rop of bran y $nto the barga$n# butter, an the 9$l er than

?37ll go off to Tom Totherhouse 9$th a snac=!!shan7t 3 mother@? sa$ la # ?.e7s ha noth$ng bet9een meals, 37ll be boun #?

?(hO o> there7s a goo m$l as m$l=#

fello9,? sa$

the Goo y, 9ho all at once got as

(s he 9ent along the la bro=e a bannoc= to b$ts, an roppe the crumbs here an there as he 9al=e # 1ut 9hen he got to Tom Totherhouse he sa$ !! ?No9, <ust you ta=e care, for our ol coc= has foun out that you come too often to see our Goo y# .e 9on7t stan $t any longer, an has s9orn to r$;e h$s a"e $nto you as soon as e;er he can set eyes on you#? (s for Tom, he 9as so fr$ghtene he scarce =ne9 9h$ch 9ay to turn, an the la 9ent bac= aga$n to h$s master# ?There7s someth$ng 9rong,? he sa$ , ?9$th Tom7s plough, an he begs you to be so goo as to ta=e your a"e, an go an see $f you can7t set $t r$ght#? 6es, the man set off 9$th h$s a"e, but Tom Totherhouse ha scarce caught s$ght of h$m, before he too= to h$s heels as fast as he coul # The man turne an t9$ste the plough roun an roun , an loo=e at $t on e;ery s$ e, an 9hen he coul n7t see anyth$ng 9rong 9$th $t he 9ent off home aga$n> but on the 9ay he p$c=e up the b$ts of bro=en bannoc= 9h$ch the la ha let fall# .$s ol ame stoo $n the mea o9 an loo=e at h$m as he $ th$s for a 9h$le, an 9on ere an 9on ere 9hat $t coul be her husban 9as gather$ng up# ?%h, 3 =no9,? sa$ the la , ?master7s p$c=$ng up stones, [p# 414] 37ll be boun > for he has mar=e ho9 often th$s Tom Totherhouse runs o;er here> an the ol fello9 9on7t stan $t any longer> an no9 he has s9orn to stone mother to eath#? %ff 9ent the Goo y as fast as her legs coul carry her# the

?What $n the 9orl $s $t that mother $s runn$ng after no9@? as=e man, 9hen he reache the spot 9here she ha stoo # ?%h,? sa$ the la , ?maybe the house at home $s on f$re@? beh$n an the Goo y before> an

+o there ran the husban screeche out,!!

as she ran she 37ll g$;e

?(hO ahO on7t stone me to eath> on7t stone me to eathO an you my 9or ne;er to let Tom Totherhouse come near me aga$n#? ?No9 the ten ollars are m$ne,? ba9le out the la > an

so they 9ere#

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

'$ttle (nn$e the Goose!G$rl %nce on a t$me there 9as a 4$ng 9ho ha so many geese, he 9as force to ha;e a lass$e to ten them an 9atch them> her name 9as (nn$e, an so they calle her ?(nn$e the Goose!g$rl#? No9 you must =no9 there 9as a

4$ng7s son from *nglan 9ho 9ent out to 9oo> an sat herself o9n $n h$s 9ay# ?+$tt$ng all alone there, you l$ttle (nn$e@? sa$ [p# 41B]

as he came along (nn$e the 4$ng7s son#

?6es,? sa$ l$ttle (nn$e, ?here 3 s$t an put st$tch to st$tch an on patch# 37m 9a$t$ng to! ay for the 4$ng7s son from *nglan #? ?.$m you mustn7t loo= to ha;e,? sa$ ?Nay, but $f 37m to ha;e h$m,? sa$ all#? the Pr$nce#


l$ttle (nn$e, ?ha;e h$m 3 shall after

(n no9 l$mners 9ere sent out $nto all lan s an realms to ta=e the l$=enesses of the fa$rest Pr$ncesses, an the Pr$nce 9as to choose bet9een them# +o he thought so much of one of them, that he set out to see= her, an 9ante to 9e her, an he 9as gla an happy 9hen he got her for h$s s9eetheart# 1ut no9 3 must tell you th$s Pr$nce ha a stone 9$th h$m 9h$ch he la$ by h$s be s$ e, an that stone =ne9 e;eryth$ng, an 9hen the Pr$ncess came l$ttle (nn$e tol her, $f so be she7 ha a s9eetheart before, or $ n7t feel herself Ku$te free from anyth$ng 9h$ch she $ n7t 9$sh the Pr$nce to =no9, she7 better not step on that stone 9h$ch lay by the be s$ e# ?3f you o, $t 9$ll tell h$m all about you,? sa$ l$ttle (nn$e#

+o 9hen the Pr$ncess hear that she 9as rea fully o9ncast, an she fell upon the thought to as= (nn$e $f she 9oul get $nto be that n$ght $n her stea an l$e o9n by the Pr$nce7s s$ e, an then 9hen he 9as soun asleep, (nn$e shoul get out an the Pr$ncess shoul get $n, an so 9hen he 9o=e up $n the morn$ng he 9oul f$n the r$ght br$ e by h$s s$ e# +o they $ that, an 9hen (nn$e the goose!g$rl came an stone the Pr$nce as=e ,!! ?Who $s th$s that steps $nto my be @? [p# 41F] ?( ma$ pure an br$ght,? sa$ the stone, an so they lay o9n to sleep> but 9hen the n$ght 9ore on the Pr$ncess came an lay o9n $n (nn$e7s stea # 1ut ne"t morn$ng, 9hen they 9ere to get up, the Pr$nce as=e aga$n,!! ?Who $s th$s that steps out of my be @? ?%ne that has ha three ba$rns,? sa$ the stone# the stone steppe upon the

When the Pr$nce hear that he 9oul n7t ha;e her, you may =no9 ;ery 9ell> an so he pac=e her off home aga$n, an too= another s9eetheart# 1ut as he 9ent to see her, l$ttle (nn$e 9ent an aga$n# sat o9n $n h$s 9ay

?+$tt$ng all alone there, l$ttle (nn$e, the goose!g$rl,? sa$

the Pr$nce#

?6es, here 3 s$t, an put st$tch to st$tch, an patch on patch> for 37m 9a$t$ng to! ay for the =$ng7s son from *nglan ,? sa$ (nn$e# ?%hO you mustn7t loo= to ha;e h$m,? sa$ the =$ng7s son#

?Nay, but $f 37m to ha;e h$m, ha;e h$m 3 shall, after all>? that 9as 9hat (nn$e thought# Well, $t 9as the same story o;er aga$n 9$th the Pr$nce> only th$s t$me, 9hen h$s br$ e got up $n the morn$ng, the stone sa$ she7 ha s$" ba$rns# +o the Pr$nce 9oul n7t ha;e her e$ther, but sent her about her bus$ness> but st$ll he thought he7 try once more $f he coul n7t f$n one 9ho 9as pure an spotless> an he sought far an 9$ e $n many lan s, t$ll at last he foun one he thought he m$ght trust# 1ut 9hen he 9ent to see her, l$ttle (nn$e the goose!g$rl ha put herself $n h$s 9ay# [p# 41I] ?+$tt$ng all alone there, you l$ttle (nn$e, the goose!g$rl,? sa$ Pr$nce# the

?6es, here 3 s$t, an put st$tch to st$tch, an patch on patch> for 37m 9a$t$ng to! ay for the =$ng7s son from *nglan ,? sa$ (nn$e# ?.$m you mustn7t loo= to ha;e,? sa$ the Pr$nce# l$ttle

?Nay, but $f 37m to ha;e h$m, ha;e h$m 3 shall, after all,? sa$ (nn$e#

+o 9hen the Pr$ncess came, l$ttle (nn$e the goose!g$rl tol her the same as she ha tol the other t9o, $f she7 ha any s9eetheart before, or $f there 9as anyth$ng else she $ n7t 9$sh the Pr$nce to =no9, she mustn7t trea on the stone that the Pr$nce ha put at h$s be s$ e> for, sa$ she,!! ?3t tells h$m e;eryth$ng#? The Pr$ncess got ;ery re an o9ncast 9hen she hear that, for she 9as <ust as naughty as the others, an as=e (nn$e $f she 9oul go $n her stea an l$e o9n 9$th the Pr$nce that n$ght> an 9hen he 9as soun asleep, she 9oul come an ta=e her place, an then he 9oul ha;e the r$ght br$ e by h$s s$ e 9hen $t 9as l$ght ne"t morn$ng# 6esO they $ that# (n 9hen l$ttle (nn$e the goose!g$rl came an upon the stone, the Pr$nce as=e ,!! ?Who $s th$s that steps $nto my be #? ?( ma$ pure an br$ght,? sa$ the stone> an so they lay o9n to rest# steppe

,arther on $n the n$ght the Pr$nce put a r$ng on (nn$e7s f$nger, an $t f$tte so t$ght she coul n7t got $t off aga$n> for the Pr$nce sa9 9ell

enough there 9as someth$ng 9rong, an so he 9$she 9h$ch he m$ght =no9 the r$ght 9oman aga$n# [p# 41A]

to ha;e a mar= by

Well, 9hen the Pr$nce ha gone off to sleep, the Pr$ncess came an ro;e (nn$e a9ay to the p$gstye, an lay o9n $n her place# Ne"t morn$ng, 9hen they 9ere to get up, the Pr$nce as=e !! ?Who $s th$s that steps out of my be @? ?%ne, that7s ha n$ne ba$rns,? sa$ the stone#

When the Pr$nce hear that he ro;e her a9ay at once, for he 9as $n an a9ful rage> an then he as=e the stone ho9 $t all 9as 9$th these Pr$ncesses 9ho ha steppe on $t, for he coul n7t un erstan $t at all, he sa$ # +o the stone tol h$m ho9 they ha goose!g$rl to h$m $n the$r stea # cheate h$m, an sent l$ttle (nn$e the

1ut as the Pr$nce 9$she to ha;e no m$sta=e about $t, he 9ent o9n to her 9here she sat ten $ng her geese, for he 9ante to see $f she ha the r$ng too, an he thought, ?$f she has $t, 7t9ere best to ta=e her at once for my Kueen#? +o 9hen he got o9n he sa9 $n a moment that she ha t$e a b$t of rag roun one of her f$ngers, an so he as=e her 9hy $t 9as t$e up# ?%hO 37;e cut myself so ba ly,? sa$ l$ttle (nn$e the goose!g$rl#

+o he must an 9oul see the f$nger, but (nn$e 9oul n7t ta=e the rag off# Then he caught hol of the f$nger> but (nn$e, she tr$e to pull $t from h$m, an so bet9een them the rag came off, an then he =ne9 h$s r$ng# +o he too= her up to the palace, an ga;e her much f$ne clothes an att$re, an after that they hel the$r 9e $ng feast> an so l$ttle (nn$e the goose!g$rl came to ha;e the =$ng of *nglan 7s son for her husban after all, <ust because $t 9as 9r$tten that she shoul ha;e h$m# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 419]

3NT)%D&0T3%N T% (PP*ND3H

(N(NG3 +T%)3*+# T.* Negroes $n the West 3n $es st$ll reta$n the tales an tra $t$ons 9h$ch the$r fathers an gran fathers brought 9$th them from (fr$ca# +ome th$rty years bac= these ?(nanC$ +tor$es,? as they are calle , 9ere $n;ar$ably tol at the Negro 9a=es, 9h$ch laste for n$ne success$;e

n$ghts# The rec$ters 9ere al9ays men# 3n those ays 9hen the sla;es 9ere st$ll half heathen, an 9hen the a9ful %beah 9as un$;ersally bel$e;e $n, such of the Negroes as atten e church or chapel =ept the$r ch$l ren a9ay from these funeral gather$ngs# The 9a=es are no9, $t $s bel$e;e , almost ent$rely $scont$nue , an 9$th them ha;e gone the stor$es# The Negroes are ;ery shy of tell$ng them, an both the clergyman of the 0hurch of *nglan , an the D$ssent$ng -$n$ster, set the$r faces aga$nst them, an call them fool$shness# The translator, 9hose early ch$l hoo 9as passe $n those $slan s, remembers to ha;e hear such stor$es from h$s nurse, 9ho 9as an (fr$can born> but beyon a stray fragment here an there, the r$ch store 9h$ch she possesse has altogether escape h$s memory# The follo9$ng stor$es ha;e been ta=en o9n from the mouth of a West 3n $an nurse $n h$s s$ster7s [p# 480] house, 9ho, born an bre $n $t, $s rather regar e as a member of the fam$ly than as a ser;ant# They are pr$nte <ust as she tol h$m, an both the$r genu$neness an the$r aff$n$ty 9$th the stor$es of other races 9$ll be self!e;$ ent# Thus 9e ha;e the ?W$sh$ng Tree? of the .$n oos, the 4alpa 2r$=sha of +oma e;a, an of the German ,a$ry Tales $n the ?Pump=$n Tree,? 9h$ch thro9s o9n as many pump=$ns as the poor 9$ o9 9$shes# 3n one story 9e ha;e ?1oots? to the l$fe, 9h$le the man 9hom he out9$ts $s o9n brother to the Norse Trolls# 3n another 9e f$n a ?spea=$ng heart,? 9h$ch rem$n s us at once of the *gypt$an story of (nessou an +atou, as 9ell as of the ?-achan elboom,? an the ?-$l=!9h$te Doo#? We f$n here the 9oman 9ho 9ashes the $rty hea re9ar e an the man 9ho refuses to 9ash $t pun$she , $n the ;ery 9or s use $n ?The 1ushy 1r$ e#? We f$n , too, $n ?Nancy ,a$ry,? the same story, both $n groun 9or= an $nc$ ent, as 9e ha;e $n ?The 'ass$e an her Go mother>? an most surpr$s$ng of all, $n the story of ?(nanC$ an JuanKua,? 9e f$n the ;ery tra$t about a tr$c= playe 9$th the ta$l of an o", 9h$ch $s met 9$th $n a ;ar$at$on to ?1oots 9ho ate a match 9$th the Troll#? .ere $s the ;ar$at$on/ ?Wh$lst he 9as 9$th the Troll, the la 9as to go out to 9atch the s9$ne, so he ro;e them home to h$s father7s house, but f$rst he cut the$r ta$ls off, an stuc= them $nto the groun # Then he 9ent home to the Troll, an begge h$m to come an see ho9 h$s s9$ne 9ere go$ng o9n to .ell# 1ut 9hen the Troll sa9 the s9$ne7s ta$ls st$c=$ng out of the groun he 9ante to pull them bac= aga$n, so he caught hol of them an ga;e a great tug, an then o9n he fell 9$th h$s heels up $n the a$r, an the ta$ls $n h$s f$st#? [p# 481] They are calle ?(nanC$ +tor$es,? because so many of them turn on the feats of (nanC$, 9hose character $s a m$"ture of ?The -aster!th$ef,? an of ?1oots>? but the most cur$ous th$ng about h$m $s, that he $llustrates the 1east *p$c $n a remar=able 9ay# 3n all the West 3n $an 3slan s, ?(nanC$? $s the name of sp$ ers [L1] $n general, an of a ;ery beaut$ful sp$ er 9$th yello9 str$ps $n part$cular# The Negroes th$n= that th$s sp$ er $s the ?(nanC$? of the$r stor$es, but that h$s super$or cunn$ng enables h$m to ta=e any shape he pleases# 3n fact, he $s the e"ample 9h$ch the (fr$can tr$bes from 9h$ch these stor$es came, ha;e chosen to ta=e as po$nt$ng out the super$or$ty of 9$t o;er brute strength# 3n th$s 9ay they ha;e matche the cle;erness an e"ter$ty of the +p$ er, aga$nst the bone an muscle of the '$on, $n;ar$ably to the $sa ;antage of the latter#

(fter th$s $ntro uct$on, 9e let the Tales spea= for themsel;es, only prem$s$ng that the ?5ac=!+pan$ar ? $n the f$rst story $s a ;ery pretty fly of the 9asp =$n , an , l$=e h$s *uropean brother, ;ery small $n the 9a$st> that the ?0ush!cush,? $s a l$ttle re yam 9h$ch $mparts a strong re ye to e;eryth$ng 9$th 9h$ch $t $s bo$le > an that the ?Dou=ana? $s a forest tree 9h$ch bears a fru$t, though of 9hat =$n $t $s har to say# ,ootnotes P481/1 0ompare 0ro9ther7s 6oruba Glossary, 9here (lansasa $s g$;en as the 6oruban for sp$ er# The change of n $nto l $s not uncommon, e;en suppos$ng the West 3n $an 9or to be uncorrupt# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 488]

N%T*# +3N0* 9r$t$ng the 3ntro uct$on to th$s (ppen $", the Translator has been able to consult ?The 2ocabulary of the %<$ 'anguage, by the )e;# .# N# )$$s, 1asle, 1AB4,? an ?( Grammar of the (=ra or Ga 'anguage, by the )e;# 5# G$mmermann, +tuttgart, 1ABA,? both 9h$ch e"cellent 9or=s pro;e beyon all oubt, not only that these West 3n $an (nanC$ stor$es are sp$ er stor$es, but that s$m$lar tales calle by the same name st$ll e"$st $n abun ance on the 9est coast of (fr$ca# These t9o languages, an others closely a=$n to them!!of 9h$ch the 6oruba $s one!!are spo=en by the tr$bes no9 settle on the Gol 0oast, but 9h$ch reach $nlan as far as the 4ong mounta$ns# The (sante!!once so form$ able to the ear of the 1r$t$sh publ$c un er the term (shantee, an st$ll so o $ous for the$r sla;e hunts!!are the most po9erful race among them, an ha;e re uce most of the$r =$n re to sub<ect$on# The follo9$ng passages from the 9or=s of -essrs# )$$s an G$mmermann suff$c$ently pro;e the connect$on bet9een the West 3n $an ?+p$ er +tor$es? an those of West (fr$ca# They also sho9 that the true spell$ng of the 9or shoul be (nans$# ?(nanse, subst#, a sp$ er> (nans$sem, subst#, story, tale, fable> to anans$sem, to tell a tale, from ananse an asem l$terally a tale of (nanse, a myth$c personage, generally calle (gya (nanse, father (nanse, to 9hom great s=$ll an $ngenu$ty $s attr$bute > probably a person$f$cat$on of the sp$ er an $ts $ngenu$ty as $splaye $n ma=$ng $ts 9eb#?!!)$$s, p# 14I# [p# 48:] 1etter st$ll G$mmermann, ?(nanu M%<$ ananseN n# sp$ er# Th$s an$mal $s the sub<ect of many superst$t$ons> for $nstance, that $t has a ba $nfluence upon ch$l ren sleep$ng $n the same room> $t plays, moreo;er, a $n the$r fables, $n 9h$ch the act$ng personages are mostly an$mals> 9hence these fables are calle $n %<$ sp$ er stor$es, anansesem# The sp$ er $s represente as spea=$ng through the nose, an $ts hobbl$ng 9al= an other pecul$ar$t$es

are correctly $m$tate $$#, p# 1I#

by the ;o$ce an

gestures of the relater#?!!2ol#

(t ;ol# $#, p# 19:, 9e ha;e t9o spec$mens of such stor$es, the f$rst of 9h$ch, about (nans$ an h$s son, rem$n s one of one of the many stor$es of 1oots an h$s 1rothers> 9h$le $n the secon , the ?'$ttle 1$r s? re;eal to a hunter the con uct of h$s 9$fe at home# The root of the 9or (nans$, $n $fferent (fr$can $alects, $s nan, ran, or lan, all 9h$ch are ;erbs, mean$ng to sp$n# (nans$ $s therefore, the sp$nner# The connect$on bet9een $t an aranea, ara"ne, an lana, 9$ll be e;$ ent to ph$lolog$sts# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 48B]

W.6 T.* 5(04!+P(N3()D7+ W(3+T 3+ +-('' (N(NG3 an -osKu$to 9ere tal=$ng together one ay, an boast$ng of the$r fathers7 crops# (nanC$ sa$ h$s father ha ne;er ha such a crop $n h$s l$fe before> an -osKu$to sa$ , he 9as sure h$s father7s 9as b$gger, for one yam they ug 9as as b$g as h$s leg# Th$s t$c=le 5ac=!+pan$ar so much, that he laughe t$ll he bro=e h$s 9a$st $n t9o# That7s 9hy the 5ac=!+pan$ar 7s 9a$st $s so small# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

(N(NG3 (ND T.* '3%N# %N0* on a t$me (nanC$ planne a scheme# .e 9ent to to9n an bought e;er so many f$r=$ns of fat, an e;er so many sac=s, an e;er so many balls of str$ng, an a ;ery b$g fry$ng pan, then he 9ent to the bay an ble9 a shell, an calle the .ea !f$sh $n the sea, ?Green *el,? to h$m# Then he sa$ to the f$sh, ?The 4$ng sen s me to tell you that you must br$ng all the f$sh on shore, for he 9ants to g$;e them ne9 l$fe#? +o ?Green *el? sa$ he 9oul , an 9ent to call them# -ean9h$le (nanC$ l$ghte a f$re, an too= out some of the fat, an got h$s fry$ng pan rea y, an as fast as the f$sh came out of the 9ater he caught them an put them $nto the fry$ng pa$l, an so he $ 9$th all of them unt$l he got to the .ea !f$sh, 9ho [p# 48F] 9as so sl$ppery that he coul n7t hol 9ater# h$m, an he got bac= aga$n $nto the

When (nanC$ ha fr$e all the f$sh, he put them $nto the sac=s, an too= the sac=s on h$s bac=, an set off to the mounta$ns# .e ha not gone ;ery far 9hen he met '$on, an '$on sa$ to h$m,!!

?Well, brother (nanC$, 9here ha;e you been@ 3 ha;e not seen you a long t$me#? (nanC$ sa$ , ?3 ha;e been tra;ell$ng about#? ?1ut 9hat ha;e you got there@? sa$ the '$on#

?%hO 3 ha;e got my mother7s bones,!!she has been ea these forty!ele;en years, an they say 3 must not =eep her here, so 3 am ta=$ng her up $nto the m$ le of the mounta$ns to bury her#? Then they parte # (fter he ha gone a l$ttle 9ay, the '$on sa$ , ?3 =no9 that (nanC$ $s a great rogue> 3 aresay he has got someth$ng there that he oesn7t 9ant me to see, an 3 9$ll <ust follo9 h$m>? but he too= care not to let (nanC$ see h$m# No9, 9hen (nanC$ got $nto the 9oo , he set h$s sac=s o9n, an too= one f$sh out an began to eat> then a fly came, an (nanC$ sa$ , ?3 cannot eat any more, for there $s some one near>? so he t$e the sac= up, an 9ent on farther $nto the mounta$ns, 9here he set h$s sac=s o9n, an too= out t9o f$sh 9h$ch he ate> an no fly came# .e sa$ , ?There7s no one near>? so he too= out more f$sh# 1ut 9hen he ha eaten about half!a! oCen, the '$on came up, an sa$ ,!! ?Well, brother (nanC$, a pretty tale you ha;e tol me#?

?%hO brother '$on, 3 am so gla you ha;e come> ne;er m$n 9hat tale 3 ha;e tol you, but come an s$t o9n,!!$t 9as only my fun#? +o '$on sat o9n an began to eat> but before (nanC$ ha eaten t9o f$sh, '$on ha empt$e one of the sac=s# Then sa$ (nanC$ to h$mself,!! ?Gree y fello9, eat$ng up all my f$sh#? ?What o you say, say@?

[p# 48I] ?3 only sa$ you o not eat half fast enough,? for he 9as afra$ 9oul eat h$m up# the '$on he

Then they 9ent on eat$ng, but (nanC$ 9ante to re;enge h$mself, an sa$ to the '$on, ?Wh$ch of us o you th$n= $s the strongest@? The '$on sa$ , ?Why, 3 am, of course#? Then (nanC$ sa$ , ?We 9$ll t$e one another to the tree, an 9h$ch $s the stronger#?

9e shall see

No9 they agree that the '$on shoul t$e (nanC$ f$rst, an he t$e h$m 9$th some ;ery f$ne str$ng, an $ not t$e h$m t$ght, (nanC$ t9$ste h$mself about t9o or three t$mes, an the str$ng bro=e# Then $t 9as (nanC$7s turn to t$e the '$on, an he too= some ;ery strong cor # The '$on sa$ , ?6ou must not t$e me t$ght, for 3 $ not t$e you t$ght#? (n (nanC$ sa$ , ?%hO no, to be sure, 3 9$ll not#? 1ut he t$e h$m as t$ght as e;er he coul , an then tol h$m to try an get loose#

The '$on tr$e an tr$e $n ;a$n!!he coul not get loose# Then (nanC$ thought, no9 $s my chance> so be got a b$g st$c= an beat h$m, an then 9ent a9ay an left h$m, for he 9as afra$ to loose h$m lest he shoul =$ll h$m# No9 there 9as a 9oman calle -$ss Nancy, 9ho 9as go$ng out one morn$ng to get some ?callalou? Msp$nachN $n the 9oo , an as she 9as go$ng, she hear some one say, ?Goo morn$ng, -$ss NancyO? +he coul not tell 9ho spo=e to her, but she loo=e 9here the ;o$ce came from, an sa9 the '$on t$e to the tree@ ?Goo morn$ng, -r# '$on, 9hat are you o$ng there@? me to the tree, but

.e sa$ , ?3t $s all that fello9 (nanC$ 9ho has t$e 9$ll you loose me@?

1ut she sa$ , ?No, for 3 am afra$ , $f 3 o, you 9$ll =$ll me#? 1ut he ga;e her h$s 9or he 9oul not> st$ll she coul not trust h$m> but he begge her aga$n an aga$n, an sa$ ,!! ?Well, $f 3 upon me#? [p# 48A] +o at last she consente > but she ha no sooner loose h$m, than he came up to her to eat her, for he ha been so many ays 9$thout foo , that he 9as Ku$te ra;enous, but the trees $mme $ately cr$e out, ?+hame,? an so he coul not eat her# Then she 9ent a9ay as fast as she coul , an the '$on foun h$s 9ay home# When '$on got home he tol h$s 9$fe an ch$l ren all that happene to h$m, an ho9 -$ss Nancy ha sa;e h$s l$fe, so they sa$ they 9oul ha;e a great $nner, an as= -$ss Nancy# No9 9hen (nanC$ hear of $t, he 9ante to go to the $nner, so he 9ent to -$ss Nancy, an sa$ she must ta=e h$m 9$th her as her ch$l , but she sa$ , ?No#? Then he sa$ , 3 can turn myself $nto Ku$te a l$ttle ch$l , an then you can ta=e me, an at last she sa$ , ?6es>? an he tol her, 9hen she 9as as=e 9hat pap her baby ate, she must be sure to tell them $t $ not eat pap, but the same foo as e;ery one else> an so they 9ent, an ha a ;ery goo $nner, an set off home aga$n!!but someho9 one of the '$on7s sons fanc$e that all 9as not r$ght, an he tol h$s father he 9as sure $t 9as (nanC$, an the '$on set out after h$m# No9 as they 9ere go$ng along, before the '$on got up to them, (nanC$ begge -$ss Nancy to put h$m o9n, that he m$ght run, 9h$ch he $ , an he got a9ay an ran along the 9oo , an the '$on ran after h$m# When he foun the '$on 9as o;er ta=$ng h$m, he turne h$mself $nto an ol man 9$th a bun le of 9oo on h$s hea !!an 9hen the '$on got up to h$m, he sa$ ?Goo morn$ng, -r# '$on,? an the '$on sa$ , ?Goo morn$ng, ol gentleman#? Then the ol man sa$ , ?What are you after no9@? an the '$on as=e $f he ha seen (nanC$ pass that 9ay, but the ol man sa$ , ?No, that fello9 (nanC$ $s al9ays me l$ng 9$th some one> 9hat m$sch$ef has he been up to no9@? o try to eat you, 3 hope all the trees 9$ll cry out shame

Then the '$on tol h$m, but the ol man sa$ $t 9as no use to follo9 h$m any more, for he 9oul ne;er catch h$m, an so the '$on 9$she h$m goo ay, an turne an 9ent home aga$n# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 489]

(N(NG3 (ND J&(NJ&(# J&(NJ&( 9as a ;ery cle;er fello9, an he ha a large house full of all sorts of meat# 1ut you must =no9 he ha a 9ay of say$ng Juan@ Jua@ Mho9@ 9hat@N 9hen any one as=e h$m anyth$ng, an so they calle h$m ?JuanKua#? %ne ay 9hen he 9as out, he met (tou=ama, (nanC$7s 9$fe, 9ho 9as go$ng along r$;$ng an o", but the o" 9oul not 9al=, so (tou=ama as=e JuanKua to help her> an they got on pretty 9ell t$ll they came to a r$;er, 9hen the o" 9oul not cross through the 9ater# Then (tou=ama calle to JuanKua to r$;e the o" across, but all she got out of h$m 9as, ?J&(N@ J&(@ Juan@ Jua@? (t last she sa$ , ?%hO you stup$ fello9, you7re no goo > stop here an m$n the o" 9h$le 3 go an get help to r$;e h$m across#? +o off she 9ent to fetch (nanC$# (s soon as (tou=ama 9as gone a9ay, JuanKua =$lle the o", an h$ $t all a9ay, 9here (nanC$ shoul not see $t> but f$rst he cut off the ta$l, then he ug a hole near the r$;er s$ e, an stuc= the ta$l partly $n, lea;$ng out the t$p# When he sa9 (nanC$ com$ng, he caught hol of the ta$l, preten $ng to tug at $t as $f he 9ere pull$ng the o" out of the hole# (nanC$ see$ng th$s, ran up as fast as be coul , an tugg$ng at the ta$l 9$th all h$s m$ght, fell o;er $nto the r$;er, but he st$ll ha hol of the ta$l, an contr$;e to get across the 9ater, 9hen he calle out to JuanKua, ?6ou $ le fello9, you coul n7t ta=e care of the o", so you shan7t ha;e a b$t of the ta$l,? an then on he 9ent# When he 9as gone Ku$te out of s$ght, JuanKua too= the o" home, an ma e a ;ery goo $nner# Ne"t ay he 9ent to (nanC$7s house, an sa$ , (nanC$ must g$;e h$m some of the ta$l, for he ha got plenty of yams, but he ha no meat# Then they agree to coo= the$r pot together# JuanKua 9as to put $n 9h$te yams, an (nanC$ the ta$l, an re yams# When they came to put the yams $n, JuanKua put [p# 4:0] $n a great many 9h$te yams, but (nanC$ only put $n one l$ttle re cush! cush yam# JuanKua as=e h$m $f that l$ttle yam 9oul be enough@ he sa$ , ?%hO plenty, for 3 on7t eat much#? When the pot bo$le , they unco;ere $t, an sat o9n to eat the$r shares, but they coul n7t f$n any 9h$te yams at all> the l$ttle re one ha turne them all re # +o (nanC$ cla$me them all, an JuanKua 9as gla to ta=e 9hat (nanC$ 9oul g$;e h$m# No9, 9hen they ha one eat$ng, they sa$ they 9oul try 9h$ch coul bear heat best, so they heate t9o $rons, an (nanC$ 9as to try f$rst on JuanKua, but he ma e so many attempts, that the $ron got col before he

got near h$m> then $t 9as JuanKua7s turn, an he pulle the f$re, an po=e $t r$ght o9n (nanC$7s throat#

the $ron out of

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

T.* *() %, 0%)N (ND T.* TW*'2* -*N# [Th$s tale $s $mperfect at the beg$nn$ng#] (N(NG3 sa$ to the 4$ng, that $f he 9oul g$;e h$m an ear of corn, he 9oul br$ng h$m t9el;e strong men# The =$ng ga;e h$m the ear of corn, an he 9ent a9ay# (t last he got to a house, 9here he as=e for a n$ght7s lo g$ng 9h$ch 9as g$;en h$m> the ne"t morn$ng he got up ;ery early, an thre9 the ear of corn out of the oor to the fo9ls, an 9ent bac= to be # When he got up $n the morn$ng, he loo=e for h$s ear of corn, an coul not f$n $t any9here, so he tol them he 9as sure the fo9ls ha eaten $t, an he 9oul not be sat$sf$e unless they ga;e h$m the best coc= they ha # +o they 9ere obl$ge to g$;e h$m the coo=, an he 9ent a9ay 9$th $t, all ay, unt$l n$ght, 9hen he came to another house, an as=e aga$n for a n$ght7s lo g$ng, 9h$ch he got> but 9hen they 9ante to put the coc= $nto the fo9l!house, he sa$ , [p# 4:1] no, the coo= must sleep $n the pen 9$th the sheep, so they put the coc= 9$th the sheep# (t m$ n$ght he got up, =$lle the coc=, thre9 $t bac= $nto the pen, an 9ent bac= to be # Ne"t morn$ng, 9hen $t 9as t$me for h$m to go a9ay, h$s coc= 9as ea , an he 9oul not ta=e anyth$ng for $t but one of the best sheep, so they ga;e $t to h$m, an be 9ent off 9$th $t all that ay, unt$l n$ght!fall, 9hen he got to a ;$llage, 9here he aga$n as=e for a n$ght7s lo g$ng, 9h$ch 9as g$;en to h$m, an 9hen!they 9ante to put h$s sheep 9$th the other sheep, he sa$ , no, the sheep must sleep 9$th the cattle> so they put the sheep 9$th the cattle# 3n the m$ le of the n$ght he got up an =$lle the sheep, an 9ent bac= to be # Ne"t morn$ng he 9ent for h$s sheep, 9h$ch 9as ea , so he tol them they must g$;e h$m the best he$fer for h$s sheep, an $f they 9oul not o so, he 9oul go bac= an tell the 4$ng, 9ho 9oul come an ma=e 9ar on them# +o to get r$ of h$m, they 9ere gla to g$;e h$m the he$fer, an let h$m go> an a9ay he 9ent, an 9al=e nearly all ay 9$th the he$fer# To9ar s e;en$ng he met a funeral, an as=e 9hose $t 9as@ one of the men sa$ , $t 9as h$s s$ster, so he as=e the men $f they 9oul let h$m ha;e her> they sa$ no, but after a 9h$le, he begge so har , say$ng he 9oul g$;e them the he$fer, that they consente , an he too=, the ea bo y an 9al=e a9ay, carry$ng $t unt$l $t 9as ar=, 9hen he came to a large to9n, 9here he 9ent to a house an begge har for a n$ght7s lo g$ng for h$mself an h$s s$ster, 9ho 9as so t$re he 9as obl$ge to carry her, an they 9oul be than=ful $f they 9oul let them rest there that n$ght# +o they let them $n, an he as=e them to let them s$t $n the ar=, as h$s s$ster coul not bear the l$ght# +o they too= them $nto a room, an left them $n the ar=> an 9hen they 9ere alone, he seate h$mself on a bench near the table, an put h$s s$ster close by h$s s$ e, 9$th h$s arm roun her to =eep her up# Presently they brought them $n some supper> one plate he set before h$s s$ster, an put her han $n $t, an the other plate for

h$mself, but he ate out of both plates# When $t 9as t$me to go to be , he as=e $f they 9oul allo9 h$s [p# 4:8] s$ster to sleep $n a room 9here there 9ere t9el;e strong men sleep$ng, for she ha f$ts, an $f she ha one $n the n$ght, they 9oul be able to hol her, an 9oul not $sturb the rest of the house# +o they agree to th$s, an he carr$e her $n h$s arms, because, he sa$ , she 9as so t$re , she 9as asleep, an la$ her $n a be > he charge the men not to $sturb her, an 9ent h$mself to sleep $n the ne"t room# 3n the m$ le of the n$ght he hear the men call$ng out, for they smelt a horr$ smell, an tr$e to 9a=e the 9oman!!f$rst one man ga;e her a blo9, an then another, unt$l all the men ha struc= her, but (nanC$ too= no not$ce of the no$se# 3n the morn$ng 9hen he 9ent $n for h$s s$ster an foun her ea , he eclare they ha =$lle her, an that he must ha;e the t9el;e men> to th$s the to9nsmen sa$ no, not suppos$ng that all the men ha =$lle her, but the men confesse that they ha each g$;en her a blo9!!so he 9oul not be sat$sf$e 9$th less than the t9el;e, an he carr$e them off to the 4$ng, an them up# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

T.* 43NG (ND T.* (NT7+ T)**# T.*)* 9as a 4$ng 9ho ha a ;ery beaut$ful aughter, an he sa$ 9hoe;er 9oul cut o9n an ant7s tree 9h$ch he ha $n h$s =$ng om, 9$thout brush$ng off the ants, shoul marry h$s aughter# No9 a great many came an tr$e , but no one coul o $t, for the ants fell out upon them an stung them, an they 9ere force to brush them off# There 9as al9ays some one 9atch$ng to see $f they brushe the ants off# Then (nanC$ 9ent, an the 4$ng7s son 9as set to 9atch h$m#

When they sho9e h$m the tree, he sa$ , ?Why, that7s noth$ng, 3 =no9 3 can o that#? +o they ga;e h$m the a"e, an he began to he9, but each blo9 he ga;e the tree, he shoo= h$mself an brushe h$mself, say$ng all the 9h$le, ?D$ you see [p# 4::] me o that@ 1 suppose you th$n= 37m brush$ng myself, but 3 am not#? (n so he 9ent on unt$l he ha cut o9n the tree# 1ut the boy thought he 9as only preten $ng to brush h$mself all the t$me, an the 4$ng 9as obl$ge to g$;e h$m h$s aughter# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

T.* '3TT'* 0.3'D (ND T.* P&-P43N T)**#

T.*)* 9as once a poor 9$ o9 9ho ha s$" ch$l ren# %ne ay 9hen she 9as go$ng out to loo= for someth$ng to eat, for she 9as ;ery poor, she met an ol man s$tt$ng by the r$;er s$ e# .e sa$ (n to her, ?Goo morn$ng#? morn$ng, father#?

she ans9ere , ?Goo

.e sa$

to her, ?W$ll you 9ash my hea @?

+he sa$ she 9oul , so she 9ashe $t, an 9hen she 9as go$ng a9ay, he ga;e her a ?stampee,? [L1] an tol her to go a certa$n $stance, an she 9oul see a large tree full of pump=$ns> she 9as then to $g a hole at the root of the tree an bury the money, an 9hen she ha one so, she 9as to call for as many pump=$ns as she l$=e , an she shoul ha;e them# +o the 9oman 9ent, an $ as she 9as tol , an she calle for s$" pump=$ns, one for each ch$l , an s$" came o9n, an she carr$e them home> an no9 they al9ays ha pump=$ns enough to eat, for 9hene;er they 9ante any, the 9oman ha only to go to the tree an call, an they ha as many as they l$=e # %ne morn$ng 9hen she got up, she foun a l$ttle baby before the oor, so she too= $t up an carr$e $t $n, an too= care of $t# *;ery ay she 9ent out, but $n the morn$ng she bo$le enough pump=$ns to ser;e the ch$l ren all ay# %ne ay 9hen she came bac= she foun the foo 9as all one, so she scol e her ch$l ren, an beat them for eat$ng $t all up, [p# 4:4] They tol her they ha not ta=en any!!that $t 9as the baby!!but she 9oul not bel$e;e them, an sa$ , ?.o9 coul a l$ttle baby get up an help $tself>? but the ch$l ren st$ll pers$ste $t 9as the baby# +o one ay, 9hen she 9as go$ng out, she put some pump=$n $n a calabash, an set a trap o;er $t# When she 9as gone, the baby got up as usual to eat the foo , an got $ts hea fastene $n the trap, so that $t coul not get out, an began =noc=$ng $ts hea about, an cry$ng out, ?%hO o loose me, for that 9oman 9$ll =$ll me 9hen she con$es bac=#? When the 9oman came $n, she foun the baby fastene $n the trap, so she beat $t 9ell, an turne $t out of oors, an begge her ch$l ren7s par on for ha;$ng 9ronge them# Then after she turne the baby out, he change $nto a great b$g man, an 9ent to the r$;er, 9here he sa9 the ol man s$tt$ng by the r$;er s$ e, 9ho as=e h$m to 9ash h$s hea , as he ha as=e the poor 9oman, but the man sa$ ,!! ?No, he 9oul ?goo !bye#? not 9ash h$s $rty hea ,? an so he 9$she the ol man

Then the ol man as=e h$m $f he 9oul l$=e to ha;e a pump=$n, to 9h$ch he sa$ ?yes,? an the ol man tol h$m to go on t$ll he sa9 a large tree 9$th plenty of pump=$ns on $t, an then he must as= for one# +o he 9ent on t$ll he got to the tree, an the pump=$ns loo=e so n$ce he coul not be sat$sf$e 9$th one, so he calle out, ?Ten pump=$ns come o9n,? an the ten pump=$ns fell an crushe h$m# ,ootnotes

P4::/1 ( small co$n# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

T.* 1)%T.*) (ND .3+ +3+T*)+# T.*)* 9ere once upon a t$me three s$sters an a brother# The s$sters 9ere all prou , an one 9as ;ery beaut$ful, an she $ not l$=e her l$ttle brother, ?because,? she sa$ , ?he 9as $rty#? No9, th$s beaut$ful s$ster 9as to be marr$e , an the brother [p# 4:B] begge the$r mother not to let her marry, as he 9as sure the man 9oul =$ll her, for he =ne9 h$s house 9as full of bones# +o the mother tol her aughter, but she 9oul not bel$e;e $t, an sa$ , ?she 9oul n7t l$sten to anyth$ng that such a $rty l$ttle scrub sa$ ,? an so she 9as marr$e # No9, $t 9as agree that one s$ster 9as to rema$n 9$th her mother, an the other 9as to go 9$th the br$ e, an so they set out on the$r 9ay# When they got to the beach, the husban p$c=e up a beaut$ful torto$se!shell comb, 9h$ch he ga;e to h$s br$ e# Then they got $nto h$s boat an ro9e a9ay o;er the sea, an 9hen they reache the$r home, they 9ere so surpr$se to see the$r l$ttle brother, for the comb ha turne $nto the$r brother# They 9ere not at all gla to see h$m, an the husban thought to h$mself he 9oul =$ll h$m 9$thout tell$ng h$s 9$fe# When n$ght came the boy tol the husban that at home h$s mother al9ays put h$m to sleep $n the blac=sm$th7s shop, an so the husban sa$ he shoul sleep $n the sm$thy# 3n the m$ le of the n$ght the man got up, $nten $ng to =$ll them all, an 9ent to h$s shop to get h$s $rons rea y, but the boy <umpe up as soon as he 9ent $n, an he sa$ , ?1oy, 9hat $s the matter 9$th you@? +o the boy sa$ , 9hen he 9as at home h$s mother al9ays ga;e h$m t9o bags of gol to put h$s hea on# Then the man sa$ , he shoul ha;e them, an 9ent an fetche h$m t9o bags of gol , an tol h$m to go to sleep# 1ut the boy sa$ , ?No9, m$n , 9hen you hear me snore 37m not asleep, but 9hen 3 am not snor$ng then 37m asleep#? Then the boy 9ent to sleep an began to snore, an as long as the man hear the snor$ng, he ble9 h$s bello9s> but as soon as the snor$ng stoppe , the man too= h$s $rons out of the f$re, an the boy <umpe up# Then the man sa$ , ?Why, 9hat7s the matter@ 9hy can7t you sleep@? The boy sa$ , ?No> for at home my mother al9ays ga;e me four bags of money to l$e upon#? Well, the man sa$ [p# 4:F] four bags of money# Then the boy tol h$m aga$n the same th$ng about h$s snor$ng, an the man ba e h$m go to sleep, an he began to snore, an the he shoul ha;e them, an brought

man to blo9 h$s bello9s unt$l the snor$ng stoppe # Then the man too= out h$s $rons aga$n, an the boy <umpe up, an the man roppe the $rons, say$ng, ?Why, 9hat7s the matter no9 that you can7t sleep@? The boy sa$ , ?(t home my mother al9ays ga;e me t9o bushels of corn#? +o the man sa$ he shoul ha;e the corn, an 9ent an brought $t, an tol h$m to go to sleep# Then the boy snore , an the man ble9 h$s bello9s t$ll the snor$ng stoppe , 9hen he aga$n too= out h$s $rons, an the boy <umpe t$p, an the man sa$ , ?Why, 9hat7s $t no9@? The boy sa$ , ?(t home my mother al9ays goes to the r$;er 9$th a s$e;e to br$ng me some 9ater#? +o the man sa$ , ?2ery 9ell, 3 9$ll go, but 3 ha;e a coc= here, an before 3 go 3 must spea= to $t#? Then the man tol the coc= $f he sa9 any one mo;$ng $n the house he must cro9> that the coc= prom$se to o, an the man set off# No9 9hen the boy thought the man 9as gone far a9ay, he got up, an ga;e the coc= some of the corn> then he 9o=e up h$s s$sters an sho9e them all the bones the man ha $n the house, an they 9ere ;ery fr$ghtene # Then he too= the t9o bags of gol on h$s shoul ers, an tol h$s s$sters to follo9 h$m# .e too= them to the bay, an put them $nto the boat 9$th the bags of gol , an left them 9h$lst he 9ent bac= for the four bags of money# When he 9as lea;$ng the house he empt$e the bags of corn to the coo=, 9ho 9as so busy eat$ng, he forgot to cro9, unt$l they ha got Ku$te a9ay# When the man returne home an coul not f$n them $n the house, he 9ent to the r$;er, 9here he foun h$s boat gone, an so he ha no 9ay of go$ng after them# When they lan e at the$r o9n place the boy turne the boat o;er an sto;e $t $n, so that $t 9as of no use any more> an he too= h$s s$sters home, [p# 4:I] an tol the$r mother all that ha happene , an h$s s$sters lo;e h$m, an they l$;e ;ery happ$ly together e;er after9ar s, an o so st$ll $f they are not ea # Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

T.* G3)' (ND T.* ,3+.# T.*)* 9as once a g$rl 9ho use to go to the r$;er to fetch 9ater, but 9hen she 9ent she 9as ne;er $n a hurry to come bac=, but staye so long, that they ma e up the$r m$n s to 9atch her# +o one ay they follo9e her to the r$;er, an foun 9hen she got there she sa$ someth$ng Mthe rec$ter forgets the 9or sN, an a f$sh came up an tal=e to her> an she $ not l$=e to lea;e $t, for $t 9as her s9eetheart# +o they 9ent ne"t ay to the r$;er to see $f the f$sh 9oul come up, for they remembere 9hat the g$rl sa$ , an use the same 9or s# Then up came the f$sh

$mme $ately, an they caught $t, an too= $t home, an coo=e $t for $nner,!!an a part they set by, an ga;e $t to the g$rl 9hen she came $n# Wh$lst she 9as eat$ng, a ;o$ce sa$ , ?Do you =no9 9hat you are eat$ng@ 3 am he you ha;e so often tal=e 9$th# 3f you loo= $n the p$g7s tub you 9$ll see my heart#? Then the ;o$ce tol her to ta=e the heart, an 9rap $t up $n a han =erch$ef, an carry $t to the r$;er# When she got to the r$;er she 9oul see three stones $n the 9ater> she 9as to stan on the m$ le stone an $p the han =erch$ef three t$mes $nto the 9ater# (ll th$s she $ , an then she san= su enly, an 9as carr$e o9n to a beaut$ful place, 9here she foun her lo;er change from a f$sh $nto h$s proper form, an there she l$;e happ$ly 9$th h$m for e;er# (n th$s $s the reason 9hy there are merma$ s $n the 9ater# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 4:A]

T.* '3%N, T.* G%(T, (ND T.* 1(1%%N# ( '3%N ha a Goat for h$s 9$fe# %ne ay Goat 9ent out to mar=et, an 9h$le she 9as gone, '$on 9ent out $n the 9oo , 9here he met 9$th 1aboon, 9ho ma e fr$en s 9$th '$on, for fear he 9oul eat h$m, an as=e h$m to go home 9$th h$m> but the '$on thought $t 9oul be a goo chance, so he as=e the 1aboon to go home 9$th h$m an see h$s l$ttle ones# When they got home, the 1aboon sa$ to the '$on, ?Why, you ha;e got plenty of l$ttle goats here#? The '$on sa$ , ?6es, they are my ch$l ren#? +o the 1aboon sa$ , ?3f they are, they are l$ttle goats, an ;ery goo meat#? they are

+o the '$on sa$ , ?Don7t ma=e a no$se> the$r mother 9$ll come presently, an 9e 9$ll see#? +o these l$ttle goats too= no not$ce, but 9ent out to meet the$r mother, an tol her 9hat ha passe # The$r mother sa$ to them, ?Go bac=, ta=e no not$ce, an home presently, an shall o for h$m#? +o she 9ent an bought some molasses, an sa$ , ?(re you come> 9hat ne9s@? ?%hO? she sa$ , ?goo goo , $t7s honey#? 3 shall come

too= $t home 9$th her# The '$on sa$ , ?3t7s ;ery

ne9s, taste here#? .e taste , an

(n she sa$ , ?3t7s baboon7s bloo > they ha;e been =$ll$ng one to! ay, the bloo $s runn$ng $n the street, an e;ery one $s carry$ng $t a9ay#? The '$on sa$ , ?.ush, there7s one $n the house, an 9e shall ha;e h$m#?

(t th$s the 1aboon rushe off, an 9hen they loo=e for h$m, he 9as gone, an ne;er came near them aga$n, 9h$ch sa;e the l$ttle goats7 l$;es# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 4:9]

(N(NG3 (ND 1(1%%N# (N(NG3 an 1aboon 9ere $sput$ng one ay 9h$ch 9as fattest# (nanC$ sa$ he 9as sure he 9as fat, but 1aboon eclare he 9as fatter# Then (nanC$ propose that they shoul pro;e $t> so they ma e a f$re, an agree that they shoul hang up before $t, an see 9h$ch 9oul rop most fat# Then 1aboon hung up (nanC$ f$rst, but no fat roppe #

Then (nanC$ hung up 1aboon, an ;ery soon the fat began to rop, 9h$ch smelt so goo that (nanC$ cut a sl$ce out of 1aboon, an sa$ , ?%hO brother 1aboon, you7re fat for true#? 1ut 1aboon $ n7t spea=#

+o (nanC$ sa$ , ?Well, spea= or not spea=, 37ll eat you e;ery b$t to! ay,? 9h$ch he really $ # 1ut 9hen he ha eaten up all 1aboon, the b$ts <o$ne themsel;es together $n h$s stomach, an began to pull h$m about so much that he ha no rest, an 9as obl$ge to go to a octor# The octor tol h$m not to eat anyth$ng for some ays, then he 9as to get a r$pe banana, an hol $t to h$s mouth> 9hen the 1aboon, 9ho 9oul be hungry, smelt the banana, he 9oul be sure to run up to eat $t, an so he 9oul run out of h$s mouth# +o (nanC$ star;e h$mself, an got the banana, an $ as the octor tol h$m> but 9hen he put the banana to h$s mouth, he 9as so hungry coul n7t help eat$ng $t# +o he $ n7t get r$ of the 1aboon, 9h$ch 9ent on pull$ng h$m about t$ll he 9as obl$ge to go bac= to the octor, 9ho tol h$m he 9oul soon cure h$m> an he too= the banana, an hel $t to (nanC$7s mouth, an ;ery soon the 1aboon <umpe up to catch $t, an ran out of h$s mouth> an (nanC$ 9as ;ery gla to get r$ of h$m# (n 1aboons to th$s ;ery ay l$=e bananas# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 440]

T.* -(N (ND T.* D%&4(N( T)**# T.*)* 9as once a man an h$s 9$fe, 9ho 9ere ;ery poor, an they ha a great many ch$l ren# The man 9as ;ery laCy, an 9oul o noth$ng to help

h$s fam$ly# The poor mother $ all she coul # 3n the 9oo close by gre9 a Dou=ana Tree, 9h$ch 9as full of fru$t# *;ery ay the man 9ent an ate some of the fru$t, but ne;er too= any home, so he ate an he ate, unt$l there 9ere only t9o Dou=anas left on the Tree# %ne he ate, an left the other# Ne"t ay, 9hen he 9ent for that one, he 9as obl$ge to cl$mb up the tree to reach $t> but 9hen he got up, the Dou=ana fell o9n> 9hen he got o9n the Dou=ana <umpe up> an so $t 9ent on unt$l he 9as Ku$te t$re # Then he as=e all the an$mals that passe by to help h$m, but they all ma e some e"cuse# They all ha someth$ng to o# The horse ha h$s 9or= to o, or he 9oul ha;e no grass to eat# The on=ey braye # 'ast came a og, an the man begge h$m har to help h$m> so the og sa$ he 9oul # Then the man cl$mbe up the tree, an the Dou=ana <umpe to the groun aga$n, 9hen the og p$c=e $t up an ran off 9$th $t# The man 9as ;ery ;e"e , an ran after the og, but $t ran all the, faster, so that the man coul not o;erta=e h$m# The og, see$ng the man after h$m, ran to the sea! shore, an scratch$ng a hole $n the groun , bur$e h$mself all but h$s nose, 9h$ch he left st$c=$ng out# +oon after the man came up, an see$ng the nose, cr$e out that he ha ?ne;er seen groun ha;e nose>? an catch$ng hol of $t he tugge t$ll he pulle out the og, 9hen he sKueeCe h$m 9$th all h$s m$ght to ma=e h$m g$;e up the Dou=ana# (n that7s 9hy ogs are so small $n the$r bo $es to th$s ;ery ay# Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com [p# 441]

N(N06 ,(3)6# T.*)* 9as once an ol 9oman calle ?Nancy ,a$ry#? +he 9as a 9$tch, an use to steal all the l$ttle bab$es as soon as they 9ere born, an eat them# %ne ay she stole a l$ttle baby, 9ho 9as so beaut$ful that she ha not the heart to eat her> but she too= her home an brought her up# +he calle her ? aughter,? name her ?Nancy ,a$ry,? after herself, an the g$rl calle the ol 9oman ?Granny#? +o the g$rl gre9 up, an the more she gre9 the more beaut$ful she got#

The ol 9oman ne;er let her aughter =no9 of her o$ngs> but one ay 9hen she ha brought a baby home, an ha loc=e herself $n a room, her aughter peepe through a ch$n= to see 9hat she 9as about, an the ol 9oman sa9 her sha o9, an thought her aughter ha seen 9hat she 9as o$ng, an the aughter thought her granny ha seen her, an 9as ;ery much afra$ # +o the ol 9oman as=e her, ?Nancy ,a$ry, $ you see 9hat 3 9as o$ng@?

?No, Granny#? +he as=e the g$rl se;eral t$mes, ?Nancy ,a$ry, o$ng@? an the g$rl al9ays sa$ , ?No, Granny#? $ you see 9hat 3 9as

+o the ol 9oman too= her up to a hut $n a 9oo , an pun$shment> an she too= her foo e;ery ay#

left her there as a

%ne ay $t happene that the =$ng7s ser;ant, go$ng that 9ay, sa9 the beaut$ful g$rl come out of the hut# Ne"t ay he 9ent aga$n an sa9 the same beaut$ful g$rl aga$n# +o he 9ent home an tol the pr$nce that he coul sho9 h$m $n the 9oo a g$rl more beaut$ful than he ha e;er seen# The pr$nce 9ent an [p# 448] sa9 the g$rl an then sent a ban her for h$s br$ e# of sol $ers to fetch her home, an too=

( year after she ha a baby# +ol $ers 9ere set to =eep guar at the gate, an the room 9as full of nurses> but $n the m$ le of the n$ght the ol 9oman came $n a 9h$rl9$n an put them all to sleep# +he stole the ch$l , an on go$ng a9ay ga;e the mother a slap on the mouth, 9h$ch ma e her umb# Ne"t morn$ng there 9as a great st$r, an they sa$ the mother ha eaten the ch$l # There 9as a tr$al, but the mother 9as let off that t$me# Ne"t year she ha another baby, an the same th$ng happene aga$n# The ol 9oman came $n the m$ le of the n$ght $n a 9h$rl9$n , an put them all to sleep# +he stole the ch$l , an struc= the mother on the mouth, 9h$ch ma e $t blee # 3n the morn$ng there 9as a st$r an the ser;ant ma$ , 9ho 9as <ealous, sa$ the mother ha eaten the ch$l # (ll bel$e;e $t, as her mouth 9as co;ere 9$th bloo > an , bes$ es, 9hat 9oul be e"pecte of a g$rl brought out of the 9oo @ +o she 9as tr$e aga$n, an con emne to be hange # 3n;$tat$ons 9ere sent out to all the gran fol= to come an see her hange > so many f$ne carr$ages came r$;$ng up# (t last, <ust before the t$me, there came a ;ery gran carr$age, all of gol , 9h$ch gl$stene $n the sun# 3n $t 9ere the ol 9oman an t9o ch$l ren, resse $n f$ne clothes, 9$th the =$ng7s star on them# When the Kueen sa9 th$s gran carr$age she got her speech an sung, ?Do spare me t$ll 3 see that gran carr$age#

The ol 9oman came $nto the courtyar , an as=e the people $f they sa9 any l$=eness to any one $n the ch$l ren# They sa$ , ?they 9ere l$=e the pr$nce,? an as=e her ho9 she came by them, an tol her she ha stolen them# +he sa$ she ha not stolen them> she ha ta=en them, for they 9ere her o9n> the pr$nce ha ta=en a9ay her aughter 9$thout her lea;e, an so she ha ta=en h$s ch$l ren> but she 9as 9$ll$ng to g$;e them bac=, $f they 9oul allo9 that she 9as r$ght# [p# 44:] +o they consente , an the ol 9oman ma e the pr$nce an h$s Kueen a present of the gran carr$age, an so they l$;e happ$ly# The ol man 9as allo9e to come an see the ch$l ren 9hene;er she l$=e # 1ut the ser;ant g$rl, 9ho sa$ the Kueen ha eaten her bab$es, 9as hange #

Popular Tales from the Norse, by George Webbe Dasent, [1904], at sacre ! te"ts#com

?T.* D(N03NG G(NG#? ( W(T*) carr$er once 9ent to the r$;er to fetch 9ater# +he $ppe $n her calabash, an brought out a cray!f$sh# The cray!f$sh began beat$ng h$s cla9s on the calabash, an playe such a beaut$ful tune, that the g$rl began anc$ng, an coul not stop# The r$;er of the gang 9on ere 9hy she $ not come, an sent another to see after her# When she came, she too began to ance# +o the r$;er sent another, 9ho also began to ance 9hen she hear the mus$c an the cray! f$sh s$ng$ng!! ?2a$ts$, 2a$ts$, % sull$ 2an#? ?+tay for us, stay for us, ho9 long 9$ll you stay for us@? Then the gang# r$;er sent another an another, t$ll he ha sent the 9hole

(t last he 9ent h$mself an 9hen he foun the 9hole gang anc$ng, he too began to ance> an they all ance t$ll n$ght, 9hen the cray!f$sh 9ent bac= $nto the 9ater> an $f they ha;en7t one anc$ng, they are anc$ng st$ll#

QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Pr$nte by T# an (# 0onstable, Pr$nters to .$s -a<esty, at the * $nburgh &n$;ers$ty Press

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