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Smart Suite

Save Time, Save Money and Ensure Success with us!


www. bioenabletech.com

For Enquiry : 020 66813668


Toll Free o: 1800 20! 2131

1. Time Attendance Software

Email & SMS Alerts for users and employees Customizable Reports (Save, Print and Email Reports in different formats) Easy to apply for leave

Shift Mana ement Payroll Confi uration Employee Attendan!e Mana ement

2. Contract Labor Management

Plant (!ompany) "ise restri!tion for labors#!ontra!tor$ Attendan!e approval pro!ess for labors on daily basis by authorized person inside the plant$ %uota approval pro!ess by authorized person every time "hen added$ Contra!tor#Contra!t approval pro!ess by authorized person Mail alert for ea!h approval pro!ess to the authorized person &abors#!ontra!tor restri!tion in !ase they are bla!'listed#terminated by hi her authority$

3. Payroll Software
Pass"ord prote!tion at various levels (ata )a!'up#Restore *un!tion *a!ility to import attendan!e details from Attendan!e soft"are or enter it manually (efinitions of Salary Earnin #(edu!tions +eads (, on basi! or amount) Parametrized for P*#ES- per!enta e, Profession .a/ slabs &o!'in # 0nlo!'in of Salary after pro!essin Multi Company1 Multi user

www. bioenabletech.com

For Enquiry : 020 66813668


Toll Free o: 1800 20! 2131

4. Visitor Management System

2nline re3uests for appointment Conne!t to "eb!am#di ital !amera for !apturin visitors photo raph Appointment, Approval and Re4e!tions Contra!tor master database is maintained for issuin !ontra!t employees lon period of ate pass 5isitors detailed database in!ludin his photo raph is maintained Storin of visitors photo raph to print on the ate pass for future referen!e

. Canteen Management System

)ill printin on daily# "ee'ly# monthly basis Maintains employee database "ith photo raph "hi!h in turn also helps in maintainin all employee re!ords$ Advan!e information on the usa e of the !anteen fa!ilities by the employees on any day or shift !an be notified to the !aterers$ Spe!ial rules & re ulation !an also be inte rated "ithin system$ (etails for (aily#"ee'ly#monthly#yearly report meal ta'en by employee A!!ount report daily #"ee'ly #monthly# yearly

!. "dentity Management System

Enterprise -dentity Mana ement server 0ser Mana ement# &o Mana ement 5erifi!ation () Mana ement S!reen Saver1 &o 1on System Restri!tion *ile En!ryption# () )a!'up

www. bioenabletech.com

For Enquiry : 020 66813668


Toll Free o: 1800 20! 2131

#. $m%loyee Management System

6ob and Pay +istory7 Employee Appraisal System Ability to import and e/port data Employee Mana ement 2vervie" Employee -nformation Sear!h Pro!essin &eave (Administrator 2nly) Employee Conta!t -nformation#8or' (etails

&. Sc'ool( "nstit)te Management System A!!urate Automati! Student Attendan!e Automati! SMS alert to Parent#9uardian of absentee student (aily# Monthly # :early attendan!e Re ister )ul' SMS fa!ility for spe!ial events and announ!ements Robust employee attendan!e system Meal Monitorin R*-( options for youn 'ids

www. bioenabletech.com

For Enquiry : 020 66813668


Toll Free o: 1800 20! 2131

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