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Identify School Name Subject Class/Semester Standard Competences : Senior High School of 1 Ubud : Biology : X/1 : To recognize and be able to classify Protozoa speciment which include Rhizopoda class through its characteristics. : To explain all about Amoeba : 1. 2. 3. 4. Time Allocation Lesson Goal To mention the characteristics of Amoeba To explain the body structure of Amoeba To explain the digestion and excretion of Amoeba To explain the reproduction of Amoeba

Basic Competences Indicator

: 45 minutes (one meeting) : 1. 2. 3. 4. Student can mention the characteristics of Amoeba Student can explain the body structure of Amoeba Student can explain the digestion and excretion of Amoeba Student can explain the reproduction of Amoeba

Lesson Matter

: The characteristics of Amoeba The body structure of Amoeba The digestion and excretion of Amoeba The reproduction of Amoeba

Lesson Method

: 1. Discussion 2. Demonstration 3. Question and Answer Method


: 1. Cooperative Learning 2. Direct Instructional

Lesson Activity

: 1. To learn the literature / to search on internet the characteristics, body structure, digestion and excretion, and reproduction of Amoeba 2. To make example of Amoeba picture 3. To make Amoeba with simple tools through group work

Steps 1. First activity (5 minutes) a. Greeting student Teacher :

b. c.

d. e.

Good Morning class! How are you today? I hope you all had nice weekend! Check students attendance To motivation the students with ask them Teacher : Do you remember about the organism that from Rhizopoda class and Protozoa phylum? Now, we will learn about one of the organism that from Rhizopoda class. To arrive or tell the basic competent, indicator, and goal lesson. To divide the students

2. Second activity (30 minutes) a. To ask students about the meaning of Amoeba (the first recognize about Amoeba) b. To mention the characteristics of Amoeba c. To explain the body structure of Amoeba d. To explain the digestion of Amoeba e. To explain the excretion of Amoeba f. To explain the reproduction of Amoeba g. Ask the students about what material that they do not understand h. Give worksheet to all group i. Discussion one by one of the group 3. Closing activity (10 minutes) a. Tell the summary b. Give award to the best group of the day Learning Resource :

Hadioetomo, Ratna Siri. 1993. Mikrobiologi Dasar dalam Praktek. Gramedia. Jakarta. http//:www.education.com http//:www.blogspotadibah.com Kimball, J. W. 1992. Biologi Jilid 1 Edisi ke lima. Erlangga. Jakarta. Lim, Daniel. 1998. Mikrobiologi Dasar. Erlangga. Jakarta.

Example of instrument Written test : 1. Mention the characteristic of Amoeba! 2. Explain the body structure of Amoeba! 3. Explain the reproduction of Amoeba!

The key

: 1. The characteristics of Amoeba a. Amoeba is included in the class of the phylum Protozoa and Rhizopoda class b. Amoeba is unicellular organism c. Body shape is always changing (Amoeboid) d. Moves using artificial legs or widening cells known as pseudopodia e. Free-living, soil or organic substances containing aqueous f. Reproduce by dividing (binary fission) 2. The body structure of Amoeba

Ectoplasm, which is a clear cytoplasm and found near the cell membrane (outer). Endoplasmic, namely a clear cytoplasm and in the next of ectoplasm. Ectoplasm and endoplasmic role in the movement of the Amoeba. The change of moisture content on one side of the body causing Amoeba pseudopodia formed cytoplasm flow. Amoeba with pseudopodia movement called amoeboid motion. These organelles contained endoplasmic performance which are : a. Cell nucleus (serves to regulate all activities that take place in the cell).

b. Food vacuoles (to digest food, food that is not issued through the contractile vacuole digested). c. Contractile vacuole (to regulate water levels in the cytoplasm or as osmoregulator set the cell osmotic pressure is always higher then the osmotic pressure in the surroundings, and as a means of excretion of the waste in the form liquid).

d. The cell membrane that serves to : As a protective cell nucleus Regulating the exchange of substances Tool movement To capture the external stimuli

3. The reproduction of Amoeba

Amoeba reproduce by dividing, by cleavage of Bine. In the binary fission, a stem cell will become two new cells. Longitudinal binary fission begins with Amoeba cell nucleus. Further dividing cell nucleus and cytoplasm followed by division into two parts. Finally, the resulting two new Amoeba cells that have the same shape and properties.

Rubric 1. The characteristic of Amoeba The number of answer 5 point 4 point 3 point 2 point 1 point 0 point Point 10 8 6 4 2 0

2. The body structure of Amoeba The number of answer Good and answer Answer but wrong Not answer Point 10 8 0

3. The reproduction of Amoeba The number of answer Good and answer Answer but wrong Not answer Point 10 8 0

WORK SHEET 1. Make the picture of Amoeba with the main caption! 2. Explain the digestion of Amoeba with its picture! 3. Explain the excretion of Amoeba !

The key 1. The picture of Amoeba with the main caption

2. The digestion of Amoeba with its picture

In the first Amoeba digestion of food picked up by the phagocytic Amoeba cells made with pseudopodia. Then pseudopodia surrounding food molecules to be captured. Once confined to food, the Amoeba plasma membrane directly in contact with food will form a food vacuole. Then the food is digested in food vacuoles.

3. The excretion of Amoeba Gas exchange at Amoeba last through the entire body surface. Where oxygen diffuses into the cell through the cell membrane Amoeba. Then the oxygen in the cytoplasm is used the oxidize nutrients, produce energy, and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is then released from the through the plasma membrane.

Rubric 1. The picture of Amoeba with the main caption The number of answer Right statement and make right picture Right statement and wrong picture Right statement and do not make picture Do not make statement and make picture Not answer anything Point 10 8 6 4 0

2. The digestion of Amoeba with its picture The number of answer Right statement and make right picture Right statement and wrong picture Right statement and do not make picture Do not make statement and make picture Not answer anything Point 10 8 6 4 0

3. The excretion of Amoeba The number of answer Good and answer Answer but wrong Not Answer Point 10 8 0

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