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Constru#tion Pro$e#t Management %IDM"&'

NAME OF STUDENT Mr( i)e*anand +a,s-ett.

Reg( No( "&/0&"01"022310"&""

ASSIGNMENT A new international cricket facility is to be constructed outside city over a piece of land. Facility includes: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Capacity of spectators : 80.000 Day/ Nig t play Facility !" ca#era platfor# in si$ direction %avilion of "&%s to sit '00 %arking(ade)uate space for all above*

!i#e available is +, #ont s including #onsoon. Cost of construction need to be recovers in - year. Average cost of ticket is .s. +00//. Appro$i#ate 0 #atc es per year. 1ub#it t e pro2ect report covering. i. ii. iii. iv. v. &dentification of pro2ect 1tages in develop#ent of pro2ect 3ork break down structure to undertake t e pro2ect 4ilestones 5 C%4 c art for Corporate Control Cost of pro2ect.

Introduction:3e are very appy t at to say t at we are award t e pro2ect of construction 6C atrapati 1 iva2i 4a ara2a &nternational cricket stadiu#7 at outside of %une city. 8ur co#pany is one of big organi9ation w o known for construction of &nfrastructures. ! e pro2ect like 3ank ede stadiu#: C ida#bara# stadiu# and #any ot er &nfrastructures pro2ects. 3e ave co#pleted successfully in pervious years.

Introduction of Project:3e ave to construct a big international cricket stadiu# out side of #ega city. %ro2ect construction is on ;8! contract basis. Capacity of stadiu# is 80:000 peoples. 4atc es will be play day/nig t. For !" ca#era we ave to provide si$ platfor#s. !wo pavilion for players 5 '00 sit for "&%. %arking space for spectator<s ve icle. According to t e above scope ti#e sc edule for co#pletion of pro2ect is only +, #ont s 5 as pro2ect is on ;8! contract we ave to recover our cost in - years only. Client given t e ticket cost is +00// average. &n one year appro$i#ate four #atc es will be play.


Project Identification:At t e ti#e of tendering to any pro2ect we ave to study following points. 1tudy of +. Feasibility studies =. !ec no/ >cono#ic Feasibility .eport. (!>F.* '. %ro2ect Definition 0. %ro2ect report

1) Feasibility studies:/ 3 en we are going to start any pro2ect we #ust ave to study about t e feasibility of pro2ect. &n pro2ect feasibility we ave to study about t e !ec nical feasibility: >cono#ical feasibility: >nviron#ent feasibility: %olitical feasibility. A) Tec nical feasibility:&t is a big international cricket stadiu#: for construction of pro2ect we ave to c eck t e tec nical details of pro2ect. &n !ec nical feasibility report we ave to c eck t e tec nical points of pro2ect like area for construction of pro2ect: strategy of soil for foundation: design of structure.


At ti#e of construction we #ust ave report of survey: geology status of ground: availability of #aterial: #ac ine. 1o according to our reports we ave done study about t e survey report of site location t at is t eir no any obstruction for construction. ;ut t ere is proble# of road for construction e)uip#ent so w en we discuses about t at: our client given one ot er official road fro# ot er side for #oving construction e)uip#ent 5 ve icles. At ti#e of studying t e foundation data we found t at t ere is very soft rock in ground in at one end of construction so we ave to consider so#e w at ig er design in t at portion. Also we ave c ecked t e details like steel reinforce#ent: concrete given in drawing. For construction we c eck t e detail about e)uip#ent re)uired. &t is available wit our co#pany but according to concrete )uantity 5 ti#e conduction we ave to ire one e$tra concrete pu#p for co#pletion on ti#e.

!) Tec no- Econo"ic Feasibility #e$ort% &TEF#):! e contract of construction cricket stadiu# is ;uilt 8perate 5 !ransport. (;8!* ! at #eans our co#pany as to invest is own #oney for construction of pro2ect. !i#e for recovery of #oney is only - years. 1o we calculate t e a#ount w ic we can recover in ne$t five years. After finali9e t e tec nical details we ave started study about costing. '.

3e know t at we ave to operate cricket stadiu# for five years so we re)uired #aintenance c arges for t at. Also we calculate t e #aterial cost for pro2ect and also consider t e #an power: over ead cost for pro2ect. 1o according to t at our dead line for construction is +, #ont ot er wise t ere is no profit for our co#pany. Also one point is decided t at erection of lig t pole for we will give sub/contract to anot er agency. &t will elp us to reduce our cost 5 ti#e. 4aterial re)uired for our site is finali9ed and given order to store for sa#e procure#ent. All co#pletion of cost report we found t at t ere is final profit is depending on t e advertise#ent of co#pany at ti#e #atc es. 3e plan according to t at. ! en we ave to t ink about fund re)uire#ent for e$ecution of work. 3e ave to operate stadiu# for five years so we are aving aut ority of taking advertise#ent for out 1ide Co#pany like %>%1&: C8C8 C8?A: and ot ers co#pany. 1o we invite tender for sa#e t e sa#e in five years of contract. 8n t at #oney we ave to invest in e$ecution of construction. Fund re)uire#ent planning is done on t at basis.

') En(iron"ent feasibility:&n +, #ont we ave to ac ieve our target it include #onsoon also so suppose in += #ont we one #onsoon period is t eir so for t at we ave to start our 2ob at starting of winter ot erwise we ave to face proble# of #onsoon two ti#es in e$ecution of pro2ect. 0.

1o planning is done according to t at. Also we ave to know about cli#ate conduction in site it will affect on our work. 1o before starting of work we ave to c eck t e all feasibility of cli#ate. &t found ok so work will be start on co#pletion of t is year #onsoon.

)) Political feasibility:At ti#e e$ecuting of work t is so#e local proble# #ay arrive like labour proble#: #aterial proble# or ot er political pressure also be t eir. 1o we study about t at also #ake arrange#ent for suc proble#. Project )efinition:&t is a big international cricket stadiu# to be construction out side of #ega city aving population of =- lacks. ! e pro2ect is supposed to be construction on ;8! type of contract. ! e stadiu# capacity is 80:000 people. Also include t e '00 "&% sits. 3e ave to provide , !" ca#era platfor#s in stadiu#. ! e stadiu# is also aving facility of sufficient parking: drinking water: urinals: and s ops. !wo pavilions (dressing roo#* for players wit safety fro# spectators ave to construct. ! e construction ti#e is decided of +, #ont including #onsoon 5 pro2ect cost to be recover wit in five years. ! e work break down structure is given in c art no +. A good #anage#ent organi9ation will work on t at pro2ect under a %ro2ect 4anager as s own c art no =.


Project #e$ort:Construction of big international cricket stadiu# w en we started study about pro2ect we observed following t ings about pro2ect report. 3e ave to start pro2ect at starting of winter season. Co#pletion ti#e for pro2ect is +, #ont including #onsoon. ! at #eans we are going to start work in 8ctober #ont 5 it will end in April of ne$t year. 3e ave to face #onsoon at one ti#e only. According to survey report at one side of structure t ere is loose ground so it will take ti#e for co#pletion. 3e are going to start all foundation work t e sa#e ti#e. ;ut we ave to give #ore i#portant to t at loose soil area. ! at we can co#plete as early. %ro2ect is on ;8! contract basis so we ave to co#plete in ti#e any ow pro2ect will divided in following parts. %avilion for players ( wit '00 "&% 1 eet 5 + !" ca#era platfor#* %avilion for players ( wit + !" ca#era platfor# 5 .eferee roo#* 1itting arrange#ent for spectators aving capacity of 80:000 wit 0 !" platfor#s. %arking wit s ops .oof covering ,.

?ig ting arrange#ent. %laying ground 1..N8. Nature of work !i#e period + %avilion for players ( wit '00 "&% 1 eet 5 + !" ca#era platfor#* = %avilion for players ( wit + !" ca#era platfor# 5 .eferee roo#* ' 1itting arrange#ent for spectators aving capacity of 80:000 wit 0 !" platfor#s 0 , @ %arking wit s ops .oof covering ?ig ting arrange#ent %laying ground , #ont 0 #ont = #ont + #ont !8!A? +0 #ont 21,000,000 15,000,000 4,000,000 13,200,000 10,500,000 11,07,00,000.00 +0 #ont 22,000,000 +0 #ont 25,000,000 Appro$i#ate cost

+% Project ,or- !rea-do.n: -

3ork will be classified for e$ecution as per structure for work break down structure. Also we ave to classify as per activity: area: work )uantity 5 person for planning 5 control. &n pro2ect we ave to give target for co#pletion of structures.

,or- !rea-do.n Met odolo/y:As we are going to built an international cricket stadiu# for e$ecuting work it is very i#portant to separate work in parts. &t will elp us to better control: progress. 3ork can be separate by various #et ods. 1eparate of work according to structure wise Area wise person wise cost wise activity wise like ( civil: #ec anical 5 electrical* All t ese #et ods are used in different conduction 3ork breakdown as per structure wise As we are going to built a cricket stadiu# we will divided as +. %avilion for players wit '00 "&% 1 eet 5 + !" ca#era platfor# 8. =. %avilion for players wit + !" ca#era platfor# 5 .eferee roo#

'. 1itting arrange#ent for spectators aving capacity of 80:000 wit 0 !" platfor#s 0. %arking wit s ops -. ?ig ting arrange#ent ,. %laying ground &t will elp us to #onitor on progress but in t is #et od we are not considering cost of structure. ! is is use full for controlling of cost. 1o we will divide pro2ect in cost of structure wise also for planning 5 controlling our cas flow. As it is ;8! contract we ave to concentrate on t at structure w ic will give refund of #oney early. &t #ay work will divide as per person wise i.e. as per area #anager. &t is si#ilar to work breakdown as per structure wise. >very area #anager is responsible for is structure. As s own in origination c art every area #anager is responsible for is work. 1% Pa(ilion for $layers :3e ave to construct two nu#bers of pave ling building for two tea# players. &t is very i#portant structure because it includes i#portant parts of stadiu#. %ave ling building contains dressing roo# for players: sitting arrange#ent for "&%: .eefer roo#. 1o two Construction #anagers will look %avilion for players. Also planning is done different for bot building. A. 0% Sittin/ Arran/e"ent:-

Capacity of stadiu# is 80:000 peoples. 3e ave to divide people according to ticket rate. 3e ave to #ake different arrange#ent for different ticket rate people. According to ticket rate we ave #ake t e agree#ent for sitting like c airs for so#e portion. Also we ave to preparer steps for sitting. Also for so#e i#portant portion only we ave to do t e roof covering. &n total stadiu# we ave to fi$ si$ ca#era platfor#s. !wo platfor#s will be located in %avilion building balance four platfor# we ave to fi$ in sitting agree#ent. 1o work )uantity is #ore in t is structure so two construction #anager will look in t is work. ! ey will report to deputy pro2ect #anager. Capacity of stadiu# is 80:000 people so at co#pletion of #atc all people will go at a ti#e. 1o gate agree#ent s ould be like t at way. %reparations of !" platfor# also look t at two construction #anager. %latfor# agree#ent s ould be like t is way t at t ere is no disturber fro# specters.

1% Area 2i/ tin/ a/ree"ent:As per early disction we are going to give lig ting arrange#ent on sub/contract basis wit #aterial. 8ur only one construction #anager will look about t at work. Be will responsible for truss fabrication for roofing of stadiu#. &t will elp to reduce cost 5 ti#e re)uired for area lig ting work. &t is special #ec anical work so it re)uired special e)uip#ent 5 #anpower.

+0. 3% Par-in/ Area:-

&t is a big international cricket stadiu# aving capacity of 80:000 people. For 80:000 people we ave #ade sufficient arrange#ent for parking ve icles. ! e gate arrange#ent #ust attac wit parking area t at after #ac traffic proble# s ould not be t ere. 1o#e separate gate will provide to co#e out people fro# stadiu# directly. Also at ti#e of #atc so#e refres #ent s op will re)uired in stadiu#. ! is all work will be e$ecuted under one construction #anager.

*% 'ric-et Ground:&t is very i#portant activity in construction of stadiu#. ;ut it will start last of pro2ect. &t not re)uired separate person for e$ecuting activity. After co#pletion of sitting arrange#ent t at construction #anager will look t is activity. 4% #oofin/:As per drawing we ave to construct roof covering in stadiu#. ! is work will e$ecute under construction #anager w o are looking for sitting arrange#ent. As per drawing we ave to cover only ,0C roofing. .oofing will also last activity in pro2ect. Fabrication of truss will look by construction #anager w o is in c arge for lig ting work. >rection of truss will do by construction #anager w o is in c arge for sitting arrange#ent. ++. Project 5ri/ination 6 Mana/e"ent:-

As a target to co#plete pro2ect in +, #ont we ave to plan our origination in better way. According to pro2ect breakdown structure 5 origination c art s own in fig.

A pro2ect #anager will control all pro2ect. Be is aut ority person in pro2ect. Deputy pro2ect #anager will assist to %4. Be will be direct in c arge for planning DA 5 ad#in Depart#ent. All area #anagers will assist to i# only. >very s ift engineer will report to is area #anager. Area #anager are responsible for progress of is structure. All construction #anager will aving responsibility for is section and two engineer will assist is for work in bot s ift. 1 ift engineer will e$ecute t e work at site level and report to construction #anager. ! is engineer will supported by two supervisor and fore#an as per 2ob re)uire#ent. 8ne planning #anager will #ake progra# and sc edules for co#pletion of pro2ect. Also e will be responsible for #aking progress report and #onitoring t e progress. Be will report to direct to pro2ect #anager.

+=. 'PM7 Net.or- Analysis:

Net.or- Ele"ents: Following are t e so#e ele#ents in C%4 Network diagra# +* ! is is ele#ent s owing work flow in network diagra#. ! e Nu#ber indication above t is line is s owing as duration of activity for co#pletion. =* ! is ;o$ is one ele#ent of C%4 network diagra# t is is s owing activity in C%4 diagra#.

Procedure for 'PM: Critical %at 4et od is a #et od w ic is used for sc eduling of pro2ect. &t elp for calculating pro2ect duration. %rocedure for C%4 is as follow. +* For C%4 network we ave to final activity for co#pletion of pro2ect. =* For activity we ave to calculate duration for co#pletion. '* Also we ave to find successor and predecessor for activity. 0* After find all data network diagra# to be start. -* ;y putting direction value we can calculate various pat s in network diagra# and duration for co#pletion pro2ect fro# different pat . +'. ,* ?ongest pat in network w ic can be co#plete is #ini#u# duration is called as critical pat in net work

@* According to critical pat we can find out float ti#e for activity. Depending on we can find out resource for co#pletion activity. 'PM Net.or- for sittin/ arran/e"ent: Following are activities are involved in co#pletion of sitting arrange#ent. Appro$i#ate duration is also given in following table. E(ent + = ' 0 )escri$tion 1ite Cleaning >$cavation %CC for footing .einforce#ent and Concreting for Footing , @ 8 A +0 ;ackfilling Colu#n concreting 1lab Concreting 1itting arrange#ent Finis ing and .ailing %ainting +0 Days +- Days =- Days =0 Days =0 Days +0 Days > F E B & F )uration - Days +0 Days += Days =- Days A ; C D Acti(ity

As s own in Figure C%4 network will co#plete.


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